#soy product
linghuxcourtyard · 2 years
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Snack Catalog #475
Spicy Beancurd /辣味豆干
vegan / from S's roommate
Oh boy this was so spicy
there are two pieces in one vacuum-sealed bag.
but the beancurd was soft and chewy
and very flavorful, good for a snack and as a side dish with rice.
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sentient-carrot · 8 months
Every time I see anti-vegan takes on this website it always presents veganism as this crazy extreme thing, and then presents animal husbandry as their kindly old lady neighbour that has one cow and a little chicken coop with all the ameneties as if vegans don't generally talk about... Systemic issues.
As if eating meat like is done these days is actually good for the environment and you're detached from the oppression in the global south, as if soy for animal feed isn't shipped just as much and produced in the same places you blame vegans for getting their food.
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So anyway you repeatedly say we only feel corn husks and similar inedible parts to cattle but Never add a source to back it up. Having worked on farms I’m afraid for the most part the feeds I’ve seen have been parts entirely edible to humans. And like fuck man 5% of all grown soy is fed to humans or however the stat goes, do you really think the remaining 95% is inedible? really?
Anyway yeah I’m asking for a source here cause I don’t want to add this on to months old post
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Ingredients such as “grain by-products” are referring to the husks, stalks, and other “green” parts of the plant that we humans don’t actually have the digestive capabilities to eat. The breakdown of most livestock feeds looks like the above when you actually take a look at it.
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Different cattle feed, similar ingredients. Still primarily things that, and I have to stress this, you cannot eat. This one is slightly higher in quality and does indeed have actual grain products included. Some of those are edible to humans. Some are not. Generally cattle are fed cattle cubes with supplemental mineral licks and hay. Some also supplement with whole corn, but I can gladly assure you that corn is not in short supply and even if all the corn sold to animal feed was donated to the poor, you can’t actually live off of corn because there’s very little nutrition in it. Hence why in both human and animal food it’s typically seen as a filler ingredient. Keeps the mouth busy with a meal without making your stomach feel full and you end up eating more without feeling satisfied.
Soybeans are really only often used in feed for pigs because they’re a great source of protein for these animals. I would state that soy is also a terrible option to use as an emergency food for humans in need because while, yes, it is indeed a healthy bean, it’s also one of the top eight foods that humans are frequently allergic or intolerant towards. I’d also ask you for whether your 5% of all grown soy statistic is referring to the beans or the entire plant because yeah the beans are the edible part. The rest of the plant isn't especially healthy for humans to eat. I would say the beans are around 5% of a mature soy plant sure.
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wikipediapictures · 3 months
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Meat alternative
“Sandwich made of tempe, eaten at the Juice ja Cafe in Ubud in Bali, Indonesia.” - via Wikimedia Commons
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got-eggs · 4 months
i am slow cooking the most delicious of concoctions in the kitchen rn
(my tags are so long lol whole half ass recipe down there)
#idk its some bastardized recipe for something called mongolian beef#well can it really be called bastardized when i actually fuckin improved it#like all there was originally was fucking soy sauce garlic brown sugar and onion#LITERALLY NO SEASONING#so i took my earned skills and actuallly made it good#the sauce is now flavorful and doesnt taste like garlic soywater#(the meat gets slow cooked in the sauce thats how i know how the sauce tastes)#added a teeny bit of mustard powder and cumin(half TBsp) added some ginger and onion powder(TBsp) and upgraded garlic to black garlic(TB)#it contained 1/2 cup of soy and 1/3 cup of Brown sugar#also replaced the water with beef broth(half cup)#theres also some oil(i did reg Veggie oil cause i dont like Sesame/ 1TB)#you serve ontop some seasoned/fried rice and mixed peppers/veggies thatve been lightly seasoned and fried in a skillet#the meat(1 1/4 Lb.) gets cleaned and sliced into strips#you leave the strips in a heavy salt solution to leach it/tenderize it(you can use other methods but this was what i had on hand) then rins#(you leave it in the solution for ATLEAST 30 minutes)#pat the strips down dry and using a 1/4 cup of Corn starch you coat the strips entirely#you then put the meat into your sauce and stir it around until the meat is entirely covered in it#then slow cook for however long you want(im doing 8 hours for some REAL tender shit)#alot of these measurements were eyed balled (except starch and liquids)[im skilled at this]#i will update yall once ive tasted the finished product#i went a little light on the seasoning but i dont have certain ingredients i want/can obtain so i had to make do(plus my parents cant shiit#DO NOT ADD EXTRA SALT TO THE DISH#leaching the meat and the soy sauce already has enough salt content#THE STARCH IS NECESSARY PART OF THE DISH#you can achieve black garlic by slow cooking regular garlic FOR WEEKS#longer = better#also i recommend using minced Ginger instead of powder for better flavour
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 3 months
did i get cursed by a witch or something what is going on with this dark hunger i keep being subjected to
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anielskaaniela · 2 months
Healthy Japanese Foods to Add to Your Diet: Eat Healthier
In this post , you will learn how to stay in good health by adding traditional japanese foods to your diet. Check out my japanese products [here]. The traditional Japanese diet is renowned for its health benefits and delicious flavors. This guide explores various aspects of healthy Japanese foods, including recipes, nutritional benefits, and tips for incorporating these foods into your diet.…
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khizuo · 1 year
sometimes i still think about this anti-vegan reply where some guy was like "i don't want to eat highly processed soy products like tofu" like. my guy.
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chicago-geniza · 9 months
Why is a string quartet version of the Flower Duet from Lakmé accompanying this nationalist Korean food show segment on jeotgal lmfao
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
How dare they rearrange everything in Lidl since I was last here less than a week ago. Where the fuck is everything?
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theygender · 1 year
I hate how coconut milk is becoming like THE milk replacement in health foods. Like bro what do I do if I'm lactose intolerant AND allergic to coconuts 😭 please just give me something I can eat
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goron-king-darunia · 2 years
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Eggtober 27 Soy Grilled Quail Eggs Clip Studio Paint, Gouache Brush, Gouache Blender, 12 colors, 1 hour. So apparently there are several ways to eat quail eggs in Japan. The raw yolk is a topping for some sushi, which I’ve drawn before, but apparently, you can just straight up stick them on a skewer, roast them, and then just eat those little toasty girls, shell and all. There’s also a slightly more labor intensive version of this that might be a little more palatable to a western audience for whom eating an egg shell is unthinkable (AKA, my picky ass.) You soft boil the little things, carefully pop them out of their shells, marinate them in some soy and other seasonings, skewer them, and toast them on a grill! I liked the look and idea of these MUCH better, so I drew these, even though the ones in the shell would be a bit more identifiable. My sleep schedule has gotten weird again, so I got this one done late, but hey, I’ll probably pop out another one for today before bed, so that should be fine. And if I don’t get to it, Eggtober is chill. No shame in posting a bit late. My only goal was 31 edible eggies to share with the world around the end of October. @quezify certainly won’t blame me for doing these as the whim strikes. Best and chilliest vibes. As ever, the biggest thanks to quezify for beautiful eggs to look at and a chill little art adventure. We’re nearly there and it’s been a blast the whole time. Honestly, even with my one bad day, October’s been the best month of the year for me. It’s hard to let things bother you when you manage to brush teeth and draw an egg every day. Even on days where I don’t do much else productive, I can at the very least say I’ve done self-care and made a good chunk of you all happy every day with an egg or two. Just having something to look at that you made with your own hands is good for the soul. Might even get some prints of these for myself just to have something nice to hang on my walls. I used to hang all my drawings I made when I was a kid on my walls and I haven’t had anything up since we painted. About time to change that, no? 😊
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ippinka · 1 year
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Uniquely crafted with 100% locally-sourced wheat from Aichi, Japan, the White Tamari Soy Sauce offers a distinctive blend of saltiness, sweetness, and umami.
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confinesofmy · 6 months
having some teriyaki tofu with a side of edamame and washing it all down with a big glass of milk (soy milk of course, i'm lactose intolerant) mm-mm! so good! 😊
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fslurusami · 2 years
ogata really seems so much like a modern era guy why is he in 1907. he has the energy of a guy who thinks hes super mysterious and edgy bcuz he listens to death grips. hes not a cryptobro but he bought bitcoin before it was cool cuz he needed to use it to buy illegal firearms online. he lives off protien shakes and dresses athleisure-goth but doesnt work out. hes in denial about thinking cars are kinda hot. hes catfishing as an egirl discord kitten. hes full of microplastics. i think its because of the greasy undercut thing he has going on
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tomb-mold · 9 months
i tryyyy to get enough daily protein 😭
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