#stephen strange x apprentice
lokidokieokie · 2 years
An Apprenticeship With a Twist
Summary: A lighthearted story about the Stephen and his apprentice Y/n learning the power of humour
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Apprentice!Reader
Warning(s): none really, mentions of some corny jokes, mentions of battling with humour, lemme know if I missed anything
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You had always been fascinated by the world of magic, so when you heard about the opportunity to study under the Sorcerer Supreme himself, Doctor Stephen Strange, you jumped at the chance. But as soon as you arrived at the New York City sanctum, you realised you might have bitten off more than you could chew.
For starters, Stephen's idea of a "light reading assignment" was the Necronomicon. Then there was the whole "disintegration and reassembly" thing - apparently, it was a basic spell for any self-respecting sorcerer. But nothing could have prepared you for the good Doctor's sense of humour. Or lack thereof.
"Why so serious?" you joked, trying to lighten the mood after a particularly grueling training session. Stephen simply stared at them blankly.
"I do not understand that reference," he said, deadpan.
You groaned inwardly. This was going to be a long apprenticeship.
As you spent more time together, you found that Stephen was quite a stick-in-the-mud. He took everything so seriously, and it was rare that he ever cracked a smile. So, you decided to make it your mission to loosen him up a bit. You started leaving jokes and puns lying around the sanctum, hoping to coax a smile out of him.
It took a while, but finally, one day when you told him a particularly bad "Why did the tomato turn red?" joke, Stephen's mouth twitched into a small smile.
"I see what you are doing, Y/n," he said with a hint of amusement in his voice. "You think you can change me with your jokes, but I am a sorcerer, not a comedian."
"Ah come on, Stephen, lighten up a bit, will ya?" you replied. "Humour is a powerful tool, trust me."
"I'll consider it," he said, with a slight roll of his eyes.
And thus began your inside joke of bad jokes.
But your attempts at humour really paid off when you found yourselves on a mission to stop a rogue sorcerer who threatened to destroy the city. You and Stephen had been cornered by the sorcerer and his minions, and things were looking grim.
That was when you remembered the "disintegration and reassembly" spell, and decided to put your own spin on it. You turned to Stephen and shouted "Let's give them a taste of our own medicine! A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!"
To your surprise, Stephen caught on and replied "I'll handle the sugar, you handle the medicine!"
With that, you unleashed a flurry of spells and jokes, causing the rogue sorcerer and his minions to flee in confusion and laughter. You and Stephen high-fived each other as you finished saving the city.
"I have to admit, Y/n, that was quite a clever move," Stephen said, still trying to hide a smile.
"See? I told you humour is powerful. We make quite a team," you replied, grinning.
From then on, Stephen couldn't help but to find your sense of humour as a refreshing change of pace and it became a staple in your training and missions. You continued to face down all kinds of threats to the world, but now you had a secret weapon: laughter, that saved your lives from the most dire of situations, and allowed you both to always come out victorious, together as master and apprentice.
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A/N Hope you enjoyed!
Taglist! lemme know if you wanted to be added or removed!
Everything: @thewaithfuckingannoyme @evelyn-kingsley
Stephen: @ironstrange1991
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dinofurygirl · 1 year
Have you ever watched the Disney film called The Sorcerer's Apprentice, which features Nicholas Cage as a famous wizard 🪄?
If you have, then this Marvel themed The Sorcerer's Apprentice is right for you!
Summary: (Takes place before Thor: Ragnarok): It's Doctor Strange's first day as the Sorcerer Supreme and The Ancient One assigns him to a person. A young girl named Maddy Phelps. (This is actually Maddy's backstory before she becomes the Sorceress Supreme)
Any who...
On the way to her best friend Brynnie Bratton's birthday party, Maddy gets into a severe car wreck. Her mom was saved by The Ancient One but, however, the car kept tumbling until it got into the midstrip on the highway and then, Maddy was upside down. She had lost all feeling in both of her hands. Three heroes arrived on the scene. Tony Stark/Iron Man, Peter Parker/Spider-Man and Doctor Strange. All three work together on taking apart the car so that they could reach the unconscious girl. Tony and Peter realize that Doctor Strange really cares about Maddy so, they decide to step aside and let the Sorcerer Supreme work on getting his future wife free. After he got her from the almost totaled car, the Sorcerer Supreme then goes about his plan. Whatever he has planned for Maddy, it's huge!
I hope that you guys are looking forward to this story and please stay tuned for more awesome content!
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chloesolace · 9 months
I Can See You - Stephen Strange x Reader [Christmas Special]
summary: You are a student of the mystic arts, studying at the Sanctum Sanctorum under Doctor Strange's and Wong's guidance. You are nearing the end of your apprenticeship, and ready to celebrate at the Kamar-Taj Christmas party, yet your growing attraction to Stephen makes it hard to focus on much else (not even those delicious roasted almonds you love so much). When you sprain your ankle, and Stephen is there to offer his aid, you realize that his cold demeanor towards you might not be because of negative feelings after all.
pairing: Stephen Strange x Apprentice!Reader
word count: 3k
warnings: age gap
a/n: Merry Christmas everyone! This is another contribution to my Swift series <3 and a Christmas special. My next one shots will be accepted requests.
Masterlist - Discord Server - Request Info - Taylor Swift Series
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And we kept everything professional But something's changed, it's something I like They keep watchful eyes on us So it's best that we move fast and keep quiet
You were standing in the hallway of the Sanctum Sanctorum, a book in your hand. Quietly humming the tune you were listening to through your earbuds, you browsed the pages. The Sanctum was quiet, with Wong away on some business and Stephen having barricaded himself in his study. Most days were like this, so you had to find ways to entertain yourself when Stephen or Wong did not bother you with magical training. 
You were in the last year of your apprenticeship and could call yourself a master of the mystic arts as soon as next year was only one week away. You had been looking forward to spending this month with Christmas activities, but had been met with extra work given to you by your fellow sorcerers. Although you were their apprentice, you had become more of a friend who was magically similarly powerful to them already, just in a different way.
As a natural witch, you had a certain affinity towards magic, yet the mystic arts were not the type of magic that was inherited and so you had had to work your way up the ladder just like any other student of Kamar-Taj had. 
You hadn't been to Kamar-Taj in ages, so you were very excited about the Christmas party that would take place later today. You would see your friends from your first year at the temple again. It was extremely exciting to properly socialize since Stephen barely paid attention to you outside of his lectures and assignments, and you barely knew anyone from this city; you had grown up in a remote town far away from New York.
You put the book back where it belonged and left the living area to climb the large staircase that dominated the foyer. Its railing had been decorated with lights that glowed in even intervals. 
“(y/n)!” You heard someone shout your name behind you, so you stopped in your tracks and turned around, tapping on your left earbud once so the music would stop. 
Stephen stood in front of you with his arms crossed in front of his chest and an annoyed expression on his face.
“Have you finished your paper on interdimensional threat elimination yet? Wong said he’s still waiting for your email.”
“Of course,” you replied, taking the earbuds out and dropping them into your pocket. “I wanted to send it to him just now.” You wanted to say how unnecessary it was to give you one last assignment that was due on Christmas, and a theory one at that, but you bit your tongue and swallowed the thought.
He hummed a response, cold gaze lingering on you while he seemed to think about your answer. Without another word, Stephen then turned on his heel and left for the kitchen, leaving you standing on the staircase. 
You sighed and continued towards your room. The way he spoke with you lately was getting on your nerves, and you realized how he could sometimes not even look at you. It stung, wondering how his opinion of you could have dropped this much, especially in regards to the secret feelings you harbored for the sorcerer.
You closed the door behind you when you reached your room, trying to forget the encounter you had just had. Your room was moderately sized, with antique furniture and a large golden mirror next to your king-sized bed, neatly made with green velvet bedding. 
To get into the Christmas spirit, you had decorated your room a little with some lights and a wreath, whose four thick candles were each lit, enchanted so they wouldn't extinguish or transfer the flame to any flammable object. 
You approached your desk in front of your window, letting yourself sink into the office chair in front of it. You had a good view of the business of Bleecker Street, so you observed for just a moment longer. There were many cars today, and people dressed in thick jackets that kept them safe from the falling snow, carrying presents in large bags or underneath their arms.
You smiled softly as you opened your laptop and quickly sent Wong and Stephen the PDF document. Normally, you would have gone over it again but today you really did not have the nerve or the motivation to do so. Besides, you had been done with it for almost a week already. 
After placing your earbuds back inside their case and leaving them on your nightstand, you exited your room, heading down the hall to Stephen's study. It was the first room next to the stairs, and its door was typically closed. Today was no exception. You knocked carefully and pushed it open a bit.
“Yes?” Stephen said without looking up, keeping his eyes firmly on the book he held in his hands.
You opened the door further and leaned against the doorframe, studying your mentor with a raised eyebrow. Sometimes, you wondered if he used his excessive research as a coping mechanism, as there was no way a single person could be so intertwined with their work.
“I sent you the email,” you informed him, your eyes resting on the book in his hands. “And I was wondering when you would want to meet downstairs for the Christmas party at Kamar-Taj.”
Stephen sighed, placing the book back onto the shelf. He turned to face you, his expression unreadable.
"Right, the Christmas party," he said. "Wong mentioned it.”
You narrowed your eyes slightly, trying to read him, realizing that he had forgotten all about it until now. You sighed, averting your gaze for a moment.
“You don't plan to attend?”
“I do not. It would be irresponsible of me to leave the Sanctum unattended on Christmas.” He walked around his desk and let himself fall into his chair, turning his PC on with a click of his mouse.
“The last time you went to a party was the full moon one two years ago,” you reminded him, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
He was about to reply when he stopped for a second, looking at you perplexed. “You remember that?”
“Either way,” you continued, ignoring his question as you placed one hand on his mahogany desk, “Wong said he'd make sure someone would be there to take care of the Sanctum. So if you want to come along, he and I will meet in the foyer at seven.”
Stephen looked up at you while his fingers ghosted over the keyboard of his PC, but you didn't give him time to answer as you turned and left his study, closing the door behind you.
It took you some time to get ready, and music could be heard coming from your room throughout it all. You had opted for a short red dress that sparkled in the light of your room. It was dark outside when you were done, and you were very thankful for the time spell put on Kamar-Taj today so that time zones did not matter. You couldn't imagine getting ready like this at eight in the morning.
You put on your heels, and grabbed your coat and a clutch before you left your room, locking it with your magic. The cold New York air caused goosebumps to appear on your legs; a window must have been opened somewhere. 
You descended the stairs, gripping the railing to steady yourself in the heels you wore, careful not to trip. A smile appeared on your face as you spotted Wong standing at the foot of the stairs. He was dressed elegantly, yet not overly so for a simple Christmas party.
“Will Stephen not be joining us?” he asked, blinking at you while scanning the stairs behind you in search of the other man. You merely shrugged your shoulders in response.
Before you could reply, Stephen emerged from the Sanctum library to your right and joined the two of you. He wore a white shirt and a tie, his hands hidden inside the pockets of his black trousers. A red scarf hung around his shoulders, and you immediately recognized the cloak of levitation’s pattern in the fabric.
“And here I thought you'd be spending most of the evening studying a tome,” you teased, looking up at him to meet his eye.
“Well, this party can also be seen as a celebration of you becoming a master of the mystic arts. What kind of mentor would I be if I didn't celebrate that?”
Wong shook his head, extending his arms to create a portal in the middle of the Sanctum’s foyer. It came alive in a frame of sparks, glistening yellow and bright, reflecting in the gemstone you were wearing around your neck. It had no magic, yet it complemented your eyes.
“(y/n) is more of a friend than an apprentice, Stephen. To both of us. You should not see this as an obligation.”
You pursed your lips as the awkward silence that followed, but Wong had only said the words out loud that you had been thinking the entire past weeks.
Stephen did not reply and you could not bring yourself to meet his eye, so you only offered Wong a faint smile before stepping through the portal. 
All three of you exited the portal in the heart of Kamar-Taj, where ancient buildings adorned with mystical symbols rose against the darkening sky. A warm, magical glow enveloped the surroundings as you entered the main building, greeted by practitioners of the mystic arts who were adorned in elaborate robes, mingled beneath enchanted decorations that turned the air into a cascade of glittering snowflakes. The aroma of exotic spices drifted through the air, and you immediately felt your mouth water. 
You navigated through the lively crowd, and your face lit up when you spotted old friends and mentors from your time at the temple. You immediately engaged in conversation with them, Stephen and Wong joining you. Each of you took a drink from a nearby floating tray, clinking your glasses. Wong seemed to be feeling particularly sociable, but Stephen did not say much, his gaze occasionally landing on you or his wine glass.
“Please excuse me,” Stephen said after a while, leaning towards your little group so he could be heard better against the loud music and vibrant chatter around you.
When he turned to leave, he accidentally brushed his hand against yours in the process, causing you to freeze for a second and meet his gaze. His bright blue eyes held you captive, and you swore you could hear the music fade in the background. Before you could react in any way, however, Stephen had already cleared his throat and maneuvered around you, downing his drink.
You looked after him, lips slightly parted, before Roslyn, a girl who had started her magical studies around the same time as you, snapped you back into reality. “You good, (y/n)?”
“Um, yeah,” you replied, smiling a little awkwardly when you looked at Wong, who had a faint grin on his lips. “What?” you asked, almost snapped, but Wong only raised his arms in defense.
“I didn’t say anything.”
You cleared your throat again, offering the gathered a smile before excusing yourself as well. You found your way to the buffet outside with flushed cheeks, set up in a place usually used for training. The air was cool but not cold enough to make you shiver. You smiled at the faces that were familiar to you and muttered a few greetings when people approached you.
The buffet was large, but your focus lay on a bowl with roasted almonds, which you had always loved since you were a little child. You took a smaller bowl and a spoon and put some almonds in yours before leaving the training area, popping one deliciously sweet almond into your mouth. As you were about to climb the flight of stairs leading back up to the main building, a drunk boy, who couldn't have been older than sixteen, bumped into you.
You tried to regain your balance, but you stepped onto the stone floor wrong, causing your ankle to twist at an awkward angle. Hissing, you held your ankle as a sharp pain shot through your leg. Your bowl of almonds had shattered on the ground next to you, and you stoically twirled your hand, using witchcraft to make the pieces disappear. The mystic arts required too much concentration and handwork at times, and your innate magic often came in handy.
“Watch where you’re going, dude!” you shouted, but the boy had already left. He probably did not even realize what happened.
You attempted to walk, but each step hurt more than the other, so you took your heels off and limped into the building. Shoes dangling from your right hand, you used the other to hold onto pillars and walls to stabilize yourself, trying to find a quiet spot. At this time, the library would be empty, and it was not far either.
With the aid of magic, you opened the heavy library door and let it fall shut behind you, exhaling deeply as the loud noises were muffled by the door. Cursing, you slowly walked over to an armchair nearby and sat down on it. Your heels landed on the floor, your hands both massaging the hurting ankle. You barely even registered the books that surrounded you, some of which were bound by chains. Back when you were studying in Kamar-Taj, you had always wondered about their contents, but now you could only focus on the pain.
“(y/n)?” You heard Stephen ask, lifting your head to see him appear from behind a bookshelf, brow raised. “Did you hurt yourself?”
“Some drunkard ran into me, and I think I sprained my ankle.” You leaned back in your seat, sighing as you cursed yourself for never having shown much interest in healing magic.
Stephen put the book in his hands aside and approached you. “Let me see,” he said calmly as he crouched down in front of you and lifted your ankle with his hands. You hissed at the sudden contact, the pain intensifying for a second. You sometimes forgot that he had been a surgeon before a sorcerer, so you watched as his skillful hands felt for any severe injury, occasionally causing you to wince in pain.
“It’s sprained,” he agreed, not waiting for a response. His hands began to glow in a faint yellow light, the healing warmth instantly relieving your stressed joint. As Stephen slowly worked on your ankle, your eyes locked. His hand traced gentle circles on your skin, and you weren’t sure whether this was required for the spell, but you did not protest, even finding yourself closing your eyes in response to his touch.
“You have a knack for finding trouble. I don’t think that’s ever going to change, is it?” He asked, a smile playing on his lips as you opened your eyes to meet his.
“A sprained ankle is hardly trouble, compared to the other things you had to keep up with these past two years,” you said, chuckling softly. He did not reply.
The pain ceased, and Stephen let go of your ankle. He rested his arm on his knee as you studied the injury, realizing that he had healed it completely.
“Thanks,” you said a little shyly, which even surprised you.
Not wanting the situation to turn into an awkward silence, you stood from your seat, causing him to do the same.
You were about to turn and leave, lips parted to say goodbye, when you noticed him staring at something above you. You followed his eyes and blushed deeply as you saw mistletoe floating in the air between you, surrounded by a golden shimmer.
Swallowing, you looked back at him, blushing deeper as you asked, “Are you doing this?”
You felt stupid because of how hopeful your voice sounded; it was hard to deny you liked him, but he had always been rather cold towards you, which was why you were so glad that Wong had always been so nice to you. If he only knew the way you saw him, you were sure he’d never speak to you again.
Stephen looked from the mistletoe to you, shaking his head slowly. “No, I'm not.”
Realizing that this must be some joke one of the other sorcerers was playing on you, you quickly excused yourself and apologized, turning to leave when his hand on your wrist stopped you.
You turned to look at him, your eyes wide in surprise.
“I didn't say you have to leave,” he whispered, his eyes briefly dropping to your lips. It was hard to breathe when you watched him inch closer towards you, giving you enough time to back away if you wanted to.
He raised his hand to touch your cheek gently, brushing some strands of hair out of your face before burying his fingers in your waves. Something had changed in the way he looked at you, and now that you thought about it, it had changed a while ago already. Precisely around the time he had started acting colder towards you.
Stephen was so close now that you could see the small dark speckle in his blue eyes, something you had never really noticed before. You held your breath as you saw him pull away, conflict written all over his face.
It was your turn to hold onto his wrist, making him look at you. You didn’t know what encouraged you to press your lips against his, but as it happened, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders to pull him close. You felt him tense against you; he had not anticipated your boldness, but soon he melted into the kiss, holding you by the small of your back.
As you pulled away, you smiled up at him, only to realize that the mistletoe had disappeared, but Stephen placed a hand on your cheek and directed your gaze back to him.
“Merry Christmas, (y/n),” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. You saw how your red lipstick had stained his own lips. With a small smile, Stephen leaned in again, capturing your lips in another lingering kiss. The soft glow of your magic enveloped you both, creating an aura of enchantment in the quiet corner of the mystical library. It was in involuntary response to his touch; emotions guiding sorcery. As he pulled away, he met your gaze, and there was a newfound warmth in his eyes, a spark of something unspoken yet profound. 
I can see you in your suit and your necktie Passed me a note saying, "Meet me tonight" Then we kissed and you know I won't ever tell
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spicemaidenfic · 21 days
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( image source )
A Study in Discipline | Doctor Strange (MCU) | Stephen x Reader
✶ Summary: The man of the Sanctum comes home from a long day at Kamar-Taj with one thing on his mind
✶ Pairing: Doctor Stephen Strange x Apprentice! Reader (F)
✶ Warnings: Smut (18+), bondage
✶ Length: Short one shot, 2.5k words
✶ A/N: Another MCU fic! Established relationship with the one and only Doctor Strange. Absolute filth with a heavy dose of banter. Implied age gap (reader is an adult). Light bondage, tiny bit of hair-pulling, pretty kinky for me but in the grand scheme of ficdom not too crazy lol. Image from a photo shoot (found on Twitter). This No Way Home concept art might help with setting the scene, it sure did me 👀
“Now,” he said, his voice dropping to the lower extreme of his register. “What breaks the spell?” “Vishanti,” you answered. “That’s my girl.”
➢ Read the full fic here
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ironboyxs · 9 months
Let me take care of you
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Male Reader
Word count: 912
p.s. this was a request from the lovely @megamonstermuffin, I'm sorry it took so long, I'm in a bit of a creative block, but I plan to write a lot next month! in fact, I want to post a list of which fandons I write for, so stay tuned. and always remembering REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!
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They were tired, but Y/N particularly was exhausted. Being an Avenger was definitely not an easy task, especially when you're not a super soldier with enormous stamina and strength greater than most people.
Y/N knew how to handle himself of course, Doctor Strange didn't take him in as his apprentice just because the boy was kind, he took him in because he was very skilled with magic. But magic can be tiring, and very tiring.
Y/N and James opened the door to their newly rented apartment, they had been living together for a month. And almost two years they were together as a couple.
Him and Bucky together was something no one predicted, not even themselves, but it was one of the best things that could have happened to both of them. Y/N was lonely, he had already learned to fend for himself on the streets of New York for some time when Stephen Strange found him, Bucky was a man out of his time, and the recent “loss” of his best friend, Steve Rogers, it made him feel even more out of place.
The two were people who didn't fit into society very well, but they found the perfect fit in each other.
"Are you okay magic boy?" - Bucky asked as soon as they arrived home.
"You know I hate that nickname" - Y/N said.
"But you're really magical" - Bucky said giving his boyfriend a kiss
Y/N liked that side of Bucky, the side of him that flirted with the boy, that was romantic, flirtatious and playful, Bucky didn't show that side to everyone.
'But seriously, you look very tired, I know today was difficult for all of us." - Bucky said again.
"Well, I may be magical but I don't have the physical resistance of a super soldier, my love."
"Come, I'll draw a bath and make our dinner."
"Bucky, there's no need, I know you're tired too".
Bucky looked seriously at his boyfriend and placed his hands on his face.
"Let me take care of you, please?"
"How can I resist those big blue eyes? Alright, let's go."
Y/N was still getting used to having someone take care of him, he had forgotten what that was like, he spent so much time taking care of himself that sometimes when people offered to help him, he felt like he was bothering them.
Bucky smiled as he looked at his boyfriend, recognizing Y/N's reluctance to accept help. He knew that his boyfriend was used to taking care of himself, but he also wanted to show that he was there to share the burden of the difficulties.
While preparing a relaxing bath, Bucky took out his phone and connected a device to the speaker, his playlist of relaxing music started playing. Soft music began to fill the apartment, creating a serene atmosphere. After a while Bucky called for his boyfriend.
"Y/N, I know it's hard to accept help sometimes, but you're not bothering me. I want to do this for you. Let me take care of you today." - He asked once again with his big, asking blue eyes.
Y/N sighed, feeling the warmth of Bucky's words. He allowed himself to accept that affectionate gesture, something that was still new to him, even after so long of the relationship.
The bath was prepared with scented salts, creating an aromatic cloud that hovered in the air. Bucky helped Y/N undress and gently led him into the hot water. He sat next to his boyfriend, gently massaging his shoulders as the water washed over them.
"Relax, my love. I'll take care of everything tonight" - Bucky said, kissing the back of his boyfriend's head.
There was another thing that Y/N couldn't get used to, in the best way possible. Whenever he felt Bucky's touches it was like he was being transported directly to paradise. His boyfriend's lips were perfect against his skin, and the mixed sensation of a flesh arm and a metal arm was incredible.
Y/N allowed himself to close his eyes, leaning against Bucky's chest. The soft music and gentle touches helped soothe his tired mind and body.
After the shower, Bucky prepared a comforting meal, something simple and delicious that they both loved. They sat at the table, sharing laughter and conversation, enjoying each other's company.
After dinner, Bucky took Y/N in his arms and carried him to the couch. He covered them with a soft blanket as they watched a movie, cuddling and exchanging subtle touches.
As the night came to an end, Y/N snuggled into Bucky's arms, feeling loved and cared for. He fell asleep with a smile on his lips, silently thankful for having someone like Bucky by his side.
That night, Bucky took care of Y/N not just with gestures, but with all the love and affection he could offer, promising to be there for his beloved, no matter the circumstances.
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rmoonstoner · 1 year
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Just A Taste
SPIDER-Man/Man-Spider Peter Parker x fem!Sorceress!reader
18+, monster fucker smut, oral(female receiving), p in v sex, cream pie, biting, scratching, sex pollen(it's Peter's venom), size kink(peen is massive), mild rope kink, sex with a man spider, come eating, cum dumpster, a bit of ass play, over stimulation, sweet and rough monster boi
You are Doctor Strange's and Christine's daughter. Your mother died a long time ago, and your father now runs the Sorcerer's Guild and is the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth 591D3R. You are your father's apprentice and live in the New York Sanctum. One night, a break in the Sanctum causes you to make friends with an unlikely creature.
One night, your father had asked you to watch over the Sanctum while he attended a meeting with the other Masters. It was concerning a rebuild of the Kamar-Taj after Wanda came through like a hell storm. You didn't want to go there anyways, because it wouldn't matter what opinion you had, everyone would ignore you and ask the doctor for advice. It didn't matter that he would give the same answer, only for them to be delighted about it and pretend you never said anything in the first place.
Lucky for you, Stephen had noticed, and that was another reason you weren't accompanying him this time. He was going to bring up the elephant in the room, and question the others as to why they treated you like a child. You were twenty two years old, and had been practicing magic since you were three.
He was confident that you could replace him soon, mostly so he could retire and go live with his girlfriend on Mars. You wanted that for him, more than the title of Sorcerer Supreme. She made your father happier than you'd ever seen him, aside from the times you would make him proud with your ever growing abilities in the Mystic Arts. He was nearly fifty years old now, and he'd been a grumpy old wizard for most of your life until he met the beautiful plant lady, who also happened to be a mutant.
That opened your eyes to the possibilities that were out there. You didn't have to limit yourself to your own kind, and your dad wouldn't care who you chose, so long as they made you happy and treated you right. You had your fair share of flings the past two years, and none of them seemed right for you.
There was always something lacking in the people you went on dates with. At first the potential partners were boring normal people. That was fine, but you found that their physical appearances, no matter how socially attractive they were, didn't really get you going. The sex was just as boring and unsatisfactory as the dates were.
And it didn't help things any that almost all of your dates were absolutely trying to brown nose their way into talking to your father. They treated you like some dumb little girl, and that pissed you off so much. Didn't they know that you were your father's daughter? Didn't they know that you inherited all his will and strive for greatness? Did they forget your memory was just as perfect as your father's, and you could be as petty as the great Doctor Strange?
No. They never did. And they never saw it coming when you started to ghost these people and ignore them. The last date you went on, was with some guy named Harry Osborne, the son of a rich business owner. The guy was a self-centered douche, and he spent the entire night talking about how he could make a lot more tech, if he could just get his hands on a magical energy generator. That the last one he had, didn't work the way he needed, so he 'disposed' of it like it was trash
He wasn't subtle about you being the generator, either. He acted like it would be such an honor for you to basically be his battery to power his laboratory. By the time the wine hit the table, you had gotten up and declared that you were not interested in being a glorified Barbie battery, and you left through a portal right there in the dining hall of the most prestigious restaurant that New York had.
That had been two weeks ago, and since then, tabloids went through the local and international news about how the Sorcerer Supreme's daughter had bravely turned down a corporate tyrant. Some painted you as the bad guy while most of the others printed that he was a jerk that tried barking up the wrong tree.
Either way, when your father read about it, he ended up making an appearance in his classic and terrifying smoke and brimstone way at Oscorp. He raised a big stink about how Norman's son was an idiot and to stay away from you and his end of the city or else. Poor Norman was confused, because he hadn't been in town for the past two months.
More tabloids went out the following day and claimed that Harry had been demoted. That made you so delighted to hear.
But tonight all you wanted was to watch a good movie and eat absolutely all the snacks that your dad left out for you as a thank you for doing his job for the night. It would be easy, barely an inconvenience, as he had the automated magical security system going, which would alert you to any unauthorized intruders.
The movie in question was a cheesy romance story with subtle horror elements. It was a woman moving to a cabin in the woods, trying to live the simple life. After being there for a few weeks, she started receiving gifts at her doorstep, which was eerie and unnerving, because she lived in the middle of nowhere. Over time, she caught glimpses of a beastly looking creature that would never be there at a second glance.
It ended up being some sort of large man that had multiple arms and multiple eyes like an insect or a spider.
The story went on to the woman catching him in the act of leaving a basket of berries at her door. When she opened the door for him, he jumped back and stared at her, scared and observant. She invited him into her home, and that's when the spicy parts began.
You fanned yourself as you watched the oddly best acted part of the movie. You knew the actors weren't actually having sex, but it was thrilling all the same. Thrilling enough to consider sticking you hand into your pants and enjoying the film's ridiculously long sex scene.
Let's face it, you totally did. When it got nice and good you felt relaxed and really going with the flow, until…
You heard a shattering of glass and a loud thud. You jumped and used your magic to pause the television as you turned in the direction of the noise and froze.
You heard the sounds of shuffling, then glass being swept up, and an odd animalistic grumbling. You quickly scooted over to the doorway and peaked out into the hall, seeing a light on in the sitting room your dad used to entertain his guests that weren't heros and just regular everyday people.
Why didn't the alarms go off? Only unauthorized people would trip the sensors, so it had to be someone that was allowed access to the sanctum. Someone your father or you knew.
You got closer and looked into the room, seeing a single old lamp on in the corner, a shadow in the center of the room, sweeping the floor with three brooms. Where did it even find three brooms? Either way, you quickly loaded a couple of spells up into your hands, preparing for an attack if needed.
"Um, hello? Who are you, and why are you in my Sanctum?" You boldly asked as you stepped into the room, hands clearly holding a crackle of blue light in one hand, a conjured shield in the other.
The thing turned around and looked at you as it made a weird chittering noise and motioned to the glass on the floor like it was obvious as to what it was doing. You didn't get any threatening vibes as it went right back to trying, and failing, to clean up its mess from the broken window. You took pity on the poor creature and cancelled your spells out, going to cast a spell to fix the glass and clean up the mess instead. After, you flicked on another lamp to give a little more light.
The creature finally turned around and sighed, giving you a full view of how relieved it was. You saw that it was a man, possibly human, but he was off.
He looked like the creature in the movie you had just been watching, but even more attractive. This one had a beautiful mop of brown hair on his head, and his eight eyes were all twinkling in the light as he stared at you.
"You're… You're not doctor…" He grunted harshly, his mouth opening in the same manner a spider's would if it could talk. You stared at his teeth, the fangs specifically, seeing that he was drooling ever so slightly.
"No. I am not my father." You replied and told him your name. He looked confused.
"Who are you?" You asked, and he slurred a bit to clear the drool from his mouth as he wiped it with one of the backs of his six hands.
"Spider-Man? But dad said you disappeared last summer."
"Oscorp. They did this. To me." He seemed to have troubles speaking. From what you remembered of the stories your father had told you, Spider-Man was a great hero, and he had suddenly vanished last summer and didn't come back. He was thought to be dead.
And Oscorp? Oh God that made you so mad, especially after the Harry incident.
"I should have known… Was it Harry? Did he do this to you?"
The man nodded and groaned as he crouched onto the ground and stretched like a cat, then he sat there staring up at you.
"My dad said you are a scientist. He wouldn't tell me your name, but after that horrible date I had with Harry, his ramblings, and seeing you, I can confidently say that you're Peter Parker." You said softly and he looked surprised.
"How you know?"
"Peter Parker went missing around the same time. Harry talked about you at great length and he mentioned he hates spiders." You replied and he huffed and stood back up, only to sniff the air a few times.
"So, yes, you're Peter Parker? Please answer me." You asked and he looked up at you, his eyes all blinking at once.
"Yes. Also monster. Horrible. Gross." He whined and looked down, his nose still sniffing as he moved along the carpet on all eight limbs towards you. He'd stop occasionally and look around, then keep scuttling until he was at your feet. He sat on his heels and looked up at you, head tilted to the side.
"No. You're not a horrible and gross monster. You're a man with a condition. A hero that needs help." You gently reached out and placed your hand in front of his face to see what he would do.
He leaned forward and sniffed it, and his eyes suddenly closed and he sighed. Peter leaned forward and rubbed his face against your hand, his tongue coming out to lick at your skin. You blushed at how he ran the thick muscle all over your fingers suggestively, and then sucked them into his mouth.
"O-ohhh…" You breathed as you remembered it was that hand that you had used to pleasure yourself during the movie. The thought alone had suddenly made you wetter than you had been during the film, and Peter had instantly noticed.
"Taste and smell good." He rumbled as his hands came up, all six of them, each one reaching for you. Two hands grabbed at your waist, another two grabbed your hands, and the final set grabbed your ankles.
In a swift movement he had you on your back on the floor, legs and arms spread out as he crawled over you, his eyes looking down at your form in your pajamas.
"Smell good." He groaned as he leaned down closer, his mouth just inches away from your neck. You felt a bit of lukewarm spit fall onto your skin, making you twitch and squirm.
"Smell so good." Peter said as he nuzzled your neck and began to inhale your scent.
"P-peter…" You breathed his name when his hands fumbled with your shirt and he brought two hands to your breasts and pawed at them.
"Soft." He said as his tongue came out to lick along your neck, his fangs grazing you gently.
"Warm. Very warm." He growled into your ear. You shuddered as he lifted your hips to his and he ground into you, soaking your panties and sweatpants through.
"Want taste. Taste good." Peter cooed while he started tearing your shirt and pants off of your body with ease. You shook in the cold night air as he stripped you bare and looked down at his handiwork.
"Pretty." Peter hummed gently, his mouth going to cover the juncture of your shoulder and neck. You could feel his fangs sink into your flesh painlessly, and as they went in, you could feel him secreting something into your bloodstream as well.
Oh fuck. This was how you were gonna die. Being eaten by your dad's friend, now turned into a man spider beast.
But why was it so hot? Why weren't you feeling any pain? You could still move and breathe, well as much as he would allow since he had a hold of your limbs and body. You could wiggle your fingers and toes, and move your head around freely. The more you moved, the more you felt a fire in your belly, and hot tingly feeling all over.
It went straight down to your core and made you ache painfully. You found yourself bucking up against him and whining as he pulled and tugged on your nipples with his fingers.
"Pete… Peter… Oh fuck… That feels so good…" You moaned to him and he answered you by growling deeper and letting go of your chest, his hands going down to waist and fumbling with his pants. He quickly pulled his cock out and you glanced down to see that it was massive and covered in thick veins. The head was engorged, leaking a heavy glob of precome that dripped down onto your mound and dribbled down through your soaking wet lips.
"Want more. Pretty hole. Dripping. Feel good." Peter's gravelly voice rattled you to your core and made the ache stronger and your pussy gush and clench around nothing. He chittered and gripped himself tightly, giving himself a good stroke and pushing another glob of precome out over your clit. His other hand came up, using his fingers to spread your lips and his thumb to rub his slick all over your sensitive bundle of nerves.
"Ah-ahhh!" You panted as he trilled and rubbed the head of his cock against your opening. It made you squirm and look at him, seeing that he had four of his eyes trained on your face.
"Want to fuck..?" He groaned, almost like he was now just trying to ask if this was okay.
"Please, Peter… Please… Fuck me… Put you cock inside me and fuck me, please?" You whined and begged him, and he growled and wasted no time. He pushed himself inside easily with all of the slickness you both had provided, but he was still massive and stretched you to your limit. You normally would have been in pain and fighting back, but whatever he injected you with had made it so easy to take him without hurting you.
And you wanted more.
"Good. Feels… S'goood." Peter moaned and stilled when he could go no further. You could feel his heavy balls resting on your ass, his cock pulsing rapidly.
"So tight…. So good… So wet…" He huffed as his hips began to move. He moved you around to press himself as deep as he could get, which involved hoisting you up into his lap as he cast a few webs up at the ceiling. He hung himself upside down so you were right side up, using gravity to his advantage.
In your haze of feeling exceptionally full, you felt him chitter to you as he held you tightly against him.
"Mine now. Mine. Please you good. Stay here." He hummed as started to buck into you.
"Harder…" You whimpered with each gentle thrust and begged him to go harder. He was happy to oblige you and he went hard and deep, using his many limbs to pull and tug your body in a way that he hit your gspot and ground himself against your clit with each thrust.
"So good… Warm, tight…" Peter pressed your body flush against his as he kissed you. It felt strange, but nice, feeling the way his tongue slithered around and how his lips melded with yours so easily.
You could feel his cock pulse harshly as he howled and let go of your mouth to bite down on your neck again. He felt you come undone as he pistoned into you and pumped you with more venom as he came inside of you. You felt his hot seed fill you up and leak out, but he didn't seem to be finished yet.
You could feel his cock swelling as he fucked you and kept filling you up with his come. You whined as he let your arms go to wrap his around your body as he snarled and kept going. All you could do was cling to him, one hand digging into his back, the other fisting his hair tightly as he pounded hard into you.
He spent a good thirty minutes like that in a relentless assault on your body. You were delirious the entire time, gasping, moaning, screaming for him to give you more. When he was finally finished with you, he didn't pull out. Instead, he wrapped you close to his body with his webbing, keeping himself firmly planted inside of you as he made sure you were comfortable.
You were so tired and whatever venom he put into you left you sleepy and unwilling to move. He made a pleased purring noise as he crawled along the ceiling down the hallway to your room. With barely a noise, he made a nest at the top of your four poster bed and cradled you in his arms for a long while.
You woke up suddenly, feeling confused and very sore. Your head was on something hard and fleshy, and you could hear a steady heartbeat and breathing. You lifted your head and went to move, only to find that you couldn't.
Not only were you bound to whoever was underneath you, they also had their painfully large and hard cock buried inside of you. You whimpered as you tried to tug on the webs, finding them not cooperating at all and they were just sticking to your fingers. You looked down and saw the man responsible for your current predicament.
Peter Parker, the Spider-Man turned Man-Spider. He was snoring peacefully, a fine line of drool on his chin with messy and tussled hair. With his eyes closed, his face looked peaceful and almost completely human, but you knew better. His six arms definitely were a dead give away, two of which were firmly wrapped around you.
You suddenly heard a thud outside of your door and you panicked, thinking your father had come home earlier than expected. You struggled for a moment, getting frustrated with how Peter seemingly stayed out cold while you freaked out.
How would you explain this to Stephen?
Oh hey, dad… So uh, your friend that you thought had died, he, well, just showed up last night looking for you, and um… We banged and he now has me hostage in my own room with his dick. While hanging in a webby nest above my bed.
Yeah, no. That wasn't gonna fly with him, and you knew it. You quickly leaned over Peter and grabbed his face.
"Wake up!" You tried unsuccessfully to wake him, but the jostling around seemed to be working. You moved your hips, gasping when his cock twitched and plumped up even more.
"Peter, please. Please wake up. I think my dad's outside the door!" You hissed as you slapped him awake. He sat up, confused and growling for a moment, until he saw it was you.
"My dad. He's come home." You said again. Peter's face twisted into a look of worry and he looked down to see why you were panicking.
"Shit. Sorry." He apologized and cut the webbing that was holding you to him. You managed to get off of him, with a whole bunch of come rushing down your legs and to the bed below. He quickly twisted and allowed you down to the bed, and you plopped yourself down, already going to make the necessary hand motions to clean yourself and the room up. Peter sat perched on the edge of your bed, naked and curious as you frantically summoned your robes and sorcerer attire.
You heard a knock at the door, and you quickly went to it to stop it from opening.
"Are you alright, my dear?" Came your dad's voice as you slammed the door shut on him, just narrowly missing his fingers.
"Yeah. Sorry. Everything's alright. I'm naked. Don't come in." You stammered quickly as you locked the door. You heard him huff and back up.
"My apologies. I was just worried is all. You're normally awake and about before I am."
"I, uh, was up late last night watching that movie I got. I slept in, because of it." You said as you looked around for Peter's clothes.
"Really? It's noon. That's not like you at all."
"I'm fine, dad. Really."
"Well I need to discuss something with you."
"Yeah, sure, whatever ya want. Just give me a minute." You said as you went over to Peter and pointed at the bed.
"You stay here. Please don't go anywhere until I get back. Understand?" You asked him and he nodded as he crawled under your blankets and huddled there.
You turned to the door and almost thought about opening it, but instead you decided to use your Sling ring and you appeared behind your father. He whirled around and gave you a hard stare.
"Why didn't you use the door?"
"I, uh, it's a mess in there. Underwear and lady stuff strewn about. I was reorganizing my room-" You suddenly stopped talking when you noticed your father was holding up Peter's suit in one hand, and a ball of your shredded clothes covered in webs in the other.
"Uh, huh… Really, now?" Stephen asked slowly, one brow raised as you tried to outright lie to him.
"Um… I can explain."
"I think you'd better. Why was Peter's Spider-Man suit hanging on the chandelier, and your ripped and torn pajamas strewn about the sitting room meant for my guests? The room is covered in webbing, and there's a trail straight to your room." His tone was firm, but also full of concern.
You could tell he was worried for your safety, given that the last time had seen Peter was when the man had two arms on his suit and not six. You knew you'd have to come clean right then and there. Your dad has his ways of finding things out if you refused to talk.
"Well, I, uh… Peter came by looking for you last night… And…" You chewed on your lower lip and heard some scuttling inside your bedroom, and then the unmistakable sound of the toilet flushing.
"He's in your room, isn't he?" He softly asked and you looked down at your boots.
"Did he force you to do anything you didn't want to do?"
"Okay… Did he hurt you? Your neck is red, but your robes are hiding the rest of it." He asked as his hand came up to turn your head away so he could get a better look.
"He, um, bit me. But I'm fine. I feel fine. It's just tender there." You sheepishly said. He hummed and let go of you.
"I'll need to run some tests on you today. For now, go collect Peter, get him dressed, and coax him out for some food. I'm sure he's hungry." Your dad said and he handed you the items.
"I fixed your pajamas, by the way." He added and he turned away
"Okay… Thanks, dad."
"Oh, and sweetheart?"
"Yeah, dad?"
"I hope you used a protection spell." He said, then he left down the hallway.
You had not used any protection spells, and you felt yourself worry as you went back into your room.
Peter was sitting on the bed, looking out the window.
"He knows. He pissed." Peter muttered. You went over and smoothed your hands up his back. He chittered and leaned back as you ran your nails through his hair.
"He knows. He's not pissed. He wants you to come downstairs to have breakfast with us. Please?" You whispered into his ear and kissed his cheek. He sighed happily.
"Not scared?"
"Of you? No. I'm not scared of you at all."
"Did bad last night. I'm sorry."
"No, Peter… You did good. Very good. I was very pleased with your performance."
"I stay? With you?" He turned towards you, his eyes hopeful.
"I'll ask my dad, but we both know he will say yes. He misses you, you know." You assured him as Peter pulled you into his lap.
"Thank you. I need… Help."
"We will figure this out, Peter. My dad's the best wizard in all the land. If we can't fix it, that's okay. You can stay with us as long as you need to."
"Never want to go. Stay here. With you." He buried his face into your neck and inhaled softly.
"Okay. Can we get you dressed?" You asked and he nodded.
"Do you want me to conjure up some proper fitting clothes? Or do you want your Spider-Man suit?"
"Clothes. Please. Sweat pants. Tee-shirt." He requested and you smiled. You were about to summon some clothing, when he bit into your neck and pumped you full of his venom again. You gasped and he pushed you back onto the bed.
"Peter… What are you doing?" You whispered as you began to heat up and ache for him.
"One more taste…" He rumbled as his hands made quick work of your robes and skirts.
"Peter, if you fuck me again, I won't be able to walk! Dad's waiting and- Ooohhh…" You tried to reason with him, but he had buried his face into your mound quicker than you could stop him. You felt him spread your legs wide and holding them down with one set of arms, while another spread your lower lips out.
"Just a taste." He growled, and his last set of hands came up to your lower abdomen and he pushed down. You gasped as you felt his come from the previous night leaking out of you. He purred in delight and started to lick at your folds vigorously.
He was quite good with his tongue as he pushed it inside and swirled it around. You whimpered and squirmed, hands diving into his hair as he groaned in pleasure, savouring the noises you made.
He latched onto your clit, and when you looked down, you saw him move one of his hands downwards towards your dripping pussy. He stuck a couple of fingers in and worked them against your gspot in the hopes that you'd come for him again.
"Peter, fuck, oh gods…" You panted and bucked into his face, with him slurping and drooling all over your pussy. He groaned and shifted, bringing another hand down to toy with your ass. You could feel him grab and squeeze your flesh as he dipped a thumb between your cheeks and pressed against your backdoor.
You whimpered as he moved his thumb and collected some of his spit, come, and your fluids, then he slowly prodded inside, getting his thumb in right to the second knuckle. You moaned and tugged on his hair, feeling an orgasm quickly approaching.
"P-peter… I… I'm…" You breathed, and he started to suck harder as his tongue rolled all over your clit. You felt thr pads of his fingers pressed hard against your gspot, and you came so hard that you squirted.
Peter snarled and hungrily lapped up your juices as he kept his fingers working. You were shaking badly as he coaxed two more out of you, before letting you go to rest for a moment.
"Taste so good." He grunted while licking his fingers. He had one of his hands fisted around his cock, tugging it lightly. You stared at him while you twitched and tried to catch your breath.
"Peter…" His name came out as a silent plea, and he grinned at you wickedly.
"More. Need to feel you." He husked as he crawled back over top of you. He lifted your hips and wedged himself between your legs, his cock nudging at your entrance. You sighed as he pushed in and slid all the way back.
This time he was rough right off the bat. He held you down and fucked into hard and fast, shaking the bed and slapping the headboard against the wall. He snarled as you started screaming, and he jammed his fingers into your mouth to quiet you. You almost gagged, but managed to hold on as he dug himself in deep and kept going at that furious pace. You heard one of the legs of your bed snap, and Peter paid no attention to it. He merely went harder, feeling you shake underneath him as you came again.
"Good girl. Good f'me. Mine." Peter grunted as he reared back and propped himself up with two hands, while the other four held you close. You were seeing stars and your body was crackling with pleasure as your pussy squelched obscenely with how fast and hard he was fucking you. You were sure your bed sheets were ruined, not that you cared much. A simple spell could fix it later.
"Say it." He growled and you barely understood what he was asking.
"Say you're mine." He tried again, this time his hand coming to cup your face. You moaned, eyes watering as another orgasm ripped through you.
"I'm yours, Peter. Yours…" You sobbed against his shoulder as he growled and bit into your neck again. You convulsed and felt him come hard, painting your insides with his thick fluids.
"Good. Yours. Yours now." He huffed and rolled over with you onto your side. He breathed softly and brushed the hair from your face.
"Are you telling me that you're mine, now?" You quietly asked. Peter nodded and cuddled closer.
"Yes. Yours. Keep you safe. Keep me safe." He sighed and you smiled gently.
"I'd like that very much." You said and kissed his cheek. He purred and trilled for you as he nuzzled your neck.
"Can we please go down and see my dad now? He's been waiting for thirty minutes." You softly asked. Peter suddenly blushed and hid his face.
"Embarrassed. Doc won't be happy."
"Hush, now. He knows what's happening. If he thought you'd hurt me, he wouldn't have gone downstairs and left you with me. It is time to get your dick out of me, okay? You want more sex, you'll have to wait until after we eat." You patted his shoulder and he whined in protest, but slowly let go of you and pulled away. You felt him slip from your cunt, his come leaving a huge mess and a dull ache between your legs.
"Okay. Hungry for food now." Peter said with much enthusiasm as he gathered your clothes and brought them to you.
"Thank you. Try to behave at the dining table." You said and used your magic to clean and dress the both of you. You tried to get up and move, but found your legs refused to cooperate. Peter made a small concerned sounding noise and he came over to lift you up into his arms.
"Oh, thank you… I don't have a cool cloak like my dad."
"Don't need one. Got me." He murmured as he took you out of the room and made his way down the hall. You sighed, enjoying the way he carried you with very little effort. You didn't bother to get out of his arms when he stepped into the kitchen and nervously looked at your father.
"Took you two long enough to get down here. You're lucky I can control time, and kept the food hot. Now put my daughter down, Peter, and take a seat. Sweetheart, you might have to help him." Stephen said as he started to fill his plate. He said nothing about the bruises and the hickies to either of you. Peter ate his food in silence and when he was done he looked at Stephen, opening his mouth to speak.
"Don't bother, Peter. I'm not mad. All that I ask is you behave, if you know what I mean."
"What does that mean, dad?"
"It means he better not hurt you, kill you, or break your heart."
"So that means he can stay and we can try to help him?"
"Of course. We can make things easier for him and get his speech patterns back, but I don't think I can permanently reverse his new form without more research. I'll have a chat with Reed, Tony, and Hank, see what we can get going."
"Oh, I almost forgot. Peter says it was Harry Osborn that did this to him." You added quietly.
Your father saw red and he smashed his fist on the table.
"That little fuck is gonna pay."
That's it. That's what I wrote today. Fucked up and horny shit. I was high on edibles. Blame the weed. Enjoy.
No one proofread this for me. I banged this out in one day.
Original post that caused this fic to happen. @refairy
I know they wanted to write this, but this hit me so damned hard and I needed to write my own. I hope you like it.
@snippychicke @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @queenotaku23 @clairewinchester14 @promiscuoussatan @mona-has-friends @lazyotakujen @timeless-crow @crazylittlereader2474 @bibibeu @novagonz3elz7799 @theaussiedragon @mystinky-butt @autismsupermusicalassassin @readingfan @missdragon-1 @marvelescvpe @lunar-ghoulie @cicithemess2000 @animesnowstorm @mahbeanz @dafuqelaine @bby-lupin @paranoiac-666 @konniebon @cl0v3r-s0up @seraphine-so-pretty @jupitersmoon167 @butterflypillows @ivystoryweaver @mintellaine @bxdbxtxh15 @badbishsblog @cleothegoldfish @xxmadamjinxx @bitchyexpertprincess @sakurayuki8655-blog @jklkverr @jkthinkstoomuch @oscarissac2099 @neteyamsluvts
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inmyfxith · 2 years
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➺ SFW Alphabet - Aonung
➺ SFW Alphabet - Jake Sully
➺ SFW Alphabet - Kiri
➺ SFW Alphabet - Lo'ak
➺ SFW Alphabet - Miles Quaritch
➺ SFW Alphabet - Neteyam
➺ SFW Alphabet - Neytiri
➺ SFW Alphabet - Spider Socorro
➺ SFW Alphabet - Tsireya
➺ Lo'ak dating a female human
➺ Neteyam dating a female human
➺ Being a member of the Sully Family - Part. II (youngest child version)
➺ Being a member of the Sully Family (oldest child version)
➺ Catch up with... Tonowari
➺ Catch up with... Tsu'tey
➺ How they would react if... they realize you're blushing while talking to them
➺ How they would react if... you fall asleep on their shoulder
➺ How they would react if... someone makes you uncomfortable
➺ How they would react if... they see you crying
➺ How they would react if... you have an obvious crush on them
➺ How they would react if... they realize they are in love with you
➺ How they would react if... you have a nightmare
➺ How they would react if... you accidentally pull on their queue
➺ How they would react if... you wake up from a coma after being severely injured
➺ How they would react if... you were a warrior but also the calmest person they'd ever seen
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➺ Finding Our Way Home (Neteyam x reader)
Summary -> Neteyam and you, a skilled warrior and hunter, have been together for years and are deeply in love. However, your happiness is threatened when you are chosen to participate in a rite of passage that will take you far away from Neteyam for an extended period of time.
➺ Blessed Union (Neteyam x human!reader)
Summary -> Neteyam and you are in a serious relationship, but Neytiri and Jake believe your inability to procreate makes it impossible. Eywa sees your love and blesses you with a spiritual pregnancy.
➺ A Tale of Two Worlds - Part. II (Jake Sully x Stephen Strange's apprentice!reader)
Summary -> When Jake finds you, a magical human, collapsed on the ground, he takes you back to the human base. As you work together to figure out how you ended up on Pandora and how to get you back home, you develop a strong connection and discover a bravery and strength you never knew you had. Despite facing danger and challenges, your bond only grows stronger.
➺ A Passionate Resolution (Lo'ak x GN!reader)
Summary -> You and Lo'ak had a heated argument.
➺ Defending his Own (Neteyam x F!Omaticaya!reader)
Summary -> Neteyam protects you and your unborn child from Aonung's advances, ensuring their safety and security. Despite being older, you must still deal with the unwanted attention from Aonung. However, Neteyam remains fiercely protective of his mate and their family, standing up to Aonung and ensuring that he will not bother you any longer.
➺ Entwined Fates [Aonung] - [Tsireya]
➺ Gentle wisdom (Neteyam x f!Omaticaya!reader)
➺ Heart of the Sea, Heart of the Land - Part. II (Kiri x F!Metkayina!reader)
Summary -> You're arranged to be mated to Ao’nung, but you both don't want to be together. You fall in love with Kiri and start a secret relationship. Ronal gets suspicious and catches you kissing, leading to a meeting with your parents, Ronal and Tonowari to decide the next steps.
➺ The Sound of the Horn - The Price of Safety (The Sully Family x daughter!reader)
➺ Breaking Barriers (Lo'ak x f!human!reader)
Summary -> Lo'ak and you, his girlfriend, visit the human lab, where you realize you can kiss. You find a private spot and share a tender, joyful kiss.
➺ The Orange Ropes (Young!Sully!reader (female reader))
Summary -> As a member of the Sully family, you embark on a heroic quest to save your sister, Kiri. Even as you face the fear of not being able to break away from the colonel's grip, you find comfort in the knowledge that your father and mother will come to your rescue, as they always do.
➺ Together We Can (Neteyam x gn!reader)
Summary -> You face your fear with Neteyam.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Novitiate!Wanda x Male Reader
For @lifespectator and @aloneodi
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It had to be some Divine conspiracy. The way that you and novitiate Wanda happened to step out of that confessional booth at the same time. It was as if the Lord Himself was pulling the strings to bring the two of you together.
“Hey” you manage to speak.
“Hello” she smiles back.
How could it be? That she fell for you as much as you had fallen for her. And yet something about it felt so forbidden. True she had not taken her vows yet but you still felt that she might as well have.
“were you in that confessional booth?” Wanda asks, a little blush making its way across her angelic features.
“I-I was filling in for Father Wong” you stammer trying to somehow explain the whole thing. “It’s not like I was trying to lure you away from your vows or anything like that” you stammer nervously.
“ is it really that strange?” Wanda takes a step towards you, “ that I fell for you and you for me?”
“How could I not?” You breath out.
She takes your hand. “Due to my vows, the only kiss I can settle for is this”
She leans the palm of her hand against yours. A holy kiss.
“If that’s the only kiss we can have, then I count it a blessing” you whisper.
“Good day, Y/N” Wanda sadly whispers as she turns to leave.
“Good day…sister Wanda” you let out a sad, miserable breath.
Wanda found herself separating from you. Different tasks taking her off in different directions. Time that she was getting further away from you, and yet I just made her heart grow all the more fonder for you. She couldn’t deal with it, the feeling of being so far away from you was too much for her to bear on some days.
If only she could realize how painful it was for you too. You found yourself your mind drifting away from your own studies.
You found yourself walking towards Wong’s office. He was rather happy to see his favorite apprentice.
“Y/N!” He laughs as he pulls you into a fatherly hug, “what brings you by this morning?”
“I have to leave Father Wong” you whisper.
“Why? Do you feel the Lord calling you elsewhere?”
“ I feel Him calling me towards someone” you admit. “I’ve fallen in love with sister Wanda.”
Wong leans back in his seat, “Wanda Maximoff?”
You nod, a feeling of guilt passing over you. Your mentor simply removes his glasses and smiles.
"I knew there was something between you two" he lets out a soothing chuckle.
"Wait what?"
"You know the Scriptures never say one has to be celibate for all your life? I don't know how that even got started"
"So it's not wrong to love Wanda?"
"No" he affirms you, "if anything I think it's why the Creator told me to put you two together. You make quite the duo. I've never seen the sunday school more joyful than when you and Wanda are together with those kids."
Wong pulls a paper off his desk, "for some reason, His Excellency the Pope Stephen sent me this email today. Said I should be the first to know"
Wong hands the paper to you which you read aloud, "this paper decrees that celibacy is meant for a season, not for life. It's no longer required for priesthood or the convent"
"Run to her, Y/N" Wong summarizes with a smile, "the parish has been thriving with you and Wanda"
"Thank you sir!" you run out of Wong's office and straight to the chapel, briefly passing Sister Natasha who gives you a knowing smirk.
You find Wanda on her knees at the altar. Even with her back to you, you can hear her tears.
"Sister Wanda?" you call out to her. Wanda gasps, immediately she bolts up.
"I-I'm no longer Sister Wanda." she admits, "I've taken a teaching job here on the parish's grounds but I cannot join the convent."
"And I can't join the priesthood... well at least originally" you walk up to her. "Wanda I love you. And I know that the Creator put us together for a reason. It's some divine conspiracy how but all I know is that I never want to part from your side"
Wanda tears up, a gentle smile forming on her face, "I don't wish to leave your side either."
She holds up her hand, wishing for a holy kiss. You clasp your hand with hers and pull her into an actual kiss. Wanda melts in your arms, holding onto you for dear life.
"Now I know that was ordained," she giggles, "because that felt heavenly"
You take her chin in your hand and kiss her again.
The gentle early morning light shines through the stained glass window and right onto you and the novitiate who stole your heart. It's as if the Creator Himself was smiling on the two of you.
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strrvnge · 2 years
Reflections || Prologue
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Pairing : Stephen Strange x Reader
Summery : after the blip Stephen has to face one more enemy; his feelings for you
Warnings : idiots in love, Stephen being in denial about his feelings, blip trauma, fluff that will potentially turn into angst (you know me)
So this is the prologue of this idea based on this ask that instead of a one-shot I decided to make into a series. This part is written from Stephen's point of view.
Stephen Strange had been many things in his life. An excellent example of a student according to his professors, one of the most well acclaimed neurosurgeons the world has ever known,a cocky asshole according to his coworkers, a womanizer according to all of his ex (heartless dick was the term used more often)But what he did not expect to be was a hero.
Stephen Strange was a universal hero, saving not only half of earth's but the universe's population. Now little children drew pictures of him, dressed up like him for halloween, people asked for photos and autographs they even made pages dedicated to him on social media. He was known, loved, admired, recognised by millions and if you excluded the blip his life was a dream. For a man like him who sought perfection in each ascept, in every little detail of his life, it all was a dream, his world was some short of utopia.
And then you came into the picture. You, you, lovely you who just had to turn his world upside down.
Don't get him wrong, he didn't hate you. How could he (that didn't mean he hadn't tried in the past). But how you made him feel was just enough to destroy everything. Well who is he kidding?
The truth was that he hated it. Everything that revolved or had anything to do with you he simply hated it. How his stomach twisted every time he smelled your perfume, that painful feeling of anticipation when he was to see you, how his palms get sweaty when you were around,how he smiled with the mere thought of you, how his heart beated uncontrollable when he talked with you at the point of paining him so much he just wanted to rip it out of his chest.
No, he hated it with all his heart. Utterly and completely. Perfection was about control and the way those feelings struck him was everything against it. There was no control in falling in love, how the heart suddenly got a mind of its own, how it defied logic, how it made him act like a seven year old stuttering and tripping over his words
(but it made you laugh. Humiliating but perhaps worth it)
To his eyes Stephen was nothing great but escpecially when it came to the matters of his heart he was also a coward.
"Good morning" he snapped himself out of his thoughts entering the kitchen where you had already woken up early and made tea.
"Oh hi" you beamed him a smile and he violently bit down his tongue to hold himself from smiling back. "Want some tea?" Stephen hummed, unable to talk, eyeing you quietly up and down however your every careful and precise move as you made him his tea (as always choosing his favorite cup, adding the perfect amount of honey just like he liked it).
You had known him many years (not so many without the blip but still), living with him in the Sanctum his apprentice he liked to call you thought you were practicing the mystic arts a long time before he did. You weren't friends, he wouldn't use that word. You were patient and understanding with him at the first period of his studies but after becoming Sorcerer Supreme for some reasons you still kept your distance.
Only for everything to chance with the blip. After coming back everything was different alongside you too, no matter how much you both tried to cling onto who you used to be. Things had changed because of the desperate need to connect with something somewhat stable he could perhaps call you now a friend.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked
"Yeah, you?"
He knew you were lying. There was a very specific type of uncomfortness clouded over the futures of your face each time you lied, an easy to spot uneasiness he had come to easily recognise after times of observing your beautiful face. He couldn't really blame you though. After five years being blipped he too avoided closing his eyes, afraid he'd be dragged back into that cold darkness.
"Yes" he said, his hands reaching for the cup you held to him, your hands accidentally brushing against each other for a mere moment enough however to memorize that softness of your touch.
"Thank you Y/N" finally he said and only now you met his gaze.
He could say your name a million times, repeat it for an eternity and never get bored of its godly sound.
Every morning it was the same dream, the same nightmare. You in the kitchen making his tea so beautiful, so lovely,warm, so oblivious of the caos you caused inside of him, so close to him you were almost his. Until he said your name and brought himself back to reality. And just like that you felt cold, distant , putting him so far from you in the most cruel way keeping him away. You stood so close to him yet you weren't his, perhaps you'd never be.
His heart once again beated faster than he could catch on while his thoughts tripped over one another, all the things he wanted to tell you, all the things he couldn't say becoming a mess as he starred into your eyes. Before finally saying in a surprisingly calm and steady voice "You know you can wake me up and you can't sleep right?"
"Am I interrupting something?" Suddenly Wong walked in, uncomfortably standing in the middle of the kitchen looking at you two as with his entress you immediately broke eye contact, one of you staring at the floor while the other at the ceiling.
"No. I was just gonna check those books you asked me to" you quickly said, leaving your cup on the counter before hastily walking away from them.
Wong observed as Stephen's eyes drafted on your back followed your figure till you completely got out of the room, like a sad puppy staring at its owner leaving them at home and leaving. He fakely coughed trying to get his friends attention back to him.
"You're such an idiot"
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doctorofmagic · 1 year
Doctor Strange and the supernatural characters pt 2 - Jericho Drumm
Much to my surprise, being a doctor is not the only thing Jericho and Stephen have in common. As I went through his chronology, I noticed they’re quite similar in many aspects, whether magical or personality-wise.
I’ve always loved the concept of Doctor Voodoo and had read some of his adventures, but this time around I made a complete reading and he’s still one of my favorite magic users for many, many reasons.
But first, let’s dive into his past real quick to learn more about his story, motivations and powers.
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Jericho Drumm and his twin brother Daniel were born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The twins were separated when their parents died and Jericho decided to pursue a career in the USA as a pyschologist and scholar (some writers will give him another field of expertise, but it’s commonly accepted as canon that he has a doctorate in Psychology), whereas Daniel stayed and became a houngan (a voodoo priest). Upon learning that Daniel fell ill, Jericho returned to Haiti. Daniel claimed that Damballah, the loa known as the evil serpent-god, cursed him. Before dying, his twin asked Jericho to go to the jungle and meet his mentor, Papa Jambo, in order to learn magic. Jericho, at that time, did not believe in the supernatural and confronted Damballah, being defeated by forces he did not understand yet.
Papa Jambo, then, accepted Jericho as an apprentice and taught him voodoo magic. As a last attempt to defeat Damballah, Papa Jambo performed a ritual to summon Daniel’s spirit so they could become two men in one. The ritual was successful, leaving the V symbol imprinted on his forehead and the white streaks on his hair. Papa Jambo then passed away as a result, leaving the mantle of Brother Voodoo to his disciple Jericho.
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He then confronted Damballah once more and defeated his enemy, whom would be later retconned to be a random evil spirit instead of the loa himself, since the loa are not considered evil spirits.
And here’s a quick disclaimer: there are lots of misconceptions and stereotypes when it comes to Haitian voodoo in the Marvel universe, mostly because it’s a real religion and many stories were not written by poc. I made a quick research but just to point a few: voodoo dolls are considered a myth, although some are used in New Orleans voodoo for tourism [1]; the term used in Sorcerer Supreme to describe Brazilian voodoo refers to the religion as "macumba”, which is a pejorative term. The Brazilian equivalent to Haitian voodoo is called Candomblé Jeje [2]; Marie Laveau is often portrayed as a evil voodoo witch, but she’s celebrated in New Orleans for help, healing and empowerment [3].
Disclaimer done, so back to Jericho. For a while, he stayed in Port-au-Prince, having his own Sanctum and accepting the help of a butler (pretty similar to Wong in his first years). He then later moved to New Orleans, fighting many enemies and teaming up with many popular heroes, such as Moon Knight, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Blade, Black Panther, Luke Cage and so on.
When Stephen considered himself unworthy of his title, the Eye of Agamotto elected Jericho as the next Sorcerer Supreme. And here I need to point out that, in my humble opinion, Jericho was nerfed from what he used to be as a magic user. I consider him waaay more powerful back then, even without the power of the Vishanti at his disposal.
When it comes to personality, Jericho has the very same introverted personality as Stephen’s in early comics, as well as the formal rhetorics, rational thoughts and kindness towards civilians.
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Slowly, the readers realize that he’s also lonely and afraid of relationships, constantly pushing people away.
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One may arguee that he’s been involved with many female characters, the most important being Wanda, and I agree they’re super cute together. Sadly, for editorial decision, Jericho was pushed away to hint a comeback for Wanda x Vision. Monica Rambeau was also interested in him for a while, but that writing is TERRIBLE, portraying him like a clingy (and kinda stalker) pretendent. I’d say Jericho takes things veeeeery slow because he’s afraid of relationships, as pointed out earlier. On top of that, I super hc him as aroace, because it’s rare to see him in a romantic light. It’s up to each person’s interpretation, of course.
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Moving on -- and since I’m comparing him to Stephen -- let’s also talk about guilt and sense of duty. Jericho as Sorcerer Supreme is as stubborn as Stephen: he doesn’t rest, he feels responsible for every mystical issue AND is compelled to sacrifice himself in order to fulfill his role.
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That’s why he ends up killed in the first place, after all. Thankfully, Doom brings him back to life (AND WE LOVE TO SEE IT).
In addition to the previous relationship Stephen and Jericho built through the years, we also have now a delicate matter, which is Daniel. Daniel was really mad at Stephen and blamed him for Jericho’s death. Since then, the spirit of Jericho’s brother was used as bargain in Savage Avengers, and to be honest, I don’t know how to feel about it, but it’s canon now, so... If Jericho is better off without his brother, so be it.
In conclusion, I do believe Jericho is a very important figure in Stephen’s life, not only as a co-worker at Strange Academy and former mentor, but also as a friend. Not to mention that he’s amazing as a stand-alone character, with a rich lore and so much potential. I find outrageous how little Jericho is used in comics. I need him in a solo title or at least in a one-shot with Zoe!
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Bonus: The Vishanti and the Three-Who-Are-All
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Although the Three-Who-Are-All had their debut in Werewolf by Night, Jericho was directly involved in their prophecy, joining Jack Russell and his allies in order to defeat a great evil. They're not as powerful as the Vishanti -- nor as important -- but it’s curious to see that the concept of a trinity is the same.
[Part 1]
Special thanks to Val, he’s the only Jericho stan I know out there and we only have each other to cry over him haha love u <3
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syngrafaes09 · 2 years
Can you re-do the hypothermia situation but with Stephen taking care of the reader. and elaborately??
Rapture | Dr Strange x Apprentice!Reader
Word count: 1797
18+ MDNI!
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“How many more do you think?” Tony inquired, putting into place one of the rebels.
“I think we've got most of them. Might have a handful left down the valley,” Peter Quill replied pointing somewhere in the mist and snow. The frosty human-like beasts had been more difficult to fight against than he had imagined. He knew they were a race of warriors, and had expected brute force but magic, he hadn't seen that coming.
“Mr Stark,” Peter distressed over the intercom, “Y/n is shaking badly, I think she might pass out. She’s very cold.”
“Shit,” everyone muttered in unison. The apprentice Stephen had sent had been more helpful than her Master and other apprentices. Once she managed to subdue their magic, the rest of the avengers managed to bring the beasts down easily.
Stephen mentally thanked Y/n once again as he buried himself in the cosy blankets and sipped in the tea. The cold had gotten the better of him in the last three days. He was delighted when she offered to go instead of him in response to Star lord’s call.
The beep from the device in the corner of the room irritated him. Once Tony had created this multi-galaxy intercom, the calls for aid had increased by three folds. And most of the time there was hardly any serious issue.
“What is it now Tony?” he grumbled.
“I think Y/n is slipping into a hypothermic shock. I can't help much. Open up a portal,” he said as he scurried inside the jet, getting any warm thing for Y/n as he could.
Opening a portal into the jet, he found her heaved onto a seat with a blanket around. “God,” he muttered at the sight of her. The shaking of her body, the clattering of her teeth and her paleness sent him into a spiral of fear and anger. “Why did you stay out in the cold for so long? You could have managed to control them even from the jet.” He scolded her and picked her up in his arms.
“Sah..ry..,” she slurred.
“You need any more help, I’ll ask Wong to send-”
“Don’t bother. Only a few are left.”
Stephen nodded before closing the portal.
“Mh room’s…upstairs,” she protested when he placed her in the cocoon of blankets he was earlier lying in.
“Can you feel them?” He took off her wet boots and pinched her frozen toes. Y/n weakly nodded, her eyelashes fluttering as she started slipping in and out of consciousness.
“Hey sunshine,” Stephen called out as he fumbled around contemplating what to do next. He had to stop being nervous - she was slipping away. “Hey drink it,” he tried to make her drink his hot tea.
Y/n groaned, trying to push the cup away, the lava was burning her mouth and throat. She couldn't understand why he was so mean to her. ‘What form of punishment is this for always complying with her Master’s orders?’
Stephen was visibly baffled to hear those words from her. She was losing it. He hurried to his closet and frantically searched for the first aid kit.
“Hey sunshine, don't sleep,” he cried out, “talk to me.”
“Why do… you always call me that…,” her voice was just above a whisper.
He chuckled, shoving the warm compress through the robes covering her chest. “‘Cause that’s how I remember you from your first day. Standing with Wong at the foot of my bed, early in a cold winter morning, the sunlight dazzling on your face.”
“W-what are you doing?” Y/N asked, bedazzled to watch him taking off his clothes.
“Trying to warm you up,” he replied in a matter-of-fact tone.
“I… feel better.” Both of them lying bare to each other was a very bad idea. Her friends back at Kamar Taj had been teasing her notoriously after Stephen switched her from training at Kamar Taj to the New York Sanctum. It would be her death if any of them got the slightest hint of this.
“Then help me out by taking off your robes.” She found herself speechless and motionless at the sight of him.
“See, you are too numb,” he spoke out, getting under the blankets, “you need to warm up,” he said, flicking his fingers to vanish her robes.
All her protests died out when warm hands were wrapped around her stomach and tugged her against his chest.
“God,” Stephen winced when he spooned her. She was cold as a corpse.
Basking in his warmth, she had no recollection of when they had slept. Having regained her senses, she could feel his long legs tangled with hers, his chest pressed against her back; his arms on her bare stomach, lightly brushing against her bra and… Holy! She could feel him hard through his boxers. Now Y/n could clearly remember the sight of him, in his boxers, climbing into the bed. She cursed and thought of getting out of there before she did anything stupid.
“Y/n,” he rasped as she tried to wiggle out of his arms. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she veered around in his now loosen grip to take a look at him.
“You could have died,” every bit of him was dripping with fear and she had never witnessed this side of his nature. She had witnessed his sarcasm, his sardonic humour, his savageness and intelligence in fights and training, the tranquillity of his company, and at times his kindness and his protectiveness but never this sort of apprehension.
“Thanks to you, I'm not.”
“Others had come back when they couldn't take the cold, why didn't you do the same?” For heavens, she had to get out here before the other three apprentices came searching for them! What would they think to find them like this? His fingers taunting rubbed circles on her back.
“I’m sorry,” she said, peeling off the layers of blankets. “I wanted to do better than everyone else, just like you.”
Just like you. The words echoed in his ears. She trained harder than him. Adapted to things faster than him. Put up with his harsh training and sarcasm and everything he offered better than any of his other students. He wanted to tell her she was the best he had to date.
He shot up and gripped her waist firmly as she hurried to leave. “What good would it do if you died trying too hard?” His lips placed a soft kiss on her shoulder. “I can’t lose the best, can't think of losing you.” His fingers traced the back of her spine.
Y/n shuddered at the sensation. The electric wave transversed from her shoulder to her core. Once again she was aware of their nakedness.
“I can understand if you don't want me… Your no will silence me forever. But what I did today was - genuinely to save you.”
He didn't know, she thought, what his touch was doing- undoing me. “I could never say no to you,” she cupped his face, “Nobody ever could.”
Ah, God, he had almost forgotten what the touch of a hand would do. And he had known rejection. “Does nothing about me repulse you?”
“I wouldn't put them as repulsive… Your words do wound me at times but everyone's got a poignant habit or two. They don't repulse me enough to not adore you.”
She had told his heart what it had been wanting to hear. His cheeks, had in no way ever, felt a caressing as hers. His flaws had never been accepted as such. And his mind couldn't have come across a declaration of love as hers ever before.
His lips gently captured hers and his soul was overjoyed in rapture.
“I love you as well,” he whispered, nestling closer.
When her eyes met his, the determination and dominance, made her breath hitch. The gentle caress of his hand made her stomach flip and flop like a dolphin.
“Many will talk,” her voice trembled like her fingers that were intertwining with his.
“Let them, people like to talk all the time,” he drew her closer to him. “Only we matter, everyone else is drivel.”
Swept up by passion, his seductive tone, by her desire: her lips found his and her hands were thrown around his neck. And soon the very little fabric that had been left was discarded.
The sight of her, lying all bare, in his bed made him harder and hornier.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” He growled. The pressure of his legs parted hers, and he moved slowly to press his heat against her wetness.
Then he kissed and sucked her neck, her shoulders… Y/n arched off the bed when he traded his tongue for his lips and licked her nipples. One of his hands cupped her breast firmly as his mouth sucked it.
“Stephen,” she whimpered, wiggling her hips. She could feel him smile against her like the cocky bastard he was.
“Say that again,” he urged, licking his lips. She had never before called him by his first name.
“Make me,” she tested the waters of teasing him.
And so he did.
Y/n moaned his name as he glided himself swiftly through her wetness. She had to admit it did hurt a little but he felt good as well.
Stephen peppered her with kisses as he began to move and thrust.
Whimpering and moaning, she moved her hips along with him.
“Stephen,” she protested when he pulled out of her.
“Patience, love,” he said before flipping her on her stomach to the other side of the bed.
Y/n felt the tip of his cock nuzzling her slit as he laid open-mouth kisses along her back. Then her hips were grabbed and pulled towards him. She wanted nothing but for him to pound her.
“Y/n,” she looked over her shoulder as he pushed his cock, entering her slowly, never breaking eye contact.
“God,” she cried out when his thrusts became deeper and harder.
Still thrusting, he pulled her up to his chest, wrapping his arms from behind and holding her in place. “Open your eyes,” he whispered in her ear.
The sight, Y/n saw in the mirror, caught her breath- Stephen on his shins, one arm around her torso as the other moved to fondle her breasts and nipples, his cock exploring her insides; she felt her knees might give up any second from now.
“Yes, Y/n,” he groaned, feeling her clenching around him as she started trembling.
He watched her throw her head back with pleasure and buried his face in the crook of her neck as her rapture captured him. And soon they were swearing each other’s name.
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rmoonstoner · 1 year
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Oral - Part 2 of Masturbation
18+, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, unprotected p in v sex, breeding kink, cream pie, bit of a finger in your butt, dirty talk, fluff.
Doctor Stephen Strange x Fem!Apprentice!Reader
Stephen preforms oral on you, then he fucks you. It's short. 
Stephen pulled out of your mouth and you took a deep breath as strings of saliva clung to his still hard cock. He groaned and grabbed your face, leaning down to kiss you as he got on his knees. You felt him push his tongue into your mouth and he let out another low him as he tasted himself on your lips. When he pulled away, he huffed and gave you a sultry look.
"You have perfect, kissable lips, my dear." He whispered as he went back in for more.
You quivered as his hands came to rest on your thighs, his hands moving slowly towards the apex of your thighs. His tongue licked up into your mouth, twisting and dancing with yours as his hand finally came to your wet mound. His fingers quickly dipped between your pussy lips and he pushed two fingers inside of you. You gasped and arched your hips, feeling his fingers slide deeper and deeper inside of you. He moved down and nipped the crook of your neck.
"So fucking wet, princess. Can you hear it?" He husked as he pushed his fingers in nice and deep, curling them against your sweet spot and rubbing it nice and slow. You could hear the wet sounds as he worked his hand expertly. 
"Y-yes, fuck… Master…" You whined back and wrapped your arms around his neck, going to bury your face in his shoulder as you began to see stars.
"Fucking tight, too. Just like I thought…" He grunted and slipped a third finger inside of you while bringing his thumb down onto your clit. You shook for him and dug your fingers into his shoulder and his scalp, gripping his hair tightly in a fist.
"D-don't stop…" You mewled into ear and he tilted his wrist, fingers pushing harder and moving faster. His thumb worked your clit slowly, which was torture compared to his quickly moving digits.
"I want to taste you, princess, may I?" Stephen asked with a growl.
"Yes!" You whimpered back.
"Yeah?" He asked, taunting you with a good few heavy strokes to both your gspot and clit. You gushed, your vision blurring as you came.
"Yesss…Ugnnn… Fuuuck." You hissed and shook in the chair, and Stephen kept fucking you with his fingers, going slower and slower, until you caught your breath.
He didn't stop altogether, and merely moved down, kissing your neck, clavicle, and chest. He avoided your breasts, and kept going down to your center, his finger flicking every so often, his thumb matching each stroke by pushing down on your clit. You bucked as his face hovered over your pussy, his hot breath tickling your skin.
"You smell so good." He rumbled and leaned forward.
You felt his tongue caress your lips all around, then lazily replaced his thumb, rolling it over your clit. You moaned and tossed your head back, hands flying into his hair as he lapped away as slowly as he could.
"St-stephen! That feels so g-good!" You cried out as his lips slowly latched around your clit and he sucked gingerly on it while his fingers wriggled and stroked you from the inside. He grunted, bringing his other hand down and around your waist, pulling you closer as he kept sucking and licking.
"Gonna… Gonna come…" You struggled to speak, and Stephen took that as a sign to keep going.
You felt the dam break, and you shut your eyes as everything spiraled out in a splash of psychedelic colors and stars. You had never come so hard in your life, and you screamed, your voice cracking as you vibrated with pleasure. Stephen hummed and came back up, licking his lips and grinning devilishly.
"Sweet, princess… You did so well. You taste divine, and now I want to fuck you. Would that be alright?" He asked as he handed you an open bottle of ice cold water. You snatched it up and guzzled it back, then tossed the empty bottle behind you.
"Where do you want to take me?" You answered, and he chuckled darkly.
"On my desk. I want you on your back, legs on my shoulders, as I fuck into you deeply. I want to see your eyes when I break you."
He growled and moved you to the desk with his magic.
Stephen pounced on you, his hands going to your legs and gliding along your skin until he got to your knees. He hooked his elbows under them, pulling them up and over his shoulders as he rested his thick cock on your wet folds. He groaned and slid himself back forth, coating his throbbing skin with your slick.
"Stop teasing me, and put it in already!" You whined and squirmed as he licked your neck and slowly put a hand around your neck.
"I should tease you for hours. Edge you and then make you into a babbling, overstimulated mess. It would serve you right for the past several months of your teasing, but I'll be nice, and ask you..."
"What do you want?"
"Do it, then. Fuck me, Master. Fuck me and don't stop. I want you to fill me with your come, and keep fucking until you come again. I want to be nice and full." You begged and squirmed.
"Fuck… You want me to breed you?" He whispered hotly, his face looking deeply lustful.
"Yes, please!"
"Oh, princess… I'll make you my queen." Stephen growled and he pushed himself in slowly.
With every inch, you could feel him stretching you to your limits, his cock pushing and throbbing as you gasped for air. When he was fully seated within you, you could barely breathe, your hands gripping his wrists tightly.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck… You're perfect, and look you… You took all of me." He rumbled as he gripped your jaw and tilted your face to look at him.
"You're so big… Stephen… Ahhh…" You huffed as he leaned in and kissed you gently.
He quickly deepened the kiss and reared his hips back slowly, before slamming himself back to the hilt. You yelped into his mouth, and he pulled you closer, thrusting harder and faster.  With each hefty stroke, you felt yourself shake and quiver. He seemed to drag himself hard against your gspot,
"And you're so tight! Gods… You feel so good." Stephen groaned as he went harder, shaking his desk with each heavy thrust. You could hear skin slapping and the wet squelching of you pussy as he fucked into you nice and deep.
Stephen whispered something you couldn't quite catch, his breath hot and tingling your ear. You felt one of his hands dip between you two, while the other went back to your throat. He squeezed lightly, and you whimpered as he found your clit.
"St-stephen! Gonna… Gonna…"
"Come on my cock. Soak me, my love."
You heard him call you his love, and your heart fluttered while your pussy clenched and you came. You dug your nails into his wrists, hissing and panting as your head lulled back, thumping against the desk softly. You shook and writhed against him, feeling him dig himself deeper and deeper as you gushed and clenched all around him.
He moaned loudly and pushed in as deep as he could go, his balls resting perfectly against your ass. You felt him twitch, his cock pulsing as he shot ropes and ropes of thick come inside of you. You moaned, feeling him suddenly go harder as his face went to your neck and he sucked a mark into your skin.
"I love you… I fucking… Love you…"
He husked as he moved to your shoulder and licked and made another purple cruise appear. You whimpered and squirmed in his grasp, but he didn't stop.
"You feel so good." He grunted and reared back, hands gliding up your legs and holding your ankles tightly as his hips rocked against yours.
"So fucking wet for me… My good girl…" Stephen praised you as he shifted you to the side and moved a hand to your ass. He grinned and winked at you, before he swept some of the expelled come from your pussy and swept it over your asshole. You gasped, feeling his thumb push inwards and you started to buck against him, grinding your clit against his pelvis.
"Yeah, baby… You're mine now." Stephen grunted and bit your lower lip as he rested his forehead against yours.
"Stephen! Oh, fuck!" You were getting close again, the sensations almost too overwhelming to bear. Stephen leaned in and kissed you last time, before he roared and slammed hard and fast into you. You groaned, coming again as he held you and stirred his dick inside of you nice and hard, the head of his cock rubbing your cervix.
"I love you, Stephen…"
You groaned back, and he came again, shoving himself hard and deep as he vibrated.
"I love you, too. Come to my room. Sleep with me."
You smiled and nodded, and in an instant, you were in his bedroom, under the covers. He gave you a warm smile and kissed you softly, then he curled around you, his face nestled by the nape of your neck. You yawned and cuddled up, closing your eyes and falling asleep, with him snoring softly behind you, holding you lovingly.
You both won that night. 
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futureplayboibunnie · 2 years
Dr Strange x inexperienced! fem! reader
smut so minors fuck off x
The night was vastly daunting. The flickers of shattered starlight were doing nothing to absolve you of your thoughts as you wandered around Sanctum trying to chase peace or maybe just even waiting for someone to find you- but it was almost nearing 2am. No one was around.
Padding away barefoot aimlessly, you couldn't find it in yourself to be bothered by the fact you were wearing an oversized suit shirt that hugged all the right places. If someone were to find you like this your embarrassment would reach deplorable levels. Your interest and curiosity piqued when your eyes were fixated on the room in which no one was allowed to enter except for God's true mystical disciple- Strange. You were bordering on delirious and it was all because of this stupid sleepless night. It was a winless fight.
But you were a good girl. You never broke the rules. Stephen's rules.
Though your curiosity remained fixed, maybe tonight was the night where you broke the rules, and in the process, your moral compass. Carrying yourself through the arches of the doorless room, your fingers grazed over the timeless relics and impossibly ancient spellbooks. You cocked your head however when you saw the clear glass casing.
It was holding leather handcuffs held on a red velvet cushion, it was padlocked. You wondered why this was kept here. Was it for Stephen specifically? How was this forbidden in any way? Did Stephen hold the key?
Your mind was pacing.
‘’What are you doing?'’A voice behind you startled you wide awake from your dream like trance. It took you a moment to register what was happening and who was even talking to you. You were wincing at the ass whooping you were about to recieve for being in such a forbidden and sacred area. Your heart was thrumming in anticipation. You spun yourself around and you stunned at the sight of Stephen with a bare chest and crossed arms. Grey sweatpants outlining a slight bulge softly.
‘’Uh...I'm not meant to be in here.’’ You stumbled on your words like a jittering fool, eyes wide in sheer terror.
You attempted to dash right past him and out of the room but he halted you in your tracks by grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you in front of before ultimately letting you go. You let out slight gasp that Stephen wasn't expecting as you felt yourself shiver under his brief and fleeting touch.
‘’Hey hey where do you think you're going?’’He questioned in a sweet and soft manner, you felt your eyebrow raise at such a confusingly kind tone. Stephen's powder blue eyes searched yours for an answer but all he found was a shellshocked deer in blinding white headlights.
‘’I was just wandering. I couldn't sleep.’’You rasped as you hung your head up to look him in his picturesque face. In this light he looked so effortlessly attractive, all rugged features and tight creased eyes. Hair messy as his grey streaks shone in the dim atmospheric ambience. You stole a moment to just remark at him; to be crude, he was fucking hot as shit. All authoritarian and an attitude worth drooling over; the way he was looking at you made you feel weak and you'd do anything to feel his skin and weight on top of yours but there was an...issue.
You were...inexperienced to say the least.
The only kiss you've ever experienced was a drunken peck that you couldn't really remember. Sex was off the table and not even worth talking about.
Your nerves were becoming heavily apparent now.
‘’Why are you all… nervous?’’ Stephen smirked slightly, trying to keep his thoughts at bay.
‘’Sorcerer Supreme finding an apprentice in the forbidden section? Do I really need to explain it to you?’’ You chuckled dryly in an attempt to win him over.
Seeing you in just a dress shirt made him think thoughts that best be left unsaid. You were as cute as a dud, so pretty. So fucking pretty. Full lips, bright gleaming challenging eyes, blushed apples- his stare couldn't help but linger on you while you were practicing your spell casting. A relationship was never on the cards for a guy like him and he assumed that you of all people wouldn't be interested in him. Always off in your own little world. Stephen's stare lingered on your bare legs and he noticed that the sheerness of your shirt didn't hide the view of your thin panties. His tolerance was declining. Maybe it was because it was nightfall, maybe it was because you were alone, maybe it was because you were barely wearing anything. Either way, he wanted you.
‘’How'd you know I was here?’’ You snapped him out of his mindless daydreaming.
‘’Maybe I was wandering too.’’
Your fingers found hospice on the padlock of the clear casing. You were intruiged by the reason in which the handcuffs were here.
‘’What's this?’’ You smirked playfully, pondering upon grounds that you didn't know how to deal with. Playing with fire.
You twisted your hand on the padlock and broke it while staring at him-biting at your lip.
Stephen could have came right there, you were so nervous yet such a flirt. He didn't understand it. You opened the glass and grabbed at the cuffs to inspect them.
‘’Come on put them back.’’He exhaled as he sauntered towards you.
‘’What's this?’’You smiled at him sweetly. He raised his hands and grabbed the cuffs off of you and only then did you notice how close he was to you.He put them back in its case.
‘’I'll tell you a secret only if you go to bed and stop wandering.’’ He offered and you nodded slightly, giddy at the fact he trusted you enough with a secret. Stephen leaned on the frame as you gawked up at him.
‘’They're supposed to surpress magic. But the women I fuck want me to use it on them.’’ He voice was just an octave above a whisper, you felt the true cadence of his voice make a wash of wetness gush to your panties- the fact that he was staring at your lips made it so much worse and better at the same time. You mouth popped open slightly and you were starting to shake under his sex dripped gaze.
Does he want you? Holy fuck, he does want you.
‘’Would you want to use them on me?’’ You blurted absent mindedly and it made Stephen beam up in surprise.
‘’Would you like that?’’ He asked politely and it made you want him right then and there in the fucking forbidden section. The dialogue alone felt so vulgar to you due to never fully experiencing anything like this before. Your breathing was becoming more and more erratic with every passing moment Stephen was staring at you.
You paused.
‘’I think I would...but I-.’’ You cut yourself off due to the heated blush coating the apples of your cheeks, diverting eye contact due to the imminent embarrassment you were experiencing.
‘’What? What is it baby?’’His thumb lifted up your chin and you quite literally shivered into his touch. The fact he had his hand on you was so intense to you. And baby? Fuck.
‘’I've never-‘’
‘’I've never fucked before.’’ You finally spat out as you blinked up at him with those beguiling eyes of yours, all nervous under his gaze.
He quite frankly couldn't believe it. No one has ever had you? There's no way that could ever be true. Stephen's mind was racing and he thought he wouldn't ever be able to stop.
‘’I haven't even had my first real kiss before, it's embarrassing.’’ You sighed out, finally melting into him so he'd get the hint to kiss at your lips. He exhaled as he adjusted his hands to cradle your face.
‘’Men must kill each other just to get remotely close to you.’’ He whispered as he brushed his thumb on top of your full lips.
‘’Can you show me how to make love Stephen?’’ You asked softly, staring into the eyes that were already undressing you.
‘’Can I kiss you?’’ He requested as he leaned in, tips of noses touching each other.
‘’Please.’’ You moaned back, you reeked of desperation at this point and he was just revelling in it all- it was all for him to savour and have.
It was feather light, soft, tender. Lips touching lips. You angled your head so you could taste him deeper and he reciprocated your actions almost instantly. He ripped his lips away from yours and intertwined your hands with his and whisked you away to his room. He locked his door and never in thousand years would he have thought you'd be in his room. Your scent filled the space completely.
Stephen gently pushed you onto the bed and in this light you looked even more stunning than ever. Your face was already contorting in pleasure and he'd barely done anything. He smirked at the sentiment.
‘’Been wanting to take this off since I saw you in it. Can I?’’He groaned between kisses and you nodded your head furiously. He unbuttoned your shirt at a slow and torturous pace, teasing you to the point where you were shaking under him.
Stephen's hands wandered around your body, slowly coaxing you out and teasing your flesh. He got rid of the fabric of your shirt and your tits spilled out for him and he was damn near drooling. You were only left in your underwear.
"Touch me Stephen.’’ You breathed out sensually. He shimmied down your underwear and all he could see as he cast his head down was your sloppy wet pussy. You got wet sooo easily and it made him lick his lips.
His tongue delved into your mouth before ultimately licking and softly suckling down your neck and the flesh of your tits. Your moans were becoming so loud and it was becoming his own personal brand of heroin. He was becoming so painfully hard and it was all because of you.
‘’Can I go down on you?’’ Stephen breathed into your lower stomach as his darkened gaze flitted to your desperate eyes.
‘’Fuck yes.’’You gasped.
Stephen forced your legs onto his shoulder as he slowly started to kiss your drooling wet pussy. Your back arched off the bed as he started flicking his tongue at your clit- hungrily tasting at you like a kid in a candy store. You tasted divine and he was needy for more. More of everything. He lapped up your arousal a your hands tugged at his hair, he groaned into your skin and it made your insides buzz. It felt incredible and all because he was spoiling you rotten.
‘’You taste so fucking sweet. Sweet all for me.’’
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mikeyforreal · 2 years
time travel is real - peter maximoff
peter maximoff x f!reader
warnings: depictions of violence,
a/n: tysm for the request ! also, while i was writing the ending bit i was thinking of the song dress my wounds by mook
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look, i really loved being the infamous dr. strange’s apprentice. him and wong were like the family i never had, and they’ve been there for me for the better years of my life.
but even this would be too much for anyone to handle
i had been trying to get the infinity gauntlet with almost everyone who was fighting thanos while also trying to keep myself alive. “kid, i’m gonna need you to summon a tao mandala to keep yourself safe while i try and take out a few of those soldiers,” strange said to me while generating spells at the speed of light to keep us safe.
i nodded to him, and tony raced over to me as i tried summon a field. “y/n you need to get closer to thanos and try to take him out, i know it’s going to be difficult but i believe you can do it. just remember stephen and wong’s lessons and you can do just about anything. good luck kid.” his words had encouraged me enough and i quickly summoned a portal to where thanos was.
he was fighting off men and women from wankanda left and right, but i created some spells to keep his limbs restricted. he quickly shot me a deadly look. “who the hell are you?” he asked, while trying to get out of the invisible bonds. “just the person who’s gonna kill you and save the universe, y’know? by the crimson bands of cyttorak!”
saying the phrase had made thanos scream in pain and i continued generating spells to use agains him. “REIGN FIRE” he yelled to the squidward looking dude. “but sire, our troops-“ the guy tried to argue. “JUST DO IT!” the blast knocked me off my feet and it broke the spell, leaving thanos free.
he reached for the space stone on his golden gauntlet smiling as he said, “i’m gonna send you to somewhere you can’t cause me any trouble.”
the last thing i heard before i passed out was stephen yelling my name.
when i woke up, i found myself in a room i didn’t recognize. there were boxes and boxes of sweets like twinkies and snowballs on an unlimited number of shelves. there were pink floyd, jim croce, and supertramp posters covering the walls of chipped paint. there were a few video games that looked like they were straight out of the 80’s.
i tried to get up, but my whole body felt limp. i checked my arms and they were covered in scrapes and cuts.
“good morning sleepyhead.” i jumped when i heard a voice coming from behind me. quickly turning, i saw a silver headed boy, assumingely around my age with a pink floyd shirt. “who are you? where am i? how did i get here? what year is it? where am i-“
“woah woah woah,” the boy quickly interrupted me. “1. i’m peter, 2. you’re in my room, 3. i found you on the road passed out, 4. it’s 1983, duh, 5. see number 2.” i looked at him incredibly confused and he just laughed.
“okay so i was running from the poli- my friends- and i found you passed out with some battle looking outfit on, which you’re still wearing. i decided to bring you here and ‘nurse you back to health’.” he finished his story with a smile and i rembered what had happened before i blacked out, groaning in pain as i held my head.
“oh yeah i brought you this.” he handed me a ibuprofen and a glass of water. i murmured a small thanks and swallowed the both items. “uh i can bring you some of my mom’s clothes to change into if you want. she’s super small so it’ll probably fit you. but only if you wanna change of course.” i nodded to him and he was gone and back in a flash, but he returned with a pile of clothes in his arms.
“uh the bathroom’s up the stairs to the left, second door down. you can just call me when you’re done since my sister and my mom are gone.” nodding, i made my way up the stairs with a slight limp.
following his directions, i had found the bathroom and began to peel my grimey clothes off my body. “uh peter do you mind if i shower?” i yelled from inside the bathroom, hoping he would hear me. “yeah go for it!” i turned on the water and began to lather my hair and body in soap. once i finished i rinsed myself and dried off with a towel i found in the cupboard.
after changing into my new clothes, i unlocked the door and went down to peter’s room. “hey i’m done-“ he ran up past me and came back with a box of medical supplies. “you want me to patch you up?” i nodded. “sure that would be nice.”
he guided me down the stairs and we sat down on his couch. he held up a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol on it and pressed it to my cheek. hissing in pain, i swatted his hand away from my vicinity and he had a look that read ‘sorry’ on his face. “sorry! i’ll give you a warning next time.” i nodded as he continued cleaning my wounds.
once he had disinfected them, he brought out some character bandaids such as batman and hello kitty. he peeled off the wrappers and gently applied them to my cuts. “tell me if it hurts alright?” i simply nodded as he finished placing the final bandaids on my hands.
“thanks, really. without you i’d probably still be on the road,” i chuckled as peter smiled. “you’re welcome! how did you get here anyway? i haven’t seen you at school or anything?”
my eyes went wide as i tried to think of an excuse to tell him and not reveal my past, but then i remembered that he used his powers of speed openly. “long story short, it’s the future and i was fighting a bad guy in another universe and i almost killed him so he sent me here. the end,” i finished with a smile. peter looked confused and i started laughing “wait time travel’s real???” i gave him an amused look. “i basically told you that i was fighting a bad guy and he sent me to a whole other universe and you’re amazed that tame travel is real?” he nodded and lightly chuckled
“so uh do you wanna stay here with me? i can hide you here if you want or OH i know this super awesome school for people with powers that you can go to with me. i’ll take you tomorrow and you can meet the professor and all that if you want.”
“okay that sounds awesome and i’ll totally go with you tomorrow. thank you peter,” i said smiling brightly. he nodded and gave me a twinkie.
yep. this is gonna be nice. i wonder if strange if gonna come looking for me…
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a/n: i honestly had a lot of fun writing this 😭 thanks again for the request !
tags: @oyasumimosura
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karolamurdock · 1 year
Accidental Marriage Pt.4
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Stephen Strange x OFC
Warnings: Implied/referenced sex, light angst and english is not the author's first lenguage
Summary: For the prompt "Accidental Marriage."
“So… Do you put on my last name, or will this get a little Stranger?"
Or: Cassandra Paulssen meets Stephen Strange twice. Once as master and student and once as husband and wife.
Not in that particular order.
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4
Notes: It's been so long. There is literally no excuse. I hope you like it. Any comment is appreciated ❤️
PD: I may come back later to edit a couple of words. I'm very tired, but I wanted to publish this before going to sleep. Enjoy!
The book slipped through Cassandra's fingers and landed with a soft thud on the surface of the table. 
She stroked, with slow fingers, the divinely preserved ink on the yellow pages, and scanned out of the corner of her eye the long shadow stretched across the library floor: its abnormally elongated form occupying the previously empty space just behind her back. 
De Motu Cordis, she read to herself. Contemplating the taste of the other presence in the room; the miasma, thick as cold wax of ancient magic, and the heavy silence that occupied the once serene, earthy atmosphere of the London library. 
Would Stephen be interested in something like this? She wondered. She considered the weight of the antique binding, the precious preservation of an original copy, and opted to add it to the pile. He's an avid reader, she reminded herself. Surely he has mastered Latin by now.
And if not... well, Cassandra was used to reading to her children.
The figure shifted, and Cassandra's gaze finally landed on the deep dark eyes of Kaecilius, Ancestral's famous renegade apprentice. 
"Master Rama is not at the Sanctuary," Cassandra told him. Turning slightly to check another book on the shelf to her left, her face far away but her senses well oriented towards the dark Sorcerer.
"I know," he replied. His voice was husky, and his words flexed with a certain curious accent. "His presence would not present a setback, in any case."
Stephen's voice is deeper, she hummed in her head. 
"Should I be worried?"
"That depends," Kaecilius replied. Cassandra felt his appraising gaze sweep over her profile, noting her plain clothes, her coiled hair, and the lack of artifacts on her person. "What is your role here, woman? Are you another one of Ancestral's blind lambs?"
"Would you believe me if I told you I was the librarian?" she asked, and allowed a slight glance at his wary expression, at his intense greenish eyes, obscured by his scowl and the stern tilt of his head.
"Are you?"
Cassandra's fingers wrapped around a small piece of metal, hidden by the stack of books on her desk:
"Would you cut off my head if I were?"
The sling ring slipped over her fingers with ease, and Cassandra's voice was accompanied by an impassive stare as she turned her body slowly to confront the sorcerer completely.
Kaecilius sneered, and walked in a slow circle around her as she remained immobile, both hands behind her back: "I should have figured that trying to get answers from one of her puppets would be fruitless. None of them have an entity of their own and are incapable of responding on their own account." 
"You have come to steal knowledge," Cassandra shrugged, lazy in her movements and sardonic with her smile, "Why should I give it away so freely?"
And from his back emerged two cutting daggers that the shelves around them reflected coldly: "Less painful."
"Your self-preservation instinct is admirable," Cassandra replied, and raised a hand in the air as one of his daggers was thrown into the space between her eyes. 
The dagger passed through the portal conjured by Cassandra, and met its end at Kaecilius' feet as another portal materialized above his head. 
"But you're right," Cassandra conceded, watching the man's frown through the space between her golden fingers.
"I'm not the librarian. They couldn't afford me."
Cassandra's eyes darted around the room. With a hop, she threw herself out of the way of the projectiles, and rolled down the hallway to take cover behind one of the bookshelves. She heard footsteps approaching behind the corridor, and stood up quickly as the man appeared with two orange, crackling whips in his hands. 
She successfully dodged the first whip aimed at her right ankle. The second, unfortunately, wrapped around her waist and sent her staggering a couple of steps forward. She evaded the blow to her jaw and ducked, landing two quick blows to his forearm, opening his hand and breaking free of his grip.
She backed up a couple of steps. Kaecilius looked at her, frowning as he opened and closed his tingling fingers experimentally, and questioned again:
"Who are you?"
Cassandra bent down, picking up one of the thick tomes that fell to the floor with the commotion, and quoted, not looking away from the man's icy gaze:
"Per me si va nella città dolente. Per me si va nell' eterno dolore. Per me si va tra la perduta gente. Giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore: Fecemi la Divina Potestate. La somma sapienza e il primo amore. Dinanzi a me non fur cose create, se non eterne, ed io eterno duro."
"Dante would be proud of all of his minstrels," he replied dryly.
"Do you think so?" Cassandra fanned her face dramatically with her hand, blinking languidly as she replied in a quiet, demure voice: "I practice every day before I go to sleep." 
Kaecilius moved forward, and Cassandra lifted the book to stop the descending forearm, wielding a long dagger that the man unsheathed from the straps at his back. 
The sharp point buried itself in her shoulder. With a grunt, Cassandra slammed her palm into the wizard's neck, twice, until his hand staggered and Cassandra was able to turn around, turning her back to him and twisting the man's offending wrist with both hands. 
The dagger flew away from his grip. She spun around again, and hit him in the jaw with the book's top edge, just before raising both hands and making use of her borrowed ring. 
The portal opened behind her back. With a flick of her wrist, the rippling space swallowed them both, and the landscape around them changed to a green field, far away from civilization.
"Running away from your fights like rats on a sinking ship. You really do work according to your master's teachings, non-librarian Miss."
His lip twitched slightly, and Cassandra noted a certain arrogance in his expression. Did the man really believe she would put up so little of a fight? Now, she was fully aware of her simple robes, her lack of weapons and her slim figure. The previous months, hard as they had been, had managed to take their toll on her previously firm and agile body. However, such arrogance was frankly conceited. Cassandra would use it to her advantage. 
Nevertheless, Cassandra had to grant some reason to the graveled-voiced, deep eyed and grim-faced man. Eventually, Death was bound to come to her. Immortal Mutant or not. 
"To hate her as much as you claim, you sure do remember all of her teachings, don't you? 
The instant she perceived his scowl, Cassandra spun around, landed quickly with both hands planted on the ground, and landed a kick that violently threw Kaecilius a couple of feet in the air.
Rising with a twist, she untied with nimble fingers the belt around her waist; she dodged the blows of the sorcerer, who struggled to sit up as he gestured with sparking hands, and, avoiding the circles summoned on his wrists, she quickly wrapped it very harshly around the man's neck.
Then she leapt into another portal, conjured just below their feet.
From the black mountains of Kathmandu, the icy winds of the night were still slipping away when she left her quarters. Her dark form dodging the pools of moonlight, her footsteps stifled by the dense curtain of the night noise.
Emboldened by her apparent mischief, she stretched against the outer wall of the hallway. She hooked her toes into the reliefs of the ornate construction, and, propelling her body with her feet shod in smooth slippers, she soared up the side of the building, climbing with cat-like skill and dexterity. Perhaps, she thought with a hum, she had been wrong about her mutation all along.
Sneaking through the monastery at such ungodly hours of the early morning, with an ear alert for nocturnal students as she climbed the balustrade erected a few rooms above Ancestral's study, Cassandra felt like a wild animal scurrying and hunting in the middle of the night. The dark traces under her pale eyes flashing in the dim light, the shadow cast by her hooded figure...
At the feel of the cold wind against her exposed face, Cassandra smiled slightly, and exhaled softly as she propelled her legs to rise over the low stone pillars and land with a twist on the hidden balcony where Ancestral awaited her.
As Cassandra rose to her feet, the dark hood; blue as the new horizon and warm as Ancestral's brief smile at her wary expression, fell over her shoulders and revealed her measured face, her loose braid and the yellow bruise coloring her right cheekbone.
"Good morning, Cassie," The Sorcerer Supreme greeted.  Unlike her, Ancestral didn't look sleepy at all. She looked as fresh as ever. 
"Good morning," Cassandra slurred the words, not without affection.
Ancestral's eyes remained in the night sky. Cassandra observed her profile briefly: her tangerine-colored tunic, her clasped hands behind her back, and the knowing glow in her clear orbs. She followed her gaze, as if captivated by the flickers of brightness in the distance, and remembered the warmth of the campfire in the skáli, the crackling of the red wood and the sparks that lit up the dry logs they touched with smoldering wisps. 
Cassandra remained at X-Mansion for more than 25 years. While her knowledge of the mystic arts was severely limited, Cassandra was no less than an excellent storyteller, and she was a master at the art of babysitting. Dealing with volatile youngsters and teenagers who could literally burst into flames and shatter windows in an apotheosic tantrum had given her considerable mastery in reading the emotions of those around her. Therefore, ready to dispel the melancholic state into which they were plunged, prey to that almost dreamlike landscape, Cassandra spoke.
"Have you ever witnessed how the sky lights up during the winter in Svolvær? The high peaks of the islands can bring out the poetic side of any warrior. Born of awe at the dazzling beauty, or provoked by the terror that the luminous imposition provokes in the most sorrowful hearts."
Her voice was a feather, dancing with the morning breeze, soft and silent, oblivious to the noise of the early morning, unperturbed in its own space of stillness. A hand rose in the air, and Cassandra drew with an imaginary brush the colorful strokes of the Northern Lights.
"One could not help but wonder... Would those lights be the reflections of the armor of the valkyries, leading the fallen warriors to their king? Or would the dawn be honored as the last breath of brave soldiers who died in battle? I know now, that it is not, in fact, the Bifrost, nor does it blind the unborn children of the pregnant women who gaze upon it.
A smile broke across her face, and she watched Ancestral's serene and pleased expression, attentive, as she asked: 
"Would it be wise to think of those lights as the souls of spinsters who danced in the skies, greeting those below? Perhaps! But we, the Raven Warriors, had little or no intention to stop and look at the spinsters and spouses; to divide our feast and  hard-earned  glory. We were too busy shaping the world and molding its paths to our convenience."
Cassandra interrupted herself, and fell silent as the air brushed aside the unruly locks that clung to her cold cheeks.
She felt Ancestral's hand clasp her own trembling fingers, and squeezed back the soft palm of her old friend. 
Was Ancestral older than Cassandra? She didn't know. Sometimes, on occasions like that, it seemed so. Perhaps remaining so oblivious to the tribulations of the mortal world had finally taken its toll on her. 
(Or perhaps, she told herself, living with so many children had changed Cassandra a bit, too. What supernatural power could she possess, to disavow the comfort that she herself lent so freely?) 
Be that as it may, Ancestral's presence was a valid support for Cassandra's tempestuous emotions. Ever since The Raft, ever since the battle at the airport, ever since those first discords between her companions, Cassandra had felt anxious, on the edge of her seat, as if waiting for the second shoe to drop. Unable to take a step away from the conflict, and unable to look away from the storm.
With a deep sigh, Cassandra closed her eyes , doubtful: her son was safe, her companions were safe at the Mansion, and she would no longer worry about the fate of the Avengers. She knew, for she had been present, that Steve had freed the rest of The Raft, and Tony was taking responsibility for the repercussions of his actions in New York. She had control of her body, and she would learn to pick her battles with more assertiveness. 
"I am impressed."
Ancestral examined her at length. Cassandra felt the heat creeping up her neck, and barely resisted the urge to stroke her bruised cheek with her free hand. 
"He was your student," she replied, lips pursed as she tugged at the patch of sore skin. 
"Well, I am the Sorcerer Supreme, isn't that right?"
Cassandra smiled at her enlightened expression. Ancestral's face gently took on a serious tone. 
"I would not impose this battle on you, Cassandra."
"He attacked, and I defended myself," she countered, "Besides... I am not doing a very good job at keeping my distance by getting involved with one of your students." 
"Knowing oneself is a virtue," Ancestral laughed. And then she looked at her with an affectionate expression.
Cassandra repressed the urge to cover her face. She prayed to her gods to hide the heat she could feel rising in her cheeks and over her ears as she commented:
"When do you think he will return? Surely our little fight has not deterred him from his ambitious aims."
"There is no way of knowing. Sooner rather than later, possibly. " Ancestral replied, exhaling a soft sigh. "You did a good job containing him, Cassie. I thank you." 
"It's unbelievable. Even here, at the Crossroads of the World, trouble manages to find me." Cassandra sulked. 
"If it weren't for you, Kaecilius would have stolen more precious books, possibly at the expense of the lives of the sorcerers of the London monastery." 
"He was alone," Cassandra reassured, "At least at first. By the time his followers arrived, we were a far way from the Monastery, and his interest in the library had already been diverted."
"And for that, I thank you again, Cassie," her friend answered. 
Cassandra finally nodded, accepting her words. They watched the sun rising behind the mountains. The sky, colored in lilac softly turning blue as day took over from night. 
Somehow, the wind of that new day felt warmer.
~ • ~
To Cassandra's utter bewilderment, the days passed in the blink of an eye: one moment she was eating quinoa and apricot porridge for breakfast as she strolled through the sacred storehouses side by side with Wong, the next she was browsing the monastery's copious library, the next she was tracing the fine angles of her companion's aristocratic face in the training yard.
Cassandra watched with tempered delight the smooth curve of his short grayish beard. The flutter of his eyelashes; his fine nose, his lips pressed together in concentration. She admired the damp curls that clung to his furrowed brow, and cataloged every crease and wrinkle under the burning blue gaze of her apprentice.
It was during those days that, in an unexpected turn of events, Cassandra found herself looking forward to her scheduled sparrings with the man. She enjoyed their sessions, the various books they argued between breaks, his dry humor and cheeky wit.
Stephen was stern. Cassandra could already predict the sharp reversal of his judgment as if warned by the white sky that heralds the dispersal of thunder. He was a highly intelligent man. She wondered... how much longer he would mourn the loss of his old life, of his acclaimed vocation?
What was it like for him to accept the expansion of his perceptions of reality? How long would he, with his extensive mastery of the arts that heal the body, bow to an invisible wound? 
What was the attack on New York City like for him, was he safe, was he in the hospital, in surgery, or did he watch the aliens making their way across the sky from the wide expanse of his window?
Was he with someone else?
She wanted to know him better. She wanted to understand the biting language with which he enunciated himself: his sarcastic manner, his confident movements, and the softness in his eyes when he approached her for directions, for correction and recommendations.  
As these ponderings clouded Cassandra's thoughts, she didn't notice the fist until the lapels of one sleeve fluttered inches from her face. Too late to deflect the blow, Cassandra turned her face to the right and staggered slightly as the blow to her cheekbone reverberated across her cheek and rattled her teeth. 
She took a step backward. Although she had reduced the momentum of the blow by turning in the opposite direction, she could feel her pulse on the left side of her face.
She caught Stephen's startled expression: torn between a pernicious pride and a very severe mortification that silently delighted her. 
Without giving him time to feel sorry for her, (or gloat over his small victory). Cassandra dodged Stephen's outstretched arm, landed a hard backhand to his jaw with her elbow, and came out of his guard to deliver a swift kick behind his knees. 
Stephen fell to the ground, like a puppet with its strings cut, massaging his chin and holding onto the earthy floor with trembling hands. 
Gently groping his stinging cheek with her fingers, Cassandra smiled and held out her hand. Stephen accepted it, after a few brief moments of hesitation, and allowed his wife to support him to stand.
"Good job," Cassandra praised, "I would recommend, however, that you take a bigger step forward when you extend your arm: that little bit of momentum can add even more force to your stroke. And watch your feet.”
Stephen cleared his throat, rubbing his sweaty forehead with his sleeve, and muttered under his breath: "Yes... thank you."
Cassandra smiled. She watched his rosy cheeks, his fast breathing, his narrowed eyes, the extension of his arm: where it connected with her hands, still clasped together.
The sky clouded in shades of purple over their heads. In the distance, Cassandra saw  the warm blanket of the sun uncovering the mountains, and watched as the outline of Stephen's figure obscured the red horizon. His eyelashes lit up in pale oranges, and through his shadow-darkened expression, she felt his bright gaze cataloging into her own sunset-colored features.
Cassandra's pale eyes traveled the path of night rising to blot out Stephen's red silhouette against the mountains. Frowning at the sting in her eyelids, she noted the surprise in her husband's clouded expression before becoming aware of the path she traced with her fingers on his wrist. She took note of every vein under his flesh, of the peach skin on his forearms, of the wrinkles in his training shirt: where it folded over his elbow, where the collar brushed against the soft skin of his throat, how his pulse felt against Cassandra's little finger.
Stephen's breath vibrated against her fingers. 
Cassandra glimpsed the curve of his Adam's apple, his dry lips, his short beard...
Could Stephen explain to her what it was that made her different? What aspects of magic remained hidden to his analytical mind? Perhaps it would not be rash to attribute the depth of his gaze to the bewilderment regarding his very presence, nor the natural inclination of his neck in the direction of the palm she held over his shoulder..
She felt Stephen's warm breath against her wrist, and the dark canvas of his face remained veiled by the growing night. In profile, with his face turned in the direction of her palm, she watched her husband's clear pupil colored with the last remainings of the afternoon sun: bright blue, intense ink, as if the color of the sky had escaped from the celestial vault and pooled in his eyes. The morning would look pale in contrast to his deep gaze.
The sun faded with a last ripple of red robes over the monastery. The tall lamps placed at the corners of the courtyard were illuminated, and Stephen's face was revealed in the artificial light of dusk.   
Cassandra withdrew her hand. Stephen exhaled a long breath, and his dark brows furrowed as Cassandra took a small step backward. Stephen closed his mouth, and massaged his jaw with fingers still wrapped in black bandages as Cassandra hummed to herself and turned to pick up her bottle of water, still on the bench. 
She ran her hand through damp, dark locks that fell over her forehead, and took a long drink of water as she gazed out of the corner of her eye at Stephen, mimicking her actions.
Finally, and with a deep sigh, she took a seat on the bench as she fiddled with the edges of the rolled towel over her legs. 
Stephen's grave words cut through the silent stupor Cassandra was reveling in as he asked:
"Who taught you to fight...like that?"
Cassandra hummed evasively, tracing with her fingertips the stinging shadow of the bruise she knew would not leave a mark over her cheekbone "Who taught me to fight...?"
Crossing her legs to lean back gently on the bench, she admired her husband's smooth face as she pondered his words:
"Well, I guess... a lot of people, really. I've been fighting since I was born."
Her fists clenched and unclenched, and a numbness unrelated to the cold of the night bristled the skin on her arms as she reluctantly murmured: 
"I was raised within an implacable creed. I have traveled the world, over all the roads on land, and I met the war on the other side of the sea…"
She contemplated her own words, and frowned at the blurred memory of more remote times. Squinting at the tall, erect posture of the man in front of her, Cassandra's thoughts wandered. She thought of the roads of Anatolia: tarnished with memories of the crusades. The passage to Byzantium, from Latakia, and the dry skies before the bloody reality under their pale suns.
Cassandra did not enjoy traveling by ship: however, the quickest way from Mersin to Nidge had been a two-week sea route to the Taurus mountain range, and that way had always been easier than sailing over the sand, skirting mountains, valleys and routes through the snows. Cassandra knew the shadows beneath her own mountains as she knew the creases in her hands strained by the years; from the mountain passes that linked the Otta River valley, with its high pastures, to the trade routes that skirted the Lendbreen.
"I know the war." She admitted, unable to hold her husband's sly gaze as she squelched the impulse that urged her to seal her lips, for this man was a stranger to her, and she did not know his ways, and he discovered her name on a document. Cassandra did not know his family, and he did not know anything about her ways, nor her culture.
And yet, against her better judgment, Cassandra traced the thin edges of her husband's lips with her eyes, unable to hold the piercing gaze with which he focused her, as she continued to recount her life as if it had not been a forbidden tale to less portentous minds in the past: "When I left the Northern kingdom, and after several years of stealth and reserve learning more about the societies that were located further south, I participated in a small project under the supervision of His Majesty's army, and for several years I remained as a… consultant member."
She thought about the Avengers, Xavier's school, her time as Temis, the X-men, and she decided to keep quiet about her years as a member of those teams. Her involvement, however, was implicit in the precursors or her new name: "Then I became Eternity." 
One detail Cassandra was always going to appreciate about Ancestral's abode atop the Alps was the crown of stars glittering above the black peaks on the horizon. It made her think of her youth: of the library books of Scotland, and she smiled as she contemplated the path Hera traced in the night sky with the coveted drops of her own milk. Nevertheless, and despite her delightful, silent amusement, at that moment Cassandra missed the evening: Stephen's eyes sparkled brighter in the sunlight.
Stephen's wrists jerked. Though the man tried not to look away from her own contemplative face, attentive to the short words she spoke with reserve, Cassandra noticed the man trying to unwrap the black ribbons from his hands, to no avail. 
Enraptured by his apparent struggle, she raised a hand of her own, firm and smooth, and touched his trembling palm, first tentatively, watching Stephen's rigid profile and wide eyes out of the corner of her eye, watchful to catch any sign of refusal from her husband. When no resistance was met, she proceeded firmly; spreading her fingers under the taut palm, her flat hands holding the weight of his tremors entirely as she pulled the tape away from her husband's knuckles.
Cassandra felt the strength of his tremors in her arms: with one hand she held his palm still, and with the other she stroked the revealed red lines, thin and hard against her own immaculate skin, feeling his sweaty, warm hand against her smooth fingers...
She heard the halting sigh that escape her husband's lips. Suddenly, Cassandra noticed she was holding her breath. Stephen's hand was large; his fingers long, covered with thin, shiny scars. Black tape hung from his strong wrist, veins running across the path of marred skin and up his forearm, climbing to where they were lost over the crook of his elbow and under his clothes. 
"Then I became Eternity," she repeated in a hoarse whisper. Suddenly, she felt thirsty, and noticed the Adam's apple on Stephen's neck bobbing as he swallowed surreptitiously.
"Eternity." He repeated. Stephen's voice was low: it vibrated in his chest and delighted Cassandra's almost numb senses. She wondered how that voice would sound, calling her name, asking her questions, laughing with her…
Cassandra nodded softly, and murmured: "I have learned to fight in many places, at different times, and from different people I have learned something new."
She looked away from his short nails, a bit jagged from lack of skill with the small device that trimmed them, and looked at his stern face. His frown, the deep look in his eyes, his parted lips, noticing how his gaze roamed her own hands still touching his warm skin... And she thought that she didn't know him very well, and perhaps she will never get to share with him almost a millennium of stories regarding her own life, but…
"I wonder, Stephen..." she whispered finally, watching as his face bent over hers, and noting absently that the courtyard had been suspiciously cleared, and they were the only two people in the light of those wavering stars, "What will I learn from you?"
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aelaer · 1 year
Just saw your post about having to block the doctor strange x reader tag, and I must agree it's become the predominant DS fic that comes up as recommended on my feed as well. There are several authors I enjoy reading in that category (although lately the overall amount of fics is overwhelming), but I only started writing them myself as my stephen x ofc fics could never gain a bit of traction. I have a theory that if I went back and changed my ofc's to reader inserts, I'd probably gain a lot more readers--but I can never bring myself to doing that as I wouldn't be true to myself as an author.
I suppose that's just a writerly woe I'm sharing with someone who might understand.😏 But I'm curious; are you open to reading non-romance fics featuring original characters? I've found that tumblr can be quite snobbish towards that species of fic.
I wanted to reply to this ages ago but it requires my computer and some thinking, so I kept pushing it off again and again and again and whelp, here we are. My bad. ><
I'm the same way where being true to myself as an author is writing what I want, so I get you there. Doesn't get As Much Engagement as other tropes would, but y'know what, I can live with that. If anything, I've actually found that the fic I compromised most on (because it was for a themed exchange) is one I want to reread the least. So if anything, a lot of me writes for "do I want to reread this in the future" and that has helped me since.
It's funny since OFC romances used to be pretty popular way back when, but I guess "reader" took over that audience over the last decade because the majority of the people just wanted to insert themselves into the position instead of reading about a full-fleshed character? Honestly not sure.
Right, I keep delaying the reason I took so long to get back to you - non-romance fics with OCs. The answer, by the way, is yes. Great OCs are fantastic, but you don't tend to see many OCs outside of romance, or you only see them as side characters in another pairing's fic. They don't often have starring or co-starring roles. But I wanted to find examples with great OCs which would take time.
And now I'm taking that time. Here's some good OC-starring fics that I scoured through the tag. They're difficult to find. I had to smudge that requirement after a while. Then I gave up after I got to 2 years back in the tag.
Some of the stories that I know have very good OCs are also IronStrange, but I know that's not your cup of tea so I left it out. But I found a handful.
Keshwyn was the author that came to mind when you originally sent this ask, but I wanted to have more than one author when I wrote this. Read their series, highly recommend, top-tier OCs across the whole spectrum, with the main star being female.
This fic by LexLemon is technically PalmerStrange, but the OCs are her parents, so it's basically a delight in my eyes as Stephen's fish-out-of-water act is always funny to me.
Dragonnan writes good OCs, usually the mean sort though, the ones who hurt Stephen rather than befriend him (male and female lmao), but if you're in a whumpy mood at some point...
This isn't technically an OC, but I don't know the character from the comics, so she's an OC to me! This Stephen's new apprentice is Casey Kinmont fic by Stratagem. They just updated recently too, need to cheer them on at some point.
*sigh* Sorry love, I ran out of good OC fics that didn't have background/primary IronStrange that I could find/remember. But yeah. There's some fic/author recs.
(If anyone wants to add to the list, feel free to leave a comment or reblog. I was avoiding IronStrange for the asker in particular but I don't think the asker sees reblogs so go for it if you'd like).
Also, I love the OCs that I've come up with for my various stories in both LOTR and the MCU. I'll ramble all about them if you (or someone) wants me to, quite happily.
Hope that answers the question/reason for the ask, mostly.
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