#spoiler shelf
ccchauffe · 1 year
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Expansive Garage in Miami Large modern garage design
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newvestroia · 6 months
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What will happen in the future? Do you think it will be better than today?
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artemispanthar · 8 months
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Crimes against short people
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He is Middle aged -Wahoo!-
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The anime’s at the point where I found it appropriate to finish this
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slymanner · 10 months
God dude these two scenes and how roxie moves hurt my heart so so bad 🥹
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it's like a mix of anger, feral, emotional breakdown, and complete sadness that just fucks me up soooo fucking bad.
it's like she's a pet who got abandoned by their owner but they see them again after years of sadness and depression of them being gone and leaving them like that and all that anger and sadness just manifest's into one bundle of emotion's towards them they cannot control.
roxie baby ur gonna be okay u deserve better :[
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kugisakiss · 19 days
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welcome back queen (hxh)
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raayllum · 2 months
feeling the Leola-Rayla parallels with "She must pay the price" and "If she helped humans, it was out of compassion, out of love. Not defiance" - Leola's act of mercy being the beginning of the end of the Cosmic Order, and Rayla's being the final nudge it needed to be completely dismantled
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butcharondir · 2 years
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What will they do when you tell them that SAURON LIVES 
because of you?
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finzphoenix · 6 months
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kryptickrow · 1 month
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"In quantum mechanics, Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment concerning quantum superposition. In the thought experiment, a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead, while it is unobserved in a closed box, as a result of its fate being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur. This experiment viewed this way is described as a paradox." - Wikipedia
(textless and original mspaint version under the cut)
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in honour of us maybe, finally, putting this bitch to rest for GOOD this week
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moonfruito · 1 year
the set up of the last scene as a crucifixion is insane. the connotations of jesus' crucification is obvious, but what's especially insane about that to me is how jesus' death was also decided on by audience vote. pontius plate asked the crowd whether they wanted jesus to be killed in exchange for the release of the murderer barabbas. pilate emphasised to the audience that he was not responsible, and the audience accepted that christ's blood was on their hands. ranboo has cast us in the role of the bloodthirsty audience. you might claim that the difference between them is that ranboo asked us to kill them, but jesus was also always intended to die. he did not protest when his fate was declared because he knew this was always how it was going to end. this is as it was prophesied. jesus did not want to die, but he accepted death because this was the only way given to him. similarly, although pilate is not blameless, the blood is on our hands. we chose his death. but there was no other way that this story would have gone.
"Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”"
- Matthew 26:39
""What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called the Messiah?" Pilate asked.
They all answered, "Crucify him!"
"Why? What crime has he committed?" asked Pilate.
But they shouted all the louder, "Crucify him!"
When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. "I am innocent of this man's blood," he said. "It is your responsibility!"
All the people answered, "His blood is on us and on our children!""
- Matthew 27:22-5
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zoreldanvers · 9 months
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#tfw you're the child of the goddess of wisdom and therefore a chronic overthinker but also dyslexic but also a desperate people pleaser but also you're twelve and have no supervision and 200 dollars to buy candy
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gina-chan1979 · 1 day
“UXM #3” Spoilers Below 👇
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Featuring my favorite Elf on the cover ❤️
And this hotness inside 🔥❤️
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hydrachea · 11 months
Yknow I was also thinking... if Neuvi were to ask Furina to become immortal again for his sake, she might actually say yes. Which is exactly WHY he'd never ask her to do so, because as much as he dreads her inevitable absence, he won't condemn her to that fate again
You got it. Because when she took on that curse half a millennium ago, it was also a request she agreed to. For the sake of all of Fontaine and not just the sake of Focalors, but it's still all too similar. Even if she said yes to him because she actually wants it then, who's to say she'll always want it? Who's to say the decades, the centuries won't weigh heavier and heavier as they pass, just like before? Who's to say she won't have to ask him to make her mortal again? And that would be even more painful than simply letting her go when she's meant to. So instead he'll treasure the time she has, that she's more than earned, and he'll do everything he can for her to treasure it too.
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tevanbuckley · 5 months
i mean 'why is buck attracted to tommy' the actual critique is that he says he was charmed by tommy's fake mouth static and we are obviously supposed to understand that he was already interested in tommy by the end of his (re-)introductory episode but if you actually go and watch the episode... there is no sign of any of that. tim was too high on his own supply of b/t coming 'out of left field' that he forgot to actually lay the groundwork for their relationship in 7x04 in the first place.
he doesn't say he was charmed by the fake mouth static though? he says the reason he wanted to get to know tommy more is because he was willing to go all in with the 118 on a hunch to the point he made bad fake mouth static at the fire chief.
which imo is a very believable point of origin for buck's attraction, of course he's immediately drawn to this person willing to throw himself into a physically and professionally risky situation to help his family? the line of logic is strong enough that I can buy into from the jump.
that's the groundwork for his jealousy in 7.04, he wants to get to know tommy and is jealous of the instant connection him and eddie have had, which leads into the kitchen scene/kiss. the next step is watching how that grows into an actual relationship, which i for one, am excited to see.
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