#spark's pokemon adventures
spark-circuit · 5 months
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amelikos · 5 months
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It's interesting how the episode highlighted the themes of inheritance and passing on the torch through both Amethio and Liko receiving something (a Terastal Orb, meant to make Amethio stronger, and an adventure log, meant to guide Liko further) from Hamber and Diana respectively.
Roy got his Ancient Pokeball from his grandfather, Liko got her pendant (now turned Terapagos) from her grandmother, and Amethio got a Terastal Orb from Hamber (he is probably not related to him but still an elder figure in his life).
To a lesser extent, because Nanjamo isn't as old as the grandparents figures, Nanjamo is a kind of "senpai" figure to Dot in terms of video making and being a livestreamer and the episode highlighted that too (since she asks Liko and Roy to take care of Dot for her). Dot looks up to her and Nanjamo is clearly happy to see her making friends.
Either way, that's why the situation with Amethio feels different from Liko and Roy to me because his setting intentionally goes against the themes set up for them. In their cases, they are given options and gently pushed forward. Liko and Roy had Diana and Friede protecting them against Rayquaza in HZ033, Amethio was alone. Liko and Roy come out of their training against Diana feeling much more optimistic and realizing that they still have potential to grow, while Amethio comes out of his own training aware of his limits and feeling like he is not enough. Liko and Roy are encouraged to follow their own dreams, while Amethio is trying to fulfill someone else's wish. Rakua is Gibeon's wish, not Amethio's.
I really wonder what direction they'll take now, especially since Amethio is encouraged to continue on his current path (a path fueled by frustration and hastiness so far).. His scene in the opening mentions running towards his own future.
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I assigned my Quest of the Spider characters pokemon. Pokemon types are based on what magic they use (Fairy for light, Normal for changelings)
Dulsie: Kanto Raichu!! It's the perfect combination of cute and tough. Also, in the 90s anime, Raichu's best attack is Thunder Punch, and Dulsie would absolutely spam it.
Cera: Steenee for now. She's cute, she's sweet, and she's got a lot of potential.
Aeran: Snubbull for now. Bulldogs are associated with British royalty, and he's the next village lord. But dogs are also sweet, loyal, and can be kind of dumb even if they're technically very smart. Like Aeran.
Sky: swablu for now. Beautiful singing voice, looks cute until you have to tango with her magic, but she's kind of unsure of herself and her place in her family.
Naya: Drizzile for now. Our resident sharp shooter, she's kind of in an awkward phase right now, trying to find her place in her family outside of her twin (Sky) and their older sibling (Phaelan).
Zieryk: Meowstic, specifically male for obvious reasons as well as the fact that male Meowstic focuses on defense while female Meowstic is more offensive. Male Meowstic also has more of an understated design that works well with Zieryk's tendencie to fade into the background.
Leivarre: Golosipod. Okay, so she was actually really hard to figure out, because none of the spider pokemon fit her beyond the aesthetic of having the 8 legs and big butts. You know. Like spiders. Lol, but I had to give her a bug type and I went with Golosipod, because even though it's strong, its ability makes it look like kind of a coward, and Leivarre is definitely a coward in the beginning, even if she tries to compensate through her dry wit.
Judeiras: Shiny Thievul. I lowkey associate him with Sly Cooper, because he was once a petty thief and that's how he and Cas met in the first place.
Caspkar: Aggron. He's tough as nails and pretty stoic on the outside. But very much a big softie. Just bad at showing it, especially after losing his big brother (Orik, Dulsie's dad).
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blazestar0525 · 6 months
An Applin Confession
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Everyone knows about in Galar you give someone an Applin to show your affection, what happens when the dear player gets a Applin from their dear friend?
A/n: @thevoicesnevershutuphelpme asked and i delivered! Also I didn’t know which Mc to use so I wrote them as gender neutral but i did use the female mc’s name: Juliana. But feel free to insert yourself into this and insert your pronouns. Also first time I’m writing scenarios or a one shot in general on Tumblr! So be warned some things might be out of character and probably at low quality. Im not a one shot writer or anything like that so I tried my best.
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It was just a simple day at Blueberry Academy. The usual bickering of Carmine and Drayton could be heard in the background of the club room as Juliana walked through the door.
Juliana sat down on one of the couches in the club room as they waited for Kieran. As they glanced at their phone they could see the recent messages between them and Kieran, asking to meet in the club room.
Their grip was around a Cherish Ball as they released the pokemon inside the ball. It was a shiny Applin, they caught it back in Kitakami.
Why an Applin? Well they caught the shiny apple during their trip to Kitakami but they never found the appropriate time to give the Applin to Kieran. They learned from Professor Salvatore that it was a custom in Galar to give an Applin to someone as a romantic gesture.
Our dear Juliana has caught feelings for Kieran over their adventure in Kitakami but before they had a chance to confess after catching the Shiny Applin everything went downhill quickly.
They regretted everything that happened in Kitakami and if they could go back in time and fix things they would. But what's done is done, and in the end they apologize to each other and were slowly working on fixing their relationship.
And now here they were fiddling with their thumbs as the shiny Applin in their lap gently head butted their hand trying to cheer them up.
"I just hope he accepts this, I dont have any high hopes but one can only hope." They whispered as the Applin nibbles their hand playfully making the Paldean trainer laugh lightly.
"Buddy, I already gave you a sandwich earlier! I swear Miradion/Kiraidon is rubbing off on you." The trainer chuckled as they perked their head up at the sound of the club room door opening.
Scrambling in order to hide the shiny pokemon, they had the Applin hide behind them as they stood up to block the Applin from view.
Kieran entered the club room before looking around for their friend, once he spotted them his eyes had a small spark as his cheeks were dusted lightly with a blush.
"Juliana! You came." Kieran says gently as he approached them.
"Kieran! I'm glad you came." Juliana said as they fiddled with the red fingerless biker glove on their right hand, which was part of the Blueberry Academy Uniform they were wearing.
The slight tension between the two could be felt as it was obvious that the two wanted to confess something to the other. Kieran was the one to break the silence.
"I have something to give you..." Kieran stuttered out lightly as he briefly glanced to the side to avoid eye contact in order to hide his face that felt like it was on fire.
"What a coincidence, I also have something to give you." Juliana stuttered out.
The two trainers felt a bit awkward as Kieran pulled out a poke ball and released a pokemon, and it was a Applin. Both trainers had a blush as Juliana got the shiny Applin that was on the couch and held pokemon in their hands.
It was obvious of the feelings between the two as they both stuttered out the same response: "I like you..."
The two gave each other their Applin's as their hands briefly touched, it was like a warm tingle as the two had a small smiles.
"So.. shall I ask you out for a lunch date this afternoon?" Juliana asked shyly as the male in front of them smiled.
"I'll like that a lot.."
Juliana had a smile as they hugged Kieran, "I promise I'll make up for the past. As your new partner, I promise I'll do my best to never betray you."
Kieran hugged back as he had a small smile, "As long as your always by my side, we can learn and grow together."
And that's how the story went, two apples lead to a new relationship. A relationship that will will continue to grow with every passing day.
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ponett · 2 months
I think SLARPG might unironically be the best entry in the "Earthbound-inspired indie RPG about depression" subgenre because it's the only one that legitimately sparked my interest on first sight and then followed through in actual gameplay and story. Personally, what's your favorite game in the "Earthbound-inspired indie RPG about depression" subgenre aside from the one you made?
Excuse you, I'll have you know it's an EarthBound-inspired indie RPG about anxiety, thank you very much
No, but idk. Mother is definitely a big influence for me, and EarthBound and Mother 3 are two of my favorite games ever made, but I think it's easy to overstate how much I was trying to emulate Mother with SLARPG in a reductive way. (I don't necessarily think you're being reductive in this ask, I'm just using this as an excuse to talk about a broader trend.) It broadly influenced the types of games I wanted to make when I was a teenager, but there are very few specific elements in SLARPG where I was trying to directly evoke or mimic EarthBound. The geometric spell animations were inspired by Mother for sure, I'll give you that, but half the reason I did that was just because it was easier than animating realistic effects frame by frame. I'll also admit that Claire building her own dungeon was almost definitely influenced by EarthBound's Brick Road, but I don't think that was a conscious decision on my part. And hell, some things that may come off as nods to Mother are, in fact, things that Mother took directly from Dragon Quest. Silly, cartoonish enemies with pun names? That's a Dragon Quest thing!
While Mother was one of my influences, I would just as readily point to classic Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger, the Mario RPGs, 2D Zelda, Mega Man Legends, Pokemon, Kirby, Sonic, comedic point and click adventures, and a bunch of other things as similarly big influences. But I wasn't trying to mimic any of these 1:1. It was a blend of different influences along with my own creative goals.
Uh, anyway, to answer your actual question: I can't answer your actual question, because I haven't really played other "EarthBound-inspired" indie games, other than Undertale and Deltarune (which I adore, obviously). I generally avoided playing them while working on SLARPG because I wanted to do my own thing and avoid ripping off other similar games, and then in the time since finishing SLARPG I've just always had other things I wanted to play.
Also I kind of don't believe that the "EarthBound-inspired indie RPG about depression" is a trend that exists on any meaningful scale. People just looked at Omori (and, to a lesser extent, YIIK) and decided that the other popular indie games with some amount of visible EarthBound influence must also be about depression. It's just a meme
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tarotwithavi · 8 months
Which Pokemon would you be and why? Pt1
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Piles : from left to right
How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
Paid services
Pile 1
You would be Bulbasaur because you're known for your balanced and practical nature. Like Bulbasaur, you are someone who approaches challenges with a steady determination and a sense of responsibility. You too have a nurturing side, just as Bulbasaur carries a plant bulb on its back, symbolizing growth and care. This means you are likely to be a supportive and dependable friend, always looking out for the well-being of those around you. Your curiosity and willingness to learn and adapt, much like Bulbasaur's evolution, would make you open to new experiences and always eager to grow as a person.
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Pile 2
You would be Pikachu because you're someone who is endlessly energetic, optimistic, and fiercely loyal. You have an infectious enthusiasm for life, always ready to take on new challenges with a smile. You are a natural leader, inspiring others with their determination and never-give-up attitude. Just like Pikachu's iconic thunderbolt-shaped tail, you too possess a spark of creativity and adaptability, making you quick to come up with solutions in times of need. Your sense of camaraderie would shine through in their friendships, as you prioritize the well-being of your loved ones and stand by their side through thick and thin.
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Pile 3
You would squirtle because you're a spirited and adventurous individual. Much like Squirtle's water-based abilities, you would have a natural affinity for aquatic activities and a love for the outdoors. You'd be the type of person who enjoys spending sunny days by the beach, participating in water sports, or simply splashing around in a pool. Your outgoing and sociable nature would make you a natural leader among your friends, just as Squirtle often takes the lead within its squad of Pokémon. Despite your playful and energetic demeanor, you'd also have a strong sense of responsibility and would stand up to protect those you care about, just as Squirtle is known for its loyalty and courage.
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Pile 4
You would be Snortax because you're incredibly laid-back and relaxed. You're the embodiment of the phrase "easygoing." Because you prioritize leisure and comfort above all else, often opting for long naps and hearty meals. You might give the impression of someone who enjoys indulging in life's pleasures. You might not be in a hurry to get things done and could be a bit slow-moving, but you're incredibly kind-hearted and approachable, always willing to share a meal or offer a comfy spot to rest. Just like Snorlax, you have a gentle and affable nature, making you a beloved presence in any group.
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Pile 5
You would be jigglypuff because of your charming, social, and deeply artistic personality. Jigglypuff is known for its soothing singing and ability to put others to sleep, so you may embody a calming and enchanting presence. You are someone who enjoys entertaining others with their talents, whether through music, storytelling, or other forms of artistic expression. Jigglypuff's friendly demeanor and ability to make friends easily would translate into you being outgoing, empathetic, and values strong connections with others. However, you might also have a mischievous side, as Jigglypuff is known for drawing on the faces of those it puts to sleep, showcasing a playful and creative streak.
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Pile 6
You would be Gengar because you are an individual with a dark and enigmatic aura. You have a mischievous and cunning personality, often enjoying playing pranks and indulging in a dark sense of humor. You might have a penchant for the mysterious and eerie, with a love for all things spooky and supernatural. Despite your eerie exterior, you are fiercely loyal to your friends and loved ones, always ready to protect them in times of need. Others might notice you lurking in the shadows, observing the world with a sly grin, but your loyalty and dedication would shine through when it truly matters.
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sulfuric-deity · 2 months
Hermitcraft Pokemon AU thoughts!
(If using this as reference please tag as 'Hc poke au' so I can see, also feel free to tag me :))
This has been haunting me for a while so I figured I would throw them here for some people to enjoy
Basically this region would have a gym for each type, and the order is pre determined so each gym holds pokemon of a certain level. Once you get through all of them four are randomized to be your big trail at the end, with their real Pokemon.
The pokemon trial is a BIG DEAL needing to be signed up for and then selected as it is so intensive.
The main antagonist is an organization researching 'Sculk' who got infected :)
As well as an unusual myth that seems to be interested in a few of the members. The Watcher.
Now onto hermits and the rough order of gyms!
He is the host for the trails, the charming man who will guide you along your journey. However, somethings seems a little off about him...were his eyes always red? He is not infected with Sculk like the others think, instead The Watcher is using his eyes to gain information about its victims.
Head pokemon professor, oversees all other branches of research as well as the trail. Elusive to the public, who has never seen his face, but close with the gym leaders as he is the one who calculates pokemon level for that year. Absolutely distraught at the appearance of Sculk, and values the safety of his friends over himself.
An odd pokemon professor, researching the effects of pokemon moves on humans. He is considered odd, and many protest actually using people for his trails, but he is very careful and ensures consent. Was chosen to go and supervise the Sculk trials alongside the company to see if its harmful to people. (wink wink nudge nudge)
The youngest pokemon professor, he focuses mostly on the evolution of pokemon and how and when it occurs. He is likely the professor you would see the most, interacting with gym leaders and Ren. When Xisuma begins to evacuate things, and Cub goes missing he is forced to run everything himself. On top of that, his close friend Grian goes missing. Absolutely crumbling under the pressure of the many tasks.
The head of the organization researching the Sculk, he seems unaffected by the possession. (Until too late hehe) Cold on the outside, friendly on the inside he won favor of many gym leaders, even if the HEP and public are skeptical of his involvement. He is determined to get to the bottom of this mystery.
She is the head of HEP (Human, Environment, Pokemon) who focus on the human treatment of pokemon and the protection against pokemon rampages. They were tasked with monitoring the Sculk situation. With their 'no bs' attitude, you'd think they would have no friends with all the goofballs around, but its actually just a front for their pure sarcasm.
Joe Hills-
A member of HEP who came from distant lands, wont tell you exactly how or why but will spin fanciful tales of adventure. Actually under arrest for breaking pokemon out 'illegally' in his original region. Protected by HEP now, at least for a while.
A field expert HEP member, usually taking care of water based missions. He is close friends with Keralis and beef, often teasing that he could defeat their regular teams easy. During a mission to investigate Sculk along a beachfront, he goes MIA. He is eventually found stranded on an island with all his pokemon fainted, talking to a volleyball with Keralis's face on it. He is fearful of the man after being haunted by the small volleyball child.
The last member of HEP, hard to spot and even harder to understand in a conversation. Smart enough to be offered a spot as a professor but denied it as he 'doesn't want his creativity limited.' Takes care of the technical aspects.
Former Champion, held the title for many years before willingly giving it over to his apprentice. He is many peoples spark for wanting to be a trainer, and he is still incredibly talented. (Despite Gem's boasting.) Now he wanders across the land to revisit friends and watch the youngsters train.
Current Champion! Rumored to be Etho's sibling or otherwise related she takes great pride in her title. Known as GeminiSlay, her pokemon are ruthless, mostly tanks and quick attackers. She often worries about how the public compares her to Etho despite their obvious differences. She takes care of her gym leaders, but always looks for opportunities to drop in for surprise battles, especially with Pearl and Joel.
Very close with Pearl, former water gym leader but retired the position to her after she defeated him. Now he takes joy in annoying the other gyms and assisting Mumbo is his research. Still an expectedly powerful trainer. Snail, marine biologist man, surprisingly smart. Goes mysteriously missing during the Sculk breakout, and is found stolen by one of the legendaries of the region (the Watcher.)
BdoubleO- Grass
Disgruntled about being the first gym leader faced, but takes great pride in wowing the trail-goers and being a difficult first challenge. He takes excellent care of his gym, and enjoys his trail. He claims to be the only Gym leader who defeated Etho. One of the longest standing leaders. During the Sculk infection, he helps to maintain a safe area and contact Etho for help.
Pearl- Water
Takes excellent care of her pokemon and it shows, they are fiercely loyal and in tune with her. Sometimes seeming to move as one entity. Admires Gem for her determination and skill, the pair have a joking rivalry. Also very close with Tango, she likes having the upper hand in battling. She pushes Tango to train his pokemon better against water types. She leads the search for Grian when he goes missing, facing off against the legendary by herself.
Tango- Fire
A bit hot-headed, he can sometimes gain a one track mind when it comes to his projects and forget about his responsibility as a gym leader. He created his own trail, and ensured it was as far from the scorching flames the trail-goers would expect (Decked out themed.) Close to Zedaph, and often helps in HEP contraptions. When his dungeon starts to gain a consciousness of its own, he is surprisingly delighted, even if it costs him possession.
Impulse- Rock
Stubborn, vengeful, and critical he relies on his combined Gym to help even out his flaws. Despite what he considers fatal flaws, he is intelligent, loyal, and protective of his friends which compliment his other half. Like earthquakes he is a powerhouse with his pokemon, often intimidating trail-goers. Although they are very quickly shown otherwise with his welcoming personality.
Skizz- Ground
Overly trusting, friendly, and slack he relies on his combined Gym to help even out his flaws. Impulse pushes him to grow and match his level, as well as not immediately giving up on a grudge. While he calms and grounds Impulse's intense energy. The pair make a deadly duo and are the trial-goers first introduction to the concept of double battles. Warm and welcoming he surprises a lot of people with his demeanor.
Scar- Normal
While normal types seem boring, Scar would adamantly disagree. They have very few weaknesses, and have the potential to learn to many moves outside of their type! A lover of all pokemon trail-goer expect scar to be easy, but are very wrong. His Persian, Jellie, is not as friendly as her trainer. Distraught by the loss of Grian he is incredibly frustrated he cant go to look for his friend due to his wheelchair.
Keralis- Bug
Wide eyed and not that competitive Keralis aims to just have a good time. He showers any trainer who makes it to his gym with compliments luring them into a false security. Despite not being competitive, he is ranked higher than the rest for a reason. Bug types are underrated. Keralis was terrified when XB goes missing, he completely closes his gym to go looking for his beloved princess.
Ijevin- Poison
Goopy spooky guy, takes great joy in being so relaxed and still absolutely destroying people. Stock up on poison heals and hope he's having a good day! He is also one of the original leaders, and has fallen into a comfortable groove and gained mad skills. Overall reliable, and sturdy.
Beef- Fighting
His bulky figure leads most people to believe he is a ruthless fighter, and while this is true, he also has a heart of gold. During XB's disappearance he too closes his gym, strong arming any authorities away as he searches for his friend. He is the one to first find XB, who is fearful of Keralis after being haunted by the ball man.
Hypno- Psychic
A slinking, cheeky figure. No one has ever seen his eyes, and it is rumored that he can brainwash people with his gaze. It is of course not entirely true, but he continues it as it tons of fun watching trial-goers squirm as he watches them. Close with Wels and Ijevin, who takes great pride in making fun of being super effective against his pokemon. One of the older gym leaders.
Welsknight- Steel
What better category for a knight? With speed and tactic he tears down those who get in his way. He takes pokemon battling very seriously, but only because the competitiveness brings him joy. If he wins or loses, he had an amazing time. Although it can be hard to tell, the glare he gives while focusing would make anyone nervous. He plays heavily into the knight bit, people are unsure if je truly believes it (he doesnt.) But...recently he seems a tad more aggressive. And was he always so fascinated with the colour red? The watcher has taken a particular interest in the knight, and is attempting to use him in much the same way as Ren.
(Joel) Smallishbeans-Dark
His sarcastic ease makes most trainers doubt his skills, and he takes great pleasure in watching their faces fall as they realize it is NOT an easy fight. He is not what you'd expect for the Dark element, and he enjoys using contrast to highlight the shadows rather than just cast everything into night. One of the newer Gym leaders, he insists Etho would not get past him in a pokemon battle, and has spent most of his carrer jokingly threatening the man, and trailing after him to beg for a battle.
Iskall- Dragon
With a cackle he unleashes literal dragons upon trainers, likely named something ridiculous (such as The Sweed). He is very close to Stress, and the object of her terror via adoration tiny pokemon. He is also close with Mumbo, yet they drift apart as Mumbo takes on more responsibilities, due to the secrecy of projects he starts to feel resentment towards Mumbo for ignoring him in favor of Grian and Scar. However that quickly changes as the Sculk is revealed and Grian goes missing. Still reminds Mumbo that he wont judge him and wants to help when things get to be too much.
Stress- Fairy
She finds it absolutely hilarious that fairy types are stronger than dragon, and often terrorizes Iskall. Using the 'pretty but deadly' motif she dances circles around her opponents. Her pokemon are absolutely gorgeous! :) She cares deeply for the other leaders, and helps to calm and care for their mental health as the Sculk attacks happen.
False- Flying
The strongest of the gyms she is known as the 'Queen of hearts', as she often destroyed the dreams of those who dared to face her. She is the last hurdle before the final stretch, trainers often get sloppy now and she takes advantage of it. The longest reigning leader, she doesn't seem to want to retire anytime soon. Very close with Ren, but too busy to immediately notice his changes.... She is vital in helping drive off the Sculk, her powerful team helping to clear infected Pokemon and trainers.
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vinlynce · 9 months
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Now here we go... Some of the canon divergent in how they are now characters!
Starting with Kanae! Her original fight with Douma led her to her wings tearing and being coated in ice-like tera-crystals, thus making her have to retire from active duty as one of the highest ranking adventurer of the Wisteria Guild. Now she helps still in the Butterfly Mansion with healing and helping people. Yuichiro! Little guy. The original sparking event in the twins joining the guild in the first place was when as infinity dungeon pulled them in against their will, the two of them escaping in rough shape before being found by Amane. Yuichiro was on the verge of death after this and ended up losing his arm. Though now he works with the Wisteria Guild, even if he is a bit grumbly about it half the time.
Tsutako! After an infinity dungeon "spawned" on top of her with little warning, Herself, Giyuu, and her Fiance were dropped into it and had to get out of the mystery dungeon in some way. Her fiance was unfortunately killed in the surprise attack, but Tsutako managed to protect herself and Giyuu until they could find an exit. Long story short, the pair are found by Urokodaki and Giyuu trains under him in hopes to join the Wisteria Guild while Tsutako heals from her comatose-causing injuries. After enough time has passed she joins the Guild herself under the Butterfly Mansion to try and help others. I imagine she has to have frequent breaks along with some sort of occasionally used mobility aid.
But... There were more who trained under Urokodaki at different times! The most notable of which were Makomo and Sabito. Both were trained by him and tried to become adventurers at different times, Sabito trying to form a duo with Giyuu a while after Makomo had perished. Both being killed by a massive spiteful Muk who had been trapped in the Mystery Dungeon converted to the place where the Guild's final selection for adventurers (those who go after those causing the Infinity Dungeons in hope of stopping more from being created) took place. But... Let's just say there's a specific Pokemon known to be the souls of those who perished with their bodies full of Malice, and the words that Muk spoke to them in their last breaths were to do little more then cause hatred.
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datcloudboi · 5 months
List of Video Games Turning 10 Years Old in 2024
Alien: Isolation
Assassin's Creed: Rogue (the one where you play as an Assassin turned Templar.)
Assassin's Creed: Unity (the one set during the French Revolution.)
Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky
Azure Striker Gunvolt
The Banner Saga
Bayonetta 2
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea (the DLC where you go back to Rapture)
A Bird Story (a sort of spin-off of "To the Moon")
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! (is this a sequel to 1 or a prequel to 1? I forgor)
Bravely Default (in North America)
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (the one with K*vin Sp*cey)
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (to date, the last new Castlevania game to release)
Child of Light
The Crew (going offline at the end of March)
D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die (a wonderfully strange game from the guy that made Deadly Premonition)
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (in North America)
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (in North America)
Dark Souls II
Deception IV: Blood Ties
Demon Gaze
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
Disney Infinity 2.0
Divinity: Original Sin (from the team that would go on to make Baldur's Gate 3)
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Dragon Age: Inquisition (the winner of GOTY at the very first TGAs)
Drakengard 3
Earth Defense Force 2025 (EDF! EDF! EDF!)
The Evil Within (from the creative director of Resident Evil)
Fable Anniversary
Fairy Fencer F
Far Cry 4
Freedom Planet
Guilty Gear Xrd Sign
Hyrule Warriors
Inazuma Eleven (in North America. And digital only.)
Infamous: Second Son (as well as its expansion, First Light)
Kirby: Triple Deluxe
The Last of Us Remastered (just one year after the original version came out...)
The Legend of Korra (the game from PlatinumGames that you can't buy anymore)
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Lego The Hobbit
The Lego Movie Videogame
Lethal League (from the team that would go on to make Bomb Rush Cyberfunk)
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (the third and final chapter of the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy)
Lisa: The Painful (yes, really)
LittleBigPlanet 3
Lords of the Fallen (not to be confused with Lords of the Fallen, which came out in 2023)
Mario Golf: World Tour
Mario Kart 8 (the original version)
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes (the prologue to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, which came out 18 months later)
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor
Might & Magic X: Legacy
Murdered: Soul Suspect (it's like Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, but not as good)
Natural Doctrine
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty! (a from the ground up remake of the first Oddworld game from 1997)
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2 (yes, it got a sequel. I don't know how or why.)
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth
Pokemon Omega Ruby & Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy (the last time that Professor Layton himself was the protagonist. At least, until the New World of Steam comes out)
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Pushmo World
Risen 3: Titan Lords
Sacred 3
Samurai Warriors 4
Shadowrun: Dragonfall
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (the 3rd one)
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments
Shovel Knight (yes, really)
Skylanders: Trap Team (the 4th one)
Sniper Elite III
Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric
Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Steins;Gate (in North America)
Strider (the one from Double Helix)
Sunset Overdrive
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS (or Smash 4 for short)
Tales of Xillia 2
Tales of Hearts R
The Talos Principle
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call
Thief (the reboot)
This War of Mine
Toukiden: The Age of Demons
Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark (this game merged the storyline of the War for/Fall of Cybertron games with the storyline of the Michael Bay movies. I’m not joking)
Valiant Hearts: The Great War
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
The Walking Dead: Season Two
Wasteland 2
Watch Dogs
The Witch and the Hundred Knight
The Wolf Among Us (sequel this year!)
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z
Yoshi's New Island
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theficpusher · 23 days
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gotta catch 'em all. | nr | 957 harry takes louis on a pokemon adventure he won't forget.
Gotta Catch 'Em All by punchmelarry | G | 2259 Louis and Harry are distracted by Pokemon Go, just like everyone else. Louis can't believe how little Harry knows about Pokemon, and Harry can't believe how pretty Louis is.
You Teach Me (And I'll Teach You) by teaandtumblr | G | 3615 Zayn is a librarian who takes pride in the Pokemon Gym that is his workplace. That is, until a certain someone starts making a habit of winning it off him every damn day.
Give Me All Of Your Pokèballs by WritingProseAnythingGoes | T | 5309 "What do you mean by 'my house is on a PokeStop'? No, you cannot come in. I don't know who you are. Now please get off my property." Louis bit his lip in frustration. This dude's house was the closest PokeStop he could find and he wouldn't let him even stand close enough to get more balls. "C'mon, please? I can show you how to play too, you'd like it, especially because your house is dead center with the only PokeStop for miles." Louis begged. The guy narrowed his eyes to slits, scrutinizing Louis closely. "How do I know you aren't gonna murder me or some shit?" Louis sighed plaintively. "Seriously, dude, just let me stand in your living room for ten minutes. I won't even move, I'll just stand there, but I swear to God I'm not gonna murder you. Please." or, a short fic where Louis and Harry fall in love because Pokemon Go is a thing.
Of Thunder and Lightning [series] by gmartini | T | 5598 More than just the Pokémon spark up the battlefield when Niall Squared end up in the Pokemon League Championship match.
Take Me To Your Heart by dinosaursmate | E | 6112 Harry blinked at him for a second, and shit, they made eye contact. “Never gonna give, never gonna give…” the man sang, pointing at Harry to sing the next line. “Come on, curly!” Harry wasn’t sure whether or not to indulge him. He just wanted to go back to sleep, but he knew from experience that sometimes, ignoring lively drunks did not make the problem go away. “Give you up.” Harry replied, before laying his head back against the window and closing his eyes. “Yeah!” The man cried, and to Harry’s despair he sat down next to him. “Had a good night?” “I’ve been working.” Harry mumbled, eyes still closed. “Oh. I’ve got a few days off at the moment, so just been out with my mates. I’m Louis, by the way.” --- London Night Bus AU where all Harry wants to do is sleep, but he has a drunk man singing at him.
here's to never growing up by weddingbells | M | 8195 Every year a ship leaves for Slateport City, Hoenn, carrying excited trainers and Pokémon ready for a new world. Louis Tomlinson hopes to be one of them. He just didn't expect the adventure to start as soon as he gets on that ship, but it does.
pokémon au [series] by dearmrsawyer | G | 22177 Harry gets a part-time job at the Pewter City Pokemon Centre to earn some money for his travels and Louis could not be less thrilled. A Pokemon AU featuring OT5 friendship, the ethics of Pokemon training, and a few possible extra-terrestrials.
Just Me, Him, and the Sun and Moon by SadaVeniren | M | 45502 Alola!! You have formally been chosen to participate in the FIRST EVER Pokemon World Championship Tournament. We have not made this selection lightly and have weighed your many years as a master pokemon trainer and pokemon friend in our decision to extend this offer to you! We hope that you will accept our offer and join us at the Hano Grand Resort on Akala Island! The tournament will take place starting on May 15, but we request that you join us on May 13 to partake in an opening ceremony. The tournament will last two weeks, and accommodations will be provided for you and your pokemon, but transportation to the island will not (so bring a flying type!) We hope you join us!! Professor Kukui --- AKA a gratuitous Pokemon AU featuring farmer!harry, professor!louis, paradise, pokemon battles, love, and the fate of the world
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sunflowerrosewood · 4 months
Imagine.... Lance Confessing To You After You Become Champion
Author's Note: Since my other account @cheekyredwillow got deleted. I am adding some of my favorite fanfictions to this account and revamping this one with new ones. I hope to make an actual list of fandoms I am still a fan of! NO requests for the time being.
On to the imagine. Imagines are short blurbs of a character in a scenario with you.
Imagine you enter the pokemon league with the team of favorite pokemon in the Johto region. You have spent constant months on building a team you would love and here they are. All 8 badges and now the league.
Imagine the nerves you get when entering the league as this is a test of all your hard work. All this hard work is going to pay off. And then you'll see him again.
Imagine your heart leaps in excitement as you thought of the dragon tamer Lance. Lance - the one who helped you throughout your journey from Team Rocket to your gym badges. The many mini conversations you two had about other things. It felt like you two had a connection.
Imagine your team beats every gym leader with ease and you stand at the last obstacle. Lance. The Champion. Your chest is heavy with anticipation and also a bit of excitement to see him again.
Imagine as you enter the Champion room Lance turns to you and you notice a faint blush on his cheeks. He smiles brightly at you. Before you begin, he congratulates you on making this far and being impressed by you.
Imagine Lance's hands are a little shaky as seeing you again sparks the fire that the crush on you had. This anticipation to ask you out but waiting till you complete the League so you could focus.
Imagine you enter your fight with Lance. The battle takes longer than the past ones. Both of you are equally the same level and experience. You two can fight and challenge one another.
Imagine you two are at your last pokemon. A Dragonite on his side and your starter pokemon on the other. You tell your starter to hit a big move as Lance yells a hyper beam. Both moves hit and your starter is the last one standing.
Imagine Lance congratulating you and telling you that you need to put your name in the records. He shakes your hand and holds it tightly to show how proud he is.
Imagine after you register your name in the records as a new Champion that Lance is waiting for you. You are surprised and he is blushing. He stumbles on his words and confesses he has had a crush on you for a while.
Imagine he explains that he did not confess due to not wanting to get in the way of your adventure to become Champion. But now that it is over, he would like to take you on a date. To show how much he has a crush on you. You say yes and the two of your exchange numbers to set up the date.
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spark-circuit · 3 days
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goldennightengale · 2 years
HELLO!!! I saw your post about the symbiote! reader and wanted to make a request!
Requested!character dates a pokemon trainer!s/o who owns a variety of pokemon *you can pick the pokémon* but their Pikachu is always out of his pokeball and following them wherever they are? Like?? Imagine the bickering between Grim and Pikachu?!
Pikachu: Pika pi....PIKA!!!! *cheeks literally begin to spark*
Grim: Shut yer yappin! I, the great Grim, only stole your food because yer was too slow!
Can you do this request with the dorm leaders? If not, you can do it with three characters of your choosing! Thank you so much!
Warnings: slight mention of easing live Pokémon (Appletun), existential crisis (Ruggie)
Gender Neutral MC
Pikachu, I choose you!
You were so close to completing your final challenge. Standing in front of the final Pokémon Gym, you were prepared to risk it all for your dream of becoming a master trainer. Your Pikachu, a sweet little thing you named Poppy after her love for poppy seeds, nuzzled into your cheek.
She was there with you every step of the way. From the day you chose your starter Pokemon, Poppy had been growing alongside you in both strength and determination. She shared your pain and joy, your tears and frustrations, and listened to your stories of your family every night. She was practically a part of your family by now.
So now you stood together at the final hurdle. You steeled your breath and slowly turned the handle to the battle room, slowly pushing through before the ground beneath you shattered. You screamed and clung to your Pikachu, falling through the void into an adventure you’d never imagined for yourself…
Trey Clover
When I tell you Poppy adores this man 
Literally was attached at the hip the second she met him because he made her blueberry poppyseed muffins
Was he trying to use her as an excuse to see you more often?
Don’t worry, he made sweets for you too!
He really likes your Alcremie and Appletun, though he does find it funny you had sweet themed Pokémon in your world
Yes, he is slightly mortified by the fact that children will just walk up to Appletun and start eating it and it would let them do it
Does not understand when you say he looks like a Shaymin
Rook Hunt
Poppy unintentionally started a never-ending game of hide-and-seek with him and even now you don’t understand what is happening
She can find Rook no matter where he hides and he loves it
It’s like when a cat stares into a corner at something you can’t see
They have fun and you don’t really mind (though you do get spooked occasionally)
Gets along best with your Decidueye and Froakie, though your Eevees feel a bit nervous when he’s around too long 
He mentioned their tail fur being quite the rewarding trophy and now they kinda fear him
Ruggie Bucchi
Poppy and Ruggie are now partners in crime
She loves when he gives her a portion of his spoils and he is grateful for Poppy’s small size
Great for getting into those hard-to-reach snack dens certain Savanaclaw students make around the campus
Poor you having to clean up their mess and apologize for your little thieves
He adores your Mightyena and Zoroark and definitely gets them involved in the shenanigans 
Has a slight crisis over you owning a whole ass HYENA POKEMON
Howdy, hey! Sorry for this being such a short post. I have been a bit drained from writing so many things and the fact that I haven't been too involved in Pokemon gave me quite a struggle while writing this request. I hope you enjoyed it regardless of the length, and maybe I shall rewrite this to better suit your request.
I hope my work fulfilled your fantasy! - GN
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thatsadbietch · 7 months
The Legend of the Glowering White Grimmsnarl
Crow's Tickletober Days 3 (full moon), 9 (payback for a scare), 18 (camping), AND 28 (woods/forest)
Warning: Tickle fic! And mild cursing.
After a long day of adventuring, you and Arven settle in for the night. Rather than the comfort of your dorm room, however, he takes you camping and shares some interesting folklore.
“There! All set!” Arven stated proudly, having finished pitching the tent, your and his sleeping quarters for the evening.
“You know, we probably could have made it back to the dorms before dark,” you mentioned, “so we wouldn’t have had to camp out here all night.” 
“Even so,” Arven replied, crossing his arms, as if he were disappointed in you saying such a thing, “now we can cook over an open flame, which will always make food taste better!”
“Did it have to be in Tagtree Thicket though? At dusk?” You looked around the forest and noted how dark it was getting already, the trees no help as their leaves and branches shielded much of the sunlight from the ground below them.
“Aw, you scared, little buddy?” Arven cooed, half-teasing, half-concerned, messing your hair.  You never asked him to fill this big brother type role, he just kind of inserted himself there: always making sure your team was healed after Titan battles, feeding Miradon, looking out for you in general while never losing sight of his own mission.
“N-no!” You swatted his hand away, “I just know the Mimikyu and Impidimps come out more at night.” Arven released Mabosstiff, as he usually does when you two took time to rest.
“We’ve fought nearly all the Titan pokemon, we’ll be fine! And besides, it’s your first time camping out here, yeah? I plan on giving you the full experience!” You rolled your eyes, kneeling down to build and start a proper campfire… giving up shortly after rubbing sticks together and seeing no sparks.  You ended up releasing your Armarouge and asking it to help light the fire.
“Thanks, Armarouge.  Since you’re out already, do you want to enjoy the full experience of camping with us?” you asked, with air quotes.  The pokemon nodded curtly and sat close to you.  It was familiar with Arven from fighting alongside his team in Titan battles and enjoyed his and Mabosstiff’s company. Arven chuckled at your sass.
“Just wait.  Now that there’s finally a fire going, I can start cooking!”  You noted Arven pulling out his supplies, though it didn’t look like he was preparing sandwiches this time.  You watched him retrieve a small pot and rice from his bag, along with several other ingredients and spices. He was too zoned-in on his craft to notice your confusion, so you merely watched him work.  He didn’t use measuring utensils, but was still meticulous about which ingredients and how much he used, his concentration not faltering once.
“I wonder if his face will freeze like that,” you commented out loud, mostly to yourself, but your Armarouge heard and seemed to be amused.
“Aaaand, done!” Arven announced, presenting to you and Armarouge with a bowl of curry before sitting down across from you with his own and Mabosstiff’s serving.
“Not your usual, Arven,” you pointed out, blowing on a spoonful to cool it off.
“Yeah, I went outside the box for your first camping trip.  You’re welcome, little buddy.” Arven mused, clearly proud of himself. “Curry is super popular in the Galar region.  If they can do it, so can I.” And he did it well, as he usually did with all things cooking.  You’d never tasted a meal of his that you didn’t enjoy.
“You REALLY outdid yourself this time, Arven. I might not be able to go back to sandwiches after this,” you teased, and Armarouge murmured in agreement.
“Don’t get too used to it, some of these ingredients are from Galar, and they weren’t cheap. But you’ve helped us out a lot so… I’m happy to.” Your teasing smirk turned to a genuine smile, looking at your friend and his companion pokemon.  While Mabossiff was still in no shape to battle, he was leaps and bounds better than when you first met him.
Arven looked up toward the sky and grinned.  “How fitting, the moon is full.  You know what that means, don’t you?” You and Armarouge set your empty bowls down and looked at Arven quizzically.  
“I guess not. Well, I promised the full experience, and no camping trip would be complete without telling you the Legend of the Glowering White Grimmsnarl.” 
You couldn’t help yourself: you burst in cackles. “Thahat sounds ridiculous!”
“I’m serious!”
“Okhahay, okay, please enlighten us,” you settled, nudging your Armarouge that was making breathy sounds that could be interpreted as chuckles.
“With pleasure,” he began, his stoic demeanor on the subject only weakening your ability to keep a straight face.
“The legend tells of a Morgrem, shunned by its fellow Morgrem and Impidimps for having white hair instead of black.  Its white hair was so bright, even at night, that it was always seen by both predator and prey, making hunting difficult and risking the safety of its herd.  One day, it was chased out of its herd, forced to wander Tagtree Thicket all on its own.”
Your chortles and looks of amusement faded, letting yourself be immersed in the story.  Armarouge placed a protective hand on your shoulder and scanned the forest around you.
“The Morgrem fended for itself pretty well, considering the odds against it.  That is, until one night, there was a huge, bright, full moon, a lot like this one, actually.”  You looked up, and even through the trees you could tell the moon was at its full glory, and seemed huge in the sky.  
“The moonlight was so brilliant that night, that the Morgrem’s hair appeared to radiate with it.  But it had no more food in its shelter, and had to go looking for more.  That’s when a gang of Spidops ambushed it.” You felt yourself scoot closer to your Armarouge.
“It was no match for the horde of Spidops, not by itself.  And just when it thought it couldn’t take anymore, a huge glow enveloped the entire thicket.  The neighboring town’s residents at the time swore it was as bright as daylight in the middle of the night.  Turns out, it was the Morgrem, evolving into the biggest, strongest, and nastiest snow-white Grimmsnarl ever known.  Not only did it fight off the Spidops, it found its old herd and drove them completely out of the thicket in a terrifying rage, along with any other pokemon that got in its way.  So from then on, the Grimmsnarl’s white hair was no longer a give-away, but a warning to the pokemon and trainers that wander in the forest.  Especially when the moon is full, since it's said that’s where it draws its unfathomable strength. And, if somehow you miss its brilliant white hair in the moonlight, there is no mistaking its guttural, earth-shattering cry…”
You latched onto Armarouge and elicited a frightened, piercing scream, while Armarouge, holding you steady with one arm, readied the other one to defend against what it thought was going to be a gigantic white Grimmsnarl.  However, after a beat you heard Arven breaking into hysterics, and opened your eyes to see not a gigantic white Grimmsnarl, but a Toedscruel.  More specifically, Arven’s Toedscruel, walking back to his trainer, making a deep chuckling sound along the way.
“ARVEN! YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF US!”  He almost didn’t hear your scolding over his own laughter.
“Ithihihit was sohohoho gohohohod! Youho should hahave seen your fahahace!” You huffed, feeling your face flush.
“Aww, come ohohon, little buddy,” he said, starting to calm down, returning Toedscruel to its pokeball, “Scary stories are camping staples! And the moon is full, I couldn’t waste a perfect opportunity!” You sighed as your heart rate returned to a normal pace.
“Okay, okay, you had your fun, I’ll take your apology now,” you spat, still in a pout. Arven, seeing this, chuckled again.
“I’m not apologizing, it was a story! That’s what you do when you go camping!” You glared at him, knowing he meant no harm, and was just having a laugh at your expense.  Well, if it's a laugh he wanted…
“Don’t make me make you apologize, Arven!”
“Oooh, I’m soooo scared,” Arven mocked, “What are you gonna do, call the white Grimmsnarl on me?”
“I don’t need the white Grimmsnarl,” you stated, “I have Armarouge.”  You looked past Arven, who was confused for a moment before your ever-loyal pokemon grabbed his arms and pinned them behind him.  Arven jumped, obviously never noticing Armarouge creep over, and tried to stand and break its grip, but Armarouge wasn’t one of your strongest team members for nothing.  
You stood and strode over menacingly, fingers taking the form of claws.  Arven seemed to get it now, and struggled a bit more spastically.
“N-now little buddy, let’s not be hasty, it was all in fun, wasn’t it?”
“Oh, it certainly was, we liked your story for sure, right Armarouge?” 
“Ar, mar,” it replied, tightening its grip on Arven.  You reached Arven and placed your “claws” on Arven’s already shaking belly, an involuntary smile starting to form across his features.
“But if it was a laugh you wanted, you could have just asked.”
“Th-that’s nohohot what I said- hehehehe, nohohoho lihihittle buddy!” He giggled, as you wasted no time gently scribbling and skittering your fingers along the young chef’s midsection, a yelp escaping after you slipped a hand under his shirt to reach his bare belly.
“Wahahahait, nohohoho!” Arven gasped, still trying to free himself from Armarouge’s grip.  You looked up to your companion pokemon, and could tell it was just as amused as you were.
“Should a cook’s stomach be so sensitive?” You teased, watching your friend’s reactions, and still futile attempts to keep his composure. “You’d think a cook would need a hardened stomach, since you eat all kinds of different food.” At that, you skittered in and around Arven’s belly button, to which his laughter positively boomed and kicked his legs out, almost kicking you.
“LIHIHIHITTLE BUDDEEEHEHEHE! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHERE!” He thrashed, but Armarouge held firm, even when Arven’s head was thrown back against its chest in ticklish agony.
“Not where, heeeere?” You dragged, wiggling a finger in his belly button while your other hand still scurried up and down his sides.
“NAHAHAHAHA, DOHOHOHON’T! BWAHAHAHA!” If there were smaller, curious pokemon close by, Arven’s boisterous laughter probably scared them off.  
“Shhh! Arven! The Glowering White Grimmsnarl will hear you!” You continued to torment, backing off of his weakest point to instead test another spot against your ticklish grip, suddenly squeezing the tops of his knees. His booming laugher calmed to a bubbly cackle, which was honestly quite adorable.  
Now that you thought about it, you had only just recently begun to see Arven smile, due to the hopefulness he had for his companion.  Oh, Mabosstiff! You turned and realized he was watching the whole interaction, tail wagging in approval.  Arven followed your gaze to his dear friend.
“Mahahahabosstiff! Dohohoho somethihihing!” And, at his trainer’s command, he did get up to do something.  That something being nuzzling his snout in Arven’s ribs.
“I think he likes seeing your smile! You don’t do it enough, you know,” you “scolded,” and Mabosstiff offered a “rrrruff” in Arven’s underarm as if to agree.  This only deepened the blush on Arven’s face as his giggling somehow got more bubbly and boy-like, almost making you forget that he was actually your upperclassman.
“TRAHAHAHAITOR! BOHOHOTH OF YOU!” he sputtered, not trying too hard to escape Armarouge’s grip anymore, whether out of giving in or exhaustion, Armarouge couldn’t tell.
“Aaar, ma,” it said, in a tone you recognized as one of concern.  You waved at Mabosstiff, getting his attention and ceasing his attack on his master’s ribs and underarms.  Arven caught his breath as Armarouge continued to hold him for support.
“Are you good, Arven? I’ll take this over an apology any day,” you jested, Arven chuckling now of his own accord.
“You got me pretty good, little buddy, I’ll give you that. I’m okay, now, Armarouge. You can let go.  I would thank you, except you’re also to blame.” Armarouge made that same breathy sound from earlier, recognized as a laugh, and walked back in your direction.  Arven hunched over and rested one of his elbows on his knees, catching his breath. He had the other hand on Mabosstiff, patting the top of his head.  He stood after a moment and looked at you, chuckling again and shaking his head.
“I’m going to bed.  A monster worse than the white Grimmsnarl got to me.  You’ll get yours, little buddy, you’ll see.”
“Sure, sure, whatever you say.  I think I like this camping thing, but I’ll turn in, too.  Maybe you can tell another story?”
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ask-mysterious-muses · 4 months
"I'm OK, really!"
Updated character reference for Aevery
UPDATE! Added Mega Keystone Hairclip post ch 15
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Name: Aevery Lumin
Nicknames: Little Dove (Karen), Clover (Marianette), Aev
Age: 10
Residence: Terajuma (Unofficial), League HQ
Gender: Male (He/They)
Orientation: Friend
Occupation: Pokémon Trainer, Interceptor, Ace Commissioner (Unofficial)
Family: (Mom) Nancy [Unknown]
Good Traits: Strong Trainer, Resourceful, Great at making friends
Bad Traits: Can be too trusting or forgiving, Will run head first into danger whether he scared or not, Literally 10, Poor sense of self worth
Interceptor trait: Healing
Likes: Libraries, Adventure, The color green, Shenanigans
Dislikes: Arguments, Betrayal, Death
Extra: Has nightmares that get more frequent and more vivid as his journey goes on. Able to communicate quite well using facial expressions and body language to make up for non speaking, but when he gets real emotional, it's like flipping a switch and all he can do is talk. Started to make more of an attempt to be conversational after a certain Terajuma sidequest.
Main Team:
Echo (Rowlet ☆)
Sylveon (Mom's Sylveon ☆)
Daniel (Chandelure)
Sparks (Boltund)
River (Walking Wake)
Billy (Banette (Can Mega))
Extra Details:
Aevery thought he was just a kid moving to a new region with his mom, looking forward to meeting new friends and pokemon. Now, so much of what he knew was a lie, and he doesnt know exactly who or what he is anymore.
With a journey full of tragedy, miracles, and mystery that gave him more questions than answers, he can only try to keep his head held high with hope that he can save the future for his friends. Even as his own future, and past, become more uncertain, he can't let them know how scared he is.
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thelocalmuffin · 6 months
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Hello everyone! I wanted to share my accomplishments in 2023 before the year ends with a little bit of self reflection notes. You can enjoy everything in the read below.
Some fandoms highlighted include DGS, nintendo, and pokemon.
First off, this year has been hard for me. It's been a lot of self reflection and figuring my goals out after some became unattainable.
With that being said, I did accomplish a lot this year. I published my first recipe in a zine, finishing my first zine, improved my writing a lot, and picked up drawing once again. I also was able to get some actual help with some issues I have struggled with for years.
I want thank you all for your support. It means a lot that you enjoyed my artworks, writing, and ambition. Now here are my highlights for each month.
January: Foxtrot - An Asoryuu kitsune AU. One of the stories I took in when I was at my lowest last year and sparked a lot of my interest to keep writing. Plus Kitsune Kazuma.
February: Encore - A hassius story about motivation and being patient about the creation process. Though this was more or less my thoughts on this topic in general, this story literally inspired me to take my own advice and pick up drawing again.
March: The Memories that Lie - This was one I actually finished, but am glad I did. It's an asoryuu vampire story I was actually planning on scrapping, but ended up finishing anyway out of sheer stubbornness. To finish it, it took me completely restarting five chapters, but it came out a lot better than the original draft had mapped out.
April: This is when I took my hiatus and started to draw again in my free time. I was worn out, stressed, and collapsing under the pressure. This was my first piece that I posted.
May: Was a huge month for me. I launched the @blossominglovezine that you can enjoy here and published my first recipe in The Grand Adventure to Make the Perfect Cake for the @tgaacspringzine
June: I made my first icon! I was really busy this month planning for the trip of my dreams and doing some irl side work that ended up being permanent employment.
July: So I went to Las Vegas for a foodie tour. When I had a moment, I decided to draw the lovely Unicorn Goddess outfit.
August: This is when I did the Timmverse art study. This month was more of finishing up some logistics of zine work and getting a story out in the wild.
September: Goes to the Princess Peach Showtime piece I did! This piece really cemented my current style. And yes, I keep calling it Princess Peach Spotlight. Also wanted to mention I helped successfully launch the @dgscrimezine
October: Goes to my OC piece. CW for blood, but this piece was made for Halloween and the shading was really on point. I love this design for this OC.
November: I'm going with the fact I completed a ship week, asoryuu week. I got everything done at a reasonable time and was able to create so many fun pieces. 1 2 3 4 5 7. I had to skip day 6 because I ended up having an emergency. I also started pre-orders for my first for purchase zine, @desire-asoryuu-zine. This is still in pre-orders, so I wasn't sure if I was going to add it, but this is a big accomplishment for me.
December: I actually haven't been able to do much this month due to the holidays and getting distracted by Pokemon DLC, but I did draw this super cute Yuma!
Other highlights do include being accepted to multiple zine projects as a mod and contributor, which has been very exciting for me. You can check out that list here.
This upcoming year, I'll be helping with more projects and the @aawlwminibang events! I really want to do a personal project that I've been building up my skills for before pursuing, but now I think I'll be able to handle it. I won't announce it yet since it's still very much in development, but I hope I can in 2024.
Thank you all for your support this year. It has meant a ton.
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