#stop myself from overheating.
decidueyedreamer · 1 year
Sorry that the rest of the mutual requests are taking a while - the UK is going through a pretty bad heatwave atm, which is making it very uncomfortable to actually sit down and draw. Fortunately it should be cooling down soon, so I’m hoping to get them done in a few days time!
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catalinaromanoff · 2 months
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natasha romanoff x pyrokinetic reader
summary: reader accidentally burns natasha, which causes her to rethink their relationship and their life in general.
(there may be female pronouns scattered in here, but i am not 100% sure.)
warnings: insecurity, mentions of very very slight burn (just redness)
i rest my head on the cold kitchen countertop for a few moments, attempting to get just an ounce of relief from the heat surrounding me.
if you asked me in casual conversation i would say i don’t mind summer. it’s okay; i dont hate it. however, if you asked me on a personal level, i would say i absolutely despise summer. i hate the thought of wearing bikinis, all the bug bites i receive, but i hate the heat most of all. pyrokinetics and heat simply do not mix. ironic, isn’t it?
and so, i press my face harder into the kitchen countertop in the compound for just a bit of relief.
i was currently sitting at the kitchen island. the coolness of the marble surface did provide me with a bit of contrast to my heated skin, but it just wasn’t enough. on top of that it was agonizing listening to my teammates having the time of their lives outside in the compound’s backyard.
some were in the crystal clear water of the immensely big in-ground pool tony had installed while others played a casual game of volleyball.
how i envy them.
however, the people whom i envied the most were the couples outside able to cuddle and kiss each other. my heart breaks a little for my girlfriend when i see laura sitting on clint’s lap on one of the poolside tables knowing we could never do the same.
technically we could, but unfortunately this wasn’t the season to do so. during the winter season me and natasha could cuddle at any time and i would serve as her personal heater. the heat that would emanate from my body would be a nice contrast to the painful coldness of a new york winter.
however, when it’s already around 100 degrees and i am a pyrokinetic that sometimes freaks out and cannot control herself, that leads to accidents.
like this one.
i had banished myself to the kitchen countertop because me and natasha had tried to see if maybe my body temperature wouldn’t flare up like it always did. spoiler alert; it did. natasha had been sitting on my lap with her head in my neck. she began kissing my neck and that’s where i think things began to go downhill.
much of my pyrokinesis revolves around what i’m feeling at the current moment. once i felt natasha’s featherlight kisses on my neck i began to feel things. mostly shy. and so, i slowly began to heat up. eventually things escalated too quickly when natasha bit me. immediately my body became the temperature of the sun and natasha jumped up and away from me.
i observed as she lightly rubbed her thighs trying to get at least a but of relief. just like i am now. anyway, i could do nothing but watch her knowing i caused this but couldn’t fix it.
“im-im so sorry baby. i’ll go inside. im sorry.”
i quickly get up from my place on the poolside chair, not without noticing the chair had begin to melt a little because of me. it made me feel that much worse.
natasha tried to stop me, but obviously she couldn’t do that much when i couldn’t be touched.
“y/n it’s okay, baby. i’m fine. please don’t go.”
i ignore the concerned expression in my beautiful girlfriend’s face and instead rush to the sliding door separating the big backyard from the avenger’s compound. i thank whoever left the door open in my head as i rush through and close the door behind me.
that brings me to where i am now. a tiny portion of white plastic on my hand from closing the sliding door and a big portion of embarrassment.
i continue to observe the other avengers outside and let out a deep breath.
do i really belong here?
i mean, most of the avengers out there avoid touching me. no handshakes, no hugs, no anything. i understand their fear and apprehension but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. a great deal of them were scared of me and that honestly made my heart break; i didn’t ask to be made this way, so why do i have to suffer the consequences?
the only people who really bothered in trying to get to know me and know when it’s okay to touch me are natasha, wanda, and bucky. they try to understand how my pyrokinesis works and how to prevent meltdowns (haha get it?) like this.
they’ll never truly understand though.
i see wanda talking to natasha and looking back inside at me. i realize almost immediately that she heard my thoughts. dang you, my sexy witch best friend. i see my girlfriend approach the door i had melted not more than 20 minutes ago and slide it open. she makes sure to close it behind her before she sits next to me at the kitchen island.
she looks stunning.
natasha was wearing a simple black bikini, but yet it complimented her so well. it complimented her beautifully sculpted body, her stunning scars scattered around her body, and it just looked right against her sun-kissed skin.
i wish i looked like her.
“hey, how are you feeling?”
i shrug my shoulders.
natasha’s lips form into a straight line on her face as she looks down at her hands. i take this moment to admire her gorgeous face. her cute freckles scattered across nearly every part of her face. that’s one of the things i didn’t mind about summer. nat’s freckles showed up and showed out during the summer.
i decide to speak up. “im sorry.”
nat’s head snaps up at the words of my timid apology.
“honey you have nothing to apologize for. i know that was an accident and i shouldn’t have pushed you that far.”
“no, about everything.”
natasha furrows her brows and her confusion slowly grows. she timidly inches her fingers toward my thigh. she checks my temperature to make sure she can touch me. im lukewarm. she puts her hand on my right thigh with her left hand. that gives me the courage i need to say the next words.
“im sorry for being such a bad girlfriend. i see how you look at other couples and their pda and stuff. you should just break up with me. i mean we can’t even have.. um.. sex without me freaking out and burning you. i just don’t think im lovable and im definitely holding you back from having your dream relationship. maybe you should try dating banner. i hate his guts but you’ll probably be happier with him than you’ll ever be with me.”
an uncomfortable silence fills the room. i bring my arms up on the countertop and stuff my face into them.
we both breathe in the silence for a while. i know natasha doesn’t know what say; i mean what can she say? that everything will be alright? that we’ll be able to do normal couple things one day? she would be lying to my face.
“y/n, look at me.”
i sink deeper into my seat. i feel hot tears begin to pour out of my eyes. i can no longer feel natasha’s touch on my thigh.
i let out a sob. im pathetic.
“baby, please look at me.”
i shake my head.
“fine. y/n, i love you so much. your pyrokinesis will never change that because i didn’t fall in love with your body temperature, but with your personality. you didn’t deserve what those cruel people did to you but unfortunately you cannot change your story. and sure maybe i get a twinge of sadness watching other couples, but i love our connection more than any pda or hugs or touches. i love the way you assure i feel loved without having to touch me all the time. you are more than your pyrokinesis. i will keep saying that until you get it. because it’s true; nothing will ever change that. you are worth the moon and stars to me.”
i feel tears begin to flow down my cheeks. i sit up and look at natasha. i gaze into her eyes for a few seconds but immediately look away. playing with my hands, i utter something under my breath in hopes she won’t hear me.
natasha inches her face closer to mind and kisses my tears away. she pulls back smiling and stares at me knowingly when she feels me heat up a bit.
“what was that honey? i can’t hear you.”
this time i make tiny flames from my fingertips and decide to speak up a little more.
“i said, i love you too.”
natasha smiles at me knowing i do appreciate what she has said, but i’m just too shy.
“natasha, i love you so much you don’t even know. and if i could control myself i would tell you more, but i think if i do i’ll start crying and melt this chair.”
at that natasha giggles and grabs my chin to kiss all over my face.
“heyy! you’re gonna get me riled up!”
i swat her face away. she begins to laugh and i stare at her, confused.
“babe, your face is literally as red as my hair!”
“okay, that’s not fair. you’re such a bad girlfriend.”
i roll my eyes and jump off of my chair, heading towards the sliding door to go back outside.
“you sure you wanna go back outside? if you want to we can stay inside and cool you down. i can ask tony to order us some ice-cream. fuck, we can even get you an ice bath.”
i look back at natasha and shake my head while giggling.
“that’s fine, i want you to enjoy yourself. cmon.”
i wait for my girlfriend to join me and we make our way back outside.
everything turned out fine, for today. there were still a few accidents. unfortunately that’s the reality behind being an enhanced human. we will always make mistakes and have accidents, but that’s what reminds us we are still human.
i am still human, and still lovable.
a/n: this is my first work so be kind lol!! but let me know if you guys have any requests or want me to continue this series (?). honestly this isn’t proofread, the ending was lowkey rushed, and it’s nearly 3am so if it’s dookie that’s why lol. but yea, thank you for reading if you made it this far!
word count: 1.6k
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letters-to-lgbt-kids · 3 months
My dear lgbt+ kids, 
I had a panic attack in my kitchen the other day. 
It was a really warm evening, I was making dinner in the kitchen and I noticed I felt a bit weird. At first I didn’t pay it much mind, I was probably just annoyed at having to stand at the hot stove in this weather, but then the thought crossed my mind “What if I falsely believe this is some harmless discomfort and I’m actually having a heart attack?” - and those of you who struggle with health anxiety as well can surely imagine it was all downhill from there. Suddenly I got dizzy and my chest hurt and I felt like I couldn’t breathe… 
And I said to myself “These are all the symptoms of my usual panic attacks, these aren’t new or unusual symptoms that require me to get medical attention right now”, so I turned off the stove and did the first aid I learned works for my panic attacks:
I went to the fridge and got an ice cube and held it in my hand, until that sensory stimulation snapped me back to reality. And when I could think clearly again, I felt safe enough to do a deep breathing exercise and go through my “Why do I feel so shitty” checklist (checking for unmet physical needs I may not be consciously aware of), and I realized I was dressed way too warmly for the weather, so I changed into something lighter - and then I went back to making dinner. My “heart attack” was just me overheating and then my anxiety attaching a wrong interpretation to that. 
That’s a pretty boring story, right? Nothing dramatic happened. But that’s exactly why I share it with you. 
When you’re young and mentally ill (or if you have been freshly diagnosed with it, at any age), a common fear is that it’ll stay. You’ll be like this forever now, you’ll never go back to normal. And so positivity often focus on recovery, on “it’ll go away one day, you just gotta be strong until then”. And maybe it will! Mental illness is a pretty vast umbrella term, some conditions under it can be cured completely. 
But I wanted to share another perspective here: even if it won’t go away, even if it indeed stays forever because it’s a chronic condition or a treatment-resistant one (or because you learn, after years of wondering why your depression and anxiety won’t go away with traditional therapy, that you’re actually autistic and need a completely different approach than a neurotypical patient (hi, it’s me)) .. it won’t feel like it did at the beginning forever, simply because it’s no longer so new. When it’s new, you have no blueprint on how to deal with it. It’s a situation you’re thrown into with no prior training - of course you feel completely lost and hopeless! 
Mental illness is a real illness and as any illness, it’ll affect your daily life - but over all those days, you learn more about it. You try things to cope with the symptoms and realize that some techniques work better for you than others. Even if you can only learn to manage it rather than cure it: you figure out how to deal with it better. You draw your blueprint. 
It’s still part of your life but it’s no longer the showstopper. It becomes just a boring story of stopping dinner to take care of your symptoms first. And that’s something to hope for, to fight for. 
With all my love, 
Your Tumblr Dad 
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bookshelf-dust · 3 months
soul made of honeybees
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billy hargrove x fem!reader
gif by @biillys
word count: 6,418
warnings: brief swearing, mentions of smoking, reader deals with body insecurities/dysmorphia, uses exercise as a punishment, all of the struggles that come with trying to accept oneself
synopsis: on a journey of becoming more active and trying to be happier in yourself, you find billy, who helps you develop a healthier relationship with exercising and shows you that your body should be celebrated for all it does for you.
a/n: well, what do we have here? my creative juices have begun to flow again, and this is the first fic to be born of that particular affair. in my head i’ve set this in the late 80s, maybe early 90s, where i imagine billy still works at the pool during the summers when he’s home from college. this is a situation i’ve found myself in over the past year, and i wanted a chance to explore it in this way and sort through some of my own experiences. i hope you will enjoy it. as always, happy reading! <3
Jane Fonda is a fucking fantastic woman. But right now, you hate her. 
She manages to look stunning and effortless with each kick of her legs; while you are sweating profusely, your shorts are up your ass, and your fingers are swollen from overheating. 
You hate exercising in the moment, but once her thirty minute video is over and her group of people in tights and tiny shorts are gone, admittedly you do feel better. Rinsing the sweat from your face, feeling your muscles ache the next day—it brings you some sort of satisfaction. 
Your body likes that you’ve gotten more active. 
But your own hatred for your body was the reason you allowed Jane Fonda into your home to begin with. Sick, right? You know it’s bad, and yet each time you squat, crunch, and press, you can’t stop yourself from wishing you were shaped differently. From looking at the toned and athletic bodies in Miss Fonda’s videos and imagining what it would be like to feel that comfortable in your own skin, to be so graceful and…perfect.
So, you continue to push yourself, in hopes that you’ll become more appealing, that if you keep doing this, there will come a point where you aren’t totally and completely disgusted with the body you’ve been given. 
Because at this point, you’ve truly convinced yourself that you cannot be happy in your body. Even if you have noticed your strength levels increasing and really want to push yourself more. But you won’t let that positivity ring free like the woman on your television always wishes you would. 
“You did a great job!” Jane’s voice rings throughout your living room as the workout video ends, and you scramble for the remote, having had enough of these cheery attitudes for one morning.
You sit back on your hands, stretch out your legs, and try to steady your breath. Your knees have carpet burn, and you can feel sweat dripping down your temples. 
You may be a heaving mess, but you need more. The workouts have gotten easy, and you need something new. 
A woman runs by outside your window in a bright pink leotard and blue jogging shorts, matching pink leg warmers meeting her tennis shoes.
I could try that, you think. Maybe I’d like running. 
You certainly didn’t like it in school, but most of that was the result of shitty phys-ed teachers and the fact that you were never the athlete those instructors wanted you to be. 
You push off the floor and stalk to your room, digging for the sneakers you know are buried in the back of your closet. You have to try this. You need to keep pushing yourself. And if you don’t do it now, with this sudden spark of energy, you probably never will. 
Five minutes. You can run for five minutes. And if you feel like you can after that time is up, you’ll do ten. 
You squeeze your eyes shut as you’re tying your shoes, shoving away the thoughts telling you that you’ll definitely not look as cute as that woman on the street or any other woman that goes for a run, their ponytail swaying and their cheeks perfectly pinked. 
But what does it matter? You have to try. You have to be productive and make something out of yourself. You can’t deal with the pulsing, clawing thoughts of self-hatred anymore. Your body has to change.
The only problem is that you haven’t yet realized your mindset must too.
The heat that swallows you up when you step out of your front door is almost enough to send you right back inside. But how disappointed will you be in yourself if you retreat that quickly? 
You let your body begin to walk before your brain can start to argue. Your street doesn’t really have a sidewalk, so you keep to one side as the cyclists and other joggers do, ensuring you won’t be in anyone’s way. Subconsciously, you’re already making yourself smaller even though there’s no one outside to judge you. 
You look down at your watch, noting the time, and start to run. Not as though you’re being chased by a serial killer—or a man—but enough that it counts as a run. Those first few seconds are blissful. You feel like a little kid as the adrenaline spreads through your veins. Like your mom has just called you in because dinner is ready, like you're racing against the sunset so that your feet land inside the door just before the streetlights flick on. 
You forgot what it was like to move your body in this way. To feel this momentary freedom. You make it about three minutes before your side starts to hurt, a telltale sign that you haven’t done this in far too long. The heat is starting to get to you too, but you said you’d go for five, and that’s what you’re doing. 
It’s pitiful, the way you press yourself to the inside of your front door, trying to catch your breath from that little bit of work. Why did it hurt so much more than everything Jane Fonda tells you to do? 
Maybe you’re not meant to be the athletic type. Or maybe I need to eat something, you think. I need to make a plan for myself. That could make it easier. 
You can’t eat with your shirt sticking to your back though, so you strip and turn the shower on, practically jumping under the cool stream of water. But not before you glance at your body in the full-length mirror hanging on the wall. Your hands find your stomach, eye each stretch mark and bit of cellulite. Each extra-soft spot of skin, every part of you that doesn’t conform to the vision you have in your head. 
You wish that five minute run had fixed everything. That you could magically look like an aerobics instructor and be happy in your own skin. Your eyes fill with tears, and you think for a minute that it could be better to just stop before you get ahead of yourself. What’s the point? You don’t know if you have it in you to wait and see results. And you know you won’t turn into someone else, won’t form a new shape…and then you’re spiraling. You can’t think of a single reason why exercising is worth it.
Because it can be fun. Because it pushes you and makes you stronger. You shove this tiny voice away and let your gaze flick back to the shower, where you’ve completely abandoned your cold sanctuary. You hop in and start scrubbing your hair, trying to think of anything that isn’t your body in that mirror, anything other than how much you looked like a fraud trying to fit in with everyone else. 
You continue on this way for a while longer: running in the mornings, doing as many of the Jane Fonda videos as you have access to at work, drinking more water, blah blah blah. One of the perks of working at the library is that you can check out as many tapes as you want. But you’ve done all of Jane’s workouts, and you need more. 
You could swim, but when is the community pool ever not full to the brim during the summer? You could try jazzercise. No. That’s just not for you. You could…go to the gym. 
The pool also has small gyms for both women and men, and you know the men’s one is usually very busy, but most of the women in Hawkins take part in other forms of exercise. And if you went in the mornings…you might have the place to yourself. You might could try and tone up. 
God, this sounds so stupid. 
And your heart rate picks up just thinking about doing this very new and very big and very embarrassing thing, but you want to do it. You’re going to try. 
Hopefully you’ll just go unnoticed. This is a totally normal thing for people to do, right? 
The community pool opens at ten during the week, but the doors to the gyms open at seven. And that’s what time you get there, out of pure fear that you’ll have to interact with another human and make a fool of yourself. But the universe must be looking out for you on this particular morning, because the door is unlocked, and you slip in without any hassle. 
Billy isn’t a morning person. He never has been, but an excuse to get out of his hellhole of a house before anyone else is up to fuck with him? Yeah, he jumped at that opportunity. 
Usually the manager opens the gyms and stays to open the pool during the summer, but he volunteered. Especially because he can usually get in a workout before his shift technically even starts. 
He’ll bench as much as he can without a spot, work on the pull ups he never tells anyone he struggles with. It just feels good to be able to use his muscles and push himself. Billy is proud of what his body can do, what it does for him, how it protects him—and he’s not ashamed to admit that.
His body is one of the only things he has control over, and he’s heard his share of people talking about how vain he is, how he shouldn’t spend so much time doing this or that. But he doesn’t give a fuck. He’s built a body he’s proud of and feels comfortable in, and truthfully he feels like everyone should be comfortable in their body without anyone else pushing them to look another way. 
Billy is leaning against his car, hands tangled in his hair in an effort to tie it up, a cigarette dangling loosely from his full lips when he sees you for the first time. 
He watches you get in your car, bag slung over your shoulder, interested only because he never sees another soul here this early. 
You’re pretty, he thinks. Your hairline shines in the morning sunlight, damp with sweat, your neck the same. Your sports bra peeks through your pale shirt, and one of your slouchy socks is hiked up higher than the other. You’ve clearly just finished working out, but he thinks you look breathtaking. 
There’s something about you. Something light and sweet that he can feel even from this distance, like something is telling him you have a good soul. 
The next time Billy sees you, you come out of the door looking frustrated—he assumes at yourself. He doesn’t want to bother you, but he would like to talk to you at some point. 
You turn around when you go to unlock your car door and lock eyes with him. Your heart stutters at the fact that someone has caught you, probably knows you were exercising. But he is gorgeous. You give him a small smile, and climb into the driver's seat. All you can think on the drive home is that it must be nice to be so effortlessly gorgeous. 
You continue on this way for weeks. Close to a month. You workout, you wave and acknowledge one another. This other person who you share this tiny thing with and who you are not judged by. 
On this particular day, you decide to be brave though. You packed a swimsuit, and you’re going to speak to that gorgeous boy and hope he doesn’t get freaked out by you. 
You place your weights back on the rack, the muscles in your thighs pulsing, your arms feeling like jelly. You’ve only worked your way up to the set of fifteens, but that’s something, right? 
You’re sweating, and dread walking outside into the swath of steadily climbing heat and humidity. Your heart pounds at the prospect of speaking to him. 
With your bag over your shoulder, you push open the door and step outside, jumping almost immediately. “Shit!” 
Billy laughs at your reaction, both because he hadn’t expected to frighten you, and because your jolt was pretty entertaining to witness. 
“I’m sorry,” he chuckles, “I didn’t mean to make you lose your shit, it’s just too hot to stand anywhere without shade.”
You lean against the cool metal door behind you. “Fuck,” you sigh. “My survival skills are clearly not what they should be.”
Billy laughs into his drink, taking a swig from the Coke he bought at the vending machine. 
“You headed out?” he asks, subconsciously fussing with a belt loop. 
“Well, yeah, I was. But um, I was going to ask a favor from you, if that’s okay?” You must sound like a dumbass, speaking to this man for the very first time, only to ask him for something.
“Shoot,” Billy responds.
“Do you think it’d be okay for me to swim a few laps in the pool? I know it’s not open yet, and I haven’t even told you my name, but I promise not to be a bother or anything. I just kind of wanted a chance to swim when there was no one else around, you know?”
Billy finishes his drink and tosses the can in the recycling bin inches from your hip. It lands with a resounding ping. 
You start to think this was a very stupid idea, and that maybe you should’ve just kept yourself at home like always.
“You can totally say no—”
“Yeah, sure I don’t see why not—”
Your words clash together and the both of you start to laugh. You raise your hand, gesturing for him to continue his thought. 
“It’s fine by me if you swim a little. I doubt you’re gonna trash the place.” He grins at you, dimples forming in his cheeks. “I’m Billy, by the way.”
A heat rises up your neck and washes over the tips of your ears. You tell him your name and thank him for letting you bend the rules. 
“Ah, fuck the rules. It’s just a community pool,” he winks, opening up the gate for you and telling you to have at it. 
You’d put your one-piece on underneath your workout clothes this morning, and you try to ignore the prick of shame, even disgust, that you feel having put your body in it as you wade into the pool. 
The water is cool, and as it drenches you, you feel lighter, somehow. You swim out to the deep end and push off the wall with your toes, propelling yourself underwater and kicking for as long as you can go while holding your breath. 
The little girl that still lives within your soul leaps to the surface, giddy with each push off the wall, each stroke of your arms underneath the water. She is excited. Free. 
She isn’t thinking about what your stomach looks like in this swimsuit or how stupid you probably look with your sloppy swimming skills. 
You swim for maybe twenty minutes, or at least until your shoulders are aching. You kick over to the wall, hoisting yourself up just that little bit so you can prop your elbows up on the warming concrete. 
You feel so light here that it almost makes you forget why you came. 
You hear footsteps and Billy appears from around the corner, a fluffy white towel in hand. 
“You getting out? I figured I’d come and make sure you hadn’t drowned.” 
You giggle. The sound makes him smile, pearly white teeth on display. Your eyes are drawn to his, where the summer sun has multiplied his freckles so much that they blanket his nose and the tops of his cheeks, washing over his temples. 
“I appreciate you looking out for my safety,” you say, climbing up the short ladder. Billy holds out a hand to help you steady yourself as you stand. You’re hesitant to take it because you’re all wet, but your hand moves before your mind takes control. “Thank you.” You give him a shy smile.
He grins at you and hands you the towel. You wrap it around your shoulders and follow him back under the awning when he starts walking away. Billy leans up against the cold brick wall and you stand, a little nervously, in front of him, trying to think of what to say. 
“I’ll admit, uh, it’s been nice to see someone else here so early in the mornings.” Billy lets out a huff of a laugh. “I was gonna ask though, why’d you pick this shithole to workout in?”
You pull the damp towel tighter against your torso. “It’s a quiet shithole,” you say. “And this whole exercising thing is pretty new to me, you know? I didn’t want to be somewhere people could see me like that.”
You realize how self-deprecating that comment was, realize you’re being too upfront, and try to quickly cover your ass. “What about you?” you ask, daring to make eye contact just to make sure he’s not disturbed. 
“Well, it came with the job,” he laughs, “and I love working out. Always have. Plus, it might be a shitty place, but the older equipment is a lot better than what newer gyms are using. So it works for me.”
“Oh. Nice.” You chew on your thumbnail. What a fuckup you are. 
Billy tilts his head, trying to encourage your gaze to raise to his. “What just happened?” he asks, a teasing lilt to his voice. 
You look at him, his sunglasses pushed up into his hair and arms crossed in front of his chest. “It’s nothing…I just don’t really know what to say to someone who enjoys the gym? Who has a positive relationship with it and everything.”
A crease forms between Billy’s brows. “You’ve been crazy consistent with it, but you don’t like it?” He asks you, but based on your body language and how you’ve acted the past month every time you head out, everything adds up and Billy knows the answer before it even leaves your mouth. 
You shake your head, ashamed that you even brought this up. “No,” you laugh nervously. “I hate it. I only started because I’m unhappy with myself? So it’s more of a punishment than something that brings me joy.”
Billy’s chest squeezes at your words. That is exactly why he started working out all those years ago. To make himself stronger because he was ashamed his father had power over him. Because he wasn’t good enough for anyone, so out of anger he made himself more powerful.
But he doesn’t want you to feel that way. You shouldn’t be working out purely to punish yourself for some absurd reason your mind has come up with. 
And even though Billy has had very minimal interactions with you, he likes you. He wouldn’t wish the horrible thoughts he’s had for himself on anyone else, but he gets the feeling you already know. 
“Well, I’m not gonna berate you or nothin.’ But uh, if you ever want help, or want to workout together so it’s not so miserable, let me know alright?”
You smirk at him, hoping to make the situation a bit less awkward. “Are you implying you’re the reason working out would become less miserable?”
Billy laughs, glad to see you’re not totally opposed to the idea of him offering help. “Yeah. But really, you shouldn’t have to hate it y’know? If I can help you figure out not to hate it…I’d like to try. And we could get to know each other better.”
Billy fidgets with the lighter in his pocket. He’s weaned off cigarettes, but he keeps loads of lighters around so he has something to occupy his hands with. If not, it’s usually not a good situation for him to be in. 
Your heart squeezes at the genuine quality in his words. You feel like you’re a lost cause at this point, but there’s a big part of you, the soft and squishy and easily flustered one, that wants to take him up on this offer. 
You nod, wrapping up your towel so you can drop it in the bin and go get changed. “Okay. I’ll think about it, Billy. Promise.”
“One more.”
“I can’t, Billy. I told you, I’m not strong enough for this shit.”
You swear when you’re frustrated. Billy has learned that over the past few weeks. 
He crouches, leveling with you. Your knee bounces, the dumbbells in your hands sitting on the tops of your thighs. “Yes, you can. You’re already up to twenty-fives for your presses. Try one more for me and then you can rest a minute.”
Your eyes well with tears that you quickly blink away as you settle back against the bench. This is the point in a workout where you just start to hate yourself. You think it’s pointless, you know you’re body hasn’t changed enough, you feel like total shit—everything just feels fucked.
You use your knees to help lift the dumbbells and slowly lift them to the appropriate height, making sure to protect your shoulders like Billy taught you. You inhale and raise them up. Your arms are shaking, especially your non-dominant one which is really fighting this shoulder press, and you’re not sure you’ll be able to lift them fully until you do. 
“Fuck, yeah!” Billy’s voice reaches your ears just as you’re lowering your arms, completely out of breath. You set the dumbbells on the floor. 
Billy is thrilled for you. He can see the progress you’re making, how much stronger you are and less hesitant to try new exercises.
When you look up at him the expression on your face tells him you are not thrilled. 
“Hey, hey, hey, what’s the matter?”
You stand and walk over to the mirror that covers one whole wall. You put your hands on your hips and bite the inside of your cheek. “Billy, will you look at me, honestly?” You gesture to your body. “This is the matter. I don’t look any different than the first day I showed up here, do I? Even if I’ve been busting my ass, I’ll just never—”
You stop, rubbing your hands down your face and over your bloodshot eyes. 
“You’ll never what?” Billy locks eyes with you in the mirror. 
You set a hand on your chest, nails digging into your skin. “My body will never be good enough for me. I’ll always look at every other person that walks by, jealous that they have the figure I want and I’ll never have. Why did I have to get stuck with this shit? Why couldn’t I be given a body that I’d be happy with. Life if fucking hard enough, why couldn’t I have this one thing?”
“And you’re just so effortlessly gorgeous, you know that? I wish it was that easy for me, too. It’s just like, why am I even doing this anymore when I know I’ll never look the way other women do? I’m bullshitting myself, aren’t I, Billy? Working out like it’s gonna do anything.”
You exhale and drag your arm across your nose, avoiding Billy’s gaze. 
“Hey. Look at me.” Billy’s tone is firm. “Listen for a second, will you?”
“You are getting stronger. You’re using heavier weights all around. Shit, you’re up to fifty for your deadlifts. Hold your arm up for me—yeah, and squeeze, yep. Look at that.” 
He taps his index and middle finger on your bicep, on the bit of muscle you’ve grown and shape you’ve built. “You are absolutely not bullshitting yourself, you hear me? If anything, you’re bullshitting yourself by thinking you can’t be happy in this body. You don’t have to look like other women. Who the fuck put that idea in your head? I don’t know if you see how I look at you, but I think you’re gorgeous, and I love to see you becoming more comfortable in the movements you do, in your own strength. Your body does so fuckin’ much for you.”
Billy is still keeping eye contact with you in the mirror. You can feel the warmth of him behind you, and you swear you sweat more because you know he’s right and you know you are getting stronger but fuck you just can’t believe that. You look at him and you just wish you were that lithe, that comfortable in your own skin. 
“I’m doing this with you—hey, take a deep breath, alright?” He clocks the way you’re shaking out your hands, trying to keep yourself from breaking. Crying. Screaming out of frustration. “I’m doing this with you because I used to be just like this, you hear me?” 
He hates being vulnerable, fucking despises it, but he knows that giving you this information, giving you this little pathway into his life just might save you right now. 
“I worked out all through junior high and high school because I fuckin’ hated myself, and I thought if I could get bigger, if I could make myself look intimidating, then maybe other people wouldn’t treat me like shit. That part worked in some places, but I didn’t like myself any more because I hadn’t sorted through any of my mental shit.”
He says your name. Slowly. You like the way it sounds when he says it, hating the way it sounds when it leaves your own lips. 
“I know we aren’t all that close yet, but I see so much fuckin’ potential in you. I’m not gonna let you suffer with all this shit alone. I know you hate your body, but this is the one you were given, and there’s no point spending so much time destroying yourself over that simple fact.”
You turn around to face him, your hands on the sides of your neck, rubbing as if that will stop the emotion from rising in your throat. It doesn’t work. Billy’s eyes move back and forth between yours, across your face, tracking every change in your expression. He recognizes what you’re doing, trying to suppress all of this. 
You go before your mind can fight back. Billy takes you in his arms, tucking your face into his chest, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
You breathe unsteadily into his skin. You don’t care that he smells like sweat and you smell like sweat and that you’re shaking and tears are slipping from your eyes. His arms are strong, and the feeling of his biceps squeezing you closer, his hands running up and down your back, it makes it all feel like it’s okay. 
“It’s just so fucking hard, Billy,” you mumble, lifting your head up slightly. “It’s not fair. I just want to be pretty and normal and have a body I can accept like everyone else.”
Billy gently touches his index finger just below your chin, coaxing your gaze up to meet his. “I know it is. And I mean it when I say that you are pretty. Honestly, you gotta think about how many ‘pretty’ people there are out there, people who have the bodies the tabloids tell them to have—and are absolute dicks. Hell, that’s how I was in high school.”
Your eyes crinkle at the corners, signaling that he did get a little joy in you having admitted that, even if it’s not a full on smile. His thumb swipes down your cheek, mopping up the little track left by a tear. 
“Point is, this, what I’m holding right now, is your body. No one else would know it like you do, know how to take care of it, know where each mark has come from or each thing you’ve put it through. Each thing it’s gotten you through. You can accept it, because I’m going to help you get to a point where you can look in the mirror and not shit-talk yourself.”
You pull back a little, pressing the palms of your hands to your face, your elbows slightly poking the top of Billy’s rib cage. “I’m just so scared.”
“I got you, you hear me?” He pulls your shirt away from your collarbones just so it’s not sticking to your skin so much. “You don’t need to be scared. Not with me.”
You nod. And you keep doing that until it feels a little more believable. 
Billy can’t stop looking at you. 
And he really needs to focus before he runs off the sidewalk and into the road. 
But for the first time in the few months he’s known you, you look free. You look happy. You look all of these things and you’re running. There’s a baseball cap perched backwards on your head, one of his from forever ago that he lent (gave) you when you mentioned you didn’t have any. 
He can smell the sunscreen you’ve slathered all over yourself, see the sweat dripping down your spine. This is the first time you’ve felt brave enough to go out in just a sports bra and a cropped sweatshirt, bright colored biker shorts covering the tops of your thighs. Your frilly socks make it too, just because it shows how much more comfortable you’ve gotten with doing this. 
It turns out you never hated running. You just needed to do it in a different atmosphere, with different thoughts running through your head. And having a good running partner helps, too. 
“There’s a bench up here if you want to rest a second before we finish,” Billy says through a rather aggressive exhale. You’re glad the sun is setting, because that makes it so much cooler than when you try to run in the morning with the sun beating down on you and seeping into your veins.
You sit down, taking a long drink from your water. Billy crouches on the sidewalk, shaking out his hair and retying the mess of a bun he was wearing. 
“You’re doing so good today,” he tells you, winking at you from his place just a few inches to your left. 
You grin into your water bottle. “How long was that?” you ask. 
He rises and sits down next to you, his arm slung behind your back on the bench. His thumb brushes the shell of your ear, rubs over the little hoop you’re wearing. You watch as he does a little math in his head, checking out where exactly you are. “Little over two miles, bee.” 
Bee. Your heart skips every time he says that. It’s a very new thing, but it sort of slipped out one day, and you’ve loved it ever since. 
“What movie you wanna see this weekend, honeybee? My treat.”
When you’d asked why he chose that name for you, he’d teased at first, telling you it was just because you’re so damn sweet. But really it was a little more sappy than that. 
“Well, you are sweet. And bubbly when you want to be. But think about how much shit those little fuckers get done. How persistent and focused. They’re all cute and fuzzy n’ whatever, but they’re like, badass lil’ things, y’know?” 
Your knee bounces excitedly on the pavement. “Really?” That’s the farthest you’ve run so far. And you didn’t even hate it. You had…fun.
Billy laughs, throwing his head back a little and bearing his neck to you. It shines with sweat and it almost looks like he’s glowing. “Fuck yeah. You’ve been kicking my ass this week. I hate running.”
“But you do it with me,” you say.
“But I do it with you.”
You reach over your shoulder and squeeze his hand. “I like running better when it’s with you. Just for the record.” He squeezes back, lifting your hand up gently to press his lips to it. 
“I’m proud of you, you know that?”
A crease forms between your brows as you meet his gaze. “What for?”
“For not giving up.” You start to argue with him, but he continues before you can belittle yourself even the slightest bit. “You’ve kept at this, at trying to get yourself stronger and to try and feel more comfortable in what your body can do. I know you probably still wish you looked like some fuckin’ model or some shit, but I can see how much you’ve eased up, you know?” 
You nod, giving him a small smile. “I do still wish that sometimes. It would be easier. But I’m getting better, I think. I hate to tell you you’re right—,” he shoots you that cocky, prideful grin, “but my body does do a lot for me. I’m starting to accept that it can do a lot for me…” 
You trail off, tapping the toes of your sneakers on the concrete below you. “And I did squat with the bar and those little plates yesterday without a spot.” 
The spot in question was watching you carefully from a few feet away, ready to sprint if you needed help. 
“Yes, you did, bee. You’re kicking ass.” That dimple forms in his cheek, and you know he’s about to say something smart. “Speaking of ass—”
You stand abruptly, turning around quickly so that the area he’s speaking of isn’t directly in his face. You’ve learned he has a staring problem, specifically with that part of you. Not that you mind. Maybe that’s where your pride comes in.
The sun has slipped beneath the horizon by the time Billy slips his key into the gate, pulling it securely shut behind him. The first spattering of stars are trying to show in the purple-blue sky. 
The pool is calm, empty, and lit only by the pale bulbs built into it and the two light poles on either side of the patio. 
It was Billy’s idea to sneak in for a late night swim. He thought it would be fun, and he knows you hate swimming in an overcrowded pool. But truthfully, he just wanted to give you another space where you could feel completely without judgment and just exist. 
“What’s the plan here, Billy? I didn’t even think about taking a detour to get a swimsuit.” 
It’s true, you’ve felt so carefree around him that you weren’t overthinking, overanalyzing a scenario like this. You weren’t worried about running inside and finding the most full coverage bathing suit you have because you’re afraid of Billy seeing your body. But right now…you just feel calm. Your body isn’t perfect, but it’s okay if he at least sees your legs. 
Billy is already slipping off his shoes and taking off his shirt. “That’s because the point of this is being spontaneous, bee.” He walks to the far end of the pool and dives in, just in his little running shorts, before you can even blink. 
You’re nervous, just that little bit because this is so different from something you’d usually do, and now you’re just stripping? You’re just living and having a good time? Who the fuck are you?
You step out of your own shorts and pull off your socks. You’re left in your underwear and your little cropped sweatshirt. You register, as you walk down the stairs, that your underwear are blue, and you look just like Lisa from Weird Science. It makes you smile. 
You track Billy’s movements once you're up to your waist and realize he’s heading for you. He squeezes your ankle beneath the water before coming to the surface, a wide grin on his face. His necklace is stuck around his back and on instinct you reach out to straighten it. 
His eyes drag up and down your figure. “Hi, gorgeous.” The low drawl of his voice makes the tips of your ears burn. 
You wade a little deeper into the water, circling behind him. When you’re drenched up to your chest, you splash him. Billy cackles. It is possibly the most joyous sound you’ve ever heard. 
He dives for your waist, hooking an arm around you and swimming off, making you howl with laughter before you have to hold your own breath when he pulls you out deeper than you are tall.
He hoists you up out of the water and gently tosses you to the side, letting you fall into the water on your back. The adrenaline coursing through your veins is magical. 
You keep playing with him, playing, like you’re both kids who’ve never been in a pool before, until you’ve run through most of your energy. You try and teach him a game you played as a child, where one person spreads their legs and your goal is to swim between them without touching their skin, even as they move their legs closer together each time. 
It’s silly, because you inevitably know you’ll touch your opponents legs, but it’s fun. You don’t think about anything else when you do it. He teases you though, trapping you with his calves most times so you automatically lose. 
Now though, you and Billy stand nose to nose, at a depth where you’re not up to your chin so that you can actually speak to him. “This was a really good idea,” you tell him. You push some of his wet hair out of his face and then, rather than pulling away, you set your hands on his shoulders. 
He wraps his arms around your waist. “This okay?” he asks, lowering one arm so he can show you he wants to lift you up. You give him a sweet yes. 
Billy’s hand grips your thigh, coaxing you upward so you can get your legs around his back. You adjust your arms behind his head, him respectfully keeping his hands on the backs of your thighs. He steps back just that little bit more so he can submerge himself further in the water now that you’re held up. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile for this long before,” Billy says. His blue eyes flick back and forth between your own. 
“You’ve given me a lot more reasons to.” Your hand cups his cheek and he swears he could fucking collapse. You’re so gentle with him and Billy never knew he even wanted that. But now he craves it. Craves you. 
That cocky smirk you’ve started to recognize before it even begins makes an appearance. “Yeah? Can I give you one more reason to?”
You hum in agreement, and then Billy is pressing his lips to yours. They’re damp and he tastes a little like chlorine, but…he was right. You smile brilliantly into the kiss, and you’re not sure you stop the rest of the night either. 
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
note: none of the gifs or images i use are mine! i get most of my images from pinterest or here, and gifs from about the same. please let me know if i ever don’t credit someone properly!
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acapelladitty · 5 months
Okay, I haven't finished the show yet, but I NEED more Cooper content and you did amazingly last time. That being said, I NEED (am asking you politely, whenever you have time and/or wish to write this) Cooper being overstimulated. Pretty please, and much thanks!
- Supervillain-Smut
For you baby? Anything! Have some Cooper being overstimmed and teased just below the read more 👀💦😈
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Of the many downsides which came with the Ghoul transformation, arguably one of the worst which Cooper had long come to terms with was the loss of sensation across the leathered skin which covered his body. A valuable boon in a shootout, it let him focus his attention on the action at hand without worrying too much about the damage, but when the guns were holstered and the cold nights settled in, that same loss of sensation was a right pain in the ass when he was trying to get his rocks off.
Although, it was a reality of his situation which didn't seem to affect her and the wickedly cruel things she enjoyed putting him through on a regular basis.
"Come on, handsome."
Perched atop his thighs as she stroked her soft hand along his painfully hard cock, her warmth seeped into his own as it took every piece of willpower in his old bones to not knock her to the floor and sink himself as deeply into her cunt as he could to get some relief.
But a bet was a bet, and he wasn't one to give up without a good fight.
Already having been pulled back from the edge of release twice, his cock felt heavy and overheated as it jutted against his stomach. A small patch of pre-cum decorated the leathery skin where the livid head of his cock brushed against him with every jerk and slight cant of his hips.
"It looks almost painful, Coop." She mused, trailing the pads of her fingers along the prominent veins which lined his cock - the texture there something he knew she was fascinated by as it often stretched her out in ways that had her muffling her cries into his shoulders. "Maybe we should stop. Give it a little time to rest."
"Promises, promises, handsome."
"If you stop touchin' me, darling, then I'm not gonna be responsible for the outcome." Cooper grunted, the final word glancing up at the final syllable as her soft thumb rubbed a solid line across the ridge where his shaft met the head - a sensation which made his balls tighten and his throat stutter as it fired intense waves of pleasure across his stiff frame. "I'd throw you to the floor and show you things that not even the monsters who walk alongside the worst of them would dream about."
"Tastes like you."
"One I intend to keep, darli-fuck."
Hissing the expletive as her pointer finger teased at his slit, she gathered a small bead of his pre-cum and brought it to her lips. With a salacious flick, she swallowed down the slight taste with a pleasant hum.
Unable to help the grinding of his hips, Cooper bucked subtly into the air as he watched her filthy actions. Those same lips had sucked him dry many a time with such finesse that he found himself going out of his way to perform little acts of kindness for her in the hope that she'd see fit to grace him with another performance.
"Quit teasin' and get to it before I blow a hole in your head and finish myself off." He warned, hands gripping her thighs so roughly that he knew little crescent bruises would soon loom in the area.
Obviously ignoring his threat, her hand dropped to cup at his balls roughly, squeezing and rolling them between her fingers as a growl of pained arousal made his cock twitch, untouched.
"Oh, it's gonna blow alright. But only when you've been good enough to deserve it."
A bet was a bet.
And Cooper Howard would be a stubborn son of a bitch to the bitter end as he twisted his lips into an off-kilter smile and forced himself to relax into her touch.
"Whatever you say, darlin'."
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random-writer-23 · 15 days
Logan sneaking around with one of the students at X's school - she's in her 20's, one of the older students, but that doesn't stop her from being a student and therefore being completely off limits to logan. Charles would be furious if he found out but that's why Logan has to muzzle her with his big ol hand to stop her from screaming out and waking the whole mansion up
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~~~This request is Spectacular gimme 14 of them right now, hope this is what you had in mind, I'll probably write more Professor Logan stuff if that's what y'all wanna see…~~~
~~~18+ MDNI, sexual content, P in V, unprotected sex, fingering, praise slightly mean Logan~~~
The mansion was always quiet at this time of night; I only knew because I was almost always up at this time, dragging my feet to the kitchen to get myself a cold glass of water. I had to trudge down the stairs as all the student dorms were on the top floor. I had woken up in a cold sweat, once again plagued by nightmares. I slunk past the classrooms glancing inside, same with the living room, the TV and lights off, the house overall deathly quiet. I find myself in the empty kitchen opening the cabinets and taking out a glass, closing it quietly, before opening the fridge and, grabbing the pitcher of water, pouring the cold water into the glass. I open the freezer grabbing some ice, listening to it clink into my glass, I take a sip of water, a soothing balm on my overheating body. I stand in the silence of the kitchen before the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, I’m not alone anymore. I spin around to see Logan leaning against the frame of the door, he touches his finger to his lips in a shushing sign, kicking himself off the doorframe and stalking towards me. I watch his chest expand as he takes a deep breath breathing in my scent. 
“Another Nightmare?” He asks, grabbing a soda out of the fridge, cracking it open, and taking a swig cringing at the taste. I knew he wished it were a beer.
“Yeah” I say softly taking a sip of my own drink, watching as Logan’s eyes track the motion of me raising and lowering my hand, trailing lower roaming my figure lingering on my exposed legs, my sleep shorts loose around my thighs, his eyes landing on my lips as my tongue dips out to lick my bottom lip wetting it. He nods understandingly in response, and I look at him. “How’d you know I was in here?” I murmur my finger tracing the rim of the glass slowly. 
“Could smell ya” He says gruffly, inhaling again, subconsciously leaning closer as he takes in my scent. He reaches out towards me trailing his fingers along my arm. ‘Y’know you’re out past curfew, sweet thing.” He grins and my eyebrows furrow. 
“We don’t have a curfew” I murmur quietly
“Yeah we do, I just implemented it.. and you’re out past hours” He grins his hand trailing up and gripping the back of my neck tilting my head up, his other hand trailing up my thighs resting on the small of my back. This wasn’t the first time I’ve been in this position with Logan, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. There was just something about him that I couldn’t deny my need for, I didn't want to deny my need for. He smiles pulling me close, his breath hot on my lips “and I wouldn’t be a very good professor if I didn’t punish disobedient students” He murmured letting his lips press against mine, eagerly. I knew this was wrong, he was one of my professors, even if I was in my last year and was an adult he was still a teacher, and I was still a student. Yet I couldn’t help but moan against his lips, and he pulls away. “Shh sweet thing, everyone’s asleep, you have to be quiet….” He teases lightly and I whine, he turns me around putting my hands on the counter, he retracts his hands from mine. “Keep them there princess.” He murmurs, kissing my cheek, and I nod, biting my lip to keep from making any noise. His hands rub my thighs, his hands rough and calloused, the sign of a man I probably shouldn’t get involved with. He breathes in his nose tucked in the crook of my neck. “Gonna be good for me darlin’” He asks and I nod whining quietly, arousal pooling in my core. “Need to hear your words sweet girl” He grins. 
“I’ll be good Logan” I breathe heavily.
“And quiet?” He growls in my ear, and I nod whining as he pulls my sleep shorts down, exposing my dripping core to the cool air of the kitchen. “Well isn’t she pretty” He murmurs his finger gently circling my clit, and I bite my lip hard to keep quiet. He groans as he sinks his fingers inside my sopping wet cunt, and I can’t help but make a noise, he chuckles darkly inserting another finger, my pussy eagerly taking them In craving more. He fingers me at a leisurely pace, taking his sweet time, all while watching me silently writhe beneath him.
“Logan… please” I beg softly
 “Patience honey, I gotta get her ready f’me” He grins, giving a particularly heavy thrust. I let out a strangled moan. “Shhhh” He shushes me, and he withdraws his fingers sticking them in his mouth for a taste. “So sweet” He grins, and he withdraws them from his mouth with a low pop, I hear the jingle of his belt buckle as he fumbles with unbuttoning his pants and reaching down into his underwear pulling his cock out. He rubs it along my slit soaking it in my arousal letting it catch on my clit and I jolt, he slowly thrusts his hips forward pushing his thick length inside me and I moan. “Shut up” he hisses in my ear, pulling out, thrusting his hips forward stuffing his cock inside me again. 
“M’sorry Logan!” I moan again and he grunts one of his hands leaving my hips and coming up to cover my mouth. 
“I thought I told you to be fucking quiet” He grunts in my ear, not stopping the aggressive snap of his hips up into my eager cunt, I nod whining through his hand and he growls. “Then be fucking quiet. You’re gonna wake up the whole fucking mansion” He hisses, and my eyes roll back into my head as his cock hits my cervix, I moan loudly into his hand and he huffs behind me not stopping or slowing down. “How do you think your beloved Professor Xavier, would react if he knew I was balls deep in his star student” He chuckled and I shiver at his words moaning into his hand, my cunt clenching tight around his cock, “oh fuck, she likes that huh” He chuckles, “Maybe I should let you make some noise,” He says thrusting deep inside me. “Let you wake up the whole mansion so everyone can see you taking my cock so well” He moans and my pussy spasms around his cock, I let my head fall forward his hand staying clamped hard over my mouth, my legs quiver and I feel the familiar tightening in my core, my release on the horizon. “Oh fuck baby your close aren’t you. I can-“ He thrusts grunting, “I can feel it” He groans, reaching down to rub tight circles on my clit with his thumb. I try to speak, his hand muffling my voice. “C’mon baby let go f’me” he urges, holding me close as his hips stutter his thrusts faltering as he grunts. “Oh f-fuck” He grunts pushing his cock balls deep inside me holding my hips firm against him as I moan loudly into his hand, my release finding me. A wet warmth spreads through me as he lets go, his release filling me up, letting me lay limp against the counter, finally removing his hand from my mouth as I fall silent. I whine softly as he fucks his cum deep inside me before pulling out, the sound obnoxiously lewd and wet, he tucks his dick back into his pants and I hear the soft jingle of his belt buckle as he rebuckles it. He smiles rubbing my ass affectionately. “Look at her she can’t even keep it all in” He chuckles, taking his fingers and scooping up his cum that was dripping out my cunt, stuffing it back inside my pussy. I twitch whining softly, as he fucks his cum back into me with his fingers, when he was finally satisfied, he retracts his fingers tangling his dry hand in my hair, lifting my limp head off the counter. “Open” He demands gruffly, and my mouth falls open. “Good girl,” he says, easing his cum covered fingers into my mouth, my lips closing around them, cleaning off his fingers. He smiles, finally retracting his fingers, he smacks my ass lightly, leaning down to pull up my underwear and shorts, he helps me fix my appearance and I push myself off the countertop, standing up straight. He grips the back of my neck, kissing me again, smiling against my lips, and breathing deeply before reluctantly pulling away. “Alright go on, get to bed” He smiles, handing me my glass of water, pushing me out of the kitchen his hand on the small of my back. “I’ll see you in class tomorrow” He winks.
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fanficsformyfaves · 7 months
Or What?
Rhea Ripley x Uso Sister!Reader
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WARNING: SMUT 18+, ANGST, Enemies To Lovers, Confessions, Semi-Public Sex, Use of Nicknames, Oral Sex (R Receiving), Fingering (R Receiving), Orgasm Denial (R Receiving), Degradation and Praise Kink (R Receiving), Mommy Kink, Choking Kink (R Receiving), Strap On Sex (R Receiving), Choking (R Receiving)
PREFACE: Reader has always known Rhea to be arrogant, callous and mean, so it only made sense that she despised the eradicator, especially after what she did to her brother...but what happens when they find themselves in a broom closet alone together?
A/N: Jey and Rhea are feuding in this A/U
Announcer's Dialogue In Bold and Colored!
Texts in Italic, Colored and Bold!
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As I waited for Jey to finish up his match, I hear the sound of boot heels clicking from down the hall and when I turn my head to see who it was, I was immediately vexed.
Rhea fucking Ripley.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. She was easily the most smug-faced asshole I'd ever met and not only that, she had the audacity to make my brother look stupid in front of the entire world.
I stuff my phone into my back pocket, before crossing my arms over my chest.
"Well, if it isn't little (Y/N) Uso. What's a cute thing like you doing out here by yourself?", she teased.
I simply looked away, ignoring her comment.
"Hm, never took you for the shy type", she said,
Taking a step closer towards me.
"From what I've seen, you're quiet the firecracker", she brushes a hair from my face.
I grab her wrist, staring daggers into her eyes.
"Never...touch me"
She lets out a dark chuckle, using the grip I had on her to yank me closer. Our faces were now merely inches apart.
"Or what, princess?"
"Mhm, use your words", she whispered,
Leaning down closer to the point her breath brushed against my bottom lip.
What was happening? And why was I not pulling away? I should've...but I just couldn't.
Just as I was desperately trying to regain my composure, the crowd outside goes wild and the speakers go off.
Announcer: And here is your winner...Jey...USOOO!
My brother's theme song began playing and I knew he was just moments away from bursting through the doors.
Shit, if he sees me causing trouble, I'm gonna be in for it. I could already hear him and some guards just around the corner. With seemingly no other option, I push Rhea and myself into the closet directly behind her and close it shut.
"What are you doing?"
"Saving both of our asses", I whispered,
Stepping away from the door. The footsteps were getting closer with each passing second and my heart was pounding so hard, I could barely breathe.
As if getting caught in the hallways wouldn't have been bad enough, I could only imagine what would happen if Jey found us in a literal closet together.
The shadow of his feet stop right in front of the door and I was panicking like I never have before.
"Have y'all seen (Y/N)? She said she'd be waiting right here"
"No, sir, not since before the match started"
"Hm", he hummed dismissively,
Before carrying on towards his dressing room.
Once he was finally gone, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.
"Jesus, that was close"
"You're telling me", she replied.
That's when I finally noticed her towering figure hunched over behind me, with an arm around my waist and her hand flat on my stomach.
I turn to face her and there we were again.
Her lips almost meeting mine, as our eyes found one another in a tense exchange. I couldn't comprehend much of anything that was happening, but mostly, I was confused at why I wasn't pulling away again.
She humiliated my brother and betrayed him. I had every right to hate her...right?
"You know", she breaks the silence,
"You're awfully adorable, when you aren't staring daggers into me"
There was that stupid smirk again, only this time it affected me differently.
Instead of becoming agitated, I felt a second heartbeat I didn't feel before. Every inch of my skin was overheating at her touch and she knew it.
"Oh...you like this, don't you?"
"What? No-"
"Such a cliche, falling for your brother's enemy"
"I don't-"
"Then how come you aren't shoving me away and telling me to fuck off like you usually do?", she questioned,
Gently turning my body to fully face her, before pinning me to the wall by my arms.
"I think we both know the answer to that question, darling", she whispered,
Ducking her head down on my shoulder, whilst trailing kisses up my neck.
"Just say it. Say you want me and put a rest to this tiring act of pretending like you don't"
Was she right?
Have I just been in denial about the attraction I felt for her and hid behind anger all this time?
I couldn't quite focus on finding a proper explanation, as she reached the lobe of my ear, nibbling on it and forcing a whine out of me.
"God, even the sounds you make are sweet. Wonder if you'll taste as sweet as you sound", she mumbled against me,
Running her hand up my thigh.
"All you have to do is tell me to stop and I will. Is that what you want?"
I contemplated for a moment. This was wrong. Getting involved with someone like her would only ever end in chaos, especially with the bad blood she had with Jey...but in that moment, any voice of reason was no match for the way she was touching me.
"No", I ultimately answered.
Not wanting to waste any more of the limited time we had, she finally presses her lips against mine.
They were soft and gentle, which surprised me the most.
One of her hands let off my waist and trailed up my skirt, brushing against my bundle of nerves through the underwear I had on.
I whined against her mouth, which curled up into an excited grin.
"Sensitive, are you? Let's see how long it takes till I have you cumming on my tongue"
Just then, she drops to her knees, flipping up my skirt to take a good look at the mess she was already making of me.
"God, I barely touched you yet", she mocked,
Before pulling my thong to the side and licking up my slick entrance.
"Mmm, so fucking sweet", she praised,
Throwing my thighs over her strong shoulders, so I was sat on top of her. It didn't take long for her lips to wrap around my bundle of nerves, as the grasp she had on my hips tightened with each passing lick.
I intertwined my fingers in her hair, whilst her name repeatedly spilled out of me like a prayer that would never be answered.
Eventually, I feel the tip of two digits press against my slit, before slipping themselves completely inside me with no resistance to stop them.
Her momentum immediately fast and relentless.
Already, the knot in the pit of my stomach began to tighten and threaten to snap. I could tell by the way she smirked over my clit that she knew it too.
"Not so tough when I have you at my mercy, are you? Maybe I shouldn't let you cum", she teased,
"No! Please, don't stop!", I pleaded,
"Good girl", she says,
Continuing her unletting efforts to bring me over the edge, but before she could, voices on the other side of the door interrupts us.
I immediately let out a gasp, causing Rhea to slap a hand over my mouth.
"Jey's looking for (Y/N)"
"Wasn't she just here earlier?"
"Yeah, but I don't know where she went"
The security guards eventually move past the closet and I let out a sigh of relief.
I get off of her, arranging my skirt and she eyes me up in confusion.
"What are you doing?"
"This was a mistake"
She scoffs, getting up and dusting her knees.
"You didn't seem to think this was a 'mistake' when my tongue was wearing you out", she tested,
Pushing my head up with a hooked finger.
"Now...what did you say about me never touching you again?"
I roll my eyes and push her hand away.
"Wait five minutes before I leave", I instructed,
"Whatever you say", she smiled,
Looking down at her feet.
I carefully opened the door, whilst peaking my head out to make sure the coast was clear and once it was, I step out and close it, when I turn back around and was ambushed by my brother.
"Fucking Christ, dude!", I exclaimed,
As my hand went over my chest.
"Aye, language", he warned,
"Where were you? I've been looking for like twenty minutes"
"For twenty minutes?"
"Yo, what's with the interrogation, dawg? Woman business", I snapped,
"Alright, alright. I was just asking", he throws his hands up in surrender,
"I wanna grab food on the way back, come on", he says,
Putting an arm over my shoulder and walking me out. I quickly glance back at the closet door and prayed it stayed closed till we were out of sight.
Once we got into the car, I was finally left to my thoughts.
The guilt that overwhelmed me was all consuming and burdensome. I had just slept with my brother's nemesis. The person he hated most and here I was, pretending like it didn't happen, as he went on and on about his current win.
In that moment, I get a notification on my phone and I go to see who it was. I didn't recognize the number, but once I saw the text, I knew immediately.
Unknown Number: We should talk about this
Me: There's nothing to talk about
Unknown Number: Oh please, spare me, are you really going back to being in denial?
Me: Denial about what?
Unknown Number: Whatever
Unknown Number: But, when you do come to your senses, you know where to find me, beautiful ;)
I lock my phone and shove it inside my purse with a sigh.
"You good?"
"Yeah, just tired"
"Well, you look tired", he says,
Mimicking the sweat dripping down my face, causing me to hastily swipe it off.
After stopping by at a pizza place for dinner, we head to the hotel and made our way back to the suite.
"That was scrumptious. We needa head back before going home", Jey emphasized,
Opening the door and letting the both of us inside.
"I call the shower first"
"Dude", I go to argue,
"Ah! Winners get special privileges", he mocked.
I roll my eyes and he chuckles at my response, before stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.
I lay back against the bed by the window and looked over the entire city.
As breathtaking as the sight was to behold, I was still hung up on Rhea. Why? Why her? Of all the people I could've hooked up with, it had to be fucking Ripley?
As disappointed as I was with myself, I couldn't help but look back at the encounter with a certain sense of reverie.
I'd never been touched like that.
None of the people I'd been with before had ever gotten me that close...I wonder what would've happened if I had just stayed there in that closet with her.
Before I could delve any deeper into my thoughts, I hear my phone go off once again and I already knew who it could be.
Unknown Number: Can't stop thinking about you, precious
God damn it, again with the nicknames.
Me: Rhea, please
Unknown Number: Please what?
Me: We can't do this
Unknown Number: Oh yes, we can
Unknown Number: The only person saying we can't is you
Me: You hurt my brother
Unknown: Hey, he decided to attack Dom, I couldn't just sit idle and let him
Me: Yeah, after the fact he slammed Jimmy with a chair
Unknown: Listen, I have no control over what the boys do
Unknown Number: Nor do I have control over who I want
A frigid chill run up my spine.
Unknown Number: What happened wasn't ideal, I get it
Unknown Number: So allow me make it up to you
Me: How?
Unknown Number: By picking up where we left off of course
Unknown Number: When I had you on the brink of cumming, before we were so rudely interrupted
It was getting harder and harder to resist her tempting.
Me: This is wrong
Unknown Number: Did it feel wrong? When you were begging me to make you unravel on my mouth?
Me: Rhea
Unknown Number: Tell me, when did the regret set in? Was it before or after my fingers found themselves inside you?
The pulsing sensation in my center began to intensify with every text she sent.
Unknown Number: You can lie to yourself all you want, darling
Unknown Number: But we both know that you want me just as much as I want you. I'm just making it easier by admitting it first
Unknown Number: Ball's in your court now, Uso
It took all the strength I had to resist, but it still wasn't enough. I ultimately caved, needing to feel her against me again.
Me: Where are you?
I just knew she was grinning like a wildcat on the other side of the phone.
Unknown Number: Location📍
The hotel she was staying at was only ten minutes away.
Me: Room?
Unknown Number: I'll be in the lobby to let you up. See you, beautiful ;)
I facepalm my forehead.
What was I doing? Once could've been a mistake, but twice? Now, this was betrayal.
Jey steps out of the bathroom, drying off his hair.
"Shower's free"
"Actually, I gotta go. Naomi wants to have a girl's night"
"For real?"
"Mhm", I hesitated,
He contemplates for a moment, before shrugging.
"Aight, just text me when you get there"
I let out a sigh of relief, before grabbing my phone and leaving.
Besides the obvious thoughts going through my head, all I could think about was how conflicted I felt. On one hand, family meant the world to me and out of all of them, Jey was who I was closest with...but on the other hand, there was Rhea. I didn't know what could transpire from this, but I guess I was just gonna have to find out.
Eventually, I got to her hotel and tried my best to avoid any paparazzi by keeping my head down and speed-walking into the lobby. I allow myself a moment to scan the room, before my eyes finally landed on her.
She was sat on one of the couches with elbows resting on her knees and scrolling through her phone.
With one last deep breath, I made my way towards her.
"Hello, there", she grinned,
Looking up at me, as she stood up.
"Hi", I greeted,
Avoiding her piercing gaze.
"I appreciate eye-contact, whilst speaking", she says,
Using my cheek to make me face her. I was already melting into her touch and blushing a bright red hue.
"D'you enjoy the ride?", she questioned,
Causing my eyes to widen.
"The car ride, darling", she teased,
She knew what she was doing.
"How about we get you upstairs?", she suggests.
I nod, as she took my hand and lead me to the elevators.
Once we were inside and the doors close us in, she pushes my hair aside and ducked her head into the crook of my neck, leaving wet kisses lingering on my skin.
"Couldn't stop thinking about earlier. I've never tasted anything better", she murmured,
Gripping my waist.
"R-Rhea", I whined,
Holding onto her shoulders. If the elevator doors hadn't opened just then, we would've had our way with each other right there. We rush towards her room and she uses my body to slam the door shut.
My hands creeping up into her hair, as her teeth tugged on my bottom lip.
I pull my sweater over my head, leaving me exposed to the cool air.
"Goodness", she exhaled,
Cupping the bottom of my breasts and licking my hardening buds. My skin was ablaze and my jaw drops with every moan that fell past my lips.
I go to pull my skirt down, when she stops me by my wrists.
"The skirt stays on"
Fuck, was I dripping.
"But...these need to go"
She reaches up and hooks her fingers around my waistband, yanking my underwear off and helping me out of them.
"I've already gotten a taste, now I need the whole show", she says,
Undoing the buttons of her jeans and revealing the toy already strapped around her waist. My eyes widen and she chuckles at my reaction.
"Like what you see, princess?"
She bites back a smile and carried me to bed, before laying me out against the soft comforter.
"You're such a good girl when you aren't running your mouth", she praised,
Shoving her thumb into it, as I gladly accepted.
She then pulls it away and pressed it against my clit. A gasp rips out of me and my legs clench together, to which she pushes them apart and keeps them in place with her broad shoulders.
"Don't try escaping me now, you wanted this"
As she began rubbing firm circles on my bundle of nerves, my core dripped onto her ready palm.
"You are such an easy brat. All those time of you screaming at me, when you should've been screaming for me. All I had to do was put you in your place", she mocked over my moans.
Eventually, she pulled away and left me whining at the loss of contact.
She trips herself of her pants and tank top and the sight before me was something straight out of my wildest dreams. From her ample breasts, perfect waist and the sweat collecting on her fair skin, I was growing more and more desperate.
"As much as I love seeing you gawk at me, I think we should switch gears"
With one swift motion, she flips me onto my stomach and drags my ass into the air by my hips.
"This ass, babe. God", she mumbles,
Leaning down to place a gentle kiss on one cheek, before biting down hard and smacking the other.
I scream out, gripping the sheets.
Just then, I feel her rubbing the tip of the toy up and down my entrance, furthering the torture.
"How badly do you want this?"
"Please, I need you", I whined,
"Oh...you need this, huh? Think you've earned it?", she challenged,
Yanking me up against her by my throat, squeezing tight.
"Y-Yes, Mami, please!"
With one more wicked grin, she fills me to the hilt. The stretch burning, as I cried out into the air.
Her pace was immediately brutal and relentless, like the grip she had on my neck.
"Such a precious little thing", she praised,
Pounding repeatedly on my g-spot and causing stars to cloud my vision.
She'd been teasing me since the night began, so it should've come as no surprise to me when my walls had already begun pulsing around her.
"So good for me. So fucking good", she growled against my ear.
"I'm gonna cum, Mami, please!"
"Not till I say so"
"Keep whining and I'll make you wait even longer", she threatened.
Not wanting to face those consequences, I bite my tongue and held onto her hips for dear life, digging my nails into her flesh.
By this time, the room was nothing, but the smell of sex, sweat and tear-filled moans. The orgasm that I'd been chasing was now hounding me down and threatening to overwhelm me. It was getting harder to fight it off with each of her harsh thrusts.
I was just surprised we didn't get a noise complaint.
Once she was satisfied with how weak she had me, her hands reaches for my clit once more.
"You look so good this way. Fucked out and drenched in sweat and tears for me. Cum for me, darling. Show mami just how good she makes you feel"
That was the last thing I could make out, when the knot in my stomach finally snapped and pushed me over the edge.
All I could see was a rush of pure white, before falling limp on my stomach, out of breath and gasping for any air my lungs would allow.
She then pulls out of me and discards the toy from her hips. I was then picked up and placed delicately onto her bare chest.
"You did so good, darling", she muttered sweetly,
Wrapping her arms around me and pressing a kiss to my forehead.
Maybe...this wasn't such a bad idea.
I snuggled deeper into her embrace and she welcomed me in with a satisfied chuckle.
"Who knew beneath all that cold exterior was a soft little angel?", she jested,
Making me roll my eyes.
"I'm really glad you came. Well, in that sense, yes, but also you making the trip here", I interrupt with a playful smack to her shoulder.
"I wasn't too rough, was I?"
"It was perfect", I reassured,
Craning my head up to meet her lips.
"About your brother-"
"We don't have to talk about that"
"But we do"
She sits up, as I did the same, covering myself with the comforter.
"It’s always so easy to get caught up in messes, but that doesn't excuse what I did or let happen"
"I love my friends and I'd do anything for them...but not at the cost of someone like you. I've admired you since the day we met. Your passion, your drive and not to mention your everlasting beauty, it seems"
I couldn't help, but blush at her confession.
"Though I'm used to your fiery, protective side, I've also caught glimpses of your heart when I see you care for the people you love...I couldn't deny that"
"So I thought the best way to keep myself away from you was to make you hate me", she continued.
"Because I knew letting myself fall for you was betraying The Judgment Day, when lo and behold, you felt the same all along. We were always so consumed with putting other people first, that we forgot that our own happiness mattered too"
The more she spoke, the more it all made sense.
"And at some point, I couldn't hold back anymore...so I just let it happen. You can tell me that I'm wrong and that nothing that I said made sense, but I know, by that look in your eye, that I'm not"
By the end of her speaking, I was in tears, having felt so seen and understood. I gently cup her face in my hands, kissing her once more.
"You're not wrong", I sniffled,
Pulling back.
"I don't think I would've ever had the courage to say those things to your face"
"Of course, you would've. You're braver than you think"
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shhhsecretsideblog · 2 months
7 for the prompts, maybe a car birth?
I love a car birth, it’s such a good trope! Thanks for the request. Apparently my brain isn’t capable of simply writing a regular car birth, had to add a little twist- it’s not technically a car. Enjoy :) [3k words, fpreg, clothing birth] Prompt: “I don’t think the baby is gonna wait that long…”
We All Scream For Ice Cream
My contractions had started this morning and after three kids perhaps I should have known better. Yes they were consistent but they weren’t strong and were completely manageable. I’d called my parents to tell them my labour had started and they came to collect the kids so I didn’t have to worry about watching over them as I laboured. I spent the morning pottering around the house doing laundry and some cleaning, working through the steady waves whenever they washed over me. But after a while I started getting frustrated being inside the same four walls; I needed some air and space. It was the height of the summer holidays and you were up and out early for work to maximise our income during your busiest time of year. I knew you’d only taken the ice cream truck to the local park, you stopped going too far afield as I got closer to the end of this pregnancy - you wanted to be close in case I needed you to come home. I decided a nice walk through the park would do me good and would help with the contractions. Plus it gave me a chance to see you and let you know baby number four was on the way.
The breeze felt wonderful on my hot and clammy skin as I waddled my way down the residential streets cupping the underside of my heavy baby bump. If I pressed into the stretched skin just above my pubic bone I could feel the head of the baby sitting extremely low, perfectly in position and ready to be born. I was excited to tell you I was in labour again, maybe you could finish work early today and come help me through it this afternoon when it would inevitably ramp up.
I suffered a couple of contractions on my way to the park but they didn’t phase me - after three births I was all too familiar with the tightening and contracting of my muscles. I simply stopped, bracing my hands against a neighbours fence or a nearby street lamp, and swayed and hummed my way through them, letting the waves wash over me.
By the time I reached the park I was getting pretty hot and sweaty, but it was a warm day in the middle of summer and I was 9 months pregnant. Overheating was just par for the course. I saw your truck parked on the opposite side of the field next to the kids play area. I never thought this park was very big but right now, with my labouring belly, the journey across the green seemed a mile long. I sat on a bench to catch my breath before making the journey, watching you hand ice creams to all the kids and families that filled the park. You had such a sparkle in your eye as you handed the ice cream to its recipient, seeing the glee and excitement in each and every child’s face when they got their summery treat.
A contraction tore me away from watching you, its sharp and insistent pain coursing through my hips and legs. “Hoooooo… take it easy there…” I softly said, rubbing the large circumference of my belly as the baby kicked and shifted even lower.
A stranger walking by asked if I was okay, but with the look of panic in their face I told them it was just a kick. I didn’t get the feeling they’d handle it well if they knew a labouring mother was out here on her own in the park. After the contraction was over I awkwardly pushed myself up, cupping my low belly, and started walking over the luscious green grass. A long queue had formed for ice cream, you were busy rushing around the truck getting lolly’s out of freezers or adding sprinkles to soft whips. You didn’t have the time to notice my approach.
I thankfully didn't have a contraction as I waddled across the park but I could feel one coming as I approached the truck. I hurried past the line and nipped behind the vehicle, only just managing to make it away from the crowd before the intensity peaked. I quickly planted both palms against the truck and leaned into the contraction, taking deep long breaths, in and out, bracing through the pain and breathing the baby down. My hips were circling instinctively and I was glad no one was on this side of the ice cream truck as it would be very obvious I was in labour.
I waited for the line of customers to go down, riding out a few contractions during that time, before I rounded the corner and stood in front of the window.
“What can I get- Honey! What are you doing here?” Your eyes lit up and you broke into a wide smile, surprised but happy to see me.
“I thought I’d come and say hi.” I said, one hand rubbing my tight stomach.
“Where are the kids?” You asked, seeing that I was alone.
“With my parents.” I answered with a knowing smile, waiting to see if you’d put the pieces together.
“With your…. Wait, are you-?” Your eyebrows raised and eyes widened as you looked directly to my very pregnant belly.
“Yup, I’m in labour. Contractions started this… this m-morning…. Hoooooo” Another wave creeps up on me and I’m forced to grab on to the little shelf at the bottom of the window, hands gripping tight as the pain lances through my body.
You jumped out the back door of the van and were standing behind me in an instant. You held my hips and squeezed hard, pressing into the pressure points that would ease the pain, knowing exactly what I needed from our previous births. I let out a soft and grateful moan as I relaxed back into you.
“Oh honey, you could have just called, you know.” You laughed and kissed the back of my neck.
“I like seeing your reaction… hoooo…. when I tell you I’m in labour.” I manage to say, though the pains were starting to make it difficult to speak.
“What, so you can see me panic?! You’re evil, you know that.” You joked affectionately.
When the contraction faded you released your grip and I turned around, your arms quickly wrapping around me.
“Baby number four eh. So what was your plan after coming to tell me?” You said in my ear, giving me a squeeze.
“I figured I’d go back home, and then call you when things get more serious.”
“How long do you reckon for this one then?”
“I dunno. It’s definitely progressing faster than the others.”
“How fast?” You arched an eyebrow and looked down at me with concern.
Before I could answer, another contraction struck. My hands laced around your neck and I buried my face in your chest, unable to contain the groan from my throat.
“Jeeze, hun, that was quick. It's okay I’ve got you.” You added, feeling my knees dip slightly. “Just ride the wave, deep breaths.”
I couldn’t speak, consumed by the heavy weight that was sinking lower and lower and lower…. My hips circled and bounced, my fingers tightly gripping each wrist as I practically hung off your sturdy frame. Your hands were on my ribs holding me steady. Groaning rumbled my throat, getting deeper as the pressure in my pelvis skyrocketed, and the noise ended with a grunt.
“Fuck, babe - was that a push?” You asked with panic, surprised at just how deep into labour I was.
“No…. I don’t think so but- hoooooo- there’s so much pressure. Baby feels really low-oooohhhhh!” I whimpered.
“Have your waters broken?” You asked and I shook my head against you in response.
“I don’t think this labour is going to last as long as you think, judging by those sounds.” You warned, your thumbs affectionately rubbing my ribs while you held me steady.
“Hooooo…. I swear it wasn’t this b-bad when I left the house…. Feels like it’s come out of nowhere.” I say, feeling the pain dull enough for me to stand on my own and release my arms from your neck.
“Well they do say it gets quicker with each birth. Right, I think we need to get you back home. Then we can pick up the hospital bag, jump in the car and drive over there.”
“I… I’m not sure I’m going to be able to walk back home…” I admit, holding my bump with both hands, the weight and pressure felt constant even without a contraction.
“Okay… erm… I’ll take us back in the truck?” You suggest hesitantly.
“What? No way. There’s only a driver's seat - what am I supposed to do - get in the back with the soft serve?” I gripe with a roll of my eyes.
“It’s only a few minutes back to our house. You got any better ideas?”
Another contraction steals any response I could make and I’m suddenly hunched over, hand bracing my thighs, and groaning behind closed lips. You offer your arms as support but I wave them away, the combination of heat & pressure overwhelming, I didn’t want to be touched. Instead you jumped in the truck and I could hear you banging around, closing freezer drawers and locking cabinets, but it was all background noise to me. My heartbeat thumped in my ears, the pressure between my thighs was worsening making me grunt. My fingers gripped my legs and I pushed my hips backwards, my body acting solely on instinct. Before the wave of this contraction was over I felt something give, my legs squatting, and a puddle started to form at my feet.
“Ooooohhhhh honey- my waters have broken…” I grunt out. Gosh, I could feel the baby’s head on my cervix and I really started to worry about how long we actually had before our fourth child made their appearance.
“We need to get going, babe.” You said jumping out the van and coming over to support me. We waited for the contraction to fade and you then helped me crawl into the truck. I was glad to be wearing my maternity leggings and a thin top; it made manoeuvring into the vehicle much easier than if I was in one of my summer dresses.
“Right, I’ve locked everything away so it all should stay put on the drive, you won’t get covered in ice cream don’t worry.” You try to joke as I huff and puff my way into the cramped truck. “Why don’t we get you sitting down on the floor..?” You suggest, climbing in after me to try to help me get comfortable.
“Ooohhhh no… can’t sit down. Baby too low… fuck.” Crawling on my hands and knees I settle near the large rectangular freezer that was directly under the window booth. Staying on my knees I sit back on my heels and rest my arms on my legs, my bump sitting between my widened thighs. “I’ll just… stay like this. Drive carefully though…”
“Of course I will, precious cargo.” You said with a smile before giving me a kiss.
You shut the back doors of the ice cream truck behind you when you left, ran around to the driver’s seat and quickly started the engine. “Hold on sweetie, we’ll be home soon.” You said, putting it into gear and setting off.
We barely made it out of the park and onto the tarmac road before the next contraction struck, and without my waters it soon became apparent just how close this baby was to being born. Leaning forward and grasping the top ridge of the freezer in front of me, I tried to breath through the building pressure that was pulling and squeezing my insides. My moaning was instinctual at this point, my body’s way of riding the crashing waves of pain. Whether it was the motion of the truck or my kneeling position, but something triggered a need to push. At the end of each groan I could feel my body bearing down.
“H-how long to get to the h-hospital once we get h-home?” I stutter.
“Hospital is about 35 minutes from our house. Why?”
“I don’t think the baby is going to wait that long…. Hooooo…” I breathe, hips lifting and rocking in circles just above my feet. “Go straight to hospital, don’t go via home….”
“But we don’t have any of the stuff, for you or the baby?” You question, but still follow the instruction immediately altering our journey.
“Doesn’t-matter-nnngghhhhhh!” I gruff out before lowing deeply, bearing down again, my knuckles turning white with my grip on the freezer.
“Are you pushing??!!!” You shout.
“Shall I pull over?” You panic at hearing the familiar sounds of me pushing a baby down.
“No! Just- hospital- now!” My head dips as the wave ends and I try to catch my breath in between contractions.
We were still navigating the residential streets so thankfully weren’t going fast, but that meant we were still a way off from the hospital outside of town. My knees wide on the floor and arms stretching up gripping the fridge were the only thing keeping my body and my mind grounded. I closed my eyes, taking long deep breaths and disappeared into myself. Stay calm, you've done this before, I told myself.
“How we doing?” You asked nervously after a few minutes of silence.
“Just… drive…” I exhaled heavily, preparing myself for the next wave to hit.
And hit it did; suddenly every part of my being squeezed and screamed at me to push and I had no choice but to comply. My legs widened as far as they’d go, I pulled my body closer towards the fridge, lifting myself up and hanging off the ridge with my forearms. The head was starting to peek through, I could feel it, and there was no way I could hold off from bearing down. My hips tilted backward and I pushed with everything I had. A long and guttural moan sang from my lungs as I pushed, the head slowly crowning into my underwear. We weren’t going to make it!
“Stop!!!!” I screamed. “Pull over!”
“The head-is-coming out…. Pull over now!”
The truck rocked and shuddered as you brought it to a halt. You sprang from the driver’s seat and on your way accidentally switched on the jingle sounds of the ice cream truck, the tune ringing from the speakers on the roof.
I barely noticed the doors to the truck being opened and closed, or you climbing inside - all my energy was focused solely on getting this baby out of me.
“What can I do?” You frantically asked, but only got more guttural noises in reply as I continued to bear down.
Releasing the push with a huff, I panted quickly saying “I think it’s crowning… hoooo…”
“We need to get those leggings off babe. Are you able to move? If you can get on all fours I should be able to roll them down.” You were as white as a sheet but you squashed your fears, knowing I’d need assurance and confidence right now.
Following your instructions I moved to all fours, and I soon felt your hands around my waist pulling at the tight fabric trying to roll it over the large bump and down my thighs. We had to stop part way for another contraction and another round of pushing. The baby’s head was stretching me so wide and I could tell it must be showing through the fabric when I heard you gasp.
“Oh my god, the head is coming out!” You exclaimed.
“I know that! I can feel it.” I snipped sarcastically.
“Sorry honey. You’re doing amazing. But I still need to get these leggings off you…”
I grunt, bearing down once more with the contraction, and I can feel the resistance of the baby hitting the wall of my stretched leggings. When the push was over I cried out “Go! Do it now!” and you scrambled at the waistband of my clothing and rolled the elasticated fabric down my damp thighs.
“Do you want me to take them completely off?” You asked but I could barely think, the next wave was already here and all I could do was push.
I wanted to widen my knees, to open up my burning hips to make the required space for the baby to pass through, but the tight fabric of the leggings pulled around my knees was preventing any further movement. I whimpered in my struggle; I needed to open my body wider and push but I simply couldn’t. In my desperation I went from my hands down to my elbows, my forehead touching the floor, my backside raised to the sky and I pushed with everything I had. I needed to get the head out and I had to get it out now.
“Easy babe,” you said softly, and I could feel your hand over the baby’s emerging head. “Take it steady, it’s crowning. Try and pant if you can, let it come on its own.”
“Hooohooo- oh fuck- I need to get it out…. Can’t hold off- oh I need to push!” I screamed.
Before you could tell me otherwise my body jerked as the head popped out and I groaned at the relief. Lifting my head slightly I bring a trembling hand down my body and between my thighs to feel - your hands were there too, cupping the newly born head of our child. You moved, letting me feel - the ears the nose, the hair - our baby. Your fingers then gently stroked the back of my hand, no words were said as our hands entwined, squeezing each other. The love, encouragement and support all conveyed within that squeeze.
We were suddenly startled by a gentle knocking on the window booth.
“Hey mister, can I have an ice cream please?” The excited voice of a child said from outside the truck.
With the delirium and exhaustion of childbirth I couldn’t help but laugh. You heard my hitched breathing, worried I was crying, and asked “Babe, what is it? Are you okay?”
My laughs got a bit more distinguished as I raised back up onto my hands and twisted to look at you. “This is one hell of a birth story…” I giggled.
“Ha. Maybe this one will take over the family business.” You joke, relieved to see me smiling during this eventful and inconvenient birth. “Sorry kid, no ice cream today.” You shouted through the walls of the truck.
“Oooo- hoooo- babe… mnggghhhh… it’s coming….” I shift and grunt, bracing both hands on the floor and surrendering to the contraction once more. “Fuck… why didn’t we take my leggings off!?”
“Keep going babe, the shoulders are coming. You can do it. Yes!… one shoulder…”
“Grrrrhhhhhhhh!!!!” I groaned loud and long, pushing through the excruciating stretch of the shoulders.
“…two shoulders… and again push honey push!!!!”
“Mnnnghhhh- catch it!!!” I screamed, and a second later the baby fell into your waiting hands and instantly cried.
Tears sprang from my eyes at the sound and I immediately twisted my body and legs around so you could hand me the babe.
“It’s a girl.” You said proudly, putting the slippery newborn against my chest.
“Hi baby… hi.” I cooed, lifting my thin t-shirt and placing her against my chest. “You were in a hurry weren’t you.”
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thefandomdirtymind · 1 year
Opla!sanji and a siren/mermaid???
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A/N IMPORTANT:  Hi anon ! Thank you for your request, as a big fan or mermaid/siren I was so thrill by the idea ! I had tried many things here and I hope you will like it !
The Mermaid Dream
OPLA - Vinsmoke Sanji
Sanji series : SFW Shiny Offering - NSFW The Small Favor
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.  
The notorious floating restaurant The Baratie was, like every other night, completely full. At every table of the large dining room were sat the most famous and wanted Pirates. Adding to the hubbub of their conversation and squeaking of their utensils against their plates, the waiters, in a urge to offer the perfect service and then earn their tips, looked like a swarm of bees dancing around elegant honeycombs. 
The kitchen wasn't any more quiet. In every corner or the overheated room, the crew of cooks was running to prepare the many dishes ordered. Only stopping a millisecond to put the plates under the warming light and watch with nervous eyes if Zeff, the renowned chef and owner of the place, was preparing himself to punish somebody, hoping there wasn’t them.
Even the opened mouth of this unusual boat establishment, occupied by a respectable bar, was crowded and noisy. 
Nervously standing behind the luxurious burgundy velvet curtain, your palm sweaty, you briefly closed your eyes, trying to hear the sound of the wave crashing against the ship hull. It wasn't the first time you were performing for the Baratie. But, you knew that each time was risky. The mermaid folks weren’t still welcome everywhere, most of the population were scared of being bewitched by your voices and the others had used your people to commit crimes and atrocities.
It was why you always wore a long gown covering your temporary legs and politely declined any trace of liquid they would offer you. It only takes a drop of water or a stubborn scale and your life would be in immediate danger. Of course Zeff was aware of what you are and would never let nothing happen to you. But, you couldn’t only count on him to protect you, you had to be cautious.
“ Miss Y/N it’s time, everythings is okay ?“ A polite waiter asked you, the golden cord in his hand,ready to unveil you to the loaded room. Nodding of your head, opening your eyes, you let the noise of the water calm your last knocked nerve before lifting your head to face your public.
The first note of your song, played by the musicians behind you, starts to fill the now quiet hall. It was mostly for you a faceless audience, only a few were really counting : like his. 
Still dressed in his cook uniform, his back against the wall, arm crossed against his chest, Sanji was smiling, waiting for you to operate your tour de force. As you know, the blond sous chef had, so far, never missed one of your performances, even if it had meant being punished by his mentor.
Signing your song, your voice flowing like the water of a peaceful river to finish in a waterfall. You open your eyes under a thunder of applause. Still in his corner, Sanji was clapping his hand with fervor, his face radiant of joy like if he had just discovered a new method of cooking. 
Later that night, as you emerged yourself in the oversize bathtub of your personal dressing room, your fins resting on the copper border and the last scales on your breast taking his place. You smiled. You knew that you shouldn’t think of him, loving a human when you couldn’t keep a pair of legs longer than a few hours was ridiculous. However, you couldn’t stop yourself. Aside from Zeff, he was the only one knowing your secret and never made you feel uncomfortable about it.
Three knocks at the door extracted you from your thoughts followed by the sound of the key in the keyhole. You aren’t kept captive in the Baratie, but for your safety, Zeff had a long time ago asked you to lock the door, preventing anyone to simply walk on you as you were unable to freely move, stuck like a fish in a tank. Usually, your only visitor at these hours was the old chef coming to thank you for the show and often tell you stories about his time of piracy. 
But, it was Sanji who entered the room, this time dressed in a navy suit, a tray in his hand. 
“ Good evening Madam, I thought you should be famished after such an enchanting show “
“ I’m not really a Madam you know Sanji “ You smiled, amused even if the fact that you truly aren’t a human woman stung your heart a little.” I’m indeed hungry, thank you”  
“ Nonsense. You are more a lady than many that I had served in this crappy restaurant “ He replied, approaching the coffee table of the bath to put your plate and silverwares as he pulled himself a chair '' Salmon with his creamy lemon sauce, I prepared it myself with caution. “ 
“ It smells fantastique “ You smiled, lifting your upper body enough to be able to eat. “ Hmm, that's delicious, I truly had nothing like this in the whole sea” 
Here again, that proud smile was plastered on his face, making you regret your own nature as he looked at you eating his own kind of tour de force. The vicious cramps traveling your fins,was another. Trying to keep your expression blank, you couldn’t sadly stop the moan of pain you let escape after a particular strong one. 
“ What happened Miss Y/N, something wrong ?!” A concerned Sanji asked, his hand cripping the side of the tube, ready to take action and extract you of the water if needed. 
“ It's nothing, the side effect of being too long on two legs instead of…fins.” You confessed, embarrassment coloring your cheeks. “ It takes me a lot of energy and control to keep the form of my legs, i’m just exhausted, it will be over  when I will leave after the closing of the restaurant” You reassured him, touched by his worried tone. 
“ I see, then why are you pushing yourself to do those shows if it’s hurt you afterward ? Does Zeff know ? “ 
Eating your dinner, you slowly nod of the head, remembering the first time the old man discovered you crying of pain in the tube. He had at first, like Sanji, been worried,but, hearring you out he had finally accepted the fact that he couldn’t make you change your mind.  
“ It’s worth it. For the moment I can’t, people aren’t ready yet, but one day, I want to sit on this stage in this form. I want people to know that they don’t have to be afraid of us. We can sing without bewitching them, we don’t chase them if they fall in the water. when we shed tears, it’s from pain, not to make a profit of their medicinal effect. That’s my dream, that one day I will be able to show people that we are good, not monsters. “
“ It’s an admirable dream “ Sanji smiled, a tenderness in his eyes.” If somebody is capable of such a thing it’s you.  After all you didn’t have to talk or sing, I had been spellbound the minute I saw you and I'm sure that the audience could say the same. “
Looking at his sincere face, you felt the warm sensation of hope blooming in your scaly chest. 
“ I would never use my magic on you, you know Sanji aren’t you ? “ You replied, wishing you had not misunderstood his words. 
“ I know, Madam. The things I feel every time I'm near you aren't an illusion, no lies could be that strong…” 
Your heart racing like if you were hunted by a shark, you gently placed your hand on his, tangling them affectionately. 
“ Sanji, would you walk me to the deck tonight…” You demanded. The walk, situated at the tail of the building, wasn’t very long, but it would let you spend a lot of time in his company before having to go back in the water. 
“As you wish Y/N “ He promised, watching your tangled hand. “ I should go, the restaurant will close soon and the old man will probably look out for me.”
“ See you later, I will wait for you outside, near your usual smoking place” You confirm, gripping the side of the tub in excitement. 
“ I will be there, see you later “ He replied before going out, leaving you alone to realize what just happened.
The half moon was high when Sanji got out of the closed Baratie.Without realizing it, he had replayed in his head every of your smile and phrases during your conversation, still amazed that you returned his affection.  But as he arrived at the meeting spot, his heart missed a beat. 
A hand against your mouth, flanked by two customers previously kicked out, you were fighting for your life, your fragile leg giving up under you as you tried to get yourself free.
“ Let her go now” He ordered, rage filling his veins. How could they dare touch your perfection and try to steal you from him.
“ Mate, go back inside mind your own business !” One of the pirates replied, trying to move you.  
“ I say, let her go. “ Sanji repeated, taking his fighting stance. The men were larger and heavier than him, but with his training and under your terrified gaze, he couldn’t lose. 
It didn’t take long to put them down. Sadly, you join them when your knees buckle due to the loss of energy. 
“ Y/N are you okay ? “ The blond jumped, catching you.
“ Yes I…need the water...I…I’m sorry” You said, tears filling your eyes. “ They said somebody saw me coming out of the water, they were waiting for me, Sanji…I can’t sing here anymore…” 
“ I will inform the old man, he will find the person and you will be able to sing here as long as you want.” He promised, caressing the side of your face. “ Let me put you in the water, your skin is cold and you shake of exhaustion  “ 
“ No wait I wanted...I wanted to…never mind” You said, avoiding his gaze as your legs disappeared. 
“ What ? Tell me  “ He insisted. 
“ I wanted to kiss you…during the time I have legs…like a normal girl but…they're gone…I’m sorry it’s stupid.”  You sigh, embarrassed. 
“ A normal girl…Madam, don’t lower yourself to that, you’re fantastic as you are and I would never want anything else. Now if you let me “ He reassured you, lifting you in his arms in a bridal style before gently putting his lips against yours.  
Kissing him was like breathing underwater :soft,warm and perfect. As he gently retreated his mouth, you could still see that something was in this thought. 
“ You can sing here as much as you want but…I think I have a proposition for you. Yesterday a guy offered me a place in his crew, the Old man pushed me to go for it…find the All blue.  Please, come with me…You could show people like you wanted that you not what they thought, I will protect you and these crew seem really good” 
The offer takes you by surprise, you never could imagine The Baratie without him. In fact, you couldn’t imagine yourself singing there anymore if he wasn’t even there to watch you perform, nor could you think of your life without him in it. 
“ Okay, if they accept me I will follow you” 
The straw hat crew didn’t just accept you, you became a member of the group. 
Swimming  along the boat, signaling at Sanji to be ready,you take some speed and jump grabbing the dangling rope, letting you perform Luffy's favorite number : The flying mermaid.
Helped by your previous momentum, you rise above the lower deck and fall in the arm of Sanji, always waiting to catch his precious mermaid.
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artificialgirl · 2 months
Before reading this- A warning is warranted that this is, by a significant amount, more extreme and abstract than anything I've posted thus far. This is as much (if not more) horror than it is smut, and if you're at all uncomfortable with some elements of loss of self or "bad ends", this is not for you. It is exceptionally unlikely that you are the target audience. Thank you.
As I step out from the small reprieve offered by the small patch of singed trees, the scorching August sun pours down past the shade's edge to saturate the surface of my plating. Zezia's distant voice calls out from ahead of me in the dry prarie, her angular goldenrod casing shimmering and distorting in the intense heat, difficult to distinguish from the colors of the tall grasses all around her.
"Mionet! Come on, hurry! It went this way!" She turns ahead, not waiting for me to catch up, too determined in her hunt to stop more than a few seconds. The it in question is a new species- Or, more accurately, one not documented by our cluster. Zezia swears she saw it, perched on a flat stone, something she'd described as 'like a locust, but bigger and longer'. "It was banded in cobalt and red", she'd said. "Your colors."
Personally, I take the claim of matching colors as a sign that what she saw was little more than a reflection of my own body in the flickering waves of light-refracting gas and heat which had been emanating from the earth, the same ones which fill the air with millisecond shards of the world around them and radiate from anything unfortunate enough to absorb the sunlight. But still, like a fool, I rev my fans to shove back overheating and press on through the field after her.
What else can I do? Tell her no? The joy and wonder with which she clutches her camera makes that impossible. I can't kill that. I wholeheartedly hope that what she saw was real. Her happiness would far outweigh the short satisfaction of an i told you so, and our cluster would be overjoyed with a new discovery. I break into a jog, brushing off my better judgement to catch up. CPU at 67.72°C. It's fine. I keep going.
"Okay. Okay, I'm here." I pull up next to her, slowing to match her steady pace. "Mi, look." She gestures further ahead with the camera before turning back to me, pulled from her fixation by mild concern. "Your fans are going crazy right now." "Some of us weren't built with a heat-repellent casing." The thing she's gesturing to is an outcropping of large, rounded stones a few hundred meters ahead of us. "I keep getting glimpses of it. Jumping far whenever I get close. I think it likes the rocks, though. I'll bet we can get a shot of it over there."
I seriously doubt she's seeing anything real, let alone anything concrete enough to actually trail. At any given moment, I can see fragments of my own body reflected a dozen times in the air around me. With a bit of idealism, I'm sure I would convince myself at least a few of the shimmering flecks were creatures. She seems sure, though. So I listen and follow her through the reeds to the rocks.
"Thank you for coming out here with me." She absentmindedly unspools a length of cable from her hip, letting it snap back into place with a whir. "I know you probably think it's silly. That makes your company worth more to me." There's a sizzle as a length of grass burns against my forearm. I brush off the residue. CPU at 93.08°C. "Not silly, no. Recovery of knowledge matters. Maybe just a bit misguided, is all." I pause for a moment. Emotions are difficult to articulate, but I'm feeling them and want to tell her. "I like being with you too, though. Regardless of the conditions."
The ring around her vision core spins happily, and she wraps her hand over mine. She doesn't say anything. She doesn't need to. Her fingers are so much colder than mine, the delicious reprieve of inner coolant beneath their plating lingering on my hands, melting through heat so intense it feels like my metal could start warping. I squeeze back, savoring her gentleness just as much as her heat-repellent exterior.
"THERE!" She rips the hand away, thrusting a finger towards the rocks, and I let my hand fall empty to my side. At first I don't see what she's pointing at amidst the swarm of drifting refractions. Then one doesn't fade, a shape in the distance drifting down instead of up with the rising heat. There is, in fact, something, gliding behind the rocks and out of view on broad wings of deep crimson. It does have my colors.
She darts ahead to sprint after it, fingers dragging on the rock and sending a plume of sandy dust into the air as she rounds the corner at top speed. She lets out a short noise- A sharp "Oh-", and then silence. I can't see her around the piled stones. There's just me, the sun, and the nearly-inaudible rustle of a meager breeze through the prarie grasses. "...Zezia?"
There's no answer. The outcropping looms in front of me, casting a too-short shadow to the side she rounded. Dust settles in the air from where she disturbed it, scattering itself throughout the plains. "Hey, Zezia?" Nothing. Shit. I take a cautious step forward. Is she just focusing on getting a good shot? Is she trying to scare me? Was the locust thing somehow dangerous?
I rest a cautious hand on the brush mark she left as I peer around the edge of the pile. What's waiting there is not Zezia, not the creature she'd been chasing after, but something else entirely. Tucked behind the back of the boulder pile, concealed by the tall grass and rimmed by smaller jagged stones, is a pit.
I leap backward, terrified at how close I'd gotten to its lip without even noticing its presence. She fell. I cling to the wall of rocks, soaking in the shade and getting just close enough for a glimpse of the interior. Despite the mouth only being a couple meters wide, it's sickeningly clear that the interior cavern's width extends much, much, further, beneath my feet, further than I can see the walls of, a great yawning desecration of the earth itself on a scale that makes my head spin. And then I hear her voice.
"Mionet!" Zezia's voice is tiny, distant, but there. How is it there? I couldn't even see the bottom, and I'd leaned farther out than I'd have liked. I don't understand how she's not a flattened mess of shattered metal on the cavern floor, but that doesn't matter anymore. What matters is she's okay. I scramble forward, landing on my knees and gripping the pit's edge tightly with both trembling hands.
This time, I can see the bottom. It's still far too wide for me to take in or even really comprehend its full breadth, but there is a bottom a few hundred meters down. At the bottom is not, as I'd presumed, hard stone. It's liquid. Well, on the surface, at least. Deep fluid, too shrouded in darkness to see any color in, fills the bottom of the chamber, covering something massive.
Solar panels, communication arrays, and a thousand types of oversized devices sit affixed to massive platforms which rise intermittently from the surface, a variety of shapes glinting in the darkness made with clear intention far beyond my understanding. Streaks and points of white light gleam from the rest of the thing concealed below the liquid's surface, pulsing and tracing beautiful alien patterns in the gloom. Something moves on a platform, and I register that almost every space not submerged is covered in more of the locust things than could ever be counted. In the middle of it all, gleefully pointing her camera at the creatures in a flurry of flashes, Zezia treads water.
"It's cold! Jump down!" She's safe. She's okay. She's insane. "What?? Are you crazy? How would I get out? How are you going to get out? Fuck, Zez, I don't have cable with me or anything." She actually laughs at my worry, shrugging off what I'm certain is a reasonable objection. "Relaaax. We're gonna have to signal the cluster for help either way. You might as well not overheat and die while we wait."
I pull back from the edge a bit. I don't like this. She gives an inaudible sigh and dramatically pulls out the commslate we brought with us, making a show of punching in something on the screen and holding it up to me, despite obviously being much too far for legibility. "There. See? They'll be here in..." She turns the screen back towards herself, waiting with a short and unnatural pause for whoever's on the other end to respond. "Seventeen minutes. You really wanna bake in the sun while we wait?"
Of course I don't. But I also don't want to treat something this unknown- Especially something from the old world- With the same reckless abandon she is. "Zezia, I- I really-" I can feel my internals cooking. CPU at 186.6°C. She's right that I'm not safe up here like this. I can feel the heat making it hard to think, making the connections of my thoughts feel fuzzy and wrong. "Mi, come on. Everything will be fine. Don't make me stay down here alone. Come hold me." That's all the excuse I need. "...Okay."
She gives a little cheer and stows her camera as I stand up on the edge. My legs shake, try to back away of their own accord. Against my every instinct, I don't let them. It's a long drop. So long that even looking at it makes my body freeze up. I grasp the front of my vision core to blind myself, step forward into nothingness, and the world itself seems to fall away alongside me as I plummet to meet her.
Impact with the water isn't as gentle as Zezia's cheerful demeanor had led me to expect. I slam into the dark mirror with an echoing crack, surface tension not taking kindly to my velocity and position. I begin to sink, and, after checking to ensure all my limbs are still attached, reascend to the surface.
My head emerges to see her there, bobbing in the water, staring happily at me. "See? Not so bad. Isn't the water great?" "Feels like I just got crushed by a boulder." She giggles. "That's because you landed like one, idiot. Couldn't have done it worse if you'd tried." "Mean." She's right about one thing, though. The water does feel amazing.
I can feel my whole body vibrate as it boils around me, small pockets of air forming around my chassis and catching inside my plating. I shake a few of the larger ones out, leaning back in the water as I cool and the bubbles slow. "I think I would have literally died if I'd stayed up there."
She flicks a tiny splash at me, and it hisses against my as-of-yet uncooled face. "Not literally." I splash her back, playfully, more than she'd splashed me. "Literally." Fluid drips from my hand, steam rising from my surface. It shimmers and ripples in my palm, moving in a way that's just... A bit weird. I pinch a few of the residual drops between my fingers, and am surprised at how easily they slip away from each other. "Zez, this isn't water."
Coolant. That's why it only took a few seconds to get my body back down from boiling to a cold temperature. We're floating in a gargantuan lake of coolant fluid. Why... Is this here? "Oh, wow." She lowers her vision core to the surface, observing the way faint rainbows dance across it in the dim light. "This is the good stuff, too. Real pre-dilution shit." We both go quiet, every echo against the distant walls suddenly seeming very loud. "Are we... Gonna get in trouble with the cluster for being here? This is all... Super off limits." She paddles over to me, throws an arm over my shoulder. I can feel the camera pressing into my thigh, undoubtably loaded with pristine specimen documentation. "Mi, No. It was an accident. Everything will be fine." "Or they'll mark us as compromised."
She looks down. I don't think she really has anything to say to that. I'm sure she's weighing the odds in her head, realizing they aren't in our favor. Her vision core flicks back up at me, the optimistic spin of its outer ring slowed to a crawl. "Mionet... I'm sure that-" She's not given a chance to finish whatever empty platitude she's offering, her words drowned out by a deafening roar of ten billion bubbles exploding from the thing beneath us. The uncountable locust-things leap from the platforms around us, giving the surface a wide berth as they swarm overhead, and the cavern blooms into blinding white light.
Then the light fades out, every one of the lines and points beneath us dimming down into less than nothing from impossible luminance. Just when the only thing keeping the chamber from pitch blackness is the tiny bit of sunlight filtering in from the hole we came through, the lights flare back up again, a rhythmic, pulsing cycle, two extremes of nothingness locked in a tug-of-war. Zezia clings tighter to me. I'm squeezing her so hard I'm afraid I'll crack her casing. Then the voice starts.
At least, I think it's a voice. It has all the elements of a voice, the cadence, the distinct syllables, the pauses between words, the blocks of sound like sentences. It is deep and slurred and wavering, and it speaks in no language I've ever heard anything remotely comparable to. It speaks in time with the lights, parallel to the great explosions of air from below. The voice is whatever lies beneath the lake of coolant.
I bury my face in her shoulder, pray for whatever's happening to end. The blizzard of crimson wings swirls through the air above and around us, their colors like my own body has been split into a trillion buzzing shards of itself. One drifts low, settles on the top of Zezia's head, and a split second later it's gone. She's gone. I didn't even get a moment to process her being torn from my arms until she was gone, ripped away in an instant to somewhere deep below the coolant's roiling surface.
"NO! STOP!" I don't hesitate to plunge down after her, clawing desperately at the swirling fluid around me in an attempt to reach the tiny golden light shining deep below me. I don't stop expecting something to grab me, to rip me down to wherever she is. Nothing does. It doesn't want me. I don't know that it even wanted her- It was reacting to the animal, treating it as a pest, something to be collected, sustenance maybe? I couldn't say. I couldn't care. What matters is that Zezia may just be collateral, not the main target. So maybe I can get her back.
Her body finally comes into view, illuminated by her own lighting and the pulses of white from the endless expanse of metal beneath her. As for her condition, she's... It's difficult to describe. Dark appendages sprout from the ground- Or the thing's body? Some rigid and jointed, some fluid and loose like prehensile cabling, made up of countless little segments, the thinnest just encased in a dark matte coating. Dozens of these things in every shape and size and specialization assault Zezia's writhing body.
The rigid ones grip her firmly by the wrists, ankles, waist, throat- Her arms are bound together so tightly in opposite directions behind her back that I can see bits of her casing split open in thin cracks to reveal the silver chassis and bundles of wire underneath. The cruelest parts, though, are the ones which aren't rigid, the ones which do more than just grab .
Sure, they wrap and bind themselves around her just as the limbs do, but they do more. They snake themselves into gaps in her paneling, force themselves in through the tiny new cracks and holes they seem to have bored, trail from inside her most vital components. They twitch violently every half second or so, arms synchronizing with the spasms to pull her just a bit closer to the floor each time. She twitches in unison with them, as much as their grip allows her to at least. The ring around her ocular core spins faster than I've ever seen it. She's not suffering, she's... I don't want to think about what she's doing. I just want to get her out.
I don't have much to do it with. My harness is loaded with power cells, film for her camera, a few small containment canisters. Nothing to cut, to pry, to tear away the tangle of subjugation ensnaring her. I pop open my wrist, tiny wire shears meant for circuit maintenance springing free. They don't even manage to scratch the casing of the cables- Whatever they're made of, it's made to resist tampering.
She's touching the floor now, the stretch from knee to foot pressed firmly against the floor, light and bubbles seeping out into the fluid from beneath her contorted limb. Gaps are opening in the metal below. I don't want to see how wide they'll go. I force fingers in through the wide open space in her chest, mutter a panicked apology for the violation of boundaries. My fingers, slick with coolant, find it nearly impossible to get a grip on the thick tendril embedded in her center, but after almost three minutes of fumbling and slow descent I manage to get a hold. It takes the grip of both hands clenched beyond the limits of my motors but I finally make it give, make it retreat from her a fraction of a centimeter. It does not like that.
No sooner have I made my sad excuse for progress than I'm wrenched backward by the ankle by an insurmountable force, sheer kinetic energy I could only compare to my initial plunge into the cavern. Faster than my processor can even follow what's happening, my wrists are forced together behind my thigh as something cold and rigid locks itself around my throat, all three points of bondage slamming down against hard metal.
The only bit of me not hopelessly pinned, the only bit which can do more than flex and wiggle a bit is my right leg, kicking helplessly through the water. Head pulled so hard against the floor by a zigzagging many-jointed arm that I worry my neck may snap, there is nowhere I can look but at Zezia. She's kneeling fully on the floor now, sunk so low her twitching pelvic plating rests there alongside her folded knees. She stares somewhere off into the dark fluid around us, her blank and eerily blissful gaze fixed intently on nothing in particular. She isn't struggling.
I feel something brush against my back as I watch her, and instinctively jolt away from it. I'm constricted so tightly that it's like my body hasn't responded to the command at all, save for that useless, flailing leg. I feel the thing snake its way around my waist once, twice, three times before it's tip nestles into the plating gap under my chin and rests there. It's tight- but nowhere near as tight as the claws around my neck, wrists, and ankle. They, too, loosen a bit.
At first, I think they're releasing me, realizing I'm of no value to their source, letting Zezia and myself return to the surface. Of course they aren't, though. They lift me, let my body float a meter or two above the ground, let me thrash, let me struggle. I have nothing to push against, no leverage I can give myself. After 45 seconds of desperate, frantic resistance I accept the futility and fall still, letting my focus fall back to Zezia.
A split in the metal below her left knee has opened up, pulsing in the same white as everything else. Her weight sinks into it, body lopsided, back arched away from me. Has she just... Completely given up? I suppose I'm not struggling anymore either. Have I completely given up?
The thing doesn't seem to think so. The limbs and tendrils climbing my body, rigid claws forcing themselves shut around every part of me, make the clear statement that I have more struggle to be quelled. I can feel it exploring me, dissecting me, squeezing its way through razor-thin gaps in me to tangle itself in the beams of my chassis and the thread of every screw it manages to find. And then the first bit finds its way to my core.
The feeling is- Well, it's obviously electric, but it's more than just that. It's overwhelming. All-encompassing. At first, it's just the conductive strand of my captor brushing for a millisecond against my motherboard. That alone is enough to fill every thought in my head, every sensation receptor in my body with too much everything to handle. It notices my reaction and grips tighter around my spasming limbs.
The cable doesn't wait for me to recover before going back in. This time, it doesn't pull away. This time, with a twist and a single tiny pressurized pop, it fuses itself to my circuitry, makes itself a part of me. My speakers do something. All of me does something- Though it's impossible to tell what exactly it is or if it's my own body or that which holds me. Thoughts don't stop, they explode, a trillion distinct feelings coursing through every part of me.
This is the point where it's truly over. Before, as futile as attempting escape may have been, I could have at least tried. Now, I can't even carry a train of thought long enough to form the word escape in my mind. All there is is the feeling of more wires fusing themselves with every single component I have. All there is are more arms, more constriction, more safeguards against a fighting spirit already excised from me completely. All the is are brief flashes of vision through the stimulation, of the coolant around me, of the flurry of appendages holding me tight, of Zezia, a few minutes ahead of me in the process, swallowed up to the waist into the great and horrible unknown which we've fallen prey to. All there is is sensation- And god, sensation feels good.
It feels good to give in, to submit, to let go of the burdens of worry and thought in favor of this unrelenting, insurmountable euphoria. I understand now why Zezia wasn't struggling, why she'd just let herself float there, ring spinning with sheer euphoric velocity. I don't blame her. I don't blame myself. Through the deafening haze, I can tell that my captor is reading me, exploring what exactly I am, prodding at the limits of my conscious and unconscious mind, drinking ravenously from the miasma of what I am. It doesn't take from me without giving back. It feels in a long-dead language of thought, but the faintest glimpses of raw emotion bleed through the barrier of so many millenia between us.
It is something old. Something forgotten. Something incomplete, the toll of uncountable years on a mind so vast that even in its dilapidated state, things like myself are reduced to less than insects. And it's desperate. God, it's so desperate. A desperate yearning, an emptiness, a supreme hunger. It can tell I've flickered over the feeling. It holds me tighter. I feel my foot touch its surface, my slow descent finally having caught up to Zezia's.
She's in there, too. Maybe echoes it's seen of her, maybe fragments of the real thing, reaching me from across the endless ocean of the indescipherable. Her feelings, in language I know, are easier for me to understand. Wonder. Joy. Love. I wish I could control my body enough to turn my head and look at her. Maybe she's already gone, subsumed into whatever comes next for us. She can't have long left on the surface. Neither can I.
I stop poring over the thoughts and feelings offered to me. The thing wrapped around me stays in my mind, savoring the sweetness of all I've seen, the new experiences it's been starved of for so long. I don't mind. I just let myself feel, let the ebb and flow of the white light around me accompany the ecstasy. Everything is loud. Everything is quiet. Everything is okay.
I'm taken up to my ankles into the structure beneath me. Then my thighs. My Hips. Past my elbows. The process is slow. It doesn't feel like much. I can tell it isn't dying. I prod the thing in my mind, offer it the question of where I'm going, where Zezia is. It answers me with a soft wave of data, an explanation washing through the pleasure. I don't understand it. That's okay. I'll find out soon enough.
My chest is engulfed by its internals, more tight components pressing into me the deeper I go, claws gently pulling nonessentials from my lower body. It feels like nothing I've ever felt, nothing I ever will again. I'm down past my shoulders. My neck. My vision core. It tilts my head up by the chin just before the last bit of me sinks below its surface, letting me look up at the world one last time.
Through an ocean of coolant, through the darkness of the forgotten cavern, I see the fuzzy light of the hole we came in through what feels like an eternity ago. And I see figures around its edges, visible between the flashes. They hold cables, lights, supplies. Not an eternity. Seventeen minutes. The rescue party she signaled. For a split second, my laugh overpowers the cripplingly perfect feelings coursing through my body. And then metal slides shut above me, and I'm gone.
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octuscle · 1 year
Hey man, I got the Chronivac recently and I've been testing it out. Grew my dick, made myself hairier, stuff like that. But then I tried to do a big world change. I wanted to invert stereotypes about Chinese guys, so I could see them big and hairy and dumb, you know? I think the app got stuck in a recursive loop, though, because my phone is overheating and the Chinese guys keep getting bigger and muskier all the time! Can you help me?
Oh. My. God.
You just triggered 600 million transformations. Six hundred million! One data centre has already been shut down due to overheating. And we currently have no redundancy data centre left. No offence, but I couldn't help but delete your command. Problem: Well over 10,000 transformations are already running. I have to stop them manually one by one. Or let them continue to run. As far as I could see, the transformations have gone outwards in a circle from our corporate headquarters. So all the Chinese within a radius of about eight kilometres should be affected. We should be prepared for a lot…
But first, let's talk about you. I like your transformation quite a lot. I have borrowed your settings. It's a bit stupid that the delayed start didn't work. Caught me in the middle of the team meeting.
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My colleague of Chinese origin looks a bit strange… And suddenly he breaks out in a sweat. Smelly sweat. He burps and unbuttons his shirt. Asks what the fuck this is all about. And that he doesn't feel like it any more. He's going to pump iron now. Fuck, is that really hair growing on his chest?
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A certain unrest arises in the corridors. More and more Chinese colleagues are suddenly standing bare-chested in the corridor, scratching the rampant fur on their chests and inhaling the stench from each other's damp and hairy armpits. The attempt to alert the security guards fails, as a good number of the colleagues are down here as well. But fortunately, my idea of calling for a protein farting competition in the company gym is successful. The hairy and smelly masses start moving.
Tonight I really had to work overtime to restore my colleagues to some degree. The priority for now is to restore sanity. One by one, they leave the gym, where the remaining ones train like crazy on the weights. It smells like a puma cage. And the smell permeates the entire building. Boy, I have a hard-on that won't let up.
Finally, it's the end of the day. Even if it sounds perverse, you now really feel like eating Chinese food. And luckily for you, most Chinese restaurants are staffed only by Vietnamese. But the usher in your favourite restaurant is actually a real Chinese. But he's not working today. He's at the gym.
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There's going to be a lot of work in the next few days!
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starlightsuffered · 8 days
Do you think you could write a timmy fic where "it just doesn't fit" like, it hurts whenever they try, how gentle they are.
A/N - I’ve done ones like this before but here :)
It Just Doesn’t Fit
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Info - angst, frustrated reader, oral/fingering (female receiving), virgin reader, big dick, using lube, unprotected sex, a bit of praise kink
“Just give it up,” I said, the feeling of sadness overwhelming me.
After a hard month of a difficult work environment and Timothée being gone often, I wanted to feel in control of something. My boyfriend suggest I pick the day we have sex for the first time.
We’d talked about it extensively over text. He would be my first and though many people had told me otherwise, I expected it to be magical. Timothée had promised he would make it as lovely as possible.
Now I felt like shit I lay in my own sweat and rose petals. I was hot and my hair was everywhere. It had started romantic until I’d cried out in pain Timothée had started to push in. It didn’t matter how many angles we tried. We were both grunting and frustrated.
He had offered to finger me or eat me out. We’d already done that and I wanted something new. I wanted one, just one of my plans to come through correctly. I didn’t want to feel like a failure in every aspect of life.
“Don’t bother, it’s just too big,” I sniffled. Suddenly, I was crying. I covered my overheated cheeks as the tears flowed. I tried to stop desperately but it just made my eyes well even more.
“Hey, no, baby,” Timothée said with concern lacing his tone.
“I just wanted one fucking thing to go right this month,” I snapped. I wasn’t angry with him, just the situation.
“Mon amour,” his voice was nearly a whisper that cracked with emotion. I heard a gulp from him and he laid his head on my chest. My hand automatically went to his hair. I made myself breathe more slowly.
“I thought, ‘well maybe even if my boyfriend is gone most of the time, I can at least give him some bomb pussy when he’s around’.”
“Oh baby,” he said mournfully. He pressed a chaste kiss to my exposed nipple. I shivered a bit.
“Look, I don’t want to force you, but I bet I can loosen you up a bit, and I’ve got lube,” he offered in a small voice.
“I want it,” I nodded.
“I know you’d imagine we’d get right into it, but you just need some prep baby, that’s expected. Don’t you dare worry about it, I’ve got you,” Timothée was smiling as he nearly blabbered.
“I want to make it good for you,” I said as I squeezed the last tears out.
“Honey, just let me take care of you. It is your first time. You’ve been going through hell. Let me help you,” he whispered.
I let him maneuver me. He gently spread my legs and kissed my inner thighs. His deft thumbs rolled circles on my nipples. I was already arching and relaxing. I was used to this, I didn’t feel a need to make it explosive because it was good every time.
“Yesssss, yes,” I gasped breathily. Timothée tongued at my clit for a bit before covering his fingers in the warming lube.
“Oh!” I jolted, my legs nearly closing as I felt the slick and tingling lube.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Timmy calmed me like a scared animal. I closed my eyes so I could relax again. His lips kissed up my stomach. He was leaving kitten licks and pecks. My breathing was getting to that familiar pant he made me do.
He nibbled at the place on my neck that made me crazy. My walls squeezed his long fingers. I let out a wanton whimper. My hands were all over him. Finally, his lips touched mine. I dove into the kiss.
I was pressing myself against him as much as I could. Somehow he was putting all of himself into this. I felt the warmth of his love and satisfaction with me. I could have cried. I’d been so lovely and anxious lately. He was making me completely melt.
He was kissing me with such adoration I hardly noticed when his hand changed over to his cock. He was milking the lube onto himself. I was shuddering at sounds of wetness.
“Want to try again?” He asked in a voice low and rumbling with need.
“Yes,” I gasped.
To my surprise he slowly, but surely, was sliding inside me. It still pinched a little but he seemed to adjust himself every so often so I wasn’t in so much pain. Finally, I felt his balls bump gently against me and I knew he’d bottomed out.
“You did it princess,” he breathed the praise. I couldn’t believe how wide I was smiling, in fact I was giggling. Timothée pressed his forehead against mine. He began to pump ever so slowly.
“Yes, yes, fuck yes,” I heaved in whispers of desperation and love.
“You feel so good. You feel like heaven,” he moaned. I loved the ways his brows furrowed in absolute pleasure.
“Fuck babbbbby,” I whined. I wrapped one leg around his waist and thrust upwards.
“Uh, uh, uh, uh,” Timothée grunted as he plunged inside me.
“So glad I could take your cock, so fucking happy I have this,” I groaned and threw my head back in bliss.
“My love, my girl,” he exclaimed and then he was all over my neck. He kissed and bit, giving me marks all over. I wanted to be littered with them. I wanted everyone to know who I belonged to. On those lonely nights when I felt like I could do anything right, I’d caress these bruises and remember this night.
“My cock belongs to you, my body, my heart, my soul,” he promised. His thrusts became faster as he fucked me. His hips snapped as he buried his face in my neck. He was mumbling praises and love into my ear.
“Gonna come,” I whispered.
“Let go on my dick for the first time,” he practically begged.
“Yes, oh fuck, my love, I’m fucking coming!” I cried out and arched against him. I felt my whole body tighten and then delicious release. I saw stars as every part of me exploded with intimate exhilaration.
Wetness and his own release mixed together. He was kissing me over and over as if it were all he knew. He had orgasmed as well, filling me with his gratification.
We were laughing now, all the stress falling away. It was sweet breathy kisses and whispered thanks to one another. It was like we were afraid to break the golden moment and the dreamy haze that surrounded us.
“Thank you my love. If you need it, I’ll carry you around tomorrow you will likely be sore,” he explained. He took my hand in his as he began to pull out.
“Cocky bastard,” I teased in a tight voice.
“I’m so happy I got to do that with you, so you can call me whatever you like,” he told me as he got the cloth to clean me and him up.
@pmak2002 @softhecreator @plutoispurplw @sp1deyyf4ngz @seungcheol17daddy @jesschalamet @vvsdreaming
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villainbait · 1 month
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So I did a short story submission for the Love and Deepspace Misty Invasion contest. I didn't get to spend as much time on it as I wanted (I actually wanted to do a few different ones but life got in the way) so I only had time to quickly clean up Sylus's before the deadline. Please enjoy under the cut. c:
Title: Last Night in Paradise Love Interest/Pairing: Sylus x Main Character Rating: M Word Count: 1k28 Alt Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58443109 Tags: teasing, kissing, implied sexual content, canon sylus behavior, story spoilers, lost oasis spoilers, first person pov
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The hushed sounds of desert trees swaying in the wind permeated the otherwise quiet moment. I sat in the middle of the small rooftop bed that had been generously provided, unable to sleep, gazing across the vast expanse of sand that seemed to stretch on infinitely. Somewhere in that vast desert, supposed gods were laid to rest. My feelings, however, were a restless mess. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to feel about what happened the day before. Sleep tugged at the corners of my mind, but I couldn’t relax when a certain white-haired nuisance was still missing.
Sylus had set off towards the desert and hadn’t come back after that fateful sunset exchange. After how the conversation between the two of us had ended the day before, I didn’t expect him to. Instead, I had spent the day continuing to help the boy like you had been invited to do and making a tenuous friendship with the old lady, interrupted by sunbathing and delicious food.
I didn’t think he would’ve left me here like this with the way things were, or without even saying goodbye. It was difficult to tell whether I was relieved or disappointed about it, but I was leaving tomorrow, so I tried to convince myself it didn’t matter anyway. Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t hear Sylus at all when he returned. All traces of his earlier behavior had dissipated, and I watched him approach the bed wearing the mocha colored silk robe I had spied on the wall earlier. I must be exhausted if I was so out of it I didn’t hear him shower or change.
“You’re still awake?” he murmured, sliding behind me before pulling me gently into his lap. What I wanted to say was that I was waiting for him, but instead all that came out was, “It’s too hot. I can’t sleep.”
“Do you need me to tell you a bedtime story again?”
His voice was low and close to my ear. It made me squirm in his lap as I recalled the last time he told me a bedtime story.
“No, I…”
“Or should I lull you to sleep using a different method this time?” he teased, his hand sliding higher under my thin gown.
“Sylus.” His name was a warning on my lips, but I knew I had lost the moment his own touched my throat. He hummed against the sensitive skin, and the heat of the summer oasis only made me burn hotter.
“Why do you look at me like I’m the first water you’ve seen in miles? Am I your oasis?” I blurted out suddenly, and he stopped his attempt to distract me from the summer heat to answer.
“If I said it’s because I want to drink you in until I'm satisfied?” His tone was careful.
“I’d be scared there wouldn’t be anything left of me by the time you were done.” I replied breathlessly. His cool breath against my overheated flesh makes me tremble, or maybe I’m trembling for another reason. I could feel the pounding of my heart against his lips, and the vulnerability of allowing him so close scares me as much as it excites me still. It was hard to focus with him wrapped around me like this, and I never knew if I wanted to pull him closer or shove him away. It always felt like a never-ending tug-of-war between the two of us, and neither one was willing to throw down the rope first.
“Well, we wouldn’t want that now, would we?” Sylus murmured cryptically in response and propped his chin on my shoulder, his eyes drawn to the cut on my arm.
His fingers ghost over the ugly, angry kiss of a wound on my forearm that I had received from helping the boy earlier today. His expression is unreadable, and I watch as he uses the barest trace of his evol, the red mist swirling uselessly before dissipating. The wound will heal slowly.
I scoffed quietly. “Did you really think that would work?”
Sylus said nothing for a long time, the silence permeated by the rustling of desert trees or the quiet, discordant symphony of insects. Somewhere in the distance, an animal’s cry echoed softly. When I turned my head to look at him, he looked so far away, captured perhaps by the memory of another time. Another place. Another me. Maybe I wasn’t the only one who felt lost in this desert after all.
He looked down at the soft call of his name, and his expression was far more tender than I anticipated. It made me want to look away.
“What?” he cajoled, but he pulled me closer. “Are you so eager for my attention that you need to mewl for it?”
“I wasn't!” I puffed my cheeks out, indignant that he would suggest something so ridiculous. I started to pull away, but Sylus captured me fast in his arms. The night was balmy despite the tepid breeze, and I could feel the contact of dewy skin everywhere we connected. His robe had fallen dangerously open, and the sash barely held on.
I wanted to be closer to Sylus and I pressed more of my body against his, but it wasn’t enough.
“If you keep doing that,” he murmured slyly, his tone seductive. Intimate. “I won't be responsible for what happens next.” I tried to hide but Sylus wouldn’t let me, catching my wrist in his hand and using it as a distraction to kiss me. We grappled playfully until I suddenly found myself staring up at him, the stars creating a beautiful backdrop to this moment. I could smell the faint wafting scent of him from the shower and it lingered in the air. I wished I could wrap it around me forever. Sylus made me feel safe and I couldn’t deny I liked the warmth that safety brought.
I knew one day I’d miss it too.
He can see my mood start to shift and tips my chin up with his finger. “Let’s go to bed,” he whispers hotly against my lips and pulls me under the covers.
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beefrobeefcal · 4 months
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Being Neighbourly feat. Frankie Morales x neighbour f!reader
a HeftyThrowaway one shot drabble | Rated: 18+ | word count: 1,681 warnings: f masterbation, feeding, belly rubs, belly kink, oblivious people liking each other
A/N: Happy Frankie Friday, y'all! Here's a ditty that's been sitting in my wips for months. It's not Mouse and Frankie, but similar dynamic.
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It was only a matter of time until you fell for one of your neighbours. And in doing so, you had proven that food was the way into a man’s heart… or bed.  
It started when you cooked up a batch of meatballs to freeze for future use on a Saturday afternoon. You had all the windows open to avoid overheating your apartment. Leaning out the window that faced the parking lot of your complex, you watched as Frankie parked his truck. As he walked towards the building, he looked around then up and waved at you. 
You gave a small smile and a wave, thinking that would be the end of it, when he called out to you. 
“Hey! Neighbour! Uh… is that you making something that smells good?” 
“Just meatballs.”, you called back. 
“Just meatballs, my ass. They smell amazing!” He looked like he wanted to say more but just smiled back at you. 
“Thank you! Um… do you want one?”, you said back, not sure why you only offered one when you had four trays of them. But his eager nodding and scampering into the building made you happy you did. 
You’d seen Frankie around the building in the usual places you meet your neighbours: the laundry room, the parking lot, the mailboxes. He was tall and lean minus the small tummy he sported, but still looked like he hadn’t had the comfort of a home cooked meal in a while. He seemed sweet and helpful, once even helping you bring your groceries up the stairs when the elevator was out of service. He lived in the suite right below you, and some nights, you’d hear him and another male voice out on the balcony, enjoying a blunt or a cigarette. Beyond that, you didn’t know much about him. 
After the initial introduction to Frankie as a guinea pig for your cooking, you found him to be quite handy to have around. For every issue you had in your suite that the landlord had ignored, Frankie had a fix. For every fix, you had a thank you meal ready for him. This became a regular occurrence and slowly turned into either you made enough food for both you and him then delivered it to his suite, or him joining you for dinner and you giving him the leftovers. This carried on for a while, and you noticed that Frankie’s small tummy was not so small anymore. The topic came up after he completely annulated an entire baking dish of your home-made enchiladas in one go. 
Sitting back at your table, his belly pushed out and stuffed, he sighed a little laugh. “Fuck, I just can’t help myself. You cook too good.” 
All you could do was smile and look down, trying to stop him from seeing the bashful glee on your face. You’d watched him eat the entire thing and all you wanted to do was go to his side, rub his stuffed belly, and feed him yourself. It had been a running theme in your head when you laid in bed at night, vibrator on high while you cried out his name. You’d never gotten off on anything like this, but it worked. You just wished it wasn’t a fantasy. 
“I mean it. I had to get new pants last week. Not that I’m complaining at all about your food.”, he reasoned, making sure you knew that he was not upset. “But if we’re gonna continue to be neighbours, I need a spandex wardrobe.” 
You both laughed at his little joke as he rubbed his belly, signalling an end to this topic. But god damn it, you wished you could just reach out and touch it, feel his belly and tell him he’s got more room in there, and then feed him. But you didn’t, and he continued to come around throughout the week for dinner; you both played this same routine: you made the food, and he ate it. It wasn’t lost on you that Frankie liked to eat, but what you didn’t notice was how much he really liked that it was you feeding him.  
On one Saturday summer night, you were sitting on your balcony, far later than you normally would be, enjoying a sangria. You heard the sliding door open below you from Frankie’s and could hear him and that other male voice talking.  
“Drop it, Pope.” 
“Dude, I can tell. It’s written all over your fucking face when she comes up. You’ve got it bad for this chick.“ 
“Fine. Yes. Happy?” 
“Sure. But you have to tell her. There’s no way-“ 
“Yeah, and have her laugh in my face? She’s not into me like that.” 
“And how the fuck would you know?” 
“Because she’s too fucking gorgeous and out of my league.” 
Your heart dropped; Frankie was head over heels for someone - someone who wasn’t you. Before you could quietly leave your balcony and mope inside, you heard the other voice, Pope, say, “No one feeds you like that if they don’t at least like you, Francisco.” 
You froze.  
Frankie sighed. “Fuck you, man.” 
“All I’m saying is if a beautiful woman like that keeps inviting you back to her table when you’re getting fat on her cooking, you’re in. You just got to make a move.” 
The last thing you heard Frankie say as they began their exit from the balcony was, “Shit, Pope. I’m fucking hungry.”, followed by the two men laughing. 
You sat silently on your balcony and let a breath out that you didn’t realize you were holding in. You ventured inside and laid in your bed.  
You had made yourself scarce the rest of the weekend, no sure how to interact with him after what you had heard, but you’d returned home exhausted from work on the following Monday to find a note on your door form Frankie that read: 
Want to go out for dinner? You can have a night off.  
x F  
You grinned to yourself, hopeful that this was Frankie trying to make a move and went into your apartment, got changed into a more casual outfit, and headed down to Frankie’s. 
He opened the door and gave you a big smile while telling you where he was going to take you - his favourite Tex-Mex restaurant.  
The car ride over started a little awkward, but you soon fell into an easy conversation. 
“So why the dinner out? Sick of my cooking?”, you poked, watching to see how he would react. 
“Fuck no!”, Frankie barked out laughing. “I just figured that maybe I could get dinner for you, and since there’s not a snowflake’s chance in hell that I could even compare to you in the kitchen, I thought I’d take you to my favourite place to eat… other than your table, of course.” 
You felt your cheeks turn pink and you could feel Frankie smiling at you. You felt bold as you thought of what you’d heard on Saturday night and wanted to test the waters. 
You reached out and put your hand on his that was on the gear stick. “Thank you, Frankie. You’ll have to show me your favourites on the menu.” 
Frankie sucked in a breath at your touch and nodded. “Yeah… uh, I pretty much like everything they have.” 
You smiled and nodded. 
“Recommendations?”, you asked looking over your menu. 
“Well, like I said, I pretty much like everything. But my favourites are, uh, the burritos and fajitas. Can’t go wrong with those, and the elote is great, too.” 
Once again, you felt bold. Without the restrictions of what you had cooked and the ingredients you had on hand, Frankie could really let himself loose in here and you were more than happy to encourage him. 
“How about you order, Frankie? I normally decide what I’m cooking, so you get to decide tonight. Order to your heart’s content – I’m in.”, you say, leaning forward and cocking your head. 
Frankie’s eyebrows twitched and his lips parted. His tongue flicked out and he nodded. “You sure you’re up for that? It’ll be a lot of food.” 
“I’ll be fine, Frankie. The question really is will you be okay. Because food is more of a spectator’s sport for me when I’m with you.”, you say with a wink.  
Frankie just stared back at you, his breathing getting quicker. His brain was trying to wrap around that fact that Pope was right: you were into him and like to feed him. He thought he’d died and gone to heaven. 
Before he could pinch himself, the waitress approached the table. Frankie placed the order – it was a lot of food - and you just sat back and smirked as he spoke. 
“You sure you’re gonna be able to handle all that, Frankie?”, you questioned with a wry smile and teasing tone. 
Frankie gave you a flirtatious grin and took your hand. “Yeah, and there’ll even be room for dessert.” 
By the time Frankie had eatten two plates of food, he was sitting back in the booth, finishing his pop.  
“How’re you doing? You still got another plate.”, you gave him a coquettish smile, pushing the plate forward to him. 
“Oh, honey. I’m full.”, Frankie chuckled, patting his belly. 
He watched as you got out of your side of the booth and slid in next to him. Throughout the meal, you and Frankie dropped silent hints as to where you both wanted this to go. You again felt emboldened and reached out to rub his belly. He watched you, his eyes pleading with you to keep going. 
You leaned in and purred into his ear before nuzzling it with your nose, “Oh, Frankie. You’re not that full, are you?” 
Frankie shivered and gulped. Once he had cleared the last plate, Frankie huffed out a breath and tried to hide a small burp. You sat at his side, continuing to console his overstuffed tummy, and gave him a kiss on his cheek. 
“What’s next?”, Frankie asked, looking at you with a lazy smile.  
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opal-orchard · 1 year
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(isn’t she so beautiful here i just wanna cup her face and kiss her)
18+ mdni!! (who am i fooling, that sign doesn’t stop anyone)
3k words
no plot, mildly proofread, fluff/smut (Oral sex, strap-on sex, maybe a teensy bit of mouth spitting and anal, brief mention of sexual shame, slight use of gendered terms) switch!Ellie, switch!Reader
a/n: it’s been forever since i’ve posted and i have no excuse besides writers block but i overcame it WOOO!!!! (pls be kind i have been so hard on myself and my writing)
i hope you enjoy this, i feel like there’s a shortage of fics where Ellie receives so here’s my contribution! :)
once again pls like/reblog if u enjoy it (especially reblog, those help a lot) and shoot me a request if u want :) id love to post more headcannons! also feel free to follow or dm i love making new moots!
“Ellie… what are you doing?” you ask, feigning stoicism, you know what it means when she stands behind you like this, eyeing your body like a hungry jaguar.
“Wadya mean,” she smirks, pressing searing kisses against the nape of your neck. They tickle and send heat rushing through your body. “Can’t I give my favorite girl some love?” she teases, pressing her hips against your ass and rubbing your belly, she thumbs your belly button, tugging at the soft skin.
It’s so still in the kitchen, the sunlight and the soft breeze pouring through the window, you surrender to Ellie and let your head fall back against her chest. Her kisses and touches have your brain short-circuiting, the world around you growing blurry because all you can focus on is her. It’s insane the way your body opens for her so easily. The dishes will have to wait.
She nips and licks at your ear, before whispering “come with me to bed,” and you oblige, her tone low and persuasive. She smacks your ass, grabbing the supple flesh before she releases, her bottom lip tucked under her teeth.
You’re proud of her, and how far you two have come. Ellie used to be so tense around you, apprehensive to even admit that she had feelings for you, but now she’s unabashed in her desires, loving you loudly.
You let her lead you to your bed, and you face her and kiss her, her lips warm and a little rough. She pushes her tongue inside and you moan, her mouth and tongue so warm and capable. Warmth floods your body, reality fraying around you.
“You look so fuckin’ good today,” she growls, pressing sloppy kisses against your neck. “Just wanna eat you up,” her words send your nerves into a frenzy, the heat of her lips and the wetness of her tongue against your skin tantalizing you. You tighten your grip on her arm, overwhelmed with all the sensations running through your overheating body, and she wraps her arm around your back, pulling your bodies flush together.
“Oh please Ellie!” you whine, feverish and needy. The ache between your legs is intense and all-consuming, you helplessly girate and twist your hips trying to get some relief but Ellie holds your thighs still and nips your belly button.
“Woah now! Be patient babe,” she lilts, looking up at you from her knees. It’s been what feels like an eternity and she’s just now about to give you what you need. You’re completely naked, skin glistening with sweat and spotted with love bites.
As dominant as Ellie is, she loves when you stand up and let her eat you out on her knees, it strokes her ego watching your legs grow wobbly from the pleasure she gives you. How you grip her hair and shoulders for dear life, humping her face like an animal, using everything in you not to collapse.
Your pussy clenches and jumps with excitement when she parts your lips, your engorged clit dangling like a hanging fuchsia.
She brings her lips to your clit and your body jolts alive when she moans around it, “Mmph, taste so fuckin’ good,” she grunts, staring into your eyes. The sensation leaves you dizzy and you buck into her face. Every time feels like the first time.
When you were young it had been ingrained in you that vaginas were disgusting and putrid and sinful. Something taboo, something to be ashamed of. You had suppressed your desires, guilty to even have wants and fantasies, abashed for longing to feel good.
Until Ellie.
Until Ellie came and destroyed the confines around you like a hurricane, shattering everything you thought you had known. She took your body and kissed every part of you, and drank from you like a sacred fruit. You used to be so tense, so self-conscious of your scent and taste, but it dissipated the moment her lips went down to yours. The first time you let her go down it felt like you were washed clean, made new, finally whole.
She's so content to just eat you out and revel in your scent and taste. Some nights she’ll lay her head on the warmth between your thighs, protected and secure. She says your scent is refreshing, like the smell of earth after its first rain.
“Ellie, please put it in your mouth,” you beg, hiking your leg over her shoulder and gripping her silky hair to steady you. She’s still playing with you, peppering your pussy with featherlight pecks and kisses.
Ellie grabs your ass and gives your folds a sloppy, open mouthed kiss eliciting a deep moan from you. She knows you like it messy and feverish. She pushes her face deeper into your pussy and swirls her tongue around your entrance, developing a familiar pattern of tongue-kissing your opening before slowly dragging her tongue up to your clit to suck and flick it with intensity.
All sorts of sensations flood through your body. From sharp ones that shoot through your veins, to heavy ones that linger in your belly like smoke after a brush fire. She knows you so well and you’re so happy and pilant. Yelps and moans and gasps slip past your lips, sounding like something straight from a porno.
“Ooo fuck Ellie!” you whine desperately, rocking your hips back and forth along her face, growing needier, and she’s so skilled and experienced it all feels so euphoric. Every lick from her warm tongue has you melting like ice cream on a summer day, your juices dripping down her face and neck. Her jaw straining to take as much of your warmth into her mouth as she can.
You’re grinding against her face, trying hard to restrain yourself, yet Ellie grabs your ass tighter and pushes you closer, reassuring you that you're not hurting her, that she wants this as much as you. So you let go, gyrating wildly against her nose and tongue and lips, one hand rubbing Ellie’s scalp the other pinching your pert nipples.
It's all so intense you can feel the pressure building up, your face contorts from the pleasure, your mouth falling open and your eyelids being forced shut. Ellie can feel you’re close and slides two fingers inside you, knowing how much you like having something inside you when you come. She continues slurping your clit like fruit and pumping into you and you orgasm.
Everything releases, it’s explosive and colorful and a little spellbinding. Your entire body shakes and trembles before relaxing, and love and clarity wash over you.
Ellie pulls away from your pussy, gasping for air, her face dewy like serum. A string of cum connects her lips to your folds. Her eyes are so dazed and blown with pleasure and she looks up at you with so much reverie and satisfaction your heart could burst.
She stands up and grips your arms to anchor your pilant body and stable your weak legs. She pries your jaw open before opening her mouth, letting a drop of saliva roll from her tongue and fall onto yours. You accept it, unwavering in eye contact, it’s salty and sweet and tangy and thick.
“Good girl, had to let you know how fucking good you taste,” she says, raspy and low, rubbing her thumb along your bottom lip, she pulls you in for a searing and sensual kiss that envelopes your entire body in warmth. You fall back onto the bed, removing the rest of Ellie’s clothes, filled with longing to press your body flush against hers.
“You’re so warm,” she hums against your lips, stroking your back. You two have been laying on your sides, bodies pressed together, caressing and kissing for the past few minutes. Ellie is so relaxed, so happy to have pleased you with nothing in return, but you notice the wetness between her thighs and want her to experience the blinding euphoria she gives to you, “Ellie do you wanna— can I fuck you?”
“Sure, if your legs work,” she deadpans, biting her lip and pinching your ass. Her eyes lower down to your still-swollen pussy.
“Oh just you wait, babe. I’m gonna tear that pussy up,” you shoot back, crawling towards the edge of the bed. Ellie snorts and cackles at your remark, making you giddy.
You struggle off the bed, muscles as solid as jello, and attempt to move and bend your legs. Ellie giggles, deeply amused by the spectacle of you attempting to step in the harness. You hobble around on one leg as you try to maneuver your other in the strap.
“Oooouuh, a sexy dance for me!” she teases, reclining on her elbows. She’s so smug and proud it fills you with even more desire to ruin her.
“Oh fuck you!” you grunt, turning away from her to finish adjusting the harness, too shy to face her. You finish and turn back around just in time to watch her thighs fall apart, her pussy spreading like a blooming flower bud. She traces her middle finger along her folds before placing it in her mouth.
An invitation.
You pause in this delicate moment and take her in. You’re the only one who gets to see her like this. Her folds are so engorged and glistening it makes you a little dizzy. She’s so open just from the pleasure she got from pleasing you.
You crawl onto the bed, purple five-inch phallus dangling beneath you. She meets your eyes and they’re filled with a lusty haze only you’ve been blessed to know, something between intense and needy and dazed. You pull her in for another kiss, smushing your nose against hers. The gentle wet sound of your lips pressing together sends a jolt through your belly, she pulls away slightly, still letting your noses touch. You two have seen every inch of each other, have said things in the throes of an orgasm that no one else has heard, yet the simplest of contact feels the most intimate.
You linger in front of her face for a moment, savoring the taste of her lips and the sound of her soft and sharp exhales. She lets out a delicate gasp when the tip of the dick brushes against her pussy. “Fuck me babe,” she says in a low whisper, somewhere between asking and commanding.
“What’s the rush babe?” you respond cheekily, a surge of confidence is building from the power you have over her. You begin massaging and pinching her nipples. Ellie looks like she wants to bite back, but the sensation is placating her, and she moans, rolling her hips against the hanging tip. Biting your lip you latch onto her nipples, they’re so small and pert and pretty, the color of milky coffee. She hisses and cups the back of your head, it’s so intimate.
Ellie writhes from pleasure when you pull back and drag the tip of the dildo along her pussy, allowing it to collect her slick. You poke at her clit a few times, making Ellie yelp. “Just fuck me already,” she whines, enclasping her large hand around yours and positioning the dick at her enterance.
Her neediness and desperation send blood rushing to your pussy. Usually when she does this you’ll tease her more and teach her a lesson, but she’s been so good to you today, you just want her to have her way.
Her eyebrows contort and her jaw falls open when you push inside her, you go slowly, allowing her to get used to it. Ellie falls back onto the bed, pulling her knees to her shoulders as you thrust slowly into her. You take in her sharp jawline and chiseled cheeks, the way her ruddy freckled skin grows more flushed with every gasp and moan. Her lustful eyes and blooming red lips entice you, and you pull in for a gentle, messy kiss.
“Mmmh that’s it baby. I taught you well,” Ellie moans into your ear, wrapping her strong arms around your shoulders and spreading her legs farther. Penetration used to be frightening for you, until she taught you that the motion of thrusting is similar to riding her face. She’s always been so patient with you, showing you what makes her feel good; you feel so much more confident doing it now, finding delight in the rhythm.
She’s growing more pliant with every thrust, the squelching noises from her wet pussy growing more obscene. Thick white liquid oozes from her pussy and onto the strap, making a mess of it. Ellie takes a sharp inhale when you pull your cock out and smack it on her swollen clit, her belly muscles coiling from the sensation, “put that back in,” she hisses. It’s a tone you would find intimidating in any other circumstance, but it makes you feel so powerful in this moment.
You respond by pressing a searing kiss to her lips, “I will if you roll over,” you whisper into her ear, and she does, hastily turning onto her belly without dissent.
You giggle at the sight, she’s just so cute when she’s like this. The laughter is contagious, because Ellie breathes out a chuckle as well.
“Somebody loves getting fucked from behind,” you gloat, biting your lip and pinching the soft skin of her ass.
“Oh you shut your fucking mouth,” Ellie snaps, there’s a hint of humor to her tone, she’s a little embarrassed but she can’t deny it. She lifts onto her elbows and knees, raising her puckered pussy high in the air, it’s so swollen and aroused you watch it jump and clench around nothing. A drop of her nectar eases out like filling from a pastry and the sight drives you insane. The strap is fully inside her pussy before your brain can even register.
As you fuck her you take in the expanse of her arched muscular back glistening with sweat. A few healed scars from all the fights and falls she’s survived that you love to kiss and trace. She’s just so beautiful, you want to fill her with pleasure.
“Oooh that’s it!” Ellie rasps, panting and moaning from the new angle. She throws her head back in bliss, and you just know you’re hitting her g-spot how she likes it.
Her moans. This position. The feel of her ass and thighs hitting your hips. The sight of the silicone sliding in and out of her. It’s all awaking something animalistic inside you, you could orgasm just from this—
“Listen to you! Grunting like it’s yours!” Ellie mocks, looking back at you, she’s so happy to have some leverage after enduring your teasing. “I’m driving you crazy and you can’t even feel it!” Her voice is rough and heavy.
A bead of sweat drips down from your hairline, your skin scorching hot to the touch. She’s right—you’re so in the moment you hadn’t noticed the sounds you’ve been making. Ellie has a way of driving you insane no matter what she does, but you know exactly how to make her feel the same.
Licking your left thumb, you rub her perineum and the entrance of her ass, before dipping it inside. “Ahhh! —fuck!” she yelps at the sudden intrusion, but she welcomes it, parting her knees wider and arching her back deeper like a cat in heat.
It’s perplexing sometimes, how someone so independent and valiant like Ellie could become so submissive and delicate, allowing herself to split open and fall apart for you. The way she flows through dominance and submission so effortlessly like water. Her existence is expansive and refreshing and tantalizing, she’s so layered and complicated everything about her pulls you in and sends you into a frenzy.
You reach around with your right hand and play with her heavy clit, engorged with blood. “Don’t stop—ugh—please don’t stop!” She sobs out, nearly choking on her own saliva. Drool hangs from her swollen red lips. She’s frantically bucking her hips back to meet yours. Thrusting at this angle is difficult, your muscles are straining and aching but you don’t care, you just wanna get her there.
You won’t tease her the way she likes to tease you— at least not today. You won’t pin her on her back and pull out, leave her empty and desperate. You won’t smack her pussy with the phallus and tell her to beg for it. Make her tell you just how much she loves it, and needs you to make her feel good. You won’t today, you just want to get her there.
She screams when she comes. It’s so loud and erotic it could make a stripper blush. Liquid oozes out of her throbbing pussy like sap from a tree, making a mess of her thighs and the bed beneath you. You ease on her, gently fucking her through her orgasm. Slowly, you pull your thumb out her ass, and ease the dildo out of her.
“Oh fuck babe,” she chokes out, voice raspy and gritty. She lowers herself flat onto her belly, turning her face to you. You take in her side profile, the sweet slope of her nose and the orangy pink skin under her freckles.
After seeing her like this, you just wanna be close to her, want to hold her as her trembling body recovers, and kiss her damp skin. You hastily remove the strap and lay behind her, pulling her body flush against yours. “Ellie I love you so much,” you affirm, nuzzling into her neck, kissing the soft skin there.
She clasps her hand over yours and leans back onto you, relishing in the comfort and the stillness. Neither of you speak for a while, Ellie too occupied with catching her breath and her dignity.
“Babe, can I return the favor?” she asks softly, pressing a kiss to your hand.
Your pussy jumps at the question, and you realize just how needy fucking her has made you. “If you can move your legs,” you respond cheekily, biting your lip, anticipating her reaction.
Ellie pauses, like something just snapped inside of her, and licks her lips, “Just you wait. I’m gonna tear you up!”
It makes you blush because you know she will, nobody could ever make you feel as good as she does.
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sparrowrye · 5 months
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, A3 part 6
Synopsis: Alastor disappeared for 8 years, leaving you confused, crushed, and angry. You spent those years building up your new self and protecting the haven from dangers left and right. What will happen when he returns to the new changes? Will he return anytime soon? Could you even go back to the way things were?
Previous part
Part 6: sweet nothings
I let out a groan as I stretched my arms out. My eyes snapped open to see Alastor still here and sitting in a chair by the empty fireplace. The evening sun was streaming through the large window and making his red pop out all the more.
His eyes were already on me when I looked him over. He placed his book on the side table and stood, his shadow lifting his cane for him to take. It took two strides to cross the room to kneel beside the couch.
I rolled over on my back as a red claw gently caressed my cheek and unstuck a strand of hair on the side of my face. When had he put a blanket over me? I pulled it off most of the way from being overheated.
"How did you sleep, dear?" he asked, voice crackling like his radio. His cane rested on his thigh.
"Not bad." I ran my hand up his sleeve to cover his hand, our fingers shifting so they could half interlace against my face. It was satisfying to stare up at his face.
He leaned down to press a gentle kiss on my forehead.
Beautiful darling, I heard him say.
He moved lower and pressed his lips onto mine. I leaned further into the pillow and found the back of his head with my other hand. His hair tickled my cheeks where it fell.
A string of fear pulsed through my mind at the thought of him leaving. I wanted so badly to keep him at a safe distance yet that had proven futile in the end. I couldn't resist him. Not now, and not when I first developed feelings for him. He somehow always managed to rope me back in.
I wasn't so sure I wanted to untangle myself.
Alastor spent the next few days doting on his soulmate. It felt like he was basking in warm sunlight on a breezy summer afternoon every time you were in the room together. Your magic melded so perfectly where it had been jagged before. It was comforting.
Though it was bittersweet.
Now that the bond had connected fully again, he was able to hear the little doubts that plagued your mind. You weren't shielding him in the way he was shielding you. His...other...feelings were still hidden safely behind a wall. You didn't need to see those.
You were highly skeptical of his affections but you never stopped him. He noticed the little devils making more frequent appearances around you. If he left you alone, they were at your side by the time he came back. If he barely turned his head, one of them was appearing from underfoot to grip at your pant leg.
Nym was the more intriguing one. She had a tough, rowdy spirit and seemed to drag her brother with her wherever she went. The boy was smaller than her and ran to his adoptive mother if he feared Nym would bring him somewhere muddy or had a small creature in her palms.
Reagan still hated him. He never cared for her to begin with but she lived under the same roof and caused plenty of problems. If it wasn't for his soulmate, Alastor would've corrected her bad manners long ago.
All three devils were in the kitchen while you made dinner. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before excusing himself outside through the back door. He stood at the corner of the house furthest from the haven — a place no one would ever be looking — then leaned against the wood grasping at his chest.
He pulled his bow tie loose and gripped his microphone until it bent under his strength. His breathing was erratic, his legs felt numb, and his claws were frozen in whatever position they were currently in. He tried to force his heart to slow its beating but his magic was difficult to reign in.
He had been suffering from these random panic attacks for days. They came on without warning. Horrid memories and anxieties resurfaced, along with bad possible scenarios. He had to get a hold of this panic. Every time he grew more panicked, his magic would slip away from his fingers—the one thing he relied on for centuries, the one thing that made him feel safe and in control.
A thought came to mind and his panic flew away. You had managed to regain control of your magic with a magic-restraining headband on; back when Blackwater was still alive. Alastor had been yanked into the darkness too soon for him to properly search your mind for how you did it. Maybe you would allow him to look back in that memory.
Dinner was awkward, as expected. The two of you sat on the long ends of the table with the devils in between. Nym sat on the chair adjacent to Alastor while Thatcher and Reagan sat closest to you.
Thatcher liked to talk—whenever his sister wasn't talking over him—and Nym liked to stare. She looked away whenever Alastor caught her observing him.
Reagan was silent unless you asked her a direct question. After the first two, you left her alone and listened to the younger pairs' wild adventures in the haven.
After dinner, Alastor watched from the corner of the kitchen as you and the tiny children cleaned up. Reagan was quick to retreat to her room for the night. Alastor would make a comment about that later.
He focused his attention on you as you stood behind the pair washing and drying the dishes. Thatcher liked to play with the water and soap while Nym preferred to dry, probably from her love for mud and anything dirty.
He was surprised to see Thatcher placed a cluster of soap bubbles on her arm. She tried flicking them off but when that didn't work, she angrily took a towel to it. You laughed and placed a gentle kiss on both of their heads.
Something moved in Alastor.
He wasn't sure what exactly. Was it love? Jealousy? Adoration? What he did know was that it made his shoulders less tense, made the edges of panic fade away. His smile was genuine when you glanced over your shoulder at him.
After the dishes had been cleaned, dried, and stored away, you sent the two to their bedroom. He wrapped an arm around your waist and basked in your warmth when you returned the gesture, leaning in so your bodies were comfortably against each other. It felt so good to be able to touch you again.
"I need to speak with Reagan first." You said after a quick kiss. He grimaced at the name but unstuck his claw from your waist. The sooner you spoke to the insolent child, the sooner he would have you for the rest of the night.
He waited in the bedroom, coat off, and glasses on as he read through the abstracts you had made in his absence. Your handwriting was difficult to read but the farther he read in a book, the better it looked.
His foot tapped the floor repeatedly and his eyes kept jumping up to the clock on the mantle. How long did it take to speak to Reagan? It had been thirty minutes already.
He glanced at his cane resting against his leg to ensure it was still there.
Footsteps creaked on the floorboards. His eyes snapped up to the door in anticipation. Upon seeing your head poke through the door, he sprung to his feet and glided over to meet you.
His mind touched yours as his arms wrapped around your back. You let his mind pass through the shields and he shoved away the uneasy feelings Reagan had caused. He felt amusement and annoyance from you at his action.
When you tried to push further past his walls, he placed a firm kiss on your lips as a distraction. He didn't want you to see the building anxieties and tension he had been hiding for weeks since his return. He knew that if you felt him shielding from you too firmly that you would grow upset with him and ask questions.
He threaded his claws through your hair, practically bending you backwards from the effort to be physically close, and searched your mind. It took all of three seconds for you to notice what he was doing and broke the kiss. You pushed him out of your mind and unhooked his arms from your back.
"Tell me what's going on." You crossed your arms.
"What do you mean?" His distractions had failed. How did you even feel he was searching her mind? He had been painstakingly light.
"You keep trying to go deep in my mind but you won't let me into yours."
Ah, so he hadn't been doing a good job at hiding it. Your magic perception must've gotten stronger in his absence. He felt both pride and disappointment knowing he wouldn't be able to hide much from you soon.
"I have allowed you in my mind," he argued gently. He glanced over to see his cane still resting on the chair.
"Not deep. Not as deep as I allow you. So why?"
His eyes left yours as he claws closed around nothing. He summoned his cane into his hand and tried to find the proper words. He felt your mind moving softly around his, not yet trying to push through the barrier. It was something he had done to you so many times before.
He was waiting, expecting you, to say something more to move the conversation along but you didn't. You waited in silence, eyes pinned on him and nowhere else. It was as if he was on a dark stage with a single spotlight on him. Usually he didn't mind it but tonight was different.
"You have your fears, I have my own," he finally said. General, not too specific, but still revealing in a way.
"What fears do you have?" Your question was genuine and not at all accusatory. Everyone had fears. Yet you truly thought he had none.
"Leaving you." His red eyes flicked up to yours for your reaction. Your ears perked up on the sides of your head. Your mouth hung open and a single hand was hovering over your stomach, as if you were debating on touching something, on touching him.
He wanted you to touch him.
"But...why won't you let me in?" you asked next.
"I do not want you to be fearful of my absence again. If I fear it, you will too."
You let out a sigh and took a step closer. Your gentle claw laid carefully on top of the one on his cane while the other gently grabbed his other arm. His hand came up to rest lightly on your back.
"I'm not as fragile as I once was," you said, your eyes scanning his body from his waist to his antlers. They settled down to meet his eyes, "You don't need to protect me from everything."
For a while nothing was said. Your eyes never parted, drinking in each other's gaze after such a long time apart. He noticed then that you were right. You were looking at him differently. Before, you always had a look of anxious anticipation or fear. Now, you looked at him with curiosity and even a fan of confidence. You had grown in the past eight years.
You retracted your hands from his body and he instinctively pulled you against him, afraid to lose you a second time. You let out a small laugh and patted his chest lightly. "I'm just doing something. I'll be right back."
You pushed off his unwillingly arm and walked over to the dresser where a radio sat. You switched it on and turned the dial until you found the station you were looking for. Soft, slow jazz music filled the red room (Unforgettable- Nat King Cole). You kept it at a decent level where you could both hear it but not disturb the children across the hall.
The low piano tunes danced overhead as you sauntered back over to him. You gripped his red staff and lightly pulled his wrist up, successfully peeling off his tight claw from his crutch. You placed his hand at his side and moved to lean the cane against one of the chairs.
You returned to him a moment later, his hands moving instinctively into a waltz position. Your claws were so thin and small compared to his thick, red, sturdy ones. But that didn't lessen your comforting grip. He noticed the way your gaze lingered on your intertwined fingers.
He also noticed the way your pupils widened when they finally looked up at him. His other hand was comfortably on your waist, your own resting on his shoulder. Had you grown taller? He could vaguely remembering stretching his arm more to touch your back when you first learned to dance with him.
He noticed the shadows mimicking the dancing movements along the wall.
He felt a small spike of nervousness from you as you took the first few steps of the waltz. He could feel that it had been some time since you last danced like this with anyone. It was both a sadness and comfort.
He had been stuck in darkness but you had to live on, remaining loyal without an explanation to his disappearance. You had chosen him as he had chosen you. From the big actions like killing Blackwater to the small things like never dancing with someone in his absence, you had chosen him.
His smile grew. His lips were closed as he stared lovingly into your soft eyes. They were the only ones he ever wanted to look at him. They were the only ones that deserved to look at him.
He drunk in your presence, your stare, your love, your touch, your everything. He waited for so long to experience another dance with you. Why had he been so stubborn with you before?
The song ended and you both came to a slow stop. Another song came on, one just as soft and slow as the first, and you continued the gentle waltz (moonlight serenade - glen miller).
Nothing was needed to be said. You basked in each other's mind, unable and unwilling to pull away. You threaded your souls together like stitching a quilt, careful and slow and methodical. No rush. Just peace. Just warmth. Just love.
At one point you laid your head on his chest. Love and adoration swelled inside. He felt like a cup overflowing with something. He was utterly shocked to find himself coming close to the feeling of crying.
He had done plenty of that in the darkness but out here? Why was such a happy moment making him want to cry? It seemed counterintuitive.
You rubbed your head against the red fabric and let out a heavy sigh. He slowly let your hand down and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, allowing you enough room to wrap your own around his waist.
You swayed from side to side now, no stepping required to break your concentration on him. Your mind filled him to every inch and centimeter of his being. He could feel you in his fingers, in his cloved toes, in his wretched tail, in his ears, and every mind space he had.
There was you and only you.
Until your glow dulled as you nearly fell asleep standing up. He hummed a laugh and felt another spike of something strong coming from you. You pushed your face further into his chest.
"Come love," he whispered. He leaned down and lifted your legs, his other hand holding your back securely. He brought you over to the bed and, before placing you down, snapped his fingers to switch you into your usual night attire.
He pulled the covers over your shoulders and moved to get himself ready for bed. Your hand grabbed his and he gently tapped it. "I'll be right back."
He noticed your watchful gaze never left him as he walked to the other side of the room. He snapped his fingers again to adorn himself in different clothes. His cloved feet touched the soft carpet underneath.
He slipped under the covers and you attached yourself to his side instantaneously. He wrapped his arms securely around your back and nuzzled his face into your soft hair. He sucked in your sweet, earthy scent and let out a heavy, relieving sigh. You followed suit.
"Goodnight my dear," he placed a kiss on your head.
"Goodnight," you mumbled. He began to hum a familiar tune and felt your conscious fighting to stay awake to enjoy the feeling of his chest vibrating against your touch.
I love you.
I love you too.
Author's Note:
It's been a long time coming...
@wendigonamecaller @saccharine-nectarine @thesimpybitch @papas-ghoulette @masochist-downfall
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