#stop being an asshole to actors who are just doing their jobs
plutobuckley · 4 months
I hate that I have to state this again, but...
The hate towards Lou is super unjustified and just plain nasty! How are some of you so blind to see that he's actually a really nice guy, who enjoys playing his character, and also enjoys interacting with the fans (something that he doesn't have to do, but chooses to)
And when I say fans I mean the people who say they care about the show and really mean it, cause some of you "fans" seem to only care about one thing and it's becoming very clear
Please do better instead of holding a petty grudge against an actor who is just doing his job and stop twisting his words to make him look bad! Whatever happend to separating the actor from the character if you hate the character that much (another thing I don't understand is how people can hate Tommy so intensly and act as if character development doesn't exist)
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suiana · 2 months
I'm thinking about a yandere! secretary who's an absolutely manipulative piece of shit❤️
you hired him because his resume was impeccable and you thought he'd be a perfect fit for the empty position.
which... he is.
but the fact that he's younger than you by a decent amount and can be quite unprofessional at times does throw you off. is it something younger people like doing? is it normal to visit your employee's house with no one else around?
"hey boss, I'm thinking of inviting you over to my place tonight? just the two of us? we can drink and eat fried chicken together❤️"
"my dear, that is rather unprofessional don't you think?"
"what? no of course not. you're thinking into it too much."
it doesn't help that you're sort of a people pleaser and give into his demands easily.
you just want to see all your employees be happy! is that so wrong of you? of course not! and all your other employees (excluding your secretary) all appreciate and treat you with respect. and as you know by now, your secretary is an asshole who makes use of your easily swayed personality to get you to do... things in his favour.
but you don't know that! you just think it's because of the age gap that causes you not to understand his actions and words! surely he's not trying to love you right?
"boss~ don't you think i should meet your family? your parents? you met mine the other day didn't you? oh my parents absolutely loved you! they thought you were so sweet and-"
"w-well... that's only because you got a raise and you suggested i should inform your family about how well you were performing during work... there's no reason for you to meet my-"
"boss, be serious. do you hate me?"
"no of course not! i-"
"that's settled then! we can go and meet your family after this!"
"...yes, my dear."
with that said, he's also an excellent actor and knows how to play things to his advantage. by the time you realize what's going on, you'll already be trapped in the palm of his hand.
"my dear... i am so sorry. we shouldn't have slept together, nor gotten together. it was a severe lapse in judgement and I'm sorry that i crossed the line between personal and professionalism."
"what are you talking about darling? don't worry your silly head over all that. professionalism? who needs that? all the other employees think we look great together, and your family loves me! plus, I'm your boyfriend that you love, yes?"
"now stop speaking about stupid things. you don't have to worry about that anymore. just listen to me. it's normal to date your secretary. it's what the younger people are doing nowadays! I'm already 26! so don't worry..."
and it's not like you can just fire him either. like i said, he does an excellent job at being your secretary. also the fact that he practically controls HR and influences them into thinking every other potential employee is subpar. so when you hold a meeting about whether to fire him everyone protests against it. but that's not important.
besides, he won't let you do that. why would you want to get rid of him? you only need him don't you? he's perfect for this job! you don't need another secretary. you don't need anyone else.
just him. only him.
and you two will be happy together as long as you listen to his words and don't try getting rid of him. after all, you might be older but times are changing! you need the hand of a younger and more knowledgeable person. he'll help you bring the company to greater heights and bring in more revenue for you!
so stop talking about how it's wrong. it's not. it's the way of the new generation! and he just.. loves you very much. way too much.
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firstkanaphans · 7 months
I know this post is only for like two people, but I’m going to make it anyway. So, my obsession with Dead Friend Forever finally reached critical levels and I resorted to binge-watching The Hidden Character just to get more content. For those that don’t know, The Hidden Character (which they literally call “THC”) was the reality show Be On Cloud used to cast DFF. It is bad. Like really bad. And not in a it’s-so-bad-it’s-good-type way. It’s one of the most exploitative pieces of media I have ever watched. I walked into it with a favorable view of BOC, Mile, Apo, and Pond (the CEO), and walked out of it hating all of them.
A small collection of things that happened over the 11-episode run:
Everyone was told that they had to share every single aspect of their life with the viewers or they would be eliminated. And, in fact, the first person eliminated was told that it was because he wasn’t being open enough with the audience. They filmed these boys—one of whom was only seventeen at the time—talking explicitly about their sex lives. Which is, of course, fine to talk about. It’s not fine to air it on television! Even some of the games themselves contained sexually suggestive content (i.e. Which do you prefer "eating" with—your hands or your mouth? If you were to cheat on your significant other, would it be just sex or a full-blown affair?)
During the first part of the show, everyone had a secret that the other players were supposed to guess. One of the player’s secret was that he used to be homophobic. (Questionable casting for a company that only hires men, but I digress). He was praised for having changed his mind. In contrast, JJay’s secret was that he was raised in an abusive household and had once hit his father. Pond crucified the poor guy for this. He made him sit there in front of the whole cast sobbing and apologize for hitting his dad who was an abusive asshole.
After the first half of the show—which served absolutely no purpose at all—we finally move onto the acting portion. This is, after all, supposed to be a talent competition. The judges were so mean. Especially Apo. He was like the Simon Cowell of BOC. There was no constructive component to their criticism. The fact that any of these people are still acting is honestly unbelievable. I would have gone home and cried myself to sleep and then never stepped foot on a stage again.
At one point, each of the groups was assigned a scene from KinnPorsche to act out (because BOC very clearly owns no other IP). One of the pairs was given the scene where Porsche gives Kinn a handjob in the bathroom. I wish I was kidding. 
The judges constantly told the contestants to make their scenes feel new and different but any time the actors actually tried to change anything, they complained it was “too” different and the original script was already perfect so who were they to think they could create something better. Once again, Apo and Mile, the original actors of these scenes, are the ones judging them! Like of course they like their version better. What is even happening??
And finally, the whole fucking thing was rigged for Ta to win. Like don’t get me wrong, I love Ta and I think he did a great job, but he was the only one who came into that competition with a built-in fanbase and the winner was chosen by popular vote.
It was all just…baffling. Especially from a company that claims to be trying to change the industry. Like if you want the industry to stop being so exploitative to its actors, maybe start with yourself? It also makes those condescending “how dare you watch our shows just for the NC scenes” press releases they do every week even more annoying.
I have no clue what the reaction to this show was while it was airing but god I hope they never do it again. It literally makes me feel so weird watching DFF now. I feel like those poor kids are being held hostage. Maybe CEO Pond’s been the one under the mask the whole time 🔪
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hl-obsessed · 28 days
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✨ FIC REC ✨ | 10-30k
Snowed In by @germericangirl
(E, 15k) Harry wants to fly back home to London after visiting his family for the holidays but a snow storm causes his flight to get cancelled. What happens if the hotel only has one room left for him and the beautiful blue eyed stranger?
✨ Running Home To You by sincewewereeighteen
(E, 18k) Harry can’t help but look at his iTunes library. What he did not expect was to see his name there: Harry Styles, and a half-played album. He has to ask.
“What’s that you were listening to?”
“Oh, it’s this guy, uh- Harry Styles?”
“Hm. Is he any good? I’ve heard a lot about him.”
“He’s proper famous, isn’t he?” Louis smirks. “He’s good, believe it or not. Many people don’t give credit to teenage girls, but I don’t regret listening to him.”
“D’you have a favorite?”
“You’ve probably heard Sign of the Times, because everyone’s heard this song…” Louis checks his screen. “Don’t know. This is the best one musically speaking. But there’s something about this one,” he points at his screen, “From the Dining Table. It’s just so sad. Makes one wonder what this guy went through.”
“That tough?”
“Sad.” Louis replies. “Anyways. Don’t be prejudiced and give the pop star a listen. He’s really talented.”
OR: the one in which Harry and Louis take the same plane, and even though they're both sort of nomads, they end up finding a home in each other.
give you my fever by @thelovejandles
(E, 10k) x-factor era. harry's never had an orgasm before, louis gives him his first
If Tomorrow Never Comes (We Had Last Night) by @fallinglikethis @all-these-larrythings
(M, 15k) Louis accepts the call without bothering to look at the caller ID. Only Zayn would be a big enough asshole to call him at two in the morning. This fucking better be important.
“This fucking better be important,” Louis greets.
On the other end of the line comes a soft giggle. “Li, you don’t usually curse. I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I like it.”
 Yeah, that’s not Zayn. Louis sighs, his anger melting into resignation when he realizes that it’s some poor bastard probably drunk dialing his ex or something. “Sorry, mate. Think you’ve got the wrong number."
Based on this Tumblr prompt: "Accidentally called your number while drunk asking for a ride and you actually came au"
sweet, where you lay by @infinitelymint
(E, 27k) Louis Tomlinson is a twenty-eight year old succesful actor living in New York. Harry Styles is a twenty year old up and coming model and coincidentally also the one who turns Louis’ world completely upside down.
or, Louis is Zachary Quinto and Harry is Miles McMillan. Falling in love was always in the cards for them.
stop the world ('cause i wanna get off with you) by @thedevilinmybrain
(E, 12k) Five times Louis and Harry get walked in on at the worst time, and one time Louis makes sure they don't.
✨ i'm a captain on a jealous sea by @thedevilinmybrain
(E, 15k) It’s not that Louis doesn’t like Nick. He is, if he’s being honest, kind of indifferent. Louis gets that Nick is just doing his job most of the time, being loud and prying, not having boundaries. But it’s just a little too much for Louis’ taste. Louis, who has learned over the years, when to be loud and when to know that coy is the game. But, it doesn’t matter really. He’s not required to like everyone, doesn’t have to make nice with them outside of having a camera shoved in his face. He can let Nick be Nick and it shouldn’t affect Louis at all.
What Louis actually has a problem with is the way Nick Grimshaw looks at Harry.
✨ some things fade (some never do) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(T, 25k) Matching tattoos. He’d never thought he’d be the type for tattoos to begin with, let alone matching or magical ones, but once Harry had put the idea in his mind it had never quite managed to disappear. And it had made sense. With their relationship a long distance one, this was simply another way of feeling close to one another. Of knowing where the other was, how they felt. It had made so much sense.
Back then.
Three years after their break up, Harry calls.
In a sky full of stars, be my Northern lights by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(T, 13k) It's one of those nights there's nothing on the telly that Louis absently scrolls through Tinder. After swiping left on a bunch of profiles he comes face to face with a picture that stops him in his tracks. The picture is..almost sweet. It’s a boy with brown curly hair, wearing a very low cut yellow blouse, paired with a black jacket. He’s got a smile on his face and his tongue sticking out, but it’s not in any way lewd or suggestive. He just looks like he’s having a good time, and something about the innocence of it has him swiping right rather than left.
He’s barely checked the other pictures on the boy's profile before Tinder confirms that he’s got a match. The shots are so different from the pictures Louis is used to on Tinder - half naked boys who are smoldering at the camera - that he can’t help but smile.
It quickly turns into a frown when he opens up the message he’s just received.
Harry: Hello!
Harry: Thank you for swiping right
Harry: I have a proposition for you
Treat You Like A Gentleman by @justanothershadeofblue
(E, 12k) 5 times that Harry Styles was unsatisfied by his dates, and one time Louis Tomlinson helped him find what he had been missing.
Sweet as Honey by TeamLouis
(E, 21k) Louis has always been shit at cooking. When he discovers Sweet as Honey on Instagram, owned by chef Harry Styles, he intends to mock him by recreating his recipes with his awful skills, posting photos on his own Instagram account, Nailed It. It's all fun until Harry asks to meet him.
✨💎 To Have Touched the Sun by @ireallysawanangel
(E, 12k) Louis has been taking suppressants ever since he first presented as an omega, and because of that, he has his heats dwindled down to just once a year. When he suddenly goes into heat in the middle of a supermarket only two months after just having one, he immediately knows something is wrong. It takes the act of a very kind stranger in that supermarket to change Louis' life forever.
Losing Focus Every Time You Speak by @causticsunshine
(E, 19k) “Harry,” he starts, his tone cautious, “what’s this I’m seeing?”
A roll of Harry’s shoulder and the thing catches the light again. “Hm? I dunno what you’re talking about, Lou,” he replies, voice suddenly strained.
Oh. So that’s how it’s going to be.
“This,” Louis reiterates as clearly as he can—by abruptly spreading Harry’s cheeks as much as he can through the confines of his knickers, in turn causing Harry to grunt and Louis to reveal a, fuck, a small bubblegum-pink gem in the shape of a heart, rimmed by a sliver of silver, “you remember now?”
“Oh.” All faux innocence. Louis removes his hands as Harry slowly pulls himself back up, a little red-faced and with a chunky throw in hand. “That? It’s nothing.”
“Nothing?” Louis repeats, trying for gentle surprise.
Louis returns from an impromptu work trip and enjoys some long-awaited alone time with his favorite person. Lace knickers and a princess plug might have a role to play in things.
✨💎 Eyes on the Horizon by @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
(E, 12k) Freshly dumped, recently fired, and about to turn 40, Harry's friends insist on taking him skydiving to cheer him up. His younger and extremely fit instructor Louis makes him even more nervous than the idea of jumping out of a plane, but both may be exactly what he needs to turn his life around.
Waste the Night by @wicked-archer
(E, 12k) Harry is excited to finally see his favourite band in concert and his favourite person, the guitarist of the band, Louis Tomlinson. Little does he know what the night has in store for him.
✨ Prelude to Forever by @always-aqua
(M, 13k) @StylinHarry: So I kinda fell for a boy yesterday at #ChiPride. Kissed & fireworks went off. Literally. He’s a drama teacher. Goes by “Louis” but I prefer Sunshine. Very pretty. The prettiest. Got separated & I’m a fucking idiot who forgot to get his number. Anyone know him? #helpfindsunshine
Or, Louis and Harry meet at Pride in Chicago and spend the day falling for each other before getting accidentally separated.
Be Mine? by @softfonds
(E, 11k) Getting dumped the week before Valentine's Day wasn't in Harry's plans, and neither was being dragged to a concert to forget about it. But a sign Zayn brings manages to turn his night around in more ways than he hoped for.
Blinded by the Colors by @fallinglikethis
(M, 20k) After a heated fight with Harry, a maudlin, inebriated Louis Tomlinson questions his presence in his boyfriend's life. In fact, maybe all of One Direction would be better off if Louis had never been put in the band to begin with.
He never expected to wake up in a world where that's exactly what happened.
Or an It's A Wonderful Life Au where Louis Tomlinson realizes just how important he really is.
✨ Keep Me Closer by @zanniscaramouche
(T, 18k) Louis expects Harry to react poorly, maybe even file a formal complaint and that’s gonna suck ass but Louis won’t say shit cause he knows he deserves it, so he prepares an apology before Harry’s even turned around.
What he doesn’t expect is Harry to fucking drop.
Moonlight Minx by @jacaranda-bloom
(E, 15k) The one where an unexpected storm strands Harry on an island, Louis gets an unexpected house guest for the night, and love might just be the most unexpected thing of all.
Love On Air by @jacaranda-bloom
(E, 19k) The one where Louis doesn't have a type, no matter what Niall says, but if he did, it'd probably be the guy currently trapped in his radio studio and grinning back at him from across the desk.
✨ Every heart but mine by @rainblou
(E, 17k) In the years leading up to his presentation, Harry hoped that his soulmark would appear, that his soulmate would present first and Harry would have irrevocable proof that his other half was out there, waiting for him.
Years later, he's given up on waiting and with a heat coming up, his eyes are set on Louis Tomlinson to help him through it.
redamancy by @yu-taeil
(G, 10k) dystopian au.
Harry lives in a world where, at the age of 18, everyone gets paired up with a life mate, a perfectly compatible partner. When Harry gets Liam Payne as his soul mate, he thinks nothing of it. It must be true love, right?
But then he meets Louis Tomlinson, a 19 year old who is already partnered up. Harry starts to fall for Louis, and it is not unrequited, but it is against the law.
Harry had always known he’d end up breaking some rules, he just hadn’t quite imagined the magnitude of them.
Sooner or Later by orphan_account
(T, 12k) Louis suspected he might have a little crush. It was harmless enough. It wasn't as if he were any sort of threat to his sister's relationship with Harry, was it?
✨💎 I Just Wanna Give You Love by @lululawrence
(NR, 18k) Graham Norton appeared on the screen introducing his guests and out of nowhere, everything in Louis’ world was turned upside down.
Louis gasped as he intently took in the man on the screen, smiling and waving from his seat beside Sir Ian McKellen.
“Oh my God,” Louis said before it all sank in as to what it meant. “Holy fucking shit!”
“Louis William, you watch your mouth,” Jay said. “What has got into you?”
Feeling like a madman, his palms to his cheeks, Louis couldn’t help the tears of surprise, relief, and fear as he turned to his mum. “What colour are his eyes? What do you call that colour?”
“Louis, are you telling me that the man on the screen, Harry Styles, is your soulmate?”
Or the one where the world is in black and white until you meet your soulmate, but Harry is world famous and Louis is...well...not.
Where Life Changed Us by ExiledQueenCatalog
(E, 22k) Omega Harry has a rare genetic disorder where he has no sense of smell. This has lots of odd effects such as him not being able to smell his own scent but most brutally, not being able to scent the way his inner omega desires. It also leaves him as a sort of odd-ball to the community, leaving him becoming touch starved as no one wants the omega who can’t scent. Until finally, he meets the right alpha.
Hint: I want to be yours by @greenblueish
(M, 11k) or, the one where Harry unconsciously starts acting like Louis' alpha after they spend his rut together and Louis finds ways to make sure Harry's affection doesn't end.
'cause I want you (for the worse and for the better) by @absoloutenonsense
(NR, 26k) When Louis gets invited along to Anne's wedding, Harry is prepared to let people think whatever they want about their relationship. That's what Louis said -- let people think whatever they want. That changes when Louis sees his ex, who turns out to be Anne's future husband's son. Now, Louis wants to prove that he's an omega that an alpha could want, and Harry wants to get through this weekend without letting his best friend figure out he's in love with him.
We Don't Need No Piece of Paper (From the City Clerk) by @2tiedships2
(M, 26k) Harry sat on his bed and stared at the pile of luggage by the door. This was really happening. He was being shipped off to America to get married.
In a matter of months, he would be bonded to an alpha his father had chosen for him. Someone that Harry knew nothing about. Not even his name.
Party Lines by @absoloutenonsense
(E, 25k) Louis works for a phone-sex operating company, collecting credit card information and transferring calls to different operators. On a particularly busy night, everyone is booked up, and one caller has been patiently waiting for more than a few minutes. In a split second decision –one he’s probably going to regret– Louis picks up the call himself.
Or Louis accidentally becomes a phone sex operator.
Losing That Reactive Spark by @crazyupsetter
(E, 11k) Prompt 73: ABO fic where Louis is cursed. He can’t touch anyone without a spark of electricity going through his body, causing him to blackout. He meets Harry, the only one the curse doesn’t work on for some reason.
(Gimme a Solution and) Watch Me Run With It by @lululawrence
(NR, 21k) This second, this minute, this hour, this day... hell, this week the trend was for Harry to feel overwhelmed. He was having a hard time not drowning in all of the responsibilities he had heaped upon himself and it had exhausted him. Beyond that, really. He had gotten to the point where he didn't even remember why he used to be so focused on getting back on stage every night.
Fine. Maybe this trend had been going on for even longer than a week. It might have even been months.
Harry is getting dangerously close to his breaking point, and that is when things start to change, starting with a favorite childhood sweet a member of the touring crew leaves for him in his dressing room.
Catching a Partner by berzerkshires
(M, 25k) This documentary follows the story of two people who fell in love in the last place you'd expect. Louis is a detective at the Boston Police Department investigating a trail of recent murders. Harry is the latest victim who survived an attempted murder and is sent to live at a safe house with Detective Tomlinson as the killer is still at large.
This is their story.
No Place I'd Rather Be by @iamasphodelknox
(E, 29k) Harry's had a crush on his stepfather's friend for six years. A small crush. A tiny crush.
Honestly, if you don't look at Harry's dozens of poems about Louis Tomlinson, the crush is practically infinitesimal. They haven't even had a conversation.
But then a car wreck prompts them to finally have a conversation.
Christmas works its magic, Harry pines, Louis fonds, and they just might make it.
baby shut your mouth and turn me inside out by ballsdeepinjesus
(E, 10k) Harry and Louis meet in a mcdonalds. louis is everything harry needs.
The Joke's Always On The Joker, Baby by @greenfeelings
(M, 16k) It’s all about an anonymous one-night stand that turns Harry and Louis’ lives into a rom-com cliché, provides Liam with the perfect opportunity to finally approach the man of his dreams, and confirms Niall that he’s always right.
Hold You With My Hands Tied by @letthemusicmoveyou28
(E, 12k) "There’s a club in town called Habit, and they’re looking for a bartender to cover evenings and weekends. No previous experience required."
Harry furrows his brows. He’s never been to Habit, but he certainly knows what type of club it is. BDSM.
It’s not the ideal position for an Omega surely, but beggars can’t be choosers he supposes. He tilts his head to the side. “And they would be ok with an Omega filling that role?”
Janet scans her eyes over the job description before nodding. “Yes, actually it says here Omegas are preferred but not required.”
Harry sighs.
“When do I start?”
(Or the one where Omega Harry loses his bakery job and is forced to take a temporary position bartending at a local BDSM club. It turns out to be not so bad. Especially when he catches the eye of the owner Louis, who also happens to be a gorgeous Alpha).
if you show up there then you know I will too by @harrybirthdaytoya
(M, 11k) Everyone in Louis' life keeps getting married, but he's almost 30 and single. (He's also grumpy about it). Harry sings in a wedding band, and Louis may have a bit of a crush.
I've Always Liked the Fireworks by QuickedWeen
(T, 12k) When alphas and omegas reach the age of twenty-one they are required to attend a Proving Day ceremony. Omegas watch as alphas do their best to compete in events, show off their skills, and prove how good a mate they can really be.
The whole thing is a bit ridiculous, but Louis Tomlinson has always dreamed of finding his mate. He's got two unsuccessful Sheffield Proving Days under his belt and decides to go for the much more competitive one in Manchester. His goal is to play his best, leave it all out on the pitch, and hope that one of the omegas watching just happens to be his mate.
Hold My Heart by Awriterwrites, phdmama
(E, 14k) Or, the one where famous Louis Tomlinson offers his hand and a lot more to his seat mate on a transatlantic flight.
Torn On The Platform by conscious-ramblings
AU where harry and louis are strangers but they always get the same train to work in the morning and one day harry falls asleep on louis’ shoulder. louis wants to be annoyed because harry just broke a least seven rules of tube conduct but he looks so soft and peaceful that he just lets him sleep and wakes him ever so carefully when it’s his stop. it happens again and again until it becomes a regular thing where louis will let harry snooze and then gently nudge him awake, hand him the cup of coffee he took from him so it wouldn’t slip and spill everywhere and send him off with a “have fun at work, love” and after the tenth time harry isn’t even embarrassed anymore.
Cue changing work schedules, missing each other for the first time in weeks, panicking because “i don’t even know his name, why didn’t i ask for his name”, dramatic waiting on platforms and finally bumping into each other again when they least expect it
✨💎 Tell Me Your Secrets, Teach Me Your Ways by @insightfulinsomniac
(E, 23k) The day after turning eighteen, Omega Prince Harry is expected to meet with eligible Alpha suitors. It's a day he's been looking forward to all his life, desperate for romance and yearning to find his mate.
What he doesn't expect to find, however, is that he's one half of a historic soul-tied union: a phenomenon last seen over a century ago. Luckily, his future mate is everything he ever dreamed of finding.
But... that's just the problem. Louis makes Harry feel things he's never felt before and has no way to describe. He knows that once they're married, he and Louis are meant to mate, but what that actually entails is a mystery…
Who better to ask about these feelings than his mate-to-be?
AKA: A regency-ish royalty AU featuring overeager soulmates who maybe give into temptation a little too much on their secret journey of sexual discovery.
The way you move for me baby (lights me up like nobody else) by @thechavier
(M, 12k) Those green eyes found him again and he struggled thinking of what to say.
"You look beautiful in that dress" It's what he landed on. (...) "You know I wrote a song back in the day called little black dress?"
He didn't imagine the little spark in his eyes, nor the pleased smirk on his lips, nor the tongue peeking out to wet them.
"Why do you think I chose it for tonight?"
or the rolling stones awards au
Talk Dirty To Me by BriaMaria
(E, 13k) Or the one where Harry is absolutely terrible at dirty talk so he asks his best friend to teach him. And the one where Louis knows it's a catastrophically bad idea but agrees anyway.
Because Sparrows Mate For Life by @builtyouahousefromabrokenhome
(E, 24k) Harry’s tattoo gets done all wrong, and he needs someone to fix it.
Bend Like a Hairpin by @letthemusicmoveyou28
(M, 26k) Or the one where FBI agent Harry Styles screws up in a mission and he has one more chance to save his career. He’s going undercover as a stripper to investigate a strip club suspected of money laundering. There’s just 2 problems: 1) Harry can’t dance, and 2) he might be falling for the club’s owner Louis, who just happens to be the prime suspect.
Celebrity Discount by @loaded-gunn
(T, 27k) Louis fell for Prince Harry when he was ten and Harry was eight and peeked behind the Queen’s elegant gown for his first public appearance—a shy smile and a mess of curls. He fell for him when he caught Lottie putting up a magazine cover of Harry on her wall and all she had to say for herself was, “He’s such a good person, yeah?” and, yeah. He fell for him when Harry gracefully accepted his demotion. He fell for him when Harry came out and stayed out.
tonight's not over (come over and stay) by @adoredontour
(E, 17k) Zayn doesn’t say anything for a moment, pausing and worrying at his bottom lip. Finally, he asks, “Have you heard that Cox guy is coming out with a new song?”
Louis freezes, fingers hovering over his keyboard where they had been typing his password.
“No, I hadn’t,” Louis says truthfully. “Where did you hear that?”
“Tell anyone this and I’ll kill you, but I’d consider myself a big fan,” Zayn says. His face doesn’t change in expression, completely serious as he admits this to Louis.
“Big fan? Like run a blog and everything?”
or, harry is a famous singer and louis is a student who just wants to write his novel
where sirens fear to tread by @stylinsoncity
(M, 28k) in the royal line, there are only a select few sirens with the ability to transform into humans once a month. harry is one of those sirens. he mostly sticks to the rules. when he's on land, he reads his books. he buys copious amounts of ice cream. he keeps to himself. that is until he meets a lifeguard named louis working at one of the luxury resorts on St Barts. and unfortunately, harry doesn't know the rules about falling in love at all.
✨💎 When The Stars Come Out by @briannamarguerite
(E, 30k) Louis was about to reassure Harry further when Gemma bounded back over to him, slipping a hand around Louis' waist. Harry’s eyes followed the movement. And then that lip gnaw again. Christ. How was he supposed to survive this weekend?
He turned his attention to Gemma as her palm came to rest right above his heart. Laying it on a bit thick, dear. Or at least that’s what he hoped he’d conveyed with the simple tilt of an eyebrow.
In response, she went up on tiptoes and laid a noisy kiss on the hollow beneath his cheekbone. Louis didn’t take his eyes off Harry, who watched the scene play out with a blank expression. Once Gemma dropped back to the ground, Harry shifted away from them, his gaze dropping to his feet.
[Or the one where Louis pretends to be Gemma's boyfriend for her horrid cousin's wedding but fate is a nasty jerk and throws Harry in his way.]
part 1 (+50k) | part 2 (30-50k)
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scekrex · 7 months
so yk how adam knew angel dust was a pornstar when charlie mentioned his name. uh i have not been able to get that out of my head because he knew him by NAME it wasnt just like he passed by an angel dust billboard cause those are probably fucking everywhere and was like “cool” NO bro looked at it closely enough to know his name by memory— anywaysss what about adam x male reader whos a pornstar cause thats cool dhdkd maybe he sees an ad with the reader on it or something and gets intrigued 😋 anyways have a super silly day
I fucking adore you for that prompt bc the fact that Adam knew Angel by name was/is stuck in my brain too and I've been meaning to write pornstar!male!reader for a while, you simply gave me an actual reason to do so. Also the warmest, cuddliest hugs to @ultimateissuessimp who not only helped me to come up w a plot but also fixed my writers block xoxo to you bro.
Any way you want me, baby, that's the way you got me
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, smut, sex without consent (it's not Adam guys, chill), mention of sexual abuse, choking (with and without consent), unprotected sex, major character death (temporarily)
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Your pimp massaged his temples and sighed, “Stop acting like a fucking picky whore, if you want your fucking money you'll do the job.” You crossed your arms over your chest, you were having none of it.
It had been a couple of years since you started doing what you did, it had been a couple of years since you had dedicated yourself to that fucking asshole who was trying to force you into something that was way outside your comfort zone. So you have learned to stand up for yourself, to say no. And usually that was fine because usually your clients weren't some snobby bitches with an ass full of money. This time your client was exactly that though, and that asshole of boss - at this point you were sure you could call him that - saw the money and nothing but the money. So a ‘no’ wasn't on the table for you this time as it seemed.
“Fuck you, I'm telling ya, I'm not doing that bullshit,” you told the man in front of you. He however simply grabbed your wrist and pulled you in, “You’re gonna drop that fucking attitude of yours right fucking now because you're gonna do it, if you want or not is irrelevant.” You huffed and ripped your arm from his grip, “Fucking fine, but if that whore breaks me it's on you.” At that your boss chuckled deeply as he gave your cheek a light pat, “Good boy.”
So there you were huh? In a room with some asshole you didn't trust the slightest bit.
It didn't take long for the man to not only undress himself but also to basically tear the fabric off your body - quite literally because your shirt was being ripped open and he yanked your pants down hard enough for the stitches to give out on it.
Your mind went blank after that, everything was just a hazy blur as you tried to get it over with. There were cold hands on your body, then you fell, the landing was surprisingly soft.
A scream filled with pain ripped from your throat as the man thrusted in, in, in until he was fully inside of you, no lube, no preparation. A hand was firmly pressed against your mouth and while probably not intended, he also covered your nose leaving you no way to breathe but you took it, what were you supposed to do? Say no? With that hand on your lips? Yeah, pretty impossible. You also doubted that the asshole would care about your wants. It all went down when his other hand wrapped around your throat and squeezed, he didn't even try to ask for consent, he just took what he wanted, maybe needed.
Your hands were on his wrists in an instant, your nails dug into his skin in order to try and push his hands off of you but to no result, he was stronger. And then the hazy blur faded to black.
When Adam read the news about his favorite porn actor being killed he was quite furious.
The news articles all stated the same, that some rich bitch had paid for a session with you - an recorded one on top of it - and had choked you to death. And on top of that the manager of you had published the video, hell Adam was even able to see you die at his hands.
The news articles also blamed you for not giving him any signals to stop, Adam thought that was bullshit. He had followed your porn career for a while now, he had seen interviews too, if only two - it wasn't like many people wanted to interview pornstars on a daily base - he knew you had this little rule about consent and therefore he knew you had given the man signals he just tended to ignore them.
“Can you fucking believe it, Lute?” he asked angrily as he held his phone in front of her face, on the tiny screen there was a news article about your death, a picture of your corpse covered by a white sheet was also featured. Lute looked at it briefly, then shrugged, “Who cares? Just another whore that'll end up in hell.” Adam put down his phone and grabbed Lute by her shirt, “Watch your fucking mouth, he wasn't like the rest of those disgusting sluts.” Lute just shot him a weird look and mumbled a quiet, “Whatever, Sir,” as Adam let go of her clothes.
When the world around you got bright you were confused, what had happened?
You found yourself in someone's office, the walls were painted white and there were golden accents to make the room seem less stirile. “Where the fuck am I?” you asked, visibly confused as three pairs of eyes stared at you, one of them was a small girl, she looked delighted to see you. Then there was a woman, you figured it must have been her mother or something like that, she offered you a small smile. The last one was the face of a man who seemed to be equally confused as you were at first, but soon his expression softened a little.
“Well look who we have here,” the man spoke and got out of his seat to walk over to you. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders as he shot you a sharp grin.
“Welcome to heaven, Y/N.”
It took a good while for you to get used to the afterlife you were expecting, it looked like your beliefs had been with you and that God had decided to put you out of your misery and send you to heaven a little sooner than you had thought. Not that you complained though, the company was better than the people that had surrounded you on earth.
Adam and you had grown to be close friends in no time and soon after your bond had increased so much you had asked the first man out. He had agreed and so the two of you started dating.
He was surprisingly soft with you - was it really surprising though, given that he knew how you had died? No, not really. But it was nice that he accepted your ‘no’ without further questions - sometimes, when he was really into something you said no to, he sat down with you and talked it out, gave you all the options to stop whenever it got too much or you simply didn't like it. Consensual sex without fighting for what you wanted and didn't want was new to you, it wasn't something your former boss or former clients had ever given you.
But that all shattered when Adam requested something that really didn't sit right with you.
“Fuck no,” you exclaimed, and got up from the bed, “No choking, not after-” you cut yourself off, you weren't able to say it out loud, not yet at least, “No.” Adam sighed, he wasn't annoyed or frustrated, he was actually able to understand the situation you were in quite well. “Babes, I’m not gonna hurt you like that bastard did,” he explained himself while also giving you the space you needed, otherwise you'd feel cornered and that was the least thing he wanted you to feel in that moment.
You knew that, in the name of God, you fucking knew Adam wouldn't choke you unconscious and he most importantly wouldn't kill you again by doing so but it felt wrong to let anyone grab you by the throat with the slightest bit of force. “Adam,” you pleaded, your eyes begging him to drop the topic. Adam's body language softened and he patted on the bed, a nonverbal request for you to sit down again. You hesitated for a moment, then you sat down again.
His wing wrapped around you immediately and his arms pulled you to sit on his lap. His chin was resting on your shoulder as he softly spoke, “I’m not asking you to live through a full fucking session, I'm asking you to try it, to let me show you how it's properly done. You can always tell me to stop and I'll be off of you in an instant. I won't ask you to ever try it again if you don't like it.” The brunette's hands rested on your chest, one of them slowly moved upwards to caress your neck and acting out of instincts you leaned into the soft and warm touch of his.
You thought about it. You thought about it for a while and you came to the conclusion that Adam was right. Trying was okay, trying meant you were allowed to hate it. So you hummed in agreement adding a quiet, “Okay.”
Soft lips were kissing your throat and you tilted your head upwards to offer Adam more excess. The first man gladly took it as an invitation to leave hickeys on the soft skin of yours which earned him a throaty moan. “Someone’s fucking horny,” Adam grinned and pressed his palm against the slowly growing bulge in your pants. You immediately lifted your hips to chase the friction that was given to you, a deep groan was ringing through Adam's ears, fuck he could listen to the sounds you were making all day. “You’re one to talk,” you breathlessly countered and lifted your knee against Adam's crotch. The taller man's hips stuttered and his wings flapped in excitement at the newfound and unexpected friction. “Oh fuck,” he mumbled against your throat as his fingers clawed at your shoulders and his nails dug into your skin, the pain it caused was different than the pain men had brought you back on earth, the pain Adam was giving to you always felt so deliciously holy and you could drown in it.
You have had sex before with all kinds of men, rude and harsh ones, shy and soft ones, ones that took what they wanted and then left without the slightest thought of satisfying you. But with Adam it was different, Adam always made sure you were feeling as much pleasure as he was experiencing and if he were to get too caught up to jerk you off, he'd blow you afterwards.
Your fingers itched towards the hem of Adam's robe and pulled the soft fabric up until his lower half was exposed. “Get that stupid shit off, it's cockblocking us,” you growled with lust audible in your voice. That was something Adam was quick to do, he was always so eager to get undressed for you, no matter what, no matter when.
Once Adam's robe had hit the floor, your clothes were joining it in no time. Your naked bodies were pressed together, his lips never left your skin long enough for you to actually miss them, they were on you constantly. “Gonna fuck that brain out of your pretty head babes, it'll be all you will be able to think about for the entire week,” the first man whispered in a deep, aroused voice that gave you the most pleasant kind of goosebumps you've ever had and your body shuddered against his lips. “You gotta try real hard for that, you sure you can fuck me that well?” you teased, very much aware that, yes, he was able to do as he had just said, he had proven it before and he'd prove it again. “Watch it, whore,” he grinned up at you and then your nipple disappeared between his lips and another moan tore from your throat to let the first man know what an incredible job he was doing.
Back on earth you had disliked, maybe even hated the term. It was always used as an insult that was supposed to play down what you were doing but when Adam said it, it sounded like the most beautiful thing to achieve, to be called whore by Adam was something you took with pride, something that made your body heat rush to all the right areas.
“Nah,” you replied and even though it was more of a whine than an actual statement, you confidently continued, “You like it when I use my mouth and we both fucking know it.” Adam's wings twitched at the thought of you sucking him off and his eyes revealed that he liked the idea - not for now though, now you two had other plans. “Sure do, babes, sure do,” the brunette agreed as he reached for the bottle of lube that he had placed on the bedside table earlier.
That was also another thing you appreciated about the sex with Adam, while he made sure you were feeling that holy version of pain earth could never compare to, he was also gentle, well as gentle as someone like Adam could be. But he prepared you, always did, and he was the type of guy who'd rather use too much lube than not enough.
At first it had been weird for you that Adam knew about your carrier, in the name of Lord above that motherfucker had seen you die because of that stupid porno. But it turned out to be quite useful for him to have all that knowledge about your past, that way he knew how far he was allowed to go without constantly having to ask you. He did check on your well-being during sex though, a thing you appreciated very much. He also knew about the things you were into, figuring his kinks out was as easy as breathing, the first man did nothing to hide the things that turned him on.
Adam covered his fingers in lube, waited a moment for the liquid to warm up and then slowly started to push his index finger inside of you. Your back arched and your hips rocked down on his finger, taking it like it was a daily thing - maybe because it was. “Gimme the second one,” you breathed out and watched as Adam moved his hand a little, his index finger almost slipped out and you were about to complain but before you had the chance to, two fingers were thrusted inside of you and you groaned, “That’s what I'm talking ‘bout, pretty boy.”
“Just look at the filthy little slut you are,” his hand moved up and down your side before it stilled on your hip bone, “So fucking eager to take the first dick ever made.” You nodded, “And so fucking ready too, so what ya waiting for, big guy?” Your lips had curled up into a shit eating grin as you challenged him, “Scared you'll hurt me?” Oh and that made something inside of Adam snap.
He quickly withdrew his fingers, causing you to complain about the emptiness you were left with. “Adam,” you whined and wiggled your ass closer to his hips, “I can take both, your fingers and your dick.” That earned you a light slap on your hips, “Don’t be so fucking impatient, you'll get what is needed to shut your mouth.” “I think it'll make me open up instead, moaning yo-” you cut yourself off with a loud moan because the brunette had just bottomed out inside of you without any kind of warning. And the burn that came with it from how wide his dick stretched you was beautiful through and through.
“Don’t just fucking talk about moaning my name, do it,” he demanded and gripped your hips firmly to keep you from squirming, he didn't move however, gave you the time you needed to get used to the feeling. Oh the self control this man had was driving you insane. “Goddamn it, fuck me already, what use is it to have the first dick inside of me when it doesn't fucking do shit,” you whined as you threw your head back into the pillows.
Adam didn't move his hips, however he leaned over you and wrapped his left hand around your throat, there was no pressure at all, just the feeling of his hand. For a moment panic flooded your brain and your body screamed at you to make him stop, to tell him not to fucking touch you like that, but then he spoke up and his voice was so soft, sounded so worried, “You decide when it is too much, if this is too much you simply say so and I won't touch you like that again unless you ask for it like a good fucking boy you can be.”
You closed your eyes, took a deep breath and relaxed, his hand was still on your throat but you relaxed. “No, it's okay,” you whispered without looking at him, then added, “Now get to the fucking point and fuck my brains out like you promised.” And then there was pressure on your throat but at the same time the brunette started to move his hips, the pace at which his hips slammed in and out was bruising but it was exactly what you needed. You bared your throat as much as you could, showing him that it was okay, showing him that you trusted him with this, “Fuck, Adam.”
The sound of Adam's balls slapping against your ass filled the room and while one hand was firmly yet not painfully wrapped around your throat, the other slowly slid up your torso until it reached your nipple, the skilful fingers of your lover twisted it in such delicious ways that moan after moan spilled from your lips and Adam admired it, admired you. He was purely enchanted whenever you got vocal during sex - which was quite often.
“Fucking right, whore, moan for me ‘n’ my dick,” he hissed before he caught your lips in a bruising kiss, your back arched off the mattress even more, your hips tried to chase his whenever he pulled out only to slam himself back in again a second later. A whine fell from your lips and seeped into the kiss, your wings closed around his back, trapping the both of you behind feathers but neither of you minded, you were both too caught up in pleasure to care about such things. “Adam, please,” you moaned as your hips helplessly moved in sync with his own, “Fucking touch me.”
Normally Adam would make you beg for it, deny you your orgasm for as long as he could, but not that day. You had been doing so well for him, had tried something that neither of you were sure you would like. You had given him your trust by allowing you to touch in ways no one ever touched you with consent and he wanted to reward you for it, wanted to give you what you so desperately graved. As he attempted to let go of your throat you stopped him. Your hand tightly gripped his wrist in order to keep his hand where it was and you looked him in the eyes as you said, “I fucking dare you to stop choking me, use your other hand to jerk me off.”
He couldn't help the chuckle that rumbled through his body but he did as he was told and once his hand had started to stroke your dick, it only took you a few moments to reach your climax. The white wetness covered your stomach, a few drops even reached Adam's chest but you were too fucked out to pay any mind to it, all that you were able to focus on was Adam, Adam, Adam. Adam, who was fucking you through your orgasm to chase his own, Adam who didn't take much longer to reach his peak, Adam who filled you up with his cum until it started to leak.
The first man breathed heavily on top of you as he pulled out, a weak snap of his fingers cleaned both of your bodies before he fell into the sheets beside you. Well to be fair he had landed on your wing instead of the mattress but you couldn't bring yourself to care. You turned around to face him and curled up against his chest, Adam wrapped his entire body around you in order to keep you warm and protected.
“Thank you, Adam.”
He kissed your head softly.
“Anything for you, babes.”
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ellsieee · 3 months
Now that ep 7 has been released for all, let's all rage (and cry) together.
I knew we were headed for trouble when Taeha showed up and Jaemin smiled like he smiles for Nami.
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Jaemin is so cute when he smiles. Nami really should have wrapped him up and carried him around in his bag. 😭
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The text below the "yes" is "are you still busy?". Jaemin making a disappointed pouty face when Nami doesn't return his text shows that he wants to be with Nami. I don't know why he's feeling neglected though, Nami said he had another interview. Did Jaemin expect him to read and return his text during the interview?? Didn't Jaemin get on Nami's case about not having a job? He needs to interview to get a job.
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Aside from Taeha being very attractive and flirting like mad, another reason Jaemin may have cheated is because he wants to feel needed. Nami is very self sufficient, both in terms of money and confidence. He doesn't need to rely on Jaemin for anything. On the other hand, Taeha is also struggling to find a job and is looking to Jaemin for help and guidance. Perhaps that makes Jaemin feel important and "useful" as he puts it. It's a stretch, but I really need to find a reason for Jaemin to cheat on a wonderful boyfriend besides bad writing.
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I had given high marks to Taeha's flirting before this, but this line was so cringe. How it worked on Jaemin is beyond me.
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Jaemin didn't even try to dodge that. He even kissed back. Arghhhh. It's great he still remembers he has a boyfriend. 🙄🙄🙄 Jaemin is using a gender neutral term, so he's saying "I have a lover". If Jaemin had stopped here, I could have still been a bit understanding.
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When Taeha said he didn't mind after Jaemin told him he had a lover already, I thought for a brief moment, we would get poly. 🤡 "I'm good at waiting"?? This would be romantic if he wasn't actively trying to steal Jaemin from Nami.
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In Jaemin's bed even! 😭 I had a glimmer of hope that Jaemin would wake up and stop when he said no, but he kept going. WTF ARE YOU DOING CHOI JAEMIN?
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Honestly, the actors do have chemistry. If Jaemin wasn't cheating on Nami, it would be hot. He is though, and I want to kill him. WTF DUDE.
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It makes me a little ill just to look at this gif. There's no going back from this now. Choi Jaemin is a big ol' CHEATER. Nami doesn't deserve this. I had to watch the kiss compilation video right after to calm down and cleanse my eyes.
I have no idea how they're going to fix this in one episode...
I had written a bunch of other rambling thoughts, but the plot relevant part from the uncut pretty much made it all irrelevant.
So it was all a dream. 🙄🙄🙄 Yay I guess? At least Jaemin didn't cheat. This is some super lame writing though. Suk wrote themselves into a corner with their silly "love triangle" and didn't know how to get out. As much of a cop out the "just a dream" trope is, I'm glad Nami wasn't betrayed and hurt. Side note: he looks good in that suit. 😏 And now that I know it was all a dream, I can enjoy Jaemin and Taeha making out. Though that look on Jaemin's face at the end makes me feel a little uneasy. Hopefully the dream made him realize what an asshole he would be if he cheated on a boyfriend who held his hand for an hour while he slept. Nami is the absolute best. 🥹
There is no cheating. 🥳 Spread the word and let the people who dropped the series because of the cheating know! Suk can still stick the landing, though I trust them about as much as I trust K. will right now. 😐
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pascalscoffin · 8 months
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- Curvaceous - Requested by this lovely, lovely person
Full Pedro Masterlist
Warning: Minors Go Away I Will Kick You In The Forehead. Smut(it’s not crazy descriptive): oral (f receiving); protected p in v (do whatever you want); vaginal fingering; Javi talks about your pussy in the third person (shut up). Curvy/Plus size!reader. Reader uses she/her pronouns, she and Javi are the same age. Reader understands and speaks Spanish a couple times (probably like once). Reader co-owns a bar rather than just being a bartender. Body Shaming warning!! (Please it’s so mean. I had to look it up I couldn’t even fathom something to say. I FEEL DIRTY) I’ll have them in italics or something. Javi being a gentleman. Violence (a couple punches). Mentions of past drug use/abuse. Mentions of ODing. Alcohol mentioned briefly. Physical description of after an OD.
Co-owning a bar with your best friend wasn’t exactly your lifelong dream, though if you thought about it hard enough you didn’t ever have a “lifelong dream”. Sure when you were young you wanted to be a singer, an actor, a doctor, the president, a race car driver, a scientist, and a slew of other professions but the fascination with them never lasted long and you were hopping to the next ideal job faster than your parents could keep up.
But in college you met Lucy and Eloise, who would become two of your best friends. In your junior year, the three of discovered cocaine at a party, you and Eloise were more weekend or bi-weekend doers. Lucy, though, who’d grown up troubled and surrounded by the stuff, fell in head first. Lucy was always talking about the three of you opening up a bar together, naming it The Lucky Horseshoe, and living together in an apartment nearby.
And then that was the dream, you and Eloise stopped doing coke and fought to get and keep Lucy clean, which got more difficult with each relapse, until eventually Lucy went in over her head and you and Eloise found her face down in her own throw up.
After that, you and Eloise stuck true to your promise, saving up money and moving to Lucy’s hometown of Laredo, Texas to open the bar. She always talked about missing Laredo, so with her ashes, given as she didn’t have any family left besides the two of you, you went to Laredo and bought a small bar. Originally you were going to call it Lucy’s Horseshoe. But when you got the sign it had said Lucky Horseshoe, and considering that was what Lucy had wanted to name it, it stuck.
You and Eloise often worked together on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays since they were your busiest days of the week, one of you typically able to handle it during the week. Of course, it wasn’t perfect, drunk assholes were drunk assholes whether you owned the bar or not, they tended not to care if they were shitfaced enough. Which is why you were trying to politely tell this guy you weren’t interested, but he wasn’t getting the hint.
“Cmon, doll. When you gonna let me take you out, huh?” Don was a regular, every Friday at 8pm he came in and sat in the same stool until close, desperately trying to hit on you. “I don’t date patrons, Don. Besides, you’re drunk.” Don waved his hand at you with a grunt. “‘M tipsy. There’s a difference.” You made a face while you had your back turned, pouring him a glass of water and sitting it down. “Why don’t you drink some water and I’ll call you a cab.”
“Or c’n jus’ take me to your place. Show you a real good time.” You sighed heavily. “What’s the matter? You got a boyfriend or somethin’?” He scoffed, apparently finally agitated with your constant ‘no’s. “No- I don’t have a boyfriend-“ “girlfriend?” “No.” “Husband? Fiancé? Situationship? Anythin’ holdin’ ya down?”
“No, Don, I don’t.” “Then what’s the fuckin’ problem?” Don scoffed and you rubbed your hand against your leg. “… I’m just not interested, Don? Okay? I didn’t want to hurt your feelings, you’re a nice guy.. you’re just not my type.” Don leaned back and looked absolutely scandalized by the idea that you couldn’t possibly be interested in him.
“Seriously?” You opened your mouth but he stood up and cut you off. “I come here every god damn Friday, talk to you, try to be a nice fucking guy and take you out for a good time and I’m not your type?” His jaw clenched. “Y’know- I wouldn’t be so god damn picky if I couldn’t see my whole body when I looked in a fucking mirror. Fat bitch.” He ripped his jacket off his chair and turned around, immediately being cracked in the face, stumbling back and then getting hit again, actually falling out this time as OH’s echoed around.
Javier had decided, since he’s been back home for about a year and he’s now settled back in, that tonight he’d go out and try to dip his toes back into the dating pool. There were no high hopes, really, tonight was mostly just to go out and get a feel for what the pool actually looked like. When Chucho suggested a new bar called Lucky Horseshoe, Javier had been skeptical, thinking maybe it was one of his dad’s old guy bars.
He was surprised to see a nicely decorated bar with great music and even better alcohol lined up behind the bar. He’d looked around, contemplating sitting at a table before deciding he’d sit at the bar, and then there was the choice of sitting on the right of the bar or the left. After two minutes of staring at the bar he decided to sit on your side.
After he sat he took that time to look around and really get a feel for his surroundings, the place was nicely decorated and a look above the alcohol showed him different photos of you, the other bartender, and a third girl, the name Lucy was written in the middle of all the pictures and he imagined the other side of the bar looked the same, a closer look at the backsplash for the alcohol would show the same type of deal, photos of a pretty blonde girl, some photos had you and in the other bartender but most were different photos of just the girl, Lucy he guessed.
He hadn't been sitting there long when you'd strolled up to him, probably about a minute, he ordered a whiskey dry and then you were being called over by a guy who was definitely wasted and probably shouldn't have anymore drinks.
He was having a decent time, chatting up different women or talking about sports he couldn't care much for with guys that sat around him, just getting to know people rather than trying to get to know them. He’d picked up on the conversation a bit, keeping himself tuned in when he picked up on the guy’s persistence.
The guy barely had his insult out before Javier was standing up and walking over. He waited for him to turn around and immediately grabbed his collar with one hand, and hit him square in the nose with the other. He let go of his shirt and watched him stumble before hitting him again, watching him fall to the ground. “Fuck! Dude! I think you broke my fucking nose!” He yelled, blood pouring onto his shirt as he held his face.
“Someone should teach you how to speak to women.” Javier grabbed his collar and yanked him up. “What kind of idle-minded, pathetic Hijo de puta son of a bitch do you have to be to hit on a woman, and then talk shit about her body when she says no?” He growled, turning him and shoving him to the door, taking a step towards him as the kid, Javier could tell now he really was just some kid, probably just turned old enough to drink, way too boyish to go after a woman like you. He stumbled back a bit, holding his nose. “Now get the fuck out of here before I break more than your god damn nose.” He grabbed the guys blazer-gross-off the back of the chair he’d been sitting at and threw it in his face.
His friends, who were smart enough to stay out of the fight, helped their friend out of the bar, yelling that they’d just lost their business, though he figured it wouldn’t be missed very much. Javier found himself following behind them, standing just outside the door as he watched them get into their car and peel away.
He was just about to go back in, make sure you were alright, when he quite literally slammed into you just as you were stumbling out of the bar, holding in your own tears. "Shit- I'm sorry." You stepped away from him and he shook his head. "My fault, I wasn't paying much attention." He looked down at you and cleared his throat. "Are you alright?"
You nodded quickly, npt looking him in the eye as you felt the tears start to well up. You always put. on a brave face when people talked about your body, pretended like it didn't bother you, you'd grown up with the comments so at this point you should be desensitized to them. Yet, still, the comments always bothered you, the backhanded compliments about your clothing from skinny female patrons who had frat boys hanging off their shoulders, "innocently" agreeing with their weekly snatch.
"I'm fine." He didn't seem to believe you, though, his brows furrowing before he gently grabbed your hand. "Come on." He guided you over to pnce of the benches outside the bar and pulled his cigarettes from his pocket. You watched him curiously, waiting for him to say something as he put a cigarette between his lips and extended the pack for you to take one, you hesitantly took one and mumbled a soft thank you.
He didn't say anything, though, just put his pack away and lit the cigarette dangling between his lips before reaching his lighter out to light yours. Now that you were actually near him, silent, with no patrons keeping you from admiring him- he really was handsome. A prominent nose with laugh lines crinkling around his dark brown eyes as the flame of the lighter flickered in front of his face.
You looked away from him, though. Just because he punched a guy for body-shaming you, doesn't mean he's interested, he likely doesn't want you ogling him while he's just trying to smoke his cigarette. "Um... why did I have to... sit here?" You asked after a moment. He looked at you and shrugged. "Figured eventually you'd give up the lie and admit that you're not okay."
You blinked rapidly and looked over at him. "Excuse me?" He sighed and leaned forward a bit. "You're not okay." He shrugged a little. "You don't have to be, but... That guys a prick, alright? Shouldn't listen to him." You frowned a little as you pulled your cigarette from your lips, slowly exhaling the smoke from your lungs before letting out a soft laugh. "I don't even know your name and you expect me to just pour my heart out to you?"
You had to admit it seemed inticing, telling him everything that bothered you, because it felt like he wanted to listen, like he wanted you to tell him every little thing that entered your mind. "Javier Peña." You looked down at the hand thrusted towards you and looked back up at him before slowly taking it and telling him your name. He repeated it a time or two and the way it sounded on his tongue made the bottom of your stomach burn.
Peña... that name sounded familiar... "Is your dad Chucho?" You asked curiously, brows furrowed as he widened his eyes. ".. yes. Chucho is my dad." He chuckled. "Didn't realize he was on a first name basis." "Oh, yeah. Chucho's an angel." You laughed softly and sniffled. "So- you're the famous Javi he goes on and on about."
"God- he doesn't." "He does. You should meet mi hijo Javier, he always says." You laughed softly. "He's very proud of you, he loves you a lot." "Uh-huh. What else does he say about me?" You hummed softly. "Sorry, I've been sworn to secrecy." "Oh, have you?" "Oh, yeah. It was a whole thing." Javier snorted a little and shook his head. "Right. So.. he comes here a lot, then?" You nodded. "Definitely. i mean, you don't have to worry about him he really doesn't drink much, I think he just likes the company."
He nodded and took a drag from his cigarette, choking on it with your next sentence. "i also think he really likes talking you up." He coughed violently and looked at you with furrowed brows. "What?" You nodded. "Mhm. Always talking about what a good man you are, how him and your mama taught you how to properly treat a lady. He's had to tell Don off a time or two before." Huh... well played, Chucho.
The old man sure knew how to formulate a plan- and kill two birds with one stone. He knew Don would be there, knew he would bother you, and of course he knew his son would step in and save the day, and if you and Javier just so happened to hit off, then he could stop worrying so much about him.
"Mm I see." Javier nodded. "Well- thanks for letting him hang around." You shook your head with a laugh. "He's sweet, I was more than happy to keep him around." You said happily. Javier chuckled softly and nodded. "Still. Thank you."
You were quiet for a while, the two of you smoking your cigarettes as you glanced at Javier from the corner of your eye. "... thank you for what you did." Javier looked at you and shook his head. "Don't thank me. No one should be spoken to that way." You chewed on your lip. "I should be used to it now, really. I've heard shit like that so much..." "But it hurts anyway." He said softly, making you nod as you reached up to wipe your eye as tears started to slip again.
"Don't cry, mi diosa curvilínea." my curvaceous goddess. He whispered softly, reaching up to swipe under the opposite eye slowly. You laughed lightly and sniffled as you looked up at him. "Well Chucho was right about you being a real flatterer." Javier chuckled softly and tossed his cigarette to the side before taking yours and tossing it in the same direction. "I'm serious."
His other hand came up to cup both of your cheeks. "You shouldn't let a Pendejo like that make you upset. He's not worth it." He rubbed his thumbs along your cheeks. "A silly little boy who resorts to tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants. You're too much woman for him, anyway, he wouldn't know what to do with una diosa like yourself." You felt your cheeks warm up under his hands, a slow grin stretched across his face. "Now- do you think your friend would let you go for the night?"
"W-what?" Javier chuckled. "Would she let you leave? There's nto very many places open at this time of night but a woman such as yourself should be wined and dined- or at least dined." You laughed lightly. "Who says i wanna be 'wined and dined' by you?" You asked curiously.
Obviously you did, you really did, watching Javier knock out Don had started a stur in your belly and the longer you sat there with him the warmer it got, the tighter it pulled. But still, you couldn't just fall right in line, you didn't want him to think you were some kinda whore, especially not after Chucho's told you all kinds of admirable things about him.
Javier tilted his head a bit, his finger running down your cheek and along your bottom lip. "Do you?" He asked softly, his eyes searching over your face before settling on yours. You swallowed thickly and slowly started to nod. "I-I'll be right back." You stood up quickly and stumbled back towards the door, your cheeks burning as you spun around and went inside quickly, over to Eloise.
"Eloise. You know i love you and I would do the same thing for you in a heartbeat- can i please leave with that beautiful, beautiful man outside." Eloise looked up from the glass she was cleaning and widened her eyes. "You whore!" She gasped before looking around at the nearly empty bar. "I can totally handle this. Go, go, go. You deserve it- and I expect all the details tomorrow morning." You nodded rapidly. "Yes, obviously. Okay i have to go now thank you so much and wish me luck with Chucho's son."
As you were grabbing your coat and practically sprinting from the bar, you heard her screech. THAT'S CHUCHO'S SON?! When you stepped out you saw Javier looking at you with raised brows, chuckling softly. "So.. I'm famous around the bar?" You laughed and shrugged. "I told you, Chucho is very, very proud to have you as a son... as he should be."
Javier chuckled and shook his head a little as he started guiding you to his truck. "Whatever you say, Diosa." He looked at you curiously when you stopped. "What about my car?" You looked over towards the run down beamer and he chuckled. "It'll be fine here, I'll bring you back for it in the morning."
You were a little hesitant, your brain momentarily making you consider the fact that this man was very obviously capable, and that going off alone in a car with a man you didn't know was a very bad decision. But something about his eyes, his pouty lips, made you nod your head and smile at him. "Yeah I-I can just come back for it tomorrow." He nodded and guided you towards his truck, opening the passemger door for you to get in.
The diner was small, warm enough you had to take off your jacket, but not so warm that you were sweating. Javi was sitting in front of you, his elbows pressed against the table. "So I know you're not from Laredo." You laughed and nodded.
"No. No I'm not." "So, where are you from, then?" He asked, you were waiting on your food so you didn't have to worry about a waiter coming over to take your orders. "Las Vegas." Javier's eyebrows shot up to his hairline. "Vegas? Really?" "Oh, yeah." “How was that?” “Not that exciting, honestly.” You laughed softly and he chuckled.
“Yeah I guess all the drunk gamblers get annoying.” “God and it’s worse if you’re a woman with tits.” You rolled your eyes. “I swear, men get drunk and they think every woman with a pulse wants-“ you blinked rapidly as if realizing you were shit talking men- to a man. “Sorry.”
Javier shook his head. “Don’t be. I’m guilty of the same- except usually the women I come onto actually are into me.” He chuckled softly. “Pretty easy to tell when a woman’s not interested- if you have a couple brain cells to rub together.”
You laughed and shook your head. “Think Laredo might be missing a few.” “Probably.” Javier laughed and nodded.
“So- Chucho suggested the bar but… didn’t say anything about it?” He shook his head. “Nope.” He chuckled. “Said it’d be a good scene for me to go to.” You hummed and nodded slowly. “Guess he was right.” He added. You felt your cheeks warm up as you looked up at him, chewing on your lip lightly. “Huh?”
“Good scene.” Javier chuckled and shrugged a little. “Minus the whole having to punch a guy.” He hummed. You opened your mouth and tilted your head. “I’m sorry I’m-I’m a little lost now.”
Javier laughed softly. “I went out because I’ve been back for almost a year and I still haven’t talked to anyone- female or otherwise.” “He thinks you’re lonely.” Javier shrugged. “He’s not wrong.” He sighed. “I have been a little lonely.”
You raised a brow. “Really?” He nodded. “Yeah.” He sighed heavily. “My partner at work is… my only friend. As depressing as that sounds.” You blinked rapidly. “Oh… well I know how you feel. I don’t have many friends. Eloise and Chucho, really.” He nodded. “How come?”
You hummed and shrugged a little. “I guess I don’t… like most people honestly.” You laughed softly. “I can be around other people but eventually my social battery just runs out.” “But you’re a bartender.” You nodded. “You’d be surprised how little people actually pay attention to their bartender.” He hummed and nodded like he understood.
You sat and talked with him for what must’ve been two hours, not leaving until the waitress came around to give you your bill and send you on your way so she could close up and go home. You’d gotten closer in the time you were there, Javier eventually moving to sit next to you on your side of the booth, playing with the ends of your hair or the collar of your shirt as you talked quietly with eachother.
And now, you and Javier were back at your apartment, both agreeing you’d rather finish your night somewhere his dad wouldn’t hear. Eloise had even texted you to say she’d stay the night with her girlfriend Cheyenne rather than going home when the bar closed.
You knew Javier was attracted to you at this point, hell you were just as attracted to him. But that didn’t stop the anxiety you felt building in your stomach as you sat on your couch, gripping a beer bottle tightly in your hands as Javier looked at you, leaned back against your couch. You weren’t ever really insecure about your size, but every once in a while the harsh words would get to you and you’d be left floundering for the confidence that once radiated.
“Come here, Diosa.” He said softly, holding his hand out to you. “You’re so far away. Me siento solo aquí.” I’m lonely over here. You felt your cheeks warm up and hesitated before grabbing his hand and sliding closer to him on the couch. “Are you… sure you-” “don’t be silly.” Javier chuckled softly and leaned forward to set his beer down before grabbing yours and sitting it down also.
“I’m not a little boy, Hermosa.” He turned to you and brought his knee up onto the couch so he could look at you head on. “You’re all woman.” He hummed happily and licked his lips slowly. “And I don’t shy away from a woman like you.” He kissed your cheek lightly, and then your neck. “Just more to love, hold, kiss.” He mumbled softly before bumping his nose against yours. “But if you’re not up to it we don’t have to do anything. Just sit here and talk.”
You looked up into his eyes and blinked rapidly, chewing on your bottom lip before you leaned in and kissed him quickly. He hummed, happily kissing you back as one hand cupped your cheek and the other curled around your back and pulled you closer to him.
It wasn’t long before you were laid back on your bed, looking up at Javier in nothing but your bra and panties as he ran his eyes over you. You felt yourself getting shy again, shifting and moving your hands to cover your stomach. Javier was quick to grab your wrists, though, gently tugging your hands above your head. “Don’t.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your neck before making his way down, stopping briefly to press kisses and slide his tongue along your stretch marks, making you shift and your face and neck heat up.
“Eres hermosa, Diosa, no necesitas cubrirte. Demasiado hermosa para eso.” You are beautiful, Diosa, you don't need to cover yourself. Too beautiful for that. He whispered as he got between your legs, looking up towards you as he slid your panties off. You swallowed thickly and mumbled a shy thank you as he tugged your panties off and tossed them to the side, groaning at the sight of you, wet and pretty and waiting. “Been wondering all night what she looked like- tasted like. Gonna let me taste, Diosa?” He looked up at you again, brown eyes big and pleading and how could you say no to that?
You gave him a rapid nod, shifting as you spread your legs further. “Please.” You whimpered softly, chewing on your lip as he grinned before he was diving down. He started with gentle kisses pressed to your labia before spreading them and pressing a kiss to your clit. Your eyelids fluttered and your head fell back as you moaned softly.
You’d been with quite a few men, but it had been a while so you were feeling a little desperate. When his tongue reached out and slid through you, you gasped and moaned a little louder, tangling your fingers in his hair as he started massaging your clit with his tongue, moaning against you as his eyes closed.
He let go of your labia so they closed around his mouth as he sucked on your clit, one of his hands traveling down to prod lightly at your hole before guiding two of his fingers into you slowly. Your back arched and your grip on his hair tightened as you shuddered and moaned, pressing down on his fingers. “Javi..” you chewed on your lip as he started fucking you steadily with his fingers, his other hand coming up to play with your breast and twist your nipple.
He hummed against you, massaging your clit as he sucked on it, his hips pressing into the mattress as he started moaning. “Joder, qué bien sabes, Diosa. Tomando mis dedos tan bien, también.” Fuck, you taste so good, Diosa. Taking my fingers so well, too. He pulled away to speak, panting heavily as he pushed a third finger into you, licking his lips. You opened your mouth to speak but were cut off with a loud moan when he dove back in, curling his fingers directly into your gspot this time, massaging the bundle of nerves as he continued licking and sucking on your clit.
“Fuck- Javi- Javi please.” You whimpered, tugging on his hair as you looked down at him, lip trembling. Javi hummed against you and pulled away again. “Please what, sweetheart? Hm?” He asked softly, pressing a kiss to your thigh as he continued fucking you with his fingers.
“Necesito que me folles, Javi. Quiero tanto que me folles...” I need you to fuck me, Javi. I want you to fuck me so bad... you begged him, whimpering softly. “Please.”
Javi hummed softly and kissed your cheek gently. “You’re so pretty when you’re begging.” He teased, sliding up to kiss you softly, slipping his tongue into your mouth and letting you taste yourself, which wasn’t something you cared much for in the past, but when it mixed with Javi’s saliva it had you trembling.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been going at this point, but the sun was coming up and you’d only stopped once for about ten minutes to get water and catch your breath. You didn’t think it was possible for you to cum anymore at this point but you could feel that familiar coil building up again. You’d lost count of how many times you’d cum.
“J-Javi-“ your voice was hoarse, wrecked and scratchy from screaming his name for so long. Now, though, he was pushing into you ever so gently, grinding his hips at the end of every thrust. “What, Diosa? Gonna cum again? Hm?” He purred softly, pressing harder into you. “Can feel it. She’s squeezing me so hard, baby. Just begging me to stay right here so she can drench me so good again.” He nuzzled your neck, his own voice gruff and raw as he moaned.
You were even more surprised with Javier’s ability to cum so much, not nearly as much as you but definitely more than you’d expect a man to be able to do in a matter of hours. As soon as his hand reached down, pressing just enough into your overly sensitive clit to have you screaming his name and cumming hard around him, your legs shaking and tightening around him as your nails dug into his sweaty back.
Javier groaned and started fucking into you more frantically, hands gripping your hips tightly as he groaned and huffed into your neck, offering a few more sloppy thrusts before spilling into the third condom he’s worn since you started, groaning weakly into your neck as his muscles trembled, breathing heavily.
You laid there for a moment, catching your breath before Javier slowly slid out and fell next to you. He panted heavily and slid the condom off, tossing it into your trashcan with the others. “… holy shit.” You whispered softly, swallowing thickly as Javier chuckled and pulled you close.
“We’ll get up soon to clean up and shower. Pretty sure neither of us can walk right now.” “I’d fucking say. How the hell did you do that?” You looked at him wide eyed as he furrowed his brows curiously. “What do you mean?” “Javi- you came like four times- we used three condoms.” Javier shrugged a little. “Happens when you have a sexy ass girl underneath you.”
Your cheeks warmed up and you shook your head shyly as he gripped your ass and kissed your neck. “Take a little nap. I’ll wake you up soon.” He promised. “This is my house.” “Yeah, well, I’m a cop and I’ll arrest you.” “You can’t arrest me for not taking a nap.” “Failure to cooperate with law enforcement is against the law.” You huffed and pushed his face away before laying your head on his chest. “I should thank Chucho when I get home later.” You heard him mumble before the sleep took over your mind, leaving you unable to respond.
You’d have to thank him yourself, maybe bake him some of those cookies he liked so much. And then you’ll shame him for not warning you that his son was that damn charismatic. Or telling you how to contact him sooner.
I hope you enjoyed this! Been working a lot lately but I was finally able to finish it!
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anpanman95 · 8 months
God DO I have things to say about this one here…
Last Twilight: why Day’s character is a major RED FLAG 🚩🚩🚩
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DISCLAIMER: I do not have anything against him as an actor. He’s a beautiful sweet talented cutie pie that is doing such an amazing job it causes me to hate the motherfluffing guts of this character.
To make this easier I’ve broken down this to five points.
Day’s personality sucks: first of all, he is a rich, spoiled child (I hope all of us agree on this one) who’s clearly full of himself, and only cares about himself. This is demonstrated in several ways, but the most blatant one is in how he believes that his tragedy is the worst possible scenario anyone could be in, and fails to have a single ounce of empathy for anyone around him unless, of course, it has to do something with him. Yes. What happened to him was horrific, and traumatizing, but he is not the only human being in the world who has problems. Which brings me to my next point.
Having a disability does not give you the right to be an asshole. “Oh but every person deals with their own stuff differently” Honey, no. The whole point is that having a disability does not make you any less than any other human being. Question: Doesn’t Day want for people to stop feeling pity for him? to not treat him differently?. Well guess what darling: that implies you also still have to be and function like a decent person. Yes, again, I’m very sorry about what he has to go through, which is a horrible and unexpected experience, and I could never imagine what that’s like, but literally no one in his life wished this upon him. He acts as if everyone around him is to be blamed for what happened.
Spoiled part 2: He has a roof over his head. A fancy one might I add. He lives comfortably. He has healthy, unlimited food, done by a professional chef, might I add AGAIN, and he does not appreciate his family and what they do for him, not even once. Does he not understand that his life could be much, much worse? I’m not saying he can’t be angry or depressed or deal with his trauma however he needs to be able to heal, but there’s a difference that he doesn’t seem to understand: being angry at a situation that is out of anyone’s control, and being angry or directing that anger to people who just want to help. Which brings me to my last two points:
Day’s crappy behavior towards his family: Lets start with the mother. She is, of course somewhat at fault for what Day has to go through. But only because she is being unreasonably overprotective, something that could have been solved anyway without Day being an absolute prick about it. (Also pick one of your children to give all your love and attention to and abandon the other? what is wrong with you). Now to his brother Night. Oh God. I don’t think you understand how angry I was when Day said “I forgive you for everything”. Bitch what the f? Forgive Night? for treating him like absolute garbage, as if he had never been your own brother? Like he planned the whole fiasco? He gets mad after the accident because his brother TRIES TO CHANGE for the BETTER. And accuses him from TRYING TO STEAL THE GOOD SON TITLE FROM HIM??! Be for real bitch. This circles back to point one: He only cares about himself. Night has been traumatized almost as much as Day because of the accident. It is obvious he blames himself and probably will never forgive himself fully for what happened. On top of that he gets an awful mother and brother? Nah. Count me out. I would have resigned from that family and go live with beautiful sweet Porjai to a small village and never be contacted by those people again.
Mhok: Oh dear. Oh dear. He is literally the greenest of green flags out there. Sure. He’s a little volatile. Sure, he has done violent things. But he would have NEVER hurt Day or any of their friends/family. My boy was just trying to do his job, cause, mind you, HE HAS NO MONEY OR FAMILY TO SUPPORT HIM LIKE YOU DO, DAY. The money and family you disrespect every single day. And what the f with telling him what to do with his life? Who the f do you think you are? Mr. Righteous? Mr. Perfect? More like Mr. Red Flag 101. Day basically broke Mhok’s heart because Mhok didn’t want to be away from him. So, first of all, I don’t believe for a second Mhok’s intentions were out of pity. Maybe they came from a place of WORRY and a little bit out of infatuation because he liked him so much and didn’t want to be away from him. But never pity. EVEN SO. IF Mhok felt “pity” for Day, the correct thing to do, as two fluffing functioning adults, is to TALK. Why did you have to go and tell him all this horrible things just so he’d leave? Why not tell him you’re proud of him, and ENCOURAGE HIM to take the job, ENSURE that it’ll work out between you? But nooooo, Mr. Red Flag had to go and break his heart cause he lacks basic decency and human empathy, only for Mhok, bless his heart, to come back after three years AND FOR SOME REASON, still manage to be in love with this awful person. And he tells him no? Break his heart all over again only for Mhok to have enough emotional intelligence for the both of them to actually come back after YOU GAVE UP ON SEARCHING FOR HIM AT THE AIRPORT LIKE A WEAK MEDIOCRE BI— ugh. If I were Mhok I’d gone and kicked his sorry ass and married a handsome Hawaiian.
Also Day only coming to his senses after his mother tells him THE MOST OBVIOUS THING THERE IS.
“Oh Mother what was that? Loving means taking risks? It’s all about trust? and communication? Oh my, that would have never crossed my mind because I am such an idiot. Thank you mom I’ll go look for the love of my life now because you told me so”
like seriously what is up with these boys and their mommy issues? I swear the exact same thing happened in Hidden Agenda. Bro.
I love P’Aof, and his work. Loved Bad Buddy, loved Moonlight Chicken. I had super high expectations of this and, overall, the show is good. But I simply did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would, and it’s all because I couldn’t sympathize with one of the main characters.
In conclusion:
Fluff you Day, you do not deserve Mhok. sorry p’Aof I love you and will continue to support you until the very end.
oof. I needed to rant this out. don’t yell at me please I cry easily.
peace out!
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saucerfulofsins · 3 months
Same anon as before, and wow, you really get it.
And I know we can’t really say for certain what he was meaning in those interviews…he seemed pretty scattered, and maybe he was coming off a certain way and we’re just reading it wrong. But I really don’t think so.
Judging from the stuff people found from his older social media days, he seems like a pretty misogynistic guy, and that typically goes hand in hand with being homophobic and a bigot. That’s just a fact.
I think it’s shitty for him to take a job playing a character that he in his real life would most likely want nothing to do with, but I guess if the money is right someone like that will do whatever.
My husband clocked it immediately and said, “oh this man is way too much of an asshole to play a gay man, he’s hating this.” And I was like, so you see it too??? I guess it wasn’t just my Buddie obsessed brain running into overdrive.
I think it’s a shame because Oliver clearly put so much care into playing a bi character and that meant so much to me as a bi person. Oliver did everything perfectly and is so sweet and gentle about it, and he got stuck with such a creep to do his scenes with. I just hope it’s over soon.
Yeah, so... like I said in the tags on my previous response, I know a lot of guys who aren't homophobic. Like, "will kiss other guys for fun" and "are open to the possibility of being attracted to/falling in love with a man" not-homophobic. (Also, these men are distinct from bicurious because they know they aren't into men).
And LFJ's interview read as the opposite. You know how sometimes people with no knowledge still sound like they're at least accepting, in their own way? This sounds like someone with minimal knowledge trying to pass as accepting. And he's failing.
Even if things are coming off wrong, I think it's pretty egregious that someone who is a professional actor doesn't interview well at all, as well as nobody who wants him portrayed positively stopping the release of this interview. I don't think ABC needs him to be a shining light of representation (I don't think they WANT him to be at this point, the interview matches the vibes in the deleted scene), but his agency not taking measures here is fucking weird.
But yeah. It's the while package isn't it? The egocentrism, the focus on masculine masculinity and being cool, the misogyny he doesn't even CLOCK (sorry but why did Hen have to prove herself BECAUSE shes a woman?), the whole "lgbt spectrum" thing (huerk red flag), the trump support, racism etc etc on top of the uhh nepo baby vibes all of which just fucking send me. So much of this ISNT difficult!
And like yeah, actually Oliver is the opposite end of the... for lack of a better word, spectrum. He uses the word bisexual! He's doing this with a very clear intention, he's very open about Buck, and I'll be honest, I find it VERY refreshing. I know some younger actors (late teens/early 20s) have been cool about queerness, but having someone my actual age have these takes is... very healing, I won't lie. Because there definitely is a big difference in those 10 years and how we grew up?
But yeah, I can't imagine Tommy staying on the show. The fact he was meant to stay for 4 is kinda telling to begin with, and I personally wouldn't be surprised if they leaned into LFJ's creep vibes to aid Tommy's characterization. That's interesting because LFJ doesn't seem to realize any of that which... very telling! Very limited!! Tommy and Buck aren't very close, but for me, his absence during Chim's bachelor party is VERY telling. There's no reason Tommy had to leave, from a writer's perspective. That emergency was fake. It wouldn't have taken much of LFJ's time to be at those shoots, especially considering he was there for some of it anyway. And the party was important to Buck!!!! (Eddie looked so bitchy! The Buddie couple costume to hammer their pairing home! Etc).
So yeah. I fully believe it will be over soon, because there's just nothing there and besides LFJ and a handful of fans, I haven't seen any full support for the pairing... least of all from the show. He's as flat as flat characters come, a complete stereotype, and that for a show that rests predominantly on its characters! It's pretty damning, actually.
I guess what I'm hoping for is Tommy showing up a couple more times, Buck realising Tommy's hella toxic AND recognising his own patterns, breaking up with him, and figuring out not just what bisexuality really means to him but also the kind of relationship BUCK wants (versus someone else prompting Buck/falling for ONE aspect of him and never seeing the rest). He deserves that much, above everything else, and I don't think Tommy is leaving ANY room for that (possibly the least of all his relationships) .
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scarfacemarston · 10 months
Legit Question
I'm not trying to start arguments and I know I sound crazy. I'm so sorry. I'm ashamed to have the thought, but it just popped into my head and I just want someone logical. If an actor plays mostly assholes and villains, do you ever wonder about them as a person? I know it's just pretend and it's a job, but I'm genuinely curious if it ever makes you wonder what they're like in real life. I've loved Sebastian Stan since Captain America the First Avenger. I love his early work in Political Animals, Kings, and some others from that era. He's the face claim for my OC I've had for like...4 years, but he seriously plays almost nothing but assholes and or villains. Like legit so many abusers. I AM NOT SAYING HE'S ABUSIVE AND NEVER WOULD. I am not saying he's legit a killer or anything crazy like that. That would be wild. I am saying, do you all think there is a connection between actors and the roles they play? As in a darkness or creep factor or something like that. Like there are a lot of roles in that person's filmography? And there are other examples in the world of acting, too! Am I thinking too much about it? I don't know him in real life, to be fair and no one else does. I don't want to know him or any other celeb. Maybe he just likes challenging roles? IDK. But it's making me wonder if I should change his face claim. I've essentially written a book length thing about a character with his appearance in mind. It's been bothering me. I've been getting some creepy vibes because of it. Do people get normal good vibes from him? (Knowing again that we don't know him.) I know I'll probably separate Bucky and Sebastian Stan at this point, but that's kind of hard to do. Again, I do not hate him. I don't know him. To explain my craziness: I'm Romanian so I legit get shit about Sebastian Stan every time someone finds out I'm from there so it's impossible to escape for good or for bad. Sometimes it's cool things sometimes it's not. To be fair, I think that's why this bothers me? People hate Romanians so much and I've been called horrible names like g^psy, been stopped by police for no reason, been nearly denied entry into places like the UK, told to go home back to my country, I'm stealing jobs etc. There's been a lot of shame being Romanian So I think that's why it feels a little more personal as far as who represents Romania. At the same time, I understand the idea of someone representing a country maynot be fair, but that's kind of how it is? I guess I just want the world to have like....one good Romanian example. I know I sound crazy, but I'm genuinely curious.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Could I request a lemon x wife!reader were he doesn’t know she’s working the same job as him nor her being an assassin in general and he finds out once they’ve crossed paths?
I’m just now getting into bullet train fics and I’m now starving over here😭
IVE NEVER REALLY WRITTEN FOR LEMON SO IM SO HAPPY I CAN DO THIS THANK YOU ANON 🤭I always make the reader ladybugs partner because it’s such a funny dynamic
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“Shut up.” You whisper yelled to your partner, ladybug.
“You shut up!” He sassed back.
You narrowed your eyes at him, which made him mutter a small “sorry” and shut up.
You furrowed an eyebrow as you looked in the hall.
“That’s literally my fucking… brother in law.” You mumbled, and you both hid in a small space while he entered the room, talking on the phone.
Somehow, you both had managed to get not caught and go the opposite direction.
“Holy shit. My brother in law- my husbands brother is literally working for the white death. I can’t hurt my brother in law!” You grabbed Ladybugs shoulders, shaking them.
He raised his eyebrows and grabbed your shoulders instead, looking into your eyes.
“We’re not hurting anyone. We are getting the fuck off this train.” He said, trying his best to calm you down.
“Yeah. Yeah. You’re right.” You nodded, and you both walked, talking some.
That’s when you walked straight into someone when you looked the other way.
“Oh. Shit I’m so sorry s…” your words stopped when you looked at the man, the man looked at you with wide eyes.
He said your name, it came out as more of a question.
“Uh.. Brian.”
He looked at Ladybug, and back to you.
(I always go off the actors names if they don’t have one, like lemon and tangerine, you can imagine it as something else if you want)
That’s when he attacked ladybug, practically pouncing on him and choking him.
“Stop! Stop! He’s my partner!” You shouted, Brian stopped, looking back at you again.
“Seriously? This asshole?!” He shouted at you, nodding his head at ladybug trapped underneath him. Ladybug regaining his air.
“Okay. Okay. I get you’re mad, but you lied too!”
He sighed heavily, shaking his head.
“You’re right. I shoulda’ told you.”
“Hey, I think some marriage counseling would really help-“ ladybug said, still trapped underneath Lemon.
“Shut it.” You both said at the same time.
“Jeez, I guess that’s why you both get along.” He mumbled to himself.
“I’m sorry for lying.” He said after a while of silence.
“I’m sorry.” You said.
“You both needa get the fuck off this train.” He stood up, staring at you now.
“What? Are you being serious right now?”
“Serious. It’s dangerous, and I swear to god if something happened to you-“
“It won’t.” You cut in.
“Jus’ get off the train-“
“No way.”
“Yes way, come on.” Ladybug grabbed your hand, which you pulled away and turned back to lemon.
“I’m not leaving without you.”
“I’m not leaving without Tangerine.”
“Who?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“My brother.”
“Oh, Aa-“
“Yeah, that’s the one.” He cut you off.
“So what’s your nickname?” You asked.
“Oh, mines Lemon.”
“So, Lemon and tangerine-“
“Like the fruit, yeah, yeah, okay can we please go?” Ladybug groaned.
“If your staying I’m staying.” You argued.
Lemon groaned, looking at the ceiling and then back at you.
“Your too stubborn, you know?”
“You love me.”
“Mm. I do.”
The doors closed, and Ladybug groaned and complained while you both kissed.
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
could you do a fic where the reader goes to one of Aidan's events with him and she's really socially anxious so he stays close to her and there's so many people talking to/taking pictures of Aidan and she experiences some sensory overload and Aidan can tell she's upset and later he apologizes for the amount of people there and they cuddle? you don't have to if you don't want to, thanks!
Twisted fingers
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Pairing: Aidan Gallagher x fem reader
Summary: you attempt to go with Aidan to his event only to see that the light of fame isn't for you at all…
Word count: 1'310
Warning: panic attack, social anxiety, paparazzi are assholes
Universe: famous boyfriend?
A/n: I'm honestly so glad to see a request for Aidan. He deserves more love and less hate. He's an amazing actor and he does great as five Hargreeves in tua. So thank you for the request. I hope you like it, I mixed up what you asked for a bit though I'll be honest. ♡
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He knew how bad this was. He'd never put you in a position like this but you wanted to be supportive. All the other celebrities' girlfriends we're and so you went. See Aidan's career had its ups and downs like all of them and unfortunately that meant hate and love.
He'd been called scary looking and told he couldn't sing so your support was everything to him even if he wouldn't say it. you came first, that's just how Aidan was as a boyfriend. You could feel your heart locked in your chest and you tried to ignore it.
"You don't have to do this. I won't be upset I promise," Aidan announced from behind you, leaned against the wall as they sized you up for the dress to match his look. You fixed a hopefully convincing smile on your face.
"I'm going Aidan you're always supporting me and I should do the same. plus my therapist says to try and do these things so I can break out of this fear." You inhaled as your voice quivered. Aidan moved from the wall taking steps towards you and you eyed him in the mirror. His green eyes seemed to be a tad bit lighter, they always were when he was around you. That made your heart swell seeing the little things change about him when he was around. "You're the best" he sighed "but just so you know I'm not gonna be upset if you can't take it. I'll be proud of you, remember that. Don't be afraid to come find me if we aren't close and it gets too much. I'll come to you," He promised, wrapping his arms around your waist as he looked at your reflection.
"Mr. Gallagher I know you love your girlfriend but I can't do my job with you trying to touch her right now," the stylist stated slightly glaring. Your cheeks blushed a bit as he released you moving back.
"I'll see you at the car" he called, pulling the door open to leave. You nodded before looking back at yourself.
“I just hope I'll be able to do this, no I can do this!”
The car ride consistencted of a hand on your thigh rubbing reassuringly across your dress that matched Aidan's black suit with the white undershirt. your look was more white than his but the stylist thought you should be wearing more white than black. The car came to a stop where the other cast members were arriving. You hesitated on the door handle looking at everyone outside, Aidan noticed locking your fingers with a squeeze to your hand.
"Hey can you take her-" he started only for you to interrupt.
"No!" The driver and Aidan looked at you.
"Baby if you want to go I understand it's fine,-"he begins
"No! It's not. I can't just keep turning around and running, I have to try at some point." you opened the door, stepping out before he could say anything facing towards the crowd and you begin to regret getting out without him…
The lights flashed blinding anything in your sight and they just kept coming before being followed up with questions. You pulled your hand up covering your face. You weren't sure how they did it [celebrities] with all these questions. who did you answer? How were they cool as cucumbers with so much flashing in their direction? Aidan made his way around the car wrapping his hand around you. He moved forward walking past all the paparazzi ignoring their questions with polite smiles and you tried to keep up in the uncomfortable heels you were wearing.
He makes his way to the carpet seeing the others. He smiled and hugged his friends and talked with them a bit. You could swear you were sweating on your dress and your heart only shook worse in it's cage as you thought about every little thing that could go wrong.
Did I put on enough deodorant?
Can they see the sweat on this black silk?
Before you knew it Aidan had been pulled away.
He gave you an apologetic look and you mouthed for him to go. It was his event of course he couldn't be by your side forever right? You tried to not look like you were bothered by the people around you, moving about and you hoped you looked normal.
Do I look normal?
Are people watching me and think I'm weird and stand out?
You were never big on smiling with teeth, you hadn't quite practiced enough for you to like it even though Aidan said you looked beautiful when you didn't try to hide your teeth when giggling or smiling. He always said you were beautiful.
"[Name] are you the reason Aidan and his ex broke up?"
"Did he cheat with you?"
"Are you the one who Forged into their love life like an obsessed fangirl after Aidan?"
"no it-it wasn't like that!" You snapped. For some reason when things affected you, you felt the need to rush and explain. Like your sentences were on a timer and if you didn't say what you had to you never would be able to. The problem was your voice seemed to fade in and out.
A Radio with a bad connection pissing off the listener, only now your voice was the radio and you were the listener. If that wasn't enough your skin trailed with goosebumps and shivered like it was cold out. Your breathing seemed to struggle almost as though it was blocked like water on a river stopped by Branches.
You tried to focus on it and tell yourself you needed to breathe but then you focused too much. You could feel the slow flow of air through your chest and the soft pressure on your lip as it released before all of sudden you didn't have enough air.
Submerged under water about to suffocate you begin to suck in the air in panic. Your eyes were wide in fear. Not only were you on the red carpet but the pictures continued. The flashing seemed to enhance the need to breathe but you had lost your balance when a hand, one that was familiar, caught you. You looked up seeing his Forest green eyes.
"That's it, just focus on me. look at me," Aidan said, shielding you from the greedy eyes of the paparazzi looking for a story.
He rested his hand on your knee giving you an encouraging look.
"You know what to do. Bring your knees to your chest and rest your Head against them." Doing as told Aidan gave you praises as he rubbed a hand on your back. Your breathing began to regulate and you shut your eyes, sighing.
"Aidan?" You called
"I wanna go home," you said, still not meeting his gaze.
He tilted your head up by the chin and a warm smile awaited you.
"Take my hand?" He says holding his hand out for you. You nod nervously standing.
"I'm so proud of you" he announced getting into the car. You look over puzzled but say thank you anyway cause the brunette to let out a laugh.
He pulls you closer wrapping an arm around so you're snuggled into his side as he kisses your forehead, then looks forward.
"I'm sorry about all of that," he inhales, letting out a very much weighted exhale.
"The parazzi are…" he trailed off trying to find the word
"Assholes?" You giggled.
"Yes," he laughs, squeezing you tighter.
"The pictures will be everywhere," you sigh, leaning in closer for some reason hoping this will erase the worries of tomorrow.
"I'll handle that" he promised and Aidan never broke his promises to you unless he had no choice, and sure enough when you got home Aidan made a phone call and you never saw an article about it anywhere.
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kteezy997 · 11 months
6 Months-Part Two// t.c.
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Warnings: coming off of a sedative, cursing, abduction, very very brief mention of violence and rape (not by Timothee!)
Mature 18+ readers only please!
A/N: It’s a bit long, so grab a snack or something while you read haha
The last thing Cameron could remember was walking down an alley, and she was faced with some stranger. That was it.
Now, she woke from a deep sleep in some strange room. It sunk in that she had been abducted, and she was nearly crippled with fear. She ached with anxiety. Who had taken her? What did they want?
Eventually, she was able to get up from the bed. She steadied herself on her feet. Her vision was almost totally blurred. She blinked over and over to try and see clearly. The room was rather large, with minimal, yet still inviting decor. She found the door and pounded on it ferociously with her fists.
Not long after she first hit the bedroom door, she saw footsteps in the crack of light underneath the door. Next, she heard keys being inserted and turning in the lock. She waited for the footsteps to go back the way they came, and then she cautiously opened the door.
It dawned on her that this house was enormous. She worried that she would get lost, but then again, she had no idea where she was, or where she was going. She ended up in a room with nice furniture and a grand fireplace. The warmth from the flames met her skin, and for a second, she felt a bit of comfort.
She looked up and stopped in her tracks at the sight of a movie poster framed on the wall. It was of the film Dune.
Timothee put Cameron in a chair nearby in the den. She had fainted.
She woke a few minutes later. She sunk back into the chair, trying to get as far from him as she could. "What the fuck is this? Why am I here?"
"You are not in any danger, okay? I need you to believe that. I do not wish to harm you. Please just let me explain things to you."
"Get to it, asshole." she said, trembling with anger.
Timothee stood up, taking a few steps, choosing his words precisely in his head before stopping in front of the bright, crackling fireplace.
"This past year has been mentally tormenting for me. I had a failed work venture, and worse, I lost my grandmother, who I loved more than anything in the world. Everything was just piling on top of one another, and I felt like a fucking ghost floating through my life." He inhaled sharply before his next statement, "But then I saw you. It was love at first sight. It was something I had never experienced before."
"I found out who you were," he continued, "and I read your books. I fell in love with the way your mind works, Cameron. You brought me back to life. And I don't want that to go away, ever. I needed to find a way to make you mine."
Cameron sat silently in the chair, listening to him, but not growing sympathetic in the slightest. "I'm not an object. You cannot own me. You think that just because you're some hot shit little actor with millions that you can kidnap me and then I'm all yours? No fucking way, you bastard." She spit venom with every syllable.
Timothee took note of her fierceness but was not yet deterred. "I didn't think that. Which is why I'm giving you the chance to fall in love with me. I won't force it. I want you to come to me on your own, because you want to."
"But I have my own life! My boyfriend will be looking for me, I have family and friends, I have a job! You can't do this; I don't need love from you."
"Hm," Timothee took his phone out of his pocket and after a few seconds, he showed the screen to Cameron. There were explicit photos of her boyfriend with other women. "He doesn't deserve you." he said plainly.
Tears rolled down Cameron's face. She didn't even realize she was crying. It was devasting knowing that her boyfriend had been cheating on her. But the more intense feeling was the hatred she had for the man in front of her. "Fuck off." she said, before launching out of the chair and running.
Timothee took off right after her, catching her in his arms, he said, "Cameron, I won't hurt you. I won't do anything without your permission. Not until you want me." He held her firmly as she struggled with him. "I'll do anything to make you fall in love with me."
He put his hand on her face, making her look at him. "You have six months. If you don't love me by then, I will let you go."
“Fuck you!” she grumbled, running away from him again.
She made it further this time, as he was caught off guard. But his damn long legs made it easy for him to catch up and stop her.
“You should stop this.” he warned. “You don’t even know where you are. You don’t know your way around this house.” He put her up against the wall, holding her there and string dead into her fiery eyes. “I swear on my grandmother that you are more than safe. You will be taken care of.”
“My family will be looking for me.” she huffed.
“We got your phone, we let everyone close to you know that you’ve accepted a job offer in L.A., a six-month trial. You will get your phone and laptop back when the time is right.”
Cameron pushed him away, “Who is we?”
“I have people.” Timothée said.
“Mr. Chalamet, your meeting is in just a few minutes.”
They both looked over at the woman who entered the room without either of them knowing.
"Cam, this is my assistant. She will be here to help you if you need anything." Timothee said.
She was quick to speak back, "It's Cameron, I'm not a five-year-old, do not call me Cam."
Timothee grinned at Cameron, then looked at his assistant, "Take her back to her room. She needs some more rest."
Timothee departed, and the assistant said, "Okay, let's go, Miss Reese."
Cameron rolled her eyes, turning and walking in the direction in which she was being led. "You're a woman helping a man imprison another woman. How could you do that? Especially in this day and age?"
"Oh, I wouldn't think of it like a prison at all. Mr. Chalamet isn't a violent or malicious person. He has admired you for quite some time now." she stopped in front of a door, "He's a good person, you'll see." She then opened the door, letting Cameron in.
"This is such bullshit." she spat as she walked in.
"Get some rest. Breakfast will be served in the morning. He wishes for you to join him then.”
Cameron rolled her eyes at the idea of sitting down for a meal with Timothee.
It was mostly a sleepless night, but she managed to get a couple of hours of rest. The room was somewhat cozy and the bed was king sized and soft with a thick comforter, so it wasn't totally unpleasant.
When she opened her eyes, there he was. Timothee was sitting in a chair just a few feet from the bed, with his eyes on her. "Jesus, you creep!" she yelled at him, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "How long have you been watching me sleep?"
"Oh, not long, like five minutes.” Timothée was evidently nervous, being with her in person was surreal after admiring her from afar for so long. “Sorry, I didn't want to scare you. I just wanted you to have your clothes and stuff, so I had them brought in. Breakfast is almost ready." he stood from the chair, "You'll smell the food, so you won't have trouble finding the kitchen, the dining room is nearby there." Timothee brushed his hands on his jeans awkwardly before nodding at her and leaving the room.
Cameron looked down at the floor, seeing a few boxes and recognizing her belongings. She figured it was of no use to protest, her family had been told some lie and she had no way of contacting anyone. She was hungry anyway. She got out of bed, picked out some clothes for the day, and got out some toiletry items to freshen up with.
Timothee was right about the food, the way it used her senses, specifically her nose of course, to rope her in the direction of the kitchen. It smelled divine.
"Oh, good morning, Miss Reese. You look nice, I'm sure it was a relief to have some of your own things?" a middle-aged woman greeted her when she arrived in the kitchen. She looked like someone's sweet granny.
"Yeah, it was. Um, who are you?"
"Forgive me for not introducing myself, dear, I'm Mrs. Davis. I'm a housekeeper-slash-chef-slash whatever I'm needed to be. I just fill in wherever needed." the older woman had a little laugh and Cameron smiled kindly. "I'll show you to the dining room. Mr. Chalamet is already in there."
Cameron followed Mrs. Davis, and was met with a full, colorful breakfast spread: eggs, bacon, biscuits, waffles, orange juice, coffee; so much food that she didn't know where to put her eyes. It felt like forever since she'd had something to eat. She was so hungry that she had to stop herself from actually salivating. Then she saw him at the end of the table.
Timothee stood when he saw her walk in. He walked down to the other end of the table and pulled out the chair for her to sit. "Please have a seat." he said, his voice was soft and welcoming.
Cameron sat in the chair, not quite fazed by his gentlemanliness. She grabbed the seat, scooting the chair in for herself. She didn't want his help. She made that clear to him.
Mrs. Davis left the room and Timothee resumed his position at the opposite end of the table. "I hope you were able to get some rest. You look-"
"So, I guess you're acting as if you're me texting all of my loved ones that everything is fine. Are they asking any questions? Are they worried about me?" she asked as she took it upon herself to start spooning some food onto her plate.
Timothee cleared his throat, "Uh, yeah I've got people working on that. Some of your friends and family congratulated you on the new job and wished you safe travels."
"You have people for everything." she pointed out in annoyance and took a bite of scrambled egg.
"That comes with having some money to hire a staff in your home."
"Too bad money didn't buy your happiness, Mr. Chalamet." she said in a snarky tone. "Then I wouldn't be here."
He chuckled humorlessly at her remark, "Well, speaking of buying things, I'd like to take you out shopping, so you can complete your wardrobe for your stay here, if you like."
"You make it sound like it's my choice."
"I don't wish to control you, Cam."
"That's not my name." she snapped, cutting him off.
He ignored her comment, continuing, "But I think for your sake, you could maybe think of this as an adventure. The more that I begin to trust you, God willing, you will get your devices back. I want you to enjoy yourself here. Maybe you could even write, I hope you find some inspiration while you're here. Sorry, I'm rambling, I know. I-uh find it hard to control myself around you."
"Are you trying to justify your actions?"
"No." he said, genuinely.
"I really hate people like you, ya know? People that think the world owes them something instead of accepting that life is a little tough sometimes-"
"I know that what I've done is wrong!" Timothee screamed.
Cameron was taken aback and silenced. It was a shock to hear him yell.
"I'm sorry." he said softly, composing himself.
She could tell then how troubled he was on the inside, it was written all over his sullen face. She could practically feel the tenseness from across the room as she noticed that his hands were balled into fists.
"I will take care of you. You have free roam of the mansion. I will have guards at every exit until I know that I can trust you. The staff and I will accommodate any want or need that you have."
Cameron remained quiet, fully listening to him. She began to think that at least she wasn't chained in a dark, cold room with no food or water. She wasn't being beaten or raped. This situation definitely was not ideal, but she realized that she had been brought into a life of luxury.
"Please, Cameron, just give me a chance. I ask nothing else of you."
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss
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musicalcastingideas · 6 months
Internet Personalities Do The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
The rules I am setting for myself:
No one who has already been in a musical set in the Hatchetfield universe
The actors will be portraying the same characters the actors did in the original (so the person cast as Zoey would also play Alice, etc)
This is not like "influencer" internet personalities, I'm pulling more from like, Dropout people, ex-buzzfeed, internet comedians, etc.
Also if you don't see a name of a side character, assume I just forgot their name, I'm writing this as I think of it so I don't forget my ideas.
Paul: Shane Madej
The famous skeptic, playing a man forced to believe AND think of the implications? Plus, we know he can sing, thanks to Puppet History.
Emma: Jen (from Fundie Fridays)
I love Jen, and their vibes are just absolutely perfect for Emma. They have that "I've worked customer service jobs long enough that I have lost the ability to feel anything but contempt for mankind" vibe that Emma has.
Charlotte/Nora/Deb: Aabria Iyengar
She's such a talented performer, I could see her absolutely nailing Charlotte's sweet naivete, and then fucking annihilating Join Us (And Die)
Ted Spankoffski/Homeless Man/ (he is) Dan Reynolds: Grant O'Brien
The Heel of Dropout, Grant excels at playing the asshole, so who better to fill the role of everyone's favourite douchebag?
Mr Davidson/Sam/ Man In A Hurry/Sargent MacNamara: Zac Oyama
I'm not factoring in the ability to hit Jeff Blim's ungodly high notes, but acting wise, Zac is absolutely perfect. For Sargent MacNamara, we have Zac being amazing as the Skipper in A Starstruck Odessey, and the rest of the characters are weird little guys with something in their brains so... I won't say more so as to not spoil Starstruck but, those who know, know. Basically, make Zac Oyama all the weird little guys 2026.
Professor Hidgens/Hot Chocolate Boy: Keith Habersburger
He would absolutely DEVOUR Show Stopping Number. You cannot convince me otherwise.
Alice/Zoe/ Greenpeace Girl: Emily Axford
She's incredibly charming, versatile, snarky and thanks to Dimension 20 Fantasy High, we know she's excellent at playing a rebellious teen.
Bill: Brennan Lee Mulligan
I want to see Brennan and Emily do the scene with Bill and Alice in the school. It will make me sob my eyeballs out but they would destroy it.
Backup choices/Hard cuts:
Ally Beardsley as Paul
Reason they were cut: They are too cool.
Lou Wilson as Ted:
While he would kill this part, he's too hot
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exhuastedpigeon · 4 months
One of the parts of fandom that I've always found the strangest is the parasocial relationships between fans and celebrities.
Actors, musicians, athletes, etc are all just people. Sure, often they're people with money or who live in a cool place, but at the end of the day they're just people who make some kind of entertainment product for a living. Being an actor or musician or professional athlete doesn't suddenly make someone not a regular person, it just makes them an actor/musician/professional athlete. It's their job, a literal job!
Unless you are actually friends with them in real life, you don't actually know them. Why are you defending them or acting like they're your enemy? Why are you mad at them about something their character did? Why are you spending hours analyzing their social media behaviour instead of living your own life? Why do you think they owe you anything?
Just because we have more access to celebrities than ever to interviews, social media, etc. doesn't mean we actually know any of them. Acting like you do know them or putting them up on a pedestal is just asking to get your feelings hurt when they do something that you deem to be out of character for them, but they're real people who you don't actually know.
When I was a teenager I was so into celebrity culture and then I met a couple famous people and I learned first hand that they are just people (and sometimes they're actually assholes because no one has told them no in years). Maybe I'm lucky that I had those experiences because I stopped thinking of famous people as anything other than just people with cool jobs.
It's fine to like celebrities! This isn't me saying don't like them or don't follow them on socials, but this is me saying that celebrities are all just people. They aren't immune from making mistakes and they aren't perfect. The sooner your realize they're just people with fancy looking jobs, the better off you'll be.
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lifmera · 7 months
Hello! I saw you do matchups so I wanted to request one!! I'd like to request a Hazbin Matchup. If you can't get to me that's quite all right, take you're time!
I'm 18, my pronouns are She/Her, and I'm Pansexual. My favorite color is yellow. My zodiac is Saggitarius (December 21st). I'm 5'3" (short/average).
I am an actor (mainly a stage actor). I love to sing, paint (abstract cause its more forgiving), and cosplay (a lot).
I talk a lot. Some say too much and I was often bullied for it. I curse like a sailor. My teachers are sick and tired of my foul moth they don't even say anything anymore lol. Im very social and like making friends, though i dont have many. But i still try and be a friendly presence and someone people can feel confortable around. I have anxiety as well. I'm super clumsy its actually ridiculous. My family gets nervous everytime I'm near stairs, and I have a scar next to my eye from being so clumsy (I tripped and fell into the corner of a coffee table and bashed my face next to my eye. After my stitches were taken out and it healed, I tripped and fell again, bashing my face into a doorknob in the exact same place 🙃). I'm a danger to society from just how much I fall :) but I'm getting better at catching myself.
I like anime and video games (mainly indie horror [Batim, DDLC (is DDLC indie??), Poppy Playtime, Fnaf, and others.]), and D&D.
I also love musical theatre :)
I'm kinda sensitive as well so please be nice to me. I have an insane fear of Needles and Dogs (which Is super unfortunate). I like fruity flavors over chocolate when it comes to candy.
I hope this is enough info to help you figure out who to match me with :) if not you could just respond and say it's not enough and I'll give more :)
Thank you so much :)
Hey Hun!!
You might hate me, or love me.. BUT..
I’ve paired you with.. ADAM!
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Dont hate me.. i love him..
He would definitely force you to act for him. He’d enjoy it so much. And honestly he’d want to play with you!!
He loves your paintings, at first he didn’t really understand why… but when he saw the final product, he loved it!
He’d also force you to cosplay for him.
He’d be like .. “could you cosplay a cute cat girl..? Please? 🥹” (you could kick him in the balls its ok.)
He would bully you, AT FIRST. I think if you confided in Adam he genuinely would stop. He already lost two wives, it probably took him a lot to even bag someone.
Adam seems like a dick head but he would do anything for his s/o.
He would love that you curse like a sailor. You guys would cuss other people out like its a job.
He loves that you are friendly with other people, but holy shit this guy would be POSSESSIVE.
Especially after how clumsy you can be??
This guy is by ur side 24/7. On ur ass like its his LIFE MISSION
Hes definitely a clingy man.
You can talk to him about anything, but just as long as you are able to listen to him too. He just talks ssooo much.
Although like i said, hes pretty much an asshole, he’d get better for you.
He will change for his s/o, because if anything, if he loses another one? Thats just… 😅
He would totally feed you sweets and fruits though, he loves them too!
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