#squid brothers au
mipmoth · 1 month
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Squidifies the subway brothers
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sisimae3335 · 23 hours
they go on Hrt outings (exchanging hormones)
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littlecrittereli · 5 months
So I've kinda been exploring a plot idea I have for a WK comic/fanfiction/AU??? (Not really sure what to call it) Except all the canonical villains aren't competent enough to actually pull it off so I made a villain OC... Anyways I guess you could consider this concept art as I think about it some more :]
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[What Could Have Been]
After the unfortunate reveal of what kind of person Wilbursoot was, I was unsure whether or not to post this, but I've decided to. Here is my outline for the beginning of a fanfic I was writing...
Note: Everything under the cut was written before Wilbur was exposed for being an abuser, as well as some of the tags
A Modern-Vampire!AU involving SBI and a few other people.
Techno is an aspiring writer that recently moved into a very... low quality aparment. He's taken note of the number of bats that fly around the neighborhood and has developed a habit many people in his apartment complex have; feeding fruit to the bats that hang out around his place.
The place is pretty chill. Techno works at this nice Café. (Whether it's Niki's or not is up to you.) He's developed a small rivalry with this random kid who pesters him for food all the time. Techno usually shares his lunch with the kid. (Techno admits the kid is pretty cute with his squid themed. backpack and hoodie)
Anyway, Techno is doing well, he's adjusting to the neighborhood, his boss is pretty nice, and he even has the free time to write his second novel now.
Time passes and Techno has fully adjusted to the place, getting comfortable until... Tommy shows up! Tommy is a fledgling vampire who recently was given the freedom of going out. (As long as one of the other coven members are with him.)
One day while out, Tommy gets distracted and wanders off, loseing his caretaker of the night. This leads to Tommy getting lost and ariving at an old apartment complex. The place has bat boxes and Tommy prepares to spend the day in one to hide from the sun.
While trying to hide from the sun in his bat form, Tommy finds this weird guy with shitty pink hair who's been trying to lure him inside with grapes. (Techno sees a small pup without it's mother desperately hiding in his very old and falling apart bat box.)
Eventually Techno gets the pup inside, wrapping him up in a soft baby blanket and putting him in a shoe box with a warming pad.
Tommy is scared and confused by the actions of this random human... but he quite likes the warm box he's been put in... it's not his fault if he fell asleep!
Across the city is a frantic Wilbur trying to find his missing brother who disappeared after he looked away for a second! Okay, maybe he was staring at that pretty human running the nearby record store but Tommy had been right there beside him!
Wilbur and the rest of the coven desperately searches for Tommy before being forced to take refuge from the sun indoors.
I'm unsure of what happens next but Tommy eventually makes his way back and is promptly grounded and forced to stay indoors. The only problem is that... Tommy has imprinted on Techno during his time with him and begins sneaking out to hang out with Techno. (Techno is relieved that the little bat he helped was doing well!)
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squidkidcelebi · 10 months
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Hypno takes Grey to meet the Pasta Night crew
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squidkid15 · 11 months
For the last godslayer post.
Bro. Person you cannot just drop the fact the dragons helped Red in his quest for ending the Celestial Realm and not elaborate. That's illegal and not fair AND WHY WOULD THE DRAGONS HELP WHAT'D THE CELESTIAL REALM DO TO THEM????
I mean in the dragon's defense he heard Red's side of the story.
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kairithemang0 · 1 month
How would the DMA reveal work if DMA was just Owen in goggles
I don’t think he would have a rubber mask on over or under the goggles and Curt would probably know that it was Owen, what with him memorizing his voice and face because they’re in love. I dunno I just want to see what you think
It was so sad tbh they had this whole reveal when it was SO OBVIOUS
That’s a splatoon problem though, honestly I think it could work with this too just because of the connection for the sake of the au
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naffeclipse · 5 months
I've been musing over a few thoughts inspired by this ask about a mafia-ish style of Apex Polarity without it being too close to Pearl Eye, and after watching a few videos of Orcas hunting their prey (which included dolphins), landed on a sort of Mafia inspired Apex Polarity AU
Also not to add another Y/N to Orclipse's growing collection but this Y/N is a white-beaked dolphin. Look! They're so beautiful!
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Sirens are cunning, brutal, and take everything with teeth and claws. The strongest kill and maim at a whim. As a siren who's not particularly strong, though incredibly agile, with a tail streamlined and dark gray with white patches, fins curved and mostly black, you're somewhere at the bottom. You're doing your best to survive and avoid trouble. You pick your battles and you pick your escapes, and most importantly, you stay alive.
But then you do something really stupid: you venture where you shouldn't have.
You don't usually swim so far up north but you're hungry, and the thought of a few tasty squids distracts you from the silent waters and vast, blue emptiness. You realize a bit too late that you're not the only one hunting.
You catch the first orca siren in the distance as a dark figure, and then another. Two who immediately cut through the water, charging straight for you like shadows. Though you turn tail and bolt, you quickly spot them in the corner of your vision. They easily keep pace, their size and strength overwhelming as they flank you on both sides, wide grins flashing their deadly teeth. You can hardly look at the mismatched color of their eyes as you dodge and weave, diving down only to be cut off by one with midnight blue colors at the tip of his flukes, and shooting off to the left just to almost be snatched by the black-bone claws of a siren with bright yellow fins framing his head.
They're toying with you. You know that for a fact in how they just barely keep back, corraling you onwards, draining your already spent energy, and picking at your panicking pulse. You have no choice but to avoid the edges of their jaws and the tips of their talons, and swim in the direction they want.
You near a field of ice floes floating on the water, and though you cut into the jagged structures dipping into the sea, the orca sirens never lose you. A desperate need for air pushes you onward. One small drop of hope still burns in your chest. Despite the aching of your muscles, you steal a gulp of oxygen and dip back down once more, charging away—
Only to run smack into a third orca siren.
This one grabs you, his burning red and orange colors filling your vision. The other two orcas join to help their kin keep you in place long enough for you to truly regret ever venturing here. Between the three of what you can only assume are brothers, hands hooked over you shoulders, claws clutching your wrists, and palms pressing into your hips, you're a fish caught in a net.
You brace for a voilent end. It never arrives. Instead of digging into your sweet meat, the sirens offer you a deal. The tips of sharp fingertips trace your jawline and the soft inside of your arms and down your slick tail while they explain.
You keep watch for human ships and report back when they're getting close, and in exchange, you get the best food you can imagine, the entire Arctic Ocean to swim, and anything else you'd like. The best benefit? You're under their protection. Of course, they expect utter loyalty from you. You are no one else's. Failure to devote yourself to this work and the brothers would mean a grisly fate, but hey, you're nothing if not eager to not be torn apart. So you agree.
You have a few questions about this whole arrangement, struggling to understand why they, powerful orca sirens, bother with a smaller fish like you when they could rip you limb from limb and be done. What's with the human ships? Why task you to this? Are you just fodder so they can keep their fins nice and unscabbed? They reassure you that they'll explain in due time (the sunny one booping your nose, much to your chagrin), but for now, all you know to know is that the human ships are a problem, and you are their solution for it. You've never really encountered humans before, but they've never really encountered sirens, or so you thought.
The burning red one lets you go, but you don't slip away too far before he tugs on your flukes and tells you to follow him. It's not a request. The darker blue one leaves for a moment, jetting away as the other two guide you to a nice resting place on an icy shore. They introduce themselves, and then their brother reappears with a squid in hand, half dead, and an insistence that you eat—they could tell during the chase that you didn't have all your energy.
And that's how you unwittingly join a very powerful pod of orca brothers who may or may not be teasing and taunting you simultaneously.
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chocokayke · 1 month
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Here's Alkaloid for my Splatoon/Enstars AU! All weapons are referring to their Splatoon 3 kits, because that's what I'm most familiar with. I wanna give a shout out to @mdkm444 for making this fanart that inspired this whole AU in the first place. : )
More info on each character below the cut.⬇️
I'm giving him the highest honor I could bestow on a character... My main.
I think Splatana Deco fits him, and how he sees himself at the beginning. It's a very mobile weapon and aggro with a supportive kit. He can easily strife with opponents to draw fire from his teammates, while also setting up beacons, and setting of tentamissles to displace enemies.
The idea is that he mostly sees himself as his brother's "shield" at the beginning, and I feel like having a weapon that supports and takes fire suits that role.
As he grows and gets more comfortable with his place in Alkaloid, he would pick up more aggressive weapons. I just really like the idea of him with dualies. I think he has a lot of fun zipping around with dodge rolls. : )
He runs a lot of Quick Respawn abilities.
I think his backstory would stay mostly the same, actually.
He's 100% that guy who draws hearts in the enemy base.
He strikes me as the type of person who would play weapons that are meta without fully understanding WHY they're so good.
He started out playing vanilla Splash-o-matic, but he sucks so bad at Crab Tank. Mayoi thought something more mobile would suit Aira, so he recommended Inkbrush and Carbon Roller to him.
Hiyori wears his eye makeup the same way. This is a very important piece of Aira lore.
Mayoi has the biggest change to his backstory out of Alkaloid. He was originally an Octarian Soldier under DJ Octavio.
He was there for the Splat1 final boss and the Calamari Inkantation. He is NOT Agent 8, to be clear. He escaped after Marina, but before Agent 8. He wasn't in the subway. (But the idea of him in the subway is very fun, and that might be something to explore in an AU of this AU.)
He's a huge Squid Sisters fan.
He first escaped to Inkopolis, but it was too overwhelming for him, and he ended up traveling a lot before settling down in ES.
He plays a lot of weapons, and at knows a lot about the weapons he doesn't play. He's extremely skilled and knowledgeable. He's a fantastic coach, and everyone wants them to coach their teams! (Help him.)
Unfortunately, he is still Mayoi and still has severe anxiety! Despite how skilled he is, he's too scared to play alone and is pretty low ranked. That's why he got his status as an "underachiever."
Generally plays a lot of long ranged weapons to stay as far away from the action as he can. Snipewriter is his main, but E-Liter deserves an honorable mention.
Any closer ranged weapons he plays are more supportive than aggressive. This bad boy can pop out so many Inkstorms and Tacticoolers.
I probably should have added Hydra Splatling to his list instead of Heavy Edit tbh? But, eh, he can play both.
I think Snipewriter fits his main really well due to the fact that it has super long range, paints well, and has a supportive kit. At the time I'm writing this, it's also the best competitive weapon in Splatoon 3.
His backstory is also similar to his canon one.
His leg got damaged and wouldn't repair itself when he respawned, so he had to get it removed it let it regrow naturally. Squids can do that, don't worry about it. : )
The guy who makes sure your base is 100% inked during Turf War.
Me and my friend both agreed it is extremely funny for Tatsumi to run around with his beginner weapon going like ^_^: so that's what he mains.
Then my other friend recommended me what they call "noob trap" weapons, which is mostly short ranged shooters (Sploosh and Aerospray) so I immediately added those to the list. I feel like they suit Tatsumi, and kind of mirror how inept he is with technology in canon.
Despite that, he's actually quite skilled! He does pretty well with short ranged shooters and has fun playing with them. They're his go to choice, but he's experienced in a lot of different weapon classes.
Anyway, you know how the Sunken Scrolls in Splatoon 3 introduced Squid Jesus--
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laceswan · 11 months
Fic Recommendations <3
Stray Kids
1-am, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, fluff-@northsoulss
Closer than Friends, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, fluff- @dreamescapeswriting
Invisible Ties, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, childhood friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, fluff- @starseungs
7:30 pm, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, so much fluff- @dreamyyeosang
Lipgloss, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, angst, fluff ending- @hanjisick
Movies, photographer!Kim Seungmin x model!gn!reader, angst, fluff ending- @comet-falls
Wanted if Forever, Kim Seungmin x fem!reader, angst, fluff ending, hurt/comfort- @miel-ji
(Untitled Christmas headcannons), Kim Seungmin x fem!reader, fluff- @sunboki
Dense, Bang Chan x fem!reader, angst- @sunwoowrites
Yeah, Flowers Follow, Seo Changbin x florist!fem!reader, fluff- @catiuskaa
Breakup HCs, Maknae line (hyung line is linked) x fem!reader, ANGST- @dazed—xx
Soft hours tag @rachalixie
Stray Kids Fic Rec List @insidetheravens
(Untitled first kiss drabble), Choi San x gn!reader, fluff, mild spice- @bubblyyeonjun
i'm glad i have you with me, Choi San x fem!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, childhood friends to lovers, slow burn- @mybelovedwoo
Hunger Games
Harry Potter
Hidden Messages in Foreign Languages, Regulus Black x fem!reader, fluff- @applebutter-and-cinnamon
Sleepy, Regulus Black x gn!reader, fluff- @queerpumpkinnn
so tired, Regulus Black x gn!reader, hurt/comfort- @gilmore-angel
Falling, Regulus Black x fem!ravenclaw!reader, fluff- @ardisia-florence-james
Kissing with Regulus Black would include, Regulus Black x fem!reader, fluff- @angelblacksmith
The Brothers Black, Regulus Black x fem!reader, slight angst, fluff- @sufferingstarlight
A Snake and his Little Bird, Regulus Black x fem!sunshine!reader, some angst, hurt/comfort- @robynlilyblack
Regulus Black Masterlist- @messers-moony
Deadly Favors, Theseus Scamander x gn!reader, angst, fluff ending- @spideyharrington
The Legend of Vox Machina (Critical Role)
(Untitled proposal fic), Percy de Rolo x gn!reader, fluff- @saphirered
Floriography, Percy de Rolo x fem!OC, fluff- @leopardfang15
In the Glade, Percy de Rolo x gn!reader, fluff- @finn-writes-stuff
Your Soldier, Knight!Takami Keigo x Princess!reader, Royalty AU, fluff- @livlivlivliv
Crimson and Cloves, Todoroki Shoto x fem!reader, Hanahaki AU, angst- @gcpards
(Untitled drabble), Shinsou Hitoshi x gn!reader, so much angst, major character death, fluff ending- @alienaiver
Iida Tenya Masterlist, CONTAINS SOME SMUT YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED- @lovinkiri
HQ Masterlist- @215-luv
HQ Imagines Masterlist- @arhvste
(Untitled drabble), Sakusa Kiyoomi x gn!reader, fluff- @kentolove
Touch-Averse, Sakusa Kiyoomi x fem!reader, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff ending- @watevermelon
You Look Pretty When You Do the Laundry, Sakusa Kiyoomi x gn!reader, fluff- @otoyastoy
I Need to Talk to You, Akaashi Keiji x fem!reader, fluff- @otoyastoy
JuJutsu Kaisen
Sweet Love, Nanami Kento x gn!reader, fluff- @haruchuiyo
Kitchen Charm, Domestic!Nanami Kento x gn!reader, fluff- @itsfairly
rich bf nanami headcannons, Nanami Kento x impliedfem!reader, fluff- @kiyoily
Star Wars
If Only pt. 1 (part 2 is linked), Obi-Wan Kenobi x gn!reader, angst- @make-me-imagine
(Untitled breakup drabble), Poe Dameron x gn!reader, angst- @never—doubt
The Arrival of the Pilots, Poe Dameron x gn!reader, mild angst, fluff- @gawaaine
Insomnia, Jasper Hale x fem!human!reader, fluff- @junkdrawerfics
Heartbeat, Jasper Hale x fem!human!reader, fluff- @3vergr3en
Squid Game
Eliminated, Hwang Junho x gn!reader, fluff- @sweetenercode
Dating HCs, Hwang Junho x fem!not korean!reader, fluff- @sophiewritesworld
The World Will Suffer, Hwang Junho x gn!reader, angst- @philomaay
Dating HCs, Hwang Junho x gn!reader, fluff- @saebyeoked
Real People
when you fall asleep, Chris Evans x actress!reader, fluff- @imyourbratzdoll
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mipmoth · 28 days
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Almost forgot about this iconic fights of octo expansion. Now with Emmet and Ingo!!
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sisimae3335 · 3 days
squid brothers save me save me squid brothers
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Bonus doodles of cap being dumb as shit and cuttlefish being an ally
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Lemme know if you guys wanna see the one where they come out on live Tv lol
I can’t come up with Masc names for them so uh-
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fieldofdaisiies · 8 months
𝑫𝒂𝒚 𝟕: 𝑭𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒚
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Azris Hogwarts AU for @erisweek2023🧡 ~6k words
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As the clock's hands show 11am the Hogwarts Express lurches forward with a jolt. The train's whistle is louder than the chatting of the pupils who haven't seen each other for over six weeks, finally reunited and trying to find places to sit down. 
And so, once again the journey begins, for some of the pupils for the first time, for some for the last time. 
Eris loads his hand luggage above him, rolls back his shoulders, smoothes out his white shirt and then claims his usual seat alongside his house mates. His long legs are stretched beneath the small table, crossed at the ankle. And thank Godrick, the mark he bears since this summer, his mark, is hidden beneath the sleeve of his shirt. It is nothing he is proud of, nothing he wanted, but he had no other choice. 
Slowly, Eris' attention returns to reality. His friend, Tamlin laughs loudly as Elain Archeron trips over his out-stretched foot. He is sneering at her, her disheveled demeanour, having fallen to the ground and landed on her bag. Plants and books about Herbology are scattered around her, pages torn, branches of the plants and flowers broken or twisted. 
The young Hufflepuff only bites down on her lower lip, tears rising in her eyes from the pain that erupts in her knees where she hit the ground. "Foul beetle," she grumbles through gritted teeth as she collects her things, and gets up. She hurdles away, quickly following after her older sister, Feyre who is already in the next compartment, not having noticed her falling. Tamlin is lucky, because if Feyre or Nesta had noticed what he had done they would have punched him right in the face.  
"Isn't the little Mudblood dating your bastard brother?" Dagdan asks. He snorts and points the end of his wand at Eris. 
The seventh year Slytherin flashes him a glower and shakes his head. "Don't mention that, or I will curse your stupid ass."
Deep inside his heart, Eris loves his little brother. But no one can know this, no one can know about their secret meetings where he warns Lucien about what is happening in the world, where he checks to make sure Lucien is alright. And Lucien…he can never know that he now bears…his mark. Koschei's. There are so many secrets now, secrets that weren't always there. Once, Eris used to be a happy, young boy, joyful about going to Hogwarts. This no longer is. Now he is serious, sad, torn and twisted. Scared. 
"Last year, huh?" "Fucking finally," Amren chuckles, claiming her seat next to Eris. He moves over a little, making room for the short, dark-haired witch. 
Dagdan snorts, but then is attention moves to Nesta Archeron passing them, chin held high and not deigning her housemates a single look. 
"Not sitting with us, beautiful?" Dagdan drawls.
Nesta turns her head a little, gives him a once over, her stare flat. "I would rather sleep in the Forbidden Forest or kiss the giant squid in the Great Lake than sit with you."
Just like every year, Nesta sits with her sisters, and their boyfriends and her boyfriend. Cassian is in Gryffindor and it took her a damn long time to allow herself to fall for him, but now she loves him more than anything. 
She does find two of her classmates alright — Eris an Amren— but the rest she can really do without and since she only tolerates the other two, she rather opts to sit with her family and friends. 
"Making out with the squid is probably not much different to making out with Dagdan, is it?" Eris comments, a sly smile on his lips, as his eyes trail over Nesta. 
That makes Tamlin laugh wickedly, but the slap he earns himself from Tamlin immediately shuts him up. 
Nesta is gone in the meantime, not paying anymore attention to them.
"Big mouth, Vanserra. You are the one who hasn't hooked up with anyone in ages."
"We had summer holidays, how would you know?" the oldest Vanserra brother shoots back, hoping his glower will edge onto the Cruciatus Curse. 
He is not in the mood to talk about anything related to love. Love is fucking awful, and annoys him. And in all the chaos, and whirlwind in his mind, definitely something that is not on top of his priority list. 
Tamlin only snorts and shakes his head, not finding the right words for a come back. 
Tired of the conversation, the Vanserra boy leans his head back after a moment, and closes his eyes. And then…Bloody hell!
Maybe love is higher up on his priority list than he thought. His thoughts immediately start to wander, going to…to the stupid Ravenclaw half-blood…And he immediately shuts up his brain. These are thoughts he can't allow. 
They are long past London when Eris blinks open his eyes, absently staring out of the window. "They are recruiting," he hears Tamlin say and quickly hits is leg under the table. What a fool, talking out loud about it. "Who?" Dagdan asks, the obvious idiot he is.
"You know who," Tamlin answer him, but Eris' warning glare is enough for him to not continue speaking about this topic. 
The atmosphere is gloomy, the scenery eerie, no excitement comes from the pupils as the Hogwarts Express comes to a halt at the platform of Hogsmead station. Students leave the train, crowding along the platform, getting ready to go to the castle. Anxiousness and nervousness weigh heavy in the air, a sense of uncertainty going along with. Koschei is rising to power, and people —mostly Muggles of course— grow more and more afraid the imminent danger. 
Eris Vanserra is nothing, but elegant and arrogant confidence when he steps out onto the train platform, smoothing one hand over his neatly combed hair, the other moving into the pocket of his trousers. The air around him is crisp, a breeze carrying the scent of pine and moss, as it touches his skin. His amber eyes scan his surroundings, halting on the big gates. 
Beside him, Tamlin Fahrhan grumbles loudly, complaining about something Eris couldn't care less about. Dagdan wears an amused smirk on his face, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his trousers as he saunters a few steps behind the two boys. "Our last year," he comments. 
But Eris does not answer him, his eyes are still on the gates, on the Aurors behind them, searching every pupil and all the luggage upon arriving. Cold sweat breaks out on the back of his neck, a kernel of panic and anxiousness taking root inside of his chest. 
"Can you believe this nonsense?" Eris mutters, his tone tinged with disdain. "Searching our trunks as if we're hiding dark secrets." Like the fucking huge secret hidden beneath his sleeve! He is terrified, but masks it in sheer arrogance and disdain. 
Tamlin snorts and shakes his head. "Honestly, do they think we are Death Eaters or what?"
Dagdan chuckles, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Well, that I would not deem as something bad, you know, Tam." 
The two boys chuckle, but Eris doesn't. He feels like throwing up, the tattoo feeling like it is burning its way right through his pale skin. Shame and regret feel like they are sinking claws into Eris' heart. 
As they make their way towards the gates, their grumbling continues, complaining about being searched and all the unnecessary things happening, but Eris does not pay attention. He is caught in his own mind, pained and haunted by what had been done to him during the summer holidays. It wasn't his choice — the choice was made for him. Beron made this choice for him. 
The Aurors check them only quickly, Eris glowers at them, hoping they remember who his father is so they will let him pass — and they do. 
The majestic Thestrals —only visible to Tamlin at this point— are awaiting them when they reach the carriages. Eris, Tamlin, and Dagdan climb into the carriage, no conversation happening between them, until Dagdan unfortunately has to open his mouth.  
"At least the Mudblood is pretty. All three sisters actually are," Dagdan mumbles, gazing back into the distance when the carriage departs. 
"By how much you talk about them, one could get the impression you have a crush on Elain Archeron!"
"Shut up, Tamlin!" Dagdan growls and slumps back into his seat. He flips off his friend, with a grimace on his face. 
Once again Eris is in his own mind. The creaking of the wheels, mingles with the wind around them as they continue their journey to the castle.
As the carriages come to a halt in front of the castle, Eris, Tamlin, and Dagdan step out onto the cobblestone, heading for the inside. 
The Great Hall, brightly lit and welcoming, awaits them, its doors wide open to let everyone in. In here everything seems lighter, the people happier — chatter and even laughter fills Eris' ears and he looks around in the Great Hall. 
Eris once again wears his demeanour of arrogant confidence, a mask and shield he has perfected for himself. He veils his face in cool boredom, strutting towards his house table, just when someone walks past him. Not someone…Azriel Moretti. 
He is also already dressed in his robes, his dark blue Ravenclaw tie in perfect place just like the glasses sitting on his nose, as he wants to walk to his table. 
All house tables are adorned with goblets, and plates filled with all sorts of dishes. But Eris is quicker, not sure why he even bothers to talk to him…maybe because he wants to spend time with the handsome Ravenclaw, with the beautiful brown eyes and the lovely glasses? Ugh, hell no…
"Moretti." Eris' lips curl into a sly smile as he turns to Azriel, who has stopped walking and also turns around.
"Well, well, well," Eris drawls, his voice dripping with a feigned air of superiority. "Look who we have here. Look who has returned again, the Ravenclaw half-blood, so very smart and brilliant. Must be tough, not being part of either side, huh? Not a pureblood and not a mudblood either."
But Azriel looks unfazed, tired, his expression emotionless. He stares at Eris for a long moment and then brings one hand up to adjust his glasses. 
"Being half-blood doesn't seem to be bad to me, and everything is better than being like you — a pure breed who thinks that that sort of thing really matters in life."
Eris raises an eyebrow, momentarily caught off guard by Azriel's unexpected response. His usual air of arrogance threatens to waver. His nostrils flare, eyes sharpening on the Ravenclaw. "Oh, how wonderful of you, Embracing your…oddness."
Azriel's lips curl. "Better odd than like you."
When the fuck did he grow that confidence to answer back to me? the Slytherin boy thinks. His glower only intensifies, but damn is it hot that Azriel turned so confident and strong over the holidays.
Eris opens his mouth to retort, but no words come out, he is too stunned. Azriel's subtle confidence has left him momentarily speechless and he does not like this. Before he can find his voice, Azriel leans forward a bit. He is the same height as Eris, another thing the Slytherin doesn't really like about him. But then…there is hardly anything the Slytherin really doesn't like about Azriel. 
Over the last year he has figured out that he actually likes too many things about Azriel. Too many things no one can ever find out about. No one can know about his crush, it would be his end.
"You know, Eris," Azriel says, his voice dropping an octave, "I am pretty alright with the way I am. It took me a damn long time to accept it, but now I can say I feel good about myself, my heritage. And no matter what complexes you have about your own heritage, don't leave your frustration out on someone else, it doesn't make you a better person. It only makes you look pathetic. "
Eris' cheeks flush slightly, embarrassment flooding his entire being. He clears his throat, trying to regain his composure. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Moretti. I was just messing around with you, not my problem that you don't understand some fun."
Azriel chuckles coldly, his laughter like a melody that caresses Eris' skin. "Of course, Vanserra." Azriel's gaze is stern and hard. "But I want you to remember one thing: it's not the blood that defines a wizard, but his heart and mind. Maybe you should remind yourself of that from time to time."
With that, Azriel turns around and walks away, not deigning the Slytherin boy another glance. Frustrated, embarrassed and deeply annoyed, Eris heads to the Slytherin table, his thoughts a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. 
What goes unnoticed by him is that as Azriel walks over to the Ravenclaw table, he turns and his gaze lingers on Eris for a moment before he sits down and dives into his meal, his heart beating with a secret that is only his share. But he will never do so.
The feast begins, the pupils are greeted, Headboy and Headgirl are announced — Rhysand and Feyre, to no ones surprise. 
Then the pupils are warned about the dangers lurking outside the castle walls. And then the pupils are sent of to their dorm rooms. 
In the quiet Slytherin dorm room, the moonlight casts a gentle glow upon Eris' pale skin. He leans against the headboard of the bed, his long legs crossed at the ankles. His roommates, Tamlin and Dagdan, are fast asleep, their snores drifting to him, but otherwise the room is calm — one could hear a needle drop.
Eris is wide awake though— too many thoughts are coursing through his mind. 
And somehow, he can't help but think back to his encounter with Azriel in the Great Hall. He remembers the witty come-back the Ravenclaw had, his confident responses, and the way his eyes shone with some unplaceable emotion.
Alone with his thoughts, Eris lets himself dream. He traces his fingers along his bedsheet, mulling over his feelings. And then…he smiles as he replays the memory, hearing Azriel's voice in his mind, seeing his eyes. His heart suddenly beats faster at the sheer thought of the Ravenclaw. Idiocy…
But in the quiet of the Slytherin dorm room, Eris allows himself to hope for something more, something completely impossible.
With a sigh, Eris settles into his bed, pulling the sheets up to his chin, thoughts of Azriel warming his heart. The memory of their encounter becomes a secret source of joy, even though it was all but joyful. But it was…something and a good distraction from all the chaos and pain in his life. 
"Same old bullshit," Dagdan comments as Professor Devlon strolls to the front of the Potions classroom. The first week at Hogwarts was rather uneventful, but now that the second week has started, things are starting to become more interesting. 
"Today, we are brewing a potion of which the name should for now be a secret to you. And I will chose the partner you are working with."
Groans and annoyed grumbles fill the Potions classroom, the pupils letting their displeasure about it be known out loud.
The professor turns around, his brow raised, black robes like a veil of darkness around him. "Anyone wants to say something?" he asks, in his deep rumble, speaking very slowly. 
Everyone is calm. 
"I thought so. Now, let me put you into pairs." And so he starts. 
Some are happy with their partners, some are not. Emerie from Gryffindor, who is in a team with Tamlin nearly throws a cauldron through the whole classroom when she finds out about her partner.
But it is another cauldron that should bring Eris and Azriel together. "Moretti, Vanserra."
Eris' eyes nearly fall out of their sockets and the groan Azriel releases speaks volumes. 
Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Cassian, and best friend of Azriel, quickly reaches his hand over to give his friend a supportive pat on his back. "You can do this, Azzy. It is just one potion."
Azriel fights the urge to roll his eyes and walks over to where Professor Devlon is waiting next to a cauldron, Eris already standing next to him — obviously Devlon would chose Eris' cauldron, him being head of Slytherin House obviously makes him favour the Slytherins. 
"Don't mess this up, I need a good grade." "Funny, I was going to say the same thing," Azriel grumbles and turns to Eris, a disdainful expression on his face. Azriel pushes his glasses up his nose as he draws in a steadying breath, steeling himself for what lies ahead — having to work together with Eris. Being in close proximity to Eris. 
With the cauldron in front of them bubbling softly, the two boys set out to work, their movements cautious. Eris reaches for a vial of crushed rose thorns, his fingers accidentally brushing against Azriel's as they both reach for the same jar. Their hands linger for the blink of an eye, and they exchange a fleeting glance that holds a hint of intrigue. But quickly they look away, and pull their hands back.
"Watch it, Moretti and take a step back," Eris growls. "I'd hate to see your glasses fog up from the heat of the cauldron."
Azriel rolls his eyes, his lips curving into a wry smile. "I'm more worried about you accidentally dipping your fingers into the liquid." Not a good come-back, but the only one Azriel could come up with. His mind is racing, heart beating to fast — he still feels Eris' fingers against his. 
Somehow, they slowly find their rhythm, falling into a pattern of actions and they work perfectly together, without any conversation passing between them. 
Eris pours a good amount of peppermint and Pearl Dust into the Caulrdon, while Azriel grinds moonstone powder. "Easy there, Moretti," Eris quips, "we don't want you to grind it down to nothing."
Azriel only shakes his head and then adds the powder to the potion and it starts to bubble a little more. "Looks good."
Eris smirks. "Talking about me?"
"No, about myself." Azriel quickly turns his head, not able to avoid the small smile that appears on his lips. 
Their banter continues, and soon turns from not so nice remarks to subtle flirtation — somehow unbeknownst to them both. As they lean over the cauldron, their shoulders brush against each other, a sensation that sends a shiver down both their spines. Their eyes meet once again, a spark passing between. 
The potion continues to simmer, and they are constantly checking if everything goes well. 
Azriel and Eris are the top students of the class, and barely ever fail any potion. But this time, it is a little more difficult. With the constant distractions…
Both look into the cauldron and then lift their gazes. Their eyes lock. In that moment, the classroom fades away, and it seems like it is just the two of them. Their fingers brush once more, the touch fleeting, as they both sharply pull their hands back from the cauldron. 
Eris's heart races, his breath catching as he meets Azriel's gaze again. Time seems to stand still.
And then, as quickly as it began the moment between them is gone. Eris reaches up to brush a few strands of hair out of his face. They have curled around his forehead from the steam rising from the cauldron. 
But it is the wrong arm and his sleeve shifts, revealing a glimpse of ink on his forearm. 
Azriel's eyes widen as he catches sight of the tattoo – his mark.
"Eris," Azriel starts, his voice cautious, "what is…?"
But Eris pulls his arm behind his back, panic flashing across his features. Cold sweat breaks out all over his skin, panic gripping his heart with icy claws. "Don't. Don't ask. Just… promise me you won't say anything."
Azriel doesn't react and so Eris grows angry. He glowers, teeth clenched. "You can't say anything. I warn you. Think of your pathetic Muggle mother," he seethes. 
Shock flashes in Azriel's eyes, just like pain and disappointment. Azriel takes a step back, his lips parting but no words leaving his mouth. 
Eris takes a cautious step forward. He wants to take back the words, wants to tell Azriel that he would never hurt his mother, but his fear, the panic running so deep in his veins, has been stronger and made him say something he did not at all mean. The Slytherin wants to apologise, explain himself, but he gets no chance to do so. 
"Tell us what yours smell like!" Devlon orders, suddenly appearing in front of them. 
Being so caught up in their own conversation, the two boys haven't noticed that everyone else has stopped brewing and it is time to do a presentation in class now. 
"Go on then!" Professor Devlon commands, no hint of kindness nor any room for protest in his voice. 
Azriel harshly shoves Eris by his shoulder as he steps forward, closer to the Cauldron. 
"Step back, I can only smell you, Vanserra."
"Says the one who bathed in cologne this morning — its the only damn thing I can smell," Eris growls, although his heart aches. Why the bloody hell does his life have to be so terribly difficult?
In this moment, as they present their potion, even Amren is quiet at the scenery that unfolds itself  in front of the pupils. She is watching the two males through squinted eyes, a sly smile on her lips. Are they truly revealing their most hidden secrets in this moment, their crush for the other? Obviously unbeknownst to them… 
"That, is indeed highly interesting," professor Devlon says, his eye brows raised. "Is that all you can scent, Mr Vanserra?"
"It is, I can barely make out the other scents over his cologne. But I think there also is…spearmint, and hint of old parchment, and night air."
Professor Devlon taps the side of his face, as if in deep thought and then waves his hand. 
"Good, good. As it should be. Class is over for today."
"Won't you tell us what potion it was, Professor?" Azriel asks, but Devlon does not hear him or decides to ignore him.  
"Amortentia, Azriel." It is Gwyn who answers him. She is in his year and in his house. Her teal eyes meet his when she says in a soft voice, "It lets us scent the things we like the most, the things we desire, those things that attract us." 
There is small curve to her lips and then she walks past Azriel, following after Emerie and Nesta, leaving an absolutely stunned Azriel behind. 
Holy Helga! The things we desire. 
Eris hasn't heard the conversation, his mind is racing, thoughts too loud and he knows he has to talk to Azriel. He walks up to him when the Ravenclaw is about to follow Cassian and Rhysand. But Eris is faster. Hidden behind the robes, he grabs Azriel's arm, pulling him to him. 
There is warning in his voice, but also fear when he leans in closely. "Astronomy tower. 10pm. Come alone."
He does not wait for an answer, he only holds on to the sliver of hope that Azriel will come.
The moment Eris steps outside the classroom, a painful, dreadful time is about to start. He has to wait until it is 10pm to find out if Azriel will give him away, and if he even shows up. 
He barely communicates during his time at dinner, and also not later when they sit together in the common room. He excuses himself early, leaving for his dorm room. Both Tamlin and Dagdan give him questioning looks, sneering at him for being a baby who needs a lot of sleep. Amren simply does not care about him going to bed so early, she just shrugs her shoulders and Nesta, when he passes her before the staircase, has something like empathy glimmering in her eyes. 
But it is only fleeting, and Eris not at all in the mood to talk to her. His mind is racing, heart beating faster than a stallion galloping in the wilderness. 
He feels so empty, so sad, so torn, and broken. When he is finally alone all the emotions reach the surface, and he silently sobs into a pillow. 
Later, he washes himself, not immediately putting back on his pyjama shirt so he can look at the tattoo, his mark for a moment. Everything inside him convulses, until there is nothing but a painful ache in his heart. 
Everything hurts just at the sheer thought of what had been done to him. It wasn't his choice, he never made this choice. His father did and his mother had to stand by and watch. 
He does not look at it directly, the steam from bathing earlier making the tattoo barely visible through the mirror. But it is there. And if he can't see it, he will always feel it. It is burned into his skin…and that until forever. 
Eris' fingers curl around the frame of the sink, his teeth clenched, until he pushes off and finally dons his night shirt. He brushes his damp hair back, securing them at the nape of his neck with a hair tie. 
He hopes he can somehow make Azriel see that he did not want this. He hopes Azriel will somehow understand he was forced to wear his mark. Azriel is a smart boy, and also kind, Eris thinks, he will understand it. Or at least, maybe not tell anyone.
But what if Rhysand or Cassian, Azriel's best friends, already know about it? Would he really keep a secret from them?
Although, Eris doubts it, he holds on to the glimmer of hope — Azriel would first let him explain…
The handle on the clock ticks almost painfully slowly, reminding Eris exactly how miserable his situation right now is. And it is very miserable. 
When Dagdan and Tamlin return to the dorm room, Eris is still awake but pretends to be fast asleep. They also wash and finally climb into their beds, falling asleep soon. But Eris is wide awake, awaiting the time to finally go up to the astronomy tower. 
And so the time passes, so terribly slowly, but at some point 9:45 arrives and Eris sets out for the astronomy tower — calm and smooth as a cat. He can't be caught. Under no circumstance can anyone catch him. 
Eris, his wand tightly grasped in one hand, wanders through the corridors, always watching out for any imminent danger. He doesn't know what wanders the corridors of Hogwarts at night, you can never be careful enough. 
The air is cool and crisp, goosebumps appearing on his skin. But they don't appear because of the cold, but because of how nervous and anxious he is. This talk will decide about everything. 
If the talk even happens. What if Azriel does not show up? What if he already told everyone?
Doubts start to gnaw on Eris…Maybe it had been a bad idea to ask him for a talk in the first place?
Eris' bare feet — so caught up in thoughts, he forgot to put on slippers— move over the floor as calm as possible. 
He releases a low and relieved breath when he finally arrives at the staircase leading up to the astronomy tower. With careful and coordinated steps he climbs upstairs and—
His breath catches in his throat, heart hammering against his rib cage. 
Azriel turns around, adjusting his glasses, and gives Eris a once over. Just like the Slytherin, Azriel is dressed in his pyjamas…and barefoot. 
"You are late," the Ravenclaw says matter-of-factly. His face is expressionless, on the edge of cold.
"I didn't think you would come," Eris breathes, finally taking the last step. 
"But I am here. So what do you want to tell me?" Azriel takes a step back, leaning against the railing that surrounds the astronomy tower. "How you got the mark? If you are proud of it?" Azriel raises a brow, waiting.
Eris swallows around the lump in his throat, it is probably the size of a peach. He wipes his clammy hands down his thighs, his jaw aching from how hard he clenches it. Then he shakes his head. "Did you tell anyone?"
Azriel looks pained, almost like he had been struggling with this question for the past hours. And he has. It has plagued him ever since he spotted the mark on his classmate's arm. 
The Ravenclaw gives his head a little shake and Eris releases another breath of relief, before Azriel says. "Not yet…"
"You can't tell anyone, Azriel." Eris is in his face in an instant, hands brace next to Azriel's body on the railing. "Hogwarts is all I have. The only place where I am safe, where…I…" His voice breaks, not able to finish his sentence.
"Are you not safe with your Death Eater mummy and daddy?" Azriel retorts, glowering fiercely.
"My mother is no Death Eater!" Eris quickly defends, glowering as well. 
He can see his breath —or is it Azriel's?— between their faces and it distracts him momentarily. Their closeness does. 
Azriel raises a surprised brow. "She is not?"
"She would never." Eris swallows thickly. "And neither would I. It wasn't my choice. I did not agree to this, I was forced to do it." "Everyone has a choice!" Azriel growls, shoving his face forward, his forehead now pressed against Eris'. "Everyone has a choice, Eris."
Eris grows angry, because he didn't. It is simply wrong. Sometimes you don't have a choice. He clearly didn't. 
"I did not. With a father like Beron, you don't have a choice."
Eris' eyes close, when tears start to burn in them and already dampen his lashes. He inhales a deep, shaky breath and makes a move to step away from Azriel. But the Ravenclaw is faster, his hand…with scars on it, curls around Eris' wrist. "You were forced to do it?"
Eris nods slowly, and the first tear slides out of the corner of his eye. 
"Do you believe in what they praise? Blood purity, I mean." "I did…I did for a long time." "Not anymore?" Azriel's tone is careful, but much softer. Eris shakes his head. 
"What has changed?" the Ravenclaw knows this is his only chance to properly talk to Eris, to see if he really means it, or if he just pretends to be something better so Azriel won't give him away. 
"Many things," Eris breathes, Azriel's hand still on his wrist. And it really shouldn't feel that right.
"Enlighten me." Azriel won't let him go that easily. 
"My little brother…Lucien. I think you might know him?"
Azriel nods, his expression once again unreadable. 
"He as a Pureblood is dating a Mud—a Muggleborn now. Elain Archeron. And this somehow already changed a lot about how I see things. And I realised that blood purity is simply wrong, our beliefs are. And then—"
Eris cuts himself off, swallowing thickly once again. Will he lay all the cards on the table now? Reveal everything? Maybe this is his only chance…
"And you."
"I changed?" Azriel seems irritated, his brows raised.
Eris throws his head back with a loud groan. "How thick are you? You fucking changed something about me, okay? I have an enormous crush on you. And I don't give a damn about you being a Half-Blood or your mother being a Muggle. I couldn't care less and that was when I realised that I am not like them. That I am different. That I want to be different!"
Tears freely roll down the Slytherin's face. His declaration somehow hangs in the air between them, heavy and tangy, but Azriel, gathering all his courage, does what he has been dreaming of since quite a while. 
He slams his lips onto the Slytherin's, his arms curling around Eris' shoulders so he can bring him in as close as possible. Eris pushes the Ravenclaw against the railing, his tongue brushing Azriel's lip. He can't kiss him hard enough, fast enough. 
The Ravenclaw's glasses are wedged between their faces, low groans and growls, erupting in both their throats, hands touching every possible place just to feel more of the other. 
Once their lips are swollen, breaths ragged, their lips part, but their bodies stay close, holding onto each other. "Azriel," Eris breathes, needing a moment to ground himself. 
"My Amortentia…the potion we brewed today. It smelled like you." There is a small, sheepish smile on the Ravenclaw's face. Azriel adjusts both his glasses and his hair and finally meets Eris' gaze. 
"Amortentia…" Eris' voice is tinged with wonder. "Mine smelled like you." He smiles then, relief and something like hope in his eyes. 
"I don't want to drag you into this with me, Azriel."
Eris brings up a hand, brushing his thumb over Azriel's cheek. "It is my battle and it won't get easier, I don't want you to be in danger because of me. I bear his mark, and I am part of the Death Eaters, I can't bring you into this with me."
But Azriel vehemently shakes his head. "Too late. I am already in this with you. From now on, we are doing this together. I will help you get out of it. Or I will protect, but you don't have to deal with all of this alone."
"Azriel—" "Don't Azriel me! I will help you with this, and you can't stop me."
"Good Godrick, I don't deserve you." Eris shakes his head with a small, sad chuckle and leans in to press a kiss against Azriel's lips. 
"You don't deserve what was done to you, Eris." Sadness passes over Azriel's face. "But we will find a solution. Together."
Eris intertwines their fingers. "Together."
~~~~~~~ erisweek tag list: @brekkershadowsinger @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @liftyourhipsformelovex @elsie-bells @the-sweet-psycho azris tag list: @azrielsbabyg @lady-riel @moonlightazriel @aayo-whatt@brekkershadowsinger  @ladyelain @banasheefan56 @a-frog-with-a-laptop @ofduskanddreams
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iateyourfav · 3 months
Beastification - Chapter 3
The batch brings Mr Beast back to Ord Mantell and Cid makes a curious request.
The Bad Batch x Mr Beast
Tags: sfw, Crack fic, slow burn, Mr Beast AU, crack taken seriously
CW: the y/nification of Mr Beast, mentions of child abduction, braindead Mr Beast, Mr Beast talks to an invisible camera, lore breaking content
Words: 1344
Will update on Wednesdays and Sundays
... | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Read on ao3
They finally reached Ord Mantell. Most of the journey was spent with Omega and Wrecker talking to Mr Beast about Squid Game. It seemed nobody except Omega understood what Mr Beast was actually talking about, but everybody listened. Wrecker obviously pretended he knew what the rescued man was talking about, and it seemed everybody except Mr Beast noticed this.
“Let’s deliver him to CId as fast as possible. I can‘t bear hearing another sentence about cutting out cookies.“ Echo seemed to be hanging on to his sanity by a thread. They had now left the ship and were well on their way to Cid‘s Parlour. „I can not tell what it is but something about him intrigues me.“ Tech spoke up. „His mind seems to be working differently from any creature I have seen before.“
„Yeah, there’s something about him.“ Hunter agreed. „I don’t like him. I‘m not even sure he has a soul.“ Echo stated. Hunter and Tech looked at him, then at each other. Maybe he was right.
“Ah, there you finally are. About time, if you ask me.“ Cid seemed to have been waiting for them for quite a while. Her glance caught Mr Beast walking in next to Omega, still talking about how Squid Game. „Mr, there you finally are! Come on, let's talk about payment.“ They left the batch behind in the Parlour to talk in Cid‘s office. 
„Why‘d she call him that?“ Wrecker questioned, looking at his brothers. Omega slightly hit his arm to get his attention. „Hey, I told you before! That’s his name! His first name is Mr and his last name is Beast.“ The girl seemed incredibly proud to know this niche information about the man they just rescued. 
Echo looked at her as if he thought he was about to lose his sister to a lethal illness. „She‘s right. I looked him up, apparently ever since he appeared on the radar, he’s been working with bounty hunters to abduct targets so they would get jobs to get those targets back. And he seems to not accept compensation for this work. That’s why Jabba held him prisoner, that’s why he kidnapped his offspring.The Empire is  looking for him.“ Tech explained, not  looking up from his datapad.
That last sentence made Wrecker feel worried. How could this fragile, delicate young man run from the Empire by himself? His delusional nature made Wrecker feel scared for his safety.
Hunter could sense Wreckers anxiety, not just from him obviously being close to tears, but first and foremost from the intense amount of sweat he was producing. „Wrecker, calm down, he’s gonna be fine.“
This was Echo's last straw. „You‘re actually worried about him? I‘m happy to never have to look into his empty, soulless eyes ever again!“ he snapped. Wrecker's mood turned from worried to aggravated. „Hey, how dare you say that! He has the most beautiful, sparky eyes I have ever seen!“ he yelled, pushing Echo back on his shoulder, trying his hardest to not inflict more damage, He needed to defend Mr.
Echo pushed him back „That’s not his eyes sparkling, that‘s the back of his skull because there‘s obviously no brain living in there.“ 
„Snap out of it, you‘re scaring the kid!“ Hunter tried to defuse the conflict, Omega hiding behind him, not wanting to watch her brothers fight over her favorite video creator. They stepped away from each other after seeing the scared look on Omegas face. Wrecker knelt down to her.
“I‘m sorry, kid. I don‘t know what got into me. I just felt like I had to protect him, dunno why.“ His gaze sank to the floor, defeated. „I know why.“ Omega put her hand on his shoulder to comfort her big brother. „You like him, I get it. But I think you like him in a different way than I do.“, Omega tried to cheer him up. 
This made Wrecker incredibly flustered. He had already figured out he was probably developing a little crush on Mr Beast, but he didn’t want his brothers to know about that, especially considering he wasn‘t even sure about his own feelings yet. They had just met shortly before.
Wrecker blushed, tried to defend himself. „I-It‘s not like that. I just thought what he was talking about on the Marauder was interesting…“ „Wrecker, you clearly did not know what he was talking about then.“ Tech shot down the excuse immediately. „You clearly care for him.“ 
Omega, who still had her hand on Wreckers shoulder, pushed him back a little to get his attention back to her. „Come on, you have to tell him!“ She was beaming. Wreckers blush deepened. „I-I can‘t do that. He‘ll think I’m weird.“
Echo stepped back into the conversation.“You think HE thinks YOU‘RE weird? I‘ll be honest, I‘m not even sure if he can form a coherent thought in the first place.“ Wrecker looked at him like he was gonna give him a good ass whooping. He didn’t follow through on that though, not wanting to scare Omega again, who now spoke back up, wanting to help Wrecker process his crush.
You can do it, Wrecker. Just tell him what you like about him… What do you like about him?“ Now everyone curiously eyed Wrecker. What did he like about him?
“I like the way he‘s so passionate about his work. I like that he’s good with kids. I think the kid he stole from Jabba didn‘t even scream when he ran away with it. I like that Squid Game thing he keeps talking about, even though I still can‘t really tell what it means. And I like his eyes.“ Every sentence Wrecker spoke widened his smile. 
„You like my smile?“ The batch turned around to see Mr Beast leaning against the doorframe that led to Cid‘s office, a warm smile directed towards Wrecker.
Oh oh. Wrecker felt like he was going to explode from embarrassment. This was not the time or way for Mr Beast to find out about his crush on him. What was he going to do now? “Oh, that's not- '' Wrecker tried to defend himself.
“If YOU NOW AGREE to face your BIGGEST FEAR for a video, I will give you ONE OF MY EYES! And if you DO IT IN SQUID GAME I might give you BOTH OF MY EYES !!” Mr threw his hands around while talking like he was a game show host. Did he think he was getting filmed?
The room went quiet after this sentence. Was actually serious about handing over his eyes to Wrecker? “He’s psychotic.” Echo half whispered towards Tech, he honestly did not really care if Mr Beast heard what he was saying because it probably went over his air-head anyways. Tech just nodded to signal acknowledgement as he was busy with his datapad.
Wrecker felt tears form in the corner of his eyes. Mr Beast was so giving, so selfless that he even offered his own eyes to him for the small request to see him dangling from a rope somewhere high above the ground with no land below in sight. Omega smiled at him. “He’s amazing, right?”
Wrecker stood up again, more confident now. “Maybe some other time Mr, I’m not ready to jump right now.” The confused looks from his brothers now wandered from Mr Beast to Wrecker. Was he going insane too?
That’s when Cid reentered the room as well. “We have a problem. Mr doesn’t seem to remember anything before getting captured by Jabba. He’s as vulnerable as a baby. You think you can take him under your wings for a while?” Echo’s jaw dropped to the floor. He felt like this was a nightmare he couldn’t wake up from. He glanced over to Mr Beast, who was now talking to himself about finding a new sponsor for the video where he wanted to give Wrecker his eyeballs.
“This is a joke, right?” Echo asked Cid, arms crossed at this offense of a request. Hunter stepped in. “What would you pay us for it?”
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squidkidcelebi · 7 months
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The brothers as little squiddos!
Featuring their mom that I just kinda designed on the spot (you will probably not be seeing her much lol)
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squidkid15 · 11 months
Wait, so I just realized that some time ago you showed us that Red (godslayer au) was also controlled by LBD/WBS, like how Wukong was in the show
,but in this au there's no Macaque (=someone able to rival him) unless you intended for Nezha to be that "rival" (basing on one of the drawings where Nezha called Red "father") and no staff to help free him, like how Wukong had, so my question is; how tf did the squad manage to defeat him/get the situation under control??
I will guess and say that Red managed to break free on his own by pure spite lol
In the season 3 equivalent Ne'Zha would be the canon Macaque stand-in, yes. Red is light years ahead of pretty much everyone except Ne'Zha in terms of power level in his world, even Ne'Zha is miles behind him despite being a god. But he is the best equipped, so he would be the best option. It...still doesn't go well, similar to Season 3's fight with Wukong and Mac.
As for breaking free, it's a mix of willpower and "don't hurt the kids" that helps him bust free - plus a bit of MK/Wukong to give him an extra boose/reason to bust free. Sorta similar to S3 how it was all Wukong eventually breaking free, but triggered by MK.
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