#stay safe out there guys the world is a scary place
winwintea · 16 days
secure that card! 19. pinky promise content warning: mentions of stalking, violent threats
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"I'm soooooo paranoid right now. Could you have been a little faster?" Jisung asked Chenle as soon as he hopped into the front seat of the car. Chenle rolled his eyes at Jisung, "Relax princess. You'll be well taken care of, Calm down." He turned around to look at you, as you buckled up your seatbelt in the back, "And you're not even the one in danger Ji." You gave him a thin smile, and he took notice of your appearance. You definitely looked weary and tired, and Chenle couldn't help but wonder if you'd gotten any sleep at all. The messages were bound to send anyone on edge. "Yah yah. Everyone's in danger at this point. I mean it's not that hard to see Y/n's schedule and figure out who she interacts with. Besides, the guy is also a law student." Chenle tried to tone down his excitement, "You know who it is?"
You finally broke your silence "Um... yeah... so you remember the sketchy guy Ten?" Chenle simply nodded, "So... long story short he wasn't the stalker, but he did manage to figure out who it was." Chenle tried to process the words you just said, "Huh. How'd he do that?" "I don't know... some technology hacking stuff maybe. I can ask Yuqi later, she's good at that." "Wait is that legal?" Jisung suddenly interjected into the conversation. Chenle shot his friend a cold glare, "Uh... hello? is stalking legal? I'd hope not. Our ethical concerns are quite literally out the door at this moment." Anything to keep you safe, at least. "Wait so who is it?" He was still curious about the stalker, and maybe if there was a motive behind everything. "Hwang Hyunjin? Jisung knows more about him than I do." At least it was somebody Chenle didn't seem to know. He probably would've done some... unspeakable things to them if he did. "What, I only knew that he was in our class! Which you did not know. Can't believe you don't pay attention to the kids in our class. That's about all I know about him as well." "Um, excuse me, maybe instead of being focused on the people in our class I'm focused on the lectures?" "Nerd." "Shut your ass up Park Jisung, I have your mother's phone number." Chenle couldn't help but giggle out loud at this comment, and it certainly seemed to shut Jisung up. He didn't realize how close you two were, and wondered why Jisung never at all mentioned you in the past. Chenle made a mental note to himself to ask him later. "How are you feeling though, Y/n?" "I'm alright, I guess." Your expression still remained firm, and it did not make him feel great at all. He hated how this was happening to you. You didn't even deserve it, at all. If you hadn't done any collab with Yizhuo, or... Then it hit him. If you never met him, then you would've never met Yizhuo, and this wouldn't never happened. Technically, he was the root source of all your problems. Chenle cursed under his breath, which was picked up on by Jisung, although Jisung didn't say anything. "You can stay over as long as you want Y/n. I can understand how difficult it is to be going through this." He glanced in the rearview mirror at you and smiled, "If there's anything you want, food, drinks wise, we can order it." "Dude, you seriously have a problem." Jisung gave him a sideways glance, "Food doesn't solve everything." Ignoring Jisung's judging comments and looks he continued on, "Food is quite literally the solution to all issues. It's like what they say for those Hershey Bars, 'you're not you when you're hungry'." "Snicker Bars." "Same thing." ————— Soon enough Chenle had arrived at his house (mcmansion) and you had all be ushered in as quickly as possible by Chenle for fear of potential harm or threat from your stalker. Yanan was quickly filled in with the situation, and bluntly stated that you needed some rest, as evident from the dead eyebags slowly forming. "Are you sure? Like I feel like I should be awake just in case something happens." Jisung placed his hands on your shoulders, "Please. You desperately need the sleep. And besides you've got 3 men willing to pr- err keep you safe, just in case."
"Alright... But just 3 hours okay?" "That's not enough, but it's better than none." Yanan leaned against the table the four of them were sitting at and crossed his shoulders, "Chenle, why don't you go on up and show her the guest room."
"You mean a guest room. How many y'all got? Like 50?" Jisung joked, as Chenle and you stood up to leave the room. "12." "Oh boo-hoo, that's still 12 more than the average U.S. citizen living in the united states." You followed after Chenle paying more attention to your surroundings than you had before. "So, do you have guests over often?" Chenle hummed in response, "No, not really, we just have so many extra rooms." "Then why is the elevator used as storage..." "Um..." Chenle wasn't sure how to answer, "Good question." You snorted in response and continued to trail after him. Although somewhat distracted, the stalker still remained on his mind. If Ten had tipped them off, they should've been gone soon? The whole thing stressed him out. He felt partially responsible for your entanglement in this situation, and since there was nothing he could do about it already happening, he promised himself that he would do all in his ability to make sure that you were safe.
You two had finally reached the guest room. Chenle opened the door and allowed you to go in, but didn't enter himself. "This is it. I would say feel free to do whatever, but you honestly need the rest so please sleep." Your mouth hung agape as you glanced around the room, "You're saying this is the guest room? Then what the hell does YOUR room look like?" Chenle eyed the space and mentally compared his own room to this one, "They're about the same size, although there is a door leading to an inner room, so technically it's 2 rooms in 1?" "I didn't even know that existed, ooohhkaaay..."
Chenle shrugged, looking back at you again, "Be sure to get some good sleep alright? Take your mind off the situation and relax, we've got some top notch security here so you're quite safe. Text me if you need anything." You smiled at him, this time a full smile, "Promise me you'll wake me up in 3 hours?" "3 hours, yes. I'm aware." You pouted, holding out your hand, "Pinky promise?" Chenle arched a brow at you. "Pinky promise? What are you 7?" "A pinky promise is a true promise that is never to be broken at ANY time!" You continued to hold your pinky out, "Pinky promise you'll wake me in 3 hours." "Alright alright okay, I got it." He held his own pinky out and locked them together with yours, "Pinky Promise." He chuckled "And pinky promise me you'll actually get some rest and not worry about the situation for these 3 hours." "Pinky Promise" Chenle gave you a sideways grin and a thumbs up before heading out of the room. Why did he find that cute? Chenle honestly couldn't remember whenever was the last time he had felt this way about a person. Or maybe there was none? No one seemed to rival these thoughts and feelings he had towards you. He'll admit, at first he was quite attracted to your looks. After all, he had nothing to base other than your almost-but-not-quite lifeless body for first impressions. And conveniently you also happened to appear in his life the moment he started his plan to acquire a green card. However, it was the feisty spirit, the constant rejection/reluctant acceptance of his gifts, the ambition in your eyes, and everything else that seemed to make you who you were that really pulled Chenle into a deeper battle of love for you.
And as obvious as it was that you didn't appear to feel the same, that never discouraged him. In fact, he saw this as a challenge. One that he was going to win.
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SUMMARY ▸ zhong chenle is the owner of many cards. a black card? he owns that. he even has a stanford student id card. the one card he doesn’t own though? a green card. and if chenle plays his cards right, he just may be able to secure one by wooing you. or it could all fall through… who knows?
TAG LIST ▸ @marvelahsobx @lyvhie @odxrilove @jkslvsnella @aquaphoenixz @wonnieluv @acidwon @syatchy @sleepyvic @grassbutneo @chcnlcs @taeeflwrr @hibernatinghamster @jaeimjaemin @gukuwii @slayhaechan @yyangj3lly @seunghancore @clean-soap @bath1lda @lostinneocity @defzcl @ckline35 @multifandomania @meltinghershey @foxy-kitsune @jising-jisang-jisung @minkyuncutie @zuzu-the-simp @dojaejunging
bonus: behind the scenes of me trying to make this chapter w/ a friend (can someone explain to me what happened WHY DID DISCORD DO THAT😭)
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luveline · 10 months
Derek and shy!reader maybe? Meeting the team for the first time and none of them are expecting Derek's partner to be standing half-hidden behind him, shyly waving at them instead of saying anything
thank you for ur request! fem!reader
"So what's the deal?" Emily asks Penelope, licking the stem of her paper umbrella dry before dropping it onto a napkin. "He's suddenly going steady?" 
"Can you call five months sudden?" Rossi asks. 
Hotch nudges him. 
"What?" Rossi asks. "Can you? Five months is a long time." 
"And that's why you had to send Christmas cards to three different divorce lawyers this year," Emily says. 
Emily has a penchant for saying the occasional brazen comment, but JJ confiscates her friend's margarita anyways, before the booze loosens her lips and she says something worse. It's a small jet. 
"It's not like Morgan," Spencer agrees, standing at Rossi's other side, looking less out of place than usual. 
"It's totally like him," Penelope says.
Hotch's smile is hard to read, which is a spectacle considering current company. "I agree." 
"Here he is now," Penelope says excitedly, clapping her hands in front of her chest. 
Derek strides into the bar and past its patrons without a care in the world. He looks happy, content, and the team doesn't need to see you to know you're with him. He smiles at his phone at work exactly as he smiles now, with his arm stretched backwards to tether you along. 
You come into view as the crowd thins. You're not what anyone's expecting, certainly not plain but nor are you dressed up. Emily, in her tipsiness, declares that you look adorable, and receives a reproachful look from Hotch in reward. 
"Hey Derek!" JJ calls as soon as he's near enough. 
"Hey, guys. Mama, you remember what we talked about?" Derek asks Penelope. 
She nods sagely. "Restraint. I'm restraining myself. Oh my god you're so cute, I'm Penelope! I'm so happy to meet you." 
"Hi," you say. 
No less than five pairs of eyes fall to your hand as you twist your fingers into Derek's sleeve. He doesn't bat an eye, taking a half step in front of you, a picture of casualness as he introduces you to each of them in turn. 
"It's nice to meet you," Hotch says, seemingly speaking for the whole group. 
You raise your hand and give a stilted wave. Your eyes look sad and stressed at once, but you don't sound either, softly saying, "You too." 
Derek wraps a muscled arm behind your neck, grinning while he meets Penelope's eyes. "What are we drinking tonight?"
Your eyebrows pinch up at the starts. You smile at them all despite your obvious nervousness, and it's enough for each of them to reach the same conclusion simultaneously. You're shy, but you're good. A broad sweep yet easy to make. It's obvious how much you care for Derek if you'd been willing to meet them like this when you clearly don't feel comfortable.
Luckily for you, Penelope is excellent as making people feel welcome. "We're drinking Y/N's choice. What do you like? Sugar shots? Mojitos?" 
Your lips part, unprepared for a direct question so soon. 
Derek turns his head to yours, giving you what Emily deems the most ridiculous puppy dog eyed smile anyone has ever given, and what Rossi knows is a ring waiting to happen. He should know. 
"Let's go figure it out. Another round, from me?" he offers. 
He's quick to steer you away, but not too quick to miss Rossi's, "Something strong if you want us old timers to stay!" 
They wait for you to be safely out of earshot before they condense, bad gossips and worse actors off the job. "Who would've thought?" Emily asks. 
"She's not what I was expecting," JJ says. 
"Are we that intimidating?" Rossi asks, raising his eyebrows. The answer being yes, of course, though none of them are aware of just how scary they can be. You'd felt like you were standing in front of a pack of wolves. 
"She seemed nice," Spencer says. Trust him to say something sweet. Trust the rest of Derek's friends to agree, the group nodding and humming at various pitches.
"She seemed silent," Emily jokes. 
Penelope crosses her fingers and closes her eyes, earrings swinging against the blond tresses of her curled hair as she drops her head. "God, my muffin deserves nice. Please let this work out, she looks so sweet. I just wanna pinch her cheeks." 
"It's gonna work out," Hotch says surely. 
If Derek could hear him, he'd agree on the spot, but he's too busy praising you halfway across the room for such a stellar introduction. 
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nqmonarch · 5 months
Blade in Yandere Fanfics
Content Warning: Talk about Yanderes, so mentions of violence against reader and kidnapping
The fanfics I read of Blade are few and far between for a few reasons. The biggest one being a lot of the story I read is yandere themed and man why do they always make Blade out to be such a violent guy, like yes he is, but I feel like there's more to explore?? Violent yandere Blade will always have a place in the world but where is the desperate Blade who has genuinely no idea of why he likes his partner so much but knows he needs to do anything to get them to stay with him.
Desperate Yandere Blade who at first threatens you to stay with him but can't handle the way you recoil in fear. He has no idea why one reaction from you has him in shambles but he doesn't want that to happen again. Like he is beyond terrified of you leaving him for any reason. Sure, he could break your legs but what if you end up hating him so much you find a way to die or end up becoming a shell of your former self.
You relieve his mara because whenever he's with you, you're all he can think about. You have no ties to his past. And when he's with you he forgets all about what happened on the Xianzhou. You wouldn't leave him in pain alone, would you? You're not that cruel. He probably wouldn't guilt trip you, instead that comes from Kafka. After all you just made her job a lot easier, and it's in the script you should stay with Blade, if you want the best ending for all of the universe.
Yandere Blade is fucking desperate. Sometimes his emotions get the best of him, he may squeeze onto you a bit too tight and cause bruises but after seeing them that panic stricken fear returns to him and he feels afraid to even touch you. He doesn't want to scare you, he's just a scary guy.
It'd be like having a big dog, except this big dog is a wanted Stellaron Hunter and a lot more deadly. He would tank hits for you if your life was ever in danger. He'll live no matter what, you on the other hand? You're fragile. Would overstress about you getting hurt and watch you just to make sure you don't, an added benefit is whenever he sees you he feels more calm.
But if you end up trying to be with someone else? Yeah, good luck. When you first mention someone else he acts indifferent, maybe he'll watch you a bit more, make sure this person is really safe. But the moment it continues he'll be trying to bargain to get you back to spending all of your time with him, if needed he'd probably beg albeit flustered, and if none of that works he'll just hug you and won't let go.
No, this isn't kidnapping he's just keeping you still. That is until Kafka comes, and she's nice enough to make sure nothing gets in the way of your and Blade's relationship!
And why is he doing all of this?
Because he loves you, of course.
Kafka is an enabler lmao
I saw one small post on how Blade might be desperate once and I was like this is my life now. I can get behind desperate Blade. Then I ended up accidentally making the post about Yandere Blade because Yandere content is about all I consume (didn't plan to write any though tbh). Oopsies?
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writingroom21 · 6 days
Can I get a request!
Rafe and y/n are both working parents, so they have a nanny, but the nanny develops a crush on rafe
Kinds like one tree hill storyline with nanny Carrie
A/N: I love the way your mind works. I hope you enjoy!
You're All That I Want
Pairing: dad!rafe x mom!reader
Summary: You hire a nanny when you go back to work. A serious of weird interactions make you think that the nanny is into Rafe.
Warnings: fluff, Rafe being a softy for his family, feelings of insecurity, (Let me know if I missed any)
When your son Luca was born everything was perfect. Rafe finally felt comfortable in himself. His fathers words weren’t plaguing him, keeping him up at night just to tell him he’s a failure. All the nightmares throughout your pregnancy seemed worth it when he finally held his baby boy in his arms. He couldn’t have been happier. 
He had the perfect wife and now he had a son. A baby boy who completed your family, making his heart grow even more. Rafe was originally scared when you told him you were pregnant. The both of you had only been married for a year at that point. All of the negative emotions that he worked to put behind him came rushing back like a tsunami. 
His father’s hatred is at the forefront of his mind. He thought he was destined to fail, ruin the family he desperately wanted. “It’s okay. We can figure it out together. For better or for worse, right?” You rationed with him. Never letting him forget he isn’t his father.
“Thank you  for coming with me today.” You had just gotten out of an appointment. Rafe was focused on the little picture in his hands. The sonogram showing a blurry blob that was your baby. “Why wouldn’t I come? This is our baby.” He’s confused on why you would think he wouldn’t show. Yes he’s busy with work but you and the baby come first. “It’s just some guys wouldn’t think about showing up during the work day. So thank you for being an amazing dad.”
You kiss him on the check and continue walking. That’s the first time you called him dad. The role of the parental figure feels heavy. Then he looks at that blurry blob and at you. A sense of pride fills him, his family. From that moment on the nightmares didn’t seem as scary. They still made him doubt himself but it was manageable. 
Then on a sunny Friday morning your baby decided to make his entrance to the world. He was the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. You were crying as the nurses placed him on your chest for the first time. Luca’s little wales calmed once he felt your touch. “Hi baby boy.” You whisper, stroking his head lightly with one finger. You turn to look at Rafe.
He had tears streaming down his face as he watched the two of you. He has been staying back, watching his son from a distance. Following him around as the nurses cleaned him up after he had cut the umbilical cord. Once he saw his son and his wife bonding he broke. Every worry dissipated from his body. Knowing that he would do anything to keep the two of you safe.
Rafe was glued to your side from that day on and since your baby was glued to you, he always had eyes on the two most important things in his life. He felt lucky that he ran the family business. Since Rafe was the boss he could take as much time off as he wanted. You on the other hand had a steady job. 
In fact you were a nurse at the same hospital you gave birth at. They had so gracefully given you five months of maternity leave. It sure helps that they had an anonymous donor all of a sudden. Rafe just wanted to spend as much time with his family that he could. He knew you would want to work so he found a happy medium. His ideal would be you staying at home but you insist on continuing to work. He honestly values that quality in you, hoping that Luca and any future kids get it as well.
The first few weeks were hell. The two of you didn’t know how to handle a baby. Your mom tried to help as much as she could but you and Rafe wanted to figure it out on your own. It took a while but you got the hang of it. Soon feedings, nap time, and bed time were going smoothly. The five months had seemed to fly, feeling as if he was just born yesterday.
Towards the end of your maternity leave you both had a conversation. It was finally time for you to think on how to move forward with child care. “I have to be honest here. I love being at home but I miss being at work. I miss my patients, Rafe. I don’t know what to do.” You confide in your husband. Feeling ashamed for wanting to work. “Hey if that’s what you want we'll make it work. I won’t stop you.”
You look at him, trying to find comfort and finding it hard. “You don’t think I’m failing as a mother? Putting my job before our family?” You question, your fear finally being voiced. “Baby you are a great mom. I wouldn’t be as good of a dad if it wasn’t for you.” He comforts you. “I think you should do what makes you happy. If that’s going back to work then we’ll just find a nanny. It’s not a big deal.” You kiss him, grateful to have such a loving husband.
The Rafe you knew in highschool was completely different. He was a  trouble maker that made you fall for him. But now he’s everything that you dreamed of and better honestly. “Thank you.” You say after breaking the kiss. “How about we go look at nanny’s?” He questions, pecking you one last time.
The hunt for a nanny didn’t take long. The last five candidates really just have to pass the Luca test. He’s been fussy with people that aren’t you or Rafe. The only exception really being your parents and Sarah. Poor Wheezie is still trying to get him to like her.
All the candidates seemed perfect but Luca had other thoughts. Each one dropped like flies, not one lasting long enough to be considered. That was until Candice. She came in with a bright smile and Luca seemed to like her. You and Rafe watched as they played together, sharing a look knowing you finally found someone. Relief filling you both now that you have a solid plan. She was hired on the spot, instructed on all his needs and when to show up next week.
The final week was ignoring the outside world and spending as much time together. Taking every chance to cuddle with your precious boy and on rare occasions taking the opportunity to be alone. It was a perfect way to send you back off to the workforce. That was until your first day on the job.
You were happy to be back. Catching up with old co-workers, filling them in on the new addition to the family. Seeing the old patients that were still here and meeting the new ones. There was just this part of you that missed being at home. You chalked it up to just being back and went on with the day. The routine followed the same few a month or two. You went to work and longed to be home. A part of you telling you that something wasn’t right.
It never made sense, you loved your job. Sure there were some moments you didn’t like it, you just loved to help people. It’s normal to miss your child but this was something deeper. 
One day you got out of work early. Excited, you rushed home and were ecstatic when you saw that Rafe was already home. It wasn’t late so you could feed Luca and the three of you could spend time together. Once in the house you hear Rafe talking to the nanny.
“So basically you just buy property and sell them?” You hear her question. “Umm it’s a little more complicated than that. It can be stressful but yeah that’s the jist of it.” Rafe answers. There’s some clanking sounds of pots hitting each other. “You know if you are ever stressed I can help you.” Candice states. 
You freeze at her words. “Well thank you for watching Luca. Here’s your paycheck, see you tomorrow.” Rafe dismisses. You walk into the kitchen, looking at the two of them. Candice is sitting on the kitchen island and Rafe is moving around the kitchen. Candice turns to see you, her eyes narrowing a bit. “Oh hi Mrs. Cameron. I didn’t see you there.” Rafe looks over at you when you are mentioned. He smiles and walks over, giving you a deep kiss. “Hi baby.” He says, squeezing your ass a bit. “Hi.” You giggle, looking over his shoulder to see her gone.
You don’t mention how you feel, bottling it up and storing it away. Chalking it up to it being a weird interaction. Then you come home again a little earlier than expected. As soon as the door is open, arms wrapped around you. “How was your day Mr. Cameron?” A sultry voice asks. You push Candice off of you, her shocked expression matching yours. “Excuse me?” She backs away. Her hands rubbing together to calm her nerves. “I’m sorry I didn’t think you would find it inappropriate.” She reasons.
“Inappropriate? You said Mr. Cameron, were you waiting for my husband?” You accuse. Her eyes widened, her head shaking. “No I swear. I said Mrs. Cameron. You must have misheard. God I’m so embarrassed, I’m so sorry.” She seems genuine. Against your better judgment you let it go not wanting to think further into it.
The following week you get out of work, heading home just wanting to sleep. You had to stay extra today, your body is exhausted. You enter the house on pilot mode. Going through the motion as if you were in a game, all of your actions already being chosen. You didn’t snap out of it till you made it to the door of the living room. You saw Rafe and went to call out to him, stopping when you saw candice on the couch next to him.
They were close, leaning into each other. You stand there, an agonizing feeling in your chest. Why is he so close to her? Your mind thinks back to the way she threw herself on you. Of course she was waiting for Rafe. How fucking stupid could you be. Yet you knew he would never do this to you.
“Hey baby. Hi baby boy” You walk in and go over to Rafe, giving him a kiss. Picking up Luca for his playmate to give him a kiss. You look at Candice and she’s glaring at you. “Hi Candice. I’m going to go get cleaned up and we can have dinner.” Rafe’s hands find your thighs, rubbing up and down. He pulls you a bit closer, looking up at you. “Sounds good. I’ll put Luca’s toys away and get his food ready. Let me take him.” You hand him over to his dad, Rafe takes the time to kiss you one more time. 
That night in bed you let your mind wander. Voicing your discomfort in your own way. “The nanny is kinda cute, isn’t she?” You ask, head moving to look at him. He's reading a book and doesn’t really move to look at you. “Huh?” “I said the nanny’s kinda cute right?” This catches his attention.
People might think he’s stupid but he’s actually pretty smart. He knows what you are getting at here. You are starting to feel uncomfortable, maybe even jealous. “I guess, I never thought of it.” You hum at his response. It doesn’t give you much to go on. “It’s nice that she stays later even once you get home.” Rafe raises an eyebrow at you. Surely you're not implying what he thinks you are. “Yeah it is. Think we should give her a pay raise?” He jokes.
You suck in a breath, hurt starting to seep in. He wants to pay her extra for flirting with him? “What do you guys do while you wait for me to get home?” You get straight to the point. You are fed up of coming home and seeing how close together they are. You need to know if you are wasting time here. Rafe just looks at you, his eyes shutting closed and then pening up.
“Do you really think I would cheat on you?” He doesn’t hold back. The book is thrown off the bed as he turns his body to you. “No. I just can’t help the feeling that she likes you. That you will see that she’s better. It’s stupid but I really think she likes you.” He feels relieved knowing you don’t find him capable of that. He could never hurt you, you are everything to him.
“I’m never leaving you. I don’t think she has one and even if she does I don’t care. You’re all I want. We will be ninety and getting on each other's nerves. For better or for worse.” You laugh, your worries leaving. He was right, for better or for worse. 
Rafe didn’t understand why you were so worried anyway. All Candice asks him is about his day, job, and golfing. She will talk about her life from time to time but nothing more. He just simply didn’t see why you were so worried. The relationship between him and her was strictly platonic.
Rafe had beaten you home today. An account hadn’t taken him as long to close as he planned. He figured that this was a perfect time to make it up to you. He knows you have been having a tough time recently so he wants to make you feel better. Rafe had ordered your favorite food, went to the store and got your favorite chocolates and flowers. On the way home he even called your mom to see if she could take Luca for the night. He wanted to give you a stress free night.
“Candice, I'm home.” Rafe shouts into the house as he enters. His plan is to get her out of the house as soon as he can and bring Luca to your moms. He brings the bags to the kitchen, wanting to get everything set up. He’s in the middle of plating the food when he feels arms wrap around him. He smiles for a moment, thinking you got home and caught him doing something nice. He realizes something is wrong when the body leans deeper into him. He looks down and doesn’t see your ring.
“Can’t believe you would do this for me.” Candice’s voice rings in his ear. Rafe rips her arms off of him shoving her away. “What the fuck are you doing?” He yells at her. He stares at her with wide eyes. “What are you talking about? I’m just doing what we both want.” She’s walking closer to him. He has to shake his head to see if this is reality. Rafe puts his arms up before she could get closer. “Listen I don’t know what you think is happening here but it’s not real.”
He’s trying to be nice, not waiting to embarrass the young girl or make things awkward. “Yes it is. I see how you look at me. It’s okay Mr. Cameron I want to fuck you too.” Rafe is utterly bewildered. What the actual fuck is this girl on. “Hey I’ve done drugs in my time but I won’t allow you to put my son’s life in danger just so you can get high.” That could only be the possible explanation.
Every conversation and interaction is playing in Rafe’s mind. There is no way he gave her the impression that he wanted her. She just laughs at him. “I’m not on drugs, silly. I just want us to finally get it over with. I mean you brought all of this for me, clearly you feel the same.” Her arms wrap around his neck. You walk in just in time to hear the last part of what she said.
He really played you. He made you feel crazy for your thoughts and here’s the proof. You didn’t have time to speak up because Rafe was yelling. “Get the fuck off of me. You need to listen to me, touch me again and you are fired. Matter of fact you are fired. We will no longer be needing your service.” He shoves her off him, his eyes filled with rage. “What I thought.” Candice tries to explain.
“I don’t want to hear it. You know my wife saw you for what you are. A nasty whore who tries to break up families. I’m disgusted even knowing I defended you because you are nothing but shit on the bottom of my shoe. Take your fucking money and never come back.” Rafe throws the check at her yet she doesn’t reach for you.
“Let’s see what that little wife of yours thinks when I tell her how we’ve been sleeping together. She’ll leave you and you’ll just have to stay with me. She won’t believe you when you say I’m lying.” She smirks as Rafe’s face drops. Thinking she won the battle she goes to step closer to him.
“I think she’ll know you are lying. Then fire you just like MY husband did.” She freezes and Rafe looks relieved to see you. “Mrs Cameron.” “Save it.” you cut her off. “Take the money and leave. We don’t need you here anymore.” Candice picks up the check with a solemn face. She rushes past you as she leaves, looking back at Rafe one last time.
When she is gone Rafe takes a deep breath. “I’m so fucking glad you were there. I was close to punching her in the face.” He breathes out. You just laugh walking over to him. “I wouldn’t have minded.” He gives you a kiss, looking at the bags on the counter.
“So much for a romantic night for the two of us. Even have your mom for overnight duty.” You smile at him, biting your lip and you look up. “Why don’t we drop Luca off and you can make it up to me. Since we already have the sitter of course.” You rationalize. “I like the way you think Mrs. Cameron.”
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smashhed · 15 days
|| The King's Gambit ||
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🔞 Sukuna x Y/N Minors DNI| TRIGGER WARNING 🔞
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Plot: Sukuna in a human world as a mafia boss so things will surely get steamy . Can you handle it ?
Tags- Breast sucking ,killing, mafia ,lust ,revenge ,sex ,plot , fights , gun , gore, action
NOTE : Hey readers,
I just wanted to drop a quick note to let you know that I’m new to the smut genre. Previously, I’ve been writing action fiction novels on other platforms, and now I’m trying to blend some of that action-packed excitement into my new work here. I hope you enjoy the mix of intense action and steamy scenes!
For the love of all things holy, if you're a minor reading this, stop right now. This content is meant for adults only, and I swear to god, if I find out you're reading this, and complaining and crying about it , I'm gonna beat your ass. Stay safe and read responsibly! Divider Credit : @cafekitsune
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The city was like a giant maze of metal and glass, full of dark corners and secrets. In the middle of all this, Sukuna, a feared mafia boss, was in charge. His name alone was enough to scare people, and he had a reputation for being tough and powerful.
Tonight, though, things were going to get interesting.
Y/N loved adventure. Her job as a reporter had taken her to some risky places, and this city was no exception. She had heard rumors about Sukuna, the mysterious mafia leader, and she was curious. Wanting to find out more and hoping for a big story, she followed clues that seemed to lead to where he was.
As Y/N navigated the dimly lit streets, her heart pounded with a mix of fear and excitement. She knew this was dangerous, but the potential reward was too tempting to ignore.
Sukuna was sitting in his fancy office high up in a skyscraper, far above the busy, dirty streets of the city. The office was decorated with expensive furniture, making it look very different from the rough streets below. He was looking through some reports when one of his guys came in, looking nervous.
"Boss, we found someone snooping around the warehouse area. What should we do?" the man asked, his voice shaking a bit.
Sukuna's expression turned serious. "Who's brave enough to mess around in my area?" "It's a woman, boss. She seems determined, like some sort of journalist," the man replied, a hint of uncertainty in his tone.
Sukuna's interest was piqued. "Bring her to me. But make sure she's unharmed."
Y/N didn’t expect to be caught so quickly. Suddenly, a few well-dressed but scary-looking men surrounded her. Before she knew it, they grabbed her.
"Let me go!" she demanded, trying to break free.
"The boss wants to see you," one of them told her without any emotion.
They brought her to Sukuna's office. As she was pushed inside, her breath caught in her throat. The man behind the desk was as intimidating as the stories said. His presence filled the room, and his eyes seemed to see right through her.. His penetrating gaze seemed to strip away her defenses, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here ?" Sukuna's voice was smooth as silk, yet laced with a subtle threat. "A journalist, nosing around where she shouldn't be."
Y/N squared her shoulders, meeting Sukuna's intense stare with defiance. "I'm Y/N. And I'm here for a story."
Sukuna leaned back, a small smirk appearing on his face. "A story, is it? You must be quite brave or quite foolish to come here for that."
"Perhaps," Y/N replied, her tone unwavering despite the flutter of nerves in her stomach.
Sukuna's eyes gleamed with amusement. He admired her courage, even as he contemplated the implications of her intrusion. "Very well, Y/N. I'll entertain your request for a story. But know that it comes with a price."
Y/N frowned, her curiosity piqued. "What sort of price are we talking about?"
Sukuna leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "You want a story? Then you'll have to play by my rules. You'll have exclusive access to my world, but in return, you'll owe me a debt—one that I will call upon when the time is right."
Y/N hesitated, weighing the risks against the potential reward. But in the end, her thirst for a groundbreaking story outweighed her apprehension. With a nod, she accepted Sukuna's terms, knowing that delving into his world would be a dangerous game—one where the stakes were higher than she could have ever imagined.
Y/N hesitated. It was a dangerous proposition, but the opportunity was too good to pass up. " Fine. I agree."
Sukuna's smile widened. "Good. Let the games begin."
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That night, Y/N was given a room in Sukuna's mansion. It was luxurious, but she couldn't shake the feeling of being a prisoner. She lay in bed, thinking about the man she had just met. There was something magnetic about him, something that drew her in despite the danger.
Meanwhile, Sukuna sat in his study, thinking about Y/N. She was different from anyone he had ever met. Fearless, determined, and undeniably attractive. He was intrigued by her, and that was a feeling he wasn't used to.
The next few days were a whirlwind. Y/N followed Sukuna as he conducted his business. She saw the darker side of his world, but also moments of unexpected kindness. He was a complex man, and the more she learned about him, the more fascinated she became.
One evening, after a particularly tense meeting with a rival gang, Sukuna and Y/N found themselves alone in his office.
"You handled that well," Y/N said, breaking the silence.
Sukuna looked at her, his eyes intense. "You surprise me, Y/N. Most people would be terrified in your position."
"I'm not most people," she replied, meeting his gaze.
Sukuna stepped closer, his presence overwhelming. "No, you're not."
There was a charged silence between them. Y/N's heart raced as Sukuna reached out, brushing a strand of hair from her face.
" You should be careful," he murmured, his voice low. "Playing with fire can get you burned."
Y/N's breath hitched. "Maybe I like the heat."
Sukuna's eyes darkened with desire. "You're playing a dangerous game, Y/N."
"And you're enjoying every minute of it," she shot back.
Sukuna's lips curved into a predatory smile. "Maybe I am."
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Over the next few days, the tension between Sukuna and Y/N grew. They were like two magnets, drawn together despite the danger. Sukuna was captivated by Y/N's spirit, and she was drawn to his raw power.
One night, Sukuna took Y/N to a high-end club. It was a place where deals were made and alliances formed. As they entered, all eyes were on them. Y/N felt a thrill of excitement and danger.
They danced, the music pulsing around them. Sukuna's hands were possessive on her waist, and Y/N felt a shiver of anticipation. She looked up at him, their faces inches apart.
"This is your world," she said softly. "But it feels like we're in our own little universe."
Sukuna's grip tightened. "As long as you're with me, you're part of it."
Y/N leaned in, her lips brushing his ear. "Then let's make it ours."
Sukuna pulled her closer, their bodies moving in perfect sync. The heat between them was undeniable, and Y/N felt like she was on fire.
Just as they were lost in each other, chaos erupted. Gunshots rang out, and the crowd panicked. Sukuna immediately shielded Y/N, his eyes scanning the room for threats.
"Stay close to me," he ordered, his voice deadly calm.
Y/N nodded, her heart pounding with fear and adrenaline. They moved through the chaos, Sukuna taking down attackers with ruthless efficiency.
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When a man with a gun emerged from the shadows, aiming directly at them, Sukuna's response was lightning-fast. He quickly pushed Y/N behind a pillar for safety, then charged the gunman. As he closed the distance, he ducked under a sloppy shot, rolled forward, and sprang up right in front of the attacker. Using his forearm, he blocked another attempted shot and twisted the gunman's arm sharply, forcing him to drop the weapon. With a swift uppercut, Sukuna knocked the gunman out cold.
Another attacker charged at Sukuna, wielding a knife. Sukuna sidestepped, grabbing the attacker's wrist, and delivered a low kick to the assailant’s knee, destabilizing him. As the man stumbled, Sukuna used his grip on the wrist to flip the attacker over his shoulder, sending him crashing to the ground. The knife skittered across the floor, and Sukuna quickly kicked it into a corner.
Y/N, from behind the pillar, watched Sukuna with a mix of fear and awe. His movements were precise and calculated, his expression focused and unyielding.
More attackers rushed towards Sukuna, but he was ready. He swiftly picked up the dropped gun and switched to defensive stance. He fired several controlled shots, each aimed with deadly precision, incapacitating his assailants one by one. The sharp reports of the gun echoed through the club, overshadowing the chaotic screams around them.
Sukuna’s agility and combat prowess were on full display as he ducked a wild swing from another attacker, countered with a jab to the throat, followed by a knee to the stomach, and a powerful palm strike to the chest that sent the man flying backward.
As the last of the attackers fell, the intensity in Sukuna’s eyes faded slightly. He turned back to Y/N, his posture relaxing as he walked over to her.
"Are you okay?" he asked gently, his tone shifting from the commanding fierceness of battle to concerned softness.
Y/N nodded, her voice shaky from adrenaline. " Yes, I’m okay, thanks to you. That was… incredible."
Sukuna cracked a small, confident smile. "Glad to hear that. Stay close to me, it’s not over until we’re out of here."
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Back at the mansion, Sukuna and Y/N tended to their wounds. The danger they had just faced brought them even closer.
"Sukuna," Y/N said quietly, breaking the silence. "Why did you bring me into your world?"
Sukuna looked at her, his expression unreadable. "At first, it was curiosity. But now... it's more than that."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean?"
Sukuna took a deep breath. "I've never met anyone like you, Y/N. You challenge me, make me feel things I haven't felt in a long time."
Y/N's eyes softened. " I feel the same way, Sukuna. "
He reached out, taking her hand in his. "This is dangerous, you know that, right?"
Y/N nodded. "I don't care. I'm not afraid."
As their conversation simmered with tension, Sukuna's gaze darkened with desire. "You want to play with danger, Y/N?" he murmured huskily, his voice dripping with seduction. Y/N's pulse quickened as she met his gaze head-on. " I'm not afraid to explore every inch of you," she whispered, her words a challenge. Sukuna smirked, his dominant aura filling the room.
"I want to possess every inch of you, Y/N," he murmured, his voice laced with desire.
Y/N's breath hitched at his words, her body already craving his touch. "Then take me, Sukuna," she whispered, her voice thick with longing. With a growl, Sukuna claimed her lips in a fierce kiss,
Sukuna's eyes darkened with raw desire as he pinned Y/N against the wall, his body pressed flush against hers. " You're mine, Y/N, " he growled, his voice dripping with possessiveness. Y/N gasped at the intensity in his gaze, feeling a rush of heat pooling between her legs. "Claim me, Sukuna," she pleaded, her voice barely a whisper. With a predatory smirk, Sukuna trailed kisses along her neck, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. "I'll make you mine in every way," he vowed, his hands exploring her body with a hunger that sent shivers down her spine .
Sukuna's lips trailed along Y/N's neck, his tongue flicking out to taste her like a predator savoring its prey. Y/N's breath caught in her throat as she surrendered to his dominance, her body arching against his with a desperate need. "You're mine, Y/N," Sukuna growled possessively, his voice sending shivers down her spine. "And tonight, I'm going to show you just how much you belong to me." With a hungry moan, Y/N nodded, her desire burning like wildfire
With a wicked grin, Sukuna's fingers trailed down Y/N's body until they reached her throbbing clit. "You like it when I tease you, don't you, Y/N?" he purred, his voice laced with dominance. Y/N whimpered in response, her hips instinctively pressing against his hand, craving more of his touch. "Please, Sukuna," she begged, her voice thick with desire. Sukuna's smirk widened as he circled her clit with expert precision, driving her to the edge of madness with each teasing touch. " You're so beautiful when you're desperate for me," he whispered, his breath hot against her skin.
Sukuna suddenly stopped, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he looked at Y/N teasingly. "Do you want more, Y/N?" he taunted, his voice dripping with dominance. Y/N's breath hitched as she stared up at him, her body throbbing with need. "Please, Sukuna," she begged, her voice a desperate plea. Sukuna smirked, reveling in her desperation before resuming his ministrations with renewed vigor. "You have to earn it, Y/N," he murmured, his voice low and commanding.
Sukuna's smirk widened as he gazed down at Y/N, his dominance radiating from every inch of his being. " If you want more, Y/N, you'll have to show me how much you want it," he teased, his voice thick with desire. Y/N's heart raced at his command, her need for him burning hotter than ever. "I'll show you, Sukuna," she whispered, her voice trembling with anticipation. With a wicked grin, Sukuna leaned back, his cock throbbing with anticipation as Y/N eagerly took him into her mouth, sucking him like she meant it
Sukuna watched with smug satisfaction as Y/N took him into her mouth like a hungry prey, her lips wrapping around him with eager determination. "That's it, Y/N," he groaned, his voice thick with pleasure. "Show me how much you crave me." Y/N moaned around him, the vibrations sending waves of ecstasy coursing through Sukuna's body. "You're mine to devour, Y/N," he growled, his hands tangling in her hair as he guided her movements.
Sukuna's eyes widened with surprise as Y/N suddenly deepthroated him, her mouth engulfing him with a hunger that left him breathless. "Fuck, Y/N," he gasped, his voice strained with pleasure. "You're even more skilled than I thought." Y/N's eyes sparkled with mischief as she continued, her movements relentless as she took him deeper and deeper. "You like that, Sukuna?" she teased, her voice husky with desire. Sukuna could only nod in response, his mind consumed by the overwhelming sensation of her mouth around him
Sukuna's fingers found their way to Y/N's throbbing clit as she deepthroated him, his touch sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her body. "You like it when I take control, don't you, Y/N?" he murmured, his voice thick with dominance. Y/N moaned around him, her hips bucking against his hand as she surrendered to his touch. "Yes, Sukuna," she gasped, her voice muffled by his length. Sukuna smirked, relishing in the power he held over her as he continued to pleasure her without mercy
With a primal growl, Sukuna seized control, flipping Y/N onto her back as he positioned himself between her thighs. "You're mine to claim, Y/N," he declared, his voice dripping with dominance. Y/N's breath hitched with anticipation as she felt him enter her, his length filling her like never before. "Yes, Sukuna," she moaned, her voice a mix of pleasure and surrender Sukuna's throbbing cock plunged into Y/N's wet pussy, each thrust sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. "Oh, Sukuna," she moaned, her voice a symphony of ecstasy as he pounded her relentlessly. Sukuna's primal growls filled the room as he claimed her as his own, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. "You like it when I fuck you like this, don't you, Y/N?" he grunted, his voice thick with desire. Y/N could only nod in response, her senses overwhelmed by the intensity of their passion. 
Sukuna's hands eagerly seized Y/N's breasts, and with a swift, decisive motion, he tore apart her top, revealing her pert nipples to his hungry gaze. Y/N's breath caught in her throat as he took her sensitive peaks into his mouth, his lips and tongue working wonders on her flesh, sending electrifying waves of pleasure coursing through her entire being. With each suck and nibble, she felt herself unraveling under his skilled ministrations, her body responding instinctively to his every touch.
"Oh, Sukuna," Y/N moaned, her back arching in pleasure as she surrendered herself to the overwhelming sensations washing over her. Her fingers clawed at his back, urging him closer as she sought to immerse herself fully in the ecstasy of their shared passion. Sukuna groaned in satisfaction, his hunger for her growing with each passing moment, his dominance radiating from every fiber of his being.
"You're mine, Y/N," Sukuna declared, his voice thick with possessiveness as he claimed her with each fervent kiss and caress. Y/N could do nothing but whimper in response, completely lost in the intensity of their connection.
Sukuna shifted Y/N onto her back, his eyes ablaze with desire. "You ready for more, baby?" he growled, his voice thick with lust. Y/N nodded eagerly, her breath coming in short gasps as she braced herself for his next move.
With a primal grunt, Sukuna thrust into her once again, his cock filling her completely. "Oh god, yes!" Y/N cried out, her voice filled with ecstasy as she surrendered to the pleasure of his powerful thrusts. Sukuna's lips crashed down on hers, his kisses hot and urgent as they lost themselves in the heat of the moment.
Their bodies moved together in a frenzied rhythm, each thrust driving them both closer to the edge. "You feel so good, Y/N," Sukuna moaned, his voice rough with desire. Y/N's nails dug into his back, her cries of pleasure mingling with his 
Sukuna's voice was a low, husky whisper against Y/N's ear as he spoke, "I want to make you cum, baby. Let me feel you unravel around me." Y/N's breath hitched at his words, her body quivering with anticipation.
"Please, Sukuna," she begged, her voice dripping with need. "Make me cum hard."
With a predatory grin, Sukuna increased the pace of his thrusts, driving her closer to the edge with each powerful movement. "You're so close, Y/N," he murmured, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine. "Let go for me."
Y/N's fingers clenched the sheets as she surrendered to the pleasure building inside her, her cries of ecstasy filling the room as she finally reached the peak of her pleasure. "Yes, Sukuna, yes!" she screamed, her body convulsing with the force of her release.
Sukuna's cock throbbed with anticipation as Y/N reached the pinnacle of her pleasure, her walls gripping him tightly as she came hard. "Fuck, baby, you're so tight," he groaned, feeling her hot juices coating his dick. With a primal roar, he released himself deep inside her, filling her pussy with his hot, sticky cum.
But Sukuna wasn't satisfied yet. His hunger for her was insatiable, and with a predatory gleam in his eyes, he continued to pound into her relentlessly. "You like that, don't you, Y/N? You want more of my cock?" he growled, his voice dripping with lust.
Y/N could only whimper in response, her body writhing beneath him as she begged for more. With each powerful thrust, Sukuna felt himself getting closer and closer to the edge once again. "I'm gonna cum inside you again, baby," he grunted, his voice thick with desire.
And with one final, powerful thrust, Sukuna emptied himself inside her for a second time, their combined moans filling the room as they surrendered to the overwhelming pleasure of their shared climax.
With a satisfied smirk, Sukuna leaned down to kiss Y/N passionately, his lips claiming hers with a possessiveness that sent shivers down her spine. "You're mine now, Y/N," he murmured against her lips, his voice thick with dominance. "I've claimed you as mine, and there's no going back."
Y/N's heart raced with a mixture of excitement and anticipation as she surrendered herself completely to him. "Yes, Sukuna," she whispered, her voice a breathless affirmation of her submission to him.
Their night was a whirlwind of passion, each moment hotter than the last. They fucked again and again, their bodies moving in perfect harmony as they sought to quench their insatiable desire for each other.
With every thrust, Sukuna claimed Y/N as his own, their moans of pleasure echoing in the darkness as they surrendered themselves completely to the fire of their passion. They explored every inch of each other's bodies, leaving no part untouched as they reveled in the ecstasy of their shared pleasure.
As the first light of dawn began to filter through the window, they finally collapsed in each other's arms, sated and spent from their night of passion. With a contented sigh, Sukuna pulled Y/N close, holding her tightly against him as they drifted off to sleep, their bodies entwined in a blissful embrace.
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The next few days were a blur of action and emotion. Sukuna and Y/N grew closer, their bond deepening with each passing moment. They were a formidable team, each pushing the other to new heights.
But the danger was always lurking, and they both knew it was only a matter of time before it caught up to them.
The inevitable showdown arrived with the fury of a storm. A rival gang, determined to dethrone Sukuna, launched a full-scale attack on his mansion under the cover of night. Bullets rained and explosions lit up the dark sky, signaling the start of a merciless battle.
Sukuna and Y/N stood back to back, their resolve steeling them against the onslaught. Sukuna's eyes were ice-cold with focus, his gun firing with the precision of a seasoned warrior, each shot synchronized with his breathing. Beside him, Y/N matched his rhythm, her own gun spitting fire at any figure that dared advance.
One thug tried to look menacing but slipped on his own shoelaces and went flying past them. Sukuna couldn't help but snort.
"Watch this," Sukuna whispered to Y/N as he spotted another group trying to flank them. He waited until they were awkwardly clustered together, then lobbed a smoke grenade. The gang members stumbled around, bumping into each other like characters in a silent film.
Y/N giggled, covering her mouth. "They're like penguins on ice!"
"Cover me," Sukuna said, diving into the fray with a bit more flair than necessary. He rolled, not because he needed to, but because it looked cool. When he came up, his hair was perfectly tousled—somehow it always was, even in a gunfight.
A large, burly thug swung a crowbar at Sukuna, who dodged and quipped, "You need to hit the gym, mate!" before delivering a punch
A thug lunged at him with a knife, slashing wildly. Sukuna dodged to the side, his arm whipping out to catch the man's wrist, twisting it viciously until the knife clattered to the ground. With a swift uppercut, he sent the attacker sprawling.
"Y/N, watch out!" Sukuna yelled as he saw another assailant sneaking behind her. Y/N spun around just in time, her fist connecting with the attacker's jaw in a satisfying crunch.
The air was thick with the smell of gunpowder and blood. Amidst the chaos, a burly figure emerged— the leader of the rival gang. He was flanked by his best men, who moved with lethal intent towards Sukuna and Y/N.
Sukuna met the gang leader's gaze, his expression grim. "This ends tonight," he growled.
The leader smirked, cracking his knuckles. " You're in over your head, Sukuna. "
With a roar, Sukuna charged, ducking as the leader swung a heavy pipe. He countered with a jab to the abdomen, followed by a sharp hook to the face, staggering the larger man.
Meanwhile, Y/N battled two assailants. She ducked a wild swing, pivoting to deliver a kick that knocked the wind out of her opponent. As the second man raised his gun, Y/N grabbed his arm, twisting and using his own body to shield herself as she disarmed him, throwing him over her shoulder onto the ground.
"Y/N!" Sukuna shouted, distracted for a split second as he saw her struggle. That moment was all the leader needed. He landed a heavy blow to Sukuna's side, a knife slicing through his shirt and skin.
"Stay with me, Sukuna," Y/N cried out, dispatching another attacker before rushing to his side. Blood was beginning to stain his shirt, but his eyes burned with an unquenchable fire.
"I'm not going anywhere," Sukuna gritted out, pushing past the pain. With a fierce yell, he launched himself at the gang leader. They traded blows, the sound of flesh and bone meeting echoing above the gunfire. Sukuna's movements were a blur, a ballet of violence, as he parried, dodged, and struck with ruthless efficiency.
Finally, with a powerful combination of strikes, Sukuna landed a devastating blow to the leader’s temple, sending him crashing to the ground, unconscious.
The remaining attackers, seeing their leader defeated, began to falter. Sukuna and Y/N seized the momentum, pushing back with renewed vigor until the last of the attackers fled into the night.
With the last of the attackers gone, the mansion was left in ruins. Smoke and dust hung in the air, and the once luxurious rooms were now a battlefield.
Y/N rushed to Sukuna's side, her heart pounding with fear. "Sukuna, you're hurt."
He smiled, though it was strained. "It's just a scratch."
Y/N's eyes filled with tears as she looked at him, her voice trembling. "Stay with me, Sukuna. Don't you dare leave me."
Sukuna reached out, cupping her face in his blood-stained hand. "I'm not going anywhere," he said softly, his eyes filled with determination.
With a final, desperate push, they managed to defeat the attackers. The mansion was in ruins, but they had survived.
As they stood amidst the wreckage, Y/N looked at Sukuna, her eyes filled with love and determination.
"We did it," she said softly.
Sukuna pulled her into his arms, his lips brushing her ear. "Yes, we did. And as long as we have each other, nothing can stop us."
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In the aftermath of the battle, Sukuna and Y/N began to rebuild. Their love had been tested and had emerged stronger than ever. They knew their future would be filled with challenges, but they were ready to face them together.
As they stood on the balcony of their new home, looking out over the city, Sukuna took Y/N's hand in his.
"This is just the beginning," he said, his voice filled with promise.
Y/N smiled, leaning into him. "And I can't wait to see what the future holds."
With their hearts intertwined and their love burning bright, they were ready to take on the world.
Together. THE END { or is it <3 ? }
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lovebugism · 1 year
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☄. *. ⋆ ┄ We Fight to Make Up
summary: after a run-in with your ex, steve's anger gets the best of him. sometimes you think he picks a fight just for the make up sex. pairing: steve harrington / f!reader word count: 7.6k warnings: smut, steve calls himself daddy once, briefly mentioned breeding kink, a touch of angst, insecure!steve, also steve with scruff because that needs a warning too, 18+ mdni a/n: ok i'm not the happiest with this but it's been sitting in my drafts for so long and she needs to see the world now so.. enjoy? <3
You don’t go out anymore. None of the party does, really.
Fighting through the end of the world and somehow surviving for three years straight made bars and clubs and getting drunk seem a little less important. It gets too easy to stay within the inner circle that’s seen the same sort of hell you’ve seen.
Eventually, time goes on and you don’t realize that you’ve only been around the same ten people until the thought of going to the grocery store alone sounds scary. 
Fighting monsters, weathering alternate dimensions, beating up Russians soldiers — that’s cake. It’s the getting back to normal that’s so hard.
That's a bitter pill to swallow. None of you got to have too much of a childhood before the knowledge of a sentient darkness swirling beneath your feet turned everything upside down (no pun intended). A life with a regular routine unbound by the impending doom of an armageddon is hard to go back to, when fighting to stay alive is all you’ve ever done.
You try really hard, though. All of you do.
The kids try to find a nostalgic amusement in the arcade they used to frequent while grappling with the fact that they’ll never been those kids again. The older group of you dabbles in the simple pleasure of growing up and discovering what adulthood really means — getting drunk and going dancing just because you can, but facing the inevitable consequences of those actions all on your own. 
The six of you find a certain solace at the Limelight. For Steve and Jonathan, they serve good beer — obviously cheap and unusually tangy on the tongue, but nice and cold nonetheless. For Eddie and Robin, there’s a karaoke machine and a stage across the bar, complete with every rock ballad imaginable. You and Nancy take special interest in the dance floor — a platform with light-up rainbow squares for all your drunken twirling needs.
It’s a nice place. More than that, it’s a familiar one. Eventually, going there every friday night is like comfort food in the belly, pleasant and warm. Steve feels safe there when he’s with all of you and tonight he’s especially fuzzy with a quiet sort of happiness that’s got his cheeks all pink. 
Maybe the beer is partly to blame. 
Or maybe it’s because you’ve got your hand tucked into the back pocket of his jeans, anchoring yourself to him and simultaneously fending off any unwanted attention from the scantily clad women around you who can't seem to take their eyes away from your Steve.
But he only watches you as you smile into your glass while Eddie Munson, all sweaty after his Madison Square Garden worthy rendition of Total Eclipse of the Heart, tells some stupidly unfunny joke. You’re pressed contently into his side, like you would melt into him if you could, and he’s buzzing with the comfort of your warmth and the chemically induced mellow from the drink in his cup. 
It was a good night. An easy one. A fun one.
And then it just… wasn’t.
When your ex waltzes into the bar, he brings the cold air in with him and an unusual sophisticated energy that’s typically foreign to this side of town. He’s got on a gray corduroy blazer and slacks to match. The black turtle neck he wears beneath it clings to his lean torso and broad chest, like he wants people to marvel at how muscular he is. 
You don’t even realize it’s him at first. You turn to Nancy to talk shit about the douchebag at your eight o’clock that just walked in while the guy settles at the far end of the bar, around the corner that faces the group of you. He removes the dark Ray-Bans from the straight bridge of his nose and uses them to push back his cinnamon-colored curls. 
Steve feels you tense at his side then. You duck inside yourself and force him and Robin to form a makeshift shield around you. 
It’s a tad too dramatic for two people who ended on pretty decent terms. It was about as amicable as a breakup can be — you were both seventeen and thankfully already mature enough to know that the relationship wasn’t bound to make it outside of high school. So you split up in search of more fulfilling things.
You found yours, in Steve and in the rest of the party. And by the looks of it — the obviously expensive suit and the silver Rolex glittering under the dim yellow bar light — he found his.
You aren’t exactly sure how, but he sees you. 
Probably because Robin couldn’t stop ogling at him from over her shoulder, obviously not getting the hint to act casual and inevitably dragging his attention over to the group of you.
He’s confused by the attention at first and then beaming when he notices you. The man flashes a set of pearly whites beneath a plump pink grin, all but shoving through the crowded bar to come and meet you.
Steve is able to get a better look at him when he’s no more than a couple inches away. The guy wrenches you away from him to wrap you in a friendly embrace, smiling like a ray of a thousands suns while he laughs with a hearty mirth.
A childlike and terribly jealous scowl settles upon Steve's features as his stomach wrenches something fierce. This stranger is touching you, and he hates that he’s touching you, but it’s more than that.
Steve’s almost certain this is what he would look like if he hadn’t been through the end of the world. The ornate suit and sunglasses worth more than most people’s salaries could’ve been his. In another life, he could’ve been this pretty and perfect and pure.
But, instead, here he is — dressed in an aged Hawkins Tigers sweatshirt and hand-me-down jeans that are frayed at the hems. There are bits of dried blood on the knee that he can’t get out. He isn’t quite sure if it’s his or if it belongs to one of the three varying monsters he’s been face-to-face with over the years. 
His hair is pushed back and visibly un-styled, fluffier than usual because it hasn’t been washed in a while. And only now does he notice the prickly layer of scruff itching at his jaw and above his lip because the effort to shave is just too much sometimes.
He wishes he had, though. Now, he wants to completely perfect his appearance and change his life entirely — all at the sight of some stranger he didn't know existed before now.
The man introduces himself to the rest of the group when he parts from you — Todd. 
Because of coursehis name is Todd.
No one says that out loud, of course, but you do share pairs of knowing looks. Eddie’s the only one brave enough, or rather drunk enough, to take the piss out of the guy. 
“Aren’t you a little overdressed for Limelight?” he asks before laughing into his beer.
The rhetorical question leads to the man, Todd, to start complaining about work — how he’s making more than he knows what to do with, that the lifestyle isn’t as lavish as everyone made it out to be, that work is his best friend most days because he doesn’t have time for real relationships anymore. 
And it doesn’t sound braggy. This isn't some rich guy complaining about all the money he has. He’s genuine, and that’s somehow even worse.
Steve can tell he’s working for some big four accounting firm without him having to say it. He can practically smell it all over the guy. Todd’s just got that air about him, that he’s got an office on the fiftieth story with large glass windows that span from the floor to the ceiling. He’s making well into the six-figures if that’s the case. Just like his goddamn dad. 
Just like he would be if the endless cycling of fighting hadn’t stripped him flesh from bone.
Steve forces himself to shove that thought to the back of his mind.
“You know I’ve actually been thinking about, you know, just dropping everything. Putting in my two weeks and fucking off to France,” Todd admits. His eyes sparkle like a pair of fucking diamonds when they lock in on you. “Like we always used to talk about.”
That was your dream. The kind of reverie that wasn’t at all practical or the least bit tangible, but the kind you fantasized about nonetheless. 
And here this asshole goes, living it for the both of you.
You’re grinning at him anyway, patting him on the shoulder while you congratulate him. You tell him he should do it. That he deserves it. 
Steve, meanwhile, is so angry he can feel the prickle of the red-hot rage on his skin, like so many little needles. It’s a simmering heat for now, all slow and lazy. The longer he holds it in, the more likely he is to pop into a full boil. He knows that. But he keeps the fire in his chest and wallows in that high-pitched ache.
Todd leaves not too long after. Makes it a point not to overstay his welcome. He’s polite when he goes, making sure to talk to all your friends even though he didn’t exactly come for them — he compliments Eddie’s leather jacket and Robin’s taste in style, Jonathan and Nancy are both blushing pink when he praises their work with the local paper. He says something to Steve he can’t quite register because he’s too busy fuming. 
The brunette girl beside him is practically swooning, and he has to remind her — “Robin, you’re gay.”
The man was kind, terribly so, the sort of politeness you can’t help but notice and marvel at, like a pretty pebble you’ve found on the ground. He didn’t overstep any boundaries with you either, like he respected that you two were practically strangers now — fucking asshole — and whether or not he knew you were with Steve, he kept a chivalrous distance anyway.
He must’ve known, though, he did have eyes after all. There’s no way he missed the way Steve had been looming over you the whole time. Or the possessive arm he had around your shoulder. Or the stern chocolate gaze that had ping-ponged between you and him the entire conversation.
When he leaves, there’s nothing to talk shit about or make fun of him for. Not only is that really fucking annoying, but it’s boring, and it leaves you and Steve as the punching bags for all their stupid jokes.
“You certainly have a type, don’t ya, doll?” Eddie teases you as he reaches behind Nancy to shove at your shoulder. “Steve’s practically a carbon copy of that douchebag.”
“Holy shit, I can see it now,” Robin marvels breathlessly. Her deep ocean gaze is still locked on Todd across the bar. He’s minding his own business now, ordering another drink, while the rest of you can’t seem to stop talking about him. She turns back to Steve, her eyes flitting over his features like it’s the first time she’s seeing them while she puts the pieces of a puzzle together. 
“But, Steve’s like the dollar store version of him, though, right?” she wonders rhetorically and then feels the need to explain herself when Steve furrows his brows at her. “—Because, you know… he’s a lot richer than you are…”
The boy rolls his and brings the beer back to his lips. The clarification makes it sting more. 
“Thanks, Rob.”
Steve isn’t quite sure what’s got him seething. He’s the personification of a forest fire now — scorching, raging, and deadly — without a reason to be. It’s entirely likely you’ll never see Todd ever again. He lives in the city these days and he just told you that he was planning on moving to fucking France.
But these facts don’t mean as much to him when he knows that the guy isn’t totally over you. 
Steve knows Todd would be more than happy to take you out for coffee tomorrow morning to tie up any left-behind loose ends. He’s a rich guy going through a quarter-life crisis (Steve knows a little about what that’s like, too), he’d be more than happy to sweep an old ex-girlfriend off her feet and take her all the way to France with him. She’d need only to ask him to.
Maybe that’s what angers him. There’s a man, all rich and pretty and unscathed by war, that might love you like he does.
The wildfire in his chest grows. It’s a wonder it hasn't seared a hole in the fabric of his sweatshirt. And it burns. It leaves aching blisters on his skin like it’s the real damn thing. It’s like punches to the face, worse than every time he’s ever been beaten up combined.
He manages to keep the ashes of himself together. It's the least he can do for the rest of you, who obviously aren’t as bothered by Todd’s lingering presence and have since moved on to things more meaningful.
It wouldn’t be fair to project his ache onto you.
You guys don’t get too many nights like this, with work and school and lingering bouts of PTSD — who’s he to ruin this night for everyone else when he’s the problem?
But if any of you notice his simmering anger, you don’t show it.
He isn’t sure if that makes him feel better or not.
Nancy and Jonathan stay no longer than fifteen minutes after the fact. “We’ve got an early day tomorrow,” the say with a shrug, though everyone knows what that’s code for. Robin makes kissing noises at them as they make their exit.
Now, the brunette girl stands in front of the stage that Eddie parades on. He belts “If you only hold me tight, we’ll be holding on forever!” into the microphone for the hundredth time. She cheers for the boy like it’s the first time she’s ever heard the stupid song.
The bartender hands you two drinks, a couple of Sex on the Beach’s for you and Robin to try.
She hadn’t stopped talking about it since she spotted it on the menu even though she hates peach schnapps. You tell Steve you’re going to run it to her and that you bet she won’t make it through one sip without gagging. You also promise that you’ll try and pull Eddie away from the stage when the Bonnie Tyler song fades and then inevitably loops again.
He only nods and mumbles a vague affirmative under his breath. He doesn’t even look at you. Just stares down at his empty glass of beer and draws patterns on the cloudy cup with his finger. 
It’s hard not to notice his uncharacteristically long silence. 
He hasn’t been King Steve for quite some time, but that version of him always manages to peek out after a couple of drinks. He gets loud and brash and smiley and stupid. It makes the quiet demeanor he possesses now that much more daunting. Like a flag he’s waving to make sure everyone else knows that he’s upset about something or other.
Eventually, it makes you burst.
“Is something wrong?” you blurt.
He finally glances at you then. And has the gall to look confused. “What?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug. You shift your weight on your feet and try to ignore the distant stinging of the ice glasses in your hand, how the cold of them shoots pins and needles into your palms. “You’re just… being really quiet.”
“I’m fine,” he dismisses with a shrug of his own. A hint of a smile flashes at the very corner of his mouth before he brings his drink to his lips. He swallows down the rest of it in one quick gulp. You watch anxiously as he waves to the bartender for another. 
“We can go home if you want—”
“Jesus, I’m fine,” he interjects. The laugh that spills from his throat borders on annoyance. “Just go get the freak before he drives me crazy.”
With that, the two of you part ways. You, with the knowledge that something’s wrong with your boyfriend but having no way to make it better because he won’t tell you anything. And Steve, with another irrational reason to be angry at the world because how do you not get it?
If his ex-girlfriend showed up to a bar, looking like an airbrushed model with more money than all of you combined who’s got brains and wit and humility, he’d want you to get a little fucking jealous too.
It’s stupid. He knows it’s stupid. But he chooses to wallow in his anger than reflect on it, anyway. He takes pity on himself and makes everyone else out to be the enemy. Like he does best.
Even hours later, when he’s sobering up with room temperature water and a bowl of pretzels — and you’re calling a cab for a significantly drunker Eddie and Robin — he still feels the sting. 
He makes sure you know it too. 
The drive back home is uncomfortably quiet, which wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if he at least had the radio on. But when he stuck the key into the ignition and music started blaring from the speakers (because he forget to turn it down beforehand), he turns it off completely. You feel to awkward to touch it.
“Do you, uh… Do you wanna talk about it now?” you ask him.
You’re unfamiliarly timid with him as you peer at him through your lashes. It’s like you’re looking at the sun, the way you have to glance at him from the corner of your eye so he won’t blind you. And it isn’t because of his usually sunny disposition because, somewhere along the course of the night, his shine got snuffed out. It’s because he’s practically lit himself on fire with his anger where he sits next to you.
And he still has the nerve to shake his head. “Talk about what? I told you, there’s nothing wrong,” he dismisses with one hand in a white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel and the other resting its elbow against the driver’s side door while his fingers pick anxiously at his lower lip. Nothing wrong, my ass.
“Are we seriously gonna play that game tonight?”
“What game?” he scoffs out a laugh.
“The game here you’re upset about something, but refuse to tell me why, so I have to guess what’s wrong with you until I get it right and you let me make it better.”
Steve glances at you and then back to the road. “I… I don’t do that.”
Oh, fuck, he totally does, he thinks to himself. Fuck, he hates that you know him so well.
“You’re literally doing it right now.”
“Well, I can’t be. Because I’m not upset about anything,” he argues with a shrug. “That’s, like, a mathematical impossibility. Or whatever.”
“Considering this is the most you’ve said to me all night, I know that isn’t true— And it’s not even a conversation! You’re just being passive aggressive!”
“Passive aggressive, huh?” he repeats sardonically.
“Yes!” you seethe. “You’re mad at me and I can tell that you’re mad, so just tell me why—”
“I’m not mad at you,” Steve grumbles. He feels even more like shit for making you think he was acting all pissy because of something you had done. You hadn’t done anything. You were perfect. You’re always perfect. And here he goes, making you think otherwise.
He slows to a stop at the last red-light before home. The neon scarlet matches that anger sweltering in his belly. He still refuses to look at you. 
“Then what happened between when we got to Limelight and right now that’s got you so fucked up?” you ask him with a furrowed brow and inquisitive eyes.
The boy only huffs. His chest deflates with a heavy breath. He almost forgets to answer you because he’s too busy praying for the light to turn green so he can get the fuck home.
He just needs a little food in his system, he concludes, and a nice hot shower and a bed to rest his tired bones. Maybe then he’ll be able to function like he’s meant to. 
He feels a sense of relief for the first time in hours when the light bathes the two of you in a neon emerald glow.
You let out a sharp exhale through your nose at his silence. You shake your head at him like an annoyed parent and cross your arms over your chest. Your knees turn away from him and towards the door in time with your gaze that flits to the window. Now you’re the one that’s pissed.
Steve mumbles lowly when he finally answers you. It’s nearly inaudible.
“Your douchebag ex.”
“What?” you reply, sparing a glance over at him. It isn’t a question of whether you heard him or not, but of why that’s what he’s being so mean to you about.
“Your douchebag ex,” he repeats louder and picks chapped skin from his bottom lip. He rubs his tongue over the irritated skin to soothe the burn. “That’s what I’m upset about.”
Your brows furrow as you rack your head for the conversation you had with Todd that you’d already forgotten about. He’d said hello, and that you looked nice, and then asked you what you’d been up to before making conversation with your friends. He’d wished you luck and walked back to his seat not too long after. You wonder if there was some code in his words that you’d missed.
“…I don’t get it. What did he do?”
“Really?” Steve wonders with an emotionless laugh. “You don’t have a single clue why that might’ve pissed me off?”
He barely slows at the sign of the four-way stop. The block is practically a ghost town now. No one’s out so late into the night. Any other time you might’ve said something about it, but you’re just as eager to get home as the simmering boy next to you.
“No! He stopped by to talk for, like, five minutes! Are you really upset because another man talked to me?” you shout and it burns him because, yeah, that is kind of what he’s mad about — but it’s more than that and you don’t seem to get it. It’s not your job to either. He’ll just burn for the both of you.
The car jerks to a stop when he parks in the driveway.
“Yeah, you’re right—” Steve mutters to himself as he snatches the keys from the ignition. “You don’t get it.”
You feel the impact of the slammed of the car door as he exits. The headlights illuminate the boy as he uses his key ring to unlock the front entrance of your shared home. The dim orange overhead light slowly dims above you and then shuts off completely, bathing you in darkness.
With a sigh and a fleeting thought of oh, it’s gonna be that kinda night, huh? you follow less unenthusiastically behind him.
“Then just explain it to me,” you plead, your voice coated with exhaustion. The warmth of the living room seeps into your bones and makes you that much more tired. “I really, really don’t wanna do this tonight.”
“That asshole was all over you,” Steve finally chooses to air his grievances while he toes off his sneakers.
“He hugged me once! What was I supposed to do? Push him off?”
“That’d be a start.”
“I would’ve done it!” you promise.
He plops onto the couch with a rather dramatic huff as you struggle to take off your boots, what with the zipper getting caught in the slider and being distracted by the storm cloud across the room.
“I don’t care about him! I literally haven’t seen him since I was eighteen! I basically forgot he existed in the first place.”
Steve doesn’t let himself take any solace in your words.
“I don’t know,” he murmurs with the shake of his head. He rests his elbows on his knees, runs his palms over his face once before dragging his fingers through his mussed hair. “Sometimes… I don’t know, I guess, sometimes it feels like maybe you deserve someone better than me.”
His confession feels like a stab in your heart. 
You can only imagine how many daggers are piercing him now.
“No. Don’t give me that bullshit spiel, alright?” he spurns with a shake of his stubborn head. When he laughs, it lacks any and all emotion; it’s gut-wrenchingly bitter and coated with venom. “We both know he could take way better care of you than I ever could. He’s practically a fucking millionaire, babe! And he’s, what, twenty-five? He has the money to drop everything and fly across the world— to France.”
“Steve—” you try again, to stop the spiral before it starts.
He doesn’t let you.
“I mean, fuck, I know how bad you wanna go there. You’ve been talking about it since we were eight,” he laments with wide, glassy eyes and an hand splayed out towards you. He brings it, then, to his chest and clutches at his heart, “But I can’t take you. Because I’m so broke, it fucking hurts. You deserve someone to do that shit for you, alright? And it’s not me. It’s never gonna be me.”
“…You really think he can take better care of me than you do?” you ask him so quietly that it sounds like a whimper. Your face is twisted in anguish, like his sadness pains you too.
“Well, yeah,” he chuckles like the answer’s obvious. He sniffles. “Considering we’re working our asses off just to make it through the week and you’d never have to work a day in your life if you were with that asshole.”
“It’s not about the money, Steve,” you agonize with the shake of your head. “I don’t love him. I would be so unhappy if I were with him because he’s not you. I don’t give a single fuck about France if you’re not gonna be there with me.”
You close the distance between you as you walk from the entrance to where he sits in the living room. He can hardly look at you as you round the couch to stand ahead of him, sparing only meek glances your way.
The small smile on your lips only half puts out the fire raging in his chest. It’s one of those natural wildfires now. The kind that you’ve just got to let burn.
“What do I have to do, Steve? What do you want me to do to prove that I just want you?” you ask him softly, nudging your sock-clad foot with his own. “I’ll fucking— I’ll find his number in the phone book right now and invite him over if you want—”
Yeah, because seeing him again is gonna make any of this shit better, he thinks bitterly to himself, though he’s pleasantly surprised by your following promise.
“I’ll make him come over here, act like I wanna catch up or whatever, and then make him watch while I suck your cock,” you paint the picture for him in a suddenly low, sultry tone.
Steve can almost see it —  the look on Todd’s face as he stands in the foyer, his hands balled into fists at his side, wearing an angry amber tint upon his perfect face while he watches the girl that got away take a mouthful of another man’s dick. “I’ll get all nice and pretty on my knees for you and make him watch.”
Steve tenses at your words. His fingers twitch where they rests on his knees, itching to get a hold of you. His eyes go heavy as he gazes up at you, his stern stare looking much darker than before — hungrier. 
Your eyes carry a similar sort of desire. They swim with innocence and yearning and knowing. 
Because both of you understand how your fights usually end. You’ve been together long enough to know. The anger grows and grows in the belly of a dragon until it’s all you can do to keep your hands off of each other. You make Steve come so hard he forgets all the reasons he was raging in the first place and then he apologizes with his tongue deep inside you, touching you in all the tender ways he knows how.
“Yeah,” he breathes with a nod, the word heavy on his tongue. “That’s what I want.”
“You wanna own me, don’t you, Stevie?” you purr.
Your movements are calculated and cat-like as you mount him. Your hands caress him from his knees to his thighs, then rise up to his chest when you straddle his lap. “You wanna fuck me and make me forget about every guy that’s ever had me before you. Is that it?”
He nods, too dumb to speak for now. Your voice is all silk and heat. It reminds him of your wet, hot pussy sitting just over his lap. Only the thin layers of your clothes separate you from him.
“You wanna ruin everyone else for me, huh?”
“Fuck, yes,” he breathes, both in an answer and a moan as your hand reaches between you to grab his cock through his jeans.
“You already have,” you assure with a sincere twinkle in your eyes. “But feel free to remind me.”
When your mouths collide, it’s all tongue and teeth and spit. It’s not passionate, it’s dirty.
His tongue forces its way between your lips and into your mouth, rubbing every part of you he can reach with the muscle, like he wants you to feel all of him there — a lingering touch that you can’t get rid of.
Your mouths caress each other and then break apart again in acute, wet, and filthy clicks that fill the silence in the house. 
His stubble softly scratches you as it rubs against your skin. The feeling of it sends chills down your spine. Fuck, you curse to yourself. It’d feel even better between your legs.
Steve separates from you suddenly, his teeth digging into your bottom lip. A whimper leaves your throat as he mouths at it. With hooded eyes, he lets it go and watches it fall back into place. Then he grabs your cheeks with two large palms and drags you back to him, sucking on the bitten skin and then on your tongue. 
The sensation’s got you moaning, your eyes rolling back in your head, and he hasn’t even touched you yet.
Your obedient hands worm between your bodies to unbuckle his belt.
“You gonna be good for me?” Steve asks you while your fingers undo that button on his pants. His lips are pinker and more swollen, coated with a fine sheen of spit that matches what's smeared on his chin.
“I’ll be so good for you, Stevie,” you promise before reaching through the band of his underwear to wrap your fingers around his warm, half-hard cock. 
A grunt escapes his throat as he slides your panties to the side. He’s suddenly grateful for the easy access granted by your dress — the one that makes your tits look like heaven, the one he was cursing just hours because it had Todd drooling all over himself when he saw you.
The thought of the man no longer angers him. He’s not the one with his finger between the lips of your pussy, already drenched and coated with you.
“Yeah? You want daddy to fill your hungry little cunt?” Steve asks you, almost taunting you. He only uses that nickname when he’s in a certain mood — the mood to ruin you.
The tip of his finger catches the peak of your swollen clit and you keen.
His touch makes you so stupid that you’ve already forgotten to answer his question. He makes sure to remind you, though, when his hand rears back and smacks against the bare flesh of your cunt.
You hear the wet slap before you feel it. 
It makes you clench around nothing and moan louder for him, pressing yourself closer to him.
“Words,”he demands softly.
“Please,” you moan helplessly into his shoulder. You love when he gets like this, assertive and showy with the power you let him have over you. He gets mean with you, but never too much that you forget how much he loves you, and that’s when you like him best.
His finger slips so effortlessly into you. You could easily take more than that with the way your pussy is so eager to suck him inside. He knows it, too. He just wants to tease you.
He wants to leave you empty and yearning before he fucks you silly. For now, he’s taunting you with his slow and clinical touch, observing everything he’s doing to you and how it has you twitching and begging for more. 
He wants to commit it all to memory. 
He’s barely got the tip of his pointer and middle finger prodding at your clenching entrance; it’s your pussy that drags them further in, opening for him and then tightening around the appendages so they’ll never leave. The obscenity of it makes both of you moan.
“God, you’re so fucking pretty like this,” Steve mutters to himself. “And so fucking wet— enough for me to slip right in, don’t ya think?”
You’re not so sure but you nod into his shoulder anyway. Even after all this time together, you can’t quite get used to how big he is. He still has to work you up to take his cock, with three or more fingers shoved inside of you until you’re ready. Even then, it still burns for the first couple of seconds. There’s always a grace period that you have to wait for before he can move. 
And you feel the ache of him in your belly after, every damn time. Like he’s still there.
But you’re so wet now, impossibly so, you don’t think you could feel a thing other than pure bliss when he nestles his cock deep inside of you.
You whine quietly when he pulls his fingers from you, though it turns into a breathy moan when you see them glisten with your wetness. He slides them over his length, jerking himself to lube himself up for you. Just for good measure, he grabs hold of his cock and rubs the rounded tip between your velvet lips, coating it further with your slick. 
“Think there’s enough for me to take your ass tonight, baby?” he asks over your low moan. He has to hold back his own, grit his teeth to keep it from leaving his mouth. God, you feel exactly like silk. “You want me to fuck that tight little hole, huh? You’ve only let me in there, right?”
“Uh-huh,” you answer tightly. 
He doesn’t know which question you’re answering. Probably all three. Or maybe you’re just moaning because he’s got you all stupid with his cock and it’s not even inside of you yet. Both seems most likely.
Steve positions himself against you. When you feel the bulbous tip of his head, you hardly wait to slide down, down, down upon his cock. 
It doesn’t take long for you to feel full. It takes less time before he reaches the apparent end of you. The feeling makes you jolt against him, like your body’s trying to move back up and away from the sensation on instinct. He’s quick to grab your hips to keep himself inside you.
“Uh-uh,” he hums. “Don’t run away from me.”
“Fuck,” you moan into his shoulder and then whine. The pleasure and the accompanying ache has your head spinning. “You’re already so deep.”
“I know, baby. You gotta take all of me, though, okay? Said you were gonna me by good girl, remember?”
His coo is enough to comfort you. You nod against his neck and let him guide you further and further down his cock.
You grit your teeth when you think he can’t possibly fill you anymore. The burn peaks all at once and ebbs so quickly, letting the rest of his inches slide in you with ease. And, god, if you don’t feel him in your fucking throat. 
He stills, thankfully, and lets you get used to the feeling of him all over again.
“There you go,” Steve praises like he always does and then laughs at how rigid you’ve gone. “Breathe, baby.”
The exhale comes out as a sob and a small “fuck”, but you force yourself to relax against him nonetheless. His warm hands rub soothingly against the buzzing skin of your thighs beneath the skirt of your dress. “Doing so good for me, baby.”
“I can feel you in my fucking guts right now,” you slur, voice fragile like glass.
Your words are almost enough to make him burst and you haven’t even moved yet. A deep, hearty groan climbs from his throat. He tips his heavy head to the back of the couch and clenches his jaw, squeezing his eyes shut to stave off the feeling.
He makes himself climb down from the peak of pleasure and quickly gain his bearings all over again.
“Ride me, honey,” he whispers you.
Immediately, you start rocking your hips against him. His sigh is blissful, almost dreamy, as he watches you work yourself on top of him. 
You’re always so patient with your pleasure, so calculated and attentive. You slide your hips back over his thighs and then up again, moaning every time the material of his sweatshirt rubs against your clit. You’re not chasing the feeling, you’re letting it come slowly and ease its way up to you. You know you’ve got all the time in the world.
Steve has always admired your patience, but it’s never one he could hope to possess. He rides toward an orgasm on a white mare. He claims it, he hunts it, he snatches it. Because, you’re right, you’ve got all the time in the world — he wants you to come as many times as the night (or, rather, your pussy) will allow.
So it isn’t at all surprising when gets impatient with your slow movements. And when one hand falls to your ass and the other slides up your back and clutches the opposite shoulder, you know what you’re in for. 
Even though you’re expecting it, a high-pitched moan spills from your mouth when he starts fucking up into you. He’s doing a whole lot more than just hitting the right spot. The rubbing of the fabric is unrelenting against your clit.
You’re always done for when he takes you like this. Both of you know it.
“You already close, aren’t you?” he manages through heavy pants over the lewd slapping of his thighs against your own. “This is all it takes, huh?”
“’S because of you,” you slur into the sticky skin of his neck.
“Yes,” you moan.
He can feel himself getting closer and he groans through gritted teeth. The hand on your shoulder ascends to the back of your head. His fingers tangle in your hair and pull you from the refuge you’d found in the book of his shoulder. It allows him to see you for the first time since you’d mounted his cock.
Your cheeks are blotchy and glowing cherry. Your eyes are glassy and glazed over with pleasure. Your lips swollen from where you’d been biting at them. 
Perfect, he thinks to himself.
He drags that hand to your chest, wrenching at the plunging neck and pushing it down to reveal your tits. They bound out of the fabric with ease, a small red and raw line at the tops of them from where the dress had kept them so tightly contained. 
He palms at your left breast, digs his fingers into the fat of it and lets your hard and pebbled nipple rub against his palm.
“Fuck, baby,” he almost whines. It takes all of his willpower to keep his eyes open to look at them. “You’ve got the prettiest fucking tits I’ve ever seen.”
“That’s why I wore this— wanted your attention—” you confess through each of his thrusts.
“Yeah, you got my fucking attention, sweetheart,” he manages a breathy laugh.
His heart swells at the thought of you picking this dress because you thought he might like it. That you’d think of him doing something as mundane as picking what you wore out to the bar you went to every Friday night. 
It gets too easy to want to slip into that softness. But he knows that you’re already close. So, so fucking close. 
“Now come all over my cock for me, yeah?” he demands softly. “Cream on this dick and show me how good you are.”
And, like the good girl you are, don’t need to be told twice.
You shudder against him and then go rigid. He watches with a proud, lazy grin as you tip your head back, squeeze your eyes shut, and let your mouth fall agape. The feeling in your stomach builds and builds and builds, the pleasure disappearing for a moment, before coming back in an explosion that makes you gush.
As though your moans weren’t enough of a confirmation of your orgasm, you go so unmistakably tight around him that it makes his legs twitch beneath you. He angles his hips so he can peek between the two of you to watch the sheen of your cum glisten on his hard cock. 
“God, you’re so fucking sensitive like this— holy shit.”
“Steve!” you whine when your high starts to fade and his thrusts only quicken. 
He's chasing his own pleasure now, you know that, but the feeling against your abused pussy is growing into a nearly unbearable one.
You bite your lip so hard it’s a wonder you don’t draw any blood. You grip his shoulders and ball his sweatshirt in your fist, tethering yourself to him and to reality.
“Who’s making you feel this good, huh?” he asks with his chin jutted out to look up at you. “Who else can fuck you like this?”
You can tell by his glassy eyes and erratic thrusts that he’s close to his own orgasm. He always wants you to talk him through it, to praise him and to tell him how good he makes you feel. For obvious reason, the whole thing comes terribly natural to you.
“Only you,” you promise tiredly. “’S just you, Stevie—”
“Fuck,” he spits and tilts his head to the back of the couch. He squeezes his eyes shut tight and brings his bottom lip between his teeth, never easing his impossibly swift thrusts.
“Want you to come in me,” you whisper to him. You rest your arms on his shoulders and drag your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp and pulling every time he lets a moan slip. “Want you to come so deep inside me— I’m dripping for days—”
“Shit, baby.”
“And then, when I’m all round and full with your baby— everyone’s gonna know who I belong to, right?”
“Fuck yes,” he groans. “Gonna come so— fuck— so nice and deep in this pussy. My pussy.”
“Please,” you beg, like you aren’t half-delirious with your own pleasure. “Come in your pussy, Stevie.”
“Holy shit—” His cock pulses and twitches and then spits inside you. He grabs onto your hips more roughly than he intended and keeps you tightly pressed against him while he comes, giving you several long and warm ropes against your velvet walls. He whimpers when your pussy flutters around him.
You collapse against him when his orgasm comes and goes, rocking against his lap to get him through his high until he stops you with a firm squeeze to your thigh. You both sink further into the couch, swimming in the peaceful void that pleasure always pushes you into. 
He rubs his hands beneath the skirt of your dress, petting your warm and sticky skin as the after-sex bliss rest heavily upon the both of you.
“Here,” he breaks the satin silence and taps at your hip. “Get off, baby. Let me get you some water or something—”
He feels you shake your head from where you’ve tucked it in his shoulder again. “Don’t wanna move. Want you to stay inside me.”
You’ve never done this before — cockwarming. He’s not sure if you have before, but he definitely hasn’t, and certainly not with you. 
Before you, he was the kind of asshole that went to sleep right after sex. The thought of staying inside his partner never crossed his mind. But to his defense, none of his partners thought to do it either. Being King Steve and all meant there wasn’t a lot of cuddling going on after sex. It was usually one-and-done affairs, but he never did this with any of his girlfriends before either.
And now that he’s matured into a somewhat respectable adult, he takes great pride in taking care of you after, in cleaning you up and making sure you’re alright. And when you’re either falling asleep or wanting to shower, there’s no room to be kept inside you. Not until now.
“Wanna fall asleep like this,” you confess. The way you’re halfway slurring and settling more heavily against him tells him you’re not too far off.
“That’s not gonna be comfortable for you, baby,” he scolds softly. Because him — he’s perfect like this. He’s slouched in the plush cushion of the couch and you’re wrapped so tightly around him (in every possible way) you've become his own personal blanket. 
But your back is hunched from where your neck is snug and pressed into his shoulder. You’ll likely wake up aching tomorrow, in more ways than one.
“Don’t care,” you mumble and sprinkle kisses to his neck, just because you can. “Wanna stay like this forever.”
“Forever?” he laughs tiredly.
“Uh-huh,” you nod. You shift on his lap to look at him, exhaling a moan through your nose when you feel him twitch inside of you, even though he’s going steadily soft. Your gaze is innocent and yearning and knowing — hungry again. “Think you can take that, Harrington?”
“Yeah, sweetheart,” he promises with a sincere twinkle in his cinnamon colored eyes. “I can take it.”
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lunajay33 · 4 months
New World🪵🍂
Summary: You grew up in a crappy town with one friend who kept you going, everything started to fall into place, that’s until the world ended and the dead ruled the world
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I just came home from teaching, throwing myself down on the couch, usually Daryl stops by every night for supper and it’s been a tradition we have continued every night since I came back from college
I hated leaving but I needed to get out of this shitty town for a bit, and when I got the opportunity to come back and teach I had to, I couldn’t be apart from Daryl, my best friend, anymore
We’ve been friends since his mom died, my parents told me about his mom and so the next day in school I sat with him at lunch and from then on we have been inseparable, sure he was a hard nut to crack but after that he was the sweetest kindest person I’ve ever met
As I got up to start dinner the door burst open and Daryl and Merle came running in frantic
“Guys what’s wrong?” I asked worried
“Ya need to get yer fine ass movin” Merle laughed
I never liked Merle he was a terrible person and a terrible brother
“We need to go..now” Daryl said grabbing a bag off my counter and throwing a bunch of food in it before taking my hand and dragging me to his truck while Merle got on his bike
“Daryl what’s going on you’re scaring me” my voice trembled as he started up the truck and followed Merle down a back road out of town
“Shits happenin, people are dyin, comin back and eatin everyone, we just gotta get outta here” he said taking my hand in his
“Oh god…..well where are we going”
“Up to that quarry I took ya to last summer, it’ll be far away enough from the city and we got fresh water, don’ worry sunshine I’ll keep ya safe” he said giving me a reassuring squeeze
It was silent for most of the drive all I could hear was the blood pumping in my ears, how could this be happening? What was going to happen now, everything was just falling into place, me and Daryl were just planning to go on a trip to Tennessee too but I guess that’s down the drain
Everything I imagined for my life felt like it was slipping away
“Remember that first day we became friends?” I asked trying to distract myself
“Yeah, ya came and sat with me at lunch, had that green dress on and lil matching bows in yer hair, ya were my first friend, glad ya came up to me that day” he smiled looking at me
“I’m glad too, you were so scared and a blushing mess when I was talking to you, it was adorable then I gave you my cookies and you finally opened up to me” I laughed remembering him snatching my pouch of cookies when I held it out to him
“I wouldn’ cute” he groaned
“Come on Daryl you were adorable you still are” I teased loving how he was getting red
“Stop that” he gentle pushed me making me laugh
After a long drive we finally made it to the quarry only to find a few people already camped out but thankfully they allowed I three to stay given Daryl and Merle’s hunting abilities
As daryl and Merle were setting up the tent I went around getting to know everyone and asking them what they knew about everything, it’s been scary everyone’s experience and lucky I had Daryl to get me out safely
As the sun got closer to setting I and the air was cooling I helped Lori clean some fish as she laid it over the fire
“Do you need anymore help?” I asked tired
“No dear you go relax for now we will come get you when everything’s ready” she smiled
I smiled and nodded as I made my way over to the tent, unzipping it I found Daryl and Merle having a heated conversation
I stepped in and took my usual place next to Daryl on his sleeping bag
“What’s going on?”
“There’s lots of folks here I say we jack all there stuff and get outta here ‘fore the sun rises” Merle said smirking
“Come on Merle these are good people we need to stick together and we are in a good place can we just see how things go I don’t wanna leave”
“Damn pussy, I knew we shouldn’ have come and got ya” he groaned as he left the tent
I sighed and turned to look at Daryl and of course he had a defeated look
“It’ll be okay Daryl! I’ve gone around and they seem like a good group to be with everyone carries their own part, we can make it work” I smiled trying to cheer him up
He didn’t say anything which was typical but I was fine with that I knew he wasn’t much of a talker I just hoped my words got through to him a bit
“So…..where am I sleeping tonight” I asked trying to avert the conversation
“Ya can take my sleepin bag I got a blanket I can use” he said looking back at the little thin blanket by the sleeping bag
“No daryl it’s your sleeping bag I can take the blanket”
“Nah ya ain’t doin that”
“Well….i mean the sleeping bag is big enough for us both to fit” I said feeling the heat rise to my cheeks, but it’s not like daryl and I have never shared a bed, we’ve had many sleepovers as kids when his dad was being an ass but this felt…..different
He shrugged his shoulder “sure might get cold tonigh’ anyways” always the survival man
“Okay umm….dinner should be ready soon we should go set up around the fire” i said standing up and pulling my shoes back on, I looked back at him and he was just staring
“Ya coming?”
“Ya I’ll be out soon” he said grunting as if clearing his voice
Daryl’s pov
Me and Merle were coming back from hunting when we safe people on the sidewalks being torn apart, guts everywhere, people screaming and and we knew we had to get outta here
“We gotta get away from these things, we’ll stop by the house get some shit, my bike and we will head to the quarry” Merle said speeding to our crappy house
After we got everything I stopped Merle
“We gotta get y/n, I can’ leave her”
“Nah leave that slut here, just gonna slow us down”
“Man im gettin her, ya either follow me or not but im gettin her” I groaned as I hoped in the truck and drove off the her place
After I got her she was so panicked but tried not to show it but I could see it in the way she acted, I’ll do anything to keep her safe even if I gotta but my life on the line, she everything to me and has been the only one to keep me going, she’s my sunshine
Normal POV
I got a seat on a log pushed up close to the fire some were sitting around as there was two fires going to keep the flames not as big
Finally Daryl came out and I pat the spot next to me while he laid a blanket over my shoulders
“Thank you” I smiled he always showed his friendship to me in little ways and they always made me feel warm inside
I handed him a plate of fish and some random vegetables the group has found
“So y/n, how long have you guys been together?” Jacqui asked startling me with such a question
“What?”daryl asked confused
“You and y/n, you’re a couple aren’t you, you both seem like the perfect couple” she smiled
“Oh no he’s my best friend, been friends since we were 9, barely been apart”
I looked at Daryl and he was clearly uncomfortable and the people around us could sense it as well so they carried on with their own conversations
After we finished eating he stood up and left towards the tent, I sat my plate ontop of his and thanked the girls for supper and headed of towards the tent as well
“Can I come in?” I asked at the tent door
“Ya” he grunted as I heard him shuffle around
I unzipped it seeing him changed into more comfortable clothes sitting on his sleeping bag
I zipped the tent back up and smiled
“Maybe I should have packed some clothes quickly before we left now I gotta sleep in jeans”
He shuffled through his bag and pulled out one of my big night shirts
“Where’d you get this?” I asked confused
“When ya come over for the night sometimes ya left a few things and I kept them just incase, thought I’d bring em along” he shrugged
“Thank god for those sleepovers then, mind if I change in here?” I asked taking the shirt from him
“Sure” he turned as I started to unzip my pants and pull off my shirt, quick to haul the oversized shirt over my head as I came down to the middle of my thigh
I folded up my jeans and “day” shirt and laid it by his bag
“K I’m done” he turned and started to crawl his way into the sleeping bag
He opened one side and waited for me me to join, it was snug but with the chilly night air god was it warm, I turned so my back was to his chest so we could fit more comfortably and he laid his arm over my waist
“Where’s Merle?” I asked not having seen him all night
“Said he was going down to the quarry must have wanted to get his own fish er somethin?” I hummed in understanding feeling my eyelids getting heavier
“Daryl….please don’t ever leave me” I said finally understanding the weight of everything and that this is probably gonna be our forever world now
He grabbed my waist and held me closer
“I ain’ never leavin ya”
My heart felt a bit later after such a strenuous day
“Good night Daryl” I said as I laid my hand ontop of his
“Night sunshine”
How is everyone liking the first chapter of this new series! I’ve very excited for this story! If you wanna be part of the taglist lmk!!
Taglist: @ghostboneswrites
Part 2<-
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soulprompts · 9 months
hello my beloveds!!! an absolutely incredible nonnie sent in a request for prompts based on the idea of someone becoming a vital part of saving the world through unanticipated events, and i hope i managed to achieve what they wanted in this list! basically i got a tonne of inspiration from comic book movies and the more fantastical vibes of high fantasy franchises, and i was going to make these more amusing, but i think there's something so hard-hitting about the concept of being thrust into greatness and heroism when you feel you aren't ready for it! anyway! enjoy, and as always: DO NOT ADD TO OR EDIT THIS LIST, AND DO NOT CLAIM AS YOUR OWN!
“ i’m not supposed to be here. i’m not like the rest of you; i’m not special, or blessed, or gifted. i’m just… me. “
“ you’ve got to be joking! i can’t save the world! i’m just an ordinary person! “
“ it’s funny. all these years, i’ve wanted so badly to see the world. now… i think i’ve never wanted anything so much as to go back home. “
“ so that’s it, then? i’m just supposed to sacrifice everything to save the world, all because some ancient prophecy says so? “
“ i still can’t quite believe we were doing laundry yesterday. now our biggest chore is traveling across the world to save it. “
“ i miss home. i miss how safe and boring and fine it all was. i never would’ve wanted adventures if i thought they’d be as scary and dangerous as this. “
“ they’re right to be angry, you know. everyone has a purpose here; i’m only joining you all because of some insane twist of fate. “
“ surprised? don’t worry, so was i. i don’t think it’s a normal occurrence for people like me to be part of massive quests like this. “
“ look. i’m not the chosen one, alright? i don’t want any part in any prophecy or ancient dictation. i just want to live an ordinary, safe, boring life. “
“ you think i don’t acknowledge what’s happening?! every mistake i make has costs, and those costs are often the lives of innocent people! “
“ you know, last year my idea of a grand adventure was going up the mountains for a picnic with my friends. funny how fast things change, isn’t it? “
“ i’m not a hero! i don’t know how to fight! heroes are special and unique and trained, and i’m none of those things. “
“ everyone looks at me like i’ve got the answers, but i don’t. i was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. “
“ you ever stop to question the solidity of this prophecy? because if the wording is that vague that it could name me as the savior of the world, then maybe we ought to revise it. “
“ this is stupid! putting the fate of the universe on some million-year-old prophecy! “
“ i’m not what you think i am. i’m not a hero. i’m sorry, i know you want me to be one, but… i’m just not. “
“ so you’re telling me, because i happened to overhear some weird out of context conversation, that the safety of the world relies entirely on me? “
“ don’t you see how daft this whole thing is?! i’ve got to save the world now because i happened to take a wrong turn on my way home! “
“ why can’t i just give you guys what i found, and you can go and rescue the world yourselves? “
“ i want to clarify that i’m not a coward. okay? i’m not running away from this. but i’m not exactly save-the-world material. so thank you for the opportunity, but… i think i’ll stay at home. “
“ i get it, you know. it’s a huge responsibility for someone who’s only just realized what’s at stake. “
“ the others think i’m utterly mad for even considering you for this task. but the fact is, you’re the only person i genuinely believe to be capable of fixing this mess. “
“ would you like to know the mark of a true hero? it’s courage. not an absence of fear, not an ignorance of it, but rather, the choice to persevere in spite of it. you’re still here. that makes you one of the bravest people on the planet. “
“ don’t let anyone else tell you what you are and aren’t capable of. everything happens for a reason, and it wasn’t dumb luck that put you in our path. “
“ i don’t believe in prophecies, personally. i think the universe is far too chaotic for them to survive thousands of years. but i do believe that you being here is not a coincidence. “
“ fate only accounts for part of what happens in our lives. the rest of it is all choices. and despite how scared and inexperienced you are… you’ve chosen to stay. that tells me an awful lot about you. “
“ how selfish can you be?! running away from this destiny, this task! the world will fall into darkness if you don’t step up, and here you are, hiding from your fate like a coward! “
“ you need to learn to ignore the opinions of others if you’re going to stand a chance at doing this. this is the cost of being a hero. people will judge, not based on truth, but on a limited perspective. “
“ don’t be stupid. we’re not special or talented either; i was trained from childhood, i can fight men twice my size, but that’s not the mark of a hero. “
“ if you like, i could teach you how to fight? you may find it useful. even if it’s just to comfort yourself against these ridiculous self-doubts. “
“ heroes aren’t always massive muscle types. the inventor of new defense measures against attacks, or someone who discovered a cure for a disease, or perhaps someone clever enough to use new fuel sources in the winter… heroism isn’t always found in warzones, you know. “
“ fine. don’t do it for the fate of the world. do it for your family. your friends. do it for the ones you’ll return to once we settle this for good. save this world, not for the world itself, but for the ones you love, so that they may live on. “
“ you should know some things. most people, if you somehow perform outside of the very specific expectations they have for you, will be very quick and harsh in their judgment. it’s not something one can avoid. but you can learn to rise above those critics. remember. they don’t know the real you. “
" fear is normal. okay? we all fear things. the real killer is when you try to fight that fear. you're no lesser a hero for fearing things. expect it. accept it. embrace it. and once it's with you, work with it to fight even more. "
" you keep saying you're not a hero. tell me. what exactly is it that you believe a hero to be? "
" people make the error of assuming heroes to be golden, flawless, immaculate in both thought and strategy. it's never the case. heroes are the most flawed of all. that's what makes us admire them so. "
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janeyseymour · 2 months
Won't You Be... My Neighbor?- pt. 5
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
Summary: JJ is with Joe, and you and Melissa are at the hospital.
WC: ~1.7k
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JJ is screaming, crying, terrified. His father has just taken him from the place that he’s finally gotten used to calling home- from the two people that he feels at home with. His shoulder is on fire, and the way that his father is driving is more than scary.
But he’s silenced when Joe’s voice comes booming out, screaming at him to shut the fuck up, and his cheek is smacked. The little boy is reduced to silent tears that pour down his face continuously. He wishes that his momma were with him- that you were with him protecting him like you promised you would. He still can’t believe that you couldn’t make good on your promise- and even at his young age, he doesn’t fault you. He knows that if it were up to you, he would still be safely tucked into your arms in the bathroom and waiting for the police to arrive.
“Fuckin’ Melissa,” he shouts as he slams his hands on the steering wheel. “Fuckin’ fuckin’ the lawyer- no wonder the bitch won. Gonna fuckin’ kill her the next time I see her.”
JJ’s eyes widen. This is not the father he knew. He knew of Joe to not always be the most helpful or father of the year when it came to parental responsibilities- no, that was all Melissa. But he’s never gone around cursing like this in front of his son- never threatening to harm his mother. And he… he smells awful. What is that smell? The answer to that silent question is: vodka, not that the young one would be able to identify that scent. His father reeks of vodka, and he only continues to bring the bottle to his lips as he drives. The little boy is nearly thrown out of his seat as his father slams on the brakes, just narrowly avoiding a car that is coming at him. And before the four year old knows it, he’s seeing the skyline of the city off in the distance behind him.
“I want Momma,” the little one whimpers from the back. “I want Momma and Y/N.”
“Well, you aren’t getting them,” Joe sneers. “You’re mine now.”
Even at the young age that JJ is, he knows that’s not true. He knows that the reason that they were in court earlier today was because it was to determine where he would stay- the judge had explained that much to him and had even asked him who he would rather be with. Of course, his answer was that he wanted to stay with Melissa. He told the judge how Joe never played with him, was never home for dinner or for bedtime. JJ explained to the judge that Melissa was the best momma that he could ever ask for- that she was always there for cuddles, to play, make breakfast and dinner, that she gives him more love and hugs than anyone in the world, and that his momma is his absolute favorite person. He remembers that he told the judge that he loves where he lives now… he mentioned that he loves living there because you reside just down the hall, and you’re his second favorite person. He silently cries in the backseat as he quickly buckles himself in, praying that he’ll be reunited with his momma and you- and soon. 
The ambulance arrives not a few minutes after you place the call, and your heart breaks as they lift her onto the stretcher and she cries out in pain. Melissa is always so strong, not one to show that she’s struggling unless it’s in the confines of her own home- but this is something even beyond her. She can’t do anything other than writhe in pain- both at the hurt in your ribs and at the aching in her chest as she is terrified for her son’s fate.
You climb into the medical vehicle and hold the redhead’s hand the entire time. She doesn’t even register the absolute searing pain in her sides anymore- now she is just concerned for her son.
“They said they would have people meet us at the hospital,” you promise her. “And when I mentioned the Schemmenti name, the operator seemed shocked. So, maybe you always knowing a guy will work out in your favor.”
“If they don’t send Tommy to me, I will raise hell,” she grits through her teeth.
When the two of you arrive, the man in blue is indeed the one that she mentioned, and she feels the slightest bit of relief at that.
“Melissa Schemmenti, you look like hell,” the officer whistles lowly.
“You blues better fuckin’ get Joe,” is all the redhead grits out as they wheel her into the back. “Take Y/N’s statement, and get Joe.”
And so, while she is being assessed, taken back for various tests to ensure that there is no internal bleeding or anything of the likes, you sit in the room while the doctor tries to insist on also examining your own wounds and speak with Tommy. You brush off the doctor- your only focus right now is getting Melissa’s son back home safely.
“I don’t even know what happened,” you tell him honestly. “All I know is he was piss drunk, and I fought tooth and nail to keep that little boy safe.”
“Ma’am, any information is valuable.”
“Okay,” you will yourself to think back to just about an hour ago. You close your eyes, trying to concentrate, and you’re taken back to the apartment where everything had just happened. “Melissa and I were asleep on the couch… and I woke up when she started screaming. He- he had a bat. And he beat Melissa senselessly while screaming that she was fucking me- we are not… He beat me in the side. She told me to get her son, JJ- uh, Joe Jr. We raced to the back rooms where he was sleeping. I somehow got him despite him hitting me with the bat in the leg. We were locked in the bathroom, and Joe- he broke the door. I held onto him as much as I could. But Joe was stronger and… he pulled…” you start to break down remembering the way that JJ had screamed. “JJ’s arm got pulled out of its socket. And then he took off with him. By the time I hobbled my way to the door, his car was out of sight.”
“We’ve already sent an amber alert out for him,” the officer promises you. Do you have any photos of the little boy to help identify him?”
You pull up a photo of JJ on your phone, one of him with Melissa and Joe.
“Please,” you whisper. “Please find him.”
The officer, in a rather out of character move, places his hand over yours. “With Melissa’s family being involved? Yeah, we’s gonna find that little boy, and Joe is going to pay.”
“Good,” you wipe at your tears. “And when you do find him, take him to whatever hospital is closest… God, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get that ear piercing shriek of his out of my head.”
“He’ll get taken care of,” Tommy promises you. “Just like Melissa is now, and how you should be for that knee of yours.” He gestures to it. “It don’t look right at all.”
“I’ll get to it,” you wave him off. “Right now, Mel needs all the care she can get, and JJ is our top priority.”
“Just remember that you can’t help them if you aren’t helping yourself,” the officer tells you as he pats your hand once more. Then he’s trailing back to his other colleagues to tell them what you had said.
You’re led back to Melissa’s room, where they have her in a bed now. Her eyes are foggy, and you can’t tell what she’s thinking. The doctor comes in a few seconds later.
“She’s high as a kite right now,- it was the only way to get her to stop cursing us out for not letting her find her son,” he tells you. “Three broken ribs from what he did to her.”
“I didn’t want it,” the redhead in the bed slurs out. “I just want my son.”
“And we’ll find him, Mrs. Schemmenti,” the doctor promises. “For now, all you can do is focus on getting better.”
“I don’t give a shit if I get better or not,” the woman is as feisty as ever. “All I need is JJ.”
“Mel,” you whisper as you limp your way over. You press a kiss to her hairline, and even with all of the morphine she’s on, she manages a smile. “We’re going to find him, and he’s going to be just fine. I promise.” You only hope that you can keep that promise- because your guilt will eat you alive if you can’t. The thought of something worse happening to that sweet little boy makes you sick to the stomach, and you have to choke down the bile that threatens to come up.
“We’re going to keep her overnight for observation,” the doctor informs you once you’ve choked it down. “But then she’s going to be released. Will you be the one with her?”
“I will be,” you confirm.
“Then you should let us check you out too, so you can help her the best you can,” he presses again.
With a roll of your eyes, you let them examine you, but you are adamant that you do not leave the redhead’s side. She falls asleep during the checkover, and all they tell you is that you’ll be sore for the next few days.
“Not as bad as her,” you sigh as you rub your thumb over Melissa’s knuckles. 
“Get some sleep for now,” the doctor tells you. “The police will be back tomorrow morning to get her statement when she isn’t drugged up, and we’ll instruct you on recovery for her in the morning.”
You insist on them wheeling a bed into the same room as the teacher. Your beds are right next to each other- close enough that you can grip Melissa’s hand softly in your own as you fall asleep, and as your drifting off to sleep, you feel the redhead squeeze your hand gently. 
TAGS: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld
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aph-mable · 1 year
Dp x MHA prompt/story; ghostly child.
Okay so this idea been turning in my head for most of the day so I'm going to try to write this, anyone is free to add to it too.
Main plot is this; Danny is on the run from the GIW, being injured enough to cause him to de-age to around 6-7 years old. Same power strength and mind, but suffering from pretty bad injuries such as dissection, and having a lightning scar on his arm from the accident, others are from dealing with the other ghosts.
Danny does try to survive by himself, mainly useing the tricks and abilities he learned from his rouges, mostly doing the bare minimum to get by like steal food and clothes, sometimes kick bad guys to the curb but mostly keeps to himself.
He is in the MHA because during his escape he ended up creating a portal, while doing so he was begging for safety and to finally be accepted, the infinite realms awnsered by placing him a universe of heros, though it takes Danny some time to realize that.
Now with that established time to try and start the story, (though writing this while a bit tired)
Danny's bare feet echoed as he ran through the rain storm, it made his body shiver yet he kept pushing through as his medical gown was almost causing him to trip due to it being a size a bit to big.
Yet it didn't matter to the young boy as he ran through the dark streets and alleyways, the pitch blackness of the night helped cover his tracks as he pushed his body forward.
All Danny knew was he needed to run, get away from the men in snow white suits, or else his blood will be splattered again.
No, no, that can't happen again, they had already cut Danny's body over a thousand times that he worried if there was anything human left of him.
His hair was already permanently white, his eyes now a sickly green that shined like spot lights in the dark, he even lost the real need to breath which was the only reason he hasn't collapsed yet.
The sickly young boy only stopped running when he slammed into a trash can, causing him to fall over and cry out in pain as his hands and knees bleed out a toxic red and green.
Painful sobs escaped his mouth as he culled up behind a dumpster, useing what little shelter from the pouring rain.
Finally unable to go any further Danny passes out, coughing now and then as he falls into a restless sleep.
The sounds of birds chipping and passing by cars woke up Danny as the sunrise peeked though the clouds.
Rubbing his eyes and sticking to the shadows Danny crawled from his hiding spot to see where he even was, everything felt so much bigger then they used to be and it was kind of scary.
When Danny peeked around the corner what he saw made his eyes widen.
People and humanoid creatures walked the streets, drove in cars, and chatted away like there wasn't a problem in the world, living their lives without a care around them.
How long was Danny locked up? How far has the world move on that both human amd supernaturals could live together without fear? Would he be accepted for once or rejected again and hunted?
Too many questions filled the young halfa's mind, he needed to get away from the crowds and find some where safe, after all the Guys In White was most likely still looking for him.
Backing away further into the shadows Danny took twisting turns and back paths just to try and stay hidden. Ducking behind whatever he could find like a scared beast whenever a loud or sudden noise happened.
After hours of wondering the streets a painful growl came from Danny's stomach, reminding him that he was still human enough to need food, real food, not just literal trash.
Grumbling Danny went looking for an out of way convince store or small food shop, knowing full well he will have to steal from it. He would possibly go to a bigger food chain that wouldn't care as much about a few missing items, but Danny was still scared of being seen by too many people.
Finally finding a shop that was out of the way and didn't seem to have even a customer inside it Danny took his chance.
Pulling at his core and useing what energy he had, turned himself invisible and intangible as he walked right through the door.
Moving quickly he grabbed what his tiny arms could hold, which was a water bottle and twi pre made sandwiches.
Looking at the check out counter he could see a very tired looking young lady with stripes and long fangs, looking close to a wearcat, bored out of her mind. Werid words and colorful posters sounded her like some kind of ads.
Seeing he wasn't noticed yet Danny bolted for the door.
His invisibility slipped just as he passed the store clerk, leaving her only a sight of a small white haired boy in a werid gown phasing though the doors. It took only a second to make her realize he was running with unpaid store items.
Danny could hear distant yelling as he booked it back to the darkness of the alleyways, catching a few other people's attention but escaping.
Once sure no one was chasing him, Danny wolfed down his sandwiches and downed the water. Ancients, he hadn't even eaten or even got a proper drink like that in ages, tye most he gotten was the bare minimum to keep him alive.
Now a bit more fulied and a clearer mind Danny was planning his next move, which was finding a place to well, live in. A place to hide away from and maybe make his new haunt if it stays a good spot.
As he dusted himself off a near by broken mirror caught his eye. Moving forward Danny could see himself for the first time in a long while... it was a bit distressing.
Standing in the reflection was a young boy no older then 7, with snow white hair that was long and tangled with ectoplasm abd blood, wearing an oversized medical gown that was torn at the bottom, showing his recent knee injuries and barely hiding his lightning scar and others. Lime green eyes stared back at him as tears were rolling down his crumb covered face.
Not wanting to look at the monster in the mirror any longer, Danny matched forward in hopes to find an abounded building close by so he wouldn't have to pass out on the streets again.
An unknown amount of weeks passed by, during that time Danny had found an old shack not to far off from a small stream and bridge.
From there he stole the odd blanket or clothing that were left in the wind to dry, making a nest withing the rotting boards. Danny manged to get his hands on a few shirts and shorts that would fit his smaller body better, yet kept the bloodied hospital gown, mostly as a way to cover up a big hole in the wall.
During his raids to get resources Danny did get spotted many more times, especially when trying to snach food, but so far hasn't been chased further then a block or two.
Danny had quickly found out two major factors of this new place; firstly he couldn't read anything, everything looked like werid squiggles and lines, that might be due to him not being good at reading in the first place or the fact he only knew how to read/write ghost since that's what he did to pass the time. Secondly was there were heros and villains, and he wasn't sure who he was more scared of.
Heros were easy to spot since they wore costumes and announced themselves, villains were more subtle most of the time until they start causing trouble.
Danny had a few run in with the latter, mostly just jerks who think a kid would be an easy target. They were proven wrong quickly when Danny knocked them out by barely trying and dragging them to what he thought was a police station.
Heros were much more tricky, Danny mainly blots whenever he sees any, same with police in person, because what if they worked with the GIW? What would happen if they find out Danny was nothing but an abomination, a crime against life and death.
He wasn't going to risk it.
Yet unaware to Danny due to his adventures he had been spotted multiple times by civilian and a few heros too, one or two may have caught a picture of him back when he was still in his medical gown. And with him naturally running whenever a hero was spotted things were getting suspicious.
Heros and officers were alerted to the presents of a young boy who's case was looking scarily similar to another.
Which lead to Danny's main problem now...
He keeps getting chased by heroes!
Danny mostly avoids them by phasing thorough buildings but it was getting annoying. He started to use his intangiblity, floating, and ice abilities more, he didn't use his ecto blasts since he didn't want to cause that much harm. So far he's been stalked and chased by a werid guy made out of wood, a cowboy, and a rabbit lady just this week! That's not counting the police trying to corner him.
The only ones now that weren't giving him any trouble were normal people and the odd villan.
All Danny wanted to do is eat a good sandwich and maybe relax a bit.
Going to stop here for tonight but might add more later, any suggestions on how to make this story better is appreciated too.
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chasedbyatlantic · 4 months
when you wash your hair, joel miller
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summary: IN WHICH — you decide to surprise a sleeping joel after you've been working all day outside of jackson's walls, but it doesn't go as you plan.
warnings: gender neutral x joel miller, post outbreak!joel, jackson!joel, mentions of you and joel in a relationship, sub!joel, joel has ptsd, joel almost hurts reader (doesn't tho so dw!), lots of fluff at the end, cute ending, lots of swearing, ellie being annoying as per usual LOL. lmk if there’s anything i missed <3
wordcount: 2.6k
a/n: hiiii this is my very first fic on tumblr! i have been obsessed w/ tlou for the LONGEST time now so why not start writing for my fav fictional mass murderer? anyway- hope u guys enjoy! i plan to post a ton more so stay tuned xoxo
You had just finished an ungodly long shift along the outskirts of Jackson, keeping everyone inside safe from- well, whatever lay outside (scary squirrels, mostly). It had been so different since you arrived, with Joel and Ellie. For starters, you weren't kept on edge every single second of every single day - Joel was, which you always got pissed at him for, since you two were more than safe inside these walls. There was also the fact that life had sort of just- resumed, after twenty years of fighting for your life. It was alright, though, a sense of normalcy was nice, even if it were to only last for a little while (you were hoping it lasted forever).
As soon as you were inside the gates of Jackson, you rode over to the stables in which your horse, Leo, was housed at. The big wooden doors were opened by a stable hand that looked no older than Ellie, maybe she knew who this was, you thought to yourself.
You had slid the kid a small "thank you." as they closed the door behind you, and you hopped off Leo. You reached in your bag and scrounged for a second, before pulling out an apple core, the remains of the apple you had eaten earlier. "Here boy," your hand raised towards the horse's snout with the leftovers in-palm, and he took it as if it were the best thing in the world.
Leo munched away while you swapped his bridle for a halter and lead, tugging him to his freshly-mucked stall. He had walked over to his water bucket and you moved with him, undoing his girth and removing his saddle. It was hoisted over your arm as you moved out and locked his stall. "Excuse me," You called over to the stable hand that had let you in as you put all of his tack on the stand in front, "Do you mind brushing him down for me? I've had a long day and gotta get home quick."
The kid nodded their head eagerly, which had earned a smile from you. You weren't lying about having a long day or needing to get home quick - besides, you had always stayed after your shifts, right now you were just craving to see your favourite person (and a warm bath too, you had guessed).
You had removed your gloves as you took one last glimpse at your boy before you left him to be taken care of by the stable hand. As you walked out of the stable, you were greeted with a nice breeze. It wasn't exactly winter yet, but it sure as hell wasn't summer. Autumn was close on finishing, which only meant the days were getting longer.
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It took you a mere twenty five minutes to walk back to the Miller residence. If you had a little pep in your step, it would've taken no longer than fifteen. But, being up since before sunrise has its cons. Anyway, it isn't your fault that Tommy and Maria (Joel's brother and new sister-in-law) placed you guys in the farthest house literally ever.
As you approached closer to the home, you could see the familiar little (she would kill you if she heard you describe her as little) girl. The girl took notice of you too, "Fucking finally!" Ellie had kicked up her skateboard, grabbing the tip of it, and came running over. "Jesus Christ, I thought you had got eaten by like- fucking bigfoot out there!", She seemed to be only half-joking.
"I was not eaten out there, Ellie." You sigh as you messed her hair up slightly with your hand, "Is Joel still out on patrol?" You had asked the girl. Her face dropped, earning an "ugh!" from her. "You two love birds are gross. You should care more about me than him! He's a frail, broken, old man while I'm a super cool, and totally awesome young person." You rolled your eyes, an automatic laugh escaping your lips. "Another half an hour out here, Elle. It's almost sundown- and please be careful, for fuck sakes. I don't want to be popping your kneecap back in place because of a fall off that- board."
You weren't Ellie's mom, and you didn't mean to take any place of a motherly figure in her life - it just, sort of happened. After what had happened in Salt Lake City a year ago, and you had fought for Ellie back alongside Joel, you couldn't help but grow so much more attached to her- you and Joel both. This is when your motherly instincts (you were never a mother, not before or during this apocalyptic world) kicked in. You both shared a special bond, one that would never be broken, despite the cruel world you both live in.
A small grunt and a "fine" escaped the girl's lips as she flips her board down and kicks off down the street. You shake your head with an almost disapproving look and walk down the rest of the block to your home. A small smile plays upon your lips as you approach the house with a mailbox at the bottom of the driveway that reads "MILLER". Your last name was not Miller, but you were in a relationship with a Miller, so that could maybe, in the slightest, count as your name too.
Your hand brushed past the rusted metal box as you walk up the paved drive way, you're excited to see Joel. Hell, it feels like it's been an eternity since you've seen that man - when in reality, it's only been since this morning. You climb up the wooden stairs at the front of your porch and remove your boots before entering the house - this saved horrid amounts of mud that would scatter in the small foyer of your home. Once your feet are out of your dirty boots, you silently enter the home.
The door was never locked, not when Joel knew you or Ellie weren't home. You didn't know why he kept it unlocked- maybe in case something had happened and you needed to get home fast, or in case you would lose your keys while out and about. It wasn't that big of a deal, though; nobody else lived in this part of the town (besides Tommy and Maria, who were distant neighbours).
It was dead silent when you entered, too eery for your liking. "Joel?" You called out as you shrugged off your autumn layers. No response. "Joel?" You call out once again, moving to where you had seen the light. You approached tip-toeing, starting to get a bit on edge. Joel was always there to greet you when you got home, unless he had patrol duty himself. As soon as you step foot in your living room, all of the previous worries you had melted away as you saw your favourite person curled up on the arm chair, sitting back and mouth open slightly. You wish you had a camera, god a polaroid of this would be amazing.
You approached him, quiet as ever, sliding the sleeves of your soft-knit sweater over ninety percent of your hands. You had brought your face closer to Joel's once you were close enough. The smell of his vanilla and rose scented shampoo had engulfed you. Joel said he hated it (in reality, he definitely did not), but if it made you love him a little more, he would wash his hair with it.
"You're perfect, you know that." You whisper to him, even though he was sound asleep. From the faded freckles over the bridge of his nose from being out in the sun too much this summer, to the small scars that littered his forehead from years of just surviving, he was perfect.
You breathed hushly as you moved your hands up to his face, to cup his cheeks. You thought it was perfect, for him to wake up to you (as if he didn't every morning) at this moment. You knew he missed you when he wasn't with you, he told you multiple times. This would be a nice thing to make his day slightly better, you had thought. Your fingers made soft contact with the flesh on his face - but, this is where it all went wrong.
Joel had shot up from the deep (well, you thought deep) sleep he was in and grabbed the hands that were touching his face. It hadn't registered to him that it was actually you who was touching his face, and not a clicker, or a raider, or anything else. Rage and a sense of fear filled his eyes as they shot opened, eyebrows furrowed as they looked around frantically - he was ready to fight.
A loud grunt and an "ow." escaped your lips once your hands were grabbed and yanked. It had happened within a blink of an eye. You weren't exactly in the mood for getting manhandled in this current moment, but here you were. "Joel- hey, hey, it's just me. You're okay." You spoke quick, trying to pry him off your hand.
It was now that his eyes had met yours, and it took him a moment (which felt like eternity) to process it was you. "Baby.." His grip immediately loosened and his eyes fell. He looked horrified, at himself rather than anything. "M'sorry." There was a tone in his voice that made him sound ashamed, like he had just broken bad news to someone he loved.
"Don't apologize to me, Jesus Christ." You spoke almost too fast and brought your hand to his face again, you felt bad for scaring him awake- your plan had massively backfired. It took Joel a minute before he melted into the touch of your hand in his cheek, something he will only do when it is only you and him around each other. "Shouldn't have been sleepin' while you weren't home." He muttered, his eyes looking everywhere but at yours.
Your heart ached, he shouldn't feel like this- fuck, you're so stupid for doing this you thought to yourself. "Don't apologize baby, hey-" You brought his focus to you, and only you, "-listen, you're alright, okay? We're safe here, you know. I'm safe, Ellie's safe, you're safe." You reassured the man in front of you. "If you want to sleep all day without a care in the world, you can do it."
Joel was being extremely vulnerable right now- and he knew that you sensed it. This part of him never came out, he was always the strong one in the relationship (not that you weren't, he just had that aura linked to him). Your finger rubbed back and forth over his cheek. "M'sorry for waking you from your nap- I was just too jealous of how peaceful you looked. All comfortable in your blue sweater.." your eyes started to trail down his body right in front of you, "-your sweatpants.." you snapped yourself out of the trance you had fallen in, your eyes reaching back up to Joel's.
He was just quiet, in his own thoughts. "Ya'know I love you." you told him. He looked like he snapped out of his own thoughts once you said this to him, the smallest smile known to man appearing on his face (it was genuine, though). "I know, darlin'." This was your cue, you reached forward and placed your lips onto Joel's. Now this, this was home- god, you could've had your lips on his all day for eternity. Joel melted into the kiss, and placed one of his hands on your thighs.
Things had got heated between the two of you within seconds, suddenly the positions were switched and you were straddling Joel on the armchair in your living room. It wasn't until you tore apart from his lips that it hit you. "Ellie’s going to be home soon, baby. We can't have her catching us like this- not again." You tell him as you catch your breath. His lips find your neck, he only hummed in response. After a moment of no proper response from him, you tap his shoulder, "Seriously, Joel!". He had grunted, basically forcing himself off of you. "So let her see us, not like she don't know 'bout it." He muttered, leaning back in the chair you two were in. "Oh, suddenly you're mister PDA?" You asked as you got up, stretching.
He said something under his breath that you couldn't catch, but chose not to pressure him about it. "But hey.." You grab his hand and help him up, "Maybe you could help me in the shower, hm? Let me borrow some o' that good smellin' shampoo ya' got? Wash my hair for me?” Your eyes met his, a smile completely lighting up your entire face. "I'on mind, doll. Maybe you could help me with a few things too," He reaches down, pressing a wet kiss onto your lips.
You take this as the perfect time to slip your fingers between his, and lead him up to the second floor of your large house. Even though you had completely scared the shit out of Joel earlier, and you thought you were a dead man for a split second, he forgave you. He always forgives you - this is why you love him.
Joel had promised you that he would always stay, no matter what had happened between you two. After years of being together, through your ups and your downs, through your serious arguments and your little scares (like this), he was yours. Joel was always yours, and you were always his.
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You two come laughing down the stairs, completely soaked from the shower you had taken together. Joel was back in the clothes he wore when you got home, and you were changed into one of his shirts and a pair of sleeping shorts you had. He had his hand in yours as you lead him down the stairs. Before you could even step foot on the first floor, an "ew!" was yelled by a familiar voice.
"That is fucking disgusting- I cannot believe it! I can't leave you two together for more than thirty minutes before you turn into fucking rabbits. I may as well start thinking about names for the baby!" Ellie over exaggerates, acting completely disgusted from you and Joel holding hands.
Joel shoots Ellie a death glare as he drops his hand from yours momentarily, about to open his mouth before you interrupt. "Do I need to send you to your room, or something? You're so fucking crazy Elle!" You had let the little nick name slip out of your mouth, "You know I would never do anything unholy under the same roof as you." Well, you weren't lying. You and Joel never did it while Ellie was there, you didn't want anyone hearing what happened while you two were alone.
"Don't care, that's gross! Dinner is already made, I am GOING TO BED!" She had yelled as she was already half way up the stairs to her room on the second floor. Joel's hand snaked around your waist from behind as you tsk. "We got stuck with the most batshit crazy kid, I'm telling you."
Joel's hand tightens a smudge when you say that, "I love her though, and you I guess." He rests his head between the crook of your neck and slightly lets go once you add that. Even after the little bicker between the teenager, you couldn't help but smile to yourself.
Even though you were in the midst of an apocalypse, life couldn't have been anymore good to you. They gave you Joel, and you were content - more than content - with it.
when you wash your hair, matt maltese
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jean0farc · 4 months
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‎ ‎‎Honor Among Thieves
Captain Hook x Fem! Reader | 2.5k
⎯⎯ summary ‣‣‣ “On an ordinary summer day my friends and I are having fun at the beach when suddenly Captain Hook and his pirates come seemingly out of nowhere and attack, causing chaos. I try to escape, even so much as to reach the car my friends and I used to get there, but I get caught and by one of the pirates and taken.”
⎯⎯ content warnings & tags ‣‣‣ dubcon, penis in vagina sex, creampie, fem! oral receiving, dom! Hook, body worship, fingering, breast kink, praise, dirty talk and pet names.
⎯⎯ requested by ‣‣‣ the wonderful @disney-girl67.
⎯⎯ banner credits ‣‣‣ the lovely @cafekitsune.
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The intensifying heat of the sun today was rather unbearable for my liking—I had to make sure the amount of sunscreen I applied was just right for my skin in regards to basking in the summer heat. Thankfully, my best friends had some spare bottles of lotion perfect for our trip to the beach. We’ve packed just the best meals suitable for our picnic date; it’s been a while since we’ve taken a week off of an exhausting day of work, and an opportunity arose when we were given a discount to a beach getaway!
I drew a satisfying breath, taking in the fresh breeze that blew from the east side of the coast. Apart from the overwhelming heat of the sun, it was quite refreshing to take a time off of the monotonous city where industries and businesses collided in chaos. The palm trees danced lively by the breathtaking view, the birds chirping happily as we booked a stay at the chalet nearby.
“So, Ashley, what do you think of this spot so far?” I asked.
“It’s perfect,” my friend smiled. “Summer is a godsend, especially these days. The weather may be humid, but other than that their services are properly managed. I can’t stand always having to work under our boss lately. So I’ve decided to take a leave!”
“May I add that this particular sea stands out because there’s lots of treasure underneath.” my other friend commended. “Rumors say there used to be pirates here, but I believe they’re long dead after getting shipwrecked.”
“Pirates?” I asked, sitting upright, fixing my bikini. “Wait, are you saying, this place isn’t safe for visitors like us?”
“Relax, friend,” my other friend spoke, laughing. “It’s just a scary story spread all across this village. I’m sure that with all the legal authorities becoming more aware of the troubles they cause, they're probably thrown into prison by now.”
“Good, good.” I replied. 
“Anyways, I think now is the right time to go in for a dive! The deeper, the better!” 
“Wait, guys, but-“ 
My friends ignored me this time. They left me without any explanation to stay, leaving me to rot in my own thoughts of whether there were potential thieves roaming around the place. But I’ve decided I won’t back down. I left the patio, without any other reason to make excuses for why I refused to go in for a swim. Out of guilt, I just kept on going, leaving all my worries behind.
My friends and I ran towards the seaside, happy and carefree of the world’s stressors. We even threw some handfuls of sand at each other and splashed some seawater the moment we went for a swim. 
I found it difficult to keep up with my friends this time, the way they swam around the beach and took pictures of the glittering waters. But I dared not to be a killjoy as of this moment, I complied with their requests to have fun regardless.
As we swam recklessly by the sea, I noticed the sight of a large, wooden ship approaching from a distance, seemingly approaching towards us. I felt all along that my gut instinct was right. I tried my best to not falter at first, but knowing they could kill if we didn’t surrender our belongings was something I was truly terrified of. 
“Ashley! Lottie! Mary!” I called out. “There’s a ship approaching! Let’s gather around and leave!”
“[Name], you’re being incredibly ridiculous.” my friend Mary laughed. “Those can’t be pirates! It looks like a normal ship!”
My friends ignored my pleas, so I had no other choice but to leave the seaside. I was deathly worried about their wellbeing since pirates aren’t to be trusted regardless, but I started to give less fucks about others and focus on my own needs. This is it. I left my friends and made my way back to the beach house, running half naked and sweaty from the intense blanket of heat that filled the air.
“Take a closer look, Murphy,” scoffed a pirate from the ship as he used his binoculars to zoom into the sight of my friends swimming. “We eating good tonight, aren’t we?”
“Damn right. Nothing more than a bunch of bombshells worth taking in for the night.” Black Murphy laughed loudly. “James will surely be having fun by the end of the day. From what I understand, he’s already by the shore holding some random bitch hostage.”
“Right! Hah. The Captain should consider himself lucky.”
And there I was. I finally arrived at the beach house, surprised to find the door to our room locked. Pleas of someone could be heard from inside, and I didn’t know what to do other than bang the door from outside. The voice was muffled, which made me realize that whoever the captor was turned out to be someone not to be messed with.
My heart raced upon this discovery. Who could have possibly thought there was someone else inside the compound? I tried using all of my strength to open the door. I tried, and tried, and tried…..
And with all my brute force, I managed to successfully pry the door open. I was then met with an unexpected scene.
There in the corner of the room stood a tall, dark figure dressed in red, while his other hand was replaced with some sort of hook. He apparently was holding some sort of knife with his other hand, and it turned out that the identity of who he just killed was the manager of the beach house me and my friends stayed in. The figure took a step forward, revealing himself to be none other than a pirate captain.
I tried to leave, but another one of his pirates grabbed me by the wrists from behind, pushing me to the ground and swiftly locking the door from outside. It was unknown as to how this happened, but I knew from the bottom of my heart that this was coming. 
“Looking as gorgeous as you always were, lovely stranger.” the pirate spoke softly. “Say, are you perhaps here for a trip?”
“Um, yes?” I hesitantly replied. “Who could you be?”
“That doesn’t matter, my dear. In fact, your name doesn’t matter to me either. Say, what are your thoughts about a relationship of give and take? Worry not, for I won’t harm you, as long as you do exactly as I say.”
“I came here to claim five million bucks from this entire resort. Provided you and your friends do exactly as we please, your lives shall be spared.”
“What???!!!” I protested, attempting to get up and reach for the door behind me. “No, I must have known…!! You-you must be the captain!!! Please, captain, spare our lives!!!”
“Why, if it isn’t the right answer, hm? My name is Captain Hook, I also go by the name James. Though this info won’t matter by the time I’m done with you.”
I froze, unsure of how to react in the face of such a threat. I attempted to stand up, only for the captain to kneel on one knee and unfasten my bikini straps. 
“Please…..” I begged. “Let me go! I’ll do anything!!!”
“Is that so? Why then, don’t resist.” Captain Hook smirked.
I frankly hated how this was turning me on.
He moved his hook down my breasts, groping it with the thin piece of metal while his other hand caressed my cheek. 
“Such a beautiful, sensitive little thing.” he cooed. “Gods must have sent you to serve as my personal pet.”
Tears formed in my eyes as I disobeyed his request and resisted the captain’s touch, only for him to pull me inward. He kneaded on my breasts gently and leaned closer to suckle on my nipples, which was already hard at the sight of his tall stature. He swirled his tongue around it, moaning gently as the sounds of sloppy slurps filled the room.
I hated how good it made me feel. I shivered at the thought of a random stranger’s face up my breasts, but there was no denying that he was extremely good at it. A part of my mind wandered on the scenario where he claimed a number of bodies. From the charm of his facial hair surrounding his features, to his enigmatic smile, it left me with chills—and they weren’t exactly that of the bad type.
He didn’t stop, oh, he didn’t. The more I held back a moan, he just kept sucking in long slurps that left me soaking in my arousal. My breath hitched at the sight of his unshaved face lapping and salivating against my breasts, carefully caressing it as he pulled away.
“Mmmmmhhhh~”, I groaned in frustration.
“What a cute, desperate pet.” Captain Hook whispered. “If all it takes for you to grow wet is to have someone suckle on those stress balls, then you must be a really needy whore after all.”
“Please……I need it….I need it so bad!!!” I protested, desperate for release.
“Eager for my cock?” Captain Hook asked. “Well, you might want to exercise a little patience, my dear. Good things don’t always come in easy packages. Now, let’s take this off from you, shall we?”
With that, he tore my panties off with a clenched fist, leaving my naked form to sulk in hopelessness and frustration. He wasn’t the type to give warnings, for he was quite straight up with what he wanted to do. He was all powerful. That only gave way for me to feel worthless and pathetically needy for his touch.
“Mmmmmm……already this wet? Hah. How pathetic.”
He didn’t give warnings, indeed. I knew he had it in him when he dove into my cunt, kissing the nub gently as he rubbed his finger against it. I felt as if I was about to squirt too early, but I held it in. Then comes the hard part. The fingers. He stuck two fingers in me, forcing his way in without any form of lube or prep. With the burning pain slowly melting away into pleasure, I let him swirl his tongue around my clit without any form of inhibitions after all. The captain yapped and lapped at my vaginal fluids, overflowing to an extent of it streaming down my cunt. It felt warm, pleasurable, and on top of all that, I felt like I was about to catch feelings for the man.
His digits began curling upward, making me wince at the length of his fingers, yet still aroused. The slight curve didn’t bother me in the slightest. It felt so good, and I for once didn’t mind squirting and cumming all over his face for all I cared.
“Ahhhh, I’m close,” I moaned. Captain Hook drove his mouth deeper, giving my clit a rough suck before pulling away. Leaving my entrance gaping with fluid, he chuckled smugly.
“You taste divine, pet. Hmmm….I think you’re ready to take all of me now. Just relax.”
Captain Hook let go of my figure, turning to his pants as he pulled the upper section down. I wasn’t expecting the sight of at least ten inches of trouser action, and I grew hopelessly frustrated by the fact that it still wasn’t shoved deep in me. 
“Now, now, dear.” Captain Hook spoke. “This won’t be lasting quite long. After all, you’re already this close.”
Spreading my legs wider, the captain rubbed my clit with his cock, enabling me to make use of my energy in humping right back. I held the throbbing length, and felt its texture before he slipped it right inside me with force.
”AGH!!” I squealed.
“What, don’t you like it?” Captain Hook asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Keep going….It burns, but, keep….going!”
“I see. Well, then who am I to deny you what you want.” 
With one thrust, he drove his cock inside me and started to slowly rock in and out of my cunt. It felt euphoric, really, the way he handled me roughly and recklessly without any filter. To compensate for his efforts of ramming through my walls, I fucked him back.
My breasts wobbled as my body grew used to the pleasure judging from the growing speed of his thrusts. He was brutal, violent, just like any other pirate would be when faced with an incoming threat. Gripping my cheeks tightly, Captain Hook used his superior strength to lift my limbs upward to gain a better access towards my core. He kept hitting, and hitting the spot, so much that I could feel myself cumming in less than five whole minutes. I arched and mewled against his grasp, the sounds of skin slapping against skin becoming more apparent. I began to develop no care for whoever overheard our little affair going on. All I needed was to reach completion at the hands of this charming stranger.
Captain Hook was also growing desperate over time. His moans grew more animalistic, muttering a ‘yes’ repeatedly as he was about to lose composure. When I felt a tinge of pleasure spark from within my heated core, that was when he chose to pick up speed. He then leaned closer to feel my neck with his face, leaving hickeys all over as he continued to bite down the layers of thin skin. I yelped in pain for a moment as the sensation slowly turned into pleasure the way he bit on the right spots. 
If only he could see my face right then and there, I would have been humiliated from that point onward. Then he did.
“Ah, ah, ah, no looking elsewhere.” Captain Hook muttered under his breath, panting hard. “Eyes on me. Show me how much you crave this feeling.”
“I—Mmmmmmhhhh….!!! Please, I’m….I’m gonna…..”
“Hold it off, little one. Have your master do all the work.”
With all his strength, Captain Hook grabbed my hips tightly, the hilt of his cock ramming in and out of my heat. The slaps against my ass were wet and loud, our moans matching each other like a symphony. 
“Agh!!!! Captain!!!” I trembled in excitement. “Ahhhhh~”
I wailed his name (James) as Captain Hook thrusted so deep into my core. My walls fluttered and throbbed hard that it was almost a crime for him to pull out of me. I shook against him, crying like a bitch in heat as I felt like the whole world had just shattered before my eyes. Captain Hook spurted his seed balls deep in me, his cum surrounding itself all over my dripping cunt. I let out a deep sigh, realizing the whole mess I’ve been engaging with in the company of a complete stranger.
Captain Hook didn’t even budge, his cock already retreating from my walls in a slow, yet steady fashion. 
“Such a filthy, disgusting little mutt.” he said, putting his cock back in and leaving me to sulk by the edge of the doorstep. “Get up.”
Captain Hook grabbed my cute, pink bikini, tossing it before my face.
“What is your name?”
“You did well, [Name],” he said. “Judging by the looks of it, you owe me several nights of complete entertainment. Come outside when you’re ready. I’m more than willing to bring you into my ship.”
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i’ll keep you safe ~ newt;the maze runner
word count: 2498
request?: yes!
@jesylovesmusic​  “ Hey I know you're not talking request right now but I just had a question for if you would accept request for the maze runner when they're open again. Ive fallen down a hole”
description: when a new girl who knows more than the rest of the gladers is brought into their world, newt finds himself drawn to her, and a strong desire to make sure none of the others hurt her
pairing: newt x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of the world being awful outside the glade
masterlist (one, two, three)
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The Gladers had hardly grasped the addition of Teresa into The Glade when The Box shuttered to life again, signifying that another was being added into their world. There had been so many surprises and uncertainties with their recent two additions - Thomas and Teresa - that the others were sure that nothing else could ever surprise them.
They were proven wrong when The Box delivered to them another girl.
This time, she was huddled into the far corner of the box, her knees brought up to her chest and her whole body trembling with fear. The Gladers looked down at her with yet another feeling of shock, something that had become normal for them at this rate. None of them knew what to do, so Newt took the lead and jumped into The Box to retrieve their newest member.
He was taken aback when her eyes widened with fear upon seeing him and she started to scream, “No! No, get away from me!”
“What’s wrong with her?” Minho asked.
“She’s scared,” Newt responded.
He dared to take another step forward, but she shrunk away from him the best she could, hiding her face behind her hands. Newt felt a pang of compassion for her. They had all been scared and confused when they entered The Glade. It was never easy, and it especially wasn’t easy to collect the newcomers when they arrived in this state.
Newt kept his distance, but knelt down so that he came eye level with the unknown girl. She peaked at him around her hands.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he said. “I’m just trying to help you. I know this is scary; you just arrived to a strange place and you don’t even know who you are - ”
“I know who I am,” she cut him off. “My name is (Y/N). They took me away from my parents. They took my parents and I don’t know what they did with them, but I don’t think they’re alive. They tried to inject me with something, but I fought back until finally they just knocked me out and threw me in here.”
Her eyes gazed up at the other boys who were now peering down at her. The terror returned to her face and she curled herself up tighter into her ball. Newt stood and turned to look at Alby. He knew by the look on his leader’s face that Alby had heard what this new girl had said.
Another strange thing to continue the string of surprises they had been going through: this new girl had memories of the outside world.
After finally managing to get (Y/N) out of The Box (although not without a lot of screaming and a hearty fight), they put her up in a room alone. It was the only way they could get her to calm down. One of the Gladers would come by to give her food to make sure she wouldn’t starve, but she refused to face any of them. She stayed in the room until she knew they were gone, then she would take the food and leave anything to be collected outside the door by the time someone else came by.
She wouldn’t even open up for Teresa. The boys thought that maybe (Y/N) was afraid because she was one girl with a large number of boys, so maybe she would feel more comfortable if she was approached by another girl. However, when Teresa came back from giving (Y/N) her routine meal, she told them, “She definitely does not care about gender. She screamed at me as if I were one of you guys.”
On the day that Newt was tasked with bringing (Y/N) her food, he felt a bit more courageous than the others seemed to be. He wanted to know more about this new person; he wanted to know what exactly she knew about the outside world. Maybe she could tell him how they all got there. Maybe she’d know how to escape.
He approached her room with a tray of food and knocked at the door. Of course, there was no response. He placed the tray on the floor by the door and backed away two steps. He waited again, expecting to hear her shuffling around her room to come get the food. When she didn’t answer, Newt tried knocking again.
“I’m not going away until you come out,” he said. “You don’t have to be afraid of us. If anything, we should be afraid of you. You’re this strange new girl that’s been dropped into our world saying you actually remember what life is like outside The Glade. How do we know you haven’t been sent to hurt us?”
There was no response again. Newt sighed. Okay, maybe that was the wrong thing to say.
He pressed his back against the wall next to her door and slid down till he was sitting. He still couldn’t hear any movements inside the room. He wondered if she was even awake. It was only midday, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t trying to escape this situation some other way.
“Obviously, you’re not going to hurt us,” he said, hoping she was awake he wasn’t talking to himself. “If you were, you would’ve by now. You’re either genuinely scared, or you’re an incredibly good actor with much patience. I’m choosing to believe the former.”
He put his head back against the wall behind him. “You have to understand, you’re the first person to ever come here to remember life before The Glade. None of us remember how we got here. We just woke up in The Box while being transported in. We understand that, if someone took you the way you say they did, that you’re very scared, but we’re all very curious to see what you know. You might be our key to finding out how we got here and how we can get out.”
When no response came, Newt sighed and admitted defeat. There was no coaxing (Y/N) out of her room, and he wasn’t about to sit around so that she couldn’t get her food. He was pulling himself to a stand when he heard the doorknob slowly turn and the door creaked open just a crack. (Y/N) peered out at him through the door, her face a mixture of worry and sadness.
“You don’t want to leave here,” she said. It was the first time she had spoken since that day she arrived in The Box. “It’s...terrible out there.”
“What do you mean?” Newt asked.
(Y/N) opened the door a little more, just enough to poke her head out and see if there was anyone else with Newt. She knelt down to pick up her food and beaconed for him to come inside.
Besides the sheets on the bed having been messed a little, it looked as though the room was untouched. Not even the clothes that had been brought for her to change into had been touched, Newt noticed. It was like she had been spending all of her time in bed or pacing around the room. She didn’t want to be entertained, she wanted to be home.
She sat down on the bed and placed the tray in front of her. She ate slowly, her eyes never leaving Newt. He didn’t want to push his luck too much, so he opted to sit on the floor across from the bed. He waited until she felt ready to talk.
“The world is not...good,” she told him, finally, after what felt like hours of silence. “There aren’t many of us left out there, and the ones who are left...they’re not nice humans anymore. Not like in here.”
Newt pushed aside the thoughts of Gally and the way he treated Thomas and Teresa when they entered The Glade. Definitely not everyone in here was “good”.
“A virus took out a lot of the population, and those it didn’t take out have resorted to fighting for survival. My parents and I were fortunate enough to have hidden in a bunker full of survivalists who knew how to handle the situation, but even then we had out moments where things were looking dark. Honestly, I don’t think any of us expected to survive as long as we have. Others were lost much earlier on.”
“How did you get here then?” Newt asked.
(Y/N) sighed, looking down at her plate. “Our bunker was compromised. A couple scientists who said they’re trying to find a cure for the virus or something. They grabbed us, took us in for testing to see if he had been infected, then they put us up in some rooms in their labs. Next thing I knew, they were bursting into my room and dragging me off. My parents tried to stop them, but they were detained as I was taken. I have no idea what happened to them or if they’re even still alive, but I don’t have much hope for it. One of the scientists tried to explain to me what was going on, but I didn’t want to listen. I just wanted to get out. And then, suddenly, they just knocked me unconscious and threw me into that thing that brought me here. I woke up just before it opened up and you guys found me.”
“No wonder you were so scared then. You probably thought we were one of them.”
She nodded. “I thought you were going to kill me. I thought that they found traces of the virus in me and that’s how they dealt with people who were infected. I have no idea why I’m here, or what ‘here’ even is.”
Newt was also starting to wonder where “here” was. Was The Glade supposed to be a safe haven for those who hadn’t been infected by the virus in order to save them? If so, why wipe their memories before sending them in? Why not send in their families, too?
He always knew there was a world beyond The Glade, but he never could’ve imagined it was as awful as (Y/N) was saying. Newt always figured that maybe he and the other Gladers had done something bad and The Glade was their punishment. But maybe The Glade was a way to save the world once this virus was taken care of.
Newt was brought out of his thoughts by the sounds of whimpering. When he looked up, he saw tears running down (Y/N)’s cheeks and her body was trembling from silent sobs. Against his better judgement, he got up from the floor and rushed over to wrap his arms around her. To his surprise, she leaned into his embrace and buried her head into his chest. He could feel her tears dampening his shirt, but he could care less. He held her and allowed her to let out her emotions in a safe environment. She could finally let her guard down, even just for a second.
“I just miss my parents,” she sobbed. “It’s the not knowing that makes it so awful. I have no idea if they’re dead or alive, if they know where I am, if I’ll ever see them again. I’m all they had, and then those fuckers took me from them!”
“I know,” he said. “Until you know for sure, it may be best to think of them as still being alive.”
“How will I ever know for sure?” she asked. “I’m never getting out of here.”
“We’ll find a way. We’ve been trying for so long, and now we have you who actually knows about life outside The Glade. There’s a huge chance we could get out of here and find your parents.”
(Y/N) pulled away from Newt. Her eyes were swollen and puffy and her cheeks were tearstained. His heart ached for her. The Gladers always wished they knew where they came from or what their life was like before The Glade, but now Newt was realizing what a gift it was for them not to know those things.
“There’s bad people out there,” she said. “What if they try to kill us?”
“We’ll just have to prepare for that,” Newt said. “We can talk to Alby, that’s our leader, and tell him everything. He’ll come up with a plan.”
“What if your people don’t like what they hear?” she asked. “You’ve all been in here for how long? Dreaming of a life outside of this place, a world that’s beautiful and good. What happens if I tell them that the world is not beautiful and good and they decide they don’t believe me? What happens if the entire place turns on me except for you?”
It was a small thought in the back of his mind, but Newt refused to let it wiggle it’s way in. He took (Y/N)’s hands in his and squeezed them. “I would never let them hurt you.”
She let out a humorless laugh. “Yeah? You’re going to protect me? You don’t even know me. Those people down there have been with you for years, and you’re going to back up the crazy new girl who just arrived?”
Newt nodded, which seemed to surprise her.
“Why?” she asked.
“Because I believe you,” he said. “I know it’s going to be hard to swallow the fact that the world outside of The Glade is not what we pictured it to be, but it’s something that we have to prepare for whether we believe you or not. And because...well, there’s just something about you. You interest me. I’ve actually been waiting very patiently for many days to be the one to bring you food so I could try and talk to you.”
It was Newt’s turn to be surprised when a small smile spread across her face. “You’re quite the charmer for someone who’s been stuck in here with a bunch of dudes for years.”
Newt chuckled. “Maybe my lack of practice helped.”
(Y/N) leaned into Newt again, which took him by surprise yet again. She guided the two of them down until they were both laying on the bed, her head against his chest and his arm around her. He could feel the tension leaving her body as she relaxed against him.
“I just need to lay here for a second,” she said. “And I don’t want to be alone. We can go down and talk to your people later, but I just need to build up the courage to do so.”
Newt nodded and ran his hands through her hair. “That’s fine. Take as much time as you need. I’ll stay here as long as you want.”
Her arm moved around his stomach and gave him a small squeeze. “That might be for a very long time. You never told me your name, by the way.”
“It’s Newt.”
“Newt. I want you to stay, Newt.”
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inkyvendingmachine · 4 months
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Mobs and Stalkers Season 4, Episode 3
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀 Call of Cthulhu Season Four Masterpost (Coming Soon)
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of  a Call of Cthulhu scenario from the Tales of the Crescent City book. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
Who is this guy and why is he following us? Why are we following him?? Why are we interreacting with mobs again??? How does this keep happening to us?????
Art Credit: @inkdemonapologist : sketching + inking @inkyvendingmachine : concept + colouring
Bendy even slept on top of Jack during their slumber party, trying to give the same comfort as an Beans might give. It might’ve been weird otherwise, but after all the hectic nonsense going on and not being able to feel safe going home, in this case it was welcome.
Joey slept on his research notes. 
But it is a work day (at least it’s friday,,,) so the cots are shuffled away before people start coming in and questioning the group about the spontaneous night in. And foreseeing this might be a future issue if stuff goes haywire and they have to hide out at JDS more, Joey takes the holiday opportunity to get everyone out of the office for a while.  Enjoy New Years Eve off, go party! Also New Years, to recover from the party. And also… the day AFTER New Years, to do all the things you meant to do on New Years but you were recovering from the party!! Look how nice Joey Drew is, giving so many thoughtful days off. Nobody come back until Thursday or else.
While everyone else is getting some work done, Joey checks in on Norman who didn’t even call in. He seems fine, but he’s still adamant about staying at home. Okay you do you.
(Joey sends Susie to hang out with Norman, as his inside woman and also because the Norman vs. Susie perception of the world will be nice when more things just. C h a n g e.)
The team has two big leads for trying to find Alan Leroy: Chandler Kreel and Amanda Cornish. Both of them are apparently good friends with him, and with addresses in hand, they split up to try and track down the danged clarinetist that they probably need to get to.
Jack and Sammy drive downtown to a bunch of law offices with apartments above, searching for Amanda. They’re able to get to her door pretty easily, but Amanda isn’t the one who answers. Her sister does! Luckily Jack’s there to run introductions because otherwise Sam’s scowling face probably would have just been turned away at that point. Sitting in the waiting room, Amanda soon joins them and admits that the last time she saw Alan was at a christmas party they went to… but seems to be kind of standoffish about any other information.
After some more charming by Jack, it’s revealed that she thinks he might be in trouble with the mob, and uh, Sammy… looking the way he does……. Maybe made her think they were the mob?? But with confirmation that, no, they super aren’t the mob and in fact are trying to find Alan before he possibly gets in trouble with a mob or two, she’s a bit more relaxed. Something weird is happening, because Alan really doesn’t seem like the type to be in trouble with the mob. And the last weird thing she remembers happening with Alan was… well, he got freaked out over some book she gave him for the holidays!
What’s so scary about a book? It was a pretty interesting read, here she’ll go grab it for ya!!!
Sammy is looking away Sammy is looking away Sammy refuses to look in any direction near Amanda as she, indeed, brings out a little black book with the Yellow Sign on it. 
Jack immediately feels it wiggle into his head. But at least he’s able to wrap up the conversation with her in a… semi-normal manner? While Sammy’s eyes, darting anywhere else, find a photo on the mantelpiece that features Alan Leroy and friends, hanging out at a party scrawled with the note: Skinner Place, May, 1934… and Sammy is CERTAIN he recognises the man.
Oddly, his clarinet in the photo is missing one of the extensions he'd expect for a professional player...…….
Joey and Henry take the brown Mercedes to check out Chandler Kreel, who luckily lives in a nice part of the city that feels like a Mercedes might be somewhat… less… easily noticeable. 
He answers the door but seems extremely nervous, like Amanda was. Leroy is great! So good at clarinet you wouldn’t even know he was down a finger!! Also totally a swell guy who shouldn’t be in any trouble so why are you heeerree?? 
Through Joey’s uh, storytelling skills, and Henry's good calming daditude, they get the idea he’s a loyal friend who wants to make sure he’s helping his buddy and not handing over information to the mob or any other parties that might be after Alan… Which means, he probably has information on where Alan is. Since it’d be suspicious to just plain ask, Joey goes the heartfelt “please reach out to us we’re here to help,” direction and hands off contact information. 
While returning to the car, Henry and Joey find someone oogling over it… and this time it’s not some girl trying to declare herself Henry’s lifelong love, but the pale-faced man in a black suit that’s been seen everywhere recently. Their conversation is short, as the man mentions looking for a “wandering player” that needs to be returned to his place, and he walks off after some vague threats about what happens if you are in his way. Or if you lie to him, don’t do that either.
His mask-like face doesn’t move while communicating any of this.
Henry tells Joey once they’re alone that he thinks that guy is Fowler. He has the same nervous fidget Fowler used to…
Jack and Sammy go to stop by Norman’s on the way back, and find that… his place is apparently a block down from where it used to be!! 
When he answers the door and is immediately and frantically questioned about this, he takes a look around and confirms, shrugging and simply stating “it seems like I’ve moved.” 
He invites them in for a housewarming party.
Susie and Norman have been playing cards. There’s no updates on Avadon. Jack and Sammy update them about the few tidbits of information they’ve found, and Norman finds a piece of junk mail to hand off to Jack before they head out. Since… the address on there seems to have changed too, so if Norman ends up moving again, well… they’ll know where he is!
The four of them meet back up at JDS to exchange information about Alan Leroy, and also eject the yellow sign from Jack’s head asap. Sammy's still worked up about this clarinetist's missing E flat extension, but Joey dismisses this as old news -- obviously; he's missing a finger. Keep up, Sammy. Peter has kind of also met back up with them, leaving a message on Joey’s phone talking about sightings of the masked man going through some magic shops in the city. And the fact that despite all his digging, he really can’t find anything about where this Leroy guy came from…
Joey tries to call Peter back by memory and it doesn’t work. We’re not going to talk about the fact that Joey has Peter’s number memorized. Pulling out his phone book, indeed, Peter’s number on paper has changed and that one DOES work. 
Before they get much of a conversation going at all, Joey hangs up on Peter to try something. Instead of dialing a number in, or looking one up… he just wills himself to dial a number in to call Alan Leroy.
It kiiiindaaa works.
Joey manages to call Alan Leroy’s phone, but the same servant picks up and insists that Alan hasn’t returned home. Joey hangs up on him. 
Peter gets a call back. Okay so there’s those Magic Shops he wants to check out, and also he has a lead on the gangster guy who shot the gun during the charity event. To keep Peter from doing nonsense alone and probably being abducted to Carcosa, Jack and Joey decide to go with him to investigate magic shops, while Sammy and Henry uneasily go to the bar to find info on the gangster guy, once Sammy is reassured that this won’t be like last time and all he has to do is eavesdrop. This surely will only go well.
At the bar, Henry casually brings up the charity dinner shooting while trying to fish for information, and maybe he talks a little too much, because suddenly all eyes are on him. What! Sammy wasn’t doing any talking so Henry was just trying to… do….what Joey would do? Henry trying to do what Joey would do has never gone wrong before…
Sammy and Henry are in a mob car, only kind of against their will. They are escorted to a restaurant, where they meet the extremely average looking Italian mob boss, Johnny Nero, who wants to know what they know about this pale masked man. At first it seems like they’ve made another great terrible get-yourselves-kidnapped-by-a-mob mistake, but the boss seems surprisingly rattled, and after some grilling from Sammy, Nero admits that… he’s seen some stuff that shouldn’t be…
… and Sammy hits the nail on the head when he asks, have you seen the y͟el͜l͘ow sig̵n?
Henry steps in and decides to offer to help him… to get him on our side, and understand that we are not a threat to him, we’re simply trying to remove the same thing from the city. After some pressure, Nero is convinced, and goes through the extremely normal process of Henry writing eldritch symbols with his own blood to remove the sign from him. After the nightmare has been yeeted from his brain, Nero turns out to be a wee bit nicer: he gives us all the info he has, but insists that if we find whatever the pallid mask guy is looking for, to give it to him so he can use it to get the guy gone.
And then he kicks them out without even offering them a ride back to their car at the bar.
What an extremely average super not classy even mob boss. 
That’s gonna get you a terrible review on yellowp my dude.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, it’s time for
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*SHOPPING✧・゚: *✧・゚:*~~!!
The first store is called Cool Jewel Skull. It has cool jewels and skulls. Surely that’s exactly what it says in the book, because it’s extremely not a legit shop, and Jack spends the entire walk to the next shop dunking on it to keep Joey's spirits up. They did find out that not just the Phantom but Leroy had been through it though!
The next stop is an apothecary, and it does seem a lot more actually occult stuff. The guy recognizes a photo of Leroy and confirms he came through looking for protective charms, but when he went to buy one, he dropped it upon touching it and immediately left?? Then the Pallid Mask guy came through later… Not much info on him, except that he was creepy, but we already knew that. The interesting thing is though, the charm that Leroy dropped? It has the same symbol on it that Henry uses to expel the yellow sign from people’s heads. So… weird that he didn’t take it with him…. And seemed allergic to it as well.
The three leave and try to go to the last shop on the list… but the address is missing from the paper now. Like… completely gone. Joey gets the great idea to try his “I'm going to will myself there” trick and closes his eyes, imagining a route to this store he’d never been to before, and giving Jack directions to drive there. Suddenly Jack slams on the brakes and manages to keep from completely smashing into… a man in a suit… and a pale mask…. There’s definitely a dent in the bumper now though, because Jack wasn’t that quick, and apparently a moving car is not more solid than this thing is. 
Joey immediately starts cursing him out, but he insists that Joey called him?? before going around to the side of the car and opening the back seat door… where Peter is sitting. Not having this AT ALL, Joey tries to beat him out of the car with his cane, only to be thrown back against the dashboard. 
With Jack frozen in terror and Peter having an oddly difficult time moving to even the other side of the car away from this pale jerk, Joey immediately decides he cAN AND WILL RIP THIS ASSHOLE OUT OF EXISTENCE. 
And… somehow, it works.
It sure tears something into him alright, and manages to boot him out of the car, giving enough time for Joey to demand Jack step on it. And Jack, panic stricken, somehow manages to follow the command and at least not run into anything else as they drive off into the night – But just as he’s hit the gas pedal, he does feel the cold of both glass shards and … something else, as  he gets touched by a hand smashing through the window in the last second. 
Luckily Jack bought the first car on the market in the US that had safety glass so he’s not going to be fucked up much from this in the physical department, except for his wallet maybe.
Mentally though? Memories flood in… 
memories of a time he visited a dream with his eyes closed, and almost had his head removed.
After they’re at a safe distance, a shaken Peter manages to pull the door closed. 
And thank them.
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carlgrimesenthusiast · 10 months
reader is new to alexandria so rick asks Carl to show her around, she's distant and is full on guard since she doesnt trust anyone yet, carl tries to convince her that she's safe now, "Look, I know this must be scary for you, to be alone in this world, but you're safe, now. You can trust us, we'll - I WILL keep you safe." hehehehe
YOU’RE NOT ALONE || carl grimes x fem!reader
a/n: hi anon, i love the idea of this!! i really enjoyed writing this so i hope you enjoy reading this. buckle in, this is a long one!!
ever since the apocalypse started, you’ve been all alone. hell, you haven’t even met anybody that was true to you. sure you’ve met some people along the way but they’ve never stuck by your side. they’ve died, left you or simply tried to kill you. you knew that there would be some people who would try to murder you, so of course, you had ways in your head to protect yourself. you didn’t mind meeting people though, it meant that they could share whatever supplies they had, food, water, etcetera.
you weren’t the best at hunting either, you had to ration your food or simply have to find food like everyone else. clean water was hard to find, you either had to filter the water or go to wrecked out supermarkets hoping they’d have something.
some days you hit bullseye, finding an abandoned store full of food and water. some days were the worst, you would’ve been treading around everywhere but couldn’t find any source. your legs tired, sweat dribbling, feet aching, back aching and you arms becoming lazy. you couldn’t stop walking until you found somewhere safe to stay the night else you definitely would regret it.
these problems all disappear as soon as you come contact with two men. one with dark, long dark brown hair with a beard coming and the other guy with soon to all be grey hair with a shaven face.
“how old are you?” one of them ask.
“16.” you lied. you have no clue how old you are since you don’t even know what year it is, what month is or date.
“how many walkers have you killed?” the other asks with his grasp voice.
“every single one i come across.” you thought walkers were what they called the creatures, and you were correct. you‘ve seen many, many walkers and have killed them all. the more gone, the less there are which means the easier to live. it was easy anyways, they were slow, anyone would be able to outrun them.
the two guys glance at each other, “how many people have you killed?”
“2.” you sigh, you didn’t know if they thought that’s bad or good.
“why?” he questions, not daring to look away.
“one of them tried to steal my supplies and the other one tried to kill me.” you didn’t want to die, you wanted to see how long this apocalypse would last and if the world will turn back to normal. there were very low chances of that happening but a girl can hope.
the two guys look at each other and nod, “come with us, we have a safe place you can stay.” your eyes lighten up. you did not expect that, your jaw dropped.
“seriously?” you ask, shock filling your expressions. the one with long, dark brown hair simply nods.
“the names daryl ‘nd thats rick.” he points his thumb in ricks direction.
“y/n.” you say, “let’s get to this place then.” you start walking ahead of them.
you didn’t make it to six steps before one of them spoke, “it’s this way.” rick points in the other direction.
“oh, okay.” you embarrassingly turned around and made your way to the correct direction.
“this is alexandria.” rick says, someone behind the gates dragged it open, revealing all the beautiful houses. just like before. the trees tall and thick, smiles on everyone’s faces, people doing daily jobs, families taking walks. just like before.
they gesture for you to go in first as you do so, “where did you find her…” you heard someone whisper from behind you, you turned around to see a girl with long, black hair and brown clear skin.
“we just came across her, she’s young, we can’t just leave her.” rick whispers back, you noticed daryl wasn’t there anymore. you turn around to look where he disappeared off to. you saw him walking off into the distance, he’s probably not that sociable. “so,” you were bought out of your thoughts, rick started walking off so you followed where he was going, “i’ll get my son to show you around since there’s other work to be done here, everybody has a job. you need to contribute to help us move forward, if you have a problem with that you can happily leave.” he glances down at you. “you can help sort the food out, make sure equal amounts go to each household, go on a run and find weapons or food, planting to grow our own vegetables, sorting out supplies, making sure that each house have toilet paper, towels, all the essentials.” you nod as you heard him list everything. planting sounds the best to you but sorting out supplies brings you more satisfaction.
as you walk across the road, many people wave and smile at rick. he returns them all, putting his thumbs up at everyone whilst smiling as well.
“carl!” he shouts, a boy with long, brown hair turns around. he was wearing a cowboy hat and a flannel shit unbuttoned with a white shirt beneath. “this is y/n, you need to show her around. show her how the different jobs work around here, each area and also her own house.” rick explains. you get your own house?! woah this is gonna be fun
carl looks down at you. you weren’t incredibly smaller than him, just reaching about his eye length. “yeah, okay dad.” rick walks off going to do whatever. “so, how old are you.” carl asks, you follow wherever he’s going.
“seriously? me too.” carl chuckles. it wasn’t funny. you thought. you raised your eyebrows quickly, giving a close lipped smile just to be supportive to him. “do you have any siblings.” what do you think? if i did, they would be by my side. you hesitate to answer, you didn’t know if you good trust these people. this whole place was too good to be true. to be honest, you didn’t remember if you had any. your mind went blank. you look up to see carl staring right down at you, carl could sense that you were probably scared. “hey-“ before carl could say anything else he was interrupted by some girl. she has brown hair and fair skin.
“carl, judith is crying for somebody. i can’t find your dad or michonne.” the girl has a worried expression on her face. “who’s this?” she points towards you. she looks you up and down, daringly. you crossed your arms.
“enid, this is y/n. y/n this is enid.” carl says, swaying from side to side slightly with his hands in his pockets. “i’ll be there soon, i want to finish showing y/n around.”
“oh, okay. be quick.” enid smiles up at carl, then looks at you and walks away.
“anyways, let me show you where we do the planting.” carl says, he walks next to you, side by side. he brings you to an area with rows of soil and grass. carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes and more all growing. you could see that the lettuce were grown and somebody was removing them from their roots. another gardener was giving the soil water. water. you haven’t had fresh, clean water in a very long time. now you know what the first thing you would do, would be.
you space out, and it was very visible to carl. “hey,” he waved his hands in front of your face, bringing you out of your thoughts. “you good?” he looks concern. you just stared up at him, studying his features. your eyes started to blur, you felt…guilty. your family wasn’t here to share all these wonderful things. the amount of luck you had was impeccable. their bodies were decomposed, nothing left but a pile of bones. and here you were, bathing in all this sunshine and happiness. an accidental tear slipped down your face. “y/n, are you alright? what happened?” your head shot in carls direction, which was very close to your face. you hand immediately wipes off the tear that fell.
“can you just show me my house.” you didn’t dare look at carl, already embarrassed from crying right in front of him. why did you have to cry now?! you could’ve done it when nobody was in sight, were nobody would see or judge you. carl felt bad for you, but had no clue why you were upset. he knew that the best thing to do was just show you were your new home would be.
“this way…” he walks ahead of you this time, thinking that this all startled you or it’s too much to take in right now. i mean, he understands at some angle, and he knows everyone would react differently. he just didn’t expect crying, but all to their own. he occasionally did check behind him to see if you were behind him and didn’t just walk off. “here.” you reach the house, looking up to see chairs sitting out. you walk up the stairs, turning around and looking at the rest of the houses, all so beautiful. carl opens the door, letting you go in first. you enter in, turning on the light switch. all the furniture, nice and neat. not a speck of dirt anywhere. sunshine beaming into the room, you love it. “hope you like it.” were the last words you hear from carl before you heard the door shut. you walked around the house your house. the thought of not needing to pay for the house, and owning a house at your young house surprised you! you ran your finger against the kitchen counters, marble. you continue to look around the house, all this made you so happy.
the next morning came, and you open the drawers to see fresh sets of clothing. you put them on, not needing to shower since you took one last night. you enter your bathroom to see…perfumes? two perfumes. you spray it on your clothes, quite nice. you heard a knock on the door, you travel down the stairs and open the door to see…carl standing there.
“hi y/n.” he gleams at you, “you feeling better today?” carl asks, your heart warms when he asked you that. maybe you could actually trust them…or at least carl.
“yeah, much better. that shower really made my mood go up.” you smile, carl chuckles. you weren’t lying, that hot shower really did it for you. finally feeling clean is the best thing you could hope for, especially in a apocalypse.
“that’s really good,” he smiles, “but it’s time for your job…since gardening was the only thing you saw, do you want that as your chore?”
“okay.” you didn’t mind gardening, in fact, you were going to choose it regardless. it was calming and peaceful and quiet, and not tiring. plus, it was fun.
“hey, uh, you should know that you can trust us…” carl looks down at the floor, shy. he looks back up at you not taking your eyes off of him. “ look, i know this must be scary for you, to be alone in this word, but you’re safe, now. you can trust us, we’ll - I WILL keep you safe.” carl spoke confidently. your gaze on carl softened, he was pure in the heart. “my dad told me that people you’ve met before coming here have treated you disgustingly, but i can assure you, that will not happen. nobody will be nasty to you, treat you wrong. you’re safe here, i’ll be your personal bodyguard.”
you giggle, carls eyes lightens as he sees you laugh. the most beautiful laugh he has ever heard. “you’ll be my personal bodyguard?” you laugh, you like the thought of having carl be one. you can trust him, can’t you. it’ll take time for him to fully gain your trust, and carl knew that.
a/n: she’s a long one, wasn’t she? i need to start putting this much effort into my next ones. hope you enjoyed!! (my longest fic) not proofread!
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sourtomatola · 1 month
Taking Candy for a Fool part 19 (last)
You took in a sigh of relief as you saw Sun and Moon, still monstrous and gangly, kneeling in the center of the group of candy critters. They beckoned you over and you hugged them.
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“Actually, Marionette grabbed me and had me sleep in their box with them. They kept me safe. Nightmarionne also gave me a taffy ball. I did eat it, is that okay?” You told them. The other candy creatures gasped softly at the news, making you looked around confused. “What?”
“Marionette doesn’t like anyone that much, and Nightmarionne hate everyone.” Sun explained. “Nightmarrionne’s taffy is rarer than our drops. Everyone knows you now, Cry Baby. You have all of our thanks. We were able to take the factory for ourselves.”
“You plan to stay here?” You asked curiously. “You don’t want to see the world??”
“Where in the world would beings like us be able to be safe?” Sun asked in in solemn awareness. “The sun is hot, we melt. The cold makes us brittle, and shatter. The rain will wash us away…We will be safest here. We have what we need, we can still carry out orders online with what we shed, we can just do it in our own time. We will be okay I think.”
“With a bit of guidance.” Moon added. “Maybe we can make a garden to grow the fruit to sustain us better. We can grow it on the room, or tear out a part to get the sun in. Maybe we can have Bee’s as well, to pollinate the plants and make us more honey to live on too.”
You smiled at their ambitions, happy to think of them being able to stay safe, no longer tortured nightly. Free to do what they wanted.
They moved slightly to show you that behind them, was Eclipse’s body. You swallowed sadly at the sight. You were glad he was no longer hanging from the wall though.
Puppet slithered in, crawling towards you all. They nipped a bite of stuck taffy off your leg, making you flinch. They smirked and continued to Sun and Moon, who they handed small metal box to. Your friends looked to Eclipse’s body, and you put the pieces together.
“Is that Eclipse’s core? Can you fix him??” You asked eagerly.
Moon observed it for a moment before sighing and showed you a puncture mark. “Too damaged…”
“Oh…” You deflated. “I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be, either way, he deserves to be buried whole.” Sun said and gently opened Eclipse’s chest cavity to let Moon put the core in its place. You watched reverently.
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“I should probably go…” You told them after they had finished.
“Come back often, Cry baby. You’re always welcome.” Sun smiled and held you close. Moon joined in the Hug, and slowly, they began to shed the sharp pieces of candy shell on them. Long pieces of black Liquorice tumbled down your back, and chips of golden butterscotch fell to the floor, shattering at your feet.
You pulled away to look at your shiny shelled friends. Sun’s rays were crystal clear and flawless, his eyes brighter than you’ve ever seen them. His candy ribbon ruffle’s colors were brighter, with extra thin stripes detailing them. Moon’s hat was extra soft and wafted the sweet scent of liquorice. His gummy candy collar and ruffles were fluffier and softer. They were so smooth, and had never looked better. Or happier.
The other candy beings started to shed their extra monstrous forms. They all shifted, shaking slightly to help the shedding along, new gloriously pristine forms showed them to you. Carl Cupcake looked at himself and let out a sound of displeasure to not being scary anymore, but it just made you giggle at his childish fussing.
“When you come back, we may have a secret password. Just say it’s our Cry baby, and we’ll know~” Sun grinned teasingly.
“Yeah yeah.” You rolled your eyes. “See you guys in a bit.” You said as you headed to the factory exit. The silent halls, once filled with screams, now had a soft lullaby starting. You glanced back at the group to see Puppet singing again, but more joy was in their voice than last you met them. Without their box, they seemed to flout in the air, their tiny numb of feet drifting off the ground. Moon started to sing with them, taking Sun’s hand. Sun joined in the song, making more of the candy being joyously sing together in their newly found freedom.
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end :)
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