#stop tobacco
muckyschmuck · 9 months
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his first ever binder. ever
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podcastfaggot · 6 months
*elias voice* hitting the bong is like sex to me. it’s phallic, jonathan.
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clannfearrunt · 25 days
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The worm has moved to the bigger buffalo bur... very good at munching
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neechees · 1 year
Really stressed about like tiktok ndns sharing Spirituality & knowledge they really do not have to be, or should be sharing. With all the high rises of pretendians & hippies selling appropriated stuff, you'd think they'd be reluctant to talk about this stuff instead of being content to share for likes on tiktok. You don't have to "educate" people on Native spirituality, White people literally do not need to know that, and there's lots of culture vultures who are probably using you as fodder for their pretendian identity theyre about to make up.
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slingerapen · 1 year
I need to drink more wine with mommy
- bruno
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
okay no but I will simply NEVER get over the radioactive cancer on the real 😭😭😭 like you’re telling me the people at RGG didn’t think the DECADES worth of smoking, fast food and overdosing on caffeine (or whatever the hell staminan is made of) is not a valid enough cause 😭😭
no you see it was the RADIATION from the RADIATION FACTORY that did him in. fucking DUH stupid idiot
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luvsavos · 8 months
random vent(?) in the tags, feel free to ignore i just have a lot of pent up emotions to get out today apparently
#mar.txt#it's weird being aro(?) and yet also longing for a relationship. maybe its just bc almost all of my friends are in one#maybe it's bc of how easily jealous i get#maybe its the fact that i'm constantly being reminded that i am nobody's most important person. there's always someone more important.#maybe it's just the all-consuming,gaping hole of loneliness within me#idk.#i don't even know if i AM actually aro or if i'm just so demi that i may as well be aro or if ive just had so many bad experiences that it#feels impossible for me to feel romantic attraction#a few of my ocs (shara and the alatreon) are how i think i'd describe myself; aro,but willing to be in a relationship provided the other#person isn't bothered by them being aro,bc they have their own equivalent to romantic feelings#i know i'll never have one though. for all my confidence and whatnot i still very much am insecure about my own loveability. because the#only thing life has shown me is that i very much am not loveable. all the way back in first grade ppl were already using me instead of#actually caring#'dating' me to make someone else jealous. so they could have a drug buddie. a fuck buddie. so they could try to manipulate me into things#because i was a young teenager desperate for validation and to feel like i mattered and belonged and they were nearly adults who knew they#could exploit that. i'm surprised i never had anything happen to me beyond being pressured into trying chew tobacco (awful and disgusting)#and doing it every time i was around my 'boyfriend' and his friends#the only two genuine relationships i had didn't last either; one lost feelings after three years and the other just sorta stopped talking to#me and iirc eventually picked up a boyfriend that was actually local instead of long distance#i am not worthy of love. i will never be loved in the way that my friends are. hell i won't ever even find a qpp(?). and that makes me sad.#to know i will always be alone. that i'm destined to die alone. but it is what it is i guess. i just wish it didn't bother me so much.#i wish i could be content in my loneliness and not be jealous of everyone around me. i wish i could accept that i will never be anybody's#most important person. that the only person i can or will ever be the most important to is myself. self love,yeah? ha.#maybe 2024 will have something in store for me. god i hope it does. but i doubt it will. more of my friends will get into relationships,#those already in them will stay in them and/or take a step forward in their relationship. and i will remain alone. just as i always have.#anyways. sorry vent over i'm just. ugh. upset today. emotions are stupid and i want a refund on them. i did not ask to be saddled with the#burden of feeling such intense,suffocating displacement and loneliness. i did not ask to feel these negative emotions so strongly.#i just want to be someone's most important person. i just want to matter.
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tadpoleatemybrain · 3 months
Johnny after getting shit faced on moonshine from the tiefling party
J: (I wonder if Halsin'll share his pipeweed )
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theflyingfeeling · 10 months
#so i live in an apartment block#and one (or some) of my neighbours have started smoking cannabis recently (or something that smells similar)#i say ''have started'' because i haven't noticed anything until a couple of weeks ago#sometimes i can smell tobacco in the staircase but it has never really spread to my apartment#but the pot? my hallway REEKS of it#(=inside my actual apartment!!!!!)#and look. i could not give less shits about what someone chooses to smoke in their freetime#but PLEASE don't subject me to it ffs🤢#i have a suspicion which neighbour it might be but i'm not 100% sure so i guess there's not much i can do about it#however. the smell is so strong that it would make sense it's from a nearby apartment#and considering my next-door neighbour had a couple of visits from the police last spring... 😐#i know i'm not the only one bothered by the smell judging by the notes some of my neigbhours have left on the noticeboard of the building#i think these notes (''heippalappu'') are somewhat useless though because 1) the neighbour to whom it's directed may never even see it#and 2) even if they did i doubt it would make them stop smoking indoors#because i don't think it's a case of them not realising the smell might affect others#it's more a case of just being a dick and not giving a fuck about other people#just now i googled ''what to do when my neighbour smokes pot'' lol#but i couldn't really find anything useful for this particular situation where i can't be sure from which apartment the smell comes from 😑#and i don't really feel like snooping around behind my neighbours' doors like a sniffer dog to figure out where's the source of the smell#i live on the 3rd floor and as i said my main suspect is my next-door neighbour#and someone in the heippalappu was also suspecting a 3rd floor resident (''you know who'' they had written)#but then someone else had written they think it comes from the 4th floor so 🤷‍♀️#unless it was the pot-smoker themselves bluffing 🤔#i did find a reddit thread (in finnish) in which some people are like ''it's just a smell. deal with it''#ah! so i'm supposed to just tolerate the smell of pot inside my apartment! even though it's fucking disgusting! okay thanks!!!!!!#AITA for being bothered by pot smell inside my apartment caused by my neighbour lol
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vvatchword · 1 year
Only Man: Bailout
It was six in the evening when Sinclair finally thought to grab a bite to eat. The press had been unusually delighted with him, swarming his workplace, his office, his walk to Point Prometheus. Worse than wading through a mud slick—and made him late to every single affair that demanded leaving the office.
“This is the second time you’ve paid Topside’s debt, and it was a real chunk of change,” said one journo. “Tell us, what brought about this kind of selfless behavior from one of Rapture’s greats?”
Sinclair dramatically dropped his jaw and scoffed.
“Why, how dare you, sir!” he said. “We may not have laws against libel down here, but…”
The crowd of journalists laughed.
“Don’t let it be said I did this for anything more selfish than a friend’s company,” Sinclair drawled. “Don’t tell me there isn’t some friend you wouldn’t bail out just for the pleasure of seeing them pleased.”
For sustenance that evening, he chose the Silver Fork, a five-star in Fort Frolic. The only other choice was Tate’s, and he wasn’t feeling that charitable.
He had only just sat down when he glanced up and saw Ryan striding toward him.
“Why, Andy Ryan!” Sinclair rose from his seat, eyes twinkling. “Fancy seeing you ’round these parts.”
They shook, but Ryan said nothing. All that spoke were his eyes.
“Won’t you sit down?” Sinclair asked, gesturing at the table. “I haven’t ordered yet.”
Ryan lowered to the booth opposite Sinclair, only looking down to find an ashtray.
“So, what brings you to this corner of the Fort?”
“You paid off Topside’s debt.” Ryan put his cigarette out. “Again.”
“Guilty as charged.” Sinclair settled back with his menu, legs crossed, one foot kicking.
“What do you mean to prove with this Topside business?”
“Prove?” Sinclair lowered his menu, smiling. “Why, I just want to keep a good friend out of trouble, is all.”
Ryan’s expression rarely faltered; it did here. A faint flicker of disgust flashed across his face.
“He is a parasite.”
“He is a fool, and a very entertaining one at that,” Sinclair said. He turned to the waitress, who had just appeared. “I’ll take the Arcadia, red, 1953. Thanks, sugar.”
Ryan waved her away before speaking again.
“You can measure the greatness of a man by the company he keeps,” he said.
“So I hear,” Sinclair said.
“Does he value intellect? Ability? Art?” Ryan cocked his head. “Or is he a beast rutting in the field?”
Sinclair nodded. “Mm-hmm. Very true. How’s Ms. Jolene doin’, by the by?”
Ryan’s gaze snapped up. Sinclair smiled at him over the curl of his wrist. The silence between them stretched for an uncomfortable minute before Sinclair finally cleared his throat.
“Look, Andrew.” Sinclair dropped his foot and his smile, sat back, and gave him the most solemn, constipated look he possibly could. “The kid is harmless. And when I say ‘kid,’ I mean he’s a kid. He has no idea what he’s doing. He can’t do a thing to Rapture except make it laugh.”
“When he flaunts his freedom, the city does more than laugh,” Ryan said. “It sits up. It takes notice. And the darker elements…” He closed his eyes. “The darker elements cheer him on.”
“Who, Fontaine?”
Ryan’s eyes flashed open.
Sinclair chuckled. “Fontaine doesn’t laugh or cheer. At least, not conventionally. Now, he likes you pissed off—ah, if you’ll pardon the expression—but he doesn’t spend half as much time thinking about you as you do about him.” Sinclair pointed at him with his empty cigarette holder. “Look, Andrew, you’re lettin’ these nobodies eat you up from the inside out. And they’re nobodies, you get me? Nobody’s as big as you.”
“Fontaine is hardly a ‘nobody.’”
“All right, I’ll give you that. But Topside is.” Sinclair looked into his breast pocket, raised his brows, and tucked the empty holder into his mouth.
Ryan’s eye fell to his pocket, drifted up to his eyes. “You yourself, Sinclair… sometimes I wonder.”
Sinclair smiled. “About what?”
“Whose side you are really on.”
“Capital’s, naturally.” Sinclair shrugged. “Thought we came down here to avoid all that, ah… ‘side’ nonsense.”
“There have always been sides, Sinclair. There is the philosophy and there are parasites. There is the philosophy and there are those who make a mockery of it.” Ryan drew another cigarette from his pocket. Oxford brand. He had been their spokesman for a time.
“The philosophy is about the dollar, so I’m all about the philosophy,” Sinclair said. “Look, you have nothing to worry about with me, chief. I’m a sensible man. But I am just a man, with a man’s needs. Same as you’ve got, I reckon.” His accent turned dramatic, his smile sarcastic. “I’d like this boy’s friendship and I can’t have it when he’s dangling from a ceiling. If you take the trouble to paint him up into a bogeyman, well… I’ll just say it: that’s less about him and more about you.”
Ryan’s lip curled. “Are you saying I lie, Mr. Sinclair?”
“Oh, lord, no. Not you.”
“Then,” Ryan said, snapping his lighter, “who is the liar here?”
“If you want to find a liar, I’m sure you’ll find one,” Sinclair said. His own eyes had grown dark and shuttered. Ryan gazed upon the same cold and unreadable expression as his own. Neither man blinked. Their standoff was broken only when the waitress returned with a glass, sliding it in front of Sinclair. It was Sinclair who blinked first, turning with a light cough.
“Ah, thank you, honey,” Sinclair said. “You sure you don’t want a drink, Andy? I’m payin’.”
“No. Thank you.” Ryan waved the waitress away. “Tell me, Sinclair. How much of your money is wrapped up in Fontaine’s matters?”
“About the same amount as is wrapped up in yours,” Sinclair said. “Ask your friends at Mulligan’s. They give you that information already, I presume.”
Ryan’s frown deepened. “You bought into Fontaine’s oxygen supply last I heard.”
“Oh, he’s gobblin’ things up right and left, chief!” Sinclair said, clapping himself on the chest. “And I’ve seen his delivery system. Just spectacular. Improves quality by every measurable standar…”
“Do you hear yourself?” Ryan asked.
Sinclair blinked. “Well, I’d hope so. I just put a helluva a lot of money in that thing.”
“Fontaine is taking the city.” Ryan said it to the table more than to Sinclair. He lifted his eyes. “And you are enabling him.”
For a moment, Sinclair was struck dumb. His eyes locked on Ryan’s, his mouth pursed up in what was trying to turn into a laugh.
“Pardon me?” he asked at last.
“Fontaine cares nothing for the philosophy,” Ryan said. “And he is poisoning this city one charity at a time. Surely you’ve seen it.”
“Andy, I must admit, I’m a mite confused,” Sinclair said, cocking his head. “Yes, he runs charities, but that’s his money. I’m not funding those. I’m funding the end to obesity and the latest synthetics for a pale complexion. Be reasonable, man. Ah, one second.”
Sinclair waved down his waitress, pointed at something on his menu, made a face, muttered something about the cook or the cut, and shooed her off.
“My apologies,” he said, clearing his throat. “Didn’t eat lunch. Are you sure you wouldn’t like…”
“Do you think he supports those wretches on his efforts alone?” Ryan asked.
“His money ain’t my money,” Sinclair said. “Once it passes hands it’s outta my control. I’m gettin’ what I asked for—the cure for, ah—cancer, baldness, even mortality—and a tidy profit on top all that—so why should I demand any more? Oh, I’ll say it, chief: this is unlike you. You gettin’ enough rest down there?”
“Is everything a joke to you?” Ryan asked softly. “Do you not see the city transforming beneath us? There could be no Lamb without Fontaine. There could be no Topside without Fontaine.”
“Andy, what the hell…”
“There could be no poorhouses, no orphanages, no bread lines. Already I see their little signs: ‘Ryan Does Not Own Us.’ For instead of raising themselves, they seek to degrade me. And if you believe they will stop with my head…”
“Let me stop you right there,” Sinclair said. “Now I read your essays on the philosophy. I even read your attempts at fiction, god bless your soul. And I’m tryin’ to think of a single instance where honest businessmen were cowing others into givin’ ’em more of a hand than they deserve. You should remember them, seein’ as you wrote it: those were the villains.”
“You accuse me of offering bribes?” Ryan spat.
“What do you mean by asking how much of my money goes into Fontaine’s coffers, then?” Sinclair asked. “Tell me, Andy—you’d rather I pour all my money into Arcadia? Well, Demeter’s been pushin’ 30% more O2 than Arcadia for the last six months. More O2, faster, with better CO2 scrubbers, better moisture entrapment and recycling—hell. You name it, they’ve built it. I’ve started running it through my Drop locations and it’s startin’ to look like air quality is better down with the homeless than it is up in Apollo. Look, I’d be a fool not to invest. Hell, you’d be a fool not to look into his tech.” He threw his arms open. “Why, I figured all this was the aim of the game. As I heard a wise man say once, ‘The strong will not be constrained by the weak.’”
Ryan sighed and rose slowly to his feet. “I understand your folly now, Augustus.”
“Oh, do tell,” Sinclair said, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket and jamming it into his holder.
“You believe in the dollar and nothing else,” Ryan said. “Not human integrity; not the narrow path.”
“I don’t believe in metaphysics, it’s true,” said Sinclair, and snapped his lighter. “And I thought you were the same.” He blew out a stream of smoke.
Ryan laughed soundlessly, mouthed his cigarette.
“Someday, perhaps soon, there will be a reckoning,” he said. “I will be watching you, Sinclair.”
Sinclair cracked a smile, leaning back in his booth. “Hope you like what you see. But if you don’t, do feel free to stop by for a chat. You know my door is always open.”
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hiimcanadia · 8 months
Every time I see my extended family I am reminded how little I have in common with my extended family
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caeliflammae · 7 months
refusing to buy a new vape bc i dont want to contribute to exploitation in the congo but also still being addicted to vaping leads to me just chiefing on the deadest oldest nastiest vape and wondering why i feel like shit every time i hit it
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jynersq · 7 months
i know that medical knowledge =/= better health-related behaviors but it feels SO fucked up to know so many cancer researchers — who have never and would never smoke a cigar or a cigarette — vape like there’s no tomorrow……… perhaps a hot take but vaping is not and will never be completely safe. it was intended to be a temporary tool to help people quit smoking, until companies like juul realized they could make bank marketing it to kids by making it taste like cotton candy. i cannot stress enough how much you should not be inhaling unknown chemicals into your lungs!!!! especially during the global spread of a virus known to cause severe cardiopulmonary issues!!
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timeisacephalopod · 2 years
Funny that every single fat person is accused of promoting obesity for simply existing- but somehow tobacco companies aren't held similarly responsible for selling a product that causes all kinds of health risks and cancers- fat people are held accountable for their "cost" to the healthcare system but never once have I heard anyone argue for shutting down tobacco companies under the grounds of promoting and glorifying cancer and only existing to sell poison to addicted customers for the sole purposes of their own profits.
Like it's very strange how little we shit on tobacco companies for doing everything we accuse fat people of down to actually costing the healthcare system money, which I doubt fat people do more than anyone else as fat people report delaying doctors visits for as long as possible to avoid weight based discrimination. I just think it's baffling that fat people face systemic oppression for existing because we think we can Individual Choice them into being thin, but we can't Individual Choice tobacco company execs into shutting down a business that exits entirely to get people addicted to cancer causing products to the point of being an ongoing public health crisis. We can't shut up about The Obesity Epidemic ™️ but them stats on tobacco deaths? Well I guess no one can be Systemically Shamed into fixing that except the smokers whom we shame via disgusting images on the back of cigarette packages. Because somehow that's how tobacco companies can be held responsible for getting people addicted to cancer causing products, acting like the customer is responsible for the company selling it.
#winters ramblings#anyway holding fat people more accountable for a puic health crisis for existing than tobacco companies for PROFITING OFF a self created#health crisis? good lord clutch your perals you cant treat companies with the same amount of accountability you expect out of individuals!#how could you ever expect international businesses selling poison to people to not do that because theyve created a health crisis?#anyway maybe if we start following fat people around making trumoet noises theyll stop being fat finally#because this works to fix the obesity epidemic but not for business regulation even though the evidence says the opposite is true#very curious that#also tobacco companies LITERALLY DID glorify smoking into making it look cool in a way fat people could never#fat people have never been regulated into not selling weight gaining agents under the guise of purposefully getting people Super Fat#and Addicted to Weight Gain Product that also causes a billion cancers even if people are in the same room as the SMOKE of the product#like fat people simply are not glorifying or promoting anything by saying maybe you should fucking hate yourself#if youre not stick thin. self hatred is NEVER beneficial for mental health and shitting on fat people DOES NOT HELP#study after study has shown making people feel like shit about themselves shockingly does not lead to self improvement#can i say anything positive at ALL about tobacco companies? no because they ACTUALLY DID what we acuse fat people of#they purposefully ran misinfo campaigns on the saftey of their product and denied second hand smoke camcer claims#until they literally could not do so any fucking more and they STILL arent held as responsible for the damage their products#cause to public health- their CUSTOMERS are held responsible for that#strange that regulatijg everything about fat people despite the evidence that it DOESNT WORK isnt a good enough reason#to abandon that method and company regulation is ALSO eildly sucessful but thats not good enough evidence to adopt it#i wonder if thats because Certian Political Beliefs in Power are protecting themselves frim any real systemic change#in an effort to preserve their wealth and power 🧐🧐
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x: cannabis has to be illegal bc it makes you an addict and it’s a gateway to other drugs
me, a smoker: fuck u joints didn’t make me an addict but I haven’t smoked a cigarette in 24hrs and I’d kill for one
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mothpdf · 1 year
I bought watermelon cigarettes back in the fatherland and let me tell you Europe was right to ban this
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