#steve rogers x adopted daughter
fandomizer · 1 year
Avengers x teen! reader
Captain America x adopted! Daughter! Reader
Tony Stark x teen! Reader
Peter Parker x Reader <Friendship>
TW: Death, Neglection, Swear words, Drug use, Not Proofread
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                 𝖓𝖔𝖜 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖞𝖎𝖓𝖌: Mary On A Cross
                 01:32 ——◦———— 04:04
                            ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
                ↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
"What are you doing with these, [Y/N]?"
"Give 'em back!"
But through all the sorrow
[Y/N] let out a bull laugh "I can't believe you went in to my bags!"
All avengers were looking at her. Some with anger and some with disappointment. "Kid, this is serious. You ca–"
"Ironic, coming from you Tony. And stop acting like you care! 'Cuz none of you do!" she went for the elevator before Vision approach her.
"We care, Dusk, if we didn't we wouldn't be having this conversation right now." Natasha said, making [Y/N] halt.
"Don't... Don't. You. Ever. Call. Me that!" her tone was emotionless and venomous at the same time.
We were riding high
"Hey, it's alright. Okay? No one's angry we– I just want to understand why. I'm sure you have a good reason."
And the truth of the matter is
"You want to understand? You ask me WHY? You want the truth? THE REAL TRUTH, CLINT? When they said some one was gonna adopt me I was curious and happy. But then I learn that the one who got adopted was Dusk and not me." tears started to gather in her eyes. Voice shaking. Hands wondering around her pockets. Looking for something little to bring her some release.
I had to let you go, let you go
"[Y/N], that's not an excuse of your actions." everyone eyed Steve with the evidence of shock in their eyes.
"Steve, don't start now." Tony was getting irritated, he had seen this exact look a long time ago. In the face of his loved one.
"Shut the fuck up, old man! You've never wanted me! You don't want anyone in your life expect for that SHIELD's Founder! But news flash, she is dead! Had a great life without you too! Why can't you just let it go?!" [Y/N] shouted, meaning every word she said. Tears of sadness and anger leaking down her cheeks.
"Know your place, kid." Steve had straighten up his shoulders. In an attempt of appearing bigger in her eyes.
"What if I don't?!" she was trying his limits, as well as hers and her friends.
"Shut up, Steve! Just shut up!" Iron man cut off his 'friend's' words.
"How I talk to my daughter is not your business, Tony. She did something wrong which deserves a punishment."
"You, your murder machine friend and SHIELD are enough of a punishment to her!" the stern look in his eyes was telling a tragic story.
"I know it's hard for you to understand but keep your egoistical self out of this, Stark. Because not everything's about you."
"Says the man who's the king of melancholia." muttered [Y/N], getting Captain's attention back on her.
You go down just like Holy Mary
"What is that suppose to mean, young lady?!"
"You know what I mean. I'm going to my room."
Mary on a Mary on a cross
In her room [Y/N] sat on the floor, her back against the door. She had her arms wrapped around her legs keeping them close to her chest. On the floor, right next to [Y/N], there was an empty needle. She could hear them fighting but she couldn't careless as the drugs had hit her brain.
Not just another Bloody Mary
It had been hours since the girl last seen by the team. [Y/N]'s breaths had become shallow as the drug's done it's work. She, for once felt at peace as the non-talked sleepiness took over her body.
Knock Knock , Knock   ,   
Knock Knock , Knock Knock Knock   ,  
Knock Knock , Knock
She looked up, confused, at the door knob. She thought what was wrong with this stranger and the way they knocked on the door. The knocking repeated itself. [Y/N] let out a frustrated sigh as she tried to get up. Key word, tried. She hold onto the knob, pulling herself on her shaking legs. Before she could turn the knob she fell down with a thud. Alerted, the stranger at the door –Peter–asked if she was okay.
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
After getting no response, he invited himself in.
Not just another Bloody Mary
What Peter saw when he got in the room was one of the most scariest things he had ever seen, even though he is a crime fighter spider. [Y/N] was laying on her side not moving and lips turned blue. He knew she was breathing or at least trying to, her heart rate was slowing down too drawing her near death more. Peter wondered why FRIDAY didn't send them any notification then remembered what his friend was best at. Hackinc.
"Mr. Stark!" he bend down next to [Y/N].
"What's wrong kid?" Tony asked as he came by the door.
"She needs medical attention."
Tony stood there like he didn't hear Peter. He continued to stare ahead. They needed to move fast if they wanted her to stay alive.
Mary on a, Mary on a—
༺༼╚═══════ - ════════╝༽༻
I hope you like it
Part 2?
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Mission Gone Right (Request)
Warnings: A brief mention of the Red Room. Anymore let me know
Age: 12
Beth: 14
Word Count: 1,146
Requests: Closed
Summary: You and your older sister Beth are chosen to go on a mission with Steve and Natasha
Requested by: Wattpad user
Date: 11/08/2022
A/N: thank you so much for the request. I hope you like it :)
Natasha and Steve never thought that they would ever become parents. Because of Natasha's surgery or the fact that they're always working they just didn't have time for kids nor did they ever really want them but that all changed when they were assigned a very special mission.
Fury called Steve and told them that he has a mission for him and Natasha and they had to meet at SHIELD headquarters for final instructions
After Steve and Natasha were welcomed Fury took them into his office to tell them about the mission.
"For this mission, two young girls will be joining you so you will need to pretend that you are a loving family." Fury informed them
He handed them two files that contain information and a picture of both the girls. As Natasha studied the pictures it became clear to her that they were familiar to her
"I remember these two they were rescued from the Red Room." Natasha pointed out.
Suddenly the door opened and in walked Maria Hill followed by the same two girls that were in the picture.
Fury stood up and walked over to them. "This is Beth." Fury pointed to the older girl of the two. Beth had sandy hair and was taller and was appearing as very timid looking "And this is Y/N." He pointed at the other girl. Y/N was the complete opposite of her sister. She had brown hair and looked quite small despite her age and was appearing a lot more confident.
Just by looking at Y/N, Natasha could tell that she had spent if not all of her life stuck in the Red Room just by the way that she is standing and awaiting orders like nothing phased her anymore whereas Beth got to experience a life before it and still couldn't process all the horrors that she had seen.
After Fury had explained the mission it was time to go.
You and Beth followed Steve, Natasha and two other agents out to the QuinJet to begin your journey to France.
During the journey, you and Beth sat far away from Steve and Natasha as possible
"I can't believe that we were paired with them for the mission." You said to Beth in your native language which was Russian.
Beth sighed "How many times do I need to remind you Y/N you need to speak English and what's wrong with them any way they've been nothing but nice to us since we met them."
"The amount of bad stories I've heard about them says otherwise."
"Exactly Y/N you've heard stories just give them a chance."
"Fine." You mumbled under your breath.
The rest of the trip there was spent in uncomfortable silence.
When the four of you got to the hotel and finished unpacking Beth asked if everyone could go to the swimming pool which Steve and Natasha agreed too
it didn't take you long to really open up to them and start having fun.
Natasha was sitting on one of the sunbeds reading and when she looked up she couldn't help but smile at the sight
Steve held you in his arm and started gently rocking "Are you ready? Three, two, one." Then he threw you in the water.
When you swam back to the surface you couldn't stop laughing. "Again, again." You said swimming over to Steve then he picked you up and threw you into the water again.
Natasha checked her watch and it had just past 6 pm. "The first one out of the pool gets to decide where we get dinner." As soon as she said it she got the pleasure of watching the three of you wrestle each other on who would be the first one out.
You had won and you picked a small restaurant where the Eiffel tower could be seen from right outside the window.
Natasha listened to your and Beth's laughter and saw both your smiles and started thinking that maybe she did want a family after all so she made a silent promise to herself to make the most of the little time that she had left with you and Beth while she still can.
After dinner the four of you went for a stroll and they got you and Beth ice creams.
The walk got suddenly interrupted by a rain shower. Steve and Natasha grabbed your and Beth's hands and the four of you ran back to the hotel. luckily it wasn't far.
After everyone got changed into warm and dry pyjamas Steve started making hot chocolate for you and Beth and tea for Natasha.
While the hot drinks were getting made you found a pack of cards in one of the bedside table drawers.
After many card games were played and the hot drinks were drunk you started to get tired and laid down on the bed resting your head on Natasha's lap.
After Steve, Natasha and Beth quietly played a few more games together Natasha saw Beth yawn and took that as a sign that it was time for bed.
Beth cleaned up all the cards and Steve gently picked you up and placed you in the double bed that was in the other room.
Natasha pulled back the covers and Beth climbed inside
"Night, honey," Natasha said then she kissed her forehead and made sure that she was tucked in nice and tight.
Natasha then walked over to the other side and did the same with you. "Night sweetheart." She whispered.
"Night mom." You mumbled so quietly that Natasha only heard it because she was right beside you. A wide smile grew on her face and didn't leave all night. Even though she knew that it probably didn't mean anything but she couldn't stop thinking about it
The mission had come to an end and you and Beth were back at SHIELD housing accommodation. You both thought that it was the last that you were going to see of Steve and Natasha but you were wrong.
It started as them taking you and Beth out for activities now and then. They took you both out for meals, to the movies, bowling, zoos, museums, amusement parks, and tours around New York City none of which you've ever done till now.
It was Christmas day Steve and Natasha invited you and Beth to join them. One of the gifts that they gave you was an envelope that had yours and Beth's names on it. Beth let you be the one who opened it
Inside the envelope was the best gift that you and Beth, you especially, had ever received: adoption papers.
After being orphans for a long time you and Beth were more than grateful to have parents who love you so much and will do everything possible to keep you both safe.
Taglist - Taglist- @glxwingrxse // @griffin-girl-r // @uglymammoth // @arinexeisnotworking // @donuts2021 // @blackwidow-3 // @faesvoid // @ali-lie // @froufrousnowman // @mmmmokdok // @babbynuggets // @nighttime-dreaming // @circe143 // @lizlil // @lissaaaa145 // @shixicbe
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buckys-wintersoldier · 6 months
Adoption | Steve Rogers
Pairing -> Husband!Steve Rogers x Wife!Mom!Reader
Summary -> It’s New Year’s Eve and you daughter wants to ask Steve a really important question.
Warnings -> (G) none, just fluff
Wordcount -> 0.7k
Prompt -> Sweet & Spicy Bingo | B3 | Fireworks | @sweetspicybingo | AFG Fluff Bingo | I2 | Free Space | @anyfandomfluffbingo
A/N -> This is the last oneshot for 2023, I want to thank you all for the support. Happy new year and we see us 2024 with new oneahots, my requests are open so feel free to send an ask. Thank you to @mrsbuckybarnes1917 for proofreading this one for me, it’s really appreciated.
Masterlist | Sweet & Spicy Bingo | AFG Fluff Bingo | Steve Rogers Masterlist | Adoption Part 2
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You look at your daughter next to you; she shifts from one foot to the other and holds a piece of paper in her hands. She is almost squeezing it, but you understand it. Eva is nervous.
“Mommy? Do you think he will like it?” she asks and looks at you with her bright blue eyes.
You nod, placing your hand on her shoulder to encourage her. With your other hand, you open the door and reveal your garden, where your husband, Steve, is standing with a few fireworks around him.
“There you are, my favorite girl,” he says, smiling and looking at your daughter.
She isn’t his biological daughter, but he treats her like she is. From the day you first met and you introduced your daughter to him, he loved her and acted like she was his little princess. And she is; he always tells her and loves her like his little princess.
She runs into his arms and hugs him tightly while he wraps around her small body and spins Eva a few times around. She giggles and raises her arms while Steve spins her around. After a few more rounds of spinning her, he lets her down and looks at you.
He walks a step closer and kisses you softly. Steve’s hands grip your waist to pull you close against him. You slide your hands into his short, blond hair.
“Ready?” he whispers with a questioning look at your daughter.
She immediately nods and presses the paper tightly against her small body. In a few minutes, she can finally ask him the question she wants to ask him so badly.
Steve lets go of you and lifts her up to place her a few steps away from the firework. Then he walks back to it and kneels down.
"Sure, you’re ready? You know it’s something uncle Tony made,” Steve jokes.
Eva nods and grabs your hand into hers. Her big blue eyes follow every movement of Steve, and she giggles softly.
“Sure, daddy,” she mumbles while Steve lights the firework.
Then he stands up and walks towards you. He stands on the other side of Eva and places his hand on your back. When you look at the fireworks Tony made a few days ago, you see different pictures of your small family appearing in the sky.
Tears are glistening in your eyes, and when you look at Steve, you see him tearing up too. He smiles at you, and then you feel your daughter letting go of your hand and taking a step forward.
“Dad?” she asks, and Steve looks down at her, placing his hand on her shoulder and squeezing it softly. “It’s midnight in 30 seconds, and I want to ask something,” she continues.
“Ask away,” he says, his eyes brightening with excitement when she hands him the paper.
Steve takes it and reads the first word before his jaw drops.
He immediately looks at Eva again and then back at the paper, continuing to read it. It takes a while before he understands all the written words on the paper.
“You- Are you sure? I would love to adopt you,” he says, the tears in his eyes slowly rolling down his cheeks.
The tears are out of joy, and he can’t hold them back anymore. He loves that girl; he is proud to be the one he calls dad and comes to when she needs something, but he doesn’t think she will ask him to adopt her.
“Yes,” she grins at him.
Steve hands you the paper, and before you can really hold it, he has your daughter in his arms and kisses her face over and over again. Making sure he doesn’t miss an inch of that soft skin.
“Of course, I will adopt you. This is the perfect new year’s present,” he mumbles, and Eva places her hands on his face to look into his eyes while she giggles sweetly.
Steve holds her close to him with one hand while he wraps the other around your waist and pulls you close, kissing your lips softly. The three of you enjoy the rest of the fireworks before you go inside to celebrate the day with your friends and family together.
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Taglist: @nicoline1998enilocin | @sergeantbarnessdoll | @km-ffluv | @identity2212 | @kandis-mom | @felicitylemon | @cjand10 | @bookishtheaterlover7 | @rogersbarber | @lives-in-midgard | @lunaalovesyouu
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Worried Moms
a/n: hey it's my first request, i hope you'll like it. I loved to write it.
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*not my GIFs*
WandaNat x adoptive!daughter!reader; Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff; Avengers x teen!f!reader
Request: And I do have something to request if you feel comfy doing it. Mom!Wanda and Mama!Nat with the reader as their daughter. Reader gets sick and tries to hide it and push through it but they end up fainting or something like that, cue to mama bears mothering her to health. (Idk if fainting can be considered a trigger but if it's for you, I'd gladly read the fic with whatever you have in mind.). [Request by @darkstar225]
Summary: You're sick but you have to hid it from your moms because you want to go in mission, unfortunatly for you and Sam everything don't go well.
Type: Fluff
Warning: maybe 'fucked up' use three time
word count: 1319
You awoke with a headache; it was unusual for you to become ill since gaining your powers. You didn't know if it was a bad thing, but you had to hide it; the next week, you'll go on a mission, but first you have to get your moms' approval. They said they would think about it if you managed to survive your training session. Easy, no? The rest of the day, your state was getting worse, but because you successfully hid it from an ex-assassin and a witch who could read your mind (even if she didn't do it without your consent), you could handle it a little longer.
The next day, otherwise, at the time you woke up, you thought you could die; if it was a cold, it was the worst you ever had. But you didn't really have the time to think about it; you checked your clock: 9 a.m., which meant you had one hour before the start of your training session. You decided to take a hot shower; it was helpful for the next 40 minutes. Today you were paired with Sam to upgrade your hand-to-hand combat skill. At first it was like usual, but suddenly your breath hurt your lungs. You stopped and tried to process what was happening, but Sam punched you in the face. It wasn't a strong punch; he restrained himself, but due to your poor condition, you fell on the training ground with your eyes closed; you were knocked out. When your body hit the ground, everyone in the room froze. There was silence until Sam kneeled next to you and asked, "Y/n? Y/n, are you all right?"
Obviously not, but you didn't mind that he couldn't think clearly. To be honest, no one could; the Falcon picked you up from the floor and ran to the med bay, followed by all the rest of the team.
"You're fucked up, Sam." Bucky said,
"I didn't do anything; we were training, and I just tried to punch her. "Usually, she'd dodge and hit me back," he defended himself.
"But now she's knocked out, and the only person with her was you. FRIDAY, could you please call doctor Cho?" Steve asked the A.I.
"It's done, Mr. Roger," the IA confirmed, but the hero couldn't respond before FRIDAY spoke again. "Mrs. Romanoff and Mrs. Maximoff are back."
There; he was fucked up. On their way to the kitchen, the two redheads found Helene, who was in a hurry and bumped into the shorter woman. "Sorry Natasha, I didn’t look where I was walking,” she apologized, and the Russian nodded.
“It’s okay, don’t worry, but you seem in a hurry, so we will not restrain you more.” She said and stepped aside to let the doctor resume her course. Wanda just had the time to put the bags on the counter when FRIDAY spoke.
“Mrs. Maximoff, Mrs. Romanoff, the doctor needs you in the infirmary right now.” The two women exchange a confused look before heading to where they were called. In front of the room, the witch felt a wave of fear and sadness, and she started to worry. Of course, Nat noticed and grabbed her hand before they walked into the room.
Their eyes widened when they saw you in the bed; they rushed to you before any of them could say anything Sam explained what’s happened. “How couldn’t you notice she was not like usual?” the Russian yelled at him, and nobody found the courage to defend him.
Wanda approached you and cupped your cheek. "Don't worry, dragă (darling), she's fine," the Sokovian assured her, and Helen spoke up.
"Don’t worry, Natasha I just got the results from the test, and it seems she just has a cold.” The doctor reassured her, and the ex-assassin seemed to be more calm. “She just needs to rest for a week. I’ll give you some medicine in case she needs it after she wakes up.” Everyone except your mothers left you after your mothers nodded.
After two hours, you awoke. You were surrounded by two worried redheads. “Hey, you.” you said softly.
“Hey, you.” Wanda said, and Natasha gave you a soft smile. “How are you feeling?” the witch asked you.
“Like I collided with a bus, but he was moving. But I think I'm okay," you said, looking around and raising your brows. "Where am I?" you inquired.
“In the infirmary,” the Black Widow said this time, “we were really worried about you when Sam told us what’s happened.”
You sighed “I’m sorry,” you said quietly.
“Since when?” Wanda asked, and her wife looked at her confused. “Since when have you been like this?” she added.
“Yesterday.” You admitted it shyly.
“Yesterday!?” the older woman loudly repeated, and you nodded. “Why did you hide it from us?” She inquired, a little concerned about her failure to notice it earlier.
You played with your fingers to try to erase your anxiety, “because you said you’d let me go with you if I finished the training session. And I wanted to make you proud of me, and show you I was ready. So, I forced myself to not let you know and not think about it when I was near Mama.” You paused a moment, saying, "I'm sorry if it makes you worry," and some tears found their way into the corner of your eyes.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Nat cupped your cheek and brushed your tears with her thumb. “It’s okay; we’re a little worried, but it’s okay; we’re not mad or anything. You don’t have to cry, malyshka (baby girl)” their eyes were wet too.
You were about to speak again when a red whip lifted you. The scarlet magic tickled you “We can’t stay here, and you have to rest.” The witch said, and you laughed, “What is so funny?” She gave you a falsely curious look.
“It-haha…it’s tickling me.” You barely said and before you could notice she lend you on your bed. ‘Thank you,” you said, and they gave you a kiss on both cheeks before heading to the door. “Where are you going?’ you asked.
“We must cook you something. We’ll not let you like that.” Wanda said before they left the room. In the kitchen, everybody was waiting for the two women to give an update.
“How is our little fireball?” Tony asked.
“Much better,” Wanda replied, “she just needs rest. We put her in her bed, and we’ll cook something, so she’ll eat before sleeping again.” She explained, and after that, Natasha hit Sam’s head.
“What was that for?” he asked, a little scared.
“You hit our baby girl.” the Russian replied; “you’re lucky Wanda didn’t throw you away earlier,” she added, and the atmosphere changed. “And for the mission, I think we will let you go. We will stay with Y/n. I’ll text Fury.” She explained, nobody found any reason to argue; they know how much they love you, so it's obvious they’ll never let you alone in this condition.
You spent the next week in your bedroom, surrounded by your moms’ love; you couldn’t leave your bed without one of them following and making sure you were okay. Sam was not allowed to approach you for a month. It was pretty funny, and after that, he spent two months making sure you forgave him, even if you assured him it was not his fault.
This little incident proved how much they loved you, and of course you were glad even if you already knew that. You adored them just as much as they do.The world knew how scary the Black Widow and the Scarlet Witch were, and Sam could approve. But the world didn’t know how lovely and careful they could be, between them, of course, but twice as much with you.
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frostironfudge · 1 month
Labyrinth - Bucky Barnes - Epilogue
Summary: labyrinth (noun), a complicated set of paths and passages, through which it is difficult to find your way. Bucky and You would do anything for Steve and Wanda, your respective best friends. In an attempt to avoid a tradition Steve and Wanda come up with a lie involving their best friends.  A lie, that involves building a labyrinth. Bucky and You begin to build but will you two find your way out or be caught in it?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader, (Modern AU)
Word Count: 7.3 k || Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Warnings: chapter contains 18+ moments, minors DNI, fluff, sm/ut, dir/ty talk, p in v, hot bucky, swearing, soft bucky, protective bucky, feels, family drama, bucky is a whole green forest, bucky is the cutest, animal adoption, feels, family issues, tox/ic family dynamics.
Main Masterlist || AO3 || Fic Masterlist ||
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“Allow me to understand this,” The tone carries disappointment and anger in differing proportions.
Bucky bites the inside of his cheek, for once his composure is not maintained. The nerves that wrap around him as if a python is going for the slow kill. He nods.
“You lied to all of us.” Yusuf Khan stares at his stellar employee. An employee he began to view as family after the night they all interacted.
Bucky wants to give a reason, explain it all but he chooses to say the one worded truth, “Yes.”
Yusuf contemplates, tapping on his desk, “And your fiancé?”
“She’s my girlfriend now.” He responds, eyes moving between the tapping digits of his boss and his own feet.
“Is it because you wanted to get in my good books?” Yusuf is on the brink of disappointment.
“No, it is a long story actually… Steve Rogers, my best friend–,”
“Steve Rogers the acquisition lawyer?”
“Yes, well about several months ago he proposed to his long time girlfriend and well, it um, it sounds really stupid to my own ears…” Bucky runs a hand over his jaw, moving up to tuck his stray strands of hair back into place.
“I’ve got time, sit.” Yusuf gestures to the chair. 
Bucky takes a seat and begins to recount the events that began in the diner all those months ago. 
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“So it was an elaborate plan to get the two of you buttheads–,”
“Kamala.” Muneeba chastises her daughter.
“It wasn’t even a bad word!” The youngest Khan complained only to sigh at her mother’s stern expression.
“Yes, it was their elaborate plan to make us,” 
‘Buttheads’ Kamala mouths and you nod, she grins.
“To make us realise and act upon our buried feelings over the unresolved miscommunication.” You explain, Bucky returns with your plate filled with appetisers. 
“They played us.” He shakes his head, still not understanding how he did not catch onto the lies. You pat his knee to keep him from getting grumpy about it. 
Though it was adorable when he started getting a little pout on his lips. You kept that little information to yourself.
“Thank you for allowing us back into your home.” Bucky adds, even though the remainder of the staff wasn’t there that night. Yusuf had requested Bucky and you to join the Khans for dinner. 
Once they all heard what exactly was the history the two of you shared, the lie or as Muneeba put it, ‘The two of you got your chance to fall in love again.’
You liked that point of view. 
Sharing a glance with Bucky observing as his shoulders did not have the slight droop which indicated his distress over telling the full truth. It made you happy he wasn’t dismissed or treated coldly as one of his co-worker had experienced.
The dinner passed by in a blur of laughter and happy memories. A part of you glad you had the experience and opportunity to interact with a family as warm as the Khans. Tayesha and you had taken an immediate liking to each other, talking much more in depth than the opportunity previously provided. 
Dessert was fast approaching you had brought over cookies, the dinner invite came at the very last minute amongst the other orders you were fulfilling. Muneeba suggested making tea but Yusuf sweetly kissed the back of her palm, called her Jaan (life) and told her the men would do it. 
Drawing a very reluctant Aamir away from a game of Monopoly Deal he was winning against his sister, much to her delight. Yusuf nodded towards Bucky to follow them into the kitchen.
“You know, the reason you are welcome back here is because of your honesty.” Yusuf explained as he brought out the containers of ingredients. Bucky watched as Aamir drew measurements based on feeling; a contrast to the meticulous way he had observed you measure. 
“I didn’t want to keep it from you, it's just that day in front of everyone I got cornered and well…” 
Yusuf nods, “You couldn’t damage control as much as you preferred and I put you in a tight spot.” 
“Sort of and I didn’t want to disappoint you. It would be true had Sunshine and I—I mean had Y/N and I gotten together earlier.” 
“Always refer to them by their nicknames; they love it.” Yusuf advises with a smile. 
“And they love you more for it.” Aamir brings out the tea cups. 
Bucky grins then, “I’ve always thought of her as Sunshine.”
“It shows how she brightens your life my dear boy.” Yusuf then says a word in Arabic, “We say it when we do not want the evil eye to befall on anything.” 
“I see.” Bucky smiles, “Thank you, I didn’t think I’d find more people to consider family.” 
Aamir grins at him, “The first time dad mentioned you, I knew you’d become his little protégé.” 
Yusuf chuckles, “Well, you know I have a healthy gut.” 
Aamir groans, “Not that joke again.” Exasperatedly running his palms down his face. 
Bucky laughs, “Your gut is healthy so your feelings are all right?” 
“Precisely.” Yusuf winks at him. 
The tea is strained into the cups, Bucky holds the biscuit box and the cookie box as they re-enter. There are photo albums opened across the coffee table. 
You’re sitting cross legged on the floor with Kamala as she shows you the Khan family through history. Bucky observes as you delicately trace your fingers over the photographs. When you look up at him, your smile doesn’t reach your eyes. 
He frowns, Muneeba distracts the two of you by asking about future plans. 
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It has been two weeks and you find yourself opening the chat with Bucky scrolling to the shared media page and staring at the picture with the Khans. All seven of you squished onto the couch. The camera set on a tripod, you leaning against Bucky because the two of you were balancing on the armrest. 
The same as Tayesha and Aamir on the other side. You trace the picture yet again and shut the message thread. Your heart cautions you yet again from saving the picture, the permanence of family was not a privilege awarded to you. 
Alpine brushes herself across your ankles. You pick her up and pepper her cute squish-able face with kisses. She chirps in happy approval till she has had her fill and then leaps out of your arms. Bucky emerges from his post workout shower, finding you in the kitchen absentmindedly stirring the saucepan. 
“Are you going to tell me?” He broached the subject the very night of the dinner as the two of you drove back home.  
You declined him then, put on a front that he saw right through but didn’t mention. He let you stew in your mind because you weren’t willing to see the hand he extended towards you. Into the void that was labelled ‘crappy family’ but you weren’t willing to be brought out. 
Bucky has had enough of you drowning yourself in sadness. He can taste it on your lips. He can feel the cracks on you deepen when he holds you close. He’s had enough of you letting this eat at yourself. 
��Soare, I’ve let you take your time with this but you’re falling into a deep pit and I do not know if I will be able to pull you out. So I’m willing to go down with you, so I can help you climb back out.” Bucky steps closer, shutting off the stove and turning you to face him, palm cupping your cheek. “Let me in, please.” 
You meet the beautiful eyes that anchor you. 
Concern and worry brimming in them as he looks into your eyes, knowing there is a sadness looming. Knowing he wants to protect you. You grab at his arms, blinking but the tears form. Your mind, body, heart and soul know he is your safe space. 
He is your everything. 
The one you can be authentically yourself and he will love you. 
He still held onto you when he thought the worst of you. 
You still held onto him when you thought the worst of him.
Bucky feels the same way about you, the love you share is unconditional. Allowing each other to grow individually and together. 
“Sunshine, you gotta talk to me sweet girl,” He gnaws at his bottom lip watching you. 
Your hands rest on his chest and the damned dam breaks. Your hands move around his neck pressing yourself to him and you begin to cry. 
Bucky’s warmth surrounds you and he pulls you closer. Arm around your waist and the other holding your head, keeping you pressed to the crook of his neck. 
Sobs wrack your body, he doesn’t hush you, the soft movements only encourage you and allow you to know that he is here. He is here for you and you should let it all out. 
“My strong Sunshine, let it all out okay? We can fall apart in front of each other okay? Such a strong girl, my sweet Sunshine.” He whispers through your breakdown. 
When your sobs turn to sniffles and he presses the cool water bottle into your palms, helps you drink it. Bucky wipes away the tear stains, kissing your entire face. 
“You okay Sunshine? You wanna head to bed?” He questions and you shake your head with a sniffle. 
“Take your time baby.” He encourages, rubbing his warm and loving palm along your back. 
“It's just, I miss my family? Being around the Khans that night? Kamala showed me the pictures. I didn’t think I’d be sad for this long, I’m so sorry, I know you’re trying to help. I just thought I could handle this alone. That I’d get over it. I always have but, I, they accepted you back and me after we made mistakes and hurt them and, and Bucky that is what family does…. Why couldn’t mine do the same? Was I that bad? Am I that irredeemable?” You blurt out, gingerly taking more sips as he brings the bottle to your lips again. 
“Sunshine, you haven’t committed any mistakes ever that are non forgive-able. Your family has treated you like crap. Basing your worth—making you think and believe that your worth is tied to a fucking douchebag? Just for their gain and access to the guy’s bank account by extension? God, I want to punch your brother so bad.” His hands brush away your tears, 
“Look, baby, you can handle things alone, sometimes which is most of the time but you should not have to, I learned this pretty fucking late too. You have a support system in place. Wanda, Steve, their parents, Becca, my parents, and me. You can lean on us whenever you want, okay? We’ll catch you.” He nudges your jaw with his nose. It makes you smile.
Bucky’s heart eases as he watches your eyes light up after days of dark clouds.
“Pietro too…” You giggle at his responding growl. 
“Look, it isn’t wrong to want your family on that list, okay? If you want to mend your relationship with them I’ll drive you over myself and stay with you. You want privacy? I’ll wear noise cancelling headphones and sit in the kitchen. You want Wanda there? Steve? Becca? Even fucking Pietro will turn up for you in support okay?” He makes you look up at him, “You say the word, my love, Soare mi, I’ll make whatever you want happen. If it is in my capacity of bringing to fruition, I’ll fucking bring down the sun to worship at your feet, Sunshine.” He promises. 
You cup his cheeks, thumbs grazing over his stubble, “I love you so much. You all in my life, you’re enough okay?” Guilt eats at you for wanting more than what you have for being greedy. 
“I know we are but there’s nothing wrong with wanting more.” Bucky says, reading your mind almost, “You think about it, but don’t let it make you turtle all the way down. I need my girl to shine.” 
Your eyes mist again, kissing him before being tucked against the crook of his neck again. 
A few more days later Bucky drives you across the city towards the neighbourhood where your family lived. The hand rest under your intertwined palms is warm in the sun belting down overhead. It’s an unseasonably hot day. Good enough to blame the sweat pooling at the nape of your neck upon it. 
Ever so often Bucky raises your hand and kisses the back of it. You needed this, you wanted it and you were prepared in case things go south to leave them be in the past they wanted to remain in. Bucky was in correspondence with Steve and Wanda on a separate chat. The three ready to take over for you in case you needed to just be though they were rooting for a happier outcome. For your sake only. 
Walking up the pathway of the house is bittersweet and nostalgic. The house is in good enough condition. Lawn mowed and kept in compliance with the HOA. 
Your grip on Bucky’s arm tightens, “You’re the second man they will be meeting.” You try to lighten the conversation. 
“Well they’ll know you got it right this time.” He chuckles, heart twisting as you laugh but the nerves begin to claw at you. 
He wonders if he could shield you from this the way he shielded you from the cold. He wraps an arm around you. You’re tucked right against him. Your head rests right at the spot of his tattoo dedicated to you.
The doorbell rings. 
There is shuffling and a bit of yelling. A common occurrence. 
Your brother opens the door, his eyes move to Bucky and then to the arm at your hip. Then at you, “This your trade in for the rich fucker? This is—,”
“He is an upgrade from the cheater.” You cut him off, “Are mom and dad home? I wanted to talk as well as introduce James.” You look up at your man, Bucky squeezes your side in encouragement. 
Your brother scowls and then pads inside, from the doorway you see him gesture to come into the hall. Your mom and dad sit on the couch. He takes the chair that leaves the smaller loveseat open for the two of you. 
The five of you sit in silence for a few minutes, Bucky observing them and they observe Bucky. He watches as they take in the kind of clothes he wears, the brand of his watch already caught their eyes. He wonders if this is why you were worried that they would judge him. 
Your eyes however are all over the old home you had. The wall with your heights marked. The smear of nail paint they could never get out from one of the walls. The ceiling that was the floor of your room. 
“So,” Your dad begins, “This is?” He vaguely gestures towards Bucky. 
“Wait a minute. You, you’re fucking married!” Your brother points to the wedding bands.
“Are you serious? Y/N, fuck I had hope you’d marry the rich dude. God, do you never think about the benefit of this family?” 
“Do you ever let her speak or do you all always walk all over her?” Bucky seethes at the three of them. 
“Who the hell are you? To talk to us in this manner.”
“James Barnes—,”
“That scholarship idiot who she was pining behind? So pathetic. Mom, remember I told you about finding her one day crying over him that weekend she came back?” Your brother says looking at your mom who looks at you with disappointment. 
“Sweetie, don’t you think about us? Our needs?” Her tone may be soft but her words are fully inducing a guilt trip you do not deserve. 
“Are you fucking—,” Bucky shuts up when you squeeze his thigh. 
“I’m running my baking business now—,”
“There goes the money, do only I have to do the work around here?” Your brother groans. 
“It’s doing well enough, I thought we could mend things after the horrible way I was treated.” 
“You?” Your dad scoffs. 
Your mom snorts, “If anything you got us into this mess and now you want to sell Betty Crocker with your name on it.” 
Bucky can’t take this anymore, half a mind to chew them out, your squeezing hand keeps him quiet. He stays quiet for you. Anger ebbing into a simmer. 
He knows where your brother worked. The boss is an old friend of Bucky’s dad. 
Small world. 
One little word and this man would be put on the midnight shift. 
“As I was saying, I came here to mend things. Clearly you have no place in my present or future. Also you do not get to disrespect the man I love. So what if he had scholarships? That means he had more brain cells than you three combined to get a degree.” You stand. 
Bucky stands with you, “I’m proud of him. I stand by him and he stands by me. He told me he would be there for me today so I wouldn’t have to endure the horrible crap you all say alone.” 
“Boo hoo you weren’t abused.” Your mom waves off looking at you without an ounce of guilt. 
“Abuse isn’t always physical. Neglect isn’t always physical. You all made me emotionally broken.“ You bite your cheek, you can’t cry. 
You won’t cry. 
“Finances aren’t ever the responsibility of a child. I went through it myself. It isn’t for us to grow the fuck up earlier than required because you as parents, failed miserably.” Bucky adds, squeezing your hand, “She did her best given she had to be an adult before she was required to be. When you,” he points to your mom and brother, “Were supposed to be adults. Not her all alone.” 
“Exactly, you made me grow up and then treated me as if I was a tantrum throwing child. When you all were the childish ones.” You point at all of them, “I did my best. With what I had, I did my best.” 
They all stare at you, baffled at you calling them out. They clearly weren’t ready to admit their faults. Nor were they prepared for civilised conversation. Your brother stares into his phone and then widens his eyes, “You drove Beck into a loss?” He asks Bucky.
Bucky rolls his eyes, “Is that all you people care—,”
“That means he got more than that cheater.” Your dad adds cutting him off.
You scoff, “Fucking rich.” You grab Bucky’s hand leading him towards the door. 
He follows while glaring at all of them as they watch on and then sputter into action.
“He has an expensive car too,” Your brother groans,
“You couldn’t be respectful?” Your mom swats the back of his head.
Bucky shuts your door, before rounding the car to the driver’s side. He keeps the door ajar so you can catch the conversation, “Do not expect to get anything from her. I’m going to make sure you cannot touch a penny she has to her name.”
“We’ll claim as family once she’s married, she has nothing to her name but a failing business.” Your dad informs him walking with his walker to the driveway.
Bucky settles into the car, he gives you a once over. You watch a calm demeanour take over him and his next words are in a voice you recognise he uses at work, “You seem to be curious people. I’ll tell you what, come after her. No seriously come after her and see where you end up. This cute three bedroom is spacious right?”
The three of them nod, still thinking they have a shot at something better. 
“Try and do anything remotely stress-inducing to my girl, even if it's a damn Christmas card. I’ll shove you three into a matchbox.” He rolls up the window and pulls out of the driveway. Exhaling loudly when the house is out of view.
You reach over, holding onto his hand, “Thank you.” 
“You need not thank me, Sunshine.” He kisses your hand. 
You’re too lost in your thoughts, the car stops and you blink. Bucky opens your door just as the door to Wanda and Steve’s home opens as well. The two stand at the door.
“Thought you’d need your family tonight.” He smiles as you look at him.
“We’ve got wine, take out, I’ve printed pictures of your brother to be a dart board.” Wanda pulls you into a hug, “Steve has the best thing though.” 
“I’ve checked the law, multiple times. They really can’t come after you. You’re above eighteen. In the event you do want to protect future and current assets we can put them into a trust.” Steve says, “But we can discuss this later on in depth for now, how about a hug and I ordered your favourite take out. Also, Wanda’s lined up your comfort show.”
You look at all three of them, heart bursting at the seams for all the love they have to offer you. You open your arms, all three, engulf you in a group hug. Bucky and Steve laugh when Wanda grumbles about them being giants.
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Months further pass. 
A blur of date nights, date days. 
A haze of falling even more in love with James Barnes. 
The pink rivulet runs along his jaw, you lick your lips as his thumb prevents the further fall of the strawberry juice.
“You’re right, I should not eat these laying down.” Bucky chuckles, the sound of him sucking his thumb has your ears echoing your heartbeat. This man should be aware of what he does to you. You hope he does.
Reverting your gaze back to the book at hand, you try not to let your thoughts get side tracked. Bucky had planned this picnic date, his only request was your strawberry tarts and chocolate covered strawberries. Hence the devil incarnate side-tracking juice.
He sits up bemused looking down at you, you still remain laying, book open but the words are a blur.
“Hi, Sunshine.” Bucky greets, leaning over, lips brushing against your own.
“Hi Puffin.” You kiss him, he smiles against your lips, hand gently grasping the book from your hands. He pulls away slightly, finding the bookmark and placing it before shutting the book and returning to your lips.
The taste of chocolate and strawberry explodes upon your tongue. You cup his cheek, your left hand moves to his hair, undoing his bun is one of your favourite moments. A small laugh escapes between the two of you as his strands tickle your cheek.
Somewhere his phone alarm rings and you huff, he kisses your cheek, making you sit up, across his lap. 
“Sunset’s about to start, and I brought you here for that.” He explains yet again.
“Well you knew you would get horny hence the cockblock alarm.” Nipping at his jaw, you laugh as his hands tickle at your sides.
“Pay attention to the view, Sunshine.” He chastises with a grin of his own.
“I am, Mr. Barnes. You are a delectable view.” You coo as he blushes at your words and rolls his eyes.
Shaking his head, he grabs your jaw to make you face the view. The colours begin to change, dusk creeping into daylight. Bucky had found this view after driving around for the better part of his shitty day years ago.
He stayed there, only heading down the hill to pick up food from a burger place nearby, returning to watch the sunset. At first it was a shitty day relieving place, slowly it turned into a weekly thing. Now, he’d brought you here.
“It’s beautiful.” The colours change to pink and orange, you’re tucked right against him. Bucky drapes his jacket over you. Chin resting on your head after placing a soft peck. 
The two of you watch the sunset, his arms tighten around you. Your hands rest above his, “How did you come across this place? Thank you for sharing it with me.” 
“You know, how Dr. Cho said we need to tell each other about how we processed ‘the event’?” He keeps his gaze on the darkening sky.
You swallow, nodding allowing him the space to speak.
“I found this place in the aftermath, at first it was mostly to escape crappy days. I was here often when the two of us interacted. You know, sort of snide comments, glares, and disdain.” He sighs, shoulders slumping, “Then I came here on a night I did something that made me question things. Ultimately I realised the thing I did was a happy one.” 
The silence engulfs the two of you, the sounds of people packing their own picnics begins as night completely takes over. Solar lamps flicker on as pathway guides.
“What was it that you did?” You ask, playing with the ring on his finger.
Bucky says nothing, only smiles but you can’t see it. 
The proof of what he did is framed in your home in the name of Jamesetta Barnette. He would tell you eventually. The perfect moment was already handpicked.
“Bucky?” You look up, he brushes his knuckles over your cheek.
“I’ll tell you soon enough.” He promises, resting his forehead against yours. 
“It made you happy, that’s enough for me to be happy about as well.” Your eyes close, “I love you.” 
“I love you, my Sunshine.” 
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The very bookstore café that Bucky and you frequent now houses your baked mini cakes and other dessert items. Your little logo plaque rests proudly above the display. A full six months went into this, you began pitching ideas to bookstore-café combinations a week after Steve and Wanda’s wedding. 
Bucky made sure to help you with the numbers aspect of your presentation, making it simplified. Staying up late surrounded by leftover food hearing you pitch to him over and over. Not once did he belittle you for asking questions, not once did he make you feel inferior for not understanding the integral aspect of finances. You knew enough to get by and file your yearly taxes but not this meticulously, while keeping your business in a growth mindset. 
Now seeing the signed contracts with a few cafés and especially the one where one of your risqué fantasies had come true really was the icing on the cake. 
Bucky deems a celebration is in order and the book buying journey turns into you both finding yourselves in the secluded section yet again. 
Only this time you’re the one tasting the dulce de leche off of his skin. The way he loses himself is sending you on a powertrip. His little whimpers and gasps, the groans that leave him. 
You’re straddling him, his head thrown back just at the teasing of your lips. Shirt unbuttoned and showing his beautiful skin. Surrounded by books and the promise of him recreating one of the scenes that had you go very quiet and calm as you read it. You smile as the blush that dusts his cheeks as he had read the scene is the same way right now. 
His pretty pink lips parted, large hands on your hips guiding you over his bulge. Sending shivers of pleasure thrumming through you in between your torture upon him.
“Sunshine,” His voice was hoarse, but you weren’t done. You smear another bit of the sweetness on his lips. Leaning down, the kiss is salvation and sin, heaven and hell. 
“Fuck, baby,” He groans.
Bucky’s left hand moves, gripping the back of your head, his knees bent and you hold onto him as he shifts the two of you with ease on the carpeted floor.
You’re beneath him now. He grinds against you, swallowing your moan of his name. Your nails clawing at his back, pulling him closer. 
“You know anyone could find us this way.” He teases, “You, fuck–, being a good girl for me, my pussy taking what she wants from me.” 
You moan at his words, your satin shirt unbuttoned. Bra unhooked, discarded somewhere. Fingers carding through Bucky’s hair as his lips latch onto your nipple, sucking hard. 
Your clit pulses demanding attention, he grinds down at the very moment sensing your need. 
“Fuck, Bucky, God—,” Your fingers tug on his hair, he moans against your hardened peak. Your hips move against him, demanding more. 
Bucky pulls away, his body covering yours, shielding you from prying eyes, he’s asked management to close off the section. He’d tell you afterwards he holds a stake in this store as an investment but not in the decision making. For now though you look so pretty and he can feel your arousal soaking the material of his pants and if he does not get even a little taste he thinks he might just die. 
Dipping his head to capture your sweet lips, he pauses brushing them, your nails—leaving a delicious burn in their greed. He loves it, loves all the marks you leave upon him. 
“Oh, oh fuck—what? Bucky? Y/N?! Holy shit!” 
Bucky stares down at you confused, you feel your body heat up and then tense. Then ice coats your veins. 
“Someone—,” You can’t complete your thought, Bucky’s hands are working at record speed, you now wear his henley. Your legs no longer wrapped around his waist but together and he pushes you behind him. 
You peek up from Bucky’s shoulder at the intruder and find a red faced Steve Rogers standing at the end of the aisle while staring down at his shoes. 
“Steve, what the fuck?” Bucky breaks the silence. 
“I um, I came for the books and uh, I’m going to go now…” He scratches the back of his neck. 
“What book?” Bucky looks at the aisle you both are, it begins at maternity books and ends on culinary books. Where the two of you are currently. 
“Are those pregnancy books?” You narrow your eyes at the books in his hand. 
“Uhm, yes the pregnant lady downstairs wanted another set of copies so I volunteered.” He explains with a cough. 
“How far along was she?” Bucky tilts his head at his best friend. 
“Um? I don’t know… Also I didn’t realise this was the way to get pregnant with a live demo aisle.”
“Wait a minute,” You look at the books again, then Steve and then recall the way Wanda had been the past two weeks. 
You lunge your phone while Bucky struggles to keep you covered. Steve just turns his back towards you both but remains standing in the aisle.
Wanda: 911 call me asap 
“Bucky!” You squeal, your man turns to you with eyes wide and confused. 
“What?” He holds onto his hoodie, you narrow your eyes at him. 
“You had your hoodie but gave me your henley?” You huff, typing back a response to Wanda. 
“Is that… relevant to whatever is going on with Steve and I suppose Wanda?” He hands you your jeans, you let the topic slide away for another day. 
“Can you both please get dressed?” Steve offers advice and plea. 
“Now you know what the two of us have to deal with when Wan and you are at it.” Bucky rolls his eyes.
“That's the only series of words you both say.” You comment. 
“That's because your Bucky has all the stupid with him.” 
Bucky snorts as he hands you your socks. Waiting for you to finish before he takes his clothes sans hoodie which you have conveniently stolen during his argument with his best friend. 
Right from under his nose. 
His heart somersaults nonetheless seeing his clothing on you. His dick however sends a very risqué image of you just in his unbuttoned shirt on top of him to his brain. 
You raise a brow at him, he only licks his bottom lip. Blue eyes sparkling with an intent you know all too well. 
He leans in, “Sunshine, I love fucking you and I fucking love you.” A sweet, innocent kiss is placed on your warm cheek before he puts on his shirt. 
“Finally.” Steve sighs with relief when Bucky taps his shoulder.
“So?” Bucky claps Steve’s shoulder as you head to your respective cars.
“So?” Steve repeats.
“Man, if you don’t tell me.” Bucky glares at him.
“Okay fine you remember her dream?” Steve grins.
Wanda’s call comes through, you move away from the two giggling boys.
“Wan?” You hear silence on the other end. Then a sniffle, “Oh Wan, what is it?”
“I don’t think I can do this?” She manages to breathe out just as there is clattering.
“You’ve been preparing for this, so what if it seems daunting?” You offer, concern washing over you, “I’ll be over in a few we can talk then okay?” 
Bucky lets you drive, following behind Steve.
Wanda is sprawled on the floor, instructions to make the crate covering her face.
“The adoption did go through, we’re picking him up tomorrow.” Steve informs.
“First of five?” Bucky grabs the misaligned crate parts.
“First of five.” Steve confirms.
You lay down near your best friend, the instruction sheet big enough that you too join in under it. 
“Hi.” You whisper.
“Hi.” Wanda whispers back.
“We’re in the kitchen okay, babygirl?” Steve calls out.
“Let me know if you both need anything, Soare mi.” Bucky pats your knee as they head to the kitchen.
“I will, Draega mea.” 
“Look at the blush.” Steve teases Bucky.
Wanda and you hear a swatting sound, it makes her chuckle finally. She looks over at you.
“I can do this right?”
“I have no doubt you’re going to be a great dog mom.” You smile at her, “Plus you bought that expensive baby stroller so of course my god-puppy is going to be spoiled rotten.”
Wanda laughs, she lets out a breath. Tears spring to her eyes, “I’m nervous.” 
Your hand reaching for hers, hiding under the blanket or your textbooks was a common theme.
“What have I told you, I believe about nervousness?” You remind her.
“It means I care.” She answers, breathing out, the instruction sheet flutters.
“Exactly, and your puppy is going to love you, along with the other random animals you will end up making Steve adopt.” You chuckle.
“I saw a rat in the basement, he was so tiny.” She gushes and gestures with her free hand the size of the rat.
“What did you name it?” At this point you know she potentially adopted it already. Setting up non-hazardous traps for it.
“Rara or Bugsy.”
“Hey, Bugsy is reserved for the hamster you adopt.” You need to set your foot down on the matter.
“You’re right, probably Remy. Yeah that makes sense.”
You shake your head but decide to sit up, immediately your best friend hugs you.
Steve approaches the entryway, a smile on his face. Mouthing a thank you to you.
“Oh by the way Wan, I caught them fucking at the bookstore.” He says with a shit eating grin.
You glare at him, Wanda screeches.
“Tell. Me. Everything.” She grabs your shoulders, “Also, Stevie you owe me money. I told you one time we’d catch them there.”
“How about I turn the cash into a cute purse?” Her husband offers to a very willing Wanda.
“Ya’ll bet on us?” Bucky feigns betrayal.
“Oh please, as if you both didn't place some bets on us.” Wanda points her finger at him.
“You told them?” You ask Bucky.
“Steve wondered where I got the cash for buying rounds at the bar.” Bucky defends, a sweet smile taking over his features, the crinkles by his eyes showing. Your heart beats harder, reminding you of your feelings.
“Smitten kitten.” Wanda whispers as she had years ago. 
You still swat her arm the same way.
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“Bucky—,” Your quip is broken into a giggle. Strong arms encircle you. Bucky grabs onto the railing entrapping you against him. 
He brings his face close to yours, blue eyes bright and a smile on his face. 
“Sunshine.” He says happily, nose brushing against your own once, twice, several more times. You blush, heart roaring at the happiness you feel in this moment. 
A clamour of ‘oohs’ distract the two of you. Then the silence envelopes the small crowd gathered. 
Bucky gazes to the side, shifting slightly so you can see the view better. 
The snow capped mountains of Switzerland being embraced by the sunrise. Slowly taking over, your head rests upon his chest. His cheek upon your head as you both watch the dawn of a new day. 
“Beautiful.” You murmur, arms wrapping around him. 
“Not as beautiful as you, Sunshine.” Bucky chuckles, “I know I’ve told you this at every sunrise we’ve seen but it's true.” 
“All across Europe you’ve favoured me over the view.” You pull back to look up at him only to find him looking at you already, “That and the eskimo kisses.” 
Bucky laughs, “Oh remind me to tell you about that when we get home, tomorrow.” He cups your cheek, pulling you in for a kiss. You melt against him, the past three weeks were one of the best. 
After a year and a half of working hard to make the baking business take off. Bucky asked if you’d be willing to take a vacation. The business was better, you’d rented out a sort of studio space. Which could be versatile in its purpose on those weeks that you didn’t have many orders. Those days it was given to people looking for hosting their own classes or group sessions. 
Bucky had done the math, your next goal was owning a space as this, doing the same thing but you’d own it. He projected an achievable timeline. 
Progressing at his firm under the tutelage of Yusuf. Bucky himself was thriving in front of you. On some days you couldn’t believe you both were out of the labyrinth holding hands. 
Alas, the trip had come to an end. The memories would live on. Carried in the little photo album of polaroids. Negatives of films ready to be developed and the digital photos tucked away in memory cards and back up ones.
Sleepily walking into the apartment, you were hoping to crash on the couch itself. The small clock read close to five a.m. 
“Take a shower, you will feel better.” Bucky kisses your forehead. 
You whine in response, “Sleepy.” 
“Sunshine.” He uses the kind of stern tone you can’t fight against.
“Cmon, you knew I’d help beat jet lag.” Bucky leads you to his and now your shared room. 
“Only because you have a fancy shower.” You grumble, allowing him to help you out of your coat. 
He only laughs, placing a sweet kiss to your jaw. 
“Join me?” You offer the most innocent expression on your face. 
“Tempt me all you want Sunshine, I am not going to shower with you again, you’re my angel but your water temperature can rival hell.” Bucky kisses your nose, squeezing your ass just as you pull away. 
Swatting his arm you head into the bathroom, “Don’t tell me later, ‘Can’t dick down Sunshine in the bathroom.’”
Bucky sputters the water he began drinking, “That was one time and Steve fed me weed brownies!” 
“I had those too! I didn’t say Bucky is a wimp during warm showers!” You call out over the sound of the lovely said warm water. 
“More like scalding.” He peeks into the bathroom, getting a good view of you. 
“Did you not want to unpack the chocolates we bought?” You remind him, he smiles nodding and heading out. 
After your shower you find your favourite hoodie from Bucky’s collection on the bed. You could cry because it was warm. 
“Hey Sunshine, are you out yet?” Bucky calls out. 
“Yeah, just a second.” 
“I wanted to know is the hot chocolate supposed to go in the fridge?” 
“You remember what happened to the Cocoa Powder of February don’t you?” You pause your stride to the kitchen. 
Several paper hearts line the floor to the little balcony. A balloon floats tied to the handrail. You pad over, Bucky not in sight. 
“Bucky?” You call out, pulling the balloon down, there isn’t anything written on it. 
Warm arms encircle you, just as they did at every observation deck, during every sunrise. As if he planned it down to the minute, the sky breaks into colours of dawn, you turn to face him. 
“Puffin?” You stare up at him.
Bucky leans in, eskimo kissing you. You smile as you always did when he showed his affection this way.
“One sunrise at home. More than a year ago, at sunset I proposed to you albeit it was a staged one. This one isn’t staged. I put something on our vision board. Maybe you hadn’t seen it.” His hands move to grasp yours, “Do you know puffins mate for life? They sort of peck their beaks to know their love.”
“Is that why you’ve been eskimo kissing me?” You wanted to cry.
He wipes your cheek with the back of his, your hands still intertwined.
“I haven’t even started the proposal yet.” He chuckles, but his own eyes are misty. Tears gathering. His cheeks turned pink.
“I got the chance to fall in love with you again. Maybe that is a blessing. To watch you grow and see you in different lights. Sunshine, I’ve seen you eclipsed, I’ve felt your warmth on cold mornings. I’ve dreamed of you when you aren’t near. I’ve dreamed of you when I have you in my arms. I’ve lost you. I’ve found you.” He pauses, taking a deep inhale.
“I’ve been the worst foe to you. I’ve had the honour to be your friend. I’ve had the honour to have your trust. You say I’m your home Sunshine but I’ve found my peace with you. I want you for the rest of my life. I’ve seen what an engagement to you is like, I want to know what marriage is with you.” He slowly gets down on one knee.
Tears flowing out of his beautiful blue eyes.
“Oh Bucky,” You blink the tears free.
“I know, I’m not perfect,” He begins, “I’m not either,” You remind him.
“But we, we fit right.” He smiles when you wipe the tears from his eyes.
“We do.” You agree.
“Sunshine, will you be mine, to have, to hold, to love, cherish, in sickness, in health, in life. Whatever may come our way, will you allow me to be your husband? Will you be my wife? I also promise to say ‘Where is my wife?’ just like those book boys of yours.” He chuckles.
“You’re way above them, I love you so much. I didn’t think I’d get to know what it is to be yours, once I had a taste. I didn’t think I could go back.” You kneel as well.
“Puffin, I’ve seen you grow and I want to grow with you, two trees in the same forest. Roots expanting, branches fanning out. Puffins mating for life. I didn’t think I could find happiness. Let alone find the happiness that I thought was lost between us. So yes, I will be yours, husband. To love, to cherish, in sickness, in health, in life. I love you more than my book boyfriends.”
“More than that one bodyguard book dude?” Bucky’s teasing you know it, you laugh and nod.
“Yes, even more than him.” Your forehead rests against his, Bucky slips something onto your finger.
“We had wedding bands but never an engagement ring, I knew you wouldn’t want those replaced. I had the ring designed to match the original band. So you could wear both.” He explains the beautiful piece of jewellery. 
“I love you, husband.” You grin as Bucky blushes, a shyness he only showed in front of you takes over him.
“I love you, wife.” Bucky cups your cheek, drawing closer. 
His lips meeting yours, the morning light shining bright around the two of you.
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A.N: thank you for waiting, loving and reading this story, i find it very difficult to part with the worlds i create and labyrinth is so close to my heart so very close to my heart i will miss this fic so much im crying brb
tagging: @slutforsexyseabass @elle14-blog1 @sxnshinebxcky @sebsgirl71479 @pandaxnienke @stevesmewmew @tfandtws @povlvr @tanyaspartak@maggiejackson3@brodymarx @ladylee76 @buckyinluv @buckymcbuckbarnes @almostcontentcreator @alltoounwellread @unaxv @stickyjudgeturtleghost(strikedthrough if unable to be tagged)
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Deranged Marriage (1) - Let it go
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Title: Deranged Marriage
Summary: Your father wants you to choose a husband. Your chosen one doesn’t like the idea one bit.
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Characters: Ayo, Okoye, Jake Jensen, Steve Rogers
Warnings: arranged marriage, language, unwilling groom, angst, Bucky being an ass, sadnes, banter, tension
A/N: I got no self-control so this will have more than one part.
Deranged Marriage masterlist
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“Why, not daddy,” you whine as your father refuses to let you leave the party. “I’m an adult, you know. I want to spend some quality time with my friends.”
“Sweetie, you are a grown woman and must stop acting like a teenager. I want you to finally choose a husband. I got a list including a complete background check.”
Your father points at one of his business partners. “How about him? Or Stark’s son. I heard he adopted yet another boy. Maybe he’s your age.”
“Daddy, no. All your business partners are old, and their sons are stupid frat boys. I want a good-looking, strong, sexy, and tough man.”
“Fine,” your father seems to be just done with your behavior today. “Choose whoever you want. I don’t care. Just let me check his background first.” He shoves his glasses back up his nose. “Or do you prefer a pretty lady, sweetie? I’m open-minded, Y/N.”
“Daddy,” you mutter as he chuckles. Your father doesn’t seem to care you are close to throwing a tantrum. “Gosh, this is so annoying. I don’t need a husband to rule your empire.”
“I’m sure of it, sweetie,” he wraps his arm around your shoulders, guiding you toward one of his newer business partners. “How about Rogers? He’s not too bad to look at.”
“He’s tall and attractive, but he only has eyes for that uptight British chick,” you sigh deeply. “You know that.”
“I don’t care. If I say he must marry you, he’ll do it.”
“And cheat on me,” you huff.
“Who else caught your attention, Y/N?” your father nudges your side. “You know I want you to be happy. But people are people. Especially in my line of work. You’ll need a strong man by your side.”
“I want—” you let your eyes wander. “I want…” you dip your head to glance at the man who caught your eyes months ago.
“Who, sweetie? I want you to tell me his or her name,” your father whispers so no one can spy on him. Even among his friends and partners spies and traitors are waiting for their chance.
“Barnes,” you point at James Buchanan Barnes. The cockiest and grumpiest of your father’s business partners. That man dared to ignore you for three years, and now, he’ll finally pay you attention.
“You want Barnes?” your father gasps. “You know he’s got quite the reputation. He’s not the kind of man settling for one woman, Y/N.”
“He’s tall, handsome, strong and I like his metal arm. It makes him imperfect but perfect at the same time. Like a poem without a rhyme or a painting missing a color,” you watch the brunette mobster push his neatly gelled hair back.
Bucky takes a large sip from his drink as he watches your father from across the room. He knows that his business partner is looking for a husband to take care of you. The mobster simply is not interested in your bratty ass.
“She’s staring your way, Buck,” Steve snickers. “Do you think she will choose you? I bet you’ll be putty in her hands.”
“Like hell,” Bucky grumbles. “I won’t marry. Not now. Not ever. He can keep his little brat. She’s the worst.”
Steve nods but watches his friend look your way again. “If you say so, Buck. I will get another drink and hide in the back before she finds me…”
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“Barnes,” your father stalks toward your chosen husband. “We should talk about business. I know this is a party, but my girl chose you.”
“Chose me?” Bucky smirks in amusement. “What am I to her? One of the dogs you bought her only for her to lose them on of her shopping trips.”
“You know that I’m looking for someone to protect my daughter. She will take over my empire and will need a reliable and loyal man by her side.”
You are fuming next to your father. James Buchanan Barnes dares to not even look at you. He once again ignores your whole existence.
“No?” you huff. “You should be honored I chose you. Men would kill to even get a smile from me.”
“They will kill themselves if you ever smile at them,” you gasp at his words. No one dared to talk to you like this before. “Don’t you get it, doll? No one likes you. You’re a spoiled brat without manners and you’re not my type.”
“Careful now, Barnes. I respected your father and we are partners. This doesn’t mean I let you talk like that to my daughter.”
“Sir, with all due respect, I won’t marry your daughter,” Bucky finally looks at you. “She is annoying, loud, and immature. Even her friends hate her.”
“My friends love me,” you fight back. “What do you know about my friends?” He laughs about your antics.
“I know that the girl you call your best friend since childhood is so afraid of what you will do to her family that she pretends to be your friend for almost fifteen years.”
“You’re lying. I hate you!”
“Oh, sweetness,” he takes a step toward you to look you up and down. “All of them are afraid of your father and his men. Did you ever think about how they will never say no? All of them always follow your lead.”
“No…” you step back, shaking your head. “I met Lavender at school. She wouldn’t lie. She’s my friend.”
You turn on your heels to run out of the ballroom, angrily wiping your tears off your cheeks. Bucky’s rejection and his words hit you hard.
“How dare he reject me. How dare he tell me lies about my friends!”
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“He lied…he lied…” you pace back and forth while clutching a picture of you and Lavender to your chest. "She's my friend. All of them are…”
You sit on your bed, opening an old picture album. There are pictures of you and Lavender at the age of ten. You smile into the camera as your father just bought you another dog.
“She’s my friend,” closely looking at the picture you recognize for the first time that your friend doesn’t smile. There is something in her eyes you never saw before. Fear.
You turn the pages, looking at all the pictures of you and your friends. “No…” You slam the album shut and fling it across the room. “She was a kid and a little intrigued by daddy and his men. I’m sure about it.”
For a moment you sit there in silence, remembering the day you met your best friend. She was new at your school. The only one not making a beeline around you.
Well, the other kids knew better than to get involved with a mafia boss’s daughter.
That day, someone wanted to mess with her and stole her backpack. She cried and you stepped in. One glare from you and the boy dropped the backpack and ran for his life. He didn’t have the guts to mess with you.
Lavender smiled and thanked you. She even hugged you, taking you by surprise. After school, you offered to drive her home. Or rather, your bodyguard drove her home.
You saw her father look at your bodyguard. It was written all over his face that he was scared of the man protecting you.
“What if…?” you whisper to yourself as you unlock your phone to look at more recent pictures. Lavender and you at her birthday party. You and your friends at a club. Lavender and her brother at a pool party. “She never smiles. None of them smiles.”
“Y/N, it’s me Okoye,” you sigh deeply as your bodyguard calls from outside your room. “Ayo is here too. Do you want to join us? Come on. Screw Barnes.”
“I’m a little tired.”
“What did he say, Y/N? Why are you hiding in your room?”
“It’s nothing. I got a terrible migraine and want to sleep. Don’t worry. Barnes can eat shit. I don’t care.”
“If you need me to kill him, give us a call.”
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“Mr. James,” you nervously look at your best friend’s father. Barnes's words wouldn’t let you sleep. Now three days later you drove out of town to visit Lavender’s parents. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure…Y/N,” he stammers. “What can I do for you?”
“Lavender,” you lick your dry lips. “I—are you and your daughter afraid of my father? I need to know if Lavender became my friend out of fear.”
“No…” he chuckles nervously. “Why do you say such a thing? Lavender is your friend.”
“I see.”
You swallow audibly. Accepting the truth is the worst and most painful thing you’ll ever experience. “Thank you for your time. I hope you have a great day.”
“Wait…are you mad at Lavender? Did she do anything wrong?” the look in his eyes brings you to tears. Lavender’s father fears for his daughter’s life only because you came to visit them.
“Oh, no! I was just asking myself if we should take a break from our friendship. I’m quite busy with upcoming tasks and possible marriage. I hope Lavender won’t be mad.”
“What? No! She would never be mad at you. Lavender is your friend.”
“Of course, she is,” you nod in agreement. “A friend of mine will always be safe. Even if we cannot see each other for a long time. I’ll make sure of it.”
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“Hi, Lavender,” you leave her a voicemail. You didn’t have it in you to face your friend, so you make it easier for you and her. “Listen, we were friends for so long but I kinda grew out of our friendship. We should give each other space. Uh-I mean you should spend more time with your family and your other friends. Stay safe and thank you for being a good friend.”
You end the call before she can hear you choke out a sob. “Another one,” you sigh deeply. Before you ended your friendship with Lavender, you called all of your friends.
Barnes was right. None of your so-called friends was a real friend. It didn’t take you long to find out that all of them are scared of your father and his men.
“What’s up, sweetness?” Jake pokes his head into your room. “What did you do with all the information I got for you?”
“Jensen, not now,” you throw your phone against the wall. “I’m not in the mood for one of your not-funny jokes.”
“Whoa, who fucked with you?” he asks. “Do you want me to send them a nice little virus?” Jake grins.
“No,” shaking your head you sigh deeply. “I just need a little me time.”
Jake silently closes your door. He is just another employee of your father. Not a friend nor an ally. You won’t make the mistake and trust anyone ever again.
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“What are you doing?” you roll your eyes when your new nemesis, Bucky Barnes himself strolls toward you. “Oh, are you cold?”
He looks at the brazier, frowning as you throw pictures of your friends, trinkets, and plushies inside the fire.
“What do you want, Barnes?” he furrows his brows when you don’t even look at him. Usually, you’d hang on to his every word. “I’m kinda busy here.”
“I can see that.”
Bucky crouches down to look at the box you placed next to the brazier. It’s filled with all the memories you made with your friends. “Why are you burning that shit?”
“I’m cold,” you snap at him. “Can you leave me alone? Don’t you have a granny to rob or people to kill? Or whatever an important and all-grown man like you does.”
“Aw, are you having a little campfire on your own,” Bucky mocks you, but you don’t give a shit. “How about we get some marshmallows.”
“Fuck off.”
“Watch your tongue, my lovely bride,” he sneers as you finally look at him. “You made it. I got no other choice but to marry you. Your father made sure of it.”
“I don’t care anymore,” you crouch down to grab a handful of pictures to throw them into the fire. “Go and fuck some prissy little missy. You are not man enough for me anyways.”
“Not man enough?” he laughs darkly. “You wouldn’t survive our wedding night.”
“Because you are always dressed to kill?” you cock your head and look Bucky up and down. “Maybe you rejected me because you like your friend Steve more.”
“I can fuck whoever I want to. Men, women, both,” Bucky picks the box up and empties its inherits into the fire.
“What the fuck! That was my ritual. You cannot come here and ruin everything all over again. You’re such an asshole!”
“Well, no shit doll,” he growls back. “Remember, you asked for this. A little girl forcing a man like me into marriage; dumbest move ever.”
“You wish I would, but I won’t,” Bucky snarls. “I will fuck my way through town while you will be waiting at home. You will be a nice little trophy wife, nothing else.”
“In your dreams,” pushing against Bucky’s chest you scream in frustration as he won’t budge. “My father will have your head if you dare to fuck with me.”
“He won’t,” he grins down at you while you slap his chest. “I agreed to become his new right-hand man to take over his empire one day.”
“No—I’ll take over his empire. I’m his legacy,” you stop hitting Bucky. “He can’t do this…he can’t. All my life I only did what he wanted. I never had real friends because they were afraid of him.”
You step away from Bucky, shaking in anger. “We will see, dollface…we will see…”
>> Part 2
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nekoannie-chan · 3 months
I won’t wait for you
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader (past).
Word count: 371 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: You don’t need Steve.
Major Tags: Angst, mention of cheating.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @caplanbuckybarnes Weekly Writing Challenge! #1 with the prompt:
"You don't get to leave and then come back after all this time and expect me to welcome you with open arms."
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber
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You gave a biscuit to your daughter Sarah and another one to the puppy that was only a few weeks old that you had just adopted after the little one had been begging you for more than a month for a pet. You just couldn't say "no" to her; she actually looked a lot like Steve. Although that didn't bother you, you just kept pretending he didn't exist anymore.
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You didn't notice that someone was watching them in the park; nothing seemed suspicious, not even when he started following you.
"Y/N, “Steve called out to you.
For a split second, you stopped but immediately kept walking, even though Steve caught up with them.
“Y/N, it's been a long time," Steve said.
“Who is he? “your daughter asked.
“An old work colleague," you replied. “I don't have anything to talk to you about," you mumbled quietly enough so your daughter wouldn't hear.
Steve turned to look at the girl, who looked a little dismayed, and then at the puppy. He stepped aside; it wasn't the time to talk.
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You looked at the clock; it was eleven o'clock in the morning, and it wasn't time for Clarice to come home from school with your daughter. John and Clarice were busy taking all the children who were mutants back home after school.
You opened the door and closed it later, but Steve wouldn't allow it.
“Why didn't you tell me I have a daughter?“ Steve reproached you.
"You don't get to leave and then come back after all this time and expect me to welcome you with open arms."
“You just disappeared."
“I saw what you did with Sharon; I had planned that after you got Bucky to safety, I was going to tell you, you know, we don't need you; you'd better go," you said.
"Everything is all right?“ Lorna stepped in; you hadn't even realized when they'd arrived.
“I think you should leave, Rogers; you're not welcome here," Wanda said.
Steve looked down and turned to leave.
“I can still take Sarah for the ice cream I promised her, right?“ Wanda asked, not taking her eyes off the road.
“Sure, she hasn't stopped talking about it since you told her."
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multiversefanfics · 7 months
Off Limits (Part 1)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader/Tony Stark's daughter Warnings: Cussing, maybe a little violence, fluffy Steve Summary: You're Tony's daughter and he wants you to join the Avengers to help out with getting intel, your dad tells the men that you are off limits and not to try anything, but a certain someone doesn't listen. Also, you can read minds. :) Enjoy! Mind reading is in italics A/N: This is gonna be a series
You always felt kind of different, you never seemed to fit in, anywhere. That sucked because you were a complete ray of sunshine despite your father being Tony Stark who was the complete opposite of that. When you were younger you thought you were crazy because there were all types of voices in your head, you didn’t know the powers you had until your parents sat you down and told you that you could read minds which is why they never kept anything from you except for the fact that they were your adoptive parents and your real parent was Tony Stark. Tony knew about you but you only knew of him, as Iron Man, you don’t know who your birth mother is, no one does. You’ve been homeschooled since the 5th grade, that’s when your powers got stronger and you couldn’t take the words people were thinking about you, and all the secrets you had to keep because how could you explain how you knew what you knew. Now you are in your early 30s and you can control them now and you're finally reunited with your birth father. You’re still in touch with your adoptive parents but they agreed that it would be safer for you to be with Tony since he had the technology and understanding to keep you safe. You’ve talked every day with Tony to get to know him before meeting just to make sure he wasn’t a creepy old man who just wanted to kidnap you and keep you as his own, but you trusted your parents and they’ve never lied to you before. You met Tony at the front of the compound, your heart was racing and you couldn’t wait to spend time with your birth father. "Y/N, It's so great to finally meet you!" Tony pulled you into a tight hug. You didn't expect him to hug you, you've seen his sarcasm on TV and from people who've met him, he wasn't the affectionate type but maybe you were different because you were his daughter. The two of you pulled back and he smiled wide looking at your features "It's like looking in a mirror." You smiled and looked back at him "It is weird, I always thought I looked like you but thought I was just crazy." He took your bag putting it on one shoulder and wrapped his free arm around your shoulders and guided you inside "Let's go introduce you to everyone." You both walked up the stairs and into the compound talking about small things to get to know each other, you two made it to the common room where everyone was sitting and talking. "Everyone, this is Y/N she is our newest Avenger." Everyone looked over exchanged hellos and introduced themselves "No offense, Tony but do we really need a new Avenger?" You snapped your head in the direction of the voice and found a very gorgeous blonde-haired, blue-eyed muscle man also known as Captain America. Tony cleared his throat and stood tall "Well, Miss America, this is also my daughter." Everyone's jaw dropped and you stood there smiling wide looking at everyone's expression, their thoughts filling your mind which instantly gave you a headache. You rubbed your temples, flinching from the pounding spikes of pain. "I'm going to need everyone to stop thinking just for a moment please." They all looked at you confused "Just a little headache." You smiled and turned to Tony asking where you were staying "I'll show you." You smiled and followed Natasha to your room. "Alright, couple of ground rules." Tony stood in front of the other guys arms crossed "That is my daughter, none of you are allowed near her except on missions or when myself or Natasha are present. Rogers and Cyborg, she is completely off-limits to you two and I swear if I find either one of you flirting with her I will end you." Everyone was silent and staring at Tony "Do I make myself clear?" They all nodded and Tony smiled making his way up the stairs to your room.
You placed your backpack on your new bed, looking around your room. "So, what's Tony like?" Natasha looked at you "He's different." She chuckled and sat in the chair by a table "Different how?" You sat on the edge of your bed looking over at her "Well, I've never seen him smile so much in one day before, Tony is very sophisticated and likes things done in a certain way, he's very sarcastic, some people find him rude but really he's a genuine guy who's been through a lot." You smiled as she explained Tony more to you, you wanted to call him dad but at the same time, you're not ready yet. You started to get another headache, you rubbed your temple squeezing your eyes shut "Do you need me to get you anything?" You squinted up at Nat "Some water please?" She nodded and headed out of your bedroom door, you laid back on your bed trying to get your thoughts and other's thoughts from bumping around in your head.
"I know Tony said she's off limits but I can't keep my eyes off of her, she's gorgeous."
Was that Steve? You shook your head closing your eyes, you sighed to yourself trying to relax, you’ve controlled your powers very well until now, maybe because of a new environment? Maybe you were nervous? Who knows, you need to get it together. You finally got up from your position and started putting your clothes in the dresser across from your bed, it took several trips back and forth from your car to the compound for the rest of your clothes and anything else you wanted to bring, with help from Thor, Bucky and Nat. You giggled a few times hearing the thoughts from Bucky saying how many clothes you had, while Thor thought about how small they were compared to him. You finally got all of your stuff put away and everyone went their separate ways except Bucky, for some reason he stayed “So, you’re Tony’s daughter?” You nodded and sat on the edge of the bed “Yeah, he seems great.” Bucky chuckled and nodded his head “Some would say” He looked around the room as if he was looking for someone “Well, I should get out of here, welcome to the team.” He gave you a small wave and walked away you raised an eyebrow and decided to follow him out the room “Wait, Bucky.” He stopped walking and turned to look at you “Yes, Y/N?” You caught up watching his face for any expression “I was wondering if you could show me around a bit” You saw him bite the inside of his cheek and look around. Why was he looking around?
Bucky: If Tony found out I was with her alone, he’d kill me.
You sighed and nodded “Never mind, I’m sure you’re busy.” You turned around and walked back to your room, you know Tony’s just looking out for you but you’re not a kid, you can handle yourself, you’re in a big-armed compound surrounded by super soldiers, black widow, a talking security system that controls everything, and a god for crying out loud. You decided to take a short nap, which ended up being a long nap, you were woken up by the sound of people yelling. Normally you don't hear anything outside of your room but it was super loud. You got out of bed and made your way to the common area "I don't care if it's innocent or not, you will not be around my daughter!" You heard Tony yell, but who was he yelling at? You peeked around the corner and saw him talking to Steve and Bucky, you couldn't help but think to yourself 'Did I get Bucky in trouble?' You shook your head and continued to listen "Tony, she asked me about you I couldn't just walk away." Tony sighed and rubbed his eyes “Give me a break cyborg.” Bucky scoffed and threw his head back “Alright, Tony.” You heard footsteps walking away “I can’t believe Tony is being so harsh.” That sounded like Steve but it could’ve been Bucky being sarcastic “Please, Tony is always harsh I understand why he’s like this, it’s his daughter and honestly I don’t blame him she’s gorgeous and I’ve been waiting to be alone with her” You heard Bucky chuckle and pat Steve’s back “Aww you have a crush, how cute. You know Tony won’t go for it.” You heard shuffling “Tony won’t know, right?” There was silence and then footsteps and when you looked up Steve was standing right in front of you. You smiled wide and looked up at him “Hi Steve.”
Main Masterlist - Steve Rogers Masterlist
Tags: @megamindsecretlair
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nykie-love-anime · 1 year
June Fluffy Prompts
This is my 30 Day Writing Challenge
Day 1 ~ Coffee Shop Au Aizawa x Female!Reader
Day 2 ~ First Meeting Fanboy x Mitchell!Reader
Day 3 ~ College Au Bakugou x Female!Reader
Day 4 ~ Sharing A Bed Bob x Female!Reader Headcanons
Day 5 ~ Celebration Cyclone x Mitchell!Reader
Day 6 ~ Adopting A Pet Steve x Female!Reader
Day 7 ~ Gardening Shigaraki x Female!Reader
Day 8 ~ Stuck Together Dabi x Female!Reader
Day 9 ~ Kisses Hawks x Female!Reader Headcanons
Day 10 ~ Promises Aizawa x Female!Reader
Day 11 ~ Clothes Part 1 Various Rick & Morty Characters x Reader
Day 12 ~ Clothes Part 2 Jake x Female!Reader Bradley x Female!Reader
Day 13 ~ Dancing Izuku x Wife!Reader
Day 14 ~ Gifting Something Cute / Dumb Kirishima x Female!Reader
Day 15 ~ “You Play The Piano So Well.” Bradley x Female!Reader
Day 16 ~ “I’ll Keep You Safe I Promise.” Bradley x Daughter!Reader
Day 17 ~ Breakfast In Bed Bucky x Rogers!Reader
Day 18 ~ Road Trip Karasuno x Male!Reader Headcanons
Day 19 ~ Attention Phoenix x Female!Reader
Day 20 ~ “Just Pretend To Be My Date.” Kuroo x Female!Reader
Day 21 ~ Caught In The Rain Daichi x Female!Reader Headcanons
Day 22 ~ “Your Hair Is So Soft.” Kenma x Male!Reader Headcanons
Day 23 ~ Flowers Pete x Daughter!Reader
Day 24 ~ Sharing Blankets BakuDeku x Bakugou!Female!Reader
Day 25 ~ Reading In Bed Iceman x Male!Reader
Day 26 ~ Love Notes Hizashi x Female!Reader
Day 27 ~ Reunion Jake x Female!Reader
Day 28 ~ Pet Names Texting SMAU
Haikyuu My Hero Academia
Day 29 ~ Late Night Date Javy x Female!Reader
Day 30 ~ Desserts Shinsou x Gn!Reader
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So my last post for June Fluffy Prompts was just posted. I cannot believe a month went by that quickly. I would just like to thank everyone who read my fics. Thank you for the likes, reblogs and comments I really, really appreciate every one of you guys.
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mrsstruggle · 2 years
The Lost Child - Chapter 32 // Teen Wolf x Marvel AU
Summary: Y/N Stark was taken from her family when she was three years old. It's fifteen years later and her family believes she is dead. Then how is she living in Beacon Hills?
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Death/Injury/Grief/Torture, Mentions of Past Grooming, Possible Grammar Mistakes (please let me know if there is anything else)
Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader, Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff, Vision x Wanda Maximoff, & More To Come
Previous Pairings: Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, Scott McCall x Allison Argent
Words: 4.6k
Note: I'm sorry this is so late. I've had zero motivation to do anything for months now but I'm trying to get back into everything. To everyone who messaged me, thank you for checking up on me and I'm sorry I didn't respond!
Additional Note: While this is a Teen Wolf x Marvel AU, not everything is true to the shows/movies/comics. I had to change things for the story. This also loosely follows Teen Wolf Season 4.
One Last Note: Y/N was adopted by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I did this so more people can see themselves in this story.
***I do not own Teen Wolf or Marvel or any related characters. This is a work of fanfiction and is meant for entertainment only.***
The Lost Child Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Next Chapter
"What the fuck?" Y/N stares at Kate in anger and confusion.
Kate smirks back at Y/N and leans against the doorframe, "We haven't seen each other in months. I see the two love birds have moved in together."
"Why are you here?" Scott moves to stand beside Derek. He glances down at the wolf before training his eyes back on Kate.
"Well, I had an interesting phone call with my dad the other day. He was telling me about how my information was right. He told me that the Stilinski daughter was really the lost Stark daughter." Kate pushes herself off the doorframe and takes a few steps into the loft. "The first time I saw you I knew you looked familiar. It wasn't until our last meeting that I started to do a little digging. I always wondered where you got some of your power from and it didn't take me long to find out who you really are."
"I'm surprised you didn't tell Hydra yourself," Y/N rolls her eyes.
"I know all about Hydra. I knew that there was no way that a few tricks with shadows was all you can do. I wasn't about to be there when you found out what you are truly capable of."
"I'd be more than happy to show you now."
"I almost forgot how funny you are."
"Why wait?" Stiles asks. "If you knew that she was even more powerful, why did you wait until she had it under control?"
Kate scoffs, "It's been what, like a day? I'm sure if I piss her off enough, she'll kill all of you for me."
"I think you'd be surprised. I mean I've somehow been able to control the urge to kill you for a few years now." Y/N smirks at her.
"You still haven't explained why you're here." Scott points out. "You're stupid but you're not stupid enough to attack us right now. You're outnumbered."
"Leave. Now." Everyone whips their head around to see Derek staring at Kate with a murderous glare. He now stands naked in the place he was a wolf a moment before.
Kate lets out a low whistle as she looks Derek up and down, "You've grown since the last time I saw you like this. You're...bigger."
"Wasn't he a child the last time you saw him like this?" Y/N takes a step in front of Derek to block him from Kate's view.
"He was old enough to make his own decisions. I didn't force him to do anything he didn't want to do."
"He was still a child."
"You will never let this go, will you? I was just coming to see how you're doing and to let you know that you might look yourself up online. Hell, you might want to look outside your window." Kate winks before walking out of the loft and shutting the door behind her.
"Should one of us follow her?" Stiles questions. He looks at the others before quickly shutting his eyes after they land on Derek, "Dude, put some clothes on!"
Derek rolls his eyes and grabs a blanket off the couch, wrapping it around his waist, "Happy?"
"We will come back to how you went from recovering in bed to a wolf and I know I'm going to regret this, but should we look out the window? Or probably we should look off the balcony if we want to see anything." Y/N points towards the large window with a questioning look.
"Why do you think she wants us to?" Scott asks.
"I don't know but we might as well do it. It's not like we have anything else to do." Y/N murmurs before walking towards the balcony door. She opens the door and walks out onto the balcony as the others follow.
They slowly look over the balcony to see a large group of people gathered on the sidewalk outside of the apartment building. Some of them are older people who are holding large cameras and the rest appear to be teenagers and college students. They seem to be waiting for someone.
"I'm so confused," Scott mumbles.
"Well, she also said to look you up online so let's do that," Stiles pulls his phone out of his pocket and looks up Y/N Stilinski. His face visibly falls as he scrolls and clicks deeper into his online search.
"What is it?" Y/N asks.
Stiles sighs and looks up at Y/N, "Everyone knows."
"Everyone knows what?"
"Everyone knows that you're Y/N Stark."
Tony sighs as he hears someone call for him. He decides to ignore them as he doesn't want to talk about Y/N anymore. He doesn't want to think about the situation they are in right now. He just wants to stay in bed for a week and then go talk to Y/N and figure out what's going to happen next.
Tony groans before slowly getting out of bed. He grabs the robe thrown across the chair near his bed and slips it on as he makes his way downstairs. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, he turns to see the rest of the Avengers gathered in the living room. Some of them look angry while others look worried. The TV is quietly playing some gossip channel. "What?"
"See for yourself." Bruce turns up the volume on the tv.
"Sources tell us she had no idea of her true identity, but the real question is how did she end up in Beacon Hills? It was only a few years ago that the discovery of her supposed death rocked the Avengers. The official report was that her remains were discovered and identified in a secret Hydra facility. Now, thanks to a leaked report, we have DNA test results that prove that Y/N Stilinski is actually Y/N Stark. We will keep you upda–" Bruce turns the tv off.
"Wh...How?" Tony stutters as he stares at the tv in disbelief. DNA test? Leaked report? Sources? They just found out who she was a few days ago. How do other people know? Did someone sell her out or did someone sell them out?
"It's not just that, it's also all over every social media platform there is," Peter states, not looking up from his phone from his spot on the floor.
"Her identity has been leaked and most of what people are saying isn't even true. Some people are claiming that the Sheriff has ties with Hydra and that's why he's had her this whole time. Some are saying that he's actually a relative and we sent her to live with him and faked the whole kidnapping thing because we were 'falling off' and needed more attention on us." Natasha lets out an annoyed huff as she scrolls through more news articles on her laptop.
"People on Twitter have come to the conclusion that she's not the real Y/N Stark, she's the 'source' and that she's lying to exploit money from you. I guess people have decided to completely dig into her life in every way possible and found out that the sheriff is a bit late on hospital bills for something and that's why she needs your money. They also think she just wants attention and that she doctored these supposed DNA tests by using her hospital connections from being a nurse. Right now, the hashtag '#SABRINASTILINSKIISALIAR' is trending."
"How do people even know about her in the first place?" Tony asks. He still can't seem to wrap his head around what's happening. They don't really know anything about her themselves but how have people just decided that she's using them for money?
"The first article that leaked said they received this information from a reliable source who provided pictures proving that the information they were given was true. The source told them that Y/N has been living in Beacon Hills for the last several years after she was taken from a Hydra facility. The source didn't reveal any other information besides Y/N's name and pictures from when she was held by Hydra." Steve informs him.
Tony runs his hand through his hair in a stressed manner. How has something so great turned out to be such a mess? They can't even have a moment to celebrate the fact that they found his daughter alive. They find out she's alive, but she has a whole other family, they found out Pepper was the one who gave her to Hydra, Y/N will never be the same Y/N they remember, and now the world has decided to chime in with their thoughts, opinions, and assumptions about who she is.
He wanted to until they were in a good spot before they said anything about finding her. Being the Avengers, they are used to people saying things about them or the whole viewing them in a certain way. He wanted time to prepare Y/N for the fallout of what would happen when they told the world they found her. He wanted to do it on their own terms so there wasn't any room for assumptions.
"Now the hashtag '#JUSTICEFORPETER' is trending because everyone now feels sorry for me because they think Y/N manipulated me first because someone said they saw me injured at the hospital and she's the one who took care of me. They think that's when she decided to pretend to be the lost Stark child." Peter states.
"How do people come up with this stuff?" Wanda questions.
"Well since the Avengers are the people who announced to the world that they found her dead in a Hydra facility years ago, it makes sense why no one believes this."
"Someone on YouTube apparently has already posted an hour-long conspiracy video about what they think happened," Natasha mutters.
"People are posting their conspiracies on TikTok as well."
"What are they saying?" Wanda asks.
Peter turns up the volume on his phone as he scoots closer to Wanda to show her the TikTok currently playing on his phone, "–hy I believe the Winter Soldier sold Y/N to Hydra and why I also believe that the sheriff works for Hydra as well.
"We all know the story of how Bucky Barnes famously became the Winter Soldier and was a major asset for Hydra. We also know how he was eventually freed from Hydra's hold and soon became an Avenger. But what if that was all a lie? What if he was never brainwashed by Hydra? What if he actually just worked for Hydra? What if he's still working for them?
"Out of everyone in the Avengers and out of everyone who was there the night Y/N was taken, he is the one with the biggest connection to Hydra. While the Scarlet Witch also has connections to Hydra, Barnes' connection runs a lot deeper. He knows the compound and he easily could've handed Y/N off to Hydra and returned back to the party before anyone could notice anything suspicious is going on.
"He also was the one who led a lot of the Hydra searches for Y/N. We all know they tore every Hydra facility they could find apart while they searched for her. With his connection to Hydra and his knowledge of them, it makes sense why he would've been a leader or at least a major player in these searches. We also know how several of these facilities would be completely empty when they were searched. Someone must have tipped them off. And if Y/N Stilinski really is Y/N Stark, someone on one of those searches had to say they found Y/N dead in order to get the Avengers to stop looking for her. Follow for part tw–" Peter turns off his phone and looks to where Bucky is standing.
Bucky can almost feel himself shaking from anger and sadness. Do people think he played a part in Y/N ending up in Hydra's grip? He's used to hearing things all the time about him and about his time under Hydra's control. He's gotten to the point where it doesn't really affect him any more thanks to Steve and time in therapy. But this? They can say whatever they want to about him but how dare they think that he would give Y/N to Hydra. To the people who have caused him and so many others so much pain. To some of the worst people on the planet.
Bucky is so upset that he doesn't notice Steve approaching him. Steve grabs the metal hand that is clenched tightly into a fist and lowly whispers to him, "Ignore it. That's just one person. We knew that conspiracies were going to happen when the truth came out. Once we figure this out, everyone will know the truth."
Bucky looks at Steve with unshed tears in his eyes, "How could they think I would ever do anything to hurt her?" The Avengers look away from Steve and Bucky as Steve whispers reassuring things to Bucky.
"They aren't just digging into her life and our lives but the people around her as well." Peter states. "People are posting about the death of Claudia Stilinski, her brother's history of staying at a mental health treatment facility, and the fact that practically her boyfriend's entire family died in a house fire years ago. Why are people doing this? We don't even know these things!"
"It's because we didn't want to know these things. If we wanted to know, we could've found everything out about her in minutes, but we decided she should be the one to tell us these things." Bruce states.
"What do we do?" Thor looks to Tony for an answer.
"We should probably all go over to her apartment and decide what we want to do there. As much as I would love to set the record straight right now, we aren't the only people affected by this." Tony states.
"Who are you and what did you do with Tony?" Wanda asks.
"Should one of us call her and let her know that we are going over?" Sam asks.
"I'll text her that we are going over. Do I need to tell her why?" Peter asks.
"She probably already knows why."
"What do you mean everyone knows I'm Y/N Stark?" Y/N looks at Stiles with a confused look on her face.
Stiles turns his phone around to show her the article he has pulled up on his phone. Y/N quickly snatches the phone out of his hands and starts angrily scrolling through the article titled 'Y/N Stark Found Alive in Beacon Hills.’
"Kate must have sold you out just like she did to Hydra," Scott mumbles as he scrolls through his own online search on his phone.
"We should go inside," Derek states, ushering them inside the loft as he sees more people gathering outside.
"Scott, will you please go get my phone from mine and Derek's room? I need to call dad and let him know what's going on since people have decided to make up lies about him." Y/N grumbles, not looking up from Stiles' phone.
"What are they saying?" Stiles asks as Scott runs up the stairs in the loft to grab Y/N's phone.
"Some people have decided that he secretly works for Hydra and that's why I've been living with him almost my whole life. He's apparently the person they decided I would live with because no one would ever suspect him to be harboring a stolen child. There's also some other bullshit theories that are even dumber than that."
"What does Kate gain from telling people who you are?" Derek questions.
"It's probably a distraction. With us having to deal with this, it gives her time to do whatever it is she plans on doing. All eyes are on us right now as well. She wants to make sure we don't have time to be looking at her."
Y/N hands Stiles his phone back as Scott hands her hers. "When I grabbed your phone, a text came in saying Peter and them are coming over. It didn't say why but I'm sure they saw the news."
"Why would Peter care?" Derek asks, confused.
"Not your uncle Peter, Avengers Peter."
"I should probably call him and tell them not to come over. We should probably meet them where they're staying. If they come here, it's just going to make it worse." Y/N quickly calls Peter to let him know to stay where he is and they will meet up with them.
After she hangs up, she plops down on the couch and continues to scroll through articles online. She huffs in frustration as she reads through another article speculating on her life. Another article wondering if she's known this whole time who she is and if her dad is involved with a terrorist group. Another article wondering if she is 'saying something now' because she needs money. She had no idea that her dad still owed money to Eichen House. If she did, she would've helped him out.
She's so caught up in scrolling through more articles and posts that she doesn't notice Derek, now fully clothed, sitting down next to her. Derek nudges her a little to get her attention, "I've called your dad and let him know what's going on."
"Did you let him know that the world thinks he's a part of a terrorist organization and that he's brainwashed me into believing I'm someone else?"
"Stiles is currently on the phone with him explaining everything to him. I just told him that your identity had been leaked and to keep an eye out for Kate or any unusual activity." Y/N grumbles in acknowledgment, not looking up from her phone. Derek slowly reaches over and turns off her phone before she can get more sucked in than she already is. "You shouldn't be reading any of this."
"How can I not?" Y/N looks at him with tears in her eyes. "Have you seen any of this? It's not just me they're talking about. They are talking about you as well. There was a tweet that said you probably work with Hydra as well and that you killed your family for the money. It had like 10k likes!"
"I don't care what they think about me. I only care about what you think about me."
"How are you so calm right now? How are you not angry?"
"After my family died, I became this boy who no one could look at anymore. If they did, it was always with looks of pity or sometimes with fear. People started coming up with their own scenarios to make the story of my family burning to death more interesting for them. Our house became a scary attraction that kids would make bets with their friends that they wouldn't even touch the front door. No one cared about how that made me feel. They only cared about the story they preferred. It's why I left before coming back for Laura."
Y/N wipes away the tears that had fallen from her eyes, "What does that have to do with this? Shouldn't this make you more angry?"
"I am angry. I'm angry that you have to go through this. I'm angry that Kate is trying to ruin my family again. I'm angry that people don't seem to care about us and only care about the story. But I'm more worried about you. You don't deserve any of this and neither does your dad and whoever else they're talking about. Right now, I'd rather comfort you and then take my anger out when I rip Kate to shreds later." Derek playfully nudges her a little as she snorts at his last sentence.
"If you keep saying things like this, people might think you have a heart." Y/N playfully nudges him back.
"Only for you."
They quickly turn their heads when they hear a retching sound beside them. "That was probably one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard." Stiles looks at them with disgust.
"Do you have to ruin all of our moments?" Y/N rolls her eyes at her brother.
"We should go before more people show up downstairs. I can hear them all talking about how the lost Stark girl lives here and how more people are on their way to catch a first glimpse." Scott informs them.
"I can take us in the jeep. I know where we're going and there's enough room for Y/N to duck down in the back."
"Why do I have to duck down in the back?" Y/N asks.
"People are outside ready to take a million pictures of you. If you duck down in the back, then they won't get any pictures, and maybe we can get out of here without anyone noticing."
"Fine. Let me change and then let's go." Y/N quickly runs upstairs and changes into some comfortable clothes before running back downstairs ready to go.
They quietly leave the apartment and make their way down to the parking garage. They quickly get into the jeep and are somehow able to leave without anyone noticing them. "That was so much easier than I thought it was going to be," Scott mutters.
"How do they know where I live?" Y/N sits up from her crouched position in the back seat.
"You can find anything on the internet." Stiles states.
"But everything's in Derek's name?"
"And people in town know who your boyfriend is and where he lives. I'm pretty sure most people know you live with him too." Scott informs her.
"People need to get a life." Derek mumbles.
"Your address is probably one of the least invasive things people have already dug up on you," Stiles says, gripping the steering wheel a little longer as he speeds towards the Avenger's cabin. "They've dug up mom's death, every death that's happened in Derek's family, your adoption records, and more. If they're willing to dig that up, they're willing to dig up your address."
They sit in silence for the rest of the car ride. All of them lost in their own thoughts.
Y/N watches as the scenery changes as they drive out of the middle of town and into the woods. Her mind is racing with a million thoughts. She just wishes her life could go back to the way it was a week ago. Back to when she was just Y/N Stilinski. She feels bad for thinking like that because she's had time to do some research about the Avengers and she knows how hard her disappearance affected all of them.
After spending a few years on Earth searching for her, Thor eventually left and disappeared for two years. No one knows where he went or what he did. He completely disappeared. There are rumors that he drank until even his godly liver could barely take it anymore.
Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff pushed themselves to the brink while trying to find her. There are rumors that all they did was channel their anger into searching for her. Other than the raid where they supposedly found her body, they both went on every mission that was involved in the search for her. No one knows why Bucky wasn't on that raid. After her funeral, they started going on more missions. They pushed themselves until they couldn't be pushed anymore.
Tony Stark was affected the most. His marriage fell apart, he drank a lot, he stopped focusing on the Avengers and his businesses, and he became a person no one recognized. After a few years of hurting himself and the people around him, he checked himself into rehab and got himself the help that he needed. There wasn't much online about what exactly happened after that, but from what she was able to find, it helped him with his destructive habits, but it didn't help him with his pain.
She couldn't find anything on the rest of the Avengers. Everyone else seemed to either keep to themselves or disappear from the public view for a while. While they all came back together at some point and became the Avengers again, it's clear that it was never the same. It's clear that her disappearance, and eventual 'death', affected them a lot.
She's shaken from her thoughts when Stiles' jeep comes to a halt in front of the cabin. Peter is standing on the porch waiting for them to come in.
"I'm assuming you've seen the news," Stiles states looking at Peter.
"We've seen it all." Peter answers. "Right now, we are trying to figure out who told the press in the first place."
"Well, you can stop your search because we already know who did it," Scott states, following Peter inside the cabin.
"You know who leaked this?" Sam asks as they enter the living room.
"It was Kate who told them."
"Who's Kate?"
"She's a hunter. She's Gerard's daughter."
"She's also Derek's ex-girlfriend," Stiles adds.
"I wouldn't call her that," Y/N mutters under her breath.
"Why wouldn't you call her that?" Natasha questions, barely catching what Y/N said.
"Would you call a grown woman who preyed on you as a teenager after your first love died and then burned your entire family alive in a house fire your ex-girlfriend?" The room goes silent as Y/N quietly looks around the cabin. There's something about it that feels so familiar to her, but she doesn't know what.
"Why would she leak this to the press and why did she not leak much? No one seems to know about your abilities or anything else. They only really know your name and whatever they can find about you on the internet. Why didn't she tell them anything else?" Sam questions.
"We think it's a distraction." Scott states.
"A distraction from what?" Steve asks.
"We don't know but it has to be something big."
"Like what?"
"She's building an army." Everyone's heads whip towards Stiles. He's looking down at his phone.
"Why do you say that?" Scott questions.
"I just got a text from Chris. She's building an army to rid the world of supernatural beings."
"But she's one herself?" Y/N doesn't understand why Kate would do this.
"Yeah well, this time it isn't assassins working separately to kill all of you. Now it's a collective army that is gathering outside of town and getting ready to take over Beacon Hills. They start storming in in two hours."
"That means her telling the press wasn't a distraction." Scott states.
"Why do you think that?" Peter asks.
"If she needed a distraction, she wouldn't already have an army in place. She told the press because that means all eyes are on Y/N and on us. She plans on exposing who Y/N really is. She's waiting for all the news and press people to come into Beacon Hills so they can show the world the kind of person Y/N. She wants the world to be afraid of her and to be afraid of us. She wants to turn everyone against us."
"She wants to expose me being a werewolf and expose what Hydra did to me." Y/N mumbles. "She knows that she'll never beat us on her own or even with a small army, but if she makes the whole world fear us, we will lose. Fear can make people do horrible things. If people start to look at us as the villains instead of the heroes, we won't survive for long."
I'm going to put this on Wattpad for more people to see and I've created two possible covers for it (they aren't great but whatever). If y'all have an opinion on which on you like better, please let me know!
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@vicmc624 @mrspetxrs @freyathehuntress @fheresm @stefans-wife @llamaproblem @taketimeandappreciate @youralphawolf72 @ornella0910 @shedsblood @ts1mp0ne @beautifulgrungekid @emily-roberts @danielle-leah1997 @itmejado @me-unitentionally @ivettt @james-bucky-barnes-bitch @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @darkenwolfie @inyourmomsworld @lokiandbuckywife @xx-narcissa @elite4cekalyma @thecrazytealady @ladyjenjay @misshale21 @cevans-winchester @fayhay14 @wtfcas @spencerreidsbookclub @depressedsleepysloth @hinata7346 @randomhoex @mirakeul @n1ght5h4d3-24 @allthingsavenger-y @belovacc @speedy-object-dream @pepelachanel @dark-night-sky-99 @missnyxsblog @xoxoloverb @ilearnedthatfromethepizzaman @kingshitonly @isnt-itstrange @twsssmlmaa @navs-bhat @zealouspostwitch @saahmi @distantsighs @jayxxace @a--1--1--3 @cutelittlepurplesouls @mermaid--dreamer @maliagurl @peterpangirl21 @kneelforloki @slutformaddyperez @teenybean @small-town-wayward-daughter @labellapeaky @dabria14 @geeksareunique
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pedrito-friskito · 10 months
wip poll tag game!
rules: make a 24-hour poll with the names of your wips, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner got
thank u for the tags @spacecowboyhotch @psychedelic-ink @prolix-yuy and I feel like I’m missing someone so I’m sorry!
these are mostly just scraps of ideas and sleepover sundae requests I’m still working on, but what do you wanna see! (and I’m not putting strawberry wine on here LOL cuz that’s a forever wip)
np tags: @inklore @mandoblowmybackout @munsonownsmyass @iamskyereads @wildemaven @theradioactivespidergwen @alwritey-aphrodite @littlemisspascal @mvtthewmurdvck and anyone else who wants to play!!
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callmissrogers · 5 months
Coulson's Kid (potentially part one)
Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Agent Coulson has an adopted daughter. Adopting her after he lead a raid on a plant that had strong connections to the people responsible for Hydra. At five years old, she was her own kind of super solider with abilities that completely differed from the Captain's. And now, she was an Avenger.
Notes: This takes place during the first Avengers movie, but I'm changing things around to fit the story. I'm also going with the storyline that Colson is, in fact, not dead. But that fact isn't addressed in this story. If I do do a part two, depending on what you guys think of it, it will be later.
Warnings: Angst, death, fighting, small description of being shot and bleeding, notjing graphic. Leading up to an eventual love story. I'm going with slow burn on this. Let me know if I missed anything!
Word count: 3,457
((Gif not my own.))
P.s. wrote on my phone and proofread as best I could.
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"Agent down. Agent down. Agent Phil is down." Fury said over the coms.
"Dad!" Y/n gasped, throwing herself from one platform to the next and then bolting down the stairs. "Please be wrong, please be wrong." She kept muttering under her breath. Coming to the floor above where her dad had been headed, she threw herself over the railing, falling in the process. But she couldn't care less about herself at the moment, she had to find her dad.
Heart pounding. Sharp ringing in her ears. He had to be alive.
As if in slow motion, she made it to the entrance way to the containment room. Fury was standing there, hand over his mouth, and then her eyes found her dad. Slumbed down against the wall, head dropped... He wasn't moving. Why wasn't he moving? 
Then, things sped back up again.
"DAD!" She screamed, running for him. Fury whipped around, "Somebody stop her!" He ordered.
Steve, who had made it to the room just after her, grabbed her by the arm. She pushed him off and kept going. "Rodgers!" Fury yelled.
Steve was going to ask questions later, but for now, he'd do as he was told.
So he grabbed y/n, threw her over his shoulder, and carried her out of the room.
"No! Steve, please!" Y/n begged, hands balled into fists. She punched him across the back.
But it did very little to sway him.
He carried her up the stairs and darted into a side hallway. Slowly setting her down.  "Y/n‐" She cut him off by hitting him repeatedly in the chest, "Why! Why did you take me away! Just let me go -" "It's - " She hit him again. "Y/n-" "No! Just tell me why. " He put an end to her attacks by engulfing her into a hug.
She froze. Unable to move. For a moment, she couldn't even bring herself to breath.
"I'm sorry." Steve said after a moment of uninterrupted silence.
The flood gates opened. She took a breath and began to sob, leaning against him for support, her cries muffled and body trembling.
He just stood there, holding her protectively. He didn't say anything else.
A mere few minutes passed before she came to her sense and pulled away from him.
"Steve, I'm -" "You don't have to say anything, Y/n-"  He said, his tone still serious, tho he had a look of concern on his face. His mind was split between the attack on the ship, the fact that the Avengers were now split up, the loss of Colson... Y/n hated being vulnerable in front of others, it had always made her feel embarrassed and almost shameful, tho at this precise moment, shame was the furtherest thing from her mind. The pair of them stood there, eyes locked, "We should pro-" Steve began to say but was cut off.
"I need everyone to the tabel, now," Fury said over the comm.
Y/n's expression changed from one of sorrow to anger.
"He's giving me an answer." She spat, turning on her heel and rushing out into the stairwell.
"Y - y/n," Steve called, running after her.
Y/n stormed into the conference room. "Fury!" She yelled. "I want answers, and I want them now." She said, slamming her hand against the table. Fury just looked at her, ignoring her tear stained face . He turned back to the computer screen. Y/n chest heaved, and her jaw set, "Tell me - " She swallowed back the lump in her throat, "Tell me why you wouldn't let me near my father."The Avengers began as an initiative-" Fury began.
But y/n wasn't paying attention. Head hurting, ears ringing, hands clutchingher sides.
It wasn't until Fury tossed down some baseball cards. Her dad's baseball cards that she focused again.
She stared at them. They were a constant part of her childhood. Every night after her dad told her a bedtime story, he'd pull out those cards.
"See this one, this is for when Captain America stormed a  Hydra camp. And nearly singlehandedly brought an entire sqaude of men home. That's how he got his name, Captain America."
That was one of her fondest memories. It was also one of her most embarrassing when Steve told her that her dad had asked if he wanted to see them. But that had followed a more serious conversation.
"Your dad is Agent Colson?" "Yep... Well, not biologically. He um... Adopted me when I was five. He raided a base on an island off shore of Scotland and found me."How did you end up there?" I was born there." "Born there?" Y/n sighed, setting her mug down. She didn't say anything for a moment. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pryed."No. No. It's ok. Um. From what I've been told, I was given up right after I was born. Hydra adopted me. More like they bought me. I have no idea who my mom was and what happened to her after that. I really don't remember what they did to me, I was just too young. But what I do know is that they were trying to create a different kind of super soldier. Branching out into other abilities besides just being strong." Steve just looked at her. His face a cloud of mixed emotion. "They did that to a child?"It wasn't just me. . . But I was the only one who made it."I'm assuming someone had to tell you all of this..  Your dad? "When I turned 18, he finally let me read my file.." Now Steve just looked angry. "So that's how you became a part of -" "Shield?" She asked, cutting him off. "I've basically been raised with Shield. My dad wanted to make sure I learned to control my abilities. Basically, this was my after-school program, but dad made sure I was also allowed to be a kid. I wasn't actually allowed to join shield until I was 18." Steve was silent, obviously processing everything she had just told him. "Do you mind if I ask you something?" He finally said. "Go ahead,"you said, a different kind of soilder. Different how?" This was the first time she had been asked that question because everyone she knew already knew. "Um-" She said, clearing her throat. "I don't know how to explain it, really. I can feel things. A person's body temperature, I can sense when they're about to shift their movement, heart rate, breathing, all of it. . . That and martial arts just come easily to me. Way too easily. " "That's why you're never beaten when you spar." Steve said, obviously trying to lighten the mood. "I suppose so," y/n said, grabbing her tea and drinking deeply from it.
Back to reality.
Y/n stared blankly at the cards. All she could see was red. The cards were stained with drops of red...
"These are my dad's," She mumbled, slowly looking up and setting her sights on Fury. "They were in his coat pocket."You're using them to make a point, Fury! My father was a person - not, not some promotional tool."We have a war to wage." "Oh I'm going to reign hell on Loki," She said, her voice low but anger filled. "But know this Fury - I will get answers, and if you EVER use my dad to manipulate anyone again, there will be a special place in hell for you too." She spat, turning and walking out of the room, heading for the launch pad.
The others remained seated and quiet. Until Natasha finally spoke up, "She's right, Fury. Low blow."
They landed in New York, Nat had gone after one of the aliens, Bruce was smashing things, and y/n, well, y/n had a god she was looking for.
She stood back, watching the skies. He would want a good vantage point to watch all of this go down. There's no way someone like him would just stand in the middle of it and risk his own life.
Finally she spotted him on one of the upper levels of a building. Looking down as if he were king.
Y/n climbed up the side of the building, going up one floor above him so you would have leverage. In one swift motion, she swung down, kicking him full force in the chest, knocking him on his back. Pinning him down, she punched him once, twice, three times, her knuckle guards increasing her damage three-fold. "You killed my father," she spat. Taking one of her double-sided blades and holding it to his throat. "If I were half the monster you were, I'd make you suffer," She growled, pressing it slightly into his skin. Loki looked at her, grinned, and then held out his hand for his staff, it slid across the floor and in one move he grasped it and threw her across the room into a glass display case. "If you were half the monster I was, you would have won just now." He laughed before falling off the balcony to be caught by one of his soldiers.
She had the man who killed her father beneath her and he got away because she wasn't swift enough to take him out. Slowly she pushed herself off the floor. Dusting shards of glass from her suit, other than a good scratch to the face she hadn't been hurt too badly.
Running to the balcony, Loki was completely out of reach now and from the looks of it, Steve needed help. Loki would get his, that she was sure of, even if it wasn't done by her.
Back on the ground she quickly found Steve, "they've trapped sevillians in that building. We gotta get em' cleared out of there." He grunted.
The people trapped inside were frantic. This might be new York but even they weren't prepared for this. Y/n and Steve tagteamed it, combining his strength with her martial arts, ensuring they couldn't be hit in their blind spots. It was a funny thing, how some people, though still a very new acquaintance, could so completely click with your movements and fighting style.
Y/n jump down to the first floor to pry open the doors so the crowd could escape.
She hadn't cleared the area for the aliens, and was ambushed. She was doing well on her own, noticing that they weren't quick to pick up on patterns. There had to be at least ten of them, and she had to be quick. The fight was only increasing so the chance of them making it to actual safety was lessening by the second.  Finishing off the last one by leaping on its back and slitting its throat, she glaced back at the crowd, nodded in an attempt to be reassuring, and began working the door again.
Someone screamed. A shot fied and y/n looked down at her left arm. She was bleeding. Apparently one of then had been hiding in the shadows and used her distraction as an opportunity to try to take her out. She turned around, reaching with her right had to grab her gun. But before she or the alien could fire, Steve's shield flew through the air and beheaded it.
He dropped down in front of her. The crowd was even more frightened now than they had been beforehand. "It's going to be ok." He tried to assure them.
Turning round, he looked at her wound and the increasing blood stain. "You've been shot" "I don't feel anything" "You're in shock." He said, grabbing the bar and throwing all of his weight into forcing the doors to open. When they did, he turned to the crowd again. "All of you - get out of here NOW!" He ordered. They didn't wait to be told again and flooded from the room.
"Here," Steve said, ripping cloth from a nearby curtain. He came to stand next to her, "May I?" He asked holding the material up. Obviously intending to bandage the wound. Since it was a lazer gun she had been shot with, they didn't have to worry about lodged bullets. She nodded bracing herself, Steve tried to do this quickly and caefully, but y/n still hissed when actually tied it.
"Sorry" "No, I got distracted " " can you still fight?" "I'm right-handed Captian. What about you? Getting sleepy?" Y/n said, attempting to lighten the mood some. "I can do this all day" Steve said, offering a weak smile.
The two of them then made their own way back outside rejoining the fight.
"Guys," Tony said his voice sounding urgent. "What is it?" Steve asked. "We've got a live missle heading for New York." "What?" "You heard me right." Steve paused mid step. "Whose is it?" Y/n asked. "America's" Stark said curtly. "How much time do we have?" Steve asked. "Not enough," Tony said. You all could hear the wind whooshing about him. "I've- I've got a plan." He said his voice breaking up. "It may or may not work. Let's hope it does." That was the last thing he said.
Everyone watched the skies now. In a moment you could see Tony, he was holding something cylindrical and flying towards the open portal.
"Oh Stark don't do this," Y/n whispered.
This was something he very likely wouldn't come back from.
A new squad of aliens came up on them, "Y/n watch your six" Steve called, punching out one of them following up with a shield to the face.
Y/n turned around, grabbing a knife off her leg, kicking one hard in the shoulder, and another in the shein. Turning back around to stab the first in the side of the face and then slicing the second across the stomach. This all took a matter of 15 seconds.
Looking out at the the group that was surrounding them, Steve grunted, "Y/n," y/n ducked, grabbing a gun and shooting one in the head. "We can't keep going like this" "it's,-" She panted, trying to pretend that she wasn't beginning to give out, "it's not over till an opera lady sings" "That's not how that goes" "sure, correct me now"
But deep down; Y/n knew he was right. The army was too big and spread out, they couldn't focus on one area and beat them down.
"Stark, an update!" Someone yelled over the coms. That was the last thing y/n could clearly make out over the coms. Nat was yelling something, an order of some sort.
A moment later the portal began to close.
"Steve" Y/n whispered. "I see it," He said worriedly, "Stark, can you hear me? Get out of there now"
Minutes passed, the battle waged on, and the portal got smaller.
"Come on, Tony!" Y/n yelled, shooting another two, one through the other.
Just as the portal had srunk down to a pinprick in the sky, something, rather someone, came falling through. At that same moment, the ever growing army, began to collapse. Like robots someone's just unplugged.
Confused Steve yelled,  "Stark - is that you?" . But there was no reposponse. "He's out cold guys," Hawkeye answered.
"He will not survive landing at such velocity" Thor added, beginning to spin his hammer.
But before he could get up to speed, Bruce or Hulk rather, leapt from a building top, snatching Tony out of the air and using the same building to slow their landing.
Upon touch down, he tossed Tony down and ripped off his mask.
"Stark," Nat said worriedly " is he?"
But before anyone answered her, Stark awoke with a sharp intake of air. "Whoa. That was, that was terrifying. What happened?" He gasped, eyes wide.
"We won." Steve answered, looking around that the mess that beheld them.
Ten minutes later they were all surrounding an unconscious Loki.
His eyes fluttered open and he said, "I'd very much like that drink now."
Four hours later:
Loki was in their custody.
Y/n was pacing in front of his his holding cell.
He couldn't say or do anything, for both his mouth and hands were bound. So he just stared at her and she stared at him. There were all sorts of things she wanted to say to him, and even worse things she wanted to do to him, but her mind kept flashing back to that moment when she hadn't taken the kill when she had the chance to. She had failed... Failed herself. Failed her dad.
But she wouldn't fail this time. All it took was opening his cell, she'd use the syringe she "borrowed" from the medbay and he'd be gone. No one would be the wiser. No one would care.
But every time she raised her hand to the button that would open the door. She stopped. Could she kill Thor's brother when the fighting had stopped? Yes. She was about to press the button when the door to the containment room opened. It was Steve.
"Y/n...." He said hesitantly. "What are you doing?" Y/n looked from Steve to Loki and back again. "I -" Steve suddenly understood, his jaw set, he strood into the room, grabbed her by her good arm and pulled her harshly from the room.
They walked in silence, Steve pulling her along until he found a space he didn't feel others would easily hear them. Shutting the door, he turned on her. "Y/n, I'm only going to ask this once more. Where you doing what I think you were doing?" He asked, his tone serious and gruff. Y/n hadn't known Steve Roger's for long but she could tell he was livid.
She dropped her gaze, feeling guilty. "Nearly." She mumbled.
"Y/n.." He sighed, raking a hand through his hair.
"He killed my father, Steve. I... I know it was wrong. Deep down, I knew I couldn't do it. But I won't lie. I wanted to."
"I know. I know he killed your father, Y/n. But remember who you're father was. If you went through with that, are you really any different than Loki? Because the moment we start crossing lines because we feel justified in doing so. We're no different than the guys we're working to stop. Is that what your dad would have wanted?" He asked harshly.
Y/n met his eyes which were boring through her like liquid metal. Biting her lip she slid down against the wall until she was seated on the floor.
"You're right... Dad's soul was pure. It was all black and white. I guess, I guess, since I'm adopted, I didn't inherit that." Y/n said, picking at her sleeve. Steve sighed, and then he came to sit next to her. "Look, a lasp in judgment doesn't make you a bad person."This sort of thing gets around. I nearly killed a prisoner. How does that look?"
"Like you're a daughter grieving the loss of her father." Steve said, turning to look at her. "I understand. My, um, my best friend, Bucky. I lost him on a mission, back in my time. There was nothing I could do to save him... but that didn't stop me from feeling all the guilt, shame, anger, or heartbreak. I actually killed the guy responsible, but it didn't make it any better." He said his voice much lower now. " I know I don't know exactly how you feel, but I can at least empathize with you." She met his gaze, and suddenly he wasn't Captain America, super soldier. He was Steve, the man.
They just sat there a moment, saying nothing, an almost comfortable silence settling in.
"And this won't get around." Steve finally said "why? You have to-" "I don't have to do anything. As far as I'm concerned, nothing happened. This is the end of it." Y/n was shocked. Everything she knew about this man was that he was by the book on absolutely everything and yet here he was bending the rules for her. Why?
"I - I don't know what to say"
"You don't have to say anything. I like your style, y/n. I'd be proud to work with you again." He said standing up and giving her a hand. "Now, let's go send this little god home with his big god brother."
They all stood around, watching as Thor pulled Loki along and then the two were warped back home.
The Avengers all looked at each other, noting. It was time for a break.
Steve walked over to his bike, but before he got on, he called, "Hey y/n," y/n, who had just gotten into her own car, rolled down her window. "Yes?"If you ever need someone to, I don't know, talk to. I'll be around." Steve said, offering a smile. "I'll remember that Captain."
(( I say potentially part one because if this is well received I have ideas to use the same y/n in the Winter Soilder, Civil War etc. Let me know what you think!!))
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buckys-wintersoldier · 6 months
Adoption | Steve Rogers; part two
Pairing -> Husband!Steve Rogers x Wife!Mom!Reader
Summary -> After Eva asked Steve to adopt her and he happily said yes, you’re inside with your friends and family to finally tell them about the adoption.
Warnings -> (G) none, just fluff
Wordcount -> 2.1k
Prompt -> Fandom-Free Bingo | I3 | Shoulder kisses | @fandom-free-bingo | AFG Fluff Bingo | N4 | “For all time. Always.” | @anyfandomfluffbingo
Request -> I loved the adoption story!!! It was so cute!!! 😍 I can 100% see Steve crying as the documents are signed and Bucky wearing a 'fun-cle' shirt and thumping him on the back to get him through it lol 😆
A/N -> Thank you so much for your kind words, it really means a lot and I’m glad you loved the oneshot. I thought of making a second part with your ask so here we are. I want to thank @lives-in-midgard for helping me with some parts.
Masterlist | Fandom-Free Bingo | AFG Fluff Bingo | Steve Rogers Masterlist | Adoption Part 1
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When the three of you are in front of your friends and family, Steve holds the piece of paper in the air. His smile is almost from one side of his face to the other, and his hand is around Eva’s shoulder, making sure she is really close to him.
“She wants me to adopt her,” he says proudly, and the others, the Avengers, clap into their hands while they all cheer loudly. “And I said yes,” he adds, kissing the head of your daughter before letting go of her so she can go to Natasha.
Natasha is a lot older than Eva, but she is like her big sister combined with her best friend. And your daughter always tells her everything, sometimes before she tells you, but you don’t mind; you understand the way she loves the red-haired woman. And Natasha couldn’t be someone better for her as she is; she helps Eva a lot and has every time for the little girl when she wants attention or just cuddles.
“I asked him, and he said yes." She almost shouts and throws her small arms around Natasha's neck.
She laughs softly, wrapping her arms around Eva and lifting her to walk to the couch to sit down. Placing the girl on her lap and listening to every detail Eva wants to tell her.
You turn to Steve; he still has some tears in the corner of his eyes, and you understand it. You would probably feel the same way when the child of your partner asks you to adopt them.
Your husband places the paper on the counter next to him and smiles at you. His eyes brighten when he looks a short moment over your shoulder to see the little girl happily talking about the situation outside with the adoption.
“I didn’t know this year could start that well,” he mumbles. “I thought I’m already the happiest man on earth or in the universe, multiverse, with a wife like you and a little girl like Eva,” he adds, and you see the tears of joy in his eyes getting more again.
Before you can say anything, you hear Bucky shouting from the other side of the room. He immediately gets the attention of Steve and you.
“Daddy Stevie,” he says and walks closer, opening his arms to welcome the two of you into his embrace.
You adore Bucky; he is the most wonderful uncle, next to the others, for your little daughter. But even though the others are like uncles for her, Bucky is a bit of a special uncle.
When he met Eva the first time, he immediately accepted her, which is a surprise because the man with the steel blue eyes, slightly curly brown hair, and metal arm is known for being grumpy. But the little girl has his heart; whenever she is there, he is laughing with her, joking around, and the grumpy Bucky isn’t there. And Eva loves the man as well, not only his metal arm but also his strength, his jokes, and the way he treats her and takes care of her in the most beautiful way he can as an uncle.
Bucky comes to a halt when he stands in front of you and Steve. He covers his t-shirt with his arms, but you see something on it. It could be something the two of you talked about, but you’re not sure until he lets his arms fall down and reveals the words on the t-shirt.
like a dad, only cooler
See also: handsome, exceptional.
Fun uncle
You laugh softly when you read it, because it’s exactly what you were talking about. Bucky loved the idea of getting one of those when Steve gets the adoption papers; he really bought one of those t-shirts.
“Let me show you something else,” he says with a mischievous grin on his lips.
Bucky pulls up the shirt and reveals another one; he was hiding it under the fabric of the shirt, but now he hands Steve the other t-shirt. Your husband hesitates for a moment before he looks at it. He holds it up in front of you, and when you read the phrases on it, you burst out laughing.
‘Just the dad’
like the fun-cle but not as cool as he
See also: strict, boring.
The dad
“I designed it,” Bucky says proudly when Steve looks at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“Strict and boring?” he asks, getting a nod from his best friend.
“Wanna bet who she loves more?"
Bucky looks at Steve with a grin on his lips. Then he places his hand on Steve's shoulder.
“Don’t worry, pal. She loves you a lot; otherwise, she wouldn’t ask you to be his dad. But let’s be honest, she would say yes to me too; you just got y/n; that’s why you can be Eva’s dad,” Bucky jokes, and Steve shakes his head about the silliness before he remembers the piece of paper.
“I still need to sign it,” he mumbles, looking to the side where the paper is lying.
“But first, we’re going to change your t-shirt,” Bucky says emphatically.
Steve rolls his eyes slightly and kisses your shoulder and your neck a few times. His breath meets your skin, and you feel the goosebumps all over your body. Your husband chuckles before he lets go of you and walks with Bucky out of the room to change the t-shirt.
“Eva, could you come here for a moment?” you ask when you turn to your daughter.
She looks at you before she nods and kisses Natasha’s cheek softly. The red-haired woman smiles and turns around to talk to someone else while Eva walks towards you.
“Uncle Bucky will tell you a funny story about your dad when you say that Bucky is the best,” you tell your little daughter, and the mischievous grin on her face says everything she thinks right now.
“You and Uncle Bucky want to annoy Daddy, right?” she asks. “I knew; you looked at me like that,” Eva tells you.
Before you can say anything, Steve and Bucky walk back into the room. They both wear the shirts Bucky bought for them. Steve chuckles when he sees your daughter with a huge smile next to you.
“Hey, princess,” Bucky says, opening his arms for his favorite girl.
She runs into his arms and hugs him tightly. He places his big hands on her small back and holds her against him while he grins at Steve.
“My favorite girl, huh?" Bucky says, and Eva immediately nods.
“You’re my absolute favorite and the best uncle, Bucky,” she says and looks up at him, knowing she will annoy her dad with it.
"See, Stevie, I told you.”
Steve rolls his eyes and looks at you. The way he looks at you shows you that he exactly knows what you told her.
“What does she get for saying that?” Steve asks, and you shrug, pretending like you don’t know what he is talking about.
He walks a step closer and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close against him. You can feel his hot breath against your sensitive skin and his fingers digging into your waist, and he looks at you with a huge smile.
“Don't you want to tell me? I’m pretty sure you will, at least when we’re in bed,” he mumbles into your ear, and you shiver slightly.
“I told her Bucky would tell her a story about you. And you know she uses every chance to annoy you when she can,” you explain, and your husband nods.
Bucky lifts the little girl and kisses her forehead a few times before he looks into Eva’s eyes.
“You have the same blue eyes as Uncle Bucky, don’t you?” he asks, and your daughter giggles happily.
“Mommy said you tell me a story when I say you’re the best,” she says as quietly as she can, so Steve wouldn’t understand her.
Bucky looks at you with a big smile on his lips before he shakes his head and walks with her to the table. He places her on top of it and stands between her small legs. Looking at Steve and showing him to finally sign the papers for the adoption.
“Don’t you want to sign up? I can do this for you too,” he shouts, and Eva grips the paper to wave them in front of Bucky's face.
“Can you sign those too?” She asks, looking with her big blue eyes at Bucky.
He shakes his head with a chuckle but takes the papers and hands them to Steve, who walks closer. Bucky turns to your little daughter again and tickles her while she tries to escape his grip. But the brown-haired man is way stronger, and she needs to beg while she laughs to make him stop.
“Oke the story about your dad,” Bucky starts and sees the expression of Steve, which definitely tells him he shouldn’t dare tell you about it. “When Steve was a little man, we were on Coney Island. And little Stevie thought a roller coaster was a good idea,” Bucky continues, and you almost burst out laughing when you remember the moment Steve told you about it.
“He loved those roller coasters, but after five times, he threw up in the middle of them. Luckily, we sat at the end of it, so it just landed on the ground and not in someone’s face." Bucky finishes his story, and your little daughter looks at Steve, finally knowing a story she can embarrass her dad with.
Steve rolls his eyes, and then he looks down at the papers. His hands are sweating and the tears are burning in his eyes, but he has a big smile on his lips. Just a signature away from being your little daughter's dad, a moment he waited so long for and you often talked about it.
Bucky sees the tears in the eyes of his best friend and places his hand on Steve's shoulder. His thumb rubs slowly over Steve’s back.
With a deep breath, the blond-haired man smiles and looks at his daughter next to him before he reaches for a pen and puts his signature under the text on the paper. Then he can’t stop the tears anymore when he looks up and into the smiling face of his little girl.
You love to see her smiling at him. And you’re glad you married Steve; you can’t imagine a better father for your daughter than him. And you wouldn’t choose someone else when you could, never. Steve shows you a part of yourself you would have never known when he wasn't there. A part that is always happy and loved. You try not to cry as well when you see your husband crying, but a few tears roll down your cheek when you realize how lucky you are.
“Don’t cry, or I need to cry as well, pal,” Bucky mumbles, wiping a small tear away.
Eva chuckles while he wraps his arms around Bucky's neck and kisses his nose.
“It’s oke uncle Buck; men can cry too,” Eva says, smiling encouragingly at him.
You can’t stop yourself from laughing; with your hands, you hold your stomach. Steve smiles too, while Bucky shakes his head softly before he kisses Eva’s forehead.
“Your daddy is crying too,” he says, looking to the side.
Eva follows him and sees her dad crying too. She lets go of Bucky and pats his head before she opens her little arms for Steve. He immediately wraps his arms around her and lifts her up, spinning her around the way she loves and making her giggle.
“You’re my little princess, huh? For all time. Always,” he chuckles and kisses her cheek before he spins her around even more.
“I’m daddy’s princess and a plane; look, uncle Tony. UNCLE TONY LOOK,” she shouts and opens her arm.
Tony and the other Avengers laugh and cheer, shouting some congratulations through the room. You walk closer to Bucky, looking at him.
“What’s up, doll?” he asks.
“Thank you for always being here for us. And I’m glad I asked you to be her godfather; you’re definitely the best,” you tell him, and his smile grows.
Bucky wraps one of his arms around your shoulder and the other around Steve, who is standing with Eva in his arm on the other side of him. He pulls you close, and it doesn’t take long for the others to join that hug.
“You knew they would make a sandwich out of us,” you giggle, and Bucky nods with a wink at you.
“But you like it,” Steve says, and you roll your eyes, making your little daughter giggle even more.
“Yeah, I love it.”
“And I love you.” You blush when he looks at you, and you feel nothing but happiness inside of you.
This is your family and your home. With all those chaotic people, they are your chaotic people.
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Taglist: @nicoline1998enilocin | @sergeantbarnessdoll | @km-ffluv | @identity2212 | @kandis-mom | @felicitylemon | @cjand10 | @bookishtheaterlover7 | @rogersbarber | @lives-in-midgard | @lunaalovesyouu | @jae0515
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ltbarnes · 1 year
Resurrection prologue
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Summary: Bucky Barnes was only nineteen when the lives of his parents and little sister were taken right in front of him by the ruthless members of the Odinson mob. His father’s mistakes have turned Bucky into a vengeful and cold shell of the charming boy he once was, now deeply rooted in the criminal lifestyle of the Stark mafia. Sudden attacks ignite the conflict between the two forces of the city, refueling the rivalry that has been rather tame for years. Nine years since Bucky’s life fell apart, he finds it shattering once more when what was supposed to be long dead returns to the living.
Pairing: brother!mafia!Bucky Barnes x adopted!sister!reader, mafia!Thor Odinson x reader, mafia!Loki Odinson x reader, eventual Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: violence, guns, blood, death, loss of family members
A/N: hi!! I’m back with another series not even two weeks after the last one finished 🫠 been having this part in the drafts for a while and got a bunch of inspiration to write so here it is!! thank you everyone who read and reblog and comment, nothing makes me happier than hearing that people like what I do <3
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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James Buchanan Barnes was nineteen years old and standing on the front porch of his father's house when his life shattered.
The smell of gun powder had not yet dissipated from the dewy air when he saw the blood beginning to mix with the rain water, slinking down the sewer six feet from the bodies.
A fourth gunshot rang out and splintered the wood right next to his head. Steve's arms tugged at him, forced him back inside while aching roars sounded through the neighborhood. His mother's name forced itself out of his lips on a string of sobs. Even then, when the hurt was so prominent that his breaths came in only every third second, he knew the way he viewed his life had been stomped on and splintered and pulverized until there was no trace of familiarity left.
The picture of your light blue dress slowly turning into dark red will forever be ingrained into Bucky's mind. It's there each time he falls asleep—the haunting look in your eyes when your gaze flickered up to him, two bullets lodged into your ten-year old stomach. Every time a child cries he retreats so far back into the memories that he keeps silent for the rest of the day.
Bucky had been upstairs, a record blasting on the highest volume with Steve spinning on the chair right next to him. His ma had yelled at him only two minutes prior—to look after his sister downstairs, if he would be so kind. He'll never know if his mother suspected who the people on the other side of the door were. Would she have walked right into that, knowing the violence they would inflict on her, on her daughter, on Bucky's sister?
It's hard to envision a day when he could forgive himself for being too late. For sighing and huffing in irritation for too many minutes before he made his way downstairs. The shots rang through the neighborhood right when he stood up to leave his room. You were already kneeling by your dying mother's side when he caught sight of the door swung right open at the end of the hallway. A second later two shots took away another one of the two most precious things in James Buchanan Barnes' life.
A hole was torn in Steve's white shirt by the time the anger came. They were collapsed on the kitchen floor, arms slung around each other, when the thought of George Barnes crashed and wrecked Bucky's revengeful mind.
George Barnes was the reason for the murders that took place on the street outside of his own house. All those late nights and weeks and years spent involved with people who threatened, maimed and killed. Who installed fear into innocent citizens and gathered money from unlawful business all across the world. Bucky knew it would catch up to them. And so did his father.
The man had not been home for more than a few meals and change of clothes in weeks. He'd been playing double-agent and fucked it up real bad, and was simply waiting for either Stark or the Odinsons to realize his betrayal. He knew that his family was in danger and didn't even tell them. But Bucky figured it out, of course he did, and he had spent every sleepless night since in the hallway clutching a baseball bat.
The old Mercedes rolled up on the street a few hours later. Bucky was standing on the porch, eyes terribly red and puffy. The bodies were gone and all of George's belongings were thrown in a trash bag on the asphalt. None of them said a thing, and Bucky never saw his father again.
Yes, Bucky Barnes was prepared with his baseball bat. He just didn't know they would be prepared with their guns.
Chapter I
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ao3feed-lokitony · 1 year
Ships on the Water: Chapter Two
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/FygOovj
by Moondust_Yikisoul
The world was at peace and the Age of Heros had begun. Or at least the Age of Heros had begun as the Avengers and X-men were now known throughout the galaxy. Or so they thought. But they weren't the only ones that were there, and one of these groups wasn't as peaceful. Led by a purple Tattin by the name of Thanos this group was a group that was interested in only destruction and death. The Black Order. Another group that consisted of a tree, a talking raccoon, three outlaws, and the adopted daughter of Thanos was more of a guardian team than anything else. and the last two groups didn't want to be known. One Made up of sorcerers and the other a county in Africa. This, of course, is not why Peace is a relative term. Well, not the only reason.
Words: 8303, Chapters: 6/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of X-Men Avengers crossover that no one saw coming!
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Thor (Movies), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Black Panther (Marvel Movies), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Deadpool - All Media Types, Doctor Strange (Movies), Refences to Supernatural
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: all the X-Men, Tony Stark, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Logan (X-Men), Erik Lehnsherr, Nina Lehnsherr, James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Steve Rogers, Jean Gray, Mazimoff twins, Scott Summers, Original Male Character(s), Original android characters, Peter Parker, Thor (Marvel), Erik Selvig, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Jenna Sommers, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Hydra Agents, SHIELD Agents & Staff, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Lorna Dane, Wade Wilson, To be added - Character, Scott Lang, Orgnial Goddess character
Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark, Everett Ross/Stephen Strange, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Jane Foster/Thor, May be more - Relationship, Posable Peter Parker/ Wade Wilson
Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Up to Infinty war at lest, X-Men crossover., Not Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) Compliant, Mutant Bucky Barnes, Altititive Stones, Sentient Infinity Stones (Marvel), It's going get really weird really fast, Anouther spot the charater game, But only if you have read some of my supernatural fics, It's not really impotant, Qudrupliet Maxamoffs, Mpreg
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/FygOovj
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The End - Knight Steve Rogers X Prince Loki Odinson
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Title: The End
Knight Steve Rogers X Prince Loki Odinson
Additional Characters: Frigga, Odin, Thor, Bucky, Sam, Hela (Mentioned), and Jane (Mentioned)
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |
WC: 905
Warnings: Slight angst, emotional abuse, and a good ending
Steve and Loki quickly pulled away, slowly turning to see the looming figure behind them.
Odin stood there, eyes narrowed in on the two of them, hands on his hips, smoke basically fuming from his nose and ears. He was angry. No, he was more than angry, he was vexed, irked, galled, and simply outraged. His daughter failed him, his oldest son failed him, and now his adopted son couldn’t even get one thing right. 
Pointing to his son, he let out a mighty roar. “You have disgraced me. All you had to do was find someone royal and have an heir. But, you just had to screw it up, didn’t you? After all I have done for you? You pathetic, selfish, inconsiderate child!” 
Loki was silent, staring up at his father, hands forming fists in his lap. Turning away, Loki stood up, looking back to his father before he left the garden completely. Steve felt awkward being there, feeling Odin’s gaze on him.
“And you, Sir Steven.” Odin began, causing Steve to stand and look at him in salut.
“I am glad I gave the Captain title to Sir Sam. You are unworthy of a title as such.” Odin then turned away, red cape floating around behind him.
Pausing and turning back to the frightened and heartbroken Knight, Odin spoke. “And stay away from my son.”
“Yes, my King.” Steve spoke softly, before bowing.
Once Odin left, Steve sighed and looked up at the tree. Bucky and Sam were still in it, eyes wide and full of sorrow. Hopping down, the two gave Steve a group hug. 
“Things will work out, Dude.” Sam spoke, patting Steve’s back.
“Yeah, man.” Bucky agreed.
Steve sighed and nodded. He’d have to wait to see what would happen.
Odin paced the throne room the next day, Frigga’s arms were crossed as she watched him walk back and forth. 
“I can’t believe it. How could he do this to me? Spoiled brat…” Odin muttered, throwing his hands into the air.
Frigga sighed.
“Odin, you can’t force Loki to marry someone he has just met, or not love for that matter. We are in a time past arranged marriages. If Loki wants to marry a commoner, then so be it.” She spoke, stepping down from her throne and going to her husband’s side.
Odin shook his head in denial. “No, I won’t have him fail us too. Hela did fine until she murdered her husband. Thor did fine until his betrothed was poisoned. Now, I have a murderous daughter, an unworthy widowed son, and a self-serving delinquent son who will never bring the Kingdom what it wants. 
Frigga sighed once more, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“They did not fail us. They failed your unruly and idiotic expectations for them. You forced these thoughts and needs into our children that they should marry royal and have children not for love. This is not what the Kingdom needs… This is what you want.” Frigga spoke calmly, before backing off.
Turning to leave, she stopped.
“I should’ve stopped you a long time ago, Odin. Your obsession with royal purity has made you mad. Hela was in love with the stable girl we hired. Thor was in love with Jane, his tutor’s daughter. And, Loki is in love with his Knight. I am allowing Thor to marry Jane and I am allowing Loki to marry Steven.” Frigga spoke, tears in her eyes.
“And, you won’t overthrow this.” She demanded, before going to her chambers.
Odin stared at her fleeting figure, turning away once she was gone from his sight. He didn’t want Loki to marry Steve, nor any commoner in the first place. 
Turning, Odin sits on his throne. Sighing greatly, he called for his guard to fetch his sons and Steve.
Loki walked into the throne room, stopping when he saw Steve and Thor there too. Confused, he walked over, turning to look at his father, but sharing glances of longing with Steve. 
“Father?” Thor asked, as confused as the other two in the room.
Odin cleared his throat. “Thor, do you love this… Jane?” He asked, turning to his oldest son.
Thor shuffled on his feet, not sparing a moment in confessing. “Yes, father. With all my heart.” 
Odin hummed before continuing.
“You have my… Blessing to marry her.” He spoke gruffly. 
Thor’s eyes widened as a great big smile appeared on his face. 
“Oh, thank you, father!” He spoke before running out of the room to search for his love.
Steve looked to Loki, to see he was already looking at him. They were both filled with a hope that Odin would bless them too.
“Loki… Do you… Love Steven?” He asked and Loki nodded.
“Yes, father. With all my heart.” He spoke and Steve smiled.
Stepping forward, Steve answered as well. 
“And, I too, love your son, my King.” Loki couldn’t hold back a smile of his own.
Odin nodded and sighed. “You have my blessing too then.”
The both of them were overjoyed at the news. 
Taking Loki’s hand, Steve began to drag them away and out the door, for a brief intermission, but Loki paused.
“Father, why the change in heart?” He asked and Odin sighed.
“Your mother decided this to be so, I have no will to change it. Off now, you two.” He spoke and Loki nodded before he and Steve galloped away.
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