#standard skinny procedure
eightmagicballs · 10 months
Filthy Reins Fix
Okay nerds, here's the skinny.
(long story short yes you can have nicer reins no it's not a simple or perfect fix)
Reins ingame (kinda), yay (kinda)!
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@studiosweetpeacc has been kind enough to let me upload the bridle that they made and I've been using to figure out reins since I was too lazy to make my own :') All LODS (but there is some clipping around the noseband at the lowest LOD bc I clearly can't decimate to save my life), base game swatches & gold versions HERE. You will also need the Invisible Reins fix I made for these reins HERE otherwise the default reins might clip through.
Just drag and drop both the bridle file and the invisible reins file into your mods folder, and you're good to go!
Note: These reins are always permanently visible. It does look a bit janky, but from what I've seen, it's better than nothing, and it'll do for now until I can muster the strength for the proper fix that's needed. Please bear with me until then :')
For the CC makers, read on to see how to apply this absolutely rancid addition to your fine work!
First, download this folder. It's got two packages, reinsinvisible.package (to hide the default ones) and a reinsOnly.blend file. You need the invisible reins in your mods folder to stop the default reins from clipping through yours.
Open the file, and import your finished bridle.
Delete the bone_bone_shape.001 layer and the rig.001 layer, you don't need them.
The reins UV map is sitting in the 'Bridle' section of the map, this is where they'll get their textures from, not the reins section. Make sure you move the reins UV islands out of the way, you'll be rearranging them with the bridle UV islands later.
Make sure both your reins and bridle layers are in Object Mode
Click the reins layer, and then CTRL/Cmd+Click your bridle layer (order doesn't matter)
Make your your mouse is on the view that shows the reins & bridle on it, then right click and select 'Join'.
They will now be on the same layer.
Now you can rearrange the UV islands as you see fit, and it's pretty much standard operating procedure from here on out, except you've got extra parts to your bridle mesh now.
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This here is the Rein bone that originally attached the reins to the noseband. That sticky-up bit is what keeps the reins attached to the bone. It's honestly not hugely noticeable in-game, unless you're looking real close. When you're making your own reins (which I recommend as this mesh has been beaten into submission, and it shows), use this reins file as your base for copying weights, etc. Any change will work, but your must have this sticky up bit that connects to that little blue thing as its what attaches the rest of the bridle to that bone and stops your reins from floating off when the horse turns its head to the left or right.
Okay, I think that's it.
I did say that this was a filthy fix.
If I can be of any help if you do decide to add this to your bridle mesh, please let me know. AND DON'T FORGET: you need to include the Invisible Reins package with your cc otherwise the default reins will clip through yours.
I do plan on making a better fix to this, especially since I'm after recently learning that there might be a source horse rig hidden somewhere, as there's a sim rig that is in fact capable of making overrides to every sim rig in the game (adding bones, etc). It's very exciting news if this is the case, as it means that it might be possible to add bones for things like martingales and stirrups as there are people who have added things like tails to sims already.
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redditreceipts · 4 months
Just accidentally fell down a rabbit hole of Reddit DIY cosmetic procedures community and I’m sick to my stomach😟 these women inject Botox against wrinkles, fat dissolvers, lip fillers and etc all by themselves at home without any training, ordering the materials from the internet. Quite a few posts are coming from women who are afraid they did something wrong because they feel unwell and it just makes me genuinely sad to see the lengths women are forced to go to fit in with society standards of forever youth, forever skinny, always pretty, it’s hard to blame anyone nowadays for choosing plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures because the pressure both direct and indirect is unreal and it’s so normalised and even though I wish everyone would feel truly happy and comfortable as they are without getting procedures solely for aesthetic purposes done, if they would still do it at least go to the professionals because this do it yourself thing is horrifying…
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some examples of that subreddit.
I mean I get it, getting this stuff done by a professional is extremely expensive, but why do these people give each other tips instead of trying to accept the fact that they're aging or that their features don't fit the beauty standard?
I actually think that in a couple of hundred of years, we will see these excessive plastic surgeries as similar to foot binding in ancient China or people elongating their babies' skull for aesthetic reasons.
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kevinsteen · 3 months
like seriously a big portion of me giving up on ever medically transitioning is having grown up seeing skinny pretty white people as the standard for trans people (esp in nonbinary spaces when i used to identify as genderfluid) and the barriers that comes with being a fat person seeking any kind of gender affirming medical procedure. sometimes it saddens me that i became more reclusive with my identity by starting to see myself as a two spirit person but in the end I'm better off having more solidarity with people that look like me that can't or don't want to medically transition
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fig · 1 year
we need to talk more about how the beauty standards in Asia is extremely toxic. our standards of beauty is always the porcelain pale skin, very skinny, V shape jaw, high straight nose bridge. Korean and Japanese are the beauty standard, how many celebrities from Asia that you see being adored for their beauty that aren’t from Korea or Japan? or that you see being put on Magazine or Television?
Asia is so big there are Northern Asia, Central Asia, Southern Asia, South East Asia, Western Asia. the amount of lightening cosmetic products that are being sold illegally in the Philippines (please watch the second video to understand how dangerous it is) and the number 1 cosmetic procedure in Asia is Glutathione injection aka skin lightening. also if you ever been to Korea, and i might be considered a person with “light skin” but they have no shade for me, the darkest shades aren’t even TAN
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broiderie · 1 year
Lost Princessa: Meet the Reaper 2
And here we go... Chapter 2.
Please don’t copy, translate, or transfer my work. I promise you this is the only place this is published. If you see it elsewhere, it’s stolen.
Warnings: cursing. ALL THE FLUFF. Foreshadowing. ;)
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That afternoon, after everyone had agreed to meet at the diner to leave the next morning, Taza, Hank and Megan went home to pack.
Hank quickly packed his duffel bag just like he normally did for a Reaper Run of any length. Flannel shirts and long sleeved henleys were folded and stored next to his jeans and other clothes. He did throw in two extra flannels and a hoody though. He never knew when Megan was going to need something warmer than what she had. 
Taza packed similarly and then headed in to check on Megan. “Here, Chica,” he said, coming into the room she shared with Hank. “Here’s a duffle bag you can use. We’ll get you your own travel gear soon.”
“Thanks, Papa, but I don’t know what to pack.” She was standing in front of her open closet with a frown.
“Well - we’re going North, so pretty much whatever you want to pack. It’s a little cooler up there, but that’s it.” He placed the black duffle down on the footlocker at the end of the bed.
Hank came out from packing his toiletries with a grin. “Pack at least one nice outfit, Princessa. We’ll go out while we’re there. And there will probably be a party or two.”
Megan grimaced. “What exactly should I wear to a Sons party?”
Taza laughed. “If Hank has his way - his soft colors.”
Hank flipped him off, but shook his head. “He’s not entirely wrong though…” he said rubbing the back of his neck a bit sheepishly.
Megan giggled. “How long will we be there?”
“Standard procedure when we don’t have to conserve space is to pack for a week, Chica. We’ve got plenty of room for luggage with the car.” Taza pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll bring you a jewelry box to take too.”
“Okay.” She smiled and reached for the dresses Letty had bought. She figured she’d better figure out which one to take for her night out with Hank first.
Hank smiled. “Which jeans do you want? I’ll grab them.”
“Just any of them. You know what will be more appropriate for me to wear than I do,” she said distractedly holding up the green dress that she had shocked Hank by wearing after her tattoo appointment. “And could you grab some of the shorts Letty bought me for under dresses?”
“Sure, Sweetheart.” Hank pulled three of the pairs of skinny jeans that she wore the most out of the dresser and started rolling them to pack. He also added a pair of tight black jeans that he loved seeing her in. Once those were in the bag, he grabbed three pairs of the cotton shorts she’d asked for and packed them too. 
Megan put the green dress back with a shake of her head. She didn’t want to show too much skin around patches that she didn’t know well. Hank might not like it. She pulled out a black dress instead. It looked like it was a little longer than the other one, but the back had a keyhole covered in black lace instead of being open. It was much more modest. She laid it on the bed. “I hate meeting new people while I’m so useless. I should at least be able to help out at the bar at parties like this.”
Hank paused in his packing. “Mi princessa, you are not useless. You’re injured. No one expects you to be serving these assholes anyway.” He walked over until he could tilt her chin up and make her meet his eyes. “You are walking into this meeting as Mayan Royalty, not our bartender.” He leaned down to press his forehead to hers. “La Princessa de los Mayas. Mi Princesa.” He pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “I can’t wait to show you off.”
She cleared her throat and smiled a little. “Broken bits and all?”
Hank laughed. “Broken bits and all. Straighten that crown mi princessa and let’s get you packed.”
In the end, Hank’s soft colors did make it into the bag along with her other shirts and flannels, but so did two more dresses.
Taza rejoined them with a travel jewelry box as they were packing what toiletries of Megan’s they could - the things she wouldn’t need tonight or in the morning.
Megan laughed. “But Papa, I only have my princessa necklace and earrings to pack and I’ll be wearing those.”
“I thought you might like some more of your grandmother’s things for the trip. Plus you can pack your hair jewelry in it too.” He smiled and slid the green jeweled hair combs and the feather braid weights into the zippered pocket on the outside along with hair ties and pins from her dressing table. 
Megan grinned and ran gentle fingers over the antique box on her dressing table as she sat down. “I haven’t had a chance to go through it yet.” She traced the elaborate carvings on the top of the box.
“So we’ll go through it together, hmm? We can take our time when we get back. Maybe we can stop by the reservation on the way home. Find you some pieces of your own.” Taza winked at Hank who went to sit in the reading chair across the room. “Besides, there are a few pieces that I have in mind.”
He pulled a three stranded bone and amber beaded choker in the native style out and slipped it on her where she could see it in the mirror on her dressing table. “She wore this when she needed confidence. Said it was the reminder she needed to keep her head up.”
Megan reached to touch it with reverent fingers. “It’s beautiful, Papa.”
He removed it and put it in the travel case. “And for your date night-” he pulled out a strand of pearls. “These match your earrings.” Those were packed as well. “As for the club party - you’ll need something different there. Your crowns mark you as la princessa - this will mark you as MY daughter.” A duplicate of the necklace he wore every day came out of the box. The silver circle that was almost closed with the small turquoise stone at the apex strung on a black adjustable cord. He slipped it over her head and tightened it so that it sat right at her collarbone - the longer chain with her crown pendant hung below it.
Tears gathered in Megan’s eyes. “Papa… it’s beautiful. A matched set?”
“My parent’s wedding set. I wear my father’s. Mama’s has been waiting to be worn a long time.” He smiled in the mirror at her. “It suits you. Never forget, Chica, you come from two very proud cultures. A true princessa.”
Megan spun on her stool to hug him one armed around the waist. “Thank you, Papa.”
“You’re welcome, Chica.” He gently returned her embrace.
Hank smiled as he watched from the reading chair in the corner. “We should think about dinner soon. And another dose of pain killers. You’re awfully pale, Princessa.”
Megan sat up straight suddenly. “Dinner! We need to check on Mama before we go!”
“Easy there, Chica. Two birds - one stone. You two work out dinner and medicine. I’ll go over and see if she wants to come for a visit. I’ll take her back home to pick up my bike after,” Taza suggested.
Hank smiled. “I’ll call her and let her know you’re coming. She wanted us all there for dinner tomorrow anyway - we’ll just move it up a day.” He pulled his phone out as Megan stood in a rush to go find something to make for dinner.
After Taza left, Hank found Megan digging through the pantry frantically. “Taza’s headed out to get Mama. She’s excited to see you. I know you’ve talked to her on the phone, but she’s the type to keep worrying until she lays eyes on you…” he chuckled a little. “Slow down, mi princessa. We have time.”
Megan smiled tensely over her shoulder at him. “I can’t wait to see her either. Unfortunately - her first time here and I’m going to be a horrible hostess. There’s nothing thawed to cook properly…”
Hank shook his head. “Princessa - Mama doesn’t care what we eat at family dinner. She just cares that we eat together.” He came up behind her and pulled her back against his chest. He wrapped an arm around her waist and held her as she relaxed fractionally at his warmth. “Are you worried about something? Or are you just in pain?” He gently rocked them on their feet.
Megan leaned her head back against his shoulder and let him hold some of her weight. “I just feel like I should have been taking better care of you. Cooking for you more. Isn’t that what a woman is supposed to do for her man?”
Hank snorted. “If I wanted a stepford wife maybe. I want mi princessa. My badass, sharp shooting, bartending princessa who takes care of me and her Papa just fine.” He cuddled her under his chin and used the arm not around her to ease the pressure of her sling a little. The strap had rubbed the side of her neck nearly raw. Today was the first day that they’d left the house and she hadn’t been able to rest it much. “Sweetheart - why didn’t you say the strap was rubbing? Much more and you’d be bleeding. C’mon. Sit down at the table while I find something to pad that.”
“But dinner -”
“Dinner can wait. Sit.” He guided her to a chair and pulled the kitchen first aid kit from below the sink.
By the time Taza got back with Mama, Hank had found some rolled gauze and wrapped it around the strap of the sling to soften the rough strap. He was also placing a large band aid over the raw spot to keep it from getting further irritated. He had found some after tattoo gel in his footlocker to help with the irritation and pain.
“What happened? Did you hurt yourself, Chica?” Taza asked tilting her chin to get a look at her neck.
“I’m fine, Papa. It’s nothing. The sling strap just rubs a little, that’s all.” Megan smiled at Moma Loza. “Hi Mama. Sorry. I was trying to find something for dinner when Hank noticed the irritation. Afraid dinner’s going to be a little later than planned. I still have to find something to cook.”
Mama stepped in close. “Nonsense, querida! You shouldn’t be cooking. Your poor arm must hurt terribly.” She cupped Megan’s cheeks in her weathered hands. “Your Papa is going to be a good man and order us pizza. You just rest, hmm? When was the last time you took your medicine?”
“I’m okay. I can cook something. I just didn’t thaw anything this morning because I thought we’d be at the clubhouse until late…”
“Bah! No.” Mama turned to Hank. “Tell me you haven’t been letting her overexert herself, hijo. And when was her last pain relief? You know it’s worse if you don’t stay ahead of it!”
Hank chuckled. “She’s been resting, Mama, I promise. Today was just a long day. And I know it’s better to stay ahead of the pain, but Megan doesn’t like taking the medicine at all. We just got her some new meds today to help with that.”
“That’s not an answer, mijo…”
Taza hid a smile as Mama scolded her giant son as if he were a naughty boy. “She had a dose after brunch this morning. She’s been due for awhile…”
Mama smacked at Taza’s bicep and cursed in rapid fire Spanish about men who never listen. Then she turned back to Megan. “Now - you are going to take your medicine. Then, you and I are going into the living room to look at the swatches for your dress that I was given at Mass a few days ago. While we do that - HANK will order dinner and your PAPA will start the fireplace for us so that we’re nice and cozy. After dinner, you will REST. You’ve done too much today. Hank told me about your injuries the night of the crash. Your arm may be the most visible but ribs don’t heal quickly either. Especially without rest.” She guided Megan to stand with a firm but gentle hand and led her towards the living room before looking over her shoulder at the guys. “Vamos muchachos. Me escuchas.”
Both men cracked smiles. “Si Mama. Escuchamos.”
Taza brought Megan a glass of water and two pills. “Before you ask, it’s the ibuprofen, Chica.”
Megan smiled ruefully. “I’m a horrible patient.”
Taza laughed. “But I love you anyway.”
“Love you too, Papa.” She swallowed the pills with a grimace.
“There now, querida. You’ll feel better soon. You can’t let the pain get a hold on you or the medicine won’t work as well.” Mama tucked a pillow under Megan’s cast to take some of the weight and a blanket over her legs. “I was a nurse for years, Sweet Girl. I know how this works.”
Megan smiled. “Thank you, Mama. I still wish you'd let me cook dinner though.”
“Pizza is a nice change every once in a while. Don’t tell Hank I said that though. He thinks I need to eat healthier.” Mama winked. “Now Francisca showed me the sketches of your dress. It’s going to be beautiful. You girls did an amazing job on the design. I have some swatches here for you to choose from for the green and a few lace patterns. Once those decisions are made, they can start sewing.” She pulled some bits of fabric from her oversized purse. “Now… this green is pretty close to the color, I think…”
Hank joined them after placing a pizza order as Megan debated between two dark green swatches.  “I’m just not sure which is right,” she frowned. 
Hank smiled and pulled her jacket off the hook behind the door. “You’re looking for Mayan green, right? The stitching on your jacket is the official color of our patches. I made sure of it when we bought it.” He laid it on her lap as Taza finished starting the fire. 
Mama turned on the lamp beside the chair so that they could see the differences in color better. “Definitely the darker green. Do you like how the fabric feels?”
Megan stroked it. “It’s so soft…”
“Good. That answers that.” Mama packed the colors away leaving only the chosen green out. “Now for the lace for the overlay…” She laid a few pieces of lace out. “Some of it will be that pretty off-white we chose and some of it will be dyed green for accents.”
Megan laughed, “Mama - I can’t see much difference in them. Whatever you and Francisca like best will be beautiful.”
“Good girl.” Mama chuckled and patted her knee. “We’ll take care of it then.” She packed things away as Taza brought her a glass of lemonade. 
He settled into his arm chair as Hank took the other one leaving Megan and Mama on the couch. 
“Will you need anything from me in the next few days, Mama? Hank and Papa have a run out of town to make and I’m going along.” Megan smiled.
“No, querida. WE should have it all figured out by the time you get back.” She looked at Taza. “Surely you aren’t letting her ride like this, Che…”
“No ma’am. Hank’s driving a car this time with Megan along. We’re going to visit her Tío Marcus and Tía Diana.” Taza smiled. “She gets to meet her little cousin for the first time.”
“Good.” She looked at Hank. “And you’ll make sure she takes her medicine?”
Hank chuckled. “Sí Mama. And she keeps her sling on…”
“And RESTS. A concussion and bruised ribs don’t just heal overnight -”
“It’s been longer-” Megan protested. 
“Not long enough, querida. And you aren’t going to do it yourself, so we need to take care of you for you.” Mama nodded decisively. 
The doorbell rang and Taza hopped up to go get the pizza. “Sounds like dinner’s here.”
Hank smiled. “Yes Mama. We will keep la princessa safe.” He stood to press a kiss to his mother’s head. “Stop worrying so much. Mi princessa is stronger than you think.” He sat on the arm of the couch next to Megan.
Mama sighed. “I know. Doesn’t mean I won’t worry about you both.”
Megan reached with her good hand for Mama’s hand. “We know, Mama.” She smiled. “Hank takes good care of me, and I do my best to take care of him too.”
“Good girl. Just… don’t fight them so hard when they’re trying to help, please?” She squeezed Megan’s hand.
“I’ll try.”
“Good. You can start by eating dinner!” Taza said as he brought multiple pizza boxes into the room with a smile.
Dinner was a cheerful affair with many stories told by Taza and Hank. Megan relaxes as the night went by and could feel herself getting tired. Hank could see it as well. She started to relax back against the couch when he moved to sit on the floor in front of it and lean back against her legs. 
When Megan’s eyes started to flutter, Taza chuckled. “ I do believe that it is time for la princessa to get some of that rest, Mama. Come on. I’ll take you home so that Hank can put her to bed.”
Mama leaned down to kiss Hank’s cheek. “Sounds good, Che. Mijo, take good care of her. I’ll see you when you get back.” She stroked his cheek gently.
“Te amo, Mama. Sleep well. Call the club house if you need anything while we’re gone. Creeper will be staying back and the Prospect’s always there.” Hank smiled.
“Te amo, hijo.” She stood and pressed a featherlight kiss to Megan’s hair. “Te amo, hija,” she whispered.
She slipped out with Taza quietly. Megan never moved. She was asleep and there were no lines of pain on her face for the first time in over a week.
Hank stood carefully and slid his arms under Megan’s body gently and slowly so as not to jostle her. He stood and took her to bed. 
The next morning, Megan woke to someone stroking her hair. She woke slowly and whined a little. “I know Princessa, but if you’ll wake up enough to take your medicine, you can go back to sleep for awhile longer. Just open your mouth and I’ll help you take them.”
“ ‘m up. I can get up,” she mumbled. SHe shifted to prop herself up enough to take the medicine, but barely opened her eyes. 
Hank chuckled. “Okay sweetheart.” He handed her the pills and a small glass of water. 
She swallowed them with a grimace. 
“Good girl.” He took the glass and placed it on the bedside table. “We still have an hour before we have to be up. How about a cuddle?”
“Please?” Megan whined.
“Of course, mi princessa.” Hank slipped back into bed and snuggled against her back and good side.
Megan closed her eyes again and hummed contentedly.
“Comfy, sweetheart?”
“Good. Rest some more. We’ve got a long drive today.” He pressed a kiss to the back of her neck.
She smiled. “Is it wrong that I’m kind of looking forward to it? You and me in a car together on a road trip.”
He chuckled and she felt the vibrations against her back. “No. I’m going to enjoy it too. I love the bike, but I can’t see your face on it while I’m driving. I like the idea of being able to talk to you on a trip.”
She smiled and played with his fingers as they pressed into the skin at her waist where her shirt rode up. “When do we need to be in Charming?”
“We should get there a day or so early for the meeting.” He nuzzled her ear gently. “Plenty of time.”
“Good. We can stop for lunch then.”
“Of course. Anywhere you want.”
She laughed. “Tío Bishop and Coco may disagree with that.”
“Nah. Doesn’t matter.” He grinned and tickled her neck with his breath gently. “We’ll still stop where you want. They’ll be out voted ‘cause you know your dad will side with you.”
She laughed. “Did we pack everything?”
“If we didn’t we can buy whatever we’ve forgotten. It’s not like we’re going too far, mi princessa.” He smiled and slipped to the side until he could brace himself on his forearm and look down at her. “Your Padrino is excited to have you coming to Oakland. He texted Taza last night to be sure he and Diana had everything we’d need at their house for our visit.”
She giggled. “I think I’m excited too.”
“Good. You should be.” He pressed a kiss to her lips quickly. When he pulled back she pouted up at him with a brief whine. He chuckled. “What?”
Megan ran her good hand up Hank’s bare chest to run her fingernails through the hair at the nape of his neck. “When are you going to kiss me for real again? I won’t break.”
He smiled and moved a bit of hair from her face. “I am kissing you, mi princessa.”
She pouted again and turned up the puppy dog eyes.
He chuckled and kissed her deeper, but still pulled back a bit.
She smiled up at him. “Better.” She leaned up to press another kiss to his lips. 
Hank kissed her back, but broke it to press his forehead to hers. “You are not making it easy for me to be a gentleman, Princessa. And you are in no shape for me to stop being a gentleman right now.” He pressed a soft kiss to her nose. “Let yourself heal. I promise - when your sling comes off- then we can think about more.”
Megan groaned a little petulant. “But -”
Hank smiled and pressed himself gently down against her so she could feel the effect she had on him. “I promise, mi princessa, you aren’t the only one frustrated. Be patient.”
She sighed. “I’m trying. I just miss this.” 
Hank nodded. “Me too.” He kissed her again gently. “I promise you, I want you just as much as ever. Maybe more. I just won’t hurt you to have you when I can just wait a little while longer. I’ll wait as long as I need to, mi princessa.”
Megan nodded, “I know that.” She stroked the side of his face. “But will you at least kisse me regularly again?”
“Any time, mi amore. Any time.”
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yaras-worldofchaos · 10 months
i just fell down a rabbit hole of articles about race and beauty standards. like how being skinny is the beauty standard for a few reasons but one of the main ones is that white women tend to be smaller and how societies obsession with being skinny as a beauty standard stems from that. and i read this one brown girls story about how her sister developed anorexia and all their family members started praising her on her weight loss because in a lot of poc families there is an emphasis placed on being a certain weight. and a few of the articles talked about how white women have always been the beauty standard due to racism. even when “curvy” bodies became trendy, being skinny was still the underlying trend. and a lot of the articles talked about woc are encouraged to change themselves, like dyeing and straightening their hair, getting cosmetic procedures, and using different products to attain a certain lookand idk it just got me thinking because coming from a culture where things like skin lightening creams are popular it makes me sad that society is telling woc to try and look white. because that’s not who we are :(
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duhioncaffeine · 1 year
How the Beauty and Wellness Industry benefits from your Insecurities
When you mindlessly scroll through Social Media you fall into this endless cycle of watching influencers following a "perfect" routine, whether its green juices, skin care, makeup styles, or the way you dress, social media constantly makes you want to change yourself, fitting into a beauty standard, following a diet to look a certain way and so many more so-called “solutions” to ‘problems” made up by the beauty and wellness industry. What we don't know is that these wellness trends that were created to make you feel better about yourself, end up making you feel worse. In this blog, we will explore some prevalent toxic wellness trends and the impact they have on individuals, particularly women. From promoting unrealistic beauty standards to fostering doubt, self-blame and shame. Toxic wellness trends harm the lives of women ranging from teenagers to adults.
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Buccal fat removal is a procedure where the buccal fat under your cheeks is surgically removed to give this sculpted appearance and accentuate your facial features.
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Many celebrities have had this, mine and yours favourite, Miss. Bella Hadid and others like Zoe Kravitz, Anya Taylor- Joy and Lea Michele. The only downside of this procedure is that it is irreversible. So, once your cheeks are gone, they're gone. So you can say that having a round face really…is a huge NO.
Ageing is a Crime
Every time you scroll through TikTok or the reels section of Instagram or even Youtube several influencers promote anti-wrinkle tape, botox, red light therapy masks and other similar solutions to “ageing”. When originally anti-ageing was meant for the older demographic now it aims towards teenagers. Because of these, It brings us to think that is ageing that bad.
Essentially if your skin doesn't look a certain way if it isn't ‘glass clear” or “wrinkle-free” something is wrong with it. This ideology results in women feeling inferior and insecure in their bodies.
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Diet culture has been around for way too long and there have been many diets which come and go but they all have the same motive more or less and that is to lose weight and be skinny. In the 20th century, there was this thing called “munching parties” where people would gather around and chew food till it became liquid only to spit it out.Yeah, that is how scared they were of becoming “fat”.
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Since celebrities are looked up to by the general public, The Kardashians also had their BBLs removed which meant that “Thin was back in” that ideology also brings us to “heroin chic” a term invented in the 90s by the fashion industry given to models who had an extremely thin figure, dark circles and pale skin. Models like Gia Carangi were first associated with this trend and then later models like Kate Moss and Jaime king made anorexia aspirational.
Diet cultures not only promote bad food habits but also eating disorders, and to fit into a particular beauty standard women follow certain diets which obviously can be detrimental to a person's mental and physical health.
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Spiritual By-passing and Cultural Appropriation
The practice of using spiritual beliefs or practices as a way to avoid dealing with difficult and actual emotions or problems, or appropriating spiritual practices from cultures that are not one's own, can be harmful if individuals are not addressing the root causes of their issues and instead using spirituality as a form of avoidance or cultural theft. Because of social media, we have been introduced to a lot of wrong information regarding spirituality, amongst this the most popular is wearing the Nazar or Evil Eye Locket to ward off evil intentions or jealousy. This random information from the internet makes women delusional and sways them away from what is happening around them, thereby impacting their mental health.
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Overall. It is important to approach wellness trends critically and seek out evidence-based practices that are sustainable and promote holistic and positive well-being. These wellness trends are created out of pre-existing issues and insecurities that women have faced for years on end. Remember that every individual's health and wellness journey is unique and personal. The beauty and wellness community profits off of *your* insecurity so it is important to accept yourself for who you are, rather than trying to conform to societal expectations or trends, we should inculcate changes in a way that benefits us positively and practice self-care and self-compassion instead of blindly following whatever is over the internet or what Miss. Bella Hadid said in her interview :p
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dzthenerd490 · 9 months
Files: Dying Young
Code Name: Dying Young/ A Beautiful Death.
Object Class: Somnum
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the metaphysical nature of SCP-AYJ, it cannot be contained. Furthermore, it is believed that there is a possibility an event similar to SCP-AYJ will happen again in the future. As such efforts are focused on working toward countermeasures instead of containment should such an event occur again.
Description: SCP-AYJ is an event possibly a plague or even a curse that affected the young girls of [data expunged] in the country of Japan. The unfortunate truth is that the Foundation knows little to nothing about SCP-AYJ making its containment one of the greatest failures of our organization. The best working theory of the SCP-AYJ event is that it was a ploy caused by a [data expunged] but of course, given their nature, there's no way to confirm this. 
SCP-AYJ starts off by affecting a young girl, normally 14 to 18 years of age and one who is considered by those around them to be ugly. SCP-AYJ will begin by making them slowly turn into the societal standard of beauty, which is to be thin, have long hair, a acne free face, light skin, and no flaws on the skin what-so-ever. After about one month their transformation will be complete, and they will be perceived by all those around them as unbelievable beautiful. However, after 2-3 months of effect they will grow increasingly skinny and weak while simultaneously growing "more beautiful" as well. This will continue until their bodies become so weak that their organs will fail, and they will die. It is theorized that it also spread like a plague since sever girls were seen getting affected after coming into contact with someone who was already under SCP-AYJ's influence. However, "patient zero" and the girl who supposedly spread SCP-AYJ the most, had minimal contact even before "patient zero's" death. Furthermore, there was a girl who had contact with both "patient zero" and the girl who "spread" SCP-AYJ yet never came under its effects. So, in the end the Foundation still knows nothing of how SCP-AYJ spreads. 
SCP-AYJ was discovered in 1991 when a sudden increase of deaths was reported in the town of [data expunged]. Since the event was occurring in Japan Mobile Task Force Poseidon-3 "Otaku Heart" was quick to investigate and saw the entirety of SCP-AYJ's effects. Surprisingly it was only after the year ended that SCP-AYJ stopped entirely, and all of its affected individuals died. Once the event ended it was confirmed that containment was impossible, so MTF Poseidon-3 pulled back and instead Mobile Task Force Gamma-5 "Red Herrings" was deployed. Those that were not affected or who had witnessed the even were located by MTF Gamma-5 and given Class G Amnestics making with the cover story that it was a rare disease that spread and killed all the young girls. 
"At times like this we're remined of how weak we truly are, the Foundation may be humanities best hope of surviving the impossible but that doesn't mean we can achieve the impossible. This is why we take every opportunity to take any form of power we can, because to do otherwise is to allow humanity to inch closer to destruction. This is why I'll never understand those morons like Zeek or those weaklings like Corvio that dare say the Foundation needs to be regulated! You say we have too much power? I say we don't have nearly enough." -Dr. Egao
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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21oclock · 2 years
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Dear twenty-ones,
Let’s discuss perfectionism.
Can it be achieved?
Is anyone on our planet perfect?
Are the women we see on social media the closest thing to it? Madison Beer, Kylie Jenner, Bella Hadid?
To simply put it, no.
No matter how hard you try, cry, and scream to be perfect, you never will be. And this will never be a bad thing. If you are perfect, your life can never become better. You could never grow as an individual. You would be stuck in one place, in one time.
Focusing too much time on becoming perfect can drain you. I had to learn this the hard way. As I became determined to reconnect with my femininity, I poured my heart and soul into research. I browsed through various clothing styles, brands of makeup, self help books, and spiritual practices. At first these things helped, however, I slowly became obsessed. A reason why the topic of perfectionism is 21 O’Clock Blog’s first official post is to help those interested in improvement not develop toxic behavior.
When focusing your attention too much on becoming “perfect”, you may begin to habitually find negative things about yourself. You do not find peace in who you currently are or what you currently possess. Over time, you may fall into a pattern of self doubt and hate. As a result of your dissatisfaction, you may continue to find new resources that would briefly make you feel better… until you find something to fix again.
Although a trend, I believe that the “that girl” aesthetic can be used as an example. Those girls wake up early in the morning, hit the gym, prepare a whole breakfast by 8 AM, shower, put on makeup, go to work or study, come home, relax, etc. Having a day full of tasks and successfully completing each one. A lot of women have been trying to achieve this lifestyle. It has been deemed the “perfect” one at that. But what if you have two kids? What if you live far away from the gym? What if you work multiple jobs and can’t balance this perfect lifestyle? You may feel inadequate compared to the women on social media showcasing this lifestyle. You may feel like perfection is far from your reach and that the lifestyle is not meant for you. Money may continuously be poured down the drain as you want the high end products they have. You may purchase items such as planners, gym items, etc, that you will only touch once. Comparing yourself is ineffective and can be draining. To attempt to fit a lifestyle that is not necessarily attainable at that particular moment is a waste of time.
If your idea of perfection is beauty, who is to say that you are far from that? Society has constructed the idea of beauty. A small nose, skinny legs, tiny waist, etc. Unfortunately, the beauty standard has revolved around certain ethnic groups thus casting out others. In 2022, aesthetic procedures are now socially accepted. I am not against procedures and I would endorse them so long as they make the person getting them feel better, however, identifying the reason as to why some would get them is important. Along with the medical errors that could happen and illegal operations for a quick buck. If you research other ethnic groups, you will find what their idea of perfection is which may be entirely different than that of western culture. Understanding that beauty is in the eye of the beholder is beyond critical to connecting to your femininity.
Where To Start:
As briefly mentioned at the beginning of the first topic, I want to help you all establish safe and rational ways to strive for a better you. Becoming obsessed is the last thing you would want to do, I promise.
To begin, let’s talk about discipline. What is discipline?
Being able to carefully control the way that you work, live, or behave, especially to achieve a goal.
When working towards becoming a better you, it is important to identify goals and rationales. Understand your current limits and healthy/safe ways you would push past them. An example list is provided below:
1. Goal: Go to the gym 2x a week | Rationale: I am off two days a week and would have free time I could use to attend the gym
2. Goal: Wake up earlier | Rationale: I would be able to complete a set of tasks earlier than expected | Method: Wake up 15 minutes earlier each day until I reach the time I would like to wake up
3. Goal: Change my style/have a new wardrobe | Rationale: Wearing clothes that fit my body will make me feel sexier and more confident | Method: Purchase a new clothing piece every two weeks on pay day
Besides listing goals, identifying why you want to change or what is making you unhappy is critical. Ask yourself questions: What am I unhappy about? What happened previously that made me want to change? Different events in our lives can make us want to pull a 180 and become a different person. Not all change is healthy and unfortunately, at times, it can be used as a coping mechanism. For example, a person experiencing a terrible break up may change their appearance to feign happiness, either to convince themselves or the world. I would suggest asking the questions to yourself as listed above or possibly speaking with a therapist or close friend/family member.
Lastly, stick to a routine. This may prove to be difficult at first, but the results are amazing. It takes 21 days for a task to become a habit. Habitually, you will be striving to become a better you. Habitually, you will do things everyday that makes you feel more confident and powerful. Possibly set alarms or reminders. Try to achieve your goals to your fullest. If you fail, it’s okay. Everyone will at some point. But the hardest yet most fulfilling thing to do is get back up a try again.
In terms of hygiene and fashion items, I will share it here on 21 O’Clock! You will never miss out on the latest products and must hear advice.
Au revoir twenty-ones!
“A woman who masters the energetics of DESIRE can have anything she wants.”
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vlyteng · 1 year
Beauty standards and its relation to racism and colourism
I am a film junkie and I adore Japanese films. My love for Japanese films started when I watched a specific movie, which just so happens to be one of the most breathtaking films I’ve ever watched in my life - Helter Skelter. Helter Skelter is a movie that tells the story of a famous actress, Lilico, who has had several cosmetic procedures over her body. Lilico makes life terrible for people around her as she struggles to manage both her professional and personal issues as a result of the adverse effects of her surgery (Letterboxd 2012). It is based on a manga that Kyoko Okazaki wrote and released between 1995 and 1996 (Cherif 2022). The message of the movie is made clear to be depicting the extent we can go to achieve what we deem as "perfect beauty", but how it can lead to an unhealthy obsession with our physical appearance. Throughout the film, the audience will witness Lilico’s fall into an endless, abyssal spiral of depression as she tries to fix the side effects of surgery with, well, even more surgery.
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Beauty standards in every culture look different. In the West, the hourglass figure (otherwise known as “slim thicc”) is the goal! Some features that are commonly celebrated and strived for in Western countries are light-coloured eyes, blonde hair, pale skin and small noses. The beauty standard in Asia also has a similar standard but skinny is what most people go for. Obviously, Asians do not have the same genetics as Westerners. If someone frequently consumes beauty content from Western culture, they may be influenced to change their features in some way in order to fit what they think is the “standard of beauty”. Some may think beauty standards are merely just guidelines for people to follow to be seen as more attractive, but I think it goes much deeper than that.
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I believe beauty standards are built on the foundation of racism and colourism, discrimination or prejudice towards those with dark complexion. You might think it’s a stretch but hear me out. A good example of this is when we discuss skin tones. Have you ever thought to yourself “Man, my skin is so dark” or “Man, I wish I had a more pale complexion”? Why are we so scared of getting a little tan from the sun? Why do we immediately deem darker skin = undesirable? As a Chinese, why are bigger eyes and double eyelids more adored than mono or hooded lids despite it being the most common outcome for our ethnicity? All these questions point to an underlying distorted perception that we were taught since young and continue to experience in our daily lives. They take the form of seemingly harmless little statements, like when the aunt that nobody likes asks you if you’re going to keep eating those pineapple tarts during Chinese New Year, or when your beautician mentions how perfect you’d look if you just got a little nose lift during your monthly visit to the beauty salon.
All in all, there is no such thing as “perfect beauty” as the definition of it is so different for every single person, everyone has their own version of beauty. Aiming to achieve it is unrealistic and will not only cost you millions of dollars, but also endless amounts of mental strain. I understand that it is easy to fall into the rabbit hole that is insecurity and anxiety over appearances and our bodies. But something I truly believe is that without our body, no matter what it looks like, we will not exist. Your body is constantly trying to take care of itself and we should be grateful for having two arms and two legs, functioning ears and nose, eyes to see the world and a mouth to taste Kyochon fried chicken (yes, I am craving it as I am writing this). To end this, I’d like to dedicate a poem I wrote for an e-book about self-acceptance and to love our body because it is trying its best to keep us alive every day. 
Don't be angry with your body Your arms lift the weight of responsibilities Your legs walk you through life Your eyes see the beauty behind the ugly Your stomach houses butterflies that make you feel alive Your nose lets you smell that wonderful apple pie that you love Your body has been through everything with you it does not deserve your hatred and your anger. - S. Z Tao
Cherif, M. C 2022, The Dark Side of Beauty Standards in Helter Skelter: A semiotic analysis, The Artifice, viewed 8 June 2023, <https://the-artifice.com/helter-skelter/>.
Letterboxd 2012, Helter Skelter, Letterboxd, viewed 7 June 2023, <https://letterboxd.com/film/helter-skelter-2012/>.
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fioletowyfacet · 1 year
✨ (Alexander)
//[memory meme]
Alexander didn't exactly remember what the conversation had been about anymore. It had been a long day, a long week, really, and it was late. Whatever it was had just been smalltalk.
However, he remembered the time exactly.
Parties start on the hour, and this one started at five. After a nice sixty minutes of running around the arcade and showrooms, kids got half an hour for food and cake, then another hour to keep doing whatever they saw fit. It was a simple schedule.
Alexander wasn't usually in charge of this, but he had no qualms putting in a little extra time and effort on the floor in this situation. Over the past few years, Freddy's acquired a sort of tedium to it, but being there surrounded by smiling faces reminded him what it was all for, and why he'd even bothered to work as hard as he did in the first place.
Five minutes before the feast, someone at the front would announce over the PA for Derek's birthday party to head to party room four or such, and then usually the kids would all show up. Some rowdier kids demanded a second announcement, but it wasn't a major deviation from standard procedure. He'd notify the front desk over HT, they'd make another announcement, and if anybody was still missing, a parent would go out to find them. Usually, they'd simply be engrossed in a game of skeeball.
That was what he explained to the woman at the time. He remembered that part of the conversation, the mild twinge of concern in her voice when not a single kid had arrived what was supposed to be well into the birthday cake dinner, and how she eased up just slightly, but two minutes more and she was restless again.
One of the fathers, a skinny pale man with an East Coast accent, quickly joined her, whispering to him how his son was a little faint-hearted and always very obedient, he wouldn't be horsing around unless there was something wrong. Could he send someone to check? He likes to wear a light blue scarf...
Again, Alexander had to assure them that sometimes children got carried away. The music could be too loud out there, or maybe the PA system had malfunctioned without anybody noticing. He'd notify the front desk of the issue again, no cause for alarm.
And yet, he found he couldn't focus on the conversation with them. The air was tense, it was quieter than before, despite the adolescents cheering just outside the door. He wrung his hands as he spoke, not quite hearing himself, but he had to get the words out somehow. He had a lot of them.
A woman stepped forward to ask something. A husband and wife in their Sunday best had similar things to say.
It was 6:13PM when his patience ran out, and Alexander found himself marching out of the room, partially in shame, partially in frustration. The guests couldn't see him do the latter. They might panic. They might feel bad.
He stammered some questions into the HT, struggling to really articulate his thoughts. Was there a situation? He remembered 1983, he remembered clear as day, had somebody else broken the rules? Did somebody dive into the shallow ball pit and break a leg? Everyone split up, look for large crowds of children where there shouldn't be any. Look for... the mother says he was wearing a hat, is there anybody in a hat? Just a little over knee height, painted hair...
Alexander didn't remember much of the search, either. The creeping panic worked like blinders. At a certain point, he wasn't even sure he was talking to as he droned into the radio. All he could be certain of was that he wasn't seeing the right children anywhere. Everything was smudged together.
It wasn't that big a building, they had to be somewhere. Why hadn't anybody found them? It was just a few kids, how do you lose a few kids? Are the cameras on, check the cameras, check the footage...
It was 6:23 when the reality of the situation started to sink in.
There were five missing children.
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sweetmastermind · 1 year
Do you think wonyoung ive will proved herself more and become hero in korea (national treasure)?
I have seen kpop prediction..i didn't get that..i think wonyoung wish speak up about her boundaries more ..since 2023..she make message deep like this is stupid or hate about the People and trying kind w your haters ...or i have bad conditions but get better..
She did open much about her problems...
This is bad things or grear things...
What is your opinions ?
For the time being, I don't think she will be considered a hero or national treasure, she needs to show something more and that is pretty much determined by the company, which unfortunately, only sees her as a pretty girl who is bringing money by being pretty
She needs to show her talents to the general public because those are the ones that don't follow groups closely, if you didn't follow her in her izone's days or now as an Ive member, what you see of her is her being a model and being praise by her visual. That's bad marketing for her because she is cataloged as a skinny pretty girl and not a talented one, beauty doesn't last forever and she already had some procedures at a young age to go with that hard beauty standard (Im not shaming her for that, I know is part of the industry and I only shame the people that only criticize other for how they look)
There is always room for things to change, if it happens is going to be after some years, and maybe when her hype goes down. Deep within myself, I think she can win a lot of hearts by showing her true self and opening up about a hardship about something (i don't like to say this but I feel like she will open up about her health and how the industry affects it, might be a beginning point)
Now, opening herself is a double edge sword, she is the current it person + a woman, she is going to be criticized for breathing and others are going to show support. Unfortunately, is nothing new about how shitty people are toward girl idols
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womensummer22 · 2 years
This article is about school dress codes as they relate to female students.  This immediately caught my attention and piqued my curiosity because I went to a school that had a very strict dress code and I absolutely hated it.  The most frustrating thing about our school dress code was that the school was not consistent with the enforcement of it.  I am a girl with muscular thighs and shoulders.  This made me an easy target for being singled out for wearing the wrong attire.  When I wore certain styles of shorts I was told that I was a distraction to the boys.  When a skinny little petite girl wore the same style of shorts nothing would be said to her.  In other words, the dress code was not enforced on the article of clothing.  It was directed at individual girls with certain body types.  The lack of consistency in the enforcement of the dress code made me feel embarrassed, insecure, and angry.  
I can absolutely relate to this article by Lyn Mikel Brown as it references how girls are negatively impacted by school dress codes.  I wholeheartedly agree with Brown when she mentions that during her research of the topic she only found 2 types of adults involved with the issue -- school administrators who defend the dress code and mothers who defend their daughters.  Brown questions, where are the teachers?  I agree with her that the teachers, who work most directly with the students and have built rapport with them, should be using these instances as teachable moments to have open dialogue to find common sense solutions to an ongoing problem.  I would go further than Brown and ask the questions, where are the fathers?  Where are the male students?  I find it interesting that typically speaking, the fathers are nowhere to be found in either monitoring what their daughters are wearing or being an advocate for their daughters in defending their stance on the unfair dress code issues.  It also strikes me as a strange matter that the male students seem to be absent from filing complaints about unfair treatment in regards to the enforcement of the dress code.  That reinforces my personal experiences while in school that dress codes seem to target only the female students.
I also agree with Brown’s assessment that most girls are not opposed to a dress code as long as it is fair and balanced.  After listening to the complaints from girls Brown has composed a list of characteristics that would make up a good dress code policy.  A few of the policy suggestions on the list that I firmly agree with are …  
Explain the code: this is such a simple idea that can carry a lot of weight.  Too many times students are told by authority figures to do things “because we said so” or “because we know what’s best for you”.  That insist's a rebellious attitude.  A simple well-crafted explanation as to why a policy is important can go a long way to accepting it.  
Apply the policy to everyone: dress codes should be directed at styles of clothing and not at specific body parts or body types.  In doing this people will not feel isolated, marginalized, or singled out which would make the policy more acceptable.
Address issues privately: dress code violations should never be publicly enforced.  This can lead to a feeling of embarrassment and humiliation which will cause students to develop a negative feeling towards the dress code policy that was the catalyst of these negative feelings.  
I think dress codes, like taxes, are a necessary evil.  More importantly, it should be standard procedure to allow students to have a voice in developing the dress code policy that they will be expected to follow.  If students have a hand in writing and voting on the policy, as well as the consequences of violating the policy,  they will certainly be more willing to adhere to the regulations.               
-Reagan Smith
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hanganday · 3 months
Picture perfect? Body mods, social media and filtered facades
Visual social media platforms like Instagram are filled with images of body modifications – tattoos, piercings, implants – all meticulously curated and presented. But behind these seemingly powerful trends lies a complex web of issues: micro-celebrity culture, aesthetic labor, and the potential for social harm.
Micro-celebrities, influencers with smaller, more dedicated followings, often rely on their bodies as their brands. They promote specific aesthetic labor, the effort to maintain a certain appearance, which in the field of body modification can involve display procedures, restorations, and stylized photographs. This focus on aesthetics can lead to the eroticization of body modification, where the emphasis shifts from personal expression to attracting likes and comments.
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Furthermore, frequent exposure to these carefully constructed online personas may influence viewers' perceptions of beauty. Gender stereotypes are often reinforced, with specific physical changes considered "masculine" or "feminine," such as being masculine, rugged, six-pack, or tall over 6' is considered a man; Women must be slim, have long hair, and have three curves as clear as an hourglass to be called beautiful. This creates pressure to conform to these restrictive aesthetic stereotypes, potentially leading to body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and a disconnect between one's self-perception and reality .
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So what can we do?
Question the curated perfection and unrealistic beauty standards presented online: Is it really a stereotype? If you break that stereotype, can't you be beautiful?
Focus on stories, not just bodies. Look for content creators who discuss the motivations behind their edits and their experiences beyond aesthetics. Currently, there are many celebs who are inspiring
Celebrate the diversity of body shapes and variations, while promoting self-acceptance. You're not skinny, but chubby is also very beautiful, your skin is dark, but it's smooth and healthy.
Body modification is a powerful form of self-expression. By promoting critical thinking and focusing on each individual's journey, we can navigate the complexity of body modification methods in the age of visual social media.
Spiderum. (n.d.). Body modification vs. social media: Is there any connection? https://spiderum.com/bai-dang/Body-modification-vs-social-media-Is-there-any-connection-HUk3sCwKK5l1.
www.psychologytoday.com. (n.d.). The BBL Bubble: How Social Media Fuels Body Modification | Psychology Today Australia. https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/mirror-mirror/202108/the-bbl-bubble-how-social-media-fuels-body-modification.
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scentedchildnacho · 3 months
This bmw pulled up on garnett with this really nasty gigolo guy driving and the street was completely vacant and he pulled up and parked right where I was walking with his full bright country lights on to shock me to death
He was really prison rape ugly like Joseph mengele like thinks he looks like a Marlboro photo and looks like a nasty white beard greaser
So I asked him why he is such a retard that doesn't care if he is considered lower then neanderthal that doesn't care if it hurts people
You don't care if all you do is hurt people and people find you dumber then koko
Your a retard I said and he was like it's night lights can be on and I was like your in the middle of a city fucko wasto no one needed more lights that's all you do is light fuck and steal people's wallets so people send you to cannibals as jobs because your dumber then an ape
And I told him he is a mass murderer and that I do hope he gets whatever retribution he deserves
In fact that light fuck hurt so bad I will find your homo rape and incarceration funny
Just so ya know I have found out that is my karma here this chick in the meal line bullies me all the time so people finally sicked dogs on her to call her rabid the dog finally tried to gash her eye out for light fucking everybody
Im rubber your glue whatever you throw at me gonna bounce off me and stick to you
It planned on me to call me a worthless mental to shove in state asylums for life and now it's an infectious disease to die in state asylums its rabid
Then the light shocks just wouldn't stop this whole car line of single occupant vehicles with nothing necessary to do in the morning pulled up at a yoga studio so annoyed that the fascist attack wouldn't stop i finally stared it down and said what the fuck are you doing here this morning
Why aren't you at home with your kids if im so worthless why the fuck don't you ever cook your kid breakfast and stop States is the worthless whore on the globe
If i can be called such a bad person as to be fucked all the time and wallet grabbed at why the fuck dont you go home and feed your kid and get out of my face
Fucking consumption loser goes and kills everybody because it didn't win the life game and thanks for the worst carbon standards ever worst hospitality
Your a fucking loser....and you hang out here just so you know China cameras at taiwan everyone sees you here being a loser and you have to go get cosmetically cannibalized or people could identify you
Then as I walked by sprouts across the road yet another car parked near me flashing it's brights at me in the middle of nice beautiful morning
And this little skinny creep whore gets out of the car so I got in her face and was like you just really lashed and burned my eyeballs what the fuck did you do that for it really hurt you really fucking hurt me what the fuck is your problem I've never done anything to you
What the fuck is your problem retard you go have a fight with people who have never fought you or even wanted to help you what the fuck are you
She didn't like confrontation and went across the street to show me if she assaults with the car she actually stole it and they have obeisance procedures to surrendering property...........then when she was across the street i was like okay pos nation nothing again today but skinny whore at the globe skinny whore gets its pos nation revenge today and everyday
It just stood on the corner waiting for a car line up to do to it what it does to people
And that's the police do exist here very presently they don't appear involved but a lot of it is surprisingly obeisant as a dog if cop talked to
Really gross beard white guy...lady Gaga because it's Hollywood and white people only can tolerate genetically wrong for them cultures if a lot of drunk and crack is sold crack babies
They look like nice people and their crack babies
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sommersalling12 · 6 months
The Skinny On How To Do Auto Repair Correctly
When your car breaks down, it is difficult to know what to do. If you are not knowledgeable in the topic of auto repair, then you need to educate yourself on it. This article will give you some tips so you aren't so overwhelmed if your vehicle has problems. There are many how-to videos that you can turn to for auto repairs. Everything from a simple tire change to changing your fuel filter can be found in video form. These videos will take you through each step in making the repair and will save you the time and the cost of taking it to a mechanic. Do not take your car to the first mechanic you find. You need to do some research to find a reliable mechanic with fair prices. Ask your friends and family about the mechanics they have been to in the past and check the Internet to find reviews written by other customers. There are certain repairs that you can do yourself. Some repairs are easy to make. Check online to find out what might be wrong with your car. If it is a basic issue, attending to the repair yourself could save a considerable amount of money. Do not assume you have been ripped-off by your mechanic because of the high price of your bill. Some parts are very expensive to replace, including engines, transmission systems or dashboard computers. You should ask your mechanic about the cost of the parts he had to put in your car. If you are worried about an auto body shop puffing up the amount of work that needs to be done, go and get free diagnostics from somewhere else. Since there is no guarantee you will get work done by them, they have no reason to claim there is more needed than necessary. Ask a technician if they are A.S.E. certified before you agree to have them work on your vehicle. If they have this certification, it means they have passed a written test and have worked in the industry for at least 2 years. You will know that you are getting someone skilled by choosing someone with this. Your car owners manual is actually a valuable guide to the workings of your car. That means that you should not trash it as soon as you leave the dealer. It can tell you everything from what that light on your dash means, to how to perform basic maintenance on your particular model. Make sure simon gift card balance is qualified to work on your specific car. Motor vehicles are complex machines and each brand has unique characteristics. Some brands require special tools, parts, and procedures. Many standard auto technicians either lack these items or don;t have them easily available. Without these items, they can't fix your vehicle. If you are planning a DIY auto repair, be sure to give yourself plenty of time to complete it. Start early in the day with all of the tools, parts and fluids that you will need close at hand. Remember that, no matter how well you plan, something unexpected will come up and consume your time. Avoid running out of daylight by getting an early start that will allow you to cope with the unexpected. Keep your auto repair shops business card in your car at all times. You never know when something could go wrong with your vehicle. You'll want your favorite auto shop's phone number handy, though, when it does. Another option is to program all of their contact information in your phone. If you feel vibration when you drive or have a hard time steering the wheel, you should have a mechanic look at your car. The problem could be cause by misaligned wheels, a broken transmission or a damaged suspension. You should get the problem checked before it gets any worse. Trust your gut feeling when dealing with a mechanic. If the person you are talking to does not really answer to your questions or seems to be vague on purpose, you need to keep looking. A good mechanic should put you at ease and give you plenty of details on the work that needs to be done. It can seem like the end of the world when your car breaks down. Without a thorough knowledge of auto-repair, you may want a better idea as to where to turn to get your car fixed. You should have a better idea of what to do to get your vehicle fixed after reading this article.
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