#spot conlon x davey jacobs
military-newsboys · 1 month
Albert: ‘They’ll never find the body’ is such a boring threat, a better threat would be ‘they’ll never stop finding the body’
Crutchie, bored: Or just say ‘they’ll be finding parts of you for at least 4 months, and you’ll still be alive for 3 of them’
Race: Now that’s a threat!
Davey, covering Les’s ears: *horrified silence*
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bwaybby09 · 5 months
During a Tornado Warning:
Les: What do we do if the tornado hits us?
Spot: Uh, what do we do if the tornado hit us? I'm not sure, maybe get blown away by it?!
Race: No, no, you hide under a doorway.
Katherine: No, no, no. That's an earthquake.
Davey: Actually, they say you're not supposed to do that anymore.
Albert: Who cares what they say not to do for something that's not happening.
Jack: They say that you should go towards the eye of the storm.
Spot: Where’s the eye of the storm, Jack?
Jack: I don’t know…
Spot: That’s what I thought.
Crutchie: Tell someone you trust.
Jack: No Crutchie, that's only if the tornado's molesting you.
Race: Okay, this is just a drill! Everyone grab a clutch buddy!
(Race grabs onto Spot)
Spot: Oh, get off me! No!
Race: Hold on to me!
Spot: Get off me!
Race: I am saving your life!
Spot: I don’t wanna be saved by you!
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emmedoesntdomath · 6 months
this might just be a me thing, but I’m such a fan of characters not referring to themselves with their nickname. like. they’re doing a whole inner monologue, and it’s sad, and depressing, and generally pathetic, but then their best friend calls them their nickname and it’s like. oh. yeah :)
because they may suck in their own heads. they could very well be the worst person alive in their own little brains. but when someone they care about calls them that one thing with that one tone of voice, suddenly they suck a little less. suddenly they’re less of a screw up. suddenly the serotonin hits their system and it’s like watching a light come on.
they might not be good enough, but the person everyone thinks they are is, and secretly, that makes them feel just a little bit better.
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knockoff-conlon · 6 months
modern javey and newsbians are THE food shares ever. they're on dates and steal bites of everything from each other's plates.
modern sprace and redfinch threaten to stab each other with their forks for stealing food off their plates. sill not share anything.
modern blush don't share food willingly. they just casually sneak food from the other's plate when the other's not looking.
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suddenly--sam · 1 year
Yes, Jack Kelly kissed a girl in the last 5 minutes of the movie, that does not take away the other 1 hour and 56 minutes of loving gazes and just general gayness between the newsies, specifically jack and davey but still.
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crystaltreebee · 2 months
them kissing could cure me.
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little-miss-biatch · 11 months
Davey: I’m cold.
Jack: here, take my jacket.
Racetrack: I’m cold too
Spot: *burns down a building* here you go
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 2 months
(Finally!!!!) Chapter 14 of When the World Falls Into Anarchy is out!!
when the world falls into anarchy (16049 words) by etherealbumblebee Chapters: 14/? Fandom: Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Newsies - All Media Types, Newsies (1992), Newsies: The Broadway Musical! (2017) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Spot Conlon/Racetrack Higgins, Albert DaSilva/Finch (Newsies), Sarah Jacobs/Katherine Plumber Pulitzer, David Jacobs/Jack Kelly, Crutchie/Albert DaSilva (Newsies), Bill Hearst/Darcy Reid Characters: Spot Conlon, Racetrack Higgins, Finch (Newsies), Albert DaSilva (Newsies), Jack Kelly (Newsies), Crutchie (Newsies), Katherine Plumber Pulitzer, David Jacobs, Les Jacobs, Bill Hearst, Darcy Reid Additional Tags: Zombie Apocalypse, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Post-Apocalypse, Danger, Survival Summary: One month. It’d been one month since the first signs of the plague showed up, since the first person became mad with fever and insane with bloodlust, since the disease had ravaged the world until there was nothing left. Spot had been lucky somehow, able to stay far from the infected, but as far as he could tell, he’d been the only one. … One month after the outbreak of a disease that turned the whole world on its head, Spot Conlon must navigate his way through a world no longer safe to walk in, seeking safety alongside several other survivors. When the world falls into anarchy, who will be able to see their way through?
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newsiesficchallenges · 3 months
Two Days…
There are two days left to sign up for the 2024 Newsies Gift Exchange. If you like fun, and fandom, you should sign up. Just click the clicky button. You can do this.
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weezey-1 · 1 month
I just realized that I haven’t posted newsies in a while. So here’s some ships I like/dislike;
Jatherine ✨ (they are my #1, I ❤️ them)
Sprace (I need more fics of them, I read them all 😭)
Finch x Jojo (I got this from a Sprace fic and have been obsessed with them ever since)
Jack x Crutchie (does anyone else like them? I don’t see people post them on here a lot)
Albert x Elmer (I don’t actually have a reason for them)
I’m sure there’s others I just can’t think of rn
Javey (I’m sorry, don’t hurt me 😭 I have my reasons but there’s too many to put here)
Jack x Sarah (these two make me ship Javey… I don’t like them)
Ralbert (I just don’t see it)
Jack x Spot (I see them having a brotherly relationship, also didn’t realize a lot of people ship this)
Sarah x Katherine (my brain can’t get past the fact they are essentially the same person)
If you like the ships I don’t, great, keep liking them, you just won’t change my mind on them. If you don’t like the ones I do, same thing, I don’t care, I’m going to keep liking them.
I’ve seen way to many people get mad at people for liking or not liking a certain ship in the other fandoms I’m in, idk how the newsies fandom is, so I put the ending to be safe. People are weirdly rude about this stuff.
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military-newsboys · 2 months
Jack: That building is, like, 5 Davey away and we're at least 14 Davey high. Davey: Please don't use me as a system of measurement.
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frogmanfae · 1 year
Okay so I have this fun little list of things that either I have said or my friends have said that I would name a song and anyway here are Newsies as my potential song titles
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sl-newsie · 9 months
Run Your Mouth (David Jacobs x Fem Brooklyn Newsie)
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Request: While David and Jack are in Brooklyn trying to convince Spot to join the strike, Davey sees a girl in the corner of his eye.
Davey’s POV
“So is this Spot Colon a big deal?” 
“Just wait and see.”
It’s funny how fast a person’s life can change in a day. First I’m selling newspapers, the next I’m being taken to Brooklyn. I’ll admit I’m really anxious to be in such an unfamiliar atmosphere, especially with the tough Brooklyn newsies watching our every move.
“Where is he?” I whisper to Jack, trying to stick as close a possible. Meanwhile Boots keeps looking around with a laid-back smile.
“Be patient,” the cowboy mutters.
“Well if it ain’t Jack be nimble, Jack be quick.”
We both look up and literally spot the one I think is the Brooklyn leader named Spot Colon.
“See you moved up in the woild, Spot. Got a river view and everything,” Jack comments. 
 ‘Spot’ hops down and I see he’s hold’n a cane. Him and Jack do tha spit handshake and grin at each odda. 
“Is that Jack?” A distant voice asks. It’s a girl’s voice.
Just then, in the corner of my eye I see a tall figure step out from behind the crates, and my heart stops. If it weren’t for her voice, one might say she’s a boy from this distance. A few strands of blonde hair poke out from under her newsie cap. She’s wearing faded gray overalls and a messy, oversized blue shirt that’s left with two undone buttons, leaving part of her chest exposed. As the Brooklyn newsie steps closer, it only highlights her feminine charms even more. It’s the eyes. Her eyes. Those ocean blue eyes that I’m drowning in- Get a grip, David! 
She twirls a walking stick as she struts forward to meet us, appearing to size me up. “Who’s the geek?”
“I, uh-” For once in my life I dunno what to say!
Lucy’s POV
Spot likes to keep things simple in Brooklyn. We’s the toughest there is, therefore there’s little threats. But that also means we don’t get too much action ‘round here. I thought the highlight-a the week was gonna be when Bucky threw Scab into the river, but I was proved wrong when Jack came by for a visit. I’s one-a Spot’s lookouts, so I’d overhoid earlier about ‘Hattan’s strike business. I just never believed they’d have the guts to come here and ask for help. Jack’s here, and he brought company. I recognized Boots immediately, but then see an unfamiliar face. A cute one at that. I know Spot will club me for think’n like a lovestruck dumb blonde, but just ‘cause I’s a Brooklyn newsie don’t mean my goilish instincts are shut off.
Now the guy keeps look’n at me, his piercing blue eyes analyzing me as if I’m a museum art piece.
“Who’s the geek?” I ask, both curious and as a flirt.
“I, uh-” the blue-eyed newsie stutters. 
I can tell Spot already knows what game I’m playing ‘cause he keeps try’n to block me from get’n closer.
“Jack, tell the mouth he’s got no chance with Pickens. You know the rules.”
Cowboy looks back and forth between us, then accepts defeat as he pulls the ‘mouth’ away.
Now Spot turn to Boots. “How’s it hang’n?”
“Got some nice shooters for ya!”
Boots hands him a few smooth rocks. Spot then takes out a slingshot, loads it, and aims at a nearby bottle. “So Jackie boy, I’s been hear’n things from little boidies.” He shoots, caus’n the bottle ta shatter poifectly. “Things from Queens… Harlem. They been chirp’n in my ear, tell’n me Jackie’s boys are plann’n on a strike.”
“Well, we are,” the new guy says assurin’ly. 
I’ll give him credit for spunk. Most folks don’t even got the cahonies to look at Spot, let alone talk back to him.
“Oh yeah? Yeah?” Spot gets up in his face, try’n to intimidate him. “Whis is this Jackie boy, some kind-a walk’n mouth?”
Jack looks out from under his cowboy hat. “Yeah, it’s a mouth with brains. And you’ll here what he’s gotta say.”
Spot considers this, then agrees by lean’n against the crates and wait’n for their explanation. “So Jack, are all the odda boroughs pitch’n in?”
“They is wait’n for what Spot Colon is do’n.” 
Now the new guy jumps in. “They say that Spot Colon- you’re the key. That Spot Colon’s the most famous newsie in all of New York. And if you join, we’ll be unstoppable. You just gotta join!” 
Spot seems to think it over, and I can tell it’s really got him think’n.
“You were right, Jack. Brains. But I got brains too. How do I know you got what it takes? How do I know you’s won’t go run’n the first time some goon comes at ya with a club?”
“‘Cause I’m tell’n ya, Spot.” Jack replies.
Spot sighs impatiently and begins to walk away towards me. “That ain’t good enough, Jackie boy. You gotta show me.”
That’s Brooklyn talk for “no,” which don’t seem to please Jack. He nods respectfully and gestures for the two boys to follow him out. Deep down, I’d be lying if I said I weren’t disappointed to see the mouth go. He must feel the same, because he keeps looking back at me and is hesitant to follow. So much that Jack has to grab his arm to lead him outta his trance.
“Sorry, Davey. Rules state that goils don’t get involved with business.”
Davey? Ah, so the geek has a name.
I saunter forward and go to stand next to Davey, give’n Spot a sassy look. “Who says this is business? I’m go’n for a walk, and you can’t say no.”
Just like that, the King ‘o Brooklyn is reduced to a speechless mess. “Wait- You can’t- You seriously- Him?”
I laugh at his scatterbrained speech and point to Davey. “Yes, him. Be back in an hour!”
Quickly, I grab Davey’s arm and pull him through the crowd-a Brooklyn newsies towards the bridge. Once we’s alone, I relax and set a leisurely stride. All the while Davey looks as if he’s seen a ghost.
“You ok?”
He nods slowly, still stare’n at me.
“Can ya still talk?”
Davey flashes a noivous smile and licks his lips. “Hehe, maybe. Depends if you’re gonna stop being too gorgeous to look at.”
His woids make me suspect a joke, but his face don’t say that. He ain’t kidding. 
“You… think I’s gorgeous?” I tilt my head in consideration. “Yeah, just like every guy in Brooklyn. Look’n at me like a piece-a meat.”
This seems to erase all-a Davey’s worried nerves, because he’s got a different look on his face. One more determined, like a debate leader.
“I don’t think you are. Why would they think that?”
I scoff. “Everyone does! Like I’s just a dumb blonde who don’t know squat! Just anodda pretty face. No offense Davey, but I was hope’n you’d be a break from those guys.”
Davey halts in his tracks and grips my shoulders, and I have to resist my fight response to punch his adorable face.
“You’re not just a pretty face. I don’t know much about Brooklyn, but I do know that Spot Colon is a big deal. I admire how you’re confident enough to dominate over him, but don’t have an intense ego. If you’d like, I wouldn’t mind having an intellectual conversation with you instead of gushing about how you’re making my heart melt.”
He takes a deep breath, have’n just spilled his guts to me. This, in turn, has left me speechless. Never once has any newsie in Brooklyn been smart enough to carry on an educated conversation odda than what’s in the papes. Heck, some of ‘em can’t even read! 
Davey must take my silence as rejection, because he’s get’n noivous again.
“Sorry if I upset you. I… have the tendency to talk too much.”
“I like that.”
His eyes go crazy, almost try’n to double think what I said. “Y-You like it? It’s not annoying?”
A smile grows on my face and I nod. “Go right ahead, Davey. Run your mouth. I don’t mind.”
Something gets triggered in Davey, because he immediately starts lecturing about social issues. Part of it I understand, but some is a bit too complicated.
“Wait, wait. How do you know all this?”
Davey gets a cute blush on his cheeks. “I used to be in school, before my father had an accident that took him out of work. Now I gotta sell papers to earn money.”
“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that. You got family, yeah?”
“Yeah. Do you?” Davey rethinks this and quickly adds: “I’m sorry, that’s a personal subject. We don’t have to talk about it.”
“No no, ‘s alright. It ain’t new to me. I never knew my folks. They threw me in an orphanage as soon as I could talk, and I’s been a newsie since I was five. So, you was say’n ‘bout the problem of over-achieving?”
Davey gets back on track and continues. “I believe that success should be celebrated but to an extent. We shouldn't let our praise go to politicians and business men's heads. After all, living a healthy and free life is its own reward. What's wrong is that our economy has made it appear that being rich and important is better than being content with the little things in life.”
“Ain’t that a fact,” I scoff. “They don’t know what real wealth is.”
“By the way, we never got a real introduction.” Davey stands up straight and holds out a hand to shake. “My real name is David. David Jacobs. I- I know we literally just met, but- Are you familiar with the story of Romeo and Juliet?”
The name washes over me. “No?”
Davey shakes his head and tries again. “There’s something called love at first sight. Maybe you'd know about that, Miss…? Gosh, I don’t even know your real name!” He chuckles. “Some romantic I must be. They call you Pickens, right?”
His innocent smile makes me soften up, bringing a hand over to grip his. “It’s Lucy. My real name’s Lucy, in case you wanted to know.”
“I- I did want to know. But I gotta ask- why me? You didn’t even know me, yet you’re so open to talking with me.”
“Because-a you, genius. You’s actually got brains in that pretty head-a yours, unlike most guys here who got cement for brains. And if at any time you’s ever feel like talk’n, come visit me. Or bedda yet, ya could ask me out?”
Davey stops dead in his tracks, blabbering on like a drunk squirrel. “Ask you- Like- Like a date?”
“No, like an interview. Of course a date, genius!” I laugh.
Davey still ain’t convinced. “But I’m me. I’m not like most guys-”
“All the more reason I’d luv to go on a date with you, David Jacobs.”
He laughs out loud and foist I think he’s make’n fun-a me, but then he gets a bewildered look on his face. “I was just thinking earlier about how fast a person’s life can change in a day. Now my life’s changed even more!” Davey smiles and gently takes my hand. “Thank you, Lucy! Thank you so much! I- I’ll be good to you, I promise. And you can choose the date location, of course.”
“Always a gentleman, I see.” Look’n into his kind eyes, I lean up and give a quick peck to his cheek. “Thanks, Davey.”
By now Jack and Boots have caught up, both give’n us funny looks.
“Hey, um, David. Spot instructed very clearly for us to tell you to send Pickens back. I suggest you do it before something intense happens.”
Davey nods in response, still dazed by my kiss, then turns to me to give me a quick handshake. “See you soon?”
“I’ll count the minutes, genius.”
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knockoff-conlon · 2 months
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
race walks into brooklyn like he owns the place. for all he looks like a myriad of bruises, blood, and scratches, there's a remarkably happy feel about him. albert ignores it, focusing on picking at the bandages on his knuckles. when davey sees mack, he expects trouble. but race says hi to her and she smiles and replies. they exchange quick and quiet words before their group is moving again. "god, i hate brooklyn."
"shut up, al, you hate everything."
"brooklyn kids are fuckin' weird and they all make fun of me or try hittin' on me." race snorts.
"are you here a lot?" davey asks race, who nods and turns around to talk to him.
"i sell here. i know everyone that runs 'round brooklyn. even the queen herself, spot conlon." albert laughs like it's funny and shoves race to keep going forward. "shut up. i do know her, don' i?"
"oh yeah, you know her." spot's court is fuller than last time. some girls glare as they walk onto the docks, other smile and wave at albert and race. stray gets up and gives davey a little curtsy as he walks by.
"idiot, sit down," hotshot tells her. splint is standing behind stray's little crate. another girl immediately jumps up and smacks race across the face. "hey!" albert and hotshot yell together.
"s'okay, guys," race says. he's laughing. "this is lucky. i owe her money."
"yeah 'nd ya better pay up or damn what spot's gotta say, i'm killin' ya!" lucky takes a seat on a crate as the three boys push to the front of the docks. spot is sat on her crate, talking to a girl beside her and not paying attention.
race clears his throat. "spottie." it's surprising she can even hear him over all the noise, but her head whips around so fast it must hurt when he speaks.
"race." she's off her throne in a second, running for him. "race, oh my god." her hands run over him, touching every bruise she sees.
"i'm fine, spot." all of her newsies are looking away, for a reason davey can't really discern. he doesn't. she pushes race's shirt up, checking his ribs and chest. "spot, c'mon." he pulls her hands off of him. "relax."
"you- i didn't know," she whispers, reaching up to cradle his face. "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry."
"stop it already, it's all okay." she nods, fidgeting with his hair. "go back to your throne. ya gotta hold court for me. c'mon." he shoves her slightly and she nods, taking her seat again. she doesn't acknowledge albert or davey, just stares at race, scanning him with her eyes over and over again.
"i- you guys got soaked, huh?" she says quietly.
"yeah." race nods. her newsies looks back at her again and are silent now.
"how bad is it? and where's jack?" she's fully dropped her cool demeanor and he can see the full terror in her eyes.
"bad. we don't know where he went." race swallows. "he ran off after the whole fight. and crutchie got hauled off t' the refuge."
"aside from that, al and i got it the worst." her hand tightens on her cane. "we'll be okay. 'hattan is tough," he says quickly. it's convincing, at the very least.
"well, ya fuckin' stood your ground, didn't ya?" spot mutters. "got yourselves beaten and bruised but still held up." race grins at her. "it wouldn'ta happened if we'd joined."
"who gives a fuck?" albert bites out suddenly. "i ain't walkin' cross the bridge just for your guys' shit. c'mon, ya joinin' or are we wastin' our time?" davey winces, expecting spot's ire to be brought upon him.
"what's next for the strike, davey?" she asks.
"i dunno," davey says. "we- we just need to know you'll be there. said it yourself, we wouldn't be where we are if you'd joined us." she looks at race, appraising him.
"we'll be there. for sure." davey has never felt more like he's missing something. he looks around at race and albert.
"just, c'mon," albert says. "race has gotta talk to spot a little more." davey and albert start to leave for manhattan. spot jumps off her throne again and grabs race's shirt.
"i'm checkin' ya out, race. now," she orders. he smiles at her, lets her do whatever she wants to so she knows he's okay. "i'm sorry, i shoulda protected you."
"no. s'okay, i know ya got your girls. ain't blamin' ya for nothin'." he rolls his shoulders out.
"tilt your chin up." he looks up. "who choked ya?"
"delanceys." spot steps onto her tiptoes and presses a light kiss over his adam's apple. "spot, calm down."
"i ain't ever lettin' someone hurt ya like that again. no one's gonna fuckin' touch ya, i swear." he smiles.
"just show up next time and everythin' will be okay."
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
*sighs* anyone got any newsies fics or hcs they would love to see? someone (@crystallizedtwilight) (whom I adore and respect very much but also- what the fuck, bro) dragged me back into this fandom kicking and screaming with their lovely art and now I have the strongest urge to write something, but we’re tired children with zero creativity to our names, so.
headcanons? aus? the tiniest fragments of an idea?
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lovingmusicalmen · 2 years
Requests are Open!!
So... it's been ages since I've posted on here, but I've finally got some actual time and I've just gotten back into the musical... fandom? I guess? Idk what to call it lmao
But I recently saw West Endsies, which made me fall in love with Newsies all over again, which led to me falling back into the rabbit hole of musical fandoms! So I'm going to be deleting all the old requests I have (unless I'm particularly inspired for one in particular), and opening requests for new characters and the same old ones!
It's going to be for short little blurbs, based off of a prompt list (linked here (credit to: @mangocherri))
Here are the characters I will write for (if you want to request for someone else not listed, feel free to - but also please also put who you wouldn't mind me writing for, if I don't feel comfortable writing for your preferred character (if that even made sense lmao)) - I've put a * next to my favourite characters to write for!
Platonic requests and ones not from the prompt list are also welcome and encouraged!
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Jack Kelly
Crutchie *
Racetrack *
Davey Jacobs
Spot Conlon
Katherine Plumber
Mike Faist
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Riff * (also willing to write for other Jets/Sharks)
Dodge Mason
Connor Murphy
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