#stress and mood swings are killing me
jslittlebirdie · 2 years
Please, I just want J... I wish he could take my mind off things for only a few minutes. I feel terrible.
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szczylpierdolony · 1 year
#im so stressed out im so tired ive done nothing and i need to start writing the essays#i have 3 to do plus there are like 6 exams most of which have a lot shit to remember plus im having a psychology short test#and the results of another short test next week and i need to start this economy assignment#and im late almost two weeks with a russian assignment and i want to cry#my meds arent working so im a mess and i stopped taking them bc they give me nightmares but now im having withdrawal and my heart is being#weird and i want to cry i need to kill myself i need to call my doctor#and maybe ask her abt that thing that makes you not have to take all your exams if youre mentally ill#but i feel bad asking for it like its not like im really sick and it feels like im just constantly lying#and she already signed the crap that makes me not have to go to pe thankfully#so i cant go and ask her abt this too like whatever worst case i fail everything and rip my guts out and die#i dont remember when i showered last time and im just so stressed out and i cant do anything productive#i havent been drawing or learning or revising or even doing my reading#speaking of which i have like 300 pages for next week maybe more and i cant take this anymore i need to die#also i think my parents would get mad at me if i said i cant wrote all my exams#bc whatever im not really sick im just lazy and annoying and a bad person and i wish i could get hit by a car so bad i need my head to be#crushed and my brain to get wplattered across the street#also im so gross and sweaty i hate myself sm and i feel so guilty over everything all the time#and them i go to therapy and i cant talk abt anything bc i hate talking abt my feelings its gross and i dont deserve it#i wish there was easy access to guns here suicide would be so easy jesus#and im having insane mood swings again i need to get off social media even tumblr it just makes me feel like shit abt myself#tw suicide mention
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star1ight0 · 3 months
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader "Warm Hands". Period comfort!
I died today exams are coming up and my body decided that I must suffer, endometriosis is no joke. PERIOD COMFORT.
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Katsuki was never one for comfort, partly because he never really got it himself so giving it was like standing in cold water. The first time you and Katsuki were together during your period you kept to yourself not wanting to bother him with your mood swings.
He quickly caught on blowing it off as you having an off week. The second time around he was a little more observant noticing how you got more upset over simple work and how you seemed to always have a stomach ache in class.
One Ill fated day you ran out of pads quickly running to Momo giving her a knowing look, she handed you her bag as you ran off. That was only the start of your shitty day. The pills you took to kill your cramps had worn off so now you're suffering in class. Things took a turn for the worse after lunch when whatever the cafeteria food seemed to kill your stomach.
Back in class holding your stomach you left for the bathroom holding your stomach as your lunch betrayed you. After a few minutes of suffering on the bathroom floor, apparently Aizawa felt the need to send Momo to check on you. She helped you up and to recovery girl, not that she could do much but let you rest.
After class Katsuki made his way to the nurses office, seeing you curled in a ball with a bottle of pain killers next to you "The hell happened to you?" He spoke in a rather mean tone but you could still feel the sincerity of his words "Cramps" you said sitting up wrapping your hands around his waist. After a few minutes you grab his hand and get up.
He walks you back to your dorm letting you lean most of your body weight on him most the walk there. Not having any food in your system you felt your body weaken using what little energy you had to lay down. Katsuki watches you curl in a ball a soft yet concerning look still ligers. "I'll make you some soup. Don't die while I'm gone" he says gruffly placing a kiss on your head
When he returns he has a tray with soup, some warm tea and chocolate? You look up at him a bit confused "Why the chocolate?" You say still slightly dazed. "Im not a complete moron.. plus I ran into Momo and she told me" he says the second half is almost incoherent.
You look up at him with a smile holding his rather warm hands to your cold ones. The blissful moment is rudely interrupted by the feeling of a cramp in your lower stomach. Clenching your stomach holding back the tears that had been compiled caused by the many cramps and stress of the day.
A slight groan manages to escape your lips as you feel the side if you bed sink in next to you. Not saying anything you feel your boyfriend pull you towards him. "Where does it hurt" he says avoiding your slightly confused gaze you place his hands on your lower stomach leaning into his touch.
One main up side of Katsuki's quirk was his body radiated more heat then the average person, more so in his hands. "Thank you" you say slowly dozing off.
When you awake you feel your boyfriend's hands still wrapped around you. You walk to the bathroom taking care of yourself. When you come back Katsuki is still asleep so you crawl back on the bed laying in his lap.
The day continues with one similar to the one before.
Sorry this one was a little weird and shorter than I wanted. I'm tired, sick and sleepy but wanted to write this.
Requests are open!
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thebowieconstricker · 4 months
Hello! I saw you wanted requests for Lucifer, and I would love any sort of angst where Lucifer ends up comforting the reader, like maybe something happened to the reader, or the reader is just really stressed and just breaks down
Ease My Mind
(Lucifer Morningstar x reader)
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AN: To this request: yes yes yes yes YES I just KNOW that he gives the best hugs and is so ready to comfort the people he loves. For this fic, I decided the angst is a little of everything, job struggles, moral dilemmas, and some self-doubt, so I hope I delivered. This isn’t proofread so please alert me to any errors! Thank you for your request! <333
Summary: You have a bad day at work and it triggers a breakdown. Luckily, your big bad boyfriend is here to help.
Tags: Gender neutral reader, could be read as platonic if you reeeeally squint but it’s implied romantic, heavy on the angst, a dash of fluff, Lucifer is trying his best, you guys are precious.
Warnings: Reader is afraid they’re being used by the people around them and they have lots of thoughts about being useless and others not liking them.
Also, the title is inspired by the song “Ease My Mind” by Ben Platt, go listen to it! Enjoy ya heathens!
You’ve been used by others for your entire life.
And now you were stuck in that same cycle in death.
As a young, naive, alive-person, you were desperate for some one to love you. Growing up in an environment where compassion was scare, you decided that the only way to get people to notice you was by offering to help them in some way. A favor, a ride, somewhere to crash, and, for one specific person, a place to hide the bodies. In life, you had gotten so deep into your desire to please others that you had latched onto the first person to give you the time of day. Unfortunately for you, that individual happened to have a thing for serial killing.
Looking back on it now as you miserably walked back to the hotel, tears threatening to fall down your face, you couldn’t think about anything other than how stupid and useless you were. It was your fault that they were found out, your fault that the innocents were dead in the first place, your fault you were stuck in hell and that fucker was still out there.
How much time had passed on Earth? How many more had they killed?
On most days, you could compartmentalize, putting the bad thoughts in a little box and shoving it in the back of your brain, but work had broken you today. You worked for the Vees, specifically Velvette, and it was no secret how they overworked and abused their staff. You were stuck picking up Velvette’s leftover energy drinks for as long as she had control of your soul.
And yet. You thought maybe someday, someday you might make a connection. You might impress her, or surprise her, or something, and maybe she would give you a break.
But no. Today you had been an hour late for the first time and Velvette had screeched at you, calling out all of your flaws and insecurities and bringing all of the horrible memories that you had oh-so-carefully stowed away to light. But you held back tears and did your fucking job, the emotions boiling all day and the hectic office space doing nothing to calm it.
You had needed this cry for a long time, and now there was no stopping it.
Walking along the brimstone pathways, you finally made your way to the rickety Hazbin Hotel. Its incomprehensible height only worsened your now growing headache as you walked up to the doors, grabbing the handles and swinging the heavy iron frame and red-stained glass open.
You immediately started towards your room, but you were blocked by the obnoxiously cheery Princess of Hell herself, Charlie.
Charlie’s not obnoxious, you’re so vile for thinking that.
Shit, the thoughts were getting worse and you could not do this right now.
Charlie, oblivious to your mood, smiled brightly. “There you are! How was work? I’ve got someone here who’s been waiting-“
You shoved past her, bumping her harshly.
“Not in the mood.”
Charlie frowned in confusion behind you.
“But, wait, hey-“ You ignored her pleas and- ah shit, now Angel’s in front of you.
“Hey, babe, you might wanna hang around for a sec-“
You shut your eyes tightly and moved your hands towards his chest, your fight or flight kicking in as you pushed him.
“ANGEL, leave me alone.”
Why would you yell at Angel like that? He’s just being nice.
Shut up shut up SHUT UP
Everything was only getting worse. You bolted to the grand staircase and raced up the steps. As you sped down the seemingly infinite hallways, the tears you had been fighting back for the last millennia finally fell. With a choked sob, you finally spotted your bedroom and lurched for the doorknob, swinging the door open and slamming it behind you as you bursted into your room. You ran to your bed and grabbed a pillow, hugging it tightly as you loudly cried.
Charlie only keeps you here because she needs the guests, you know. She hates you. They all hate you. They wish you weren’t here. You’re just lying there, crying, why would they want you?
The hateful thoughts were all you could hear in your mind. As you pulled your knees to your arms holding your pillow, you wanted nothing more than to disappear. To just pop out of existence and finally be free of the burden of yourself.
Then, suddenly, three knocks at the door.
“GO AWAY.” You screamed, throat on fire from your sobbing.
A voice came from outside. A smooth, relaxed, kind male voice.
“It’s me, hon.”
You froze, terrified. Quickly you climbed to the floor on the left side of your bed, blocking your body from the view of the door. You took several deep breaths, trying to steady your nerves.
“Come in.” You said shakily.
You heard the door creek open, then footsteps.
“Where ya hiding these days?” He awkwardly chuckled, clearly trying to lighten up the mood you were in.
“Just- stay over there.” You were still holding your pillow, and you gave it an extra squeeze.
“I’m a mess right now.” You sniffled.
He paused, like he was thinking. “Well, if that’s what you want, but I hope you know by now that I’m always happy to see you. Even when you’re a mess.”
You felt the bed shift. He was sitting on the opposite side.
Like a child looking for a secret, you turned around to look at the back of his head. His hat was gone, probably left downstairs, and all you saw was his sweep of blond hair.
He made a ‘hm’ sound. “Bad day?”
You nodded. Then, realizing he couldn’t see you. “Y-yeah.”
You watched him nod. “I’m sorry about that.” He fiddled with his cane, his hands tightening and loosening around it. “Would you… like to talk about it?”
You paused.
Lucifer had been a confidant of yours since you first arrived in Hell. He was the one to tell you what was going on right after you died, calming you down and offering you a place to stay. Sure, you didn’t know that he was literally the Devil, but everything about him made you feel at peace. Like you could deal with the hand you were dealt.
Secretly, though, you were waiting.
Waiting for the moment when he would reveal that he only kept you around because he needed you to do something for him.
No one was that kind, or caring, or wonderful.
He wants something from you. Why else would he keep coming back?
You had yet to answer his question. Lucifer sighed.
“You don’t have to tell me anything. I just want you to know that I’m here for you, okay?”
The voices were still wringing in your head, you were still crying, and you felt pathetic.
“I- I don’t- fuck, would you please stop acting like you care?” You knew your words were harsh but they were begging to be said.
His posture straightened in surprise.
“I do care! What makes you think I don’t care?” He sounded hurt.
Nice going, you hurt his feelings.
You bent forward, hands covering your face in frustration. A fresh wave of tears rises through your body and you loudly cried out, too scared and angry and sad to hide it anymore.
“Woah, woah, hey, it’s okay, hon.” Lucifer’s voice was nearing your form on the ground, and he was quickly at your side. You could feel his presence beside you.
He sighed in exhaustion. “Listen, I’m not- I’m not the greatest at this, but I’m gonna ask so I don’t upset you. Do you want a hug? Or a hand on your shoulder-“
Your arms were wrapped around him before he could finish his question, clinging to his waist and biting your face in his neck.
“WOAH there- well hey, sweetheart, there you are.” You could hear him smiling as he gently brought his hand to rub your back.
“I’m sorry. I- I’ve just had a shitty day at work and I’m worried about a lot of things and- I don’t want to take it out on you.” You were shaking, but he held you steadily.
“What kinda things are worrying you?” He asked.
And so you told him. In the comfort of his embrace you were able to somewhat coherently explain all the things that had been freaking you out. Velvette’s torture at work, your own moral dilemmas about your life on Earth, and you were just getting into your feelings about others using you when you felt Lucifer’s breath hitch.
He leaned away from you to look you in the eyes and gently put a finger to your chin.
“Honey, I want you to know that I know for a fact that the people here really care about you. Not because you’re an extra pair of hands, but because you’re you. You’re wonderful to be around. People like you.”
He looked at you with a warm smile and leaned towards you, giving you a small kiss on the forehead.
“I like you. I care about you because you’re worth caring about.”
You stared at him in awe, your mind finally at ease after such a chaotic day. Smiling, you leaned back into him to rest your head on his chest.
“Thank you, Luci.” You reached out and took one of his hands, holding it tightly in an effort to show him how grateful you truly were for his words of assurance.
He tightened his fingers around yours and grinned down at you.
“Always, love. Now, let’s get you on the bed, okay?”
You nodded and he gracefully picked you up, gently placing you on the bed. With a snap, you were in comfortable clothing with a warm blanket around you and plenty of soft pillows.
“You want me to hang out for a bit?” He looked at you through half-lidded eyes, clearly sleepy.
“If you don’t have anything else going on…” You offered, already half dozing off.
“Even if I did, I would love nothing more.” With an affectionate grin he curled up beside you, and you immediately went to lay your head back on his chest. As you drifted away, listening to the King of Hell’s heartbeat, you took a deep breath.
He was right. Things were gonna be okay.
You had friends.
You were loved.
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strangesthirdeye · 3 months
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Being Sherlock's wife and going through the pregnancy would include:
Warning: It's Sherlock, he's a great man. fluff, aftermath of The Final Problem, sweet, baby, Sherlock is a great husband, pregnancy, Baby William creation.
As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• Him, dumbfounded and stunned when you told the news that you are pregnant which causes you to be concerned with the lack of response from him.
"I think you broke him" John.
•But later Sherlock recovers from the state of loading his information by hugging you tightly and repeatedly saying you two have become parents.
• Since you are still in the early stages of pregnancy, Sherlock will monitor your diet and recommend routines that should be followed by pregnant women. That's after he did research for pregnant women on Google.
• Concerned with the safety of you and the baby when you insist on joining him and John to solve cases. Even if you are still early in your pregnancy and capable of doing your work, saying that you don't need to tire yourself, but later let you join him and John.
• Morning sickness? don't worry Sherlock is always alert to your situation so don't be surprised if he suddenly appears behind you just to hold your hair as you vomit all the contents of your stomach into the toilet.
• Headaches? Sherlock can give you paracetamol and massage your head. Body aches? automatically, Sherlock is good at massage
• When it comes to the middle of pregnancy, the majority of pregnant women will have cravings with weird combinations of food. So you are no exception.
• Lemon and Honey? Sherlock can take the pickle and peanut butter boots? Sherlock doesn't know if the one he married all this time is human or not.
• wake up late at night just to eat something spicy? Sherlock automatically got up and left the flat for the sake's of you.
• you are also no exception to mood swings and your victim is Sherlock. Obviously.
• from sad to angry to happy and Sherlock handles your mood easily because he really expects you to be like that. He will be the place where you release your mood swings as long as you don't kill him.
• John being an expert about pregnancy (Mary preggo tadaa) gave him advice to handle pregnant women.
"and don't stress her out, Sherlock" John obviously.
• And now the awaited time has arrived. As your stomach is getting bigger and rounder, Sherlock can't keep his hands on his side because he always puts his big hands on your stomach just to feel the baby in that stomach.
• he will kneel and talk to the baby in the stomach which becomes a daily routine in these few months. He excitedly talked about his cases. Obviously.
• Him, excited when he gets a response from the baby in the stomach like a baby kicking your stomach because the baby is excited with his father. Often leaving you gasping for breath due to indigestion being kicked by the baby in the stomach.
• rub your belly every night and hug you from the back every time you sleep.
• when it comes to last month of pregnancy, your body aches and back pain are getting worse and Sherlock always helps you.
• he will whisper words of comfort in your ear as he hugs you from behind and strokes your hair to convince you that you are a strong person as you are having a mental breakdown.
• But overall, everything turns out fine and you don't have a mental breakdown anymore. Thanks to your loving husband.
• Excited because there are only a few weeks left before he will meet his baby and always finding some good names for his baby.
• Gender? nahh he doesn't care about that as long as the baby comes out well.
"Tina?" Sherlock.
"sounds like somebody's aunt" You.
•talking with baby has become traditions now. And he cannot wait to hold his baby.
• last week of pregnancy, he already took you to the hospital in case you give birth early. Bags and all facilities such as baby clothes and diapers have been packed by Sherlock. So no need to worry.
• John gave him a word of advice about the newborn. Such as what he should do and what he shouldn't do so that he won't panic.
• Rosie is excited to meet her new friend and always stuck with you while talking to the baby in your belly. She already sees you as a mother figure as hers has passed away. So no wonder she always stuck with you.
• When it's time for you to give birth, Sherlock will be where you endure the pain when you push the baby out of your vagina. He doesn't care if his hand is broken because you grabbed it or you swear at him. He's always there.
• Him, saying that you are strong and encouraging you to push the baby.
• panic when everything was quiet for a moment but sighed in relief when he heard the sound of his baby crying for the first time. He rubbed your head happily.
• Him, support his bundle of joy in both hands and smile genuinely as he found out that he got a boy.
• William Scott Hamish Holmes. That's your baby's name and his.
• Kiss William's forehead tenderly and whisper some words like welcome him to the family of Holmes.
• He is always there when you need him. What a great husband.
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idle-daydreams · 5 months
Hi I hope you're doing well I'm not sure if you do these types of requests but can I please ask for a yandere Demon King chuuya with a pregnant darling
Sure thing!
Tw: Yandere, forced pregnancy, mentions of abortion, mentions of blood, cannibalism and violence.
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You were three months along before you realized you were pregnant.
It had been easy to ignore the signs in the beginning. Time moved strangely in the demon world, and it wasn’t the first time you’d missed your period since you’d gotten there. You’d assumed that the rest of it - the exhaustion, the mood swings, even the changes in your body - was due to whatever otherworldly food and drink Chuuya gave you, to say nothing of the effects of living in proximity of the Demon King himself.
It wasn’t until Chuuya had pointed out the slight swell of your stomach that the horrifying realization had dawned upon you.
You would have gotten rid of it had you any means to do so. But Chuuya had figured it out just as soon as you had, and had locked you down even more stringently than before. Gone were all the little freedoms he’d granted you over time; he refused to let you out of his sight, insisting on taking care of you himself. He practically forced you into bed-rest, waiting upon you hand and foot so that you wouldn’t stress yourself out. It would have been nice, were it not for the fact that you were carrying Chuuya’s child.
The Demon King’s child.
A demon itself, taking root inside you.
It made you want to tear yourself apart with your bare hands. The thing was strong, leeching vitality from you until you could barely walk. You found yourself hungering for raw flesh and fresh blood, wanting to kill and gnaw and bite and tear things apart, until you could see their entrails and their oozing blood. Chuuya indulged you, bringing you wild animals and letting you sate yourself; you hated it, but you hated him even more, for putting you into this position.
Not that Chuuya seemed to mind. From the moment your pregnancy had been confirmed, the red-headed demon lord had been deliriously happy. He would spend hours resting between your legs with his head on your belly, talking or singing to “the baby”. He would patiently bare your tantrums, all the crying and screaming and general hysteria, even letting you vent your frustrations by throwing things at him. It was only when you tried to hurt yourself did he tie you down, claiming that your safety was more important.
“I don’t want to do this, love,” he said, stroking your hair. “But you’ve got to take it easy. All this stress isn’t good for either of you.”
“Chuuya, I’m begging you, please, end it,” you said, tears pouring down your face. “This pregnancy will kill me, I know it will. I can’t carry a demon child, please.”
Chuuya frowned, tracing a thumb over your cheek. “You’ll carry the baby all right,” he said. “This isn’t the first time a human’s carried a demon child. And you’ve drunk enough of my blood to be part-demon yourself, so this ain’t that big a deal.”
“I don’t care.” You tugged at your restraints, cursing yourself and your miserable life. How had you ended up like this? What had you done to deserve any of this? Why was this happening to you, of all people? Weren’t there worse people in the world, who deserved to suffer more?
You flinched as Chuuya kissed your temple, before settling on his haunches before you and putting his hands on the swell of your belly. “I can sense them, you know,” he said. “They’re a strong one.”
“I know,” you said through gritted teeth. “I’ve never been this uncomfortable in my entire life. I’m nauseous, my body hurts, and my bladder feels l-” you scowled as Chuuya grinned- “why are you laughing?”
“Because you’re pregnant.”
You flinched as he swooped down to hug you tightly. “You don’t know what it’s like,” he said happily, gazing at you with contentment. “Demons don’t really get pregnant; it’s something to do with the way our bodies work. I never thought I would have a family, I never thought I’d ever have someone like you. I love you, I love you so much, you’ve given me - you’re giving me - everything that I’ve ever wanted.”
“And you don’t care if I die in the process,” you whispered.
His expression momentarily soured, before he mulishly shook his head. “That ain’t gonna happen. I told ya, there are ways to make sure this whole thing goes well.” He put a hand on your stomach again, gently tracing its curved with one blackened claw. “You’re not gonna like it, it’s going to be a bit uncomfortable, but I swear to you that you’re both going to come out of this alive. I promise you, on my honor as the Demon King.”
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Do you think Valentino from Hazbin is a sociopath?
I would like to preface all my posts on headcanons related to psychology and mental illness with a disclaimer: diagnosing mental conditions, especially personality disorders, can be extremely challenging. It's a complicated process that relies heavily on a psychologist's interpretation of facts, making it susceptible to biases. Personality disorders cannot be diagnosed based on surface-level observations and are not just labels that we can assign to people like in the case of MBTI. Additionally, I am not a clinician with any expertise in diagnosing people. Therefore, the following post should not be taken as a reliable professional opinion. It's simply my interpretation of the internal mechanisms that may be responsible for the behavior of certain characters in my fan fiction. Furthermore, I want to make it clear that I have no intention of stigmatizing people with personality disorders by associating them with villains. A personality disorder does not determine someone's character or make them a bad person. Some characters may be evil because of the choices they make, not as a result of their mental conditions.
I don't think he has an antisocial personality disorder. I can categorize him as a man with borderline personality disorder with antisocial tendencies (generally men with BPD are quite likely to exhibit APD traits).
Why do I interpret his behavior as BPD:
❤️ mood swings and incoherent personality. Like he's a completely different person with Vox and with Angel. Duh, even during his one scene with Vox his whole attitude did 180° in seconds.
❤️ hardcore abandonment issues. It makes him act out to get Vox's attention. And he hates Angel so much not because of pure sadism, but because he used to love him (well, at least he interpreted his feelings as love). As he became more and more toxic and after Angel finally tried to stand up for himself, Valentino felt so terribly rejected and betrayed that he immediately started hating him.
❤️ there's this thing called splitting and it means that people with BPD perceive others very binary, as either good or bad. There's nothing between love and hate and those emotions can change rapidly. So yeah imo he occasionally "loves" Angel and that's why he hasn't killed him yet but at the same time he proceeds to abuse him so terribly (I can't buy the "you make me money" excuse, no amount of money would matter if he really wanted to kill him. And I don't believe he keeps him alive just to torture him, Angel's behavior causes him too much stress. Like, he cares so much.).
❤️ Things common for men with BPD are substance abuse (overlord of drugs, duh), aggressive behaviors, and violent tendencies (I don't think I need to provide you with an example)
❤️ General high novelty seeking. It essentially means looking for stimuli to feel anything and just fill horrifying emotional emptiness (in the case of BPD; novelty-seeking is also a trait of perfectly healthy people that differs individually). I connect this novelty-seeking thing to him being an overlord of depravity, he loves perversion for the sake of perversion because everything extreme he does or witnesses makes him feel things again. And he bores very quickly so he has to constantly push boundaries further.
❤️ Autodestructive tendencies. We don't see them in the text, I just assume they are there. Again - drugs, unsafe sex, and (according to my headcanons) involvement in violent and irresponsible "BDSM" (I put it in a quotation because BDSM to be BDSM must be safe and based on informed consent, trust and good communication) which is essentially using Vox' sadism to inflict harm on himself. He rather do it using someone else's hands because he perceives this desire to self-harm as a weakness but at the same time, can't resist it.
Vox hc | Velvette hc | Vees + Angel hc
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morthra · 7 months
meanie | g.s
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pairing : gojo satoru x reader
warnings : mean gojo, crybaby reader, reader is a sorcerer, a bit of angst (just a tiny bit)
contents : reader is gender neutral. lots of cuddling. non canon related events. not proofread :3
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it's friday, you went inside your apartment with an exaggerated sigh feeling relieved only to find your boyfriend on the couch clicking his teeth. you took off your shoes and walked up to him, brows furrowed–confused.
"what?" you tiredly asked. gojo chuckled bitterly and shook his head "it's the middle of the day, what's got you so tired huh?" he said with an annoyed expression. you rolled your eyes at him, previously wanted to vent at him about how tiring this week was for you and how you needed a break from the continuous work of killing curses. which has physically and mentally drained you.
you went to your shared room instead, gojo chuckled as he saw your figure walking up the stairs still not noticing about your condition.
hours later, you were woken up by the feeling of someone shaking your shoulders. you lazily opened your eyes to see gojo, all dressed up. you sat up on the bed and rubbed your blurry eyes. "i thought we agreed to have a date tonight?" gojo said, his tone clearly tell that he was mad.
your mind suddenly wandered to what happened this morning, when you and gojo were talking after eating breakfast together. you remembered him planning a date for today, you mentally slapped yourself for being forgetful.
"toru, i'm sorry i-" your voice were cut off by gojo. "i'm sorry toru, is that all you wanna say?" he said, mocking you. your throat felt tight and you can't help but to let the tears fall, bringing up your hands to brush off the tears.
you kept saying i'm sorry to him like a spell. gojo was stunned at your reaction, did he crossed a line he wasn't meant to? are you overreacting? are you in your monthly mood swings? thoughts ran through his head as he cradle you on his arms.
you leaned in closer and continued to let your emotions out. "baby, tell me, what happened?" gojo softly said, he regretted deeply for his antics earlier this day. soft pats on the back and kisses on top of your head was what gojo could do to calm you down.
you took a deep breath as he swiped the tears on your cheek, looking at you in concern. "i'm sorry toru.." you said weakly. you always hated when you cried over something small like this, it happened quite a lot these days and you were afraid it's annoying your boyfriend. you overthink of the possibilities of him leaving you, as you have so many weaknesses instead of something to be proud of.
"i know baby, i know" gojo caressed your cheek with his thumb. he leaned in closer and planted a soft peck to your lips. "you wanna take some time off? I'll call Yaga later, yeah?" gojo softly said, you nodded and hugged him closer to you. "i'm sorry for being mean at you earlier, work been stressing me out. I shouldn't take it out on you like that" gojo apologized. he nestled to your neck, inhaling your scent that calmed him off.
"let's take a break together, toru" you replied. he pulled away and smiled at you, caressing your cheeks. "yeah, let's do that." gojo said, smiling. you both chuckled and decided to cuddle together, forgetting about the date.
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denaliwrites · 8 months
His Love is All in Me
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Aziraphale x GN!Reader x Crowley
Summary: It's not every day you compete with a demon for the affections of an angel.
Soundtrack: The Boy is Mine by Brandy & Monica
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Jealousy. Unrequited Love. Choking. Crowley is a Dick.
Upon further reflection, maybe Crowley had been right to call you an interloper. Sure, you hadn't meant to intrude on the good thing he had with his angel that fateful, rainy evening in December when you'd first wandered into Aziraphale's shop. You also hadn't meant to steal the angel's attention. Hadn't meant to keep going back day after day. Hadn't meant to get attached.
But now here you were, deeply seated not just in a plush armchair in the angel's bookshop several months later, but also in the angel's life.
Which meant, for better or for worse, you were deeply seated in Crowley's life as well.
And he hated you.
He made it impossibly clear any time the two of you were alone, and though he pumped the brakes a little when Aziraphale was around, he didn't do much to hide it then either. You tried not to let it show, both for Aziraphale's peace of mind and so that Crowley wouldn't get the satisfaction of knowing he'd upset you... but it did weigh on you.
But no matter how much weight you can hold, eventually there's a point where it's too much and some (or all) of it goes tipping over.
Aziraphale was leaving for the weekend.
He said something about having to travel to the States to get a book he'd been after for years, darling. You were on board until he put you in charge of the shop. That would be... stressful. But manageable. And then Crowley walked in, and Aziraphale lit up, and told him that he was in charge too.
The glare Crowley sent you the moment the angel turned away made you want to wither and die.
Before he left, Aziraphale handed you a tray of freshly baked treats -- ones he knew you loved, your most favorite treats that you'd probably kill for.
"To remember me by," he said before leaving.
Once alone in the shop with Crowley, you threw him a wary glance. You wanted to say something -- anything -- but nothing came to mind. Nervously, you set the tray down on the table beside your usual chair before dipping behind the counter to grab the book you'd been reading.
You heard a snap, and when you looked back over, the tray of treats was on fire.
"Crowley!" you yelped, barely managing to set the book down before frantically looking for a fire extinguisher. There wasn't one -- somewhere in the logical part of your brain, you figured it was because the angel could just miracle a fire away. But that didn't help you, a mortal, right now.
"C-Crowley," you whimpered as you finally came to a halt, simply staring at the fire in defeat.
You looked up at the sound of another snap. You could see out of your peripheral that the fire was gone, but your main focus was on Crowley's infuriatingly smug expression.
It pained you to look away, but you forcefully pulled your expression off of him to look at the tray -- the fire had burned every single treat into inedible embers.
As you looked, some sound that vaguely resembled a laugh came out of Crowley, and you whipped around to glare at him.
"What is your FUCKING problem?!" you growled, storming up to him.
He easily could've overpowered you, killed you, done literally anything, but he let you slam him up into the nearest wall, let you press your arm to his throat. Not that he needed to breathe, but it was satisfying all the same.
"Ever since that first day you have had it out for me! I've been nothing but nice, and helpful, and accommodating to your stupid mood swings! What the fuck else can you possibly want from me, you fucking asshole!?"
"I want you gone," he replied simply.
Oh. On further reflection, you should've seen that coming.
"The angel doesn't love you. He can't. You're but a fleeting little infatuation -- a pet. The moment you start withering, start showing your cursed humanity, he'll lose interest."
"Why do you even care?" you asked exasperatedly. "You've had six thousand years with him and you'll have six thousand more, infinite times over. Why do you care if he's distracted for a few years out of eternity?"
"Because he's mine!" Crowley hissed. "He's my friend. My Angel."
"This whole fucking time," you said with a sigh. "This whole time I thought you hated me for a real reason -- but you were just jealous? This whole time, you only hated me because you can't stand the idea of Aziraphale liking anyone else."
Suddenly, the tables were flipped and you were the one pressed to the wall. Unlike Crowley, though, you did need air to breathe, and his hand was nearly crushing your throat.
"C-Crowley--" you wheezed desperately, but his hold didn't let up.
"Listen to me, you insolent little speck of insignificant cosmic shit," Crowley hissed above you, "I don't care about the angel's pointless dalliances with mortals. We blink and you're dead and it's like no time has passed at all."
You were getting lightheaded, delirious.
"What I care about is you humans stupidly worming your way into his heart, only for you to inevitably die and break it."
Just as suddenly as it was there, the pressure on your windpipe was gone, and your body collapsed and instinctively dragged in desperate gasping breaths.
Crowley watched you disdainfully as you sucked in breath after breath, until eventually you evened out.
"Th..." you tried to speak, but every few breaths one still came out as a gasp.
Crowley knelt before you, looking you over. His hand neared your face and you jerked away, yet he persisted. You were surprised when the touch that landed on your chin was gentle. Limply, you let him tilt your chin up, giving him a view of your neck. A couple soft clicks of his tongue and a snap later, and your throat and lungs no longer burned.
"Wh-what did you--"
"I don't want you dead," he said with a sigh. "In fact, I'd much prefer you live a good, long life. Just... somewhere away from Aziraphale. And me."
You blinked up at him, before you let out a pained, wheezing laugh. "Y-you want me to live a 'good, long life'? You hate me!"
"You humans," he groused, looking around like some form of help might magically appear before him. "You're so -- smallminded. You don't get it."
"Get what?" you asked, voice suddenly weak. He looked genuinely worried, and that surprised you.
"You think that love and hate are mutually exclusive. Even when you love and hate something! Like -- like you. You love and hate romance novels. I've seen it! You love and hate them, and yet you cannot fathom the idea that I could love and hate humanity -- love and hate you."
"Sorry," you wheezed, "you love me?"
"Well -- hgk."
You laughed at the sound he made in the back of his throat, and yet again he surprised you. His lips actually pulled up, just a little, in response.
"Yeah, I do. In the way I love every other human," he said after a moment. "But I love you because Aziraphale does, too."
"Yet you want me gone?"
"Because I hate seeing his heart get broken."
"Some things are worth getting your heart broken for, Crowley."
His stunned blinks told you he'd never considered that.
"I know I'm not going to live forever. I know you two will outlive me by eternity. I'll spend the rest of my life with you, and for you, it'll be a second on the cosmic clock. Less, probably."
His eyes met yours, thoughtful, sad, considering.
"Don't you think it breaks my heart too, knowing I'll only get so much time with you before I'm gone? That I'll have to leave him behind, and he'll have to deal with that pain?"
"Then why stay?"
"Because I love him, and people do stupid things for love. Sometimes they do selfish things for it, too. And sometimes, the people involved are perfectly capable of making their own decisions and have considered the outcome and think that the pain they'll experience is worth it."
He looks away in shame, then.
"Aziraphale's not an idiot," you say, reaching out a hand to tilt Crowley's face towards you. "If he didn't want to feel that loss, he wouldn't keep getting attached to humans. But he sees something in us worth going through that pain for. Maybe instead of treating him like an infant who can't understand the consequences of his decisions, you should respect that -- like it or not -- he has his own reasons for doing things and he's more than capable of choosing to do them."
"I can see why he likes you, now," Crowley said softly, and you blinked. "You... hgk. He's fallen for many humans, but you may be the best of them."
Coming from him, that surprised you, but it also warmed your heart. "Oh, he does love me back?" you asked with a laugh.
"Oh, yes," Crowley sighed dramatically. "Didn't understand why before but... now I do."
"And what about us?" you asked.
The sound that came out of that demon's mouth was -- well, it was something. Something that made you cackle.
"Us?" he finally managed, baffled.
"Yeah. Like. Are we okay? Are we cool? No more hating and trying to chase me off and stuff? Can we be civil?"
"Oh," he said, but you saw the moment the realization actually sank in. "Oh! Yes, yeah, we're fine. You're... you're good."
This made you smile. Without warning, you grabbed the demon and pulled him into a hug. "Maybe we can even be friends," you said, delighting in the way his body stiffened against yours.
"Oh, no, no -- I don't -- I don't do that -- that's the angel's thing --"
Despite Crowley's best attempts at insisting that he didn't befriend Aziraphale's "pets" and that he'd much rather stay as far from you as possible, when Aziraphale returned home at the end of the weekend he found the two of you in one of the armchairs -- Crowley's favorite, in fact. You were asleep with a book hanging limply and precariously from your hand. Crowley was... well, it was hard to tell, with his glasses on, but he had his body sprawled across yours, one leg thrown over the back of the chair and one laid over your lap in what Aziraphale would dare say was a protective gesture. He smiled, miracling a blanket over the two of you before he went about settling back into his home routine.
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bagopucks · 1 year
T. Zegras - It’s An Off Day
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Trevor Zegras x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Itsy bitsy fighting, jokes and implication of sex
I rewatched the Sandbaggers video today with Zig and Coley, and I swear it kills me every time. Biz is a national treasure. Nothing beats his missed swing in the vid with Sid and Nate tho. Quinn Hughes request is getting posted tomorrow too!
Everybody talks about the female menstrual cycle. Everybody knows it’s not always the most delectable, and how the hormones affect your mood and body in many ways.
Nobody discusses the male hormonal cycle though. The twenty four hour rise and fall of testosterone, that can dictate how a man handles their day. For most guys, it’s not really an issue. It’s nothing compared to a woman’s monthly schedule, but that isn’t to say things don’t go off track every once in a while.
The Ducks have hit a losing streak. I’ve seen it before, it’s not the first one, but this one seems to bother Trevor the most. I can’t tell why, I just know it has. He stresses a lot when he’s in these bad times, and that stress has always messed with his head, but now it seems he’s all over the place. He’s skipped out on workouts scheduled, slept in more, and his appetite is barely existent. When he does eat, it’s a shit ton, but it’s usually only once a day. His body going from a strict routine to an absolute mess has taken a toll, but it’s also made those hormonal cycles incredibly out of tune. It makes him irritable in the mornings if I text him too early, and careless in the evenings if something gets too difficult to do.
And the worst part is that he’s not the only one in the midst of a ‘cycle.’ We’re both moody, and we’re both out of tune. It’s hard for him to say something I don’t get mad at, and even harder for me to not yell at him when he’s being difficult. I knew the rubber band was going to snap, I just didn’t think it would be so soon.
It’s the middle of the day when Trevor shows up at my place. I’d asked him to come over for a bit, hopeful that we could try and work in a night of relaxation, but the lack of communication of our own issues was making it extremely hard.
“Hey, babe.” He sounded so exhausted when he stepped through the front door. I don’t know why it made me so angry.
“You didn’t have to show up if you didn’t want to.” I called from the dining room table, assuming he’d come and find me. My face was down in a computer screen anyway, working on a college essay.
“Who told you I didn’t want to come?” His tone is defensive. I couldn’t blame him. We’re both going through our own things. But in the moment? In the moment it pisses me off that he doesn’t hear how he sounds.
“Trevor you sound like I’ve been hounding you all day to be here. I only asked you once.” I snapped right back, finally hearing the sound of shoes being kicked off and the front door being harshly shut.
“You asked me once and I came. Why would I not want to be here? I’ll tell you what makes me want to leave,” Trevor stomped right into the dining room. He stopped in the doorway. “That attitude right there.” He pointed at me, and god if he didn’t sound like a chastising mother in that moment.
“God- Trevor!” The exhaustion laced in my own tone outweighed the anger. I dropped my head into my hands before lifting it to look at him. I stopped. He looked about as shitty as I did.
His hair was a mess, and he had bags under his eyes. I noticed a red spot on his cheek I knew would turn into a pimple soon, but I had a few on my forehead anyway. It seemed Trevor noticed my own state as well. We were both wearing sweats and t-shirts. I had on one of his Ducks shirts, and he wore a plain black one. We both looked like we needed to be baptized in sleep and energy drinks.
My expression softened. Silence overtook the room. I sighed. “Off day?” My question caught Trevor off guard, but the tension seemed to melt away from his body in an instant. We weren’t fighting, we just weren’t communicating.
“Yeah,” he nodded, his gaze falling to the floor. I shut my laptop and slowly got up, crossing the room to meet him in the doorway.
“Me too.” I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and Trevor snaked his own around my hips.
“We’re both having shitty days.” Trevor managed a somber smile. “Imagine that.”
“How about a bath? Then maybe some face masks?” I reached up to smooth my finger over the red bump on his cheek, causing him to pull his head back and mumble an ‘ow.’ Sure, the skin could be sore when a pimple was first forming, but not /that/ bad.
“Don’t be a baby.” The irritation was evident in my tone. Trevor smiled again.
“I love it when you’re moody.” A minute ago, I could have sworn he did not love it. “Here.. let me carry you.” I didn’t bother to argue, instead I jumped when he asked me to, and allowed him to carry me bridal-like down the hall to my bedroom and into the bathroom.
“Trevor your hand is digging into my side,” I complained softly before he put me down.
“Chill out.. I just didn’t want to drop you.” He turned away to grab towels before he could see the daggers I was glaring in his direction.
I gently pushed him out of the way to grab my own towel, shaking my head at his behavior.
“Alrighty then..” Trevor muttered, pulling his shirt off and tossing it onto the floor.
“You know where the hamper is.”
“Goddamn. I’ll pick it up after.” He was tense again, I could tell.
“No, Trevor. Pick it up now. You always say after and then you forget.” I turned to look at him, tossing the towel I had down on the counter.
“Well I won’t forget this time!” He raised his voice slightly, defensive once again.
“Yes you will! Just like Jamie gets on you about leaving your car keys everywhere!” I matched his tone, resting one of my hands on the counter to lean on it.
“That’s different!”
“Alright, then what about the towels? And bowls right beside the kitchen sink? What about all the times you pull my books off my shelves and never put them back? Is all that different too?” I snapped, awaiting a good excuse that I had yet to hear.
Usually I wasn’t this hard on Trevor. I didn’t know what all went on in his mind, but he did try his best not to leave things around. He’d improved since we first met, but sometimes things simply distracted him, and he always apologized and felt sorry when I pointed it out to him.
Trevor wasn’t having it this time though. This was a fight now.
“You’re so bitchy!” He leaned over to grab his shirt, storming out of the bathroom after and pulling it back on.
“Yeah? I’m not the one throwing a tantrum right now, Zegras!” He paused to turn and look at me, uncertain of the implications behind his last name. His brow was furrowed, silently asking where I got the audacity.
“You don’t even listen. Forget this.” I followed him all the way back down the hall and to the front door. I watched as he put his shoes on, an overwhelming sadness eating away at my heart.
Trevor turned to look at me, hopeful to get one last dig in. He stopped when he noticed the tears in my eyes.
“Just fucking leave, Trevor.”
I didn’t want him around any more. It was clear we couldn’t coexist when we both had our own issues going on. He looked defeated, and even guilty, but he left nonetheless.
I retreated back to my bedroom after, crying silently all while telling myself it was my fault, and angrily blaming him. I drove him away, but he put the nails in his own coffin. Who knew when he’d text or call, or ask to see me again. He may never. I didn’t expect him to return at any point that day. And I certainly didn’t expect it to be within a few hours.
By the time the sun began to set, the tears had slowed, and I was able to make myself dinner. I sat on the couch, my laptop on the coffee table with a plate full of dumplings in my lap. Scream was playing on the tv, somehow ironically managing to calm me. I heard a soft knock on the door, but I was hopeful whoever was there would leave. My hopes however, were unfulfilled. I heard the lock jingle before the door opened. I looked up to see Trevor standing there, two grocery bags in hand and an innocent look on his face as he froze.
We stared at each other for a moment, uncertain of the other’s feelings, before he finished walking inside and shut the door.
“You just keep doing your thing. I won’t bother you.” Trevor spoke. It was all I needed to go back to my laptop and my work. Trevor ventured off into my dining room, and I heard him settle at the table before silence filled my apartment again.
Five minutes passed before I heard a clicking noise. I paid no mind. I spotted Trevor in the corner of my eye, entering the room at a slow pace. A sneaky pace. It pissed me off just knowing he was up to something.
He sat in the arm chair across the room by the window, dropping a stack of paper on the floor and two pens, as well as the grocery bag. I was still unaware of what was in it. He pulled his phone out, and eventually I stopped paying any attention to him. I just got through the end of a paragraph on my essay, moving my plate to the coffee table when I heard a pop. Then I felt something hit me in the chest and land in my lap.
My brow pulled together in confusion as I looked down to see a little blue dart with an orange tip. Oh my god I’m gonna kill him
“Trevor.” I looked up at him, brow furrowed. He gestured toward the dart. I looked back down, rolling it in my hand to see a white piece of paper taped to it. I looked back up for a moment, questioning his antics, then I made quick work of peeling the tape and paper off the dart.
I flipped the paper over, noticing Trevor’s handwriting immediately.
I’m really sorry about today
My heart fluttered, I heard the rustle of the grocery bag, and when I looked up, Trevor presented me with a second gun, and a few darts of my own. We met in the middle of the floor to make the exchange before retreating to our opposite ‘trenches’. He even provided me with a few pieces of paper and the tape to make my own message.
I jotted one down quickly, taped it to my own dart, and loaded my gun before firing. Reluctant smiles painted both our lips as Trevor grabbed the dart. He paused for a moment, turning to glare up at me when he noticed the copious amount of tape I used. He wasn’t going to be forgiven without a little hassle.
Once he got the note off, and all the tape off his fingers, I watched his expression contort from frustration to relief.
That’s okay. I shouldn’t have been so mean either
Trevor got a piece of paper to write another note, and I tossed the tape over to him. He seemed to be wrapped up in a long message, and I smirked when an idea came to mind. I loaded a blank dart into my gun and aimed, firing and trying to hide my snickers when the foam bullet popped him right in the forehead.
Trevor immediately looked up at me, laughing out a soft, “hey!” Seeing him smile again made me sigh. We’d be okay.
“Took too long,” I responded sheepishly, setting my gun down on the couch. “I want you to talk to me, Trev. Come over here.” He set his own gun down, quickly coming to my side and sitting on the couch next to me.
“What were you busy writing over there?”
“I uhm..” he paused, leaning back against the couch. “That I love you.. and I don’t want you to be mad at me for the way I treated you. I know it was shitty, but there’s a lot going on right now and.. I guess I just forgot to leave the anger at work.” He sounded so disappointed in himself. I reached out to grab his hand.
“It’s okay, Trevor. Really. I didn’t mean to get so short with you today either. Just seems like we’re both having our own issues right now. But we should be each other’s lifelines, yeah? We can’t go taking everything out on one another.” Trevor nodded in agreement, looking up to meet my eyes. “I love you too.. I know things have been hard. Just please talk to me when you’re frustrated, okay?”
“I will.” I reached up to brush a few of his Sandy locks out of his face. “But you have to talk to me too,” he added, wanting me to know he was always there as well.
“You never really gave me a chance today.” I responded, watching the guilt return to his features as he swallowed thickly. “It’s okay,” I assured. “I don’t think I gave you much of a chance either.” I squeezed Trevor’s hand.
“Okay.. so.. so tell me what’s wrong.”
“School. I’m behind on this essay. My period just started.. and my boyfriend’s moody.” I made sure to tease, hoping to lighten the mood as a shy smile overtook my face. Trevor scoffed, but I could tell it wasn’t a mean one.
“Your turn.”
“Alright… well.. the Ducks suck,” always one to tell it like it is. “I feel like I can’t feel a single emotion for more than two seconds.. and my girlfriend’s on her period,” he paused, leaning forward with a cheeky smile. “And I’ve done nothing to help her all day.” I knew he was only trying to flatter me, but it worked. He pressed his lips to mine for a moment before pulling back.
I rested my hands on Trevor’s shoulders and leaned back onto the couch, our smiles widening as he climbed on top of me.
“We’re just a couple of moody adults then, aren’t we?” I teased, humming as Trevor reconnected our lips.
“Can we be horny adults too?” He asked as he pulled back, causing me to swat his shoulder with a laugh.
“That was cycle day one, bud. I’m afraid you missed it.”
“Aw, damn.. really?” Trevor sounded as bummed as I would have expected him to be. It made me laugh. “Can you reschedule? Talk to your body and let it know I’ll be back to try again tomorrow.”
I laughed once again, squeezing Trevor’s shoulders and shaking my head.
“That’s not how it works, hun.” I let him down easy, giggling at his playful frustration.
“Alright, well when’s the next one?”
“If it stays on schedule, you’ll be on the road for the next one.” I tried to hold in my laughter, knowing he wouldn’t be too thrilled about it.
“Seriously?” His voice raised, and I snickered. “I mean- a guy can’t even catch a break! You think you’ll be in the mood sometime in between?”
“Trevor,” I laughed at the way he spoke about it, so formal. “I’ll know when I know.”
“Nope. I have to know three to four business days in advance. Does anything speed up the process of getting you excited?” He was asking as if we haven’t done it a million times before.
“Shut up, Trevor.” I moved a hand from his shoulder to gently push his head. He laughed, that breathy awkward laugh that always made me smile. Trevor leaned in for another kiss, this one a bit more passionate than the first. He nipped at my bottom lip before I gently pressed a hand to his cheek, pushing his head back.
“I can do one minute in advance…”
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Shattered infection au
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drew him :D annon gave me idea from this post he is red bc i say so. If nightmare's magic went from purple too icey cyan blue then Dream's can go from yellow to red :) Essentially this is dream with emotions turned up too 100 and no control for it. the mood swings be real. also stressed that he might end up doing something Like Nightmare killing the entire village.
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tenko-thinks · 11 months
Okay okay now the pregnancy prompt with the Hantengu clones please? 🍿👀
(Would Urogi's result in an egg 🤔 Bonus if Urogi's has wings too and starts flying after like two months or something lol)
MAMA ( NON GENDERED ) THE POPCORN PLEASE. These will be shorter bc there's four mfs on this post
The Hantengu clones with a pregnant s/o + Fathering hcs
Cws : pregnancy, labor and childbirth ( nondescript ) , karaku is . Like that , sekido has like some implied toxic behavior but what do u want from me
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Pregnancy with sekido... Godspeed ladies and others with the ability to get knocked up.
He notices the change in your demeanor almost immediately. You avoiding him and being skittish.
Of course it pisses him off, figuring you're hiding something from him. He'll grab you by the arm and yell "out with it! There's no way a mortal like you would be stupid enough to cheat right!?"
And when you say you're pregnant he thinks he might be wrong on that assumption until you tell him without a doubt that it's his. Then he's just... Stumped? Doesn't know how to process that information.
During the duration of the pregnancy he's skeptical. And keeps tabs on you constantly. The idea of a demon siring is so unheard of it's only natural that he'd worry about loyalty.
God awful when it comes to handling hormones and mood swings. He doesn't know how to soothe you and ends up frustrated with himself which leads to an explosion on the other clones. Never you. He knows stress could kill the child, after all. He's not daft.
Even if he grumbles, sekido is very willing and happy to massage your ankles and any other soreness from your body.
When labor comes knocking? Sekido is snapping at the other three constantly as they flounder around uselessly. Flailing with the midwife watching them like a group of crazy people.
It's too silent comparatively when you're screaming in agony and all he can do is hold your hand while Urogi and Karaku offer platitudes he can't.
A daughter. Small and so so frail compared to her father. Resting in his arms as you recover from the task of birth.
Sekido has never claimed to be a perfect man. And he will never claim to be a perfect father.
He snaps at the little girl often . And will often apologize by offering her gifts. Words have never been his strong suit.
He gets worse as she ages. Not towards her , but the idea of her getting older. Relying on him less.
Protective and stern dad. No boyfriends.
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"How much sex have you been having without me??"
Punch him in the mouth first of all. But he's a tease through and through. Especially if you're a monogamous sort.
He "accuses" you of cheating despite knowing well and good you almost certainly haven't. Especially when he hardly lets you leave your home. He just likes getting you defensive and huffy!!
He's honestly pretty surprised though! Demons aren't supposed to have kids! Boy is your womb built different!
Karaku pouts when your hormones make you anything else other than horny. It's the one he's best suited to handling!! And you're just gonna be a bitch because your brain chemicals are off kilter? Weak.
Despite being a brat he's actually rather attentive. Being a creature of pleasure, Karaku is the most adjusted to being around humans and interacting with them. So he knows how to placate you!
Likes to tease about silly cravings you have though. So long as he thinks you can handle it.
Labor? Karaku has left the building in order to scream into the wilderness give him 10 minutes. He wants to not overwhelm you while you're busy pushing something out of you.
When he returns he's ignoring sekido's glower in favor of returning to your side and helping you through the process.
And as his son is born all he can think about is how gorgeous you are. All exhausted. But so much stronger than so many slayers hes faced! He thinks at least.
Kara is a fun dad kind of guy. One who prioritizes play over discipline or academics. So those will fall to you for the most part. He's not incapable. Just... annoying?
You have come home to Karaku lodged in a half broken wall because he thought it a good idea to hand a three year old his uchiwa.
You know that meme of the mom scolding the kid , the dad stepping in and proceeding to get scolded? Yeah that's karaku.
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"It's sad, knowing you're lying to me."
Is his dead ass reaction, and bro just straight up starts to walk away. You have to grab him and insist several times you went to the doctor and confirmed it!! You even have the doctor's note!
Aizetsu still doesn't believe it until you start to show symptoms. Only then does he stop sulking about your cruel prank on him.
Holds your hair back as you suffer from morning sickness. What a champ. Even if he's grossed out.
He's the most attentive and empathetic of the clones!! The best at giving words of affirmation when you're crying over silly things. Or when he tells you he won't let you eat rocks.
Sometimes if you're lucky you can catch a glimpse of a smile when he's looking at your bump growing. He likes having his hand there. Assuring himself that it's real and not some dream.
Aizetsu speaks to your stomach often, telling your child about his day and asking questions. He has full on conversations with them!
To be honest... labor? Aizetsu will probably black out and/or faint throughout the entire process. Coming to when Karaku is shaking him about how cute his new daughter is.
And he nearly ( does ) break down at the revelation that he has a little girl.
When he holds her for the first time he whispers to her how he'll never let her suffer or even know sorrow. While you're unconscious.
He stays true to his word as well. Whenever his daughter fusses he's there in an instant. Calming her. Feeding her. Whatever it is she needs. You wake up quite often to the sight of Aizetsu cradling her against his chest while waiting for you to wake up.
She becomes a spoiled princess because of it. But he wouldn't have her any other way. After all, he wants her happy.
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At first, Urogi is perplexed. Head cocked n all.
Now, to have eggs would insinuate having a cloaca and being fertilized. And I'm assuming you to be human.
So really it's more awe in how you are able to carry his children in the first place.
But he's ecstatic! Beyond excited!
Of course he'll have to ask around for advice but he's doing the best he can!! Running errands for you, making sure you're comfortable, etc
His method of dealing with your hormones is to try and make you laugh. In any way he can. Jokes. Silly faces. Shock. So long as he can get you laughing!
Instinctively he makes a nest out of all of your blankets , pillows and towels. A place for you and his chicks to be safe! And warm!! Incubated!!
Insists that you birth in the nest! It's the best for the babies. Is what his instincts are telling him.
He wants to touch your bump, but with his talons he settles instead on resting his head on it. Listening for any movement and smiling in awe at how they move around.
Urogi handles labor surprisingly well. He's territorial of course, so the other three aren't allowed in. Only you, him and a midwife.
He cheers you on the entire time. Offering his arms to squeeze as to not harm you with talons. He'd much rather you not bleed out in the nest while giving birth. Especially because you got a vein with his claws.
Yet he hears two little cries. Apparently the first had been silent until her little sister had also escaped you.
And the first thing he noticed were the beautiful downy wings on their backs. Only paired with talon like feet. Much more human hands. Unlike his own.
He watched you hold them. Listening to the chittering chirping noises they made.
Oh what a day to be the clone of joy!
And he continues to think that when his two little girls are attempting ( in vain ) to flutter after him. Wings still far too downy to do any proper flying.
Preens them incessantly!! Hair and wings !! And he's elated to watch you do the same. Caring for them the same way he taught you to care for his!!
When the day they begin to fly at the age of three? He knows what anxiety is. Watching them clumsily flutter about like a hawk, and saving them any time they begin to falter.
It makes you laugh, how nervous he gets about something that used to absolutely drive him wild with excitement when they were born.
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teratophilia · 3 months
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StaticDust/StaticSpider/TVDust/VoxAngel whatever the name is* has so much unexplored potential.
I'm actually in for some overworked and annoyed men having to deal with Val's antics and finding some common ground while placed into the position of a de-stress agent.
Here are some of my thoughts. Note that I don't like woobified fanons of characters, so don't expect me to "rainbow and sunshine" it:
I think they're pent up with Valentino and Alastor in equal measure because they're both control freaks that love to groom and manipulate people they force into deals and frequently have angry gay sex about it.
I know that Hazbin Instagrams are not canon, but I do like the idea that Vox has a favorite animal so I like to headcanon that for him; Angel is fond of his pig, too. Liking animals also makes Vox a safer person than the aforementioned overlords, as it implies a certain degree of empathy.
Vox could make Angel famous by having him engage in sex work on his own terms. Vox gives off an impression that he has limited staff and treats whoever he has relatively well. Otherwise, it'd be bad for PR. At least, we don't see him ripping people apart or yell at his employees - and being a demanding boss doesn't exactly make one abusive.
Vox does state that his brand is perfection which makes me think that he's very level-headed and able to see through and control people's impulses. He seems to break down when things affect his ego but so does Angel but he's capable of collecting himself. Angel has so far been exposed to a boss with hardcore mood swings with some issues who seems extremely prone to impulsivity; Vox would be a nice shift.
I think he's plenty sexually active, seeing who he has ties with, which, in my opinion, heavily determines if he's a good fit for the hypersexual Angel. In my mind, they'd work out in bed.
Crazy hypnosis gay sex. Bitches are kinky.
Vox is fancy and well-groomed; Angel cherishes his looks and how he presents for others. They'd look good together and kill it in public.
They're both fake as shit. Whatever Vox has going on with Alastor implies a degree of depth to his persona, which Angel has with Valentino. Bonding over insecurities and unattainable aims is a kind of an overdone thing, but it doesn't get old.
Vox is controlling and reads people well enough to convince Valentino to not do something. Angel is batshit impulsive. Let's be honest, he's too traumatized to function on his own. People need to shake sense into him, and a partner who has his shit together while knowing how to get to him would be able to do that.
Personally, I think Angel has glaring BPD and Vox is a mascot for NPD. These disorders are highly comorbid, so I do believe they would understand each other well. I can see them in a flourishing codependent relationship.
Overall, I think they have that CEO/employee from an adjacent company dynamic that people are sleeping on.
*I majorly see the Japanese fandom & Twitter use StaticDust & TVDust
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dianawinchester03 · 3 months
Season 1, Episode 4 - Phantom Traveler
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
Y/N and Dean are currently asleep. On separate beds of course, in the three bedded motel room. Half asleep, both facing each other on their respective beds, they hear the door start to unlock, instantly jumping into hunters instinct, they go to grab their weapons from below their pillows upon hearing footsteps and the door locking.
"Morning Sunshines" Sam's voice is ridden with humor. Y/N groans from being woken up. "What time is it?" Dean asks, his voice croaky. "It's about 5:45" Sam says. Y/N gets up slowly, turning her head to Sam who has three coffees in his hand. "In the morning?" She groans, throwing her covers from over her, sitting up and stretching.
"Yep" Sam says, confirming. "Where does the day go?" Dean asks rhetorically, getting up also. Y/N looks at Sam properly, seeing a tired expression on his face, "Did you get any sleep last night?" Y/N asks Sam, her voice filled with concern, as she tucks a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. Her bed head in a mess.
"Yeah, I grabbed a couple hours" Sam lies and Dean picks up on this. "Liar" he grumbles back almost immediately. "I was up at 3, and you were watching George Foreman informercial, while Ms. Nicotine over here was snoring her lungs away" Dean says sitting up and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Snickering, he points to Y/N who is now by an open window, sitting on the still, one leg crossed over the other, in the middle of lighting cigarette.
She pauses halfway, looking up guiltily, like a child who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. The brothers look back at their friend chuckling. "I do not snore" She huffs, taking a drag. Sam turns back to his brother and sassily remarks. "Hey, what can I? It's riveting TV" He shrugs.
"When's the last time you get a goodnight's sleep?" Y/N asks Sam, flicking some ash into the ashtray. "I don't know. A little while, I guess. It's not a big deal" Sam tries to say casually but he talked quickly so they knew he was lying. "Yeah, it is" Dean says firmly. But Sam chuckles, trying to ease the mood. "Look, I appreciate your concern guys— " Sam goes to say but Y/N cuts him off with her usual smartass response.
"Oh I'm not concerned about you. It's your job as my best friend and as Dean's brother to keep our asses alive. So we need you sharp" Y/N says sarcastically and Sam just rolls his eyes nodding. "Seriously, you still having nightmares about Jess?" She asks as she takes her last drag from her cigarette, outing it in the ashtray, getting up to sit back down on her bed.
Sam sighs and takes a seat next to her. "Yeah" he answers honestly, handing a coffee to her and Dean as he talks. "But it's not just her, it's everything. I just forgot, you know, this job. Man it gets to you" Sam stresses. "Well you can't let it, you can't bring it home like that" Dean says nonchalantly sipping his coffee.
Y/N side-eyes Dean while Sam looks at his brother like 'huh'. "Wonderful advice, Shakespeare". Y/N says sarcastically scoffing "So, what, all this, it never keeps you up at night?" Sam asks and Dean shakes his head.
"Never? You're never afraid?" Y/N asks shocked. "No, not really. Are you?" Dean asks sipping his coffee and Sam chuckles, leaning over onto Deans bed, he pulls out the knife below his pillow, waving it triumphantly in the air, with a 'So what's this?' look on his face.
Y/N eyebrows shoot up at the irony. Knowing she has her gun below her pillow but she can admit she's afraid of whatever is out there but doesn't have a choice other than to kill every evil bastard.
"That's not fear. That is precaution" Dean argues. "Alright whatever. I'm too tired to argue" Sam says. "Well I'm not" Y/N interjects. "So you're telling me. Nothing scares you? Not the thought of anything or the sight of anything" Y/N asks, sipping her coffee. Dean just shrugs.
"Not even the thought of losing those you love? Because honestly that scares me" She says and Dean can't help but agree. "Okay, you got me there, princess" He says chuckling at the fact that she called him out in a debate and won.
He couldn't help but notice how cute she looked, sipping her coffee with her cute little bed head, sticking all over the place. Y/N noticed the same with Dean, his hair sticks all over the place as he sips his coffee, his eyes not leaving hers.
A blush creeps up on Y/N face when she realizes Dean is staring at her. She can't help the butterflies that begin to flutter in her stomach.
Their little staring contest is cut off by her phone ringing. An unknown number, looking at it weirdly and back up at the boys. She flips the phone up, answering. "Hello?"
"Y/N? It's Jerry Panowski" She shakes her head at the boys who are listening in, still not knowing who it is. "You and your dad helped me out a couple years back". When the man says this, her memory refreshes. "Oh, right yeah. Up in...uh.. Kittanning, Pennsylvania. The poltergeist thing" She says in recognition.
"It's not back, is it?" She asks warily. "No. No, thank god, no" Jerry immediately says chuckling. "But it's something else, and, uh, well. I think it could be a lot worse" Jerry says. "What is it?" She asks concerned. "Can we talk in person?" Jerry asks and she looks up at the boys.
The Impala and Harley make their way over to Pennsylvania. While riding over, Y/N starts thinking that maybe she should park Quinn up at one of their safehouses to save on gas and just ride with the boys. That is until they find their dads and go their separate ways.
The thought of having to part ways with them saddens her a bit. Dismissing the thought, she decides to tell the boys on their pit stop for fuel and food that they can drop Quinn off in her Indiana safehouse, as it's on the way to Pennsylvania and they can just go with Baby. They agree, no hesitation.
"Thanks for making the trip so quick" Jerry, the man who called Y/N, says gratefully her and the boys as they follow behind him. "I ought to be doing you guys a favor, not the other way around" He chuckles turning to the boys, "Y/N and her dad really helped me out" Jerry says.
"Yeah, she told us. It was a poltergeist?" Sam asks. "Poltergeist? I love that movie!" A random guy in the background says causing Y/N and Dean to snicker. "Hey, nobody's talking to you. Keep walking" Jerry orders the young man. Before turning to Sam, the trio still walking behind Jerry.
"Damn right it was a poltergeist. Practically tore our house apart" Jerry says. "Tell you something...." He then turns to Y/N "...if it wasn't for you and your dad. I probably wouldn't be alive" And she smiles at this, the boys giving her a look of impress.
"Y/N said you were off to college right?" Jerry asks Sam and he nods. "Yeah, I was. I'm taking some time off" Sam says. "She was real proud proud of you. I could tell. She talked about you all the time" Jerry says. Sam is shocked at this and Dean side eyes him. "She did?" Sam looks off at his best friend smirking and she scoffs. Waving it off.
"Yeah, you bet she did" Jerry confirms and Sam smiles at the thought of Y/N bragging about him going if to college. "Don't give me that look Sammy, I'll still kick your ass" She half threatens her best friend and he chuckles. Dean can't help but feel a bit jealous at their bond, feeling like he's never gotten close enough to Y/N or accomplished anything big enough for her to brag about him.
"Oh, hey, you know. I tried to get ahold of f/n but I couldn't. How's he doing anyway?" Jerry asks. The boys and y/n share a look before Dean says, "He's wrapped up in a job right now, with our dad" lying casually. "Well, we're missing the old man...but we get Sam and Dean. Even trade huh?" He jokes, turning around, walking backwards and turning back.  They all laugh.
Sam goes to deny but y/n says, "Even better, trust me. They're the best I know" She smiles. "I got something I want you guys to hear" Jerry says, leading them into his office.
"I listened to this. And well, it sounded like it was up your alley" Jerry says and he puts the CD into the player. "Normally I wouldn't have access to this. It's the cockpit voice recorder for United Britannia flight 2485. It was one of ours". He says as the CD slides in. Sam, Dean and Y/N listen intently.
"Mayday. Mayday. Repeat. This is United Britannia 2485 requesting immediate instructions and help" says the captain.
"United Britannia flight 2485, we copy your mayday" the responder immediately followed.
"We may be experiencing some kind of mechanical failure...."
Before the captain's sentence is finished, it's taken over by a hissing and growling noise that honestly doesn't sound remotely humane.
"Took off from here, crashed about 200 miles south. Now they're saying mechanical failure. Cabin depressurized somehow, nobody knows why. Over 100 people onboard, only seven got over alive" Jerry explains the situation and it shocks them. "Pilot was one. His name was Chuck Lambert, he's a good friend of mine. Chuck is....Well he's pretty broken up about it. Like it was his fault" Jerry says sadly.
"You don't think it was" Y/N states. "No, I don't" Jerry admits. "Jerry, we're gonna need passenger manifests, a list of survivors—" Sam begins but Dean cuts him off. "Right. And anyways we could take a look at the wreckage?" Dean asks. "The other stuff is no problem but the wreckage...kids, the NTSB had it locked down in an evidence warehouse. No way I've got that kind of clearance" Jerry says.
"It's no problem" Y/N smiles at him, ensuring they'll be fine.
Later we're outside a store named "Copy Jack". Y/N and Sam are growing impatient of waiting for Dean, leaning against Baby. "Dude, you've been in there forever" Y/N grumbles annoyed and he flashes three fake IDs in their faces. "You can't rush perfection" Dean says sassily and Y/N roll her eyes. "Homeland Security?" Sam questions, taking his ID and Y/N takes hers. "That's pretty illegal. Even for us man" Y/N says and Dean smirks. Heading to the drivers seat.
"Yeah, well. It's something new. People haven't seen it a thousand times" He jumps into the drivers seat. Sam takes shotgun and Y/N jumps in the back. "Alright. So what do you got?" Dean asks Sam as he pulls out his laptop. "Well, there's definitely E.V.P. on the cockpit voice recorder. Listen" Sam clicks the laptop, playing the recording.
It's basically a bunch of static accompanied with a weird voice saying "No survivors".
"No survivors? What's that supposed to mean? There were seven survivors?" She asks, confused. "Got me" Sam shrugs. "So what do you guys think? A haunted flight?" Dean questions. "There's a long history of spirits and death omens on planes and ships. Like Phantom Travelers. Or remember flight 401?" Sam explains while me and Dean nod and agree.
"Right. The one that crashed. And the airline salvaged its parts, put it in other planes. Then the spirit of the pilot and copilot haunted those flights" Y/N explains the story of Flight 401, Dean looks at her smiling at her beauty and brains. "What?" She asks innocently. "You're such a nerd" He snorts. She rolls her eyes. "Shut it, charming" she huffs.
Sam shakes his head at them, chuckling. "Maybe we got a similar deal" Sam says. "So, survivors, who do you wanna talk to first?" Dean asks Sam and Y/N, looking at the list Jerry gave them. "Third on the list, Max Jaffe" Sam immediately responds. "Why him?" Y/N asks. "We'll for one, he's from around here. And two, if anyone saw anything weird, he did" Dean turns to Sam after he says this. "What makes you say that?" Dean asks.
"Well, I spoke to his mother and she told me where to find him" He says
Now in the Riverfront Psychiatric Hospital, the boys and y/n introduce theirselves as Homeland Security so they can get in to question Max Jaffe.
"I don't understand, I already spoke with Homeland Security" Max says, confused as they stroll through the yard of the hospital. "Right. Some new information has come up. So if you could answer a couple questions" Dean says professionally. "Just before the plane went down, did you notice anything unusual" Sam asks Max.
"Like what?" Max responds and Y/N explains further. "Strange lights. Weird noises, maybe. Voices" He looks at them weirdly before denying it. "No, nothing". they all take a seat at one of the tables in the yard. "Hmm, Mr Joffe-" Dean starts but Max corrects him. "Jaffe".
"Jaffe. You checked yourself in here, right?" Dean corrects himself and Max nods. "Can we ask why?" Y/N asks gently. "I was a little stressed. I survived a plane crash" Max says as if it's obvious. "Uh-huh. And that's what terrified you? That's what you were afraid of?" Dean asks probingly and Max ceases up. "I don't wanna talk about this anymore" Max says getting agitated.
"See, I think maybe you did see something up there. We need to know what" Dean presses. "No. No, I was delusional. Seeing things" Max denies the fact. "He was seeing things" Dean says plainly, looking at Y/N and Sam and they tilt their heads at his bluntness and annoyed behavior. Turning to Max, Y/N softens her gaze, "It's okay. Then just tell us what you thought you saw, please" Y/N says calmly and Max takes a deep breath.
"There was this man. And uh, he had these.....eyes, these, uh....black eyes" Max shakily begins to explain, the boys and Y/N exchange a look.. "And I saw him. Or, I thought I saw him...." Max trails off. "What?" Dean urges him to continue. "He opened the emergency exit. But that's— that's impossible, right? I mean I looked it up. There's something like 2 tons of pressure on that door" This statement from Max catches their attention.
"Yeah" Dean says. "This man, did he seem to appear and disappear rapidly? It would look something like a mirage" Sam asks and Max looks at them like they're crazy. "What are you, nuts? He was a passenger. He was sitting right infront of me"
"So here we are, George Phelps, seat 20C" Sam says as they pull up to the man who supposedly opened the emergency exit door mid flight. "Hmm. Man, I don't care how strong you are. Even yoked up on PCP or something, no way you can open up an emergency door during a flight" Dean says as they all exit the Impala, shutting our doors and leaning on her.
"Not if you're human" Y/N adds, leaning against Baby to face Dean. "But maybe this guy George was something else" She says. "Some kind of creature, maybe? In human form?" Sam interjects, leaning on Baby. "Does that look like a creatures lair to you?" Dean asks and Sam turns around looking at the house.
"This is your late husband?" Sam picks up a picture of George Phelps, asking the newly widowed Mrs. Phelps. "Yes, that was my George" Mrs. Phelps confirms, her tone croaky as if she had been crying. "And you said he was a dentist?" Y/N asks kindly. "Uh-huh. He was headed to a convention in Denver. Did you know that he was petrified to fly?" Mrs. Phelps tells them.
"For him to go like that..." She says sadly, trailing off. "How long were you married?" Sam asks softly and she smile a bit thinking about it. "Thirteen years".
"And all that time...did you ever notice anything strange about him? Anything out of the ordinary?" Y/N asks and Deans eyes flicker from her to Mrs. Phelps. "Well....he had acid reflux, if that's what you mean" Mrs. Phelps answers and the trio is bit disappointed.
"I mean, it goes without saying, it doesn't make any sense" Sam says as they leave the Phelps residence. "Yeah, a middle aged dentist with an ulcer is not exactly evil personified" Y/N says, as they walk back to baby. "You know what we need to do is get inside NTSB warehouse, check out the wreckage" Dean says, nodding excited.
"Okay, but if we're gonna go that route, we better look the part" Y/N smirks, wiggling her eyebrows at the boys.
Sam, Dean and Y/N walk out of a store named "Morts Unisex For Style". Now dressed up. Sam and Dean in black and white formal suits. Y/N in a black blazer, white blouse and a pencil skirt.
"Man, I look like one of the Blues Brothers" Dean says, tugging at his suit uncomfortably . "No, you don't. You look more like a seventh grader at his first dance" Sam teases and Y/N snickers. High-fiving him. Dean rolls his eyes, looking down at his outfit.
"I hate this thing" Dean grumbles as they walk back to the car. "You want into that warehouse or not?" Y/N shoots back. She had to stop herself from drooling when she saw Dean in his suit. She never realized she had a thing for suits till she saw Dean in his. She was always more a leather jacket, tattoos and piercings gal.
"Ohh chin up charming, chicks dig suits. You'll be fine" Y/N says, stepping infront of him, fixing his tie, looking into his eyes. She blushes a bit when he winks at her. "You don't look bad yourself, Princess" He smirks at her.
Dean kept himself from gawking at her. How that pencil skirt hugged her waist and her curves tightly. "Damn straight, I look hot" She says cockily, winking back, taking her hands off his tie. 'You're damn right you do' Dean thinks, hiding his blush.
"Guys, enough flirting, we gotta go" Sam groans, from the passenger seat of Baby, sticking his head out the window. Y/N rolls her eyes. "Not flirting, dipshit" She huffs, jumping in the backseat. "Whatever, crackhead" Sam retorts back, snorting. "Settle down children" Dean says in a playful fatherly tone, putting the Impala in drive. "Jerk" "Asshat" Sam and Y/N say in unison, glaring at Dean who laughs.
They're now at the warehouse, game faces on, flashing their badges to the security who nods and let's them in.
Now surrounded by large scraps of metal from the wreckage. Dean pulls out an old Walkman. "What is that?" Sam asks. "It's an EMF meter. Reads electromagnetic frequencies" Dean explains. "Yeah, I know what and EMF meter is. But why does that look like a busted-up Walkman?" Sam asks.
"Because that's what I made it out of. It's homemade" Dean says, smiling proudly holding it up. Sam looks at his brother judgement on his face, raising his eyebrow. "Yeah, I can see that" And Deans smile drops.
"Don't worry buddy, I think it's cool" Y/N pats his shoulder, reassuring him and his smile's back. His heart leaping at her touch. They walk around, using the EMF reader to scan the wreckage. It starts beeping when they reach the emergency door handle.
"Check out the emergency door handle" Dean says, Y/N leans over, scratching its surface. A yellow powder falls off. "What is this stuff?" She asks. "One way to find out" Sam says, taking his knife out and a little bag, scraping some off into it as Y/N dusts her fingers.
They hear some footsteps coming their way and take that as signal to beat it. Finding their way to the exit they walk out at a decent pace, until an alarm starts blurring. Dean throws his jacket as the reach the fence and jump it. Pulling it off after, "Wow, these monkey suits do come in handy" Dean says out of breath, running off.
Sam and Y/N run behind him. "Told ya!" Y/N retorts as they jump into baby and make way.
They meet back with Jerry, who takes them to the lab in the facility he works at to examine the yellow dust they found. Looking under the microscope, "Huh. This stuff is covered in sulfer" He tells them. "You sure?" Sam asks. "Take a look for yourself. If you kids would excuse me, I have an idiot to fire" Jerry says walking out.
"Hey, Einstein. Yeah, you. What the heck are you doing?!" Jerry shouts at the incompetent employee and Y/N goes over to look under the microscope. "Hmm. Not many things leave a sulfuric residue" Y/N says knowingly, looking at the boys. "Demonic possession" Sam says. "It would explain how a mortal man would have the strength to open an emergency hatch" Dean says.
"If the guy was possessed, it's possible" Sam sighs. "Yeah but this goes way beyond floating over a bed or barfing pea soup. I mean it's one thing to possess a person but to use it to take down an entire airplane" Dean says, resting his hands on his hips. Y/N shakes her head, holding back a laugh at the reference.
"You ever heard of something like this before?" Sam asks them. "Never" Dean says and Y/N shakes her head.
Back at the motel, the walls are plastered with research in the case. Sam is on his laptop by the desk, Dean is on his bed with a book and pen in his hand and Y/N is on her laptop, next to Sam, researching.
"So, every religion and world culture has the concept of demons and possession. Right? I mean Christian, Native American, Hindu, you name it" Sam says, leaning back in his chair. Dean and Y/N look up from their books and laptops. Yeah, but none of them describe anything like this" Dean says.
"Well, that's not exactly true. You see, according to Japanese beliefs, certain demons are behind certain disasters, both natural and man made. One causes earthquakes, another causes disease" Sam explains. "And this one causes plane crashes?" Y/N raises her eyebrow.
Sam sighs, looking back at his laptop. "Alright. So, what, we have a demon that's evolved with the times and found a way to ratchet up the body count?" Dean gets up, walking over to Sam and Y/N. "Yeah" Sam says, stumped. "And you know, who knows how many planes it's brought down before this one?" Y/N says looking at the boys and Dean chuckles, trying to mask his fear.
He walks towards his bed but Sam asks, "What?". Dean scratches his head and turns to them, "I don't know, man. This isn't our normal gig. I mean, demons don't want anything, just death and destruction for its own sake. This is big. And I wish dad was here" Dean stresses, scratching his head. "Yeah. Me too", Y/N says sadly.
Y/N's cell phone starts ringing. "Hello?" She answers, flipping it up. "Y/N, it's Jerry" Jerry says over the phone. "Oh, hey, Jerry." She says. "My pilot friend...Chuck Lambert is dead" Jerry says and her face drops, the boys look over at her concerned. "Jerry, I'm sorry. What happened?" She says sorrowfully.
"He and his buddy went up in a small twin about an hour ago. Plane went down" Jerry explains. "Where'd this happen?" Y/N asks. "About 60 miles west of here, near Nazareth" Jerry says and she takes a breath. "I'll try to ignore the irony of that" She mutters.
"I'm sorry?" Jerry asks confused. "Nothing, Jerry. Hang in there alright? We'll catch up with you soon" She says, hanging up. Looking at them. "Another crash?" Sam asks. "Yeah, let's go".
"Where?" Dean asks. "Nazareth" She says.
They go to the crash, pick up a sample of the yellow powder to confirm if it's sulfur and head back to Jerry's. Now looking under a microscope, Dean asks Jerry, "Sulfur?" And he nods in confirmation. "Well, that's great" Dean says, turning to Sam and Y/N who're sitting by the desk.
"Alright, so that's two plane crashes involving Chuck Lambert. This demon sounds like it was after him" Dean says to them. "With all due respect to Chuck...uh, if that's the case, that would be the good news" Y/N says to Jerry, respectfully. "What's the bad news?" Dean asks.
"Chucks plane went down exactly after 40 minutes in the flight" Sam interjects, "And, get this, so did flight 2485" He adds and Deans face drops, along with Y/N's. "40 minutes. What does that mean?" Jerry asks, confused. "It's Biblical numerology. You know, Noah's Ark, it rained for 40 days. The number means death" Y/N explains.
"I went back, and there were six plane crashes over the last decade that all went down exactly 40 minutes in" Sam says. "Any survivors" Dean asks slightly surprised. "No. Or not until now, at least. Not until flight 2485, for some reason" Sam shakes his head. "On the cockpit voice recorder, remember what the E.V.P. said?" Sam asks.
"No survivors" Y/N quotes the recording and Dean sighs. "If it's going after all the survivors, it's trying to finish the job" Dean realizes.
Sam, Dean and Y/N are in the Impala headed to the airport. Y/N is in the backseat, pretending to be a call agent doing surveys, checking with the survivors to see if they're planning on flying anytime soon.
"Really? Well, thank you for taking our surgery, and if you do plan to fly, please don't forget your friends at United Britannia Airlines. Thanks" She says in a formal voice before hanging up. "Alright. That takes Blaine Sanderson and Dennis Holloway off the list. They're not flying anytime soon" Y/N tells the boys as she crosses the names off the list.
"So our only wild card is the flight attendant, Amanda Walker." Dean suggests. "Right." Sam says. "Her sister Karen said her flight leaves Indianapolis at 8 p.m. It's her first night back on the job" Y/N explains. "Huh, sounds like just our luck" Dean says, looking at Y/N in the rear view mirror.
Her head is down as she scans the list, her eyebrows creases whenever she's focused on something. A fact Dean found very cute of her.
"Dean, this is a five-hour drive, man, even with you behind the wheel" Sam's concerned voice breaks Dean out of his thoughts, returning his gaze from Y/N to his brother. "Don't worry about it, man. Hey, princess. Why don't you call Amanda's cellphone again, see if we can head her off at the pass?" Dean says to Y/N and she lifts her head up.
"I already left her three voice messages. She must have turned her cellphone off" Y/N says propping her hand on the door, rubbing her head. "God, we're never gonna make it fellas" She says worried. "Oh we'll make it" Dean says determined, hitting the gas.
They make it to the airport just in the nick of time. Running in to look at the flight schedule. Their eyes scan the TVs.
"Right there. They're boarding in 30 minutes" Sam says out of breath, pointing at the flight time. "Okay. We still have some cards to play. I need to find a phone" Dean says, going to look for a telephone box. Y/N and Sam follow behind.
"Airport Services" The woman on the phone says. "Gate 13" Dean says into the phone. "Who are you calling, sir?" She asks. "I'm trying to contact an Amanda Walker. She's a flight attendant on the flight..um..Flight 424" He says into the phone. "Come on" Dean says impatiently.
"Amanda Walker. Amanda Walker, you have a phone call. White courtesy phone, gate 13." Another woman over the PA system draws to Amandas attention. Picking up the phone, Amanda answers, "This is Amanda Walker"
"Ms. Walker. Hi, this is Dr. James Hatfield from St. Francis Memorial Hospital. We have a Karen Walker here." Dean says professionally, as Sam and Y/N lean closer to him, trying to hear the conversation. "Nothing serious. Just a minor car accident, but she was injured so-" Dean gives his fake explanation but Amanda cuts him off.
"Wait, wait. That's impossible. I just got off the phone with her" Amanda says and Dean pauses, stumped, caught in his lie. "You what?" He asks, bewildered. "Five minutes ago. She's at her house cramming for a final. Who is this?" Amanda asks, now suspicious and annoyed.
"Uh, well, must be some mistake" He gives a lame excuse causing Y/N to roll her eyes, turning from Y/N and Sam. They move closer to hear. "How would you even know I was here?" Amanda asks suspiciously. "Is this one of Vince's friends?" She asks and Dean just goes with it. "Guilty as charged" Dean chuckles.
"Wow, this is unbelievable" Amanda exaggerates. "He's really sorry" Dean continues to go with it. "Well you tell him to mind his own business and stay out of my life, okay?" She says angrily. "Yes, but he really needs to see you tonight. So-" Dean tries to convince her but she won't budge.
"No, I'm sorry, it's too late" Amanda says, shaking her head. "Don't be like that. I mean come on. The guys a mess. Really it's pathetic." He tries to sway her and it seems to work a bit. "Really?" She asks hopefully. "Oh, yeahhh" Dean assures her. "Look, I gotta go. Tell him call me when I land" She says and hangs up
"No. No wait Amanda. Amanda!" Dean calls out to her but she already hung up. Dean rests the phone back, pissed. "Damn it! That was so close" He says, frustrated. Sam shakes his head saying. "Alright, it's time for plan B. We're getting on that plane" And Y/N nods her head.
"Now, just hold on a second" Dean tries to reason. "Dean. That plane is leaving with over 100 passengers on board. And if we're right, that plane is gonna crash" Y/N counters. "I know" Dean says, frightened. This makes Y/N's eyebrows quirk up and it dawns in her. He's scared.
"Okay, we get on the plane, find that demon and exorcise it. Look I'll get the tickets. You go get whatever you can out of the trunk will make it by security. Meet me back here in five minutes" Sam quickly maps out a plan, not realizing his brother is scared. Dean doesn't move, looking in between the both of them anxiously. "Are you okay?" Sam asks.
"No, not really" Dean croaks out. "What? What's wrong" Sam asks confused. "He's scared" Y/N interjects, biting back a smirk. Remembering how Dean said earlier that nothing scared him. Deans face drops and Sam looks at his brother surprised. "You have a problem with flying?"
"Well it's never been an issue until now!" Dean counters. "You're joking right?" Sam asks, bewildered. Y/N holds back a snicker, though she shouldn't be laughing she can't help but find the situation ironic. "Do I look like I'm joking?!" Dean exclaims. "Why do you think I drive everywhere?" He justifies his argument. Y/N bursts out laughing, not able to hold it back anymore. Causing Sam to laugh, belting over holding his stomach.
"It's not funny guys!" Dean whisper yells, embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry but it's just. Earlier you were all macho man. And now you're scared. It's ironic" Y/N gasps between laughs. They calm down almost instantly. "Alright. Okay, we'll go" Y/N says, wiping her tears. "What?" Dean asks. "We'll do this one on our own" Sam adds, gesturing between him and Y/N.
"What are you two, nuts!? You said it yourself y/n/n, the planes gonna crash" He says. "Dean, we can do it together. We're not seeing a third option here" Sam defends, still trying to hold back a laugh. "Come on! Really? Man..." Dean says, his voice shaking, going up a octave. He looks around nervously, putting his hands on his hips.
"Flight attendants, please crosscheck and prepared for departure" The pilot says over the speaker on the plane. Sam, Dean and Y/N are currently occupying a row on the plane. Y/N in the middle of the boys with Dean on the end. Dean is nervously reading a pamphlet while Sam looks over at his brother amused.
The plane prepares for take off and Dean begins to panic a bit, putting away the pamphlet. "Just try to relax" Sam says soothingly. "Just try to shut up" Dean snaps back and Sam laughs. Deans eyes widen when the plane starts to rumble from take off, Sam smirks looking at his brother.
"Here" Y/N says softly, taking Deans hand in hers. He looks over at her shocked, "I've got you" She in a nurturing tone, giving him a small smile, feeling a little bad for laughing earlier, now looking at Deans panicked state.
He takes a deep breath, looking into her eyes. Feeling a weight lift off of him from her touch, a sense of calmness takes him over a bit and he leans back in his seat. Sam notices this and smiles at their little moment.
A little into the flight, Dean's hand hasn't left Y/N's yet. He feels the panic coming back a bit so he starts humming and Y/N leans closer to hear. "You humming Metallica?" She asks, amused. "Calms me down" He says quickly. "Look charming. I get you're nervous, alright? But you gotta stay focused" She says calmly and he nods. "Okay" Dean says. "How long we got, Sammy?" He asks his brother.
"We got 32 minutes and counting to track this thing down or whoever it's possessing anyway and preform a full on exorcism" Sam says. "On a crowded plane. That'll be easy" Dean retorts sarcastically. "Just take it one step at a time, alright?" Y/N says gently, caressing the back of his hand with her thumb.
Even in the midst, Dean is liking this calm, nurturing side of Y/N. He usually sees her act like this towards grieving families but never really towards him. Maybe they should go on planes more often? He thinks. Nope, scratch that.
"Now who is it possessing?" Y/N says, looking around the plane for any telltale signs. "Well, it's usually gonna be someone with some sort weakness. You know? A chink in the armor that the demon can worm through. Someone with an addiction or some sort of emotional distress" Dean explains.
"Well, this is Amanda's first flight after the crash. If I were her, I'd be pretty messed up" Sam says and Dean beckons an attendant over. "Excuse me. Are you Amanda?" He asks. "No I'm not" She says nicely. "Oh, my mistake" He says apologetically and she walks off. He looks behind to see another attendant that has to be Amanda.
"Alright. Well, that's gotta be Amanda back there. So I'll go talk to her and I'll get a read on her mental state" Dean says, Sam and Y/N look back at her. "Right, what is she's already possessed?" Y/N asks. "There's ways to test that" Dean says, opening his bag and pulling out a bottle. "I brought holy water" He says holding it up but Sam reaches over, grabbing it.
"No. I think we can go more subtle. If she's possessed, she'll flinch at the name of God" Sam says and Dean looks impressed, "Oh, nice" He unclips his belt, letting go of Y/N's hand gently but she stops him. "Why don't I go? You stay and relax a bit" She says sweetly. Dean nods, obliging and Y/N gets up to go to the back.
He feels a bit empty now that she isn't holding his hand for some reason. Y/N feels a bit sad also but remains focused on the mission.
"Hey" Sam calls her back. "What?" She asks. "Say it in Latin" He tells her. "I know" She answers and goes to walk off. "Hey!" He calls her back. "What?" She comes back again, slightly annoyed. "Uh. In Latin, it's Christo" He says. "Dude, I know. I'm not an idiot!" She grumbles at him, walking to the back of the plane.
Dean chuckles a bit at her outburst while Sam looks at his brother smirking. "What?" He asks Sam. "Nothing. Just wish I had someone to calm me down mid flight too..." Sam pokes fun at Dean and he rolls his eyes. "Shut up" he growls, hiding his blush. Sam puts his hands up in surrender laughing. "Hey man, I'm just saying" He laughs.
The plane jolts a bit and Dean clutches onto to his seat in fear. Sam reaches over the seat and places his hand on Dean's. "Here, I've got you" Sam snorts in laughter, mimicking his best friends words from earlier and Dean slaps his hand away quickly.
"Touch me again and I'll put bleach in your shampoo" Dean grumbles and Sam just laughs hysterically. Dean has a small smile on his face that doesn't go unnoticed by Sam. 'These two are too stubborn for their own good' Sam thinks to himself.
Meanwhile, Y/N is at the back of the plane. "Hi" She smiles at Amanda who smiles back. "Hi, May I help you with something?" Amanda asks nicely as she's fixing cups on the cart. "No. I'm just a bit of an uneasy flier. Makes me feel better when I walk around a little bit" Y/N says casually.
"Oh, it happens to the best of us" Amanda says knowingly. "Of course, you being a stewardess, I guess flying comes easy to you" She says and Amanda chuckles. "Yeah, you'd be surprised".
"Really? You're a nervous flier?" She asks and Amanda nods. "Yeah, maybe. Little bit" She says smiling.
"Now, how is it being a stewardess, you're scared to fly?" Y/N asks curious. "It's kind of a long story" Amanda says and Y/N apologizes. "Right. I'm sorry for asking". "It's okay" Amanda says softly but Y/N continues. "You ever consider other employment?"
"No. Look, everybody's scared of something. I just, uh...I'm not gonna let it hold me back" She says honestly. "Huh. That's really brave I'd you" Y/N nods and Amanda looks down smiling. "Christo" Y/N mutters. "I'm sorry, did you say something?" Amanda asks, looking up. Y/N looks at her in face confusion, quirking up her eyebrows chuckling.
"Christo?" She says as if it were a question, a smile on her face. "I didn't— I didn't—" Amanda stutters, confused. A pleasant smile still on her face. "Nothing, never mind" Y/N gives up, her face dropping as she walks out going back to her seat.
"Alright. Well she's gotta be the most well adjusted person on the planet" She says, sitting back between the boys. "You said Christo?" Sam asks. "Yeah" She sighs, buckling back up. "And?" Dean asks, unconsciously reaching for her hand.
"There's no demon in her. There no demon getting in her" She says, noticing Deans reaching for her hand. She takes it, caressing the back of his palm with her thumb soothingly again and he relaxes a bit. "So if it's on the plane, it can be anyone, anywhere" Sam says, looking around.
The plane jolts more this time due to turbulence and Dean panics. "Come on, that can't be normal!" He exclaims. "Hey, hey, it's just a little turbulence" She says gently. And he looks back at her, "Y/N, this plane is going to crash, okay? So quit treating me like, I'm 4" Dean snaps at her. "You need to calm down" She says, trying to keep her cool.
"Well I'm sorry, I can't!" Dean grumbles. "Yes, you can" She says calmly and he glares at her. "Y/N, stow the touchy-feely, self help yoga crap. It's not helping" He growls angrily and she snaps, squeezing his hand that's still in hers without realizing it.
"Listen to me, Winchester. If you're panicked, you're wide open to demonic possession. You've basically got a sign plastered to your ass saying 'Pick me, Choose me'. So you need to calm yourself down, right now! Cuz if you don't, that demon is gonna make you his personal bitch so hold my hand, take a deep breath and relax!" She growls back firmly.
Dean feels her hand squeezing his and winces a bit. She loosens her grip and he takes a deep breath. "Good" She says. "I'm sorry for being so snappy at you, princess" Dean says apologetically and Sam's eyebrows cock at this. His brother apologizing? Damn he's whipped. "Everyone's scared of something, even you charming" Y/N repeats Amanda's words to her earlier, giving him a small smile of reassurance.
"I found an exorcism in here that I think is gonna work. The Rituale Romanum" Sam cuts in, flipping through his book. "What do we have to do?" Dean asks. "It's two parts. The first part expels the demon from the victim's body. It makes it manifest, which actually makes it more powerful" Sam begins to explain. "More powerful?" Y/N asks.
"Yeah" Sam answers. "How?" Dean asks. "We'll it doesn't need to possess someone anymore. It can just wreak havoc on its own" Sam says. "Oh, and why is that a good thing?" Dean asks. "Well, because the second part, sends the bastard back to hell, once and for all" Sam says.
"First things first. We gotta find it" Y/N says. Dean gets up from his seat with an EMF reader and begins scanning the passengers subtly while walking down the aisle. A few people look at him like he's crazy but there's not beep on the reader.
Sam and Y/N walk up behind him and he doesn't notice him. Resting his hand on his shoulder, Dean jumps. "Oh, man, don't do that!" Dean exclaims.
"Anything?" Sam asks. "No, nothing. How much time we got?" He asks. "Fifteen minutes. Maybe we missed somebody" Y/N says, checking her watch. "Maybe the things just not on the plane" Dean suggests. "You believe that?" Sam asks. "Well, I will if you will" He says and Y/N rolls her eyes. Suddenly the EMF goes off, in the direction of the co-pilot.
"What? What is it?" Sam asks Dean. Y/N notices the red right on the EMF, looking in the direction Dean is. "Christo" She says and the co-pilot turns to them. His eyes flashing black, walking into the cockpit, locking the door.
They walk decide to ask Amanda for help, walking to the back of the plane. "She's not gonna believe this" Sam says as they walk to the back. "Twelve minutes, dude!" Dean informs his brother. "Oh hi. Flights not to bumpy for you, I hope" Amanda says turning around to Y/N.
"Actually that's kinda what we need to talk to you about" Y/N says smiling as Sam closes the curtains behind them. "Um, okay, what can I do for you?" Amanda asks nicely. "Alright this is gonna sound nuts but we just don't have time for the whole 'the truth is out there' speech—" Dean goes to say but Sam cuts him off. "Look, we know you were in flight 2485" Sam says and her face drops.
"Who are you people?" Amanda asks, suspiciously. "We've spoken to some of thes other survivors. We know something brought down that plane and it wasn't mechanical failure" He says and Dean continues. "And we need your help to stop it from happening again, here, now" He ordersZ
"I'm sorry, I'm very busy. I have to go—" Amanda stutters, trying to walk between them to get away but Y/N holds her back by her shoulder. "Woah woah woah, wait a second" Y/N says, trying to get her attention and she steps back fearfully. "I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? But listen to me" Y/N reassures her.
"The pilot from 2485, Chuck Lambert, he's dead" Y/N tells her and she shakes her head in disbelief. "What? Chuck is dead?" Amanda asks surprised and scared. "He died in a plane crash. That's two plane crashes in two months. That doesn't strike you as strange?" Dean asks her, rhetorically and she stutters.
"Look, there was something wrong with 2485. Maybe you sensed it, maybe you didn't. But there's something wrong with this flight too" Sam tries to quickly explain. "Amanda you have to believe us" Y/N pleads with her. And she's hesitant but begins to recall the flight "On...on 2485, there was this man. He had these eyes.."
"Yes. That's exactly what we're talking about" Sam confirms what she saw was real. "Well I don't understand, what are you asking me to do?" She asks. "Get the copilot, we need you to bring him back here" Dean tells her. "Why? What does he have to do with anything?" Amanda asks, confused and frustrated.
"We don't have time to explain. We just need to talk to him, okay?" Dean says quickly. "How am I supposed to go into the cockpit and get the copilot-?" Amanda starts but Sam cuts her off. "Whatever it takes. Do whatever it takes. Tell him there's something broken. Whatever will get him out of that cockpit" Sam says quickly Z
"Do you know that I could lose my job if-" Amanda begins again but this time Y/N cuts her off. "You'll lose a lot more than that if you don't help us out" Y/N says pleadingly and she looks between all of him before agreeing. "Okay" She says and walks out, towards the cockpit. Knocking on the door and luring him out.
The copilot begins to follow begins her. Sam takes out John's journal and flips to the page of the exorcism, Dean takes out the holy water and Y/N takes out her iron knuckle ring, just for good measure.
The possessed copilot enters, "Now, what's the problem?" He asks and Y/N instantly right hooks him with her ring. Dean grabs him, lifts him up and slams him back down on the ground. Duck taping his mouth shut so he can't smoke out. "What are you doing?! You said you were just gonna talk to him!" Amanda panics, seeing the trio attack the copilot.
"We are gonna talk to him" Y/N says ruggedly as Dean pours holy water on the copilot, his skin sizzling and burning from the touch causing his clothes to singe. "Oh, my god. What's wrong with him?" Amanda can't believe what she's witnessing. "Look, we need you calm. We need you outside the curtain. Don't let anybody in, okay? Can you do that?" Sam gently asks while instructing her. But shes panicking at the scene unfolding in-front of her.
"Can you do that? Amanda? Amanda?" Sam tries to get her attention. "Okay. Okay." She says, fearfully, leaving. Y/N lays another punch on the copilot while Dean holds him down. "Hurry up Sam, I don't knock how much longer we can hold him" Dean struggles trying to hold him, along with Y/N. Sam drenches him in holy water again and starts chanting the exorcism in Latin.
The demon breaks out of their hold, knocking the holy water out of Sam's hand, kicking Dean and Y/N off of him and shoving Sam against the wall. Dean and Y/N recover, holding him back down as Sam chants the exorcism again. Kicking Dean and Y/N off again. He rips the duct tape off and he grabs Sam by his collar and says, "I know what happened to your girlfriend" In a demonic voice.
"She must have died screaming. Even know, she's burning!!". He taunts Sam laughing maniacally and Y/N reaches over, punching him again. She and Dean hold him down, "Sam!" Dean yells at his brother to continue, the hate in Sam's face while looking at the demon building.
He continues chanting the exorcism. Dean and Y/N struggle to hold him down. Dropping the book to hold him down, he yells, "I got him!" The demon kicks John's journal into the aisle. But the demon escapes from the copilots body, smoking out from his mouth and goes into the vents. "Where'd it go?" Sam asks.
"Into the plane" Y/N points to the vent. "Hurry up, we gotta finish it" Dean taps Sam on his shoulder and he goes to retrieve the journal but the plane begins falling rapidly. Passengers screaming, tossing them from side to side. Sam rushes to get the journal but it slides under a seat.
Dean and Y/N try to balance themselves but they fall over at the back of the airplane. Dean falls onto Y/N. He holds onto her for dear life, clutching onto her thinking they're gonna die. She wraps her arms around him trying to calm him down even in this situation, his head in her chest, screaming, as the plane falls. Y/N began praying silently in her mind, she was never a religious person but if she needed to pray. Now was the time.
Outside in the aisle, Sam retrieves the journal that was under a seat. Opening the book, Sam chants the exorcism at the top of his lungs. Lightening sparks throughout the outside of the airplane and the plane is back on track. The demon expelled back to hell.
The entire plane sighs a big relief at the plane stabilizing. Families checking to see if their loved ones are safe.
Dean looks up at Y/N, tears drenching her face. Her eyes are screwed shut. When she realizes the plane settled, she looks down at Dean. Crying if relief, hugging him tightly and he hugs her back even tighter.
They both get up and dust themselves off, looking through the curtains to see Sam is standing having saved the day. Dean looks at her brother shaking his head.
The plane is now disembarked. The copilot that was possessed is on a wheelchair, wrapped in a blanket. "Sir, can you tell me what happened?" A NTSB agent asks him. "I don't know. I was walking through the airport, then it all goes blank. I don't even remember getting on the plane" The copilot explains to the agent.
"Is there anything else?" An FBI Agent asks Amanda as Sam, Dean and Y/N look on. "No, that's all" She dismisses, looking over at the trio she mouths a silent 'Thank You' to them gratefully and they nod back.
Dean turns to his brother and Y/N, "Lets get out of here" He says, walking to the exit. Y/N looks at her best friend, knowing he's worked up over what the demon said about Jess. "You okay?" She asks, concerned. "Guys..." He turns to his brother and best friend. "...it knew about Jessica" Sam says, worried.
"Sam, these things, they read minds. They lie. Alright? That's all it was." Dean assures his little brother it was all mind games while Y/N nods. "Yeah" Sam says, unconvinced. "Come on" Dean say, walking towards the exit. Y/N notices Sam doesn't move and puts her hand out for him to take. He sighs, taking it, grabbing onto her wrist and they walk towards the exit.
"Nobody knows what you guys did, but I do" Jerry says to them, now outside of the facility where he worked and they nod. "A lot of people could have been killed" He says gratefully, putting his hand out to shake their hands. "I've never met the man, but I'm sure your dads gonna be proud boys" He says to Sam and Dean. "We'll see you around, Jerry"
Turning to Y/N, he gives her a hug which she gladly returns. "I know your dad is proud of you kiddo" He says patting her shoulder and she smiles. "I sure do hope so too" she says to herself softly as Jerry walks off. "He is" Dean reassures her, flashing her a wink and she hides her blush.
They all pile into the Impala and hit the road, part of Y/N misses her bike but she's also grateful she can play backseat passenger princess for a bit and catch up on some Z's.
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dontyouworrydaddy · 2 months
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chapter 1 ~tɦe ɾiνeɾ wɦeɾe we ɱet
⭒❃.✮:▹ a Simon Riley series   ◃:✮.❃⭒
- series masterlist
It had been a very stressful day for you. Your day didn’t go as you planned. Rude customers, your chef wasn’t in a good mood and the fact that you’re understaffed makes it even worse. Working overtime, even when you’re sick.
And the only time you let yourself and your mind get a little peace is when you go to the lake deep in the dark woods. You were convinced that nobody knew this place. I mean a normal person with a healthy mind would never even think about going through the dark forest just to chill near the river.
It’s beautiful. The only sound you hear is the water running by and the birds singing in the wind. It’s 7pm and the sun begins to melt. It couldn’t be more beautiful. You’re mind is finally shutting down and giving you peace for just a few hours before you enter the overwhelming and crazy world again. It’s just you and the nature for now.
You discovered this place when you were a wild teenager 10 years ago. After a fight with your parents you just ran. Ran deep in the woods and hoping that the nature would swallow you alive. But instead you were greeted with peace. A natural stress reliever. Since then it’s always been your comfort place. Nobody knew this place, not even your friends. This is the only you zone.
It was overwhelming again and you needed to escape. So you did what you did best. Grab a book and just go to your comfort zone. But as soon as you arrived, you were greeted with someone.
This someone was sitting, with their cap on, not facing you. This person was huge, probably all muscles. Sitting near the river and swinging with a stick in the water while humming a song. A song that you knew aswell.
"different by avenoir?" you curiously ask but instead with a normal reaction, this person threw the stick at you and immediately got up.
"Fucking hell…" you wince in pain as you crouch down a little. Whatever this man’s job is… it’s definitely not a normal one. A normal human cannot cause this kind of pain by just throwing a stick.
"Bloody hell… You scared the shit out of me." This someone says with a deep voice. This someone was a man who was covering this face.
"You trying to kill me? In my spot?" you whisper and it’s crystal clear that you’re still in pain. Not even period cramps are this bad. From this moment on, you‘re never going to complain about them ever again. Actually you’re going to apologize for ever complaining about them. "Your spot? Excuse me? Does your name stand here somewhere?" he says with humor in his voice. You stand up straight again and look him dead in this man‘s honey brown eyes. It’s the only thing you can see. Even his hands are covered in gloves.
"No but it’s always been me here. And I‘m guessing today is my last day being alive. Because you look like you‘re about to murder someone and this someone might be me. You got the power too, soooo…" you tell this man and all he does is looking at you like you just told him a super undercover government secret.
"What? Why would I murder you. I‘m just here to clear my head." this man says and by the way his eyes moved, you can tell this man doesn’t know how to behave or what to say. He is just as confused as you are.
"So why the mask then? Especially the gloves. You expect me to believe you? At least let me listen to the water running a marathon before I die" you tell him your last wish.
"What? Water running a marathon? You confuse me more than any mission instruction I ever got. Can’t you communicate like a normal person??" This strange man asks you and you just turn away from him. "Yes, the water is running a marathon. And yes, I can communicate like a normal person. How else would I be able to talk to you, strange murderer. Tell me, do you always talk this much before you kill your victim?" as you end your sent you gain a sigh out of this huge man. You just know that he is on the verge of tears because of you.
"Oh my god. I am not a murderer. If it calms you down, I work in the military. Task Force 141, if it helps you sleep better at night." he says and he isn’t quite sure why he did that. He never talks about his work. He isn’t quite sure why he said that just to calm you down. A total stranger.
"Yes and I work for the Nasa. That’s exactly what a murderer would say." you mess with him. Something inside of you is telling you that this man needs as much help as you do. And he definitely doesn’t give off murderer vibes. He looks like he could kill someone. Maybe he did… who knows.
"I‘m serious. Look." he takes out a batch out of his pocket and shows you his proof. And indeed, he holds the Lieutenant rank in the Military for the Task Force 141.
You grew up hating the military because it took away your father. The loss of your father, KIA in a mission, caused you loose both your parents. Your mother was just… mentally not there. She always told you how sorry she is for not being able to look after you just like she used to do. And you don’t blame her. She lost the only person that saw her in every way possible.
"Another one of you. Time to mention that I despise you military guys" you said out of anger. You know that the military is just here to protect the country. And you used to adore them for their bravery. But ever since your dad got taken away… you just felt hate. Hate towards the people who took him from you, hate against the world, hate for him and basically anything that involves violence.
"Huh? Why?" This man says with actual interest. He wants to know why you hate the military. Everyone praises them for their service and for the first time in a long time he hears this.
"None of your business stranger." your voice turned cold towards him. You always hoped to find it inside you to forgive the world and the people in it for taking away your hero. Your father. But as each day passes, the hate only grows. It makes you miss all the screaming matches you shared with your father.
"Simon. My name’s simon riley. Everyone in base calls me ghost." Simon starts. He kinda feels like your hate towards the military is because something happened in your life. And he is totally right.
"Okay, Simon. I‘m Y/N. Y/N L/N." you tell him too.
"wait… you’re the daughter of f/n?" he asks you with genuine interest in his voice. You turn to look at him. "You know him?" you ask him. "The man that walked into a burning building just to save the people inside? How does someone not know him? Our captain talks about him sometimes… is he the reason why you hate the military?" Simon is shocked about his sudden behavior. Why does he care? Why does he keep talking to this woman he just met. What if it’s a trap? What if-
"Yeah. You can say that… You must be old old if you know him" you joke. It’s been 24 years since you lost your dad. You were 5, waiting for him to return, but he never did…
"Nah. I‘m 37. But I heard of him from the news." when I was also about to join , is what he wanted to add. You would have guessed him younger than he actually is. 37, you think. He is pushing his 40s. And you’re 29.. But why do you even cate about the age difference? It’s not like you’re ever gonna see hin again, right?
"So… why are you here?" he asks just to cut the uncomfortable silence between the two of you. "Trying to get my mind off of some things. Why are you here? And why have I never seen you here before?" you ask him. It’s a strange thing that you have never seen him before.
"Well, I was just walking around and saw this beautiful place. Thought I‘d stop by. And now I‘m here." he answers your question. You look at him for a moment and then turn back to watch yourself on the surface of the water running by. "Are you always here?" he asks. He wants to know if he’s ever going to see you again. Because something inside of him tells him that he needs to get to know you better.
"Yeah, most of the time." you don’t look up at him as you answer his question. But Simon gets an idea. It’s going to cause for him to get out of his comfort zone. He doesn’t even know why he wants to keep talking to you. I mean, he just met you. But it feels like his heart is telling him to keep talking to you. His heart tells him to get to know you better. "Why don’t we meet again in two weeks, the same time and same day?" he suddenly said and he can feel his face burning under his mask. He starts feeling stuff he never felt before. This feels so strange for him.
"Why two weeks?" you ask him and finally look at his face again. For a moment, Simon forgot how to talk again. He felt like he lost his ability to talk again. You shake your head and wait for an answer, causing him to gain the ability to talk again.
"Deployment. I‘m not here in England for two weeks"
"okay. See you in two weeks, Simon 'Ghost' Riley" you pat his shoulder as you walk past him. He stands there, still, trying to process what just happened.
"Holy fuck" he mutters under his breath. He just wanted to go on a walk and now he has a 'date' in two weeks. The antisocial man did this.
Now he cannot wait for the day to arrive.
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gorey-maiden · 7 months
The struggles of being a teen vampire | WWDITS | lazlo, Nadja and nandor x platonic! Musician Teen vampire fem reader |
I’ve had this idea for a while :p
Summary: reader is a vampire struggling with every day teen angst since she was bitten at the age of sixteen hundreds of years ago
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“They keep getting on my nerves, I love them I really do because they are my family but I want to tear there heads off” reader states slumping back in her chair as the camera crew interviewed her“they keep wanting to spend time with me I never get any privacy” she rolls her eyes balling her fist “I’ve literally been with them for hundreds of years since I was bitten”
“Now this way” Nadja motioned with her hand as the walked down the hallway with the cameras, Guillermo following along side her “um Nadja? I don’t think we should bother reader she seems to be in a mood today” Guillermo looks back at the cameras stress evident on his face “I’m sure she’s fine just a mood swings is all” Nadja Brushes him off. They arrived at a door, it has ‘do not cross’ tape all over it along with a sign ‘KNOCK FIRST’ “she definitely has a unique way of decorating” Nadja sighs. Loud music can be heard through the door. Nadja opens the door “oh reader we just-“ the cameras focus on a dark silhouette, reader was hunched over sitting on her bed the laptop light illuminating her face, loud metal music was blaring through the room the only lights on where old red Christmas lights that where strung around and the many candles which sat everywhere. Posters of her favorite horror movies and bands stuck all over the walls. Her bed wasn’t a coffin but a large bed draped with red satin sheets and a black Canopy over top“GET OUT” reader yells, she grabs a book off of her nightstand and throws it at the door. Guillermo shuts the door quickly before anyone got hit. “Well…that was interesting” Nadja says looking at the camera.
“We’re all…slightly scared of reader” lazlo says looking Nadja “she is very powerful for such a young vampire, her type is a “soul vampire” they slowly suck the soul out of others” Nadja nods “we’ve seen it first hand, pretty gross” lazlo finishes.
Reader decided since they wanna hang out so badly with her she’d drag them along with her to do something she actually is passionate about.
“Everyone! Come to the fancy room, reader wants to tell us something!” Nandor calls. Everyone walks into the room sitting down “well..” reader starts fidgeting with her rings “I wanted to invite you all to a show my band is doing tonight” reader says “really? Oh dear that’s amazing of course we’ll attend” lazlo says with a smile “great, but one rule, no killing.” Reader states crossing her arms. They all sigh but agree “fine”
Should I continue this?
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