#stop trying to make NFTs happen
ohnoitstbskyen · 8 months
So, considering what's going on with Riot right now, do you think Arcane Season 2 got caught up in all of this restructuring?
Yes and no. Arcane season 2 is part of the reason for the restructuring.
As I understand it, internally at Riot, after Arcane was a huge (and more importantly: prestigious!) success, the decision was made to basically hand the entirety of the game's lore and story over to the Entertainment division within Riot. These are the people in large part responsible for projects like Arcane, K/DA, Heartsteel, that animated series China got, all that sort of thing.
The writers at Riot were basically told to flat out stop producing new content and lore for the game - that's why there's BEEN no new story content for League for over a year - because everything was going to be consolidated under the Entertainment division from now on. This is why Riot started talking about "One Runeterra" and "Arcane is going to be canon" and so on.
The success of Arcane convinced executives that what League of Legends needs is a singular cohesive brand with its most successful public property leading the charge, Arcane is going to be the gateway drug, the hook on the end of the line that brings new players and new paying customers into the exciting world of the League of Legends multimedia IP universe!
Nevermind that Arcane's story and worldbuilding is fundamentally incompatible with >checks notes< the overwhelming majority of Runeterra as it exists and enormous compromises would have to be made to either the world of Runeterra or Arcane itself to make it work. Arcane is the big shiny prestigious mainstream Emmy-award winning project that every executive wants to put their name next to, and like companies Pivoting To Video in 2015 because Facebook showed them inflated viewership stats, Riot Games is Pivoting To Arcane. It's better than them pivoting to crypto and NFTs, at least, although I know for a fact that high ranking people at Riot tried to make that happen too.
Now, the primary cause for all of these games industry layoffs is that interest rates aren't zero anymore. Borrowing money isn't free, the curve of constant growth has ever so slightly slowed, taking on debt is becoming a little tiny bit more risky than it was previously, and corporations are responding to this with massive rounds of layoffs and constriction to show "financial responsibility" and prove to shareholders that they are prioritizing core growth strategies and blah blah blah etc. They're also trying to kneecap the growing labor movement in the games industry and exert downwards pressure on wages, but the interest rates seem to have been the main thing.
In Riot's particular case, a secondary reason is they want to pivot the focus of the company to support their One Runeterra pipe dream, so a lot of the people who got fired at Riot are writers, artists, creative leads and sometimes extremely senior and successful staff who are now surplus to requirements. This is also why Riot shut down Riot Forge in the same round of layoffs - can't have a bunch of talented indie devs going off making video games that don't adhere to the new One Runeterra policy. What if someone played Mageseeker and got confused how there can be mages all over Demacia but somehow there are no mages in Arcane's Piltover and Zaun. That's a plot hole! People write snarky articles about that sort of thing. It turns off new consumers! What if Cinema Sins makes a video making fun of it?!?
So yeah. A bunch of cocaine-addled fame hungry executive vultures at Riot are absolutely gagging on their own d*cks to put their name next to Arcane related projects, and since they were going to be screwing hundreds of people out of their careers, healthcare, and in some cases their fucking visa status anyway, it seems to have presented a nice opportunity to clear the board for their latest Visionary Scheme for the company IP.
That is as I understand the situation, anyway. I'm a bitter old man and most of what I hear is second hand and anonymous gossip through my social networks, take what I say with a grain of salt, but I've followed this company for (oh god) twelve years now and I have developed a tragically keen understanding of how its executive class operates.
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crtter · 1 year
I’ve been seeing some people getting a bit confused and getting some stuff wrong in the comments of that one post telling the story about the creator of Neopets throwing a hissy fit (Hissi fit lol) over people disliking his idea of a game “that’s just like Neopets but with crypto” and I don’t want to add anything to it to not bother the OP but Neopets has been a hyperfixation of mine since I was 13 and I physically can’t stop myself from going “Um, ackshually ☝️🤓” so I’m gonna do it in my own post. Here’s what happened:
The guy who got super pissed off and started badmouthing Neopets users, ending his tirade with a selfie of him giving Neopets users the finger, Adam Powell, did create Neopets, yes, but he doesn’t own it anymore since it was sold to Viacom in 2005. He has been involved in a few game ventures since but they haven’t been very successful.
His idea wasn’t to “implement NFTs in Neopets”, he’s developing (or planning to) another game that’ll apparently be free to play with some extra paid features, and said features would be paid in some sort of cryptocurrency.
Sadly, the parent company of Neopets, JumpStart, already tried to implement NFTs by partnering with Metaverse back in 2021, with disastrous results, both in the eyes of Neopets players (who hated the idea because NFTs are a scam and terrible for the environment and all) and in the eyes of NFT bros (because the NFTs in question were VERY overpriced given their poor quality and made using stolen assets from Neopets fan sites). The project is apparently still underway but it’s hugely unpopular and tweets made by the official Neopets Metaverse account mostly only gets engagement from NFT bots, if they get any at all.
Back to Adam. He apparently thought people would be “excited about his new game because of the Neopets Metaverse thing”, without knowing how much the fanbase hated the whole thing, and tried to peddle it in the Discord server of the r/Neopets subreddit, a subreddit that has always been VERY vocal against the Neopets NFTs. And well. You can guess how much people weren’t interested in his game. Then, just to make matters worse, people went on the Discord server of his game and saw that it was badly moderated and chock full of homophobic comments made by cryptobros.
Adam gets pissed off at people disliking his game idea and not taking kindly to his comments that “they just don’t understand what crypto is about” and goes on an angry tirade, saying stuff such as how much he wished he never made Neopets because the fanbase sucks, saying he’s going to buy it back just to destroy it and ending in the aforementioned middle finger selfie, all while people clowned on him like crazy. This ended in him getting banned from the Discord server AND from the r/Neopets subreddit. He then started trying to defend himself and demanding to be unbanned in… the comment thread of a news article relating the incident in the Neopets fan site Jellyneo. Last time I checked he was still at it.
He blamed his outburst on “having drunk alcohol while on Sertraline” and has said he wasn’t aware of the homophobic comments in his server and claimed that he doesn’t have anything against LGBT+ people, but he has also made it very clear he doesn’t think he’s in the wrong and won’t apologize for anything.
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mountttmase · 10 months
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Every Second Of Everyday
Note - I’m running out of fics 😭 this one was never supposed to see the light of day but here we are. I hope you enjoy and I’d love some feedback 🩷
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 6k
Warnings - angst, fluff & smut
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‘So yeah I mean Its really easy, you just have to buy in the dip but obviously you need to know when that is, I can totally teach you if you want me too”
‘Oh yeah sounds… super interesting’
Listening to a man you’d only met properly an hour and a half ago waffle on about crypto currency and NFT’s was not how you imagined your Wednesday would be going. You had no idea what he was going on about, and you didn’t care either. Disappointment had flooded through you from about ten minutes into the date, he seemed so different from when you’d been messaging. He barely asked you anything about yourself and spent the whole time trying to explain, or rather boast, to you what he did for a living.
‘I’m just popping to the loo, be back in a sec’ he smiled as he stood from his chair. You smiled back and nodded lightly, watching him walk away from you as you let out a quiet sigh of relief. Thankful you were finally alone but not two seconds later you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You quickly pulled it out to check it wasn’t an emergency, having not looked at it the whole way through lunch, not wanting to be rude, but the name that flashed up was the last person you thought it would be.
What the hell did he want?
You and Mason were… complicated. You knew how you felt about him and you were pretty sure he felt the same but for some reason nothing has ever come of it. You’d grown up best friends with Lauren James and her bother Reece, so it was inevitable you’d meet Mason sooner or later. Reece had always mentioned him growing up to the point where you felt like you knew him already sometimes, but you kept yourself slightly separate from that part of their lives, wanting to be the escape from football.
The moment of you meeting Mason came just under six months ago. The season had been over for a week and Reece was throwing a party at his house meaning Lauren insisted you came with her. Reece introduced you to Mason within the first ten minutes of you stepping in the door and you were hooked on him from the first look.
You obviously knew who he was but you tried to play it cool and make out you didn’t. Mason bought your calm exterior hook, line and sinker, telling you that you weren’t like most of the girls he meets at these things. You spent most of that night in his company, laughing at his stupid attempts to make you smile and falling for those gorgeous brown eyes every time you looked in them. He wasn’t anything like you thought he’d be, you were expecting an ego the size of a truck to match his perfect face but as time went on you realised he was just a normal guy who did a not so normal job. You exchanged numbers at the end of the night, him kissing your cheek promising to text you the very next day and you didn’t expect anything from him with how busy he was yet when you woke up the next day with a message from him your tummy had erupted into butterflies.
It had all started out so well, cute texts here and there and promises of seeing each other as soon as you could but nothing ever materialised. You got it, he was Mason Mount and you were you but it didn’t mean it hurt any less. The texts mostly dried up, only checking in with each other here and there and only seeing each other at social events. You’d made peace with the fact nothing probably would ever happen yet that didn’t stop him from getting his way when he wanted.
He would always make eye contact with you from across the room when you were together, smirking cheekily when he noticed the blush taking over your cheeks as his come to bed eyes raked over you hungrily. He liked the fact he could do that to you and he seemed to make it his mission to tease the life out of you. His hands always finding your waist as he passed behind you, or sitting as close as he could to you on the sofa so he could run his fingers over your thighs.
You loved and hated every second of it.
You thought he was unbelievably attractive and it only took a flash of his perfect smile to get you hot under the collar. Every time his tongue poked out between his lips to wet them made your knees weak and you were pretty certain no other boy had made you feel like this before. It wasn’t all bad, and you soon fell for his goofy playful side. Admiring the way he was always making people, yourself included, laugh at his stupid jokes and sometimes it seemed like he didn’t have a fear of making himself look like a prat. You found him awfully endearing when he wasn’t trying to get under your skin so the stupid little crush you had on him didn’t face in the slightest.
But in the last two months it had become unbearable. He was a lot braver with his actions and one night after a little bit too much to drink he’d cornered you in the kitchen, pressing feather light kisses to the top of your shoulder from behind you and slowly making his way up your neck as you were trying grab a glass. No words were exchanged as he pressed his lips to your skin, knowing he’d followed you in hoping to catch you alone and If it hadn’t been for the loud crash coming from the other room you would have let him carry on. It seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in though and after giving you a quick wink he turned on his heel and left you stood flabbergasted.
You told yourself that night that whatever game he was playing was over. You weren’t one to stick up for yourself, clearly, but you couldn’t stand another second of him having this weird hold over you without it leading anywhere. The next morning you dowloaded a dating app, telling yourself you needed to get out there and meet some different people and see what happens. Show him that he wasn’t free to keep dangling ideas in front of your face without acting on them.
Which is how you need up in this situation today.
Charlie had seemed nice when you matched him a few days ago. He was cute and and he made you laugh but being sat opposite him was a complete other story. This was the third different date you’d been on in a month and you were starting to loose all hope of finding anyone that made you feel a fraction of what Mason did.
You sighed as you unlocked your phone to see what he wanted but your blood ran cold as you opened up the message.
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It was you.
Well the back of you anyway, sat in the exact place you were right now. You slowly turned round and your eyes locked onto his right away, sat three tables back and slightly off to the left. You whipped back around before he could do anything else and tried to calm you racing heart.
What are the bloody chances?
As soon as you finished your thought, your phone buzzed again. Another text from Mason coming through.
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Why is this happening to me?
You chose to ignore it, locking your phone and turning it over, hoping he would see you’re not in the mood to talk to him. He didn’t get the hint though and you groaned under your breath as his final text come through.
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You hated to admit that his assertiveness made you clench your thighs together, but there was no way in hell you were going home with him. Well that’s what you told yourself anyway.
Charlie returned from the loo soon after and after a small back and forth, you agreed to let him pay for lunch. He was putting his pin in when you saw Mason heading for the door, sending you a small smile as he made his way outside. You continued looking at him as he said goodbye to his friend and made his way over to his car. The only thought in your brain being about how good he looked in something as simple as a black T-shirt and cargos, one of your favourite things to see him in and you only snapped out of your trance when Charlie let out a small cough.
‘Sorry, I was in my own little world there’ you apologised with a smile and he just smiled in return. ‘You up too much the rest of the day?’ You enquired, hoping he was so you could make a swift exit and thankfully for you he nodded.
‘Unfortunately yes, I need to get back home and check my stocks, but I’ve really enjoyed this, we’ll have to do it again some time’ he smiled and rather than let him down gently you just nodded, gathering your things so you could get out of there and away from him as quickly as possible. He walked you to the door and put his arm around you awkwardly before leaving a light kiss on your cheek. ‘See you around then y/n’. He smiled and all you could do was smile back before he walked off, thankfully in the opposite direction than you needed.
Now you were rid of him, there was one other person you needed to send on their way before you could go home and think over your life decisions whilst drowing yourself in the tub of ben and Jerrys in your freezer.
You eyes scanned over to Masons car, still parked up, and you walked to him slowly. Telling yourself to be strong and get it over with quickly and once you were at his drivers side window you tapped on it lightly three times before the window came down revealing a slightly confused looking Mason.
‘What you doing? your doors on the other side’ he winked ‘come on, get in’
‘Yeah about that, I don’t think it’s a good idea I’m just gonna head home. I’m sure you’ve got better things to be doing anyway’ you told him. Not meaning for it to come out sounding so bitter and clearly Mason picked up on it, his smile quickly turning into a frown.
‘Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?’
You just shrugged and he studied your face for a second before he opened his door. You stepped back slightly but he grabbed your arm, pulling you back to him, slotting you in-between his legs as he sat side on.
‘Come on, I haven’t seen you in ages. Why don’t you wanna hang out?’ He asked quietly. He was giving you his best puppy dog eyes they were really working on you, he looked genuinely upset you didn’t want to spend time with him. His hands planted themselves on your waist, his thumbs rubbing gentle circles just under your top. His gentle touch was making you fold and he knew it. “Please y/n, just for a little while? I promise I’ll take you home after’ he pouted, and you cursed at yourself in your head for giving into him so quickly but you couldn’t think straight when his hands were on you and he was looking at you like he was.
‘Fine, but I can’t stay long’ you lied. You had all day free, you just weren’t sure you’d be able to handle a whole afternoon of his antics.
He gave you that cheeky smile he always did, but released you so you could jump into his passenger seat. The whole ride to his house was perfect, this was the Mason you liked, no teasing or getting you flustered for his own entertainment. He asked you how you’d been and he seemed genuinely interested when you answered, a stark contrast from the lunch you had just endured and he seemed just as excited to fill you in on everything you’d missed out on in his life recently.
Once you’d arrived at his, he led you through to the kitchen to grab you both a drink, telling you to make yourself comfy on his sofa. You’d been to his house a handful of times but always with other people, today being the first time it was just the two of you and you’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t nervous. You tried to relax into the corner of the L shaped sofa, telling yourself you’re just catching up with a friend and there was nothing to fret over. Mason soon returned and placed your drink down on his coffee table before flopping down right next to you, his thigh pressed right up against yours and his arm resting across the back of the sofa behind you. You could feel the tips of his fingers stroking over the material of your top making you even more dazed than before.
‘So you gonna tell me who that was you were having lunch with?’ He asked. You could tell by the tone of his voice he was on a mission to poke fun at you now and you sighed quietly. Knowing it was too good to be true that maybe for once you could just be normal with each other.
‘Just a guy’
‘What’s his name?’
‘Why do you care?’
‘Just curious’ he smirked. You knew he was trying to get at you so you thought you’d try and match his energy.
‘His name is Charlie, he’s a crypto billionaire’ you tried to say confidently but as soon as the words flew out your mouth you wished you could of stuffed them back in. Like Mason would care how much money he had? Charlie didn’t even have a fraction of a billion but you were desperate at that point to make him a little jealous. You mentally face palmed yourself when you saw Masons eyebrow twitch up into somewhat of an ammused smirk.
‘Right… and how did you meet Charlie the crypto king?’
You didn’t want to tell him how, but the longer you sat there trying to think of another way you knew he wouldn’t believe you, so you just went with the truth.
‘We matched on hinge’ you said quietly, avoiding his gaze, but you head shot up when you heard his little giggle. ‘What’s so funny?’
‘Oh come off it y/n, what’s a girl like you doing looking for guys on hinge?’
‘What do you mean a girl like me?’ You scowled. You were starting to get really annoyed with him, hoping he’d choose his next words carefully so you didn’t blow up in his face.
‘I just didn’t think a gorgeous girl like yourself would look twice at any of the guys on there’ he said with a shrug. You tried to brush past the compliment but you could feel your cheeks burning up already, knowing it was giving Mason a kick to see the effect his words had on you. ’He was nowhere near good enough for you, I could tell by the way you were sitting you weren’t feeling it. Its like you’re boredom was radiating across the room’
‘Oh yeah cause you know so much about me Mason’
‘Id like to think so, yeah’ he winked, the hand resting on his thigh now making its way onto yours. You had to ball your fists at your sides in order to keep calm. ‘If you wanted a lunch date you could of always called me, I know you’d rather have me sat opposite you’
‘You’re unbelievable’ you growled, finally rising to you feet and and making a beeline for the door.
‘Hey come on y/n don’t be like this, I’m only messing’ He teased as he jumped up after you and reached out for your arm to stop you, but you’d finally had enough. Seeing red, you yanked your arm out of his grasp and turned to face him. Ready to give him a piece of your mind.
‘You know what Mason? Yeah maybe he was a bit boring but at least he had the guts to ask me out’
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘All you do is lead me on, you make me feel like you like me and then you go cold on me its fucking exhausting. Do you think I want to be meeting up with randomers off hinge?’ You barked at him. He seemed slightly taken aback by your outburst but his eyes were looking at you hungrily. He’d never seen this side of you before and he was loving it. ‘You’re so full of yourself all the time, thinking you can just invite me back here and i’ll come running? I’m so sick of your shit-‘
Before you could think about what was happening, Mason had pulled you into him and his lips were on yours. Slowly walking you back until you were pressed up against the nearest wall, one hand on your waist, the other lightly wrapped around your throat.
He kissed better than you ever imagined he could and you cursed yourself for moaning into his mouth. The feel of his smile on your lips frustrated you even more than you thought possible and his mouth soon detached from yours as he flipped you round. Your chest now pressed to the wall, his front leaning into your back and you could just start to feel him hardening against your bum.
‘This what you wanted from me yeah?’ He whispered into your ear. You turned your face to try and look at him over your shoulder, but his lips on the other side of your neck made you close your eyes. He could feel the way your breathing was getting shallower as his fingertips raked up your side and he was eager to see just how far he could push you. ‘You still sick of my shit or you want me to keep going?’
‘Keep going’ you whimpered quietly, the words coming out your mouth before your brain could figure out what you wanted to say, and you felt him smile against your neck.
‘Good girl’
‘Im not your good girl, mase’ you countered but you knew you were just lying yourself. You always had been and you always would be.
He turned you back round and tucked your loose hairs behind your ears before leaning down and kissing you again lightly. ‘We’ll see’ he breathed into your mouth. ‘Go sit back down for me yeah?’ He asked but you waited a moment, both looking at each other to see who would break first but you could tell he wasn’t budging so you silently made you way back over to his sofa. Your fingertips touching your lips as you still couldn’t believe after all this time you’d finally kissed him.
He stood studying you for a few seconds before following you over, however instead of taking up his seat from before, he knelt down infront of you. Parting your knees and slotting himself in between them. His hands came to rest on either sides of your hips and his face now dangerously close to yours.
‘I know we’ve got some things we need to talk about, but can you please let me make you feel good first?’ He whispered, kissing you again softly. ‘I think it’s just best we get this out our system cause there’s no way I’ll be able to concentrate on anything serious if all I can think about is what’s under these clothes’
You were having an internal battle, obviously you wanted him but would it just make everything afterwards more difficult? Was he just saying this to get one over on you? He could see you were struggling with what to do so he kissed your neck trying to show you how much he needed you.
‘Please baby, just a taste’ he whispered just below your ear and you felt your whole body erupt in goosebumps. Fuck he was good. It was like he knew exactly what to say and do to you. You knew you were wrapped around his finger but up until now you hadn’t realised how much. ‘You can trust me I promise’
Could you trust him?
The only thing on your mind was the thought of him getting you down to your underwear and then him telling you it’s all a joke. That this was just a new low for him to try and get one over on you but you knew Reece would kick him into next week if he ever tried something like that and the look in Masons eyes also settled you a bit.
You wanted to say no but you you were too caught up in him finally giving you what you wanted. Thinking to yourself, even if this is all you ever got from him then you’d find a way to live with it. You just couldn’t refuse him when he was in between your thighs, promising to make it worth you while. So you nodded and kissed him back, a little deeper this time, parting your lips so he could slip in tongue in when he silently asked for permission.
God he was so good at this, you thought as his hands came to rest at the waistband of you jeans. Why the hell haven’t we done this sooner? if I had to pick between breathing or kissing Mason, I think id choose the latter.
His fingers slowly made their way to the button on your jeans, and he pulled back, looking at your face to make sure you were still comfortable. You nodded at him so he carried on, unzipping you before tapping your thigh so you would lift your hips in order for him to rid you of them. Next to come off was your top, leaving you with only your bra on underneath, thanking the lord you’d decided to put a nice one on this morning. Feeling your slight discomfort at being the only one without clothes on, he peeled his own top from his body, tossing it over the back of his sofa.
You’d seen pictures of his body before and knew what it looked like under certain things but seeing it like this in person made your mouth water. He was flawless.
His kisses resumed and then he made his way down your neck, across your collar bones and down your chest. As he mouth was nearing where you needed him, you sank back into the cushions. You felt his lips dance across the band of your underwear before he hooked his thumbs under and pulled them down you legs.
‘So fucking perfect’ he murmured between kisses over your hips and thighs, the sound of his voice made your tummy flip with anticipation.
You were torn between looking at him or laying back and just enjoying it, so you grabbed and cushion and stuffed it behind you, giving you the perfect view of what he was about to do to you. You were growing impatient with his gentle kisses on you inner thighs, wishing he would just burry his face in you already so you threaded your fingers through his hair and attempted to guide him to where you needed him. You felt him smirk against you, placing one final kiss against you before giving you what you wanted.
He teased your folds apart slowly with his tongue, and when he made contact with your clit, circling over it slowly a few times, you let out a pent up breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding.
You couldn’t help his name falling off your lips and he moaned into you at the sound. A sound he’d been waiting forever to hear. You felt your breathing deepen as he got into his rhythm, bringing his fingers up to spread you apart even further. Your moans for him only growing louder and it was all the encouragement he needed to keep going, eventually slipping those same fingers inside of you to heighten your pleasure.
‘You taste so fucking good’ he growled and pumped his fingers into you a little faster, hitting the spot that made you cry out. ‘That feel good baby?’
‘Yes Mase, so fucking good, please keep going im so close’
If you weren’t so horrifically turned on then you might have been embarrassed about how quickly he’d managed to get you to this point but you didn’t care. You felt too good to think about anything else.
‘Come on baby, be good for me and cum’ he moaned against you and you thought in that moment you you would have done anything he asked you to. Why did he have to be so good at everything?
It only took a few more seconds and you were cumming over his fingers, his mouth still working on you to ride you through it, and when he felt like you’re breathing had calmed down, he kissed his way back up your body to you lips. You let out a small hum as you tasted yourself on his lips, a slight giggle coming from you and you tried to hide in his neck out of embarrassment. He couldn’t help but laugh himself as he sat down next to you, pulling you into his lap, both slightly overwhelmed with what had just taken place. He reached behind him for the blanket he kept there, wrapping it around the both of you.
After a few moments of silence you felt his lips lightly press on your forehead before he muttered the words ‘i’m sorry’
Ah shit.
This was part you were dreading. The first thought coming to mind was him telling you he’s sorry for making you think the two of you could be anymore than you already were. You told yourself you were fine with it, but the feeling of your heart sinking told you you weren’t.
He must of felt your disappointment, his arm tightening around you slightly whilst his other hand cupped your jaw, tilting your face up to look at him. His eyes looked soft and from the slight smile that played on his lips you thought it best to see what he had to say rather than get up and run.
‘All the cocky bullshit with you, it’s always just been a front. Truth is, the way you make me feel scares the shit out of me’ he told you gently. Your eyes pleaded with him to carry on, but the tsunami in his tummy was holding him back. He rested his head on top of yours and closed his eyes, figuring it might be easier to tell you how he felt if he wasn’t looking straight at you.
‘I’ve liked you from the first moment I saw you. Before that even’ he chuckled. ‘Recce talked about you all the time and I’ve always wanted to meet you but you make me more nervous than anyone else I’ve ever known. I think about you every second of everyday and I kick myself that I’ve never been able to just grow a pair and tell you’
You could feel his heart racing in his chest, the tempo matching your own at his words. You slowly stroked your thumb over his hand in an attempt to calm him so he could carry on, your gentle touches only making him fall for you even more.
‘I guess I just thought if we carried on the way we were then I’d still sort of have you. Like the fear of you rejecting me was worse than only having you a little bit’ he chuckled and you nuzzled into his neck a little at his confession. ‘I didn’t mean to make you feel as bad as I did though, half the time I wasn’t even trying to tease you I just wanted to be near you. I know I should of just asked you how you felt but if you haven’t noticed I’m not all that smart sometimes’
You shifted on his lap so he’s had to look at you, you noticed the pink tinge to his cheeks from all of his confessions and all you wanted to do was kiss him. His smile mirrored your own and you were now ready to share your feelings in the same way he just had.
‘Why don’t you ask me now?’
‘Ask me how I feel about you’
He took in a deep breath and shook his head lightly with a smile, almost like he couldn’t believe what he was about to do. ‘How you do you feel about me, y/n?’
Come on girl, you got this.
‘I think about you every second of everyday, too’ you whispered, causing him to giggle and burry his head in your hair. ‘It’s true, I’ve always liked you Mase. Maybe I could have been a bit braver and told you first but I couldn’t get the words out. I didn’t know for sure you liked me the way I like you and I guess I was kinda the same? I was alright with having you a little bit but that fear of rejection was holding me back’ you told him and you felt him nod into your hair and hold you that tiny bit closer. ‘I didn’t wanna go on dates with other guys but I couldn’t take not having you anymore and figured it would be a good distraction so I could move on from you but no one ever made me feel like you do’
He moved again so he could look at you, his thumb stroking over your jaw softly and a slight look of guilt dressed his face. ‘I’m sorry I made it get to that point I never meant to make you feel that way. I hated seeing you out with someone else today like it proper hurt but I suppose it gave me the kick up the backside i needed.’ you chucked and turned your face in his hand to kiss his palm. It felt amazing to finally be this close to him but the little voice in the back of your head was stopping you from fully enjoying it. Mason must have sensed your change and tilted your face back up towards his. ‘What’s wrong?’
‘Nothings wrong, just what happens now? Where do we go from here?’
‘Well if you’d let me, I’d love to take you for dinner tonight. Like a proper date?’
‘Two dates with two different men in one day, what will people think of me’ you teased and he just laughed at your silliness.
‘Yeah well I’m saying this mornings one didn’t count. I have a funny feeling you won’t be seeing Charlie the crypto king any time soon’
You felt your face flush in embarrassment but his lips on your cheek made you smile. You snuggled into him more and he moved to lay down taking you with him and after a few moments of silence you felt his breathing getting heavier so you kissed his chest and settled down next to him.
‘Wake me up in ten minutes’ you heard him say softly and you tried to hold your giggle in at his antics.
‘Sure thing Mase’ you whispered and lent back as the face you adored slowly drifted off.
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edgyedgelord · 4 months
With Instagram suddenly diving into the AI hay wagon head first full speed I feel like people need to be reminded about something.
ofc warnings for talk about AI and AGI but this is a hopecore post because i'm tired of the fearmongering
From my own personal look into the state of things, AI is starting to look more like a scarier version of NFTs so I choose to believe it's going to fall harder than they did after this high point. NFT's died out when the markets crashed due to courts coming in and commenting on the legality issues in their economy and cryptocurrency. Once they didn't make a good enough profit anymore and the get rich quick scheme died out so did they into obscurity.
I believe AGI and AI as a whole will soon have their theft of content and data exposed to courts or some sort of more powerful folk, like what happened to NFTs after the art theft with that one artist, and we'll see the models quickly fade out and return to just being chatbot partners for the losers who live in basements and swear their ape JPEG is still relevant and profitable.
And if I'm wrong they can't legally stop us from making art nor can they stop us from making counter programs that poison their models, lil reminder that those do exist and some programs are starting to put those into their stuff so you can easily poison your art in the program. It doesn't matter how advance their models get because since the renaissance an artist's main supporter were other artist's. As long as we continue to make and do what we love to do and support one another then that's all we really need.
So, I propose a form of counter attack.
Go to your local stores and look into making a business deal with them to sell your art or offer to produce advertisement flyers, signs, whatever they need. That way you get your art out there and you're supporting other folk struggling in this capitalistic hellscape.
Using the funds you get from that, go through commission pages and support your fellow artists. If you can, try and find the younger or beginner artists to support. We often look over them and they deserve as much support and encouragement as the experts.
And of course don't forget to share around commission ads as much as you can. The only form of advertisement we get is from us reblogging each other's stuff or recommending one another to other folk.
A large reason as to why artists aren't getting support against AGI right now is because of the public eye seeing us as nothing but a bunch of nerds who draw anime all day. We need to prove that we're people with a passion in this stuff and how we're useful. We also need to speak out how most of us are neurodivergent and careers in art are what fits for us best since it plays into our interests and our skills are best equipped for this.
In summary, don't lose hope. The moment you start talking about how advanced AI is and how nobody is supporting us you're basically saying you give up and that is not how you should ever think about anything. In the theme of pride, when everyone else is against you remember that there are others like you who will continue to support and protect you no matter how long it takes for things to get better. Those who led the queer revolution didn't quit when they were being threatened or detained, they kept on leading the parades and now we have openly queer characters and people in mainstream media. Change happens, sometimes for worse, but time and time again do I see that what is right will always come back on top.
I choose to live through this artistic struggle of an era with hope that in the end human produce media with love and passion and talent will come out on top and prove it's worth over artificially generated content. Even better, I keep hope that after this obstacle for us all it will only go to show our resolve and the public eye will finally look at us with awe at the strength and determination that we have.
Art by human hand has existed since we lived in groups in caves as our first form of communication and it still is such. Stories are told through art, messages are delivered through art, and that is something a robot can never recreate no matter how much techbros want you to believe it can. We are some of the most important and strongest people to be on this planet because we are a community of people who have struggled so much that our understanding of human emotion allows us to put that into images made with ink, pencil, pixels, words, sound, voice, whatever medium you may use. We are masters at what makes us human, communication and complex thought and emotion, and that can't be taken away from us.
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nachfo · 4 months
Tumblr media
Will Draw: Anthro/Human Slugcats/Creatures Semi-anthro Might draw: Horror/Gore Feral Animals Won't draw: NSFW Hate speech/Discrimination Super complex backgrounds/Full landscapes Armor Anything i'm uncomfortable with drawing
I'm in all my right to decline a request for any reason.
Credit me when reposting the artwork or sharing it with
others. This also applies to profile pictures and banners.
You can use my art for any personal purposes but it is
completely prohibited to use my art for any bussines
purposes or to resell it.
You are NOT allowed to use my art for NFT's or AI.
By commissioning me, you give me full permission to
use the artwork made aswell.
Communication is priority as I will constatly be showing the WIPs so that I can have your approval to continue. If i don't get an answer after 3 days i will continue working on the artwork without your input.
Payment will be done through Paypal or through Ko-fi.
Steam gift cards and discord nitro as payment can be discussed.
I will receive 50% of the total amount to pay before starting and the remaining 50% after the commission is fully done.
Once the artwork is fully done i won't do any further changes.
Prices might vary in certain cases. This will all be discussed.
Commissions will take around 1 or 2 weeks. If the commission will take longer than that I will notify you.
Emotes will take shorter time to make.
Contact me throught Discord: nachfo
This is how we'll maintain contant through the whole process.
After the commision is done, I'll close the DM and unfriend you.
You can dm me about the process of the comm but please don't harass me with it or in any way. If this happens, I will block contact and the commission will be stopped.
Please, you are NOT my friend (unless you actually are) so I'll keep it as formal as possible. Please don't try to bond with me or be friends. I will tell you you're making me uncomfortable and deny the comm.
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nakanotamu · 8 months
GOD okay, so. The Stardom Situation. I'm bored at work so I guess this is The Post. I was going to write my thoughts about the new stuff but then just summing everything up got so long and I never wrote that summary post I meant to so I think I'll make two posts instead. jk it's going to be three posts so here is the current situation post and my own personal thoughts about all this are here. Okay, so
Last year around April, then-Stardom president Harada takes Rossy off of booking and apparently stops listening to his advice. Harada sucked, he didn't get the appeal of pro wrestling, seemingly mostly trying to push it as advertising and going for things like their stupid NFT collab. He also pushes a schedule on the roster that isn't workable or healthy, leading to rampant injuries up and down the card. He stops listening to the roster - Giulia came out and said that Rossy's style of booking is to let the wrestlers start what stories they want to themselves, and then book what he thinks would be good from among that. But under Harada, matches just got booked out of the blue without even talking to the wrestlers about it. A particularly egregious example Giulia pointed out was when Ami challenged her for her title and she told her to earn a title shot. Then days later it's announced on twitter that Ami's title shot is coming up in two weeks. Giulia was vocal on twitter about it at the time, saying "What show are you watching?!" and I remember commenting a lot that it felt like Stardom was suddenly being booked by someone who wasn't even watching the shows. Beyond that even the matches themselves aren't being run by the wrestlers, with Giulia mentioning no one telling them what was in the boxes in the money ball match last year and the hazard that presented.
Now, some of this stuff may have been worked - like, I think probably Ami and Giulia knew they had a title match they were supposed to work up to, and the frustration isn't actually that Ami was given it before she "earned" it, but that they weren't given a chance to actually build the feud they were trying to. I think it's worth remembering during stuff like all this that in Japanese wrestling we get pretty much no pure "shoot" interviews or news like you'd get in America. None, like, for real please learn to understand that you shouldn't trust dirt sheets and that almost no one ever 100% shoots in puro. But that said, the interview Giulia gave about this stuff was pretty much the closest to shoot I had ever seen from a Japanese wrestler, short of, like, maybe when Ibushi came forward about what happened to him in New Japan.
On top of that, apparently from Harada on down, Bushiroad staff were incredibly dismissive of the wrestlers and largely ignored them, seemingly seeing themselves as the company and the actual roster as just, I don't even know, some disposable resource and not the entire reason any of them even had a job. Just very backwards thinking, that the real work is running the shows, but as long as you put a show on people will just come to see anybody. Which, lmao, well that didn't work.
This came out when Stardom had a holiday show that needed to be slightly rescheduled, its start time ended up being, iirc delayed by about two hours or something like that. Maybe not the biggest deal to us, but especially for a company trying to seem like a major player like Stardom, this was an extremely bad look. Roster members are extremely mad and start to come forward about not being told about anything like this even though it affects them and they have to be the public faces of it; Giulia even openly talks about trying to find out what had happened and getting completely brushed off by the staff member who had been in charge of arranging the venues. This incident was one of those things that seemingly got a huge reaction not just because it looked bad for the company but because it was the dam breaking. I'd suspected Stardom was having management issues and ended up being more right than I could have imagined.
Ultimately in November Harada is fired and they bring in a new president, Okada. (Not, not that one. Different Okada.) He's been booking since he came in at the start of December. Ultimately they didn't change the cards for the remaining Harada-booked shows or reschedule any of the shows that had already been announced at that point. This leads to Stardom's lowest show attendance ever, at an Osaka show that draws 114 people, thanks to running at 6pm on a Tuesday at a venue that while technically in Osaka could not realistically be reached in time by anyone trying to get there from Osaka proper after work. Rossy at this point is publicly disparaging Harada's choices and policies, and says the method of "just booking any available venue whenever you want and saying when the show is happening on social media can't continue".
It's still early into seeing how things are under Okada, but they seem better, not that better would take all that much. The overall sentiment seems to be, and I would agree, that the booking has already improved somewhat, with stories that are at least for now maybe a little too title-focused but do seem to have the wrestlers themselves more engaged. The schedule has also been a little bit lighter, not that Stardom was ever a particularly low-number-of-shows promotion, but less than last year. Bushiroad also said they would conduct a review of all Stardom staff members, including taking feedback from roster members and regular freelancers, though they wouldn't be able to publish any of the results of that publicly as it has to be dealt with by Bushiroad HR. So it seems like they're trying at least to turn things around, though too early to really say how it'll work out. That was the state of things up to last Sunday.
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11x13kyle · 1 year
i'm behind on microceleb lore so sorry if this has been asked but what's the WORST thing that everybody in this au has done in their Celeb Era?
cartman: honestly the hardest to even know where to START because it’s cartman. he’s done every bad thing in the world. if i had to pick, i’d probably say the unhinged levels of racism and antisemitism! he’s got a bucket list of evil shit to do and tries to check at least one item off a week.
kyle: crucially, the worst things that kyle does are more passively bad. it’s less that he actively does bad shit (besides occasionally dogpiling on 15 year olds on twitter) and more that he allows it to happen by virtue of being part of fireside. he isn’t touting right wing talking points, but he platforms people who do, which also isn’t exactly great!
kenny: he has slept with people while having full knowledge of them having a history of like. violence, predatory behavior, insane fringe dangerous beliefs, etc. and straight up does not care at all about it. he also sold fent-laced weed to 13 year olds when he was like 18-19 years old.
stan: also kind of passive shittiness, kind of like kyle’s, because of the way he claims to support all of these left wing causes and advocates for them for all of five minutes before dropping them entirely out of boredom and/or lack of attention, and that he does all of this while being close w/ people like cartman (who he has also never publicly criticized). and there was also that lady he ran over in malibu in a hit and run a while back.
butters: active selling and trading of nfts. saying horrifically misogynistic shit all the time and publicly shaming women for existing. has had andrew tate on his show and is constantly calling for him to be freed from jail.
clyde: he’s a landlord. and he’s straight. and just generally he’s a douche so i’m sure he was involved in some fucked up lord of the flies esque hazing ritual in his frat in college.
tolkien: repeated instances of poorfishing that he refuses to acknowledge as wrong because he truly does not see anything wrong with it. also he calls his girlfriend his partner in a way that intentionally makes himself seem ambiguously queer.
jimmy: one time while on a mind numbing amount of steroids he beat the shit out of some random dude at a bar. there wasn’t even a motive it was purely out of a love for the game.
wendy: just so many White Feminist takes. wrote an article for vice once about white women existing as their own oppressed class and got a shit ton of flack. she doesn’t actually apologize, just says “sorry if you didn’t understand the phrasing” and doesn’t change anything in the article. she also gets a lot of shit for making a bunch of posts around the time of the 2020 election that suggest that if you vote bernie over warren in the primaries that you are a fake leftist and hate women.
craig: he does a lot of ads for things that he doesn’t use and doesn’t check before hand so he’ll promote things that are actively harmful and/or run by awful people and even after finding out about it he doesn’t do anything or even stop the ads because he truly does not care as long as they run him his check. also every time someone calls him out for some shit like racism or misogyny he’s like. irdgaf. he never apologizes for anything.
tweek: he’s a very paranoid person so he has a bunch of these weird, often tinfoil-hatty beliefs that make him seem unhinged at best and actively spreading harmful messages at worst. tweek hears anything that’s like “this secret thing is trying to kill you and the government doesn’t want you to know.” and he’s like GHHHHHGGHH AGGHJHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! GUYS YOU HAVE TK HEAR THIS SHIT OHHH MY GODDDDDDDDDD!!!!!! (what he proceeds to say has no factual basis but he’s talking as if it’s proven fact)
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tippenfunkaport · 2 years
if ur still doing fic requests, can u do how all the SPOP characters react to Elon Musk and the twitter implosion?
I got this ask few days ago and wrote this but didn't post bc I left some characters out but I’m never going to have a better chance to post it than now so, here ya go!
Catra and Glimmer immediately went on the assault, using their verified status to impersonate the Muskrat… were both promptly suspended. Catra a few hours before Glimmer, which won her the bet between them, and she will never, EVER let Glimmer live it down.
Catra does still maintain Melog's Twitter presence (Entrapta buttered the cat as part of an elaborate experiment and Melog went viral) because its platform on unions and worker's rights was too important to squander.
In the spirit of Adventure!, Sea Hawk took advantage of the unregulated verification system to sow chaos by registering as a number of political figures and brands. At last count, he'd managed to tank the value of Amazon stock with what pundits are nicknamed the "wick in a box" stunt and was the direct cause of Old Spice suing Twitter for “damaging the sanctity of the brand and also several nautically theme shooting sets.”
Mermista claimed that the whole thing was, like, too stupid to join in but that was because she was secretly hoping to use her Twitter account to participate in #pitmad this year and finally get a book deal for Dead in the Water, the first in her series of undersea murder mysteries.
Adora immediately made accounts on Mastodon, Cohost, and every other Twitter alternative she could find and is trying to build up a following. She has tweeted the exact same joke on no less than five platforms as of this moment and is frantically researching tips for increasing engagement because social media is a game and she WILL win.
Bow's Twitter account was also suspended for impersonating Musk. Glimmer again. But he never really used it. He's more into making helpful YouTube tutorials. He has a Tumblr account too, but it's mostly filled with embarrassing old posts from his old Pirates of the Caribbean roleplaying days.
Netossa and Spinnerella finally ceded their long standing competition to see who could get the most Twitter followers and decided to concentrate on their popular YouTube channel where they document their ongoing prank war. They are currently competing to see who can stack the most verified checkmarks on their Tumblr account.
Kyle said it was a shame about Twitter going down but he wasn't too worried, since he still had his parasocial fanbase of 50 million fans who watched his gaming streams. Despite his underwhelming face reveal last month, he is still currently part of 3 of the top 10 ships on AO3.
Lonnie also streams and 99% of the comments on her streams are about how she's so underrated and deserves so much more popularity. She and Rogelio also have a big following on their fitness TikTok where they participate in funny trends and bully Kyle.
Entrapta does not need a social network. She IS the social network. She's so deeply tapped in she knows about every trend or breaking news story five minutes before it happens and has personally overthrown at least two governments without leaving her desk chair. She has an account on every major social network, but her close friends know those are just bots working off highly developed AI. If she does feel like actually socializing online, she makes a burner and hops on Reddit to start trouble in the Linux subreddits by recommending ethically dubious hacks for the lulz.
Hordak used to be a bit of a darkweb edgelord with an extensive collection of NFTs, but he's stopped hanging around with that bad crowd. These days, he's proudly not online at all, but always listens very patiently whenever Entrapta tries to explain the latest memes.
Frosta's deep into the Club Penguin fandom on Tumblr and has written 400k words of Jelsa fanfic she would die if anyone in the princess alliance found out about.
Castaspella only uses Facebook, where she shares nothing but wine-mom Minion memes despite the fact that she is not a mom and has never seen any of the Despicable Me movies. The day Farmville went offline, she wept openly.
Micah also only uses Facebook. His wizard roleplay group uses it for meetings. He signs every single one of his status (“Had a lovely with my daughter today! -Micah”) and no one can convince him to stop.
George and Lance share a Facebook account and also sign every post so when the three dads start talking to each other, it's too #cringe #oldfail for anyone else to look at.
Adora banned Swift Wind from the internet because he's too gullible and has fallen for every online scam there is.
Perfuma left Twitter at her therapist's suggestion because it made her too angry. She was incapable of not trying to “patiently” explain to people why they were wrong, no matter how bad faith the argument. She was once ratioed so hard in the comments of RoudUp’s official twitter account that she started a four day flamewar that only ended when Scorpia had to physically stop her from getting into her car and hunting down the other users. These days she just looks at the pretty pictures on Pinterest and takes a deep, calming breath. Though her eye still twitches at the idea that somehow, somewhere someone is probably being wrong on the internet.
Scorpia herself was at first heartbroken when she heard about Twitter’s potential demise until Perfuma showed her that there are also cute animal accounts to follow on Tumblr and Facebook and then she was all good.
Double Trouble has said they will be going down with the ship, keeping their dozen+ different troll and sockpuppet accounts going until the very end because they enjoy the chaos.
Wrong Hordak does not use Twitter but he would love to show you this most amusing meme he found that you definitely already saw four months ago.
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sludgewolf · 27 days
Hi, not sure if you’re still doing headcanon requests, but if you are, whumpee!Eridan Ampora headcanons?
So, this one created a life of its own and developed into a full oneshot of Eri facing the consequences of his actions. From what I understood it was just Eridan suffering and not an x reader
But I'll admit it wasn't my favorite thing to write so I might not do more like this in the future
Warnings: mentions of lusus hunting,Eridan is tortured, depriving of food, water and sleep, broken bones, scale pulling, kidnapping
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
Whumpee Eridan Ampora - The Consequences of my Actions
Eridan's life sure was great, being the heiress' moirail certainly has its perks, he's able to spend time with such a sweet and kind troll like Fef and on top of that he's practically untouchable by any troll he might’ve, definitely did, wrong. But it also has its costs, that being, the blood he spares from her own hands, by killing other trolls lusi everyday to feed her owns insatiable appetite
Not that he minds it all that much, after a while it became routine, it's just what's expected from the descendant of the infamous Orphaner Dualscar, so the young troll justifies himself on it by claiming to having to keep the legacy alive by doing the same.
And do it he does, with the childish dream of one day surpassing his ancestor's legacy and becoming a legend himself
Thinking back on it, it was only a matter of time until he crossed one too many wrong people and it all came back to blow up in this face.
It was morning, Eridan was sure of it because of the burning bright light coming from between the wooden boards nailed to the windows of this strange small room he just woke up in
His think pan throbbed from what he assumed to be a blunt hit to the the head, the wire tying Eridan's wrists together painfully cuts between his exo reaching down to his flesh making him almost not want to move in fear of injuring himself even further, despite that he takes a deep breath and forces himself to, moving both arms in unison Eridan his elbow to help himself sit up, he hisses in pain feeling the wire move further into his soft royal flesh, but he doesn't allow himself to stop until he can hold himself up without the aid of his arms.
Eridan finds himself in a small concrete the room, with small boarded up broken windows and with random boxes piled up in the furthermost corner of the room, the air was still, not helping with the overwhelming heat the sun brought into it. But thankfully it also brought the humidity caracteristic of the days in alternia, giving Eridan something in such a dire situation
Trying to take things out of his sylladex proves to be futile, having him realize it has been taken from him while he was out cold, forcing the sea-dweller to look for other ways to get out of there
After some more struggling Eridan manages to get up and starts searching the room for anything he could use to cut himself free, which turns out to be futile, all the boxes he could reach were taped shut and his binds kept him from moving them around to search the rest
Defeated, Eridan slumps against the dirty wall furthest from the door and waits for whoever kidnapped him to show themself
The moons slowly rise up on the sky, his skin dries with the lack of humidity brought by the cold night. And soon enough noises can be heard from the other side of the door, this could be his chance, if he can just bolt out before those idiots can make up what happened he could make it back home tonight
Eridan moves quick, jumping to his feet and making a dash to the door, only to have the air knocked out of his lungs and having him flying back down the basement.
As he hits the ground Eridan feels the wire cut into his wrists and finally snap after painfully lodging into his flesh, the smell of his royal blood hangs in the air, before Eridan can even catch his breath he fells his feet leave the ground, his scarf tightening around his neck
A hot breath fans over his face, Eridan opens his eyes to glowing olive ones glaring daggers at him, their owner, a huge ruffian who was clearly the muscle of the team "GoinG soMewhere?" the older troll mocks him tightening the grip on Eridan's scarf
"Aww the little prince thOught he cOuld get Away frOm us using such A pAthetic And cheAp trick?" the tall scrawny looking one butts in laughing
Eridan is presented to Scrawny then shaken as if he was a plushie "twerp Must think he suddenly can get away frOM everything just because he filled a quad with the heiress" Ruffian jokes
They boom with laughter before just cutting themselves off and tossing Eridan back into the basement as if he was nothing
Scrawny then leisurely makes her way over to where he bounced off to, crouches besides him and lifts him by the hair to look at her "OOh, but yOu cOuld never be mOre mistAken yOur mAjesty. yOu're nOthing mOre thAn a puny little fish that messed with the wrOng peOple"
The sea dweller, reminded of his inherited position above them, swats her hand off as if it was dirt "howw dare you low bloods treat me this wway, wwhat do you think gives you this right?" he turns to them trying to appear bigger and braver than he is
All of that to just be laughed at, Ruffian approach him slowly, stalking him with a predatory gaze waiting for the smallest movent on his part to pounce
Eridan opens his mouth still trying to keep his composure, but before he even has the chance of saying anything Ruffian once again lifts him by the scarf almost chocking the sea dweller then they kneel him right in the stomach forcing bile up his food shoot down to the floor where he was thrown to once again
"what gives us the right? after what yOu've done yOu still asks us that?" they growl
This is the second night of peace Fef had in many perigees, suspiciously too peaceful, her moirail wasn't the best of all but if he was something it was clingy
It felt off when he hasnt pestered her in so long, Feferi tried brushing it off to him working on another horrible plan against land dwellers but as the hours dragged on and night became day with no signs of her moirail Fef knew something was wrong and she couldn't stay idle anymore
She didnt even try calling Eridan knowing it'd be futile, quickly shooting a message to one of the few trolls that she knew could help
Sollux answers her suspiciously as they rarely ever talked, once she explains herself about the lack of her ass of a moirail by her side Sol almost blocked her saying that she was better off without the dead weight
It took much coercing but eventually she convinced Sollux to track Eridan's palmhusk in exchange for buying him anything he asks on her trust fund
Three nights, that's how long the little Ampora has been trapped in the clutches of these vengeful trolls, maybe it really was a bad idea for him to go around killing lusi so openly
Even if it was a dignified, crucial job in favor of troll kind and those lowbloods should've felt honored that their lusi were even chosen for such noble sacrifice. Although at this point Eridan wasnt even sure if it really was all that
Three nights of being beaten by these teenager trolls that kept him captive, three days that they deprived him of food and water, only giving him enough to survive and three days of Eridan questioning if he could hold out any longer
The little violetblood's whole body ached in pain, his body painted black and blue from the bruises that littered across his thin exo, two of his ribs were probably broken making it difficult to do much more than lay on the ground struggling to take a breath for his gills dried up and closed shut from the lack of humidity, his scales flaking off painfully leaving holes across his body stinging from being dragged across the cold concrete floor of this basement
With not much to do eridan tries to conserve his energy by sleeping as much as they allowed him, which isn't much as he's woken up by one of said rests by Scrawny grabbing and dragging him across the dirty and stained floor by his horn, bending his neck in an odd angle, making it feel like the horn will just pop out from the weight of his body
The young troll grabs at his kidnapper's wrist in pain, Scrawny doesnt even spare him a glance before throwing him at Ruffian's feet, who laughs at the pitiful sight of the sea-dweller
His cheeks sunken in, eye bags so dark from sleep deprivation that it could be seen through his exoskeleton, his spine bent weirdly due to his aching ribs still pulsating in pain alongside his heartbeat, skin bone dry with pale grey scales flaking off
The ruffian smirks at the little prince, grabbing his face and forcing Eridan to look at him. a chill runs up Eri's spine as the ruffian's smile stretches wider "aye, hand Me those pliers" they ask Scrawny
Blood slides down the little violet's cheek, the dry air only serving to make it sting even more, Eridan's body shakes as he uses everything he has left to not cry, they already took everything from him but this satisfaction is something he'll not give to them
Just as his will is faltering and he feels like he can't hold it in anymore they all hear a loud clanking sound coming from the house
Scrawny immediately gets up from her spot next to the ruffian and her partner shortly follows her up the stairs leaving the young troll on the floor next to the pliers and all the scales they ripped off in this little game
Not even a tick after they leave through the basement door they're flung back in by a powerful energy blast
Eridan can only look up in surprise from where he's laying his muscles aching as he pushes himself up from the floor, locking eyes w the person he wanted to see the most
In comes Feferi, rushing to him without even sparing a glance to the older trolls, just like a ray of light cutting into the depths of murky waters she looked like an angel coming to save him from these monsters that tormented him for so long, following closely behind her comes Sollux, making Eridan crash right back to reality.
Sollux upon seeing Scrawny trying to get up nonchalantly uses his psyonics to fling a can at her head, sounding a sharp 'ding' and she's out cold on the ground, Ruffian growls at Sol and lunges at them in a failed attempt to avenge their partner. The young psyonic is not impressed, holding them in the air stopping his attack even before he could start.
Feferi holds Eridan's cheeks and makes him avert his gaze from the goldblood who's handing the kidnappers asses to them with practically no effort at all. despite his state Eridan feels a twinge of jeaousy creep up on him, on why fef went to that mutant cluster fuck, was it because Sol was just so much stronger than - " )(oly carp, )(ere drink! " Fef interrupts Eridan's jealousy spiral by practically shoving a water bottle in his face making Eridan finally have some water after so long, the scene besides them melting away as the little prince allows himself to relax and be taken care of by his moirail, he could deal with the nerdy lowblood on a later date. Once he's done Fef helps him to his feet promissing to take him back to his hive to rest, she picks him up bridal style carrying him out of the kidnappers hive
If you liked this pls reblog and comment so I know to write more like it
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tobarrow8 · 6 months
My thoughts on superman and the authority:
To start with the art is absolutely gorgeous it is some of the best I have seen in comics, Mikel Janín and Jordie Bellaire do an amazing job every pannel looks beautiful. The begining is the best part with the set up of this older modern superman and his brief introduction along with the introduction of Manchester Black who is the star of this comic along with superman their dynamic is really good and something I wish they focused more in the comic. The villians are kinda werid it ends up being a conspiracy and brianiac is at the top but they just like leave earth after there first battle leaving ultra humanite and braniac and letter Supermans son John deal with it. They just go another planet called war world but like it ends there. Its only 4 issues, tf happened to the rest of the comic. There was a real opportunity to have these characters go into this new medivial planet hulk type world and see how they adapt, interact with each other and develop as characters but it just ends there. Idk if there's gonna be more there should, it has the potential to be one of the best superman runs since all star superman. I didn't really like the new introduction to natasha irons / steal, it was kinda weird, they just through you into this complex situation and like here's a new character and then she's there now and idk who she is or even her personality traits all I know is she has a grandad called John. Also there are a lot of references especially in the introduction of natasha to modern day technology like tik tok nfts Porno actual body shaming trolls and it just felt cringy and trying to much to be down witb the kids like stop please, whose making you do this grant Morrison. The introduction to midnighter and appollo was good I wish we could see more of there relationship but we don't get to see them much together in the short mini series. The introduction to enchantress was probably the best bit of the comic it really set up the problems she was struggling with in a really creative way that's true to the character but Manchester Black is like just get over it and her problems are never mentioned again - it's rushed character development. The main problem is the length of the series though, it makes the comic feel rushed and complicates characters and doesn't give them adequate growth or development and it has to much going on. Had Morrison had say like 50 or 70 issues he truly could of created something amazing, or something even akin to spider-man life story. Overall, it wasn't bad but far from Morrisons best work so I'd give it a 5.5/10.
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magic-polygon · 2 years
How to avoid AI art on DeviantArt
Although I don't upload on DeviantArt anymore, I still go on there to look for new artwork, especially from those I follow, and add to my Favorites.
That said, it's become increasingly difficult to find new artists to support because it seems like the majority of new uploads are AI generated images.
So, for those of you who still use DA and are looking for quality art to view and artists to support, I put together a handy list of things to watch out for. Things to help you make sure that you're not inadvertently supporting an AI "artist."
Accounts created within the last two years. In other words, accounts that popped up just as these AI technologies started to take off, because that's when they decided to try becoming an "artist" themselves. The shorter the account age, the more suspicious you should be.
Galleries with large amounts of uploads submitted within a short time frame. It's easy to submit a whole bunch of images when you don't have to manually paint each one and just have the AI program create them for you. Especially look out for those with multiple images that look very similar to each other; they're all alternate versions of the same AI prompt. Conversely, images that look VERY different from each other and have no consistent style are another obvious sign that the uploaders didn't make anything themselves and are just using various prompts.
Uploads with generic titles, or titles that sound like keywords being strung together. In some cases, they may literally just be using their AI prompts as the titles. In others, the titles may even sound like random computer file names, because that's basically what they are and the uploader isn't making much of an effort to hide that.
Uploads with minimal tags or descriptions, or none at all. Most actual artists who take hours to create a new piece would have something to say about the process, their thoughts about the image, or what the piece was for. AI uploaders just generate and upload, and thus usually have nothing to say about it.
Conversely, uploads that actually mention in the tags or descriptions that they are AI generated. This seems to be happening less often as certain bad actors want the reputation of being a great artist while hiding the fact that they didn't actually make any of their images. However, if you take a few seconds to look for these things, some of them may still give it away. Keep an eye out for AI generator names like Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, Artbreeder, and so on. Also, some uploaders will actually mention AI in their username.
Images of characters from the waist up, but very few full-body ones. AI generators seem to favor faces over other parts of the body. As a result, most galleries of AI character art will consist entirely of portraits. Bonus points if there are no hands. Also be on the lookout for images where the shading is a bit too smooth on the face, and where the quality starts to dip the further away from the face you get.
Male users. This may seem random and arbitrary, but seriously, since the beginning when crypto and NFTs first became widespread, it was men who were the primary consumers of this technology. There's a reason they're called cryptoBROs after all. In fact, a lot of AI users are part of this same exact crowd. Even more of a reason to stay away from AI art. But you will always be able to tell when a man is uploading AI images because of the way he writes and interacts online. They are very dry, minimalist, transactional, and often shady or even perverted (how many AI images are there of the "sexy girl with big boobs" type by now?).
Lastly, here's a handy journal by Stop-AI-replace with some tags you can block, plus how to make DA stop recommending AI art to you on the home page. Sadly it won't work for every image ever, but it's a good start:
That's all for now. As usual, certain images have that particular style that you can just tell at a glance could only come from an AI program, but some uploaders have been going to great pains to try to hide it the best they can. Don't get duped!
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kobblefort · 1 year
Rushsly: The Early Days 3
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It's hard for me to believe that anyone actually believes in the things they're selling. I genuinely believe we are basically living in a world controlled by Ed Edd & Eddy except replicated as archetypes onto the entire 'business class' instead of as just three funny cartoon characters. More and more shit is built to break instead of last and half the things people try to sell you literally aren't even real. I mean surely the day traders and NFT hawkers are laughing, right? They've got to be thinking, oh my god, those suckers actually bought it. Now they just have a piece of paper that says "soybean futures." Now they have a little bit of text permanently adhered to a little bit of the internet telling everyone that they own one particular ape PNG. But I don't know because when I try to meet them where they're at, read their Twitters and Facebooks and Reddits and shit, they sould like they actually believe every word of it. I always assume all the jargon is to make it sound more legitimate to outsiders but I guess if you go through all the trouble of learning this bullshit language you have to convince yourself it actually means something. That pieces of paper that say "soybean futures" and claims to owning particular ape PNGs really matter. Nothing in Dwarf Fortress is real either but I don't want to act like it is or make anyone else act like it is. A machine blinks certain patterns of light at me to stimulate my imagination in response to my input. Neither my world or yours will actually be changed by the text and sprites on the monitor. And I don't want to sell you anything. I just want to play with my fake little computer people. You can watch if you'd like.
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I forgot our civilization is fucking called The Comedy of Sweating. Here we see the kobolds dancing a jig called "The Pregnancy of Glitter." What the fuck is with our names guys seriously
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Armor and weapons are created. Training begins. However the ratfucks have already left the area. It's not really a waste, since I will eventually need the military, but it kind of feels like it, because the ratfolk got to just come in and kill some kobbles and then leave with no bother at all. We've been made Bitches of this world...
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The kobbles bury Alzlr tooth-by-tooth. Moods sure are dropping around the fortress! But the worst mood goes to a certain ranger turned guard captain...
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In the midst of taking this screenshot, he jumped from the second-worst possible mood to the third-worst, so I guess training is going well for him. It makes sense. When you see people who are like "I pick up heavy stuff and put it back down until my brain stops making the bad thoughts" they do that because it works. You literally can run away from the bad feelings, like physically run, or at least make a really heavy dumbbell go up and down, you can just take a brisk walk away from the bad feelings. It's very frustrating that it works this way because the very last thing you want to do when you have the bad feelings is do the things that meaningfully get rid of the bad feelings. It's easier to just drink alcohol but then you just feel even worse later. I don't understand people who smoke weed to "get away from their problems" because I literally become my problems, I get high and scared and the only way to fix it is to clean my apartment and make active steps toward getting my shit together, but I guess some people do smoke weed to specifically not do that, and that's probably bad too, but I don't know, it doesn't seem as bad as drinking I guess.
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I've come to the opinion that everyone in a green shirt is useless to this fort. Animal dissectors, hunters, whatever, we really don't need that shit.
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Working on some upstairs fortification and suddenly we are menaced by a fucking Werebeaver. I wish I got a screenshot of it but things happened real quick.
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A hunter and a peasant run out on the bridge to fight it there, which is both the worst place for them to do it because they will be crushed and instantly deleted by the moving bridge, but also the best place for them to do it, because the were-beaver will also be crushed and instantly deleted by the moving bridge. And so, both the were-beaver and any potential infected it created are obliterated with minimal casualties and the single pull of a lever. Look yeah it's fucked up as hell but I've seen too many fortresses go down over were-beasts. The last time I had to do the trolley problem for a video game was the quiz at the beginning of Prey and that hardly counts. It's better for any potentially infected to die because simply put if they don't there will be way more death. So we say goodbye to a hunter and a peasant (I have to pretend I'm not pleased with this) and life goes on. However the were-beaver got WAY too close to our door, mere tiles away from dooming the entire fort, so I've decided to build some bird towers. "What is a bird tower" you might ask?
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I'll get back to you on that, but first I have to memorialize the guys crunched up in the mechanisms of the bridge so that they don't come back as ghosts and haunt us. Seu Dacrilz was apparently a fellow glove pervert - RIP to a real one. 😔
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Nobody knew what to say about Gralit, who was a hunter, which, you know, oh noooo, that sucks sooo baaadd haha xx, im sooo sorry. Either way, the catacombs are starting to get uncomfortably full over here, seven occupied coffins and two memorial slabs. I'm going to use the slabs to block them in so that if a necromancer ever attacks they can't raise our fallen homies, and it's also very space-efficient. I'm sure that's cold but I'm following the golden rule on this one. I'm literally an organ donor, the second I die they can cut me right open and start giving out my guts like Halloween candy. I don't give a shit, I don't need it anymore. What's the deal, is it going to make me look fucked up for my funeral or something? I don't care, I'm literally not even going to fucking be there.
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So the idea behind a bird tower is that you put some birds on top of a tower. Well, ideally just one bird, but we have a peacock and a peahen, so if we lock off their pen with a nest box they'll be able to have some babies, which will ultimately let us expand our bird tower operations. Animals can "scout" for enemies that don't automatically reveal themselves when they appear on the map but instead need a kobble or animal to actually physically make line-of-sight visual contact with them. The reason you have to use birds is that because in Dwarf Fortress, rather than having to feed birds with tiles of grass, they simply generate insects and other tiny vermin into existence around them, which they themselves eat for sustenance. I've heard they plan on changing this mechanic eventually, but I don't want them to, because it's quite useful and more importantly really funny.
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Sparring has begun so "RIP my mentions!!!" as someone who just posted something inflammatory on purpose would say. Unfortunately, unlike someone who just posted something inflammatory on purpose and is very clearly in the wrong, I cannot just say "Alright - I'm muting this now." I don't know how I fucked up my alerts like this or how to fix it but oh well shit happens. It's not that big of a deal. It used to make a little clicky sound every time a move happened which was a that big of a deal but now it's just kind of stopped. In the kitchen I suddenly had an intrusive thought of me taking my chef knife and just absolutely cutting myself into pieces. The imaginary vision of seeing the blade slice right across my eyes is still so vivid that I keep physically cringing, LOL!!!!!
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Oh fuck me, more ratfolk thieves. Pretty disappointed in the Bird Tower for missing them completely.
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However they were absolutely fucked on by both squads in an instant. A little annoyed at how much bow-bashing I'm seeing, ranged weapons in the current version of Dwarf Fortress are a bit fucked and I'm sure the mods are only making it worse. Archers carrying around bolts and crossbowbolds carrying around arrows, it's pandemonium. Well they'll figure it out. Or they won't.
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Dwarves roll into town again. Our economy has been banging hard as fuck lately so hopefully we'll be able to buy up all of their meat and cheese and booze and whatever other stuff looks shiny. To a kobble, seeing a shiny thing is like how playing Xbox 360 is for us.
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koble eat chease lol
The dwarves try to hardball us into selling all our ammo to them, but that sounds like a terrible idea, so we just give them more gems. And one stack of arrows, because that was worth 1000* to them, even though dwarves don't even use arrows. Whatever though not my business how you wanna spend your money! We walk away with absolute mountains of fine cloth, meat, fish, and vegetables.
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Making steel is taking forever, and trying to move the metal bar stockpile up one floor is a total shitshow so far. Speaking of floors, one simply has to wonder whether it's time to dig for the caverns or not yet. Forgotten beasts and that ugly mold lurk below, but it's also where you can get black and blood-red wood by chopping down mushrooms, so it's impossible to say whether it's good or bad. We haven't actually needed power for anything, the kobbles are doing fine without milling and minecart rollers would be a lot of trouble just for me to fuck up and crash heavy iron minecarts into poor innocent kobbles over and over because I suck at minecarts. I've been thinking about making one of those "minecart shotguns" that just crashes into a barricade and shoots a bunch of spikes or something everywhere, but for now, I'm going to try serrated disc weapon traps because I've never really used them before.
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The rainbow worshippers have had a good run of being the only religion with a temple but I'm afraid we're going to have to make at least a "general purpose" temple. For off-brand religions. In case you worship the store-brand god. The Wal-Mart of churches, if you will
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Clicking on this random tile is how I found out the emblem of our civilization is three cabbages. That makes me really happy. I just had this idea for the trap tunnel of paving a road into the base with lignite or bituminous coal stones, then having magma waiting behind some floodgates above it so that it can drop down and start the entire road on fire, or at least I think that's how it would work. I'm going to try it out, it'll work in tandem with the iron sawblade traps I think.
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Will it actually do anything? Impossible to tell. For once I'm actually kind of excited to get invaded. Speaking of invaders these guys just showed up that are the opposite of that.
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Can I be real with you man I don't like what you guys are doing. I don't know if it's weirder or less weird that you milked a more sapient creature than just a kangaroo. I would already not like you milking the kangaroos in the first place but that's just something we do with animals we're all past that I guess. Like if I sold you human milk would you buy it. I don't know. But they had a drake and a goose so fuck it, second Bird Tower complete. The peacock and peahen are sitting on 6 eggs right now but who knows if they were actually fertilized or not.
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Let's actually take a minute just to get some zoomed out shots of the base, show what a fuckfest it is.
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First floor below the moat level is pretty normal. Just some farms, and then a Craftsbold guildhall that they never really use. I really like diagonal doors, but I haven't actually been using too many in this fort.
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Below that, the "throw shit on the floor" floor. Pretty much all furnaces with two asheries, and the stockkeeper's bedroom+office+dining hall (left) and the caravan voice's bedroom+office+dining hall (right (There is no difference besides the color of that one door (They're also a bit shit)))
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Catacombs floor. That pit you're seeing in the bottom left was original my garbage dumping pit but then it was kinda where I wanted to put my moat and the kobbles didn't really like throwing stuff into the water for some reason so I had to dig a different garbage pit.
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Miscellaneous fuckery floor. This is a nightmare, lol. I wanted to "have fun with organic shapes" at the start but I kind of just made horrific spaghetti. I mean it's efficient spaghetti is the thing, these kobbles get shit done fast. Except steel. That's taking forever, almost 4 seasons since I finally got the steel process started and it's only yielded 80 bars so far. Still I can probably get started on steel weapons soon.
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The Merriment Floor. We got our tavern The Permanent Snack, temple to the god of rain and rainbows The Pale Chapel, off-brand church with a window to view into the burning floor trap, and (I really hope I don't regret it lol) and just through the tavern is the Chief's chambers. Yep you can go straight from getting drunk to yelling at the chief, he's literally right next door, he has to pass through the tavern to get to and from his bedroom, we don't let his ass slide for anything!!! If we make it until the Winged One comes over, that'll eventually be their lot in life too. We don't let nobility just slink around private gardens and luxury apartments having secret little meetings here your ass is EXPOSED.
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Did one of the kobbles literally do the "bucket balanced on the door" prank. Do you see that shit in the bottom left did they do that??? what the fuck?????
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Military area. The archery range is temporarily shut down because I fear I have the "arrows/bolts disappearing through the floor" glitch again (it has happened before) but after a couple seconds of observation the kobbles don't really care that I clicked pause on the zone and will continue shooting at the targets. They do however use the little arrow return gutter downstairs but when there were more targets, more ammo seemed to just disappear. Like there were all 5 targets in a row there for a while and the ammo was just gone.
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I still haven't really wrapped my head around how fucking big the iron veins I found down here are. I mean holy fuck we are balling. Ok I ran out of images so that's the end of another post.
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do you know what happened with iamhellsmaster.com? i stopped seeing stuff about it a few weeks after the puzzles started
It was essentially a cross promotion with an NFT site. I enjoyed the puzzles, though, so I kept up with it to the end. Afterwards, people could submit LiteBrite creations using the site to a Twitter contest to win a Stranger Things Lite Brite, I think. My Will the Wise one didn't win, of course.
IIRC, the first puzzle came out a month or so before release, but followup puzzles came later. It was a weird thing all around, and I'm getting tired of Netflix trying to make money from NFT.
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bookoflibrary · 2 years
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Event Summary.
The five of them are summoned and the dolls say they're gonna do Halloween in the future, and they're transported to some ugly run down place and they all realized the dolls lied to them. But then they give all five of them headsets and tell them to put it on and they're physically transported into the metaverse by accident.
They all get transported and into costumes and they're confused and little nightmares are going up to them asking for candy before they can really figure out what happened. Snow says they don't have candy and need to get some and Hameln says it's rude to just expect things for free from people.
Snow glares at him and they get some, and then they are walking around fascinated by the metaverse. It felt like more people than reality were here.
A bunch of people immediately go up to them and introduce themselves and Alice mumbles why should they go through all this for such a loud and busy place. Then something attacks her.
After they defeat the nightmare that attacked Alice, a coin dropped from it. They are all confused and Aladdin is like 'Aha! I smell business! This is virtual currency!' and goes on about how it's the innovation of the future and will replace real currency in thirty years or less. And Dorothy says 'I don't know about that.'
Hameln is actually interested and wants to know more, so the dolls explain how the metaverse connects people together and people can make a lot of money through it with art and NFTs and stuff. The dolls say they could probably be rich if they make an Alice NFT and Aladdin is on board with no support until Hameln is like 'Yes.... ' And everyone else is surprised
Snow doesn't think this is a good idea at all and has a gut feeling. But the guys ignore her and he tells Alice to make a pose so he can create a photo and they can sell it. And he's like complaining all the time about her posture. And finally he is like 'Yes, just like that, but cross your legs. It will make you look more beautiful.' So she does and the photo is made.
And with that, Alice's NFT birthed the SINoCOIN.
all of them became millionaires in the Metaverse. Aladdin is like promoting it, and Hameln, Dorothy and Aladdin himself go crazy and have a photoshoot together trying to earn more but Alice was just weirded out by the entire thing & Snow can't shake the sinking feeling something is off, they do it anyway just to see what its really about, thinking it's just some scam or publicity stunt.
Aladdin tells Hameln there's a place he wants to show them and Dorothy grabs the girls and is like 'we're rich now so let's go shopping!' And the three of them run off. Dorothy is like 'That's a store where you can get the tools needed to summon demons!! That store is a black metal and voodoo store!!!!!!!' And Snow tells her to stop trying to make them go into suspicious stores. Dorothy is like foaming at the mouth trying to go into random stores when Alice pauses at a clothing one, and they all agree to go in that one.
Dorothy finds cool glasses and Alice and Snow find some other jewelry that match.
They all stay in that store for awhile and Dorothy is spazzing around in it, when Snow finds something on display that catches her eyes; its a beautiful costume based on butterflies and fairies. She tries it on and asks if she looks good and the girls say yes and she starts feeling all shy.
Meanwhile Aladdin takes Hameln to an art museum and they start to stare at the gallery, and Hameln is just so blown away and on the brink of tears at the art. And Aladdin is like 'Yeah, I think this is where upcoming artists put their work on display from around the world' And Hameln is just going on about how beautiful it is and Aladdin agrees and says maybe there's some kind of innovation here.
And they wind up walking around because it was like an endless gallery and talk for so long they get lost
But then they hear something and look and it's a concert hall and they agree to check it out. Someone passing by tells them to go because its the biggest event ever: Metaverse Live. They go in together and see the girls grabbing their own tickets, so they decide to stick together as a group again and go in
The five of them go in and people were floating over a seamless twilight night sky, battling things and having fun. So they agree to try it. While they're doing that, Dorothy has an epiphany. 'Everything you need is here. What makes them have hope and hold on?' And everyone looks at her and goes 'Well then what's YOUR offline life like, then?'
Everyone is circling around her like a rabid animal pissed. Snow grabs her hand, telling her they should leave as soon as possible. it took forever to get away from them and they all hide in an alley and she's like 'What did I say? All I did was ask about their real world. I don't get it.' And notices they were mad, too.
There's something connecting these people to stay here. Financial pressure. Aging. ect. The world was made an escape for the young people but overtime they turned into zombies and couldn't move their bodies and became stuck in this world.
Then Hameln talks about much ugliness is in the real world and they overhear and the zombies all lunge at them, with tears in their eyes
People also notice Alice from the picture and Snow tells her to stay back. While they're all fighting, the zombies tell them they'll destroy their reality and have been fighting for so long that they are losing their sanity and dropping from exhaustion. They manage to defeat them but then they are cut back into their world. The headsets broke and their bodies transported back setting the zombies free. The dolls tell them they should consider the feelings of people more, and they punch them in the faces. End.
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We know what the Thin Man does for April Fool's but what other pranks has everyone else done on that day?
I haven't done with for the others? -*checks blog*- I HAVEN'T DONE THIS FOR THE OTHERS! Wow...
The Maw
Six: Pretends to be nice to the point where it creeps everyone out the Janitor: Hates April Fool's Day because he has to clean up after everyone's pranks. But, one year, he put jello in the Twins' shoes to get back at them the Twin Chefs: Arguably the pranksters on the Maw, and they strategize depending on their target. For the kids, it's toothpaste filling, instead of cream. For the adults, it rearranging their workplace/workflow the Lady: Usually nothing, except approve whatever the Twins plan for that year. If it does do anything, it's something like telling the crew about a new investment she wants to try...like NFTs the Granny: One year, when she was the lady of the Maw, she sent rats and leeches to the upper areas where the Guests stay. It was terrible and messy ordeal the Runaway Kid: Only second to the Twins because he usually teams up with the Nomes to carry out his prank. His army once gave all the other orphans presents filled with random, useless stuff like a sock or paperclips
Pale City
Mono: This poor kid is usually the victim for all of pranks. He honestly forgets April Fool's is a thing, and his good nature just makes him gullible. He once helped the Doctor with something that ended up getting him a swirlie the Hunter: Like Six, he pretends to be the nicest person ever to the point where it creeps everyone out...but more extreme. He'll starting saying things like "uwu dat's so kawaii-desu", and it's honestly kinda cringe and disturbing the Teacher: Usually the one that stops pranks in school, but likes to gives pop quizzes to her students. If she's feeling merciful, she'll says April Fool's and throw it out. If not...well, there goes their grade the Doctor: Tries to do pretty harmless things to his patients, but his tone and delivery doesn't land. He sets them up for bad news and says it in a way that they take it seriously. He later has to re-assure the patient that he was joking
The Nest
the Raincoat Girl: Fakes an injury, but gets called out for it. She tried to say she sprain her ankle rollerblading in the mansion, and the Butler will say, "Well, you shouldn't have done that in the first place"; and leave her there the Craftsman: One of these days, he's going to remember to get things ready for April Fool's; but, it'll never happen. Really, really wants to make the washing machine or dishwater go awry so there are bubbles everywhere, but he keeps forgetting every year the Butler: Tenses up every year because something usually happens, and he has to fix it. If nothing major happens (thank God), he'll just make a weirdly colour but edible dinner the Pretender: Prank calls people, including those in the Nest, and cackles to herself when it works. The phone bill skyrockets from that day alone
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nakanotamu · 8 months
Rossy got fired from stardom??????????
LMAOOOO I was just about to post "lmao Rossy got fired" and then I saw this yeah apparently he got fired after the show last night. I never got around to writing that post about the management issues so I guess I'l try and summarize some relevant points before people panic
Okay so Rossy was off of booking since some time last year. We don't know for sure but my guess is that All Star Grand Queendom was his last show as booker, based on the belt going to Tam apparently being his decision and the timing of when stuff started to fall apart very shortly after that.
He was highly critical of the last president (who had been booking) once that guy got fired - and the issues with him were more than just booking. This was the stuff Giulia talked about. Like the schedule he booked was way too grueling on the wrestlers with non-stop big matches & shows back to back to back, and he would book matches just out of the blue without paying any attention to the stories the wrestlers were trying to tell, where Rossy's style was to just let the wrestlers throw out story threads themselves and then book what he thought would sell out of what they wanted to do. He also just was an idiot and didn't seem to think particularly highly of wrestling in the first place, pushing tons and tons of product tie-ins and advertising shit and the fucking NFT shit and. Yeah he sucked
However despite being highly critical of the last guy once he was gone, Rossy also said he didn't comment on the decisions he was making. He also may have been the one who decided who won or lost in the period before the new president came in, but from what's been made public at least, as soon as he came in he took over, so Stardom since whenever that was like the start of December has been the new president in charge.
So what I'm trying to say is, at least creatively, this probably isn't actually a huge change for Stardom compared to the past roughly a year of the product. People freaking out that the booker is just suddenly gone, he apparently hasn't been the booker for a while already now anyway. If you didn't notice a change in booking twice last year you probably won't notice this either.
So, yeah, Rossy did get fired. Bye bitch, it would be nice if this meant Sonny is on the way out too. Rossy is absolutely fucking not the guy who saved joshi wrestling or whatever the fuck narrative he & a lot of western wrestling media have been trying to present him as for years now. This probably isn't going to lead to a massive shift in Stardom's booking compared to what it's already been for months, and just as a fan we have no way of knowing what else this is going to impact, because it's hard to tell how much influence he even had for the past year, which was admittedly bad but more recently imo showing signs of turning around.
I think it's worth pointing out that one of the things that drove me off of both Reddit and Twitter wrestling fandom is that whenever shit like this happens everybody's gotta be a fucking insider or whatever and we don't. Know. Anything. But further than that it's not our fucking problem. We don't work for Bushiroad and we don't know anybody involved. We don't NEED to worry about what this means for The Business or whatever the fuck because that doesn't matter to us. I care about the roster being treated well and the product being one I am enjoying, and Rossy already couldn't prevent both of those things from not happening last year, so obviously he's not gonna be the difference maker.
My concern if I have one though is mostly the roster. If people are loyal enough to him to start jumping ship that would really suck. If the rumours that are already going around that he was poaching people for a potential NXT Japan pan out in any way that would REALLY suck. Even if the entire roster went I'm not going to watch a WWE product or even a show that isn't women in every match. So I guess as ever all we can do is wait and see.
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