#still dont want to have sex ever though so the asexuality is still 5 years strong
shouts-into-the-void · 7 months
I've been coming to the realization that I'm demiromantic over the past week, which is extremely uncomfortable given I've identified as Aro-Ace for the past three years, and I've obviously been met with a lot of the "you'll find the right person eventually" crowd
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
13 Anti LO Asks
1. ok but thats seriously what bugs me so much about LO, it never actually lets serious moments be serious, it's always lampooned by rachel's insistent need to force in her juvenile "humor" and never actually depicting how pressing things are. even the following moments from persephone's r//pe was undercut by hades making stupid puns! i understand if rachel cant write something more serious than "[x] is bad" but if thats so, then dont try it? because thats how you end up with this pretentious mess.
2. since when did lo hades have earrings??? i legit do not remember this ever being a thing??? is he trying to be hip with the kids 😭my man you still look like a crusty old man the earrings arent helping 😭
3. lo hermes looks and acts like flaky from happy tree friends and no thats not a compliment (TW for gore, blood, and violence if any of you google it)
4. Even though the earlier art style was better there are still some cursed panels from the earlier pages that still haunt me. Especially the way Persephone was drawn differently in so many of the panels.
5. lo hades has such "how do you do fellow kids" energy and im not sure why
6. im also confused on the fertility goddess stuff because how stupid is persephone if she didnt notice? she can create life and nature without even thinking and shes implied to be a genius in biology, so how would she not even notice this? if RS really wants to go with this plot, then why have her professor bring it up in class? why not show persephone going to her uni's library to research the topic and pouring over it? that's an easy way to show persephone's intelligence, yet LO doesnt even try.
7. What I wanna know in LO was how Demeter and Hestia were compensated after the war. The three brothers got to be kings and Hera is queen, but what we know of Demeter is that she had a millionaire dollar business that’s probably made it on its own (unless she was helped out) and then Hestia all we really know about her is that she runs that TOGEM and idk if there’s only 4 of them, Hestia really had a group by herself for a bit since Athena is Zeus’ (assumed) daughter, Artemis (Zeus’ assumed daughter) and persphone (newest member) which seems shitty since they won a war together
8. I think what happened with LO’s art style was RS got “lazy” (I’m lacking the right word). I feel like without the colors all of the men in LO have the same body type, and Hermès and Apollo may even have the same face if they smile the same. So to compensate for that lack of body diversity, RS doubled down on Hades’ features to make him stand out more to really show he’s the male lead. However, even in her own words he looks like Persphones’ “dusty ass dad”
The women use to be a little different but they’re all starting to blend with body types. Her was small, but now she’s short and busty like Persphone. RS makes Persphone look short and busty all the time but almost childlike. Minthe was skinny but her last moments she was busy. Aphrodite I feel was just busty but then tried to make her look small also with Ares and Hades beside her. Hestia stayed the same but is still small and busty. Athena was tall and thin (?) but now she’s tall but busty (and her relationship with Hestia looks like it mirrors HXP). Idk I just feel like the longer screen time the female characters get the more they start mirroring Persphone’s look. Like even Artemis was getting empathized on being small next to her brother Apollo. Like all the girls gotta look small but curvy as the story goes on. 
9. Demeter: watched her friend get ripped in half. Watched her friend get continually cheated on, paying the price for not hiding a mistress , watched metis get eaten, her back clawed, fought in a war. Later made a daughter who’s a fertility goddess (probably an accident) and now has to raise her. That same daughter then went on a rampage and isn’t really remorseful
Fans: Demeter is such an overbearing mother who gets in the way of our ship.
10. on regards to ace characters, asexuality is a spectrum like everything else, so a lot of asexuals actually do enjoy and have sex, so the maidens doing so isnt inherently a problem, its the fact rachel is clearly viewing it through a strict binary where she assumes asexuality is something that can be "fixed" over time/when the right person comes along. its also a bad modern reading of it, as "virginity" in an ancient sense meant via marriage, not via sex, but I doubt rachel cares to factcheck it.
11. Imagine an elf is given a job to do at a human institution. The humans think elves don’t need bathroom breaks, since they know they can hold it for days, but this elf has been traveling to reach their job, and has already been holding it to the point they are in pain. They ask for a break, but their job is important and time sensitive, so they admit they can still hold it when asked. After a full day of work, the elf tries to reach the bathroom in time, but they were never told where it is.
From OP: I think this might be a nymph allegory? Anon never specified so I'll put this here anyway.
12. ya know if hades has to lie to make apollo seem worse (who does not need much in this comic) its like??? why is he persephone's lawyer then?? lawyers are literally told not to lie, this is basic law 101. thats why they dont want their clients to mention to them if they actually did the crimes because then the lawyers have to say it in court. if hades lies so casually just to keep persephone away from justified punishment, then thats bad actually!  both in being a decent person and as a lawyer!
From OP: Hades didn’t lie but he was definitely out of line. RS liked a tweet saying that the wife thing was “subconscious” so it probably was. (Still doesn’t make it right but I doubt he’d say those things on the stand.)
13. I know Minthe was written in a way she was suppose to be unlikesable, she’s rude, she yells and she doesn’t hesistate. HOWEVER RS wrote her character badly. Minthe is so unliked? How was she able to be a bad gf to hades and Thanatos? Like yes it’s an affair but how was she able to pull 2 gods?! We don’t hear Hades or Thanatos say what they like about her BUT they both still had a fling with her. (Honestly I feel it’s cause RS can’t bare writing one nice thing about the female anatangoist without trying to make Persphone look good)
The other thing bothering me was everyone knew about her relationship with Hades after she put it on fatesbook, but everyone talked about the kiss in such a positive light IN FRONT OF HER. Aren’t they suppose to be scared of her? Why did the girls in the yoga class/dress shop had so much to say about that kiss? Because they knew persphone? Did they know every other detail too? What was their actual beef with Minthe?
I feel like realistically some more characters would have sympathy for Minthe if they didn’t know her that well because of Hera. Everyone knows Hera is a pill to deal with and she’s the goddess of marriage who hasn’t really tried bringing Minthe and Hades to the alter. That right there should let everyone know that Hera probably doesn’t help the situation.
Idk, I feel like RS could have gone deeper and made the character not such HXP shippers cause most people wouldn’t cheer for cheating nor an old ass guy getting with a 19 year old. (Idk how fast the news of the slap spread, but I doubt it made it to every place in their fictional world)
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oncefutureemrys · 3 years
11,25,28 Merthur?pls🥺
Hello, thank you for the ask! and of course, would love to!
also i am apologizing in advance... this is longer than expected. I'm so sorry truly, feel free to not read this ahah this got far longer than I wanted it to and far longer than you expected and so I'm so sorry.
11: Who tops?
Oh... oh no, you've asked me this question.
This... this is something I'm very passionate about despite being asexual we dont talk about it.
Listen, I don't think this is necessarily a popular opinion, but it's mine.
Arthur and Merlin alternate.
Okay, so I'm sure many people actually have that idea but WAIT lemme explain if anyone is confused.
Season 1-2: Arthur tops. Why? Because their relationship at this point isn't as deep. Merlin and Arthur are acquaintances, somewhat friends but they aren't close close. I have the belief that Arthur tops when we think of physical, but when it becomes emotional? Arthur is a complete bottom. besides in season 2 remember when Arthur choked Merlin for like ten seconds? man is kinkyyyyy
I should say not every episode works with this. there are definitely some episodes that don't fit this idea, but when I think about the overall seasons, I would say that Arthur tops. But by the end of season 2, they are friends on an emotional level. But what do I think pushes Arthur and Merlin's relationship even further, into a much more emotional state? Morgana's disappearance and defeating the dragon together.
They've been through some shit together and shared trauma always brings people together in more ways than one.
Season 3-4: Merlin tops. Why? Arthur asks for Merlin's opinion always, he trusts Merlin more, he depends on Merlin much more. He needs Merlin, he relies on him. And Merlin is there to give it.
Season 5: this one... well, I think they've become close enough that their sex goes far beyond this. They have known each other for ten years (according to fandom i actually dont know but that's besides the point basically: it's been a long time) and they have come to fully trust and depend on one another. But, if I were to choose, I would say Arthur tops. And I say that because their characters have evolved since the first season.
Although Arthur is still uncertain about many things, he has made so many friends since he's met Merlin. He's come out of his shell more and trusted more people. Not only does he have Merlin, but he has Gwen, the knights, Gaius, the people's support. He has so many more friends and he's much more happy than he was when he was in season 1.
On the flipside, Merlin has lost so much. He has lost Freya, Balinor, Will, Lancelot (twice), Morgana (as in he feels like he's failed her) (and Daegal who he loses in season 5) - not to mention, his loss of innocence. He tells Gaius he's "grown up" because he has -- trauma and the pressure put on him to succeed have forced him into dealing growing up early. In a way, he's a lot like Arthur from season 1 and Arthur is a lot like Merlin from season 1.
They've changed quite a bit. If I were to show you a graph of their happiness through the seasons, Arthur's would certainly increase while Merlin's would decrease.
And the way that Arthur constantly worries about Merlin and the way Merlin feels as if Arthur doesn't care, as if no one cares about him - and not only that, that he's fine with it -- really is what makes me believe Merlin desperately needs some comfort, and Arthur gives it to him (even if he doesn't know what he's giving).
oh my god I'm so sorry I really didn't mean to write this much oh dear please feel free to ignore all of this ahhah whjadehjadhhjajde im sorry
25: Who needs more assurance?
Oh, I definitely think Arthur does. Although, I do think they both need a lot of assurance due to that trauma ahaha. I would explain more but I feel that this is already way too long and I'm not sure you care about the nitty gritty details so lets just move on from that ahha.
28: What do they do when they're away from each other?
They try to get something done.
Literally, anything to keep their minds off of each other, they do. Arthur looks through official documents and signs papers, he attends council meetings and listens to his arguing council members, he trains with his loyal knights who understand that he's missing a certain blue-eyed warlock (not that Arthur would ever mention this) and they would try to mess with him more, distract him more, but eventually would stop when this would make him think even more of Merlin.
With Merlin, he would visit his mother or talk with the druids or learn about magic but his magic wouldn't be as strong as it usually was, his smiles would be less wide, more strained.
There would be nights when he would visit his mother and she would notice his sadness and she would tell him to go back to him because even though on the outside these two can function without each other, their souls are connected and their destinies are connected and a half cannot truly be away from the person that makes them whole.
And so they try and they are successful to some degree -- they can function without each other, they've done it before back when they didn't know one another -- but they're also not as strong, not as balanced, not as powerful when they are not together.
idk wtf i just wrote but now i want to write this into a full blown fic ahaha so thank you for this inspiration
anywayyy wejwadkjwad I'm so sorry for such a long askkkk ahhhh wjkajdnkakd thanks so much for askinggg weajdjwdawhd I'm so sorry
send me some numbers and a ship if you wanttttt
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mylifeontheline · 4 years
Hi there new random person! You were in my orbit so I decided I’d stop by to say hi! And do an ask game(the most recent pride one) 1,2,4,5,7,8,12,14,24,25,26,27, and 28!
1. Is your family accepting? 
kinda? my cousin is gay and they accept him.. but my dad is not really good and mom’s a bit iffy
2. What is your sexuality? 
i dont really know. at the moment i’m using queer instead of lesbian because, though i’m mainly/completely attracted to girls, i don’t know what the fuck gender is
4. Favourite colour? 
mushroom red and forest green
5. When did you find out your sexuality?
honestly it’s still evolving. but i started questioning in year 6
7. Have you changed labels since realising you were LGBT?
yes! from cis/straight to genderqueer pansexual to genderfluid panromantic asexual to panromantic asexual to lesbian asexual to what the fuck is gender? i’m on the asexual line somewhere and girls are beautiful
8. How was your day?
well it’s 8am here so i’m not basing it off much, but it’s been good!
12. Which pride flags do you like the most design/colour wise?
i love the new lesbian flag with the oranges because it looks happy, the ace flags because the colour scheme is beautiful and the abrosexual flag because it reminds me of watermelon
14. Are you openly out?
kinda. to my friends and my gay cousin and his fiance, and to my mom but not because i wanted to be
24. Have you ever dated anyone of the same gender?
what the fuck is gender anymore? but if we’re going off bio sex, yeah. my gf @smogpog and she is lovely and wonderful
25. Dated anyone of another gender?
yeah! my last partner was trans male :)
26. Tell me a random fact about yourself!
my knees are fucked from figure skating
27. Do you own any pride flags/merch?
i own a rainbow ring and necklace and a small flag given to my by my gf
28. Have you ever been to a pride parade?
no, but i wish.
thank you for the asks, @bread-of-death! i had fun :)
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manic-panic-sapphic · 4 years
How did u figure it out you were a lesbian because I have no idea I can’t tell if I find boys attractive or if I just think they are cute (I don’t know how to word it) or if I think girls are attractive or if I just want to look like them. Can u offer any advice to figuring it out? Sorry to bother you.
You're not bothering me at all my friend, I'm happy to offer an answer! Well... I'll try, I'm not a good talker but I'm happy to do what I can to help ^^~♡
Now, before I say anything: I want u to know that its okay to be confused about sexuality, attraction and it's fine to question it - I sure as hell did! The best advice I have is to just take a deep breath and let it come to you. Let yourself fall in love and get into relationships in your own time. You don't have to label yourself, you can simply say "I just like people, I like what I like and I dont want to give it a label". Nothing wrong with that ^^ it's also okay if you dont know what kind of attraction you feel, romantic, sexual or otherwise - you can be pan- or bisexual and have certain preferences/attractions towards specific genders, I.e. you might really be into the idea of dating men but the thought of having sex with men grosses you out, whereas you could feel sexual and emotional attraction towards women. This doesn't make you explicitly lesbian, you're still pan/bi/label-less/whatever you choose to identify as, but just have a stronger preference for women. And that is okay - doesnt make you any less valid, so dont feel pressured about finding a label just yet ^^ it might come to you one day, it might change, and if you never figure it out, that's also fine! Sexuality is so fluid for some people that sometimes you physically can't narrow it down to something as simple as gay or straight.
I've personally always been a little on the fence regarding my sexuality. I dont think I've ever been into guys at the same level as a standard straight person... I've always felt pulled towards girls even if I couldnt really name the feeling. I just wanted to spend time with girls. Me being somewhere on the asexual spectrum and all, I don't really experience sexual attraction to any genders generally speaking, and throughout my high school years I never cared about finding a partner. I did not understand what my friends meant when they said "this person is so hot", be it male or female. I lied about a lot of my male crushes in high school because I thought there was something wrong with me and didnt want to be called out for being different. I wasnt too afraid of the 'lesbo-label', I've always been self confident in staying true to my identity, but the "you dont feel attraction? you must be a violent emotionless serial killer" rumours really scared me, especially because I was really into horror and black metal 😂😂
In terms of me realising I was a lesbian, I think I sort of figured it out when I came to the realisation that I had this massive need to protect someone, and to be the strong, dominant counterpart in a relationship. Unlike other girls I knew I didn't want a guy to protect me, to cuddle me, to buy me presents because I wanted that role. I've nicknamed it "the knight in shining armour complex" 😂. I preferred the company of girls, especially girls who were more feminine than me and physically smaller than me, who I could impress by showing my physical strength to them and taking stupid risks like trying to skateboard when I had no skill for it *cringes*. I didn't really like the idea of making myself look attractive to guys, or male attention, and I've always seen guys as equals in rivalry and friendships rather than people I'd like to date. Anyway I was 14 or so when I started silently identifying as bisexual because I realised how I was seriously into my best friend. I was like you at the time, not sure of what attraction I felt towards guys or girls, which is why I didnt jump straight to the lesbian label, but spending time with this girl who I'd known for 4 years sparked emotions that no guy ever had. I was the athletic one and always had a need to show her how "masculine" I was. I wanted to protect her from everything, I would feel so excited by little touches and hugs and when we'd share a bed at sleepovers, and I was really into the inside joke we had that she was my wife. She said it in the best friends way but I really wanted it to be true. I'd get super depressed and moody at her when she told me about male crushes because I wanted to have her for myself - again, I wasnt sure if it was me being a lesbian or a protective best friend. But yeah, it took me a year to think it over before I finally accepted that I might be a bit gay, hence why I took the bisexual label. Once the bitch I once called my best friend stabbed me in the back and caused me life long trauma and trust issues concerning relationships (thanks Kaye, really appreciate it), I didnt have any crushes on anyone for 3 years and just stuck to the bisexual ace label for that time. I was still really confused about sexuality but I had exams and university to think about so I thought 'screw it' and figured that it would just make sense once I found a partner... and it did. I met my first girlfriend at university, and spending time within a lesbian relationship made everything make sense: I had a 'eureka' moment where I was like "this is exactly what I've been wanting. This is what's been missing from my life. I now know for a fact that I like girls. I want this, I dont want a guy.". So in conclusion it took me near enough 5 years to work out that I was gay, and occasionally I'll meet a real soft super sweet guy and think "am I bi after all???", so even though I'm like 99% sure I'm lesbian and can't see myself ever getting married to and settling down with a man, that 1% swings by every now and then and makes me question everything.
I guess what I'm trying to say in a really really unnecessarily long answer: take your time. Embrace those emotions for guys and girls, and let it come to you. Theres no easy way to work it out, unfortunately, but You'll find the right people by just taking it one step at a time. I believe you'll come to a conclusion that works for you by just taking it easy and not forcing yourself into slots that you don't necessarily fit in. 😁 hope I was able to help at least a little~ 💕💕
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pharahlesbian · 4 years
What are your opinions on aromantic folks?
well, its kind of complicated. on the one hand, i dont rly feel like u guys r doing anything wrong per se, like none of u ever seem to do any of the harmful shit that aces do. and aro is an identity i used to hold really closely. roughly 4-5 years ago, i was on here identifying as aroace.
my personal experience with both labels is that they did measurable harm to my perception of myself and my sexuality. when i did eventually realize i was a lesbian, i didn’t immediately suspect those labels had done me any harm. not until i read several other accounts of ppl who went through a near identical experience as me
see, the answer to your question is complicated bc i first have to address split attraction. its one of my main gripes with asexuality. its my firm belief that romantic and sexual attraction should not be so neatly sequestered the way many people describe them to be. the reality of attraction is that every single person experiences it uniquely and defines it for themselves and themselves alone. i genuinely think the labels “aromantic” and “asexual” and all their variants shouldnt exist at all. and i think they are REGRESSIVE. i really do. they impede progress in a society that desperately needs it. we NEED a more healthy view of sex in our society. we NEED people to understand that its normal and ok to not want sex, or to experience varying degrees of attraction. not wanting sex or romance should be as normal as not wanting your ears pierced. and it should be something you discuss with your partner and your partner alone. having labels for this very normal experience is honestly just setting us back. we dont need to get caught up in a hundred micro labels to describe the ways we have sex. we can just have sex, or dont! or have sex once a month, once a year! or never! and thats your choice and you shouldnt be made to feel like u need to have 5 labels for what should just be how youre feeling. attraction is so nebulous, theres no way we could ever pin it down with labels and we should really stop trying
so. how do i feel about aromantic ppl. well, how do i feel about aromanticism? its a tough conversation to have, because of how personal it is, and its why ive put off this ask for a really long time. i was aroace, yeah, but aro was the label i was really passionate about. im gonna tell you some stuff u might not want to hear, but its my experience.
i was aro because i was lonely, and i was aro because i was scared. i knew i had feelings for girls, but i didnt know how to reconcile them, especially with my burgeoning gender qualms i was also having (which was also happening bc of the aforementioned attraction to girls, but thats another conversation entirely). it was scary, trying to pin down the fact that i was only attracted to girls. and i mightve come to that conclusion a lot sooner if it werent for tumblr telling me about asexuality/aromanticism/split attraction. suddenly i had a copout. cant be attracted to girls if im attracted to no one, right? that plus the fact that when youre lonely and havent experimented with dating, when everything is in hypotheticals, then anything is possible (“well i guess i COULD be attracted to men... but id never have sex with them! so i guess im panro-ace” <-an actual identity i had at age 19. comp het feeds on these micro labels and split attraction)
please keep in mind none of this is directed at you or even aromantics as a whole, im still just talking about my own experience. and my experience was that the aroace label was definitely just a convenient place to hide from being a lesbian. and i know others have had similar experiences.
so...once again. how DO i feel about aromantics? i feel as though we live in a very romance-forward world. romance is everywhere, once youre looking for it. i think i was rather bitter, and preferred pretending that not dating was an identity, rather than the painful reality of firstly not knowing what i wanted, and secondly not even knowing if id BE wanted. i think we all have varying degrees of attraction, both romantic and sexual, and i think for many the two kind of exist in tandem. and again for many, these feelings can exist a lot stronger for them than they do for others. so it leaves a lot of ppl feeling like they MUST be different. i think it makes a lot of sense that i identified strongly with aromanticism, even aside from me using it as something to hide behind. ive never really been much of a romantic. i never had too many crushes, and i only ever imagined romantic scenarios if it were fictional characters i shipped.
of course once i saw someone list these types of things out as evidence of being aro, i was like oh thats me! and latched onto it. and never did anymore introspection. the label was a copout. now, i could tell u that being aroace was a product of knowing i wasnt attracted to men yet not being able to face being attracted to women, so i was like “oh ok guess i have No attraction!” and i can tell u that since ive been with my girlfriend, ive become the sappiest romantic ever.
im not gonna tell you “you just havent found the right person yet :)” but i will say that if you have even the slightest doubt or uncertainty, to go out and experiment! date around and see how you feel. no one can tell you who u are or how u feel except u. u wont be a hypocrite for experimenting. but if youre already sure u dont really feel romantic attraction, then more power to you. not everyone on this earth needs to get married or date. i do think our society needs to normalize just being happy with who you are, and not see it as pitiful. thats an opinion that is so hard to have when youre single, bc u cant help but feel like youre pathetically trying to justify being alone, so im doubling down now that im in a relationship. its fucking ok to not be in a relationship!! if theres one thing that’s stayed the same since i was aro its my assertion that ppl need to fucking chill about orher peoples relationship status
i feel like this answer went in one THOUSAND different directions, but ive been thinking about how to answer this for a while and decided to just word vomit
TL;DR: aromantics are fine, not as harmful as asexuality, you do you, make sure you examime yourself and how you feel often, dont just take the word of ppl on tumblr (me included), everyone experiences attraction differently, i just wish split attraction model didnt exist because its perfectly fine to not want sex/romance or to have low/nonexistent attraction, i just dont believe in the labels/identities.
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Are they, are they not?
„GoodOmens“ content was flooding my dash for a while now.
At first I ignored it, but I grew more curious with every post about the show, cute fanart does that to you.
So i made an amazon prime account (thankfully there is a free month option) to check out for myself what that hype was all about:
Aka the two cents noone asked for.
I like bible story adaptations. Though I myself am not a believer, I love the concept of angels, demons, gods, mythical creatures, all that good stuff. Makes sweet fuel for the creativity engine.
I did enjoy the story, the story telling. I liked quite a lot of the characters. The humor. Cringed at some scenes and lines.
All in all the series was a solid 4,5 out of 5.
The big questionis: Are the angel Aziraphale and the demon Crowley a thing?
((Now I only watched the TV Series, never read the book. But as far as I am aware, what I could gather from tumblr posts anyway, there are quite a lot of differences, so they should be treated seperately.
What I could gather, in the book they held hands facing the Apocalypse, and at the end moved into a cottage together.
What I do know, is that in the series one of the angels that cornered Aziraphale to question him, called Crowley something along the lines of „your boyfriend with the sunglasses“.
If they arnt canon, why put a line like this in there. I mean yeah I guess its meant as harmless joke but did they really have to include that?))
- I have seen many opinions on this:
Some claim it is absolutely canon, refering to the creators confirming it in an interview.
- Others say they are just (best) friends.
- My friend told me she read an article where the creators (or one of them anyway) said that they cant be in a love relationship because celestial beings apparently dont have a concept of that kind of love. To which I call bullshit, because not only do they experience love for things like food or a bentley to the point they are „having a moment here“ when it burns down, to crying over the loss of a best friend.
Its not a huge leap from best friends to Significant others, rather its a pretty small step.
And before anyone says something along the lines „Just because they dont have sex on screen...“ yada yada. Of course they dont have to fuck to be a valid couple. I myself wish nothing more than  relationship stories that dont revolve around sex in this over sexualised world. Id love to see more Asexual rep.
I love their relationship: being fond of each others company, wanting to run off together, worrying for eachother, caring for eachother,  having fun together...but how hard would it be to say „I love you“ or hold hands while smiling lovingly at eachother. Because as cute as their interactions are, you COULD interpret it as just really close friends.
Hell, there are still a lot of people denying Korrasami (the lesbian couple from the show „the legend of Korra“), calling them gal pals and seeing their handholding and them longingly gazing at eachother as being really close friends. (disclaimer, Im not saying their relationship has been established in a perfect way with all the love triangle going on etc.)
- I read an article, where N.G said that it IS a love story, which kind of love, though, is up to the viewers interpretation. Which, to me, is one of the rudest things to say, especially as an supposed ally. What does he think have we been doing all these years? Starving for representation, the lgbt-etc community kept grasping at any ever so small hint, clinging to any for two same gendered individuals atypical interaction they could find, just to be shown the middle finger in the end.
Is it queerbaiting?
((If Im not mistaken the book and the series was written by two authors, and I dont know, to me, if its not both parties agreeing on them being gay, and only one pushing this narrative, then I wouldnt count it.
Also im not sure why he is practically begging for fanfictions. If your show is good and you have nice character you dont even have to say a thing and there are thousand fanfictions appearing every second. Mostly fetish/kink based porn fanfictions, but yeah.))
((Disclaimer: Before I get jumped, yes I know angels and demons have no gender, I am aware of that.
But they present themselves mostly as men. Sometimes as women.
So lets just say it would be a win for nonebinaries and homosexuals alike.))
Many shows like using queerbaiting to boost their views. Using interactions between two same gendered people, including romantice cues, to wake the illusion of a possible homosexual relationship, but keep it vague enough not to throw off the straight viewership.
And boy do the fish bite, just to be tossed into the grinder when the show is done and it turns out, hey those two characters were straight all along. Silly fish.
I mean, are straight people not tired of the „will they wont they trope“?
Also it bothers me how we have two celestial beings knowing eachother for thousands of years  with the potential of an enemies, to friends, to best friends, to significant others love story and get nothing (?).
But then we have two characters that literally just met, and they fuck in a storm because of a prophecy.
That scene threw me off. Did I miss something? Did they stop the storm by fucking? Also haha hes a virgin. And after that they are together.
That being said, in no way do I want to force the creators to change their characters into something they didnt envision them to be. But if you didnt plan it then stick to your actual plan and dont give people, who are starved for this kind of content, false hope so you can collect browny points and/or gain more viewers. And Im pretty sure making their interactions as gay as they are is a huge part why this show exploded so hard.
Also we should stop praising „browny point fishing creators“. (of any media)
In this case its absolutely valid to praise the creators of Good Omens for a good show, I liked the series too.  
But dont put them on the throne as saviors of the lgbt community.
((As I already mentioned, I liked the show, it was a cute little story with nice characters.
But I dont really want to invest my time and energy into supporting a noncanon pairing like I used to.
Its tiring and draining and ends in sadness. Id rather move on.))
This is a written mess and all over the place, so please do correct me on anything that I got wrong.
All I want to know is the truth.
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clefairytails · 6 years
lesbian tag game
thx for sending me this @redcladsheikah <3 all my lesbian friends should do this too, if you want uwu i’m too lazy to tag like 50 ppl hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh @lebians @tiedyked @talaxian @lesbian-mcelroy @ireallylikecameras 
1: did you ever think you were straight?
not really, i knew i liked girls even as a child. but i did go through multiple periods of trying to convince myself i was straight, needless to say it didn’t work out lol.
2: what’s your favorite element of gay culture?
our sense of humor! it’s amazing that we’re all so funny despite putting up with so much bullshit.
3: are you femme, butch, or neither?
femme! i’ve been looking into femme history lately, bcs the idea that femme is just an aesthetic is a misconception c:
4: do you prefer to date femmes or butches?
tbh every time i declare i have a type i immediately fall for someone that’s the complete opposite of that, so i have no idea. lately i’ve been wanting a goth gf, but i just developed a crush on a prep soooo i’m terrible at self-reflection. this bitch don’t know what she want.
5: what’s the worst part about being a lesbian?
the feeling that there’s a part of you that needs to be fixed, but you can’t do anything about it. it’s like seeing a picture on the wall that’s crooked, but it’s stuck like that and you can’t ever straighten it. or having a hair out of place that keeps sticking up no matter how much you try to gel it down.
6: what’s the best part of being a lesbian?
is women too obvious of an answer? girls are angels and i’d die for all of them
7: how long were you questioning for?
pretty much never, i guess. i had crushes on girls since kindergarten, then in 2nd grade i was told girls could only like boys, so i tried my best to be straight even though in my heart i knew i wasn’t. since i couldn’t make myself like boys, i kinda just ignored the idea of liking anyone at all until middle school, when i found out what the word “lesbian” means online. of course, all the stuff i found about lesbians called us disgusting perverts, so i went through many phases of calling myself literally anything else but a lesbian. i’ve only started using the word lesbian specifically in the last few years, especially since i joined an amazing discord group. i love them so much, they’ve helped me feel so proud of being a lesbian <3
8: what’s the most annoying thing straight people do?
jk lmao, i’m honestly not annoyed by straight people, but i like making jokes as if i am. it’s hard to annoy me in general, i’ve got a high tolerance for that type of stuff. if i have to answer, i hate it when strangers (usually straight men) pry into my sex life, but i’m not really annoyed by that as much as i am creeped out.
9: what do you look for in a girl?
vampirism is my only requirement.
10: if you had to marry someone you know right now, who would you choose?
@lebians bcs i feel they’d be the most able to put up with my bullshit. everyone else would kill me on sight. if only @ireallylikecameras was still single, then when we got married we could put together our 50% employee discounts at BK and get infinite food for free, ending world hunger. i think that’s how it works, but also im gay and therefore bad at math.
11: do you have a crush right now?
does being in love count as a crush? if so, then i have three.
12: do you fall in love easily?
i crush easily, and i say i’m in love easily bcs i’m a leo (meaning i need to exaggerate to live), but actually feeling love? only once.
13: is there anyone in your life right now you think you’ll date in the future?
fingers crossed.
14: is there anyone you want to be kissing right now?
at the moment i’m feeling very touch repulsed, so no. but i also go through periods of feeling touch starved, and during those times i’d kiss pretty much anyone lmao.
15: do you think you’ve met your future wife yet?
i don’t know if i want to be married. i hate making commitments.
16: top, bottom, or vers?
i suspect i’m a bottom, but i’m also a virgin with no self awareness about what she wants or likes, so who really knows.
17: is there anyone you wish you could fuck right now?
still feeling touch repulsed, so no. also i have issues with actual real life sex. i always think i want to have sex, but when the situation becomes real, i feel disgusted by it and chicken out. i have no idea if this is some sort of asexuality or internalized lesbophobia. i should probably go to therapy lol.
18: rough or gentle?
rough, in theory. like i said, virgin who doesn’t know what she likes. but as a general rule, i don’t like slowness.
19: how many stereotypes do you fit into?
i’m fat, hairy, make lots of jokes about hating men (at least online, not in real life bcs i dont wanna get stabbed), i sometimes look like a guy,
20: what version of the lesbian flag do you like most? (butch, lipstick, original, etc.)
i like the femme one! i have it as my banner, it’s the lipstick lesbian flag without the lip print. the original flag was so fucking good, too bad it got taken by the terfs. the labrys is such a powerful image, and purple is a good color. also i saw a moon lesbian flag going around, that one is so good.
21: do you have a good gaydar?
hhhh i’d like to pretend i do but tbh i’m not very observant and straight up bad at reading people.
22: be honest, would you rather be straight?
yes and no. i’d rather have been born straight, because it would’ve saved me so much pain, but it’s a few years too late for that lol. if there was a magic pill that could make me straight today, i wouldn’t take it. i’ve been through so much as a lesbian, it means something to me now and i wouldn’t trade that for anything.
23: are you cis?
24: are you a sugar mommy or a sugar baby at heart?
hardcore sugar baby. my dream job is being an older woman’s trophy wife.
25: are you committed to someone at all right now emotionally?
hhhhhhhhhh unfortunately. i don’t want to be.
26: are you looking for a serious relationship currently?
yes, but i shouldn’t be. i don’t think i’m ready to be in one.
27: is there someone you’d like to be in a serious relationship in?
yes, but she’s straight and already married lmao. whoops.
28: do you want children?
no, i’m too selfish and irresponsible.
29: is your family accepting of your sexuality?
my mom and dad are, though they don’t take it very seriously. pretty sure they expect me to grow out of it one day. can’t blame them tho, i’m waiting for the same thing lmao. my extended family is huge, and their opinions range from being extremely homophobic to being gay themselves, but i’m interacting with them less and less as i get older.
30: how confident are you in your sexuality?
very confident, though i don’t want to be. i’m still secretly hoping one day i’ll see a guy i’m attracted to and he’ll fix me, but being realistic, i’m a huge fucking lesbian. women are enchanting.
31: are you polyamorous or monogamous?
monogamous. my insecure ass could not be poly hhhhhh.
32: what advice do you have for your 12 year old self?
be more selfish. you don’t have to put yourself second for the sake of others, especially at your age. nothing you do will matter in a decade, go fucking wild.
33: have you ever been to a gay bar?
nope. i want to go one day, but i have terrible social anxiety.
34: leather jackets or flannel?
both of those are really hot, but i’m gonna go with leather jacket.
35: describe your dream girlfriend
- vampire
- big tiddy goth gf
- nice personality or smthn
- uhhhhhhhhh tiddy
(ok but srsly, i can’t answer this question bcs i NEVER know what i want!! i always thought my type was THICC for sure, but all three of the ladies i have feelings for rn are pretty skinny and flat chested)
36: do you have any lesbian friends?
at least 50 lol.
37: what elements of gay culture do you actively participate in?
air, water, sometimes earth. never fire.
38: do you find straight people irritating?
nope, but i do find straight pda uncomfortable to look at. mostly bcs it reminds me of what i'm supposed to want. but i’d never tell a straight person that, obviously. i’m not rude.
39: would you rather adopt a kid or have a biological kid?
i’ll adopt a tortoise, and feed her any children that cross my path. but if i did ever have a child, i’d want it to be biologically mine and my wife’s. mostly bcs i’d want to know what it would look like, which is a selfish and stupid reason to have kids, and exactly why i’m not gonna lmao.
40: do you love yourself?
i’m a LEO (jokes aside, i don’t know. sometimes i do, sometimes i don’t. but i love myself more as time goes on. definitely more than i did than when i was a teen, at least.)
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aosgood94 · 7 years
Open letter to men and women. Trigger warning I guess?
Like I said, I don't know if this is a trigger or not, I don't usually care what a trigger is but, I want open discussion on this so I may as well put a warning there just in case. This may also just sound like rambling but there are a few things I feel that guys and girls need to talk about, get over, and/ or need to learn to do. Let's just list off these things real quick, hopefully I'll hit all of them but I might not because it's 3:40 in the morning. 1.) Feelings 2.) sex and slut shaming 3.) honesty 4.) love and romance 5.) depression Alright, the first subject: feelings. This is an odd one to talk about because I'm so blunt I let everyone know how I feel but, again, I learned that at a young age. But most men haven't. So ladies, or those who identify as female, you have to understand something about men: we have been programmed at a young age to NOT show our feelings. That if we talked about it or if we showed them we were somehow less than men. And if your like, "Well whatever, just unlearn it?" We can't. Even now, as I wear my heart on my sleeve, it's very hard to do. We've been taught that we have to be this giant pile of steel that doesn't bend or break. Now, men, or those who identify as male, we have to learn to break free of that shit. Because it is literally killing us. The stress from holding in your feelings wears down on you both physically and emotionally and will kill you if you don't learn to open up. Your partner will be there for you, (Theyd FUCKING better be), and they will help you through it. Women? Remember, it will take time. They'll get it eventually but they need to learn to open up and bare their soul to you. They'll be hesitant, scared, and jumpy, but they'll get it eventually. How do we solve this issue? We teach our children better. We teach them it's okay to talk about their feelings, and that it's okay to listen. 2.) sex and slut shaming. This is one I kinda understand, but it still pisses me off. Sex NEEDS TO BE TALKED ABOUT. It's a healthy subject because you learn so much by talking about it. Sometimes it's better to just cuddle and talk about things like that. It's not some taboo bullshit, men and women like sex (most do, though for asexuals and abuse victims I can understand why you wouldn't I have friends who are abuse victims and we've had talks about that subject). Now, personally, I understood slut shaming at a young age but now it pisses me off. Why on EARTH WOULD A MAN SHAME A WOMAN WHO LIKES SEX???? Now that I'm a sexually active adult I just DONT. FUCKING. GET IT. I asked a few men why it's 'shameful' to be a 'slut' and I always get a variation on this argument, and it goes something like this, "Well would you want a lock that opens up with every key that gets inside of it?" This is fucking stupid for two reasons: One. WOMEN ARE HUMANS BEINGS. NOT LOCKS. Two. The analogy itself doesn't make sense. A lock is their to protect something. If a women was a lock what would she be protecting? I don't fucking know? Then, I realized something. Guys like inexperienced women cause they can't tell what bad sex feels like... I'm not Adonis. I'm 280 pounds, I have a belly, and I'm not great at sex. That's why I like experienced women, because they can teach me things I didn't know before. It's different from woman to woman and you get to know new things along the way. Experienced women make inexperienced men better. Just accept you aren't a sex god, learn, and get better. (Quick example, I've learned while I'm not amazing with my dick, I'm good with my hands and mouth. Sex isn't just thrust, thrust, boom, fall asleep, there's other things that go along with it and an experienced woman helped me learn this. You know who you are if you're reading this, thank you btw.) Seriously, stop slut shaming. If anything you should be thanking those 'sluts' for existing to help your petty ass get laid. (Rant over, I'm sorry if it got weird.) How to solve this: create a new name for 'sluts' AND teach your children (when they come of age) that sex isn't taboo, it's a normal subject, and it's okay to like it. (Quick ideas for new names for 'sluts'; the naughty priestess, cultured women of the dark crafts, and 'YES MISTRESS' all some to mind. Feel free to add your own.) Next subject, Honesty. As we grow up we have to be more honest with two people: ourselves and each other. This is a.. ranty subject for me, because... ladies, gentlemen... this is not a romance novel. This isn't a tv show. This is real life. Stop throwing 'hints' and just be honest with each other. If you like someone. TELL THEM. Don't throw hints out, expecting them to get it, and get pissed off at them when they don't. You are an adult, act like one and be honest. Now don't be creepy about it, just sit down, have a talk with them, and be honest. If you don't like them like that, be honest. If you do like them? Be honest. Just be honest ffs. I'm tired of romance being long and drawn out or some shit. Do you know why tv and movies are like that? Views. No one gives a fuck about your love life. Be honest, get married, have kids/ fur babies/ scale babies. It's not hard. Find your best friend, fuck em, marry em. And on the subject: Love and romance. Like I said before, this isn't a movie. Or tv. This is real life. No one falls in love, real love, at first sight. You don't realize it all at once, you realize it over months, maybe years. Maybe it's the way they smile, or the cute way they snore at night, or it's when you realize that they look like crap in the morning but they're still the most beautiful thing on this planet. Maybe it's when you get up early and make breakfast for two instead of just one, or when you're shopping you get the things they need without even asking them. Or it's when you realize you care about them more than you care about yourself. I lost that. I was young, and stupid, but I had to put an end to it because she had a full life ahead of her and I just gave up on myself... and I don't want to see anyone else go through that. We were honest with each other. I loved the sound of her snoring as she laid on my chest, I loved her smile, her laugh, they way she looked as she was cooking and I was playing with her dog to stop the pupper from knocking her over for food.... but I was stupid. I wanted to die. I wasn't completely honest. So, I figured to spare her from that I would ruin everything, make her hate me, so I could... die. Alone. And she wouldn't have to go through that. Thankfully, I didn't. But, the damage was done and I can't even forgive myself for what I did. So, please, take my advice. Take your time, be honest, don't judge someone for what they like and don't. Please, don't, ever give up. Don't. There are people out there who love you and would die for you, so please, talk to someone and get help. Depression doesn't go away when you find love, it stays and it eats at you and makes you do stupid shit. So please, for fucks sake, be honest and get help, or try and help someone by talking to them and convincing them to get help. I'm sorry if this got... too personal. But I figure the earlier people Learn to be honest with each other, and themselves, the better. Have I recovered from depression, yes, but I still have trouble forming relationships because of what I did. I'm very much alive and happy, I'm alone but not lonely, and I'm trying to start a business... so... just remember; keep fighting, because tomorrow can always be a better day. Anxiety, depression, they'll both try to kick you down and ruin what you have... but they win the moment you let them. There are two wolves inside of you. A light wolf, and a dark wolf, and their fighting. The one that wins is the one you feed. Someone loves you, you are valid, get help as soon as you can. Because that dark wolf? It doesn't ask permission to feed. It takes, and it takes, and takes until it's cleaned your bones. You have to give that light wolf all you have and then some to win, but when you do? You will have the ability to become so much more than you think you are. If you stayed till the end, thank you. Feel free to reply, share, copy and paste, or edit. I welcome it. Just... don't use it to make someone else feel like shit. Use it to help them, to tell them that there will be a better tomorrow and that you will help them because they are loved. And sometimes, you need help. So don't be ashamed to ask for it. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
0 notes
A Short Story Of How She Met Her Best Friend
Alright. The other day, I was just laying in my bed. The lights were off, and I was in the middle of yet another existential crisis. Here I was, just gradually losing all concepts of reality, sinking into an eternal abyss.
There I was, in a ninja state, consumed by my downward spiral, when all of a sudden, my phone scared the holy spirit out of me, by ringing as loudly as possible.
You may be thinking, that's not so bad. But, being me, I rolled off my bed onto the hard floor, tangled in my blankets, and ended up getting my hair caught in my earbuds that I had lying next to me, by my phone. Perfect, right?
And so I very aggressively answered the phone politely with a whisper, saying, "Hello, how may I help you?"
I guess all of that training in Mc Donald's earning money for college was finally starting to take effect.
I hadn't even seen the caller ID, but as soon as I heard the voice I knew who it was.
My best friend, possibly only friend, Cade. That's actually his middle name, but he refuses to tell me his first to this day.
So, being himself, Cade replied to me with a very cautious, "I don't have time for your social awkwardness right now, I need your opinion on something."
Really sweet guy, Cade is. A real teddy bear.
But in all honestly, Cade is the literal light of my life. Being an only child, Cade was basically a miracle from Heaven. Though, Cade's family believes in this weird religion that requires some weird shit. Like, I'll just be hanging out with him in my room, and then he will jump up, yell something about Oh Styx, and disappear for a few minutes. He will then reappear covered in golden glitter. Weird, as I said before.
So, I don't know if I told you this before, but in my little time here, we are going to be talking about Cade.
Moving onwards, I said Cade is really nice. But, in all honestly, he's the most antisocial pessimistic hypocrite you've ever met.
I'm going to tell you how I met Cade. Sound cool? No. I told all of my family a different story. Something I created to satisfy their questions.
This is the first time I'm ever going to tell the truth.
So, I lived in an apartment building, with my two lovely parents. I didnt have any friends. School was hell. I was bullied because I was and currently am, Asexual. I like people, but I don't really want sex. Like, at all.
Anyways, I'm going to share this secret for the first time. In this story I was 15. I am 16 now, and Cade was 14, currently 15. At the time of our first meeting.. I was not mentally stable. I was depressed and suicidal.
I finally gave up. I was ready to die.
I was up at the top of our apartment building, which is a few stories high. It was a tall building. So I was standing on the edge, about to end it all. I was crying, obviously, and there was only a little breeze. I was swaying, as if I would magically die standing still. Dont get me wrong, I wanted to die. I wanted to jump. But how do you say, I choose this second to jump. All it would take is one tiny step. I would fall through the air and then splat. No more me. I was frozen. How do you pick the one second to say, oh, this is a good time to die.
So, there I was. Then, out of the blue, I heard a voice speak behind me. "What are you doing?"
I of course, spun around and almost fell to my death. My stomach flipped and I tripped back onto the gravel roof.
I looked up and saw a skinny emo teenager. He looked tired. And disappointed.
I felt confused.
He spoke again, saying, "What are you doing, you idiot? Are you serious? I don't have time for this."
I, being the depressed yet feisty woman I was, kind of felt offended. Who is this dick head to chastise me as if I was I was himself sitting at the dinner table trying to figure out the last problem on his calculus homework.
I glared at him, and smartly said, "Excuse me?"
He then sighed and punched his nose.
He proceeded to ask me questions.
"Are you trying to kill yourself?"
I nod.
"Are you going to kill yourself?"
I nod.
"Are you going to jump off of this building?"
I nod.
He sighed.
I was trying to hide my shaky hands, and wiped my ruined make up. I was crying, guys, and do you know what happens when you wear mascara and cry? It streaks down your face like black sharpie.
"I have to stop you, now. You know that right?" He glared at me as if I was a minor inconvenience. A rock in his shoe.
Fuck that guy, I thought.
I made a show of standing up and getting back up on the ledge. I was again felt the crippling terror of staring downwards.
I heard him walk over to me. Then he was standing next to me.
I knew what he was doing. He was going to say if I jumped he would jump too. I voiced this accusation, and he laughed.
"Well, yeah. But I don't really mind. I don't really want to be alive right now either. I'm just floating through life. I have no purpose or reason to live."
I felt aggravated at him. This guy sucks. Whatever.
And I thought, fuck it, I am going to die tonight, I domt care if he dies with me.
So I stretched my legs for a minute, balancing precariously on the edge, getting ready to jump. Stalling I know. But who cares.
So, I counted down from 10.
10. Beathe in.
9. Breathe out.
8. Breathe in.
7. Breathe out.
6. Breathe in.
5. Breathe out.
4. Breath in.
3. Breath out.
2. Breathe in.
"I have a family waiting at home for me."
His words shocked me into standing still. I was so close.
"I have a twin brother. His name is Austin, and if I die, he is never going to get to see me again. He saw me this morning at breakfast. The last thing he said to me was, bye. Love you. That means if I die right now, he will never see me again. I will disappear off of the face of the earth. He will never hear me ask him for help with English homework again. I have two dads too. One is gay, the other is bi. The bi one is named Liam. He is a doctor. He loves his job, saving people. But, imagine his inner pain at not being able to save his own son. How does that make you feel? My other Dad is named Nicky. He lost his mother at a really young age, his father didn't care about him for a long time. He only had his older sister. Her name was Tay. She then abandoned him as soon as they got a new home with a different family. He was staying at a foster home. She got the choice of staying with him or going off to an all girl's school. His sister left him by himself at age ten. She then died not even a week later, in a freak accident. He was completely alone in the world for a few years. He also went into a lot of other shit just like that, going through hell, literally. After all of that, everything finally went right for him. He is happily married, with a sister, and he has two children whom he adores. Do you really want to put him through more? He already had a bad life. Do you want to ruin all that he earned through unknown pain and self hatred?" Cade ranted for a few minutes.
Damn him! How can I ruin his family's lives? Fuck! FUCK!
We stand ins silence for a long time, and I decide to just quit. I get off of the side of the building and walk back to the stairs. Another time, I guess.
Cade follows me. As I am about to walk down, leaving him forever, he gives me his number.
"Call me."
The only words we have spoken to each other since his speech.
And that, my friends, is how I met Cade.
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moon-dust-lust · 5 years
I write bad stand up comedy so thanks
So nice of everyone to come tonight, on a good day I have no more than four people that look at me at one time, so this is definitely making me severely uncomfortable. I'm only 20 years old which means just like every other 20 year old I cry in the shower and use tinder. I at first thought of tinder as a great way to pick up prey as a serial killer. I watched criminal minds a kid and I watch FOX news so every predator showcased on those forums are white dudes. I am also from eugene oregon so pretty much all of tinder looks like the milk aisle. Some are organic, some are fat free and others are being fought over by two different women who will send you death threats over facebook and try and sabotage your relationship. It is just great. Anyways, I recently decided as an in debt 20 year old with too may bills to pay and a customer service job that I'm already dead inside, so if I died it'd be pretty much how it is now except I would no longer have obligations and all the guys from my high school would finally pay attention to me. My first experience was just as about as fucked as it gets. He was this hot guy, six foot, covered in tattoos. He had just moved from utah, or illinois or somewhere else unimportant. He asked me for my snapchat, which ws already a flag because he was 26 and no one except someone over the age of 12, a soccer mom that's had a little too much wine, or a celebrity uses it; but I let it slide. So he's sending me pics and it looks like he's outside. He's sitting in a tent and so I'm like, "oh are you camping? that's fun. Don't let me keep you from anything". He's all, "No I live in a tent". Come to find out he had no job, no car and was living in a tent on someone's property. He was a homeless man. Now, how I found hopefully the only homeless man on tinder is beside me, but the weirdest part is how he had a phone still and also how he thought he could pick up chicks. Like did he think as a date i would let him shower at my place? Or was he thinking my ass would get fully dressed up in make up and heels just to spend the night in his tent? Would he make me bring my own firewood and sleeping bag? My own can of beans?  My experiences with men are pretty much summed up by this interaction alone. My first date ever, I showed up at this guy's house and it was infested with rabbits. I am talking ten or twelve. Then he took me up to his room to watch a movie, door open because this was high school and I had never even seen a condom before and his mom was downstairs watching something with jennfier aniston in it. His room was COVERED in pictures of his ex girlfriend. Pictures she drew of them, gifts she gave him, pictures of them together etc. SO, I was so uncomfortable but I was thinking it was probably just because he was too lazy to take them down. I was so wrong. So, so very wrong. Let me preface this by saying this was my first date, EVER. I had no idea what it was supposed to be like. He was a quarter back and he was all in shape and tan and that was pretty much all I knew about it. He had a really cliché rich white name and he was one of the only sophomores with a car and no curfew. He was a real bad boy. So after my date I got approached by his ex girlfriend at a party. She then told me that he was sending pictures of me while I wasn't looking to her and telling her how great of a time he was having and how he didn't need her. This was my first god damn date. I just cannot believe the progress I have made in the 5 years I have been dating. I never dated in middle school because i wore blue eyeliner and had a perm in the late 200s. I was really setting myself up to fail to begin with. I had one relationship that lasted three years. There is this funny thing about guys where they start out pretty normal and then after they really get comfortable they start to cheat on you and go crazy. It is just the weirdest thing. It's like the gremlins except instead of not feeding them after midnight you provide the with emotional stability and all the love in your hard. Big mistake ladies, Am I right? This guy I dated was so much fun. There was one time he told me I was absolutely perfect. He would tell me "Everything about you is perfect, except you could use a boob job". look, I will be the first to say i have the littlest titties in america, but I'll be damned if you dont appreciate them. They are like one piece of chocolate or the very back row of seats of a concert. You're just glad you got a little taste of your favorite thing, okay? I am like the bronze medal you get at a sporting event. Bitch you should just be happy you got any trophy at all. This guy was a real whackadoodle. He would cheat on me and then not let me go out with dudes, or ladies, bisexual pride woot woot, because he thought i would cheat to get back at him. But jokes on him because nobody likes me and I also didn't have any friends. I ended up breaking up with him because he was obviously terrible and he decided to stalk me. All i could think about when he would harass my family and try and show up at my school and had his parents blow up my phone is, "now you miss my lil tities?" who was gonna pay for all this shit in the first place? where did he think i was gonna get the fucking money for this? I am a broke college student, I drive a car that sounds like an eighty year old at the back of a movie theater coughing and I work at a restaurant where everyone is so stoned, it's like I'm at in the middle of portland on a saturday night. I go to the university of oregon. A very fun school, full of people who have no interest in talking to me. In their defense half the time I have my headphones in and I am crying so I guess it's just in everyone's best interest to not get into it. I am a psychology major, which I call the boring white girl major. I got into it to become a sex therapist, mostly because I am not having any and really want to find out if there's a book on how to make people not continuously reject you, but also because sex is a hard topc and I talk about it like a human urban dictionary. The worst part about the university is the talking. There was one time I had a 200 person anthropology class and these girls from a sorority who all obviously took the class together to cheat and not do anything ever, were describing their friend tiffany or gemma or some other rich fake tanned name's vomit. The color, texture, smell, everything. They were analyzing what she had eaten the previous morning and all the alcohol she mixed and all I could think was, " if you spent half as much time talking about your friend samantha's vomit as you would listening you wouldn't be failing this class and self medicating with alcohol to the point where you throw up because youre a bunch of clemintine sharp nailed looking green beans". Like i pay too much to listen to you explain the thong you bought and how it chafes your butthole when you dry hump alex from the frat across the street who is also fucking tina with the fake nose and even though he gave you clamydia six months ago, you trust him now you know? I own one bra and one pencil. I am wearing two completely different socks, one is a knee high and the other is an ankle one. Whenever I am hungry i dont go to sushi, I go to bed. So please Gretchen from Bitch, Bump &grind and beyond stop and let me at least get a C so I can land a job that makes me 12 dollars an hour and I can be poor in a different setting. I work full time and go to school. I am not like most millenials. I don't have time to eat avocado toast or catch HPV. At my little restaurant in junction city, the staff is absolutely questionable. I was the first girl there who was single and under the age of 40, so naturally I became bate for every man in society you hope you never run into in life. The first was our host. He looked like bowzer from mario if he were a white middle class man. He was shaped like a tear drop, so his head was small and oddly shaped and the rest of him just got wider and rounder as you went down. He always wore the same button down shirt, I think to try and impress me, but like it was his only button down shirt. Anyways, he is what I call the lingerer. If you are a woman who has ever had a man like you at work, you know exactly what I am talking about. He would follow around, but like at a creepy slow distance and he would stare at me until he thought i was looking and then looked away. He would also reach over or around me just so he could be close to me. It's weird and painful to watch. He also asked my sister, who also works there, if i was a lesbian because i wasnt immediately interested in him. Let me digress for a moment and say that just because a woman rejects you doesnt mean she loves only vagina. It usually means you arent a good person, or she just doesnt wanna date, or she has a boyfriend already, or you have no common interests, or she doesnt want to mix work with her personal life or maybe she has something personal against blonde guys, white guys, guys with glasses, she dated someone with your name and its weird, she has a lot of issues with touching, you have weird hands, you have bad breath, you are bad at your job, she is asexual, or THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON SHE JUST DOESNT LIKE YOU AT ALL EVER. Men are so vapid about that sometimes. Anyways, he gave me a cash tip off one of my tables and I, trying to be civil was all, "oh i love free money thank you" trying to relate to him because he seemed like the type to bring a gun to work and I really wasnt in the mood to get shot or followed out to my car so i gotta keep is civil you know? so apparently you cannot be friends with sexual predators because then he gets all close and whispers in my ear "is that how I get in your pants, by throwing money at you?". The tip he gave me was only five dollars. If is ass thought having sex with me would cost only five dollars, he has no idea how bad inflation is or how much i spend on amazon a month. Also, even with my little titties and cellulite, no amount of money would let me fuck a guy who looked like barnie the dinosaur if he were a white pale ghost. I have very low standards, but they exist for sure. somewhere. deep down. The next guy i had was this old cook. he was 65 and he cooked in the morning. His wife was obviously dead, in his basement or both because he was always saying nasty things to me. He told me that if he were forty years younger he would hire me as his kid's babysitter so he could fuck me. He also told me he was extremely attracted to me and terrified of me at the same time. He one time came up to me and asked me what i had in my front seat because i was hiding something under a coat. He has rotted out teeth and children older than me. It is men like those guys that make me think, "am I really that bad to the point this is as good as it gets?
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hirameki-amour · 6 years
Bored but here are some facts about me
0: Height
5 foot 9
1: Virgin?
Sadly, yes
2: Shoe size
About 12 or 13
3: Do you smoke?
Nope and I never will
4: Do you drink?
Yes. Oh, you meant like alcohol? Then no. I only drink water. Yeah, I’m no fun.. 
5: Do you take drugs?
Nope and never will I ever take drugs. Unless it’s like prescribed medicine from doctors
6: Age you get mistaken for
Umm... I don’t have an answer for this surprisingly. I need to get out more..
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
Maybe temporary ones on my ankle? Like a leo sign?
9: Got any piercings?
10: Want any piercings?
Maybe? I do want to wear earrings
11: Best friend?
Am I allowed to tag her? @thoubbles I dont even got followers so you ain’t gonna be exposed, queen
12: Relationship status
Single af. Currently looking though
13: Biggest turn ons
Masculine, A wonderful laugh, a nice talking and/or singing voice, a bit of cockiness, tends to geek out on things they love, lots of flirting, loyalty, honesty, being random in public, great sense of humor, taller than me, likes to make sex jokes, high sex drive, a bit of protectiveness and jealousy.
14: Biggest turn offs
A guy who is too cocky, very feminine, callous, lazy, controlling, and non-romantic.
15: Favorite movie
Oh god that is hard.. It’s between Mean Girls and Disney’s Tangled.
16: I’ll love you if
Treat me right, you are honest, you are loyal, and remain true to yourself. 
17: Someone you miss
My cousins and my best friend
18: Most traumatic experience
Probably being betrayed by everyone I was supposed to love and trust. Basically most of my childhood and teen years.
19: A fact about your personality
I’m fucking random. Idk how my friends and family are able to handle me. Seriously I do weird shit and my mind jumps around a lot.
20: What I hate most about myself
I can be a bit of a bitch when I’m stressed. Sorry qq
21: What I love most about myself
I am able to make my friends laugh like crazy bitches and idek how. 
22: What I want to be when I get older
Probably just a wonderful husband, father, friend, and family member but being a singer/actor/comedian wouldn't be bad either
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
We are all pretty close. We just don’t like admitting it.
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
It’s pretty eh. Ever since I came out things have been iffy and a little intense. Asian parents, so behind their time.
25: My idea of a perfect date
Honestly, doing anything with my boyfriend would be fine. Well, not going to the jungle. Anything but the jungle. Though I do love amusement/theme parks so that would set the bar high and probably some good fucking later on. ;P
26: My biggest pet peeves
I’m a fucking germaphobe. Anything dirty will trigger me. Especially plates. They have to be properly washed, honey.
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
I fucking love this question. Okay, here I go *cracks fingers*
A man who loves to laugh, smile, and crack jokes. Someone isn’t afraid of his emotional and eccentric sides. Someone a little more mature and stable than I am. A man taller than me if possible. Rather masculine. A top or vers. Enjoys dark humor and has a sense of humor. A man who is playful and a flirt. A dog person. Confident. Very loving and caring. Aggressive. Protective. Family person. Loyal and Honest. Open minded.
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
Too cocky, hateful, callous, revengeful, bitter, super petty, materialistic, selfish, lazy, abusive.
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
Either to protect them. being super fake, or hiding my feelings.
30: What I hate the most about work/school
Idek. School is good for pre K to Senior year but I wish teachers were better at teaching. I know not all are bad but damn some just dont give a fuck. 
31: What your last text message says
“Bruh I’m gone *three laughing emojis*”
32: What words upset me the most
Fag, Weak, Loner, Fat ass, Fake, Bitchy
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
Funny, Random, Friendly, Generous, Kind, Caring, Genuine, Sensitive, Great listener, Bright, Warm, Romantic, Sexy, Magnetic.
34: What I find attractive in women
I’m not bi/pan/straight/asexual but I guess I can still answer this
Flowing hair, confidence, great smiles, great fashion sense
35: What I find attractive in men
Ugh almost everything? I kind of already answered something like this via the “turn on’s”
36: Where I would like to live
I like being up here in the north of the US but it wouldn’t hurt being in California. Especially LA or Hollywood.
37: One of my insecurities
I have minor trust issues still. I also have body-image problems at times. I also am insecure about my singing voice.
38: My childhood career choice
Omg I wanted to be an anime artist for the longest time. Lord I still kind of want to be one. Not really though. Maybe one day I’ll show start drawing anime again?
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
Strawberry, Neapolitan, or Mint Chocolate chip.
40: Who wish I could be
Ariana Grande 
41: Where I want to be right now
Living my own in the cities or the future where I’ve already met my future hubby
42: The last thing I ate
Peanut butter chocolate wafer
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
Chris Evans or Josh Dallas
44: A random fact about anything
I like to research about astrology
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alicedoessurveys · 7 years
1. Who do you sit with on the bus? I can't remember the last time I rode the bus
2. Who was the last person you ate with? my parents
3. Who was the last baby you held? our foster baby 
4. Name everything you’ve eaten today. cadbury mini roll, 
5. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone after midnight? I dont know, I dont tend to talk on the phone 
6. Would you have sex with someone you had known less than twenty four hours? nope. but im asexual so I wouldn't want to have sex with someone even if Id known them for longer the 24 hours
7. Do you secretly still talk to an ex? dont have any exes
8. Who was the last person you got in a fight with? About what? I dont remember
9. Do you and your siblings fight over the computer? not anymore, she moved out :’) I have a video of me and my sister wrestling over the computer from like 10 years ago
10. What’s your last sent text say? “yaaaaaaaah” 
11. How’s it going? alright 
12. When did you last eat pizza and from where? last night. it was a home cooked one 
13. Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? probably not no
14. Did you go to sleep happy last night? yup
15. Do you continue fighting in an argument even though you’re wrong? nope. im not really one for getting into an argument though
16. Do you still shave your legs in the winter? yes
17. Have you ever slept in contacts? no
18. Have you seen the movie, Thirteen? nope
19. How long was your last phone call? it was exactly 1 minute long
19. Are you in a good mood? I guess so yeah
20. Miss someone? yes
21. Do you like someone right now? yes
22. If you met yourself from 5 years ago, what would you think? What would you say to yourself? I'd tell myself to not be so obsessed with the gym, and to get a second opinion & not trust the doctor 
23. Do you have a friend who you always seem to be fighting with? About what? nope
24. Are old people cute or annoying? Why? it depends on who they are and what they're like 
25. Have you ever had a crush on someone considered “gross” or “scruffy”? How did that work out? idk
26. What is one thing people assume about you that you wish they wouldn’t? I think people assume im rude because im shy and quite antisocial. also when people find out im a christian and that I go to church they assume im some judgemental homophobic asshole when in actual fact only a small amount of ‘christians’ are like that 
27. What do you think of fan fiction? Have you ever written it? I like reading it, but not smut. 
28. Do you think you would be better or worse off (more accepted, happier, better looking, etc,.) if you were the opposite sex? id be happier because of not having periods and not wearing make up etc but I do think men these days have a tough time
29. Do you think a tiny waist and larger hips is attractive? Why or why not? not huuuuge hips but yeah I think that type of figure is nice
30. Do you lie about your height? nope
31. Do you remember the last time you woke up in the middle of the night? Why did you? yeah last night because I was freeeeeeeezing cold
32. What’s your opinion on leopard print? dont like it
33. When you get sent home early from school/work, what do you tend to spend your day doing? being a sloth on the sofa
34. What’s your favorite Mario game? If you don’t have one, do you like any video games at all? I dont play Mario. I play sims
35. Did/will you take “senior photos” for your last year of high school? If so, what did/will they look like? my senior photos looked like me.. obvs
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