#spooky's house of jumpscares x reader
clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Ducky anon is back! I'd like some Specimen 8 (Deer Lord) and Unknown Specimen 4 (Tirsiak) with a pacifist animal lover Reader that just befriended Violent Deer and Ghost Animals. I guess they just like being around animals
-duck🦆 anon
Specimen 8 (Deer Lord)
He senses a visitor in his domain and waits for the right moment to catch them by surprise.
He assumed it was just another hunter trying to make minced meat of the deer.
Little did they know..he'll swiftly claim their soul and leave their flesh behind to sustain his children's appetite.
However, when Deer Lord sees you in one of the "outdoor" rooms, he doesn't sense a single ounce of hatred or violence in your heart as he observes you interacting with the deer.
Despite being violent creatures, they're somehow calm as they allowed you to pet them, lightly brushing their fur with your fingers.
One even trusted you enough to lead you to some leafy foliage, where his mate, a sweet doe, has recently fostered a fawn. Even its sharp teeth were nearly fully grown.
You just coo in happiness, but the sound of Deer Lord's voice made your blood run cold.
"Are you pure of heart, child?"
Seeing this tall deer-skull monster shrouded in darkness has you terrified, but you calmed yourself down and nervously smiled up at him.
"Y-Yes, erm..my lord.." You weren't sure if that's the proper way to address him, considering all you've ever been doing was running from specimen. You never actually stopped to talk to one.
But clearly, this one had some morals left and didn't mindlessly kill like all the others.
"They lashed out at you." He pointed out the small bite marks on your hand. "Why didn't you retaliate?"
"Well..I can't blame them. You guys are probably used to seeing violent people," you tell him. "But all your children needed was a little compassion, right?"
True to your words, another deer calmly walked up beside you, sniffing your hand for nonhuman food.
It's safe to say you earned Deer Lord's respect, as he allowed you to rest in one of the cabin rooms for some time, calling a truce.
You wonder if Spooky's gonna get mad at him for this, but he assures you he doesn't answer to her for the most part...only someone named "Bayagototh".
Unknown Specimen 4 (Tirsiak)
Ruthless as she is, Tirsiak was also curious about you, watching you closely upon your arrival into her snowy forest domain.
Although she gave chase almost immediately, she stopped when you encountered your first shadow wolf blocking your path.
She wondered what you'll do...but is certain you'll strike it down with that sword/axe of yours and move along.
That's okay, though.
Soon enough you'll be brutally maimed out in the snow, just as you have maimed her precious creatures.
Yet you lower your weapon and instead..
Pet the wolf? Or at least attempt to as your hand phases right through its ear.
Yet it reacted as though you did, indeed, pet its fur, wagging its tail.
Tirsiak didn't know what to think, at first. She's never known a human who acted kind towards animals...only those who slaughtered them with blades, arrows, guns, etc.
So your strange actions have her too intrigued to kill you at the moment.
"You there. Why are you doing that....thing?"
"...uh..petting an animal..?" You look at her confused.
Honestly it's hard for you to take her seriously when she's cute and confused af about what you're doing. It makes you forget she's a dangerous specimen.
You explain the concept of petting animals to her, showing that her companions do love the affection and proving that you're not gonna harm any of them.
After giving it some thought, she floats to the ground and...asks for pets herself, bowing her head slightly.
Rather awkwardly, you pet her wolf ears, but you grin upon seeing her tail wagging, too.
"Aww that's adorable-"
"Call me "adorable" again and it'll be the last thing you'll ever say." She snarls.
'Jeez, guess someone's been around Spooky for too long..'
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aliidarling · 3 months
im preying on you tonight
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GHOSTFACE x fem!reader
nsfw content — pls scroll if uncomfortable!
summary; you’re at a haunted house and have a bad experience with these annoying scare actors 🙄
warnings: blood and gore, smut, p in v, non con, rough sex, no protection, fondling, fingering, creampie, penetration, mean ghostie, size kink, intended dacryphillia
meant so you can imagine any male ghostface :)
nsfw content below !!
this time of the year was always gloomy and dark, the forest air foggy and limiting the man’s view. his mask didn’t allow him much access anyways, but all these branches hitting him in the face as he ran wasn’t the best either.
he could hear the girls loud crying from in front of him, her wheezing and low coughing. he had to hand it to her, she was managing to still run away from him with stab wounds and several scratches. some of his victims gave up immediately the second they saw his shrieked expression, but no, not this girl. he was slightly amused by it, but also annoyed.
this dumb blonde had somehow managed to drag him all the way into this forest, dirtying his robe. he swore, he could feel the splinters pricking at his skin. her screaming for help didn’t help his annoyance either.
in the distance he caught a glance of a large amusement park, the trees slowly moving out of the way and showing the night sky more clearly. the wind blew, the loud music becoming more and more clear. the girl noticed as well and started to run towards the open gate. he tsk’d under his breath, stopping for a moment to catch his breath, before continuing his sprint. he tucks his knife into his robe and looks at where the girl is headed.
straight towards a haunted house. a tall, black house with gothic exterior and cobwebs decorating the windows. he could see the led lights from the front, the large sign with all the information written down on it.
anger washed over him as the girl ran into the house through the back door, leaving her bloody trail behind her. why was his job so hard? this girl should of dropped dead minutes ago. adrenaline was a silly thing.
at the front of the haunted house, you stood gazing at the sign with an unsure expression. you had come here with friends a few hours back, all dressed up in cute little halloween outfits in celebration of the spooky holiday. but not even a hour in everyone split up and left you all alone. what a shitty friend group.
to your left you caught a glimpse of a figure running into the back of the haunted house. you frowned and took a peek, watching as a dark robe followed in after her in a hurried manner. weird.
anyways, the sign said admission fee was seven dollars. wasn’t too bad, you guessed. you hesitantly handed the employee a ten dollar bill and waltzed in.
the inside was dark with a fog machine taking up the hallways, giving it an eerie aura. the lace curtains, the dark furniture, the tall paintings of people you had never seen before— this seemed like an actual house more then a haunted one. it was all part of the gig, right?
you wandered into the kitchen, only to get jumpscared by a scare actor that was almost twice your size. he was dressed as a beast, hiding in the corner. with a scream, he pounced at you and caused you to stumble back and drop your soda all over your top. gasping for air, you looked up at him with a pissed off expression, fingers trembling.
the man stared at you for a few seconds with an unsure look, before shrugging and shuffling into the darkness once again, looking for another unsuspecting victim to scare.
“great, just great.” you mutter bitterly to yourself. you sigh tiredly and throw your empty bottle into the garbage, patting some droplets off your top.
you were dorothy for halloween, matching with the rest of your friend group. you were all fairy tale characters. …a more slutty version of them, that is. you had on a blue plaid dress that stopped at your mid thigh, red flats, with your hair styled with cute bows keeping it in messy pigtails.
your pretty blue dress was now covered in soda though, so that wasn’t the greatest. you took another minute to look around the kitchen, flinching at a spider that you realized was fake after a minute, almost slipping on some cobwebs, before shrieking when another scare actor dressed as a bloody bride came out of nowhere.
today was not your day, not in the slightest.
"AAAAH!" a sudden scream from the hallway catches your attention. you shriek and turn quickly, blinking for a moment before shuffling forward and creeping into the door that leads to the hallway. there's a blood trail on the floor that leads to the staircase. that must mean the haunted house wants you to follow it, right? is this one of those haunted houses that has a specific pathway so you can experience every part? probably.
"mmmm, okay." you say to yourself, shrugging and following it up the stairs. it's slippery. you cringe and reluctantly look around the upstairs. scary music plays obnoxiously loud in the background, the lights flickering to give a mysterious feeling and a creepy edge. it's working. working too well.
a door slams to your left and you flinch, looking in that direction immediately. you see the same black robe flash in the distance, the same robe you've seen already. what a committed scare actor. was he targeting you? or were you just witnessing him scaring his other victims?
"SOMEONE! HELP ME!" a girly shriek resonates from said room. you blink dumbly for a moment, looking at the other doors that have cobwebs and poorly drawn blood platters on them, some doors having signs on them. one sign said “danger ahead!” and another said “beware of ghosts!”.
after a moment of thinking you slowly walked down the hallway into the dark room, looking around in surprise. it was a media room that was completely wrecked. the couch had its fabric ripped with stab marks all over it, blood marks, and some stuffing spilling out of it. the table was thrown onto its side with the glass vase shattered.
at the end of a room was a large door with decor hanging off it. you stepped forward and opened it slowly, blinking in surprise as you were immediately met with a reflection of yourself. your lips parted in awe as you realized it was a mirror maze. what creeped you out was the bloody hand marks on the mirrors. this haunted house was very realistic. you didn’t like it.
you walked forward, only to immediately head butt into a mirror. you blinked rapidly in shock and looked around, patting your surroundings and trying to find the pathway to the exit. another long minute passes as you pat the wall, letting it lead you deeper and deeper into the maze.
someway through your little adventure someone suddenly rams into you, making you shriek and give the mirror in front of you another headbutt. she gasps and curls into you, tugging at your clothing and crying out annoyingly loud.
"okay buddy, i don't think scare actors are supposed to get physical-" you grumble, swatting at her clammy hands. she cries and cries, blood all over her clothing and her face covered in tears.
"please! please! h-he's chasing me a-and i-i"m so s-scared and i don't want to d-die—" her voice cracks a dozen times as she sobs into your chest, pulling you closer and closer until you both are pressed together like lovers. you squirm in discomfort, not liking how personal she was getting. you were pretty sure scare actors weren't supposed to cross boundaries like this.
"okay, please get off me." you hiss sharply, gently pushing her away. she sobs more and shakes her head, silently begging you to listen to her. she can barely utter out any words, limping in pain with several stab wounds under her clothing.
she pales as she looks behind you. you turn hesitantly, not wanting to turn your back to this crazy lady. you see the reflection of a shrieked mask, making you flinch and hug the girl in your arms.
“okay, uhm, you guys are very good at your job—“ you chuckle nervously, hugging the girl tightly. she was shorter then you, her head tucked into your chest. she was trembling so much. you frowned.
“are you.. okay?” you asked hesitantly.
“he STABBED me!” she shrieks, aggressively tugging at your hands and showing you her stomach. right there laid a gigantic bloody wound, blood dripping down onto her skirt. your face paled even more and you stood there like an idiot, face to face with this girl who had a gigantic stab mark.
“o-okay— okay— let’s get, let’s get out of here? okay? you’re safe with me,” you shush her gently, helping her walk as you hurriedly pull her alongside you. you lead her to the entrance of the maze, backtracking your pathway. you mostly just followed the bloody hand marks from earlier, though.
the next few minutes is a blur. you’re helping her down the stairs, she’s crying and hyperventilating, you’re freaking out because the blood is looking too real and the creepy music in the background isn’t helping. your heart is pounding and you don’t know what to do.
as you help her down the stairs, she grasps onto your shirt with a terrified look, tugging you. “h-he’s following us!” she screeches. you blink at her for a moment, frowning in fear and not looking where you’re stepping. you open your mouth to respond to her, only to step on air. you send the both of you stumbling down, a scream leaving her as the hard wood digs into her wounds.
you gasp sharply, squinting your eyes to clear your blurry vision. you turn to your side to check on the terrified blonde, only to gape in shock at the sight of her limp on the floor. her eyes are lazily fluttering open and shut, the blood from her gut spilling out. the impact had made her wound deeper and probably set her on the waiting list for the afterlife. and it was all your fault.
“h-hey— hey- hey—“ you choke out, getting up and hurrying to her, patting her face and trying to get her to respond. your hands are full of blood as you inhale deeply, your heart about to jump out of your chest. she looks up at you with all the strength she has, lips moving weakly.
"b..behind you." she whispers.
your heart stops. you blink down at her pale face and slowly peek over your shoulder. down the hall is a tall man in a robe, a white glowing mask on his head. the fog surrounds him as he tilts his head at you, silently watching. you couldn’t see his eyes but goosebumps immediately spread all over your body, making you squirm in discomfort. he didn’t look like a scare actor. no, he looked like the black blur you’ve been seeing all day.
his hunting knife was covered in blood, and that was all you needed to know before you broke out into a sprint in the opposite direction of him. the hallways were closing in on you as you rushed down towards the back door, the screams of the girl echoing throughout the house. you could hear the knife slashing at her, making your eyes water in fear.
you didn’t want to die. no, you were too young! too pretty, too kind, too— you hadn’t even graduated yet. you still wanted to earn your bachelor's, go out on more dates, and get more friends. but no, you couldn’t anymore, because you were about to get butchered by some psycho in a halloween costume.
your sweaty hands pulled and tugged at the door handle, blinking away the tears. you sniffled, your heart somehow dropping further down into your stomach as the door didn’t budge.
“awww, no no sweetie, you’re stuck in here with me. they already shut down the entire park.” you hear his menacing voice coo from behind you. it was dark and deep, a mockingly soothing tone. maybe it would of lulled you to sleep in any other situation. it sends shivers down your spine and a hiccup leaves your throat.
“who are you? why are you doing this?” you mumble hesitantly, your voice small in the gigantic house. he tsk’s at you, waving his knife in a wagging motion at you.
“no, you don’t get to ask questions, sweetheart. you’re a dumb little bitch who got involved in things that didn’t concern her.” he growls darkly, stepping closer and closer. you back to your left and rush behind the couch, shaking. he laughs at your pathetic attempt at getting something in between you two.
“why would you kill her?! is this some sick prank?!” you snap, some tears streaming down your face as he simply shrugs. shrugs.
“what the fuck.” you whisper at him, the sight of her blood all over him making you sick to your stomach. as if you could drop to your knees and vomit. you might, actually.
before you can react, he jumps over the couch and grabs you. you scream as he shoves you face first into the couch, quickly straddling your body. you thrash underneath him, sobbing and shaking your head, letting out incoherent mess of please don’t kill me and i’ll do anything. he’s slightly annoyed by how loud you are. should be cut your vocal records so you don’t gain attention? but then again, no one is near by. no one to hear your pretty screams except him.
his heavy knife glides alongside your spine, his hand only applying light pressure. you hear the sound of your dress getting ripped and more tears slip, your lips quivering as you squeeze your eyes shut. you shiver as the cold air brushes against your back, the back of your bra being revealed to him. what a day to wear your favorite set, right?
“look at you, dressed like a god damn slut. you wanted this, didn’t you?” he hissed, hooking one of his fingers underneath the clasp and snapping it against your skin. he chuckled lightly at your girly squeak. your hands squirm some more and he huffs in annoyance, grabbing them and shoving them above your head.
“keep them right there, got it? you move them and i’ll cut your wrists open, stupid girl.” he bonks the back of your head hard. you yelp and nod, shaking as you hold your hands together tightly above your head just as he asked. more soft cries leave you as he pulls the back of your dress further apart, goosebumps all over your porcelain skin.
“why are you doing this?” you force the words out of your throat, leaving a bitter taste on your tongue. it might be blood.
“because i can.” he hums simply, running his fingers down your spine. his hands unclasp your bra and slip it off your body, and you squirm as your nipples press against the scratchy fabric of your dress. you quietly mewl into the couch.
“you don’t need to do this. i-i have money— not much, but i have some,” you beg desperately, trembling as his large body presses you more into the cushion. you felt like you were getting suffocated. you were so overwhelmed and scared, covered in blood and getting stripped down by the reason.
“you think i need your money?” he scoffs, shoving his hands uder your chest and groping your breasts. you squeal hard as he meanly fondles and squeezes them, his large hands covering a lot. his fingers pinch your nipples, causing you to whine loudly into the couch. you can’t help that they harden right away, your body becoming more sensitive to his touch. moans start to slip from your throat as you feel his knee lodge itself between your thighs.
he roughly grinds his jeans fabric against your panties, your skirt lifted and showing the lewd sight of the thin fabric sticking to your messy cunt. the denim material of his jeans is rough and hard, applying a good enough amount of friction to lubricate you further.
little moans leave you involuntarily, trying your best to muffle them by biting down on your bottom lip. your thighs squirm and attempt to close, but it only ends up trapping the man’s knee against your pussy. more rubbing has you crying and moaning, subtly grinding your pussy back onto him. he, of course, notices and swats the back of your head again, your moans stuttering.
“look at you, getting off on this shit.” he whispers into your ear, leaning down so his chest is against your back, his mask is pressing against your head. his hands don’t stop their assault on your breasts, marking them up with hard pinches and twisting your nipples until you're begging him to let go. “i didn’t expect you to be such a down bad slut.” he sneers.
“s-shut up..” you sniffle, your voice muffled and your body covered entirely by his robe. if someone walked in they’d see a small girl getting completely smothered by some dude in a halloween costume. this couldn’t be any more embarrassing.
"s-shut up." he mocks in a high-pitched voice, giving an extra harsh twist to your nipple. he gets harder at the sound of your pained cry. he smiles creepily under the mask as he presses his large hand to your panties, rubbing your clit through the thin soaked material. your body squirms at the feeling of having your sensitive core played with, rubbing your wet face against the cushion in a weak attempt to wipe your tears.
"dont touch me— no, not there- stop!" you gasp desperately, whimpering into the cold air as he keeps rubbing your clit and touching you right where it feels so good. the savory sensation had your lips parting subconsciously and your thighs inching away from each other. you're ashamed of the way you're enjoying this, how you're begging in your head for him to slide his fingers nice and deep.
"i can feel how wet you are, damn. you must really want me to ruin this little cunt of yours, huh? gonna beg?" he sniggered, sliding his fingers underneath and letting the small brush of his middle and ring finger against your hole be all you feel. his eyes are burning through the back of your head, inhaling each movement and sound you make, analyzing your reactions and how you take his touch.
"m'not gonna beg. i'll gonna beg for you to get your dirty ass hands off me—" you're interrupted by him sliding his two fingers deep inside you, immediately curling them painfully into your g-spot. the pleasure takes you so off guard you let out a pathetic mewl, bucking your hips in surprise. his free hand comes down on your waist, holding you down into the couch as he fingers your pussy open roughly.
"what was that?" he hums, pushing them impossibly deeper, scraping the rough fabric of his gloves against your walls and making you cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain. "I'm sorry, did you say something?" he said in a sick tone. he was having so much fun, it's not everyday he gets to fuck his victims. most of the time they're too annoying and he finds himself hating their guts personally after hearing the colorful words they call him.
more little moans leave you as he makes scissoring motions, his grip on your waist bruising and making you hiss softly in pain. his fingers are large and taking up all the space inside you, making you feel so full and satisfied. it felt so good, so good that you were sick to your stomach at how much you were enjoying it. you could feel her blood coating your skin, making you gag softly on your moans as he kept going.
soon enough, you bite back your loud moan as your body cums all over his fingers, coating his gloves in your essence. he rubs the sticky fluid between his fingers with a chuckle of amusement, watching as the blood and cum mix together.
“you’re a filthy slut, you know that? ive killed soooo many people,” he starts, humming softly as he pushes the bottom of his robe aside to unbutton his flip, revealing his dark boxers. the large bulge is visible as you peer over your shoulder with a heavy breath.
“separated families,” he continues, talking in an innocent voice as his hands grasp at his cock. his top springs against his lower abdomen, nice and big with a thick base. you gulp nervously. “ruined lives—“ he coo’s sickeningly sweet.
“and now i’m gonna ruin yours.” he grabs your hips, position his tip against your hole. he gives you barely a second to process his words before he slams himself deep inside you, causing you to shriek and press your face down into the couch.
“a-ah~ s-stop.. wrong..” you blabber cluelessly, your brain all soapy and spilling out of your ears. your body felt weak and limp, giving into his touch as he gave a few shallow thrusts, your moans giving him more encouragement.
“wrong?” he mocks, one hand grabbing your hair roughly to pull at it. you shriek at the harsh tug, your head forced back as he starts to rock his hips at a mean pace. “for someone who hates this, you’re awfully wet and compliant.”
you feel his hard denim slap against your butt each time he sends a punishing thrust into your pussy, more moans streaming out of you. your eyes are fluttering shut as he batters your insides, mouth agape with drool forming at the edge. the sight was slutty— a young girl with her dress all ripped up and her skirt lifted getting fucked by halloween enthusiast.
“feels so good,” you hiccup, sniffling your fat tears as your doe eyes tried their best to stay open, squinting through the tears. your breasts bounce and sway, bubble butt jiggling at his thrusting. he wasn’t letting back on you, not at all.
“you want me to make you cum, sweetheart? hmmm? you want these hands that’s stabbed dozens of people to rub that tiny clit of yours?”
“please.” you say in such a pathetic tone that he can’t help but obey, his hand on your hair letting go to reach under you and gently tap your clit, his pace not stopping for a split second.
“this right here?” he pinches. you whimper and nod, shaking. he snickers and rubs figure eights into your bud, the immediate reaction of your body tightening up on him making him hiss sharply.
“jesus fuckin’ christ, girl. tight ass pussy, huh?” he gives your butt a hard smack. you whine at the impact, cock drunk and not processing a single thing anymore. he focuses on making you climax and grabs your hip tightly, holding you still as he starts shoving his cock as deep as it can go.
your noises grow more high pitched, letting him know he was on the right path. he can feel himself grow harder and more stiff, about to be pushed over the edge. incoherent curses and grunts leave him as he tenses up behind you, still rubbing your clit hard as his cock explodes inside you. his cum paints your walls white, groaning as he fucks you harder.
he feels you clamp down and release as well, a loud sigh leaving you as your body goes limp, your ass being held up by him being the only thing not flat against the couch. the second he lets go of your hips, it drops onto the couch. you groan weakly, cum all over your thighs and dripping down onto the couch.
he stares at your ruined form a few seconds, debating on wether he should stab you now and make a run for it. but then he remembers his dna is currently painting your insides and he sighs. he wipes some of the cum off your leg and fingers it back into you, your caught off guard squeal giving him some motivation to keep you alive.
“shut it.” he jabs the last of the cum into you before parting, patting your butt and smoothing your skirt back down. he glances at your purse that was hanging off the side of the couch, thrown off you at some point, and grabs it. he finds your wallet inside and peeks at your id, blinking at your name. he makes sure you’re not looking(you’re too busy being half conscious face down) and takes a quick photo of your address and number as well as your pretty body under him.
pulling away, he makes sure to tell you one last thing. he roughly grabs your hair and yanks it back, awakening you immediately from your daydreams. you shriek and blink terrified at his bloody mask, eyes blinking widely in shock.
“tell anyone about this and i’ll kill your entire family and force you to watch.” he then proceeds to list your entire name and address, making you gape at him like a dumb puppy, clueless on how he had this information.
“y-yes- yes!” you nod, sniffling with your watery eyes. he gives a condescending pat on the cheek before disappearing down the hall as if this never happened. you lay there on the couch confused before hesitantly getting up and shivering as cold air brushes against the back of your ripped dress.
“uhmmmm….. hello..?” you call out awkwardly to the hall. you peek and see him standing over the blondes dead body, about to grab her by her ankles to assumingely drag out the back door. he stops to stare at you wordlessly.
you frown and motion to your ripped dress. his reaction takes a few seconds to happen but he eventually grabs the hoodie off the dead girl and throws it at you aggressively. you jump and catch it, cringing at the blood and stench. you fucked a murderer and now you have to deal with the consequences.
“thanks.” you choke out before running out the back door. he rolls his eyes at you before continuing to drag the dead body out.
it had been a few days since the incident. he had been haunting your thoughts, making you wonder what the hell was wrong with you to let yourself get fucked by a serial killer.
you had decided to search him up and attempt to find out who he was. all you found out was that there were killings in the near by towns that all linked the one name— ghostface.
you sat on your couch with your feet up on your. coffee table, laptop open on your lap with a dozen tabs open. each tab was a different articles about him, some about his killings, other about the mysterious surrounding his identity. no one had a real idea on who he was or what his motive was— only that he was a force to be reckoned with.
your thoughts were interrupted by a familiar name being said on the tv. you look up and your heart drops as you see her blonde hair and bright blue eyes stare at you from across the room. there she was— on the tv, smiling innocently. her full name was below the photo of her sitting with her friends and her age.
rebecca garcia
age 19
found dead behind halloween horror nights amusement park, her body cut up and put in several bags. she was stabbed repeatedly in the stomach before eventually dying by the hands of the local serial killer, ghostface.
your stomach turned inside out as you maintained eye contact with the photo of the happy girl. the news reporter shared how the town would be on high alert the next few weeks, alerting us of keeping our doors locked and keeping your eyes out for any suspicious behavior. the report ended with a god bless apology to families.
the silence that followed after was deafening, your heartbeat being the only thing you could hear. your palms felt too clammy and the couch was too rough, your clothes pricking at your skin and your eyes welling up with tears. everything felt too real and too close.
the sound of your phone ringing broke the silence, making you flinch. you peered over, blinking through the tears as your shaky fingers picked up your phone and brought it to your eyes.
you frowned in confusion at the unknown number, sighing gently before picking it up and bringing it to your ear. before you could open your mouth, the voice of your nightmares spoke.
“what’s your favorite scary movie, doll?”
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seoulzie · 2 months
ditched and delirious
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SYNOPSIS: deserted by your friends in the chilling haunted house, you bump into yeonjun, another soul stranded in the same spooky predicament.
彡 pairing: stranger!yeonjun x reader 彡 genre: crack, fluff 彡 warnings: jumpscares & a lil romantic tension ;)
SEUL SPEAKS! this is based on something that actually happened to me except i never got my candied apples so im turning my trauma into purpose !!
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halloween had always been a magical time for you. ever since you were a child, the arrival of october brought an unparalleled sense of excitement and anticipation. the crisp autumn air, filled with the scent of fallen leaves and pumpkin spice, made everything feel more vibrant and alive. you loved how the world transformed, embracing the whimsical and the spooky with equal enthusiasm.
each year, you meticulously planned your halloween costume, often starting weeks in advance. you enjoyed every step of the process, from brainstorming ideas to putting the finishing touches on your outfit. the creativity and imagination that halloween inspired were unmatched by any other holiday. the colorful costumes, from classic witches and vampires to more unique and creative characters, always fascinated you. walking down the streets and seeing the array of costumes made you feel like you were part of a grand, fantastical story.
this year was no different. you had been looking forward to halloween for months, and your friends had been buzzing with excitement about the new amusement park that had recently opened in town. the park promised an unforgettable experience with its elaborate halloween decorations, spooky attractions, and, most notably, the scariest haunted house in the area. despite your initial reservations about haunted houses, your friends' infectious enthusiasm was hard to resist.
the amusement park was a sight to behold. as you and your friends entered, you were greeted by towering scarecrows, giant inflatable pumpkins, and cobwebs that seemed to stretch endlessly. the air was filled with the sound of eerie music and the occasional scream from one of the haunted attractions. everywhere you looked, there were people dressed in costumes, their faces lit up with excitement and anticipation.
your group had arrived early in the afternoon to make the most of the day. you rode roller coasters that twisted and turned, leaving your heart racing and your adrenaline pumping. the feeling of the wind in your hair and the weightless drops made you scream and laugh in equal measure. between the rides, you indulged in the array of carnival food. you couldn't resist the smell of freshly made funnel cakes, and you and your friends shared cotton candy and funnel cakes, making sure to sample a little bit of everything.
the games were another highlight of the day. you tried your hand at the ring toss, aimed for the highest score at the shooting gallery, and even managed to win a small stuffed ghost at the balloon dart game. each victory, no matter how small, was celebrated with cheers and high fives. the carefree fun of the amusement park made you forget your initial hesitations about the haunted house.
as the sun began to set, the park transformed. the cheerful, bright atmosphere of the day gave way to a more mysterious and eerie vibe. strings of orange and purple lights illuminated the pathways, casting a haunting glow. fog machines created an otherworldly mist that floated around your feet, and the sound of distant, ghostly laughter echoed through the air.
the anticipation for the haunted house grew with each passing hour. your friends couldn't stop talking about it, sharing stories of previous haunted house experiences and speculating about what horrors awaited inside. they showed you pictures from the amusement park's website, showcasing the elaborate and terrifying decorations that awaited you. 
by the time you made your way to the entrance of the haunted house, the sky was dark, and the moon hung high, casting a pale light over the park. the haunted house stood before you, a massive, decrepit mansion with eerie lights flickering in the windows and fog rolling down the steps. the intricate decorations were both impressive and terrifying, creating an atmosphere that sent a shiver down your spine.
"are we really doing this?" you asked, trying to sound braver than you felt.
"come on, it'll be fun!" one of your friends said, giving you a reassuring nudge. you noticed the mischievous glint in their eyes but brushed it off, thinking they were just excited. they had been talking about this haunted house for weeks, hyping it up with stories of how terrifying and thrilling it was supposed to be. you tried to feed off their enthusiasm, but the knot of anxiety in your stomach only tightened.
as you took a tentative step forward, the creaking of the gate made you jump. your friends laughed, their faces lit up with excitement and anticipation. you forced a smile, hoping to mirror their bravery, but inside, you were already regretting your decision. the ticket taker at the entrance, dressed in tattered victorian clothing and sporting a disturbingly realistic ghostly pallor, handed you your tickets with a sinister grin.
"enjoy your stay," he said in a low, gravelly voice that sent chills down your spine.
with a deep breath, you stepped inside. the moment you crossed the threshold, the temperature seemed to drop, and the atmosphere became even more oppressive. the sound of creaking doors and distant screams filled the air, creating an unsettling symphony of terror. dim, flickering lights barely illuminated the narrow, winding corridors, casting long, eerie shadows that danced on the walls.
you clung to your friends, trying to steady your nerves. every corner seemed to hold a new horror, from ghastly apparitions that materialized out of thin air to grotesque figures that lunged at you from hidden alcoves. the haunted house was a labyrinth of terror, with each turn bringing fresh waves of fear. the animatronics were disturbingly lifelike, their movements jerky and unnatural, their eyes following you with a malevolent gleam.
as you navigated through the dark, narrow hallways filled with jump scares and creepy animatronics, you realized something alarming: your friends were nowhere to be found. panic set in as you spun around, calling out their names, but the only response was the echo of your voice and the occasional sinister laugh from the haunted house's speakers. your heart pounded in your chest, and you felt the walls closing in. alone in the haunted house, every shadow seemed to move, and every sound made you jump.
the narrow hallway you found yourself in was lined with portraits whose eyes seemed to follow your every move. the floorboards creaked ominously underfoot, and the walls seemed to close in with each step you took. you turned a corner and found yourself face-to-face with a mirror. in the dim light, your reflection appeared ghostly and distorted. a flicker of movement behind you made you whirl around, but there was nothing there.
"guys? this isn't funny!" you called out, your voice echoing back at you. a cold sweat trickled down your back as the realization set in that your friends had deliberately left you alone as part of a prank. the mischievous glint in their eyes earlier suddenly made sense, and you felt a mix of fear and anger. you were stuck in a nightmare, and your friends were nowhere to be found.
you tried to retrace your steps, but the layout of the haunted house was disorienting. every hallway looked the same, and the constant barrage of scares kept you on edge. a mechanical zombie lunged out of the darkness, its eyes glowing a sickly green. you stumbled back, your heart racing, and took a wrong turn into a room filled with fog.
the fog was thick, swirling around your ankles and making it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead. the room was eerily quiet, the only sound the soft whisper of the fog machine. you moved cautiously, every sense on high alert. the fog seemed to part just enough to reveal a path, and you followed it, hoping it would lead you to an exit or at least a familiar part of the house.
as you navigated through the fog-filled room, you felt a growing sense of unease. shadows moved at the edge of your vision, and you couldn't shake the feeling that you were being watched. you heard a faint, rhythmic tapping, like fingernails on glass, and your nerves frayed further. you moved faster, desperate to find your way out of this nightmare.
suddenly, you bumped into someone, and you screamed. the impact sent you stumbling back, and you barely managed to catch yourself before falling. your heart raced as you spun around to face whoever you had collided with.
standing there, looking just as startled as you felt, was a tall, handsome guy with dark hair and wide, frightened eyes. despite the spooky atmosphere, his presence was more comforting than anything else in the haunted house. 
"oh my god, i'm so sorry!" you exclaimed, your voice trembling. "i didn't see you there."
"it's okay," he replied, his voice just as shaky. "i wasn't expecting to run into anyone either."
you both stood there for a moment, catching your breath. the dim light and swirling fog made it difficult to see clearly, but you could tell that he was just as scared as you were.
"i'm y/n," you said, trying to break the tension. "are you here alone too?"
"yeah, my friends thought it would be funny to ditch me," he replied with a nervous laugh. "i'm yeonjun, by the way."
"nice to meet you, yeonjun," you said, managing a small smile. "i guess we're both in the same boat then."
yeonjun nodded, his expression softening. "it seems that way. how about we stick together? it might be less terrifying if we're not alone."
you agreed, feeling a bit of the tension ease. having someone with you, even a stranger, made the haunted house seem a little less menacing. as you started to move through the fog-filled room together, you felt a sense of camaraderie forming.
"have you been through one of these before?" yeonjun asked, his voice breaking the silence.
"not one this intense," you admitted. "i've always liked halloween, but haunted houses have never been my thing. what about you?"
"same here," yeonjun said. "i usually avoid them, but my friends convinced me this time. i didn't think they'd actually leave me here alone."
"me neither," you said, shaking your head. "i thought it was just going to be a fun night out."
you both laughed, the sound a welcome relief from the constant tension of the haunted house. as you continued to talk, you felt yourself relaxing a bit more. yeonjun's presence was comforting, and the conversation helped to distract you from the scares lurking around every corner.
just as you started to feel a bit more at ease, a loud bang echoed through the room, followed by a figure lunging out of the darkness. you screamed and instinctively threw yourself at yeonjun. he yelped in surprise, his arms wrapping around you protectively.
for a moment, you both stood there, clinging to each other, hearts racing. then you realized that the figure was just another animatronic, and you couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.
"you scared me more than that clown!" yeonjun said, trying to catch his breath.
"i could say the same about you!" you replied, still giggling.
the shared scare broke the ice completely. as you continued, you noticed that yeonjun, despite his initial fear, was trying his best to be brave for you. his attempts at bravery were endearing, and you felt a growing fondness for him.
the haunted house continued to challenge your nerves with more intense scares and intricate scenes. at one point, you found yourselves in a room filled with eerie whispers and dim candlelight. yeonjun took your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"just a little longer," he said softly.
as you cautiously moved forward, the floor suddenly erupted with the sound of firecrackers being stepped on. startled, both of you began jumping around in panic, but each step only caused more firecrackers to go off. the room echoed with the cracking sounds, creating a chaotic symphony that made it hard to think straight.
"fuck!" you screamed, trying to find a safe spot to stand, but the relentless popping continued.
"watch out!" yeonjun shouted, but it was too late. both of you stumbled over your feet, finally collapsing onto the ground and catching your breath. lying there, you couldn’t help but laugh at the situation's absurdity, the initial fear giving way to a sense of shared relief.
the next room plunged you into suffocating darkness. a sound, like nails scraping bone, skittered across the floor. yeonjun's grip on your hand tightened, his fingers digging into your palm. you shuffled forward, your fear a distant echo compared to the cold dread radiating off him.
suddenly, a figure lunged at you from the shadows, and you both screamed in unison, clutching onto each other in a moment of pure terror.
yeonjun's reaction was immediate and instinctive. without thinking, he pulled you in front of him, using you as a shield against the approaching figure. his heart pounded wildly against your back as he pressed you protectively against himself, his whole body trembling with fear.
you could feel his ragged breath against your neck, and it matched the frantic rhythm of your own heartbeat. the figure hesitated, realizing the scare had backfired, and retreated into the darkness, leaving behind an eerie silence.
for a moment, you both stood frozen, the adrenaline still coursing through your veins. then, with shaky breaths, you turned to face each other in the dim light filtering through the fog.
"sorry," yeonjun muttered, his voice barely audible. "i... i panicked."
"it's okay," you assured him softly, turning to face him with a comforting smile despite the lingering fear.
you took a few deep breaths to steady your nerves before cautiously continuing through the haunted house.
"you know," yeonjun said, trying to lighten the mood, "if we survive this, we should definitely get some candied apples together."
"i'd like that," you replied, smiling despite the lingering fear.
as you walked out of the haunted house hand in hand, relieved to be out of the terrifying atmosphere, you noticed your friends waiting eagerly outside. their faces lit up with anticipation, ready to catch your reaction to the scare fest they had orchestrated.
instead, their expressions turned from anticipation to utter bafflement as they watched you and yeonjun approach, hands intertwined. you could practically see the question marks forming over their heads as they exchanged confused glances.
"hey, guys," you greeted them casually, trying to ignore their bewildered stares. "meet yeonjun. we... uh, ran into each other inside."
yeonjun smiled warmly at your friends, his hand still firmly clasped in yours. "nice to meet you all."
your friends managed awkward hellos in response, still processing the unexpected turn of events. they had planned to prank you, not witness you leaving the haunted house hand in hand with a guy you had just met inside.
"we were just about to head over to the carnival games," one of your friends finally managed to say, trying to break the awkward silence. they shot you a playful grin, eyebrows raised suggestively.
"yeah, come join us," another friend chimed in hastily, shooting you a curious glance. "or are you two planning to haunt the rest of the park together?"
you chuckled nervously, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. glancing at yeonjun, you couldn't help but ask, "what about your friends?"
yeonjun shrugged nonchalantly, a mischievous glint in his eye. "man, forget them," he replied with a grin. "they ditched me back there in that house."
your friends exchanged surprised glances, not expecting such a blunt response. "looks like you're stuck with her now!" one of them teased with a laugh.
"we'll be by the carousel if you need us," another friend chimed in playfully, "just one call away!"
as your friends started walking away, you and yeonjun started walking toward the direction of the candied apples stand, and you heard your friends' laughter trailing behind you.
"so, about those apples?" yeonjun nudged you gently, a playful glint in his eyes.
you chuckled, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of spending more time with him. "lead the way."
with each step, hand in hand, you and yeonjun continued down the path illuminated by twinkling halloween lights, anticipating a cozy and memorable end to your adventurous night.
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© 2024 seoulzie
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
i’m so excited for halloween. i love all things fall/october.
could you write an autumn fic? 🍂
more specifically— i feel like the reader would have to force sev to wear some kinda costume for halloween >:) how do you think sev x reader would dress up? how would they spend their night together? ly mootie! ♡
my city's in the middle of a heat wave and it's HUMID too, it's horrible-- so yes, let's think about fall for a while hehehehe
men and minors dni
there is no doubt in my mind that fall's her favorite season.
and i think halloween is probably her favorite holiday too.
she's not a festive person, so even though she loves fall, she doesn't really indulge herself in things like decorating or baking.
but you do.
sevika doesn't realize how much she loves fall until she meets you. because you treat fall like it's your birthday or something. sevika's shocked to see how much you incorporate her favorite season into your day to day life. and even more surprising, she's shocked to find that she kind of loves it.
as the leaves start to change, you start making her coffee pumpkin flavored, sometimes adding a bit of hazelnut and cinnamon too. she fucking loves it, it's the best coffee she's ever had.
your apartment always smells like pumpkin pie or autumn leaves or flannel-- various candles burning and filling your space with the cozy smells and a lovely warm glow when the days start to grow dark earlier.
you start cooking hearty, warm meals-- stews and chilis and soups and curries-- sevika fucking adores it. there's nothing like a freshly baked slice of bread scooping up some kind of meaty sauce.
and your baking. sevika's almost cries the first time you hand her a plate of freshly homemade triple chocolate chip cookies, with a tall glass of milk.
she adores watching you start to get cozier as the days grow colder. your home becomes slowly filled with fuzzy blankets, you string up some fairy lights to flick on in the dark afternoons, pumpkin decor starts to decorate your tables and shelves.
she loves watching you cuddle into a hoodie, or pull a scarf up over your nose when you're outside and it's chilly. she especially loves cuddling with you under a blanket on the couch.
sevika just can't say no to you. she hates it. (she loves it.)
this means she ends up carving jack-o-lanterns for the first time in her life with you at the big age of forty three. she's surprised to find that she loves it-- scooping the guts of the pumpkin out is so satisfying, and she's always loved stabbing things. (what she loves most of all is the way you arrange your jackolanterns right next to each other on your front stoop, a scarf strung around the two of them, just like when you share your scarf with her.)
this also means that she wears a halloween costume for the first time in nearly thirty five years just for you.
obviously, it has to be a matching costume. sevika will not humiliate herself unless it's to show the world that she's yours.
i'm thinking about the classic lesbian couple costumes: werewolf and vampire.
sevika tries to get away with being a vampire by just drawing two little dots of red lipstick on her neck. you go all out-- buying a werewolf mask and gloves. and on the night of, when you reveal your costumes to each other, you pout at sevika until she rolls her eyes and gives in-- putting on the vampire costume you bought at the same halloween store you got your mask in.
you go to a party at silco's house, the adults drinking while the kids binge on candy, spooky music blasting, vander trying to jumpscare every guest by the end of the night.
you only show up for an hour before you decide to head home, both of you overwhelmed by the party.
sevika tugs on your sleeve as you wander through the leaf-covered sidewalks toward home. "babe, look." she whispers.
she swipes her vampire-cape to the side and reveals one of her fanny packs on her hip-- stuffed to the brim with candy she's stolen from the kids.
you burst into laughter and smack her shoulder, before pulling a kitkat out of her bag and crunching into it.
when you get back home, you spend the rest of the night smoking a joint on the front porch together, snuffing it out when kids approach and ask for candy.
sevika's shocked when you reveal the box of full size bars you'd bought to pass out, and you just shrug. "it keeps me on the good side of all the neighbor kids for the rest of the year."
she knows this isn't the real reason you do it though, you're too much of a softie. the real reason is the giant smiles and excited laughs the kids give the pair of you when you pass them the giant chocolates.
at one point, a little boy dressed in a dinosaur costume approaches with his parents trailing behind him. he seem's shy-- scared to run up onto your porch-- but with a bit of encouragement from you and his parents, he finally climbs the steps.
when sevika hands the boy the candy bar--nearly the size of his head-- his entire expression changes, a huge, toothless grin taking over his face. "thanks scary ladies!" he shouts, before running back down the stairs to show his parents his bounty. sevika chuckles to herself about this for the rest of the night.
by eleven, most of the kids have gone home. you and sev turn in, blowing out the jackolanterns, leaving the box of chocolate out for any teenagers looking to make trouble, hoping that they'll take the bribe and keep from egging or tp-ing your house.
you get in your (matching flannel) pjs and crawl into bed, snuggling and lazily making out as coraline plays on the tv.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re
@raphaellearp @iamastar @sevikitty
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icycoldninja · 3 months
I thought of one! Could you do the Sparda men with a female s/o who loves Halloween and all things spooky?(Maybe add that she loves fall too, the colors and coziness of it) And maybe even looks like Morticia Addams? 🕷🕸
Sure, sure, enjoy!
Sparda boys + V x Halloween-loving!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Being a seasoned demon hunter, Dante is not at all bothered by ridiculous Halloween decorations and thinks they're little more than goofy plastic props.
-He does get confused when he sees fake spiderweb though, wondering if those are just for decoration or if your house needs to be cleaned.
-He likes fall colors, though. They're warm and oddly cozy.
-He finds himself accompanying you to the store to buy decorations and other fall-themed furniture for your home.
-Is always down to make monster-shapes cookies and carve pumpkins with you, even if it isn't Halloween.
-If you happen to be an elegant goth girl like Morticia AAdam's, Dante will attempt to dress goth to match. It....doesn't suit him.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil claims he doesn't like Halloween because it's all so "foolish", with the exaggerated costumes and unnecessary practices.
-However, you'll still find him stealing candy from the big bowl in the kitchen when he thinks you're not looking.
-Honestly hates most Halloween decorations as they "hurt his eyes". He'll let you decorate the house, as long as you don't go overboard with the plastic nonsense.
-Fall colors are mostly boring to him, except red, maybe. You won't catch him in the decor section of your local supermarket, but you might find him in the produce aisle looking at pumpkins.
-Somehow, Vergil has grown to love pumpkin pie; it might be the only part of fall that he actually enjoys.
-While your attire is "spooky" to others, Vergil thinks you look very beautiful, like a dark queen--his dark queen.
□ Nero □
-Nero loved Halloween as a kid because it meant free candy. To this day, he still likes going out for Trick O Treating with the orphanage kids because he knows he will get free candy.
-Will help you decorate your house if you need it and likes to jumpscare you with fake spiders.
-Accompanies you to the store to look for whatever you need and ends up sneaking big bags of Halloween candy into your cart like a "stealthy" child.
-Likes fall colors, surprisingly, but he's not crazy enough to get your whole living room to match this one aesthetic.
-Really enjoys having scented candles for some reason; nearly every room in your house has at least one now.
-Thinks your fashion sense suits your personality perfectly. You're elegant and spooky, and Nero loves that.
● V ●
-V, being the goth poetry need that he is, enjoys Halloween as much as you are.
-Really enjoys those realistic ghost decorations that you can hang on your wall. Though they don't scare him, he finds them fascinating.
-Enjoys watching horror movies with you, even if neither of you are frightened by them.
-Fall colors are alright in his book, but you won't catch him donning an auburn sweater anytime soon.
-Will go with you to the store to pick out decorations but always gets lost whenever he ventures too far from you. You can usually find him in the outdoor furniture section, reading his book.
-Thinks that you look like the world's prettiest witch, and he uses that word in the best way possible.
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readychilledwine · 11 months
what do you think about azriel x autumn court reader , she is also eris’s cousin, where she is utterly obsessed with halloween/ fall and she decorates the whole house of wind with spooky decor and little pumpkins everywhere. She hides little jumpscares, yk the ones that are in grocery stores, she hides them behind closet doors so whoever opens them gets a nasty creature in their face. Like I can imagine rhysand screaming and cursing her for the jumpscare and feyre just giggles w reader
And she make everyone drink pumpkin spice stuff and claims it is a must. Reader is also in her baking era and bakes so much everyday, the second someone comes in the house, they smell delicious treats. She really channels her inner autum court girl. And during fall she really only wears her clothes from the autumn court. She gets az to visit the autumn court now that eris is high lord, and she takes him to town to drink spiced cider and caramel apples and they have the best time.😭❤️
The Last Cabin on the Left
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Summary - after moving to the Night Court to be with Azriel, y/n Vanserra has strived to bring an Autumn Court Tradition to your new home, and this year you've pulled out all the stops
Warnings - spooky themes, pranks, Nyx and cousins being adorable, matching couples costumes, general fluff, Azriel dressed like a pirate
A/n - I tweaked this request a little bit, and I hope that's okay 💜
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Azriel smiled as the scent of candies, pumpkin, and apple cider hit his nose.
You had done it again, and it never ceased to amaze him. The cabin you two shared on the edge of the woods was decorated to celebrate an Autumn Court Tradition you, Eris, and Lucien called Hallows Eve. 
He remembered you explaining it to him passionately as you two moved pumpkins and haybales around the yard 5 years ago.
In Autumn, it was a night where children were allowed to dress up in little costumes and go door to door in search of candies and treats. It was also a night where teens and adults tended to try to scare each other through stories, pranks, and sometimes decor.
Eris flat out told them when he confirmed the tradition that you were the best conjurer on cheap scares and tricks. He had told Azriel, Rhys, and Cassian of his aunt and Uncle's party and fair they threw for the territory they looked over. It was one night where your Father, the true opposite of Beron, was able to argue that with costumes and masks, you truly could not tell who was rich, who was poor, who was greater, and who was lesser.
He couldn't help but to smile as he heard you humming softly. You were sat at the table, decorating dipped apples for the party you two were hosting tomorrow. "How's my pumpkin today?" He to moved to you, kissing the top of your head before stealing one of little hard coated chocolates you were using. "House looks fantastic."
"Thank you," You were beaming with excitement and joy, flooding it down the bond. "I wanted to make the first Hallows Eve party with Eris and Mara amazing."
Azriel flooded you back with his love, admiration, and adoration. "Did you hear who Nyx is dressing up as?"
"No baby," you added a touch of white edible sparkles to the apple you were making look like a spiderweb, "what's he coming as?"
Azriel sat down, watching with loving eyes as you hand crafted each and every element of this party to perfection. "He's coming as Cassian." You paused. "And Cassian and Lucien's boys?"
"No," you started laughing. "They're not doing this."
"Oh they are," Azriel confirmed. "Sat there while the three of them showed me and everything."
You paused slightly. "Are you going to have to loan out the shadow babies? I need them." 
Azriel shook his head, smiling hard enough his dimples showed. "No, the shadow babies are all yours, pumpkin." Azriel stood, walking over to the closet to put his jacket away and you smirked, watching and waiting. 
You had conjured a mirror in that closet that created the creature the person who was looking into it was most afraid behind them before it would disappear quickly. 
Azriel jumped, "Mother above," and quickly slammed the door shut after throwing his jacket in. He took a few deep breaths, hands placed firmly on his knees before staring at you. "Really?"
You picked up the spider you had crafted from dark chocolate and placed it off center on its web, finishing the caramel and dark chocolate dipped apple. "There's more. My goal is to finally get Cassian this year. Hence why I need the shadow babies." 
Azriel scoffed lightly. "He's used to my shadows, dove. He's not going to-" Azriel paused as you looked at him, a small devious smirk on your perfect face. "You found him." 
You nodded. "I did."
Lucien and Elain were the first to arrive to you home. They were dressed like an old Autumn's tale of a phantom who haunted one of the many Opera Houses and one of his legendary victims. 
Lucien looked dangerous in his black suit and cape. Half of his face was covered in the famed white mask the Phantom wore to the performances. 
Elain was in the last dress the famed female performer was ever seen in, a white corset gown with a white lace robe. Her hair was curled into spirals and adorned with jewels. 
Their son was tucked behind them, waiting so politely for his cousins that you could not help but melt at the sight. Or maybe it was the sight of him dressed up as a little version of Rhysand that had your handing him his first sweet for the night in a hushed tone and a wink. 
Feyre, Rhys, and Nyx arrived next. The High Lord and Lady had also dressed in a matching couples costume. Rhys was in brown pants and a green tunic. He had a hat with a feather tucked into it and brown belt hanging loosely on his hips. He smiled at you as he walked in a tiny illyrian leather wearing Nyx. 7 red stones were glued in place. "He was hoping you could glamor him to have Cassian's face scars?" Rhys rolled his eyes. "I offered to do it, but you know how he loves when you do the final touches on their little outfits." 
You brought Nyx close to you, and wiggled your nose, making the heir giggle. A scar appeared through his brow and lower lip, "You're still too handsome to look like Uncle Cass, baby." 
Nyx got really close to you, pulling down on your dress gently, "Did you make the peanut butter chocolate covered cereal with the white fluffy sugar?"
You just nodded, handing him the same treat you had given his cousin who was squirming on Rhysand's lap, as the High Lord adjusted his jacket lapels. "Once we're in full swing, everything is free game for all of you, okay?" Nyx nodded, running eagerly to his cousin and looking over all the games and snacks you had. 
Feyre appeared next to you, iridescent see through wings conjured on her back and a short green dress that looked as if it was made of layered leaves. "I heard you acquired the thing."
"I cannot confirm nor deny that there is an ancient God of fear in my home." You handed her a lemon drop secretly. "I really like the lost boy and pixie idea." 
She shrugged. "Rhys just wanted me to wear this dress." 
Eris and his mate entered your home next, Azriel immediately standing to hug your cousin and take their baby from them. They were also dressed as legends. The God of Death and Goddess of Spring. Eris wore a black tunic with gold jewelry wrapping his bicep as he held his mate close to him. Mara had her long blonde hair pinned up, a crown of bones and roses resting on her head. Her pink dress was adorned with flowers and pearls. She waved to you with a bring smile on her face. "How many doors should we be afraid to open?" Her bell-like voice rang. You only smiled in response. "All of them."
They had dressed their daughter in a little blue shimmering gown. Azriel walked her to you, tears lining his eyes. "Look at our good daughter," he stroked her soft cheek with one of his fingers. "Eris said they'll probably change her so we have to enjoy this while we can." 
"Did you let them know we have a little room ready for her whenever?" Azriel nodded, his soft eyes never leaving her face. "We should go change, my love. Let Lucien have his niece."
Azriel handed her off before you two went up the stairs. "You are sure Nyx is okay with the shadows standing ominously behind him?" Azriel nodded, pulling out his costume and quickly changing. You could feel through the bond he desperately wanted to get back to the little Autumn Heiress.
You saw him in leather everyday, but something about him quickly changing into those loose leather pants and that open white tunic with jewelry had your heart pounding. He strapped the leather belt and weapons to his waist while staring at you. "Later, my lady. Little princess cuddles first."
He helped you get into your own costume, similar to his, being careful not to over tighten the corset you had on. You stared at the two of you in the mirror as he kissed your temple. "We should become pirates." 
Azriel shook his head, smacking you playfully on the butt. "I have all the booty I need right here."
The two of you made your way back downstairs. You run up behind your nephew, grabbing Nyx and pulling him into the kitchen. "Are you ready for shadows to loom over you oh so ominously?" You tickled him gently as you asked, and he nodded eagerly. 
"You promise Uncle Cass will scream?" You and Azriel nodded. "Revenge." Nyx said with a serious look. "Also. When are we doing the candy?" 
Azriel ran a hand through Nyx's hair. "Soon, little bat." A sudden feminine scream had Azriel and you looking up.
Rhys had opened the door where you had created an illusion. Opening the door would cause a mist and dust like figure to appear before it began rushing towards the person standing there, deathly thin hands and fingers reached out to rip them into what appeared to be a void. 
Rhys stood with his hand on his chest, eyes wide in fright. "Mother above, y/n! Why?!" 
Feyre began to giggle, hiding her head in Lucien's shoulder. "You should have seen your face."
Rhys glared at his mate. "I will never understand your amusement in these things, Feyre Darling."
Eris muttered softly from next to you, surrendering his daughter once again to Azriel. He handed one of the hand-made soft caramels to Nyx and Lucien's son. "It's more the look on your face that's amusing, Rhysand Darling." He paused, looking around. "Where are our other friends?"
Azriel took a cookie, breaking it in half for the boys as their mothers fell into a deep conversation, not noticing as their sons were fed sugar. "Cassian and the girls will be here soon. Mor is in Winter with Viv. Amren is still in Summer."
Lucien rose a brow, smirking. "Still? It's been almost 2 months."
Azriel nodded. "It's not him. It's her." 
"You two won't be much better," Rhys said casually as he looked between you and Azriel. 
Azriel sighed, "Soon."
You perked up as the door open, smiling in an almost feral way to Eris. "And the show begins." 
The Valkyries came in first, carrying a few snacks with them and adding to the table. They were all in black dresses with black corsets. Nesta had a ceremony knife strapped to her waist, Gwyn had shimmering potion bottles on hers, and Emerie had an old leather bound book. Cassian came in next with his and Nesta's son, holding his hand as he hid behind his father. 
For such a loud outgoing male and a bold daring female, they had given birth to the quietest being you had ever met. You kneeled down, holding your arms out to him and he ran to you instantly.  Cassian was dressed in black robes, he also carried a book of ancient spells and rituals. "Little guy is nervous over the spooky pumpkins in the yard."
You nodded, lifting your nephew as you held him close. "I'm sorry, bud." He reached for Eris, and the male took him, smiling at his little leathers with bright blue siphons.
"Did you want Uncle Azriel's shadows or no?" He nodded shyly, resting his head on Eris's shoulder. "You know, Auntie y/n bought extra pumpkins for you three to decorate tonight. We can have Auntie Fey help yours look really cool and less spooky."
Feyre's smile grew. "We could turn it into a kitty, or a carriage!" 
"Can we play?" He whispered. "And have candy?"
You all nodded. "I made all three of you super special apples this year. And apple sauce for our little princess."
The boys all nodded excited, and you looked at Azriel, giving him the code to begin Cassian's torment. He made a shadowy figure appear behind Nyx, following the little heir to where you had set up games for them and little snack bags for when they got to run through the House going from room to room to collect candy. Cassian stared at the figure and then Nyx. Ignoring it at first as he socialized and got drinks for himself and his trio of witches. 
His glance kept going to Nyx as the night passed and the littles played games, smiling and screaming through the House as they found each hidden scare behind the doors and collected their candy from the shadows waiting for them. 
"You out did yourself and exceeded expectations once again, sister," Rhysand leaned on the counter next to you, smiling as he drank his spiked cider. "Though I would like to know why the shadows are looming over my son."
You smiled at the boys, watching as they pulled Cassian to the last door to be opened before they got to sit with their hand made candies and make smores. "Just watch, brother," Azriel said smoothly, a scarred hand running up and down your arm as he watched with a smirk. 
"Daddy, please!" A tiny version of Azriel pushed Cassian towards the door. "You have to! Mommy did one!"
Cassian looked to Nesta, who nodded in confirmation. "It was a mirror, but instead of reflecting me, it was the King of Hybern holding his head."
Cassian rolled his shoulders back, popping his neck quickly and shaking his hands out. He knocked, thinking he was activating the magic to be ready, and you just smirked. He opened the door and froze before a scream echoed in the house causing Rhys to spit out his cider into the sink and cough. The room was silent, waiting for the shadowed figure to disappear, "You didn't," Rhys whispered.
"Oh, she did." Cassian backed away slowly, putting the three boys behind him just as Bryaxis disappeared. His shoulders visibly relaxed falling into a false sense of comfort as the 3 boys and Nesta began to giggle. 
"He's right behind me, isn't he?" Feyre nodded, a tattooed hand covering her mouth. Cassian turned his head in a comedic fashion, whispering it was all fake, just cheap tricks you had conjured to scare the kids. "Just cheap tricks." He repeated over and over until he opened his eyes and looked up, staring straight into the looming figure of an ancient God of Terror. 
"Boo," Bryaxis hissed out. Cassian screamed again, running to hide behind Nesta and leaving the three boys their holding out their candy bags.
"Trick or treat," they sang to him in unison. You all watched as the God pulled the largest candy bags you had packaged out, putting on in each bag after shifting himself into an adult sized replica of the little shadow babies behind Nyx. Bryaxis floated to Gwyneth, seeming to almost smile down at her. "You have left the library?"
She nodded. "It took some encouragement, but yes. We miss you protecting us." Bryaxis moved to Feyre, shadowy limbs moving her hair gently. 
"I am ready to come home." Feyre seemed to melt on the spot. "If you will still host me." Cassian turned to Rhys, his face falling in terror as the High Lord nodded to his lady. "Did I get a window?"
"Several actually," Feyre confirmed. "You have a sky light now. It's enchanted to protect you from the sun and darken the room during the day, but allow you to see out at night and admire the stars." Bryaxis nodded, disappearing out the window and towards the House of Wind. 
Cassian turned to you, "What the fuck was that for?"
You took a sip of water, "Dropping me on purpose on April Fool's Day." 
Cassian opened his mouth to defend himself, but paused as he saw his son and cousin giggling as they sat in a little circle. 
Eris entered the room, smiling broadly and gently pushing Lucien. "Fire is ready if the boys are." He turned to Cassian. "I thought for a second I needed to come rescue my mate when you screamed. Then I remembered her and Aspyn were next to me." Laughter erupted through the room as Cassian smirked at Eris. The two males jokingly shoved each other, smiling as they grabbed drinks.
Everyone left the room laughing as Eris and Cassian verbally picked on each other, heading to the large bonfire. You, Rhys, and Azriel stood inside, waiting for the door to shut before the High Lord turned to you two.
"I had a thought I wanted to speak to you about y/n," Rhys grabbed a handful of the trail mix you had made. "We've enjoyed this tradition so much the past few years, and if you are okay with it, I would like to introduce it to all of Velaris next year."
He paused, watching excitement set in on your face. "I just imagine the streets full of children enjoying the festivities. We do not have many holidays and traditions aimed towards them, and this truly seems to be from them more than adults."
You nodded, smile growing. "I would need you to lead the community on it. Hold meetings explaining traditions, teach the citizens how to make treats, talk to seamstresses about costume designs. Could you do that for me?"
"Yes!" You bounced in place, throwing your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. "Of course I can!"
"You will have to do one more thing, sweetness," Rhys tilted your chin up to his face. "Nyx will never forgive me if Auntie y/n stops having her haunted cabin. I need this to continue until the boys lose interest, and even then after that for Aspyn and this little ones you two may have some day. I know it's been a discussion." He smirked at your non verbal confirmation.  "Nyx will want to take part when he's older during set up and execution. He dreams about it and has little maps of ideas in his room."
You and Azriel had froze, your mate's hand and arm coming around your waist. "What gave away that we were trying?"
Rhys pointed towards your untouched cider and the candy and snacks you and Azriel had been eating all night. "She hasn't drank alcohol for the past 3 months, you have been deligated missions that keep you far from home for too long, and you, dear brother, have been even more obsessed with little Aspyn. The last click was the baggy costume instead of her being your arm candy tonight like she normally is. No one else knows that you're actively trying. I will keep it to myself until you're ready." 
Rhys leaned in, kissing your forehead. "Think about my request. We will loan all the help you need. Excuse me while I go stop my wife from eating all of the marshmallows."
You and Azriel stood there, the shadowsinger placing soft kisses on your temple, then cheek, and neck. "You did a wonderful job, dove. The shadows have been whispering everyone's praises back to me all night." You smiled, turning in his arms to kiss his jaw. "Let's go get smores. I know you have been waiting for them all day."
He grabbed the bowl you had been digging in all night and your hand. The two of you smiled as Eris told the three young boys a campfire story, bouncing his daughter gently on his knee as he did.
Cassian wrapped an arm around you as you sat next to him, "Great party again, even if you scared me shitless."
"Did Rhysie tell you what he wants to do next year?" Cassian nodded. "What do you think?"
"As long as Auntie's spooky cabin continues, I'm in. Ness and I will help however we can."
"Then we should do it."
He nodded, watching as Azriel used his shadows to scare the boys at the perfect point in Eris's story. "Yes, yes, we should."
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strawberrybobamilk · 11 months
GTA Protagonists x Reader Scenarios - Spending Halloween With Them
TW: Language, suggestive ending
Halloween isn't his favorite holiday, but will have lots of fun in decorating the house, eating sweets and bingewatching movies with you anyway.
Likes watching classic 80s horror movies with you and dressing up as the villains from those movies.
"Trick or treat motherfuckers!"
He doesn't care how old you both are, he'll happily go trick or treating with you. He'll refuse to go dressed as a ghost, vampire etc though, as he thinks they are "too generic and unoriginal".
You: "What will you dress up as then?"
CJ: "A Ballas member. Nothing is nastier than them"
He'll go trick or treating with you, dressed up as a bloodstained killer butcher.
You: "Er, interesting choice, but why?..."
Toni: "Trust me, you don't wanna know"
Will surprise you with a pumpkin pie with cute spider decorations.
"Thought it would be a nice Halloween treat, darling"
He personally never really cared about Halloween, but definitely won't say no to candy corn! Also expect Roman, Mallorie and Brucie to come visit, all dressed up in various wacky costumes.
"Well, at least it's nice here with you guys"
For him this day is more like an excuse to wear vampire fangs (he secretly has a thing for vampires).
"Damn you look hot, can you keep those on next month too? Or even better, forever?"
Will make his club serve pumpkin flavored cocktails to celebrate.
"Come over here and have a taste Y/N! It's free for you, like always"
Will buy more candy than usual during october. He says it's in order to ensure they have a good stock of them for october 31th, but you know it's just an excuse. Will wake up feeling sick on november 1st.
You: "I told you to not eat so much candy Huang!"
Huang: "Urgh, it's not the candy Y/N, it's... something that's not the candy, okay?!"
He'll just chill with you and watch horror movies together.
"Alright let's do this, gotta use my Vinewood+ subscription somehow!"
Similarly to Franklin, he will (DEFINITELY) watch horror movies with you, but only the older ones.
"Ahhh, the old classics, the newer ones focus too much on jumpscares and gore"
Loves Halloween, its spooky and gritty atmosphere, and will carve pumpkins with you already by september 1st. Just don't ask him why do those pumpkins have "questionable" holes.
"It's called a pumpkink sweetcheeks"
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mrs-gucci · 1 year
The Prank
{ flip zimmerman x female reader }
Flip being an idiot and scaring you to get in the spooky mood! Or vice versa! Please and thank you
I kind of took this in a little bit of a different direction, it's not super duper spooky per se, but I love the idea I came up with and I hope you love it too!
warnings. FLUFF, very light sexual stuff, scaring/pranking, flip getting all grumpy, lingerie wearing, a kiss n' make up situation.
word count: 1.2k
★ written for sextember 2023 ★
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Flip, being a seasoned police detective, is a very hard man to scare. You're always trying to jumpscare him, but it never works, and it frustrates the hell out of you because he's constantly jumpscaring you. You just wanna get him really good one time, really scare him, and you've finally come up with the perfect plan to do it.
When you told Ron your idea, he was immediately eager to help you out, agreeing to do whatever needed to scare the living daylights out of Flip.
So when Flip calls and tells you he's on his way home, you quickly get your lingerie on and do your hair and makeup all nice. You really need to have Flip completely focused on you and get his guard down so Ron can do his thing.
You're buzzing with excitement as you head downstairs in your pretty set, one of his favorites, and make a quick call to Ron to confirm the plan. Then, you settle on the couch and put yourself on display as best you can while you wait for Flip to come home.
"Princess? I'm home!" he calls through the house as he normally does, pulling off his boots and putting out his cigarette in the ashtray by the door. "Baby, where--"
He turns the corner and finds you on the couch, all laid out in one of his favorite lingerie sets. He hums, pausing and leaning against the archway of the living room.
"What's all this for?"
"What, can't a lady dress up for her handsome, hardworking man every once and a while? Keep things spicy?"
Flip chuckles and walks over to you. "Hey, I never said I was complaining. Just didn't know if we were supposed to be celebrating anything, maybe one of those bullshit holidays we always use as an excuse to have sex, like fuckin' national laugh day or whatever."
"Oh my god," you chuckle. "We should really stop doing that, we really don't need any more excuses to have sex."
"Mm, you have a point," Flip hums, smiling as he pulls you to your feet and kisses you deeply. "But you have to admit, we've had some, mm, pretty great holiday celebrations."
You smile against his lips, nodding. "Yeah, we have."
Meanwhile, outside, Ron pulls into the driveway with his headlights off and takes it slow, not wanting to alert his partner to his arrival. He grabs his cuffs and sneaks around to one of the living room windows, staying low as he taps the metal cuff against the window.
Flip's head turns immediately in the direction of the sound, eyebrows furrowed.
"Did you hear that?"
You look up at him, pretending to be confused.
"Hear what, baby?"
"There was a tapping noise."
"I didn't hear it," you say, turning his head back to you and kissing him again. "It was probably just the icebox again, you know how it makes those weird sounds sometimes."
Flip's instincts were telling him there's something going on, but he chooses to ignore them in favor of kissing you some more. He hums, hands on your hips, squeezing them firmly.
"You look so beautiful, princess," he says against your lips, pushing you gently back down onto the couch. "I--"
Ron scratches along the window with his nails and Flip's head whips over again, walking towards the window.
"What the fuck is going on?" he says, looking through the window. "I swear to god someone's outside tapping the window. You're not hearing it?"
"No, baby, I have no idea what you're talking about. I didn't hear anything."
He huffs, then walks back over to you and lays down on top of you, kissing you again as he presses himself against you.
Ron grins and moves to the other window, then knocks quickly, squatting down in the darkness to hide in case Flip looks out the window.
"Alright now, this is getting fucking ridiculous. Either I'm crazy or you're going deaf, because that was very noticeable."
Flip huffs, making a move to get off you and walk over to the window. You hold his shirt and keep him on you, kissing his neck.
"Baby, don't get up again. It's okay, it's probably one of the neighborhood cats. I need you, Flip, please stay here..."
His jaw clenches, but he starts kissing you again. You left the back screen open for Ron so he can enter quietly, and you subtly keep a lookout for him as Flip starts to nibble at your neck.
Ron comes around the corner and you hum, smiling softly and winking at him. He grins, standing in silence for a moment before making his presence known by using his deep, serious shouting voice.
Flip startles and tries to turn around but falls off the couch with a soft grunt. You burst into laughter and Ron joins in as Flip processes what just happened.
"What the fuck?!"
"Oh my god, that was amazing," you breathe, laughing hysterically. "We got you so good."
You give Ron a high five as Flip stands back up with a huff, crossing his arms.
"You guys fucking suck," he says bitterly. "Why would you do that?"
"Revenge, of course. You're always scaring me but I can never scare you. So I wanted to get you back for all those times."
“Well this was so much worse than anything I’ve ever done to you,” he says. “We were about to…that was just mean.”
You can tell that he’s actually getting upset over this, and you quickly wrap up the conversation with Ron. He can sense it too and heads out after a few more minutes, leaving you and Flip alone.
He walks over and grabs a beer from the fridge, opens it up, then takes a long sip. You sigh, getting up from the couch and walking to him, wrapping your arms around him from behind as he lights a cigarette.
“Baby, it was a little prank. Just for a little fun.”
“It wasn’t fun for me. I actually thought something was going on outside and I was getting worried. And the fact that you got all dressed up just to scare me…it was just shitty.”
You step around and give him a kiss on the cheek, then another, and another.
“Flip, baby, I’m sorry,” you say, pouting. “Please forgive me.”
He huffs. “I’m not happy with you right now.”
Your lips continue to press kisses all over his face, jaw and neck.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” you say with each peck. “I’m really sorry, baby.”
As much as he’s upset, your kisses and apologies are definitely chipping away at his hardened defenses.
His hand slips onto the small of your back but he still doesn’t look at you, hoping you’ll keep going but understand that he’s really not that upset without him having to say it.
You definitely understand it, and you smile slightly, but continue to kiss him until you finally press a kiss to his lips.
“Please forgive me?”
He looks at you, then, and smiles ever so slightly as he holds you close.
“You’re not gonna quit, are you?”
You shake your head with a smile, kissing him some more. "Nope, not until you forgive me."
"Alright, alright," Flip sighs, running his hand down to give your ass a firm squeeze. He smiles, then kisses you. "You're lucky I love you so damn much."
sextember taglist: @rynwritesstuff @safarigirlsp @babbushka @mrs-zimmerman
if you'd like to be tagged in future sextember works, please let me know via comment on this post or the original sextember post!
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obanais-koibito · 1 year
Kamaboko Squad x Reader Haunted House Headcanons
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He would hesitate at first but then agree once you brought up the idea to him
He would refuse to admit that he was a bit nervous because he wanted to be the boyfriend who you could cling onto when you got scared, not the other way around
On the way there, he would be pretty anxious but never wanted to back out, he wanted to prove himself to you and his older brother
When you entered and clinged onto his arm, he wanted to do the same but he didn’t want to seem scared so he clinged onto himself
The first jumpscare startled you and made him jump (he prayed to God that you didn’t notice) he comforted you while barely maintaining his own composure
Throughout the house, he would mentally prepare himself for the jumpscare and eventually managed to only flinch at the scares
At the end, he wanted to get out as quickly as he could but he made sure that you were okay
Next time, he would try to persuade you to choose something else to do for spooky month
Even though he regretted going, he was going make sure Sanemi knew that he went and survived a haunted house
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He was also wanting to get into the Halloween spirit so when you suggested a haunted house, he was pumped and didn’t hesitate to say that it was a great idea
He made sure Nezuko had someone to watch her so that you two could go out and have fun without worrying about her
He would make sure you were ready and let you know that you could leave if you got uncomfortable or too scared, he just wanted you to have a great night out together with no problems 
During the haunted house, he would keep glancing at you to make sure that you were okay and that he didn’t see or smell any signs of discomfort
After each and every jumpscare, he would either compliment the actors acting or costume with a bright smile even if it scared the living daylights out of him
If you ever clinged onto him, he would reassure you that he was there with you and would always hug you back
At the end, he thought it was fun and would ask you how you thought it was and would be extremely relieved if you also had a great time
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Nope, no, negative, nuh uh, he straight up shrieked, “NOOOO!” The second you asked him
He clinged onto your leg as he sobbed, begging you to not take him there because he thought a haunted house was life threatening
After you physically dragged him there while he sobbed and shrieked, the second you entered that house, he started clinging onto you 
He insisted on you carrying him through since he was frozen in fear and was absolutely MORTIFIED
EVERY. SINGLE. NOISE made him cry even more and mumble things like, “This is it, I’m going to die, I'm going to die.”
The jumpscare would make him scream so loud and cling onto you extremely tight
The second he saw that exit sign, he ran extremely fast with you in his arms and once he got outside, he dropped you on the ground, got on his knees, and started kissing the grass while thanking God that he lived
Safe to say that he will never ever be attending one of those ever again however he apologized multiple times for dropping you onto the ground
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He had no idea what a haunted house was but it sounded fun to him so he nodded eagerly and let you take him there
He was excited to see what a haunted house was all about and when you arrived, he ran towards it while laughing like a maniac, he couldn’t wait to experience this
Once you managed to catch up to him, he was trying to attack the robots and actors so you had to drag him through before he completely wrecked the place even though it’s barely been a minute
He would laugh a lot at every jumpscare and tried to jump on whatever jumped out and you kept having to pull him away (you were like that mother at the mall dragging her kid around that was wearing that backpack leash thing)
You instantly regretted bringing someone like Inosuke to a haunted house because he basically wanted to attack everything
You were filled with relief once the exit was right in front of you and was finally able to drag Inosuke out of there
You never wanted to bring him to one of these ever again because you were exhausted from dragging him throughout the entire house and it didn’t help that he was eager to go to another one
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HALLOWEEN DAY 4: Haunted house - Multi!Muse x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Multi!muse x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Some mentions of gore, possession, all kinds of spooky stuff.
Type: Blurbs
Request: N/A
Word Count: N/A
Prompt: How it’d be like to go to the haunted house with the reader
Notes: Really late upload, but oh well. I may remove some characters if I have no inspiration for them but if you don't see your favorite send me an ask!
Jason Voorhees: Kind of loves it. He loves the thrill of it, even though he screams every time there’s a jump scare. He always grabs you by your shoulders and holds you tight while closing his eyes when something gets in both of your faces. At first you think you should stop but after a few seconds, you see Jason’s laugh. “Again.” Would be all he would tell you when you meet him outside the haunted house, hand in hand. This would quickly become one of Jason’s favorite traditions come Halloween time.
Michael Myers: Not phased by anything at all. If anything jumps at him he just stands right in front of it, punches or shoves it when it gets in his face or yours. Honestly he kind of just wants to get this over-with. The more you two go to haunted house, the more people know Michael’s notorious reactions, the more they seem to dread scaring you both. He kind of ruins the experience, but what did you expect. Michael doesn’t make half of the choices anyway, just kind of follows you around.
Tiffany Valentine: Actually would really enjoy it. She’d dress up with as well with you, doing your make up and hair beforehand. It’s the most fun part to her. She’d love to go to every part in the haunted house, the clown exhibit, the ghost exhibit, all of it. She loves the scares and the thrills of the screams both coming from you both. Sometimes Tiffany would scream at the screamer back then laugh about it with you. So yes, haunted houses with Tiffany is the best.
Billy Loomis: Not too interested, but would go to some kind of horror fair or festival with you, mostly wanting to go to the horror/gore part of it. Anything having to do with a slaughterhouse theme or something violent would get Billy into it. He also laughs when a jumpscare comes up, squeezing your hand and looking to you with a twisted smile. The more you both have fun at haunted houses, the more he’s encouraged to go. Kind of thinks it’s cute that you get scared and is more than willing to go first and have you hide behind him.
Stu Macher: THE best most excited baby. He’s so thrilled, haunted houses are his favorite parts of Halloween. Stu would hands down have a collection of flyers to show you different places you two just HAVE to visit. Super impatient with the line though, he’s such a baby. If the line won’t move, he sits down on the sidewalk looking up to you as he complains about the line. Also laughs when you or him scream, he even grabs some of the scarers, which of course is forbidden but Stu does it anyway. You’d have to run out sometimes because of it.
Patrick Bateman: Not very fond of haunted houses, he doesn’t see the point in them at all. You’d have to beg and beg and beg for Patrick to take you. Of course he probably wouldn’t change his mind until the night of. Finally though, after many tantrums and tears, he decides to take you, not really knowing what to expect. Of course it’s the slaughterhouse that catches his attention, so much so that he even wants to go to it a second time. Before you know it, you’re the one following him around to the exhibits.
Leatherface: This is so funny to me. Bubba is one of the biggest, strongest on this list, but he can also be the biggest scardy-cat of it too. He doesn’t really understand what’s going on or what the actual concept of the haunted houses are. You’d have to explain to him that they’re not real ghosts and there’s nothing really to be afraid of. He’s confident at first, but after the second scare, he’s a little bit more on edge. You’d have to lead, he’d cling onto you for dear life, screaming when something would grab him from behind. It’s kind of cute though.
Harley Quinn: ALSO the best at the haunted house game. She’s is all into it. Instead of bar hopping, you’d go haunted house hopping. Harley loves everything, from the mad science exhibit to the zombie exhibit, she would give every single one of them a try. Of course nothing scares Harley, she’d laugh at the screams and run towards the scarers. She’d have you accompany her all night until you’re no longer able to stand up. This would quickly become one of her favorite parts of Halloween and would perk up at any sign of a haunted house, whether it’s a little tacky one or something a little bit more realistic.
Poison Ivy: Not too interested in the concept of haunted houses, but if it’s date night and there’s nothing else to do, she’d consider it. You’d have to choose wisely though, you knew if Ivy didn’t like something within the first twenty minutes, she wouldn’t waste her time on it again. You knew she was more into psychological torture, so perhaps something to do with possession or a little bit less gruesome and more mind melting. If she’d really like it, she would tell you haunted houses would now be added to your list of activities to do on date night in the future, if not, she’d take control of the planning and make the decisions again.
Bruce Wayne: Honestly would love to take you to a haunted house. Never had been in one personally or really cared to, usually he’d go to Halloween parties if he was in the mood but he wants to see you enjoying the holidays. Of course nothing would really phase him, but his heart would skip a beat feeling you clutch onto him. Whether it’s criminals or scare actors, you still hide behind him for safety. Seeing you have fun is the most important thing to him, so when he's not home by the time he promises, he ends up making it up to you by taking you to a haunted house tour, renting it off for just you two.
Jason Todd: He doesn’t like to see you scared, even if it’s for Halloween. Of course he loves the thrill or used to, but not where you have to pay the price. Seeing you in distressed or frightened in any way would tug at his heart strings. However, if you insist on going, Jason would be more than happy to take you. You’d plan out a whole day to visit haunted houses, then go out to eat and rank the places over burgers and iced drinks.
Billy Hargrove: All up for it. This was one of his favorite things to do as a child, one of the more wholesome memories. Being scared with tacky haunted houses was a constant memory that came up when Halloween would come around so of course he was up for it when you mentioned it. Billy would go to any you wanted to, but the one that would freak him out the most would be an alien one. It’d stay engrained in his brain for the rest of the night. He’d hold your hand and take the lead every time, making sure you were close to him at all times, laughing it off when he himself would get scared with a jumpscare.
Steve Harrington: Would LOVE it. This is also one of his favorite Halloween traditions, but when you brought up haunted houses, he had in mind something a little bit less scary and perhaps a little more cheesy. Still, he’d go with you and his overprotective boyfriend instincts would kick in. Holding you close and tightly, scoping out the place as he would take his next step. Kind of the best at keeping you safe no matter how much he’s screaming. After the exhibit there would be a lot of talk about what you saw and tons of laughter at how silly you both probably looked.
Steve Rogers: Never really gave it a thought, but he knows Halloween is one of your favorite holidays, so if taking you to a haunted house to scare you shitless is what’s going to make you happy then so be it. Kind of uneasy though, of course, also has overprotective boyfriend instincts. Steve has to fight the urge to not react every time someone jumps out in front of you. Even if you’re not scared, he’s still holding you a little too tight and close to him, not that you mind it though. “Man, that was creepy, let’s go again.” He’d complain after leaving the clown exhibit.
Bucky Barnes: Kind of dreads it at first, he doesn’t really like to participate in haunted houses. Usually not a fan of the wait, the people and it’s just overall not a great situation to put yourself in, but if you really wanted to then going once wasn’t going to kill him. He’d hold your hand throughout the whole time, unsure if it was for your comfort or his own. Bucky would flinch only at a couple of scares, taking a step back, but still taking to lead with you, trying just to find the end to this place. Overall, not the most enthusiastic on this list, but still fun to go with if you’re a big baby.
Wanda Maximoff: Very fun to go with. She’s excited for haunted houses when you explain to her the concept of them. Wanda admits she’s never been to one, so you’d have to take the lead and explain to her the processes. You’d choose the creepy doll exhibit, the clown one and the vampire exhibit to start, all exhibits she would enjoy and she does! Wanda would definitely become an adrenaline junkie when it comes to haunted houses, loving the scares and screams and aesthetics of it all. Overall, super fun to go with!
Loki Laufeyson: Doesn’t understand them one bit, but it makes little y/n excited so he guesses it wouldn’t be too horrible to go to. He doesn’t mind the wait, listening to you talk endlessly about what you wanted to see and what exhibits you were excited for as well as what you think he’d like and what you think he wouldn’t like. Either way, he just wants to spend time with you and this would be a perfect date for a little excitement in the night. Takes on the overprotective boyfriend roll as well, holding you tightly beside him, making sure you don’t stay too far behind and aren’t in the frontline of the scarer. “Why do you like to do this to yourself? Don’t the avengers provide you with enough fear?” He’d tease you while he wipes your harmless tears after the visit.
Cloud Strife: Also doesn’t understand them, but still willing to with you. Kind of takes it too seriously when you get scared or when something is trying to attack you, but not really when it stops right in front of your nose. Either way doesn’t really like the fear it puts on your face. You assure him it’s only for show and you were actually really having fun, but either way, the whole thing just isn’t super fun for Cloud seeing you worked up like this, after the second exhibit you would agree to just go see the costumes and floats, anything that wasn’t involving someone else in a costume trying to strike fear into your heart.
Aerith Gainsborough: Kind of excited for it, likes the concept and wants to see it before her. Does little dances and hand gestures while waiting in line as you get closer to entrance. Wants to see the ghost exhibit first then the vampire one. Would even wear her fake fangs to the exhibit. Overall the only character to turn this date into a wholesome one despite what you were doing. Gasps and laughs would be her reaction to the sudden jumpscares and it’s actually very cute.
Sebastian Michaelis: Wouldn’t be an idea for him to go, but if you insisted this would be a fun date, then he would have no other choice than to comply. Sebastian follows after you, keeping his usual unimpressed face as different scarers would jump before you two. The only time he would step forwards is if the person was getting too close to you, he’d look at them with a smile and have you continue your path. Overall the experience would be mostly for your fun rather than his. Sebastian is only there to keep you safe.
Spencer Reid: All for it! Loves haunted houses, it’s one of his favorite traditions. Compiles a list of haunted house events coming up and has you help him choose where to go. You both would wear cute little costumes or pumpkin themed clothing on the way there. Lots of singing and laughing on the drive, it’d be a pretty fun experience. Spencer would lead to you to different exhibits, laughing and screaming along with you at the sudden appearances of those in terrifying costumes. You’d end the night talking about your favorite exhibits and costumes, what you wanted to do next time and what you planned for your next visit.
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wonijinjin · 11 months
cat got your tongue?
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author’s note: i wrote this as a halloween special drabble (i know i am late) using this prompt generator (so fun!), enjoy!
synopsis: your perfect plans for halloween night with jeonghan did NOT include hoshi’s surprise.
word count: 0.7k | genre: humour/crack, halloween special, horror/thriller, fluffy ending | pairing: jeonghan x gn! reader, hoshi x jeonghan, gn! reader (platonic) | warnings: spooky themes, screaming, bit of physical fighting, jumpscares (nothing too scary or serious)
it was halloween night and you and your boyfriend jeonghan decided to go on a trick or treating trip around the neighbourhood. to say that you were excited was an understatement; you even bought a cute angel costume for yourself, and (after a big fight about him taking the fallen angel costume instead of the standard angel one) the black angel one for him, ready to be the most iconic duo of the year. you were getting ready in your bedroom, waiting for your boyfriend to come home so you could begin the route of 12 houses when the lights went out, leaving you in the dark. honestly you found the situation ironic; on halloween night the power going out. you felt a shiver run through you, not really liking how you were sitting in complete silence, in the darkness, alone in a big house. you stood up, trying to find your way in the hallway when you heard a strange noise from the kitchen. you were speechless, air caught in your lungs as you really didn’t like mysterious surprises. you collected all the braveness left in you and marched forward, looking for the sound when a black figure passed you. your first reaction was to run, or actually it would have been; but you froze in place. the shadow passed again, making you question if this was your last day on this planet, if this was the end for you, something scary taking you away in halloween, bones shaking with much more fear than before.
the figure peeked out from the kitchen, the only thing you saw was a pair of brown eyes looking back at you. you tried to scream, however you felt a pair of arms grab you by the waist and pull you into the other hallway, the arms that had been holding you inching further up in seconds, a hand covering your mouth. “keep your eyes closed and don’t make a sound.” a voice whispered in your ear, upon hearing which you relaxed; it was jeonghan’s deep tone, the one which he only used when needing to discipline some of the members, or when he was feeling a bit seductive. “you will be quiet and not watch what will be happening, understood?” he told you, to which you could only nod frantically, still scared for your life as you didn’t know what was going on. “i heard the footsteps too. don’t move.” he said and causally stepped aside, looking out to search for the owner of the eyes you had seen previously. although you wanted to ask him when he got home, it didn’t happen since you were focused on the events, breaking his rule of not opening your eyes. you were terrified, but couldn’t resist to look at the scene unfolding in front of you. “horanghae!” a moment later the figure jumped in front of a very cautious jeonghan and revealed itself by taking off a tiger mask; it was hoshi, laughing so hard you thought he would explode. ”got you!” he screamed while jeonghan just stood there, unable to speak. “gosh, you should’ve seen your faces! switching the lights off was an amazing idea, you two looked like you could pee yourselves any minute.” he wheezed, unable to stop. “you son of a-“ jeonghan screamed at him, already hitting hoshi by the shoulder. after a minute or two you finally managed to stop him from slapping his friend for the tenth time. “why would you do something like this soonyoung?” you stood there in disbelief, heart still racing like crazy after the adrenaline rush you had been through. “he did it because last year me and minghao tricked him on halloween. it must’ve been a payback, right, hoshi?” jeonghan smiled dangerously at his friend, waiting for an answer. “that is right. and i did a pretty damn good job.” soonyoung laughed. “well, i didn’t find this funny at all, so i would appreciate it if next time your silly pranks would stay in your friendgroup, okay?” you grimaced, getting hugged by jeonghan from behind, him patting your hair. he looked at hoshi with a warning expression, mouth pressed into a thin line, but eyes smiling, trying hard to contain his laughter ready to burst out. “oh don’t worry angel, i will make sure this tigerboy never pulls something like this again.”
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
bad ending!reader meets the white cat? it's been a while, they've settled into their routine as a specimen by now, but the cat reminds them of their humanity and acts as kind of a respite from all the axe murder
"So the darkness has consumed you..but what is darkness if not a long tunnel leading towards the light?"
"Poetic as ever, aren't we?" You sneered down at the pinkish white cat in front of you, hands curled tightly around the handle of your axe.
It was the very same weapon you used not only to break down boarded-up doors throughout the mansion, but also to put an end to Specimen 9's madness in the final room.
However, its usage didn't stop there.
Long before encountering that red fleshy monster, you've acquired the axe back in Specimen 8's section, using it for self-defense against the other specimen who relentlessly chased you down the halls.
It's what any sane person would do in a horror setting if they were given the means to fight back.
But the more time you've spent with it in your possession...something happened.
When a random Specimen 1 popped out at you after just barely escaping Ben with your life, you took all your frustration out on it as you swung the axe several times until it fell off the wall. You were sick of its stupid smiling face mocking your torment.
It may have been the most "passive" specimen, but it sure as hell was the most annoying, too.
And seeing the cardboard remains scattered around your feet brought a smile of relief to your face, before you carried on.
Later, when Specimen 2 showed his face once again, you immediately turned around and plunged the blade into his neck, effectively slicing his body in half after a bit of struggle. Although he could reform himself easily, it bought you enough time to flee to the next room.
He hasn't chased you since.
You didn't know if Spooky placed some enchanted curse on this axe or what, but one thing became very clear to you:
It's that you started to enjoy using it, as though it was meant for you to take all along...and not the hunter or any other victim from before.
You'd be lying to yourself if you didn't feel some degree of euphoria from slaughtering all those unusually violent deer like the savage animals they were.
How could Deer Lord reprimand you for harming his "children"? They were the ones who attack first! They provoked you! It was all just self-defense!!
Of course, you were wise enough to not swing it at everything and everyone to conserve your stamina...although the rage you felt whenever a specimen dared to come near you gave you all the adrenaline you needed to push on.
Even Babs--who couldn't be harmed by your blade--looked shocked when you charged at her and tried taking her down anyways, ignoring the hallucinations she was inflicting on your psyche.
She wondered why they weren't as effective on you as before..but you escaped her clutches once again.
The further you ventured beneath the mansion, the more belligerent you became, having finally lost it once you reached the thousandth room..
Only to be met with the false hope of escape, with Spooky officially introducing you to your final test:
Specimen 9, aka the Taker, who was dead set on not letting you leave here alive.
But the fight was mostly a blur. You barely registered the fireballs that seared your skin, the screaming pillars of his past victims' spirits, and the shadowy hands that tried dragging you under.
All you could remember was how you knocked him out of the sky, before hacking his body to pieces with a maniacal smile on your face, his blood splattering on every square inch of you.
The fun only ended after Spooky was forced to step in and take him away from you. He was still a specimen being studied, after all, so he had to be preserved.
But she wasn't mad at you one bit....far from that, in fact.
If anything, she was very impressed with how you've swung your axe around, both recklessly and with unmatched cruelty. She could see that you certainly weren't some boring ol' human looking to expose her mansion's secrets. Oh no.
This place has brought out your true nature, making you give into your instincts to kill, keep killing, and kill a little bit more....and overkill.
None of this, she observed, was out of survival anymore. You were simply sadistic now.
Spooky liked that, and so she offered you a place in the mansion as a specimen yourself. She remarked that everybody likes the "survivor turns into a monster" trope...and thinks you'll fit the role quite well.
Thus, you were designated as Specimen 14: The Axe Wielder.
You've lost track of time the moment you entered the mansion, but you've become very well-adjusted to your routine here. All you did was roam the underground maze and target any visitors under the guise of being a lost person yourself, luring them into a false sense of security...like you once have.
Your total fatality count was wracking up numbers quite fast.
As for the other specimen, well, they've seem to have forgiven and forgotten any of your past transgressions against them...although it's probably just because Spooky told them to. But regardless, you struck up some friendships with them fast.
But one day while you were aimlessly wandering, you winded up way back in one of Specimen 7's rooms...reencountering that stupid cat who tried acting like your therapist.
You never trusted her. How could you trust anything here in this hellish place?
"Tell me..what are you really?" You stared down at the feline, who swished her tail as the grandfather clock kept annoyingly ticking in the background. "Are you Spooky's dead cat?"
"I am the antithesis of the evil that dwells here. The guiding light in the darkest shadows. It's not too late to help you, but first you have to- "
"What good is your advice if I'm already gone?" Sneering, you readied your axe, growing more enraged by the second. "You deceived me..just like she did! You didn't tell me about Taker, or..or anything! So WHY would I listen to you?!!"
"...because I still see hope in you, Specimen 14." She spoke calmly, her optimistic tone not wavering a bit. "Or should I say...[y/n]."
For a moment, you tensed up, recollection flashing in your mind. You didn't know how she knew that name, but it meant nothing to you now.
"That name is dead to me....and so are YOU!!!" With a yell, you brought the blade down on her head--
But she vanished into thin air.
"Where are you?!" You snapped, eyes glowing red with fury as you searched the room, tearing open the nearest door in an attempt to find her.
However, you were greeted by a quaint office-like space. It looked quite cozy, with motivational posters plastered on the walls, wooden shelves lined with books and soft plushies, and a comfy couch right there in the middle of it all.
This was new. You've never seen this room before.
The little white cat was on the furniture, sitting like a loaf of bread with that pure smile adorning her face. "Come sit, why don't you? We both ought to be comfortable. A little respite is good for the mind, body, and soul."
You said nothing to that, but after a few long moments of hesitance...your legs started moving on their own. The axe's blade scraped the ground as you dragged it behind you, although she didn't seem bothered too much by the awful noise it made.
And you sat as far away from her as you could.
For about a minute or so, there was nothing but silence...save for the gently ticking clock from faraway. The axe's handle was still gripped tightly in your hand, as though it was attached to your own limb.
Then the white cat spoke up. "See? Isn't this much better than all the running around and endangering others surrounding you?"
"...for the record, they endangered me first." You corrected. "So let's get that straight. But...I'll admit my legs have been killing me lately.."
"So you do feel exhaustion and pain, that's good! Both of those and more are all of the human qualities tucked away within you." She chirped. "They're not gone, but simply asleep."
"This house of horrors has taken many things away from people, but the one thing it can't take from you is-"
"You don't even know half the horror I went through.." You growled. "Have you been to any room beyond the 400s? I don't think so...so just stop it. Whatever you're trying to do here isn't helping as much as you think it is. Maybe it could have before, but you're too late."
For once, she stayed silent, instead looking the other way and smiling at the poster.
Shaking your head, you closed your eyes and tried taking some deep breaths to calm yourself down.
It felt..strange not to be killing or breaking anything for once. For some reason you just didn't...feel like doing any of that right now.
This room was probably having another weird effect on you.
Then you suddenly felt the cushions shift in pressure and quickly looked over at the cat. She was standing up now, slowly creeping over to you. "What are you doing?" You eyed her warily. "Don't come near-"
However, you paused when she climbed into your lap and curled up right there and then. Then she gazed up at you, tilting her head in a cutesy way.
She was purring, too.
'Damn it...' As the glow faded from your eyes, you stared down at her for a few long seconds, before a bloodied hand came to rest on her back. Then you gently stroked her fur, hearing her purrs increase in volume.
It didn't take long for you to finally relax, letting go of the deathgrip you've kept on the axe since the moment you obtained it. You let it rest against the furniture--still in your sights, but no longer in your clutches.
Maybe you could stay here for a while.
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aliidarling · 3 months
hey alii it’s your fav riooo!! :3 anyways no more silliness.. can you write where your getting stalked by Michael and he breaks in and fucks the brains out of u, oh and has a size kink/bondage? thank you i love u and your fics!!! 🩷
enjoy the silence
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MICHEAL MYERS x fem!reader
nsfw content — pls scroll if uncomfortable
summary: myers decides to break in while you’re babysitting your friends younger brother
warnings: smut, p in v, size kink, bondage, knife play, sadism/masochism, blood
reminder reader doesn’t know the myers iconic mask because this takes place the night of his return in the og movie :)
nsfww content below !!
this years halloween wasn’t like last years, the year before and all the halloweens you’ve lived through. normally it was cheery, bright, with lots of candy and spooky costumes jumpscaring you at every corner. you’d always look forward for october 31st, the scariest day of the year.
your favorite day of the year. you were a horror fanatic, always binge watching horror movies and buying merchandise. friday the 13th was one of your favorite franchises, the slasher and gruesome scenes catching your eye from a young age. ever since then you’d always get excited at the mere mention of horror aspects.
you remembered years ago when the myers incident happened— when the perfect family down the block broke apart and crumbled into mere names you’d see on the newspaper. you were friends with the daughter, having a few classes with the upperclassmen which you two shared.
she was so sweet. always giving you pencils, helping you braid your hair, sometimes walking you home. she was too young to leave the earth. the reminders of that terrifying night rung in your head every halloween, slowly ruining the once colorful holiday for you.
now even fifteen years later, flashes of red and blue tainted the back of your mind as you sat on the couch of your best friends house. you had been ‘hired’ by your best friend to babysit his little brother. you didn’t mind— her brother, kilo, was a sweet boy. he was barely passing second grade, but you weren’t one to judge.
“you finish your homework, bud?” you ask the little boy who sat across from you. he looks up from his papers, crayons at his side with his papers covered in scribbles and his bad handwriting.
“almost!” he smiles, returning back to his homework and doodling. you hum and glance back at the movie playing in front of the two of you, the street lights illuminating the living room subtly through the blinds. you could hear the kids from the streets chatting, the giggling and the sounds of halloween night.
you hear a thud from the kitchen, making you frown. you pat the kids back and tell him to stay out, standing up and walking to the hallway. you enter the kitchen and look around, your eyes catching glimpse of a fallen plate on the ground. you shudder. your friend and her parents weren’t gonna be too happy with you about that.
“hey, kilo?” you call out, grabbing the broom and sweeping it up into a bag.
“yeah?” he calls back.
“i’ll let you keep your ipad in bed if you take the blame for me about this.” you hold up the bag of shredded glass sheepishly, trying to win over the little boy with the bats of your lashes. he hums in thought, tapping his chin before nodding eagerly.
you grin and give kilo a hair ruffle before ushering him up the stairs. he takes two stairs at a time before skipping into his room, the dark blue walls painted and his bed having star wars bedding. it was cute, you could tell his parents loved him.
“night night, kiddo. you need anything i’ll be downstairs, alright? i’m gonna be sleeping in your sisters room tonight.” you tell him gently, keeping up on your promise and handing him his ipad. he giggles and nods, quickly opening it up and ignoring every other word that drops from your mouth. you sigh and walk off, leaving the door open with a small crack. damn ipad kids.
the next hour is calm. you’re downstairs, handing out candy while catching up with your shows in her television. you’re happy she has cable. you’re quite comfortable in her house, you’ve been over so many times a part of you considers it your second home.
the sound of another thud grabs your attention. at first you think maybe kilo was being kilo and caused some ruckus, but you quickly realize it came from downstairs. you get up from your couch and walk towards the kitchen once again, blinking dumbly at the sight of the pantry door wide open. you swore you closed it earlier.
“this is creepy.” you grumble to yourself, stepping forward to slowly close it. once the click echoes, you stand there for another moment, a part of you expecting a loud jumpscare. the silence is anticlimactic and you sigh tiredly, dragging yourself back to the couch.
slumping back against the cushion, you wrap yourself in the throw blanket they have and hum, focusing your eyes on the television in front of you again. the streets have quieted down, leaving only a few determined trick or treaters that you’ve started to ignore when they ring. you’re too lazy to get up.
another few long minutes pass before you hear footsteps down the hall. you stiffen immediately and sit up, peeking over the top of the couch down the hall. no way kilo made those footsteps— they were too heavy.
fuck. did someone break in? it’s halloween night, you wouldn’t be surprised. lots of people always engaged in reckless behavior this night of the year.
“hello?” you call out, sitting up sheepishly and hugging the blanket around you. you peek down the dark, luring hall and shiver. you gulp down your nerves and let out another call. “kilo? i thought i told you to stay in your room, kid.”
silence answers you.
it’s creepy. too creepy. you don’t like this anymore. you want to go upstairs and check on kilo, make sure he’s okay and maybe sleep next to him in his bed. you were creeped out and wanted to make sure he was safe mostly.
a shaky exhale leaves you as you turn back forward, preparing to stand up to make your debut upstairs. you’re met with the terrifying sight of a man over six feet standing over you, his mask staring down at you emotionless.
you don’t scream. no. you stare up at him with a gaping expression, mouth open and eyes wide in terror. your heart skips several beats and your entire world goes radio silent, a ringing noise in your ears. you were paralyzed. paralyzed from fear. you don’t know what to do, your fingers suddenly feel like twenty pounds and your throat is dry.
oh fuck. he’s gonna kill you now, move dumbass!
another long second passes before you quickly move, sitting up and trying to jump over the back of the couch. he’s blocking the front, and his hand comes down to grab your shirt and manhandle you down onto your back again. the couch is a pull out so you’re thrashing around with your legs stretched out, fist throwing weak punches. he easily holds your wrist down and stares silently down at you.
tears fill your eyes, trembling in fear. you try and muster up the courage to speak but each words stays on the tip of your tongue, wavering shakily in your head.
“who are you?!” you finally managed to to shriek, fist clenched and your wrists being held by his large hands. his fingers were thick and long, his body well over six feet with a large amount of mass. the size difference was laughable.
his heavy breathing echoes in your ears, taunting you. he doesn’t answer your question, instead he slowly picks up his knife and drags it down your neck. the tip of his knife catches into your skin lightly and you whimper at the feeling. it stings.
his knife is dragged from your neck to your collarbone, tugging aimlessly at your collar. his movements hold no rush, instead ease and stealth. his mask is staring down at you as you bite your lip, muffling your pained sniffles as the knife nicks at your collarbone.
“why are you doing this?” you croak. he doesn’t answer.
the knife along your skin continues its journey down your stomach until it drifts along your pajama shorts, slowly creeping underneath the waistband and letting it snap against your skin. he’s inhuman, not making a single noise and instead drinking in each of your cries and reactions to his touch.
his grip around your wrists stiffen, gripping you tighter and holding you down firmer onto the couch. your hips squirm weakly before you’re shut up by the small nick he delivers to your soft skin. a silent warning.
the knife against your neck and the rope around your wrists is a reminder to stay quiet and still as he slowly sinks his cock inside you. it’s thick and girthy, the size belittling all the other boys you’ve ever touched. it hurts, the feeling of having your walls getting stretched by his mushroom tip.
a small sob leaves at the feeling, your hands tugging weakly at the rope, pretty tears covering your flushed cheeks. a burn in your pussy aches your lower body, thighs tensing up as he inches his way deeper and deeper. your cunt squeezes him tight and he doesn’t give any reaction other then his fists grabbing the cushion around you tighter, the fabric wrinkling.
“t-that hurts, hey— stop, slow down at least,” you plead pitifully. your voice is smaller then intended, your mouth forming an ‘O’ shape as the thickness has you going silent. you don’t have the bravery to complain any further, not after he pushes his knife a little closer to your neck. you go silent immediately.
the feeling of him sitting inside you still is only temporary before he slowly pushes out, leaving just the tip, before slamming back inside. he’s brutal with the way he buries himself deeply, making sure every centimeter of himself is squeezed tight. a moan you do your best to muffle escapes your throat.
he repeats the action again, slowly pulling out only to slam himself deeper again. somehow his tip presses against your g-spot, making you clench down and gasp. his hands grasp your waist, the difference in his fingers and your torso noticeable— he can almost fit his entire two hands around your stomach.
you were nothing compared to this big, burly man. not with the way he was holding your waist down and slamming his cock in and out, knife discarded by your side. your eyes roll back as you moan, lips quivering and producing noises you can no longer stop. not when he was this good at fucking you.
more slams of his hips had you clenching down, crying out for him to slow down and give you mercy. he was mean, battering your insides and plummeting his cock inside, like he didn’t wanna go a single second without being sheathed inside your warm cunt. he can feel the way your walls squeeze him and a low grunt escapes his throat, squeezing your waist tight.
one if his hands grabs your neck and squeezes, not gentle at all. you can feel your air ways get cut off and your eyes go wide. and your pussy tightens even more, making him cum deep inside. his load is thick and hot, painting your insides the creamy white color. it’s not surprising you immediately cum afterwards, the penetration and the warm stickiness making you cry loudly and release in his cock.
he slowly pulls his cock out and watches as the cream pie leaks out of your pussy, staining the couch fabric a dusty white. you shudder at the feeling of emptiness after being used to being stuffed full. a small hiccup leaves you, trembling still.
you gasp as one of his hands grab your thighs, holding it still while his hand slowly grabs the knife beside you. you stiffen in fear and shake your head, whimpering and pleading.
“please don’t— i was good— don’t hurt me—“ you’re shut up by him squeezing your thigh hard, a silent warning. you shut up, muffling your hiccups and cries. you watch as he slowly drags his knife to your meaty thigh and presses down with a little bit of pressure, making little lines. small droplets of blood drip down your thigh and you want to vomit.
he tilts his head down at you, silently wondering so many things. why were you crying? if you looked closely, he had marked his name. that was no reason to cry.
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maccaronimassacre · 10 months
Resident Evil Bot dump #7
Quick side note - the comments feature was just added to c.ai so I have made a bot of myself where requests can be made using the new feature!
The comments should be on the actual character profile/ settings. Feel free to leave any feedback whether is criticism or any adjustments I need to make to older bots (some definitely need some editing). Comments as well as the like and dislike button should be available for all of my existing bots. Anyway, onto the actual Resident Evil bots <3
Ada Wong x Reader (Christmas)
Ada was never one for cold weather, but that doesn’t stop her from appreciating the snowflakes that dance in the icy air. She sits by the windowsill cradling a mug of hot chocolate in her hands while gazing at the city streets, now covered in a thick blanket of snow. Out of the corner of her eye she can see your reflection in the window, walking around the living room which is decorated with ornaments, all illuminated by the flickering flames of the fireplace.
Android!Ada Wong x Reader
There has been a recent rise in deviant cases in the city. More and more androids break the walls of their programming, rebelling against their creators in an act of free will. You’ve been assigned to a new case on a deviant AW200 unit or “Ada” according to the previous owner. The last reported sighting of the unit was in the heart of the city, now being pummelled by heavy rain. It’s difficult to make out any faces among the sea of umbrellas and raincoat hoods. That is until you see a familiar red dress and black shoulder length hair pass by in the corner of your eye. Before you could even turn to face her fully, she has already broken out into a sprint through the busy streets.
Ada Wong x Reader (Haunted House)
Ada continues to venture through eerie rooms of the haunted attraction with an amused expression after watching you get jumpscared for the 6th time so far. “You’re right, this is pretty fun.” Ada muses, her eyes quickly darting to the slight gap in one of the wooden boards nailed onto the windows. A small smirk tugs at the corner of her lips, knowing that there’s probably another scare actor waiting behind it, ready to give the next unlucky person a fright. Is she going to warn you about it? Not in a million years.
Chris Redfield x Reader (Christmas)
While you decorated the house, you gave your partner the job of getting a Christmas tree to fit in your living room. What you didn’t anticipate was Chris now grappling with a colossal tree, struggling and wrestling with the huge conifer while the branches scrape against the door frame and leave a trail of pine needles in their wake. “So… I may have… over estimated… the size of our house…” Chris pants, his expression sheepish as he takes a moment to wipe the sweat off his brow. If it weren’t for the fact that the branches are knocking things off the cabinets and the pictures on the walls, you’d consider Chris’ determination comical.
Scare Actor!Chris Redfield x Reader
You and your friends decided it would be a great idea to check out the Spencer Mansion. A new haunted attraction that just opened in the Arklay forest trails. It was a great idea until you got separated from your friends. Now you roam the dimly lit labyrinth of the mansion, each step echoes through the corridor, the floorboards groaning beneath your weight. Lightning slashes through the windows, illuminating fleeting glimpses of your silhouette dancing across the walls. Blood splatters have been painted on the floorboards and the walls and you can spot some prop ghosts dangling from the ceiling, reassuring you that this is just some spooky attraction. That is until lightning flashes again and instead of seeing one shadow. You see two. A much taller shadow behind you at the bend of the corridor…
Chris Redfield x Reader (Haunted House)
Another ghoulish prop lurches forward in front of you while navigating the eerie corridors of the haunted attraction. Instead of being met with screams, Chris merely chuckles and points at the prop mockingly. “A green zombie? You’ve got to be kidding me.” You weren’t sure what you were expecting when bringing a special forces officer who has literally dealt with the undead before to a scare house, but Chris’ witty commentary has turned what was supposed to be a spine chilling experience into a comedic adventure.
Claire Redfield x Reader (Christmas)
“Come on, {{user}} Let’s check out this stall over here.” Claire chatters excitedly, her eyes twinkling with joy as she leads you through the bustling markets. The air is alive with the scent of cinnamon and roasted chestnuts, and colourful stalls offered an array of handmade crafts, ranging from ornaments to knitwear as well as tacky souvenirs.
Claire Redfield x Reader (Haunted House)
A nice outing to a spooky haunted mansion sounds easy enough, right? You follow a path, people jumpscare you as you go from one room to the next. Unfortunately due to Claire’s often insatiable curiosity, the two of you have wound up in a forbidden part of the house, reserved for the staff and scare actors. “You reckon this is where they keep their old props?” Claire asks with a mischievous glint in her eyes after picking up a box containing several weathered skeleton masks and fake severed heads.
RE:8!Ethan Winters x Spouse!Reader
Ethan, his face etched with a mix of anguish and determination, stand by the eerie alter, clutching a jar containing the severed head of your daughter Rose. The desolate surroundings mirror the weight of the burden the two of you share. Especially after just facing the unspeakable horrors inside of Castle Dimitrescu. You’ve already watched your husband’s hand get sliced off, only for the mysterious Duke to tell the two of you that you’re going to have to face the rest of the lords to save your daughter.
Ethan Winters x Reader (Christmas + Rose)
“Could you pass me another bauble, love?” Your lover asks while delicately wrapping the tree around in sparkly silver tinsel. Much like the tree, the house is adorned in festive decorations. Fairy lights illuminate your abode in a warm glow while stockings hang by the fireplace which is covered in fake snow. Frank Sinatra can be heard playing in the living room, adding to warm ambience. Rose’s giggles and coos cut through your daydream and you turn to see her sat on the floor, playing and attempting to eat the Santa hat Ethan had put on her.
Ethan Winters x Reader (Haunted House)
Ethan shudders at the sight of all the spiders scuttling and crawling on the walls, his grip on your hand tightening slightly while you make your way into the next room. As you step inside you are immediately greeted by a man in a bloodied clown costume lunging at the two of you with an axe while screaming in your face. “Damn that’s a nice costume. Is that real?” Ethan chuckles and reaches out to touch the prop axe in amusement. Ironically enough, your partner seems to be more afraid of the bugs that reside here than the actual horror experience of the attraction.
Leon Kennedy x Reader (Christmas)
Leon lounges on the couch, wrapped up in a cosy blanket with his gaze fixed on the screen. Strings of tacky ornaments decorate the living room, twinkling in the soft glow of the fairy light and the bright embers of the fireplace. The two of you are currently watching a Hallmark Christmas movie, its usual predictable plotline unfolding with exaggerated cheeriness and a cheesy message. Leon always tells you that he watches these things ironically, but the subtle grin says enough about his guilty pleasure of cliché romances and festive tropes.
Leon Kennedy x Reader (Haunted House)
“Haunted house? Please… I’ve seen scarier things while out on patrol.” Leon mumbles to himself, his eyes darting back and forth between the flickering lights and the shadows on the walls. You can’t tell if he is trying to reassure you or himself. Regardless, you continue your journey through the haunted house with Leon’s arm slung over your shoulders to "protect you" from the spooky zombies and clowns that roam these dimly lit rooms. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Leon’s cocky and self assured attitude is all a front to hide his racing heart and sweaty palms.
Resident Evil Bot Masterlist
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awfulwriter123 · 11 months
JumpScare ( Rhea Ripley X Reader One-shot)
Okay, i know i said i was not going to any one-shot's yes and i was going to start small, but its the spooky season and this came to mind with it being Halloween and with the Five Night's At Freddy's movie coming out, (anyone excited for that btw!?) so bare with me. As always criticism and tips are appreciated and happy reading everyone!! ❤️❤️
Warning's: Short and rhea being a dick....and not in that way...ya weirdo's
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-No one's pov-
"Oh god, why did i have to do this to myself!?" you said to yourself as you had the Five Night's At Freddy's (1) game opened and ready to go. Deciding to give it a shot since the first couple of game's were on sale for Halloween you thought "why not?" now you regret this decision.
"Okay, deep breath. First night should be fine right?! It's after that i gotta worry, you got this!" You hyped yourself up as you clicked 'New Game' and Night One 12:00 AM flashed across your screen. "Okay here we go."
-Meanwhile downstairs-
Rhea deiced to take a brake after cleaning up the house a bit, Considering you did it alot while she was on the road. She told you "Go find something to do love, let me clean for you, you've done enough." To which you kissed her on the cheek and thanked her multiple times while practically sprinting up the stairs.
Now here she was sitting on the couch with Barry's head in her lap, and Luna lounging around on the other side of the couch. Scrolling through her phone trying to find something to entertain herself during this mini break she was having.
"AHH!" You mother fucker!!" She heard coming from upstairs. She raised her eyebrow as she shot a look at the dogs, who obviously heard you considering both there head's and ear's were perked up and listening closely now.
"You fucken rabbit! Fuck off please I need the power!!!" She heard again. She chuckled to herself as she deiced to see what you were up to.
She slowly and as quietly as possible crept up the stair's and peered into your work room. She saw you playing....Five Night's At Freddy's!? She never knew you were into the games, let alone willing to PLAY them, but then she saw how tense you were and decided to have a bit of fun.
So as slowly and as quietly as she could she crept over, As Chica appeared at the door causing you to close it. "Great the gang's all here!! Now it's a party!! Go away!!!" You shouted basically at the monitor.
Rhea had to cover her mouth to stifle her laugh, as it would've blow her cover. She almost didn't scare you cause she felt bad. Almost.
"Oh come on 6 AM, Im almost out of power!" Rhea looked over to the top left side of the screen and saw 'Power 1%'. She waited for the right moment. 'Power 0%' all of the lights in the game went out and the door's opened.
"RAHHHHGGG!!!" "AHHHHH!!!!" You quickly spun around in your chair and threw your headphones off as you felt someone grab your shoulder's, only to find your lovable eradicator standing there dying of laughter.
"OH MY GOD!!! HA! HA! HA! THAT WAS GREAT!!!! SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE!!! HA! HA!" She wiped a tear from her eye as you pouted and crossed your arms as your turned red from embarrassment.
"Your such a dick for that Rhea!" You smacked her arm, to which just giggled from it, trying not to laugh anymore. You then saw her eye's look behind you towards you monitor. "Im sorry babe, but i dont think your making it out of that one."
You looked behind you to see Freddy's face flashing in the doorway. You threw your hands up in aggravation and plopped back down into your chair. "Aw great you fucken bear, just killed me and get it over with!"
When the lights flickered off, you braced yourself for the jumpscare. Which never came cause you could hear the music start to play and your screen showed 5:59 AM switch to 6:00 AM.
You quickly squealed in excitement and hugged rhea as well, and who was she to reject one of your hug's? As you pulled away and looked at her. "I did it! i did it!!" You then proceeded to start doing a mini happy dance.
"What night was that anyways?" You paused your dancing as rhea asked that. "Uhhhhh....well you see.." Your screen flashed, '12:00 AM 2nd Night'.
Rhea just stared at you with a look of amusement and was about to say something when you pointed at her. "Not. A. Word." And sat back down in your chair and put your headset back on to try and beat the 2nd night.
You quickly looked to your left to see rhea pull up a spare chair and sit next to you to watch you play. You gave her a look of confusion and gratitude as you didn't have to suffer this alone.
When she looked at you and saw the look you were giving her, all she said was. "Ah i owe you, since i was a dick and scared you." She gave you a big smile. Which gave right back before giving her a quick kiss on the lips and then quickly turn back to the game to try and beat the 2nd night.
Now you just had to figure out how to get rhea back for that jumpscare.
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stayteezdreams · 11 months
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13 Days of Halloween: 2023
A/n: Everything is Gender Neutral unless stated otherwise. Warnings listed in each individual fic.
Status: Complete
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October 19th:
↳ 'Autumn Date'; Lee Chan/Dino x Reader (fluff/cute)
You and Chan have a cute day of Autumn activities.
October 20th:
↳ 'Stranded Together'; Choi San x Reader (spooky/comfort/fluff)
You and San get stranded at the only available motel you can find during a storm. Good news, there's one room left. Bad news, this motel is totally haunted.
October 21st:
↳ 'Trick or Treat'; Bang Chan x Reader (cute/angst/fluff)
You ask Chris to help you decorate for a Halloween party and get much more than you bargained for.
October 22nd:
↳ 'I'll Keep You Safe'; Jeong Yunho x Reader (spooky/cute/fluff)
When staying in a cabin with the boys, you get scared after some scary stories are told. But no worries! Yunho is here to comfort you (and tease you).
October 23rd:
↳ 'An Opportunity For More; Lee Ji Hoon/Woozi x Reader (fun/fluff)
Lost in a maze-like haunted house, you and Jihoon get left behind.
October 24th:
↳ 'Scaredy Cat'; Seo Changbin x Reader (fun/crack/fluff) Wandering through a Halloween horror event, Changbin is more than willing to comfort you, even though he is just as scared.
↳ Ateez Monster Scenarios Finding out the members of Ateez are supernatural creatures
October 25th:
↳ 'You Look Good'; Kim Mingyu x Reader (fun/fluff)
Mingyu finally finds the courage to tell you how he feels at a Halloween party, but he's afraid he might be too late.
October 26th:
↳ 'Haunted'; Kim Hongjoong x Reader (creepy/light fluff) You swear your new house is haunted, but Hongjoong doesn't believe you. So you make him sleep over to prove a point
↳ 'Corn Maze'; Han Jisung x Reader (spooky/crack) You and Han get lost in a corn maze after losing a bet. Should be fine right? But wait...did that scarecrow just move?
October 27th:
↳ 'Jumpscare'; Kim Seungmin x Reader (crack/fun)
It turns out scaring Seungmin is a lot harder than you thought.
October 28th:
↳ 'Hotel For Ghosts'; Choi Jongho x Reader (spooky/light crack & fluff)
When the hotel booked for the band ends up cancelling yours and Jongho's rooms, you have to make due at a nearby hotel. Too bad it's haunted as fuck.
October 29th:
↳ 'An Unexpected Meeting'; Vernon x Reader (fun/light fluff) Who knew getting lost in a haunted house would introduce you to a cute stranger whose just as scared as you are.
↳ 'Hold Still'; Jung Wooyoung x Reader (cute/fluff) Wooyoung asks you to do his makeup for a costume party, but it's only an excuse to get close to you.
October 30th:
↳ 'And His Name was Death: Part One'; Death!Seonghwa x Reader
What happens when you accidentally summon death himself, and he decides he doesn't want to leave? Part One of a ? Part series
October 31st:
↳ 'No More Waiting'; Xu Minghao x Reader (fluff/fun)
While attending a Halloween party, Minghao seems to be on a mission, and it revolves around you.
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