#steve larder
lucylyall · 1 year
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I've got quite into zines and artbooks lately ... Here's the collection I've got so far, some I already had but about half I bought recently. I really love how small and versatile they are, and how they can be on pretty much any subject ... I'm definitely going to have to make at least one myself!
If you've got a zine you make, or have one you like and would recommend I try and get, then drop a comment! (Though note, I'm in the UK, so postage costs from elsewhere are a factor ... )
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spilladabalia · 7 months
Bloody Head - There Is No Authority But Yourself… And Everyone Else
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aurumacadicus · 4 months
Number 11? For the ask meme?
Cleaning up after a wreckage was always an... experience.
Steve hadn't wanted to be bothered now, after the wars, and had chosen the island he lived on because it was impossible to get to except by flight. Even if, by some fluke of fate, a ship managed to avoid Scylla and Charybdis, the water flowed so quickly past his island that no ship could possibly steer toward it in time to land. Not that they could. Charybdis's swallowing and belching sucked under any ships that came close.
The only downside was that pieces of the wreckage settled on his shores, and a mess could grow into something that ships could land at. Crude docks, Bucky had called them once. So he had to travel the shore of the island and pick up pieces wood, bring them together to burn. It wasn't all bad, though. Sometimes casks of wine or baskets of fruit or meat washed up, and he could add it to his makeshift larder.
This ship hadn't had much on it, Steve figured. Probably a skeleton crew, only enough supplies to get to the next port. That wouldn't have been enough to man the ship through the channel. Either they needed enough crew to sacrifice six to Scylla, or enough supplies that the ship would be heavy enough it wouldn't be buffeted about by Charybdis's belching waters. Steve had seen that desperation sink many ships in his time on the island.
So he got the fright of his life as he lifted a scrap of sailcloth and a body moaned beneath it. "Oh fuck," he gasped, dropping the sailcloth.
It collapsed on top of the body again, and the poor thing whimpered. Steve remembered, belatedly, that sailcloth was heavy to normal people. He dropped the lumber he was holding to the side and reached down, hurriedly dragging the cloth up again. He'd only discovered a body once before, because Charybdis's gaping maw usually sucked down everything, and that body had been decidedly dead.
This one, though, he realized, dropping the sailcloth on top of the wood, was only half dead. He stooped to turn him onto his side, wondering if he was dreaming. Scylla and Charybdis had never left a human alive.
Then he saw the glowing blue pendant hanging from a gold chain around the man's neck, and he understood. He recognized the metalwork--Hephaestus's handiwork was unmistakable, especially to him, having wielded a shield the god had gifted to him personally. The gem took him a moment, but then it struck him, the glow coming from deep inside the blue stone. The Titan Theia herself had blessed it, and its gleam came from the man being worthy of carrying it.
To be blessed by a God and a Titan. Steve had never heard of such a thing. He gathered the man into his arms, unable to help his wings extending from his back, feathers glittering silvery-white as he carefully took the man's face in his hand and tipped it toward the sun. Eos might know him. Barring that, perhaps Helios. Worst case scenario, he could show the man's face to Selene. One of Theia's children must know him.
The man's olive skin nearly glowed in the early morning light, and Steve understood why Theia had blessed him. A child of the skies. Hephaestus didn't have much love for humans though. He wondered what the man had done to earn such a boon as the god's handiwork on a piece of jewelry. Perhaps he should go up and ask.
But that was an idea for later. The man needed his immediate attention. "I'm going to take care of you, okay?" he asked gently, brushing the back of his hand over the man's cheek.
The man's pendant grew brighter for a moment, and Steve couldn't help but feel he'd taken on a task set by a god with his question, but somehow, he couldn't bring himself to regret it.
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soylent-crocodile · 1 year
Onerous Aspic (Monster)
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(Yule Ooze by Steve Prescott)
(Oozes are real weird to balance. Just as written, they simply lack stuff like saves and AC. I think I did this one well enough though. Anyway, who loves food crimes?)
CR7 TN Huge Ooze
Long thought to be a joke, an edible ooze, the onerous aspic is unfortunately all too real. Rumored to be created by a mad cannibal-alchemist, or even the archfiend Gorgaleth himself, the onerous aspic devours all animals in its path, paralyzing those too big and preserving their bodies perfectly in a process that turns themselves into a perfect treat for a massive dragon or a wealthy cannibal feast. Onerous aspics are often made by such creatures with the intent of doing just that- letting them collect prey for eventual slaughter. A few crafty necromancers, however, have learned to use them as walking larders, as any animal contained within the aspic is perfectly preserved.
In combat, onerous aspics particularly tend towards the largest and meatiest animal they can, otherwise simply wandering forward into battle.
This brown-yellow jelly slithers forward, small animals and unfortunate adventurers perfectly preserved within it, their faces frozen in fear.
Misc- CR7 TN Huge Ooze HD10 Init:-4 Perception:-5, Blindsight 100ft Stats- Str:22(+6) Dex:2(-4) Con:26(+8) Int:-(-5) Wis:1(-5) Cha:1(-5) BAB:+7/+2 Space:15ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP:125 (10d8+70) AC:14 (-4 Dex, -2 Size, +10 Deflection) Fort:+11 Ref:-1 Will:-2 CMD:21 Immune: Ooze traits, mind-affecting effects, cold Special Defenses: DR 10/Slashing or Bludgeoning, Preservatives Offense- Slam +12(2d6+6 plus distraction) CMB:+15 Speed:40ft Engulf (DC17, 3d6 bludgeoning) Distraction (DC22) Special Qualities- Mindless, Cooking Ecology- Environment- Urban, Underground Languages- None Organization- Solitary Treasure- None Special Abilities- Preservatives (Su)- An onerous aspic gets a +10 magical deflection bonus to AC. Additionally, all organisms killed by its engulf ability are perfectly preserved as long as they remain in the ooze. Cooking (Ex)- Fire damage that would be dealt to an onerous aspic is instead dealt to any creatures inside it. Dead bodies within the aspic that take more than 10 fire damage are no longer perfectly preserved for the purposes of necromancy or reviving, but are fully cooked.
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thehardgroove · 2 years
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Illustrations for "Astral Fortress" by Steve Larder
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breakfromwork · 17 days
August 8th-September 2nd, Washington
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I ran across Hatch chiles at Safeway for 1.50/lb, so I roasted and peeled several pounds for use in my favorite pork green chili dish this coming winter.
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Gae tweeked her back picking up Scrappy on the last day of July, and has been down and out for the whole month. Chiropractor, Doctor, Physical Therapy and Massage Therapy has her able to be up and about in a limited way... what a painful and slow recovery! The dogs don't seem to mind, though.
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Gae got a chance to visit with our neighbor Carol and her cats on the 14th.
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I tried to harvest some potatoes from our patch, but was stung and had to run away. These ground bees, or wasps, got Gae and Raina as well, so I took the Rainbow vacuum cleaner to them several times. Little bastards!
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I took a bike ride on the 10th with my friend Jim, down to Ediz Hook and then up through some cliff-side neighborhoods to check out an Eagles nest Jim had spotted.
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My high school buddies Dennis and Steve came out to visit on the 21st, and we hiked to the coast from Lake Ozette for an overnight trip on the 22nd.
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We got a little wet on the way out, but the clouds cleared and we enjoyed most of the day at our Wedding Rock campsite. A local toad hopped by us on the rocky shore.
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It felt good to take off the boots after the 4.5 mile hike out.
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The sun broke out and provided a beautiful sunset.
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It stayed cool enough to call for a campfire... a must for any camping trip!
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We checked out the petroglyphs on the way out... Orcas!
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It stayed dry to Sandpoint, but we got pretty soaked on the hike back to Ozette.
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Gae and I took the dogs to our favorite section of the Discovery Trail on the 27th, so they could run themselves to exhaustion. I found this cool clump of Birds Nest Mushrooms along the trail.
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I also picked a fair bit of Chanterelles and one Lobster mushroom for the larder.
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Jim and I hiked to Mink Lake, west of Solduc Hot springs, where we picked some wild blueberries and a few more mushrooms for me:-)
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I ran across a fresh King Bolete, my all-time favorite wild edible.
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I joined Roy, Nancy and Joel with Streamkeepers on the the 29th, to measure water flow and stream characteristics on Lee's and Morse Creeks.
We enjoyed our friends Daniel and Melissa over Labor Day, and the dogs enjoyed Poco and Nina as well.
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garina · 2 years
That was a thing that I watched with my eyeballs.
I am still trying to process episode 8. I may even have to go back and watch it again. It was so so good and fucked up (complimentary). So, this is probably going to be even less coherent than usual. And I am still blaming @kedreeva for the new fictional people living in my head.
Joyce sees RIGHT through Brenner' shit. She knows exactly whose fault this whole thing is, and she is not going to let him brush over that like it's nothing, or join forces with the guy who DUMPED A DUMMY OF HER SON'S BODY IN A QUARRY TO MAKE THEM THINK HE WAS DEAD.
Hopper is pretty badass while being tortured and interrogated, but selling out El was wrong. I mean, I get why he did it, he's trying to save as many people as possible, and Will is the one he's set his sense of self and mental stability on being able to save. And as I know from multiple gif and photo sets that El is in future series, I do wonder if she ever finds out about this betrayal.
Ok Nancy, Jonathan, I apologise. Your plan is only extremely dangerous, not totally suicidal. The scene with them methodically preparing is really cool. And the plan was pretty successful over all, they did far more harm to the demogorgon than anything else up to that point.
Poor Steve. Comes to apologise to Jonathan, finds Nancy there, but that's fine, it's fine... and then he sees she's hurt, and his concern for her plunges him neck deep into the deep shit the others have been wading through. And after a very understandable freak out, hero Steve emerges for the first time. Because while any sensible person would go with the run instinct, he goes back, which I would argue is harder than toughing it out. And he's pretty handy with that bat.
I wonder if it's just the extreme stress and the obvious parallels that are causing Hopper to relive all the trauma with losing his daughter, or whether there's something about the Upside Down that pushes bad memories to the surface.
The gate to the Upside Down remains deeply unpleasant and far too biological. It makes me want to burn it.
I don't know if the demogorgon was making a larder in the Upside Down library, or something worse that I absolutely do not want to know. The thing down Will's throat, the CPR scene, the glimpse of Barb, all of it nightmare fuel forever.
Dustin isn't wrong. Chocolate pudding would probably help with El's exhaustion, food = fuel and all that. Also just on an emotional level.
The whole thing with Mike and El and the Snow Ball conversation... ugh so cute. The way he doesn't doubt for a second that his mother would take her in as family. The way he offers Nancy as her sister like it's the amazing thing it is. The way he then panics and doesn't quite have the words to explain about not wanting to be her -brother-. The awkward kiss and the way El's face just lights up.
Yes! So many arseholes died! While El using her powers to straight up kill so many people is worrying (and accidentally summons the demogorgon)... they all REALLY deserved it. Especially creepy blonde woman. And then the rest of them get Demogorgoned. Hooray.
The scene where El seemingly dies broke me. The boys trying to fight the Demogorgon off with the slingsh... I mean wrist rocket. El finding some strength from somewhere to fucking obliterate it. The fact that the noise it makes is physically painful, Dustin and Lucas close their eyes as well as cover their ears... but Mike won't look away from El. He can't do anything else to help her right now, but he will Not. Look. Away. Because she's not alone, and he never wants her to be alone again.
So much trauma for everyone.
Happy hospital scenes. That include a slightly bemused Steve in the background. I am interested to know at what point he gets filled in on everything. I'm assuming Hopper concocted some kind of explanation for the parents for what the hell had been happening.
The tenderness and gentlesness of Joyce and Jonathan contrasted with the joyful exuberance of the Party. Who realise they need to reassure Will that the Demogorgon is very very dead. Will being happy and smiley and not scared to death.
More government spooks for Hopper. What do they say???
Jonathan picks Will up from the Wheelers rather than Will cycling home. Feels like it's as much to spend more time with Will as being protective (although it's obviously a factor)
Steve totally bought that camera and got Nancy to give it.
Everything was lovely and then Will went to the bathroom and NOPE DO NOT LIKE WTF.
Things I want more of: characters having more amazing realistic relationships and interactions, baby geeks geeking out, El, Joyce being Mom goals, Mr Carver the best teacher ever, El, Steve being an adorable dork and not a jerk, Nancy finding out who she is and what she wants, Hopper's investigative skills, El, El and Mike being cute together. Just more.
I really don't do slugs.
At some point I might try to wrap up my feelings about Season 1 as a whole before I start on 2. This has been a ride.
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cheekysmagic · 2 years
Steddie and Uncle Wayne Headcanons
- His uncle Wayne has always been good to Eddie. He might not understand his interests like D&D and Metal music but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t encourage Eddie to follow his passions.
- Eddie having a bad day at school so his uncle cooks him up some homely grub and they’ll sit and watch Westerns together. They don’t need to say anything to each other for Eddie to know he’s cared about.
- Wayne will come into Eddie’s room and ask what he’s up to, letting Eddie talk about his plans for his latest campaign or a new band he’s into. He totally looks through Eddie’s drawings and lets him play whatever song he’s practicing on his guitar and always tells him it’s good.
- Uncle Wayne makes Eddie a hot cocoa every single night before he goes off to the plant. He keeps a larder full of cocoa powder and marshmallows and always buys heavy cream because that’s the way Eddie likes it. It’s become a ritual at this point and Eddie can’t go to sleep without a cup of cocoa.
- Initially, Wayne was apprehensive when Eddie told him he was dating Steve Harrington. Not because he was a boy, but because he knows of Steve’s family and how Steve was in high school to him.
- Eddie was pissed that his uncle didn’t approve of Steve at first, so he usually locked himself and Steve in his room the entire time his uncle was there.
- But Steve comes around to the trailer early one day while Eddie is at Hellfire Club. Wayne is watching a Western and it just so happens that Steve has a soft spot for Westerns. They end up watching it together and talking about their favourite Wild West movies.
- Eddie comes home and finds Steve and Wayne eating grilled cheeses and watching The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and honestly he can’t be mad because at least they’re bonding.
- Then when they’re in Eddie’s room, Wayne comes in with TWO cups of cocoa and puts them down, smiling at Steve who is super confused because this is a thing? And holy shit why is it so good?!
- There’s one night where Wayne brings over the cocoas but he can hear Eddie playing the guitar and singing for Steve and it makes him stop at the door. He smiles because Eddie sounds so happy, he can hear them laughing and Wayne decides maybe that Harrington kid isn’t so bad after all.
That’s all I have for now. Just want to think of Wayne being a good uncle to Eddie and supporting his queer nephew and his boyfriend💕
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist
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One shots and drabbles posted chronologically
Please pay attention to the warnings at the start of each chapter.
Contain MAJOR SPOILERS for Stark Spangled Banner 
O/S- I Don’t Like Bullies: Emmy encounters someone from her past.
O/S- How To Dismantle Bucky Barnes: Bucky’s acting out, and Katie has just the solution...
O/S- Snack: Katie’s hungry, and there’s only one thing she wants...
Drabble: Pretty As A Picture: Steve learns that hard way the two year olds and paints do not mix O/S- One More: How much meaning can two words hold?
O/S- More Cushin’ For The Pushin’: Steve’s starting to see the effects of the serum depleting...
O/S- Out Of My League: There’s something bothering Katie, and Steve makes it his mission to find out what...
O/S- There Were Six In The Bed, And The Little One Said...: It’s Steve’s Birthday, and he spends the morning with his favourites.
O/S- Man’s Best Friend: The Rogers bid goodbye to their faithful, family friend.
O/S- Wings: Because one tattoo is never enough.
Drabble: Chorus Girl: Once again, Rori steals the show...
D/S: Stendhal Syndrome Part 1: Brat-  It’s Rori’s 5th Birthday and Katie manages to rile Steve a little bit too much.. Part 2: Daddy-  Steve feels the wrath of his wife. Rogers by name, Stark by Nature
Drabble: The Crapbook- Rori’s cutting and sticking antics wind Jamie and Steve up for very different reasons.
Drabble: Star Spangled Diva- It’s Boy’s night and there’s a gate crasher...
O/s: Changes- Some news rocks the Rogers household..
O/S: Finding Rori- Rori gets a pet, and chaos ensues... Drabble: Pine O’Lantern Guest writer @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ Rori has a pineapple and Steve is flummoxed.  O/S: Hairy And Scary!- There’s something lurking in Harry’s toy box...
O/S: Capsicle- Memories of Tony are stirred in the Rogers household
O/S: Bump In The Road- What should be a normal sexing scan for their latest baby throws up something a little more worrying.
O/S: She Is Worthy- The latest Rogers addition makes a dramatic entry.
Mini Series: Stark Spangled Destiny-  Katie struggles to cope following the birth of Flossie and reaches breaking point.
Date Night- Guest Writer @onetwo3000​- Following the events of Stark Spangled Destiny, Emmy arranges for her mom and dad to take some alone time out in the City.. 
O/S: Picking Up A Storm - Guest writer @icanfeelastormbrewing​ Katie takes the kids shopping…and bumps into a familiar face. FLAME ON!
O/S: Bumps In The Night- Guest writer @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ The Rogers Clan is busy getting ready for Halloween. Steve and Katie find themselves alone…what could possibly go wrong?
O/S: The Devil Wears Nada- Steve’s fed up of getting cock blocked and makes a deal with the Devil herself…
Drabble: Happy BirthBae-  It’s Emmy’s birthday, and Uncle Bucky has a special gift…
Three Parter: A Very Rogers Christmas- Join the Rogers clan for A Christmas Special! Part 1- The Best Things In Life Are Tree Part 2- You Gotta Be Kitten Me Part 3- From Head To Mistletoe
O/S: Of Small Boys And Big Men- Steve isn’t the only male in the Rogers household that’s protective of Katie
O/S- Biker Princess- It’s Rori’s birthday...and EVERYONE knows about it!
O/S- America’s Ass-  Steve’s birthday is here, and Katie celebrates one of his best assets...
O/S- Code Red- Three Kids, The Winter Soldier, Captain America and a Museum. What could possibly go wrong?
O/S- Trouble Tin Paradise- Rori is on a rampage in the larder…
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Random ND/disability rant but I hate when someone takes an opportunity in your brief moment of self-doubt to act like a know-it-all because they realize that if they speak with more confidence than you were no one will question them, even though you were 98% sure of what you said and they are like 37% sure. Makes me feel like I’m being tutored by someone I never vetted nor payed… Real-life example:
Me, as a DM, to my players: “You hear something… it sounds like it’s coming from below the kitchen, in the larder — the larder? — the larder.”
One of my (cishet male) players: “Mmhm, yes, the larder. Larder is correct.”
Me, in my mind: [How would you even know since you don’t know what I’m describing?? But thank you for the unnecessary validation, Steve…]
I would bet money that Steve either 1) has heard that word one time before and doesn’t really remember what it means, but is seizing upon the opportunity to seem like he knows because what confidence I did have in saying it tells him it’s probably correct therefore the stakes are low and by “confirming” it will make him seem smart, possibly even smarter than me, or 2) definitely does know that word and what it means because he’s obsessed with accruing obscure medieval knowledge, and will not only take every opportunity to make me aware of that, but is silently judging me for “trying” to use words he thinks I don’t know or have any right knowing even though the only reason I spoke with any doubt in the first place is not due to my lack of vocabulary but my disability and a general lack of self-confidence that he’s actually actively contributing to by acting like this.
[If you are the kind of person who does this, I know sometimes the intention is good and you’re just trying to help move things along or validate me, but I really only appreciate it if I’m having a hard time recalling a word entirely and you help by making guesses/suggestions, since my difficulty with word recall is one of the more disheartening aspects of my disability and part of the reason I don’t DM more often, and each word I fail to find (with or without help) just brings me down more. This is why, when I do manage to say the -exact- perfect word I was trying to find, albeit with slight lack of certainty because I’ve surprised myself by finding it, I don’t need you making me feel once again like a special needs kid by “confirming.” In the given example, the one person at the table (not Steve) that I was 100% sure knew that word responded with a gentle and supportive “yeah, that sounds right,” and I appreciated it way more than Steve’s über-confident man-splaininess.
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moon-and-tea · 4 years
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which debuted on Beverly Blvd. in the Mid City neighborhood last year, recently opened its second location, an elegant, bar-focused shop in Echo Park.
Founded by Steve Hyun and Tommy Kim, Andante’s roasting operation continues to be off-site in Koreatown, while the new bar extends several concepts established by its predecessor, including uncluttered walls, and open seating arrangement with abundant power outlets and Wi-Fi. 
But mostly it’s all about the coffee. Here Andante offers a 10-drink espresso menu that includes some standards as well as unapologetic treats like a caramel latte, while six coffees are brewed manually daily. There is also tea and tea-based lattes, an affogato, and a small selection of baked goods from local Larder Baking Company.
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spilladabalia · 8 months
Bloody Head - Occult Bother
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
They are all Dragons, Steve and Bucky courting Tony but because they are from a different Dragon Tripe Tony doesn't get that they are courting him and think they are so nice to him, while Natasha watchs on she. She is courting Pepper and she told her she is courting her and things are moving along nicely between them
Natasha is from the same tripe as Steve and Bucky and they don't get how she is doing will with Pepper and they are not moving along with Tony (because they forgot to tell Tony they are courting him yheir way)
Just the most shenanigans between everyone :D
I love your work so much
Asdfksdjfh you know I’m always down to write them being idiots in love😂
Pepper frowned at Tony’s larder. It was much too full for one dragon--several bags of dehydrated meat, casks of beer and fruit wines, crates of fruit and vegetables. She’d watched him take the gifts happily, at first--he liked gifts, and he liked food, and gifts of food were the best of both. She knew he especially liked accepting gifts from Steve and Bucky, because he was carrying a torch for both of them, and it made him feel special.
But now his larder was too full, and winter was coming, and he wouldn’t be able to throw enough parties to get his friends to help him eat it. He was going to have to throw it out. And Steve and Bucky were planning to visit again--they’d certainly bring more.
Pepper turned, watching as Tony fussed with his human form, worrying over his hair and the way the scales still lingered around his eyes. ‘Like human wrinkles,’ he’d lamented, as if it didn’t make clear how self-conscious he was about being older than Steve and Bucky. She grabbed Natasha as she began to shuffle past her into the larder. “We need to talk to Steve and Bucky.”
“Why,” Natasha complained immediately.
Pepper slanted her a sharp look. She motioned at the larder.
Natasha looked, uncomprehending, before squinting back up at her. “I fail to see the problem? Unless you think this isn’t going to be enough for all three of them for the winter.”
“I am once again reminding you that our kind sleep more during the winter,” Pepper told her. “Also, Steve and Bucky won’t be staying the fucking winter if we don’t talk to them.”
Natasha blinked, absolutely confounded. “Why wouldn’t they? All this food gifting has led to this.”
“Do you remember the first time you brought me a side of beef, and I asked if you were calling me too skinny in a way that made you want to die?” Pepper asked her pleasantly.
Natasha preferred not to remember those times. “He’s got to gain weight for an egg,” she reasoned, a touch frantic at Pepper’s severe frown. “Even if you guys do sleep for a month.”
“We do not sleep for a whole month,” Pepper began, realized she was being derailed, and scowled, grabbing Natasha’s shoulder to drag her in close. “You know courting gifts in our colony are jewels. Tony has not received even a chip of sapphire, his family jewel. He doesn’t know he’s being courted, he doesn’t know Steve and Bucky expect to be invited to winter with him, and it’s going to hurt all of their feelings. And Tony hates waste, so you know he’s going to be upset when halfway through the winter, he has to throw out half this food, and Steve and Bucky are going to be hurt when they learn about it.”
“They could just ask him, like I asked you,” Natasha muttered petulantly.
“Steve and Bucky are fucking stupid,” Pepper whispered harshly, shaking her. “You know they’re fucking stupid. They started out posturing instead of giving him food, Natasha.”
Natasha winced, because Tony was oblivious even on the best of days, and posturing merited less than a short blink of confusion before he brushed it off. It had been Jim who had told them that posturing wouldn’t work, mostly because he felt bad after the second time Tony had responded to it with, “...Anyway.”
“Tell them to bring him a chip of sapphire,” Pepper hissed, danger dripping from each syllable.
“Pepper, I look old,” Tony whined, turning.
Pepper gave him an unimpressed frown even as she unclamped her hand from Natasha’s shoulder, ignoring the spots of blood that welled up from her claws. “Shut up, Tony. You still look like a lovable twink.”
“I can’t be a twink,” Tony exclaimed, offended, as she walked over to him. “I’m over three thousand years old!” He paused, then sagged again. “I’m old.”
“I’m telling Jim you said you were old,” Pepper said flatly.
“Noooo he’s five hundred years older than me he’s going to whack me with his tail,” Tony wailed.
Natasha took the opportunity to sneak to the front of Tony’s cave so she could intercept Steve and Bucky. She needed to tell them to get Tony the biggest fucking rock they could find so Tony could see they were earnest.
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stevelarder · 5 years
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My contributor copies of Cryptogram Puzzle Post, issues 2.1 and 2.2 (Spring) are up and available from my Etsy Shop (link in bio). It's come out beautifully thanks to @footprintworkerscoop and I'm chuffed my cover illustrations get to be a part od this project. Details below... Created by @jack_fallows, Cryptogram Puzzle Post is a monthly bundle of interlinking puzzles, codes, ciphers, riddles, spells and illusions inspired by witchcraft and alchemy; designed to conjure an intriguing and meditative reaction in the gamer and art appreciator alike. Each issue stands alone and contains a series of numbered puzzles (i-vii). The solution to the first puzzle will give you a clue about how to solve the second and so on until you reach a final answer. Submit your answer to the e-mail to check its accuracy; or submit it with the other two envelope’s answers from this season to unlock a secret art prize. The envelopes are roughly A5-size and full-colour laser printed and the interior pages are all two-colour risograph prints. All envelopes will be packed in a standard mail envelope when orders are sent. The second of the guest-created mini series 'The Stone Leaves', which will run Mar-June 2019. This extra special season is its own stand-alone micro adventure, taking place in the Cryptogram universe but following a new character - Otto, a reclusive magic user who is coaxed out of retirement. Written and designed by Alexi Conman, the series also features cover illustrations by Steve Larder and, in this particular instalment, internal illustrations by D Newman and cover colours by Jack Fallows. As this is a stand-alone arc, it is perfect for first time readers. But seasoned readers will also be rewarded with backstory relevant to our main storyline. What will this mean for Anna's story when we return to her in June? Read to find out! #cryptogrampuzzlepost #puzzles #ciphers #codes #riddles #spells #witchcraft #alchemy #ritual #magic #folkhorror #folkhorrorrevival #illustration storytelling #mailgame #zines #selfpublishing #tarot #occult #puzzlebox #puzzlesubscription #puzzlestory #smallpress #playbymail #boardgames #escaperoom #chooseyourownadventure #rpg https://www.instagram.com/p/ByiYnQJp-mv/?igshid=10mayhu759md9
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jackfallows · 6 years
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Available to pre-order now! Get all three issues (March, April and May) from the 2019 Spring Season. This extra special season is its own stand-alone micro adventure, taking place in the Cryptogram universe but following a character we have yet to meet. Perfect for first timers, The Stone Leaves is a guest-written-and-illustrated* mini series that uses the Crypto formula to tell the story of Otto, a reclusive magic user who is coaxed out of retirement. And seasoned readers will be rewarded with backstory relevant to our main storyline. What will this mean for Anna's story when we return to her in June? Read to find out! *Alexi Conman, Steve Larder and more TBA . . Joining the Patreon is still the best way to get the most out of the project and to support me directly. But if the platform isn’t your jam, subscriptions are still available as usual from the Big Cartel (link in bio). . . . #cryptogrampuzzlepost #cryptograms #puzzles #ciphers #codes #riddles #spells #witchcraft #alchemy #ritual #magic #magick #folkhorror #folkhorrorrevival #witches #wytches #illustration #storytelling #mailgame #selfpublishing #tarot #occult #puzzlebox #puzzlesubscription #puzzlestory #smallpress #playbymail #boardgames #escaperoom #chooseyourownadventure https://www.instagram.com/p/BtyhCrzAtT-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nl5k827ei07q
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don-lichterman · 2 years
DARKTHRONE Is Teasing Something
DARKTHRONE Is Teasing Something
What the hell is Darkthrone up to? All we know so far is the extremely scant information provided in the below video. The video (animated by Matthew Vickerstaff and illustrated by Steve Larder) offers three bits of text – “In a forsest outside Oslo,” “Caption of sin,” and “Put your ear to the ground” – alongside some backwards music that sounds like there might be an acoustic guitar thrown in…
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