#statistical community
worldstatisticsday · 3 months
Part II - Friday Seminar on Emerging Issues: Data Governance - 55th Statistical Commission Side Event.
The Friday Seminar on Emerging Issues was established as a space for the global statistical community to explore emerging issues. It is a place which serves as a learning environment where statisticians come together with specialists and experts to explore innovative topics and address the interplay between official statistics and the broader data ecosystem. 
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Afternoon session: Official statistics and data governance
After exploring different models and frameworks of data governance and the generation and use of data, the afternoon session aims to address how data governance is approached in the national statistical systems. The objective is to achieve an overarching vision on how data is managed, used and transferred across the system to allow its use for official statistics.
Panel 3: Emerging strategies for data and statistics in national statistical systems (15:00 – 16:30)
Speakers featuring national examples of data governance modals, data sharing agreements and national data coordinators, among others.
Panel 4: Possible strategies to bring data governance into the Statistical Commission (16:45 – 17:45)
Speakers include the Vice-Chair of the Commission, Co-Chair of CCS-UN, Eurostat, and 2 or 3 national perspectives.
Conclusion (17:45-18:00)
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whumpwillow · 10 months
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tumbler-polls · 5 months
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beingfacetious · 7 months
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If I stay, there can be no party. I must be out there in the night, staying vigilant. Wherever a party needs to be saved, I'm there. Wherever there are masks, wherever there's tomfoolery and joy, I'm there. But sometimes I'm not, 'cause I'm out in the night, staying vigilant, watching, lurking, running, jumping, hurtling, sleeping... No, I can't sleep. You sleep. I'm awake. I don't sleep. I don't blink. Am I a bird? No. I'm a bat. I am Batman. Or am I? Yes, I am Batman. Happy Halloween.
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lilacandladybugs · 4 months
I'm in need of advice, reddit hasn't been helpful and I'm desperate so I've come to you Tumblr please help me
I'm currently a data scientist for a very small start up company, but I have my background in political science and so I'm concerned that I might be dead in the water if/when the company goes under and I need to find another job. I've consulted with some recruiters and they agree that if I want to go into data science I should get my master's (EDIT: they said I probably should get my degree in Statistics because the program is more widely known so I have a better chance of not getting turned away by HR who will have less knowledge about what a data science master's even is). I think because of my personality, data science is a really good job for me, so I'm planning on going for it.
Here's the issue: I don't want to go to school and end up learning exclusively theory. I've been teaching myself a ton by reading textbooks and I've noticed that while there's a lot of depth in the math/calculus/linear algebra behind how the functions work and what the parameters are, there seems to be very little information on how to actually apply that information in the real world.
Obviously the math is important and very exciting :D but if all I do is learn the math and I don't learn how to apply the knowledge I have to non-ideal data sets and situations then I'm not really learning the information I need to know.
Are there any graduate programs that are well known for really preparing people for data science roles in the workforce instead of just focusing on the academic side of statistics?
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despazito · 10 months
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Pride is infested by big banks, cops, and puritanical anti kink rhetoric all while the rising tide of fascism want us dead but this is what's "gentrifying" the community, allegedly (also why the automatic assumption that these men aren't also bisexual? 🤨)
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I have a really productive day so far and it’s only 2pm. Woke up at 6am, took a shower and started working on my statistics class at 8am. However, I received the results for my e-tutorial and was kind of bumped. I expected better results, but I guess that’s what I am doing this for. So I can learn and avoid my mistakes in the exam.
So….Now I am trying to recover from the disappointment, so I can move on with my productive day.
Todays To Dos:
• finish 3rd e-tutorial ⭐️✔️
• start 4th e-tutorial⭐️▶️
• vacuum and tidy up living room✔️
• load the dishwasher ✔️
• clean up the kitchen
• 5:30pm go to the city and watch the hip hop performance
✔️: done
⭐️: priority
▶️: on it
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hold on i'm curious about something.
the first option is separate since i know the community is mostly made up of bisexuals/others who are attracted to all genders and i wanted the results to be specific :)
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evergardenwall · 2 years
anyway it always kind of baffles me when i see takes saying that deaf people aren't disabled or don't face ableism when we have been historically subjected to eugenics, can face neurodevelopmental difficulties due to language deprivation, have been called 'dumb' in the ableist slur sense, don't have access to a lot of spaces that don't have sign language or cued speech interpreters and that just. in general. hearing loss even when you're only partially hard of hearing can be so fucking isolating
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nyazai-osameow · 2 years
broke: dazai abandoning chuuya for 4 years ruined their relationship
woke: without their 4 years of separation, dazai and chuuya probably would have never had the amount of individual development they have now and therefore would not have had any chance in cultivating a slightly healthier and more understanding dynamic like they have the potential to now
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kagrenacs · 6 months
I didn't expect going back on T to be something emotional. I was very lucky with finding a doctor who was willing to do informed consent, even if she does have to relocate her office every few years because of the transphobic ideas here. But my heart really really aches for the people I know who weren't so lucky, and never will get the chance to achieve their dreams like I did.
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author-a-holmes · 6 months
Nanowrimo 2023 Wrap Up...
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So, I didn't make my 75k or break any personal records, but I'm really not mad about that. I don't know why I thought November was the nano event to try that in, November nano's are almost always a disaster for me. In fact, this is only the second time I've ever hit 50k in November.
But hit it, I did! Final count at 1-minute-to-midnight on November 30th was 51,841 words, which has brought my Darkling Manuscript up to 92,696. That's almost doubled the words I've written throughout the rest of 2023 which is incredible, and I'm so happy.
It also means that it looks like I'm still on track to complete the manuscript by January, which was really my main goal. All in all, I'd call this Nanowrimo a resounding success.
If you're interested in some of my other statistics, I've got some more numbers beneath the cut...
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Number of Sprints in November: 132 Sprints Time Spent Writing in November: 43 hours, 45 minutes Estimated Remaining: 20-25k words or 7-10 Chapters.
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There is little which frustrates me more than the sentiment that Western hegemony is, at all, a good thing. The assumption which follows all too often when I express this is that I would like or support the hegemony of some other culture, past or present, like Russia, the USSR or China.
I cannot say I do not have my critiques of all of these societies, some more than others, but I also cannot say that I do not have my critiques of the West. The thing I take issue with which is, currently, unique to the West is that it exists largely without blatant outside threats, there is currently no other world power truly keeping it in check.
If we go back to the '80s, the USSR did in many ways compete with the West. There was an alternative to Western (often US) collaboration, which I don't think exists any longer unless a country is powerful & resource-rich enough to be self-sufficient. You will participate in the free market, whether you want to or not.
Another problem this causes besides the lack of freedom & choice is the erosion of workers' rights. With no major, living, breathing example of anything but Western capitalism, all smaller examples being suppressed, the palpable reality of the possibility of change is all too easily erased.
This is among the reason I believe Western hegemony is, directly or indirectly, a cause of a lot of exploitation & how inescapable it has become. Furthermore, I think Western capitalist hegemony is a large part of why meaningful choices & freedoms are becoming rarer & rarer to come by. Capitalism & freedom are antithetical & with nothing fighting back against capitalism (regardless of the merits or demerits of said force) it is allowed to run rampant.
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mischiefmanifold · 2 years
In order for a condition to be considered "rare" in the United States, there must be less than 200,000 people who live with it in the U.S. at any given time.
The prevalence of DID in the United States (based on data gathered from adults in a small community) is about 1.5%.[1]
The latest population statistic for the United States is 326.7 million (326,700,000).
In order to calculate the estimated number of people in the United States with DID, we divide the population by the decimal form of 1.5% (0.015), which gives us 4,900,500 people; the current number we have is 4,900,500 in 326,700,000 people, but we have to simplify that down. The simplified fraction is 3/200. Based on this data, about 3 in every 200 people in the United States has DID.
Dissociative identity disorder is not rare. Like, really, it's not rare.
[1] - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-V-TR)
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luuuna-rambles · 2 years
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Community gifs - 147/?
1x07, Introduction to Statistics
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kuuyandere · 1 year
I just realised that I have poll capabilities! I can find the demographics of the yan community!!
Please reblog for a higher sample size! And I would be interested in hearing about how your romantic or sexual orientations impact your obsessive/possessive feelings, if at all. Thank you!
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