#stop ginger propaganda!
wandaxpietro · 1 year
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[X-Men: First Class (2007) #7]
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Round 1 - Side B
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Matt's faith in the show is really important and well explored; one of the first scenes of the show is Matt going to confession (or, well, talking to his priest since he's not really confessing at that point). Matt struggles a lot with what he's supposed to do; everyone's telling him to kill the villain and he kinda wants to, but he literally says: "I know my soul is damned if I take his life". He struggles with his faith and goes with his doubts to his priest, and it's beautiful—also when he finally gets a costume for his vigilanteing he chooses to dress as the devil, lol. (His priest tells him that nothing makes people run to Church faster than the feeling of having the devil on their heels.)
a lot of the show is about how he justifies his vigilante actions with his faith, and whether he's doing the right thing in trying to help people or just using it as an outlet for his anger. the literal first scene of the show has him in a confession booth talking to his priest (who is a really interesting character too). this is not the scene I was talking about but it's such an excellent scene with matt talking to his priest: https://youtu.be/XHZ3NbEIDdw
canonically catholic but dresses like a demon to be quirky
honestly i dont wanna type too much but i feel that matt is a great example of someone who battles with his faith because he rarely loses his faith but rather fights with why he was made the way he was and put through what he was. He believes himself to have the devil inside him but believes that God put him there
ok in the comics barring the most current run matt has Mostly been a non-practicing Catholic that very rarely actually does any catholic Activities but ends up falling back into the Mindset and very occasionally dramatically taking confession (ex. in that one issue where he takes confession, basically tells the father that he is uniquely terrible and is thinking about violently murdering someone and when the father says "you can be forgiven" hes like "AUGFH-- NO!!!!!!!!!!" and runs out) when he's gone through some shit. and i love that its so relatable
hello its me cct organizer. i have to come clean, i made this tournament because i need matt to win something. i dont think hell win the sadboy and he lost the ginger tournament and >:( hes my favoritest guy ever. Also @ who said he has religious trauma is wrong and i will fight u about it (nicely) on my main @usaigi
This guy so catholic he spends an ungodly amount of time just chilling in the church. And goes there whenever there is a moral conundrum about killing people being Bad even though it would solve a lot of problems and stop said people from killing other people. This happens every other episode. Matt is the Catholic Guilt Guy. There's actually a lot of catholic stuff in the show as a whole. Just a compilation would be like three whole episodes long.
Hes great hes catholic enough to not outrught murder people but not catholic enough to not fuck before marriage hes a bisexual disaster at all times hes besties with a priest might i add hes great hes my special little guy
his catholicism is a huge piece of his characterisation he was raised by nuns in a catholic orphanage, the first scene we ever see him (as an adult and not a flashback) is him going to confession, he is good friend with his priest and has regular debates with him, etc also in s3 he has a huge crisis of faith after he lost A Lot where he stops believing for a while and it's linked to his identity crisis where he actually wants to kill another person (a hard line he previously chose never to cross) and wants to be only daredevil and not matt murdock, when he is both and needs both to exist also when he was a kid his grandmother used to say "watch out for the murdock boys, they've got the devil in them" and it created a surprising lot of his issues
So he's both catholic in the comics and the show but he's More Catholic in the show. Like, raised in a catholic orphanage by nuns (ONE OF WHICH IS HIS *MOTHER*), second scene in the show has him in a confession box kind. Matt Murdock goes out and gets the shit beaten out of him nightly and also beats the shit out of other people and purposefully leaned into devil iconography as his theme. When his nurse friend says, he takes a lot of punishment without one complaint he says "That part's the Catholicism." It is a Core Aspect of his character (at least in the show). He makes me insane. Also the same chemicals that blinded him created the teenage mutant ninja turtles and everyone should know that.
They went to confession to a priest who they had saved as their costumed counterpart and the guy recognized them by the voice, proving that it's possible and everyone else is just dumb
he takes "i wanna fight god" to new and incredibly violent levels, while also being a sweetheart and a goofball
Actually strictly WILL NOT kill criminals. Goes wayyy out of his way to avoid it. Fights with the Punisher about it. Goes to confession booth after nightly vigilante excursions. Feels so much guilt. "How have you been holding up?" "Like a good Caltholic boy" "that bad huh" - actual conversation with his priest
So Daredevil struggles with his mission as a crime fighter because killing criminals goes against his faith. He makes it a point to not kill criminals, believing that even bad people deserve a second chance. This philosophy puts him at odds against The Punisher, who is a relentless killer. As a Catholic myself, while I love the concept of a morally conflicted superhero, I think the worldbuilding around Daredevil is lacking. If he struggles with violence and killing, why doesn't he pray to warrior saints like Saint Michael, Saint Ignatius of Loyola (a former knight), or Saint Joan of Arc? Why isn't there a community of other Catholics he can turn to for guidance, considering New York City has a sizeable population of Catholics? And why are the churches he goes to always empty? Doesn't he know that the Catholic Church supports the just war theory? I think that would have made his burden more bearable.
He goes to church and confesses to punching people and says "imma do it again can i apologize in advance" and the father dude says "no you're meant to stop now" and Matt says "no" and they do this everyday. I'm not remembering it properly but this is a canon interaction i swear
HELLO HI YES I LOVE HIM AND WILL INFOR DUMP ok so. he is a vigalantty and he got named daredevil and he is an orphan and after the age of 12 was raised in an orphanage at a Catholic church and his therapist is his priest via confession abd. also his mother is a nun he has a whole mental breakdown over god and called Job a pussy because he liked god until he got better and liked god again he said "I'm dearedrvil and not even god can stop that now" and he's so cool
matt is a freakish little babygirl who was raised by nuns and definitely has religious trauma. i hate him so much (affectionately)
he’s literally fucking insane about it i don’t know what to say here. he thinks he’s chosen by god to go on some sort of holy quest to save hell’s kitchen. joan of arc ass.
i already know hes in by default j just wanted to give him a personal shout out i love this angsty catholic dweeb
how practicing he is depends on the run, but in my favorite he is quite literally confessing to a member of the last extant order millitant who happens to be a priest at a church in hells kitchen.
i love him for having the funniest version of a trope i usually hate (person gets into confession booth and asks forgiveness not for what they've done, but for what they're about to do). usually this trope just looks silly to me bc like. the priest would just say "i can't do that" and you would have to either awkwardly explain yourself or just Leave. it's funny when matt does it because fr. lantom is probably like "what are you gonna do???" and matt's like "lol. lmao. 😊 hehehe." anyway we love this angry catholic man who dresses up like the devil to beat people up in hell's kitchen
I'm pretty sure you've already got plenty of submissions for her so I'll just say she was raised in what is basically a cult (technically a nunnery but let's be real) dedicated to keeping the body of the thing that will kill God behind the rock. One of their prayers is actually "I pray the rock is never rolled away". Harrow is extremely devout as penance for her earlier heretical actions in the tomb as a child (spoiler!) so the Catholic guilt really comes through
imagine being a catholic nun and you meet god, but it turns out he’s a twitch streamer from new zealand who became god because everything got a little bit out of hand. and just before you met him you gave yourself a diy grief-fuelled lobotomy with the help of your best frenemy. imagine how insane you’d be. now multiply that insanity by nine. that’s the fictional love of my life right there.
she meets god. she’s not inspired
she’s number one practitioner of space Catholicism. The locked tomb is chock full of Christian (catholic) imagery themes metaphors etc. just look at her she’s got a bone rosary
They're Catholicism with extra bones. Everyone is a nun. They have what is basically a rosary made from knuckle bones. They technically worship the same God as everyone else, but they're waaaay more focused on The Body in the Tomb (Mary) and we get a moment where we find out that while everyone else prays the equivilent of The Lords Prayer, they're doing the equivilent of Hail Mary. And they paint their faces with skulls.
She thinks leaving dry bread in a drawer is taking care of someone. She's in love with a 10,000 year old corpse (the same one they worship). She spent ALL NIGHT digging with her bare hands to make sure a field had bones every 5 feet so she could fight her girlfriend - I mean, greatest enemy. Spoiler territory: She's been puppeting her parents corpses since she was 8 years old. Instead of grieving her dead girlfriend, she gives herself a lobotomy. She makes soup with bone in it so she can use the bone IN THEIR STOMACH to try and kill them.
The author is/was Catholic and the entire series had heavy Catholic overtones. https://www.tor.com/2020/08/19/gideon-the-ninth-young-pope-and-the-new-pope-are-building-a-queer-catholic-speculative-fiction-canon/ A good breakdown of how it's Catholic
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the-empress-7 · 4 months
The ginger brat had always been jealous of William. Diana used to have tray dinners with William and sent him to the nursery for dinner according to The Housekeeper's Diary. I also read comments saying Diana brought the ginger to see therapists as he was so wild even when he was little. Once they travelled in separate planes and ginger brat told the pilot to overtake the plane William was on to "irritate" him. Even Diana couldn't have some peace with him around, the nightmare he is!
Ya'll I googled the words "Prince Harry Brat" and look what showed up at the top of the search. Harry and Meghan are never going to stop. T&C is one of their go to magazines for PR propaganda.
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horrorvillaintourney · 4 months
HORROR'S NEXT TOP GENDER, ROUND TWO MATCH TWENTY-EIGHT: The Xenomorph (Alien) vs. Ginger Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)
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"Is this a "character"? It's a whole species technically but I think it should count. Anyway I know people like to think about them as female and therefore Girlbosses or whatever and I think that's fine, have fun. However, they are obviously an alien species that doesn't adhere to human ideas of gender- or fit into ideas of binary sex if we wanted to think that way, since they reproduce very differently. I am also thinking about how their (very iconic) design incorporates a lot of sexual elements/imagery, and in that way too they mix-and-match and play around with gender. And again they are just so iconic."
"Extremely trans experience of puberty as body horror, a transformation we don't want and can't stop, maybe even something we don't fully understand. Works as both transmasc and transfem- horror is brought on by getting her first period; scene in which she tries to cut off her tail. Weirdly though, as much as it portrays dysphoria I also see a kind of fantasy- I WISH I had become a werewolf instead."
"Ginger's werewolf form is a stunning, grotesque albino creature with a fanged maw and sleek physique."
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Anti propaganda warning under the cut
V anti propaganda:
"- This man is so undatable, he's barely present in his own route or after end.
- The martyr complex this dude has is legitimately arrogant, taking blame for something you don't have control over isn't noble, it's just self-sabotaging. Taking blame for shit you do have control over and CHOOSING to change nothing makes the apology worthless. 🙃
-How does a man this rich have the balls to be so dumb? Bro, your bestie is also rich af and was gifted a fuckin island as a kid, why didn't you take the abused little ginger boys there for safety instead of shuffling one into a shady agency and the other to your increasingly unhinged gf who is waist-deep in setting up her cult?? Jumin would have had his back and V didn't even give him the chance to prove it!!
- This man chose to pursue a relationship with a woman who is mentally unstable and let himself become her whole world bc he felt guilty for treating his own disabled mother poorly. When you boil it down, this man chose a woman as a project and proposed to her within months instead of getting therapy for himself. 🫠
- V also lied to his and said gf's friends and family, telling them she committed suicide instead of turning her into the police for starting a cult, leading to the severe depression of her younger cousin and allowing her to continue drugging and brainwashing one of the twins he smuggled along with possibly hundreds of other people.
- When confronted over this, he still resists turning Rika into the police. For contrast, the younger cousin who idolized her immediately restrained her, stopped her from slipping party guests drugged wine and got the police on her. He is a 28 year old man and left the task to her 21 year old cousin who has had the emotional whiplash of finding out that not only was he right about V lying, but Rika is alive, AND she is very mentally unwell and has committed some major crimes.
- V is also mentally unstable af. In other routes, not just bad ends, he also returns to HELP HIS GF DO CULT SHIT.
- This is just subjective, but this wet mop of a man is also boring as shit which is why Cheritz kept him mostly vague and stuck to the background. If you want the fucked up relationship dynamics, just get one of the bad ends with Rika tbh, she at least serves lewks with her brand of crazy cunt.
- in short, you will never be in an equal partnership with this man and he won't be held accountable. The one time he tried, he said some pretty obviously triggering things to the crazy gf and got stabbed. He did not have the foresight to come with backup, announce where he would be, etc. He lived only because the gf that stabbed him calls you to come help him while she's still spiraling out of control.
I say this with full respect to the V fans, who are well aware that this man is an absolute mess and needs so much therapy before he's anywhere in the realm of salvaging his friendships, much less being dateable."
Baxter anti propaganda:
"baxter ward has a summer fling with you, which is fine because you agree to date only for the summer. however, when the time comes to break up, he does so in like the most brutal fashion possible. there was no need to be that much of a dick about it. he then proceeds to ghost you for five years.
five years later, when you meet once again, he opts to ignore you at best and continue being a dick at worst for the first half of step 4. there's no reason anyone should desire to get back together with the man. he needs therapy, not a partner."
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mourningmaybells · 10 months
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Propaganda (more detailed in the original book)
Damien Karras: A first-generation Greek immigrant who had it rough growing up in the slums of New York City. Now in his 30s-40s, he's a Jesuit priest who is also a trained psychiatrist (he went through med school and became a doctor), and a Georgetown University professor. Supposedly he's the person you turn to for guidance, but he's been having issues lately. Now that he's no longer a Golden Gloves boxer, the thing he's fighting against is the growing despair that God isn't real, or at least entirely absent. Where was God when his mother was begging for money by the fountain? When his childhood dog Ginger died and he watched helplessly? When his mother was alone and despairing in a mental hospital until her death? Once he could see love in his vocation, but it's been obscured by humiliation, grief, and disappointment. He yearns for Christ as one yearns for an unseen lover.... that sounds like an exaggeration, but the comparison happens a few times.
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A lot of missing pages in his past (why does he have facial scars? why did he quit boxing? is he gay?) that we don't get answers to. While we get to see him in private vulnerability, he's outwardly very emotionally guarded to the point that no one even knew to what extent he was suffering. How can he help people mentally and spiritually when he can't even help himself?
Would 70s Jigsaw look at him and say "he just needs a few minutes in the bathroom to figure himself out or possibly die"?
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Chris MacNeil: Big shot American actress Chris Macneil was once an unknown Broadway chorus girl married to Howard Macneil, and had a 3-year old son Jamie Macneil. Due to medical complications, her son died, and when her new daughter Regan was born, her husband grew jealous of the attention the mother-daughter duo got from the press. They got a divorce, and Howard basically cut himself out of Regan's life completely. Chris is kind of (?) friends with her alcoholic and extremely hateable director Burke who kept calling her butler "a Nazi pig" while wasted. She's set to star in his film about a student protest and Regan gets the idea that they might be in love (they aren't). While she is a caring mother, some people (Howard) see her as unfit because she also became a successful career woman in the 70s. She was basically the feminist nightmare that conservatives had during the Sexual Revolution. God forbid women do anything. She's even an atheist in this catholic horror book.
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Just so we're clear, she really does love her daughter, and believes in using medicine and doctors. It's just that the trauma of losing her son from a prescribed antibiotic that caused aplastic anemia led her to never fully trusting doctors (trusting Dr. Mark took years) and promising herself never to love anyone to the extent she loved her son and his father. It was too much of a heartbreak.
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Her daughter loves her, puts a rose on her plate every day, but it doesn't stop Chris' self-doubt. It gets spat right back at her through her daughter's mouth and from a demon's influence.
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Anyways, if Jigsaw was from the 70s would he "teach her a lesson" and put her through Horrors for what is perceived as a weakness?
please reblog for bigger sample size
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Gay wrongs tournament, round 1 of the losers bracket
For Kid and Killer:
there’s some somewhat recent anime episodes where there’s a lot of “I would do anything for you” “I would put my life on the line for you” and it’s just. There’s no way they’re not dating. Also they’re big scary pirates that pillage and fuck stuff up and we love that for them
They have been together committing crimes and killing people ever since childhood and they’re not about to stop any time soon
They are badass pirates who both have a huge bounty on their head. Killer's epithet is 'Massacre Soldier/Murder Mashine' (depending on the translation), so he probably got quite some blood on his hands. Kid is his captain, and has a reputation of not caring about civilian casualties and destroying more than necessary to defeat his opponent. Also, the whole crew crusified some other crew. But besides being murderous, these two care so fucking much about each other! They've been friends (lovers?) since childhood and would literally do anything for each other, including dying. Kid will destroy anyone who laughs at his partner (how he canonically calls Killer), lets himself be recaptured just after he escaped prison to save his partner, and Killer eats a faulty SMILE fruit that stops him from portraying any other emotion than laughing, makes him unable to swim, and doesn't gain him any powers, just to get a CHANCE to save his captain. When Kid saw him laugh while he obviously didn't want to, it broke his heart in many pieces (and ours with it). It's true love, your honor. True, murderous love.
For Wylan van Eck and Jesper Fahey:
Jesper is a sharpshooter that never misses a hit, Wylan is a demolitions expert, once Wylan sang a national anthem to save Jesper from some guards
So Jesper is a high profile member of this gang called the Dregs, he’s their sharpshooter. He also has a serious gambling problem and actually enjoys his job because it gives him the same adrenaline high. Wylan is brought in on this big impossible heist, officially as the demolitions expert, but really because he’s actually the runaway son of the man who is meant to pay them and so he’s insurance that they get their money. They are both incredibly talented at destruction, undermining governments and killing several people. At one point they end up with a tank. At another Wylan makes a chemical concoction that gives off the appearance of plague scars in a city with serious plague related trauma, setting off all the alarms and sending the whole place into utter anarchy. Jesper shoots a man around a corner. Also this quote exists. Jesper:‘I'm not big on killing unconscious men." Wylan:"We could wake them up." This is even funnier when you consider that Wylan is a skinny freckled ginger who’s basically a glorified chemist and possesses no social skills. I love him so much.
That quote from the book where Jesper was like "I'm not gonna kill unconscious people" about a bunch of knocked out enemies and Wylan was like "Well can't we wake them up then?"
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claymoresword · 2 years
I Choose Her | Chp: 5
Hermione Granger x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Pairing: Hermione x Reader
Summary: You are the daughter of two known death eaters from one of the oldest and richest families in the wizarding world. Are you truly prepared to give up everything you know for Hermione Granger?
Wordcount: 2.5k
Warnings: fluff, angst (kinda), draco malfoy propaganda, reader and hermione are so in love btw
Note: sorry for the wait i had severe case of writers block but this might've been my favourite chapter to write so far! there's no smut in this but i have plans for the next chapter so keep a look out :)
this one's a little darker basically following the tone of the last 3 movies so it's gonna get more serious as it goes but i will try my best to keep it entertaining! anyway i hope u enjoy :)
ps: thanks for the love shown on the previous chapters it motivates me to keep it going so yeah i just appreciate all of u a lot
Chapter 6
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You were stood in a spacious room you quickly recognised to be in Malfoy Manor.
You clutch your side, a throbbing pain shooting through it as if you had just been struck there.
Your eyes stung and your throat felt hoarse. You had been screaming.
"Let her go!" You shouted.
Bellatrix shoots you a grin, before cackling maniacally.
Blinding rage courses through you.
How did you get here?
You swore to protect Hermione and now she was seconds away from being seriously harmed.
How did it get this bad?
You attempted to run from the darkness. Refused to embrace it and now Hermione is paying the price.
Bellatrix pushes the dagger closer to Hermione's throat and you lunge forward before feeling a strong hand grab your shoulder.
You meet his gaze with a pleading look.
"Call him." He merely says, with a stony expression.
He gestures to your arm before looking down at it.
It was then you took notice of the Death Eater mark inked into your skin.
You reach down to touch it in disbelief. You don't recall pledging your loyalty to the Dark Lord. You can't believe you betrayed Hermione.
This can't be happening.
You glance up at Draco once more before feeling a sudden pressure on the mark and you finally jolt awake.
You open your eyes to see Crookshanks gnawing at that spot on your arm.
No dark mark.
The ginger cat releases your arm and eventually settles by your side over the covers. You give him a loving pat before glancing over to catch a glimpse of wavy brown hair.
Reality finally sets in.
You were in bed with Hermione.
She was safe.
You move closer to her, wrapping your arm around her stomach. Your bare front flush against her back. You were only in your underwear. Hermione was entirely undressed from the night before.
You place a kiss on the shorter girl's shoulder before nuzzling into her.
Hermione starts to stir and she hums enjoying the warmth emitting from you.
"Morning." She says softly, voice still heavy from sleep.
"Hi" You respond.
"Sleep well?" You ask as Hermione turns around to face you.
She nods, a smile forming on her lips.
"Like a baby." Hermione quips.
You return the smile before leaning in to place a kiss on her lips but you are stopped by her hand on your chest.
"Morning breath." She mutters as she scrunches up her nose.
You chuckle before quickly getting up and rushing over to the bathroom.
Crookshanks following swiftly behind you, sitting by the bathroom door.
You stalled for a second remembering that you didn't keep a spare toothbrush in her dorm room.
"Scourgify." You quickly exclaimed.
You normally prefered to brush your teeth the muggle way because you found that the cleaning spell only worked to clean your teeth superficially, but you figured it'll do for now.
Before leaving the bathroom you spotted Hermione's mouthwash by the sink and decided to gargle the blue liquid for good measure. You magic the cap back on before rushing over to join your girlfriend in bed.
You get underneath the covers from the foot of the bed. Crawling your way up you find Hermione's bare thigh, placing a kiss on it. You move up, planting another one on her stomach.
Hermione let's out a gasp at the sensation before giggling.
Your head finally emerges from underneath the covers, your face hovering over hers.
Her hand settles at the back of your neck as she meets your gaze, pure longing in her eyes.
You lean in to kiss her before she had time to protest. She kisses you back and you intended on deepening the kiss running your tongue across her bottom lip.
She mumbles something in response before placing her hand on your chest again.
You pull away giving her a questioning look.
"I haven't brushed my teeth yet." Hermione explains before weakly attempting to push you off her.
You don't move.
"I don't care." You counter before kissing her again your tongue swiftly entering her mouth and Hermione lets out a moan against your lips. No longer protesting.
You tongue meets hers and you shiver at the feeling, your body aching for her. You were both still exhausted from the night before but the desire you feel in this moment ultimately prevailing.
You disconnect your lips to shift your attention to her neck. Hermione's chest heaving as she attempts to catch her breath but it's made difficult by you running your tongue across her collar bone, then across the base of her jawline.
Your mouth finally settling on her neck, you place a wet kiss on it before you hear Hermione gasp. She grabs your shoulders, stilling your movement.
You lift up your head to catch her glancing at the clock on the wall.
"You should get back to your dorm or else we'll be late for class." Hermione says.
You let out a groan your head falling to rest on her chest.
She runs her hand through your hair before placing a kiss on the top of your head.
You look up at her, furrowing your eyebrows. The thought of leaving her side right now was practically excruciating.
Hermione noticed your doleful expression.
Her hand still tangled in your hair, she pulls you in for a deep kiss. She leans back, for what you assumed to end the kiss but she suprised you by taking your bottom lip in between her teeth, tugging it slightly before connecting your lips again.
Another shiver goes through your body. Hermione seemed to notice this time as you felt a smile form on her lips mid kiss.
You wished to kiss your girlfriend forever but you had to pull away as you felt your lungs burn, demanding for you to take a breath.
You look into Hermione's eyes, her darkened gaze mirroring your own.
"I'll see you later, ok?" Hermione voices out, placing a quick kiss on the corner of your mouth.
You were tempted to suggest the both of you skip classes for today but knowing Hermione she would never agree to that.
"Fine." You grumble before playfully rolling your eyes.
Hermione lets out a giggle in response before getting out of bed.
You put on your clothes from last night as well as your socks not caring to put your shoes on, you decide to walk barefoot.
You walk up to Hermione, placing one last kiss on her cheek.
"I love you." You utter directly into her ear before making your way towards the door.
"Love you more." Hermione quips and you smile to yourself.
"That's just not possible." You retort, reaching for the doorknob.
Hermione laughs then turns her attention towards her cupboard again rummaging through it, trying to find a clean set of uniform to wear.
You make your way out of her room before hearing Hermione shout one last remark.
"Stay out of trouble!"
You start making your way back to the Slytherin dormitory.
Walking rather slowly, at this point you truly weren't in a rush to get to any place Hermione wasn't.
Your shoes in your hand and blazer draped over your shoulder.
You quickly realised running into someone you knew right now would be a little demeaning so you picked up the pace.
You turn the corner to the common room thinking you had successfully made it back undetected.
You are stopped in your tracks when you noticed you were inches away from almost running into a tall figure.
Professor Snape.
You swallowed before meeting his stern gaze.
"Professor." You greet him, bowing your head slightly.
You noticed him scan your entire appearance, a blantant look of disapproval on his face.
"How nice of you to grace us with your presence this morning Miss y/n. " He says gesturing to the common room door.
"Too good for your own dorm?" Snape quips.
You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes, despising his condescension.
"No sir." You simply respond, best to avoid conflict this early in the morning.
You start walking again hoping the confrontation was over but he stops you.
"Not so fast." The professor scolds.
"Your father has expressed his concerns about you." Snape states.
"Sir?" Your face contorts in confusion, hoping he'd elaborate.
"Based on the company you keep I can understand why." He remarks.
"With all due respect Professor, who I associate myself with should be nobody's concern but mine." You retort, clear irritation in your tone.
You then winced slightly once you remembered who you were speaking to.
You refused to let it show in your expression, matching his stern gaze before attempting to take your leave again.
He extends his hand this time grasping your arm rather tightly. He speaks before you had time to react.
"Heed my advice Y/N, listen to your parents. If you truly care for the girl. You will do as they say." Snape whispers for you to hear, an earnest tone in his voice, one you've never heard from the head of house before.
Your eyes widened at the mention of Hermione.
You stare up at him for a moment unable to conjure a response. He finally releases your arm before continuing down the hallway leaving you alone.
You find yourself recalling the dream you had earlier.
You hate to admit it but Snape was right. Joining the death eaters was the best chance you had at keeping Hermione safe. All you were doing at this point was delaying the inevitable.
You couldn't do this alone, you needed to speak to Draco. Sure he has his flaws but he is genuinely the one person apart from Hermione you found yourself trusting. You needed his insight.
You were in the great hall having lunch. Trying to catch a glimpse of Draco but he was nowhere to be seen.
You look up glancing at the Gryffindor table in hopes of spotting your girlfriend.
A smirk forms on your lips once you noticed her fixed gaze on you. You throw her a wink and you watched as a blush forms on her face before looking away.
A wide smile flashing across your face, reveling in the effect you had on Hermione.
Your smile drops quickly once you noticed Draco making his way out of the great hall. You got up and tried to catch up to him but he dissappeared into the boys bathroom before you had the chance. You stood outside, you decide you'll speak to him once he walks out.
You looked ahead and noticed Harry walking towards the bathroom and you move to hide behind a pillar.
A determined expression on his face. This can't be good, you thought.
A few minutes past before you hear a loud bang come from inside the bathroom. Another one following soon after and you rush in to see what was happening for yourself.
You walk in to Harry throwing a spell at Draco. The platinum haired boy ducking before shooting a spell right back.
You couldn't believe they were dueling right here in the middle of the boys bathroom.
You quickly ran towards Draco, pulling your wand out of your pocket.
"Stop the two of you, enough!" You exclaim, but were thoroughly ignored by the boys.
"Stupefy!" Harry this time throws a spell directly in your direction but you moved your wand quickly, deflecting it.
This seemed to anger Draco more as he throws another spell at the Gryffindor, breaking one of the doors on the stalls.
"Thats enough!" You shout once again.
Harry lifts up his wand pure vengeance in his eyes.
"Sectumsempra!" He exclaims, you leapt infront of Draco without thought, blocking the spell with your own body.
The wind gets knocked out of you before feeling a searing pain all across your body.
You fall to the ground, your vision blurred.
The pain was blinding. The worst pain you had ever felt in your life. You gasp trying to catch your breath but it seemed air refused to fill your lungs.
"Y/n!" Draco exclaims dropping on his knees next to you.
You hear him shouting for help before your vision narrows and all you're met with is darkness.
You are awakened to the sound of Hermione arguing with someone. You soon recognised the other voice to be Harry.
"You had no proof to begin with, why would you do something as stupid as this?" Hermione asks angrily.
"I thought they were working together, she was protecting him, Hermione." Harry retorts.
"So that's excuse enough to attack her? She could've died Harry! Do you even realise that?" Hermione raises her voice.
You decide to put an end to the bickering although you were content listening to your girlfriend come to your defence.
"Hermione." You croak, your throat felt sore.
Your girlfriend rushes to your side and grabs your hand.
"I'm here baby, I'm here." She reassures and you squeeze her hand in response. Opening your eyes slightly you're met with her concerned expression.
"I'm sorry y/n-" Harry starts before he is interrupted by your girlfriend.
"Leave. She needs to rest." Hermione asserts before sitting back down next to you.
Harry stills for a beat before leaving without saying another word.
Hermione grabs your hand once again and you intertwine your fingers.
"I thought I lost you." Hermione says her voice trembling slightly.
You look up at her and her concerned gaze softens.
"Can't get rid of me that easily." You quip earning a smile from the brown haired girl.
"I told you." You add.
"Hm?" Hermione gives you a questioning look.
"We should've stayed in bed." You say matter of factly.
Hermione lets out a defeated chuckle before resting her head on your shoulder for a moment.
"Yes maybe we should've." Your girlfriend responds.
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Tagged by: @simplegenius042​ @g0dspeeed​ @inafieldofdaisies​​ and @vampireninjabunnies-blog​​ Thank you all so much!!
tagging: @direwombat​​​ @strangefable​​​ @adelaidedrubman​​​ @shallow-gravy​ @clicheantagonist​​�� @roofgeese​​​ @confidentandgood​​​ @poetikat​​​ @schoute​​​ @corvosattano​​​ @kyber-infinitygems​​​ @wrathfulrook​​​ @florbelles​​​ @henbased​​​ @detectivelokis​​​ @derelictheretic​​​ @strafethesesinners​​​  @aceghosts​​​ @josephslittledeputy​​​ @josephseedismyfather​​​ @neverthesameneveranother​​​ @cassietrn​​​ @chazz-anova​​​ @jacobsneed​​​ @madparadoxum​​​ @megraen​​​ @nightbloodbix​​​ @stacispratt​​​ @voidika​​​ @v0idbuggy​  @trench-rot​ @marivenah​​​ (no pressure of course) and anyone else with something to share, please feel free to tag me :)
here’s a bit from the new chapter 40 aka the Kit propaganda chapter:
Wind whispered and moaned through the empty cages. The fallen snow had washed away the smell of the old, stale blood from the ground as it melted and retreated back into the dark places where the sun could not reach it. Two sets of boots crunched through the gravel towards the lone occupant of their prison, stopping at the bars to look down upon their prey. 
Trembling on the ground –  shivering with fear and from the cold – Mark looked up at them wide-eyed, alarmed and unblinking. Two ginger titans with stone faces stared back at him, silent guards who stole all the air from the enclosure, their freezing stares enough to suffocate a man. A small whining croak emanated from the back of the prisoner’s throat, the terror stealing his ability to think, to process. A thick gulping noise filling the silent void he was trapped in.
Kit watched, her head tipped to the side as she stood utterly still with her hands clasped behind her back, her fingers fidgeting behind her back, nails dragging against her skin kept her from enacting justice on the traitor. This creature that sat in the dirt before her was barely even human, some pathetic thing that clung to the underbelly of the cult like a parasite draining the life from it. An abomination sucking at the mother’s teat, willing to go wherever for survival. But this wasn’t survival like with her and Jacob, no, this was survival out of weakness. Cowardice. Because for someone like him, being left to his own devices meant death. Crawling to the sinners in hopes of protection, turning to the enemy when the hour of God’s cleansing of the world was at hand –  it was shameful, disgusting behavior. She could have spat. Turning his back on the Father, turning his back on God, turning his back on his family – that was something she could never do. 
Jacob stepped up to the bars of the cage and crouched down. A smirk curled at the corner of his lips, an unsettling stare fixed upon the man. “When she showed up and you were put in her care, did you trust her?” Jacob tipped his head in Kit’s direction as she stood just behind him. 
Mark’s eyes rolled in the socket to glance up at Kit, only to be faced with her hate-filled glare. Immediately casting them back down to the ground, he started to hiccup from the amount of crying he had been doing. 
The Herald’s smile only grew wider, causing the crow’s feet near his eyes to crinkle and fold.  “Did you think you were free?” he teased.
Mark sobbed, wiping the sleeve of his sweater against his nose – a long, snail trail of mucus clinging to the woolen fibers. He tried to speak but his voice cracked, and all he could do was nod. 
Leaning in, cruel glee appeared in Jacob’s predatory gaze while he played with his food. “What was that? Couldn’t hear ya.”
“Yes,” Mark wailed. 
“Kitty here had them all fooled, for a long time. But she knows the importance of loyalty, understands the value of trust and respect. She has embraced her role as part of the family and the Project. She’s my Judge, my executioner – Our Lion.” Jacob looked over his shoulder at Kit. “Isn’t that right, angel?”
“Yes, sir.”
“She’s a goddamn thing of beauty.” Jacob looked at her with warmth, a fondness that he only ever reserved for her, seeing her like an angel. Their stoic exteriors crumbled for a moment as their eyes locked. She cleared her throat and icy eyes steered towards the worm that crawled inside the cage. His smile faded back to the sheer unrelenting rockface of the grizzled soldier. “And I think it’s only right that she be given the chance to pass judgment on a bottom feeder like you.”
A long string of snot hung from Mark’s nostril as he doubled over, crumpling to the ground under the weight of what he was about to face. Spit flying from his lips as he mumbled and moaned out a string of nonsense, too incoherent to speak. 
Jacob sneered at the man’s display and stood up, grabbing the keys from his pocket to unlock the cage door. With a turn of the key, the mechanisms of the lock clunked open, and the metal hinges creaked with ear splitting volume in the chilled mountain air as he pulled the door ajar.  
Standing to the side, Jacob directed her in with his free arm as if he was holding the door open for her on a date – a true gentleman. She gave him a sideways glance and a nod as she entered the cage, noticing his eyes fall to the collar that still sat around her neck. 
Stepping onto the dirt floor, the memories of her time spent in the cages flooded back. Unlike with everyone else, they weren’t a place of suffering for her. Not really. Much like being out in the desert, it was a place where she came to a realization about herself, where she finally woke up and saw the world for what it really was. The cages made her see, the Trials made her feel, and Jacob made her whole. 
Kit grabbed Mark by the hair, ripping at the short choppy lengths, pulling him up to his feet with enough force he screamed. Tears fell down his ruddy cheeks and he sucked back on the saliva that dripped from his lower lip as he continued to snivel. She didn’t even bother to grab his hands – she didn’t need to – held behind his back in cuffs, his wrists were red, raw and bleeding. He must have had some fight in him earlier, but just like with every other prisoner she’d come across at Saint Francis, eventually he gave up because he was weak. 
Collecting a tighter grip of his hair in her fist, she dragged him from the cell. Forcing his head down to look at his feet, he stumbled forward, nearly tripping and falling as she shoved him past Jacob and the door. He didn’t deserve to look upon the hallowed grounds of Saint Francis. He deserved only the dirt where he belonged and to where he would be returned from whence he came.  
As she walked towards the Veterans Center, prisoner in her grasp, the Chosen watched her march. Their stares frozen, following her every step as copper hair blew in the wind, her coat billowing around her, flapping against her legs with every pound of her boots. Kit’s eyes never met with any of them, even when she could feel their eyes upon her. They didn’t matter. Only fulfilling her purpose did. She was every bit as merciless as the Herald, ruthless in how she dealt with an enemy – she always had been. 
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The blacklist was a time of evil...no one on either side who survived it came through untouched by evil...Looking back on this time...it will do no good to search for villains or heroes or saints or devils because there were none; there were only victims.
- Dalton Trumbo
Dalton Trumbo was reputedly postwar Hollywood’s highest paid screenwriter and perhaps its most iconic as he was known to write his scripts whilst taking a bath. With such scripts under his belt as 1940’s class conscious Kitty Foyle, for which Ginger Rogers won a Best Actress Oscar, and World War II morale boosters like Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo starring Spencer Tracy, he was rightly seen as one of the best screenwriters in Hollywood. But to keep this prestigious, well-paying job, as Dalton was warned by MGM’s studio mogul Louis B. Mayer, he best avoid politics. Trumbo didn’t listen.
After the WWII alliance between Washington and Moscow collapsed and the Cold War began, Hollywood leftists were subpoenaed to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee about alleged film propaganda.
Among witnesses HUAC summoned was Trumbo. To continue making movies all he had to do was to confess to the grand inquisitors (which included Richard Nixon) that he’d joined the Party and to name Communists, leftists and union supporters in the movie colony. But like other members of the Hollywood Ten, in 1947 a defiant Trumbo refused to cooperate, was fined for contempt of Congress, and sentenced to prison.
Despite their beliefs in the First Amendment, the “Hollywood Ten” were convicted for contempt of congress. They appealed to the Supreme Court, however the Supreme Court chose to keep their convictions in place. This led to Trumbo having to serve almost a year in prison. Trumbo, along with the rest of the Hollywood Ten, were also blacklisted by the film industry and kicked out of the Screen Writers Guild – despite the fact that one of the Hollywood Ten, John Howard Lawson, was the first President of the SWG and one of its founders. This meant that they would not be able to obtain any work in Hollywood.
However, the blacklist did not stop Dalton Trumbo, who wrote under “fronts” or assumed names. After the failure of the Hollywood Ten’s appeals, Trumbo and his family moved to Mexico. It was here that Trumbo wrote some of his best work, often chain-smoking in the bathtub, with a parrot that Kirk Douglas had given him for company. One film which he wrote during this time was Roman Holiday, which won an Oscar for his screenplay. But on this occasion, Ian McLellen Hunter, a fellow screenwriter, had acted as Trumbo’s “front” and therefore accepted the award as if the screenplay was Hunter’s own. It was not until 1993 that Trumbo was posthumously awarded this Oscar, 16 years after his death. Audrey Hepburn also won an Oscar for her performance in the film.
Trumbo may have been a maverick with his wrong headed political beliefs but he wasn’t wrong about freedom of speech or anti-censorship. His professional life was a struggle against the dangers of censorship and demagogaery. If he were a live today no doubt he would have picked up the Voltairean banner of defending free speech rather than crushing and canceling dissenting voices.
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kisiselintihar · 5 months
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ghostly-knight · 2 years
in my drawing of laurance i have him heterochromia (i’ve got a reason)
I headcanon that laurance has heterochromia because in mcd when he first shows up he has green eyes (and is ginger but we know that it was dyed that way) when he comes back from the nether he has blue eyes after being blinded. and in all of mys he has the blue eyes, so i like to think that he has heterochromia to incorporate both. i also think that for a while in mys he’d wear a blue contact over his green eye because he was embarrassed or something but eventually gets more confident and stops wearing it all the time (i also like to think he has an uneven prescription with his blue eye being his worse one)
heterochromia laurance propaganda
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clockwork-sparrow · 2 years
Specula Imperatoris
A tower comes falling down. Parts: [1] 2 3
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1 - Smoke Break
Set during events of Stormblood - CW: Strong language, war, loss
The cloudless skies stretch on, near-infinite over Gyr Abania’s natural splendor. Specula Imperatoris mars it.
The monstrous watchtower spindles over the skyline and casts a constant shadow over the land, as black as the metal it’s made out of, and today, a pair of slackers goof off at its peak. Only specially authorized employees are allowed to be up this high, but Oliver Jen Luti has his ways. With the outside breeze blowing strongly against their cheeks, he and his guest enjoy the view while idiotically trying to get a cigarette to catch in the wind.
Flick. “Fuck.” Flick. “Fuck.” Flick. “Fuck! Ollieee, it keeps getting blown out!” His visitor wails. It also doesn’t help that the wind keeps tossing her ginger hair into her face, blinding her for seconds at a time between attempts.
“Here. Let me just --” Oliver first tries to guard the lighter’s flickering flame against the wind. Another powerful gust tosses her hair right into the fire, so he decides to grab onto her ponytail instead. “Try now, Gloria!”
“Oww, you’re hurting me. My head isn’t a turnip, you dumbass!” She whines loudly.
“Yeah, cause you’re not a turnip, you’re a goddamn carrot. Now stop complaining and get on with it!” Oliver claps back with a laugh.
Gloria mumbles swears under her breath as she gets her cigarette to light. Then, the two of them stare vaguely over the landscape, gazes eventually drawn towards Baelsar’s Wall in the east. Oliver breaks the silence.
“The Alliance broke through. So...this place is next,” he says. Somehow, the exhaustion in his voice prevails over fear, and Gloria squints in irritation.
“What? Noo,” Gloria replies. She’s heard differently (assuaging nothings from management), but Ollie tends to have his ear closer to the ground. She takes half a second to reconsider. “...Oh shit. You think we should run?”
“And desert the XIIth?” Oliver says, glancing at Gloria. She grimaces as he continues. “Look, we’re noncombatants, so other people get to fight. And even if we do lose this skirmish, I think we’ll be fine. You ever heard of the Ironworks?”
“Shut it, Ollie! We’re not supposed to talk about them!” Gloria hisses. She bumps her shoulder against his and he laughs with his cigarette still balanced between his lips.
“Yeah, I know.” He taps ash into the drop below, smiling. “I know.”
The conversation dies down again, although the silence is comfortable and meandering in the way it tends to be between old friends. Gloria leans her head against Oliver’s arm and decides to look in the other direction instead, and the sight of Castrum Abania comes as a much needed comfort.
“Why don’t you switch departments and come work with me and Florus? There’s endless shit to do when it comes to the cannon,” she suggests. The idea of any of these strongholds falling is difficult to believe for Gloria, but then again, Baelsar’s Wall apparently fell. Better to play it safe.
“Are internal transfers still happening? I thought there was a freeze.” Oliver blows out smoke and gives Castrum Abania a considering stare. That’s where Gloria and Florus were stationed and, if Florus’s stories were to be believed, management made working there a living hell. Still, some distance between him and danger would probably be wise.
“Oh fuck, yeah. I’m not sure...But I can ask when I go back. Put in good word. You know, all that jazz,” Gloria promises with a smirk. 
Even in wartime, the technology department had its benefits. That’s why she’s visiting Oliver during her downtime and why she’s sheltered from the reality of how bad things are. Anything to keep calm and carry on, so what’s a little more censorship on a population that’s already bombarded with propaganda? Oliver finishes his cigarette and crumbles it into his pocket with a sigh.
“Yeah, thanks. Let me know,” he mutters. 
Gloria pouts and tugs down on his jacket.
“Hey, meathead! I’m going out on a limb here, and the least you could do is not look so down!” Gloria exclaims. Oliver sends her a pained look, then glances away, pissing her off even more. She tugs harder. “Out with it, Ollie. OUT. What’s bothering you?”
He fixes his hat and lets out another sigh, but Gloria doesn’t take the hint. She tends not to. 
“...I don’t know. I guess I’m tired,” Oliver eventually says. These aren’t the right words for the mess that’s spiraling around in his head, but still, he has to try. Otherwise Gloria’s going to be on his ass 24/7. “It’s just...enough is enough. Something has to change. I don’t know what, but just. Something.”
Gloria frowns, expecting another drawn out rant about the wonderful Populares and the terrible injustices within Garlemald, but for once he doesn’t deliver. Instead of filling the air with hot takes and salty calls for action, Oliver is silent. He’s squinting at something beneath them with a puzzled expression on his face.
“Hey, are people rioting?”
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the-halfling-prince · 2 months
fuck it, more Harlow Tumblr but post series
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🐲 daily-dragon-facts
Did you know:
Amber-Winged Wyverns are more likely to be colorblind than any other dragon!
🐈 housecat-lookin-mf
Okay now I kinda wanna know how we know this. Did someone ask them lol
🐲 daily-dragon-facts
#Dont question me again. #daily dragon facts
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🪕 battlebard
Callout post for @ fish-and-fear-monger
He's kinda cringe.
🔪 fish-and-fear-monger Follow
Me: Not another call-out post... Me: Oh it's just my loser sister
🪕 battlebard
#we love a problematic king? #Top Ten leaders of our archipelago. Yikes.
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⚔️ harlow-stormrage
Guys help I tripped on my cape today my gf thinks I'm a loser
🏹 careless-whisper
Sorry dude my gf has thought I was a loser since we met I can't help you
📜 mari-the-mari-lwyd
Skill issue I'm the coolest bitch my gf knows.
⚔️ harlow-stormrage
#at this point I need to change my URL to not just be my name because #people I know IRL keep finding my fucking tumblr #like y'all remember the uhhh my dad incident #anyway hey mari I hope u forgot about me tripping over my cape today
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🗡️ best-alavanikian-royalty
Harlow: She's literally the king... Enough said.
Mari-Elie: She may not be an heir, or a chief, or a king... But consider: She's cooler than you. And also the main advisor to the king if that counts for anything.
⚔️ harlow-stormrage
I can't believe this is even a competition. Guys. Mari-Elie sweep or I'm stepping down as ruler.
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😎 deactivated10451218
Is it just me or is the king kinda... you know... fruity?? Like have you seen the way she looks at Advisor Jonson....
👩🏻‍🦰 just-daliah
I can't believe I have to say this but it's super not cool to speculate the sexualities of real people.
⚔️ harlow-stormrage
Yeah I'm fruity✌️
🐄 trickstercow
Seriously? Someone on this Odin forsaken website basically forced the king to out herself? Yikes.
⚔️ harlow-stormrage
Guys what.
⚔️ harlow-stormrage
Can't come out when you were never in. Rainbow attack 🏳️‍🌈🌈🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🌈
🐅 that-one-ginger-kid
Happy 3 years to this fuckin post 🤦
#like ngl I was confused when the situation first happened and everyone talked about it because I #deadass thought everyone knew???? #anyway Happy 'cant believe the king got outed' 'rainbow attack' day #fuck dude #tumblr holidays
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📜 chief-stormrage
Everyone, I would like to officially announce my retirement as Chief of Drakenvel. The new chief is the talented Hagen Freyrson, and I hope you all treat him with respect.
🐈 housecat-lookin-mf
Thanks, sir. Anyway...
@ best-alavenikian-royalty any way we can add me to the polls?
#theres no way I'm beating marielie jonson but it's worth a shot
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📜 mari-the-mari-lwyd
Guys reminder that the Royal Alavenikian Library is open to everyone stop trying to sneak in you look dumb.
📔 drakenvellian-public-library
Nooo dude you're gonna put me out of a job.
📜 mari-the-mari-lwyd
Bro your island has five people and the only one who used the library lives here now if you still have that job now, I don't think it'll go away. Be fr.
🏹 careless-whisper
No because Inkwell Björnson has the best job security in alavenik, Harlow would sooner die than let the library close down 😂
#also Drakenvel has way more then five people. There's like... ten
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🪕 battlebard
"The average Alavenikian has one dragon" is a statistical error. The average Alavenikian has no dragons. Dragons Harlow, the king of the UnNamed Kingdom who befriends a hundred dragons daily is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
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🍂 zamenwellwellwell
I wish I could get a cute farmer to date me :(
🐅 that-one-ginger-kid
Me too...
🐄 trickstercow
🐅 that-one-ginger-kid
Omg cute farmer girl
🍂 zamenwellwellwell
#the straights have hijacked my post :( #and by the straights I mean specifically those two. #'that one ginger kid' who even are you????? #... Actually that sounds disrespectful sorry Tiger sir. #sorry about that time you got tortured by that guy. Hope you and your farmer gf are happy.
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Oh bless, we can do anti-propaganda
Sorry V, you're on the chopping block
- This man is so undatable, he's barely present in his own route or after end.
- The martyr complex this dude has is legitimately arrogant, taking blame for something you don't have control over isn't noble, it's just self-sabotaging. Taking blame for shit you do have control over and CHOOSING to change nothing makes the apology worthless. 🙃
-How does a man this rich have the balls to be so dumb? Bro, your bestie is also rich af and was gifted a fuckin island as a kid, why didn't you take the abused little ginger boys there for safety instead of shuffling one into a shady agency and the other to your increasingly unhinged gf who is waist-deep in setting up her cult?? Jumin would have had his back and V didn't even give him the chance to prove it!!
- This man chose to pursue a relationship with a woman who is mentally unstable and let himself become her whole world bc he felt guilty for treating his own disabled mother poorly. When you boil it down, this man chose a woman as a project and proposed to her within months instead of getting therapy for himself. 🫠
- V also lied to his and said gf's friends and family, telling them she committed suicide instead of turning her into the police for starting a cult, leading to the severe depression of her younger cousin and allowing her to continue drugging and brainwashing one of the twins he smuggled along with possibly hundreds of other people.
- When confronted over this, he still resists turning Rika into the police. For contrast, the younger cousin who idolized her immediately restrained her, stopped her from slipping party guests drugged wine and got the police on her. He is a 28 year old man and left the task to her 21 year old cousin who has had the emotional whiplash of finding out that not only was he right about V lying, but Rika is alive, AND she is very mentally unwell and has committed some major crimes.
- V is also mentally unstable af. In other routes, not just bad ends, he also returns to HELP HIS GF DO CULT SHIT.
- This is just subjective, but this wet mop of a man is also boring as shit which is why Cheritz kept him mostly vague and stuck to the background. If you want the fucked up relationship dynamics, just get one of the bad ends with Rika tbh, she at least serves lewks with her brand of crazy cunt.
- in short, you will never be in an equal partnership with this man and he won't be held accountable. The one time he tried, he said some pretty obviously triggering things to the crazy gf and got stabbed. He did not have the foresight to come with backup, announce where he would be, etc. He lived only because the gf that stabbed him calls you to come help him while she's still spiraling out of control.
I say this with full respect to the V fans, who are well aware that this man is an absolute mess and needs so much therapy before he's anywhere in the realm of salvaging his friendships, much less being dateable.
The only thing V should date is therapy, trust me people I played his route
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fleursfairies · 5 months
people just be throwing out anything these days
i watch a marvel movie: im racist, ableist(??), and am in support of war propaganda (???)
i read the harry potter books in seventh grade: im transphobic and racist
i think one singular black, disabled, trans, gay person is annoying asf: i hate every single person that also happens to have any of those traits
i strongly dislike a gay ship and prefer the straight ship: im homophobic
i comment on a post saying that every interaction ive ever had with a furry has been horrible: im “whats wrong with society”
guys. im a hippie. i GENUINELY love everyone. without even trying. please stop saying this stuff when ive done nothing wrong 😭
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