#spaghetti al nero di seppia
the-italian-food · 1 year
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Spaghetti al nero di seppia con caviale di trota
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sofysta · 2 years
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Ho i denti neri ma sto in paradiso
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kakyoinswifey · 2 years
Imagine Jotaro's wife cooking spaghetti al nero di seppia, the very dish that his grandfather Joseph ate in his youth.
I think as long as he doesn't know it, he'll be fine.
But if it were in front of Joseph, and he happened to remember it in front of his grandson, Jotaro would be embarassed.
"I remember the first time I tried it. It was before meeting Caesar and it was my first time in Italy. I thought it would be gross, but it was actually pretty tasty," he said.
"I hope that's not why you're an idiot, old man", Jotaro said. He was trying to make fun of his grandpa, but you looked at him with grace.
"Even if that's the reason, you're still going to eat it, Jotaro", you sentenced.
Joseph's laugher was loud, and Jotaro was flustered.
honestly, i don't know what i did here.
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tomboyjessie13 · 1 year
Trattoria Trussardi Italian Restaurant Morioh, Japan - 1999
Josuke, Jotaro, and Old Joseph(with Shizuka) visit there to dine on some Italian dishes
Tonio: *Offers Joseph "spaghetti al nero di seppia"* Here you go, Signore Joestar~
Old Joseph: *Eyes widen* Oh my god....
Jotaro: Is that what I think it is?...
Josuke: *Holding shizuka* No way, this pasta's totally black, It's look as if it's been doused in Ink!
Tonio: It is ink, Squid ink to be precise, edible and delicious. In my country, we call it "spaghetti al nero di seppia", which means: "squid ink spaghetti".
Old Joseph: *Fixes glasses* "Spaghetti al nero..."...where have I heard that name before?
Jotaro: It's the same dish you had during your youth, Grandpa.
Old Joseph: Really?
Josuke: Oh right! I heard about this from school.
Tonio: Surely one bite of it will at least restore some of Signore Joestar's memories.
Old Joseph: *Takes one bite of it* ....... *Starts tearing up* Oh my god, this IS the same pasta, *takes another bite* I feel like a young man again. TToTT
Tonio: *Smiles* ^v^
Jotaro: *Surprised* Huh, it actually worked, was it nostalgia kicking in or was it [Pearl Jam]'s doing though?
Josuke: *To Tonio* Can I have some of that, please?
Tonio: Sure thing, Josuke~
- Old Joseph eats "Spaghetti al nero di seppia" once again after 60 years
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sangriaking · 3 months
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WAY TOO MUCH BULLSHIT HAS BEEN HAPPENING LATELY, and frankly, Joseph is sick of it.
There was that strange run in with Straizo a few months back, there was saving uncle Speedwagon from that weird, shady organization -- there was trying to shake off that annoying reporter who kept trailing him everywhere ( SERIOUSLY, HOW DOES SHE PULL THAT OFF? ), maintaining a facade that everything was fine and dandy around Erina and now Smokey's been pulled into the mess too -- man, it was just so much! And this wasn't even accounting for all the trauma he's been forced to bear witness to.
He saw.. SO. MANY. DEAD. BODIES. In such a short span. He even had to chop the leg of a person off! Nightmares have been regularly plaguing him since, and with less sleep comes a more cranky and on edge JoJo. With how far down he tried to shove everything, though, it was clear that he was gonna set the negative emotions as far as he could aside, and try to not think about them. If he didn't think, then he wouldn't blow up about it -- but it's certainly a flawed way of going about things.
Well. You see. The Thing™ about Joseph Joestar is that when he decides to shove his emotions away, and not address them -- well, he always, always inevitably ends up exploding. If not in the moment, then certainly later on-- when the little things keep mounting pressure and building up, until everything in him EXPLODES with a burning ( but VERY short-lived ) rage.
Unfortunately for the young Joestar ... Today, he's about to reach his current limit. After being shunted off to Italy to learn more about the Pillarmen, because Speedwagon 'knew a chap that could help' or something, but when they'd gotten to the hotel in the heart of Rome, well.. Speedwagon had some matters to attend to, and Joseph had been left alone for much of the day. He hadn't initially done much -- reading comics, mostly, until around noon hit. Though he was jet-lagged to hell and back, he'd decided it'd probably be good to get some breakfast or lunch or whatever a meal would be considered by this hour.
There's... a really, really big problem though.
Joseph is alone, in an Italian hotel, where little if any staff speak English. The menus are all in a language he can't even read, so he doesn't even know most of what he's looking at. The waiter seems to be trying to ask him what he'd like to start with, but because he understands nothing, well -- there's an ever-growing tense expression on his face. An overwhelming sensation starts to take over his mind, barely able to think with how frustrated he feels. The only thing he can think to do is try to ask for a moment to decide, since he can't make out most of the menu...
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❝Uhhhhh...... Un....... uuh, how's it -- Un momento?❞ he asks, pronunciation very off. The waiter raises his eyebrow in a judging manner before nodding, saying another something he can't understand -- and right back he goes to fussing over what the hell he could possibly order from the menu that he can't read. The only option that looks like it might be safe is one that has spaghetti in the name, which -- yeah, ok, THAT he at least recognizes. But he isn't sure what the rest of it means ( al nero di seppia??? ), and he isn't so sure he's ready to try something new today.
.. Still, as he reads over the menu, reading and rereading and desperately trying to make sense of what he's looking at, it's pretty clear to any onlookers with eyes that he's getting increasingly frustrated. He has a pretty scrunched up, agitated look to him, only barely hidden by the hand that grips his hair -- which itself is beginning to stand on it's end, and even spark with Hamon just as his teeth do, soft hair going rigid in the process.
Someone should probably help soon, or he's bound to explode..
@caestusvulpes // PLOTTED
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overangeled · 6 months
❛ are there any traditions you have for the holidays? ❜
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"...Yeah, I don't do it an'more though- bad me'ories... my family always had this thing called 'spaghetti al nero di seppia'. N' I kinda hated th' taste so."
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original-missif · 2 years
Crime Kid Lunches
I've got sick brain and was thinking about domestic NFHFCC and what the crime trio would bring to school for lunches and because Eliot is the one packing their lunches OF COURSE he'd go all out. Like sometimes there's a theme if he got new kitchen equipment and sometimes he'll throw in a treat as his way of showing affection, but it's always got classically healthy foodstuffs cuz Eliot believes in healthy diets but every lunch is ALWAYS over the top well made and probably belongs in a 5 star restaurant.
Some of the lunches he makes are:
ham sandwiches with deli sliced ham, homemade dijon mustard, home grown spinach, red onion, tomatoes, sliced provolone cheese on homemade bread packed with a baggy of chips, a thermos of tomato soup, fruit cup, and a juice box
(post Thanksgiving) turkey cranberry croissant panini packed with mashed potatoes, a cup of gravy, green beans escarole and chocolate chip cookies
spaghetti al nero di seppia (squid ink spaghetti) with garlic bread, parmesan cheese and crackers, grapes, and a juice box
bibimbap with assorted leftovers from the week, celery with peanut butter/cheese spread, homemade granola bars with fruit and honey, and jello
PB&J sandwiches, jello cups, celery sticks, and a juice box because Eliot got grounded one time and Nate made the lunches instead
pizza with homemade dough and sauce, deli prosciutto, mozzarella cheese, basil, and olive oil, packed with fortune cookies (for Parker), banana bread, homemade potato chips, and orange soda (at the request of Hardison)
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
On the Valentine's Day double date imagine with Jolyne and Ermes, Jolyne would have the spaghetti al nero di seppia or spaghetti alla puttanesca.
let's be honest though, she would order them both and PUT THOSE AWAY
literally everyone at the table would look at her like :o
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viwantstoknow · 1 year
Spaghetti al nero di seppia | Venice, Italy | Jan 2023
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clementine-treat · 2 years
october 7th✨
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black coffee // 2 kcal
gaam tofta beach // 1 kcal
a cappuccino roll + black coffee // ~300 kcal
two pieces of pollock with yoghurt sauce + fried potato + cabbage, radish & zucchini + broccoli + watermelon + rye bread with margarine // 545 kcal
spaghetti al nero di seppia with mifu, feta, spinach, mini plum tomatoes and nutritional yeast // 722 kcal
bcaa drink // 16 kcal
total 1587 kcal, 88g protein
fasted 17h
what the fuck 😐
last time i'm saying yes to working on a group project in a café, idek if 300 kcal covers that thing since it had nut crumble on top 😭
the feta & mifu were already past their "best before" dates so i "had to" eat them but i still hate myself for that whole dinner🙃
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simonettaramogida · 17 days
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doyl1st · 4 months
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Random Lines of Dialogue // Still Accepting @oddlies said: i think you'll see that the time was not wasted. -Sergio!
Isaac gives the other man an incredulous look, before shifting his gaze downwards towards the plate in front of him. Spaghetti al nero di seppia. While it smells rather appetizing, the sight of so many black tendrils curling around themselves sends an uncomfortable wave of unease down Isaac's gullet. Verme al nero, more like.
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He offers his response, a most infrequent admission.
"...I don't know. Ordinarily, I'm actually a rather adventurous eater. But I think it just reminds me too much of black licorice to be appetizing."
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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lalumieredujour · 7 months
Spaghetti al nero di seppia in un ristorante Michelin con Gianfranco Pas...
Altra bella ricetta! un poco più elaborata, ma bella davvero!
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lifeitalych · 11 months
Perché dovresti mangiare più pasta?
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La pasta offre alcuni effetti positivi sulla salute, tra cui l'acido folico, l'assenza di colesterolo e il mantenimento dei livelli di energia. La pasta è un alimento base per una dieta sana poiché sazia e può essere abbinata ad altri ingredienti nutrienti.
Aumenta l'efficienza
La pasta ha un basso indice glicemico, il che significa che invia energia al cervello lentamente per molte ore nonostante sia diffusamente percepita come "malsana" a causa del suo alto contenuto di carboidrati. Di conseguenza, sarai più produttivo nel complesso che solo a breve termine. Mangiare un piatto della nostra meravigliosa pasta lavorata al bronzo a pranzo è un ottimo modo per allontanare la pigrizia pomeridiana di cui soffrono tante persone.
Il prezzo è ragionevole
I componenti di base e poco costosi sono farina, acqua, sale e talvolta uova. La pasta, fatta in casa o acquistata in negozio, è un modo fantastico per nutrire la famiglia con un budget limitato. La carne in un classico spaghetto alla bolognese viene cotta nel latte e nel vino.
I vantaggi per la salute degli omega-3 sono ampi, rendendolo uno degli integratori più utilizzati al mondo. I benefici di questi acidi grassi, che sono prevalenti nell'olio di pesce, vanno ben oltre il miglioramento della salute cardiovascolare e la riduzione del rischio di ipertensione. Pertanto, c'è molto buon nutrimento dal mangiare la nostra pasta ripiena di pesce e altri piatti di pesce unici.
È semplice da preparare
Ricordati di riempire il congelatore con della pasta fresca per capelli d'angelo. Quando l'acqua nella pentola bolle, puoi considerare il lavoro fatto. Gli spaghetti richiedono pochi secondi per essere preparati a motivo della loro sottigliezza. Per un classico pasto romano, saltalo in una padella con olio d'oliva, pepe nero e pecorino.
Dieta ricca di proteine         
Le ricette di Olio di oliva Extra vergine Italiano di Sicilia spesso includono molte proteine, che sono ottime per costruire muscoli. Le proteine aiutano nelle attività metaboliche e cellulari proteggendo il corpo dalle malattie garantendo una corretta funzione immunologica.
Esistono innumerevoli forme
Le forme spaziano dalle farfalle alle conchiglie o paccheri alle mezze maniche integrali, alle tagliatelle, rigatoni,  da condire con i diversi sughi come, ad esempio, il sugo pesce spada e melanzane o alla norma, salsa di pomodoro di pachino bio o con pomodoro al cuore di bue, il sugo del contadino , sugo all’arrabbiata, pesto di basilico siciliano, suo siciliano oppure lo speciale sugo all’arrabbiata, sugo con capperi e tonno, sugo salsiccia e funghi, al nero di seppia e molto altro ancora.
La pasta a base di cereali integrali è una scelta più salutare?
• Il chicco integrale viene utilizzato per creare cereali integrali. Pertanto, i cereali integrali forniscono più fibre, vitamine e minerali rispetto ai cereali raffinati, che includono esclusivamente l'endosperma del chicco di grano.
• Una diminuzione del rischio di malattie cardiovascolari, cancro al colon, diabete e obesità è stata collegata a una dieta ricca di cereali integrali.
• Ma ricorda che la pasta integrale è preparata con farina integrale macinata.
• Poiché i cereali con particelle più piccole vengono digeriti più rapidamente, determinando picchi più elevati di zucchero nel sangue, questo processo riduce i benefici positivi dei cereali integrali nella pasta.
• Pertanto, la pasta integrale non può essere paragonata ai vantaggi per la salute dei cereali integrali non trasformati come l'avena, il riso integrale o la quinoa a causa del processo di cottura.
• Sebbene vi sia una differenza minima tra le conseguenze sulla salute della pasta raffinata e integrale, la pasta integrale è preferibile per perdere peso. Ha più fibre, che ti aiutano a sentirti sazio più a lungo, e meno calorie rispetto alla pasta raffinata.
• La maggior parte dei micronutrienti, comprese le vitamine del gruppo B, restituiti alla pasta arricchita dopo la lavorazione, sono più abbondanti nella pasta integrale.
Biologico e artigianale italiano
La pasta specialmente quella prodotta da grani antichi e Biologica è un alimento base per le persone di tutto il mondo e contribuisce a una dieta sana. Sfortunatamente, la pasta è un alimento ricco di carboidrati. Questo è il motivo per cui è fondamentale osservare le dimensioni delle porzioni e scegliere condimenti nutrienti per la pasta come verdure, grassi sani e proteine magre.
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lorenzodiamantini · 1 year
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buona domenica con spaghetti integrali al nero di seppia e datterini gialli 🖤💛💚 #lunch #food #foodporn #yummy #instafood #foodie #delicious #homemade #foodstagram #foodblog #Ilovefood #instamood #instagood #bestoftheday #instalike #picoftheday #photooftheday #tasty #healthyfood #foodgasm #foodpic #yum #instadaily #foodies #foodlove #foodpost #foodaddiction #foodlovers #ilovecooking #gnam https://www.instagram.com/p/CBIcM1eKH1w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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food-and-catering · 2 years
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Spaghetti al nero di seppia #spaghetti #seppia #nerodiseppia #italia #italy #ricetta #black #chioggia #ricettadellanonna (presso Empoli) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWEZ2MKg3kt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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