#speaking of which the beings just regard gender as it being a Thing. they guess they have one. do they care? nah
altblock-tm · 1 year
OC Fact #50
I dunno I'm having gender thoughts. So here's the gender of almost all the characters in Ambivalent Souls
Maroon: he/they, Doesn't really want to use a specific label.
Zerie: he/they/she, Demiboy
Krystll: she/her, Cis
Hare: Gender? Um, yeah, he has one. He's...not sure what it is. He goes by he/him pronouns but using other pronouns for him makes him happy
Midnight: She/they, Demigirl (just like me fr)
Xosi: They/she/he, Genderfluid
Feil: They/zey, Agender
Nova: He/him...I dunno all eldritch beings just kinda decided their gender when they were first formed. Not really cis but he is in his mind. Cis+ but if stargender is a thing he'll get really excited about that
Thirio: He/they. What do you mean people have names for what gender they are.
Attakai: She/her but she's okay if you accidentally use the wrong pronouns for her.
Tsumi: He/they. Leaning more toward a genderfluid label. Doesn't quite understand what gender is but yeah, they have gender. No, they are gender.
Vipsi: They/she/he. Gender? What's that? Who cares? Yeah they have pronouns. Do they care which ones you use? Absolutely not.
Epithymia: They/them, somewhere in the questionable Agender spectrum.
0 notes
a-bit-of-a-queer-one · 10 months
I loved Wild Blue Yonder, I thought it was a great episode. But if I see one more person proclaiming that the Doctor saying Isaac Newton was "hot" made the character "finally queer", I'm gonna set fire to sth.
For one thing, since they changed into a woman, the Doctor has, depending on one's definition, been canonically genderfluid/trans/nonbinary/genderqueer. That was made even more explicit last week in Star Beast. So saying that the Doctor as played by a man and using he/him pronouns calling a man "hot" somehow made the character queer is stupid in and of itself.
And secondly, the Doctor has long been regarded as aro and ace-coded by people of those communities and guess what? Aro and ace people really do exist and we are queer. And it would be lovely if other queer people could stop excluding us by saying that characters who provide what little, mostly accidental and incidental representation we get "become queer" by expressing same-sex attraction. It happened with Good Omens and it seems to be happening again with Doctor Who and I am so fucking tired of it
Edit (6th Dec 2023): Several people have pointed out in the notes that there have been quite a few instances of the Doctor ambiguously or indeed unambiguously expressing 'same-sex' attraction and exploring their gender identity/identities in the past, both in the show and in extended media. I just wanted to be absolutely clear on the fact that I was in way trying to diminish the importance of those moments by emphasing the aspect of asexuality and aromanticism in my post. That is not to say that I think anyone was implying that I was doing that, in fact everyone's been lovely (which is why I also wanted to thank everyone for their input, I learnt a lot, especially about the novels!!)
Of course, as an asexual, aromantic and agender/nonbinary person, that is the lens through which I watch the show and relate to the character of the Doctor. This does not make my reading of them any more or less valid than anyone else's. In fact, I absolutely love the fact that the Doctor is a character who speaks to people of so many different queer identities and I am so happy that RTD is exploring their queerness more explicitly, building on what he and so many other writers and also the actors have already established. I just hope that the fandom will respect the aro and ace aspects of the Doctor's queerness the same way they do their gender identities and other sexual and romantic orientations. Part of the reason I was initially quite worried about this was because of my experiences in the Good Omens fandom, particularly post series 2, as indicated in my original post. The other is that I doubt the show will explore the aro and ace aspects of the character as much as they may other queer identities - unfortunately aspecs have a history of being left behind in this regard...
But we will see, maybe I'll be proved wrong! For the time being, I just hope the queer community can celebrate all the different facets of the Doctor's undeniable queerness, including the aspec ones. And as the reactions to this post have been overwhelmingly supportive (I don't think I've seen a single outright negative response), I think this hope is far from unfounded.
(Sorry, this edit turned out to be longer than the original post...)
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donutz · 4 months
Denji x 2000s! reader
Oh hey guys 😛
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☆ Warningz - Not really a warning, but reader is gender neutral, though they dress feminine-like within the hotter and colder days, just more covered up on Winter and Fall. Just kind of giving the reader a specific style.
☆ Genre - Fluff ofc, romantic too (^_-)≡☆
@( o・ꎴ・)@ “Woah! Your shorts are.. Super short!”
“... Yeah, it’s 85 degrees outside..”
“It’s just.. I’ve never seen you more showy clothes..”
“You just dress so differently on the colder days..”
“Like um… Like grunge I think that’s what you call it…”
“Do you wanna come?”
“Huh! Oh yeah!”
Denji rushes over to you, excited to follow along with such a cool person.
“Did you shower?”
“Go shower Denji.”
He groans, keeping his unsatisfied sounds in his mouth. Then he slowly walks over to the shower, his slouched back showing he wasn’t happy.
After 5 minutes of waiting, he came out.
Of the shower I mean.
You see his body covered with a towel, meaning he just got out.
You disgustingly squint your eyes and yelled at him to actually wash instead of soaking in water.
“ >:(” Though he frowned, he did listen.
He really wanted to go shopping with you.
After 15 minutes, you assumed he used soap this time. But you don’t want to risk it, so you give him a smell inspection.
No, not in a weird way, just to make sure that he actually washed.
“Hm. You smell clean, did you put on deodorant?”
“Yeah! I remembered this time!”
You start to feel his hands, wondering if he put on lotion.
“Oh wow, you remembered lotion too?”
“... Uh yeah! I did..” His delayed reaction makes you doubt, but his soft hands say otherwise.
You look up at his face, detecting for any lies, but you could only detect distraction from your intertwined hands.
A deadpan appears on your face, before you give him a hug.
“Good job, just work on that washing with soap part yeah?” You whisper in his ear,
“.... Uhhh, yeahh…” He grows more astonished as he realizes your hugs are.. Well, for real!
You pull back while putting your hands on your hips, looking at a sleeping Aki and Power.
“I think Aki can handle her, maybe.”
“.. Ya think Aki will be mad at us?”
“Mm probably at you, but not me. I’m not sure why though, guess I’m just the favorite.”
“I’m glad I’m not.”
While walking over to the store, because driving would be too much in Tokyo, nobody disturbed you, as in talking to you.
You could hear the ‘quiet’ whispers of how ‘indecent’ you dressed as a teen.
Mind you even if the shorts are above your knees, your behind isn’t being shown, at all. The only other thing was a short sleeve, along with pretty accessories of course.
Denji frowns at the speech the old men and women speak, leaning to your ear to whisper—
“These oldies are saying a lot..”
“Leave them, it’s just old people being old. Always so judgemental to younger audiences.”
He looks at your face, surprised how well you took that.
“Woah, are you rich?” (He said this because of how you grouped your words together in that, ‘rich-like’ sentence).
“... Denji— we live in the same home??”
“Oh yeah!” He laughs.
You two arrive at the grocery store, getting what Aki said to.
“Can you get me some carrots, broccoli, and rice?”
Denji salutes in some way, stomping down his foot and rushes over to the sections regarding veggies and grain.
He’s cringey but it’s okay because it’s Denji.
You collect up on some waffles, milk, and a few stickers for Power.
It’s been 2 minutes, which doesn’t seem long but it is, as you two are in quite a small store.
You look in the aisles, but not seeing Denji.
 Finally, you find him sitting down on the floor.
“Get off the floor.”
“There’s no more rice :(”
“Did you find the carrots and broccoli?
He sniffs, “Yeah…”
“Then get up. We can find another store. Or ask if there’s some in the back.” (I don’t know if you can do that or if it’s okay in Japan, please don’t be mad).
“Okay D:”
You did end up getting your rice, with Denji clinging to your side every time you walked, unless you ‘assigned’ him something.
Whenever you were looking at what’s on the shelves, he was hugging you, holding your hand, just loving the affection you gave.
“Thank you for your purchase!” The elder man at the counter said.
“Of course, have a great time!” You responded.
You two walked out, with Denji being bedazzled at your kindness.
“Why aren't you like that with me..?”
“Because you aren’t an elderly man.”
“You were just shaming elderly men like an hour ago!”
“Shhhh, people are gonna shame me if you said that any louder.”
Arriving home, you found Aki scrubbing peanut butter off of the kitchen counter.
While Power was staring at the TV.
Hm.. I think Aki ‘spilt’ that.
A/N|| Uhm, no me posting this doesn’t announce that I’m back for sure. I just got a sudden urge to write, and an idea. Sorry (⌒_⌒;)
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Oka Ruto
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Name: Oka Ruto
Gender: Female
Class: 3-2
Club: Occult
Persona: Lovestruck (Coward)
Overall: +30
Liked: 0
Respected: +100
Feared: -10
Crush: Taro Yamada
Strength: Incapable(?)
Oka is pretty overloved, and I'm pretty sure that this is because YanDev's only goal was to make a "shy girl" character, as well as the "big titty goth gf" character. Of course, I could always be wrong, but in all honesty I'm not even sure why any type of school would promote an occult club, especially considering that the club itself doesn't have too many BIG benefits regarding a normal playthrough.
But enough about the functions, I'd like to get into the ideas for the story. Originally, in the story I wrote so long ago, I stopped posting after I finished Oka's week, although I'm not sure why. But in these chapters, I put to use the demons, the 3rd for bathroom ghost, and every member of her club in a way. This was of course because I desperately wanted them to be useful for something. By all means I'm fine with the supernatural being a canon thing in YanSim, I just never understood why it was there in such an easter egg manner.
I hope that this can function as a decent week(s) to represent her, although it will take a good minute to get all of them done. As of 5/26, I've finished a single chapter and plan on posting it every five students (excluding Aishi and Taro).
I've more details about Oka's relations with her club and such beneath the cut.
Shin is trustworthy, Oka knows that, but if she's not around, he's usually just as timid and quiet as the rest of the club. Of course, she can't blame him or her club for their own anxieties and appreciates his ability to step up whenever she's around, but sometimes it worried her when she was gone. On the note of Shin, though, despite his feelings for her, she can't bring herself to feel the same. It's a great trait to want to protect the one you love and make sure they follow a safe path, but Oka's already anxious enough as it is. Oftentimes, her anxieties are completely unwarranted, and even when they are, Shin treats her as if everything she conspires about is completely true or normal. Oka appreciates this, but she really wish she had someone a bit more... normal, so to speak. More normal than her, more normal than Shin, and more normal than her club.
Which is unsurprisingly where Taro comes in. Taro is a pretty regular guy and holds his own minimal charms. He can tell her when she's overthinking something or when something she comes up with simply doesn't make any sense. Simply because he's normal. Oka loves her club and all of her friends, but with all of the anxiety that's been built up after having believed in this for so long, it makes sense for her to be so exhausted of it. She can believe in ghosts all she wants, but it didn't mean that she had to surround her every waking moment around being anxious about it. That's why she'd like to try to be a little normal. Maybe even leave the club and get together with Taro. Not only to experience a normal friend, but to experience a normal relationship as well.
Supana is one of her friends, as well as her first and best right now. They knew each other outside of school and met similarly to how Budo and Oka met each other- through their parents. While Supana was simply interested in all things supernatural, Oka's parents convinced her that they were 100% real and have bashed this thought process into her head since she was a child. Supana knows this and knows firsthand how anxious Oka can get because of how she was raised. She'll be another one of the more important club members.
As for the 3rd floor bathroom. I assume you can guess why she would have a fear of it all things considered. I imagine she often switched chores with Dora or something at the end of the day but will eventually get caught by a teacher and be forced to clean her assigned bathroom, which in turn will trigger her interaction with the ghost. I don't want to spoil too much, but I will say that Sumire most certainly wants Ayano dead. At practically any cost.
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eirian · 7 months
yall ready for a gender journey post..
so yall could probably guess i grew up a cis girl. i didnt start questioning my gender until high school after i broke up with my first boyfriend which kind of freed me up to explore my identity as my own person for the first time. around age like 16 was when i first started identifying as trans, and at the time that meant a binary trans guy
after a couple years of getting comfortable exploring my gender i decided hey maybe im actually not a binary trans guy but instead nonbinary. still transmasc and guy leaning but not quite all the way anymore. this became a trend for the next loooong while, getting closer to the androgynous part of the spectrum as time went on
then in recent years (maybe about 5 years ago ish) i started to lean more towards femininity. this is significant for me because growing up i was always opposed to it--i hated wearing dresses, i hated putting on makeup, anything "girly" appalled me and i didnt know why. i ended up thinking its because i WASNT a girl, and thats why i was so uncomfortable with everything to do with being a girl. i rejected it so hard because it just wasnt me.
after living with eden for a while i got even more comfortable exploring the feminine part of myself. i started wearing dresses and skirts and actually ENJOYED it; i started painting my nails and wearing earrings again; i even grew my hair out to my shoulderblades (yeah thats where its at now LOL). ive even started using she/her alongside they/them. and im actually enjoying these things??? it feels like after all these years im finally able to reclaim them because i feel like im finally able to be comfortable with my gender--how my gender feels to ME, not to everyone else.
that was the problem when i was growing up--i was trapped in everyone else's perception of my gender and what it "should" be. i was trapped into a box that was made by everyone else's idea of what i SHOULD look like, what i SHOULD wear, what i SHOULD act like, etc. and it took me until age 26 to fully realize that my gender is what i want it to be, not what everyone else wants.
i dont have to be a guy to want facial hair and a flat chest and a low voice. loving pink and dresses and cute things and makeup and jewelry doesnt inherently mean im a girl. pronouns, features, clothes, even names dont inherently mean youre one gender or another. your gender is defined by you and only you and nobody should be able to put you into a box and define your gender for you.
..having said all this, im starting to explore my gender further, and im slowly coming to the POSSIBLE conclusion that i might come back around to being cis (albeit gnc). nothing would really change about me except the label tbh. if i do end up coming to that conclusion i will be very bummed about leaving the trans community, but i wont feel any less attached to it, as ive spent literally half my life as part of it. i understand what its like to be trans and to love myself as my most authentic self, and thats why im considering this possiblity!
identifying as a lesbian kind of pushed me in this direction as well--i cant remember the last time i felt truly comfortable and happy with a label regarding my orientation.. like ya damn. maybe i am a girl who likes girls LOL. it just feels right and natural for me personally??? its crazy. i love women. if youre a woman i love you no matter the flavor. i love my wife more than all of you though sorry <3
but god please dont take this as me being like "oh trans people just need to get comfortable with their gender and theyll realize theyre cis" that is a bullshit take and i am not saying that. this is strictly my own experience and journey! i am 100% not speaking for every trans person and you shouldnt either.
but ya. dan cis era???? we'll see. no official statement just yet but i just wanted to let yall know where im at in my ~gender journey~. until i confirm anything please still view me as a nonbinary girlthing! <3
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sirenesublime · 2 months
Hi! I am currently learners French and I was wondering if you have any tips or something to help 😭😭😭
Hellooo! Learning french for me was definitely an uphill battle and I would say the type of thing that gets harder before it gets easier. Just for context on my personal situation learning French: I took french all the way through high school, studied super duper hard for the B2 exam and then managed to pass. It was through this that I was able to apply to french universities and got accepted at Sorbonne University where ALL my courses are french. Being at a french school, having to read advanced texts practically every day, and of course living in Paris - I reached C1 (and this took me about a year and a half). Please take this into consideration in terms of setting realistic goals for yourself. Here are my tips for fluency:
1.) Read A LOT!!! Through reading you’ll be able to see french grammar in context, the general structure of the language, figures of speech, and of course expand vocabulary. It goes without saying that learning a language is learning a culture - there are many faucets of francophone culture expressed through literature which provide helpful insight for non francophones. Here are my recommendations according to language level.
Beginner (A1-A2)
Le Petit Prince d’Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - this is a stable of french culture and very simple children’s novella to read. A book every French child has read.
Le Petit Nicolas - another children’s book which I think gives really good insight into french upbringing, and primary school experience. I found it to be a stark contrast from anything that I had experienced.
Any thing from Français Facile, as you reach A2 the focus will be more on basic grammar and I find those books to be quite good in terms of the hyper specificity that requires, ie if you’re learning imparfait vs passé composé there is probably a book tailor made for that.
Intermediate (B1-B2):
French translation of originally [insert your first language]. I know this may seem strange, but I think it’s a helpful in between step to see how your language translates into french, and I found generally it was easier to read weirdly?? (As someone who was reading a lot of English to French translations, guess is that since the translation is limited to English lexicon which is smaller than french, the translation itself would be a much simpler version of french lol). This can be any book, as long as it’s at your reading level in your native tongue
L’étranger d’Albert Camus
Le peintre de la vie moderne de Charles Baudelaire
Manette Salomon des frères Goncourt
Magazines, newspapers, journals!! Again great insight into francophone culture and current affairs.
At B2 level you should be able to read anything, so anything you can get your hands on, READ!
2.) Study the grammar. Get it down. All the laborious things (gender of nouns, use of subjonctif, conditional tense, COD/COI, etc, etc) — learn it and master. This cannot be skipped, you cannot cut corners in this regard. Put your head down and do it.
3.) Once you’ve gotten to A2/B1 — speak as much as possible. If there are conversation classes available, go to them. Try to find people online to practice with if IRL is not an option but it is important to practice speaking.
4.) Listen to French music, watch french language films. There’s french music in all genres and music taste is super subjective lol. I personally love the music from the 60s/70s - Jacques Brel, Serge Gains, Jane B, Francoise Hardy, Michel Legrand, Barbara (my recommendations lol). Of course if you’re not into that there’s pop, rap, Afro beats, classical, etc., etc. My favourite french films are Cléo 5 à 7, La Piscine, Le Samouraï, Les demoiselle de Rochefort, La Religieuse, La Chinoise, Plein Soleil— just a few that come to mind. Of course taste is super subjective, so just find what you like!
There are all my tips for learning french (or really any language). Hope it was helpful!!
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tag system below! any other info you need is in my description.
#existenceunrelateds - posts not directly related to the Owl House (most content lately)
#reblog - my reblogs. used in conjunction with other tags.
#re: tags or #re: prev - I'm responding to the tags from the previous reblog. Open their reblog to see what I'm responding to. Also, if a tag is prefaced by ←, that means all the previous tags are from the prev reblog, and all tags following it are mine. I may on occasion forgo the previous tags altogether, and if so, just hit previous reblog. If there are two, prev also uses this system.
#nutdealer posting - posts about or relating to undertale or deltarune, cuz my brain decided it wants to fixate on those. Dw, toh's staying, they just share room in my head, and the nutdealers are taking priority. This tag will not be used in conjunction with #existenceunrelateds, so if you only want owl house content, you can block both. I just don't want to complicate things for myself
#existence is unhealthily obsessed with queso - I rate queso for some reason. Mostly going to be chains within just Florida, or southeastern USA.
#cephaloposting - I just HAAAD to go out and learn splatoon lore and now I'm in fairly deep. tag works the same as nutdealer posting, pearlina is adorable, I'm team Callie, Order and Future, and if Frye doesn't get another win before the game stops having splatfests I'm gonna be pissed. that being said, I like bread best
#carbohydrate before you carbodiedrate - my new mutual/shenanigannery tag. don't ask. I'll almost definitely forget this a ton, so a general rule is if I'm reblogging to talk to mutuals or other people a lot within a short period of time, it'll be there. or if i'm replying repeatedly in the tags. or if spectator brings up bread again.
#negative - this one's been in effect for some time, but it was infrequent enough that I didn't think of adding it. This is not necessarily ANY negative post, more posts that could seriously affect someone reading them. Because of this, a good chunk of Palestine-related posts are tagged with it. Not all of them, though, only the emotionally devastating ones.
#personal shit - Personal shit. Usually doesn't apply to the occasional vaguepost or question, more complaining about situations happening in real life or asking for advice.
#geek figuring stuff out - I'm still pretty young. I won't tell you how young, but young enough that I don't know myself all too well. This tag may contain Gender Confusion, Romance Confusion (Or Lack Thereof), Sexuality Confusion (Or Lack Thereof (??)), Inability To Visualize Confusion (See: Aphantasia), and Medical Confusion (Dehydration, Malnourishment, and More!). Additionally, this is where most nsfw content will go, if it's not body positivity or sex ed. Or me reblogging thirst traps for my lesbian followers.
alright so I'm entrenched in undertale and deltarune, which means I also tend to get homestuck content. I have no idea what the fuck homestuck is about but I know a lot of people love it and a lot of people hate it, so I jokingly tag any posts relating to homestuck with #cw homestuck. this is a joke and not intending to belittle any homestuck fans- I'm an undertale fan, I can't judge.
speaking of, any time I'm tagging posts with warning, I'll usually do two to four variations on #cw [xyz thing here]. I use cw much more often than tw, since it feels more inclusive to any reasons one might not want certain content on their dash. make sure if you've blocked the tw version of the tag, block the cw version as well.
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Regarding accessibility and related things, I try to alt any image I post that is more than like. a cat photo for just my mutuals to see. If you would like me to add an alt to any of my posts, just ask!
I also tend to mess around with unicode a lot, to make fun emoticons or ᵗⁱⁿʸ ᵗᵉˣᵗ (plaintext: tiny text). I'm guessing screenreaders don't appreciate that, so I can plaintext my posts for you if you'd like. Usually these things will be in my tags, though, so it's not too important.
Related: If you notice I've somehow typed a comma in my tags, it's not magic, it's unicode! There's a unicode character called single low-9 quotation mark (U+201A) that displays like this:
It looks exactly like a comma, and it works in tags! Feel free to copy and paste at your leisure, or add it to a keyboard shortcut like I did.
also sometimes I'll use whitespace characters to fine-tune spacing in my posts, for example to make italics look better than whatever tumblr's got going on. for example:
uncorrected: I don't like this (space between don't and like is too short, between I and don't too long)
corrected: I don't  like this (using varied lengths of whitespace characters, spacing is fixed)
tell me if that fucks anything up
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pulim-v · 2 months
I will answer your ask tomorrow on account of the post limit hitting (2 days in a row 😭) but I have oh so many questions about your ocs. Hopefully these aren’t too many I’m just so unhinged about them. It’s like asking a show creator about my favorite show (which doesn’t exist yet.)
Mist - 2,6,9
Rowan - 17,20 (this question will come up more than once it’s so arghhh) 23
Dew - 32,40
Spark - 6,15,20
Fern - 4,11,20,27
Octavia - 29,41
Agate - 20, 22, 10
And 4 Magoo, D and E
Again I’m sorry lmao you don’t have to answer all these if you don’t wanna
I think you can post now lmao it's already hit midnight where the Tumblr servers are
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
I'll say this a lot but depends ENTIRELY on the point of the story we're at. He retains the exact same sense of humor, but post-arc Mist is a lot more comfortable openly laughing (you can see if Mist is actively trying to hide his emotions if you can't see through his glasses and he's blushing intensely)
6. Does your character think laws are immobile or flexible?
Pre-arc Mist is an actual fucking Narc in real life he'd call the cops on fucking jaywalking (in-universe that isn't a thing). Post-arc he thinks they're a little bit more flexible but he still thinks people should ultimately respect the law unless lives are on the line
9. Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
Not really, at least not often. Honestly his first swear word was probably said without him knowing what it meant and he still remembers it, because he's embarrassed both that he said it and that he didn't know what it meant.
17. Are they easily embarrassed?
Not usually, but comments regarding his height (especially ones that say he looks like a kid) really hit him where it hurts
20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do it?
Choosing Rowan for this question is so arng arng arng arng
"I don't get what romantic love is. I mean, first off I don't feel it, but it's hard to conceptualize as well. It seems different than platonic love because it usually involves things like constant physical affection, gifts and dates, though those things are present in families and friendships too. I guess there's the element of sexual attraction, but... let's not get into that..."
23. How does envy manifest itself in them?
OHOHOHO THIS IS A GOOD ONE. With Rowan, envy is mostly hidden away and covered by pride. He thinks he can't be envious of people because he's better than them, he can't be missing things because he's worked harder than everyone else (he thinks Octavia being so gender and so awesome and so amazing is just his head playing tricks on him)
32. Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?
First off Dew is the absolute fucking king of dad jokes almost no one gets a visible reaction out of Mist as easily as Dew. Second off, I don't think so, he probably switches it up a lot in talking about dumb accidents they got into as a kid lol
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
Dew is probably one of the most chill characters in that regard because he doesn't really mind! That itself is a bit of a problem, they don't really care about improving as much as they probably should, but Dew knows their weaknesses and if they really need to they can work on them
6. Does your character think laws are immobile or flexible?
Oh for Spark laws aren't just flexible they're in te fucking way. They're an obstacle that makes research on their thesis incredibly annoying (since they're researching the barely legal wild magic) and something that routinely gets in their way (but yeah they'd rob a bank if Fern and Via really needed the money)
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it first?
Spark probably speaks like I do irl, aka an impulsive mess that cannot go three sentences with a weird expression or curse word. Maaaybe sometimes Spark rehearses what they're going to say, esp in cases like going to get meds for their ADHD, but overall they're too impulsive and "sincere" (aka an asshole) to really put effort into thinking over what they say
20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do it?
Spark.. hmm... I'm not sure? Let's try:
"I haven't really fallen in love with anyone, and for now I don't want to, but I think the difference is the stuff you do? Like with a boyfriend we'd make out and have sex and go on dates, but with a friend I'd just hang out or have lunch together (and with my sister we just send each other video game memes every other day)"
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
Oh it's incredibly easy, don't be openly rude to him for like a week and Fern would trust you with her own life lmao
11. How do they cope with confusion?
Pretends she understands, then immediately looks it up on his phone to actually do so (if she can't, he'll avoid asking again as much as possible)
20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do it?
Fern's a little clearer than Spark (since tbh I have a clearer view on how she thinks about his feelings)
"I think the difference is that, for someone I'm into, I'd want to wake up every day with their hand on mine, and to get married to them, and to have a house together, but with someone I consider a friend, I want us to talk about our crushes, and do homework together, and go out for drinks and just talk about life with her"
27. What causes them to feel dread
3 paragraph text where she's being really vulnerable, not seen in over 3 hours despite the person he sent it to being online
29. Do they usually live up to their own ideals?
Yes! Via's both really hard-working and really responsible, so she actually manages to both set and achieve reasonable goals for herself (whem external factors like a stupid-ass unrequited crush aren't distracting her)
41. How do they feel about children
Loves them, absolutely wants to adopt some when she graduates. *making up lore on the spot* She's an eldest daughter, so she's already kinda acquainted with taking care of kids, but she genuinely likes doing so and would love to have some of her own when she can settle down
20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do it?
Okay it's weird to say this but Agate is a lot less developed than the others so her response is even more flimsy than the other lore I've shared here
"Romantic love is kinda like a partnership I think, it's someone who keeps up with you, someone who you pull when they're going slowly and who pulls you when you're going too fast. A friend doesn't really have that intimacy, sure you help them sometimes but it's not as deep. And with families I think it's kind of a weird mix of the two where there's also more intimacy but you act more like friends"
22. How does jealousy manifest within them?
Oh this girlie is Repressing That Shit, if she's jealous for a reason she thinks isn't valid (aka literally any reason because her suffering is always justified) she's going to pretend that isn't a thing and hide her true feelings until either they stop or she can't pretend anymore
10. What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
"Don't worry, I'm fine!"
D. Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit the way they looked?
Oh I've redesigned Magoo a lot, and he only started giving a design 8 years after I started playing with him. Currently I'm thinking of redesigning him to mess with his proportions and color scheme, but I don't know if I'll actually do it
E. Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Maybe? I'm not sure, I'd like to think that he'd like my ramblings (and that I'd enjoy his cheerful demeanor)
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davekat-sucks · 9 months
"homestuck fans when they see men: i want him to get me pregnant"
wtf which men are we talking about? they are just seen as goofballs at best or hated at worst. ive only ever seen fans fawning over dave, and even then only the imaginary uwu sad softboy they have in their heads or to ship him with karkat. speaking of which, i think a more popular mindset is that some people want to get karkat pregnant, not the other way around lol
ive also never seen anyone talk shit about any of the women except for vriska (fair) or jade/jane/feferi (unfair as fuck, and mainly because they get in the way of davekat/dirkjake/erisol or their characters were bastardized in the sequel). also ive seen more HIC thirst than hate so...
ill use this as opportunity to say that, besides vriska, porrim has the most delusional and actually sexist fans ever. they dont see how the male approved "feminist" has no personality or interests beyond fashion, her sex life, taking care of a man, and complaining about an imaginary patriarchy when her planet is literally a matriarchy and gender roles in a bisexual society where roles are given according to blood caste.
I'm guessing the other anon mean 4chan for male fans. True. Nobody imagines Karkat as top. Even if his ship name is front of something like KatNep, he's still a bottom bitch. That's why most of his ship names end with -kat. That's how much of a pussy he is. Eridan is more of an alpha than he is in that regard. All it matters to fans of Porrim is that she is lesbian like Kanaya. That's even why even nu-fans of Kanaya like her just for that. Nothing about things like moving on from loving bad people like Vriska, relying on herself to take action, or finding better trust in people like Karkat compared to Eridan. It's all about being that hot lesbian gal. She can't even be called the Mom Friend anymore, because having that label means you are suddenly an adult now and it's pedophilia if is you ship someone who is the Mom Friend. Name one fan that remembers Kanaya has an interest in GARDENING. The same hobby as Jade. The only thing that makes it questionable from Porrim is that this is the same caste that the Ancestor Feferi rules over, where all blood caste are supposedly equal or treated the same way. I'm not sure what would Feferi's stance on gender equalities would be. I'm guessing even with the equality still in placed, there's still underlying racism and sexism still around. Perhaps the fact most Jadebloods are female, there is probably still some sexism from other caste who sees Jadebloods reproducing one specific gender compared to other blood colors that have a somewhat balanced in birth rates for both male and female.
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bokettochild · 1 year
The Server Thing
Okay! So...
Someone gave me a link to the server post everyone is talking about and here are my thoughts now that I've seen it
It was badly worded.
I feel like the person who made this server was genuinely not intending to go out and harm other people, but rather trying to share with the LU community as a whole that there is a place you can join if you feel you would belong. Unfortunately I think they were more thinking about people like them and didn't even think about how it would feel to those who are not.
I have done this. I have made this mistake. I can say for a fact that it does not mean that they are a horrible, cruel and harmful person, but maybe just someone who forgot to think about all sides of the situation and thus their actions had the effect of being cruel and harmful.
Granted, I am not this person I do not know their intent.
I think the wording was poor, but I can understand the sympathy that some people in the fandom would like to enjoy content without the need to discuss gender identity and sexuality in regards to the characters, because in some fandoms that sort of discussion can be very alienating and sometimes toxic (hello Voltron).
If I had to guess, I would say this person was not intending to cause harm, just... didn't think.
@alasse-earfalas if you would like, I am open to talk. I think your post could use some rewording, but I appreciate the want to create a place for Christians within the fandom. I do know you've hurt people with your post, but I'm going to choose to believe (until proven otherwise) that it was unconsciously done. Maybe if you want some advice or a sounding board, I could help you to reach out to others without harming those around us in the process.
As for those hurt, your feelings are valid, but lets not jump the gun and start a witch hunt over what genuinely looks like it might have just been an insensitively written invitation. Maybe it would be best to speak to the poster, find out their intent, and maybe (like some lovely folks back when I made the same mistakes) help this person to recognize the harm they caused, but without causing further harm and instead with gentle explanation and open wording. I think Alasse may just be in need of some perspective, which you can can share with them!
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shararan · 1 year
Visual kei, Anime & Arlecchino: a (light-hearted) design analysis.
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While I haven’t talked much about it, Arlecchino has driven me crazy since the trailer for A Winter Night’s Lazzo dropped. Not only is she a welcome breath of fresh air to Genshin’s female cast, but her entire design and every single element of it speaks to one of my greater joys in life, that joy being Visual Kei. And so with the Fontaine trailer out I thought I’d do an attempt at going through what aspects of Arlecchino can be compared to common styling elements within visual kei, but also how they can be potentially attributed to the influence visual kei has had on manga/anime as a whole.
‼️ I want to proceed with the disclaimer that this whole post is only intended to point out elements of Arlecchino’s design which are common style elements in visual kei. I’m someone who has been into visual kei and its other related branches for about two decades, wore the style myself (among other japanese street styles) for a very long time, but ultimately I am also just one nerd raving about why this character design brings me joy. Visual kei as a style is by definition very hard to define as being any singular thing, and so my only intent is to compare for fun’s sake!
(I also want to point out that any potential errors, be they spelling or just wording, might escape my notice as an ESL-speaker with eye problems.)
➻ With all that out of the way, let’s start with a brief rundown for anyone who might not be familiar with the heart of this entire analysis: What is visual kei?
‘Visual kei’ as a term encompasses many things. While there are disagreements regarding the validity of calling it a musical genre, visual kei can nonetheless be summarized as an alternative musical genre and movement from Japan dating its origins back to the 80s. Influenced by contemporary glam rock, visual kei has since grown into its own distinct thing over the years with many various sub branches flourishing alongside it.
The ‘visual’ part of its name is the simple concept which defines it: The style is all about conveying the utmost possible of theatrics and extravagance, and it’s in fact just as important as the music itself. Combined these two things turn into the ultimate visual performance, an experience never to forget.
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The factor which makes visual kei stand out from many other subcultures and genres is the way it deals with gender presentation. Given its theatrical nature, many looking in from the outside might be shocked by just how chaotically gender and expression is displayed.
Back in the old internet days you would occasionally stumble into memes poking fun at how you could never guess the gender of a performer at first glance; If it looks like a man it’s a woman, if it looks like a man it’s a woman and any other variety of that kind of notion. And it’s true! In fact, some of the most famous artists within the genre are also known for effortlessly turning gender expression on its head (Mana, Hizaki to name but two).
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➻ So how does this relate to Arlecchino?
Not only has manga and anime sought inspiration from visual kei bands and artists for a very long time (and thereby influencing a lot of stylistic choices we typically associate with those forms of media), Arlecchino is also designed with that exact type of gender nonconformity all over her!
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Let’s start with her hair:
Her hair is THE most obvious example to trace to visual kei. Not only is it one main color together with separated black sections (a very common dye combination), it’s also asymmetrically styled with typical spray straightened spikes and V-shaped/spiked bangs covering only half of her forehead.
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Some were discontent to find out that she has a long ponytail, describing it as “feminine”. To me this only further strengthened her visual kei vibes, as it’s pulled back and down the back, separated from the shorter parts like a mullet. It’s not uncommon to see artists wearing hair extensions (both matching and mistmatching to the main hair color) in this exact manner, and the few but dramatic accessories she wears around the knot tying the hair on itself only serve to further enhance it.
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Moving onto her face, Arlecchino might at first glance look just like any other anime styled character. However, I want to note that there’s a lot to the details here worth highlighting!
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First off, she wears eyeshadow with very dark and sharp lashes and thin, upturned eyebrows. While there isn’t any one specific way of doing visual kei makeup, the fact remains that her eyes does resemble the typical key features that’s become commonly associated with the style since 00s. Her cross shaped irises also resemble the types of contact lenses some artists use.
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As for her outfit, there are clear and obvious similarities to bands of the late 90s/early 00s: Ornate outer coat with ruffled sleeves, long pants with similar ruffle gathered around the shoes, waistcoat and fancy collar, as well as the highly decorated heels and claw-like nails on her gloves + rings.
While I couldn’t locate a specific picture unfortunately at the time of writing, gloves with metal claws or outright clawed gauntlets aren’t an unknown sight among very flashy visual kei bands.
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This type of overall outfit silhouette displayed is, within the genre, obviously related to Elegant Gothic Aristocrat and western style Romantic Goth. Bands with this type of look might choose (but not always) to incorporate classical instruments and opera like vocals into their sound, as well as put a lot of emphasis on stage performances through the use of props, dancers and choirs. The first major bands to come to mind are Malice Mizer and Versailles, but I’m also reminded of ones such as Megaromania, Art Cube, Phantasmagoria etc.
However, in the case of Arlecchino there’s a somewhat “rugged” air to her overall look, which brings to mind bands during the mid 00s who would opt for a slightly trashier look, as well as a more chaotic heavier, sceamier sound. Leather and latex, shredded sleeves, chains, you get the picture. Bands coming to mind are the GazettE, (Old school) Dir en Grey, D’espairsRay, Born, Saruin, Exist Trace etc. If you combine the two types of flavours mentioned, I also want to mention UnsraW.
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We also gain a peek of her ears between the spiked sections of her hair. While she has very simple style earrings, this of course is another common deliberate choice when styling the hair, particularly for artists whose ears are quite literally fully covered in jewelry.
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While no particular look has any bearing on someone’s role in a band, this specific type of look is one I personally associate a lot with singers and front men. Highly fitting for Arlecchino whose presence demands your attention!
➻ Conclusion
Arlecchino mostly reminds me of bands that emerged and flourished during the mid 00s, but with strong 90s vibes as a cherry on the top. It’s also worth mentioning how aesthetically similar she is to the band Exist Trace, aka the arguably most famous female band in the genre.
It’s an extremely good mesh with the Fatui as the Tsaritsa’s theatre troupe, and its only more than fitting that Arlecchino debuts alongside Fontaine!
Obviously I cannot say for certain whether or not any of these points I made where deliberate design choices on Hoyoverse’s side (not just for Arlecchino but also other characters in Genshin who all have various degrees of the same influences) or if they’re simply a result of unknown influence. The influences visual kei has had on manga and anime cannot be understated, with many mangaka having drawn inspiration from visual kei bands and artists throughout the years (as well as other related but technically not visual bands such as BUCK-TICK and Guniw Tools) .
Many people assume that visual kei and other alternative japanese fashion subcultures drew inspiration from manga and anime, but it’s rather these styles that have served as the influence instead! Numerous bands have even lended their talents to create opening and ending songs to anime series. Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler is an obvious example of a series inspired by visual kei/ouji/lolita/aristocrat fashion and with visual kei bands performing for it.
All in all, this entire analysis is once again only meant to point out the various elements which makes Arlecchino so enjoyable to me personally as a character. Her look with the large coat in the trailer for A Winter Night’s Lasso made me super nostalgic to when I myself dressed that way on the daily, and when I styled it with a very similar jacket I had at the time. I don’t think people realize just how much contact they may have had with visual kei at first, and I tend to point this out often to people I meet when the topic comes up. I guess this was the essay format of that HAHAHA.
All in all, Arlecchino really speaks to me, both from a fashion but also (bi)gender point of view, and I literally cannot WAIT to finally meet her ingame once and for all!
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rotationalsymmetry · 3 months
Im mostly going to drop this because not all ridiculous arguments are worth engaging with. But hey. One more ridiculous argument for the road.
"It's like if someone wanted to come up with a white equivalent of transmisogynoir."
Ok, but "white woman" in a white dominant society (ie most of the people in power are white, there's a cultural history of presenting non-white people as less competent, safe, worthy of protection etc) literally means "a woman who is in the most privileged/societally default position possible in regards to race"
"Trans masc" does not mean "trans person who meets society's expectation of a normal, default trans person" or "trans person who is the most privileged sort of trans person."
Because, sure, cis men are privileged relative to cis women. (Which doesn't mean cis men have no issues special to men. Obviously they do. Men have shorter lives than women ffs. And men with other things going on -- men of color, disabled men, poor men, men with ADHD specifically, etc -- have stuff going on with that that are not automatically the same as or strictly less bad than stuff going on with women in the same situation.) But. Being trans...can't be separated from gender. A trans masc is generally speaking someone who used to move through the world as a woman, and for some trans mascs (like you know, me) still does.
And it's fucking wild to be told "oh, the second you decided your gender wasn't strictly uncomplicatedly just a woman, you became just as privileged as a cis man." That's got nothing to do with reality.
And I mean, I think there's room for nuance there. I think there's room for going huh, maybe I was resistant to some self image stuff that people who uncomplicatedly identify as a woman get. That's pretty cool! But it's not going to affect like my income. Or whether I got my ass squeezed by a stranger walking home from work that one time. Or whether I got sexually assaulted by my first boyfriend. Or whether I had extra medical needs in my late 20's due to a series of abnormal Pap smears. Or whether an ability to get pregnant has very much affected my relationship to sex. Etc etc.
And again, yeah, in some ways it would make more sense to call both things transmisogyny! But I don't think the people who hate the term transmisandry would actually be any happier about that.
As far as I can tell, what they actually want is a nice clean model of reality where they can always tell which group has more privilege than which other group. (So that they can always "elevate the more marginalized voices" and I guess just not ever listen to the people they've pre-decided are more privileged?) Which is...not a good understanding of privilege. And is really bad for people's ability to admit they have more to learn.
As a side note, if you were going to do some sort of riff on misogynoir, it would make more sense to go with black men than white women. But there's a whole history there that I don't actually know enough about to start expounding on, you know? I just see pieces. Black men being seen as dangerous in a way that consistently puts them in danger, and which is very much tied up with the prison industrial complex, and how that in turn also hurts black women, who tend to be stuck with all the childcare and none of the financial support, and with providing all the emotional support for a partner or son or brother or father who's been deliberately isolated from his community. And white feminist circles in the 70's being sure that they didn't have to worry about black women because something about "matriarchy" and black women having a lot of relative power within black communities? I think in retrospect it was just blatant "ugh we don't want to have to care about you at all."
I wonder how many people throwing around misogynoir as a comparison even understand what it means or whether they think it means "black women have strictly worse issues than white women" like, the whole point is that if your misogyny model of the world is based exclusively on white women's data, you're going to be missing stuff.
The point is, listen to more people.
Don't ever assume you know what someone else's issues are. Don't ever assume you're done understanding how the world works.
Anyways, in Meyers-Briggs terms I'm a Perciever if you couldn't tell, and I realize settling into models of the world is important at some point to do things. "There is a strict hierarchy of privilege and marginalization, and it's this:" is the wrong model. "Different people have different issues, there are certain patterns of some people's issues getting ignored more than other issues, it's good to look around for ways to counter that and also if marginalized people work together we're more likely to get what we want" is a good model. I like grounding it in class, that thing that US Americans hate talking about but which explains so much, but I don't think people strictly have to do that especially when they're putting anti-capitalism in the center of the wheel in its place. And for me there also a very strong "people forcing other people to do things is bad, more freedom/autonomy is better" and I don't actually know how you can even come to the conclusion that trans people -- that self-identification -- is a real thing without that.
This privilege/marginalization stuff doesn't exist so people can get "most oppressed" prizes. It exists as a conceptual tool to help us get things we want in the real world. Doctors who use our pronouns, and who know how to recognize medical conditions showing up on dark skin and who don't reflexively dismiss women's health complaints or assume black people don't feel pain as badly. Anti-discrimination laws. Trans women who get arrested getting to be in women's prisons and not men's prisons. (I mean, better to not have prisons at all, but one step at a time.) Higher minimum wage or UBI or both. In the US, student loan forgiveness, free higher education going forwards, and universal health care. Neighborhoods where you don't have to drive to get to the nearest grocery store or hardware store. Disability payments where you can save money or get married without losing your only source of income. A world where non-standard pronouns are normalized and kids grow up knowing they don't have to stick with the gender their parents told them they were. A world where people can walk down the street with any gender presentation holding hands with anyone of any gender presentation and not be in danger. A world where black people and disabled people don't have to worry they'll be shot dead just for existing in public, a world where black people and disabled people can thrive and life full long lives surrounded by a community that values our lives. A world where trans people of any age can get appropriate health care without obnoxious, hostile laws interfering, a world where people who want kids can have them and those who don't have easy access to birth control and abortion.
It's not about being right on the internet. It's about a world that's good to live in. And our main enemies aren't people who are marginalized in slightly different ways or people whose understanding of which groups are most marginalized are slightly different. Our enemies are people who hate all trans people, who hate all queer people, who want white people to be in charge and people of color to be subordinated or possibly be somewhere else entirely or dead. That doesn't mean we can't have our disagreements, some intracommunity conflict is normal and healthy and frankly inevitable. But...we should be seeing it as conflict, as disagreement, between people who are basically on the same side, not do the things terfs do and go "oh, wow, these other women are the main problem, no we can't possibly ally against the enforcers of patriarchy, here's the real enemy."
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kyogre-blue · 4 months
Wuwa exploration continues.
I completed the Dim Forest exploration quest and the first part of the Tiger's Maw Mine quest. The next part apparently needs you to wait some amount of IRL time, so I can't start it yet.
I'll talk about the Tiger's Mine one first. There are two things to bring up about it. First, the translation is notably bad. There are outright mistakes like getting the gender of a character wrong several times, names being spelled inconsistently (Hua xi vs Huaxi, Mo Di vs Modee, etc), and just a whole lot of really strange expressions and sentence structures. It reads like the translator was not a native English speaker. In the modern situation, you might even guess it was done by MT/AI. It really stands out because I haven't seen this elsewhere in the game so far. There was bad voice direction and a few basic human error typos, but nothing like this. Not sure what happened to this specific quest.
Second, an Academy researcher stationed at the mine is mentioned getting into an argument with one of the miners. The reason for it is that the researcher wants to entertain the notion of coexistence with TDs. He admits it's not currently feasible, but he wants to keep the option on the table, so to speak.
This is interesting because TDs do come up very often in various quests, but most of them so far have been about how TDs are very dangerous, no matter their origins (the Bell turtle quest) or that their existence is tragic and perverse, generally the lingering emotions of soldiers becoming monsters that attack their own comrades (main quest, Jiyan quest, Sea of Flames). BUT you also get stuff like people using Gulpuffs very casually for fun and games in Jiyan's quest (also has a moment where you can call some other TDs cute), and the Dim Forest quest, where an important part of the plot is that the researchers are living peacefully with a Hoochief monkey TD. In fact, the Hoochamps are portrayed as being only aggressive and dangerous because they've been infected by the spores.
Very curious about what the long term angle will be.
Regarding the Dim Forest quest, it's actually an interesting comparison to what I complained about before, regarding how the troops are endlessly valorized. This quest is about the efforts of some researchers to stop a dangerous phenomenon. In this sense, it can be paralleled to the Sea of Flames quest. They have fairly similar structures, actually, with an NPC who endangers themselves but learns their lesson and correctly directs their drive to solve an issue.
But I do still think it feels different compared to our brave servicemen and women. Lollo Logistics needed to regain their honor, so to speak, for their failure with the first attempt at clearing out the Sea of Flames, while Senmin needs to return to the fundamental principles taught by her mentor, which she strayed from because of her emotional response to Hoochiefs after the incident. They're not gripping emotional stories or anything, but there's at least something there. I hope the troops get some kind of more... anything portrayal too.
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miiilowo · 2 years
unfortunate happening, we introjected your will and now him and our will (dave)... well they arent fighting... im not sure how to describe the look theyre giving eachother.
anyways id love to learn literally everything i can about your will!
(that and i have no choice but to try to turn this wood block of a will into himself through learning about him.)
ive said will too much.
please and thank you for if you choose to humor me ^^
well, i guess my perception of him is like. 90% based in canon evidence. There's some headcanons, but theyre not pulled out of nowhere, usually being derived from some trait hes shown to have in the books
The two timelines that have piqued my interest regarding fnaf are wendigoon's timeline and matpats (which is . kinda surprising tbh), and while I think matpat's might be slightly more grounded, wendigoon's covers williams personality and motivations in more depth, which is what i generally stick to if you want to take a little peek over there. The rundown, though, is this:
Evan gets his shit rocked by fredbear -> william notices hes in there -> is kinda wrought with grief -> really loves him and wants to bring him back, starts experimenting with the idea of Killing Murder -> sister location animatronics -> elizabeth dies -> he shuts down circus babys pizza world due to 'gas leaks' (its elizabeth dying) -> henry notices whats up, kicks him out of fazbear ent -> he snaps, kills charlie -> goes on to kill the 5 kids at freddys. hands on this time
while i dont necessarily think this is canon, it still sets up the grounds for his personality in my mind, with the main things being that he set out to be a childrens entertainer, loved his kids very much, and when shit gets bad he kinda starts spiraling in the worst way imaginable. Perhaps always a little bit on the .. silly. side when it comes to The Killing Murder, but whatever happened here pushed him over the edge
speaking of silly, he just straight up is that. i mean, you could infer that from the fact he made a chuck e cheese kinda restaurant chain where he'd get in a rabbit fursuit to entertain kids. for fun. his idea. but beyond that, the books corroborate it:
he is incredibly theatric, a good example being the reveal of his springlock scars to carlton; explaining in extreme detail what will happen if carlton fucks up while wearing the suit, very calmly, and then with a flourish he reveals his scars and screams at him to not move. not normal behavior
hes very expressive with body language. this is seen in the books, but it also is very evident when you look at how glitchtrap and vanny move
he says he viewed dave as a role to play over just like, a disguise and alias. i cannot emphasize enough how much he did not need to make up a nightguard oc
he kinda did the same thing with springtrap in the novels, stating he wanted to be a comical over-the-top villain
(theres also like...the fact funtime foxy and spring bonnie dont really.....have solid genders. like in fnaf world spring bonnies blurb is 'boy? girl? its a rabbit, who cares' and then theres funtime foxy having he/she pronouns. these are williams creations. one of them being very close to him, near & dear to his heart. much to consider when you remember he was a dad of 3 in the 80s)
there is always those journals they find in the books. i can let those speak for themselves. the exact description for them: "A search of his house…found stacks of journals full of raving paranoia, passages about Henry that ranged from jealousy to near worship." Do with this what you will
This more so comes from me rather than canon evidence, and is inferred (unless im wrong and there is evidence for it- i dont really own the books) but I generally imagine he was incredibly charismatic. Not in the way where he was charming because he was attractive, but in the way where he was charming because hes just a fucking weirdo. over-expressive theatric childrens entertainer that loves his job? and a businessman, no less? come on now. Though, you could also see the intro bit for sister location where he's being interviewed about circus baby; his voice. his.Voice his bvvvrhrrg
There is conflicting information on HOW he killed the kids thats present; In the ultimate guide (which is, decidedly, more canon than the narrative timeline) it details that the murders were done via telling the kids something and then kidnapping them before killing them, some of which done in..incredibly violent ways. In the novels, it mentions sedating his victims before killing them for use in his remnant research shenanigans.
The difference here is that in the novels, William is killing out of a pure desire to advance his understanding of possession and remnant, and in the ultimate guide he's doing it in a far less calculated and clean manner. It's messier, more violent, and frankly, probably more fun for him.
Generally, when it comes to William, I try to take what I can from the novels, and if it contradicts evidence offered up by the games, I can probably disregard it as canon. This is one of those few situations where i CAN disregard it, because I highly doubt he, in a heat of the moment, passion driven murder, killed charlie because he thought to bring a sedative in his car. (not the mention how the books are dubiously canon and the ultimate guide has more grounds in what is actually real)
I did forget to mention how much I think he did care about his kids; I mean, outside of just that rough timeline I presented, theres a shitton of evidence he DID care about them over the evidence he was abusive or purposefully neglectful. He more than likely had all this triggered by evan's death via fredbear, which says enough in of itself, but theres also the cameras in their house, and the fredbear plushie that has a speaker and a camera in it. No matter where HE was, he could always keep an eye on them, talk to the kid that was constantly riddled with anxiety, and make sure they were okay. idk about you but that doesnt sound like the actions of someone who doesn't like their kids. Arguably, he might have loved them too much, since that kind of crosses over into like...Weirdly TOO watchful, but it makes sense since he was really obsessed with his work.
Baby is also worth mentioning, since we can glean that she was based off of Elizabeths appearance & made specifically for her, but since shes. yknow. a murder robot, William forbades Elizabeth from ever going near her, because he doesn't want her to get hurt. That says enough i think.
also i think his wife either left him or he never had one in the first place and the kids are a result of one night stands gone wrong amen
This is not NEARLY as in-depth as it could be, and if you ask specific questions I can certainly narrow things down more, but as a quick rundown of some of his traits:
Silly :3 Very expressive
Obsessive & jealous
Bit paranoid; Superstitious as well (i know i didnt touch on that but it is corroborated by the books)
Charming in a manner of ways
More than likely got a kick out of killing
Really did love his kids, particularly evan and elizabeth
A good resource for what hes like based off the books is the @canon-william-afton blog, which has been a lifesaver for me personally
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Hi sex witch feel free to ignore this if it’s too much.
I’m kinda very kinky and so is my partner, but recently I’ve been wanting to do a cnc scene, which he’s down for, yet I still feel super bad about it? Is that normal? Is it even normal to want to do this? Or less is it normal and more is it okay? It both seems like something I should be really ashamed of and also like something that it’s completely absurd to be ashamed of? I’m an ex catholic so I kinda have a weird view of what’s shameful and when I should feel bad about something is kinda off, so I thought maybe an outside perspective would be helpful? Anyways in short, is it okay for me to be planning a cnc scene with my partner? Should I feel bad about it? Thank you so much, I’m sorry if this is too much to ask of you or if it makes you uncomfortable or anything like that.
hi anon,
right off the bat I'm going to say that I appreciate your ability to separate "is it normal?" and "is it okay?" as questions. a thing that I discuss a lot here is that it's totally, 100% possible to be okay without being "normal." statistically speaking, for instance, very few people are sexually aroused by inserting objects into their urethra, but that doesn't mean it isn't okay to do so as long as it's practiced safely!
in your case, your interest in exploring consensual non-consent is both perfectly okay and extremely normal. people of all gender identities report having fantasies about forced sex in high numbers, with a particularly high correlation between interest in consensual non-consent and BDSM - evidently, you've experienced that part firsthand!
in regards to your question about whether it's okay and you should feel bad about it, my answers are "yes" and "no, why would you?" you and your partner are planning to act out something morally bad happening in a context which allows everyone involved to opt out and no one actually gets hurt. you don't need to feel bad about this any more than I need to feel bad for creating vicious enemies and stressful emotional situations for my friends' characters in Dungeons and Dragons.
it's make believe, it's pretend. people love experiencing bad things and pain in controlled contexts, and I'd recommend checking out Leigh Cowart's excellent book Hurts So Good: The Science and Pleasure of Pain on Purpose if you want to learn more about that. (the book isn't as sexy as it may sound; a lot of pages are dedicated to eating spicy peppers and extreme marathoners dropping from exhaustion... which I guess actually could be sexy, depending on what you're into.)
obviously this is something that can go wrong and requires a lot of work and communication between you and your partner to ensure that it's something that's safe and enjoyable for both of you, but that applies to literally every sex act. there's nothing particularly immoral or reprehensible about what you want to do here, just be responsible about it.
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le-trash-prince · 4 months
thoughts while catching up on DW season 14 or 1 or whatever
Space Babies:
I'm not like, a baby person, so my enjoyment of this one was just okay because there was quite a lot of babies.
But overall it was fun, it was silly, which I think Doctor Who deserves to be fun and silly. Who doesn't love a monster made out of boogers
I think they mentioned aeolian tones in this one? In regards to the bogeyman radiating fear at the right frequency?
The Doctor leading with his backstory reveal on the first companion trip? That's growth, right?
The Devill Chord:
loved this episode a whole bunch. non-binary villain that consumes music? the world destroying itself because it loses music? I'm into it
for some reason when I started seeing promo headers for Maestro, I assumed they were a gender-neutral version of The Master dgfgf
aeolian tones again
Maestro feels like a Kingdom Hearts design and I respect that
I love seeing the Doctor lean on his life experience and all of his loss and his love as his strength, rather than just being like "Yeah I'm the smartest person in the room."
also I think there were just some really lovely visuals this ep
also Susan??? my heart?? I hope we get to see her I want to see her
yes I do love the sonic screwdriver having control over sound.
the music battle... it vibes with me okay
I do think they overhyped the Doctor's fear of Maestro a bit, when it didn't feel like it was all that difficult to defeat them, but I'm guessing these faceoffs may get more difficult as the season progresses.
unfortunately I think I will be biased against Moffat for the rest of my life, and this was far from his best DW episode.
I used to think he was good at writing kids?? But the girl in this just basically kept saying "Where's daddy?" which felt like a rehash of "Are you my mummy?", but without the creep factor. Maybe it speaks to my ignorance about kids living in war zones (extremely possible), but she felt like a prop the entire time.
I did think the background setting was interesting, but the ambulance causing all these problems also felt like a rehash of the nanobot ambulance from The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
Ncuti gave a phenomal performance though, hats off to my guy.
It's funny, I felt like I recognized the ambulance lady, so I googled Susan Task, and the first thing to come up was articles on theories about her role in Doctor Who, and I was like, "I don't care about theories I just want to know what I've seen her in before," and then it turned out what I'd seen her in was three other episodes of Doctor Who. Hence the theories.
I don't have any particular theories about where Ruby is from, but I would enjoy it if she were a Time Lord (surprise Time Lord never gets old for me sorry)/came from the same universe as the Doctor.
Love how the Doctor is like "I can never take you to that night on Ruby Road because of the paradox you could create" (we know it's gonna happen) as if he couldn't simply go there by himself and just. Ask her mom who she is, but DRAMA, BUILDUP OF SUSPENSE, I GET IT.
Also goddamn Ncuti is so fit........
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