#racetrack x spot
knockoff-conlon · 1 month
racetrack higgins has 4 brothers and 5 sisters. one day, all ten of them - who have moved away and gone on with their lives - get a call that their dad died.
none of them particularly liked their dad or are grieving that hard but they all pack up their shit and head back to their hometown for a bit, if not for the funeral, then to see each other.
race lands and is grabbed by his youngest sister, who's only nineteen where he's twenty seven. some of the other higgins siblings are there to pick him up. the reunion is chaos, people everywhere when he gets to his house.
but he's a fan.
he has to stay there for two or so weeks. he took some time off work to be there. (sidenote, child genius and then biochemist race for the win)
during those two weeks, he does lots of different things. he helps out one of his old friends at the school they used to go to, helps out at the community center he used to go to and then work at. pretty much just goes back to his roots. he hasn't returned in over ten years.
at the community center, he meets a guy who goes there to give back to the community. his name is spot. he coaches a lot of the kids in basketball. spot is a little prickly to race, just cause that's how he's always been. but he's nice to all the kids. which means he's good.
race mentions spot briefly to his siblings and mom and his mom gives him all the info she has on spot to race. the others fill in what little they know.
they get a little closer. spot shows race some cool little new restaurants that had popped up. they hang out a lot. race likes him a lot. and kisses him one day.
they're gay. race tells him about his dad and spot quietly stares at him. race admits he didn't wanna come back, didn't wanna be there for the funeral. and spot says he's happy to take him out day of and distract him. race declines. goes to the funeral.
he's ready to leave, without saying goodbye to spot. but he gets chased down in the airport by spot, who's trying to get back to him. and they have their little moment. it's cutie.
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little-miss-biatch · 11 months
Davey: I’m cold.
Jack: here, take my jacket.
Racetrack: I’m cold too
Spot: *burns down a building* here you go
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curious-trickster · 1 year
Today on underrated fandoms with amazing authors:
For all my fellas in the "Newsies" fandom or anyone who is interested in a awesome tale consisting of but not limited to:
- the found family trope
- best friends to lovers with just the right amount of pining and an even greater amount of ridiculous situations
- the perfect balance between teenagers being dorky and being really damn good at what they do
- you like Kaz Brekker? I present: his long lost cousin Spot Colon. They got the snark, they got the skill, they got the cane but what they don't have is mercy on their enemies
- you like gang politics? These boys might seem like they just sell newspapers but damn they already started a revolution and succeeded, who's to say what else they might get up???
- everybody loves badass girls right? Well you'll love this fic then! There are going to be so many amazing characters featured in this!
This was written by an truly amazing person which I have the honor of counting among my very best friends.
Go and support them!
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joeythefrog · 8 months
here is your daily reminder that Racetrack Higgins is on no accounts stupid.
It's a pretty common thing to see Race as the dumbass of the group, comedic relief or generally not taken seriously. Don't get me wrong- Race is a hot mess. But he's a smart hot mess.
You think Jack was leading the strategy of Manhattan? I love Jack but you saw him organising and strategising the strike -he was struggling. Yet Manhattan is still one of the more powerful cities, how? Race.
Race who figured out how to manipulate his way into Spot Colon's good graces so he could worm his way into a selling spot at the sheepshead races -guaranteed foot traffic, plus idiots who are either winning money or think they will. They can and will spare a penny for a paper. That is a good spot. One of the better ones in the city.
And you think Race is unaware of that? NO. He did that entirely on purpose. He knows Brooklyn's economy is doing a little better than Manhattans, he knows the factors of a good spot and he knows the angles he can offer.
Race is often known for winning every game thrown at him, you think he can do that without strategy? People who don't characterise him as smart are blatantly mischaracterising him.
Race wants to be known as dumb. He wants to be underestimated. It gives him infinitely better odds. Nobody pays attention to the 'dumb twink with no common sense' they turn their heads towards heavy hitters like Spot. He plays it up, he knows damn well what he's doing but he does it anyways.
Usually it's fun and he gets a kick out of the adrenaline. But the best part is people dismiss him. And Race is always playing the long game.
So anyways this has been your PSA that Racetrack Higgins is in fact smart and incredibly strategic.
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military-newsboys · 1 month
Albert: ‘They’ll never find the body’ is such a boring threat, a better threat would be ‘they’ll never stop finding the body’
Crutchie, bored: Or just say ‘they’ll be finding parts of you for at least 4 months, and you’ll still be alive for 3 of them’
Race: Now that’s a threat!
Davey, covering Les’s ears: *horrified silence*
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
no, but you see, I don’t care that the way I wrote the ship isn’t technically canon. I don’t care that I changed the dynamic slightly to make it funnier. I don’t care that character a is supposed to be protecting character b and not the other way around. I don’t care that I gave them more fluff than their story probably needed, because dammit, they deserved the happy ending. I don’t care that their relationship is borderline codependent in all the best ways. I will write it that way, because I know that there’s an audience that wants to see the same things I do, and I will continue to write it this incorrect way, so help me god, and there’s nothing. you. can. do. to. stop. me.
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bwaybby09 · 5 months
During a Tornado Warning:
Les: What do we do if the tornado hits us?
Spot: Uh, what do we do if the tornado hit us? I'm not sure, maybe get blown away by it?!
Race: No, no, you hide under a doorway.
Katherine: No, no, no. That's an earthquake.
Davey: Actually, they say you're not supposed to do that anymore.
Albert: Who cares what they say not to do for something that's not happening.
Jack: They say that you should go towards the eye of the storm.
Spot: Where’s the eye of the storm, Jack?
Jack: I don’t know…
Spot: That’s what I thought.
Crutchie: Tell someone you trust.
Jack: No Crutchie, that's only if the tornado's molesting you.
Race: Okay, this is just a drill! Everyone grab a clutch buddy!
(Race grabs onto Spot)
Spot: Oh, get off me! No!
Race: Hold on to me!
Spot: Get off me!
Race: I am saving your life!
Spot: I don’t wanna be saved by you!
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diorgirl444 · 4 months
newsies but they mew so it’s called mewsies
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i-politely-disagree · 4 months
Tumblr media
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Me looking up who plays lucifer in hazbin Hotel one day:Oh where have I heard that name before? It's probably nothing.
Me getting into the newsies fandom again: WAIT WHAT.
Me looking up Jeremy Jordon: HE PLAYS WHO?
Me five seconds later:it explains why I love both characters so much.
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knockoff-conlon · 3 months
spot has the most intense resting bitch face
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little-miss-biatch · 7 months
Hotshot: look, race thinks the world of you
Spot, unimpressed: race thinks the world of pop tarts
Borrowed from @just-incorrect-quotes
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kwazykay · 1 month
Y'all.. can we just appreciate Sprace for a moment?
Thank you :)
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buriedstarlightjar · 7 months
Sprace headcanon: they keep their relationship a secret not for homophobia reasons or because they’re scared but because race finds it absolutely fucking thrilling. Like every time they meet spot is like “why is this a secret again” and race is like “it’s fucking fun” and they both have great poker faces so it’s a secret until race kisses the top of spot’s head and jack loses his shit
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spracemodernau · 1 month
Do y'all watch musicals? If so, what are your favourite musicals?
"He's forced me into the cult."
"I like Rent, and Hadestown is a vibe...Race always puts on the one with the uh....gay wizard? who like...dies after playing chess or something? I dunno I'm new to this"
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military-newsboys · 2 months
Jack: That building is, like, 5 Davey away and we're at least 14 Davey high. Davey: Please don't use me as a system of measurement.
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