#spiritual change
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Art by, LanternBearer3 (Prayer for Salvation)
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biblebloodhound · 10 months
Be Open-Minded (Acts 17:10-15)
"An open mind leaves a chance for someone to drop a worthwhile thought in it." Mark Twain
That same night the believers sent Paul and Silas to another city named Berea. When they arrived there, they went to the Jewish synagogue. The people in Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica. They were so glad to hear the message Paul told them. They studied the Scriptures every day to make sure that what they heard was true. The result was that many of them believed, including…
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lamboficarus · 3 months
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first comic ive made ever be niceys in the notes pls ty <33
bonus under the cut. i think im funny
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spiritualseeker777 · 7 months
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ivemanifest · 1 year
Your perspective can change everything.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 5 months
i'm really out here simping over oscar piastri pixels ohhh i'm down so bad. the girls did not win today in fact the girls may be suffering actually
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^ and LISTEN, if reiss manages to get oscar into a structured jacket like this then i take back anything bad i've ever said about mclaren. i've never thought anything bad about mclaren in my life. mclaren is my best friend. mclaren did no wrong. mclaren is my number 1 until i d-word blablabla
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alluresunba · 3 months
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thepersonalquotes · 2 months
Thoughts create emotions, emotions create feelings and feelings create behaviour. So it’s very important that our thoughts are positive, to attract the right people, events and circumstances into our lives.
Avis J. Williams, The Psychic Mind: A Practical Guide to Psychic Development & Spiritual Growth
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wandoffire · 7 months
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thecalminside · 10 months
If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to.
-Lao Tzu
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a-path-by-the-moon · 3 months
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thevirgodoll · 3 months
hey girl,
respect yourself enough to walk away. go where you are loved, where you are cherished. go to people that wouldn’t even allow you to walk away in the first place.
you are being treated less than your value when you were out of their price range when you met them. something that is valuable would be protected and claimed. you never leave your valuables out where they can be taken. and trust me, they know you’re valuable.
they’re breaking your heart to make you question your value. they’re treating you like trash when they’d never accept that same treatment. they’re building you up, and breaking you down. meanwhile, they’re questioning their own self worth and self concept. it’s all a projection.
and come on, do you really think he is conveniently hurting you or ignoring you because he’s simply misguided or avoidant? no, he just isn’t a real man. stop making excuses for him.
when he turned his back on you, he made the decision to go towards a low value lifestyle. it’s easier to stay the same, than have a woman who will push him to grow. you can check majority of the boxes, but if he isn’t ready for you and doesn’t want to be, he will never be ready. why wait on a message that will never come?
y’all have to remember people make conscious decisions in the long run regarding who they will deal with, and who they won’t. y’all also have to remember if someone loves you enough, they WILL do their damndest to change. regardless of external factors. if he respected the fact that the dynamic is an honor, a privilege, a blessing, he would do anything to keep it. nothing would stop him.
if you were valued in this connection, you’d know it. walk away. let God use you as a lesson of how you never know what you have until it’s gone. never let anyone fumble you more than once.
keep praying, keep trying, keep staying pure hearted and genuine. be open to change and take this time to grow deeper in your spirituality. choose God because God chose you first. don’t ever let anyone treat you less than what GOD would treat you. you are worth more. choose yourself. and above all, never let anyone tell you that you aren’t worthy of being chosen.
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biblebloodhound · 11 months
It's Time for a Change (Matthew 12:38-42)
The greatest miracle in the world is a changed life.
Later a few religion scholars and Pharisees cornered him. “Teacher, we want to see your credentials. Give us some hard evidence that God is in this. How about a miracle?” Jesus said, “You’re looking for proof, but you’re looking for the wrong kind. All you want is something to titillate your curiosity, satisfy your lust for miracles. The only proof you’re going to get is what looks like the…
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sensualnoiree · 4 months
Feb 16th Venus ingresses into Aquarius immediately connecting with pluto and mars. This suggests a period of intense transformation and empowerment in matters related to love, creativity, and finances. It may be a time where deep-seated desires and issues come to the surface, requiring a careful balance of assertiveness and diplomacy to navigate successfully.
Aries Rising - Aquarius in the 11th House: This transit activates your 11th house of friendships, groups, and aspirations. Venus conjunct Pluto here can intensify your relationships within social circles, bringing about deep transformations in your friendships or associations. You may feel compelled to purge toxic connections and align yourself with those who share your vision for the future. Mars adds a sense of urgency, motivating you to take action towards your goals, especially those related to social causes or humanitarian efforts. It's a time to assert your individuality within group dynamics and pursue your aspirations with passion and determination.
Taurus Rising - Aquarius in the 10th House: This transit activates your 10th house of career, public image, and reputation. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your professional life. You may be faced with power struggles or confrontations with authority figures, leading to a purging of old career patterns or ambitions. Mars adds a drive to succeed and assert your influence in your chosen field. It's a time to reassess your long-term goals and take decisive action towards achieving them, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.
Gemini Rising - Aquarius in the 9th House: This transit activates your 9th house of higher education, travel, and philosophical beliefs. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring profound shifts in your worldview and belief systems. You may be drawn to explore new philosophies or spiritual practices that challenge your existing beliefs. Mars adds a sense of adventure and a desire to expand your horizons through travel or education. It's a time to embrace new perspectives and engage in intellectual pursuits that stimulate your mind and broaden your understanding of the world.
Cancer Rising - Aquarius in the 8th House: This transit activates your 8th house of transformation, shared resources, and intimacy. Venus conjunct Pluto here can intensify your emotional and sexual connections, leading to deep transformations in your intimate relationships. You may be confronted with issues of trust, power, and control, requiring you to purge old patterns of behavior that no longer serve you. Mars adds a sense of urgency to address these issues, motivating you to assert your needs and boundaries in your most intimate connections. It's a time of profound emotional growth and empowerment through facing your deepest fears and desires.
Leo Rising - Aquarius in the 7th House: This transit activates your 7th house of partnerships, marriage, and open enemies. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your relationships, particularly in your one-on-one partnerships. You may be faced with power struggles or confrontations with your partner or significant others, leading to a purging of old relationship patterns. Mars adds a drive to assert your needs and desires in your partnerships, but it can also lead to conflicts if not managed carefully. It's a time to redefine your relationships on a deeper level and commit to those that are truly supportive and empowering.
Virgo Rising - Aquarius in the 6th House: This transit activates your 6th house of health, work, and daily routines. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your work environment or health regimen. You may be compelled to purge unhealthy habits or toxic work situations that are detrimental to your well-being. Mars adds a drive to take action towards improving your health and work life, but it can also lead to overwork or burnout if not balanced with self-care. It's a time to prioritize your well-being and make necessary changes to create a more fulfilling and sustainable daily routine.
Libra Rising - Aquarius in the 5th House: This transit activates your 5th house of creativity, romance, and children. Venus conjunct Pluto here can intensify your creative expression and romantic encounters, leading to profound transformations in these areas of your life. You may be faced with intense passion or power struggles in your romantic relationships, requiring you to purge old patterns of behavior that hinder your ability to experience true intimacy. Mars adds a drive to pursue your creative passions and assert your desires in your romantic pursuits, but it can also lead to impulsive actions if not tempered with consideration. It's a time to embrace your creative potential and pursue joy and pleasure in your life.
Scorpio Rising - Aquarius in the 4th House: This transit activates your 4th house of home, family, and roots. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences within your family dynamic or home environment. You may be confronted with issues of power and control within your family relationships, leading to a purging of old familial patterns. Mars adds a drive to assert your independence and create a sense of security and stability in your home life. It's a time to confront deep-seated emotions and make changes that allow you to feel more grounded and supported in your personal life.
Sagittarius Rising - Aquarius in the 3rd House: This transit activates your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and local environment. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your communication style and relationships with siblings or neighbors. You may be compelled to purge old patterns of communication that no longer serve you, leading to a more authentic and meaningful way of expressing yourself. Mars adds a drive to assert your ideas and opinions, but it can also lead to conflicts if not expressed diplomatically. It's a time to engage in open and honest communication and cultivate relationships that stimulate your mind and broaden your horizons.
Capricorn Rising - Aquarius in the 2nd House: This transit activates your 2nd house of finances, values, and self-worth. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your relationship with money and possessions. You may be confronted with issues of power and control in your financial affairs, leading to a purging of old patterns of spending or saving. Mars adds a drive to take action towards securing your financial future and asserting your worth, but it can also lead to impulsive financial decisions if not managed wisely. It's a time to reassess your values and priorities and make changes that align with your true sense of self-worth.
Aquarius Rising - Aquarius in the 1st House: This transit activates your 1st house of self, personality, and appearance. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your sense of self and how you present yourself to the world. You may undergo a profound personal transformation, shedding old layers of identity to reveal a more authentic version of yourself. Mars adds a drive to assert your individuality and take action towards personal goals, but it can also lead to conflicts if not balanced with consideration for others. It's a time to embrace your uniqueness and express yourself confidently and authentically.
Pisces Rising - Aquarius in the 12th House: This transit activates your 12th house of spirituality, introspection, and hidden matters. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your spiritual practice and inner world. You may be confronted with deep-seated fears or desires that require purging and healing. Mars adds a drive to explore your innermost thoughts and emotions, but it can also lead to inner conflicts if not directed towards constructive introspection. It's a time to delve into your subconscious mind and embrace the process of spiritual and emotional renewal.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoire or yt @quenysefields
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spiritualseeker777 · 8 months
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starphenie · 5 months
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whenever i think of how nikki's personality has changed from her first game to her latest i get so emotional.. bring back silly lazy genki girl nik </3
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