#spiderman txt
lualuabestningdungie · 10 months
Stay | C. Soobin
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Pairing: Spider-Man! Soobin x gn! Reader
Genre: fluff, Spider-Man au, non idol au, coffee shop au
Spider-Man series!
Lua’s note: hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of my Spider-Man series! For now I’m only doing txt, but eventually I’ll do enhypen too!
Warnings: mentions of fights, slight injuries, weapons, might contain grammar mistakes. English is not my first language.
The Night Shift was never your favorite. You were working on Nap of a Star Café, you needed money to pay for your tutoring sessions. While you were working you used your free time to study, you needed to pass your final exams.
It was 9 p.m. and the coffee shop was empty. Since no one was there you decided to open your books and study for a while. A few minutes passed and you heard someone enter the shop. It was Soobin, your friend from chemistry class.
“Hey yn, are you almost done for today?.” He walked towards the counter.
“Hey Soob, yeah I’m almost done, we close at ten. I’m just studying right now, and waiting for any customers.”
Soobin nodded. “You’re studying for chemistry?” He said as he glanced at your opened books.
“Yeah, I need to study for my tutoring session tomorrow, I’m having a review exam tomorrow before the actual exam.”
“I can help you study! I’m good at chemistry, or at least that’s what they’ve told me.” He chuckled.
“Really? I’d be very grateful for that Soobin, I really need help with this.”
“It’s no problem.”
“Oh I’m sorry, did you want to order anything?” You forgot you were the barista of the coffee shop.
Soobin chuckled. “Umm a regular coffee would be okay, please.” You nodded and started preparing his coffee.
“Here.” You handed it to him.
“How much is it?” He said reaching for his wallet.
“It’s on the house, don’t worry.” You smiled to him and he looked at you surprised but he eventually smiled.
“Thank you.”
Soobin felt somewhat mesmerized by you. Everyone, except you apparently, knew that Soobin had a really big crush on you. Everyone noticed how we looked at you and how he followed you around most of the time. You just thought he was being friendly and that it was probably something normal.
Suddenly, Soobin started feeling something, as if something bad was going to happen. It was his spider senses. Usually he could tell that something bad was going to happen with his senses and reflexes, it was very useful for him to prevent accidents and other things.
He looked outside the window and saw a group of men getting out of a Van, they were wearing masks and they looked like they were looking towards the shop. Soobin had to do something. He needed to put on his suit. He didn’t want to leave you there alone, but he couldn’t risk to be seen by someone.
“Um Yn, I have to go now, I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” He said rapidly and left without hearing your goodbye.
This made you confused but you didn’t paid any mind. “Maybe he remembered he was busy..”
Suddenly there was a loud noise. A group of four men entered the front door. They were wearing masks and had weapons in hand. You froze in your place. “What now?”
“Stay there, honey. We’re not gonna hurt you we just need you to give us all the money.” One the men said as he got closer to you.
You stood still, you were to shocked to do anything. You felt like your feet were stuck to the ground.
“Better be quick, you don’t want one of these hurting you, right?” He signaled the weapon which made you even more scared.
“I don’t think that would be necessary.” Another voice talked in the store. It sounded familiar but you were tu busy being scared to think about who it could be.
One of the men let out a bitter chuckle. “Who even are you?”
“Man, I thought it was obvious. I’m Spider-Man! But there’s no time for introducing each other.” You felt a wave of relief when you saw him. He shoot a web towards the guy’s gun making him drop it.
Spider-Man started fighting with the men and you hid behind the counter and called the police.
The fight kept going for at least 10 minutes until the police arrived and arrested the men.
Spider-Man stood there talking to the police answering some questions until you walked outside of the café.
“Are you okay?” He walked towards you. You couldn’t see his face, because of his mask, but he looked like he was worried.
“I’m alright, they didn’t do anything to me.” You shrugged.
“That’s a relief. Are you going home now?” He asked.
“Yeah. I already closed the café.” You were still a little scared about the whole situation that happened just a few minutes ago.
“You shouldn’t go back alone. I’ll walk you.” He offered and you agreed.
“Alright then.”
The two of you walked in silence. Your apartment wasn’t very far from your workplace so it wasn’t a long walk.
“You know, you should probably start faking your voice. You don’t want anyone knowing you’re Soobin, right?” You said as you walked. He stayed still for a second.
“What?! No, no! I’m not Soobin! Who’s Soobin? I don’t know a Soobin!” He started rambling and making up excuses, which made you chuckle.
“It’s alright Soob, I won’t tell anyone if that’s what you’re worried about.”
He sighed and nodded. “How did you figure it out?”
“Your voice. I knew it sounded familiar.” You shrugged and he nodded.
“Well maybe i should fake my voice or something.” He sighed.
“Yeah, you should.”
“You know, I was planning on telling you… but I guess I just didn’t know how. I thought that maybe you would make fun of me…”
“Why would I? You’re literally Spider-Man! That’s so cool.” You said enthusiastically trying to cheer him up.
“You think so?” You nodded and he smiled to himself. “I’m glad you think it’s cool.”
You arrived at your apartment after a few minutes.
“Hey, uh do you want to stay for a bit?” You asked him nervously. You were scared he would found it weird and say no.
“Oh, I’d love too, but isn’t it a little late?” He was right, it was almost 11:30 p.m.
“I…uh, I was saying, you know…umm” You needed to find something to say. “Your arm! I saw one of those guys hit you there, it probably hurts. Let me help you!” You quickly said. You didn’t know why you wanted him to stay, it felt like you didn’t want him to leave.
“Well, it does hurt a little.” He said. Then he agreed and you both entered your apartment. You sat on the sofa and held an ice pack to his arm while he told you stories and things that had happen in his superhero activities.
You forgot about time and everything around you. You didn’t want him to stop talking. You could hear him all day long, and see his pretty smile with dimples on his cheeks. Maybe your heart started to flutter for him that night.
“Thank you for saving me today, Soobin.” You smiled at him.
“It’s no problem. I’ll stay by your side.”
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killrisma · 1 year
Good day to the animators who put the “protect trans kids” flag in the new Spiderverse movie and to them only
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cupcakeinat0r · 14 days
*Visiting Miguel’s lab for the 1st time*
Me: Cool, it could use a woman’s touch tho! /j
Miguel: It’s not the only thing…
Me: What?
Miguel: What?
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miguelo-hara · 2 years
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systemerrorbonnie · 1 year
gwen stacy
TRANS-ica Drew
HRT (Hobie Replacement Therapy) Brown
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werepires · 1 year
Fic in which Mary tries extra hard to bond with Cas to show Dean she supports him and their relationship, except that relationship doesn’t exist in the way she thinks it does and because none of them ever use their words Dean is now faced with the horrifying thought Cas might become his stepdad
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sapphirecherry · 7 months
on the one hand it’s great to see men expressing love openly in their relationships with other men, but on the other peter and harry have 100% explored each other bodies before
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wolfytae-exe · 10 months
hi!! can u do a spiderman gyu smut^^?
Hey!! I can sure try! Cant guarantee it’ll be good-
Genre: smut
Pairings: Spider-man!Beomgyu, Afab!Reader
Warnings: Manhandling, Degradation and Praise, Edging, Bondage, spitting, orgasm denial, overstimulation, cunnilingus, multiple orgasms, squirting, facial, unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it),creampie, mating press, forced orgasm, this was written on multiple occasions so if it sounds like a broken puzzle i apologize.
Note: unedited, i’ve been getting a lot of asks and i’m VERY behind LOL i need to catch up so i cant edit these after writing them. I kept procrastinating this im sorry- it might seem a bit rushed
Summary: in which you confront your boyfriend whose been hiding a secret from you for years
You had been sitting in your bed for an hour waiting on your boyfriend to come over and spend some time with you. All you had gotten was a quick text from him telling you there was a ‘problem’.
You and Beomgyu have been dating for 2 years now, now both juniors in college, and he’s been keeping a secret from you the whole time. Not like you didn’t know his secret already, but when he would text you like this and call his crime fighting a ‘problem’ instead of straight up telling you he was Seoul’s very own spider-man you always felt your heart crack.
You know the man like the back of your hand and he still managed to not trust you enough to tell you. You’ve known since before you both even dated, your crush on him prominent before you even knew.
You would notice every time he wouldn’t show up to class, coming in late or missing lunch after watching a news recording on his phone. He always came back disheveled and flushed, like he had been running or working out. At first you had assumed he had sex a lot, always ditching class to get his dick wet.
But soon after that thought crossed your mind you caught him. You watched him take off the mask after throwing some petty robbers into prison. It only made your love for him grow, knowing he was so strong and brave enough to risk his life everyday just did something that made you fall for him harder than before.
Eventually you both began hanging out, he managed to keep his eye on you as well as being a hero and being top of his class. He really made you feel special that way so you always made sure to understand that when you have to wait for him, it’s okay because he’s saving lives.
As quickly as you fell into your thoughts you were dragged out of it by the sound of your phone ringing, notifying you that your boyfriend finally had a time of peace to come see you.
A smile was now stuck on your face, excited to see Beomgyu after a few days of him practically ghosting you. You quickly responded, throwing in a couple hearts out of excitement before hitting send.
Half an hour has passed since Beomgyu sent you the text that he would be coming over. You’ve started to lose hope already, the food you made him,, your mothers tteokbboki recipe she gave you before you left for college,, was now cold.
As you began packing the food up back into the fridge you heard a knock. Closing the Tupperware of rice cakes you walked to the door, peeking into the peep hole just to find no one there. “what..?” you muttered before hearing a louder knock, this time behind you.
Slowly you looked behind you to the balcony your dorm was accompanied with. There was no way Beomgyu was coming in through your balcony right? You live on the 5th floor for fucks sake, this wasn’t really how he was going to tell you his secret right?
Your feet pattered against the floor as you made your way to the balcony, opening up the door with a confused look sketched all over your face, and there he was, Choi Beomgyu standing there with a bashful grin and annoyingly normal clothes. “Hi pretty.” He spoke with a slight rasp and whisker smile.
You just blinked, looking behind him at the drop of your balcony. “How did you get up here, Gyu?” You asked with faux confusion, more so wondering what he would say.
Beomgyu turned to look over his shoulder, peeking at the drop as well before looking back with a now nervous grin. “I- well- I climbed.” He admitted, unsure how to explain how he even did that.
His answer stunned you though, he just straight up told you. “How did you even do that, there’s nothing but balconies up here and it’s the fifth floor Gyu.” You called him out as he you gave him room to walk in and get his jacket off.
As Beomgyu walked in he took in your words trying to find an excuse. He only showed up on the balcony cause he forgot his spare keycard in his dorm, used to just jumping out his window whenever he’s needed by the police. “I sorta maybe forgot my keycard at my dorm.”
You rolled your eyes as you closed the balcony door. “Well no need to dwell. I made my mom’s tteokbboki, find a movie and i’ll heat it up.” You spoke, getting some pressure off his back as you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before making your way to the kitchen.
Beomgyu gave you a firm nod before making his way into your room. You proceeded to reheat the food you packed up already, thinking about whether to tell him you knew his secret or not.
Once the microwave announced that the food was ready you took it out, giving it a quick stir and grabbing some drinks before heading into your room. You were a little tense, mentally pushing yourself to tell him after keeping it from him all this time.
As you sat down, Beomgyu moved closer, helping you get settled on the bed with him. “So what movie did you pick?” you asked while passing him a soda can. Beomgyu happily took it from you, thanking you in the process before responding. “I picked that new spider-man movie, the new york spider-man everyone keeps making movies about.”
Beomgyu spoke with a tinge of jealousy. “Well he must be really good if he has this many movies.” You responded while fishing out a rice cake from the red sauce. “I like our spider-man more.” Beomgyu said firmly. With a giggle you nodded. “I like our spider-man more too.” You agreed, ignoring the way his face lit up in response.
Beomgyu reached for the remote to play the movie and you took a bite of the chewy and spicy meal, humming at the taste of it. After the movie began playing Beomgyu grabbed his chopsticks and went for the boiled egg at the bottom of the bowl, it was always his favorite part of the dish.
You watched through your top eyelashes as he practically scarfed down food. He must have grown an appetite from fighting. “Hungry Gyu?” You questioned him and he stiffened, pausing to actually chew and swallow his food before nodding. “I didn’t eat at all today.” he admitted as he grabbed more rice cakes and sauce.
You shook your head. “Why didn’t you eat?” You asked, half concerned and half scolding him. You knew the answer but if he wasn’t going to tell you, you might as well make him feel a little guilty about it. “Ah w-well..” He muttered, using his index finger to move his bangs out his eyes. “I don’t think you’d believe me if I told you.” He said with a pout.
You just stared, waiting. There was no way in hell he was going to come clean after all this time of leaving you in the dark. You watched as he lifted the sleeve of his hoodie. It seemed normal enough, but then he went and reached under the scrunched sleeve and pulled out the red sleeve of the suit, the iconic spider web design laced into it. No fucking way.
You just stared at it. Do you act shocked? Do you tell him that your knew? You were panicking. “I knew.” You muttered, looking back up just to freeze at the darkness in his eyes. You were expecting everything but that. “Since when?” Was all he said. He never let his satoori slip around you, he knew it sounded a bit harsh at times but in this point in time it seemed like he genuinely didn’t care, practically spitting it out harsher than it needed to be.
You frowned, not even wanting to answer his question. “Before we started dating.” You answered anyways, waiting for the harsh response to come in. But all that was given was a sigh and a soft “Why did you never tell me?” Your frown stayed however, knowing he was still upset. “I didn’t want to add on to your stress, being spider man is already hard enough without someone knowing your identity, why would i make it harder for you?” you answered with a question back, knowing there was no answer.
“Show me..?” You asked, leaning forward into him a bit more. Slowly but surely Beomgyu turned his wrists upward, the small holes in his wrists were barely noticeable, opening and closing with his heart beat only slightly. You watched as he reached across your room for your unplugged lava lamp. Nothing happened for a moment and you just looked at him, finally realizing he was staring at you. “You really knew for that long?” He questioned you again but all you did was nod, watching his wrists once more.
You had expected his to throw his hands into those iconic spider-man signs but instead he kept it open, flexing his forearm for a second before the webs came shooting out to the lava lamp, sticking to it immediately as he pulled it back to you both and catching it with one hand. You flinched at how close it got to your face but calmed down when you registered you were safe.
Slowly you reached over to touch the webs as he set down the lava lamp, it was thin and stringy, sticky and elastic. “So cool..” You muttered as you dragged a thumb over the holes against a wrist, jumping back when you heard him let out a noise. “Did that hurt? I’m sorry, Gyu!” You apologized ferociously, panicked that you had went too far.
Beomgyu just laughed at you. “ I liked it.. Felt good, I never had anyone touch my spinnerets before.” He admitted with a small blush to his ears. “Then may I?” You asked this time, unsure if he would be fine with it or not. Once he gave you a firm nod you went back, pressing a finger on the pulsating holes. You slightly grazed your nail over it and felt beomgyu squirm.
“Does it really feel that good?” You asked him, raising a brow. All he did was hum in response, a tight lipped nod following. “do the webs only shoot out fast? oh my god do you eat insects?” You threw questions at him left and right, now curious about how much of him is spider.
Beomgyu just snorted. “I eat like a normal human being Y/N, I’m not a complete spider. and my webs have always come out fast, sometimes there’s a blockage sometimes where they won’t come out at all but they’re never slow.” He answered tugging at his bottom lip as you kept running you thumb over the holes, fascinated. You never got to see them before, it’s all so new to you.
Beomgyu soon let out a whimper when you wouldn’t let up on his spinnerets. “Y-Y/N..” He whined and clutched his hand into a fist, not wanting to rip his hand from you because of the sensitivity all while trying not to make it so known he we slowly getting aroused by the feeling.
Eventually you pulled back, noticing how he was panting, practically begging for air. “Was that too much? I’m sorry I’ll calm down.” You said, now wondering how good it must feel if he’s reacting this way. It didn’t take long to figure it out however. Your eyes glanced down for a moment only to double take onto his gray sweat pants, specifically his crotch, a small patch darker than the rest in a tattletale manner that the superhero was leaking precome ready to cum in his pants untouched, not to mention the bulge that accompanied this small spot.
Beomgyu saw your eyes, flushing in embarrassment. “I- I didn’t know that would happen Y/N. I swear-“ He tried to explain himself, cheeks red. You cut him off however, placing a finger on his lips before leaning down to his wrist where the holes rested.
Once your finger moved he questioned you. “What are you do- ah fuck-“ He gasped out as you licked over the holes. Wanting to see just how sensitive he could get. The reaction was good enough for you so have another lick over the hole and blew on it, letting the cold air cause him to shiver.
The feeling went straight to Beomgyus cock, making him buck his hips at the pleasure. “That really does rile you up, Gyu.” You said with a smirk, dragging your lips up his arm to his shoulder, then to his neck, jaw, cheeks, and finally his lips.
Food and movie now forgotten you crawled into his lap, his arms immediately pulling you in at the waist as you explored each others mouths, teeth scraping each other and tongues covering every area of your mouths. Soon enough he pulled off, both you guys catching your breath as he lifted your chin up, you being a bit smaller in his lap allowed him to sink you down enough to fully look over you.
Beomgyu lifted your chin, holding your mouth open with his thumb on your bottom lip before spitting into it. “Swallow it.” He said with a growl and you did, a hum following before you both went back in, your hand going straight to his sweats, palming and gripping his cock through it. You guys were never really aggressive when it came to sex or foreplay, but with the way Beomgyu initiated this and the way you teased him you just knew this was going to be fun.
Eventually you both broke apart, filling your lungs back up before Beomgyu quite literally tore off your shirt, grabbing it by the hem and ripping it into two just to get to your breasts. With a moan you let him grope you, feeling his cold hands glide over your bra before lifting it up and exposing your breasts and hard nipples.
Beomgyu was usually soft and vanilla with you, gentle and calm but tonight it’s like he snapped, a whole new person. “God I should just stick you to this wall and have my fun.” You hear him mutter into your chest. “Fuck, Gyu-“ You whine as he starts sucking on your nipples, let them harden in his mouth and grow more sensitive.
Once your nipple is hard and you’re squirming in his lap he lets go, taking off his own shirt before pulling off your shorts and underwear in one go. You’re helping by unclipping your bra and going for his pants, which he slaps your hand away and picks you up. You let out a yelp as he quite literally manhandles you.
Once you both are off the bed he’s pinning you to the wall, his bigger hands over your smaller ones, keeping them above your head. All you could do was look at him, surprised more than anything that he was going through with his thoughts.
At some point in you staring at him he flips you to face the wall, mushing your head against it as he webbed your hands in place. It was sticky but soft at the same time, like a silk glove that was wet before being worn.
You tried to wiggle out, testing the strength of his webs for yourself and you didn’t even budge, completely stuck to the wall. You whined as you struggled to see him but it didn’t last long because you felt his hands on your hips pulling you back into an arch, ass out and hands stuck to the wall. Once he let go you were about to move but felt more webs stick you down, unable to move out of this uncomfortable position.
“Shhh just let me use your pretty hole baby, don’t worry i’ll make sure you get to cum.” he whispers into your ear, running a cold finger down your bare back, giving you a quick shiver that ran all the way down to your cunt. You feel him pull away and try to turn your head but your arms blocked from your sight.
soon you hear him shuffling, you can’t pin point what he’s doing so you whine, wiggling your ass to him in an attempt to fuck you already. Your skin was already burning up at this point, feeling hot under his silky webs.
“So impatient..” You hear him whisper before letting out a moan, taunting you. What is he doing? His he just getting off and leaving you here. You can’t see what he’s doing and it’s driving you mad.
That feeling went away however when you felt something wet rub against your folds. “A-ah~ Gyu please don’t tease.” You mumble as he hums, enjoying your wet folds on his cock. After a minute of back and forth rubbing he pushed through, You were so wet, so warm, so tight. A moan slipped from you and your head fell forward, caught by the wall you were of so close to.
As soon as he bottomed out he began fucking you, hands on your waist like you were some fuck toy for him to get off with. Whatever you had done to him had him in a haze, slowly his hands left you, fucking you with no hands as you followed his thrusts back anyways and brought his wrists up to his mouth, breath fanning over the holes as he pounded into your cunt. His heart was racing like he had taken aphrodisiacs.
“Fuck what did you do to me.” He muttered before licking at the holes that were pulsating with his heart. The feeling did nothing but travel straight to his cock, twitching hard inside you as he bucked harder. Your legs were trembling, unable to handle how aggressive he was being. The pace was unforgiving and the knot in your stomach was tightening painfully.
Just as you let out a whine, knowing you were gonna cum he pulled out. Your hips fell back into nothing but air and your heat clenched around itself angrily at the denied orgasm. “Why-“ You begin, protesting at the loss of your pleasure only to yelp in sensitivity as beomgyu comes back, his fingers on your clit.
You bucked into his fingers, he knew your body like the front and back of his hand, you always felt the most pleasure in your clit, being fingered didn’t do much for you unless it was his doing the work. “You did this to me, Y/N.” He panted, the speed of his fingers rubbing you building your orgasm right back up. All you could do was shift weight on different feet to try an get away, the pleasure was too much for you to handle, but that didn’t stop him from chasing your clit.
Soon your voice was so loud Beomgyu was sure you’d end up with several noise complaints. You, on the other hand, couldn’t even hear yourself anymore, only able to hear your heartbeat and ringing. Beomgyu watched the way your cunt clenched around itself, threatening to release more juices than it already had dripping out.
“Almost there, doll.” He hummed before dropping to his knees, fingers leaving you to start crying in frustration. You were impatient and in pain from the constant denial. Beomgyu watched your heat drip more and more pleasure, almost as a lure for him to come back. Luckily for you, he did, lips to lips he licked stripes up your cunt before completely going in.
His hands held you by your waist to keep your squirming to a minimum before he took your clit into his mouth, tongue rubbing in figure 8’s with no abandon. “O-Oh” Was all your brain could let out, Beomgyu loved eating you out, if he could live life with you attached to his face he would.
Your legs trembled at the feeling of his hot tongue making out with your lower half, you could feel his nose rubbing against your heat, prodding and teasing you further. Whimpers and moans mixed with the sound of Beomgyu lewdly slurping up your cunt like it’s his sole purpose was all that could be heard, along with the occasional “You taste so fucking good” he’d mutter against you in a pussy drunk haze.
Your position left Beomgyu frustrated at some point, wanting you flipped, so he left your cunt and stood up, wrapping an arm around your waist before reaching to your hands and ripping off the webs you struggled with, with ease. Your arms fell and your upper half with it, but Beomgyu tightened his grip so you only slouched and rubbed off the webs that stuck your feet in place with his own. Once you were free you were being thrown back onto the bed, completely avoided the half empty bowl of food.
Beomgyu followed your body to the bed, looking at the food in the corner of his eye before quickly slinging a web to the top that rested next to it and pulling it towards him. Catching the top with one hand as he crawls over you he pushes the lid onto the bowl before putting it on the nightstand. In the meantime you were whining and trying to get friction from his hard on as he crawled on top of you.
Once he felt it was safe to continue, and not in fear of staining everything with tteokbboki sauce he went back down, grabbing your thighs as he pulled you to the edge of the bed. Your legs opened fast, wanting him back to finish you off. “So impatient” He teased, knowing damn well he was edging you on purpose.
You let out another whine as he kissed your inner thigh, hands gripping your knees to keep you from shutting your legs on his face, not that he’d mind. His kisses fluttered from your knee to your bikini line before he placed a few kisses on your clit. You squeaked as you felt him slowly trace kisses from the hood of your clit to licking the ball of nerves.
Your hands, now free, shot down to his hair, intertwining your fingers into it before pulling when he flattened his tongue on your folds. Slowly he built up your orgasm again, kissing and slurping your arousal. He wanted you to cum just as much as you did, he wanted nothing more than to taste your pleasure as a reward for treating him so well, keeping his secret, and well he just loved to eat you out too.
His tongue teased your entrance a few times before pushing in. Your grip on his hair only tightening as you pulled his face in, grinding on his nose and suffocating him. Beomgyu was loving every bit of it, he took a hand off your knee and plunged his middle and ring finger into the wet throbbing hole after moving back up to your clit. “Oh-“ you let out. The sound were oh so lewd, making your heart pound even harder.
Quickly, your arousal soaked his fingers as he curled them up, hitting your g-spot with the pads of his fingers. “Oh god- Fuck Gyu.” You pant, arching yourself into him in hopes he quicken the speed. The feeling of your cunt in his mouth and his fingers in you had you severely overwhelmed, so sensitive from the failed orgasms, you were scared he was going to stop again so you held him tighter, grinding even harder into his face.
You orgasm snuck up on you, crashed over you before you knew it. Your legs shook and you mouth hung open into a silent scream as you seen stars, not even aware at the fact that you squirted in your boyfriends mouth, pulling him into and keeping him there to take it all. The feeling left you numb, you were dizzy and your body was buzzing.
“Fuck..” You heard Beomgyu in a muffled voice, slightly gargled. You slowly came back, letting him go little by little with heavy pants before looking down at him. Your thighs were soaked, along with his bangs and his lips and chin, some even making it to his cheeks and nose. A small groan rumbled from him as he came on himself, reacting to your orgasm.
“We aren’t done.” Beomgyu said, slurring over his pussy drunk haze. The hero pulled himself up and pulled you even closer, planting his hips in between yours before he slammed into you. A groan fell from him and a scream fell from you, overstimulated to hell because of him. “G-G Fuck Gyu- A-Ah~” You tried to pull him off, struggling to keep your legs open for him as you clit throbbed painfully.
Beomgyu only responded by closing your legs and pressing your knees to your chest, holding you into a mating press as he fucked into your gummy walls. “You’re so tight- So perfect for my cock.” He rambled as he slammed his hips into yours, pausing for a second to rut into you deep and hard before pulling out almost all the way and slamming back in. Your eyes rolled back as he leaned his head next to yours, licking the shell before whispering dirty words into them. Before you knew it, your orgasms aligned with one hit to your cervix and a matched groan left you both.
Beomgyu slowed down, moving back to rutting against your clit as he pumped his cum deep into you, practically breeding you as the tip of his cock kissed your cervix, begging to get you pregnant. Slowly Beomgyu pulled out, letting a long moan fall from his lips while you whined. His cock coated in both your cum, a ring around the base of his cock from the constant rutting and his cum came oozing out onto the sheets as he fully slipped out.
“Let’s get you cleaned up baby.” He panted, fighting another boner at the sight. You, however, didn’t hear him; completely passed out from the strength of both orgasms. “Fuck.” He muttered before pulling you up into his arms. “Ill have to clean you up myself.” He whispered before planting a kiss to your sweaty forehead and making his way to your dorm bathroom.
im sorry this took so long to get out😭
I’ve been swamped with work.
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solar-wing · 7 months
⚣ Mind Yours 🤫
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⚣🤫 A/N → Custom Spiderman drawing done by daviid.art on Instagram! Check out his work! Thank you! Always credit your fellow creators people. Anyway, first Miguel O'Hara fic. I think this was born out of my genuine disdain for him story-wise for trying to *spoiler bleep sound*, but also, from the fact that I'd let this man eat me like a Sunday dinner: no leftovers. Yeah...I said it. WARNINGS: Bit cringe but oh well. Flirty vibes (towards the end), Jealousy & Possessiveness, implied size kink.
⚣🤫 Summary → Okay, let's recap: Being one of the newly invited members into the Spider Society or Elite Force (what is the official name for this place anyway), there's a lot to take in. For one and probably the most pressing, why the hell is Miguel O'Hara always in Y/N's business? Does that man not have an entire Spiderman Task Force to run? And seriously, WHAT IS THE OFFICIAL TITLE OF THIS PLACE?!
⚣🤫 Words → 2.3K
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
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The Spider Society.
No, the Spidermen Elite Task Force.
Nah, that’s stupid too. What about the Spidey Watch Force?
Alright, names could be dealt with later. But, at some point, Y/N was going to have to figure out what the official name for this place was. It was enough when he was recruited by his mentor, Peter Parker B. Why he had the B on his hand, he didn’t initially understand until he came to HQ and realized just how many different versions of him there were.
Yeah, the B was necessary.
Anyway, Peter took him on as a mentor when their recruiting department, if that was the official title for it, singled him out as a candidate with high potential. He said that Y/N reminded him a lot of another one of his unofficial mentees named Miles. The recruit noted that he seemed to hear that name a lot around the place, but not always in the most positive manner. Especially from their leader, Spiderman 2099, or Miguel O’Hara officially.
Speaking of that dude, Y/N was getting more and more concerned with how much attention the guy seemed to be paying to him. He figured in the beginning, he just wanted to keep an eye on him to see how he was doing and make sure he was following protocols. It made sense, but as time went on and he continued to just always be around, that’s when the recruit started to get a bit weirded out.
Miguel was an interesting person, to say the least. Quiet and broody, a bit obsessive, and a lot irritable. but one who tended to have a flare for the dramatic. When he met the new recruit, most saw his interaction with him as typical behavior. However, those closest to him, like Lyla, Jess, and Peter, knew better.
When Peter brought Y/N to Miguel’s office to introduce the new recruit, which the Hispanic Spidey personally requested, he was his typical sarcastic and cold self. What surprised everyone was when he offered to personally mentor Y/N, saying Peter had more important things to deal with like his (at the time) pregnant wife.
Y/N appreciated the offer but chose to stick with Peter. He didn’t mention that Miguel sort of creeped him out and made him feel intimidated, figuring that would make things any better. Of course, his original mentor had to go and make it awkward anyway by gloating at how great of a mentor he had to be.
Jess, of course, disagreed with that statement.
There was no visual reaction from the Hispanic man, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out that he wasn’t happy with Y/N’s decision. But, could you blame the guy?!
Peter made training fun. He found ways to make things seem more fun and comical than they would’ve seemed in the moment. He always had a lightheartedness to his teachings and would use the most interesting (questionable) examples when helping Y/N solve a problem.
Miguel didn’t mentor that many people from what the recruit saw, and just from those sights, he could see why. He took things way too seriously. Always looking at things from a negative or sarcastic point of view. The man was stubborn as hell, refusing to believe that you could teach and guide without being an obsessive hard-ass 24/7.
In his mind, he was only teaching discipline and responsibility. Y/N made a joke saying his teachings are probably the blueprint for what sends people to therapy. Jess, Lyla, and Peter all laughed while Miguel just scowled from afar.
But, it didn’t stop there.
The more time Y/N spent in the task force, the more he noticed how Miguel was always finding reasons or excuses to be in his business. It wasn’t just routine checkups and one-on-ones as most would expect.
Miguel was virtually finding any way he could stick his nose truly where it didn’t belong. Y/N found it annoying and a bit obsessive, while Peter, Jess, and even Hobie eventually all saw it for what it was. Typically, most Spider-people were not known for being the most discreet when it came to someone they were interested in.
It started with small stuff; Miguel constantly calling Y/N into his for the smallest of things. He didn’t like how he handled this mission, should’ve called for backup on that mission, make sure he doesn’t interfere with canon events, yada yada yada.
Then, it started with small comments about whatever Y/N was doing. Him being on his phone too much, spending too much time goofing around with Peter and the other Spiders, and taking too many trips home when he wanted to see his family.
Anything that had to do with Y/N, the big-bodied muscled Latin had something to say about it, even when he wasn’t present. He’d come across some Spiders who had been partnered with the mentee on the last few missions. He overheard one of them making a suggestive comment and it did not sit well with him for obvious reasons.
The next day, Y/N was confused as to why he was suddenly being pulled from all missions with his previous comrades. Though he never did find out exactly why, he had a strong suspicion of who more or less was responsible for it. And not just because the order came directly from them, but that added to it
It only got more interesting when Y/N got his new mission assignments from Peter, and he saw that he was “coincidentally” paired with Miguel on all of them. The mentee looked at his mentor with confusion and annoyance and only got a shrug in response and an empathetic apology.
Jess and the computer hologram also gave him sympathetic responses but gave their friend and leader suspicious and not-impressed ones when they met with him later that day. Of course, Miguel played innocent and oblivious, acting as if he was only doing this to help improve Y/N’s abilities and skills out in the field since he observed some specific areas where he was lacking.
“Oh, you’re observing all right…” Peter mumbled under his breath to which Jess and Lyla both giggled.
Miguel was not tickled.
The missions, as expected, were a lot. On multiple occasions, Y/N felt like he was ready to either strangle Miguel or himself. Whichever came first was completely out of his hands.
Miguel was on him for every single thing he did, but the gag was that he wasn’t even doing much since the control freak would always push Y/N behind him, taking on whatever enemy or threat himself. He’d usually just end up doing things like crowd control, getting civilians and innocents out of danger, and jumping in whenever his leader got overwhelmed.
Yet, that wasn’t even the worst part.
During these “intimate” times together (if you could even call it that), Miguel would take it upon himself to start asking innocent little questions. Of course, only if you define ‘innocent’ as very invasive in Y/N’s personal business. In that case, Miguel was an angel sent from heaven.
There were many kinds of questions, but they mostly were focused on Y/N’s personal life, specifically his relationships whether platonic or non-platonic. If, by this point, it hasn’t occurred that Miguel doesn’t have a subtle bone in his body, especially when it comes to keeping his “possessive” nature under control, then let it be known now.
Miguel’s jealousy was obvious as shit.
Yet, the only one who was oblivious to it was Y/N, who was getting more and more irritated and frustrated with every question in his life about why he was talking to this one person, and why didn’t he accept Miguel as a mentor. Physically incapable of letting shit go.
That topic made frequent appearances in their conversations where Miguel would go into one of his sarcastic and moody rants about Peter not being a fit mentor and how he would do so much better. The man was petty and could hold a grudge, and this seemed to be one he would not let go of for a long time.
At some point, Y/N had enough and went radio silent. Not completely, though. He told Peter that he was taking some time off and gonna stay in his dimension for a bit, to give himself a break from Miguel.
When he returned home, he left his watch buried in his desk and turned whatever communications or alerts he could off. As you can imagine, this did not sit well with Miguel, who probably was the only one who was consistently trying to contact Y/N, demanding to know why he wasn’t reporting in for their meetings or missions.
He would’ve gone to Peter and demanded he tell him what was going on, but he didn’t trust that soon-to-be father would give him the answer he wanted. So, he took matters into his own hands and made his way to Earth–6998.
Imagine Y/N’s surprise when he came home to a tall, buff-ass, brooding vampire Spiderman waiting in his bedroom with his watch in hand.
“Oh my god! Are you serious? You followed me home, broke into my house, and went through my drawer? And you’re sitting on my bed with outside clothes on?!” Y/N snapped.
That last one was just plain rude.
Miguel moved himself off the bed, his mask still on hiding his mildly guilty and awkward face.
“Why haven’t you reported to HQ? You missed three assignments, and I had to fix and fight a bunch of anomalies on my own.” Miguel demanded in his usual gruff manner.
“Because I’m taking a vacation, that’s why. And said vacation starts with me now washing my sheets and you leaving.” Y/N huffed before bumping past the taller man. He roughly pulled his sheets and pillowcases off his bed, gathering them in his arms before stomping towards the door, heading for his in-unit washer and dryer.
Miguel was hot on his trail, though, not planning on following the smaller Spiderman’s order in the slightest.
He was the boss last time he checked.
“I’m not going anywhere until you explain why you’ve been ignoring me.”
Y/N rolled his eyes while grabbing the detergent and fabric softener off the shelves from above, “I don’t have to explain anything to you. You may be in charge when it comes to your little Spider Society or Task Force or whatever you freaking call it, but when it comes to my life and my personal business, I answer to me, myself, and I only.”
After setting the washer and turning it on, he closed the lid before turning around, being met with a towering and bulky frame standing over him, not giving him much room to move past considering the tight space.
“I’d appreciate it if you would move out my way,” Y/N irritably asked, though his tone indicated that it was definitely not an ‘ask’ and more like a ‘get the fuck out my way.’
“I’d appreciate it if you stopped acting like a brat and ignoring me.” Miguel retorted.
“Ignoring you? IGNORING you?! How could I possibly ignore you when you constantly force your way into my life every single day? I can’t do anything or go anywhere without you two steps behind me or constantly asking me something that is, quite frankly, none of your concern! So, again, I am going to ask as politely as I can that you remove yourself from my home and learn how to mind yours. And, just so there’s no confusion, I 100% mean sticking your nose out of my business!”
Y/N went to bump past the stronger Spidey before he felt a large and tight grip on his upper arm, his whole body being pulled back before being shoved against the adjacent wall to the washing machine. Miguel crowded him against the surface, his body dwarfing him in size and leaving any possible room for him to move or try to escape.
Miguel leaned down into the young Spider’s face, his mask dematerializing over his face, showing the smug and flirty expression that was hiding under.
“You are my business, and I’ll continue doing as I please until you get it through your oblivious, tiny brain. Now, I’ll finish your sheets while you go get suited up, put your watch back on, and bring your ass back to HQ. We have a mission tonight, and then, we’re going to have a nice, long talk after.”
“And, just exactly how are you planning to make me do that?” Y/N pushed back, even if a small part of him wanted to give in, considering how so not hot he was finding this.
He had a thing for aggressive and dominant guys; sue him.
“Well, for starters, I can easily just say forget the sheets, toss you over my shoulder, and drag you back to HQ, whether you like it or not. But, I’d figured it’d be more considerate if I allowed you to return on your own choice.”
There was a silent pause between the two males, Miguel’s red eyes staring deep into Y/N’s who held a defiant glint in his own irises. A silent challenge was being waged between the two, seeing who would cave first, and considering the position he was already in, it was safe to say the smaller Spidey wouldn’t be winning this one, no matter how many webs or one-liners he shot out.
“Didn’t think the word considerate was in your vocabulary. Fine. But, I’m just doing the mission, and then I’m leaving.” Y/N caved, still somewhat in a defiant mood. Really, he was pushing the waters to see how far he could go.
Miguel raised an amused eyebrow before leaning up, giving the smaller Spider room to move. Just as Y/N moved out of his grasp, he felt a hot sting on his rear end. His hands went to cover his throbbing tushie while turning to see a cocky look on his face, the guilty gloved hand with the claws extended caught in the act.
“Remember who’s in charge here. Mind yours, Y/N, and I’ll mind mine.”
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☀️ | Miguel O'Hara/Spiderman-2099 | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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princeespresart · 5 months
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yeonjun in the spiderverse style 🪻
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cupcakeinat0r · 19 days
Miguel was yapping abt “Don’t break canons”, “Oh, I broke a canon once”, “canon this”, “canon that”
How bout u come n break this back !!!
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person-site-tree · 7 days
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fagidarity · 1 month
still can’t get over the fucking “just a minute jimmy jiggles i’ve gotta jiggle my jimmy” thing that skizz apparently just Said and didn’t even realise how fucking funny it was until grian repeated it back to him later. like i had to pause the podcast episode because i was laughing so hard and i was just hearing the story secondhand 😭
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quite-mission · 1 month
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