soulreserve · 1 year
Winter's cold is curled like a lick beneath underneath the beating heart. Like a hand of a stranger on my shoulder.
Your name is the white breath I realease from trembling lips. It escapes from me and into the dense air that carries cold with a purpose.
Loss is a constant companion, it doesn't fade with time. I watch it shiver outside under the burden of heavy snow.
What does it know of warmth? I let it slip inside, and sit by the fire. but little by little it takes over. It creeps below,
leaves my body damp and aching, swamped by run-away thoughts of you. And cold settles like a tickle in the lungs.
© SoulReserve 2023
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jonaswpoetry · 4 years
11, 21 & 27 for the song ask please. Hope you're having a beautiful beautiful day! ❤️
11: A song that you never get tired of
Shores of Orion by God Is An Astronaut. It’s such a gorgeous track.
21: A favourite song with a person’s name in the title
As an MJK fan I could name plenty to fit this criteria, but I’ll go with Tool’s Rosetta Stoned. This is also a track I never get tired of.
27: A song that breaks your heart
Jamie Lenman’s Saturday Night details watching his father’s passing, and their slightly distant (although loving) relationship. He talks about the event in his track Mississippi as well, but what gets me is the connection to the song Once, recorded years before with his previous band — after revealing how hard it’s feeling to continue being alive, he acknowledges some ‘steps’ to take for getting ‘better’ (”I gotta think in straight lines, stop accumulating dust, and get a job in something I love, and respect myself, and others), but the song ends with “And I gotta see my old man, find out who he is before long [...] find out who he is before he-”, when it stops abruptly. So any time I listen to Saturday Night, I’m wondering if Jamie managed to connect to his father in the way he hoped back in 2004, or if he’s still bearing that confusing ache of feeling like he’s never really known him. And it makes me wonder about the future with my own father.
Thank you for asking, sorry it got quite in-depth and deep at the end. Wishing a wonderful day to you too ❤
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definegodliness · 4 years
Hey Mark! Do you have recurring dreams? Do you use any to write your poetry? ❤️
I do have recurring dreams. There’s this girl who tends to visit me in high-paced cataclysmic adventures, and the dream always ends in my losing her; searching frantically in increasing woe and panic as the ethereal plane comes crumbling down till I wake. But not before she asks the question: ‘what do you want?’, I always answer: ‘you’. She smiles.
Otherwise, dreams that are really detailed, intricate stories; packed with symbolism and obscure references, I always write down. Most I post here. 
It’s interesting to have an online dream diary. Sometimes you get puzzle pieces you don’t know how to fit, but then a random person on Tumblr solves it for you. Strangest thing is the puzzle (message) then falls into place so bluntly you can hardly believe your mind came up with it. 
It’s like when I dreamt a somewhat scary sinew strumming adventure shared with a girl named Flo. The dream was in English and literally told me to go with Flo. But my Dutch ass didn’t get it until one of you English speaking lot explained the message was just as plain as ‘go with the flow’. Which I did in the dream, so it fit. Still strange though. 
I’ve had the unknown to me ancient Greek writing deciphered; obscure, yet apparently universal symbolism uncovered, and ties made that I could never fathom right here with the people I connect with on Tumblr. It makes it all the more fascinating. Like, why do I always dream ‘the dream’ around a New Moon; tried and true... wish more people on here would dive into dreams.
Tl;dr: yes, it’s my favourite source of inspiration. 
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wordsoncanvas · 6 years
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"You paint my dreams,
with the color of your eyes."
- © @soulreserve 2016 | sepia dreams
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dirtysouthpawpoetry · 6 years
I carry scars like stars snatched from the sky and lain on me, memories wash over me rising with the gentle tide submerging my entire being, my heart is earthen broken, then put together just so, it rattles I tremble unsteady in love,
careful with me darling,
lest I come undone.
© SoulReserve 2016
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litglob · 6 years
the writing on the wall
written in rock
beyond words
notching time
in circles and lines
spirals of sun
spires of towering trees
and a lonely caveman
by dimly lit fire
painting dreams
follow the star tracks
embers and smoke-black
bring the new moon back
twirl the world ‘round again
the hymn of ancient Earth plays
the cave reverberates
with songs of stars
as unfoiled light
streams scene after unfolding scene
a graffiti of unity
ochre-stain hands
reach out
bind us all
in the ageless embrace
of sacred places
and rock faces
we like children,
gape at the simple relay,
symbols of life and stone
these words
that our ancestors left us
alive inside
litglob and soulreserve © 2018 A collaboration with @soulreserve
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randomlyjay · 6 years
I got reminded by @soulreserve all about jaypoems Cuz poem is a weirdy word without many homes! Not much wants to be a binding-rhyme with poem  Unless unless unless you want to drink a jeroboam Which a Jay would never drink at all so the binding Falls apart and this poem is now doing an unwinding!
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sealanehill · 6 years
What are you listening to these days?
My beautiful friend @soulreserve challenged me to provide a Top 10 list of current favorite songs. So after some thought, here’s my list, in, I must emphasize, no particular order:
1. My Cadillac- Michael Juan Nunez
2. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Melissa Lambert
3. Homegrown - Erica Falls
4. My Indian Red - Dr. John
5. Angel - Sarah McLachlan
6. Repent - SHeDaisy
7. Some Days You Gotta Dance - Dixie Chicks
8. 枯荣 (Fu1wing4 [Cantonese] / Kūróng [Mandarin] ~~= “Ups & Downs”) - Sandy Lam
9. Aganjú - Bebel Gilberto
10. Bad Girls - Donna Summer (‘cause it’s s/Summer in the northern hemisphere)
BONUS TRACK: Dance Fantasy Inspired by Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Montana
And there were MANY alternates and runners up!
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writteninjoy2 · 8 years
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none of this is new
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soulreserve · 2 years
You become a    sound      that slowly leaches from my body into air with the softness of breath, a quiet keening,   an undertone   of heartache  I've always felt.
    You release  from wrinkles, from birthmarks I have known and carried. From freckles that darken in the sun.
You unsettle from the folds of my clothes   my hair     my eyes like a memory—washed      dried and fading                           fluttering outside on clothes lines.
You aren't gone    although you are dissipating     leaving in more ways than one.       The perfume of you   is still damp on poems I write with tears.
© SoulReserve 2023    
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This year has been a rough and challenging year to say the least, but amidst all the negativity there have been some glimmers of hope and positivity. This platform was created as a safe haven for all poets and writers to come, connect and of course to see that no one is truly alone during these trying times. As this year comes to a close, I want to take the time to thank and appreciate those who helped me see this vision all the way through. WUTI and it’s members have brought to life a weekly escape through what we call "Poetic Therapy".
Tonight we will leave behind 2020 and soon welcome in 2021. Stay tuned in because WUTI has a lot more to come in 2021......
Anybody who would like to come and be part of our community of friends and poets/writers our doors are open to everyone
Contact @imperiallefty , @disruptivebychoice , @hellorheels , @quiet-storm132 for more details
I am sure that i am forgetting some people but just know that either i THANK YOU ALL!!!
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definegodliness · 4 years
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Within the hearts of many is a villanelle written as a collective message of hope. It is a collaborative piece between six poets on Tumblr, each of them writing their respective stanza. In order of appearance:
@definegodliness​ @soulreserve​ @lorienfae​ @sparkandashes​ @jasongrabowski​ @wantondestructionandsuch​
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wordsoncanvas · 7 years
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© SoulReserve 2017 | quiet yearning @soulreserve
📷: Deborah Pauuwe
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litglob · 7 years
What this world needs
This world needs Hearts of glass And words of steel To help us feel To help us heal
This word needs iron resolve And down-feather calm To get along To ignite in song
This world needs blistered feet And firefly will To surmount this hill To endure this chill
This world needs clasped hands And evergreen embrace To repair this despair To save our human race.
This world needs Philosophers and scribes Bards and dancers Magicians and rhymes
This world needs more love Less hate, less misery
This world needs more poets Like you, like me.
litglob © 2017
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randomlyjay · 6 years
soulreserve mentioned you in a post: “I have learnt to speak to my darkness through your words.”:
@randomlyjay yes they are! <3
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sealanehill · 7 years
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verge ( @soulreserve 2017): an interpretation. 12/2/2017.
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