#straigth to gay
sugaglos · 3 months
Daily reminder that Matthew Shepard wasn't killed bc of the fact that he was gay. He was killed bc of drugs
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iamsofuckinggay · 7 months
"They're so gayyy" isnt even a thing I say for gay ships anyomore it's just kind of a "look they're so in love" but shorter so I could literally call a straigth couple just for the sake of it.
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artisthedgehog · 1 year
Honestly? I'm insecure about being a lesbian. I'm not confident about my sexuality.
There are days when i am proud of being gay, i am proud of liking who i like, but there are others that just... idk. I feel ashamed, and i know i shouldn't but i can't help it. i feel like there's something wrong, i feel like im faking it but i imagine dating a boy and i don't like it and i feel ashamed for not liking it and i wish i was straight and then i see news about people being abused, hurt, killed for being lgbt and just... thats it for me, thats the end of the tiny bit of confidence i have about being a lesbian and then i see straigth couples and think "thats what i should be like, i should date a boy, i should be straight" but the thought of dating one disgusts me and because of that i feel disgusted about myself and i fucking hate feeling like this and now im crying again
idk whats the point of this post i just needed to put it somewhere, i wish i could be confident about who i am and hold hands with who i want to without being afraid of being stared at, abused or even worse and its terrible to feel like this and i wish i didnt and i just needed to vent a bit
thx for reading
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boimann · 1 year
cis man
straigth/bicurious (closet man in closet land)
trans man (merasmus transissioned him)
pan, poly
any pronoun
cis man
pan, poly
cis man
cis man
cis man
just a fucking thing
wouldn't you like to know
gender non conforming man
bi, poly
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incorrect-splatoon · 1 year
Pearl: Is it gay?
Marina: Well, is not straigth for sure!
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wildissylupus · 11 months
in relation to the last post, when people say like widowmaker is straigth because of gerard also seems the people who thinks widow cant move on because of that, like?? she's only 35 (33 when ow begin) its so unfair to say she has to stay forever single to someone who's dead. ofc she has a lot of things to work first (talon) but i wish she move with her life at all.
( I love widow, as a fan I just want her to be happy despite all the shit she's been through ;;_;; )
God yeah, I completely agree with this.
I understand when people say theu personally don't ship anyone with Widow currently because of the amount of shit she's been through (it the same view I have on Hanzo actually), but combing that with the "she was married to Gerard so she can't be gay" argument tells me that whoever is saying it is genuinely homophobic and doesn't give two shits about a characters mental state.
I firmly believe that Amelie could and should move on after a redemption arc. She deserves to be happy and create a new life for herself. Whether she's single or not.
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this-is-wilhom · 10 months
I like art on Tumblr right? Yeh. I like art and I reblog the art. Yep!! Then my home feed is full of art. Yay!! Yes but then I liked ONE bg3 fanart post and now YOUR HORNY FARNART IS ALL OVER MY HOME FEED AND IM STUPID AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIX IT!!!! IM MOT STRAIGHR IM NOT STRAIGTH IM GAY IM GAYYYYYYYY GET THESE MEN OFFA MY PAGE IM GAY LET ME LIVE ‼️‼️‼️‼️
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homunculusgirldick · 2 years
The rambling in question
So, I am Latinoamerican, a woman, trans, gay, autistic, and some other fun stuff. I am,  fundamentaly a minority in every concivable way, but funnily enough, I have been called a “White, Straight Man” by MY OWN SISTER.
Granted, this was mostly valid, i didn’t know i was trans, and the gay part comes with the package, and i hadn’t recived a proper autism diagnosis, even if i think it was pretty clear i wasn’t neurotypical. So i was, at the very least, a cis straigth man, with no disabilities and born in a privileged, high middle class family. 
The White part is... Complicated. Escentialy, I am, by no definition, white, i am not even “White Passing”, my twin sister is a lot paler than i am, while me and my older sister (the one that called me “white”) are both fairly brown skinned, and even after spending all day inside, i think it would be ridiculous to call me “white”, my natural hair kinda turns into and afro if you let it be, it is VERY curly. 
Obviously, even beyond fisical aperance, calling a latinoamerican person “white” is already weird, because while a lot of us are clear skinned, that does not take from the fact whe are latinoamerican, and kind of by definition, outside of the “white” label, at least how it is usually used. Still my sister, called me white, why?
Well, simple, because i am part of the privileged mayority in terms of skin color in my country. While i do think steriotypes and opretion that puts more clear skinned people in a social position of generaly less shittiness, in my country, discrimination based on physical diferences, or “race” just, works diferently than in the United States, in fact, almost all countries and regions of the world have a diferent standard and a diferent history of discrimination. In my country, being anywhere from very pale white to dark brown is generally not tha diferent, you are part of the ambigous mayority that is on some level, mixed. If you are evidently native american, afrocaribean, asian, or, specially, from our neighbour country, then there are steriotypes, discrimination and all that bullshit, but most people exist as part of a general, privileged mayority, that can’t really be called “white” or “black”.
However, while the United States sistem doesn’t exist over here, a lot of its standards have been brought over time. Obviously not just in the present, history is plagued by U.S influence, but more resently, the comversation around “race” and discrimination up there has traveled through social media and into the young progresive kids in my country. Generally not a bad thing, but it often leads to a strange sort of filter. Which leads to my sister, knowing that i was part of the privileged mayority in terms of discrimination based on apeareance and persived “race”, to call me “White” because, that’s the word the U.S uses.
And this always remains as a petty memory i have, my sister has changed a lot, and gained a deeper understanding on stuff, so i don’t she would seriously use that word again like that. But it always shocked me that she thought that, that she tried to apply that very foreign filter to her literal sister.
All of this to say, that this is why i think i have a very diferent perspective in all of the issues people discuse in the internet? Because, i am not from the U.S, i am a latinoamerican* trans, gay, neurodivergent woman, my isues, how i deal with them, how they came to be in the first place, it works very diferently to the isues in the U.S, even if i end up knowing more about y’alls policies than my own contries. 
Yes, i am a “racial” minority, i also have never suffered “racial” discrimination, because i am also, a racial mayority, because, you know, i am a latina in latinoamerica!
I know of the discrimination people like me face abroad, i have family and people i know that have suffered it, but i am not, inherently a victim, you get what i mean? Being a Minority, being priviliged, or opressed, is kind of a fluid thing, and it is very complicated. Again to the things my sister said, the labels and standards she was using at the time inherently didn’t fit, talking about “white people” in the context of the “racial” discrimination of latinoamerica is probably gonna fall flat. 
But she wasn’t wrong about the other stuff, even now, that i came out of the closet and take pills and i take the public bus in a skirt, i haven’t recivied almost any form of discrimination, its been varely 3, 4 months? no one has said anything super bad, the university is a very safe space, specially on the social sciences building, my friends and family where accepting enough, even if my dad can be a dick. I have a progessive minded, high middle class family, I had profetional help when it comes to my necesities as a neurodivergent person, i recieved psycologycal aid during my darkest moments (and came the other side queer and autistic ;3).
I have struggled and suffered a lot honestly; but because of my specific situation, i have the privilege of not taking the brunt of it yet. My grandmas don’t know i am queer yet, and the other day i had my heart in my throat as i told a childhood friend i was trans, and he shrugged and said he didn’t mind. 
broadly, weirdly, i am okay! Life hasn’t quite kicked me with its underprivileged hammer, in fact, plenty of not-queer people i know probably where and are less “privileged” than i am, despite the fact i have the whole batch of pokemon types XD. 
So, i guess i just have a particular perspective on privilege, because of all of this. Not to say, i am not not privileged, i just think it is... complicated, and i also think i really cannot have a more valid opinion on a lot of this stuff, because i haven’t lived it. I cannot tell you much about what is like to be a “racial Minority”, i cannot tell you much about what is like to be openly trans in public, even if i am both of those things, and have learned a thing or two about them; my specific situation means i have a specific expirience. I am not dumb enough to say “being trans in public is fine in my country” because i don’t fucking know, i get on a bus and drop into a nest for comunists called a university, and get out of the bus and drop into my personal nest of comunist called my room.
 I only went to the mall once with a friend and the lady at a pizza place called us girls, so that’s neat, and i spend most of the time pretending to lift my skirt to tease my friend and taking turns rambling about bushit we where hyperfixating on. I loved it, but can i realy tell you it is safe? 
Would it be the same for a trans girl from a much nastier religious family, having to walk through the city center every day? for a girl having to work in public, rather than having the chance at higher education? For someone whose vaguely homofobic childhood friends didn’t turn out to be nicer guys? I don’t know, i don’t think so. i simply am, despite all, a very privileged person, as much as i am an underprivileged one.
Also, this friend in the mall I went with, he is kinda who i’m talking about, she has some codependant relationship with her hyper religious witch of a mother and they need a lot more therapy that i ever did, but they can’t really get it, because that Hyper Religious Mother is a helicopter parent who he needs to ask permition to go out with me, WHEN SHE IS 19 YEARS OLD AND MAKING A CAREER. 
I dunno, what i wrote? I just... it stated with me being all baffled and almost facinated with Demily’s whole story about the discrimination she and her dad faced. I just had something personal to say, but, not to her.
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theineffableauthor · 17 days
Sure, yeah, your a dude who sucks dick but your straigth? Ok that could be true. Oh? You you betrayed evryone you ever loved just to save them and also pointed a gun and shot them instead of asking them out?
Yeah no dude. Youre gay
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lazarus-0 · 4 months
i love dis guy so bad im so head over heels for him in gonna literally cry i love him he acts so gay ( not in a funny way but in like a lowkey way like he only stays with girls has dyed hair listens to kpop but hes straigth ) im gonna fucking cut my veins out of my skin
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iamsofuckinggay · 8 months
Okay so I know that epic is straight but what if cross was epic’s gay awakening 
No sans Is straigth till I'm around and this is now canon becouse yes
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chouleesg · 4 years
Tumblr media
I Am Gayer Than I Thought - Diversity Pride
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incorrect-ace · 5 years
Donghun, watching Dracula: Straight vampires are so unrealistic.
Donghun: Imagine being heterosexual for all eternity... Pass.
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asexualjedi · 5 years
i hate that i dislike kate/america because of that one scene from young avengers. i just....I know objectively that they are cute together and it would be a really cute ship! I jsut. that scene rubs me the wrong way so much! its been lik 5 or 6 years I thought I’d be over it by now but I guess I’m not.
#text#this is something stupid about comics pls just ignore this#i just i hate i just hate people bieng like lol i know your sexuality better than you#and maybe this is because this was around the same time as jean grey being like lol your not bi bobby your gay i know bc i can read your#mind or wahtever and like bc i read the two at around the same time i associate them and i know they aren't super similar and that that isn'#the intent of the scene at all?? except no wait that is the intent of the scene i guess#i know its not as bad as a straight person being like lol your not bi i know your identity better than yours#i know its different and like hgskxsd#i just#it makes me uncomftable bc i hate that so mcuh#and maybe its just you know in high school or wahtever or and still sometimes now not being a hundred percent sure of my own identity just#when other people are like lol i know it better than you your not bi your really  gay or your not ace your just straigth your not this i#know better than you the person living your experience#and its so stupid bc i know the scene is just like some ship tease for amer*kate its not at all like incidious or anything right?#and i cant even remember a specific instence when anyone has talked over me that way#but i guess everhyone in high school would do that they would be like I know this person we don't knows sexuality and being in the closet it#it made me fiercly protective over my own identity and also others ability to control the narrative in that way#im not making sense anymore#sorry I just wantted to put this into words somewhere because ive been just letting this simmerfor 5or 6 years#me: remembers my mom and others denying and a signign my sexulaity like they new it better than me: nah that memory doesnt count it wasnt a#close personal friend so it doesn't count#ignore me#i hope i don't have anything in this rant that can get this in the ship tag#i know the tag feature is like broekn i think i mentonied the ship in a tag its not tagged by its self but just to be safe im gonna like go#bak and censor it#also i think i'll put this under a readmore#i wish my rat brain would let me not associate the ship with this bc like its a cute ship it has potential and i wish it didnt turn on my#fight or tlight like this#kelly talks#in the tags
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Wanna watch the best show about sex and sexuality for youth(and like any living begin)?
Then go watch sex education on Netflix now and thank me later
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biintcs · 6 years
I only love one(1) man, (antoni porowksi) and one(1) woman, (Lara Croft)
This is queer culture
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