#stripe squad headcanons
hetagrammy · 2 months
I'm really partial to the idea of visual storytelling through clothing, and I really like the concept of the whole Immigrant Trio experiencing it
When Molly first comes to America, through the 1850s she was constantly wearing black. Like to the extent that people on the street frequently mistook her for a widow. By the 1860s she started to get into more of a half mourning stage, not quite out of it, but incorporating colors like dark purple and blue into her clothing again. Then it's the late 1860s, the war is over, and she and Alfred go on their railroad adventure. She's in rough, mismatched clothing that helps her masquerade as a gender she isn't, but behind it she's still herself. She's trying to find and understand herself, but is coming to terms with the only way she is able to do that is in a new place where she can break down and build up again. It's after this point, and as she's joined by new friends and a lover that she starts taking on her old habits- lighter, warmer greens, lilacs, teals and blues.
Tolys first comes to America layered up and his clothing is tight. His waistcoat is always buttoned, his tie looks like it's choking him, his sleeves are always rolled down. He's almost too formal at points. Over time his clothing gradually starts to loosen around the house- his waistcoat is unbuttoned, his bow is looser, he lets his hair down when he's not working. He's living in a place where he's afforded the time to do this, and more importantly he can trust in the people around him to allow him that.
Lovino is almost the opposite. He comes to America with few possessions on him, including articles of clothing. He's plain, partially to do with his financial state and partially because he's trying to avoid home baggage. The exception of course is his cap, which is emblematic of his identity and acts as a bit of a connection with Molly (for whom the style is also culturally significant). As he's there and builds relationships he didn't anticipate, he accumulates more (items Molly knit or embroidered for him, clothing he's borrowed from Tolys, knick knacks he found for himself, etc.) Rather than layering per se, he gains more detail because he allows himself to form those bonds and he treasures them and his experience in spite of its rough beginnings. In a similar manner to Molly, he also starts to take on hints of color in his clothing again, especially reds and yellows.
Alfred is a special case because he's relatively consistent except for his breakdowns. He tries to be fashionable and trendy, but he's always got one thing out of place like a mismatched tie. He always looks really put together and professional, because it's what he's supposed to be masquerading around is. Then when he goes on his western breakdown adventures his clothing becomes even more mismatched, simple, and at times oddly fitted on him like a child trying to put on a shirt too big for them. Even though it peeks out under normal circumstances, it shows fully he is a bit of a child under the fresh and put together veneer.
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naavispider · 1 year
Spider + recom squad headcanons because @hyperfixatedfandomer got me inspired ✨
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(pic source)
Spider constantly cussing out Quaritch and the other recoms and nobody batting an eyelid
Quaritch secretly loving it because even though those are some spicy insults, Spider is obviously comfortable enough in his presence to say them
(Quaritch doesn’t know this is why he enjoys it, to him he’s just confused when a warm glow starts to spread from his chest)
Spider having the time of his imprisonment life because nobody seems to care that he hates them, he can just freely live his truth without being punished
He used to feel like he was walking on eggshells around the Omatikaya (esp Neytiri) because everything he said he could be judged for, but here no one gives a shit, it seems
Weirdly, he also knows that he’s probably a great deal safer with the recom squad than with any old Omatikaya, because these guys will actually try to protect him if any of the wildlife turns foul
Z-dog praising Spider for his creative insults, stating that they’re some of the most inventive ones she’s heard in her two lifetimes. Spider glowing warm because it’s the only praise he’s received from an adult in years
Quaritch watching the other recoms take the piss out of spider for his foul attitude towards them, but his juxtapositional softness and gentleness when it comes to the animals they encounter
Quaritch not joining in because he’s just watching Spider react, always trying to gauge his response
“What the hell is a Tarzan and why do you keep calling me tiger?!”
Quaritch has enough and gets a picture of a tiger up to show him. Spider is unimpressed at first until he realises that tigers look pretty ferocious, and he likes their stripes. From then on, the nickname doesn’t bother him.
The recoms all promise to never enlighten Spider about Tarzan, making him believe it’s a kind of species of Earth animal that died out thousands of years ago. Quaritch doesn’t join in but has to hide his smirk whenever Spider starts frustratedly asking how big tarzans were and if they had stripes or sharp teeth or were predators
Spider being woken up early in the mornings for trekking through the jungle with a furious, albeit sleepy, “fuck off.”
The recoms joking about spider being a baby, or weak, or fragile, but they recognise deep down that the kid is built. Quaritch knows this too and knows they’re only doing it to wind spider up, so he doesn’t stop them
When spider is especially annoyed/homesick/sick of being a prisoner, the recoms are better at noticing it than Quaritch, who at the beginning of their relationship was abrasive and unable to empathise with him
A hand on Quaritch’s shoulder from Wainfleet or Ja or Lopez is all it takes for the recoms to stop Quaritch from going off at the boy after he ransacked the supplies
Spider trying out the recom food from the suction packets and their faces bursting into laughter when spider pulls a disgusted face and starts gagging (a la trying alcohol for the first time)
Spider teaching Quaritch Na’vi at Quaritch’s request, but exchanging phrases like ‘good morning’ to ‘I am a worm’s anus’
Mansk has been checking the translation on his tablet software, and starting grinning when he catches on to what Spider is doing. He gets Z-dog and the others round and they watch with barely concealed laughter as Spider tricks the Colonel (Quaritch never finds out)
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levi-venn · 2 months
Been having Thoughts about the Mirror Batch! I picture Void and Memento with black hair (like most of the regs), and I picture Headshot with gray hair a couple shades darker than Crosshair's. Do you have any headcanons about what they look like? Or if they have any tattoos?
I'm so happy you asked! Here's your answer below. For anyone curious about these OCs, here is more information on The Mirror Squad
Physical Appearance of the Mirror Squad
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It isn’t often Striker is found without his helmet and his jumpsuit which helps regulate his hypersensitive senses. However, his helmet and suit can’t protect him from the sensory overload of his own hair. For this reason, Striker isn’t just bald. He is hairless. He has pale thin cuts over his body from shakily and obsessively shaving any hair he can find. Circuit crafted a laser hair-removal device for his brother to protect his skin from that dangerous obsession.
Striker has no tattoos.
His eyes are a stormy light gray that constantly bounce around his surroundings, drawn to every sound and flicker of light that isn’t often heard or seen by his brothers.
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We actually get to see Cryptid-style images of Circuit in the series finale of Bad Batch. While Circuit's hair is cut short here, Circuit's hair tends to be up in a messy bun, his face scruffy from sheer disinterest in personal grooming until Headshot tells him to clean up. His hair is salt and pepper, the white strands borne from the stress of his augmentations. 
Circuit is a brilliant artist and is covered in tattoos he applies himself. The gentle buzzing and the consistent rhythmic pain allieviates the stress of his overactive mind and calm his twitchy body.
While his skin heals, Crunch happily volunteers as his “canvas” and will sit for hours while Circuit tattoos his brother. Circuit's tattoos are a series of colorful vectors, geometric shapes, a strings of lime green binary that spell out things like “I joined the GAR and all I got was insomnia and this tattoo” and “If found, return to Crunch”
Circuit is leaner than his brothers teetering on underweight due to an instable, high metabolism and nausea caused by sleep deprivation.
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Crunch's pigment is lighter than his brothers, more freckled, with sandy blonde buzz cut and a neatly trimmed beard. His eyes are dark brown that are rumored to turn black when he is in "Rampage Mode", though this is mostly due to extreme pupil dilation.
Most of Crunch's body is tattooed at this point thanks to Circuit. Crunch’s favorite tattoo is on his chest of a Rancor wearing a rainbow party hat sitting next to a broken growth jar eating uj cake. This was a surprise tattoo from Circuit for Crunch's "Growth Jar Day", a holiday only Circuit and Crunch celebrate. 
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Void, our Eerily Calm Soldier, has no tattoos as he does not see the point in them. “The body is a decaying vessel, temporary like everything else.” Void does, however, see the point in paying special attention to his hair. In fact, Void is obsessive about his coal-black hair (black hair in honor of Fanfictasia's suggestion!), sculpting it daily into a short, narrow mohawk. His facial hair is meticulously groomed into a devilishly thin mustache with a stripe of hair on his chin.
Void has a multi-branched, red lightning scar on the right side of his chest that travels up his shoulder. The scar is from a mission gone wrong that resulted in Headshot saving his life, earning a permanent scar himself. Void never speaks of that mission, but he refused medical treatment of his own scar, wishing it to be permanent. It was a souvenir of the time Headshot saved his life.
Nothing "moves" Void emotionally, but Headshot's self-sacrifice was a fascinating event he thinks of often.
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Headshot (CX-2)
Above is concept art for CX-2 ("Sniper Clone") by Dawn Carlos for the official Star Wars Bad Batch Episode Guide.
Headshot is the only Mirror Squad member that kept his appearance as close to a Regulation Clone as possible. It helped diffuse tension between his brothers and the Regs since the Regs saw him as a “familiar face”. This conscious choice was also part of his larger plan to convince more Regs to defecting from the GAR (a plan that ultimately sealed his and his squad's fate to be put On Ice, their memories wiped, and become CX Troopers).
Headshot's facial scar came from an IG-100 MagnaGuard's electro staff, a scar he earned saving Void from a fatal blow. Under normal circumstances, Void doesn’t aid his squad unless directed by Headshot, but on this mission the injured Void scooped up his unconscious brother and carried him back to base himself. Void nursed Headshot back to health personally, firing warning shots at any medics who tried to approach. 
Most of Headshot’s wound healed, leaving only a single long facial scar.
Void never talks about the incident, but the squad noticed Void was quicker to obey Headshot's directions after that day.
Thank you again for the ask @fanfictasia. These characters are so much fun to explore and they develop just a little more with every ask!
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disco-orange · 6 months
More odd squad headcanons !!!!!!
Oscar works as a part-time detective for the other scientists on slow days.
Todd is just really strong???? He's just like that.
Todd thinks he's really strong because he used to blast himself with gadgets for fun.
Oren eats a Lot of mac n cheese.
If Olive can't brush her teeth three times a day she can't do any work for the rest of the day.
Otto cuts his own hair.
Todd's hair currently grows on its own with the white stripe, but his eyebrow is not natural.
Olive knows multiple dead languages.
Olive and Otto do LARPing together. Same with Oren and Olaf.
Oscar eats his fingers.
Omar is a theater kid.
Orla gets a girlfriend who is very tech-savvy and has a long convoluted name.
Otto thought Olive was saying "gopher Olive" for a long time and she had to explain otherwise.
Olive knows the first 200 digits in the Fibonacci sequence.
Todd is a licensed DBT therapist along with a gardner.
The only video game Orla can play is Tennis For Two. She's exceedingly good at it.
Todd learned most of the Canadian legal system in a dream.
Dinosaur hands Oona.
Olympia makes Otis take The Bits™️ off of her orange slices.
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meliskindachildishlol · 7 months
My UPDATED headcanons of the sexuality and gender identities of the BATMM characters YIPPEE!! :3
Blaze – Bisexual and non-binary, They/He (they're more comfortable with They/Them :3)
AJ – Unlabeled and questioning his gender identity (cis male FOR NOW), He/Him and experimenting with She/Her and They/Them
Gabby – Demiromantic and cis female, She/Her
Watts – Pansexual and cis female, She/Xe
Stripes – Aroace and cis male, He/It
Darington – Unlabeled and demiboy, He/Him, but doesn't mind They/Them
Zeg – Aroace and non-binary, They/Them
Starla – Bisexual and cis female, She/Her
Crusher – Omnisexual (pref. for boys) and cis male, He/They
Pickle – Gay (MLM) and trans male, any pronouns, excluding She/Her
they are still the skittle squad :)
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squadrah · 1 year
what are the squad doing for pride month? anyone going to parades, parties, clubs? snuggling on the couch at home?
I am beyond exhausted from a month of just enduring bigotry every single day, but I'll be damned if I let this month go by without answering this ask, even if might not be as long and detailed as I would usually do it! I miss writing for this side blog...
In my heart of hearts, ever since we have confirmed that the street where the hideout is located in canon actually has a gay bar in real life, it has been my headcanon that La Squadra usually goes to that bar because 1) it's the closest bar, 2) they are all some variety of queer and fit right in. The only difference during Pride Month is that everyone will go a little more out of their way to look the part when they go to the gay bar: Melone busts out his collection of pride pins, Prosciutto has a rainbow shirt, Gelato has been known to paint his entire face in stripes like a sport fan might, Formaggio will just wear an entire bi flag as a cape, etc. Needless to say, they are all extremely popular there whether they are doing karaoke and downing shots or defending the bar from bigots (Stands allowed as long as actual patrons are spared). Even those who rarely stand a chance will get lucky during Pride Month.
Highlights from Pride Months through the ages:
Prosciutto holding a rally before they went to a big party at the gay bar, which ended with him bellowing, "ALRIGHT, MEN! LET'S GET OUR CUNTS SMASHED!" followed by excited whooping from the others. (Everyone got laid that night and some still think the rally had something to do with it, so Prosciutto now has to hold one before every event. He doesn't always say the line, but at least one person is always ready to shout it if he doesn't.)
They introduced a special Pride Month game into their evening game routine called "Token Straight", where someone is secretly made to be the Token Straight whose job is to try and blend in with the others by only saying Very Hinged And Not At All Straight Things whenever queer topics are brought up. The game ends when the Token Straight is successfully called out. Another version was soon born called "Straight Night" where they all pretend to be straight and say Very Hinged And Not At All Gay Things whenever everyday topics are brought up. The game ends when they can no longer play it because they are laughing too hard.
Feuds with other branches of the mafia tend to be suspended for Pride Month, usually because sometimes they will run into each other at the gay bar. Tensions sometimes run high when they drink too much and start rattling off at each other about grievances, but everyone is united against bigots, so organization members who would otherwise never acknowledge each other might fight side by side armed with bar stools and broken bottles. As soon as July starts they immediately ignore each other again like it never happened and it's so rude. Not naming any names but Zucchero and Sale.
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missiridescent · 2 years
Has Horangi’s backstory (specifically how he got his call sign) ever been reveal?
I have this headcanon that Horangi got lost from his squad one time whilst trying to run away from the enemy and he ended up being lost in the jungle for a few days, only using his wits and fist to get through the jungle. During which he ended up getting badly injured and scars littered his back and arms. He finds his way through the jungle and his squad swore they saw glowing eyes before Horangi emerged from the darkness.
Word got around and while Horangi was getting a full body medical checkup, the doctor mentioned that not only is Horangi going to get a gnarly scar from his injuries, his scars resembled that of a tiger’s stripe. Between the whole scar and glowing eye thing, Horangi was quicky given the call sign “Horangi” not only due the latter but also due to the fact Hong Jin was literally in the Jungle for DAYS. Even as a soldier it was a miracle he came out alive.
Plus, Horangi never mentioned this to anyone but doesn’t remember most of his time in the jungle, almost as if an entire different entity had overtaken his body to help him find his way back to his base, almost animalistic if you may. Perhaps his callsign is more than to his newly physical appearance, maybe something within him may have influenced his callsign entirely.
(Sorry if it doesn’t make sense, english isnt my first language :( )
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deejadabbles · 1 year
More Whisper Headcanons for OC Sunday!
A continuation of these headcanons 🖤
Whisper is big into art of all mediums, but he's especially interested in charcoal sketching and wood carving. He likes how dramatic and moody it can look with simple shades of black and grey. If he gets a moment to breath while on different planets he likes to sketch his surroundings, otherwise he'll take stills recorded from his visor and try to recreate them. Then he found that he loves making little charms out of wood. When his bestie Fixit welded him a good luck charm he wanted to make him something in return, so he tries carving and found that he really likes it.
As mentioned before Whisper really likes tattoos (another form of art expression). He gets some of those blackout tattoos down both arms, solid stripes/bands around his biceps, and ones that fades into a mist-like design on his forearms/wrists, similar to something like these:
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He also gets a lotus over his heart (inspired by Liv's lovely flower matchmaking!) For now it's not in color, but deep down, he hopes that someday he'll meet "the one" and plans to fill it in with his love's favorite colors, with the tips of the petals fading into black to represent the both of them 🖤 like I said, he's a romantic! (He also gets a really detailed piece on his back but I'm still thinking about what that would be exactly)
Despite his quiet, and very chill nature, Whisper doesn't mind boisterous people (part of the reason he can put up with Bravo). He actually likes how lively others can be, especially in a group setting. He does need some peace and quiet sometimes (Mayreen taught him some great meditation techniques) but he won't get annoyed around "loud" people easily. When the rest of his group is causing shenanigans you can always find him tagging along with a soft smile.
It's nearly impossible to cause Whisper to lose his cool, he's incredibly patient…. except when it comes to disrespect. He doesn't care a ton of it's directed at him, but he will fight anyone who shows disrespect to the people he cares about. Has been known to escalate fights at 79s when the offenders don't back off from his one and only verbal warning. If some sleemos is harassing you, Whisper is also a great person to ask for help. He'll invite you to sit with him and Fixit and if that doesn't scare the sleazeball off he's ready to throw hands.
Speaking of 79s, when him and the squad go out, he's usually the one who stays at the booth to watch everyone's drink. He loves people watching in general but especially at the bar, everyone having fun and letting loose makes him smile. Also, no one can tell when he's drunk. Even when he is, the only noticeable sign of it is that it's easier to make him laugh out loud. He rarely gets drunk though, usually tries to keep as sober as possible to keep his brothers out of trouble.
I have more about him to share but they're very deep and angsty and I'm not in the right headspace for that right now so that's all for this week! If you read this you're awesome and I appreciate you (even if you didn't I still do but you know lol)
I'm not sure who's okay with being tagged in my OC content but for now I'll just tag @commander-sunshine @blueink-bluesoul and @moonlightwarriorqueen (as always no pressure to read of course 💙)
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heavensbeehall · 7 months
"Mockingjay", Chapter 23
Part 3: The Assassin
Chapter 23: ... so everyone is dead including the random lady with a sausage that Katniss shot. What is left of Squd 451 has made it to the City Center. They play dress up in the dead woman's apartment. Cressida leads them to Tigris. You remember Tigris, right? From the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes! Tigris hides them in her shop. Katniss confesses that she has no assignment to kill Snow and everyone is like, "Duh." Peeta says they really thought she could kill him and I have questions about that. Tigris gives them food. Then Katniss overhears Gale and Peeta talking. Gale gives a somewhat harsh--in my opinion--assessment of who Katniss will pick.
One glance at my companions tells me this is no time for a stealth attack on Snow. Gale's still losing blood from the neck wound, which we haven't even cleaned. Peeta's sitting on a velvet sofa with his teeth clamped down on a pillow, either fighting off madness or containing a scream. Pollux weeps against the mantel of an ornate fireplace. Cressida stands determinedly at my side, but she's so pale her lips are bloodless.
Squad goals, amirite? (Also lol at the two women being the only ones to hold it together. Cressida is probably the Victor of the 76th Hunger Games? Any objections? I love Pollux but I think his head isn't in the game since his brother died.)
Behind a counter sits the strangest person I've ever seen. She's an extreme example of surgical enhancement gone wrong, for surely not even in the Capitol could they find this face attractive. The skin has beenpulled back tightly and tattooed with black and gold stripes. The nose has been flattened until it barely exists. I've seen cat whiskers on people in the Capitol before, but none so long. The result is a grotesque, semi-feline mask, which now squints at us distrustfully.
Here's my Tigris headcanon: She starts as a stylist to help her Cousin. She believes he will stop the Hunger Games when he becomes President. ... Except he doesn't. She makes excuses for him for awhile. She loves him. Being part of the Games every year makes her anxious. She turns to her mother's fur coat, and later other fur items (as Katniss does with the pearl) in her anxiety.
Eventually there comes a breaking point, probably at the "earliest Games" Katniss remembers when she was last a stylist. Tigris is probably a stylist for 1, 2 or 4 because we know them to be the most successful districts and we know Tigris to be a bad bitch. Given that she is part of the Rebellion and 4 is the only Career district part of the Rebellion, it's likely things came to a head whens she is told what the Victors have to do... sexually. The same things Tigris herself had to do for Snow, who was also once her boy.
Snow tries to convince her of his dark view of humanity--that the Hunger Games is humanity "undressed" (as Gaul says in the film). That this is who we are. Tigris doesn't want to believe this. She doesn't want to be part of humanity if that is what we are. She makes herself look like a cat. Because if the Hunger Games is who humanity is, then she doesn't want to be human. She probably helps with the attempted rebellion through Finnick, which gets put down by Snow and is then banished to this sad corner of the Capitol, where she waits, hoping for change but not truly believing it will come--when Katniss Everdeen walks through her door. Tigris can't kill her Cousin. (Perhaps murder is not in her?) But Katniss can.
Tigris gives a low growl, not unlike one Buttercup might greet me with.
I like how Buttercup (who Katniss hates!) is associated with Tigris and Katniss, who are our heroes. Be more like cats. They might be mean and dumb, but have they ever committed genocide or done a Hunger Games...?
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creepsmcstuffins · 2 years
Master List
Creeps as/doing
Potato Chips
Pet Names you give them v they give you
Beach Episode
Shit I said Alone
Celebrating Christmas
In the Car ft: Jeff, E.J, BEN and Toby
Among Us
Fear Headcannons
My Friends(pt1)
My Friends (pt2)
My Friends (pt3)
Celebrating Halloween
Preferred Victims
Friend Headcannons
My Brother and I
Alpha/Beta/Omega stuff
Glitchy Red
Laughing Jack
A/B/O list

Creeps Babysitting
Kate The Chaser
Tim Wright (Masky)
SlenderBros Meeting
5 Things They Like/Dislike
Doby (Third Base)
Ani The Wright
The Expressionless
The Skin Taker
Hobo Heart
Eyeless Jack
Lily Kennett
Mrs. PencilNeck
Mr. WideMouth
Nathan the Nobody
Grinny Cat
Laughing Jill
Kate the Chaser
The Doll Maker
Judge Angels
Papa Grande
Jeff the Killer
Laughing Jack
Jane the Killer
Nina the Killer

Zalgo as a Dad
Zalgo Headcannons
Slender's Office
Slender Headcannons

s/o Headcannon
Masky Headcannons
Hoodie Headcannons
Eyeless Jack
with Dr.Smiley Headcannons
Eyeless Jack Headcannons
The Puppeteer
s/o Headcannons
Puppeteer Headcannons

Jason The Toymaker
s/o Headcannons
Jason the Toymaker Headcannons
Toby Headcannons
Lazari Headcannons
Doby (Third Base)
with SlenderBros Headcannons
Third Base Headcannons
Skully Headcannons

Headcannons for Cody (X-Virus)

Slender Mansion Headcannons
Lily Kennett's Room
Lost Silver's Room
Puppeteer's Room
BEN's Room
Lazari's Room
Jane's Room
Hoodie/Brian's Room
Masky/Tim's Room
Hobo Heart's Room
Jason the Toymaker's Room
Sally's Room
Nina's Room
Jeff's Room
Toby's Room
Mansion Headcannons
Who Lives Where
s/o Headcannon
with E.J Headcannon
Terrance: The Franken Pet
Dr.Smiley Headcannons 
Hobo Heart
s/o Headcannons
Hobo Heart Headcannons
Hangout Headcannons
Kate and Doby
E.J and Ani
Goggle Squad (Third Base, Toby, X-Virus)
Toby and Doby
X-Virus and Dr.Smiley
Jeff and Nina
Toby and Cody (X-Virus)
Glitchy Red and Sonic.EXE
Lily and Lazari
Bloody Painter and Jason the Toymaker
Toby and Tim
Bloody Painter and Puppeteer
Toby and Clockwork
Sally and SplendorMan
Glitchy Red and Lost Silver
Lazari and Sally
Jeff the Killer
Jeff and Smile.Dog
Random Jeff Headcannons
General Cuddling (Jeff)
Jeff Headcannons
BEN Drowned
General Cuddling(BEN)
BEN Headcannons

FunnyMouth Headcannons
My A.U. Things
Creeps Ages
About Skully being here
Marble Hornets
Child Creeps
Slender and Sally's Relationship (SlenDad)
What They Think Of the Other Creeps
Doby (Third Base)
Ani the Wright
What Jeff thinks of Nina
Lily Kennett
What Kagekao thinks of the Mansion Crew
Grinny Cat
Liu and Sully
Papa Grande's thoughts on the Mansion Crew
Skin Taker
Ani the Wright
Headcannons for Ani
Creeps with The Creeps
Creeps with Jeff
Y/N with The Creeps
Y/N with BEN
Y/N Being Dumb
Y/N with Nina
Y/N with Helen
Y/N with E.J
Y/N "Pass the Salt"
Sonic.EXE Headcannons
The Expressionless
Expressionless Headcannons
Lily Kennett
Lily Headcanons
Momo Headcannons
Laughing Jill
Laughing Jill Headcannons
The Doll Maker
Doll Maker Headcannons
Kagekao Headcannons
Smile.Dog Headcannons
B.O.B Headcannons
Papa Grande
Papa Grande Headcannon
Stripes Headcannon
Mr.Widemouth Headcannons
Judge Angels
Judge Angels Headcannons
Herobrine headcannons
Erma Headcannons
Mrs.PencilNeck Headcannons
Kate the Chaser
Kate Headcannons
Grinny Cat
Grinny Headcannons
Zachary Headcannons
Skin Taker
Skin Taker Headcannons
Bloody Painter
Bloody Painter Headcannons
Glitchy Red
Glitchy Red Headcannons
Lulu Headcannons
The Rake
The Rake Headacannons
Nurse Ann
Nurse Ann Headcannons
Laughing Jack
Laughing Jack Headcannons
Clockwork Headcannons
Lost Silver
Lost Sliver Headcannons
Homicidal Liu
Homicidal Liu Headcannons
TrenderMan Headcannons
OffenderMan Headcannons
SplendorMan Heeadcannons
Jane the Killer
Jane Headcannons
Seed Eater
Seed Eater Headcannons
Sally's Victims
Sally Headcannons
Nina the Killer
Nina Headcannons
Nathan the Nobody
Nathan Headcannons
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naavispider · 2 years
can you make a fanfic in wich the recoms and quaritch are fed up with spider behaving like a navi and try to "humanize" him?
I might ask you a lot because I like the way you write, sorry.
Let me do you some angsty headcanons instead! For all my angst loving, I'm not sure I could do a whole fic on Quaritch and the recoms essentially torturing Spider.
Quaritch (and Wainfleet because he is the most observant one out of the squad) notice that Spider holds his bow the 'wrong way' with his left hand like the Na'vi do, and so to fix this he decides to make Spider just write lines with his right hand. And.... that's how he found out Spider is barely literate.
They would obvs force Spider to wash off the blue stripes - but what if they stained into the skin and couldn't be easily washed away, like henna? I can see Quaritch getting frustrated and just rubbing Spider's skin until it got so red, (potentially burning it) and eventually giving up forcing him to wear long sleeved shirts and pants.
For extra angst: the recoms take Spider's armbands and anklet (which Kiri and Jake made for him) and throw them out.
Every time Spider hisses or does something too 'Na'vi' they use some kind of stun weapon to shock him, negative reinforcement all the way (in a veryyyy alternate reality)
Obvs his locs have to go, if they were being super mean they'd probably just shave his whole head, I can't see them bothering to give Spider a 'nice' hairstyle.
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cameatslemons · 2 years
for the ask game: lie? or like. isabel if u don't wanna talk ab ur lie hc's for spoiler reasons
LIE TIME bc i think abt him sooo much im so normal abt him (<-lying) and you know this
favorite thing about them: pretty much everything hooohg. so sillay. if i had to choose it's probably how his character concept is carried out- hes made to cover tracks and also big fan of lying itself. its also just fun to decipher what he says
least favorite thing about them: doesn't get used enough in tales or much of any story except as a plot-wagon or way to learn about something else. like cmon authors hes too silly for just that
favorite line: But did I actually tell you anything, or simply ask you a question? You're still able to question this conversation [Speech to text program was unable to give punctuation to this dialogue.]
brOTP: i think listing stripes is cheating here so: honestly most of the other misters hate him but the Business Squad (Hot, Shapey, n Forgetful) tolerate him to a degree
OTP: none. but he could if he wanted. whos stopping him
nOTP: if you romantically ship Lie with Stripes, His Actual Fucking Twin Brother, i will reduce you to ash
random headcanon: genderfluid but doesn't fully realize it yet bc he's so caught up in trying to be other people that he's forgotten who he is unpopular opinion:
song i associate with them: (checks playlist) The Song With Five Names and Villainous Thing
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pdqsketch · 2 years
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sexuality headcanon: Bisexual (disaster)
gender/pronouns headcanon: same as canon
rate them out of ten: 5/10
favorite thing about them: listen, shenanigans sidekick, lives to be old as balls, bff to my man firestar, there's a lot to like about him
least favorite thing about them: listen i love graystripe as much as the next guy ˢᵒᵐᵉᵗᶦᵐᵉˢ ʰᵉ'ˢ ᵏᶦⁿᵈᵃ ᵃ ᵇᵃᵈ ᶠʳᶦᵉⁿᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᶠᶦʳᵉˢᵗᵃʳ ˡᶦᵗᵉʳᵃˡˡʸ ᵇᵉⁿᵈˢ ᵒᵛᵉʳ ᵇᵃᶜᵏʷᵃʳᵈˢ ᶠᵒʳ ʰᶦᵐ, ʷʰᶦᶜʰ ᵏᶦⁿᵈᵃ ᵖᵘᵗ ʰᶦᵐ ᶦⁿ ᵇᵃᵈ ᵖˡᵃᶜᵉˢ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵗᶦᵐᵉˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᶦᵈᵏ ʰᵉ ᵐᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵇᵉ ᵃ ᵇᶦᵗ ˢᵉˡᶠ ᵃᵇˢᵒʳᵇᵉᵈ
do i relate/project onto: noooo lol
favorite quote/moment: tbh? just that he lived to be old as dust, like you go my funky little cat, outlive your enemies
my fav ship: firegrey! Also sandfiregrey! Firestar has two paws :)
my fav platonic friendship: Greystripe and Sandstorm. Firestar protection squad babee. In a poly situation, i don't really see grey and sand together other than friends tbh
a ship i hate: Sorry, I don't like silverstream and greystripe. it caused so many problems for firestar argh
do i prefer canon or fanon?: fanon above all lol
random headcanon: I mean. Firestar has two paws.
what color do i picture them as: grey, with a dark grey stripe right down the middle.
unpopular opinion: going with the silverstream thing, i like both characters separately, i just... did not like them together XD It just seemed short sighted and frivious, and really ended in a huge amount of heartache and general damage. Tho i sometimes just have trouble with cross clan relationships as a plot anyways (heard they changed the rule, good for them)
favorite MAP/PMV/AMV with them
i don't' think this map finished but i loved how fun it was
.... i'm realizing all the greystripe maps i like are with silverstream fdaafdsfda
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stripesquadsideblog · 7 years
back up a second
do you see it?
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take a closer look
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 you mean like the place the stripe squad were sent for rehab?
Kiri is under equipped to look after their mentally unhinged hell spawn psychologically damaged youths so they send them to Sakura in Konoha.
the stripe squad are initially upset at being kicked out of their own village but as soon as they meet sakura everything changes: they dont have doctors like here in kiri, she radiates light and motherly love out of every pore. she shows them how wonderful konoha is/ its literally like fire and ice in comparison to kiri.
sakura helps them because of course she does shes brilliant ( no body better come for my wifu shes amazing) and when it comes time to go “home” none of them can bring themselves to leave because they actually realise they hate kiri. you can talk about bad intentions as much as you like but something in their enviroment clearly drove the stripe kids to this and they are not going back to that.
not after sakura “the best mom ever” uchiha has showed them how good things can be.
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rjshepherd · 7 years
ok so here are some of the head canons ive been working on for shizuma. im def going to do all of the stripe squad and im probably going to update this after next  weeks ep if we see what happens to them         
very much dating buntan. Their fav activity is (besides being sassmasters) is watching fireworks and the fountain displays in the old parts of Kiri
however theyre both pretty loved starved and have no idea how to have a real relationship so it eventually peters out to them just being cuddle friends
its pretty cold and wet in kiri so getting good tea and coffee is hard. His favourite brand actually comes from Suna but hes loath to admit it because FORIGN GOODS
those little gills on the side of his face didn’t appare until puberty but now they pop in constanly. When he gets happy they wiggle, when he gets sad or crys sometimes they dribble like a runny nose and sometimes when he sneezes they pop in suddenly and scare the hell out of everyone because sneeze is suddenly X12 LOUDER.
His favorite food is Unagi  (barbeque grilled river-eel) which is hard to get in the salty ocean surrounded land of water . 
He tells people he likes fugu because he likes to live dangerously but secretly he’d rather have Takoyaki  from that one little place on the pier.
He really doesn’t eat red meat since its really hard to rear in kiri and really expencive . however if someone offered it to him he’d probably eat it
However if you offer him gobo( burdock root) or Nasu ( egg plant) he will throw them at you in disgust
Fun fact about Hoshigakis is that some of them are more like sharks than others. Some of them suffer from Tonic immobility . so for example If someone were to boop shizuma on the nose he’d be stuck until they decided to move.
This is his most closely guarded secret ( it is also very cute and im defiantly going to draw it)
Heres the nice ones
but i really love to torture shark-child so there are some nastys below the cut
angst warning!
@temari-i-i as promised =)
100% confirmed cuddle monster who doesn’t understand the meaning of the word “ personal space. He also has the rest of the stripe squad as bad as he is.
Not a morning person tbh. Cant function before 10am and needs at least 2 cups of coffee to get going.
The reason he was on Penance during the fiend trip arc was because he messed up an important peace building mission to Iwa. He pretended it was an accident but no one was buying it.
After the field trip arc he was demoted back to Genin.
He says hes 18 during the field trip arc but hes actually a few months shy of 18 . hes just tryna act older since hes the youngest of the stripe squad .
The Hoshigaki clan is actually Matriarchal, as with sharks irl. Female hoshigaki are stronger and have more chakra on average. The more women of high ninja rank in the family the more say they have
There are a lot of twins  and triplets in the hoshigaki Clan as sharks tend to have multiple bbys
Shizumas parents struggled to have children and when they did it was just one boy, shizuma. Because of this  shizumas family hold little sway over the decisions of the clan which his parents are a little bit bitter about
Speaking of his family they are kind of jerks. His mom is fairly important, she does love shizuma but since hes not a girl she doesn’t really pay him any heed because whats the point???
she would be the first to voice her annoyance if he did anything less than perfect on a mission or exam because how dare you son of mine????
His dad on the other hand is an abusive asshole. He constantly undermines shizuma for even the smallest failure and constantly telling him he needs to change and be better but fails to acknowledge shizuma when he succeeds at anything. If shizuma speaks back its likely he’ll be hit or punished in someway
Because of this He was genuinely hurt by Kaguras suggestion that he could change as the whole reason behind his attempted coup  was because his dad told him he needed to change and he did so now hes all confused and which is it??? Change back to a failure in his parents eyes or a traitor to the village???
The only time his dad is even the slightest bit kind is when shizuma asks to hear about how the village used to be during the blood mist days. Shizuma has grown up with tales of the glory days and now obviously idolizes it.
This is one of the main reasons he wants things to go back to how they were in the past
Neither of his parents went to his Chunin exam graduation or his appointment to instructor at the academy .
They were also PISSED after the whole field trip incident . outwardly they support the village or at least the clan does. They turned the air blue yelling at him about disrespecting the village and stealing something as valuable and dangerous as samehada , esp since he didn’t earn it
But behind closed doors they were more angry that shizuma got caught and wasn’t able to wield samehada with any kind of skill.
If shizuma had succeeded they would have chalked it up to a Clan victory rather than shizumas own accomplishments  but since he failed its all his problem and hes  useless and shameing the clan
After merging with samehada his chakra pathway was damaged meaning he now has trouble performing even the most basic ninjutsu like walking on water(ill go into this more later or in another head canon thing because its 0015 and im tired)
Little bit of a masochist .too young for the NASTY™ but would def be into the whole whips and chains thing ( should this go in a NSFW HC list or something???)
Questionably straight Shark child©
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meliskindachildishlol · 8 months
screw it, I wanna do this too!!
My headcanons of the sexuality and gender identities of the BATMM characters woo!!
Blaze – Bisexual and non-binary, He/They
AJ – Unlabeled and questioning his gender identity (cis male FOR NOW), He/Him and experimenting a bit with She/Her
Gabby – Demiromantic and cis female, She/Her
Watts – Pansexual and cis cemale, She/Xe
Stripes – Aroace and a cis male, He/It
Darington – Omniromantic and demiboy, He/They
Zeg – Aroace and non-binary, They/He
Starla – Bisexual(? [questioning]) and cis female, She/Her
Crusher – Gay and cis male, He/Him
Pickle – Gay and trans male, He/Him
they are the skittle squad :)
alr, that's it WIII :D
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