#strugling doctor
esriteiatha · 8 months
Hi Dears!
Esrite is checking in.
I would love to get back to writing my stories.
I have a quite big exam coming up. It would allow me to become a so called expert in my field (internal medicine). However, the things I should know for that is humblingly vast. I'm gonna try my best. Positive thoughts are welcome!
Whatever happens, see you after the middle of november!
Love you all,
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meraki-sunset · 2 years
even if he isn't godtier, what aspect powers would gamzee have because those powers are there from the start godtiering just brings it to full strength
I think to understand Gamzee’s Powers we need to understand his classpect
I always use this class chart when I work with god tier powers in the comic
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The bard class is on the Yield division under the Destroyer classes, the passive version of the prince.
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While the Prince actively destroys,
the Bard (and this is really important) invites destruction
The bard powers don’t cause destruction directly, but instigate it. They act from a distance.
This section of the homestuck-wiki says this about Gamzee
“With his ability to interfere with dream selves, he manipulated the Dream Rooms of Dave and John to implant Lil Cal and a clown plush resembling Jack Noir, respectively, into their dreams. This would ultimately lead to Rose's prototyping of John's kernelsprite with the harlequin doll . According to Gamzee, this made the kids' session terminal. This is possibly true, as Jack used the Red Miles on their universe , and Gamzee was partly responsible for his uprising through a complex series of events involving placing the dolls there.”
Basically, Gamzee put a curse on them from a distance
Gamzee. to put it simple, is like a voodoo witch doctor, like, for example, The Shadow Man from the Princess and the frog. Who tricks people into trusting him and uses others for his own Benefit without them even noticing
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Here in Argentina it’s not uncommon to hear about witches, people who you can contact, so they can “get a work done on someone”. It’s more common in rural areas, but everyone knows about them. Those “works” usually involve attaching a negative energy to someone. This will cause the person to fall ill (the way they fall ill might be related to the person who cursed them or to themselves) having bad luck, having nightmares, being struck by tragedy, etc.
That’s what a voodoo witch doctor does, It’s the manipulation of dark energies (not exclusively tho) to cause harm to others at a distance and that’s what Gamzee does. He invites destruction through the aspect of rage. He is there to support that chaos ensues but never being the main force behind it, for example, how he raised Caliborn and Calliope, corrupted Terezi on the doomed timeline, created the troll sprites on the alpha kids session, gave John nightmares with the Jack doll and made Dave miserable by bringing Lil Cal into his life. He makes sure that people's emotions fester and bring them to their limits, causes strugles by causing harm in an undistinguishable way and in minimum cuantities, knowing it will all become a snowball eventually destroying everything
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He is an instigator and above all a catalyst for other people to cause destruction. His power relies on cursing people and influencing others, so they descend into either despair or an incontrollable rage. His power is really dangerous because, like with curses, you only notice it’s there when the damage it’s done, IF you ever notice it
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And that's what i have to say about Gamzee, he has been using his powers during homestuck even without god tiering so i can't imagine how destructive he can be if he ever ascended.
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nattspencer · 2 years
Let me take care of you
Missy x Reader
Summary: Missy gets hurt while doing maintenance in the TARDIS and a sad reader comes to help.
A/N: English is not my first language, I’m really sorry for any mistakes. It has been a long time since the last time I wrote any story, I'm just trying to get back to my hobbies and strugling a little bit now, anyhow, I really wanna get back to doing this, but in my own time, so if you have any ideas and want me to write them, it would be a pleasure, just send me a request o/
Warnings: tiny mention of torture, tiny mention of grief, lots of fluffy and soft!Missy.
Word count: 2.7k.
The GIF is not mine.
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          God you missed your granny. She would definitely know what to do, what to do with all this feeling for a certain time lord, all this self loathe, and even if she didn’t know exactly how to help, at least you would have your person to talk about, to cry if you have to, you just needed to take it out of your chest.
          Don’t get me wrong, you absolutely love Bill and Nardole, but the fear of their judgment it’s just not something you would have when you talked with your granny, she was just your person, she was the one to love you, to care for you when the world didn’t even acknowledge your existence. She was the one to stand for you when all you parents did was beat the living shit out of you and tell you how useless you are and how you stole their lives and freedom. 
          Nightmares definitely weren’t a strange thing to you, had them since you were a child, and by now, for the most part, you can handle them pretty well, sometimes you were able to even stop them without having the trouble to wake up, but not this one. This one was particularly different, particularly cruel. 
          You could handle being chased, being beaten, tortured, see the most important people in you life telling you how much they despise you, but there’s one thing that was just too much. You couldn’t bear to watch Missy being tortured, torn apart, you could handle anything, except seeing the woman you love being hurt, in any way. Yes, she is a murderer, yes, she probably tortured someone sometime, but still, she is not that person anymore, she has changed, and you saw her changing. 
          When you first glanced at Missy in the vault, all you could think was how she looked just like you before granny stepped up, so hurt, so resentful, so trying desperately to feel something other than pure misery, but also trying so despairingly to seem okay, to seem like you need no one else other than themselves. You saw you in her, and you couldn’t help but do exactly what you so dreadfully one day hoped someone would, you cared. You cared for her. 
          One day you saw her hiding her bruised knuckles from you and Nardole’s view in one of your visits, so on the next one you found some excuse to bring a punching bag with you, alongside with some boxing gloves, so she could hit on something without hurting herself. On another occasion you saw her eyes a little swollen, so little that you doubt that Nardole would ever suspect it were ever that way. Thereupon you made another excuse to quickly go home and make a bottle of your better mix of milk and honey, granny’s recipe for when you were feeling down, just to unfortunately “forget” the full bottle inside the vault, unnecessary to say that it was empty the very next day.
          Little gestures like that, that’s what caught Missy’s attention. She began subtly to be a little less wry towards you, and little by little, your conversations lengthen and you two started to get along with each other. There were nights that you two just layed comfortably alongside each other and watched your favorite tv shows, others you just sat together each one reading your elected books with a pleasing silence between you two. Sometimes you just chatted about some random subject until the tiredness of the day got you, some other times you just spent the whole night bantering The Doctor and talking about his mannerism. And just like that, you fell in love, just to now, be punished by your bad dreams.
          Sometimes you wonder if your nightmares weren’t just your mind showing you the fears you so desperately try to forget. In any case, you were just too shaken to go back to sleep now and for that, you knew exactly what place you needed to go to find your serenity once again. The TARDIS’ beach has been your hide spot almost since you moved into the ship, it was quiet, had a gentle breeze and most of all, you could confess and tell everything you wanted to your beloved machine without the risk of anyone listening to it. 
          Your feet already knew the way by now, but the ship always made the room closer than it should when you needed it the most. You never thought you would love a machine as much as you love this one, all the sounds, all the lights, dimming and brightening in rhythm, but nothing compares to the lovely humming, that ladies and gentleman was the sound of home. The Doctor doesn’t imagine, but you’ve recorded it and put it to play every night you spend outside the ship just to lull you to sleep. Your mind would probably keep drifting about the wonders in the machine if the sound of something falling didn’t catch your attention. 
          “Bloody hell!” You heard from a tiny room ahead, there was no doors and the place filled with technological timey wimey stuff such as wires or metal plates, one of the later was resting in the ground “You should be in a fucking junkyard by now you useless shit” Missy hissed to the TARDIS.
          “Don’t talk to her like that! It’s not her fault that her driver is a little too neglectful towards maintenance” You said taking the ship’s side.
          “A fucking metal plate just fell on me so I think I get to call her whatever the fucking hell I want” Missy said clearly pissed. You were about to say something else in favor of the ship when you noticed a thin sharp redline in her forearm.
          “Shit, your arm, we really should go to the medbay” There was concern in your voice.
          “Oh this? It’s just a scratch poppet, you don’t have to care so much for little old me” Mockering was dripping from her words.
          “It's not a scratch, it's bleeding” The sight of her dark red blood made the scenes of your nightmare scream painfully in your head “Just… please, let’s get it clean before it gets infected” Your tone was shaken and the tiredness dripped over sorrow.
          “Well, if it calms your sentimental heart off we go then, there’s lots of things to fix and it’s really easier to do so when you all are not drifting around the time vortex” She said already walking outside the room. You didn’t say a single word, a tight knot was placed in your throat, all you managed to do was follow her steps. 
          The sound of her heels clicking rapidly echoed around the machine’s corridors. You could feel her eyes burning on you, but not a single word fell from her mouth. The route was brief but it felt like an eternity, memories of early flooding your mind while you try to pretend outside that nothing was happening. As soon as you enter the medbay you finally said, trying to sound as natural as possible: 
          “Um… you can sit on that stretcher, I’ll gather some supplies, wait a sec” You said, avoiding her gaze and trying to find what could be useful to clean and bandage her wound. 
          “You know I wouldn’t really throw a functioning TARDIS in a junkyard right?” She broke the silence “Also, I’m quite sure The Doctor it’s a little too attached to this particular one, so throwing it away wouldn't exactly help me get his friendship back” 
          “Yeah, I know, don’t worry” That was all you managed to say while you sat in front of her, starting to clean her cut, trying your very best to push the hurtful images to the back of your mind.
          “Did I say anything wrong, pet? Have I done anything wrong?” She tried to keep her usual tone but you could hear a hint of concern in her words “See, I’m little new on this being good thing”
          “Don’t worry Missy, you haven’t done or said anything wrong or bad or anything like that, it’s okay” You assured her.
          “Then why are you like this?” Her eyebrows furrowed.
          “Don’t worry, It’s nothing important” It was a paper thin lie, but still, you tried.
          “Well, the thing is, it is important” A deep sigh fell from between her lips “Look, I’m new to this kind of stuff but you once said you took care of me because it was all you ever wanted when you were down, having someone to care without the need to ask for it, so please, I know I’m way far from being the best person or the deserving person to do it but just for this once, let me take care of you”
          “You remembered” It was ages ago when you told her that, and she still remembered it, just the way you said. A smile crawled on your lips and your eyes brightened.
          “Of course I do remember, kitten, some of the things you say resonate you know” She said as if it was obvious. Your smile grew wider and your eyes started glistening.
          “Damn, you are truly amazing, you know that right?” There was true admiration in your words
          “Well, I’m just making my part of the deal. How was it again? You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed? I’m responsible with my pets, especially with my favorite one”
          You just couldn’t hold your tears back anymore, sorrow and pain, happiness and fondness was all mixed within you, all too much to contain. Missy then stood up and gently scooped you into her arms in a warm embrace, mildly stroking your hair. You never imagined she could be so tender, so warm, and more than any moment, she felt like home, it felt like you had your person again, and it made you cry even more. 
          She patiently waits for you to get it all off your chest, letting you wet her blouse as much as you want to, as much as you need to. Her other hand drew weightless incomprehensible circles on the small of your back trying to lull you into calmness. Your face was bared in the crook of her neck, her familiar scent invaded your nostrils and reminded you of the days you slept together in the vault in your movie nights, those were good nights.
          “Don’t worry, I’ve got you” She said in a tender tone.
          Good minutes drifted through the clock until you finally cried all you needed, the grief from your grandmother, your unrequited love for Missy, your nightmares, your fears, all gone now in the form of tears. 
          “Better?” She broke the silence carefully when you pulled slightly away from her embrace.
          “I just want you to know that if you want to talk to someone, about anything, even about earth’s history, I’m here for you okay? Little old me is never out of duty” Her eyes flooded with truth and tenderness.
          “Thank you” No word in the would could express the gratitude, the feelings you had now “I suppose talk about it wouldn’t hurt, I trust you Missy” When you said it so honesty a hit of surprise hit her face, followed soon by joy “So I think it would be fair enough to show you my hideout”
          “Hideout?” One of her eyebrows arched.
          “Well, when I get some really bad nightmares normally like to wander around, so in one of these walks the TARDIS showed me that room, since then whenever a need a safe place I just go there and talk to my machine friend” 
          “Machine friend? Might have to throw her in the junkyard after all” She said in a mockering tone.
          “Missy!” You said with a small laugh.
          “What? That’s my name dearie, don’t wear it out, ohh” Her brain finally realized something “So that’s why you took her side earlier, naughty naughty” She smiled showing her canines.
          “There’s enough room in my heart for you two, it is bigger on the inside” 
          “I very much like exclusivity, pet” 
          “Will you go with me or not?” You fake annoyance.
          “Follow a pretty girl to an unknown location in the middle of the night? Seams safe enough, off we go?”
          “You’re unbelievable” A genuine laugh fell from your lips.
          Your hands instinctively enclosed hers in a perfect puzzle as soon as you started to walk, a comfortable silence between you two in the brief road, iIt was really strange how things were really closer than the usual, actually you could bet the TARDIS purposely made this way, in fact she might have arranged it all. She knew you loved Missy. Anyhow, in no time you were standing on the beach’s door. 
          When you opened it and instantly you felt a pleasant light breeze on your face, the sea air filling your lungs, and the sun perfectly clouded, not too hot, not too gloomy. You took a glance into Missy’s face and a light sound smile painted her lips. In no time you took off your shoes and put your toes in the sand, dragging your honor guest with you.
          “Oh nono, no boots in the sand, take your shoes off” 
          “Sand it’s awful to clean”
          “My place, my rules, please” Pleading painting your eyes.
          “Fine, but don’t take pictures of my feet and post it online, I know they are pretty”
          “For the love of God woman” You couldn’t help but to laugh. 
          A towel laid carefully placed in the sand, close enough to the ocean but not too close to get wet, still holding hands you two sat comfortably on it, and you laid your head on her shoulder. Glancing at the waves you started to talk.
          You told her about your granny, how you missed her, told her about the nightmare that bothered you early this night, told her pretty much everything, except that she was the one you loved. Missy attentively listened to all the things you said, always making some witty comment to make you laugh. It was peaceful, among all the chaos, it was peaceful.
          She then told you about her childhood, her friendship with the Doctor, and in the end you just were chatting literally about anything that would come to mind. Talking with her was easy, was natural, and you wished it would go on forever, but now, with your head on her lap, a stubborn yawn slipped between your lips.
          “Sorry, did I bore you sweetie?” She played.
          “Shut up”
          “Naughy, but you really should get some sleep, I don’t know much about humans, but I do know about your daily semi-coma thing” Her hands were dancing blissfully between your locks.
          “I should, but I don’t want this to end” Sincerity flooded your words.
          “I don’t have anywhere else to be pet, quite imprisoned I would say” 
          “Still, I don’t want you to leave, also, I don’t want to have that nightmare again” Your face contorted to the thought of that.
          “Well, if that’s the problem I suppose I could sleep with you then, those nasty nightmares won’t bother you anymore, furthermore I will still be by your side”
          “That sounds nice” Butterflies danced in your stomach.
          “But just for the records, if I fill your bed with sand that’s totally your fault” 
          “Blame is on me then, off we go? I can borrow you one of my pjs” 
          “Little old me, in your room, light clothes, you really will have to sleep, you know that right?” A mischievous smile danced on her lips.
          “Yes, I do know that” You rolled your eyes with annoyance to mask a light shade of pink in your cheeks “Off we go?” You said getting up and extending your hands to her.
          Missy gently took your hands and stood up too without saying anything, just her pale blue eyes locked in yours. All the way to your room your hand didn’t leave hers and you thought you really could get used to this, you felt safe. And after all she has done today you could tell you were really important to her too.
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ronsenthal · 4 days
what are your absolute favourite rosie moments??
Hello there!!! I think it's when he is at the Flak House for me it's the pinacle of everything I love about Rosie. I mean... the way he talks about his motivations with the doctor, or when he talks about his love for music, he realizes it's not only about HIS fight there as everyone else reacts different and it's also fighting their heads, the difference to when we first saw him strugling to take a break to the scene at the lake where he is enjoying his lil book, looking out for his crew, HIS boys is very dear to my heart and might be my fav part of the whole series
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doloresrojo · 2 years
Lady Chatterleys lover is trully a wonderful movie, but one of the things that stood out for me, aside from the lovely sex scenes and the romance, was how they portrayed caregiver burnout. Maybe it's because I'm living it.
Clifford is not a very easy patient, and I mean it in a way that at least at first, he has a very narrow minded way of seeing things; by wanting Connie to be his only caregiver. It's never fully explained why was that. Maybe he thought it was her duty as his wife, or maybe he didn't want anyone else to see him at his most vulnerable state. Either way, he failed to realize how hard and crushing it was for Connie. Yes, she was his wife, and there's the in sickness and in health part of the vows. But she wasn't a nurse, doctor, etc., someone who's mentally and physically trained for this kind of job. It took Connie to collapse and her sister, Hilda, who was not shy about it, for him to realize that she was trully strugling... and although my Journey has not been the same, I can relate because it's such a quiet strugle until you cannot take it anymore. Love is powerful, but in cases like this... it isn't always enough to keep you going. Because it's a long journey and the person that your taking care of and yourself have to understand that you need to take care of yourself as well.
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lucascecil · 5 months
Something I read - Kursaal
I heard so much about Kursaal over the years since I started going into the Expanded Universe. And it was rarely anything good. I think that's why I procrastinated so much to read it, specially after I devored Alien Bodies so fast. I decided to read it for real these last two days and I was pleasantly surprised - I liked it quite a bit.
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Ok, let's start from the beginning: that cover is fucking gorgeous. One of the prettiest from the EDAs. I have a tough time with werewolves in Doctor Who because I usually find the stories not that much interesting - but I LOVE werewolves. Blood on Santa's Claw was a good surprise in that prospect last year and now there is Kursaal.
There are two highlights in this book for me, but let's start with the characters.
Our regulars - Forever romantic Eighth Doctor and miss Samantha Jones
The book is stuctured in a way, at least in the first two thirds, so that the narrative is never from the Doctor's perspective. It's Sam's, it's the secondary characters', but never the Doctor's. I liked that quite bit because this is primarly a horror story, and so you had these chunks of the narrative where the Doctor would disappear because he was not with any of the other characters and it raised the stakes so much. It helped with that feeling that something ominous is about to happen and every single character is at danger. I wish Anghelides kept that in the last third.
There are plently of references to his past and dialogue that helps build his character here. "I wish I'd brought my umbrella,' said the Doctor. 'I remember I used to have one.'' Him and Sam have some delightful banter when they arrive at Kursaal.
[...] Oh great, you're making me sound like my mum.' The Doctor had come back down the tunnel towards her. 'Well,' he said solemnly, his face level with hers, 'for that, I apologise most sincerely.'
'Where is your spirit of adventure?' he demanded brightly. 'In its box alongside your umbrella.'
There is a chase scene midway the book where the Doctor is pilloting a ship and it's very well constructed, but also so much fun because while he's doing it he's also telling a story about how he learned to drive. He woofs and tells werewolf Sam to call him Rex, when she is trying to bite him.
And then you have Sam. I have been strugling with her in past books. Her introduction in Eight Doctors is fun, but bizarre. She is great in Vampire Science and has an interesting dilemma in Genocide, but is non-entity in The Bodysnatchers and outright awful in War of the Daleks. There is an interesting idea planted in Alien Bodies, but it's so much more because of the concept behind it than because it's Sam.
She is great here though. No, really. Most of the book in the first two thirds is told through her perspective and it's interesting seen her deal with such violent deaths and the situation she's in. When she meets the HALF personel, this enveromentalist organization that is bound to make Kursaal fail, of course she is simpathetic. She talks a lot about her dad in the beginning of the book and it's nice how you can tell she misses him and love him. Even through his faults.
Her jealously of the Doctor has been well established in previously entries, and it's present here but much less. And not as irritating. I was spoiled that she would try to make the Doctor her wolf-king at the end of the book and I thought I would hate it, but I didn't. She is not in control of her body, the virus is making some less desirable traits of her bubble into the surface and it's brief.
I do wish though that she hadn't forgotten the plently of people she killed in Kursaal. Anghelides makes a good job of working upon her guilty because of the person she killed back in Genocide. The deaths that happen here, albeit not exactly her fault, could be incorporated into that. Also, I don't like when a character goes through horrible things and do not get to remember it because it only feels exploitative.
There is beautiful scene when the deaths start getting to her head and she is angry at how apathetic everyone on Kursaal is and how it's making her feel..
'They treat death so casually here', she said. 'The animals, the enviroment, even the people.' The Doctor studied his socks. 'Don't judge those two so harshly, Sam. It's just the way they deal with death on a regular basis. [...] 'Don't be so hard,' he persisted softly. Don't think it's brave or clever or necessary to take death in your stride. Because you have something that I wish I had: you have youth, you have so few preconceptions, you have the inexpressible joy of discovering things for the very, very first time. Don't let yourself become hard. I know you want to be grown up, but don't forget to enjoy being the child as well.' [...]
There are two scene where she and the Doctor talk about changing the past and about her timeline and both are great. It's always a topic I like to see being brought up in the companion-Doctor dynamic. The last one, at the tail end of the book is my favorite:
Sam sighed her favourite, world-weary wigh. The Doctor was avoiding the question again. 'So our work here is done?' she said, trying to sound like Batman. 'Is that how you see it, Doctor? The Jax have been wiped out. The drug guys are behind bars. We've done our bit. Made a difference.' She peered closer at him. 'Left our mark.' This made him open his eyes and squint up at her against the sunshine. 'I'm not sure that's true. Sometimes one has just to do... enough.' 'Oh, come on, Doctor. But what's enough? We could make a real difference.' The Doctor proped himself up awkwardly in his deckchair. 'What should we do? Prevent the First World War, perhaps? Save millions of lives? Imagine the effects on history. Smaller scale perhaps. Warn Lord Cardigan ahead of the Charge of the Light Brigade? Save six hundred lives, six hundred ripples through history. Cardigan would never become a hero, and you'd lose a valueable item of knitwear.' 'That's not what I meant...' 'Save just one life, then. Make on short visit to 1948, nudge Nathu-ram Godse's arm just as he fires the fatal shot at Gandhi. One life, with immeasurable effects on humankind. But what effects? But how would they have affected you life, Sam? Would your father have gone into medicine, would your mother have become a social worker, if they hadn't seen things they wanted to change? And if you and I, with the benefit of our hindsight, control their lives for them, is there any element of choice in any of it? And would you even exist? 'I think I'd rather die than survive knowning I allowed an innocent person to die,' Sam bridled. 'My little life would be nothing compared to the many that we might save.' The Doctor grasped her arm gently. 'But the very existence of that little life would have been the means for saving them.' He smiled a warm smile in the afernoon sun. 'Just one of Time's little paradoxes, eh?'
Paul Kadijk and Mister Gray
They are mainly the secondary antagonists of the book, although that's not entirely true for Kadijk at the last third of the narrative. Gray however is the centre of the themes of the book about the enviroment, preservation of flauna and flora and explorativism. It's neatly summarised by Amy at the first few pages of the book:
"You'd earn their respect if you allowed them to do their job. Which is protecting these ancient artefacts from your bulldozers. Doesn't this cavern move you? Listen to your heart, if you can hear it over the sound of jingling coins."
Kadijk is however the most interesting of the two and perhaps the best character besides Eight and Sam. He is strongly characterized, a very unpleasent man. He may be a workaholic because it's through his loyalty (if you can call it that) to his work as head of security of Kursaal that some of his redeeming qualities (however few) are shown.
Yet since his arrival, Kadijk had achieve some sucess in reducing HALF activity on Kursaal. The newsfeeds said he was a lateral thinker. His staff said he was a tyrant who demanded the impossible and achieved it through fear. His wife thought she was better off without him. 'Go and marry bloody Gray, why don't you?' she'd said with cold deliberation on the day she left him. 'You see more of him than you do of me.' That was two years ago.'
There is this bit at the beginning of the book that was very well written about his work as a "cop" and how it changed him. It's an example of what Sam comments later on how the people in Kursaal aren't fased by death anymore. How it disturbs her. And it stuck with me because I couldn't help but think of a Doctor Who audio, Absolution, where Eight's relationship with his companion there is destroyed because he shows no feelings upon the death of their friend.
And it stuck with me also because it's so easy to fall into that trap of not caring for the world around you anymore. It's something I've been struggling with in my personal life for a while, and so when the novel touched upon this topic it resonated with me.
As he spoke, his eyes never left the corpses. He had seen worse when he was a junior officer back on Kandax. At his first murder, the SOC officer Bhairom had brought him over - 'to get your opinion' - pushed him into the tent protecting the scene of crime, and shown him the two kids' bodies without any warning. Junior Oficcer Kadijk just had time to dodge back out again before he had brought up his whole lunch, to the cherry accompaniment of his senior's laughter. It was the first and only time he'd ever thrown up when viewing a body. Bhairom had seen it as a cheap gag on the new boy. She attributed no motives to the two runaways' flight from home, it just gave the murderer opportunity. She just saw two small corpses, the latest in a long line of dozens of dead bodies in her career. Kadijk had forced himself to follow things through, and to her irritation had also followed the kids' bodies through the post-mortem stages and to the funeral. When he'd nailed the father for the deaths, Bhairom had been sidelined and Kadijk promoted. [...] Now, as he looked at this young woman's corpse with its guts spilling into the dirt, he just saw one more corpse, and he could understand Bhairom at last. He thought about bringing Zaterday across for a closer look, but reconsidered when he thought about where his blue junior might throw up.
Weirdly enough it's Kadijk who has the closest to character developtment between the secondary characters. He is very antagonistic to the Doctor in the first two thirds, but then a time skip happens and fifteen years later he has mellowed out a bit. He feels for Cockaigne death's a litte bit and under the surface you can see he wonders if he failed Zaterday because of how he treated him. But he's still a bit of a bully, he still hasn't seen his children in years and I couldn't help but laugh when he and the Doctor talk about Zaterday:
'I wasn't thinking about the security clearance you gave him. I was referring to the way you behaved towards him.' 'Affectionate bullying.'
Kadijk dies a terrible death at the end of the book after - perhaps justified - smashing the Doctor's hand and knocking him out with an axe. Possessed Sam kills him. It's a good death and he goes out on fire. I think it's ironic he died trying to do what he tought was right. And I can't fault him too much, I probably would have exploded the cathedral too.
The body horror and the Jax
It's the second highlight for me. There are so many, many terrifying descriptions about the Jax and the dead corpses that just stuck with me. You can perhaps say that Kursaal has a pace problem and that the plot takes too long to start moving forward, but I disagree. Because of how some things are suggested at the beginning of the book, rather than shown, there is this feeling that something horrible is about to happen at any time.
It starts when the Doctor points out, at first without suspecting anything wrong with it, that the bodies have not started deteriorating. He tells Kadijk someone must have sent the SOS signal much earlier than the deaths, but you know it's not true because we saw the attack in the first chapter and it was Amy who called them. Then later, a body disappears from the morgue. Some more pages, and it's two bodies. And you know the dead are walking again.
And of course, when bad things do happen in page, Anghelides make sure to detail them disturbingly. There is a point, when the Doctor and Cockaigne have gone back to the cathedral, that one of the wolves is decapitated by Bernard. I love the descriptions there. It's so violent, it's so bloody and it's horrifying because Cockaigne just decapitated the body of his already dead friend. Not much later you have this scene, Johnson being another member of HALF that just died:
Johnson was standing up. In the attack, her neck had been hacked though at the front, so when she stumbled towards him he could see her head lolling forward awkwardly. In the sharp brilliance of the police vehicle floods, Cockaigne could see that Johnson's left arm and hand were covered in thick brown hair. The rest of her skin was shimmering, undulating - and then more coarse hair began to srpout from underneath. The police guards stared in disbelief. Johnson took two more steps towards Cockaigne, who shied away. Her green eyes focused uncertainly on him, and she threw her head in a gargling howl. But the effort was too much, and her slashed neck finally gave way - her head dropping off backward, and her body falling prone on the muddy ground. The head bounced twice, and rolled into a pool of dirty water.
One of my favorite bits is when Gray is transforming into the Jax:
Gray stumbled to his feet, tearing off his jacket then ripping his shirt and tie off savagely. Metal buttons pinged and bounced like scattered change on the wooden floor. Then he lunged on to the desk with a howl of anguish. Sam could see, in the moonlight, an arch of hair splitting out down the skin of his spine. The medallion still dangled on its chain around his neck. [...] Grey's obscene transformation continued. She watched his clean white nails suddenly sprout longer, more pointed. He screamed out a howl of anguish as his legs - his rear legs - bent awkwardly in the opposite direction and dropped him to the floor on his haunches. His new claws gouded a short path in the surface of the solid wooden desk. Then he turned his head into the moonlight streaming in through the open window, and Sam could see it distending, stretching, a muzzle forming from the centre of the mass of hair at the centre of his face with a sickening cracking sound. Pointed ears developed from swollen buds on the top os his head, and he screamed in agony and exultation.
The werewolves themselves are not that inventive, sure, but I like it. I love how there two kinds. The Jax themselves, the sentient species, and then you have the dead bodies being infected and being controled in a kind of hive mind. There is also a bit of a twist that the Jax are not the wolves themselves but the sentient virus that infects them. Also! Because of that plus the descriptions of the infection on the dead and how it's spreading through Kursaal and the tourists, this feels a little bit like a zombie apocalypse. Which I liked a lot.
HALF, Kursaal and the themes
HALF is a ecoterrist (or is it?) organization that is sabotaging Kursaal. They are used on the narrative to comment on how the construction of the park is destryoing the planet and killing native life. And of course, how evil corporations are. Which are both true. Amy and Cockaigne are the most important characters from HALF in the book; the others are mostly cannon folder for disturbing deaths. Amy's death took me by surprise, I was not expecting it. And after that? Nobody is safe in the book.
I do wish though it (the HALF) was more cohesive with the themes. Perhaps Sam could have a conflict about what to do with the Jax; perhaps they could've been used to comment onto ecofacism (which they are not, I am just playing with what ifs), perhaps the park could've been indeed destroyed but it fucked up the future. I say that because they are core to the themes of the book and yet it's not important at all in the timeskip. By the Kursaal has finished its construction, Cockaigne is no longer working with HALF and the politics of the park revolve around the drug cartels - which are well established as a small problem fifteen years prior, so the worldbuilding is very done, it just doesn't fit that well thematically.
One of the things I disliked though, is that the book doesn't use the parks to its fullest. Kursaal is a leisure planet, full of thematic parks with vividy imagery. We could have had so much more fun with that.
And then, everybody died. Or, the Veredict.
This a very bleak book. I was not expecting that. Every single character dies horribly, except for Sam, the Doctor and a minor officer. Even some background characters. It fits, in a way. It's a blood hungry narrative and I like it for what it is. I even thought it would be a fitting ending for Sam if she died here. It could have been visceral, with a few tweaks in the thematics beats.
Considering how much dislike I had seen for Kursaal, I was not expecting such a fun read. It's even my third favorite book so far, behind only Vampire Science and Alien Bodies. A good surprise. ★★★★☆, for now.
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kaganapan · 1 year
Thank you, Lord for the good news 🙏🙏😇😇
This past few days or week sobrang nag strugle ako, hindi ko alam kung paani ko sisimulan yung araw ko. Literally inuubos ko ang oras ko. Sad to say ang hirap kumilos ng walang pera pinipilit kong wag masyadong mag isip, pinipilit kong makipag communicate sa nangyayari sakin pero every time nakaka tanggap ako ng advices hindi ko natatanggap ng maayos or hindi ko naiintindihan, iniisip ko na kung ikw nasa kalagayan ko paano? Ganon ako mag isip lately kaya pinipilit kong libangin sarili ko. My problem was the result of my PEME, umiyak na naman ako non.. Kasi grabe baka ito na naman yung time na mahihirapan akong humanap ng trabaho, maulit yung dati and such basta maging kagaya sya last year, ayokong maulit ulit yung nangyari sakin nung mga nakaraang taon. I want a fresh start kumbaga. So ayon, nalaman ko yung result, nag breakdown na naman ako then simabi ng clinic na I need to have a fot to work clearance at makipag coordinate sa HR, ginagawa ko naman yun but suddenly last week, hindi nag rreach out sa akin yung HR, as may anxiety ako, hindi ako mapakali kung tanggap pa din ba ako sa trabaho ko, I was sooo worried talaga sa mga nangyayare, like wala akong income, I have my bills incoming, I don't have any allowance once I started and I don't have anything to start. I tried asking for help to my tita if she has a friend or kakilala na makakapag pahiram sakin ng pera but then maiisip ko na naman kung hindi naman pala ako payagan na makapasok sa work dahil nga hinahanapan ako ng fit to work clearance. So there worried na naman ako. Hindi ko na alam, feeling ko walang makakatulong sakin 😓 so now nakapag appointment na ako sa doctor ko para maayos ko na lahat ng kailangan ko at fit to work clerance, nag aalala pa din ako kasi I only have 900 pesos left on my wallet 🥺
So kanina, I was worried pa din talaga sa mga nanagyayare kasi wala pa din update sa akin yung HR. Kaya kinausap ko na yung friend ko na nag refer sakin sa new work ko na to. Naikwento ko aa kanya lahat, nasabi ko pa na ganun ba talaga sa company? Hindi nag a-update blah blah para na akong complainant pero sabi naman nya sasabihin nya daw sa HR friend nya.
Tapos ayun kinagabihan... Sabi nya start ko na daw sa Jan. 23
Gulat ako, bakit di nila sinasabi or email or text.
Nalipat daw pala ako ng sched so I need to pass the fit to work clearance na nga. Nag sorry pa dahil sobrang busy daw dahil sa dami ng pinapagawang reports. Nawala na daw sa isip na may mga bago nga palang applicants.
So yeah, ito yung good news. Ang inaalala ko na lang talaga yung allowance ko kanino ba ako pwede manghiram 😓😓
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nightmanatee · 2 years
list of all thasmin mirrors in the s11-s13 (bc apparently not everyone can see it??? i see so many people questioning some character`s desisions bc "why whould they?" -> bc thasmin would that`s why ofc):
the obvious ones:
1. 11x06: umbreen (yaz) and prem (13) . tragic short love story+yaz potentionally paralleling her grandma+waiting for each other but having no time?
2. 12x06: adam lang (13) and jake (yaz). astonaut and the ex police officer? do i have to say anything else?
3. 12x08: byron (13) and claire (yaz). they have literally things said in the script (with byron being compared to the doctor).
4. flux: bel and vinder. not sure who is who probs bell is yaz bc she watches the hologram. their relationship is thasmin mirror.
5. flux: dan and diane. not sure who is who but it`s the "bad" variant of ending for thasmin and i hope it`s only here to serve for thasmin rights in that dan`s speech in eotd.
6. eotd: sarah (13) and nick (yaz). several (3) years of having a crush on sarah? them travelling together after the events of eotd?? they ARE here for thasmin.
the questionable ones:
1. s11-s12: grace (13) and graham (yaz). i mean grace IS mirroring 13 in twwfte and their "3 years together"/3 seasons together stuff+it seems like yaz is going to be the one to live after the doctor etc etc.
2. 11x07: charlie (13) and kira (yaz). only putting them there bc of 13`s speech about how you didn`t expect to fall in love but it counts!! also kira never recieving nice things (/yaz and graham`s speech in the last ep of s12).
3. 12x03: benny (13) and vilma (yaz) . again wasting too much time (46 years) without engaging tho vilma (yaz) was always happy with everything already + benny finally being able to ask a hand in marriage before dying.
4. 12x04: nicola tesla (13) and dorothy skerritt (yaz) . putting them there only bc a very minor parallel tho skerritt was always on tesla`s side; was always defending him etc etc
so 10 couples after all. most of them from s12-13 which is reasonable. just wanted to be sure more people will now see this: how thasmin is not only about 13 and yaz being on screen but also other couples being here and showing some stuff/doing something.
3(4 including graham and grace) couples getting a happy ending. 8 of them being canon in one way or another (not sure about tesla and skerritt and charlie and kira didn`t get a chance to talk). 4(5 including benny and vilma; not sure about bel and vinder) being married btw. 5 of them strugling bc of lack of time; 3 of them being not happy bc of lies/misunderstandings (byron/claire+charlie and kira+dan and diane).
seems pretty "optimistic" huh
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meili-sheep · 3 years
How would Childe react to Diluc fainting from exhaustion and pain?
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The short answer to that question is
Not well
I generally think the one aspect of Diluc, that Childe genuinely loathes is how much he is willing to push himself, while gaining nothing. His self-sacrifice. It's very hard for Childe to comprehend. He gets Diluc wanting to protect his family, but the general people of mondstadt? He doesn't understand why Diluc would care so much about them? Like may the fights are making Diluc stronger but that's not Diluc's goal, so he's taking on these fights where he's not even killing anything but just capturing them?? It makes no sense to Childe.
And ya know Diluc's tendency to sole stuff. But Childe kinda of find that a little more endearing then annoying.
As their relationship grows Childe gets really good at know enough he need to force Diluc down into a rest, but ya know he can't be there every moment. And Sometimes Diluc has rough weeks.
Childe coming back happen to see Diluc again. And just stemples upon Diluc in the woods fighting off some mages. Strugling against a monster that should be a bug to him. Then he sees it. The little sign that Diluc gives when he's having a bad day. It's a quick end for the mage, and Childe's grabbing Diluc before he can hit the ground.
I also think Diluc is strong enough in the right place to carry Childe bridal style. Childe is not. So to carry Diluc Childe has to shoulder carry him back home. And that's not comfortble. He'd panicked to get Diluc help. Probalby bring him where every was closes be that the city or Diluc's house. And god help anyone in his way. Your gonna get trampled. Probably ends up giving the first doctor or healer they can find the biggest bag of mora you've ever have seen. And just you better help him. Or your head is on the line.
And when Diluc wakes up he's gonna get a scolding. Childe knew when he started dating Diluc, things would be rough. And that Diluc would need some care and polish, but ya know Childe like a challange lol
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fakeloveaskblog · 2 years
Hi, me again. Congratulations on getting on the waiting list. I’m cis and I don’t know much about trans healthcare or hormones but I wish you all the best and hope you don’t have to wait to long. I feel your pain with the possible two year wait. I had to wait two years for my autism diagnosis and just recently reached the end of a two and a half year waiting list to have me evaluated for anti anxiety medication. I hope you aren’t in to much pain and that you feel better soon. Remember to drink water and take care of yourself because you deserve it.
Glow Eyes
(Well would you look at that I actually remembered to sign off.)
Thanks!! Hun i'm so sorry you've had to wait that long for both of your treatments. Having to go 2 and a half years without getting any necesary help for your anxiety must have been horrible. i've had a HUGE amount of luck when it comes to my healthcare journey. I mean it's taken me like 2 months? to get meds and a therapist. i dont think i said it yesterday but i've also been written up on the waiting list for autism testing and the doctor put me so it will happen in at most 6 months. And like obviously i'm glad for all this but its also so fucking unfair yknow. Like just because it got so drastic for me i ended up at the hospital it shouldnt mean i should get help YEARS in advance of others. at most i should get help maybe like a month in advance?? At most!! It just feeds into the belief that a person has to have it "bad enough" to deserve adequate help. it's such bullshit through and through.
sorry this turned into a mini rant. ive been talking a lot with my friends lately about these kinds of healthcare issues so yeah. 
i hope you get the anxiety meds soon and that you feel nothing but validation for your strugles from your doctors <3 i dont know the differences between the side effects in anti depresants and anti anxiety but please remember that they will most likely only last for a few days. remember to drink lots of water (keep a bottle by your bed if you have to) and also remember that if the meds dont help at first you can just tell your doctors and they Will help you. theyve been through meds not working before. mine didnt work for me so my doctor immediately helped me up my dose and im already feeling a lot less dissociated and have less intrusive thoughts than usual. you will find what works for you and you will get better <3 
good job on remembering to sign off btw:D
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Thank you!!! youre awesome as well!! here you'll get a picture of the oyakodon i made today as thanks C: (i had to sit down the entire time i was making it and could only hold the pots for like 15 secods before having to put them down but i managed !) please imagine that i am personally giving you a hot bowl of rice, sauce and yummy chicken and also probably a cozy blanket
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chupenguin · 3 years
Okay, Mo Dao Zu Shi but make it Rent! AU. First of all, the cast:
- Mark Cohen -> Jiang Cheng
- Roger Davis -> Lan WangJi
- Mimi Márquez -> Wei WuXian
- Tom Collins -> Xue Yang
- Angel Dumott Schunard -> Mo Xuanyu
- Maureen Johnson -> Mian Mian
- Joanne Jefferson -> Wen Qing
- Benjamin "Benny" Coffin III -> Meng Yao
But, why?
Ok listen.
JC run away from his home after getting tired of his parents, Lan WangJi was his childhood friend (sons of sect leaders = sons of some dudes who worked togheter??? idk something like that)
LWj wants to be a star, he wants to be someone (he´s in ins revelius years like, fuch bussines I´ll be a rock star). And JC just wants to make something that would tell people how bad the life in this part of the city is, he wants to tell stories.
LWJ is just back after rehab (seclusion) and is back to his Special Song mision. JC is still making his films.
XY "computer genius, teacher, and vagabond anarchist who ran naked through the Parthenon"??? Totaly. He´s back to town after punching other teacher and, being beaten up and left to die in an alley as s 1st appearance? Peak XY
And then you have MXY saving him cos.
1. I like the ship
2. MXY isn´t a happy character in canon, but well, his death was so important for the plot, same as Angel´s one
3. Meng Yao (grew up poor - end up rich) is Bill (instead of a rich gf we have the rich dad finding him) and we know that Angel "killed" Bill´s dog so here we have the JGY/MXY conflic
Mian Mian taking off her robes and yealling to the Sect Leaders?? A really good performance, that´s why she´s Maureen. Now she´s dating WQ, this famous doctor who we´ll discover, is (or was) WN older sister.
Cos, surprise, WN is April ups :))) (yeah that would mean very :I moments between WQ and LWJ and idk WN and LWJ is a weird ship but we need an ex)
WWX being Mimi is the one that fits the best. Parents died, he was alone and strugled... He spiraled into "Mimi"
Until he meets LWJ
Would you lit my candle = Stay for diner
Also Roger song = WuJi
And well the plot goes just the same idk I just love this musical so much and wanted to ramble
Oh and XY breaking down in XUanyu funeral is also important
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anne-white-star · 4 years
Third doctor x depressed!Reader
Please before you read this x reader
Here is a link to a post with phone numbers to difrent suicide hotlines please stay safe and alive and remember you are important and loved!!💗💗💗
Words : 1847
Warning : attempted suicide, depression, drowning
A good ending with some Fluff enjoy reading
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Being one of the doctors companions was something really great but somethimes she wanted to be more than just a companion. Y/n enjoyed being at UNIT most of the time and also being a secretary at UNIT was a verry important job. Checking papers and making sure everything is correct. But the past few months stress has been building up. Y/n somethimes missed meals or she din't sleep some nights. The others din't notice anything.
She sat wrighting at her desk when the door opend "Miss y/l/n" the brigadier walked in. "yes sir" she awnserd back. "I need you to come with miss grant, the doctor and i on a trip to Londen for a very important meeting" "yes sir i'll be right with you". The brigadier walked out and y/n grabed her bag with the things She would need. She sighed and walked outside the others were waiting in bessie. "Ready for a trip my dear" asked the doctor "yes i am" she nodded and sat next to jo in the back Seat.
*ariving at Palace of Westminster*
When they arived they all got out of bessie and walked to the doors to get in "miss y/l/n you come with me, doctor you and miss grant can go and explore we will see echoter again round 5 o clock". When the doctor looked at y/n he saw that something isn't right, but then it was gone again and he brushed it off. Y/n followed the brigadier to a room and start the meeting. "Miss y/l/n its so great to see you again" said one of the men who sat at the table, she gave a nod and sat down grabbing her pen and note pad to start writing.
The meeting went like normal all about politics, aliens the master and of course money. Y/n started to zone out. And then she snaped out of her trans when the brigadier spoke "i think its time to call this meeting to an end" The brigadier stood up And shook hands with the people at the table. Y/n put her stuff back in her bag and stood up as wel. She walked out of the room back to the doctor who was waiting for them they got the news they could stay at Buckingham palace where they would stay for the upcoming few days.
When they got there they got escorted to their room y/n had to try and calm her self down She sat down on the bed and hold her head in her hands looking down at the ground tears fell from her eyes. And then she heared a knok at the door "one moment please" y/n dried her eyes with her sleeves" she stood up and unlocked the door. When she opend it jo stood there waiting for her "Hey y/n i was wondering if you want to get dinner with the brigadier, doctor and me?"  she said in a cheerfull tone "yeah sure" y/n gave a fake smile, jo looked at her "are you alright y/n? It looks like you have been crying", "im fine sorry i accidentally stubbed my foot and that hurt" she smiled again. "Alright i just want to make sure, so how about dinner". "Sounds good" y/n closed the door and walked togeter with jo to the dining hall.  
When they got there the brigadier and the doctor were waiting for them y/n sat next to the doctor. "Hello my dear did you setttle in your room already?", " Yes i have it has a great view of the garden" she smiled. Then the food was served but y/n wasn't that hungry she picked at her food with the fork. "Is somthing wrong miss y/l/n?" Asked the brigadier. "No not at all im just not that hungry, i think im going to bed im extremly tired, good night". Y/n stood up And walked away from them when she was gone the doctor spoke "have any of you two noticed something off about y/n the isnt her self it seems". "Yes i have noticed it as wel, because when i came to her bedroom she had been crying" spoke jo "the only thing i noticed is that she's never in the break room when its time for some food or a drink".
Y/n was in her room sitting at a table Wrighting a piece of paper while tears fell on to the paper. It was a goodbye note. When she was done she grabed her jacked and walked out leaving the paper on her bed. Walking past the guards she asked them if they could let her pass. When she was out of the palace gates she started on her walk to the tower bridge. About 10 minuts later the doctor the brigadier and jo went to check up on her they knoked on the door but got no reply. It was locked and the doctor could not open it with his his sonic "jo do you perhaps have a hair pin with you" jo nodded and grabed the pin out of her hair "thank you dear" the doctor fiddled with the lock and then *click* they opend the door and turned on the light but she wasn't there. "Where could she have gone to" asked the brigadier while looking around the room. "Doctor, brigadier look!" Jo grabed the piece of folden paper of the bed and gave it to the doctor to read it. The doctor unfolded the paper and began to read it out loud.
"Hello doctor, brigadier and jo
If you read this note its the last paper that i will be wrighting in my life, things haven't been to kind on me while i loved working with and for you all. im sad to say that i can't do this anymore. I thought it would go away but unfortanetly it hasn't, please don't blame it on your self its my own fault for this.
Oh and doctor if you are the one reading this i have something to tell you but i had never the courage to say it, doctor i love you and always have, i wish i could have been more than just a companion but knowing i would die one way or an other i kept it to myself. Like i wrote before please don't blame yourself you are not at fault. Please remember that i love every one of you and please tell it to Mike and benton as well."
You will find me at the tower bridge
Y/n, y/l/n.
When the doctor finished reading he had a bad feeling in his chest. Jo had tears dripping from her eyes and the brigadier looked shocked he dint know that it was this bad. The doctor spoke "we have to find her we can't let her take her own life" he ran out of the bedroom and the others followed him, bessie was parked outside Lucky enough but they had to ask the guards to let them pass. Y/n was already at the tower bridge she was staring at the dark waters below her. She trew off her jacked and climbed on the side of the bridge. She looked up at the sky wispering words in the air. The doctor and the others were still on their way they were not far from the tower bridge "doctor look!" Jo screamed while pointing, the doctor looked where jo was pointing and they could see the figure of y/n stand on the side of the bridge. When they were almost there she jumped in the water.
When y/n was done wispering her final words she jumped. She felt the cold water toutch her body at first it was cold but then it was comforting and welcoming. Y/n dint have any oxygen left and let go of her last breath she din't strugle or try to swim upward she just let her body sink to the botom of the thames.
The doctor stopped bessie once they came to the place where y/n had jumped. they all got out and looked over the side hooping that she din't really take her life. Unfortanetly they could not see her. The doctor din't hesatate and took of his cloak and jacket "jo go and get some warmth blankets brigadier i need you to stay here and help me" jo nodded and ran away to get the blankets. The doctor jumped in to the water as wel he hoped there was a chance that they could save her.
Looking around he saw her lying between some water plants she was pale and her lips wer blue. The doctor knew that this isnt good. He swam to her body and took her in his arms. Swiming upward was not that hard for him, when he came to the surface he saw the brigadier standing there waiting for him. The brigadier trew a rope ladder over the side of the bridge. The doctor grabed it and put y/n her body over the side of his shoulder, when he was back on dry land he put y/n her head on his folded cloak and started to preform CPR. pushing her chest up And down and then pintching her nose close and repeat "comone now y/n please wake up don't leave us". But nothig happend. The doctor looked down in sadness tears dripping from his eyes, the brigadier never had seen the doctor cry. But they were caught off guard by the sound of somone coughing. Looking again y/n had been brought back from death trying to cough up the water in her lung, the doctor rolled y/n on her side and rubbed her back "easy now dear its alright" jo came running back with some warm blankets. The doctor took one and placed it over y/n her wet body. The brigadier also placed one over the doctor. "I'll drive" he stood up And walked to bessie jo sat next to the brigadier in the front seat while the doctor placed y/n in the back and sat next to her, the fell uncontious again next to him.
The next time y/n woke up she was back in her guest room, she had new warm clothes on and the doctor was sitting next to the bed on a chair "doctor?" Her voice was hoarse, he looked up at the sound of his name. "How are you feeling?", "cold but thats fine but why did you save me?". The doctor looked at her sadly "y/n why wouldn't we? You are important to us but also really important to me". Y/n looked at him her mind still foggy "i love you doctor" the doctor softly smiled "love you to my dear". "im still cold even while laying under these blankets". The doctor stood up And walked around the otherside of the bed he got in next to her "i hope this alright" he said while taking her in his arms. Y/n snuggled closer to him. "Goodnight doctor", "good night my dear" and they both fell asleep.
The end
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witcheslikeme · 4 years
I should probably be sleeping but... Let’s imagine!!!
(Kevin and Madison!!!)
* How do you imagine Madison found out she was pregnant (considering she doesn’t had her periods in years)?
I imagined a month or so before Jack’s birthday party (which is around March 10th). Obviously she’s helping Kate organize the party. And she’s at a store, buying ballons and decorations when she feels a little dizzy and the salesman helps her sits and offers her water... And another employee approaches to help and, not knowing Madison’s is there to buy decorations for her (godson) best friend’s baby, the woman says something like “pregnancy isn’t easy right?”.
Madison doesn’t understand what the woman is saying, because BEING PREGNANT is not her first answer for her dizziness(I mean, she was told she could never have children, so that’s not even a thought).
She probably thinks is lack of vitamins, so she goes to a farmacy.
There she wonders which vitamin she should buy and then decides to google it... and her symptoms points to pregnancy.
She’s still skeptical and ask for a pharmacist’s opinion. The pharmacist “agrees with Google” and advices her to buy some tests and to schedule a doctor’s appointment.
She goes home and tries to distract herself, but her thoughts comes and goes.
“You’re crazy, Madison”. She says to herself because she feels stupid for believing just for a second that she could actually be pregnant.
She probably tries three tests just at the same time. When the third one (JUST when the third one) confirmes the positive sign shown in the other two, she whispers “OMG”.
And the TV suddenly anounces Kevin Pearson is arriving at his movie’s premiere. She looks up, staring at that famous and happy smile. And the comprehension hits her. She gasps, covering her mouth with her hand.
“Oh... my... GOD!”
That’s the only thing she can say.
While keeping that news to herself, I think she spends a lot of time crying and trying to think that through while being a little dramatic and listening to podcasts about pregnancy lifestyle.
Let’s chat!!! What do you guys think?
(If someone wants to write a fanfic, feel free. I’m still strugling with my english so I’m not risking.)
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yandere--stuck · 5 years
Your smile for me yandere posts really take the sting out of my recent break up 👌👌 ((not saying this for sympathy I just wanted to thank you and also sent a request in one post//)) Do you think when you have the time, we can get more saucy stuff with Trencil, Habit, or Kamal?? Your yandere posts are just—MWAH! Perfection!!
Oh I'm sorry! I'm glad I'm able to help you feel better! I hope you like this :'B
You blinked your eyes open, squinting and wincing at the bright lights from the ceiling above. You moted how the world spun around you as reality sunk in, the world becoming more vivid. 
You let out a groan, attempting to sit up - but finding yourself unable. Your heart seized up in your chest and you looked down, finding your arms and legs pinned down by straps, with your form lying prone and trapped onto an operating table.
You let put a squeal in panic and began struggling fruitlessly against the straps that held you in place.
"Strugle all u want," A deep voice chuckled from behind, causing you to freeze up. Habit. "U'll never get out! Ur trapped there, flowr brat!"
"What did you do?!" You yelled, trying to put on a brave face in spite of your fear. "What do you want with me?!"
Habit moved into your line of sight, chuckling. "All I want is 2 bee able to make ever-ee one smile and be habpy… And I won't let a pest liek YOU get in the way!!!! D-:<"
It was only then did you noticed the curtain behind the good doctor. Habit flashed a cherish grin, before reaching up to remove the covering.
In a small, glass room separate from the one you were in, stood Trencil. You watched the vampire wince and attempt to shield himself from the sudden change in lighting, before eventually adjusting. You watched his eyes widen as they landed on you. Immediately, he slammed his body up against the glass, trying to get close to you, hands sliding against the glass walls.
Boris laughed giddily. "O, poor littel bat, un-able to get to his preshus flowur!"
Trencil hissed, baring his fangs as he glared daggers into the good doctor. Hos voice was muffled slightly by the glass barrier. "What you have you done, Habit, you scoundrel?! Release them at once!"
Boris tapped his chin, seeming to consider it for a moment. "Hmmm… No."
The doctor laughed as Trencil scratched at the glass in an attempt to break free.
You watched as habit took a remote control out of his jacket pocket.
"What's that?" You asked, panic lacing your voice. You had no idea what the madman planned to do.
"It's a surprize! Wel, a surprize for the bat," The doctor beamed. "I kno how cloze u and he are, so I thoht to myself - how can I stop the flowr brat 4 good? An then it came two me! We'll juzt turn their dear frend aganst them…"
"What are you talking about?!" Trencil spat.
Boris turned, waving the remote teasingly in front of Trencil's face.
"Wait, please," You pleaded, catching the dentist's attention. "I- whatever it is you have planned, you can do it to me! Just let Trencil go, please!"
"Flower, no!" Trencil pleaded. "I won't let you!"
Boris rolled his eyes. "So ovur-drama-tick. Anywayz, sor-ee flower brat, but that's not the gaem we're playing."
And with that, he pressed the single button on the controller.
"NO!" You screamed, straining against your binds.
Trencil looked up in surprise, eyes widening in shock. The vampire watched as clouds of gas filtered into the glass chamber. Trencil attempted to back away from encroaching gas cloud.
"Wh- what is…?" Trencil stuttered. He breathed in a luff, before breaking out into coughs and hacks. Trencil gasped for air, trying to filter out the gas and oxygen, only to breathe in more of the gas.
"Trencil!" You cried, tears beginning to bubble up from your eyes as you could only lay helplessly on the operating table. "What are you doing to him?!"
"When I wuz makin my plans for world-wyde habbiness, i ran into sum failurs at 1rst. Insted of making one happy... well, u'll see. Long story short, it waznt waht I wanted," Boris explained. "... But than I reelized! I culd just use this formoola in a difrent way! :-D"
"What do you mean...? I- I don't understand." You asked, the doctor's voice almost being drowned out with Trencil's coughing and gasps for air.
Boris laughed, beginning to walk away, towards the door that exited the room. "You'll see!~"
"Boris! Get back here!" You raged, straining against your restraints.
But to no avail. You fell back against the table, and Boris exited the room. You heard the door lock on the other side.
You sighed, lips trembling as you fought back tears. 
"Trencil.." You croaked, worried at how eerily silent the room was.
And in the next moment, the straps holding you down retracting, slipping into two compartments on each side of the table. You blinked, still with surprise. It took you a moment to realize that what had happened actually occurred, and you sat up, swinging your legs over the side of the table.
You jumped in surprise, whipping your head to the glass chamber, watching as two panel that made up the room's front walls parted.
Your eyes widened, brows raised, before hopping off the table and darting to Trencil's side. You dropped to your knees beside Trencil's form, who lie on the floor.
"Trencil…?" You said softly, running your fingers through his hair. "Please… Please, no.. Please wake up… I need you."
To your relief, you felt the vampire begin to move. A tired groan escaped him, and his eyes snapped open. His slit pupils darted about… Before eventually settling on you. 
In an instant, Trencil was on his feet - albeit on all fours, crouched down almost animalisticly. The vampire bared his fangs, glaring and growling lowly in his throat. 
You scooted away in shock, dragging yourself backwards against the far wall of the chamber - unfortunately allowing Trencil to block the exit.
Boris voice crackled through an unseen speaker. "Durring testing fazes, we had a lot ov… bad ackseedents. Most-lee becuz of this verzhon of the formula. It's funny, no? Something suhpozed to make you happy… Makes u go absolootly mad…"
Your stomach sunk, bile rising in your throat as the reality hit you like a weight to the torso - you could very well die here, at the hands of your closest friend.
Even now, Trencil stalked ever closer - hissing and growling.
"Trencil, please, it's me!" You begged, tears begging to fall from your eyes. "It's-"
In an instant, Trencil leapt and landed atop of you, pushing you flat against the floor of the chamber. You could see the hunger that shone in the vampire's eyes.
"T- Trencil… Please…" You whimpered, scared out of your mind but unable to look away.
The vampire opened his wide maw, eyes trained on your bare and unmarked neck. Leaning closer, and closer and closer…
And then just like that, he froze. 
Trencil gave a sniff. And then another.
The vampire blinked. And then he dove forward, nosing and nuzzling into your neck. You tried to hold back your keening and moans as Trencil began feverishly licking and nipping at your neck and shoulder.
"Trencil…" You whined his name, wrapping your arms around him.
"My flower…" Trencil growled hotly in reply. "Mine!"
You shuddered as the vampire licked a stripe up your neck. You could feel as his hands began rubbing up and down your sides wantonly, fondling you over your clothing.
"Huh…" Habit's voice crackled. "That's not suhpposed to hadpen… Oh wel, as long az it keeps u 2 buzy! Have fun, luvbirds!~ ;-)"
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elennemigo · 4 years
Questions for gif-makers round 4 - A set that flopped but deserved better ;)
I´m not sure what´s officially considered a flop? 
I have pots that didn´t have much notes but considering the fandom maybe it wasn´t a total flop. I have posts that i put a big effort on them and the attention recieved didn´t match that effort and i could consider it a flop, but generaly is not.
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So! I took the bigger fandom i am, Marvel, the character I am here for, Doctor Strange and  this post would be the flop. 
The thing is idk if it deserved better. I remember being strugling with that text on it so much hahaha and please note the lights behind (which is the only thing that makes this image a gif lol). 
Thank you, see you tomorrow!
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imfemalewarrior · 5 years
Saw your stay hydrated with food repost My other half of my heart and soul is strugling with anorexia .. How can I keep her healthy and hydrated With out making her sick from food weighing her stomach , she'll drink water but only as last result. Runnning low on tea and flavorings. Sorry to ask such a heavy topic. I Just worry about what keeps my soul here.
You need to get her help from doctors specializing in eating disorders and their recovery. 
-FemaleWarrior, She/They 
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