#stay safe !!
stay safe because i like being alive at the same time as you.
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png-magician · 10 months
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honeys-marmalade · 5 months
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feminist-space · 10 months
ProjectN95 is shutting down
Tumblr Friends! ProjectN95 is unfortunately closing its doors on December 15th. They've done SO much to provide masks, respirators, PPE to healthcare workers and the public since 2020, and this is honestly such a loss of a non-profit organization. They've helped a lot of people over these years.
If you need quality masks/respirators, they're having a sale right now on ProjectN95.org. I definitely recommend checking them out sooner than later.
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mossy-rock-in-a-field · 2 months
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pathetic-gamer · 1 year
me, an hour ago: "fuck, the stove is on! what do we do?" [immediately does all the wrong things]
PSA: What NOT to do when you smell gas
In this situation, we got home to a smell of gas throughout the house and discovered our gas stove was on without a flame. it was only a tiny stream, and everything turned out fine, but here's a brief list of everything we did wrong:
NOTE: this is for if you smell significant amounts of gas, not a blanket list for all possible gas situations. (If you aren't aware, the methane**/natural gas used in houses smells vaguely like sulfer, or rotten eggs - this is an additive, since it has no natural smell. It's a very recognizable smell, once you've smelled it once. It's not the same smell as gasoline.)
1. If your stove has an electrical/spark ignition, do NOT turn it off.
Spark ignitions often spark when turning on *and* off. Spark + Gas = Boom. Boom is bad. Avoid boom.
Instead, turn off the gas at the source, i.e. the physical valve at the meter. There may be a smaller valve near the stove. If you don't know where the shutoff is, the fire department will find it.
2. Do NOT turn on (or off) vents or fans.
In fact, don't flip any electrical switches - that includes lights, plugging in or unplugging appliances, etc. These cause sparks. Spark + Gas = Boom.
Also, don't start your car. obviously.
3. Do NOT open windows
counterintuitive, I know. This is mostly because you want to prioritize your exit, but it's also to keep the fumes from spreading outside, where you should be waiting for the ~professionals~ to come handle it.
4. DO take all people and pets outside.
Do this very first!! (one thing we actually did right - go us!)
This is obviously because you don't want to go boom, but you also don't want to suffocate. Gas is poison!
NOTE: the gas from your stove is probably methane (natural gas); carbon monoxide is what you get when methane burns, which is why your kitchen needs to be well-ventilated and the stove shouldn't be left burning for long periods of time, but the natural gas itself is *also* potentially deadly. Carbon monoxide detectors dont detect natural gas, so that's what the odorous additive is for.
Inhaling natural gas causes nausea, headaches, dizziness, and makes you just generally woozy, and eventually causes you to lose consciousness and potentially suffocate, just like carbon monoxide does. We don't want that.
5. DO call the fire department/emergency line
They'll check for other leaks, shut gas off if needed, then test for air quality and eventually clear your house for reentry. It takes like 1-2 hours for the gas to dissipate, generally.
Yay, you survived! Congrats!!
NOTE: if you find the stove has been left on with a flame, or it's on with no flame but you don't smell gas, then you should be safe to just open windows and turn on vents and fans to air it out.
idk, this was actually pretty scary, especially when we realized how much of our immediate response was wrong and could have turned a dangerous situation into a real disaster.
tl;dr: If you smell gas when you shouldn't be smelling gas, just get all the people and animals outside, shut off the gas line, and call the fire department or gas company. don't fuck around with gas. you're not overreacting, you're taking the proper safety measures.
**CORRECTED FROM ORIGINAL VERSION. Original said propane, but it's very much not propane, it's methane. too much Hank Hill on the brain, clearly.
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jwolf5959 · 11 months
Hey everyone. Friendly reminder that if you get a pm such as this, DO NOT click ANY suspicious links. Or any links in general. These are bots made to steal your data, and do not have your best interests in mind. Instead, you should click „Mark as spam.“ to remove the message.
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Again; NEVER CLICK THESE LINKS. Just mark as spam and move on with your day.
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modroocko-mumbles · 6 months
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hi, my name is Alex and i’m officially one day on T…❤️‍🩹! (not the mann co one)
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earththings · 6 months
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royalpumpkinplanet · 7 months
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disabled-dragoon · 1 month
Information regarding the UK riots
If you're worried about the riots right now and are concerned for your safety, the safety of friends and loved ones or the safety of other members of your local community, here are a few posts, organisations and social medias that may help. Feel free to add any others that you know of in the notes.
This post by @lovelysakuryay with information on what to do if you are the victim of an attack, as well some information on helplines, mental health services and some charities you can reach out to and/or donate to (which will be listed in the section below)
A list of fundraisers for people and communities impacted by the Southport attack and far-right riots. Post by @octarineblues
Post by @northern-punk-lad listing the times and locations of riots on Wednesday 7th August.
Exit Hate: Helping people and their family to walk away from extremism.
Stop Hate UK: 24 hour hate-crime reporting hotline
Migrant Voice: A charity that helps migrants advocate for themselves.
Refugee Action: Helps refugees to rebuild their lives.
North East Anarchist Group: Some information regarding locations of planned far-right riots on their social media, as well information regarding the location of counter protests in the north east of England.
Green and Black Cross: A "grassroots activist legal support group". They offer "know your rights" training courses, as well as information on your rights as a protester and interacting with the police and staying safe. Find them on instagram as well under @gbclegal.
Netpol: Or, the Network for Police Monitoring. A good organisation to look into regarding protest rights and legal resources.
Migrants Organise: Provides a platform for migrants to organise. Offers advice and support, as well as access to grassroots organising, research, advocacy and campaigning.
The Anthony Walker Foundation: Local anti-hate group in Merseyside.
Note from @octarineblues:
"This is a bit more useful for larger towns/cities, but: a local BLM group will also have up to date info! Antifacist or anti-raids group as well - they will often have access to good info and they are already used to reacting quickly."
Social Medias:
It's worth checking your town/local area's social media pages (if they exist) for information regarding possible planned riots and destruction. There may also be one or more pages regarding news in your county/constituency.
Additional social media pages:
@ukisnotinnocent on Instagram. A group "mobilising against fascism" across the UK, providing updates on the riots as well as information on the locations of planned violence and staying safe while counter protesting. CW: There are some shocking videos and images on here which depict some of the violent scenes seen lately.
@monitoringgroupne_n on Instagram. A group that shares updates, information and concerns regarding the policing and fascism in the North and North East of England. Including sharing information on the location of planned riots, some information on counter protests and staying safe while protesting.
@standuptoracismuk on Instagram. A good resource for riot times and locations, as well as counter protest times, locations, information and footage.
@ukfactcheckpolitics on Instagram. A page dedicated to "exposing government corruption". Great for quick news and updates regarding both riots and counter protests. Like @ukisnotinnocent, they do share videos and images as well, the contents of which can be shocking.
Also, I've noticed that a lot of groups protesting the ongoing genocide in gaza have been very vocally against the far-right riots and have been sharing some information alongside their usual stuff. If you know of a local encampment/group, it's worth searching for their social media.
It's worth checking the lists of people that the listed groups follow on social media as well for more information regarding riots across the country.
Please, please share any more that you know of/find, and I'll update this as and when I can.
Stay safe everyone <3
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delicris · 9 months
today has been a devastating day for czech people all over the country. 14 people dead and 25 injured, 10 of them seriously, in today's school shooting at the faculty of arts, charles university, prague. the gunman shot himself half an hour after starting the killing.
this happened nine and a half hours ago. as of right now, there's no official info about the victims and the people missing. the only pieces of information available come from other students who took on compiling lists of names and the current state of those individuals and sharing those on social media in hopes of being able to help. the news coverage is constant, but poor.
there are many terrifying testimonies and photos from the ones present at the faculty at that time. there are also many disgusting photos and videos of the gunman circulating on social media even after the police department urged not to share those out of respect to the victims and to prevent the rising panic.
there would've been way more victims had the police not acted as quickly as they did. still, there were mistakes made and i hope the department will be able to recognize them and act on them.
school shootings and shootings in general are not a thing here, they don't happen, people often haven't been given proper instructions on how to act in case of an active shooting in years. i still remember a mass shooting that took place in a hospital in ostrava. that was five years ago, 7 people dead.
this mass shooting is by far the worst one in czech history.
a national day of mourning has been scheduled for tomorrow, december 23rd, 2023. a minute of silence for the victims, the injured and their loved ones at noon, UTC+1 time. flags flying at half-mast. the victims will never go back home for christmas, they'll never see their loved ones again. this is the crushing reality of massacres like this one.
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honeys-marmalade · 7 months
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ifitistobeitisuptous · 2 months
things are about to get a whole lot worse
someone tried to kill their messiah
any restraint the right wing had will now be gone.
If you look anything other than a white cis-het you are in danger.
They will kill you and call it justice.
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miistersunshin3 · 1 month
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Star Struck ☆
Sal Fisher x meangirl!reader
a/n : Hihi my first work on this acc!! Thank you for the motivation and inspo @baxndaid ╰(*´︶`*)╯ If you like my work feel free to send me requests!!
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- Life at Nockfell High is like a game and you don’t play to lose, in your first year you and your friends have already made an image of yourself: you are known as the popular kids or rather the mean girls.
- It was quite easy to archive this image of yours, you have quite the nice figure; shiny hair which always looks perfect and your most envious trait: a gorgeous face with a pearly white smile.
- So with all these traits that made you the person you are, you were quickly proclaimed to be the Queen bee of Nockfell high.
- It seemed like every girl wanted to be you and every guy wanted to be with you!
- except for one specific group… your friends call them the freaks, the group consisting of Larry Johnson, Ashley Campbell and Todd Morrison.
- You’d often make fun of them for various things, like their lack of style or music taste as you would say. So no wonder they didn’t quite like you.
- So one day while walking up to your locker which was right next to Larry’s your surprised to see a new kid, Larry called him Sally face.
- He seemed to have blue hair which was tied in pigtails and wore a mask that covers his whole face, you didn’t pay any mind to him except for when one of your friends spoke:
“Ugh great, the one time we get a new kid in school and he immediately needs to make friends with the freaks”
“Well would you rather him make friends with us? I wouldn’t, look at him” your other friend speaks.
“Yeah you’re right, are you some kind of creep? You look weird with that mask” the first one asks him in a sarcastic tone.
“Well at least none of us have to take two hours before school to get ready to have friends” Ashley says in a snarky tone.
“Oh shut it Campbell, some of us actually care about looking presentable, unlike you..” you say with a smile while walking away with your friends chuckling.
- Well yeah.. let’s just say Sal didn’t really find you all that amusing to be around.
- But at lunch times he just couldn’t help starting at you: the way your hair sits oh so perfectly on your head, the way the color your wearing makes your best features stand out beautifully and the way when your laughing the people are able to see your charming smile (even if it sometimes was him and his friends you were laughing about)
- And the poor boy thought you wouldn’t notice him staring, but you noticed it all and lowkey (highkey) found it cute and kind of pathetic how mesmerized he looked.
- One afternoon when the whole gang was hanging out in Larry’s room, Ashley asked Sal if he found anyone in school cute.
- And well….i hate to break it to you Ash (*´ー`*)
“Cmon Sally tell usss, we deserve to know” she says in a slightly demanding tone.
“Yeah dude we won’t judge” Larry chimed in.
And then the dam broke..
“…you can’t be serious right now Sal” Ash says in disbelief.
“Dude like for real are you okay? Really? Her? She torments you like every day.. and her friends are massive assholes” Larry adds.
Sal just shrugs, all of the sudden finding the carpet very interesting.
- When they got back to school the next week of course you hadn’t decided to stop what you were so passionate about doing; pulling on his backpack to make him stumble back and then adding a snarky comment like “Watch your feet Sally face” while chuckling, flicking his head or pulling on one of his pigtails to set him off guard or just generally making fun of his prosthetic with your friends.
- To be completely honest even if it’s a cliche, you just wanted a reaction out of him because you just found it to amusing when he’d get all stuttery after you’d say something to him, even though he wouldn’t react like that if it was someone else saying that to him.
- But what would happen on Thursday, he could have only dreamt of..
Once again Travis was being his usual self when finding Sally and Larry in the hall during one of the breaks. “Why do you even come to school, nobody wants to see that freakshow of a ‘face’. You’re a waste of space Fisher, always will be” he spat at him.
You on the other hand were just in the bathroom, near where they were standing, overhearing everything. For some reason you felt angry, at Travis that is… why did you feel like this?
You decide to say something too, in your typical fashion.
Walking past them you purposely bump into Travis, stop walking and snarl out
“Watch out Phelps, you’re standing in my way. Oh and by the way.. only I get to say stuff like that, you understand?”
As you continue to walk past them you look back only to see Sal looking at you as well, you turn back around, after sending him a quick teasing smile and a small wink that is. (^_−)−☆
You may have not seen it but after you turn around Sal is beet red under his prosthetic, I guess it does come in handy sometimes…
A/N : I hope you guys liked it! Like I said feel free to send me requests (^^)v
Reader and Sal:
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months
At Christmas, It’s Okay To…
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