elftwink · 3 years
want to be clear that if i ever talk about a headcanon and then later discuss a headcanon that is directly contradictory to the first one, that’s because headcanons exist in a quantum state where they are all simultaneously true and not true up until the point where i discuss it in detail, in which case that is the one that is true in that instance. schroedinger’s headcanons
127K notes · View notes
branchedman · 3 years
men's tits, yeah, sure, obviously, but what about men's thighs
40K notes · View notes
girlscapitalism · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
NOBODY KNOWS 2004, dir. Hirokazu Koreeda
7K notes · View notes
bucketsofmonsters · 2 years
Proper Etiquette - Part 1
cw: arranged marriage, oral sex, non-human genetalia, loss of virginity, reader is very repressed
male demon x fem reader
word count: 8k
part 1   part 2
You’d spent the whole week non stop planning your wedding. Stuff you’d dreamed about for ages. You had found your dress and helped pick flowers and colors, finally given the opportunity to decide things, to plan something for yourself. Everything would be perfect. But the planning couldn’t go on forever, eventually the actual day did arrive. 
And now you sat in the throne room, waiting to meet your future husband. It was odd, in all the years of thought you’d put into this wedding you hadn’t given much thought into who you'd be marrying. It wasn’t like it would matter anyways. You’d known it would be out of your control, that them letting you plan the wedding was nothing but an attempt to pacify you. A facade of control to distract you from the rest of your life that you had no part in making the decisions about. 
Sitting here, waiting for him to arrive, you could no longer indulge in that. You couldn’t throw yourself into planning, try and distract yourself from everything else. You sat there, chin up and face as unreadable as you could make it, and you had nothing to do but think. You had to stay present, it was important to consciously make yourself look regal in front of everyone, but that just made the time pass even slower, your incessant worry becoming overwhelming. 
Of course you’d known you wouldn’t get to choose who you married, that was how being a princess worked. That was why you’d put it out of your mind so intentionally, no use worrying about things you couldn’t change. However, in all your years of not thinking about it, you’d never imagined that this was how you’d end up. You assumed you’d marry some haughty rich boy, probably a prince or a king. You’d met enough of them to know that most of them were the same. You knew what awaited you, or at least you’d thought you had. Somehow, you had been blindsided. 
You wouldn’t react emotionally. They’d explained everything to you beforehand so you had time to cry, to get frustrated, to argue, to adjust. You were numb to it now. You’d do your duty and you would do it with grace. 
Part of you had thought that the descriptions of your husband-to-be and the others of his creed must have been exaggerated, that the people who had encountered them had been making the demons sound more imposing for the sake of their little tales. It wasn’t a foreign idea, returning soldiers would say plenty of things to make their victory sound a little more heroic or to make their defeat sound more justified. As he entered the room, you instantly realized that you had been wrong. The first thing you noticed was his size. He was easily seven feet tall, towering above everyone else in the room. His skin was a reddish-purple, far from anything human, with large, dark horns coming out of his head. 
He arrived alone. That had been one of the conditions of his arrival. Your father was convinced that if he’d brought more people, surely they’d attempt an invasion. Coming alone would prove his dedication to the peace you were forming with this marriage. You would return to his home with him when this was all over anyways. 
You had thought the rule foolish when you’d first heard it but now you were grateful. One towering man was more than enough to make you nervous, at least this way you had somewhere to focus your attention. 
You father spoke beside you, nodding his head in greeting. “Prince Rygel.”
The prince commanded the room's attention. You could feel everyone holding their breath, waiting nervously for him to speak. 
He spoke with a huff, clearly just as unhappy with this situation as you were. “Let’s get this over with.”
And with those words it was official. It was your wedding day. 
You didn’t think you’d get a chance to speak to one another before the ceremony and were confused when you were hustled into a side room, far from where you thought you’d be getting ready. When you turned to see the figure in the room you froze before remembering yourself. 
You curtsied deeply, showing respect as best you could. “Prince Rygel.”
He nodded, not bowing in return. “Princess.” 
For a moment frustration washed over you before you thought better of it. You knew nothing of his customs, of what a sign of respect was where he was from. Perhaps you were afraid of him, but you would not assume. Doing so would only make things worse, deepen the divide that already stood between the two of you. 
“I did not think we’d get to speak.” You attempted a smile as you spoke, doing your best to bridge that divide as much as could. 
“I insisted on it. It seems barbaric to marry someone I’d never even spoken to.” He seemed distracted, barely even looking at you.
You shrugged. “Such is politics.” That’s what you’d been telling yourself nonstop ever since you’d heard of the news, it wasn’t difficult to vocalize it. 
“Perhaps.” He fell silent, contemplating something that he didn’t seem interested in cluing you in on. 
As you sat in silence, feeling ignored and afraid and entirely out of your depth, you decided to speak up. At this point the wedding was happening no matter what, you might as well get some words in beforehand. “They all say you’re all monsters.” Even your voice felt small around him, feeling like it was barely leaving your throat. 
You weren't sure what response you wanted from him. Maybe reassurance that they were wrong or confusion at where the idea had come from. Perhaps, even, confirmation it was true. At least then you’d know what you were getting yourself into. The uncertainty was what was getting to you, just seeking some amount of knowledge about what the future would hold. 
He just chuckled to himself at some joke you were unaware you’d made. “You’d hate to hear what we say about you.”
That hadn’t occurred to you. Although humans weren’t as physically intimidating, surely his people had horror stories just like yours did. Your nations had been at odds for a very long time, you were sure both sides had plenty of tales of the other. And you would be living there, amongst people who probably hated you. You focused on your breathing, needing to keep yourself presentable at least until this ordeal was over. 
He clearly noticed the state you were working yourself into. “Listen, I’m not happy about this either. You think I want to marry a human?”
Great. As well as being terrified of being tied forever to this monstrous man, you weren’t even wanted. 
“This isn’t about what we want,” you responded, making sure to keep your chin up as you spoke, set on showing strength as much as you could. 
“No, it’s not. We’re prolonging this, you should go.”
You turned to leave, in a rush to get out before thinking better of it. You had to start forming goodwill between you at some point if this was going to be bearable, you might as well start now. “I’ll see you later,” you said, sparing him a small smile. 
He wasn’t even paying attention, lost in his own thoughts. As you left, you wondered if they were racing as much as yours were. 
The preparation for the wedding was all a blur. You barely even registered it had begun before you were at the altar. You kept finding yourself glancing around as the wedding commenced around you, as if perhaps, if you didn’t look at Rygel and didn’t listen to the officiant drone on between you, maybe this wouldn’t be real. 
Someone bumped you and you jolted back to reality, realizing they were waiting for you to speak. You uttered, “I do” and then it was done. You were married. All that preparation and you barely felt conscious for most of it. 
And then, per tradition, you kissed. He had to lean down to do so, you standing on the tips of your toes to reach him. It lasted barely a second, both of you clearly eager for it to be over. As soon as it was done you were out again, tuning out the world. 
You barely even realized you were being beckoned away. You turned, wide-eyed, to see someone who decidedly was not your husband trying to gently push you down a hallway. As you looked where he was trying to send you, you saw your husband walking off, leaving you behind. You charitably decided to believe he’d told you to come along and you just hadn’t heard him in your state, as opposed to him just choosing to leave you. You quickly thanked the man who had gotten your attention and trailed after Rygel, trying to keep up with his long gait.��
By the time you arrived, he was already settling into your bedroom, the one you would be sharing until you headed off to your new home. It was fairly nondescript, barely anything in the room but a few tables and a bed. You still felt distant, almost as if you were dreaming, unable to ground yourself in this foreign room. 
You realized that while you were in your daze with your back turned, taking in your surroundings, the prince had changed into more comfortable clothes, some meant for sleeping. That snapped you out of your trance. Suddenly, you were all too present, the reality of the situation setting in. 
As you took him in once more, you also realized he was staring at you, wondering how long he’d been doing that while you’d been in your little trance. Honestly, he was probably wondering why instead of changing you’d started breathing heavily and refused to look him in the eyes for more than a moment. Your panic was obviously clear to him because his face softened and he turned, giving you a modicum of privacy. You breathed in deeply, trying to keep your emotions in check, and then scrambled to get dressed, practically tripping over yourself as you rushed. 
He spoke from behind you, voice less stilted than it had been earlier. “You don’t need to be scared of me, you know.”
“I just got married, I think I would be scared regardless.” You smoothed out the lines in your nightgown as you sat on the bed, indicating to him that he could turn around. 
When he did, he seemed confused. “Were you always scared of marriage? I’d assumed it was because of me.”
“I just… I kind of know what comes next. I’ve heard whisperings…”
He chuckled. “Whisperings you say.”
“I just don’t really understand it and people have been saying all sorts of things to me about you and about tonight and I kind of know the basics, I just…” Now you were really getting yourself worked up, spiraling as you were honest with yourself about how you felt for the first time since this had all begun. “It’s just intimidating and I don’t know anything about you or your kind or where you come from or about this.” You gestured vaguely around you, not even sure what you were referring to at this point. 
“You’ll learn about me, there’ll be time for that. And we don’t have to do anything.”
He cut off what was inevitably going to be another panicked ramble. “None of that, no buts. In fact, I think it’s been a long day for both of us and we need some rest.”
This wasn’t at all what you'd imagined. You knew the broad strokes of what should be happening tonight, you should be trying for a child. Although, you didn't even know if the two of you could have a child, you very much doubted it. But regardless, you knew what didn't happen was the pair going quietly off to bed. You'd heard the whispers and the snickering, about tonight and your new husband. Part of you was relieved, no longer having to face down this unknown, but still, you remained uncertain, both of what should be happening and of what was actually occurring.
You took a shot in the dark, “And if I never let you touch me?”
He shrugged. “Then I'll never touch you. I am not in the business of terrorizing young women, whatever stories they've told you about my kind. I came here to bring peace, we have done that, what happens beyond that is up to you, not anyone you’ve happened to hear whispers from.”
You knew this wasn’t how things were done, that you were breaking some unspoken protocol but frankly, you were too tired to care. His words calmed you enough to stop your heart from racing, the exhaustion really setting in. Right now you just wanted to sleep.
It hadn’t really set in until just now that the two of you would be sharing a living space from now on. You got carefully under the covers on the opposite side of the bed from where he was sitting.
As he went to lay down next to you, you both quickly realized that his form did not fit on the bed at all, legs hanging off no matter how hard he tried. However, despite the lack of space, he kept a fair distance from you, making sure you didn’t touch. 
He grumbled to himself as he made himself as comfortable as he could given the situation. “Did you not have a bigger bed? You're all so tiny.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at the sight which earned you a surprised look from the man. “I’m sorry, you just look so out of place.”
“When we return home, you’ll be drowning in bed space. None of these puny little beds.”
The smile fell from your face at the reminder. “When is that, when are we going?”
“We’ll wait a few days, so you can say your goodbyes.”
“Thank you.” You hoped the sense of genuine relief that washed over you had seeped into your voice, that he understood that you were grateful you’d have some time to adjust, even if he clearly didn’t want to be here. 
With your nerves mostly settled for the night you drifted off, doing your best to ignore the man laying next to you and pretend you were still in your own bed. 
You awoke to the feeling of being smacked in the face with a stray horn. You yelped out, more in surprise than pain, and Rygel jerked awake beside you. He quickly realized what had occurred as you rubbed your cheek and you spent your first morning as a married woman being apologized to profusely. 
Even long after you’d forgiven him, he still seemed mortified by the incident. “I’m really not used to such tight quarters, are you sure you’re alright?”
“I’m fine, you just surprised me,” you reassured him for what felt like the hundredth time.
He seemed eager to leave your company, embarrassment written across his face. “I should be leaving, me and your father have some details we need to finalize about the treaty.” You gave him a quiet nod as he rushed off.
You, on the other hand, were not involved in the peace negotiations. You barely knew what was going on. It wasn’t like you hadn’t tried, you’d fought to get any knowledge of what your marriage actually meant for your kingdom but every time you’d been told it wasn’t your place. 
So, with nothing better to do, you set about giving yourself tasks. Right now, your mission was to try and make this room feel more like a home, even if you’d only be here a few days. You managed to squirrel away some of the flowers from your wedding that were already being thrown out. It was quite a waste, they were still beautiful and already they were being discarded, you were sure they wouldn’t mind you sneaking some off. 
You displayed them throughout the room, realizing too late you might have grabbed too many but unwilling to get rid of any of them. They brightened your mood and that was enough to justify having so many scattered about. 
As Rygel returned, he did not seem so enthused by the new addition to your room, more confused than anything. “What are these?”
You felt yourself spring up in excitement. “They’re flowers! They’re the ones from the wedding, I picked them out myself. Most of them were grown in our garden, it’s lovely out there this time of year.”
“Are they? We don’t really have gardens where I’m from.”
Your shoulders fell, the excitement draining from your body. You didn’t know much about your new home, besides the stories you’d been told about it which you were beginning to suspect may not have been entirely accurate. Now the only concrete information you really had was that there would be no flowers. “Oh, right. Well, you should at least see ours while we’re still here.”
“Would you like to show me?”
You nodded eagerly, always excited to give someone a tour of the gardens. You loved the flowers and the atmosphere and would talk about them to anyone who would listen to you, which historically hadn’t been very many people. 
As you rushed him outside to begin your tour, you realized that Rygel seemed to be able to stomach more of your rambling than most, following you deep into the palace’s quite extensive gardens, showing him your favorite plants and spots to hide out. 
You finally ended up in your favorite place, a little spot looking over a pond, mostly hidden away from the winding path by a willow tree. You’d spent many days here, hiding away from the world, trying to find a moment of quiet. You weren’t even sure you’d meant to walk here, your feet just taking you here on instinct. 
Rygel looked around, a ghost of a smile on his face. When he looked like this, you didn’t find him quite so threatening. He almost looked friendly. 
“You care a lot about this place.” It sounded almost like an accusation, like he’d caught you doing something.
 You nodded in agreement. “I grew up here, of course I do.”
“We don’t put as much emphasis on places. People, ideas, those are the things worth caring about. I thought your kind’s obsession with objects and places was all greed and pride but the way you care about this place… maybe I was quick to judge.”
You shrugged. “Maybe we both were.” Being here calmed you down, made everything feel like it made more sense. “You know, I used to sit under this tree and hide from my tutors so I wouldn’t have to go to class,” you said with a giggle.
“You don’t like learning?”
“Oh, no, I love learning! I just didn’t much like my tutor.”
He gasped in faux shock. “Princess. I didn’t know you had it in you to speak ill of someone.”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes as you cracked a smile, trying to maintain some semblance of decorum. “I just didn’t like how he made me learn. Never really explained anything, it was all rules and refusing to answer my questions. I much preferred my time out here, I’d spend hours looking at the flowers and reading whatever I could get my hands on.”
“Seems like you probably learned more that way anyways. Did you ever swim in this pond? That’s what I would’ve been up to out here, probably less intellectual than the reading but more fun”
“Of course I did! What self respecting child wouldn’t ruin their nice dresses by jumping in a pond. When I was very young, before my etiquette classes became truly serious, I would go frog hunting in here, I’d find them and show them to everyone. I was quite the little menace.”
“You sound delightful. Curse the etiquette classes for taking that from the world, we could always use more frog hunters.”
“Yes, well, those sorts of things are for children. I’m a proper lady now.”
A sense of disdain passed over his face and you worried you’d ruined the moment. “I swear, it’s like they beat the fun out of you humans,” he grumbled, not seeming upset at you but seeming upset nonetheless. 
“It’s just not proper.”
“So? When we return you’ll learn to have fun again, I’m sure of it. We’ll find you a frog pond somewhere, let you enjoy yourself for once.”
Your first response was to be taken aback by the prospect. You felt like you probably didn’t look dissimilar to all the ladies of the court you’d tried to show frogs to in your youth, sneaking them in inside of your long sleeves and displaying them proudly to the horror of the people around you. 
There were lots of things you’d stopped doing. You wondered how many of them were normal where Rygel came from, how many deep seeded habits you’d have to unlearn. 
“Perhaps it’s best to leave the fun to the children.” You tried to look away from him, feeling some negative emotion brewing in the pit of your stomach that you didn’t want to deal with, when he grabbed your chin and pulled your attention back to him.
He inspected your face as he held it in his hand and you left it there, too shocked and confused to turn away again. “You’re scared,” he muttered. “Scared of what? Of not having to force yourself into these stuffy rules? Of anything new, perhaps?”
“I’m not scared.”
“Prove it.”
And then he leaned down and kissed you, his hand drifting to your cheek. His hands were so big they almost engulfed your face but the lightness of his touch offset how intimidating that was, his touch so soft that you could easily pull away if you wanted to. You didn't. 
You’d seen people kiss before, couples in the court showing quick affection towards one another. You had only been kissed once in your life, up on that altar in front of everyone. That kiss had been what you’d expected, exactly what you’d seen before, quick and quietly affectionate. This was nothing like that. This was something new.
This was passionate and overwhelming in a way you didn’t know a kiss could be. You tried to match his movements, unsure of yourself and trying to get out of your own head. As his lips moved against yours, you sunk into the kiss, shutting off your brain and just letting yourself feel. 
Your arms wrapped around his neck, trying to keep yourself on the tips of your toes so you could reach him properly. That wasn’t a concern for long as his other hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you up towards him. 
You let out a surprised little noise as his tongue entered your mouth, the feeling foreign but not unwelcome. It felt like he was exploring you in ways you’d never imagined before. You were happy the two of you were in your little hiding place because the idea of anyone seeing you like this was unthinkable. 
When he finally pulled away, you felt dizzy, almost like you were drunk on something, although on what you weren’t sure
You were at a loss for words, opening and closing your mouth, feeling like a fish out of water.
Finally you settled on, “Was that normal?”
His head cocked to the side. “Does it matter?”
You realized you were almost panting, your breathing heavy after the kiss, trying desperately to calm it down. 
He tilted your head up again and you let him, your cheeks burning beneath his gentle hand. “This flustered after a kiss, I can’t even imagine how disheveled I could make you.”
If it was anything like that, you’d welcome it. You weren’t sure you could manage words right now so you just stayed still, looking up at him quietly. 
His thumb ran across your cheek, a naked affection present in his eyes. “You know, I like you much more than I thought it would. They just pushed you down so far under those layers of etiquette that I couldn’t see it.”
A soft smile graced your face and you nuzzled into his hand, craving a closeness with him that you didn’t quite understand. 
With the tour finished and a peak of the afternoon reached, Rygel led you gently back towards the palance, seemingly unbothered by your silence. You were busy with other things, your mind mainly occupied with attempting to unravel the events of the afternoon and the cacophony of emotions and thoughts flowing through you. 
When you reached your room you were still trying to unravel the web of emotions you’d been stuck with, studying the flowers you’d squirreled away as you thought. Although you were unable to understand your own thoughts, something else did occur to you and you grabbed some flowers from the bouquet, pressing some sprigs of lavender under the couple of books in the room. 
Rygel watched you work, quietly observing as you picked out your favorite flowers and placed them within the pages of the books before stacking them up. “What are you doing?” 
“I’m pressing some flowers. It’s not much but it means they’ll be preserved and I can bring them with me when we leave.”
“That’s a clever idea.”
“Thank you!” You were beaming at the praise, his interest in and approval of your actions meaning more to you than you thought they would. 
“You know, I’ve been thinking…” you said, as you turned from your books back to your husband after having collected your thoughts. 
“Oh, have you.”
“Aren’t we supposed to be… you know…”
“You don’t need to talk in riddles. What are you asking me?”
You couldn’t. You physically did not have the capacity to speak plainly on this matter, feeling overwhelmed already. “Forget it, I was being silly,” you said, trying to brush it off.
He shook his head. “I’m not letting you run that easily, princess.”
“I just want us to do what we should be doing.” You tried to play it off, like this was no big deal and you just wanted to follow how things should be.
“You weren’t so eager last night. Last night it was ‘what if I never let you touch me.’ What’s changed? Maybe you want more than what you’re letting on.”
You reeled back, feeling as if you’d been accused of something. “No. That’s not true.”
“Maybe not. Do you want to try something? It won’t be what you heard whisperings of, not yet at least, I get the feeling that would be too much. Right now, let’s just focus on reminding you how to enjoy yourself, how does that sound?” He was drawing closer as he spoke and you could feel your heart hammering in your chest. 
He got so close to you that with one stray breath you’d be touching and then he stopped, waiting for your response. Things were in your hands now, you had to choose it, he wouldn’t let you just stumble into this.
You managed a quiet, “Okay,” and let out a sigh of relief when he didn’t press you for more. 
Instead, he gave you a gentle smile, one that you couldn’t help but return. 
“Stop me if it’s too much, alright? And keep talking, I want to hear that pretty little voice.”
Before those last words could leave you floundering, he crashed your mouths together once again and you let yourself get wrapped up in the kiss, everything else fading away. 
He picked you up effortlessly, mouth still pressed to yours, and you didn’t care where he took you as long as you got to keep doing this. You felt yourself being set on the bed, your arms wrapped around his neck, keeping him there with you as he pressed you into the sheets.
Eventually, despite your efforts to keep him there, he pulled away, drawing a small whine from you. Immediately you slapped your hand over your mouth, horrified at the noise you’d just made. 
He immediately grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand from your mouth and pressing it into the bed. “I said I want to hear you.”
You nodded immediately, your eagerness to please overwhelming your embarrassment. 
After you agreed, you expected to be kissed again, but instead, to your mild disappointment, he just drifted downwards. He pulled up the hems of your skirts, flipping them up towards you so he could get under them and you fought every urge to cover yourself back up. His hand began to pull down your tights as he studied your face.
“How are you feeling?”
You did an internal check in. How were you feeling? Different, that was for sure. It felt like something was brewing under your skin, your whole body flushing and your breaths getting heavy once more. “Hot. My heart is beating really fast.”
“All good things”
He nodded. “Yes, really.”
He pulled down your tights the rest of the way, leaving you fully exposed. You could barely even see him, the skirts he’d hiked up around your waist getting in the way. You pushed the skirts in, compressing them so you could see his face, desperate to read him, to understand what he was feeling.
He looked enthralled, staring between your thighs like they held all the answers in the universe. His massive fingers glided through your newly exposed folds. “Look at you, all nice and wet for me. I can’t believe I was able to get the innocent little princess so riled up.”
Before you had a chance to respond, he leaned forward and licked a hot, wet stripe through your folds, the sudden sensation making your legs clamp together, prevented by his head and horns between your thighs, keeping you spread open.
He stopped immediately, looking up at your wide-eyed face. “I said talk to me, how are you doing?”
Your mind was still reeling, barely able to think properly, let alone verbalize how you were feeling.
He prompted you further, searching your face for clues as to how you felt as he let his head rest on your lower stomach. “Come on, sweet girl.”
Your face flushed even more at the pet name, something you didn’t even know was possible. You weren’t sure your face had ever been this hot before in your life. 
“Can you do it again?” you ask, your voice soft and unsure. You felt as if you were doing something wrong but the overwhelming urge to experience it again overrode that. 
A mischievous smile crossed his face and he immediately dropped back down, pressing kisses into your upper thigh before his thick tongue returned to your folds, a whimper escaping your throat as he did. 
And then he sucked and your hips almost unwillingly bucked upwards. You could feel him repressing a grin, opting instead to nip at your upper thigh and you let out another whine, absolutely desperate for more. 
“Did that feel good? Are you enjoying yourself?”
His tone felt like he was teasing you but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care, frantically nodding your head and babbling out words in the affirmative, hoping he’d do it again.
He seemed to enjoy teasing you, doing something that would make you gasp and then pulling away again, demanding responses or pressing kisses into your thighs for a while before returning. 
After a while, you realized he was waiting for you to tell him what to do, that he wouldn’t stop this teasing until you asked, perfectly content to sit down there and bring you right to the edge for as long as you let this go on. 
The next time he was where you wanted him, lapping at the spot right above your folds, you spoke unprompted for the first time since this had begun. “Please, stay there, I need more.”
The second you asked him he doubled down, his mouth now glued to you, a feeling in your lower stomach drawing tighter and tighter. The sensations were starting to get overwhelming, your head thrown back and your back arching into him. 
You grabbed at the fabric of your skirts, desperate for something more solid to hold onto. Finally, your hands reached down and grabbed his horns, wrapping as far around them as you could. This only seemed to spur him on, his arms lifting you up, holding your lower half slightly aloft and pulling you even further into his face, as if you weighed nothing. 
You were as close as you could be, your hands pushing his horns down, pressing his face further into you and his hands pulling you up into him, one of them drifting down to grab your ass while the other stayed firmly positioned at your hip. 
You were glad his new resolve to eat you out unendingly left him unable to speak because if he’d prompted a response from you right now, you were sure you wouldn’t be able to manage one. 
And then the world exploded. Your vision whited out. Distantly, you could feel yourself pushing up into his face, but everything else felt so far away compared to what you were feeling, the pure bliss ripping through you. 
It began to fade and you pushed Rygel off of you as the sensations started to become too much. He allowed you to push him away and sit up as he looked at you expectantly. He was panting too, as if this had affected him just as much as it had affected you. 
It felt like you were able to think for the first time since this had started, your normally ordered thoughts had completely left you behind. As you came down from your high, they returned and your head raced. What had just happened? 
As your ability to think coherently returned, a thick cloud of guilt settled over you. “This was wrong.”
His words were soft and low, like he was talking to a wounded animal. “You're crashing. This can happen after you come, a low after a high, it’s totally normal.”
You weren’t listening to him, you couldn’t listen to him. “This is evil.”
“You need affection right now, princess. Come here, let me take care of you.”
“I need to be away from you.” You stumbled to your feet, knees shaky and head reeling. Your skirts fell back to their rightful place as you stood. “This is wrong, I’m not supposed to… You’re trying to seduce me to evil.”
“I’m trying to seduce you to something. You need to calm down, just breathe.”
“No, this is… this can’t be right. We’re supposed to be producing children not… I have to go.”
You didn’t let him say another word to you, certain he could’ve convinced you to stay if you’d let him. 
Did human husbands do what he’d done to you? You’d never heard such things but then again, you were starting to think there were many things you hadn’t heard of. 
You went to the library as if it held any answers for you, pouring through books, not even sure what you were looking for at this point. The most you ever got out of them was “do what your husband says” and you were sure that they didn’t have your particular husband in mind when they wrote that.
Besides, he hadn’t actually told you to do anything. Quite the opposite, he would’t really do anything without you asking. It probably would have been easier if he’d told you what to do, easier to rationalize it that way. But now, the weight felt like it was on your shoulders. You had asked for this, if it wasn’t right that was on you.
After spiraling for hours, you realized night had long since set. No matter how out of sorts you felt, you should get back to your room. You winced at the prospect of having to face Rygel. You never seemed to be able to think around him, knowing that the confusion you were feeling now would only get worse in his presence. Why was he so overwhelming?
You thought there was a chance he’d be asleep when you returned, that you’d be able to slip into bed and you wouldn’t have to face him. That hope was squashed when you entered your room, finding him waiting patiently for you. 
“It’s a bit late for aftercare but something tells me you still need to be taken care of.” He opened his arms, beckoning you towards him. 
You weren’t even sure what you were doing, you just knew you wanted to be near him. A few days ago, you would’ve pushed the instinct aside, pushed down what you wanted, ignored it. But he’d broken down your walls too much and you wanted it too badly. 
As soon as you got within arms reach, he pulled you into his chest and you were absolutely engulfed by his embrace. 
You could practically feel the tension leave you, melting into him as he held you. You couldn’t help but feel safe with him, a quiet sense of reassurance present in his touch.
“Where did you go?”
You tried to shrug but you couldn’t, his embrace limiting the movement of your arms. “Just went to read.”
You felt a chuckle rumble through his chest. “Just so you know, I’m not bringing any of those damn etiquette books with us. They’ve ruined your life enough already. You know, I did something with my afternoon too.”
You somehow already felt sleepy. You kept missing just how tired you were right up until your worry left you. You were being held up only by his arms, if he stopped supporting you you’d collapse on the floor. Instead, he pulled the both of you back onto the bed, keeping you firmly tucked against him. 
You nuzzled into his chest as you spoke, the word coming out a little slurred as exhaustion overtook you. “What did you do?”
“I’ve found some flowers that I think will work with our soil back home, it won’t be what you have here but it’ll be something.”
Suddenly, you felt wide awake, pulling away so you could look at him. “You did what?”
“They seem important to you, I want you to feel at home.”
You felt yourself tearing up and he immediately pulled you into his chest.
This couldn’t be bad. This man who seemed intent on making you feel safe and welcome, who was never endingly obsessed with what you wanted, couldn’t be bad.  
You pulled back again, although he seemed reluctant to let you go. You immediately used the opportunity to crash your lips into his, desperate to show him how grateful you were. He seemed surprised at first but quickly and happily sunk into it. 
“You’re getting bolder,” he said as he pulled away, his forehead leaned against yours.
You were. Never would you have considered doing anything like that before today, something that you just did because you wanted to. Maybe having to unlearn all this, to live in his society, not fueled by what was proper wouldn’t be so bad. If it was like today, you couldn’t say you’d mind it at all. 
“I think I’m in love with you.” You said the words as soon as you realized they were true, your carefully constructed filter slipping away entirely. 
“I think I’m in love with you too. Funny how that works out.”
You let him pull you into him again, this time without any protest, happily falling asleep against his side. 
You woke up warm and happy, still tucked under his arm, your back pressed tightly to his front and your head tucked under his, a far cry from the deliberate distance between you you’d slept with before. 
As you wiggled a little to get comfortable, you heard him groan behind you, waking up. As you shifted, you felt something hard pressed into you before he pulled away, mumbling a quiet apology. 
As he did your rose with him and he immediately detected the confusion written across your face. His face fell into that familiar scowl and he muttered to himself, “Did they teach you anything?”
Not really. You’d assumed you’d sort of instinctively know everything. That’s how everyone had made it sound, like after you got married you’d just know what to do. Unfortunately, married you was just as clueless as unmarried you had been. 
You didn’t like feeling like you were in the dark, like everyone, including your husband, knew so much more than you. You’d been told you’d know what to do, you’d know what was right, you’d know so many things and yet they hadn’t given you the tools to figure those things out. It wasn’t fair. You options seemed to be to stay in the dark forever or potentially make the wrong choice because your supposed instincts just never kicked in. 
You wondered if this was a normal problem, if everyone was left in a confused panic after they got married. Sure, their situations probably weren’t as extreme as yours, but you couldn’t imagine that you’d feel more certain with a human spouse. 
Or maybe it was just you. Maybe everyone else in the world had these perfect instincts and here you were, trying not to spiral in front of your husband. 
He seemed to immediately pick up on your headspace, eyes softening as he watched you take shaky breaths. 
You sank to the floor, your head reeling, unsure of what to do with yourself but knowing you needed to sit down. 
He followed you down, sitting beside you. 
You buried your head in your hands so you didn’t have to face his concerned gaze. “I just wish I knew anything.” You were frustrated and confused and felt like you were at a disadvantage that you shouldn’t have had to deal with. 
“Do you want to learn? I can show you.”
That got your attention. Your head swung up to look at him. “What?”
“Well, you’re not going to learn by pouting on the floor. Or maybe… do you want to see?”
You nodded eagerly, watching him rise to his feet and sit on the edge of the bed, looking down at you. You rose to your knees, your stomach fluttering as he started to undo his pants.
Your eyes widened as they came undone and his cock sprang out, massive and hard. There was no way that would ever fit inside you. Maybe without the size difference, but not between the two of you. 
“Is this supposed to go…”
“Don’t worry about that, you’re just learning right now.”
You tentatively wrapped your hand around it, your fingers just barely unable to meet, needing both hands to encompass the whole thing. 
“It’s bigger than what most humans have,” he said, responding to the shocked look plastered across your face.
You certainly hoped so, you imagined this would look wildly disproportionate on a human man. 
You remembered what he’d done to you yesterday and tentatively licked the head of it, getting a taste of the liquid seeping from the tip.  As you did, he groaned. Your eyes flew up to look at his face, contorted in pleasure as he looked down at you. He’d liked that. You made him feel good, like what he’d done to you. 
You started again with new determination, wanting to make him feel good again. This was no longer just exploration, you had a goal now. You licked the head of it again, watching his reaction closely. 
He let out another low noise, eyes still on you. “Turns out I’m not the only tease in this marriage.”
You weren’t intentionally teasing him, you both knew that, but the idea that you could be filled you with a sense of power. Maybe you weren’t as experienced, but you could make him feel good and make him desperate for more, maybe you weren’t as far out of your depths as you thought.
You attempted to fit more of it in your mouth, no longer content with your tentative licks. You could barely fit anything past the head, the rest far too big, opting instead to wrap your hands around it. You sucked in and watched triumphantly as your actions were rewarded by him throwing his head back, another desperate noise leaving him. 
His eyes kept pulling back towards you, entranced by your actions as you explored and attempted to bring him closer to the bliss you’d experienced the day before. You licked and sucked, taking careful note of what got a reaction from him, trying to elicit more and more of them, loving every noise you managed to draw from the man. 
“Come on you… shit, I’m close, fuck me.” Through his expletives you kept on sucking, wanting to watch him come unraveled even more. He hissed out a few more curse words and pulled you off of him. You couldn’t help but let out a small whine as he did, wanting to earn more of those noises from him.
 He looked down at you, eyes wide, a frenzied look on his face. “You want more? I don’t want to accidentally choke you, just… fuck, look at you, so deperate for me. You have no idea how fucking gorgeous you look right now.” You stayed kneeled on the floor, waiting for further instruction. His hand wrapped all the way around his cock easily, not needing the two hands that you’d found necessary, his hips bucking desperately into his hand. 
“Can you keep your mouth open for me?” he asked between pants as he pumped his shaft. 
You nodded eagerly, wanting to please him. 
Just as your mouth fell open, he grunted one last time, sounding almost animalistic, and then he erupted, thick ropes of cum falling onto your face and into your mouth. 
It tasted like the stuff from before, just much more of it this time. You swallowed as much as you could but there was still plenty left to paint your face. Finally, the seemingly never ending ropes ceased and he began to soften.
You couldn’t have looked attractive, your eyes were watering and there was spit and cum everywhere but he was looking at you like you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. 
“You did so well.” His hand cupped your cheek and you leaned into him happily. “Come on, I need to get you cleaned up.”
He guided you to your feet, pulling you into his side as he moved you towards the washroom and you let him pull you along, ready to let him take care of you.
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sewercl0wn · 2 years
Plot tables: Mapping out and organizing all your plots and storylines
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Can't organize your plot and are juggling between several plot lines? I got your back, I present: Plot tables!
(I'm probably not the only person to use these, but I have no idea if these are commonly used and I just don't know about it or I actually did something with this)
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Here's a loose example I threw together. It's just a normal table where each column represents a different storyline within the same story. It shows you roughly what should happen in each chapter / scene.
e.g., from the example table, we see that in chapter / scene 1, there's a chase scene where the police lose track of the criminal they're following, as well as in the same chapter we see character B and C break up.
It's nothing groundbreaking, but it's something I want to share considering the amount of people I see complaining about juggling 50 million storylines and having no orderly way to keep track of it
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gold-fiinch · 2 years
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Not the way Will's looking at Mike... while he's third wheeling the straight couple in their god awful outfits...
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velcrooooo · 3 years
reminder that coming up with some fake little dudes and creating intricate storylines in your head is a completely free and fun way to pass the time and the government can't stop you
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milkbreadtoast · 2 years
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clotted cream cookie...☺️ *pelts him w tomatoes*
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asliceofoceanmist · 2 years
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KinnPorsche The Series + text posts pt.4 VegasPete edition
[pt.1] [pt.2] [pt.3] [pt.5] [pt.6] [pt.7]
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rainbowcaleb · 2 years
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grief? in Liam's dnd game? more likely than you think
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critter-of-habit · 3 years
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Well "What If...?" the events of Winter Soldier still happen with Captain Carter ...
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izzy-hands · 2 years
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The Witcher 1.06 ✦ Our Flag Means Death 1.09
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not-another-robin · 2 years
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You know what? I'll post a bat-doodle. This is the only content my brain can produce
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noecoded · 2 years
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First part of my genshin obey me crossover stuff w lucifer as diluc and simeon as kaeya :)
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finehs · 2 years
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the bad guys  + making sure their cat has proper eyewear
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omg ok so robin x popular! reader where she’s a cheerleader who robin thought was out of her league (and straight) but they both just have massive crushes on each other
a/n: anon this literally took me out of my writers block ty ty i loved this sm 🙏🙏 also the ending kinda sucks but its wtv !!
word count: 1054
warnings: light cursing, this is not proofread
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞 | 𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐲
Robin sighed as she watched you walk right in front of her, with the rest of the cheer squad onto the gym’s floor.
She tried to look uninterested, like she merely thought the team's dancing and efforts to draw the crowds attention was just decent. But Robin couldn’t help but look at you. The way your smile seemed to brighten the entire room, the way you waved your arms and jumped around laughing, shaking those ridiculous green and white pom poms. She thought you looked like the most gorgeous girl in Hawkins, hell, maybe even in all of Indiana. 
Then the basketball team walked out onto the floor. 
You so clearly liked them. Robin watched you try to hide your embarrassment of being singled out by one of the team players, as he sent you a wink. Robin rolled her eyes at his pathetic attempts to flirt, but she couldn’t deny that was partly jealousy. She wanted to be the one who made you get all nervous, she wanted to be the one you liked, not some ugly basketball player that probably reeked of trashy cologne and was a total pig. 
Robin just faked a smile and continued playing her trumpet. It was ridiculous to think that you would ever like her, even as a friend. You were too good for her.
You let out a laugh, as the guy whose name you had kind of already forgotten, continued rattling on about a party you’d skipped over the weekend. 
In reality, you weren’t paying attention to him. Your locker was at the perfect location, right in front of the band room, allowing you to peer inside. Sure the people you mostly associated with thought they were all a bunch of dorks and losers, but you thought they had substance. Specifically the girl with the short hair and raspy voice. You had never gotten her name. All you knew was that she was pretty, and nice, and funny. Or at least you hoped so. You didn’t really talk.
“See you Friday?” the boy looked nervous, and you didn’t even remember what plans you had agreed to.
“Of course, I’ll see you then, buddy!” You cringed slightly at your use of the phrase, but Jesus Christ you had no idea how to let him down easily.
You watched as he left, some disappointment in his eyes. 
Robin walked out of the band room, her backpack slung over her shoulder, as she held her trumpet case in her hand. She hated having practice because you would always be right outside, close enough that if she wanted to she could just talk to you, yet still out of reach. Yet it seemed that today, you would be closer to her than before. 
“Ohhhhh, shit, I’m so sorry-” Robin stammered as she knelt to the floor picking up the instrument’s case.
“No- no- it’s my fault I totally tripped you- on accident of course, I never would've wanted to trip you on purpose it’s just that I wasn’t looking.” You rambled on kneeling on the floor to help pick up some sheet music that had also fallen onto the floor.
You looked up over at her, as your hands met when you reached for a paper. “Oh, is this supposed to be for the next game?”
“I’m sorry what?” Robin's mouth felt dry, she couldn’t believe she was standing in your sheer presence and now you were talking to her and touching her hand? It felt unreal. 
You waved the paper in the air as you handed it to her, “Is it the music for the basketball game, next week?”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s uhm, supposed to be for the next game- you already knew that though because you just said it and of course you are going to be at the next game because you, well cheer and- and I- I cannot shut up holy shit… I’m sorry. You probably don’t,” Robin cleared her throat, “want to hear me talk that much. Shutting up now.” Robin let out a nervous laugh. She was so convinced she had ruined everything, even the chance of you becoming friends or even just people who you talked to in the hallway. 
“It’s totally okay, don’t worry about it. It’s actually kinda cute.” 
Robin was sure she looked like a deer standing in front of headlights. Her brain was definitely fried from pulling all nighters and drinking too much coke. There was no way you just called her “cute”. 
Calling her “cute” was totally different from you calling her “nice” or “friendly” or even “not as annoying as everyone said.” And there was also no way you were actually flirting with her. Or were you? 
Robin’s mind felt like it was running a thousand miles a second.
You could feel what you thought was an uncomfortable silence. Maybe Robin didn’t get your hint. “Hey you know what I just remembered? I’m supposed to come up with a new routine for the girls on the team- its a whole thing- but, I was thinking, maybe I could come over and practice at your place on Friday and you could serve as the music? It’s silly, I know but-”
“It’s not silly at all, it sounds like a great idea. I love it, but are you sure you don’t have plans with your boyfriend?” It was Robin’s last ditch effort to confirm that you were in fact into girls.
“I don’t have a boyfriend. I’m actually not really looking for a boyfriend right now,” you said, trying to enunciate the boy part of it all. 
Robin’s eyes were wide open as she got your message, “Oh! Okay, then yeah it totally works for me, I can swing by later and give you my place…”
“So it’s a date?” you asked hopefully.
Robin swallowed, “Yeah. A date.” 
You smiled and squeezed Robin’s arm, “I can’t wait.” 
Robin watched you float down the hall, a new bounce in your step as you headed over to a group of girls Robin wasn’t really a fan of. ‘A date’. The words echoed in Robin’s mind. She was going on a date with you. It felt truly unreal. Yet somehow, a part deep inside of Robin felt like it was meant to be. It was just you and her.
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