#starco baby
valiant-trashmouth · 1 year
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detentiontrack · 5 months
mm acts like every show is SVTFOE. and then he makes it worse.
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incorrectlumityquotes · 10 months
Lumity Episode Master List
Well, this is it gang. It's over. The Owl House is finished. Part of me will always be bitter about Disney gutting season three.
BUT at the same time, part of me is glad that The Owl House is over. Because that means lumity is canon forever and nobody can change that. What's that Disney? You don't like the gay? Well too bad. The only way you can change it is to make more episodes which I know you're not gonna do.
Nana-nana, boo-boo. Stick your head in doo-doo.
It's been a fantastic journey and if you ever wanna go through it again, there's always Disney Plus. But if just want your lumity fix without going through every single episode, then here you go.
I did it for starco and now I'm doing it for lumity. Here's every single episode the led up to lumity.
Spoilers for a show that we painfully know has ended.
"I Was a Teenage Abomination"
The revolution was a lie. Do you remember? When we were young and you wanted to set the world on fire? Sorry that's a reference to a song I like.
You can't do a list about a ship without actually starting the ship. The episode where Luz and Amity first meet and thank jeebus they did. Personally, I thought the first episode was okay and I didn't like the second one. But this episode was amazing. 10/10.
Luz feels like she isn't learning as much as she could from Eda so she sneaks into a witch school. With witch kids. We meet Willow and then we meet Amity, who I honestly thought was going to be some kind of Draco Malfoy bully type character. And she's kinda sorta like that in this episode. Little did we know the love that was gonna blossom here.
I get it. It's like coven and convention. OH now I get it. Well, we can't have them be enemies to lovers without them being enemies first. Willow and Gus invite Luz, Eda and King to the local covention where Amity just happens to be checking out the Emperor's Coven panel.
Yeah, she's still upset over the whole 'pretending to be an abomination thing.' We get some classic Malfoy-esque bullying from Amity that pushes Luz to challenge her. Since the Clawthorne sisters refuse to have one up over the other, they both cheat, embarrassing Amity.
The scene where Luz apologizes to Amity was the first hint that Amity would go beyond a Malfoy-bully character. Even though Amity was still upset, she broke the pact and Luz held no ill will towards her.
"Lost in Language"
I'm lost in language and I don't know what I'm thinking about. I'm back on my feet. Eager to be what you want me. Sorry. That's another song.
We get the first seed of the actual lumity ship and my first "I ship them" episode. Luz goes to the local library and the show shock everyone by showing Amity...reading to kids in the kids corner. You guys gotta remember that at the time this blew everyone's minds. The bully character reading to kids in the library? And they love her? Everyone's view of Amity changed, especially Luz's. Then we met Edric and Emira, who unlike Amity, are super cool and nice. All of which plays to the theme of the episode.
We (and Luz) discover that Amity is a lot more than she seems. She's not the bully character. Same with Edric and Emira. They're not the cool ones; they're the bullies. And that's the same way Amity feels about Luz. But with a little teamwork and a horrifying children's character come to life, Amity agrees to try to be a friendlier witch.
"Adventures in the Elements"
We wouldn't see Amity again for another several episodes. Thank goodness for that other country airing the episode early, am I right, people? Anyway.
Luz finally goes out with Eda for some serious witch training after Amity (oh cramity) warns her about the baby class. We get Amity making an actual effort to be nice to Luz, which almost completely goes to hell when Luz takes Amity's training wand. But then she does the "You'll only get hurt bit," and we see more of those little glimpses.
It's safe to say that after this episode Luz and Amity actually did become friends. No ill will on either side.
"Understanding Willow"
Luz and Amity became friends in the previous episode. Just Luz and Amity. Willow and Gus were a different story. Especially Willow. This is that story. It's the full story.
It's revealed that Willow and Amity used to be friends until Amity's parents forced Amity to push Willow away, something Willow still resents her for.
In the lumity side of things, Luz starts wiggling her way into Amity's heart with her upbeat, positive attitude. It's infectious. We even get a lumity hug, even if it was one sided.
"Enchanting Grom Fright"
Come on. Come on. Do I even have to at this point? The episode that blew this ship into the stratosphere.
It's Grom season and everyone's getting a date. Except for Amity who is unfortunately named the grom queen which means she has to fight a horrifying shapeshifting monster. Horray for The Boiling Isles being a safe and sensible place to live. Luz, being Luz, takes Amity's place so she doesn't have her worst fear come to life in front of everyone. But Luz is unable to face her greatest fear, and it takes the power of Wan to put Grom back in his place.
I love this episode. I love talking about this episode. I love how Amity is staring at her note because she's contemplating putting it in Luz's locker. I love how she says "Watch it, nitwit," before she realizes who she's talking to. I love how Luz and Amity randomly meet at the woods. Is it sloppy writing? Fuck you. I love when Amity grabs her dress when Grom tears her note. That's such a kid thing to do.
This is already way too long. I should move on.
"Wing It Like Witches"
The final part of the original lumity trilogy. We get the stupid fakey made up magical sport. Fuck you, Harry Potter. And we also get Boscha being a royal B. Someone tell her to see you next Tuesday. Am I right, people?
Luz, being Luz, wants to stand up to Boscha for Willow but, being Luz, makes things so much worse. Amity pops in and out of the episode to try to help but the gay panic is too much for her. Amity admits, out loud, that she loves how Luz seems to always get herself in over her head when she's trying to help someone. But they lose anyway. Fuck you, Harry Potter.
Enchanting Grom Fright was huge. But this episode was a bunch of fun. Fuck you, Harry Potter.
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"Escaping Expulsion"
After breaking Amity's leg because we didn't want her anywhere near the season one finale, she finally makes her grand return. We also meet her parents and Odalia is one of the biggest Karen's I've ever seen. Luz gets expelled which is bad but she's more concerned over Willow and Gus. She tries to cut a deal with thicc mama Blight, but gets roped into product demonstration. Odalia tries to kill a child and fails when Amity appears from the rafters like Sting and announces to the world, "Stay away from my Luz."
It was awesome. We get a return blush and Luz officially starts crushing on Amity back. Reminds me of another post I did long ago telling everyone to be freaking patient. This episode also marks Amity being a part of the Hexsquad, but not one hundred percent into the friend group just yet.
"Through the Looking Glass Ruins"
I'm looking at you through the glass. Don't know how much time has past...I forgot the rest of the song.
It's funny because I guess the lumity stuff was actually the B-plot to this episode. This episode was very important for a lot of reasons. It introduced Phillip's diary, the galderstones, Matt and Gus kinda became friends. But we're not here to talk about that.
Luz discovers the there was a human in The Boiling Isles who donated a journal to the Bonesboro library. And since Amity works at the library, you know the whole two stones thing. And we see Luz crushing hard on Amity for the first time.
Unfortunately, Luz does get Amity in trouble again for like the fourth(?) time or something. That puts a real dent in things. But Luz comes through for Amity (offscreen) and gets her her job back. Amity makes the first move right at the end of the episode marking the beginning of the purple Amity era.
"Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door"
Hey, hey, hey! Please tell me I'm not the only one that got that reference. Don't make me feel old.
This is it. The most important episode since Grom. Dana and the crew knew that the series had been cut short so they had to speed things up. So they turned to...Hooty? Yeah. Okay. Sure. Whatever.
Luz is torn between finding a way back to the human realm and trying to ask out Amity. And you know that old saying about chasing two rabbits? Yeah. Hooty's solution? Kidnap Amity and force the two into the tunnel of love. Amity is actually totally digging the tunnel of love but Luz is afraid that Amity is going to make fun of her. Both ideas backfire and Amity starts to the think that she's been rejected already.
But that's to Hooty losing his mind, and a little advice from Eda, Luz asks out Amity. And she says YES! Lumity canon! In episode 8 of season 2! That's how you do it, Star vs the Forces of Evil! You give the people what they want. And now that Amity is Luz's girlfriend, she can help get more info out of the echo mouse.
And the love stuff too.
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"Eclipse Lake"
Oh right. Amity. The girlfriend of Luz. The girl who is in a romantic relationship with Luz. Luz's girlfriend. That's Amity.
We have the first episode of Luz and Amity being a couple and hoo-boy, did Amity make sure to let us know. Nervous about having her first serious girlfriend, Amity wants to prove to Luz and herself that she is an awesome girlfriend. By going into the titan's veins to steal some of its blood.
As one does.
Hunter tries to prey on Amity's (and his own) insecurities about having to prove your worth. But it takes King and some well placed emoji messages to remind Amity why she fell in love with Luz in the first place. That Luz is so different from her family and her social circle. She doesn't have to prove anything to Luz. Luz wears her affection on her sleeve.
"Follies at the Coven Day Parade"
Night of the living dead is on its way. I keep making a lot of song references here.
This is the episode were the couple hits their first snag as a couple. Luz has a serious problem communicating when something is wrong (more on that later). After the traumatizing events of the previous episode, Luz can't bring herself to tell Amity that she promised her mom that she'd leave forever, especially since Amity is doing so much to get closer to Luz like learning Spanish. But Amity ain't no dummy. She can tell when Luz is hiding something. It's made even worse when Amity gets a hold of Luz's phone, which anyone who has been in a relationship could tell you, is a trap.
Luckily, trust and compassion win out in the end. Luz tells Amity exactly what happened, and they communicate. But if Luz was honest with Amity in the first place, we'd only have half an episode.
"Any Sport in a Storm"
Again, Lumity takes the B-plot.
While huntlow is becoming a thing, Luz and Amity try to search for the author of the Azura book series. On the way they parody fan theories in the nicest way I've ever seen in a show. And the big twist of the author of Azura turns out to be that there is no twist. It really is just a fantasy book series that Luz really likes that sometimes washes up in The Boiling Isles.
This episode is important because it serves to remind people what Luz and Amity have in common. Pointing out the fact that the two girls are different is fun, but sometimes you just have to go back to basics and remember that Luz and Amity just really like each other, get along, and are both nerds who like the same book series. And that whole opposites attract thing is bullshit. The key is compliments, not opposties.
"Reaching Out"
Hoo-boy. This one is heavy.
It's a special day for Luz, which is not a good thing. She wants to do anything but be alone with her thoughts. Good thing Amity shows up with a problem that could distract them all day.
Amity thinks that signing up for the Bonesboro Brawl could bring her closer to her dad (since her mom is obviously a lost cause) and ditches coven tryouts to compete for the championship title. Luz tries to help, but when Amity has the competition in the bag, Luz tries to help even more to keep herself busy.
But, as usual, Luz gets Amity in trouble and it really hurts this time. Not only did Luz get Amity in trouble (again), but she won't talk to her (again). When Amity has had enough, Luz does what she only does as a last resort and actually communicates.
That's when everything changes. It's the anniversary of Luz's dad's death. And usually Luz and Camila spend the day together. You know, to make it hurt less. But this year, she can't be with her.
This episode is important because after seeing Amity at a low point an unfair amount of times, this time Amity is seeing Luz at her lowest point. Amity makes this one face that, to me, says that Amity is shocked (to say the least) that her girlfriend was in pain this whole time. But she was so wrapped up in her own problems that she didn't notice. Or at least, that's my interpretation.
Luz and Amity make up and pick flowers together. It wasn't pretty or that romantic. It hurt and was kinda sad. But if you want to paint a pretty picture, sometimes you're gonna use some dark colors. And they're stronger for it.
"Clouds on the Horizon"
Oh yeah, baby. You know what this episode is.
When all hope seemed lost, it turns out not everyone believed Bellos' promises of paradise on the Day of Unity. While the adults are trying to stop the draining spell, Luz is sent on a slightly less dangerous mission of rescuing Amity from her mom's house arrest. Thicc Mama Blight even broke Amity's tamagachi thing. That bitch. See her next Tuesday.
But hope comes in the form of a Noceda as Luz enters through her bedroom window, Romeo & Juliet style. She promises Amity a slice-of-life future and Amity can't hold back anymore and
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Gifs you can hear. Am I right, people?
We get it. Our first kiss. Our babies grow up so fast.
Actually no, that took forever, but you get my meaning.
Season 3: "Thanks to Them" "For the Future" "Watching and Dreaming"
Okay yeah, this is a bit of a cop out, but also, not really. Since Disney decided to be, well Disney, season three was cut short. Just enough to finish the story, but not enough to get lumity centric episodes. Everything was mashed together into 3 forty minute episodes.
Yes, we do have a lot of important lumity moments, but they're generally spread around all three episodes. None of them are more important than the other.
"Thanks to Them" had Luz coming out to her mom and introducing Amity. "For the Future" had Amity comforting Luz about her palisman. "Watching and Dreaming" had more kisses.
Unfortunately, I have to end the list by just saying watch all of them or none of them. Not very specific for a post that's supposed to be a specific list. Sorry, gang.
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Stoliz has quite literally hindered the show's true potential, but jusy because we all have the "awww" and "my poor owl baby" from vivziepop stans, the ship stays. Fanservice 101 my comrades.
This. At the end of this series, I think I will hate this ship as much as Starco. Another ship that brought down the series and made people just despise when shipping gets ahead of good writing.
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ljf613 · 1 year
Every Single Thing About You: The Starco Playlist
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Under a cut because this is the longest ship playlist I've put together yet. (30+ songs!)
Oath - Cher Lloyd Wherever you go, just always remember That you got a home for now and forever And if you get low, just call me whenever This is my oath to you
Together - Animal Island My first day on Earth I fell into your eyes Look at how our galaxies collide
Some Things Don't Change - Dylan Emmet You're still just as fly As you were that night That we both got high on the bleachers And fell in love In over our heads as we looked at the stars Nothing can tear us apart Like nothing Nothing can tear us apart
Kid in Love - Shawn Mendes Maybe I’m just a kid in love Maybe I’m just a kid in love, oh baby If this is what it’s like falling in love Then I don’t ever wanna grow up
Shut Up and Dance - WALK THE MOON Oh, don't you dare look back Just keep your eyes on me I said, "You're holding back" She said, "Shut up and dance with me" This woman is my destiny
Perfect Two - Auburn Don't know if I could ever be Without you, 'cause boy, you complete me And in time, I know that we'll both see That we're all we need
Lucky - Jason Mraz Lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again Lucky we're in love in every way Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Lucky to be coming home someday
Blame It on the Rain - He Is We Tell me, does she look at you the way I do Try to understand the words you say And the way you move? Does she get the same big rush When you go in for a hug and your cheeks brush? Tell me am I crazy, or is this more than a crush?
You Are in Love - Taylor Swift One night, he wakes Strange look on his face Pauses, then says, "You're my best friend" And you knew what it was, he is in love
Maps - Maroon 5 And you said you had my back So I wonder, where were you? When all the roads you took came back to me So I'm following the map that leads to you
Like This - Jake Scott No one ever got me high like this Set me on fire like this Running on a wire like this Losing my mind like this I don't know what it is But I could never call it quits I just wanna stay like this
Home - Jacob Lee With your head on my shoulders And that look in your eyes I knew you and I were the same There I danced with your aura As you led me inside Guiding me into somewhere safe I've found home
Staring at It - SafetySuit I don't know where you're at, but when you see an exit You'll be headed at it I won't go I'm staring at it I'm staring at the only love I know
Perfect Crime - Sean Ryan Fox You walked right in, into my life like a thief in the night, yeah When I looked, I got hooked in your eyes and I couldn't even fight it I thought I had a good thing 'til you came along You make my soul wanna sing a different song Yeah, I know you got a boyfriend and I got a girlfriend, but Wouldn't it be the perfect crime If I stole your heart, you stole mine?
Sad Song - We the Kings You're my favorite part of me With you standing next to me I've got nothing to fear
Back to You - Selena Gomez We never got it right Playing and replaying old conversations Overthinking every word and I hate it 'Cause it's not me And what's the point in hiding Everybody knows we got unfinished business And I'll regret it if I didn't say this isn't what it could be
Hoodie - Hey Violet I'm still rocking your hoodie And chewing on the strings It makes me think about you So I wear it when I sleep
Talking to the Moon - Bruno Mars At night when the stars light up my room I sit by myself Talking to the moon Tryna get to you In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon?
i don't want to watch the world end with someone else - Clinton Kane And I don't really know, what tomorrow holds But I've, I've finally realized If this is our last goodbye until we're gone Who cares about the wrongs we've caused ourselves? 'Cause I don't want to watch the world end with someone else
May I - Trading Yesterday All that's made me is all worth trading Just to have one moment with you So I will let go of all that I know Knowing that you're here with me For your love is changing me
Never Be Alone - TheFatRat No matter what you do I'll still be there for you And when you call my name I won't be far away No matter where you go You'll never be alone
Glad You Came - The Wanted The sun goes down, the stars come out And all that counts is here and now My universe will never be the same I'm glad you came
At the Beginning - Donna Lewis I'll be there when the world stops turning I'll be there when the storm is through In the end I wanna be standing At the beginning with you
Far Away - Nickelback This time, this place Misused, mistakes Too long, too late Who was I to make you wait? Just one chance, just one breath Just in case there's just one left
I Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab For Cutie No blinding light Or tunnels, to gates of white Just our hands, clasped so tight Waiting for the hint of a spark
Water Fountain - Alec Benjamin She couldn't be at home in the night time because It made her feel alone, but at that time she was too young I was too young I should've built a home with a fountain for us The moment that she told me that she was in love Too young, I was too young
Let Her Go - Passenger Well, you only need the light when it's burning low Only miss the sun when it starts to snow Only know you love her when you let her go
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol I don't quite know How to say How I feel Those three words Are said too much They're not enough
Sunflower - Shannon Purser But I'm a sunflower, a little funny If I was a rose, maybe you'd want me
The Story of My Life - One Direction The story of my life, I take her home I drive all night to keep her warm And time is frozen
Not In That Way - Sam Smith I'd never ask you, 'cause deep down I'm certain I know what you'd say You'd say, "I'm sorry, believe me, I love you But not in that way"
Rather Be - Clean Bandit If you gave me a chance, I would take it It's a shot in the dark, but I'll make it Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be
Gift of a Friend - Demi Lovato The world comes to life And everything's alright From beginning to end When you have a friend By your side
I Like Me Better - Lauv I knew from the first time I'd stay for a long time 'Cause I like me better when I like me better when I'm with you
Friends Don't - Maddie & Tae They don't almost say "I love you" When they're downtown somewhere, just a little drunk They don't talk about the future, and put each other in it And get chills with every accidental touch
Evelyn - Bear's Den Evelyn, our relationship was strictly platonic If platonic means I was madly in love with you And a part of you was oblivious Another part of you knew and kind of liked it
Teenager in Love - Neon Trees He’s a teen, a teenager in love I’m a fool with a curse and a crush What a magic distraction What’s the point of romance?
Fear of Water - Noah Kahan Now I'm not afraid of the water I'll dive right in And I can be brave, so I'm gonna Give it a try 'Cause you'll be on the other side
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So first of all, let me introduce you to all my babies (even if you already know some of them)
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So we have Starlight (lampnold), Wybie and his little sister June (digital art time), Eric (dead end job) and Star's friends from Erosi (the love kingdom) Kordian (Kori), his little sister Violet (Vee) (kids of flower girls) and Sophie (dougther of rabbit boy and unicorn)
And now the long and complicated lore hehe....
So overall, this plot is literally a combination of hazbin hotel and two comics from svtfoe (citadel of starco and ship war) (yes I know, very creative ':D)
so in a nutshell it looked like this, once Star was practicing her portal powers and suddenly she moved to the dimension with the lovebird kids (I won't say which ones because it's probably obvious XD) and there was a serious fight between her and one of them (not started by Star) but fortunately everything ended well and they reconciled 💖
But Star realized that this type of situation could happen again with other fankids and she really didn't want it, and because she once read the comic "citadel of starco" she came up with a BRILLIANT IDEA XD
So she decided.... THAT SHE WILL CREATE A SCHOOL FOR THE FANKIDS XDDDDDDDD (omg why am I so cringe 🤣) a school not only for fankids of the same ship, but for all dhmis ships! 💖💖💖💖
And when she told her friends about it, June, Violet and Eric were like "OMG YES" Kordian was like "...wat" Sophie was quiet and tried to go over it in her head again because she couldn't keep up and Wybie was like "*....fuck this won't end well*" hehe
Then she told Lesley everything and she replied: "ok, I'll start a school for my minions' fankids, what's the harm?" The school was built in a dimension that looked like a combination of this:
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:D 👍
Then Lesley gathered all the teachers who were parents and told them that from now on their children would study at this school and be taught by the original teachers and she would be the principal.
Everyone's opinions were VERY divided and when Star noticed these reactions from behind the curtain, she got very stressed and had to go on stage to explain the rest, but the poor baby got so scared that before she got on stage, she ran away and Wybie had to look for her and try to calm her down . When things got better, she came and explained everything well.
The rest is that Star, as the school president, tries to make everyone feel as good as possible and that they get along well with each other and don't call each other's parents names (which was the most important rule at school) so that there won't be a ship war XD
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madaraugly · 8 months
Why i think Starco ruined s4
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thatguywiththefaceog · 11 months
Kinktober 2023 Day 26-Masturbation
Star vs the forces of evil-starco/ trans girl Marco
Star helps Marco test her new pussy
written for @kinktober2023
requested by anon
This story is rated E for explicit. It is for mature audiences only. All characters are over 18. NSFW under the cut.
Marco loved how her body felt after transitioning. She had never felt more comfortable in her skin. She had developed breasts, actually breasts! Granted they were A-cups, but still. She even managed to get bottom surgery. She was super excited about it.
Her girlfriend, Star Butterfly, was also super excited about it. “Have you jilled off yet?” She was sitting on the toilet, kicking her feet.
“Jilled off?” Marco said, inside the shower.
“You know jacking off, but for girls. Jack and jill.”
“Hmmm, cute.”
“Sooooo, have you?”
“No I haven't, ah, jilled off yet.”
“Oh, really.” Star pulled off her dress, took off her tights, and tossed her underwear. She opened the shower door and entered. Marco yelped at the sight of her nude girlfriend. Star had b-cups. Pinkle nipples popped against her milky white skin. She had a moderate blonde bush. Marco covered her own breasts, sporting black nipples against her brown skin. Her brown bush was a bit larger than hers.
Holding her magic wand, she wrapped her arms around Marco. “Do you want me to teach you how?”
She gulped. “Yes.”
Star grinned. She ran the handle of the wand over Marco’s lower lips.
"There's always fingers, but I like something a little more filling up there myself. Like the wand." She gently pushed the bottom of the magical device up Marco's pussy. She gasped at the penetration. "I've been using this baby for more than magic for quite awhile."
She thrusted the magical object up and down, Marco's naked body writhing against hers. Her bubble butt jiggled right against Star's own sex. Star kissed and bit Marco's neck. She reached out for Marco’s hand and guide to the wand. She helped Marco thrust the wand in and out of her. Star could see Marco’s juices on the wand handle.
Star let go of the handle and Marco continued masturbating with the sacred object. Star's hands were now free to fondle Marco’s breasts and tease her nipples with her fingers.
It all felt so good. The wand handle filling her up, Star's naked body pressed against hers, and Star playing with her boobs. Marco let her body succumb to the pleasure that had been building inside her. Marco cum, her fresh pussy walls spasming. The powerful orgasm mixed with the gender euphoria of cumming with a pussy; it was pure bliss. Her legs shook as Star held her, guiding her through the orgasm.
"Star, Star! I love you! Aw, aw, aw I love you."
Star lowered her as she sank to her knees. "I know baby. I love you too." The two girls kissed.
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
I'm not sure what your opinion is of Daron Nefcy and SVTFOE. I liked the show, it has a special place in my heart, but it could have been done or executed better. So yes, I'm critical of the show, only because you know, I wish it could have had better writing and it should have. Now, I have gotten in trouble cause of some stuff I brought up about Daron Nefcy. Like how in interviews she complained about creative freedom and how most of the so called interesting stuff was pitched by other people like Eclipsa while her whole focus was Starco. So, I brought up her dad's impressive resume. Now, I did find his IMDb, well maybe it's a new one cause when I saw it years ago it had so many photos and this one doesn't. He passed last year due to cancer, so idk, maybe people submitted a new one? Ok here's my point. Yes, I am calling Daron a nepto baby, no, I'm not undermining her skills. Right after SVTFOE Daron took it to her Twitter bio, you know, everywhere anyone can see, to put "working on new project at nickelodeon". So this was like 2019 or early pandemic. Now, I'm not sure when, but it was removed off her Twitter bio and she no longer works at nickelodeon. https://www.reddit.com/r/StarVStheForcesofEvil/comments/14zndo1/what_happened_to_daron_nefcys_secret_project_at/
Here's this. My guess is maybe it got cancelled cause of the pandemic cause she left Nick last year. Now, she recently became a mother, and good for her and she lost her dad last year. So maybe she's working on her mental health? I'm not so sure exactly what to think. But I am going to point out her connections did help her get a new job right after her old one. Idk what happened to her Nick show. She's been on the down low for a while. Ok, anyways back to main point. Having connections helps. It really does. Maybe someone else can name another example idk.
Never watched SVTFOE or followed stuff like this, so this is news to me, but it's interesting to hear it!
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Lyra (my Starco child) having a name that fit with the typical Butterfly family theme of being based on celestial bodies was actually purely coincidental in-universe. Star had remembered hearing the name in a movie she and Marco watched once and thought it sounded pretty so suggested it as a name for the baby. Marco was the one who made the connection to the constellation.
The similarity to her ancestor, Lyric Butterfly, is also a coincidence.
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Fanon-Crossover Theory: If Stoliz Was Starco Reborn
[Note: Reading This Fanon Theory Is Optional, also Please Don’t Reblog This Without My Permission.]  
not everyone has to agree about this fanon crossover theory, that has to do with Stoliz being the reincarnation of Starco. 
anyway to explain the weird fanon theory about Starco and Stoliz....
we know that the final episode 37 of season 4 of Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, it had premiered on May 19, 2019...Helluva Boss Pilot premiered on November 25, 2019.... plus we could view the Star and Marco that are suddenly back on Earth and Mewni, after the magic is (foolishly scapegoated) destroyed... are not the same ones who embrace each other when both their faces have the heart and crescent moon marks start to glow before the magic is destroyed in the magic realm.
what if the original Star and Marco, didn't make it and they had died in the realm of magic.... and the Star and Marco we see back on Mewni and Earth after the realm of magic is destroyed, aren't them, but are paradox doubles. when the originals die in the realm of magic, they end up being reborn in Hell (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss), Marco gets reborn as Stolas, and Star gets reborn as Blitzo.
this idea would be for Fanon, plus I think it would be interesting... in a fanon timeline, Glossaryck ends up being bonded to the book that Stolas is given by his Himbo Of a Dad... Glossaryck ends up in Hell because he didn't stop Star from scapegoating the magic for her and her family's misuse of it....
so now he is bonded to Stolas's book, and when I.M.P. are away and if Loona isn't with them, Loona learns new magic spells from Glossaryck. XD it be funny if Little Stolas ended up meeting Glossaryck when he opens the book, and Glossaryck being himself, ends up calling Little Stolas "Princess"... but Little Stolas tells him that he is a "Prince" and he wasn't a Girl....
it could turn out that any time Little Stolas had open the book, he would have to give Glossaryck chocolate pudding...
and years later, he has to inform Blitzo about Glossaryck and his need to have chocolate pudding before anyone can use the book. Glossaryck could also know that Blitzo and Stolas are Star and Marco reborn, but chooses not to say anything, and even knows about their paradox doubles that took their places when they had died in the realm of magic.
Glossaryck could also know a lot more than he let's on, like in every multiverse (in the crossover fanon timeline) when a person dies, they will end up being reborn in either the same universe or in a different all together, and some times, when they do die and are reborn, a paradox double is left behind of who they were in their past life, so no one will find out they had died....
the paradox double will have all the original's memories, but will not know that they aren't the original and the original had died and was being reborn as a different person... Princess Twilight Sparkle, possibly a paradox double, and the Original Twilight Sparkle that was the Unicorn was either reborn as Sci-Twi from the human world of Equestria Girls... or she was reborn as someone different world all together as a different person...
if Unicorn-Twilight Sparkle was reborn as any other character, and not just Sci-Twi from EQG.....
it would be Steven from Steven Universe, meaning when the Original Twilight Sparkle had died, and then the paradox double took her place and became Princess Twilight Sparkle... Unicorn-Twilight, ended up being reborn as a half-human & half-gem baby boy who would be named Steven........and who's human half will ended up becoming Sans of Undertale.
yes I know that's weird, but we are talking about the Fanon Timeline here....it's called "Fanon" for a reason, plus it could be possible that Steven's human half becoming Sans, could be like Semi-Fanon & Semi-Canon.
sometimes, Crossover Fanon Timelines don't have to make sense, we can get a bit weird....like my weird idea about how Charlie's Dad from Hazbin Hotel, should be voiced by Weird Al, but that don't mean it is gonna happen. dare to dream, dare to let the weird out. XD also, I got curious and wanted to look up the meaning of "Goober" and well yeah some of it does mean a silly person, but there was also other meanings........
well, I'm still gonna view Ozzie and Fizz as adorkable goobers, well them and Bowser Koopa and maybe even TFA-Blitzwing, Blitzo and Sundrop/Moondrop. I think it was thanks to seeing that new Super Mario Brothers Movie, I had figured out that Bowser is a Simp for Peach.....he can do so much better than her. sure he's a "bad guy" but he is too good for her, and he can do so much better. and of course me being a weird "Earth Angel Princess" wouldn't be his type, even if he were real...
but I still think he can do better, and hopefully he will find true love one day. Stoliz is possibly Semi-Canon, and wont be fully canon for a while, it is possible Blitzo, could have feelings for Stolas deep down that he tries to not to show too much....but only does so sometimes.
also a person shouldn't be made to feel bad when they end up falling under the 8th sin, no matter if it is Melancholy or Despair.... a person who falls under them, could be emotionally hurt but doesn't mean it is right to make them feel even worse by saying how they feel is unforgivable. and my falling into the two depressions before and the first one was around 2015, and I really didn't need to get that second one after getting better from that first one... I can't remember if the second one started around 2016 or 2017....but anyway, I could view those two depressions as me falling into the 8th sin....
and the second one was a bit, more worse feeling than the first one, which yeah sucked, even if there was still people and things to make me feel a little happy... the bad feeling was still there, and it was like every time I woke up, it was like half of my feelings weren't there, like you can feel but at the same time you can't... I don't know if I can explain it any better than that, but it's like when you get broken way too much before you could heal properly, and like half of your feelings end up becoming numb.
like you can feel and yet not feel at the same time, I'm not sure how else to describe it, I don't know if there were many who felt that way. plus a person who doesn't mean to fall under the 8th sin, no matter if it is Despair or Melancholy don't need to be made to feel worse by telling them they are unforgivable.
(feel free to skip some of these parts, and skips to where it goes back to talking about Stolas and Blitzo being the reincarnations of Star and Marco...it will be in bold.)
and like I pointed out before, Cain wasn't born a Monster, but both he and his brother Abel were both in the wrong. even if some might still view Abel as someone who was 100% Good, and while that might still be partly true, that doesn't still mean what he was doing was right or good...
the info I had found about offerings done in Modern Pagan Religion, seems a lot better than what Abel was doing....because it doesn't really have to do with either a sheep or lamb.
I don't think Abel was even doing it right, it is possible how he was doing the offerings was incorrect and no matter if it was animal or not, it would still be wrong. I should take two pieces of bread and place them on each side of his face and ask him what he is... Cain was hurting, and he wasn't given the proper help that he needed, and his parents were possibly not helping at all or if they were, they might not of did much to help him heal...
and so the really bad feelings ended up becoming worse....I know there is still that whole bull about how all descendants of Cain are suppose to be "evil" well excuse me if I disagree, even if some humans in this world are descendants of Cain, and yeah I'm a descendant of Cain and Seth...
and I can't fully agree with some of the parenting of King David and Noah, well even if it does turn out they still had their moments when they were still good parents... it still isn't right that King David didn't punish that sicko son of his, and it isn't right for Noah to scapegoat his own Grandson for the wrong doings of his Son. plus it shouldn't have to be their own descendant granddaughter that should call them out on it....and yes I can still go by "granddaughter" even though I'm a Enbirl...still can go by girl as well, of course it will still be different from the bio meaning of it.
I was feeling kind of not happy before, and kind of mad as well......at Male-Angels, both Fallen and not Fallen....like even if there is some Male-Angels I can trust... plus I don't want to be told that I should fully trust them, they would need to prove to me and possibly others, that they can be fully trusted.... I think I will moments when I will feel upset with them, like REALLY upset with them.....but I think I can try to do stuff to make me happy, to take my mind off of those feelings.
the song Love Bites by Def Leppard, it's a good song to listen to....well I think it is, but not everyone has to agree about that.
Love Bites by Halestorm, is also good....it be interesting if both "Love Bites" songs were used in a remix together.
back to the whole Stolas and Blitzo being Star and Marco reborn, even it it wouldn't be canon, it can work in a fanon...
but it could still be possible that no matter who Star and Marco became when they end up being reborn, they would end up finding each other again, and it could be possible they would end up falling in love once more.
and yeah, as weird as it is, I like to view the Sapphire part of Garnet from Steven Universe, as being the reincarnation of Prowl from Transformers Animated....and sometimes, the reincarnation of a cartoon character doesn’t always have to make sense and time can move differently in the fictional universe and the worlds inside the said fictional universes.
it could be possible that Bumblebee could find it funny that Prowl was reincarnated as a Gem, and as a Sapphire.
like if Sapphire got poofed, the first form that could show up in a light shaped, could be Prowl, and then the shape of a Sapphire.
plus it could be possible that Sapphire could have memories of her past life as Prowl, but doesn’t have the full memories of them, but in time she will get full memories of her past life as Prowl return back to her.
and if Stolas and Blitzo are the Original Star and Marco reborn, they would still be themselves, and they don’t have to be 100% like their past life selves.
Stolas being a bit obsessive with Blitzo at times, could mirror on his past life self as Marco Diaz (still fanon timeline only and not canon), and how he was obsessive over Jackie Lynn Thomas.
Blitzo wanting to have a healthy relationship both romantic and platonic, could mirror his past life as Star, who had went through a bad break up with Tom, and even ended up breaking up with him again even if it was a bit different from her first break up with him....
and Star had to watch as Marco and Jackie got closer and started to date, and it became a “too little too late” and they had become “just friends”...
and Blitzo poor relationship with his family (not counting Loona, who he might have a bit of a better relationship with her as a father & daughter way.)
could be seen in a way, as his past life self as Star (still fanon and not canon.) who had not the greatest relationship with her own Mom, who shouldn’t of even be trusted with the magic wand, seeing as Moon had misused it and caused some damage and hurt innocent people.
maybe I will add the fanon idea about Stolas and Blitzo being the reincarnations of Marco and Star, into the Spinelluva Boss AU....but I might not post the story over here and might only have it over at Quotev...
anyway not everyone has to like about the idea, it is just a fanon type theory after all, and wouldn’t be 100% canon.
but I hope some like the idea and find it as a interesting concept for a Fanon Timeline in a Crossover, cause I like the idea about Stoliz being the reincarnation of Starco, even if it is just fanon and not canon...                     
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nautiscarader · 2 years
4 14 44 with pairings Yuamalia and Cleophee Staco and Jackie and Ladynoir and Bunnix?
you know what, I'm gonna go with dialogue starters since you haven't specified if you want them or kinks :p
“Baby, it’s cold outside.” - Yumalia+Cleo
Sadidas did not like the snow and the cold. Luckily for Amalia, Yugo's portals allowed them to not only get inside the house, but already into their bedroom and cozy, warm bed... were a third person was already lying. And with naked Cleo waiting for the couple, Amalia would soon stop complaining about the cold, trapped between two heated lovers.
“Did you come inside?!” - Starco+Jackie
Marco forze hearing Jackie's question, the pleasure from his recent climax suddenly gone. But as he tried pulling out, not only her legs crossed behind his back tightened, Star gently pressed his back, pushing him deeper inside her. The concerned tone was gone, as Jackie smiled and whispered one word: "Good", before she encouraged him to seed her pussy again.
“If you don’t like my teasing, then why are you moaning?”
Marinette did not know how to respond to Bunnix's question, as she stroked her pussy. trapped between Chat Noir and Alix, Ladybug was on the mercy of the teasing duo, with Chat kissing her neck while sliding his cock between her lips, deliberately holding back. But at some point, Ladybug's willpower was broken and she begged her lovers to take her, and the two gladly agreed, Chat sliding in, and Bunnix pressing her naked pussy against Ladybug's to further the pleasure
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orions-beltloops · 4 years
ok but why is Star vs. the Forces of Evil not more popular? I just finished it and I’m mind blown?? trust me if you like She-Ra you’ll fucking love SVTFOE. like yes it’s not full of gays like She-Ra (though I’m pretty sure Star is like canonically bi and Jackie has a French girlfriend at the end), but it’s still incredible. like, insanely good. I’m definitely mushy right now because I just finished it after watching a solid five hours of it every day this week but it’s still definitely going to be one of my all times favorite shows. if you want a mix between She-Ra and Gravity Falls, Star vs. the Forces of Evil is absolutely that. it manages to get better with every season, unlike almost every show made recently (looking at you Voltron). so like, Star fandom hmu because I’m newly in love.
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lefrenchfries · 5 years
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Redesign and redraw of My bby Charlotte I love her so freaking much
2019-2018 💕
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robot-voice · 5 years
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Sooooooo, I know I’m like, WAY late to the game, but here’s a portrait of my Starco child; Apheliona.
She’s named after the astronomical term “Aphelion”, which is the point in the orbit of a planet or celestial body where it is farthest from the sun. Her cheek marks are hand prints, and she has no wand. Meteora (who is her older cousin and good friend) has the Butterfly family wand. All of Apheliona’s magic is done with her hands, just as Star taught her.
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full-moon-phoenix · 6 years
So, I'm working on a little something for Marza's chapter in the Book of Spells. It's a WIP, but she's trying to categorize different wand types to adapt to different types of spells.
If anyone wants to use this categorize their own wands, feel free! Heck, it might give me something to add to the final version of this page, like a cameo of your OCs.
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Basically, there are 5 wand types:
Scepter - the most common and versatile type. Whether short like Star or long like Eclipsa, this wand is held at the base and can use just about any kind of spell.
Spacial - A wand in which the spot the "bell" would normally be is empty space that can fill up with magic; most notable user is Festivia.
Drop-Down - A wand in which the "bell" hangs down from the hand (lantern-shaped wands fall in this category).
Conditional - A wand in which a specific action must always be taken before casting a spell; most notable user is Rhina.
Metamorphic - A wand whose form MUST change in order to cast spells (even though all wands have metamorphic powers, these wands specifically have to change into a specific form whenever their magic is used); most notable user is Solaria.
(As you see from the diagram, some wands fall into multiple categories. Some of these are based on my own headcanons. For example, Estrella's wand seems to be both a paintbrush and a pen, so it can possibly change its shape to match her specific artistic interests at a moment. We know nothing about Celena's wand except that it can cause shyness by looking at it unveiled; I've imagined that Celena absolutely must be alone in a room to cast any type of spell. I wasn't sure what to call Comet's wand, so I just put it in the scepter category. Even though Rhina, Festivia, and Solaria technically also have scepter wands, I felt like their main feature should be their most notable one; I felt this for Marza as well, even though her wand is both a drop-down and a spacial wand.)
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