the-widow-sisters · 2 years
first of all, I just want to say that I absolutely adore all of your stories. You are one of my most favourite writers on AO3 who writes about Widow Sisters. ❤️
Secondly, I want to ask if it would be possible for you to write a role-reversal of Opening Her Heart?
I love that story and I'd love to see the reversal + maybe a little of Kate in it as well, since she wasn't in the original. 🤗
P.S. I love how you portray Kate + Yelena + Natasha dynamic. 🥰
A/N: Thank you so, so much 🥺💗💗💗 You are so sweet, and it means so much that you like the Natkatlena dynamic (and yes I just thought that up on the spot 🤣 It’s a working title) 💖 It’s always the best thing ever to hear from you guys 😊
And gosh, y’all.... Wow! Haven't had a mostly Natasha-and-Yelena-centered one in a while! Hopefully I haven't quite lost my touch when it comes to writing some of our favorite sisters 😂💗 I guess you’re about to dive in and find out 😅😬
I hope y’all enjoy! 🥰
Word Count: 1849
  A text on Natasha’s phone suddenly buzzed in her pocket. Natasha flinched minutely as she reached down and withdrew the thing from her pants’ pocket.
  Natasha looked down at her phone, subtly sneaking a glance underneath the table as she diverted her attention from the utterly riveting meeting that she was being forced to sit through.
  It was yet another painful meeting with Steve droning on and on about something or another that really did not have to be drawn out as long as it was. She was currently bored stiff, and Yelena was not even there to offer her entertainment of any sort.
  Yelena had been spared from going because Carol was currently present for the meeting. Carol had been relatively open to coming to it, happily sitting next to Natasha and settling in, but now that it had gone on for at least an hour, Natasha could see how the blonde was shifting uncomfortably in her seat and casting one too many glances at the clock on the wall.
  “Whatcha looking at?” Carol leaned over and questioned softly, her mouth close to Natasha’s ear as she whispered carefully. Natasha glanced in her direction briefly before tilting the phone to the side to show her the screen. Carol looked down as she eyed the phone alongside Natasha. Natasha pulled up the text that she had received, quickly recognizing it as Kate.
  “Tasha I hope you’re done with the meeting! Yelena turned into Squishzilla!” Kate had sent to her, and Natasha raised an eyebrow, confused as she looked at the text. Carol chuckled heartily, trying to keep her voice down.
  “Squishzilla. Gosh, I wonder what she did to get shortie fired up,” Carol pondered aloud in a whisper, and Natasha narrowed her eyes a little.
  “You don’t know that she did something to fire her up,” Natasha optimistically expressed, trying to give Yelena the benefit of the doubt despite the fact that she knew Kate had likely done something inadvertently to rub Yelena just the wrong way and set her off.
  “I accidentally fired her up!” Kate suddenly sent, following up her last text. Natasha paused before sighing, and Carol almost snorted, barely keeping it down.
  “I called it,” Carol proudly pointed out, and Natasha narrowed her eyes at Carol half-heartedly. Natasha then shifted her gaze back up to look at Steve.
  “I’ve got to go and see about this. And I don’t think he’s anywhere close to finishing up…”
  “I can make him finish up if you want me to,” Carol offered, and Natasha looked at her uncertainly. Natasha finally nodded, and Carol replied with a nod of her own as she diverted her attentions to her boyfriend.
  “Hey, babe, as hot as you are when you’re up there trying to be large and in-charge, we’ve got to get some relief,” Carol spoke up suddenly, interrupting him in the midst of whatever he had been going on about.
  Natasha almost grinned as she looked between Carol and Steve. Steve turned redder than a beet and Carol was just smiling an enormous, suggestive, cheese-eating grin.
  Tony immediately clapped his hands, offering full approval of Carol’s proposition, and Sam waggled his eyebrows at Steve teasingly. Bruce just stared at the group, shaking his head slowly, and Peter was almost as red-faced as Steve even though the comment was not about him whatsoever. Steve stammered for several moments until finally clearing his throat. Rhodey just chuckled at Tony’s overenthusiasm.
  “Yeah, uh… Let’s… Take a brief break,” Steve agreed, his eyes locked onto Carol. Carol grinned, her eyes sparkling as she watched him mischievously. Tony got up, stretching luxuriously before patting Steve on the back affectionately yet roughly.
  “See, Rogers, this is why I always said that you needed to get l—”
  “Stark,” Steve warned, but his reddened face ruined quite a bit of the effect. Tony raised his hands in defense before heading over to talk to Rhodey. Carol flashed Natasha a thumbs-up as she stood up, and Natasha nodded to her gratefully, mouthing a thank-you.
  Carol winked at her before heading over to Steve, and Natasha got up, making her way for the door.
  “So… I have some more… specific… questions that I need you to address,” Natasha overheard Carol flirtatiously addressing Steve. There were immediate catcalls from some of the guys, and definitive groans from others.
  Natasha just rolled her eyes, and without a word, left to go and check on Kate and Yelena and see why Yelena was being considered Squishzilla.
  Kate finally sent her the location that she was currently holed up at, and Natasha soon found herself standing before two large columns that were separated just close enough for Kate to hoist herself up by spreading her legs to inch upward to the ledge above. Fortunately for Kate, Yelena’s legs weren’t long enough for her to inch up between the columns as Kate had done.
  Which was why Yelena was currently standing at the bottom, her eyes narrowed as she glared up at the brunette. Natasha could practically feel the irritation rolling off of her baby sister in waves, and Kate was sitting just high enough to keep Yelena from effectively reaching her.
  “Okay, so what’s happening here?” Natasha asked, and Yelena turned quickly to look at the redhead. As soon as Yelena made eye contact with her, she loosened up some. To the untrained eye, it was completely unnoticeable, but to Natasha, it was quite obvious. Yelena’s eyes softened just barely, and while there was still a large amount of irritation toward Kate, she was obviously happy to see Natasha.
  “You say that like you knew this was going on,” Yelena astutely pointed out, and Kate let out a long breath.
  “Thank you, Tasha… Squishzill— Yelena was getting out of hand,” Kate quickly revised her words, trying to keep Yelena from figuring out about the name she had used for her via text. Kate made a slight face, cringing as Yelena swiftly spun around again to glare at Kate.
  “What did you call me?”
  “Well… Obviously Yelena,” Kate chuckled nervously. Yelena narrowed her eyes.
  “No, before that,” Yelena clarified, definitive danger in her voice. Kate laughed nervously, scratching the back of her neck a little as she fidgeted. Natasha glanced between the two. Kate swallowed, wetting her lips just barely before shooting Yelena a winning smile.
  “Y’know… I said whatever you wanted me to say,” Kate declared, and Yelena just stared at her.
  “I mean… I could’ve said Yelena… Could’ve said… Other mentorish figure… Other big si—”
  “Get out of here,” Yelena tiredly interrupted, utterly and completely unimpressed with Kate’s efforts. Kate nodded immediately in reply to her.
  “Will do,” Kate quickly replied before dropping down from the ledge she had climbed up on, barely keeping her footing as she darted away as quickly as she could.
  Yelena groaned, and Natasha stepped a little closer as she lifted her hand slowly to brush against Yelena’s arm. Yelena immediately looked back at her, and Natasha felt her heart melt as she spotted the utterly soft and adoring look in her eyes as she regarded the redhead.
  Yelena immediately turned her body to Natasha, offering the older woman her full attention as she eyed her. Natasha reached out to her lovingly, her hands cupping either side of her baby sister’s neck. Her thumbs gently rubbed the sides of Yelena’s neck, the callouses brushing softly against the soft skin. Yelena leaned toward her instinctively, attempting to draw closer to her.
  Natasha’s heart warmed at the mere sight of her baby sister wanting to be so close, and she moved nearer to oblige her. Yelena immediately moved in as close as she could, her nose pressed firmly into Natasha’s neck as she took a deep, long breath of her.
  Natasha shifted her hands away from the sides of Yelena’s neck to use one to cradle the nape of Yelena’s neck with the other rubbing her back softly. Yelena just leaned her full body into her, and Natasha steadied herself in order to keep Yelena from ploughing over her.
  “Bad day?” Natasha whispered finally, already having her answer from the desperation that Yelena was exhibiting in her every motion and how she was seeking to be as near to Natasha as she could possibly manage. She did not bother asking what Kate had done because knowing Yelena, Kate did not really have to do anything. If she was in one of those moods, anything could have set her off.
  Yelena just let out an indignant harrumph to Natasha’s words. However, it was largely half-hearted as she hugged Natasha’s middle with an arm and pulled Natasha’s shoulder closer against her face with the other to hide a little more efficiently from the world.
  Yelena finally nodded against her, nuzzling her nose against Natasha’s jaw as she rooted her way around to resting her chin on Natasha’s shoulder. Natasha huffed lightly at her little sister, and she turned her head to deliver a gentle kiss to the side of the blonde’s head.
  Natasha gently pulled Yelena over to the couch not too far away from them, and as soon as she pulled Yelena down on top of her, Yelena eyed her quizzically. However, her entire body was just relaxed heavily into Natasha’s.
  “Don’t you have to be at a meeting?” Yelena asked uncertainly.
  “Nah, Carol’s got us covered. She’s provided a pretty nice distraction,” Natasha chuckled, smirking a bit, and Yelena wrinkled her nose.
  “Why does that sound like she did something gross?” Yelena asked tentatively and with evident disgust in her voice.
  Natasha almost chuckled as she thought of Carol and Steve’s relationship and the fact that they would definitely not be going any further than kissing. Of course, with Yelena, it only had to be looking into each other’s eyes or talking about something less than perfectly unrelated to romance for it to be gross to the younger blonde.
  “Because to you,” Natasha paused as she shifted underneath Yelena to tug her down into her arms a little more securely, “it probably is gross.”
  Yelena laid her head on Natasha’s chest immediately, and Natasha stroked through her hair with her fingers, the fingernails brushing the scalp as she dragged long lines down from the crown of her head to the base of her neck.
  “Whatever. As long as the Boomer keeps him busy,” Yelena finally resigned, and Natasha smiled gently, kissing Yelena’s head near her hairline as she held her in her arms.
  There was silence for a long moment until Yelena dug her nose into Natasha’s shirt more deeply and sighed.
  “U menya byl plokhoy den'... No eto uzhe ne tak. Ne seychas, kogda ty zdes',”1 Yelena mumbled into her, and Natasha smiled softly at her words.
  “Mozhet byt', u menya i ne bylo plokhogo dnya, no ty vsegda delayesh' moy den' luchshe, detka,”2 Natasha assured her, and Yelena nestled closer as she closed her eyes. Natasha nuzzled her head, just enjoying her baby sister’s weight on top of her.
  They just made each other’s days better.
(1) "I had a bad day... But it's not anymore... Not now that you're here."
(2) "I might not have been having a bad day, but you always make my day better, baby."
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sersi · 5 months
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Captain America: Civil War (2016) dir. Anthony and Joe Russo The Marvels (2023) dir. Nia DaCosta
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thestobingirlie · 5 months
i don’t care what anyone else says, THIS is carol and steve’s dynamic
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they were insane girl besties, and every time people make her “just tommy’s girlfriend”, an angel dies. just fyi
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imagine bucky being drunk
warning: kinda spicy at the end
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"He's doing it again."
Sam nudged you in the ribs, tearing your eyes away from Carol; who had been giving you the latest details on her life. The two of you frowned but then Carol smirked, nodding to your boyfriend across the small dive bar she had taken everyone to. Bucky was standing next to Steve and he was pretend punching him in the face. Steve was laughing whilst blocking his friend's air punches.
"I love drunk Barnes," Carol sighed contently and you agreed.
"He's so cute when he's drunk."
"Sure, real cute when the tab is over a grand because it takes a whole brewery to get him tipsy."
Ignoring Sam, you promised Carol you'd return to hear the rest of her story and she smirked, holding up her beer. "We have all night."
Stepping away from the table, you smiled at the bickering going on behind you as to who was going to pay for the tab. Leaving Wilson and Danvers to settle that argument, you walked over to the oldest men in the bar. Bucky's eyes moved to you and he grinned like a little puppy, pushing Steve aside to stumble over to you.
"God, you're so cute," he hollered, pretending to grab a piece of you to eat. He consumed air you and you laughed, grabbing his hand before he could take another bite.
Bucky quickly engulfed you into a hug, squeezing so tight you had to holler for him to release you. "I love a good strangling, but let's keep that for the bedroom, babe."
Steve groaned. "Come on, man."
You smirked, allowing Bucky to pull your back against his chest. He wrapped both arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulders. "Sounds like Stevie boy needs a little fun."
"That's what it sounds like," you echoed Bucky's sentiments and Steve rolled his eyes when you suggested Carol up as a potential booty call. "What? She's fucking hot. Smart. Funny."
"Captain America, Captain Marvel..." Bucky slurred out a burp and the two of you busted into laughter - giggling like children. Steve instantly turned red and that just made the laughter louder until Carol called out to see what was so funny.
"Don't say a word," Steve grumbled under his breath, pulling at his shirt. "...stay here."
Bucky and you watched as Steve made his way to the booth, sliding next to Carol, who smiled at him. Sam looked over to you and Bucky held a hazy finger to his lips - the veteran understood and quickly excused himself from the booth. He didn't bother walking over to Bucky and you, because everyone knew the two of you were ridiculous together, sober or drunk. Most people couldn't stand being in a room with the two of you for more than a few minutes; hands all over each other or worse, jokes and laughter that seemed endless.
Turning to face your boyfriend, you squished his cheeks and he practically beamed. He was totally drunk and you were totally in love. He kissed you on the lips, at first gently but then his grip tightened at your waist and you buckled against his body.
"....so cute I could eat."
"What's stopping you? The bathroom is unisex..."
Bucky practically welp, gathering you up in his arms in a haste. Having a former super solider as a boyfriend had its perks - his stamina was endless, his physique would make a grown man cry, but his strength? That man could lift hundreds of pounds, so no matter your weight - this motherfucker made you feel light as a feather. And boy, you could get him stiff as a board.
"I just know you're thinking nasty shit," he groaned, moving you towards the bathroom.
"I am but pure of heart, James."
Bucky smiled contently, kicking the bathroom open. It was as good as a bar restroom could get. He placed you gently on the sink and made sure the door was locked. Two strides, that's all it took for him to get on his knees and pulling your panties down from under your skirt. His eyes rolled back for a moment as he took in the sight, but then he glanced up at you with a devilish smile as he firmly spread your legs.
"I love you," he whispered right before diving in-between your thighs.
Rendered speechless, all you could do was grip his hair and lean back into the sink mirror; the lowlights flickering as Bucky reminded you how much you loved drunk him. When all his inhibitions disappeared and he got to enjoy the little things in life - which included going to bars with your closest friends, running the highest of tabs, trying to hook up friends, and most importantly, going down on your girlfriend in a dingy bathroom.
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augustjustice · 7 months
Being a Steddie fan is like...I have extremely strong and specific opinions about half a dozen or so Stranger Things side characters. Most of these characters have no more than a handful of scenes between them. Some of them don't even have names.
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sp0o0kylights · 3 months
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I started writing an enemies to lovers Steddie fic that starts off as Tommy/Steve/Carol with this prompt except Im tired and I lost the plot lmao so instead let me float the images of:
Modern college town AU featuring frat president Steve, who's been convinced no one will ever really love him by his parents, his past relationships, and Tommy & Carol. The latter not only "date" him but regularly use him and his money by utilizing his self worth issues against him.
Hes barely scrapping by in class, kind of wants to pick up a side job to get out from under his parents financial thumb, and enjoys talking shit with his sort of new friend Robin at a retro vinyl store, but with Tommy and Carol reporting back to his parents/the frat he's not able to take up Robin's offer to work there with her.
The frat keeps him busy the rest of the time--he's a legacy, and several members are deeply entrenched into a competition against the other fraternities that frequently cause problems on campus due to their pranks, parties and general bullshit. Steve has to run shoulders with the college Dean and such a LOT to peace keep.
Eddie works at the major game shop across the road from the vinyl place, which helps pay for the automotive program he's in part time at the college. He runs all the D&D campaigns, including several for adults and kids. A lot of the events he tries to get going on campus get shut down as the school and police target him and the "scary kids" in a show of misdirected anger at the frats they can't touch without risk of losing out on their parents money.
Eddies particularly pissed at Steve after an infamous incident involving Eddie spearheading a pokemon go event that came into contact with some kind of frat beer run, which led to Eddie being wrongfully arrested.
Their enemies piece began with Eddie storming into Steve's frat, demanding he do something as he's one of the more influential presidents and Steve, goaded on by Tommy and Carol, refusing.
This is further cemented when Eddie finds out one of his favorite high school players, Dustin, is close with Steve and defends him constantly, refusing to elaborate much when pressed other than to tell Eddie that Steve used to watch Dustin a lot as a babysitting gig and he's a "really good guy under all the frat shit Eddie, seriously."
(Dustin does not elaborate that his mother was on the PTA with Steve's mother and that she clocked his parents abuse, and used the babysitting angle to get Steve out of that house as a kid, and Steve sees Ma Henderson more as a proper parental figure than his own parents.)
Throw in some light sub/dom dynamics, Eddie breaking into Steve's room as revenge only to overhear Tommy and Carol being downright vicious to him, and a "who did this to you" crying in the rain scene before the prompt line finally kicks in.
I wanted Tommy and Carol to be fucking gagging crying throwing up furious when Steve finally blows it all up, and for the fallout to be so insane for Steve that he ends up either starting his own frat with Eddie or throwing away his title entirely and having several of the not shit frat boys follow him out.
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jonathanbiers · 9 months
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steve/carol/tommy + incorrect quotes
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jetblackfeeling · 5 months
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st4rking · 9 months
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pov: you're in the avengers mansion and these two freaks are in the public kitchen
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hawkinsincorrect · 4 months
Steve, looking through Nancy’s book bag: Hey Carol? What does a pregnancy test look like?
Carol: It’s like a thin piece of plastic with a thing at the end of it.
Steve: Ah, okay.
Steve: Then this is definitely a gun.
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sycamorelibrary754 · 6 months
Merry Christmas
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Summary: It’s the most wonderful time of the year. You and Natasha are off to the annual Stark Christmas Party. Little does the team know that a special surprise awaits them.
Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Natasha x reader, Avengers x reader (platonic).
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: None
A/N: This is part 2 to Happy Thanksgiving! I recommend reading it first, but it can be read as a stand-alone story as well. I hope you enjoy!
“Be down in a minute, malyshka!” Natasha called from your bedroom. 
You were standing in the kitchen eating peanut butter out of the jar topped with chocolate sauce. A “homemade Reese’s” you dubbed it. Your first pregnancy craving that had Nat popping down to the corner grocery store at 2 am for the dynamic duo of ingredients. 
“No worries, love!” Already dressed for Tony’s annual Christmas party at the compound. Clad in a green Sequin-Lace Halter Twist-Neck Jumpsuit, your baby bump beginning to show. 
The click of Natasha’s high heels signaled her arrival a few moments later in a sleek long-sleeved red scoop-back midi dress that hugged her in all the right places. 
“Wow, Nat. You look beautiful. Red is most definitely your color,” you praised.
“So you prefer it over the black,” she smirked as she put on her earrings.
“I didn’t say that now, did I,” with a wink.
“The baby enjoying its homemade Reese’s?” grabbing her clutch. 
“Very much! I was thinking,” Putting away the chocolate and peanut butter. “Tomorrow we could make fudge!”
“Ah, because the baby has such a sweet tooth?” Nat teased. 
“Yes,” you giggled.
“Well, whatever the baby wants, I suppose,” wrapping her arms around you in a loving embrace before leaning down and kissing your stomach.
“You ready to drop the baby bombshell tonight?” Patting the top of Nat’s head. 
“Yes, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous,” sighing as she stood up. These are the same people who freaked out when they found out Clint had a family. How are they going to handle this?”
“Like the amazing aunts and uncles they were meant to be,” grabbing Natasha’s hand. “Plus, I think announcing it with the Christmas crackers is a cute idea.”
“I hope so,” placing a soft kiss against your lips. 
“Frankly, I’m more surprised Yelena hasn’t blabbed yet,” you said.
“Oh, that’s because I warned her if she told anyone I would make her run with me every morning at 5 am until the baby is born.”
“Well played,” high-fiving your wife. 
“Thank you,” she smiled. “Now come on, let’s go get our holiday cheer on.” 
The drive to the compound was even more beautiful during the holidays. A light snow fell as you passed house after house dressed in beautiful Christmas lights. Natasha placed her right hand on the center console. You softly intertwined your fingers with hers and placed a soft kiss to the back of her hand. 
You are greeted by a rush of warm air upon entering the compound lobby. Natasha shook the delicate snowflakes out of your hair and off your coat. You both step onto the elevator and are welcomed by the soothing voice of FRIDAY. 
“Merry Christmas, ladies. Welcome to the annual Stark Christmas party.” 
“Merry Christmas, FRIDAY. How’s the party so far?” You asked as the hum the elevator carried you up to living quarters.
“The party is in full swing. Mr. Stark is currently treating guests to a medley of Christmas carols.
“Of course he is,” you giggled.
“You know, he only plays that baby grand piano when he gets a bit tipsy,” Nat said. “When we got home from our month-long undercover mission in Romania, he celebrated on the jet and then made us all listen to his rendition of Dancing Queen.”
“Aww, and I missed it!” you whined, feigning disappointment.
The elevator dinged and the doors opened to joyous noise and laughter. An abundance of greens, reds, gold, and silver flashing here and there, adding opulence and brightness. Classic poinsettias tied in tradition, and shiny bows and foiled paper glistened under the 12-foot tall Noble Fir Christmas tree, inviting their recipients to sneak one open before the actual day.
“Hey, the Romanoff’s are finally here!” Clint exclaimed as his kids rushed over to both of you.
Nate jumped into your wife’s arms as you hugged Lila and Cooper. It seemed like every time you saw the Barton kids they had grown a bit more. It was thanks to Banner and Cho that you were carrying a child that would be half yours and half Natasha’s. Looking at Clint and Laura’s kids and how they resembled their parents, you couldn’t wait to see what features your little plum would inherit from each of you. 
“How’s my little namesake?” Natasha asked, kissing Nathaniel’s cheek. Have you been practicing the punch and kick combinations I taught you?”
“Practicing the what?” Laura asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh, nothing,” Natasha smirked as Nate giggled. 
“You two look great, I love the green and red thing you’ve got going on,” Clint said.
“Thank you. Lovely Christmas sweater by the way. I especially love Rudolph’s glowing nose.” you pointed.
“Hey, the Barton’s are the cream of the crop when it comes to ugly Christmas sweaters.”
“Clearly,” Nat teased.
“I’ll take your coats,” Cooper offered.
“Why, thank you. What a gentleman,” you winked at Laura as you handed him yours and Natasha’s pea coats. 
You scanned the room and noticed Wanda putting the finishing touches on trays of Christmas cookies. You put a hand on Nat’s shoulder and motioned toward the kitchen. She gave you a quick nod as you meandered over to the counter. 
“Wanda, Wanda, Wanda… what do we have here?” you asked with a smirk.
“Y/N! It’s so good to see you,” wrapping you in one of her signature hugs that you loved so much. “This is my parents’ Christmas cookie recipe,” she proudly declared. “I convinced Tony and Pepper to let me handle the desserts this year. So, we’ve got cookies, the Viennese torte is in the fridge and the pumpkin pie is cooling.” 
“Wow, you have been busy,” you smiled. “Anything I can do to help?” 
“Yes, you can take a cookie and go mingle. I’ll be done in a few minutes,” handing you a charming little cookie decorated like Santa. You took a bite and couldn’t believe it. It was the best cookie you had ever tasted.
“Mhmm, Wanda! This is amazing,” you exclaimed
“That is why I will always vouch for homemade over store bought goodies. Now seriously, go mingle,” shooing you away.
You turned back around to see your wife sitting by the fireplace talking to Steve, champagne in hand. As you started to across the room you were intercepted by a festively-dressed Kate and Lucky.
“Y/N! Hey, oh my gosh, I haven’t seen you in so long! How are you?” 
“I’m good! I see you and Lucky are enjoying the party,” petting the Golden Retriever.
“Absolutely, say hello to Santa Paws and Mrs. Claus!” Kate exclaimed. Unfortunately, we’ve lost Yelena. She’s our elf,” glancing around the room.
“Wait, Yelena’s dressed as an elf?” Eyes wide. “Oh, that’s fantastic.”
“Yeah, if you see her will you send her our way? We’re supposed to be taking the photo for our holiday card tonight.”
“Nothing would make me happier,” you smirked with a hand on Kate’s shoulder.
You bid the young archer and pooch farewell and rejoined your wife.
“Hey, deka,” Wrapping her arm around your waste. 
“Y/N, I was just telling your wife that she needs to find her holiday spirit and come Christmas caroling with us next week,” Steve said.
“Natasha singing? I’m not sure that would be good for community morale,” you joked. 
“Says the woman who performs one woman tributes to Harry Styles in the shower?” Nat giggled.
“Hey,” you said. “My rendition of Sign of the Times is highly praised, I’ll have you know,”
Tony and Pepper join your little huddle with Morgan in tow.
“Romanoffs! You have to try this Hot Buttered Rum,” Tony remarked.
“Oh, I love Hot Buttered Rum, but I think I’ll stick with sparkling cider tonight,” you said “Nat would probably love some though, right, love?” 
“Sure,” grabbing the glass from Tony’s hand as Steve looked back at you curiously.
You peered down at Morgan who was sitting on the ottoman next to the fireplace. Ever since you found out you were pregnant you were drawn to children like never before.  
“Hi, sweetheart!” you greeted the little Stark. “You look so pretty tonight,” kneeling down to the little girl’s level.
“Thank you, Aunt Y/N,” she grinned.
“Are you excited for Christmas?” You asked. “You are clearly at the top of Santa’s nice list this year.”
“Really?!” Morgan squealed.
“Oh, absolutely, I have a feeling the man in red is going to be very good to you this year,” you winked. 
“Did you hear that Daddy? Aunt Y/N said that I’m on the top of the nice list!”
“I sure did, squirt. I didn’t realize Aunt Y/N was so tight with St. Nick,” eyeing you coyly.
“Oh yeah, we’re on a first name basis. I’m surprised you’re not?” Smirking at the billionaire. You loved Tony like a brother, but you enjoyed giving him crap.
“Trust me, Mrs. Romanoff,” Tony smirked. “I’m much closer to Santa than you are.”
“Really, do you have a direct line to the North Pole?” You countered.
“Are you having milk and cookies flown in from Holland? Because you know those are his favorite,” Tony said, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Ooookay, that’s enough,” your wife placing hands on your shoulders from behind. “You both know Santa. You both have giant egos. Merry Christmas,” Nat mocked. Come on Tony, let’s go grab some hors d'oeuvrs for our better halves. I’ll be right back, detka,” leading the billionaire toward the kitchen. 
You couldn’t help but admire Natasha as she walked away. Looking back over her shoulder, she smiled at you with all the love in the world. You just about melted right there in front of the fireplace. Snapping out of your love daze, you noticed Pepper grinning at you.
“What?” you asked.
“Oh, nothing. I just can’t help but notice how glowing you look tonight,” as Morgan pulled her away towards Clint’s kids and Steve strolled away to join Bucky in conversation with Rhodes. 
“Pssst… Pssst!” 
You turned around just as a styrofoam snowball was about to hit you in face. You caught it in one swift motion. 
“Nice catch,” a Russian voice said.
“Yelena, where are you?” Glancing around not seeing your sister-in-law.
“Over here,” poking her head out from the behind the seven-foot snowman next to the pool table.
“Oh, now don’t you look adorable as an elf,” you giggled.
“If you weren’t pregnant with my niece or nephew you would be hanging upside down from the rafters right now,” Yelena whispered.
“You know Kate and Lucky are looking for you, right?” you asked.
“Why do you think I’m hiding behind the giant snowman? Kate Bishop forced me to dress in this saccharin American Christmas costume and now she wants photographic evidence of it.” 
“Because she loves you, silly,” smiling with your arms crossed over your chest.
“Detka, it’s time for dinner. Let’s go—“Natasha stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of her sister. “Oh my God,” she burst into laughter. 
“Tred carefully, sestra,” Yelena threatened. 
“No, I love it. I think this qualifies as new mission suit attire,” poking the bell dangling from her elf hat. “Maybe you can get Stark to upgrade this outfit with Widow Bites.”
“Do you have a death wish?” Yelena sneered.
“Come on, you adorable elf, it’s time for dinner,” placing an arm around your best friend’s shoulder.
You took your seat next to your wife at the Astoria Grand Giovani dining table. Natasha quietly squeezed your hand. You looked over with a shy smile and a festive blush on your cheeks. 
Pepper stood up from her seat next to Tony at the head of the table. “Before we enjoy this lovely holiday feast, I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how grateful we are that you’re all here,” grasping Tony’s hand. “Everyone in this room knows how precious life is and we don’t take a moment of it for granted. We love you and Merry Christmas.”
“Here, here!” Thor declared a couple seats down from you as glasses clinked around the table. 
A traditional Christmas dinner soon filled your plate. Roasted turkey with all the trimmings. Home baked bread, mashed potatoes and garden veggies gently roasted, drizzled in balsamic vinegar. The group drank, were merry, and told the most terrible of jokes.
Pregnancy mood swings were becoming commonplace and as the dinner wore on, you suddenly found yourself overwhelmed with emotion at the sight of your extended family enjoying the holiday season together. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” Carol looked at you with concern in her eyes from across the table.
“Oh, yeah” dabbing at the corner of your eyes with your napkin. “I’m fine.”
“The holidays always make her a bit emotional,” Natasha offered laying her head comfortingly on your shoulder.
After dinner you helped Wanda serve the desserts. The Christmas cookies took their place in the center of the table, flanked by the Viennese torte and the pumpkin pie. Coffee and dessert wine circulated around the table. 
The group of full bellies and ever so slightly sleepy eyes then made their way to the living room to relax. Christmas music softly enveloped the room as the kids were discussing what they hoped Santa was going to bring them this year. 
“Okay, Kate Bishop. Let’s get this picture over with. I want to put on my pajamas,” Yelena announced as she stood from the sofa.
“Yay!! Okay, don’t move. Lucky! Here boy,” calling the dog who promptly romped over. “Vision, can you take the picture?”
“Of course Ms. Bishop.” Taking the Canon EOS R-50 from the archer. 
“It is customary to say cheese before a picture, but since it is Christmas time perhaps you should say mistletoe?” 
“Just take the picture,” Yelena deadpanned
“Mistletoe!” Kate yelled. 
“We’re going to get one of these cards right?” Looking at your wife. 
“I had Kate put us down for two,” she smirked.
As night fell, you rested your weary head on Nat’s lap as she ran her fingers through your hair. 
Natasha looked at her watch. “You ready to drop the baby bomb?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be. I’ll get the Christmas crackers,” rising from the sofa.
“Umm, everyone. Y/N and I have a special gift for you all,” your wife announced nervously as you passed out the gold and silver novelties to the team. 
“Christmas crackers? I have to be honest, I was hoping for something a bit more extravagant… Oww!” Tony whined, as Pepper pinching him on the arm. 
You smiled with nervous anticipation as you reached for Natasha. The snap of the festive crackers echoed across the room. Clint was the first to reach inside and remove the tiny gift. A small round ceramic white ornament tied to a red ribbon appeared in his hand. Lila, Cooper, and Nate huddled around their dad to get a glimpse as Clint read the inscription.
“Uncle Clint?” Looking up at Natasha in shock.
“No way!” Sam shouted.
Wanda, Carol, and Kate all screamed at the sight of their own ornaments. Their names adorned with the title of Aunt.
“This is joyous news!” Thor crowed. 
Pepper got up immediately and embraced you in a warm hug as Laura did the same with Natasha. 
“How far along are you?” Wanda asked.
“Almost three months,” Yelena cut in.
“You knew?! Why didn’t you tell me?” Kate shouted; slapping her girlfriend on the arm.
“Because I want to sleep in!” Yelena shouted.
“I’m so happy for you, Nat,” Steve kissing her on the cheek. 
Bucky wrapped his arms around you with a soft kiss to the top of your head.
“You ready to be Uncle Bucky?” Your eyes meeting his gaze.
“Oh God,” his face like a deer in the headlights.
“You’ll be great, Buck,” you giggled. 
Bruce and Helen embraced Natasha in a tandem hug.
“I’m so relieved everyone knows,” Helen said turning to you. “Now we can openly discuss your pregnancy. Have you been continuing with your prenatal vitamins?”
And remember, you have an appointment on Friday,” Bruce interjected.
“Yes and yes,” you said as Natasha placed a soft kiss to your cheek and then another to your belly. 
Tony walked up to you with that signature smirk on his face. You mentally prepared yourself for a signature Stark one-liner or some stupid joke. Instead, he took you by surprise when he wrapped you in a warm embrace.
“Congratulations, Romanoff. Looks like you do know Santa best.” 
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 8
part 1 | part 7 | ao3
He finds himself on Cherry Drive by muscle memory alone. Quarter mile past Maple Street, take the third left, the second right; drive straight through the next stop sign and suddenly the Hagan house is coming into view around the bend, bathed in dim yellow light from a flickering street lamp. A 50s era ranch house, painted brick with a detached one-car garage, weeds sprouting through the crooked old stones of the front walkway and leaves scattered across the lawn in mushy browns and orange-reds.
It's not as nice as Steve's place is.
Steve blinks, shakes himself fully awake; feels a jolt of fear at the idea that he just drove here in some kind of fugue state because he doesn't know what he's doing here. Tommy left for college, and fuck Tommy, anyway.
He pulls up to the house. Slows the car to a crawl.
It's dark inside, all the lights turned off except for a single table lamp in the entryway window; shaped like a sea turtle, its belly full of blue-green light. Mrs. H. loves the sea.
He wonders if they're out of town or if they're just asleep.
The Hagans go to bed early, he remembers. He spent so many nights talking in a hush in Tommy's room; 8:45pm and they'd be lying side by side on the floor beside his bed, reading comic books or sports mags and whispering about nothing. Tommy'd always thank Steve for coming over because he knew his house was a little boring; he was the kid with old parents who went to bed early and kept the radio turned down and wouldn't let them have sugary snacks even on the weekends. Steve would always just knock their shoulders together and smile 'don't mention it' because he'd hang out with Tommy anywhere.
"Anywhere?" "Yeah, anywhere." "What about in a cave?" "Sure." "Under a bridge?" "Don't see why not." "In the belly of a whale?" "Now you're just being dumb." "Am not!" "Are, too." "Oh, yeah? Well- shut up!"
That was usually the part where they got in trouble for making noise, caught red-faced and laughing while they wrestled on the floor.
There's warmth in his chest at the memory, and that part, he expects.
But also...
Something about it makes heat flare in his gut, shameful and feverish as it flashes through his mind: the phantom press of Tommy above him as he pinned his shoulders down; the way the flush on his cheeks made Tommy's freckles pop; the breathless smile he gave, so close their noses almost brushed...
A light turns turns on in the Hagans' hall.
Steve hits the gas.
He drives for a long while, feeling like an asshole for burning through their precious gas money, but too— too something to fully care. He's alone on a highway with dark pastures blowing by, with the heat on and windows down, and he's circling back toward home when Bruce Springsteen starts to play, all croaky static over the spotty radio.
Born down in a dead man's town. The first kick I took was when I hit the ground.
Steve cranks it up and sings along. The song is cheesy, and he feels stupid, but he also feels free. Like there was a shackle around his throat and he didn't notice until it was gone. He shouts along to the chorus and then just shouts in general; long, guttural screams that feel like poison being purged. Tommy, his dad, the Russians, his mom. All of it, all of it spewing out of him into the cold night air.
He misses Carol suddenly. Her acidic attitude. The way it always ate through the worst of his sullen moods.
He can picture her now: perched on someone's lap in the crowded backseat, no seatbelt, manicured hand braced on the ceiling. She'd be smacking bubblegum and twirling a lock of her hair, and she'd roll her eyes at Steve's dramatics and ask whether he was done untwisting his panties yet. Steve would say something dumb and pervy in response, like, "Too busy dealing with girls' panties to focus on my own," and she'd roll her eyes harder and go, "God, you're fucking gross."
Carol's not here, though, so he just screams about her, too.
When he get back to Forest Hills his voice is hoarse. His body is tired; his soul is light. He's thinking, like: maybe he'll be okay. He'll channel his inner Claudia or Joyce and soldier on. Resilience, and all that shit.
He's almost smiling to himself when he turns into the park.
And then he sees the flashing lights.
There's an ambulance on his lot.
part 9
just gonna start tagging whoever commented the day before (if your settings will let me) bc i have the memory of a goldfish @a-little-unsteddie @slowandsteddie @pennyplainknits @thesuninyaface @hotluncheddie @messrs-weasley @pitrsattabhaadmeinjao @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple @blackpanzy @disrespectedgoatman @i-have-three-feelings @sirsnacksalot @estrellami-1 @manda-panda-monium
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nerdbrazil · 5 months
Tumblr media
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ronanceisintheair · 7 months
Marvel crybaby want comic book accuracy but then complain when comic book accuracy applies to the women of the mcu. Like the way Carol or Wanda are "overpowered" or the way Kamala looks up to Carol with sparkling eyes and big adoration.
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augustjustice · 4 days
Pre-S1 Steve Harrington who time traveled to the future would at first automatically assume Robin was his girlfriend and Eddie was his boy best friend who tagged along with them everywhere, including on dates. As the person who spent the entirety of his youth as Tommy and Carol's (vaguely romantic and homoerotically charged) third wheel, Steve sees absolutely nothing odd about this except for the fact that he's now apparently willing to spend all of his time...with two band geeks.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
“Who was your first kiss?”
“Depends what you mean.” Steve hits the joint Eddie passed to him. They are sitting on the roof of the trailer, stargazing. It is the first clear night of summer. Steve feels lighter than he has in months.
“I'm not really sure if there is another way to ask that, Harrington.” Eddie laughs around the tip of the joint. “It's a pretty simple question. Besides, I thought this was secret time. No need to get shy on me now.” Eddie spins to his side dramatically, tucking his hands beneath his face. He stares at Steve with joy in his eyes.
Steve takes the joint, pulls, and huff smoke into Eddie’s face. A soft laugh escapes him. “Well, I mean, do you mean like the first real kiss? Or, like, when did I start practicing?”
“Yea like, figure out how to, and what its like before the real deal? So it doesn't count.”
“I'm sorry—” Eddie scrunches his eyebrows “—I’m confused. Why wouldn't it count?”
“Cause it was with a guy.” Steve shrugs because he doesn't think it's a big deal. He doesn't understand why Eddie is hung up on it.
But then, Eddie's face does this thing for a second. Like he isn't sure whether to be angry or sad, but then it relaxes. Instead, a look of puzzlement takes over his face. “Steve, it counts. Like—even though you're not attracted to guys, that still counts as a first kiss. It’s like—kinda hurtful you think it doesn't.”
Steve tilts his head and goes over what he said in his mind. He can't recall saying anything ridiculous like he does when he is high. “Okay, now I'm confused.”
Eddie stares and says nothing.
“No! Not like confused as in I don't get why your upset, but more like confused who said I was straight?”
In shock Eddie manages, “What now?”
“Never said I was straight. I just meant that if we're talking about first kisses, usually people mean a girl. So the guy doesn't count. Especially because I didn't know I liked guys then. Think even if I was straight this right here—” Steve waves a hand between the two of them “—is pretty homoerotic so I think straight went out the window.”
Eddie swallows, looks down at Steve’s lips, and looks back into his eyes. “There is so much to unpack there. But first, thank you for telling me. Second, Steve. That is like not how it works. Just cause a kiss is practice doesn't mean you didn't kiss. Like just cause you're hitting balls at practice instead of the game, doesn't mean you're not hitting them.”
Something settles in Steve. “Huh, I guess I never thought of it that way.”
Eddie grabs Steve by the shoulders. “I'm glad you understand, but onto more pressing matters. Who was this boy you practiced with?”
“Oh, it was Tommy Hagan.”
Eddie drops his hands in shock. “Hagan?! C’mon Stevie, I thought you had better taste.”
Steve giggles at Eddie’s antics. He can't help but take in how pretty Eddie is when he gets all worked up. It is unfair in Steve’s eyes. How someone can be so wonderful even when they are losing their mind.
Steve can't resist the urge to finally flirt a little. “He wasn't my type Munson. Like I said, just practice. Wasn't really into it. Pretty sure he liked it more than me. I think if I liked him, I would have figured out the whole bisexual thing a lot sooner. No, my type is definitely more in the dark curly hair nerd department.”
Eddie swallows nervously, “Nancy?”
Steve isn't offended by Eddie’s question. Steve knows he's scrambling, can tell by the blush on his face. Steve feels hope spark within his chest. “No, she's great and all, but I was thinking more masculine. With pretty doe eyes, a deep laugh, a kind soul, and horrible taste in music.”
Eddie sputters, and Steve watches his blush spread, “My music is great!”
“Hmmm, sure.”
“Hey Stevie? Do you feel like you need more practice?” Eddie leans in close brushing his nose against Steve’s with a sudden rush of bravery.
“No, i’ve had enough practice. Think I want the real thing.”
“Okay I want to be smooth but I have to google d response to that so I am going to kiss you now.” Eddie rushes out.
“Sounds perfect.” Eddie closes the gap before Steve can say anything else. Eddie tastes like salted chocolate and weed. It's sweet and musky and so very Eddie. It starts soft, the softest kiss Steve’s had, just plush lips pushed against each other.
It slowly builds to more. Steve’s hands travel up Eddie’s sides and into his hair. He wonders how a wild thing could be so, so soft. Steve gives a gentle tug, and Eddie moans deeply into him. Eddie’s hands grab Steve’s waist and yank him forward. His hands are to cause bruises surely, and the thought leaves Steve giddy. The sounds Eddie makes are getting desperate, which causes Steve to release his own moan.
Eddie doesn't waste a second taking advantage and shoving his tongue inside Steve’s mouth. He’s warm and wet, and oh God, Steve wants more, more, more.
After a few minutes, Eddie pulls back. “Wait, who did you really think was your first kiss?”
Steve rests his forehead on Eddie’s. He can't help but think his answer is a little funny. “Carol Perkins.”
“Wait, wasn't she dating Tommy?”
“Oh yeah. He was there actually. Kinda encouraged it to happen.”
Eddie looks torn between laughing and being disgusted. “Again, so much to unpack, but I don't think I want to touch that with a ten-foot pole. At least not tonight. Can we go back to making out?”
“Yes please.” Steve all but begs, a while releasing into the space between them.
They don't pull apart until their lips are swollen and their throats are raw from moaning. It’s Steve’s best first kiss yet.
originally this was more angsty and going to be more reflective on my personally experience of the very popular thought of “if my first kiss is with a girl it doesn't count” that I see a lot of bisexuals like myself (and other sexually fluid people...honestly an experience the whole LGBTQ+ community has) have. Like having that realization made me re-evaluate myself. But it ended up being more light hearted and using another experience of mine which is being out but refusing to count the first kiss because of who it was with. Steve and I...we have regrets. I still might write the other one, we shall see :)
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