#source: gabrielle parker
We didn't get much Macavity content from the Korea tour, but Oliver Ramsdale is providing right away 😌
Meanwhile Jemima and Tantomile report for duty
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instagram story: July 5, 2023
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
This is so cute, please request part 2 of their newborn son, Peter B Parker visiting his best friend shyreader at the hospital, he gives her son a couple onesies like spider man theme or one that’s says “mommy boy”. I can’t stop thinking about Peter being the godfather of her son ♥️💙 https://www.tumblr.com/gay-dorito-dust/721470690012839936/i-thought-this-is-cute-but-please-request-like
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A/n: Godfather Peter B Parker is in the house! I love this idea! I also added Peter being asked in being the godfather just cuz. Miguel might be ooc.
Peter came to the hospital as soon as Miguel caught wind that you were going into to labour, so it wouldn’t be of any surprise that along the way Peter had to calm down Miguel before entering the hospital because his claws were coming out and retreating constantly, his breathing was way off and just overall allowing his mind wander to less then pleasant thoughts in regards to your future together, and the dangers it’ll put you both in.
Peter somewhat understood the position Miguel was in as it was the same one he was in when MJ went into labour with Mayday. He didn’t believe he’d be a good father, hell he didn’t even know where to start in learning how to be a good parent for his unborn kid, but he was lucky to have someone like MJ to help him unpack and deconstruct every notion he had when it came to parenthood.
So he only wanted to pay that kindness forward by helping Miguel unpack and deconstruct everything because the moment he steps foot into that room, he’ll be needing to bring everything to the table because you’ll be needing him now more then ever, during quite literally the most important moment of your lives.
‘What if I forget about her?’ Miguel asked in a panic, his claws out in full display as his scarlet eyes shone with a multitude of emotions behind his specially designed glasses that helped him against combat his light sensitivity.
‘You won’t.’ Peter told him. ‘She’ll always be with you during every step of the way. Even if you may not realise it but Gabriella has always been with you…it’s impossible to forget your first child but that shouldn’t mean that your child with y/n should take her place within your heart nor play second fiddle to her.’ Peter hated seeing his friend look so lost and at war with himself because it went against everything he knew about Miguel. However Peter knew that his friend needed him and even if he tried to bite his head off for it, Peter knew he’d always be there for a friend in need.
‘What if I’m not ready to go through all this again? What if I’m not ready to loose them both, to loose everything again because I couldn’t protect them?’ Miguel asked, looking over at Peter for guidance. ‘Then what’ll I do?’ Peter squared up his jaw and furrowed his brows as he reached a hand out to grab ahold of Miguel’s shoulder, feeling him flinch beneath his touch.
‘Then you cherish them until you can’t.’ Peter told him. ‘You cherish them, you love them, you nurture them, you do everything in your power, not only as y/n’s partner but as a soon to be father and you do what we Spider-Men do best; protect those that we love until the bitter end.’
Needless to say after that, Miguel understood why Peter was so revered, not just as Spider-Man but as Peter Parker also. Yeah he may crack jokes to his expenses and take to things not as seriously as he probably should, but at the end of the day Peter always proved himself as to why he was such a guiding source for those who’ve gotten lost along the way; For he himself was lost once too and just wanted to be the person he wished he had to guide him during those moments of crisis, loss and grief.
Skipping ahead to when Gabriel is born and bursting with excitement, Peter bought a shit ton of baby onesies and even bought a matching crocheted Spider-Man hat that was closely matching the colours on Miguel’s suit for when he was older. Most of all he was excited that Mayday wasn’t going to be the only Spiderling anymore, his mind having gone rampant with all the play date ideas your son and his daughter would go on. He just so happy but upon arrival, the question you and Miguel ask of him made him all the more happier.
‘Peter, will you be Gabriel’s godfather?’ You asked, watching as his grin stretched from ear to ear.
‘Me? A godfather? What does Miguel think about this?’ He asked.
‘I was the one who pitched the idea,’ Miguel told him, still holding little Gabriel in his arms as he slept. ‘Y/n was merely the seal of approval.’ You shoot Miguel a look before looking back to your best friend, who was seemingly having a hard time comprehending that it was Miguel who wanted him as the Godfather of his son from how the gobsmacked looked upon his face.
‘So…will you be Gabriel’s godfather?’ You asked and with happy tears in his eyes, Peter took both of your hands, squeezing them tightly as he whispered his answer: ‘yes.’
‘I almost forgot, I brought Gabriel a little something.’ Peter said as he pulled away to reach for the bag he had brought and began to pull out onesie, after onesie, after onesie that you couldn’t help but think that Peter was more prepared and well equipped for Gabriel then you and Miguel. ‘You bought Gabriel baby onesies?’ You inquired playfully as you lifted one that read ‘mommy’s boy’ before putting it down to pick up at another that had the blue and red colour scheme of a Spidey suit, followed with the spider insignia on the front and back.
‘Not only that but also,’ Peter dug further into the bag and pulled out the crocheted Spider-Man hat, ‘ a Spider-Man hat?’ You asked, taking a closer look at it. Peter shrugs as he leans back into his chair. ‘This is only for when he gets bigger, as if we put this on him now it might as well cover up his entire body.’
Before Miguel could say anything, you gently nudged him in the side and smiled at your friend, ‘thank you Peter, I’ll be sure to put all of them into use, especially this one.’ You gestured to the onesie that said ‘mommy’s boy.’
Sooner or later Peter’s phone wasn’t only just dedicated to his daughter Mayday but it was also dedicated to Gabriel O’hara; his godson.
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The unnecessary lack of personal stakes of Marinette Dupain-Cheng in the Agreste Arc
Inspired by a recent post by @starguardianniom, with half pinched again from my own reblog:
Marinette has zero personal stakes in the main conflict of her show, except that she happened to be the first girl who helped Fu across the road, and was thus chosen to wear the earrings. She doesn't even really seem to have any reason to be Ladybug aside from the basic "I can't sit back and do nothing" she stated in Origins. So a sense of responsibility conferred by being the bearer of the earrings, and an ostensible general desire to do good.
This would be fine, except that Adrien very much did have a reason to continue being Chat Noir. Plagg's Miraculous is the source of his freedom, and a new identity of his own making separate from the carefully curated child of Gabriel Agreste. Most importantly he had so much personal connection to the core plot that his narrative potential dwarfed Marinette's beyond compare.
His mere existence is the very axis of the plot, putting it in motion by the apparent desire for a designer child seeming being the very reason Gabriel and Emile sought the Miraculous all those years ago, and the consequences of his creation being the very reason that Gabriel devolves into magical terrorism. Hawkmoth being his father whom Adrien clearly cares for and whose goal of restoring his much mourned mother setup a truly impressive case for split loyalties for when Adrien (seemingly) inevitably learnt of his father's identity and true goal:
I made a comparison before between Avatar and Miraculous where Avatar won without question. Allow me to balance the scales here: the setup for Adrien potentially turning on Ladybug, or having to sacrifice his familial bonds for the sake of justice outweighed Zuko's own setup for choosing his ''honour"/loyalty to his family over his burgeoning sense of justice.
In potential at least. Rest assured that Zuko's character arc still far eclipses anything Adrien was ever allowed.
But the point I'm trying to make here is that in the very story that bears her name, Ladybug's only reason to be involved comes from the fact that she happens to have Tikki's Miraculous. She has no personal investment in the fate of Hawkmoth than other citizen of Paris, she certainly has no conflicting loyalties.
She doesn't even have a personal reason to continue being Ladybug. You can draw a parallel if you like with one of her ostensible inspirations Peter Parker, who learnt the price of personal inaction in a harsh and unforgiving manner that selflessly drives him to protect others. You can say that the Stoneheart incident fulfills a similar role.
But here's the thing: Peter Parker is Spiderman thanks to his radioactive blood. Ladybug is whoever wears Tikki's Miraculous. If Peter retires, he takes his powers away from the protection of New York. If Marinette gives up her Miraculous, a new Ladybug will arise in her place within a day. There's no need for her to be Ladybug, to take on that responsibility, and until the season three finale there's no personal stake for her to be the girl under the mask any more than any other Parisian citizen.
And that means that Marinette isn't the heart of her own story. In Avatar, it's Aang's quest to defeat the Fire Lord because it has to be him that restores balance. In Star Wars, it's Luke whose connection with Vader that has to restore Anakin's better nature. In just about any series there is a pressing need and personal stakes for the protagonist to be that The Protagonist of that story, that make that story their story.
But the setup here has all the pathos and personal stakes placed upon Adrien. Marinette is the centerpiece of the show, but Adrien's handed all of the narrative potential even as the writers let it go to waste.
It's like preparing a finely seasoned meal, then leaving it to rot as you serve plain vegetables. There's just no reason to have the vegetables when the fine meal is ready for consumption: and if that's a problem? If the plain vegetables were always meant to be the centrepiece? Then you should have seasoned the vegetables and made something delectable with them.
Because the saddest apart about Marinette having or actual ties or pathos to the Agreste Arc is that once upon a time that was not the case.
In previous Miraculous proposals, before the PV, Marinette Cheng was at least as part of the main story as Felix/Adrien was. There were various versions of how the story would go, with one echoing Cardcaptor's plot, and the later proposals looking more like what we got in the final product.
But all had Marinette having a personal stake in the story. In the Cardcaptor-esque plot, Marinette was Fu's granddaughter (or granddaughter figure), and Fu was the caretaker of the The Orb. A crystal that contained all the "fairies" (beings that served both the roles Kwamis and Akumas would later take). The story kicked off because Marinette brought her crush Felix into her Grandfather's store and accidentally broke The Orb, shattering it and allowing the Fairies to escape across Paris and empower countless people- heroes and villains both.
It was her mission to retrieve the Fairies, because she was the one who had released them. She was Fu's granddaughter and it was her responsibility to clean up her mess. It was her story, and Felix/Adrien was the one with less direct connection.
Later proposals ditched The Orb as the Kwamis were developed, but up until the most recent and final versions of the story Marinette retained Fu as either her blood Grandfather outright or at least a mentor so close from her childhood that she thought of him as a Grandfather. She also was usually being trained to be a Guardian or something like it herself from childhood.
She wasn't just a girl Fu found on the side of the road. She had as much connection to the Guardians and their world as Felix/Adrien did to Papillion. It even added a certain Montague-Capulet tragic element to the romance, since if Felix/Adrien and Marinette ever got together it would mean one having to choose between their partner and their family.
But for some reason, in the final product Marinette was stripped of all pre-series personal connections to the Miraculous.
The question is why? Was there really so great a need for Martinette to be "a girl like any other" that all of the plot relevance needed to be stripped out of her and added to Adrien, only to then completely ignore all that potential pathos by sidelining Adrien at every turn?
Because if you weren't going to do anything with Adrien, then all you've done is needlessly undermine Marinette's potential as a character.
Seriously, if you had given me the backstory of these two characters and asked which one was the main character: there would have been no chance I would have selected Marinette. Because all the writers have given her backstory is side-character material, whereas Adrien's very existence, as well as his relationship to his family and the Miraculous is at the heart of the story.
And I doubt there would be many others who would think otherwise.
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headmate-sanctum · 18 days
can we have a subsystem (up to you the count) w Transmasc Katsuki Bakugo who had a past life as Black Widow from Marvel (he's based off a fanfiction) and whoever else you want (doesn't have to be from the same media)
Hope this is alright. I think I found the fic you are talking about and it seems very interesting, I might end up reading more of it - Raphael
Name: katsuki bakugo, widow, blaze
Age: 17
Pronouns: he/him
Gender(s): transmasc
Orientation: bisexual
Source(s): my hero academia fanfiction
Role: anger holder, host
Personality: he's quick to get angry over small things, but when he's actually mad, he looks incredibly calm and collected. when someone upsets him or people he's close to, he's very quick to get revenge. It's pretty hard to get close to him however, he tries his best to push everyone away despite the fact that he craves close relationships.
Interests: ballet, superhero comics and how the main themes in them have changed throughout the years in response to real life issues, organized crime.
Extra info: he's sassy as fuck and always has a comeback for everything.
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Name: Taskmaster, Anthony, Tony
Age: mid 30s
Pronouns: he/him
Gender(s): male
Orientation: straight
Source(s): marvel comics
Role: physical protector
Personality: he likes to simply observe what's going on instead of actively interacting with it. He only fronts when there's a serious threat that he doesn't think the others can handle and in doing so will often cause more harm than help. Whenever spoken to, he'll give cryptic answers that don't actually answer anything because he likes to be a little shit like that.
Interests: hate-watching superhero movies
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Name: spider-man, spidey, peter, parker
Age: 17
Pronouns: he/web
Gender(s): transmasc
Orientation: bisexual
Source(s): tom holland's spider-man
Role: emotional protector, anxiety holder
Personality: he's typically pretty upbeat, preferring to try to look at the bright side of situations instead of wallowing in how bad they may be. Web only fronts around people the subsystem is comfortable around, although he loves to talk to people. Oftentimes him fronting will cause the body to feel the anxiety that web holds, so it's not preferable for others in the system to allow him to front. He's by far the most outgoing and social out of the others though.
Interests: science, especially anything physics and chemistry related. Web loves to explain complex theories and equations and will spend hours researching them if given the chance.
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Name: all might, hercules, gabriel
Age: mid-30s
Pronouns: he/him
Gender(s): male
Orientation: straight
Source(s): my hero academia
Role: something like a father figure and caretaker
Personality: very confident, never gets shaken even when faced with things that would terrify the rest of the subsystem. He fronts whenever the others are scared and takes control of the situation so that the others don't have to. he's very fatherly and takes others under his wing in order to protect them.
Interests: football, history (especially the world wars, he's very interested in the battle tactics and technology used)
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flanneryculp · 1 year
why flan is a lesbian (and why it’s important)
when i first read tb8, i thought, “well, i think flan is a lesbian, but maybe that’s just projection,” and then i went online and saw that everyone else had come to the same conclusion. now i actually do think theres quite a bit of canon evidence pointing to her being gay. this post puts it really really well :)
spoilers below cut
for one thing can we talk about how differently flan talks about female characters from male characters in general? if you look at how she describes the photograph in the beginning it’s obvious. flantasha nation for life but how many times has flan gone on about jennifer rose milton being beautiful or v____ looking pretty? not even adam gets description to this extent.
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also, transvioletbaudelaire made a really good point about flan’s reaction to this. it was a big tonal shift despite the paragraph having nothing to do with what was going on. flan was more affected by a few sentences about being gay than the rest of ron’s speech about adam being missing……
something i’ve recently noticed is that most of natasha’s idols are queer. marlene dietrich had the first on-screen kiss between two women ever, as well as being openly into women irl. bette davis and dorothy parker were historically popular within gay communities, and anais nin wrote about wlw sex in her diary. this is coming from the book that foreshadowed douglas’s sexuality by having him be associated w/ gay artists!!!!
even natasha’s very first and last mentions are associated with gayness. her first mention being how she watched a fellini movie with flan (context says it’s la dolce vita, which has an explicitly gay plotline), and of course, dr. tert explicitly stating that a version of natasha is a lesbian (!!) ofc dr. tert isn’t the most reliable source, but the point is that after you just finished the book, the final thought youre meant to have about natasha is that she’s gay!!!
another one of the most important scenes is halloween, which literally opens with natasha pinning flan to her bed. then, natasha yells at flan to break up with gabriel and get over adam. natasha empathizes in her speech that flan isn’t being true to herself by liking them. considering that flan is natasha and usually natasha has more awareness over what flan knows but can’t admit.....
and then they go upstairs and undress together.
flan notes:
they were constantly looking at each other’s bodies
flan feeling “liquid and naughty” when they did. even before putting on the dress, she feels powerful.
“[natasha] looked at me as i felt the sudden true flush of desire.” <- actual line from the book
later during the party, while flan and adam are having sex, flan spends half the paragraph thinking about how gorgeous she/natasha is. flan really does not miss an opportunity to talk about natasha’s beauty throughout the book lmao
another thing flan does is describe natasha using romantic metaphors.
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like she literally associates natasha’s gum with a kiss and then admits to using pathetic fallacy.
flan does it a lot throughout the book.
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and not just that. natasha also plays the role of a boyfriend in flan’s life, and flan is always happier to be with natasha than with gabriel or adam.
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and when adam flakes on his date with flan, natasha literally takes her out to the movies.
speaking of movies, the day flan was supposed to go to the movies as a date with gabriel is the first day that she helps douglas hide his homosexuality. most of flan’s friends’ issues mirror flan’s own, as shown in the halloween party. callous breakups, jealousy, etc. struggling with being gay in a homophobic society is a major theme in the book with characters like douglas and ron, and it would make sense for flan to experience it, too, even if she doesn’t realize.
a lot of gabriel and flan’s relationship reads to me as a metaphor for comphet. not only does flan not like him, but she talks about how things are supposed to be.
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(also, on the previous page, flan compares kissing gabriel to opening an old carton of milk. she isn’t thrilled lol)
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even though flan’s feelings for adam are more intense than the ones for gabriel, they’re also forced to a certain extent.
heres the first time she talks about adam:
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natasha is shocked. if flan truly loved adam, wouldnt she love him fully? if she did, natasha’s inital reaction would be supportive, but instead she just makes fun of him. flan never even admits why she likes adam, not even to herself. flan doesn’t even think that she and adam will work out, judging by her hesitancy. over and over, natasha tells flan that adam is a jerk and to get over him.
flan tries very hard to convince herself that she likes adam, and it works. she’s telling everyone (and herself) that she loves adam while also avoiding him and not having any reason to love him, other than the superficial.
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“he is the only appropriate person for me to like”
natasha didn’t find out gabriel’s crush on flan until september 21st, over 60 pages later. lily might have known, but who was natasha thinking about???
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also, flan and adam are also cast as husband and wife in the play. they are literally playing the parts that were given to them!!
even though flan has gotten herself in deep, there have been multiple times where flan almost does get over adam! she mentions feeling bored of him, avoiding him, just not caring until he always ropes her back in at the last minute. she’s put her self-worth in his opinion of her, and doesn’t give up until the very end.
from the beginning, adam was always more of a symbol than a person. he represents men as a whole, or the idea of them. flan literally falls in love with an image of a man (the statue of david) rather than an actual one, and projects that image onto adam. kate and flan talk about how they would be better off without all the adams.
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all her life, flan has been fed these societal expectations on what kind of relationships she should have and who she should be. she clings onto those expectations, even when she never loved adam to begin with. it takes her until halloween to accept that whether he likes her or not doesn’t matter -- he’s a jerk. in general flan’s arc is about how societal pressures, to act a certain way, look a certain way, love a certain way, etc etc can mess with their own self perception and maybe cause them to kill someone.
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real-reulbbr-band · 1 year
They’re all in this together
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Xavier Perlin as Mistoffelees and Gabrielle Parker as Jemima. Cats Korea tour 2022-23
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bloody-trio · 5 months
The moon has set it, shining bright in the sky as the manor residents all slumber to prepare for another day of ruthless matches.
That's what the informant strived for, dragging his feet through the empty halls of the manor to make his way from his dear sisters room, he grunted. The corridor seemed so long to his sleep deprived eyes, fake glasses hanging from his shirt as he walked as slowly as possible to not make any sound.
That's when he heard something, a faint noise, something clicking and something sliding, weird, who's awake at this time? He knew of a few night owls but theyvwould stick to the library, the lounge room or maybe the kitchen, mayve even outside their rooms but here? No one should be here at this hour.
That's when he tought as a shadow loomed over him, only noticable because of the moonlight seeping from the open curtains as the only source of light, he turned around as he saw her, pale dead skin shining as those empty eyes glared at him with so much hatred he tensed up, heart almost stopping as Gabriel's mouth went agape at who was there.
What was a hunter doing here? Her of any of them? They never staid down for long, always coming back to haunt him. Ginger hair framed her figure, blood dripping from her missing arm and running down her missing leg, that same blue dress now stained with it.
"Mario Parker", Lisa spoke, a voice he once rememberd as soft and velvety now sour and raspy as she pronounced one of his many names, he just couldn't help but stare, he couldn't react and even if he could, what could he do?
Lisa Montag had alwaya been taller than him, even when alive but now? She stood a whole meter above him and he craned his neck up to meet her sunken eyes, gasping as she suddenly put her hand around his neck and holted him up into the air, now face to face with the one he killed.
"You bastard, look at what you've done to me." She spat, eyebrows furrowing in pure hate as she looked at him, gripping tighter.
"I trusted you, I trusted in you both! You stupid bitch! For what, why did you do it?! To get a bigger cut between you and your asshole sister? I WON THAT, IT WAS MINE! YOU DID SHIT, IT WAS ALL ME!" Laura now held him with her both "hands" the blood that formed her left one leaving a trail of blood running down his side, almost suffocating him even more.
"I—Lara'- Let me ex—" A squeeze to his neck "You knew to much—" More force came to him.
"And you decided killing me in cold blood was better than just stop being greedy and pay for silence? You knew I would accept, money is why I even let you into my life, Parker!" The hunter cried, anguish and despair in her voice.
"My hatred for you has bringed me back to life, you are lucky i'm not allowed to kill outside of this stupid games because if not i'd kill you here for everyone to see how stupif your limp body looks in the floor, you'd look pathetic just like you do now."
She spat, stopping the assault on his neck and dropping him to the floor beneath her, leaving the informants view black doted and gasping for air, before he could get back to breathing properly she stepped her pointed heel to his chest and pressed.
"I'll do it, don't you dare try and escape because I know you will, I know you better than anyone here. I'll follow you until you pay for what you did to me, for leaving me this" And with that, she dissapeared into what? He couldn't care less, he felt like he was about to pass out, and pass out he did, now laying bloodied on a hallway in this god-forsaken manor.
He did look pathetic.
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gabe-moore · 8 months
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Gabriel Moore - an inspiration source moodboard
Peter Parker // MCU's Spiderman Cal Kestis // Jedi Fallen Order Alexandra "Alex" Udinov // Nikita Ian Gallagher // Shameless Peter Parker // The Amazing Spiderman Robin // The Batman Charlie Swan // Twilight Jake Peralta // Brooklyn 99
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melodiousmonk · 11 months
Peter Gabriel announces his first album of new material in over 20 years
i/o releases on 1 December, 2023
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i/o is 12 tracks of grace, gravity and great beauty that provide welcome confirmation of not only Peter’s ongoing ability to write stop-you-in-your-tracks songs but also of that thrilling voice, still perfectly, delightfully intact. Throughout the album the intelligent and thoughtful – often thought-provoking – songs tackle life and the universe. Our connection to the world around us – ‘I’m just a part of everything’ Peter sings on title track i/o – is a recurring motif, but so too the passing of time, mortality and grief, alongside such themes as injustice, surveillance and the roots of terrorism. But this is not a solemn record. While reflective, the mood is never despondent; i/o is musically adventurous, often joyous and ultimately full of hope, topped off as it is, by the rousingly optimistic closing song, Live and Let Live.  
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Recorded mostly at Real World Studios and Peter’s home studio, the lengthy gestation of i/o means it has a sizeable cast list. Peter has kept his trusty inner circle of musicians close to hand, which means guitarist David Rhodes, bassist Tony Levin and drummer Manu Katché are sterling presences throughout. Several songs bear the fingerprints of long-time associate Brian Eno, whilst there are notable contributions from Richard Russell, pianist Tom Cawley, trumpeters Josh Shpak and Paolo Fresu, cellist Linnea Olsson and keyboard player Don E. Peter’s daughter Melanie contributes warm backing vocals, as does Ríoghnach Connolly of The Breath, while Real World regulars Richard Chappell, Oli Jacobs, Katie May and Richard Evans collectively provide programming and play various instruments. Soweto Gospel Choir and Swedish all-male choir Oprhei Drängar lend their magnificent harmonies to a selection of tracks, and the mass strings of the New Blood Orchestra, led by John Metcalfe, both soothe and soar.
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Renowned for being a boundary-pushing artist, i/o is not simply a collection of a dozen songs. All 12 tracks are subject to two stereo mixes: the Bright-Side Mix, handled by Mark ‘Spike’ Stent, and the Dark-Side Mix, as reshaped by Tchad Blake. “We have two of the greatest mixers in the world in Tchad and Spike and they definitely bring different characters to the songs. Tchad is very much a sculptor building a journey with sound and drama, Spike loves sound and assembling these pictures, so he’s more of a painter.” Both versions are included on the double-CD package, and are also available separately as double vinyl albums. And that’s not all. A third version – the In-Side Mix, in Dolby Atmos, comes courtesy of Hans-Martin Buff “doing a wonderful job generating these much more three-dimensional mixes” and is included in three-disc set, including Blu-ray.
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Continuing the idea developed for Peter’s US and UP albums, he has again invited a range of visual artists to contribute a piece of art to accompany the music and each of i/o’s 12 songs were handed to a world-renowned artist to create an accompanying work, whether paint, photography, sculpture or even Plasticine. The dozen artists make an exceedingly impressive team of collaborators: Ai Weiwei, Nick Cave, Olafur Eliasson, Henry Hudson, Annette Messager, Antony Micallef, David Moreno, Cornelia Parker, Megan Rooney, Tim Shaw, David Spriggs and Barthélémy Toguo. 
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Another visual link with Peter’s past work is the cover shot. Taken by photographer Nadav Kander, it echoes with the covers of his earlier albums, always present but, with the exception of So, intriguingly obscured or manipulated. 
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These echoes of the past might resonate, but i/o is fundamentally an album of – and for – the here and now. Many of its themes may be timeless, but they’re also warnings that we’re living on borrowed time, both as a planet and as individuals. 
(Source: Peter Gabriel's mailing list)
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white-cat-of-doom · 2 years
Another busy day to start the week in Asia Tour 2022-2023, 22 February 2023.
Jemima and Admetus share a pas de deux, while Nathan Zach Johnson closes out the show covering Rum Tum Tugger for the first time this tour.
Gabrielle Parker as Jemima and Saverio Pescucci as Admetus. (Source)
Gavin Eden as Skimbleshanks reminds us that he is, indeed, still in CATS.
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With Alice Batt as Jellylorum, Nathan Zach Johnson covering Rum Tum Tugger, Matt Krzan as Munkustrap, and Gabrielle Parker as Jemima.
George Hankers covered Coricopat and got some love from partner Meghan Peploe-Williams as Tantomile.
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Although not on stage today, Jack Danson shares a blep as Rum Tum Tugger.
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fugengulsen · 2 years
In 1979, Frank Zappa took a shine to an Eastern Indian rock/jazz violinist, L. Shankar. So much so that he produced an album with him, "Touch Me There." Not only does Frank produce, but he also co-writes half of the album and performs on one cut, "Dead Girls of London." So, not surprisingly, this disc sounds like much of the material Zappa was releasing around that time, even though it is technically a "Shankar" album. After obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Physics in India, Shankar moved to America in 1969 and earned a doctorate in ethnomusicology at Wesleyan University. Here he met jazz musicians Ornette Coleman, Jimmy Garrison, and John McLaughlin while working as a teaching assistant and concert master of the University Chamber Orchestra. In 1975 Shankar and McLaughlin founded Shakti, a pioneering, groundbreaking and highly influential east-meets-west collaboration, with a fluid sound that managed to successfully combine seemingly incompatible traditions. His first solo album, Touch Me There, was produced by Frank Zappa in 1979.[3] Shankar founded his own band - The Epidemics, in 1982, with the composer Caroline. He released three albums with the band. During the 1980s, Shankar recorded periodically as a leader, doing both jazz-based material and Indian classical music. His 1980 release of the album Who's To Know on ECM introduced the unique sound of his own invention, the ten-string, stereophonic double violin. This instrument, designed by Shankar and built by noted guitar maker Ken Parker, covers the entire orchestral range, including double bass, cello, viola and violin. He has recently developed a newer version of his instrument which is much lighter than the original.[3] 1990 saw Shankar co-producing a one hour film directed by H. O. Nazareth, which went on to be nominated for Best Documentary film at the Cannes film festival. Shankar worked on the score of the film The Last Temptation of Christ (1988),composed by Peter Gabriel, with his music ending up on both albums of the score - Passion: Music for The Last Temptation of Christ and Passion - Sources. He won a Grammy for his work on the latter in 1994. 1996 saw a Grammy nomination for the album Raga Aberi.[1] Shankar has performed on several of Peter Gabriel's records such as So and Us. Since 1996, Shankar has toured internationally with fellow-violinist (and his niece) Gingger as "Shankar & Gingger", garnering critical acclaim and popularity.[4] The two performed at events including the Concert for Global Harmony and Nelson Mandela's 80th birthday celebrations. Shankar & Gingger released their first DVD One in a Million in 2001. After a critically successful tour of North America, the DVD went to number 1 on the Neilsen Soundscan DVD charts and stayed there for four weeks.[3] In 2004, Shankar composed additional music with Gingger Shankar for John Debney and performed on the score for the film The Passion of the Christ (2004). Shankar has played with some of the greatest musical contemporaries of his time, including Lou Reed, Echo & the Bunnymen, Talking Heads, Frank Zappa, Peter Gabriel, Elton John, Eric Clapton, Phil Collins, Charly García, Jonathan Davis, Bruce Springsteen, Van Morrison, Stewart Copeland, Yoko Ono, A. R. Rahman, John Waite, Steve Vai, Ginger Baker, Toto, Nils Lofgren, Mark O'Connor, and Sting.[3] Shankar has been praised for his ability to mix Eastern and Western influences, assimilating Carnatic music with pop, rock, jazz and contemporary world music.[5] He admits "Ultimately, I would like to bring the East and West together. That, I think, is my role," he says. More recently, Shankar has used a new stage name, Shenkar, and has created recordings under this name. In 2006  2007, Shenkar provided the vocals for the opening credit music and other themes for all episodes of the hit TV series Heroes. He has been lately working in Jonathan Davis', Stephen Day and Ana Maria Lombo's next records.
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Congratulations to the cast of the Korea and Taiwan 2022-2023 tour on a successful conclusion to their tour!
I will miss the updates from this tour so much.
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instagram story: Aug 13, 2023
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(Lana's POV)
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Here are the final invites that were sent out to our guests, we did a combination of online invites and mailed in invites. Those who received theirs online can rsvp through our wedding website, and the invitations through the mail have a phone number to contact with the number of people attending and their meal choices. It's been a whirlwind trying to get things planned for the wedding, we're having the ceremony outside on church grounds. Thankfully the church has a large acreage, so there will be space for anticipated 500-550 guests we're going to have. The reception is planned for a banquet hall close to the church, so the guests can head there immediately after the ceremony whilst we take our pictures. We're praying for clear skies, low humidity, and a somewhat of a cool breeze for the ceremony, since Oasis Springs is quite warm in the Spring.
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(AN: We're going to ignore the continuity error of the floor being different colours, I'm not going back into the game to change this cause i've already repurposed the room for different pictures 😂)
My church family at New Life Oasis Baptist threw Parker and me, (but let's be honest here, mainly me) a wonderful bridal shower! The ladies rushed us to get our registry done so they could buy off of our registry. They gracefully planned it to happen before I started moving my things over to our new home, we decided we're going to stay in Newcrest. Right now we're going to be renting an apartment until we find a house we like, it might be we end up finding a house in Newcrest or we move elsewhere. It was definitely an emotional day as my church family came together to celebrate me entering a new season of life, I grew up with a most of the people who attended with them serving as guidance counselors, friends, and some great sources of wisdom. My pastor and his wife gave Parker and I such a great devotional for us to go through in these stages before and after we get married, which we've enjoyed doing either in person or on video conference.
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Mom Collins and the ladies of Newcrest Baptist also did a wedding shower for us, they also called it a 'welcoming' party for me into their church. They planned for it to be at my last visit before the wedding, so that I'd come back to my gifts when we move into our new home. I'm so excited to start married life in Newcrest, over the past year that I've been visiting the people here have been so welcoming that I feel right at home. Macie, Annette, and Ashton have graciously volunteered to help move our stuff into the house whilst we're on our honeymoon. Our honeymoon is planned for Sulani and I can't hardly wait! Parker's aunt Harley and her husband Gabriel, and his uncle and his wife Keira bought us our trip to Sulani. There's only a few weeks left until Parker and I are officially man and wife!
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kudosmyhero · 1 year
The Superior Spider-Man (vol. 1) #32: The Spider-Sanction
Read Date: November 26, 2022 Cover Date: October 2014 ● Writer: Dan Slott ◦ Christos N. Gage ● Penciler: Giuseppe Camuncoli ● Inker: John Dell ● Colorist: Antonio Fabela ● Letterer: Chris Eliopoulos ● Editor: Nick Lowe ◦ Ellie Pyle ●
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HERE BE SPOILERS Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast if a.) you're actually reading this and b.) you don't want spoilers)
Reaction As I Read: ● wth is going on… ● dude, trippy ● so strange seeing Otto's thoughts running through Peter's head ● the little editorial notes are like Stan Lee ● this Spidey suit is wicked ● aww… sad to see Empire State University in ruins ● Otto and Anna Maria are adorable ● O_O the Fantastic uh… Five… are dead… ● jeez, how tall is the guy with the pitchfork thing? India Spidey looks so small next to him ● Octavius Spidey is… kind of hilarious. Heroic yet condescending at the same time--ha! ● oh! a second story ● … did he just shoot Kraven the Hunter? ● trained by Wolverine ● ah! is it the continuation of the first story? ● yikes wolverine! ● punisher spidey ● ok, after listening to the podcast, I see why they chose it. This issue and the one following it can act as stand-alones from the rest of the Superior Spider-Man run. It definitely intrigued me, though, and I'll be going back to read the rest of the series!
Synopsis: As Otto was pondering on the circumstances during the catastrophic energy implosion that eventually destroyed Horizon Labs, a major source of energy pushes him inside a time-warp where he witnesses different dimensions flashing by in front on him, only to land back into the world of 2099, realizing that since the Spider-Man of 2099 is in his timeline, he was sent there to replace him.
His arrival catches the attention of the Public Eye who sets on capture him but he's found by Gabriel O'Hara, Miguel's brother, who provides Otto the information of the timeline. As he starts working with Miguel's holographic interface, he begins to work on a time-portal to arrive home, assaulting the Headquarters of Stark-Fujikawa and Alchemax to gather the necessary equipment. As the days go by, he manages to finish it, and in the process upgrades his holographic interface to resemble Anna Maria Marconi. As he activates the portal, he arrives in another parallel universe, where he finds an abnormal energy signature and to his surprise, the dead bodies of Mr. Fantastic, The Thing and Human Torch, wondering who was capable of killing them only to surprisingly find the dead body of an alternate Peter Parker. Otto realizes that he arrived to a timeline where Parker joined the Fantastic Four and decides to explore another dimensions.
As he goes by, he finds a world dominated by mutants, a world where the Superhuman Registration Act is still in effect and a futuristic world, each with its own version of Spider-Man, all Peter Parker, slayed by the same kind of double-puncture wound. Realizing that this killer is only hunting Spiders, he embarks on searching for as much Spiders as possible to assemble an army.
Otto eventually arrives to India, where he finds an Hindi version of Spider-Man battling Morlun. Otto manages to save him and recruits him into his army where he already assembled a group of Spiders.
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Accompanying Podcast: ● Amazing Spider Talk - episode 05
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
The Amazing Miraculous Heroes of Paris
by JokerCurry
What if the story of Miraculous Ladybug went differently but still the same in some ways? What if Paris already had two heroic vigilantes keeping the peace before Ladybug and Chat Noir arrived on the scene? What if Gabriel wasn't evil and Emilie was alive? What if Adrien wasn't as confident as he is in canon? All that and more in this thrilling superhero adventure!
Words: 2285, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types, Spider-Man - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker, Gabriel Agreste, Emilie Agreste, Nathalie Sancoeur, Alfred Pennyworth, May Parker (Spider-Man), Nino Lahiffe, Alya Césaire, Chloé Bourgeois, Juleka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Ivan Bruel, Mylène Haprèle, Lê Chiến Kim, Max Kanté, Alix Kubdel, Kagami Tsurugi, Luka Couffaine, Lila Rossi, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Marc Anciel, Master Fu (Miraculous Ladybug), Zoé Lee (Miraculous Ladybug), Félix Fathom, Fei Wu (Miraculous Ladybug), Prince Ali (Miraculous Ladybug), Sabrina Raincomprix
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Chloé Bourgeois/Luka Couffaine, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Ivan Bruel/Mylène Haprèle, Marc Anciel/Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Emilie Agreste/Gabriel Agreste/Nathalie Sancoeur
Additional Tags: Good Parent Gabriel Agreste, Emilie Agreste Lives, Protective Bruce Wayne, Protective Peter Parker, Miraculous Team, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48366637
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meeedeee · 1 year
Download The Last of Us : Season 1 Full free
Fandoms: The Last of Us (Video Games)
No Archive Warnings Apply
Joel (The Last of Us)/Original Female Character(s)
Jordan (The Last of Us)
The Last of Us is an American dystopian show TV series made by Craig Mazin and Neil Druckmann for HBO. In view of the 2013 computer game created by Mischievous Canine, the series is set in 2023, twenty years into a worldwide pandemic brought about by mass parasitic contamination, which powers its hosts to change into zombie-like animals and breakdowns society. The series follows Joel (Pedro Pascal), a bootlegger entrusted with accompanying the high school Ellie (Bella Ramsey) across the dystopian US. Visitor stars incorporate Nico Parker as Joel's girl Sarah, Gabriel Luna as Joel's more youthful sibling Tommy, Merle Dandridge as opposition pioneer Marlene, and Anna Torv as Joel's dealer accomplice Tess.
(Feed generated with FetchRSS) source https://archiveofourown.org/works/46082770
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