#srsly though like omg thank you <333 !!!.!!!!
duckdodger · 7 months
Yuor art is one of my most favorites ever...... 1987 TMNT is one of my favorite iterations ever (definitely in my top three) and your art really captures the energy of it; the playfulness and the colorfulness of the boys and their good-natured selves, all of it, combined into one amazing artstyle! If I had to pick three words for your art It would have to be: cheerful, colorful, and kind.
The way you portray the Mutant Mayhem boys is also super great! They're always just goobers, you know? Happy lil colorful goobers! Your fanart makes me so happy aghhhhh....
As the mod for @mutantmayhemgiftexchange , I really look forward to what you'll make! Sorry if this is random but you're one of my favorite artists on this app <3 have a good day and many after!
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
*runs up to you full speed and looks right into your eyes*
Do the entire fluff alphabet with Skeptic 🤨 🙏 💻
*runs away*
*pops head back out* please 👀 *runs away again*
thank goodness i have a fellow skeptic fiend like myself. thanks gurl, i can always rely on you (srsly tho i want more skeptic request fr fr). i hope this is a banger and that you have a radical day
Fluff Alphabet with Skeptic (Tomoyasu Chikazoku)
Pairing - Skeptic x reader
Warnings - none!
Notes - (image below not mine) (post inspired by this) sorry this took forever omg. but I love it! I dont get to write for this man enough, so thank you so so much! enjoy and stay hydrated!! <333
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
he just likes to sit and have you there in the background
he literally wont even talk to you, you just need be there
yall dont go out much together (i mean look at this cockroach of a man fr)
when you guys hang out the most it's usually at his place in your pjs just sitting and working in silence
sometimes you'll find his arm draped around your shoulder tho
and y'all definitely listen to music as you work and he builds a PC or something
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
he loves you
hecc yeah he does
he just like... doesnt admit it all the time
he will secretly admire you from afar
and stare at your thighs respectfully
he thinks you're really hot
he just wont say that out loud of course
he also admires that you're a strong independent person who can tell him where to shove it
thinks its hot when you're telling him or other people what to do
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
stares at you while you're crying on your bed
walks out
man dont know how to comfort are you for real??!
like he will tell you to get over it and then reluctantly pull you in for a hug
then he'll just sit next to you and pop an earbud in your ear and listen to Gorillaz while you're pressed against him
he cares, he's just bad at emotions fr
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
marriage or nothin
no kids tho
he just wants to be the hot married couple
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
he likes to think he's dominant when yall are just on equal footing
he'll try to tell you what to do and you'll just sit there and slow blink before tilting your head and going... "really?"
but he does the same to you, so yall do your own thing while being equal and happy
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
fighting with Tomoyasu would last DAYS
he just likes to pick fights tbh
he'll complain about little things and y'all will be crossing your arms at each other for weeks but still holding each other at night
they're never bad, just nit picky bullshit
you both end up just forgetting about it and go on with normal life
your'e never really mad at each other just cranky. married couples cant be in the honeymoon phase forever
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
he cares a lot about you and knows that you care a lot about him
he always has that why do they love me mindset whenever he looks at himself for too long in the mirror
he knows that you love him because even though he looks like a cockroach that just crawled out of your sink drain, you still press yourself against him and take him on dates and make him feel... worthy of love tbh and no one has ever made him feel that way
he will never admit this to you tho because he doesnt want to show you how cheesy he is
he will show you through a hug every blue moon and a cuddle every night
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
he shares everything, but he just doesnt hide anything
it's not like he's trying to hide anything from you, if what he needs to say comes along in a convo, he'll tell you
he just doesnt care to hide anything, but wont spill his whole life on you
if you didnt know about it it's because it was never brought up in conversation
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
he finds himself smiling more and taking to more people
like he became a little less introverted since you met him
he hates it but you love it
you actually came to love staying at home more because you get to spend that time with him, so you never feel like you constantly have to be out and about to be happy
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
you're a very friendly person so if he sees you bring a little too friendly with someone, he will walk over to you, wrap his arm around your shoulders and dead stare that person in the eyes
then he'll complain about it later blaming how pretty you are and then a stupid argument ensues that ends with kisses and cuddles ;)
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
this man's kisses would be like silk
like omg he's gorgeous
he would pull you in slowly and place his lips on yours softly turning into the hottest make out session in the world
the first kiss: you kissed him
you just pecked him on the lips and he pulled you closer, asked if that's all you got and then y'all were kissin night
wish that were me frfr
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
he just told you
better to just say something
you were just walking on your college campus when he was like "i want to date you"
thank god it was fast because you wanted to tell him that for weeks, but didnt know how to say it
what a savior
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
as stated before lol
he would walk up to you, hand you the ring box and just sit and wait
you look up at him confused when you open the box and he eyes you, waiting for a response.
"tomo... what is this?"
"marriage. you wanted it, didnt you?"
"oh!" you laughed, slipping on the black ring and looking it over. "of course i will!"
you're wedding would be during fall and it would be all black. black clothes, black tables, black flowers, etc. it would be awesome
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
he just stares at you
a lot
it's hard for him to say his feelings in words so instead he just stares at you
would hold your hand more often when he is really feeling in love with you
it is not obvious for others
the entire MLA has no idea that he has been married for over six years
it's just a run on joke at this point
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
he hates PDA with a passion
the most he will do is hold your hand or kiss you on the forehead, but he hates is so so much
i mean, if he's feeling jealous, he will purposely get handsy with you in front of other people to show that you're in a relationship, but other than that he doesnt want your lips touching his while you're out
that's for home and for home only
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
really good at cuddling somehow
also just makes you feel pretty and loved without him having to say anything
and back to those 400/10 kisses
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
you mostly have at home dates just sitting together and cuddling because he wants his hands on you and he cant do that in public
but if you do go out, he takes you to some fancy shit
nice resteraunts
like 5 star shit
expensive man
and yall always dress up as the power couple you are
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
yeah, but in secret
he doesnt need to be up your ass when you're working on stuff, but he will definitely be supportive of your dreams
he knows you can do it by yourself tho so you're all good
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
this man NEEDS a routine
none of that try new stuff shit
he needs to wake up and do his morning routine with you in the bathroom with him doing yours
he needs you both to head out to work at the same time with a kiss goodbye
he needs at home dates and occasional dinner dates
maybe a walk every now and again and a run every other day, but really, nothing changes all that much in his routine, only for trips, which are rare
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
he knows you like the back of his hand
he may not be good with emotions, but that doesnt mean he automatically doesnt know what you're going through
he knows what makes you sad and what doesnt
he knows when you need to be left alone
he knows you well enough to take a break every now and again
and he knows when you just need a hug
he loves you, he just doesnt vocalize it
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
he could not live without you
breaking up with you would be a crime
he needs you
like literally NEEDS you
it's in his routine that you're there and without you... he would be nothing
you make him feel like he's worth life and he didnt realize how much he needed that until he met you
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
he loves taking you on midnight drives in his nice car when neither of you can sleep
he also loves pressing kisses all over your face when you're asleep and dont notice
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
oh very much so
but tell anyone that and you're dead
he loves the feeling of his body pressed against yours
he literally purrs like a cat when y'all cuddle
and he's really good at cuddling
but you dont say any of this because you dont want him to stop
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
he just gets really stressed out
a huge part of his routine is missing so he is lost for the first part of his day if you arent there
its also too quiet for his liking
he likes hearing you complain that there's no more milk in the fridge and that you have to go to the store or get on his ass for not doing the dishes, but if you arent there, it's dead quiet and he's not a fan
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
he wants to keep you.
he would do anything to keep you in his life.
mha masterlist --- pinned post
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goldenhypen · 2 years
it’s this blog’s one year anniversary 🥹🫶🏻
happy one year y’all !! ah, wow, so many things have happened over this past year ,,, it honestly feels like i’ve been on here forever with you guys as almost another family to come to at the end of the day to listen to all my rambling about my love for jake haha (i’m half kidding) but, you guys, i’m rlly, rlly thankful for y’all. you’ve shown me sm love over this past year, more than i could’ve ever imagined. this blog has been growing crazy fast, and in just one year, with close to around 115 works (how ???) we’ve already hit 3.23k followers (hOW ??!?) !! that’s absolutely insane and incredible and i just wanna give a huge shout out and this is my shout out- to you all for making this such a fun experience and for reading and enjoying and showing love to my works, but also me as a person. i’m so grateful, and i will make an effort to work even harder in the future to repay you guys <3
ah, i’ve met so many incredible ppl along the way as well, and i wanna take this time to thank some of them, however, bc there’s just so many amazing ppl i’ve met, and you all are so special to me and have made my time on here so enjoyable, i unfortunately can’t name them all, but to just a few who have made my time on here particularly special…
[ @heeracha ] — rey <3 omg have we been through a lot ,,, i honestly can’t exactly remember how it was that we became moots (ew the term ‘moots’ sounds weird using it with you since we’re sm closer than just ‘moots’ but anyway). i think we ended up liking a bunch of each other’s works and interacting that way ,, and wow i wouldn’t have ever imagined that the talented enha/skz writer i found on the internet one day would become someone i would talk to every single day and that i’d gain a best online friend out of it <3 ,, you’ve read through paragraphs of me talking about jake, and encouraged my simping, all the way to encouraging me in real life situations, and have comforted me when i felt discouraged. it’s amazing how we can go on talking for—it’s almost been a year now, and we still talk every day. so yeah ,, thank you ,, i can’t imagine my life without you, and you’ve changed it for the better <3 ,,,, and ,, i’m sorry for not giving you your hee pics yesterday. i’ll give them to you after this though ig 🙄😔 ,,,, hehe i love you rey 🫶🏻
[ @ethereal-engene ] — ash <3 words cannot describe just how thankful i am for you. we have sm fun simping over not just jakehoon and the rest of enha but also our svt boys <33 and i don’t get to do that with moots on here v offen and so hehe i’m v grateful <3 but aside from just being friends who fangirl over boys tgt, you have also always been there for me and looked out for me and have been so understanding and supportive of me, and i always have sm fun talking to you, and you never fail to put a big, fat smile on my face. like you said, you’re basically like an older sister to me <33 you’ve become someone v special to me here, ash, and i hope we stay friends for a v long time <3 i’m so grateful for you, ash, and i have sm love in my heart for you. thank you for everything <333
[ @tyunni ] — may <3 ahhh may omg i’m trying to think of how i even met you and how we first interacted but for some reason, no matter how much i try to think, i srsly can’t remember ??? sksjs maybe you can help jog my memory 😭 but anyways, thank you for all the fun and amazing memories. we’ve shared so many deep conversations that i have never had with anyone else on here before, and even though we haven’t been friends for a year yet, i feel like we’ve known each other for sm longer (and i mean that in all the best ways). you’re my fav riki simp that i can always go to and share delulus with <//3 and just ,, you’ve put so many smiles on my face over this past year with all the things we talk about, and i’ve also never had anyone reblog works with as encouraging messages as you have, and now i take that with me and do the same to others so that hopefully i can put just as wide of a smile on their faces as you have mine. i’ve learned sm from you, but this is just one of the many <3 anyway, i can go on and on about just how grateful i am for you, but hopefully this gives a little bit of an idea <3 love you sm, may <3
[ @sultrybaby ] — kel <3 oh how less joyful my time on here would be without you :’) you’re such a fun and thoughtful person, and i’m truly grateful that i’ve had you with me on this journey. i legit can’t even picture this place without you. idk if you know just how caring and encouraging and understanding you are to not only me but also to lots of other on here. we’ve shared so many deep convos with one another, and i’m grateful that you’ve always been here for me when i need it. you’ve put countless smiles on my face, and you’re someone i think of every day, and i adore you and only wish the best for you. you’re such a supportive friend that i can relate to on so many levels, and i just wanna thank you for all the invaluable memories we’ve created. love you sm, kel <333
[ @kpophubb ] — my lovely mia <3 my angel !! mia you are the sweetest, most thoughtful and caring person on this site :( truly, i wanna thank you for everything :( thank you for being there for me and supporting me and encouraging me and for showing me so much love throughout my time on here. i think you were my first moot who was a fellow jakey stan, and it’s been so fun fangirling tgt. mia, you’re one of the most thoughtful ppl i’ve met on this site, and i aspire to be like you in that way. i’m so grateful for you, and i hope we can be friends for a vv long time 🥺 i’ve watched you grow and overcome sm, and i’m so proud of you, mia, for everything <3 stay happy, love bc you deserve nothing but the best. i love you 🥹🫶🏻
[ @sungbeam ] — beam, my twin <3 omg i wish we became friends sooner 😭 like ik you interacted with me first but ugh the fact that i knew of your existence for a while before then, and i should’ve just reached out 😭 it’s the introvert em coming out 😬😭 but omg when i found out that we share sooo much in common, i obviously immediately felt so connected to you already, and it was so cool. i’m so happy we have sm to connect on and that we can go to each other to fangirl about so many things and just talk about all the things we share in common but also the things we differentiate on so that we can learn from each other too :) also ,, kinda random but i’m also rlly glad i found your blog bc i rlly, rlly enjoy reading your works bc they’re some of the most well-written works i’ve read on here, and i honestly aspire to write like you lol ,, but ahem anyways :D thanks, beam, for all the fun memories so far ,, i can’t wait for what the future holds and to make even more memories tgt <3 i love you <3
[ @ljeyes / @enhasfever ] — ari <3 i don’t want this to make you feel pressured to return anytime soon, but it would feel wrong leaving you out of this post since you’ve made such a huge impact on my life here on this blog. you were my first ever moot on here, and i remember reading your works and just being stunned by your style and talent ,,, still to this day, almost whenever i read any fics on here, i think of you and still just wonder how anyone could be so talented. like i still look up to you sm. you’re like an older sister to me and a role model, and i’ve learned sm from you. you’ve provided me with so many fun memories, and ahhh omg i miss you sm :(((( come back 🥺 jk i already told you i don’t want this to pressure you, but ah i rlly, rlly miss you, ari :( i hope you’re doing well :( thank you for being one of my best friends on here :( i love you so much, and truly, thank you for everything you’ve done for me <333
these got so long, i got so carried away ahaha as i write this it’s now already 2:30 am- oops lol i wasn’t even planning on writing individual messages for all y’all but it felt wrong not including them, so ,, yeah. in other words though, if the messages were too long ,, i love you guys and it’s rlly hard to put into just one paragraph how grateful i am for you 🥹🫶🏻
but anyways, this and sm more has happened within just one year of me being here ,, it makes me wonder what else awaits in the future and what new things i’ll experience and who else i’ll meet this upcoming year <3
anyway, i’m still at it, and y’all have helped me stay motivated and to keep on writing, and so thank you for all your support and kind words. i see and read every single one of them <3 you all have helped me grow confidence and challenged me to write a lot this past year, but it’s been rlly good <3
sending you each the fattest virtual hug rn <33 thank you for one fantastic year, you guys <3 it makes me infinitely more excited for the next <3
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musicallisto · 2 years
babe i opened read more on your post expecting like a typical list with idk basketball and stuff but oh my god you’re so cool you put everyone to shame myself included
LIKE i scrolled through it and all i could think of was like holy shit okay that’s a cool sport okay i don’t know that one oh wait omg you’ve done this one damn okay slay
ISTG YOU’RE A REAL LIFE GIRLBOSS PROTAGONIST??? femme fatale typa beat or the muscle character that’s also the brains you’re literally the entire package
honestly if you don’t hate me rn you definitely would if we were put into any athletic team LMAOOO cos when i was in 4th grade there was this sports fest shit in our school so we all had to pick at least one sport to participate in
… i went with volleyball and while we were training i didn’t know we were supposed to use our forearms so when the ball got passed to me i used my fucking thumbs 😭
unsafe to say that my thumbs swelled up so badly for like a week haha stupid bitch core i believe !!! even tried volleyball training and i had a crush on this guy who was one year older than me and his dad was the coach and he was super nice to me it was stupid bro was like “you never know maybe i’ll see u on tv playing volleyball”
LIKE BRO I’M ON LIFE SUPPORT WHENEVER I DO ANYTHING ATHLETIC WYM BUT THANKS dude tried to hmu through an old friend of mine who he’s friends with but anw i got tea about that friend of mine she never rlly went to class but always posts pics of her and her bf together IDNXJEIW was harder cos we were groupmates about this research we had and she never contributed anw i asked another friend if the guy was nice but nope he isn’t so i got a bit mean…,,,,’cnc ..,
ANYWAY ANYWAY TELL ME MORE ABOUT UR BALLET ERA PLEASE although yea i’d feel the same abt the entire thing too :(( but you having the name clara while also knowing ballet is so !!! butterflies omfg cos of the nutcracker and everything srsly i feel like giving you a nutcracker for christmas would be so cute has anyone ever done that yet???? because they should
my god i’m sorry for this long message that turned into me spilling some tea i get distracted and i also got excited YOU GET IT JOWLQLAjsisoIWOA why am i not allowed to put readmore on a post this is absurd
ajzcbjsqbu Ves i love getting your asks so much they're always such a wILD RIDE I love it <333 with the right dose of gossip too <3
but lmfaoo I'm not as cool as you make me out to be I promise! I'm mostly utter garbage at all these sports anyway so this is really me showing the extent of my incompetence, we would be the athletically inept queens every class deserves <3 just girlies getting injured at volleyball you love to see it <33
and!! I love that crush story omg are you kidding? you always have the best tea to spill about your classmates ajscbsjqb oh to be at your school and know everybody's business... i would be unstoppable bc I'm never involved in any drama but I know everyone's and that makes me redoubtable. and i'd be playing matchmaker with you and all your crushes of course lmao
I'm sorry to disappoint though but I really don't remember anything about my ballet era, rip. I vividly remember the dance studio and the bar where we stretched, I remember training to dance on pointe (my favorite thing!! i felt like so graceful!!) & returning home to show my mom the steps I'd learned, I also remember none of the girls talking to me and the teacher trying to cheer me up but I was entirely socially inept and could not make any friends to save my life, rip. it's making me regret ever quitting, imagine the power I would have rn if I'd been a ballet dancer named Clara....... which btw I had never made the connection with the Nutcracker, and neither has anyone in my family! bc no one offered me a nutcracker for Christmas and you are so right bestie that's an amazing idea!! 💜
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itsmekalou · 2 years
BESTIEE!!! about Sanji's song earlier, I also found two songs that remind me of him hehe :333
okok the first one is Cigarette - offonoff, but this one also reminds me of Smoker, so it's not like specifically for the blond :>
the second is Religion - Lana Del Rey, I love listening to this song and imagine a scenario like when Sanji is back after whole cake island! (have you caught up to this part yet? if not I hope it's not a spoiler for you or anything 🥺)
ah, my mind is full of Sanji these days fjvbdfvjdjsdb
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thepixelelf · 3 years
hood is just, perfect. reading those 100 chapters were so much fun. it is the best smau i have read yet! truly, i love it so much. first of all, i'd like to point out the hilarious things i found in the profiles chapter. i love how sunwoo's username is "thesunrises" and his bio being "when i start rapping" LMAO plus juyeon's tweet in the same chapter reminds me of chan's "do you know what else is big? my feet." it was hard silencing my laugh, especially since it was around early morning and everybody else living in the house is asleep. the concept that hood is not one, but 3 entities, is really cool. it legit felt like i was watching a movie.
i'm really happy with the endgame, bias things ig ✨ the pictures of changmin that you used for the tweets were really 😌👌 changmin shy trope is now my favourite. i promise, you won't be able to imagine the many times that fic made me flustered. when he straight up confessed, omaygad. at first, i thought reader would end up with younghoon. but reading their first conversation with changmin after many many years of not talking (?) , I PROMISE YOU, I FELT IT. i felt the changmin endgame mate.
i'm going to rant about changmin's character just bc. HE'S ADORABLE!!!!! changmin trying to find out hood's real identity for reader is so cute huhu. and the part where he got jealous of sunwoo bc reader and him kept on calling each other 'baby' just for funs, really got me screaming. that was my favourite part, i honestly don't know why. maybe bc i'm a sucker for jealousy leads or bc that's when changmin accepted his own feeling. idk lmfao. as much as how i love his simp-like (??) tendencies, i adore the fact that he stood up for himself at the end when he felt like he wasn't trusted by reader. it just shows that as much as he cares for them, he has self-love and respect, sum shit like that. anyways, i like their (reader and changmin) relationship. they can comfortably talk out any problems lol. v v v v v cute.
reader's character is just 🙇👑. i love how determined they are about their goals. the robin hood idea is just wow. i love how they were set on in exposing the academy's dark side even though they knew how much trouble they are getting into. just, mad respect. the thought itself seems reckless but how are we going to achieve success if we don't take risks? i just love love love love them. periodt. plus the fact that they were ready for any consequences is just 👌👌👌.
younghoon is so clever in thinking of using sharpie to hide the notes. like omg. kinda dumb if you were supposed to you know, 'not get caught' BUT SINCE THAT'S NOT HIS PLAN, i just pure adoration for him please. it really was insensitive of reader at the end when they asked younghoon to help with the 'sending president kim to jail' scheme. it's still his father after all (add the fact that reader literally apologized and thanked every single character individually to the 13 reasons why i love reader). but, he thought rationally and that's why the plan succeeded. younghoon is king. happy for him that he gets to pursue music <333
eric and sunwoo deserves the best best best friend award, like seriously. i cannot get over the 3's friendship, they are wholesome af. eric and sunwoo might be my favourite characters in the series huhu. hyunjae was surprisingly perceptive. his character is the most hilarious one LMFAO also haknyeon, like wtf. he's smart. if reader didn't end up with changmin, might have shipped them with haknyeon LOL chanhee is such a mood every damn time. i love him too. I LOVE ALL OF THEM. anyways, shout out to kevin, jacob, juyeon, and sangyeon :">>
srsly cannot imagine how long this series took you ! it's not even finish yet aaaaaa i'm excited for the upcoming specials hehe. thanks for the nice read, really. read it all in one sitting. i hope you have a great day! good luck to any future projects, will be binge-reading your works once school gets off my back :">>
wow anon thank you so much for reading and enjoying hood!! this seriously made my day and I am so so happy that you came here to tell me what you thought about something I feel like I lost blood sweat and tears for. even though I've stepped a bit back from writing for the last month, I too am really excited to put out the special oneshots/blurbs for all my beloved hood characters! thank you again, and I hope your schoolwork goes well 💕
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celestial--abyss · 3 years
I still suck at hcs :< but ill try for u bb <3
❥ since diluc is a really busy man, don't expect him to be there for you all the time. he feels bad bc of it though,, D:
so bc of that, I like to think that he shows his love in subtle ways. like yk gift giving! not as extreme as childe but more so like small gifts that hold deep meaning if yk what I mean
I ALSO like to think that he bought you two matching earrings! like yk that "have this gift to remember me when I'm not there" type of thing, yeah that's why he bought matching earrings :D
and uhm I like to sleep with plushies around me so I have a personal hc that diluc spoils me with plushies to cuddle JSJHS
all in all, diluc is not there for you all the time but he wants you to know that you are very special to him and he cares about you a lot :D
❥ omg wait hold on my braincells are evaporating
❥ kaeya is your no.1 hype man. that's it, that's the hc LMAO. but srsly though, even though he's such a little shit - he still loves you to pieces and wants you to be confident in yourself bc he wants you to look at yourself like how he looks at you! D:
ay dilucs part is longer bc I have favoritism LMAO but shhh nobody needs to know
but enjoy these anyways bb <33 I was planning to send an in-game diluc photo but I just realized that I don't have him <//3
i hate earrings bc ✨gender dysphoria✨ BUT IF DILUC AND I HAD THE KIND U WEAR ON ONLY ONE EAR AAAAAA
okay big brother diluc is on my mind again 🧎‍♀️ not that he was ever off it
and kaeya being my no1 🥺 sir come here for kith <333 u will probably tease me and not gib me the kith but <3333
ty for these so much cal 🥺🥺🥺 big bro diluc always cheers me up hehe <3
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blueprint-han · 3 years
omg omg im so close to crying. being on your blog (and others too especially chaninfused, mintymiknow and chrisbahng and a lot more dw ill find more writers here) reminds me of what i used to do in the past. writing stories, changing themes every now and then, interacting with followers mutuals or anons, doing banners and stuff, also doing carrd (i know i know our carrds were not that good lflfhddlf) and arguing, doing rituals, praying circles, chants and everything to tumblr when they become anti writers. AHHHH it really warms my heart so much. being a reader in a blog is soo cute and entertaining since u get to read a writers story not your own story but others story. i actually cried when i was going to leave my blog and delete everything, its like leaving the so called home you grew up with and bonded with. my non silent followers are telling me to me aww dont be sorry we completely understand and I was sobbing completely. the answer you wrote the "my writing is my only happiness and I don't want to push it" okay I'm sobbing now I really appreciate (and I'm so happy) as a reader and a writer to do some considerations about leaving something you hold dear to your heart (or maybe keep you sane since you told it) I'm enjoying being here so much but I don't wanna spam your ask box cause Tumblr might eat it. this also became a personal rant even though I'm new here and it's your blog. I should stop now.
Also I want you to be safe and stay strong at all times. Life is such a hassle I know I very much know since im a uni student (and more but I don't wanna go there) . And please do know that happiness will always be inside you. it may not show now but maybe one day you'll find the missing stars in your world.
have a nice day or evening or night. ❤️
Oh gosh :((( babie that must've truly hurt, I can understand how it feels to push a huge part of your happiness away :(
Hey don't worry about ranting on my blog or spamming my inbox because I love every bit of it !! 🥺💞 Your words really touched me srsly ;-; I hope you're happy now 🥺🥺💝
Thank u babie ;-; that's so sweet 🥺 u too have a lovely day !! <333
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cheolbooluvr · 3 years
wait hold on so your follower count has increased by a hundred since I got here? 🥺 this is awesome, Chris, congrats! 🥳 and I think everything can be a milestone if it's one for you 🤗 and if u want to do something special to celebrate, go for it! :D as long as you do it for yourself and not because you feel like you have to, do you hear me? <.< about "Something Special"...it's just 🥺 really something special lmao funfact, when DK started singing "ice cream, you scream" and so on, I was immediately reminded on "Ice Cream" by TXT as the lyrics go "i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream". Idk if you know them but they had their comeback on monday and this is one of the b-side tracks. I actually had to check if the lyrics are the same but I think you published the fic on the same day they released the album so that would be almost impossible anyway 😅 now, the banner for "the zest of life" is sooooooooo cute 🥺 and everything you post about it just makes me more and more excited skajdjlkwjeadswa literally can't wait until you post it <3 also HAPPY JUNE TO YOU TOO <333 I'm also highkey excited for your other wips, especially your series and the sequels :D the gif of the dog looking out the window is soooooo relatable why are you so cute 🥺 you're right, I discovered your blog through class president and I couldn't be happier about it 🥰 ngl, enemies to lovers (+ fake dating) is one of my favourite genres and then there's friends to lovers and I'm all soft and cuddly 🥺 nooooo, don't make yourself cry D; tho I definitely get your pain 💔 being a perfectionist doesn't make your life easy but it leads to great results when it comes to your fics :D and I'm very happy to hear that you're slowly getting over it and feel better about your writing <3 definitely gonna note that website down since I'm currently trying to write myself lmao failing greatly at it because I never manage to actually finish a wip. which brings me to the fanfic writer ask game :D 🍄 how do you get yourself in the mood to write? I'm really curious about this because sometimes I just can't get myself to write though I actually would love to 🙁 ahhh the good old times in middle school everyone regrets when they get older :'D when I'm on a holiday with my family or literally just anywhere outside I'm taking photos with my phone of everything that crosses my way and looks in the slightest way worth capturing my storage space is hysterically laughing in the distance :') would love to see some photos taken by you some day ngl well, I haven't continued watching Vincenzo yet, I keep watching Friends atm though thanks for the heads up <3 and I love Chayoung, she's iconic but after I learned who she works for I was lowkey disappointed :( trying not to spoiler anything rn for anyone else akjdnwaölkejd srsly, I don't think any of my friends has a healthy sleep schedule though we all have to get up early but I hope you slept well last night and have a great day <3 wait, I wanted to ask you in which time zone you live? Because it was 7pm here when you said it's 11am for you, so I was wondering 😅 sending love and good vibes ❤️✨
yes omg you’ve been here basically since the beginning 😭 i know i say this a lot, but your support means the world to me and i’m thankful you’re here with me on this journey💕 i might just wait until i hit 200 to do a celebration! i want to try to get through these reqs from the first milestone and then we shall see how i’m feeling. but eternally grateful for all the support and growth anyways :’)
hehe ‘something special’ is part of a whole long series i’ve been writing for my friend and i (for our eyes only) but it’s one of my favorite scenes and him dropping the ice cream just felt very on brand 😭 he’s so silly and i love him and his bright energy. also funny story abt txt, i literally decided to stan them for reals w this comeback! so i know exactly what you’re talking abt!!! and actually i just did a smol uke cover of anti-romantic heh it’s been on repeat for the last few days and i love the whole album. every song is so good, esp 0X1=lovesong and dear sputnik, in addition to anti-romantic and ice cream ofc! well actually they’re all good sjdfkjadlf but yeah i think i’m officially a moa now :D
ahhhh thank you i love the banner!! i was soooo excited for it bc i finally figured out how to edit gifs on photoshop which is a GAME CHANGER (had to stop myself from making gifs for all my fics bc my computer actually can’t handle the processing so now i need to update the hardware skdjaldks but that’s another story) anyways ahhh i’m happy to hear that you’re excited for it! i hope it meets your expectations <3
man, my wips, i wish i could i just crank them all out bc i wanna know what happens askdlal i’ve been saying this a lot lately, but i’m like, WHAT HAPPENS and i have to respond to myself like IDK U TELL ME and my internal monologue is just that back and forth 💀 but i think that’s a great lead in to your ask game question:
🍄how do you get yourself in the mood to write? honestly, it usually just kind of hits me at random times. some days, i have so many ideas and so i’ll plot everything out but i won’t actually write, so i’ll leave it for a while and then maybe come back to it when i get too impatient with myself. other days, if i feel stuck, what i’ll do is just kind of word vomit my thoughts and go back and edit everything later, or feel out the vibes. but i feel you, writing is honestly very hard, especially if the motivation just isn’t there :’( but i think my best advice is to just get ideas out of your head and onto theoretical paper!! then just start typing even if it’s just your thoughts like “uh idk what to write but maybe if kdjflsfjlkas”
omg no i feel that, before i upgraded my phone, my camera roll was just full of photos (and also pics of sf9 and svt LOL). but i just made a thread on my twt abt my fave photos and i’d be happy to share them :)) (see below)
mmm i won’t say anything abt vincenzo until you start it back up again ;) but friends!! that reminds me, i need to watch the reunion ep!!??! not ready to cry tho :’)
i hAD a sleep schedule at some point in my life, but now... it’s messed up again LOL but i’m in the mountain time zone in the states ! so 1 hour ahead of PST if that’s any help kdljasf but i hope you’re getting rest and sleep!! i’m a big advocate for sleep and rest so !!!!!!!!!!
anyways, sending my love as always <3
EDIT 2: okay here we go
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elegiesforshiva · 5 years
HOLY JESUS! I just read your fanfic Ghost and let me tell you... I FRICKIN LOVE IT !!!!!!!! Your style is sooo great, the plot, description, drama, angst, all characters are the same as in the Anime, nothing OC. I frickin love it all, even I can feel their emotions and I even cried in some chapters. You really really really are talented. I hope you have not abandoned it pls! It's sooo good and I love mad Sasuke sunsdibdksiahsns I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE OF HIS MADNESS!!!
I’m so glad you felt all this!  There was a part of me that wondered if people thought if some of the characters were too ooc to indulge the fic, especially Sakura considering how strongly she reacts to her trauma and various afflictions.  But this was very reassuring!!!  Also ngl it literally makes my fucking day when I hear people cried from my fic lmao.  That probably makes me a sadist but like omg i can’t believe my writing can move you so deeply, you’ve no idea, it is such a great honor to have you read a work and feel what i’m trying to convey on such a deep level.  Really, this is why writers write, and it’s an absolute privilege to be able to connect with other people in this way.  It means the world, thank you anon!
I haven’t abandoned it!!  At this point, I’m so invested, I can’t even fathom leaving it be.  I could die tomorrow and the first poor soul by an ouija board would be haunted into helping me finish my drafts and posting it lmao
But!!  There will be some time before any update comes.  I made the decision to finish writing the entire fic privately before posting more.  And while I’ve been working on it regularly (shoutout to my fandom/writing buddy @fatalfascination for keeping me motivated!!!  srsly i’ve written so much already thanks to her support ) the narrative is just obscenely long.  i originally thought the fic would be around 30 chapters, but i also thought what has become the first 16 chapters would actually only be written in like 5 chapters. so my inital estimations are kinda complete trash lol
sorry for the rambles lmfao.  i really get so excited when i get a comment or ask about that fic.  Thank you so much for reading and sending this to me!!!!!!
Also, anyone who’s curious and wants to look at this fic, Ghosts can be found on: 
Tumblr, ff.net, and AO3 !  (Please note the trigger warnings though!  It’s a heavy read!!!)
Edit: sorry, had to make some adjustments. Tumblr mobile ate every paragraph with a heart in it lol
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koriyue · 2 years
kitty hi !! im on hiatus rn but i popped onto tumblr for a bit and i saw your SUPER AWESOME BACKSTORY FOR YOUR GRAPHICS W DILUCS BDAY ART !!!!!! omg can i just say it was SO COOL hearing abt all the ideas & stuff u considered which eventually led to the final [amazing] product ! and yes u should totally do this more often i personally find it vv interesting ♡_♡ !!
ALSO OMG I SAW YOUR REPLY TO MY OTHER ASK ABT PRSK AND AAA <333 im so glad to have someone to talk 2 abt it !!! :DDD and idk if u saw but i spent literally All my crystals on the cherry blossom + secret distance gacha AND I GOT ABSOLUTELY NOTHING 😦🥲😭‼️ literally just mmj luka & touya from the hinamatsuri event... which aren't BAD but like ?!?!?! WHERE ARE MY MIZUKI AND ICHIKA 4STARS 💔💔💔
and omg have u pulled recently?? i rmb seeing u say ur saving up for the suit touya event and YES. YOUR TASTE >>> not even gonna lie i want both the rui & touya cards from that set but w the way my luck is going... 😟 LOL smiles thru the pain
my favourite songs aren't released on en yet actually 🥲 !! but i rlly like id smile, glory steady go, tondemo wonderz, cinema, kokoroyouhou and all the songs from the cup noodle collab ^_^ !! sorry i have way too many faves LMFAOOO but can u blame me when they all sound so good 😵‍💫
ok wait omfg this is getting way too long HAHAHA 😭 i wanna say that ilysm & ive missed u too !!! it's rlly great to see you back on tumblr :D tysm for listening to me ramble, and i hope u have fun falling down the prsk rabbit hole LMAO <333
lots of loveeeee 💗,
quilll !!!! <3333
( p.s. i literally LOVED the graphics u made w dilucs bday art, i could srsly stare at it all day KSKFKSKDK,,, and seeing ur input for it made it ten times better !!! :] keep creating kitty <3, bc i think ur super talented and im sure everyone agrees !! )
QUILL!!! omg my heart always gets so happy when i get an ask from you,,, man,, i had such a blast reading this gyaaa
QUILL I WAS SO CLOSE TO PULLING FOR THE SECRET DISTANCE GACHA FOR MIZUKI,, so so CLOSE GOD THE CARD WAS TOO PRETTY,, but i have to remain dedicated to touya (stinky) :< i spent some getting the hinamatsuri touya card,,, I'M WEAK
but it's okay!! i'm p sure all the cards stay in the gacha pool, so you might get both mizuki and ichika in your next pull!! MANIFESTING IT FOR YOU RN 🍀
omg your taste,,, QUILL WE'RE MUSIC TWINS!!! all of your favourite songs,,, top tier actually they injected cinema and tondemo wonderz with SOMETHING i'm listening to them everyday 😔 I'M DEFINITELY GETTING TSUKASA'S COVER OF TONDEMO WONDERZ WHEN IT COMES OUT HE SOUNDS SO! CUTE! GR! THE CUP NOODLE SONG IS SO FUN SDK;SFK I SEE PEOPLE PLAYING IT ALL THE TIME ON TIK TOK!!! ... it looks like an absolute pain to play on master though,,, gr gr grRR
and gYAAA THANK YOU FOR LIKING THE DILUC BIRTHDAY EDIT HAHA 🥺 nothing but the best for our grape man ! i'll definitely try to do more processes if i remember!! mwah <3
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doodleladle · 6 years
Do you have any tips for beginning digital art? I absolutely adore your art!!! I can draw traditionally but coloring digitally is so flat and awkward for me, and here you are making everything look like a piece of cake!!! Srsly, I love your art so much
Hii!! Thanks so much
And omg it’s a struggle for me too haha but, one thing I’ve noticed that instantly makes digital art pOp is strong lighting, as well as playing with overlays, luminosity, as well as the filters (hue, saturation, etc). Learning how to bring life to coloring is something that you learn with time (and I’m still learning the ropes because i’m a weenie and I’m afraid of using dark contrast).
And that being said, don’t be afraid to dive into the deep end of the color wheel! Light shading works in a lot of ways, especially if you have a simple and or cute style, but there’s a big difference in mood and tone when you deepen the contrast:
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There’s a very big difference between the first and second drawing, though one isn’t necessarily better than the other. The second one gives off more of a dynamic vibe, especially since I went lighter and darker on both the shadow and light areas of the face. When I first started out, I generally stayed near the upper left color for everything, so a lot of my pieces tended to look like the first drawing. Now i’m trying to explore more out of my comfort zone and make my shadows more defined and my art more compelling (?idk words lmao)Color choice is also very important to how lively your drawing looks. Here’s an example where I used more gray hues to fill in the shadows, and it ends up looking slightly more dull. In comparison, the first two drawings seem much more lively, and perhaps even more stylized and comical. 
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Saturated isn’t always better, but keep the effects of choosing non-saturated vs. saturated colors in mind when you’re coloring! Also, don’t be afraid to dick around with the overlays and luminosity stuff that come with your drawing program. I own SAI, so the features might not look the exact same, but the idea should be. I personally don’t have any real rules to overlays; I just scribble around them in whatever colors that end up making the piece look better lmao. But they do help with the scene of your drawing, especially if you want to convey a certain feeling/mood (like blue or purple for more depressing drawings, yellow and orange for light/happiness, etc). 
 Here, I just plopped some random colors that I thought would fit the turquoise of the original drawing:
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It certainly has a more woozy aura to it, and actually helps you with providing hard contrasts and letting you get a glimpse of what you could change in your coloring in the future.There’s no real formula to it—try playing around with complimentary colors, analogous colors (lowkey this drawing used those two themes for the overlays), the list goes on. LAST THING: if you really need a quick trick to get u a nice Quality drawing Fast, use this kind of lighting, or any variation of it. It’s good to understand the aspects that make up the shadows and which parts are highlighted first, but once you get it, it’s a quick sell ! 
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This was really shittily painted but I think you get the point lol Anyways I hoped this helped at least a little bit! Don’t be afraid to ask again for further clarification, or feel free to dm me in my messages! 
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jangbyul · 7 years
I was debating whether I should post this here but i decided that I would because more than anything I want to be able to remember this experience and for those who continue to read this post, maybe it can provide them with more insight on how things operate at Kpop concerts. also, I hope this post can provide some laughter and that whoever reads it, will fall in love with vixx even more because heck I sure did <3 
warning: the following blurbs you are about to read contains many many grammatical error and may not even make sense because I wrote it after the concert at around 2am in an attempt to remember everything so please bear with me OTL I also didn't go into too much detail about the format and setlist because I mainly wanted to remember the things VIXX did and their cute interactions with one another. enjoy! 
They came out in their casual clothes and omg they looked so freaking fluffy!!! And can I just say that they have such amazing skin like holy they didn’t have makeup on but they still looked pretty and glowy and flawless like how? Hongbin was in this navy long zip hoodie and a plain white shirt paired with blacked jeans? Damn he looked so good in such a simple outfit! Poor bb looked so sleepy though :( hyukkie omg I feel bad because I don’t remember exactly what he was wearing but I think he was wearing a white shirt as well? I was too focused on him being adorable and teasing Leo haha so they performed 2 songs during rehearsal - good night and good morning as well as dynamite and during dynamite hyuk playfully tapped Leo’s cap xD so yeah Leo was wearing a baseball cap with Chicago on it? And his outfit was mostly white, I would say his was the most laid back for sure! Ravi was in a black tee and black pants and a black beanie as well (all black lol) i am sad to say that Ravi looked tired as well and didn’t smile much but he still killed his rap parts though! Next is hakyeon! That boy was dressed up looking chic as hell! He was also in an all black outfit but he had a leather? jacket on and black skinny jeans. He looked like he was in a good mood because he smiled quite often and said some things to the audience. Last but definitely not least is jaehwan. He was in a black hoodie which this scary picture of a doll on it lol as well as black jeans. He was sooo freaking smiley and there were times where he kinda bounced around on stage? He waved a lot to the audience and when rehearsal was over he was the last to leave the stage ^_^
Actual concert
this was such a blur! I was so sad we were only allowed to record 3 songs so I don’t even have a video for on and on (which is my fave song). But they all killed it! 100% killlllled it and they sound just as good live as they do on their CDs, no joke. since Im a hongbin stan I glued my eyes to him the majority of the time but seriously when it comes to dancing, hakyeon draws so much attention. Just the way he effortlessly moves and theres just so much passion when he dances. I couldn’t help but stare *_* jaehwan dances with a lot of power and confidence and he might not be the main dancer but I still think he did an amazing job! hyuk when he dances he’s freaking MANhyuk! he also has a lot of power when he dances like I don’t know how to explain it like his moves are just so intricate? hongbin my precious bean sweated so much LOL it was to the point that he grabbed a towel every chance he got and turned away from the crowd to wipe it xD I could tell he was super focused when dancing and damn he moves fast like one sec he was on the left side of the stage and then the next he was already on the floor on the right side of the stage! Judging by the amount of sweat and how he kept wiping his upper lip cuz of the sweat, he really worked hard <3 (he also freaking did a lip lick thing that drove me into a frenzy ugh) during to us, all the fans held up a banner and just enjoyed the song together. it was such a good feeling, to have so many starlights in one room and have vixx right in front of us ;;;;
Apart from the songs they also did this interactive-ish thing with us! Like prior to going into the concert we were allowed to write something we would like them to do on a sticky (ex. Jaehwan please do aegyo) etc and so hyuk designated himself to be the “MC” and how it worked was that each member would choose one of the stickies for the member on their right. Leo chose first and he chose one for jaehwan and what he had to do was sing a part from his musical. He did so without using his mic and at that moment I knew exactly what an angel sounded like *_* everyone in the crowd was in awe that I think we cheered too early because it looked like jaehwan wanted to continue still but stopped and clapped and then went back to his seat. Hakyeon even pointed out that the crowd was just waiting to scream because we went from “ahhhhh” to “WOOOOOODFGDFGDFGD” real quick haha next jaehwan chose a sticky for hakyeon! He took his time choosing and hakyeon actually got off his seat and went up to jaehwan (I guess to make sure he isn’t choosing something too difficult for hakyeon to do lol) and while jaehwan was choosing he beatboxed a little which drove us insane <3 hyuk said somethings like “oh choose for your love N, you bro N, your mother father N” XDD jaehwan finally chose one which was also for hakyeon to perform a song from his upcoming musical? I wasn’t too sure if it was from a musical because the translator there sucked lol hakyeon said he had to prep because he doesn’t rmr some lines but in the end he sang beautifully like he never ceases to amaze me with his voice that is just so suitable for ballads & lullabies yenno he kept going until hyuk had to intervene and tell him to stop he still kept going and it got crazy when ken started singing as well haha such cuties!! Anyway so next hakyeon chose for hongbin and omgosh I saw my sticky and was really hoping hakyeon would choose it but he didn’t OTL i wrote it for hongbin, asking if he could sing a ballad because precious bb has a lovely voice and deserves to sing more! In the end hakyeon chose one in which hongbin had to do aegyo and boy did he struggle! The first time he did it it was pretty quick but still adorable nonetheless because his voice went all high pitched eeee so hyuk actually made him do it a second time and it was slightly longer and his voice went from high back to his usual lowish voice cuz he got so embarrassed.. hongbin said something and the translator said hongbin was sad because starlights didn’t understand his true feelings TT I guess he really didn’t want to do aegyo :( hongbin chose for Ravi and my Rabin feels were reignited because hongbin took two stickies and allowed Ravi to choose one! Ravi chose to also do aegyo I think? And he ended up doing the “oppa song”??? some cute music played and Ravi had to do aegyo to it but it seems like he was prepared and did it without hesitating that even the members joked and commented that he was really good at it LOL our Ravi may be the badass rapper and has tats to prove it....but he is too cute when he wants to be :3
Somewhere in there Ravi had to do an eye battle with hakyeon and lol hakyeon was so pumped and ready, being so confident he was gonna win and had that smug look on his face while provoking ravi by playfully hitting him on the chest. In the end hakyeon did win (but I feel like thats because he purposely made Ravi blink HAHA). Ravi chose for hyuk and hyuk had to dance to chained up double speed! That of course was too easy so it got ramped up to triple speed and I think later to quadruple speed?? Triple/quadruple speed was hella fast and hyuk was moving so fast that by the end of it he was so exhausted and joked that he can never do a concert again! He looked a bit frazzled afterwards so ken was like are you ok??? Oh yeah and we somehow got ken to do triple/quadruple speed as well but he didn’t even try to go super fast because srsly it’s killer! Hyuk was still recovering so Leo asked if he could chose his own and hyuk let him. Leo chose to perform a bit of whisper with Ravi!!!!! It was just the chorus but they did a bit of the chore and leo sang without the music and Ravi rapped without the music as well *_* because leo cheated by basically making it into a joint mission with Ravi, hyuk later chose another sticky for leo LOL this required leo to write each of the members name with his belly button xD poor leo didn’t want to do it at all and kept saying its weird!! He struggled so much and actually did his signature collapse onto the floor dying from embarrassment HAHA he managed to complete it but he did so by moving his entire body across he stage like he sat right next to hyuk on the right side but by the end of it he was all the way to the left side standing right in front of Ravi haha ken and hyuk demonstrated that you don’t have to move ur entire body but just your upper body xD then they wrapped up that segment and performed some more songs! after the final song when they were bowing and exiting the stage, ken did not want to leave and kept waving and blowing kisses ahhh those bbkins <333 hongbin legit had to come out, and drag him off the stage LOL then hongbin popped back out and did a heart with his hands ahhhh
I also just wanted to note that jaehwan was just a ball of sunshine throughout the entire concert. He constantly waved enthusiastically and smiled his puppy smile. he was just so playful and when fans shouted I love you to him he would immediately say I love you too back and jokingly act like yeah the fans love me most XD jaehwan definitely climbed up my bias list after this and I’m just so glad I got to witness his playful humorous side in real life. it made me think back to vixx’s reality shows and how the members always mention that theyre thankful for ken because ken jokes around and does his best to lighten up the mood after a stressful day ;A; Hyuk also made such a big effort speaking English to us and although it was just short sentences, I was still extremely proud of him and thankful that he made that effort <3 hakyeon too said a lot of sweet things to us and his humble self kept thanking us when really we should be thanking him for gracing us with his presence!!!!! Leo kept his cool demeanour for the majority of the concert, It wasn’t until the very last few songs where they came out not in their usual stage outfits that I saw leo being extra smiley and literally jumping and spinning on stage XD he went right next to jaehwan and started jumping with him (KEO IS REAL OK) hakyeon also made sure to go left to right and say bye to the fans and wave! Same with jaehwan hehe hongbin was mainly on the opposite side of me and oh how I wish he was on my side more during the last few songs!
I noticed that jaehwan was the most popular here like so many people I met that day were jaehwan stans hehe Ravi was also really popular and hakyeon too! Whenever hongbin sang I screamed extra hard because I really want him to feel just as loved and appreciated and same goes for hyuk too because those two have so much to offer!
Photo Op
I was such a nervous wreck LOL my friends and I were all strategizing a plan, trying to make sure we’d end up in front of our biases. it was 15 people per group so when it was our group’s turn I legit blanked out and just tried to navigate towards hongbin. So the order was N, Hyuk, Hongbin, Ravi, Ken, and Leo. I stepped onto the stage and was immediately greeted by N’s smiling face and wave. I waved back automatically and seriously couldn’t do anything but wave Lol i was way too stunned by his 6 foot beauty and that small eye contact! *_* I ended up somewhat in front of hongbin but like on the floor and not on a seat but its okay! The photo op was super quick like they took 2 pics and that was only like 20 seconds! the staff rushed us and kept telling us to move move move -.- As we got up to leave I quickly turned back and looked at hongbin and told him I love you ahhhh he looked at me and smiled and waved and that was all I needed to turn into a big pile of mush ffghfghfghf *_* I think I was able to catch eye contact with jaehwan after and I tried to say bye to leo but failed LOL as I got off the stage I still couldn’t believe I was able to muster up the courage to say something to hongbin eeeep! Oh and vixx is known to be giants right so I was expecting them to tower over me because I’m only 5’4…but up close they weren’t as tall as I expected. yeah they were impressive in height but not what I imagined I guess xD But yeah the photo op went by so quickly and I’m praying to god I look somewhat descent in the pictures they took lol rip
Im so sad that the concerts over and you bet I’m going to suffer from PCD for the next few weeks T_T but I’m just so thankful to have been able to experience this and to finally see them live! all the while meeting some pretty awesome people along the way! It was definitely a memorable concert that I hope to remember many years from now :)
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