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☆ Sprinklic Mangle Icons !!!
[ID: Five icons with Mangle and the sprinklic icon behind her. End of ID]
Fun fact: Mangle Canonically uses He/She/They !!!
Tagging; @xenofemmez
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losergendered · 19 days
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ID: a set of 28 images in 14 pairs. each has one image of the listed regretevator character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Bive from Regretevator is an intersex transnull transentien fessivoia animinsequikenic paralurdarean oculagoric masc futch demiboygirl womanthing who is bisexual and demiromantic! She uses she/it and nameself pronouns! It suffers with PPD, bipolar-2, insomnia, nightmare disorder, agoraphobia, anthropophobia, and tokophobia!
Dr. RETRO is a hypergender hyperfeminine hypermasculine genderdoctor gendermedic gendermedical optiminihilismic lifemitres rotlace imagifriendic evclardette cat-thing catgirlthing who is aromantic bilechen and lesbilechen! Mew uses mew/she/it/that pronouns! She has C-PTSD and several charges of aggravated assault against it but we don't talk about that!
Gnarpy is a genderless stellavenostalgic alienthing cat-thing who is canonically aroace! They have delusions of grandeur and mythomania!
Infected is a genderfluid bigender emorosboy emothing scenething frutiaexplosion metalheartexplosion oldtechexplosion gendertoxic genderthmpk lovirium pinkthing guything who is a lithsexual gay guy! He uses he/it/O_o/XD pronouns! It is a nonhuman otherkin, specifically catkin, sparkledogkin, zombiekin, skeletonkin and robotkin! O_o has depression, separation anxiety, BPD, autism, nyctophobia, autophobia, and chronophobia!
Lampert is a luxthing deminonbinary demiman who is panromantic and orchidsexual! He uses he/him pronouns! He has intermittent explosive disorder, autism, and cyclothymia!
Mannequin Mark is a genderqueer butch gay man! He uses any pronouns and suffering from major depressive disorder!
Party Noob is a xenogender pasteinbowin rainbowfleuric confettigender cakegender birthdayboy birthdayspike sillyaean bubblexplosion strortcakexplosion funfettiexplosion cakexplosion sprinklic cakecoric kandigender confettium nonbinary partyboything! They are acrisexual and toric and use they/he/it/🥳/✨/🎉/🪅/🎈/🎊/🍰/🎂 pronouns! He has autophobia, atychiphobia, ADHD, and autism!
Pest is an intersex genderless agabless agender transnull adexsexual gay bugthing! He uses he/it/one pronouns! It has ASPD, PPD, BPD, bipolar-1, hypermania, and hypersomnia!
Pilby is a heehoogender clowngender sweetnsillygender kidcoric clowncoric xenogender sillygender clownish asclownbunplushic nonbinary bug! They use they/zhe/clown pronouns and are pansexual demiromantic! Zhe has social anxiety, autophobia, atychiphobia, equinophobia, hypomania, and seasonal affective disorder!
Prototype is a transentien genderless xenogender bubblegender computerthing who is also laimoromantic and caedosexual! He uses he/they/shi/bubble pronouns! They suffer with mild dysmorphia!
Split is a dessertgender cakegender gxrlfluxthing womanthing bambi lesbian! She uses she/her pronouns but also doesn't mind any other pronouns being used for her! She has BIID and BPD!
Spud! is a caedorose genderless being who uses any pronouns! They suffer with PTSD, anger issues, and insomnia!
Unpleasant is a binary abinary rosboy azurgirl bigender demiboy demigirl nonbinary genderfuid genderqueer xenogender genderweird sceneg3nd3r hypermasculine hyperfeminine zoomiegender faggit genderexplosion queerweirdo! It uses any pronouns and is bi gay! Xey are alterhuman, foxkin, wolfkin, zombiekin, and godkin! Shi has klazomania, egomania, mythomania, dermatillomania, hypomania, bipolar-2, and depression!
Wallter is a cis gay man who uses he/him or any pronouns! He suffers with PTSD and depression!
For 🎀 anon!
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mogai-headcanons · 8 months
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Kasuga Ichiban from Yazuka is an autistic bisexual saturahero fantasiar royalheroic heroian arcadecoric bigender blacklightaesic drippyneongender femascdox femascgender fightgamesic fingender gamecoric gameflux gamegender gamergender genderirritant glowlylightic heroarchetypic herogender herosavion herotix honorilexic injeroseic ledgender lovegender maroongender mascfemgender mingender neoncoric neondistortic neongender neonlightsic neonrainbowgender neonstaric pixelgameic rainbowblinkieic redgender retrocoric segagender transmascfem uvcoloric videawarec rosboy with ADHD, PTSD, and schizophrenia who uses he/him, she/her, they/them, neon/neons, and hero/heros pronouns!
She's in a queerplatonic relationship with Nanba Yu, an autistic vincian acidmagian animalmagian biogender bonemagian cursemagian dirtcoric dirtmagian dreamagian earthmagian faunagender floragender flowermagian fluidmagian galaxygender gendermage genderwizard greenaesic greengender healcharclassian healmagian herbgender lifemagian lunarwizardic mageium medimagian moonmagian mushroommagian naturecoric naturewizardic nightgender pigeongender plantmagian potionmagian rockmagian seedgender shadowmagian sleepmagian sleepycoric sleepygender smokemagian spacegender springmagian sproutgender trippyaesic wizardaesic wizardcoric wizardic wizardtix demiguy who uses he/hihom, they/them, it/its, herb/herbs, and mage/mages pronouns and age dreams when they're alone and especially happy!
Koichi Adachi is an omnisexual radiofiftin detectigender detectivegender embragender firegender genderbear gendernoir mingender mysterivelic sleuthlexic ursagender vintagecoric warmcoric warmgender paraboy bear with PTSD from his former workforce who uses he/him for personal convenience, but is open to any pronouns!
Saeko Mukoda is an autistic sapphic genderfae abhorcoric affecgender angelcoric angelgender axegender baggender bloodlovic butterfleurgender candygender candyic catfemgender cleancoric cupidcoric cupidgender cutecoric cutefluffysoftgender cutegender cutemonstergirlic cutepastelic cutething daisygender darklovecoric daydreamaesic deadlovegender dogloveic dolledphrasic eatyourheartoutphrasic evilcoric evilgirl fairycoric femascgender feminic feverdreamic finalgirlic finalgirllovesick finalgirlslasher fleshcute flirtgender floragender flowercute genderblood gendercupid genderfluff genderlove genderlovesick genderstalgia gendershopping girlflux girlprince girlxenine glittercattic glittergender greygender hategender honeygender horrorgender icecreamgender icecreamic idolgender kaomojigender lambgender lovecoric lovegender lovegore loveic lovelettercoric lovelockic lovepoetic lovergender loveribbon lovesickgender lovesicklexic magicalgirlgender magicbeing mingender musicgender neonstargender nerdgender nostalgiacoric pastelcoric pastelgender pastelgoregender pastelunicornic pianogender pinkcoric pinkgender pinkheartic plushgender prettygender princesscoric pupgender pupthing purelovic rosefem rosegender semigirl seraphender sheepgender sillyfemcattic slasheric soapgender sparklegender sprinkleic sprinklic sugargender tiredgirlgender toyfem toygender villaincoric violencecoric warpedlovegender watergender whitegender xenofluid xenogirl xenolovic femme butch with PTSD who uses she/her, xe/xem, xe/xey, pup/pups, ae/aer, they/them, and any lovecore-themed neopronouns!
Zhao Tianyou is a pansexual turian transmasculine catgender catten kitheadbonkloven catthing catnipgender blackcatic sillykittygender meowgender softcatgender distantcattic browncatgender sugarycatgender gummycatgender coolcatgender meowlexic stormcatgender rainbowcatian catboygender pricatic pawchatic bloodcatgender evilsillycatgender villaincoric evilcoric villaiboy evilaesic villaincharic phosvilial vilegender chaosgender chaoscoric vibegender genderfeast nonbinary man with SPD and PTSD who uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
Joon-Gi Han is an autistic pomosexual asexual demiagender autigender alosolus ghostfrilled monochromegender frostgender snowglobian chionophobian chillgender tiredgender calmgender frostingic icegender coldgender wintergender wintercoric snowfallgender flakeltic pawfrintic coldcoric snowgender stormgender genderice winteric snowian snoconegender ghostthing enby with selective mutism and PTSD who uses they/them and it/its pronouns!
dni link
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xenofemmez · 2 years
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Sprinklic: A Gastrogender/Xenogender relating to Sprinkles!
Wanted to redesign the Sprinklic flag, all the colors are taken from the original flag!
Originally coined by an anon on beyond-mogai-pride-flags on Tumblr!
Flag w Sprinkles Flag w out Sprinkles (direct links to em juuust incase tumblr ruins the quality. Warning they’re VERY BIG images- just sayin incase someones pc doesn’t handle loading big files too well!)
🌈❗Pls respect my Banner, thank you!❗🌈
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mogai-place · 2 years
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Cookie Carnival Headcanon
Miss bon bon from the cookie carnival is a buttercreamic cakegender candycoric cupcakegender trans woman  sweetcoric peppermintgender cottoncandygender and icecreamgender Sprinklic Frostingic who uses she/sweet pronouns
request for @justanothergeekyfan
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NAME: Ranibow Sprimkle Esquire 
PALETTE: Sprinklic (This flag nearly killed me, I’m begging you to look at it) 
MONSTER: One scoop lemon cheesecake, one scoop rainbow sherbert, and one scoop blueberry crunch, this monster is a towering stack of ice cream goodness! Though he has three different heads, all three share the same consciousness! Ranibow’s an extremely sweet and colorful person who’s a pure extrovert. He likes to wear candy sticks on one of his heads, and he switches them almost daily to match his mood.
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genderqueer-dream · 5 years
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All Frostingic, Sprinklic, Gummyic and Mallowic people are magnificent!
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neopronouns · 3 years
i couldnt tell by your carrd if we can assk this or not, but do you know of any genders based around cake/sweets?
under the cut!
cakegender: a gender that is soft and sweet like cake. may be warm, and can come in different ‘flavors’ that change how the gender feels
cupcakegender: a subset of cakegender that is made up of smaller genders that form something bigger
frostingic: a xenogender related to frosting
buttercreamic: a xenogender related to buttercream
sprinklic: a xenogender related to sprinkles
gateaugender: a gender that’s warm and sweet, like a vanilla cake, and masculine and feminine at the same time
cakecoric: a xenogneder related to cakecore
cakeinac: a xenogender related to cake
cheesecakic: a xenogender related to cheesecake
confettium: a gender associated with confetti, balloons, birthday parties, sheet icing cakes, sprinkles on vanilla ice cream, and potentially party clowns
libumiaxo: a soft, warm, cakey gender that feels sweet, cheerful, and sometimes fluid
redvelvetgender: a gender that is rich and sweet, like red velvet cake
dessertic: a xenogender related to desserts
beysgender: a gender that’s like a pastry - soft and flaky on the outside with a core ‘filling’ that is gooey and sweet
doughnutgender: similar to beysgender, with the added characteristic that the outside is so soft it eventually melts away to give way to the ‘filling’
paczkigender: similar to beysgender, but the outside is firm and may not make it easy to get to the ‘filling’
gendercrustum: a gender that feels cooked or baked into something sweeter than before
candycoric: a xenogender related to candycore
candycornic: a gender related to candy corn
candyrox: a fluid gender that quickly flows between candy and sugary genders. can eventually stop being fluid
candyic: a xenogender related to candy of any kind
souryic: a xenogender related to sour candy
sweetyic: a xenogender related to sweet candy
miniyic; a xenogender related to mint candy/gum
gummyic: a xenogender related to gummy candy and/or gum
licoriyic: a xenogender related to licorice
chocoyic: a xenogender related to chocolate
jellyic: a xenogender related to jelly beans
mallowic: a xenogender related to marshmallows
taffyic: a xenogender related to taffy or sticky candy in general
toffyic: a xenogender related to toffee
dulceaeris: a gender that feels sweet, like cotton candy. can be related to candies of any kind, and somewhat fits into the candyic category, but doesn’t have to
cottoncandyfluid: fluid between candyic genders
gendersaccharum: a gender that feels like it’s composed of sugar, making the remainder of the gender feel sugary
gendertenax: a gender that feels sticky and has sweet parts in it, like a candy
pandulcigender: being all genders that are sweet and happy within one’s experiences
peppermintgender: a gender that feels sweet like candy, but still somewhat spicy/hot like a peppermint
piniutic: a gender that is sweet, fluid, and strong with a connection to sweets and joy/hope. based on pinkie pie from my little pony
plutinofluid: fluid between sweet/candy xenogenders
starburstine: a gender that’s tart and related to starburst candies. can come in different ‘flavors’ (masc, fem, genderless, a mix, etc)
sugarcoric: a xenogender related to surgarcore
sweetcoric: a xenogender related to sweetcore
sugargender: a very sweet gender that may be based on candy
candygender: a gender that is sweet and fluffy and has a dreamlike and frilly quality. usually regarded as childish, but doesn’t have to be
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Sorry me again! I would also like to ask if there are any genders that have to do with glitter, pink, or sweet things. Just any gender that is any of those things!
No problem, we’re here to help! So I’ll break this down via category:
Glittergender: a xenogender related to glitter
Glitravir: a xenogender that is boy + glitter. glitter is intertwined with your gender.
Glitrum: a xenogender that is nonbinary + glitter. glitter is intertwined with your gender.
Glitrella: a xenogender that is girl + glitter. glitter is intertwined with your gender.
Colorgender: A gender associated with one or more colors and the feelings, hues, emotions, and/or objects associated with that color. Can be used like pinkgender, violetgender, etc.
Sweet things:
Beysgender: A gender that is like a pastry; soft and flaky on the outside, but with a core ‘filling’ that is gooey and sweet.
Cottoncandygender: A gender that is soft,fluffy,and also pastel-colored. May feel “overly sweet” to some and possibly even give off carnival vibes to some.
Cakegender: A gender that is soft and sweet like cake; it can also be a little warm. Like IcecreamGender, Cakegender can also come in different “flavors” which could change how the gender feels.
Icecreamgender: A gender that is cold and sweet like ice-cream and over time will have a “melting” sensation. It can re-freeze over time and re-melt for any particular reason. It comes in many different “flavors” which can affect the feel of the genders concept.
Honeyan: A fluid gender that changes very slowly, and is sweet.
Cheesecakic: a xenogender related to cheesecake.
Frostingic: a xenogender related to frosting
Sprinklic: a xenogender related to sprinkles
Buttercreamic: a xenogender related to buttercream
Doughnutgender: a gender that is like a doughnut; like beysgender in that is it also a gender that is soft on the outside, but with a core ‘filling’ that is gooey and sweet. its different in that the outside is so soft that it eventually melts away to give way to the 'filling'
Pączkigender: a gender that is like a pączki; also like beysgender except that the outside, although soft, is still firm and may not make it easy to get to the 'filling'
Pandulcigender: a xenogender encompassing all genders that feel sweet and happy
Candyic: a xenogender related to candy of any kind.
Souryaic: axenogender related to sour candy (subset of Candyic) 
Sweetyic: a xenogender related to sweet candy. (subset of Candyic)
Mintyic: a xenogender related to mint candy/gum. (subset of Candyic)
Gummyic: a xenogender related to gummy candy, or gum. (subset of Candyic)
Licoryic: a xenogender related to licorice. (subset of Candyic)
Choclyic: a xenogender related to chocolate. (subset of Candyic)
Mallowic/Marshiyic: a xenogender related to marshmellows
Gumgender: A gender that at first seems “tasty” and interesting like fruit chewing gum, but after a while becomes “tasteless” and “boring”.
Peachigender: A gender that is sweet and juicy, like a ripe peach. This is most common as a fem gender, but it can also be neutral and masc as well.
Redvelvegender: A gender that is rich and sweet, similar to red velvet cake. The deepness of this gender varies from person to person and day to day, represented by the stripes being different sizes and getting gradually darker.
Hope that helps!
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losergendered · 5 months
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ID: a set of 12 images in 6 pairs. each has one image of the listed my little pony character with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony is a magicgender nonbinary transfem demigirl who is biromantic and demisexual! She uses she/they pronouns and has autism and dyscalculia!
Applejack is a transmasc butch butchgender lesbiangender pansexual lesbian! He uses he/they/xe/shi pronouns! They have HPD, OLD, and cyclothymia!
Fluttershy is a faequeer intersex genderless AGABless transnull trans man dollboy dollthing xenogender genderfluid bigender demigirl masc femme futch boy! It is also cupiorose, aroace, caedorose, acrisexual, adexsexual, OLDallion, BPDallion, aplatonic, and obsessplatonic! Shy uses it/shri/snow/hush/pri/win/whisp/fleur/tea/lae/rose pronouns as well as none and nameself! Snow has BPD, PPD, DPD, OLD, several specified phobias, mythomania, hoarding disorder, bipolar-2, ADHD-PI, and is autistic!
Rarity is a reveragender uterbinary femgendeer delàndrogyne delàfeminine intersex transfemmasc manwoman girlboy! She is a bi gay bi lesbian and uses she/he/it/love pronouns! He has BPD, NPD, AvPD, alexithymia, and somatic-type delusional disorder!
Pinkie Pie is a nonbinary transmascfemneu confettium cakegender sprinklic gateaugender cakecoric kandigender kandistimmic autigender pinkgender babypinkgender babybluegender boygirl! She is pansexual and uses she/shi/hi/h!/cake/sweet pronouns! Shi has bipolar-1, dysthymia, BIID, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and is autistic!
Rainbow Dash is a transmasc genderqueer demiboy and is bi gay, demiaroace, aceflux, caedosexual, (gray)obsessplatonic, and BPDallion! Mrrps uses any pronouns and has a bunch of brain weirdness and is alterhuman!
Twilight and Fluttershy are physically disabled: Twilight uses fore-arm crutches and Fluttershy uses a rollator!
Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie are solars! Fluttershy and Rainbow are each other's FPs! Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity are in a nonsexual situationship together!
For 🎀 anon!
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losergendered · 5 months
Hihellohiii :3 🧁 <== cupcake for you All characters r from my little pony
Twilight Sparkle is a magicgender nonbinary transfem demigirl who is biromantic and demisexual ! She uses she/they pronouns and has autism and dyscalculia .
Applejack is a transmasc butch butchgender lesbiangender pansexual lesbian ! He uses he/they/xe/shi pronouns ! They have hpd , old , and cyclothymia .
Fluttershy is a faequeer intersex genderless AGABless transnull transman dollboy dollthing xenogender genderfluid bigender demigirl masc femme futch boy ! It is also cupiorose , aroace , caedorose , acrisexual , adexsexual , OLDallion , BPDallion , aplatonic , and obsessplatonic ! Shy uses it/shri/snow/hush/pri/win/whisp/fleur/tea/lae/rose pronouns as well as None and Nameself ! Snow has bpd , ppd , dpd , old , several specified phobias , mythomania , hoarding disorder , bipolar-2 ADHD-PI , and is autistic !
Rarity is a reveragender uterbinary femgendeer delàndrogyne delàfeminine intersex transfemmasc manwoman girlboy ! She is a bigay bilesbian and uses she/he/it/love pronouns ! He had bpd , npd , avpd , alexithymia , and has somatic-type delusional disorder .
Pinkie Pie is a nonbinary transmascfemneu confettium cakegender sprinklic gateaugender cakecoric kandigender kandistimmic autigender pinkgender *babypinkgender *babybluegender boygirl ! She is pansexual and uses she/shi/hi/h!/cake/sweet pronouns ! shi has bipolar-1 , dysthymia , BIID , ADHD , dyslexia , dysgraphia , and is autistic !
Rainbow Dash is a transmasc genderqueer demiboy and is bigay , demiaroace , aceflux , caedosexual , (gray)obsessplatonic , and BPDallion ! Mrrps uses any pronouns and has a bunch of brain weirdness and is alterhuman ( alterpony ? ) !!!
Twilight and Fluttershy are physically disabled ( Twilight uses fore-arm crutches and Fluttershy uses a rollator ) !
Twilight , Fluttershy , and Pinkie are solars . Fluttershy and Rainbow are each other's FPs ( of the BPD variety ) . Twilight , Applejack , and Rarity are in a nonsexual situationship together !
( * Could you use the flags by alcremie-mogai-n-kin for these ?? thankyou sososo much in advance !!! )
Eeeee this is rlly long i will now play you a song . . . ( insert Ram Ranch here )
( 🎀 )
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mogai-headcanons · 8 months
Blake Ichiban is a bisexual saturahero fantasiar royalheroic heroian arcadecoric bigender blacklightaesic drippyneongender femascdox femascgender fightgamesic fingender gamecomfic gamecoric gameflux gamegender gamergender genderirritant glowlylightic heroarchetypic herogender herosavion herotix honourlexic injeroseic ledgender lovegender maroongender mascfemgender mingender neoncoric neondistortic neongender neonlightsic neonrainbowgender neonsigngender neonstaric pixelgameic rainbowblinkieic redgender retrocoric segagender transmascfem uvcoloric videawarec rosboy who uses he/him, she/her, they/them, neon/neons, and hero/hero’s pronouns! Hero has undiagnosed ADHD, (1/?)
(2/?) PTSD, autism, and schizophrenia! She’s in a queerplatonic relationship with Nanba! Nanba Yu is an autistic acidmagian animalmagian biogender bonemagian cursemagian dirtcoric dirtmagian dreamagian earthmagian faunagender floragender flowermagian fluidmagian galaxygender gendermage genderwizard greenaesic greengender healcharclassian healmagian herbgender lifemagian lunarwizardic mageium medimagian moonmagian mushroommagian naturecoric naturewizardic nightgender pigeongender plantmagian potionmagian rockmagian seedgender shadowmagian sleepmagian sleepmagian sleepycoric sleepygender smokemagian spacegender springmagian sproutgender trippyaesic vincian wizardaesic wizardcoric wizardic wizardtix vincian demiguy who uses he/him, they/them, it/it, herb/herbs, and mage/mage’s pronouns! Mage age-dreams when they’re alone and especially happy, and he's in a queerplatonic relationship with Ichiban!
(3/4) Koichi Adachi is an omnisexual radiofiftin detectigender detectivegender embragender firegender genderbear gendernoir mingender mysterivelic sleuthlexic ursagender vintagecoric warmcoric warmgender paraboy bear who uses he/him for personal convenience, but is open to any pronouns! He has PTSD from his former workforce! Saeko Mukoda is a sapphic genderfae abhorcoric affecgender angelcoric angelgender axegender baggender bathaesic bathcomfic bloodlovic butterfleurgender candygender candyic catfemgender churrosgender cleancoric cupidcoric cupidgender cutecoric cutefluffysoftgender cutegender cutemonstergirlic cutepastelic cutething daisygender darklovecoric daydreamaesic deadlovegender digifem dogloveic dolledphrasic eatyourheartoutphrasic evilcoric evilgirl fairycoric femascgender feminic femme feverdreamic finalgirlic finalgirllovesick finalgirlslasher fleshcute flirtgender floragender flowercute genderblood gendercupid genderfluff genderhate genderlove genderlovesick gendersgalgia gendershopping girlflux girlprince girlxenine glittercattic glittergender greygender harukazesongic hatecoric hategender heartaesic honeygender horrorgender icecreamgender icecreamic idolgender kaomojigender lambgender lovecoric lovegender lovegore loveic lovelettercoric lovelockic lovepoetic lovergender loveribbon lovesickgender lovesicklexic luvelic magicalgirlgender magicbeing mingender musicgender neonstargender nerdgender nostalgiacoric pastelcoric pastelgender pastelgoregender pastelunicornic pianogender pinkcoric pinkgender pinkheartic plushgender prettygender princesscoric pupgender pupthing purelovic rosefem rosegender semigirl seraphender sheepgender sillyfemcatic slasheric soapgender sparklegender sprinkleic sprinklic sugargender tiredgirlgender toyfem toygender villaincoric warpedlovegender watergender whitegender xenofluid xenogirl xenolovic butch who uses she/her, xe/xem, xe/xey, pup/pups, ae/aer, they/them, and any lovecore-themed neopronouns! They have PTSD and autism! Zhao Tianyou is a pansexual transmasculine turian catgender catten kitheadbonkloven cathing
(4/4) catnipgender blackcatic sillykittygender meowgender softcatgender distantcattic browncatgender sugarycatgender gummycatgender coolcatgender meowlexic stormcatgender rainbowcatian catboygender pricatic rainbowcatian pawchatic bloodcatgender evilsillycatgender villaincoric evilcoric villaiboy evilaesic villaincharic phosvilial vilegender chaosgender chaoscoric vibegender genderfeast nonbinary man who uses he/him and they/them! Claw has SPD and PTSD! Joon-Gi Han is a demiagender pomosexual autigender alosolus ghostfrilled asexual monochromegender frostgender snowglobian chionophobian chillgender tiredgender calmgender frostingic icegender coldgender gendercold wintergender wintercoric snowcloudic snowfallgender flakeltic pawfrintic wintercoric coldcoric snowgender stormgender genderice winteric snowian snoconegender ghostthing enby who uses they/it pronouns! It has selective mutism, PTSD, and autism!
Yakuza anon here! Sorry to bother, but I accidentally typed the wrong name for Ichiban. It’s Ichiban Kasuga, not Ichiban Blake. Honest mistake, my bad.
queued! however, i couldn't find quite a few terms - since i found many of these terms on pinterest, it's likely they're on there, but since pinterest is very hard to locate terms on by name, i wasn't able to locate them. if you link me to them, i'll get them added!
they were: gamecomfic, neonsigngender, bathaesic, bathcomfic, churrosgender, digifem, genderhate, harukazesongic, heartaesic, luvelic, gendercold, and snowcloudic
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losergendered · 19 days
heyooo hwllooo :^3 All characters r from Regretevator
Bive is an intersex transnull transentien fessivoia Animinsequikenic paralurdarean oculagoric masc futch demiboygirl womanthing who is bisexual and demiromantic ! She uses she/it and nameself pronouns . It suffers with ppd , bipolar 2 , insomnia , nightmare disorder , agoraphobia , anthropophobia , and tokophobia
Dr.RETRO is a hypergender hyperfemine hypermasculine genderdoctor gendermedic gendermedical optiminihilismic lifemitres rotlace imaginarvriendin evclardette cat-thing catgirlthing who is aromantic bilechen and lesbilechen ! Mew uses mew/she/it/that pronouns . She has c-ptsd and several charges of aggrevated assault against it but we don't talk about that :3
Gnarpy is a genderless stellavenostalgic alienthing cat-thing who is (canonically !!! !!!) aroace . They have delusions of grandeur and mythomania .
Infected is a genderfluid bigender emorosboy emothing scenething frutiaexplosion metalheartexplosion oldtechexplosion gendertoxic genderthmpk lovirium pinkthing guything who is a lithsexual gay guy ! He uses he/it/O_o/XD pronouns ! It is a nonhuman otherkin , specifically catkin , sparkledogkin , zombiekin , skeletonkin and robotkin . O_o has depression , separation anxiety , bpd , autism , nyctophobia , autophobia , and chronophobia .
Lampert is a luxthing deminonbinary demiman who is panromantic and orchidsexual . He uses he/him pronouns . He has intermittent explosive disorder , autism , and cyclothmia .
Mannequin Mark is a genderqueer butch gay man . He uses any pronouns and suffering from major depressive disorder .
Party Noob is a xenogender pasteinbowin rainbowfleuric confettigender cakegender birthdayboy birthdayspike sillyaean bubblexplosion strortcakexplosion funfettiexplosion cakexplosion sprinklic cakecoric kandigender confettium nonbinary partyboything ! They are acrisexual and toric and use they/he/it/🥳/✨/🎉/🪅/🎈/🎊/🍰/🎂 pronouns . He has autophobia , atychiphobia , adhd , and autism .
Pest is an intersex genderless agabless agender transnull adexsexual gay bugthing ! He uses he/it/one pronouns . It has aspd , ppd , bpd , bipolar 1 , hypermania , and hypersomnia .
Pilby is a heehoogender clowngender sweetnsillygender kidcoric clowncoric xengender sillygender clownish asclownbunplushic nonbinary bug ! They use they/zhe/clown pronouns and are pansexual demiromantic . Zhe has social anxiety , autophobia , atychiphobia , equinophobia , hypomania , and seasonal affective disorder .
Prototype is a transentien genderless xenogender bubblegender computerthing who is also laimoromantic and caedosexual . He uses he/they/shi/bubble pronouns ! They suffer with mild dysmorphia .
Split is a dessertgender cakegender gxrlfluxthing womanthing bambi lesbian . She uses she/her pronouns but also doesnt mind any other pronouns being used for her . She has BIID and bpd .
Spud! is a caedorose genderless being who uses any pronouns . They suffer with ptsd , anger issues , and insomnia .
Unpleasant is a binary abinary rosboy azurgirl bigender demiboy demigirl nonbinary genderfuid genderqueer xenogender genderweird Sceneg3nd3r hypermasculine hyperfeminine zoomiegender faggit genderexplosion queerweirdo! It uses any pronouns and is bigay . Xey are alterhuman, foxkin, wolfkin , zombiekin , and godkin . Shi has klazmomania , egomania , mythomania , dermotillomania , hypomania , bipolar 2 , and depression .
Wallter is a cis gay man who uses he/him or any pronouns . He suffers with PTED and depression .
OS SORRY abt the long ass request 😭 im NOT NORMAL abt regretevator
( 🎀 )
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Cheese Sandwich from My Little Pony is a bisexual trans guy with ADHD who uses he/him and fun/funs pronouns, and he’s best friends with Pinkie Pie, an autistic pansexual genderhoarder confettium piniutic sprinklic autigender chaotigender stebaonic pinkcoric partygender energigender joygender 80scoric candycoric cakecoric neoncoric cringecoric girl who uses she/her, 🧁/🧁s, confetti/confettis, and cake/cakes pronouns!
dni transcript here
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
cheese sandwich is a bisexual trans guy with adhd who uses he/him and fun/funs pronouns. he's best friends with pinkie pie, a pansexual autistic genderhoarder confettium piniutic sprinklic autigender chaotigender stebaonic pinkcoric partygender energigender joygender 80scoric candycoric cakecoric neoncoric cringecoric girl who uses she/her, 🧁/🧁s, confetti/confettis, and cake/cakes pronouns.
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sorry if this isn’t a good flag but i wanted to make something for my gender!! this is the flag for Sprinklic, which is a xenogender related to sprinkles!
[Image: an 11-striped flag; first stripe is dark brown with multi-colored sprinkles, second stripe is pink with multi-colored sprinkles, third stripe is white with multi-color sprinkles, fourth stripe is dark blue with multi-colored sprinkles, fifth stripe is light blue with multi-colored sprinkles, sixth stripe is light brown with dark brown sprinkles, seventh stripe is peach with multi-colored sprinkles, eighth stripe is light blue with multi-colored sprinkles, ninth stripe is dark green with multi-colored spinkles, tenth stripe is light pink with multi-colored sprinkles, eleventh stripe is light orange with multi-colored sprinkles.]
Thanks for the submission! 
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