#steve harrington master list
elizabethwritesmen · 10 months
𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚜
chapter 2 : poconos
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pairing: firefighter!steve harrington x reader
summary: steve comes over to help y/n put up halloween decorations, and old feelings start to resurface.
warnings: smut to come. angst and fluff.
a/n: still no mention of christmas but i promise it’s coming! this one is more halloween themed. slow burn, like always. make sure to read chapter 1 first! link below!
chapter 1 | chapter 3 | chapter 4
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The job search over the next few days was brutal. I was exhausted from all the “I don’t think you’re the right fit,” and the “We don’t hire right before the Holidays.” Not to mention the “We just don’t need you right now.” Everything changed, though, in late September.
I was at the music shop, whining to Robin about my fruitless venture to end my unemployment. She was trying to pay attention to me and do her end-of-day inventory at the same time, curled up in the recliner she had in the back room. It was more like a studio apartment than a staff area. It had a pullout couch, two comfy recliners, a bean bag chair, a TV, a tiny kitchenette and a bathroom.
“Why don’t you just come work here?” She asked me, glancing up from her paperwork.
“Here? Like at the music shop?”
“No, in the parking lot directing traffic.” Her sarcasm dripped from her, and I couldn’t see her roll her eyes but I was sure she did.
“Well… do you even need anyone? I know having friends work together can cause problems, too. I don’t want to make things weird.”
“Y/N, you’re like, my oldest friend and we’ve never even argued. I’m not gonna be a hard ass or anything, so there won’t be any opening for conflict. Come in late, I don’t care. Wear what you want. Honestly I don’t care if you show up at all, so come all day every day or a couple days a week. You can do customer work while I do paperwork and I’ll pay you 15 an hour for whatever you work. I’ve been needing to hire someone, I just don’t have the time to get everything done anymore without staying super late.”
“You’re really ok with that?” I asked skeptically, and she stared up at me, annoyance on her face.
“Yes, stupid. Or I wouldn’t have offered. You’re here every day anyway, you might as well help. Plus you’re my best friend, I would love to work with you!”
“Okay, when do I start?”
“Tomorrow if you want.”
“That sounds great!”
And just like that, I had a job. It paid well, considering I was living in an inherited house and my car was paid off. Plus, it was so lax. When Robin said she didn’t care, she wasn’t kidding. We were basically just hanging out all day, it wasn’t hardcore like any job I’d worked before, and we were more like partners than employer and employee.
Only a few days passed before I saw Steve again, the front door bell jingling to signal his entrance. I looked up and the first thing I saw was his hair.
“You working here now?” he asked, eyeing the way my hips were situated in a stool behind the counter. I nodded.
“Robin took pity on me and gave me a job,” I shrugged.
“Naturally,” he grinned lightly, the polite kind you give to someone you don’t know anymore.
“How are you?” I asked, desperate to fill the silent void between us that had never been there before.
“I’m okay, just tired. Thought I’d stop by and annoy Robin for a few minutes before my next call.”
“Busy day?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe.”
The silence stretched on again, and I couldn’t think up a Titanic to break the ice. Thankfully, he did it for me.
“How’s the cat?”
“Great!” I grinned all toothy and big, pulling out my phone and showing him recent pictures.
“Oh, he’s gotten so big. What’d you name him?”
At that, he faltered, his jaw opening slightly as he stared at me. He was speechless for a few seconds, and I watched as he regained his composure. “Oh.”
“I figured, you know, it fit since you’re the one who gave him to me.”
He just looked at me. Really looked at me for the first time since I’d seen him again. He had the same look in his eye that he did when we were teenagers, and seeing it was like a breath of spring.
“I should stop by and see him one day,” he casually stated as if it were nothing, “Just in case he misses me.”
“You know, he actually did tell me that he misses you, now that you mention it.”
“Is that so? Well then I’d better stop by soon, I hate to keep him waiting. How’s tonight? On my way home from work?”
“Tonight is perfect.”
“Great,” he was smiling. Like a real smile, wide and bright, filling up the room with energy so positive and radiant I could get a tan from it. I returned it tenfold, and we stared at each other like that until Robin walked in from the back room and interrupted us.
“Are those smiles I see?” she asked, feigning shock as we rolled our eyes. “I never thought I’d see Steve smile that big again. Guess it’s the Y/N effect.”
“Shut up, Robin,” he sighed, an edge in his voice like she said something she wasn’t supposed to.
“Hey! I’m just glad you’ve forgiven her!” she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air defensively, “Did she tell you about tonight?” I frowned, slightly confused, and so did Steve. “Seriously? You don’t remember?”
“I guess not,” I shrugged.
“We’re putting up all your Halloween decorations. We planned this like, forever ago!”
“Oh shit,” my eyes widened, “I forgot that was tonight.”
I turned to Steve apologetically. More so for myself than him, I was looking forward to him coming to see the cat. He just grinned, “Well since I’ll be there tonight anyway, I might as well help you with it.”
“Really?” I raised a brow. He nodded.
“Great!” Robin clapped, pulling out her phone, “I’ll let Eddie know to come over too. Is he off tonight?”
“He should be, but I don’t know whether he has Candy tonight or not.”
“Candy?” I inquired, “Why would he need candy?”
Steve and Robin shared a look and chuckled, explaining to me, “Candy is Eddie’s 6 year old.”
“Eddie has a 6 year old?”
“Yeah, he knocked some groupie he met at a concert up a few months after you left. He didn’t even know until he opened his front door nine months later and saw a car seat there with Candy inside it.”
“So the mom just left her there?”
“Yeah, with her birth certificate and social and everything. All he knew about her was that her name was Candy Priscilla and she was definitely his. So he got custody and he’s been raising her since.”
“Candy Priscilla?” I furrowed my brows comically, “He never thought to change that name?” I didn’t mean to be mean but… whew. I’d never heard that one before.
“Well at first, he had too much on his plate. And eventually it just grew on him,” Robin shrugged.
“Well,” I hummed, “She can come too. I’m sure she’d love to help, and I bet she’s cute as a button.”
“Okay. I’ll go call him and ask.”
She walked away, leaving Steve and I alone again.
“So…” I drawled, “Guess tonight turned into a group thing.”
“Just like old times,” he mused.
“I’m glad you’re still coming over.”
“I wouldn’t miss a chance to watch you almost fall off a ladder trying to hang fake spider webs.”
I rolled my eyes, defending myself, “I would NOT almost fall! I’m so coordinated!”
“Y/N, I’m the one who brought you to the hospital when you slipped and broke your foot. Do you really wanna have this argument with me?”
With a huff and an eyeroll, I mumbled, “Fine. Whatever. Either way, I’m glad you’re coming.”
“Me too,” he sighed, almost sounding relieved. “I gotta get back to work but I’ll see you and Poconos later.”
“Can’t wait,” I grinned shyly as he left.
Robin came over directly after work and brought a change of clothes to spend the night. The idea was that we’d decorate then watch scary movies to get in the Halloween spirit until we fell asleep. Now, though, the boys had thrown a wrench in our plans.
Soon after we got there, Eddie showed up and helped us drag all the boxes of decor out of the basement and attic. He had his little girl with him, and she was the spitting image of him, curls falling over her little head and bouncing everywhere as she ran. She was wearing a little Metallica T shirt and a pair of red leggings, with some tennis shoes adorning her busy feet.
“She’s perfect, Eddie,” I smiled, glancing at her. He beamed proudly.
“She’s the best,” he hummed, and I could almost see his heart overflowing with happiness. “Candy, come here!”
She raced over to us, her face flush from activity, “What’s wrong, daddy?”
“This is Y/N. Me and Aunt Robin are helping her put up her Halloween stuff, you wanna help too?”
“Yeah!” she squealed excitedly, her huge smile showing off her missing front teeth. She skipped to me, reaching up for me to hold her and I obliged, “You’re pretty. I didn’t know daddy had a friend as pretty as you.”
“No, you’re pretty,” I poked her nose and she giggled. “What decorations do you want to be in charge of, Candy girl? We’ve got fake spider webs, skeletons, and some inflatables.”
“Me and Daddy will do the skeletons,” she told me and I pointed them in the direction of the box.
“I’ll do the inflatables, you take the spider webs,” Robin stated, “Steve can help you when he gets here.”
“But won’t you need help?”
“All I’m doing is dragging them out into the yard and using your grandpa’s blower machine thing to blow them up.”
“Well they’re still heavy. Steve can help you and I can hang the webs alone.”
“Dear God, Y/N, you’re so dense. This is my way of forcing you and Steve to spend time together, so just go with it!”
“Robin!” I screeched, “You’re awful!”
“I just want you to be boyyyyfriendddd and girllllfriendddd again!”
“We were never boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“Just because you didn’t admit it doesn’t mean you weren’t.”
With that she flipped her hair and walked away from me, beginning her work. I rolled my eyes, dragging out the boxes of webs and fake spiders, and deciding where on the house they would look best.
About a half an hour passed before I heard tires heavy on gravel and a big black truck pulled into my driveway. Steve stepped out of it, still wearing his work clothes but he looked so handsome in them I could hardly complain. Once he caught sight of me, he smiled, then dropped his tailgate, pulling out two huge spotlights. They looked heavy so I jogged over to help him.
“What’re these for?” I asked as we set them on the ground on each side of the house.
“It’s gonna be dark tonight, so I borrowed these from work.”
“Oh, thank you. These will help a lot!” I grinned, hooking them up to one of the many extension cords I was using and watching as they lit up the cabin and yard.
Just then, Candy came sprinting over. “Uncle Steve!” she squealed, her hair falling all over the place and her arms outstretched for him to pick her up. He did, spinning her around and laughing.
“Hey, shorty,” he cooed, and I couldn’t help the way my tummy fluttered. He was still as good with kids as ever.
“Have you met daddy’s new friend?” She asked him, “She’s really pretty. Don’t you think she’s so pretty?”
He smirked, whispering something in her ear and she gasped, shouting, “Y/N, he said you’re the prettiest girl in the whole world!!!”
I raised a brow, “Is that so?”
“Yes, but he told me not to tell you,” she sheepishly added, “Sorry Uncle Steve.”
“Oh, you’re gonna pay for that,” he gave his best evil laugh as he tickled her into a fit of shrill giggles, and I couldn’t help but giggle along.
“Okay, okay, break it up,” Eddie intervened jokingly, “You’re making an old man jealous. My own kid likes you more than me.”
“Of course she does, I’m the best!” Steve winked.
“The best at being the worst.”
I rolled my eyes at their banter. Some things never changed.
“You losers gonna keep chatting or get to work?” Robin shouted from the other side of the yard, and we heeded her words. Eddie and Candy went to work on skeleton duty and Steve followed me to the boxes of webs and such.
“Maybe I will get to see you fall,” he smirked as he did his best to organize the pile and set up the ladder.
“No chance in hell,” I rolled my eyes, stepping onto the rungs one by one. I swayed a little and he placed his warm hand on my back.
“Would you rather me hang them and you hand them to me?”
“No, you’ll do it wrong.”
“I would rather do it wrong than take you to the ER for a broken bone.”
“You’re not doing either.”
I got a few hung up and grinned victoriously, starting to climb down the ladder but I slipped, gasping. Steve caught me easily, setting me gently on the ground.
“Careful, sweetheart,” he whispered, his mouth right against my ear, his words casting warm breath over my skin and littering me with goosebumps. He was solid behind me, his hands tight on my waist. His chin was resting against the side of my head, and neither of us made any moves to pull away. Instead, I turned my head to the side, staring up at him.
The moment was intense. I could feel my pulse racing and I was sure he could, too.
“You can do the rest,” I quietly offered, and he smiled, nice and slow.
“Smart girl.”
I shivered at those words. I could tell he felt it by the way his eyes slightly widened, taking every reaction to heart, and he pulled me closer to him by my hips. We were only interrupted by Candy’s little voice.
“Y/N, daddy told me to ask you for super glue.”
I snapped out of my trance, staring at her dumbly. Steve rescued me, stating, “I’ll take her to get it.”
“You remember where it is?” I asked.
“I told you, I remember everything.”
He walked inside with her, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I could still feel him. He was so close I could’ve kissed him. If I could count every time Steve got just close enough to kiss me but never did… No wonder I left all those years before. It was pure torture, having what you want and need right in front of you and not being able to take it. I shuddered to think that all my feelings were flooding back. My sad desperation seeping into my bones like a cancer, sealing my fate, except this time I had nowhere to go.
I sighed, moving the ladder and boxes to the other side of the house just in time for him to return.
“You didn’t have to move all this, I had it!” he pouted.
“I wanted to. Besides, you were on an important super glue mission.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t have left you here alone but that was life or death.”
“I could tell. I’m impressed you were able to get the job done by yourself.”
He laughed at that, the real kind of laugh that he used to give me before I left. I hadn’t seen it in so long, it made my heart swell.
“I almost forgot how funny you are, Y/N/N.”
I flushed. He hadn’t called me that since…. Well, also before I left. It was a silly nickname, really. A play on my name that I would only ever let him get away with. Not that anyone else would ever use it anyway. Steve would’ve given them an earful and made them apologize for stealing his favorite girl’s best nickname. He was possessive like that, but in a friendly kind of way.
“I don’t know how you could forget, I’m basically a comedian, Stevia.”
He had about the same reaction to his nickname as I’d had to mine. I’d always called him Stevia, because he wasn’t sweet enough to be real sugar and wasn’t cool enough to be Splenda. It was a joke, of course, but it stuck, especially when I wanted to get on his nerves.
“We should probably get to hanging these,” he took a deep breath, changing the subject. I nodded, taking over the job of handing him what he needed while he climbed on the ladder. Anytime he placed something slightly off from where I wanted it, I let him know swiftly and he rolled his eyes and groaned before moving it. I could tell he was annoyed with me, but not really annoyed. Just the I-can’t-wait-to-be-done-with-this annoyed. And after about an hour, he got his wish, so we went around helping everyone else finish up. Around 9, everything looked perfect, and I clapped with joy.
“Thanks SO much guys! It’s perfect!!” I squealed, bouncing on my toes, excitement overwhelming me.
“We aim to please,” Eddie shrugged.
“Now movies?!” Robin suggested, and all of us nodded but Eddie.
“I wish we could stay, but one of Candy’s friends has a birthday party in the morning and if I don’t get her to bed soon, she’ll be impossible to wake up.”
“Please, daddy?” Candy stuck out her bottom lip, letting it tremble slightly for dramatic effect.
“Another night. I promise.”
“Okay,” she sighed, dejected. She gave Steve and Robin both big hugs, then came to me and reached her arms up. I was slightly surprised, but welcomed her in, and she mumbled, “I’m gonna miss you. I want you to marry Uncle Steve so I can see you all the time.”
I blushed from head to toe, and Eddie snorted. I was too scared to glance at Steve, but I had a feeling he was blushing too.
“That’s enough, Candy. We can see her all the time anyway, even if she doesn’t marry Steve,” Eddie grabbed her from me, “But it would be cool if she did.”
I glared daggers at him as he said his goodbyes and left.
“I see nothing has changed,” Steve commented, glancing at his feet briefly.
“Nothing ever does,” I shrugged, walking past him and through the front door. He unplugged the spotlights then walked in behind me. Robin followed, dragging in all the boxes and putting them back in the basement.
“What movie do you guys wanna start with?” I asked, scrolling through the Halloween section on the TV.
“Something extra scary,” Robin requested and I nodded, handing her the remote.
“You pick it, then.”
“Oh, I have the perfect thing,” And with a smirk on her face, she chose Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the one movie I could never make it all the way through.
“Rob,” I huffed.
“What? It’s fine!”
“Robin,” Steve snapped, his voice low, “Pick something else.”
“You know Y/N doesn’t like this movie.”
“What are you, her body guard? She’ll be fine. It’s just a silly movie. And we’re grown now! She can handle it.”
“Robin.” His voice was even lower as he glared her way.
“It’s fine, Steve. She’s right, I can handle it.”
She put the movie on and I curled up on the opposite side of the couch from Steve as she did the same in the recliner across the room. I sighed heavily as the movie began to play.
I made it a few minutes in before the killing started, and I instantly regretted it. Every time there was a nasty or scary scene, I could feel Steve’s eyes on me, watching me cringe and flinch. Eventually, he moved to my side, pulling the blanket off the back of the couch and covering us up with it, his arm around me, pulling me in tight. I couldn’t believe I was that close to him, my heart was beating out of my chest.
“It’s okay. It’s just a movie.”
Just then, Poconos came out of nowhere and jumped on our laps, wiggling his still small kitten butt. I let out a snort, petting him lightly.
“Wow, he’s gotten bigger,” Steve mumbled low enough not to disturb Robin.
“He has. He’ll be full grown soon I think.”
“Still, he’s just a baby.”
We were interrupted by a flash coming from Robin’s phone. She took a picture of us.
“Sorry, you guys are just too cute,” she laughed, putting her phone away. We rolled our eyes, focusing back in on the movie, and I hardly noticed how his thumb traced little circles on my shoulder. Hardly.
Once it got to the scene where a guy gets sawed in half hot-dog style, I groaned and turned to Steve, hiding in his shirt like I always had.
“I remember this being the part where you’d always leave the room.”
“And you’d always follow me.”
“Yeah, I’ve never actually seen the end of the movie,” he chuckled, the sound vibrating my head where he rested his chin. The hand that was on my shoulder found it’s way to stroke my hair, comforting me through the most traumatic scene of all time.
“You never watched it without me?”
“Well if you weren’t gonna see how it ended, it didn’t feel right for me to.”
“Steve,” I sighed, gazing up at him. I could see the dim TV light playing off his features, highlighting them beautifully. He was everything.
He looked down at me as well, and our eyes locked. That had been happening a lot. I winced at how easy it would be to just lean up and kiss him. How perfect it would be. And when he started to lean it, I thought for a moment it might happen. He was so close, his lips almost on mine, I could feel my world slowly collapsing. Then he leaned down to whisper in my ear instead, “The scene is over, it’s safe to look at the screen now.” Shit. He had to know what he was doing to me.
I turned away from, doing as he said, trying to focus on the movie but it was hard. His free hand, the one that wasn’t in my hair, started at the top of my arm and slid it down slowly and gently to my wrist, then found my own, playing around with it for a second before simply holding it. His grip was warm as he squeezed, and I squeezed back, taking a deep breath as my heart swelled again.
The rest of the movie felt like it went on forever, but it finally ended and Robin yawned loudly.
“I’m gonna go to bed,” she announced, grabbing her bag and making her way to the guest room.
“I thought you wanted to watch another movie?” I called to her.
“Not anymore, I’m beat. But you two should!”
The room was silent for a moment. Steve’s hand was still holding mine, but his other hand had moved down to my back, his grip firm.
“You probably have to go soon, huh? It’s pretty late,” I mumbled, unable to keep the disappointment out of my voice.
“I can stay as late as you want me to. I’d rather be here than go home to an empty house.”
“Yeah, at least here you have a cute cat to snuggle with,” I grinned, calling Poconos over and watching as he jumped onto our laps again.
“I think he might be the best cat ever, I can’t believe I gave him up.”
“Yeah, that was pretty stupid of you.”
“Hey now, I gave a cute cat to a pretty girl. I’m a hero.”
“You really think I’m pretty?”
He furrowed his brows at me, “Didn’t you hear what I told Candy? Prettiest girl in the world, hands down.”
“What about Angelina Jolie? Megan Fox? Scarlett Johannson?”
“None of them hold a candle to you,” he shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Why didn’t you think I was pretty in high school?”
“I did, but I was terrified to tell you. The kids used to pick on me for it all the time, especially Max.”
“She used to pick on me, too. She thought I had a crush on you.”
“Well, you did. Didn’t you?” he asked, and I paused, panicking slightly as I stared at him. “That was our thing. We liked eachother more than we should’ve. That’s what made us such good friends.”
“You say that like you had a crush on me, too,” I rolled my eyes.
“I did!”
“Really, I did. Swear. Why do you think I tried so hard to make out with you the night after you graduated?”
“No you didn’t! You totally pulled away from me!”
“Because I was nervous and I psyched myself out!”
I huffed, bumping his arm lightly, “Well that was stupid of you.”
“Would you have left if I had kissed you?”
The mood changed. Suddenly, it was much more serious, tension flowing in the air between us.
“No,” I told him honestly.
“Everyone told me I was the reason you left. That’s why I was so angry when you came back, I couldn’t understand why. I still don’t understand why.”
“Some things don’t need to be understood. I’m back now, and it was a mistake.”
“Yeah, and we’re just going back to the way we were like no time has passed. I don’t understand this, Y/N. Not at all. I’ve spent 7 years wondering what I could’ve done to make you stay. Wondering why you didn’t want to stay. Wondering if I did something to hurt you. To make you wanna get away from me.”
“You didn’t.”
“Then what was it?”
I stared at my lap, unsure how to proceed with the conversation. I couldn’t believe he hadn’t figured it out yet, but I was counting my blessings.
“Forget it,” he sighed, “It doesn’t matter. Let’s just watch another movie.”
“You wanna stay?” I stared hopefully up at him, my eyes glassy and wide, “Even after we argued?”
“Of course I wanna stay. You’re my best friend.”
“You still think of me as your best friend?”
“I never stopped,” he smiled, tapping my nose, “Besides, I knew you’d come back. Nobody can resist the Harrington charm for long.”
I rolled my eyes, handing him the remote, “Just pick a movie, stupid.”
He grabbed it from me and began scrolling, settling on some B movie about a slasher. We settled in, getting comfy with each other again as we watched. Halfway through, though, I felt myself starting to doze off.
When I woke up, I was in Steve’s arms being carried through the hallway to the master bedroom. I furrowed my brows for a second, “Steve? What’re you doing?”
“You fell asleep, I’m taking you to bed.”
“But I wanna stay up longer with you.”
“I know, but I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, I’ll come see you at the music shop then we can do something when you get off if you want to.”
“Of course I want to,” I smiled, pulling myself closer to his chest and snuggling into his warmth. A second layer, we were in my room and he laid me down gently, kissing my forehead.
“Sleep tight, Y/N/N.”
And with that, he was gone. I could faintly hear his tires as he pulled out of the long driveway.
Three months before graduation
It was far from the first time Steve had parked down the road from my parents’ house and waited for me so we could sneak out to the cabin. It was easy, really. His parents didn’t give a damn what he did and mine never really noticed me missing.
I climbed out my window, hopping onto the ground gracelessly and setting off for his car. It was quicker to go through the treeline in my neighbor’s back yard than to walk on the street, so that’s what I did. There was also no chance of anyone seeing me that way.
Steve was standing by the passenger door when I walked up, smile engraved on his pretty face.
“It’s about time, I was starting to worry about you,” he stated as he opened the door for me, making sure I was completely in before shutting it behind me. He climbed in on his side, pulling off quietly.
“I’ve walked that path about a million times, Steve. I’m perfectly safe. Besides, even if I got kidnapped it would be worth it for the chance to do this with you.”
“You’re too sweet,” he smirked, giving my thigh one gentle squeeze then returning his hand to his own lap.
The ride felt shorter than it was, I suppose the company helped with that. There was never a lull with Steve, he just talked and you always wanted to hear what he had to say. Plus, his hair captivated attention on its own. Finally, we pulled into the rough driveway and he parked.
“It’s a shame it’s too cold to swim,” I sighed, staring off at the water before me.
“It’s fine, I’m in more of a bonfire mood tonight anyways.”
He lead me gently with a hand on my back to the fire pit. I always loved that part of the yard, fairy lights were strung up over it and there was an assortment of patio and folding chairs around it, along with a picnic table beside it.
He set to work on getting the fire going, adding logs, sticks and kindling. Fortunately, the only time my parents used the cabin was to have a fire when it was really cold, so supplies were always stocked up in a little shed beside the place. I shivered as I waited for him to get it going and he turned to me, concern showing on his face. “Here,” he pulled off his jacket and handed it to me.
“I can’t take this, you’ll be cold.”
“I’m working up a sweat carrying these logs, I’ll be fine. Plus, the fire will be going soon. And I’d rather be cold than you be cold.”
“Fine, whatever, sacrifice yourself and your warmth,” I shrugged, yanking the item from him and slipping into it, breathing a sigh of relief. It was so warm from the body heat he’d been cultivating, and it smelled of his cologne.
“You look cute like that,” he smirked, sparing me a glance. I gave him a once over as he continued working on the fire.
“So do you.”
I could see a slight blush on his cheeks in the glow of the flames he’d finally created. Soon, it went from flames to fire, and he pulled a folding chair right next to mine, so close we were almost touching. Almost wasn’t good enough for either of us though, so we reached for each other, clasping hands like we needed each other to breathe. It was always like that. We always needed each other, more than anyone else.
“You sure you don’t want your jacket back?” I asked him, but he shook his head.
“I already told you no.”
I smiled lightly, turning back to the fire. We sat in comfortable silence for a while before he broke it, saying, “I can’t believe your graduating so soon. I’m so proud of you.”
“Do you think we’ll still do things like this after I graduate?”
“I think we’ll still do things like this when we’re in our 30s and you’re married. You’ll be sneaking out of your husband’s bed just to meet me here, at our spot.”
“What about you? No wife?”
“Absolutely not. I don’t need someone telling me all the reasons I shouldn’t be friends with you.”
“You’re silly,” I giggled, “You always have new girlfriends. Surely you’ll get married in a couple years, have a few babies. The real American dream.”
“You’re right, I do always have new girlfriends, and they never like you. Why do you think I don’t keep them?”
“If you found a girl you really just couldn’t live without, you’d have to cut me off, and that would be okay because she would be worth it.”
“I already found a girl I really just couldn’t live without.”
I glanced over at him to see he was already looking at me, his eyes heavy, shining in the orange light.
“You could find a way,” I insisted, tugging on my hand lightly until he let it go then folding it in my lap. I wanted the distance. I wanted this conversation to hurt less, and I thought letting him go would be the way.
“Let’s go on a trip,” he suddenly changed the subject.
“A trip. Let’s go on one, after your graduation. Just for a weekend or something. We can get a cheap motel room and eat trashy food and see whatever we wanna see. Just me and you.”
“What about Robin and Eddie?”
“They can come, if they really want, but I am not rooming with him so I hope she’ll be willing to.”
“Well where are we going?”
“Anywhere you want.”
“No, it’s your idea. You pick.”
“I always wanted to go to the Poconos.”
“Why the Poconos? Isn’t that mountains or something.”
“Yeah, I think so. I don’t know much about it but I like the name. Poconos. Poke-a-nose. I think it’d be funny to see how many times I could poke your nose in the Poconos.”
“You are so goofy.”
“That’s why you love me so much.”
“I do. I really, really do. Okay, so we’re going on a trip to the Poconos. Me and you are sharing a room, Robin and Eddie are sharing a room. Or you could room with Robin and I could room with Eddie?”
“Absolutely not. Me and you, one room, one bed.”
“One bed? We’re not in a fan fiction.”
“Fine, two beds. But I get to pick what we watch on TV.”
“Deal. What’re we gonna do there?”
“Get drunk. Sight see. I’m gonna buy you some kick ass lame souvenirs and you’re gonna keep them forever. And there’s gonna be a lot of nose poking going on.”
“This sounds like the best trip ever.”
“The first of many, I hope.”
“Oh definitely. We’re gonna be travel buddies ‘til we’re geriatric. Two veggies in a Volkswagen bus.”
“Oh my God, you’re the worst.”
“It was funny!”
“It was not.”
Our banter continued for the rest of the night until he eventually put the fire out and brought me home. Every second with him felt like it was almost too much, suffocating me with how badly I loved him.
That was the night I started to think about leaving. I’d applied to colleges that were far away as a “just in case”, but maybe one of them could be serious. Anything would be better than pining after Steve for the rest of my life. I had to get away before high school ended and my real life began because seeing him all the time with no breaks or interruptions would’ve just been too much. He would be fine if I left, I told myself. He can still go on the trips and see the sights and poke the noses. He wouldn’t miss me too much.
He wouldn’t miss me.
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v8mpstamp · 1 year
Master list:
Frequently updated
Requests are open! And greatly appreciated! I only do characters not real ppl, feel free to request anything and i’ll decide if i’d like to write it, I’m pretty open to most requests so don’t be shy🙈, but also don’t feel hurt if I do not answer your request, I either (respectfully) do not want to do it, or i’m getting to it!
Also be descriptive on what your requests are please
New at this and learning as I go :)
MDNI 18+ blog
- Steve Harrington 🫶🏻
🍨= my favs
One shots:
Steve makes it up to you
Steve begging you to sit on his face
Cockwarming with Steve 🍨
Quiet sex w Steve, (parents across the hall) 🍨
Steve x the polaroid of you in his wallet 🍨
Picnic date with Steve
Hawkins drive in 🍨
Breeding kink w Steve
Cum play ft steve’s tummy 🍨
Take the call
Play fighting gone sexual
Making out with Steve 🍨
Steve kink head canons
Steve and calling his girl “Honey” blurb 🍨
Baths with Steve
Gamer Steve
Beach days w Steve
Christmassy blurb
4/20 walk with Steve
185 notes · View notes
I finally went through and fixed all of my master list links!!! I'm sorry they were broken for so long. :( I forgot that happened when changing urls.
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ash5monster01 · 2 years
Master List
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Who I write for - Headcanon’s
Requests are closed <3
please keep in mind that not all requests will be fulfilled. sometimes a request can be something I have no knowledge on, no interest in, or desire to write. don’t let that discourage you from asking though, you never know what kind of ideas you can spark just from suggestion :))
Posted Fics:
Steve Harrington
More Than You Know
Somebody’s Baby
Just The Way You Are
Speak Now
Not Just The Books 18+
Every Thought
Favorite Song
Sunday Morning
Pizza Mixup
Wrong Address
Perfect to Love series
Lifetime Tour series
Joe Keery
Unexpected Greetings
Drew Starkey
All Yours 18+
Talking In Your Sleep
First Love
Rafe Cameron
Air Supply
Why Didn’t You Say So
The Perfect Day
Learning to Love 18+ series
Andrew Garfield
She’s A Keeper
Seal The Deal
Should’ve Known it Was You
I Can’t
TASM Peter Parker
Baby Steps 18+
Best Kinds of Kisses
Spider-man/Peter Parker (whichever one you desire)
Knew It (Platonic)
Bradley Bradshaw
Do You Want Me
Overprotective (Platonic/Hangman Fic)
Lessons of You 18+ series
Miles Teller
Not Yourself
Angus MacGyver
I’ll Prove It To You
I’m Okay With That 18+
Back To You
Scars of Our Past
Tension 18+
Wish it Was Me
It Should Be Wrong 18+
It’s Only Fair
Ground Rules
Steve Rogers
Dreaming With a Broken Heart
Billy Tepper
Marty McFly
All of You
Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
This Moment
Always You 18+
Only Comfort
Charlie Dalton
Getting Red
Only Thing Left to Live For
Snowed In
Red Lips 18+
I Can See You
First Snow
You’ll be Okay
Perfectly Me
Guilty as Sin? 18+
Turn Back Time
The Best I Could
Truths of Our Past 18+ series
Goes On series
Getaway Camp 18+ series
Neil Perry
New Romantics 18+
First Time 18+
Sick Days
It’s Just Practice 18+
Todd Anderson
Study Buddies
DPS Fics
Trapped In Time
It’s Not Christmas Without You
One’s Hour Has to Come
For actual stories here is my Wattpad
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thisapplepielife · 25 days
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Thanks so much to @astrangersummer for hosting this event!
This is my own master list of all 18 fics I submitted.
I decided to venture a little bit outside of my regular Steddie comfort zone, and challenged myself to write from the POV of 18 different Stranger Things characters during this event, picking a new one for each week/prompt. The vast majority, I'd never written from their POV before, or very little, so that was really fun and I enjoyed it.
The Steddie fics got more eyeballs on 'em, but I'm not surprised by that, because that's what I usually write, lol. But, if you have any interest in reading some Stranger Things fics from the perspectives of other characters, give this list a scan for your faves. They might be here!
Week #1 - Short Shorts: Who Wears Short Shorts? - (Eddie) - Steddie, Platonic Stobin | M | 1469 words
Week #2 - Afternoon Naps: One Nap at a Time - (Gareth) - Gareth & Eddie, Gareth & Steve, Steddie | T | 1992 words
Week #3 - Flowers: What You Need For Today - (Lucas) - Lumax, Dustin, Erica, Steve | T | 1400 words
Week #4 - Camping: You Hear That? - (Robin) - Platonic Stobin, Pre-Steddie, Corroded Coffin | T | 3850 words
Week #5 - Constellations: Imagine the Stars - (Max) - Max | T | 680 words
Week #6 - Ice Cream: Set Sail on Your Ocean of Flavor - (Chrissy) - Platonic Stobin (Steddie? Hellcheer? Buckingham? Cheerscoops? You can decide.) | T | 2560 words
Week #7 - Laugh: Dude Is Happy - (Jonathan) - Jonathan, Argyle | T | 1010 words
Week #8 - Ocean Waves: Sink Back Into the Ocean - (Billy) - Billy | T | 228 words
Week #9 - Where It All Started or Different Meeting AU: Save It For a Rainy Day - (Wayne) - Wayne, Eddie, Steve | T | 1950 words
Week #10 - "I'm a great driver!": One Little Mistake - (Dustin) - Dustin & Steve, Mike, Lucas | T | 791 words
Week #11 - Sunglasses The Remnants - (Karen) - Karen Wheeler, Steve Harrington | T | 898 words
Week #12 - Forgotten: Feels Like Karma - (Barb) - Barb, Nancy, Steve, Tommy H. & Carol. Background Stancy | M | 483 words
Week #13 - Cat or Farmer's Market: Cat Distribution System - (Argyle) - Argyle, Jonathan | T | 587 words
Week #14 - "Can you hear me?" Just the Facts - (Erica) - Erica, Steve | T | 813 words
Week #15 - Modern AU: Tip Your Driver - (Steve) - Steve, Eddie, Wayne | T | 4115 words
Week #16 - Concert or Rain: Firing on All Cylinders - (Jeff) - Jeff, Goodie, Gareth, Steve, Eddie | T | 3000 words
Week #17 - "I can't believe you!" Of All the Gin Joints - (Nancy) - Nancy, Robin, Steve, Eddie | T | 1938 words
Week #18 - Summer Fruit: She Still Wants More - (Eleven) - Eleven (Background Hopper, Mike) | T | 448 words
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
Stranger Things (aka Steddie) Fics:
Thoughts | Modern AU | Forgotten Valentine’s | Daddy Issues | Steve Never Yelled | Because of You | Never Forgot | Steve and Nancy Talk | Here We Go Again | Eddie Sneaks Up on Steve | Falling | Steddie Finds Will in a Gay Bar | ST x Spider-Man Crossover (more an idea than anything else) | Fiddler Wayne | Pre-Vecna Steddie | Breathe | See You | Birthday Surprise | Coffee Shop AU Idea | Don’t Let Go | Steve Accidentally Gets High | Steve Accidentally Outs Himself | I’ll Keep Watch (Over You) | The Bet | Wayne Has Cancer | (I Will) Help You | Ever Gotten Your Heart Broken? | Little Love | Keep You Company | Lay With Me (Sleep It Off) | Steve Pain Thoughts | More Time (Please) | Kissing Practice | Ten Minutes | The Rules of Public Travel | Jemma | (Healing From the) Pain | Until You | The Easiest Thing (I’ve Ever Done) | Every Time You Shine, I’ll Shine for You | Quite Miss Home | We’ll Help You | The Foundation (I’m Not Leaving You) | With You (ao3 only) | How Steve Harrington Gets a Family | Appalachian Cryptid Wayne | Mechanic Eddie Meets Stephanie | Anger Ain’t Nothing (Compared to You) | Be My Everything, Baby (And I’ll Be Yours) | Never Thought (full fic on ao3)
Prompts: 16, 17 & 18 | 80 | Hurt Steve | Steve wearing Eddie’s pants | New Homeowners Steddie | Steddifying Good Omens | Someone Who Cares Like I Do | First Date (Thoughts) | Introducing Steve to the Band | Speak Now | Mike & Steve Bonding | Murray Outing Steddie | Joyce Defends Steve | Steve Has Migraines | Fluffy Platonic Stobin | Wayne & Steve Bonding | 5-Word Generator | Starlight, Beets, and Jellyfish | Steve’s touch kills people/Eddie can’t die (with nburkhardt) | Okay? (Okay) | Eddie Kisses Steve Out of Nowhere
Steddie Week 2023
Steddie Week 2024
Steddie Microfics
Soft Touch Baby
(Push Away the) Lonely Times
If I Should Stay
First Cuts
That’s a Wrap
When the World Ends
Title Screen
Pay the Price
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
Prime Masterlist
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Welcome to my page! This list will direct you to Masterlists of serial content, each separated fandom! This should help you navigate to additional parts of stories you like, or connect you with posts that pertain to whatever of mine you like!
Last Updated: 08/27/23
Number of lists: 8
Divider credits to: @plutism & @strangergraphics-archive
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Etsy Shop:
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The Commission Diary:
Last Updated: 04/10/23
Total Works: 3
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Stranger Things:
Last updated: 01/03/23
Total works: 28
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TMNT 2012:
Last updated: 03/15/23
Total works:37
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Last Updated: 6/27/22
Total works: 24
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Soul Eater: 
Last updated: 01/03/23
Total works: 9
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Kinktober 2022:
Last updater: 11/04/22
Total works: 4
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One Piece: 
Last Updated: 03/15/23
Total works:26
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Last Updated: 08/27/23
Total Works: 5
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Demon Slayer:
Last Updated: 08/11/24
Total Works: 6
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317 notes · View notes
deadbolted · 7 months
▐ 𝜗𝜚˚⊹ 𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡.
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𝜗𝜚 𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑠.
𝜗𝜚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑢𝑠.
⊹ collision course (a.a)
⊹ illicit affair (a.a)
𝜗𝜚 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠.
𝜗𝜚 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑠.
𝜗𝜚 𝑒𝑢𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑎.
𝜗𝜚 𝑦𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑡𝑠.
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▐ 𝜗𝜚˚⊹ 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑦!
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muns0nslov3r · 2 years
masterlist !
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eddie munson
anal with eddie. 
cock pump with eddie
i fucking hate you
riding eddies face 1
cockwarming eddie
eating reader from behind
eating eddies ass
phone sex 1
phone sex 2
my band
knife kink with eddie
edging with eddie
ill be good mommy. promise.
eddie loves your tits and ass
doin something unholy
pathetic pervert 
riding eddies face 2
perv eddie hcs
squirting with eddie
grinding against eddies thigh
eddie munson hcs
overstim w eddie
lets make up. please
eddie x male reader
sucking eddies cock
eddie feels bad.
eddie learning spanish
i hate to see you sad.
come back.
argue with me
steve harrington
beg for it
good girl
nancy wheeler
*on hold*
robin buckley
let me help.
steve and eddie both inside you (smut)
whiney boy (smut)
apologize to me. (smut)
slutty baby (smut)
overstim w stevie and eds (smut)
please my slutty holes til i see stars (smut)
love me until im sore (smut)
begging you (smut)
sweet love (smut)
im sorry (fluff)
eat me out
jonathan byers
jonathans first hj
pegging jonathan<3 
edging jonathan
perv 2 (full part of perv ^^)
*on hold*
joseph quinn 
thats my girl
just imagine
love me all night
josephs fingers
drunk joseph
gareth emerson
*on hold*
fruity four 
how the fruity four would eat you out
billy hargrove
pegging billy
car sex with billy
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thesugarclubs-blog · 2 years
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2022 Masterlist
Bucky Barnes
I Dare You
Hooked On You
Taste of Fate
If You Were Mine
You Rescued Me
Bad Moon Rising
What a Feeling
More to the Story
Say You Do
Show You Love
Baila Conmigo
Last Call
Just A Taste
Love In The Dark
Sweet Disposition
Bottom's Up
Mirror Mirror
On A Night Like This
Back in the Game
Other Characters
Take The Chance - Sam Wilson
Leash of Faith - Steve Rogers
Pretty Please - King Valkyrie
Heat of the Moment - Steve Rogers
Pose For Me - Wanda Maximoff
Stuck On You - Kate Bishop
Northern Lights - Steve Rogers
Shut Up & Kiss Me - Thor Odinson
New Perspective - Ransom Drysdale
Always Been You - Sam Wilson
Fearless - Yelena Belova
Someone to you - Loki Laufeyson
Home for Christmas - Stucky
Stranger Things
Call It What You Want - Eddie Munson
Since We're Alone - Steve Harrington
Bend The Rules - Eddie Munson
Sticky Little Words - Robin Buckley
Homesick - Steve Harrington
Darkest Night - Steddie
Bite Me - Eddie Munson
Sweet Tooth - Robin Buckley
Talking to the Moon - Steve Harrington
Sunrises - Nikolai Lansov
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dragonflylady77 · 1 year
Ace Harringrove Fics
(a non-exhaustive list collated by me - DM if you have links to add)
Until I Nearly Lost You by @jad3w1ngs
Billy's got Ace Hardware by peterqpan 
Hard to Know Myself (trapped in my own head) by hazel1706
Upside Down Cupcakes by gideongrace
Like catnip by gideongrace
Deeper Than Skin by @neonponders
[Podfic] Lemon lovely by Djapchan 
Omega is King (series) by @neonponders
Ace Prompts (series) by KingsAndSaints 
I love you, I’m sorry by @catharrington
Linear Conversations by ohmybgosh 
To: Steve From: Your Secret Admirer by gideongrace
bite me by gideongrace
like canon but gayer 'verse (series) by gideongrace
About getting it (and NOT getting it ... get it?) by @ihni
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chiquititaosita · 1 year
♡˗ˏ☁️໒ brown is beautiful, Steve Harrington x latina reader (meeting)
♡˗ˏ☁️໒ post type: fic series
♡˗ˏ☁️໒ tbh i can’t believe I’m doing stranger things on this shit smh 🤦🏽‍♀️but im a sucker for this white boy. (And many more on my account on this app) please forgive me for my anime mutuals.
♡˗ˏ☁️໒ context: headcanons for Steve with a Latina s/o (female reader) takes place during and/or after season 4. HINTS OF INTERNALIZED RACISM (because we need to be aware of this shit) a little bit of angst, to fluff. Hispanic humor and slang en español, food descriptions, car terms
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it’s another shift at family video. There steve is on the counter with his chocolate brown hair, fair skin wearing his vest and a black tshirt, a little silver or gold chain that was small but it was hidden a little bit under his shirt. Steve will be tired, exhausted, Annoyed. Done Just absolutely given up. because he wouldn’t know on what to do, trying to get over Nancy. literally robin is sick and tired of this shit. “You dingus, you realize why you haven’t been able to get over her right?” Robin crossed her arms wearing a black sweater with her eyes rolled up. And looking at her cell phone, it’s from her home girl y/n l/n name appeared to call.
“What do you mean?” Steve was already on the counter restocking some DVDs in the front, where the movie sale of La Bamba was being in stock almost selling out, since Keith wanted them to sell out soon.
“You go for only one type. Steve.” Steve listened carefully and had those two words “one type” replay in his mind that got him all dumb and stupid. Yes Steve in high school was a ladies man. Yet however all the girls noticed him going for the white girls. Thats when not many poc girls thought it was a joke for him to ask any girl who was poc. Steves widened and was at agape. Covering his mouth. Realizing that he’s been a huge douche bag to girls that are poc. Especially the Hispanics. “Hold that thought.” Robin was on the phone Answering to you.
“Hey home girl I’m coming by, i got your order ready.” You spoke with a smile on your face driving in a 1978 Chevy impala, modded to your liking, with hydraulics, and a v8 engine. Wearing a white tank top cropped, black zip up jacket, your hair all natural curls coming through, Nike Cortezes in white, big hoop earrings, black dickies pants, dark brown lip liner with a red lip mac lipstick on Russian red, just like the iconic Selena Quintanilla. Blasting some Spanish music of your choice.
“Oh great! Now you get to meet the suavecito i told you about.” Robin smiled through the phone, and Steve could hear you cackle, doing a bit of a loud laugh hearing some girl speak Spanish since his best friend put the girl on speaker.
“No mames Chingona!!! En serio? Eres un flaquito? Or what? Also pues, im five minutes away” Y/n was speaking Spanish. Robin was actually fluent in Spanish, surprisingly, when she had to order some food for breakfast, for the kids.
“Ah okay, claro see you chica” robin hung up and sighed. Chuckling lightly watching Steves moments of processing.
“what’s up with you?”robin looked over
“I just had an ephiphany….” Steve was walking to the register leaning against the counter facepalming, making that face of oh shit i fucked up.
“That is?” Steve was about to answer robins questions “well basically it’s that-“ until some loud music apparently the song te aprovechas was blasting outside. Parked into a near parking spot. Then not even a few seconds later, y/n was walking in with a beautiful smile that had lightened up the room immediately.
“Hola Chingona!!!” Y/n kicked the door open of the store walking to Robin giving a side hug, a little bit.
“Y/n wow you weren’t kidding that you’d be quick let me get these.” Robin smiled at her as she grabbed the box of pan dulce, and some carne asada tacos, brought that immediately smelled amazing with lettuce cheese ground beef, sour cream, cilantro, tomatoes, and grilled onions. “Aye no mama no I got you let me.” Y/n looked so happy and cheerful and gave in finally seeing the la bamba movie in stock!
“No mames! Cabrona! Yall have la bamba! Bro i love this movie!!!” She chuckled and smiled, picking it up, and putting it at the check out. Steve had what he originally was gonna say in the back of his head, then hearing that laugh of yours made him jolt and look at you every now and then.
“She maybe a challenge…, i think I can win her over.’
“Ahh so you’re suavecito! Eh!? You weren’t kidding Robin he el pelon es muy guapo.” Y/n giggled a bit as she was a sweetheart but a tóxica in disguise. “uhh yeah whatever that means but that yeah that’s me!” steve replied sheepishly as he’s trying to keep his composure well. “i’ll see you around, Steve!”
you say walking out and robin comes back looking at him. “okay you were saying about this epiphany.”
steve looked at robin, who steve has clearly rarely ever seen a latina before in hawkins. looking at her. “i think i might like latinas.” he’s got him in a look of smitten on his face. turns out he’ll won’t be the one thinking of you or in this case being steve dreaming of you.
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freelancearsonist · 8 months
It’s ✨sinful sunday✨
fill my inbox with all your thoughts/thots and we can be depraved together 😈
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thisapplepielife · 1 year
My Fic Master List:
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Take the Money and Run, Complete
Steddie, E, 144K (Read on AO3)
“Rules. Like, there’ll be no eating in my car. You’re not driving my car. No heavy metal,” Steve keeps listing, “you’re not picking up women and fucking them in m-”
“I'll try to control myself,” Eddie interrupts with a quip, a smirk. Fucking girls in Steve’s car, or anywhere else for that matter, isn’t going to be an issue, unless something pretty fundamental shifts in him.
Steve continues, completely ignoring Eddie, “You’ll wipe your feet. You’re not dragging dirt all over my car. No hitchhikers. No cutesy road games. No smoking in the car. I’m not paying for all the gas.”
“Ass, gas or grass, got it,” Eddie says, like he's taking this very seriously. He is not taking this seriously.
Or: Road trip!
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Tuesday's Gone With the Wind, Complete
Steddie, E, 184K, (Read on AO3)
Corroded Coffin's leased plane went down on June 13th, 1995 in the woods of Louisiana.
Ten people on board died.
Eddie Munson survived.
Before he survived, he really lived.
(Mind the author's note on this one, please! I'm also happy to answer questions in my DMs if there's something specific you want to know before tackling this one. I love it, but know it might not be for everyone, especially going in blind. Thanks!)
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Jagged Little Pill Series, Complete
You Oughta Know - Steddie, M, 12K, Part 1/2, Steve POV (Read on AO3)
Days stretch out, long and slow. Steve tries to ignore the only thing he’s sure of: Eddie ran. He ran from him, ran from all of them.
Or: Steve's having a rough couple of years, thanks for asking.
I'm Brave, But I'm Chicken Shit - Steddie, M, 14K, Part 2/2, Eddie POV (Read on AO3)
Eddie figures he’ll give himself some time to breathe. A few months at least, just to get a better grip on his crush on Steve Harrington, on his love for him, and then he’ll reach out.
Those few months fly by in the blink of an eye and nothing has changed. His feelings haven't budged an inch, so he just keeps the status quo of total radio silence. Tells himself it’s easier this way. He’ll get over Steve eventually, it’s just taking a little longer than he’d anticipated.
Or: What it all comes down to, is that everything's gonna be quite all right.
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withacapitalp · 2 years
Hello beloved mutual...I'd like to hear about your lavender marriage fic (great minds think alike) and/or Steve's mom dies fic!!
Ahhhhhh the lavender marriage fic.... this one is actually kind of sad? Well bittersweet. Anyways post season four Steve and Robin are both struggling in their own ways. Steve is having this weird 'I almost had something with a guy who is now dead' emotion and Robin is having a 'this is the second time my best friend almost died right in front of me' emotion. So one night while they're drunk she shares that and she's like Steve if they put you in the hospital, I wouldn't even get to see you. And Steve suggests they get married
It's a joke, and then it isn't. It actually makes so much sense to both of them. So at graduation in the parking lot after the ceremony, Steve proposes. Robin knew this was going to happen, the rest didn't. Cue everyone inserting their opinions, getting mad, disagreements, and eventually, understanding. But TLDR Robin and Steve are kind of codependent, Steve is grieving a three day love affair that never got to become anything real, and they decide the best way to heal each other is with a marriage
I'm also going to talk about the Steve's Mom dies fic, because it hurts me so good. It's in my A New Perspective series, but not for a while. Basically Steve's parents get into a car accident because his dad was driving drunk, his mom dies but his dad lives, and Steve has to navigate planning her funeral while also trying to figure out how he feels about it all given that he and his mom used to be really close and it feels like one day she just randomly stopped caring. Everyone is trying to help him in their own ways, and eventually by the end of the fic he's moving in with the Byers, so up till this fic he's still at home.
I will state point blank that this fic is literally just self therapy for me having to do something incredibly incredibly similar LMAO
TY for the ask!! I have snippets of both of these if anyone is interested :OOOO
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corroded-hellfire · 3 months
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Offline Meeting | Visiting Hawkins
Steve planning a date for you with the help of the kids
Steve falls for Eddie’s sister who is a flower child
Dating Steve before breakup (Big Brown Eyes series)
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