#star trek beta reader
starrylol · 3 months
Hey guys, I'm looking for someone else to look over for my fic for grammer and tense related things. It's 15k. I need it done by tomorrow (I'm in uk time) it's my Mer spones fic! In return, I'll do a drawing :] message me on discord (starrycrows) if you can!🩵💙
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hellofromvulcan · 3 months
Beta reader needed.
Hi everyone!
I really need some help.
I tried to submit a story to the Spones zine, but the editors felt the story was unfinished and could not publish it.
However, I am really stuck on how to fix this issue.
Is anyone interested?
The story is entitled Puppy Eyes, and it has a NSFW rating and is about 5000 words.
Please shoot me a message or comment if you’re interested and I can send you a link to the story.
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spocksbrainworms · 1 year
Currently writing a fic post AOS Into Darkness where Jim wakes up at the end but instead of in the hospital is back at his first day at the academy with 3 years counting down to the events of the first movie.
Would anyone be interested in beta reading? The idea is that through his efforts he slowly becomes more like TOS Jim. Reach out, pls lmk, it’s in rough drafting right now and could use some eyes on it
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sunless-garden · 1 year
Where do fanfic writers find fandom/pairing-specific beta readers nowadays? I haven’t written a new Star Trek fic for about 10 years, but I’ve been seriously tossing some ideas around.
I love and adore AO3, but I do miss the days of LJ communities dedicated to specifics fandoms/pairings. It made it a lot easier to find a beta reader…
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meya-lily · 7 months
Sensitivity reader needed!
I'm looking for a sensitivity reader to check a few ideas for something I'm writing. It's for a Star Trek fanfic. The main character is a POC who has a mild telepathic disability.
More info:
The fic is kinda a romance (friends to lovers)/fix it fic for Garak.
The main character is agender, BIPOC, omnisexual, and has a mild telepathic disability.
If you want to go ahead and read everything I have so far, that would be much appreciated. It's 90k words.
A quick summary: this story follows the relationship of Garak, a former Obsidian Order agent and Mara, a young xenobotanist with a troubled past and a deep-seated desire to belong. Despite the rough start to their friendship and the many obstacles in their way, they find companionship and understanding in each other's company. Will they let their past mistakes define them or will they choose to forge a new path? Follow their journey to find love and redemption amongst betrayal and deception.
Other notable things: There's tons of mutual pining. They're both idiots in love. So much hurt/comfort. Also my personal favorites Unnamed Old Man and The Murder Trees.
In return I can offer to beta read or sensitivity read for asexuality, aromanticism, agender/nonbinary/(afab)trans identities, depression, anxiety, and chronic pain.
Or I can draw you a very bad drawing of Garak.
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rodentontheloose · 3 months
Hello people in my phone. I am offering my services as a beta reader free of charge because I like reading fanfic and I’m kinda good at editing. As your beta reader i can
Edit your grammar and flow to make fics more readable and professional
Help with canon continuity and characterization
Provide feedback on plotting, dialogue, prose, etc.
Hype you up and harass you to post on schedule
Please shoot me a message if you are interested. I know lots and lots of things about a handful of fandoms and I don’t like to shut up.
Fave fandoms
Breaking Bad
Blue Eye Samurai
Star Trek TOS
The Hunger Games and TBOSAS
And more
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kla1991 · 1 year
J7 Beta Readers Wanted!
Hi folks! I’m new to the J7 fanfic arena and looking for a beta reader or two.
I’m working on a 10-chapter slow burn, plot-heavy(ish), post-Endgame fic that will become E rated in later chapters. Not sure yet if I’ll post chapter by chapter or wait until I’m done, but I am hoping to have it beta-ed chapter by chapter.
What I’m looking for is a general check for plot holes, typos, out of character issues, and flow (does this read well and is it interesting?). I will also eagerly and gratefully hear any other thoughts you have! Constructive criticism is desired and encouraged!
Chapter 1 is shaping up to be about 5,000 words and will be ready for readers sometime next week, with later chapters to follow at uncertain intervals, but I can keep you up to date about that as I work.
Get ahold of me however you prefer if you’re interested or know someone who might be! Thanks!
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shelvesuponshelves · 2 years
looking for a beta reader?? look no further!!
hi! im james. i love reading people’s stories and helping them achieve their work’s vision!! i have been writing for well over a decade and have many fics of my own on ao3 (@/jamesilver) as well as experience with novels, short stories, poetry, and essays. i work well with any of the following fandoms
harry potter
star trek
star wars
percy jackson
avatar the last airbender
lord of the rings
i read stories of all genres and am willing to beta for any ship 🥰 i am 22 and if you are 18+ i will also beta read E rated fics. i can also help with determining tags to put on your fic and even summaries.
please reach out either on this post, asks, or dms if you need a beta reader or have any questions (no matter how old this post is). i usually have a very quick turnaround and would love to work with you!!
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thethirdromana · 1 year
New fic!
It's a thoroughly self-indulgent 2,800 word Jonathan Archer/Malcolm Reed PWP.
This is a pairing for which there has been a grand total of one other fic for on AO3 since 2021, so I'm not really expecting anyone much to like this but me. But I had fun.
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Any followers KJ/Q shippers / Voyager bookverse fans?
A non J/C plot bunny has taken over my brain (I know I'm shocked too) and started spawning chapter titles, which means the idea is turning into a fic whether I wanted a new WIP or not. 😆 But it has been a hot minute since I read Pocket Full of Lies or Eternal Tide, which the fic draws heavily on. I'd be really grateful if someone with a better memory than me wouldn’t mind commenting on draft chapters sporadically as I have them ready. (it won't be fast, alas, fic takes a back seat to work and wedding planning craziness this year).
@theredheadedcaptain is usually my go to to read all my random ass plot bunnies (love you). But alas she only has a vague idea who Denzit Janeway is and I already bother her enough with ships she doesn't ship (I promise I'll get some actual J/C goodness for you soon, Bestie <3).
I’m put the fic summary below. And like. If you know the Voyager books and you’re intrigued by the ship, reply or DM me if you want to comment on the draft. I literally dunno if anyone else would want to read this. But if yah do and you want to help me not break book canon toooo much, that’d be sweet.
The Universe to Bend Ships: Kathryn Janeway (Denzit) / Q, background Janeway/Chakotay (like really background. They’re gallavanting around a different galaxy, don’t get too excited) Characters: Kathryn Janeway (Denzit), Q, Hologram Janeway (From Prodigy. but I really would not call this a crossover, I’m just having Q borrow her for the plot), Chakotay (Denzit’s original universe), Mollah Janeway. Q Jr. Some other fun people. Chapters: ... eight...? I mean I have most of two now but the whole thing feels like eight. We shall see. Summary: Q teams up with Denzit Janeway to investigate new weakening between the Omega continuum and the universe. He offers her freedom from her exile in exchange for her help solving the crisis and rescuing his son. Along the way, they run head on into new problems with the Kremin, forcing the Denzit to confront her former captors as well as make her peace with the life she never had the chance to live. Rating: M for all the Denzit trauma we gonna be dealing with and also for a smut scene or two. Gurl deserves some love.
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wolfgangevenstar · 1 year
as unfortunate as this ao3 attack is, at least it has me actually working on my own fics instead of procrastinating by reading other people’s renditions of these sad gay mfs
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hailbop1701 · 2 years
Hey does anyone like beta reading ?? (in either Star Trek or Hawaii Five-0 fandoms. I have need for both) 🤔😬
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clio164 · 3 months
Beta Reader?
Hi Star Trek fandom,
I tried to submit a story to the Spones zine, but the editors stated that the story was not finished. I have another chapter that could be added; however, I do not feel that it would actually help this issue since it is taking the story in a different direction. I had to add the NSFW part in order to add it to this edition of the story; thus, the storyline was entirely changed.
Would someone be interested in beta reading this as well as another story?
I am really frustrated with this story. I just want to get the thing finished.
Shoot me a DM if your interested.
I can send you a copy of the story.
(The story is about 5000 words if this matters)
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littlehaize · 7 months
ok, got an idea for a star trek fanfic, well it's an idea i had a while ago but not so many details about it and now it's coming back to me
arg, i have not written a thing for about a millennia at this point
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redshirtsupportgroup · 8 months
i’m gonna be looking for betas for my fic once i’ve finished the draft bc i haven’t written anything in forever and i think the flow sucks ass so if you’re interested in helping me out please let me know <3
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hydelovessparkles · 10 months
Hi! Despite I being finals week, I have picked back up a fic I started and dropped months ago. I am looking for someone who'd be interested in beta reading it. i posted the first chapter on ao3 last night at like 2:30am after I wrote the third to fifth chapter and realized I probably made a ton of spelling and grammatical mistakes from sleep deprivation alone so having someone look for those would be very helpful lol. I'm also looking for someone interested in both Deep Space Nine and the game I Was A Teenage Exocolonist as the fic is a crossover between them. If while reading it, you have suggestions for where I could go with the story, I'd be happy to hear them!
The premise of the fic is that when the Stratospheric goes through the wormhole, they basically end up at Deep Space Nine and Bajor instead of Vertumna and Sol and his friends and family have to continue living on their ship until the Federation figures out what to do with them, which takes longer than expected (for various reasons I'll get into throughout the fic). Sol, of course, is also still dealing with his memories from other lives of having lived on the station, and at sone point I plan to have the crew find out and try to help him, with them assuming he's been in contact with an Orb. I have planned out where I want most of the characters to go, which episode tie ins I want there to be in what season and such.
Feel free to reply to this or just message me if you’re interested. I’ve never had someone outside my circle of friends beta my work, but so few of them know DS9 let alone Exocolonist. You can also just message me if you just wanna read the fic on ao3 and I’ll send you the link. I need to finish finals and such, but once I’m on break in a week or two, I’ll upload at the very least what I’ve already written. Hopefully I’ll have even more by the time I’ve posted the first five chapters.
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