#stucky is cannon
app1ebats · 1 year
i love how when you ask romanrogers / winterwidow shippers ‘why should their ship be canon’ their usual response is ‘their canon in the comics’ or ‘they have sexual tension’
but when you ask stucky shipper why their ship should be canon, they’ll give a fucking 10 page essay on why it should be.
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beatrix33 · 1 month
I get queerbaited so much it’s basically my favorite genre of media😭😭😭
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bubblebuckys · 3 months
oh oh my god i’m going through old stuff in my google photos and i can’t believe i never shared this with you guys
two separate accounts. one after another. on the explore page.
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babyhatesreality · 19 days
Hey loves! Can you possibly do a Head cannon with mob stucky and reader? How would they be when the reader is sick?
Hey love! So....answering this a year later....ugh, trust me I'm disgusted with myself. I hope you're still around to read this, and if you are, I thank you for sticking with me while I went through it this past year. I hope you enjoy <3
So with Mafia Stucky and Little Reader, when you're sick, there is a very calculated plan to get you better.
The trouble is, you're terrified of doctors after all those mean doctors held you captive before your Mafia Daddies could rescue you. You still trembled at the sight of a white lab coat, even after all this time.
So at the first sign of a sniffle or a sore throat, they call in their "guy"
You know him as Mr. Bruce, the really nice man in the purple silk shirt who tells you really silly jokes and talks to you sometimes when you're feeling icky
They know him as Dr. Banner, their on call physician who has been threatened within an inch of his life to not tell you that he's a doctor
Banner has no problem with this arrangement. He enjoys working for Steve and Bucky, as his...issues with rage, let's say....have gotten him in trouble in other locations, and Stucky has given him a full time job with incredible benefits where he still can practice medicine and science.
So what if the majority of his work is now stitches and tending to bullet wounds? He's still helping people, right?
And he genuinely loves you. He was one of the ones to help Steve and Bucky "get you out" of your kidnapped situation, and he was the one quietly monitoring your health as you came out of the haze that the drugs had put you in. He spent a lot of time caring for you and came to see you as a baby sister of sorts. He was extremely protective and fond of you.
Bruce has gotten extremely good at being able to just talk to you and diagnose what the problem is, because you trust him enough to be honest with him about how you're feeling
If there's an occasion where he needs a saliva sample, he's designed special lollipops that taste delicious- AND melt quickly. He simply pockets the stick when you're done and you have no idea.
If he needs a blood sample, that's a bit more complicated. That's when the strawberry milk comes out and you take a nice nap. You'll wake up later to find a little itchy spot on your arm, but that's really about it.
Once Bruce has diagnosed you, he'll quietly talk through a game plan with one of your Daddies while the other one is cuddling and cradling you in the other room.
You don't have any big issues with taking medicine- after all, your daddies are giving it to you and they always know what they're doing, so you don't question it.
You hate cough syrup with a fiery passion. More than once you've straight up refused to take it or spat it back out repeatedly, resulting in a spanking after you get better, but since Bruce figured out a way to mask the taste in a candy, it's not nearly as much of a battle as it used to be.
Mostly, you just crave cuddles and attention. And Steve and Bucky are more than happy to give it to you.
Their team knows just how sick you are by how Stucky rearranges their schedules. If you have a cold, they will NOT get them at the same time until you're better. If you have something a little rougher, like a stomach flu, don't expect to see either of them until you're back on your feet. If it's something like pneumonia, it's about to become everyone's only problem for the foreseeable future. They will ALL be on call twenty four seven. God help them if they think any differently.
Steve likes to carry you around everywhere, even if it's just from the bed to the bathroom. He doesn't want you wasting a bit of energy on something as trivial as walking- it should all go towards you getting better.
Half of his pockets are loaded with your medication, and the other half are full of little toys and expensive trinkets and sparkly jewelry to reward you for being good and staying down and taking your medicine.
Bucky anticipates your every need before it even happens. You shiver once, and he's already wrapped a blanket around you. Your face looks a bit flushed, and he's gently pressing a cool washcloth to your forehead, murmuring about what a good girl you are. He's holding up a tissue to your nose before you even realize you have to sneeze.
They will let you have unlimited screen time, watching all your favorite movies and TV shows with you- as long as they've approved them, of course.
You also get to eat pretty much anything you want (unless it's a stomach illness), since you really don't want to eat when you don't feel well. They'll let you have almost anything to ensure that you're still eating enough to get better.
Every morning, they carry you to another new room in the mansion, with clean fresh sheets and new things to do, since you get very bored very quickly, especially after a whole day in bed. Hell, what else are they gonna do with the twenty guest rooms in the house? The cleaning crew then sanitizes the previous room in a whirl, just in case you decide you want to go back in there.
Steve and Bucky cuddle you and constantly tell you what a good girl you are, and how proud they are to be your daddies, and just how much better their lives are now because you're in them.
And honestly? That heals you faster than anything else.
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susanbslamthony · 2 months
Having spent the summer reading fan fiction, I can say that there are no greater Tony Stark Apologists than Stucky fans. Every AU and Fixit and cannon divergent storyline had Tony being an infinitely more compassionate, self-aware, emotionally intelligent person than he was in the MCU. I don't know if it's just because they all started out as Stony shippers, but everyone just so badly wants for Tony to be a better person than he is.
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queenofthegayships · 6 months
Lil mcdanno headcannons not a whole lot of people seem to have.
Steve is the bottom. There is no switching. Steve is strictly a whimpery, needy bottom with a huge praise kink. He's pretty shy in bed, hesitant to ask for something (at least at first he builds confidence as he gets used to being with a man and not in control, but hes never quiet demanding) but he can beg like nobody else.
He's a cuddly guy. Not that he isn't in cannon, but he's a bit more in my brain. Little spoon, head on Danny's chest, buried in his neck, in Danny's lap cuddly. Obviously, only that far when he's in a snuggle mood his normal day to day extent would stick to head on Danny's shoulder pressed against him during the day curled in Danny's arms one way or another at night.
Private mcdanno moments being Steve can get giggly with his Danno, especially since Danny knows how to tease him just right. Or in bed they can have tickle fights that Steve regularly looses.
I like to picture a golden Steve regularly wearing flower crowns he makes himself. Eyes shining with laughter on days off, Ohana BBQ and stuff
When Steve and Danny get married, Steve is wearing white, and Mary walks him down the aisle Danny's the traditional groom.
Steve calls Danny "Danno" as much as Grace does. Steve gave himself to Danny. Danno is Steve's person. He belongs to Danno. His Danno.
Danny is one possessive MF and makes sure everyone knows who Steve belongs to and Steve loves every second of it. Love bites that can be covered with work clothes but shown off should they go out. Though the whole ass island knows about them so I dont think either of them would have a problem with showing them off at work. Arm around Steve's waist, guiding him around. Glares at everyone who checks Steve out.
Years and years ago right after I discovered fanfiction I read somewhere that men that are in positions of power tend to be submissive at home/in bed because they don't want or like to be in control 24/7 and my mind has taken that and run with it. That one thing influenced my entire way of shipping characters and how I look at dynamics. In my mind, the more serious guys are all sunshine smiles and sweet laughs with their family and partners. The Steves of Mcdanno and Stucky, for example. So used to being the protecter, they turn to pudding when they are protected, held, and cherished. Sunshine men and their grumpy humans.
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buckybarneswannabe · 3 months
Hey yall send comment a stucky head cannon and I’ll write it!
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emilybahu · 5 months
I love 9-1-1 so much!
I have fallen in love with tv shows before, watching episodes religiously as they aired weekly. 9-1-1 has been different for me though, it’s become more like an obsession. In some ways that’s bad, it’s consuming my mind a lot of times and it’s distracting me from other things I need to get done. However, really getting into the fandom of this show has also been wonderful for me, it’s made me so happy, actually getting involved with other fans and talking to people the last couple months has been so fun! You all are amazing, funny, talented people and I’m truly grateful that I’ve been able to interact with you!
Now, I’ve heard about some toxicity within the fandom, Buddie and BuckTommy shippers turning against each other and fighting about what’s best for the characters. (Which btw, isn’t really up to us anyway)
I personally haven’t seen a lot of that, who knows, maybe I’m just ignoring it because I don’t want to see it. Either way I always try to keep a very open and and neutral stance when it comes to shipping. I let myself enjoy the stories, the edits, the fan art, and the speculation. However, I also try to stay grounded in the reality of what’s happening in the movie/book/tv show.
When it comes to 9-1-1 right now, between Buddie and BuckTommy I’m not picking sides. I like both ships the same, and I don’t think that’s gonna change any time soon. I really, really enjoy both ships! (Plus the fan fiction for both are amazing, so I’m LIVING)
Buddie is part of the reason that I started watching in the first place, Buck and Eddie are my favorite characters. I love them both to death, and regardless of their relationship status they have something special, no one can deny that! Their friendship is beautiful and deep, they do truly love each other, they’re family, they will always be there for each other whether or not they end up in a romantic relationship. I’m honestly just happy to see them together in any capacity. And yes, I will happy, overjoyed even, if they decide to make Buddie cannon, but I’ll also be happy if their relationship remains as it is.
As far as Buck and Tommy go I was surprised when the kiss happened, but OH MY GOD… I was totally there for it! I’m actually really happy with this storyline so far, (even if the second hand embarrassment nearly killed me during the first date)I think that they’ll be great together, I really can’t wait to see them getting to know each other more! Wherever this goes, I’m here for it! I’m excited to see Buck explore his bisexuality with Tommy, and learn about himself through this relationship. I’m also excited to learn more about Tommy! And if they don’t end up being very long term, I really hope that they stay friends.
I’m really enjoying being into a ship that’s canon for once, it makes me really happy. I don’t think there’s ever been a ship (apart from these ones) that I’ve been into that have even had a remote chance of becoming cannon (Stucky… my first love!)
Anyway, I digress, the writers and the actors KNOW these characters, we know that if something felt off it the story, they’d want to do right by the characters. We know for a fact how much Oliver and Ryan love Buck and Eddie, and if it feels right and true to them Buddie will happen. If it doesn’t feel right to put them in a romantic relationship, to me, it’s fine because regardless we have these two men with an absolutely beautiful and meaningful friendship, and I’m always here for that!
All of this to say, all this fighting about “who’s right for who” isn’t doing anyone any good. I mean we’re all in this fandom because we love this show RIGHT!? Being on platforms like this is meant to bring us TOGETHER!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions after all… so yeah, share your opinion, just don’t be rude about it. Putting someone down because they disagree with you doesn’t make you right… it just makes you mean. It scares people away, maybe makes them feel like they’re not safe in this community. I’ve seen it a couple times too, with myself and others, being afraid to make a post because of the possibility of hate.
In my experience you’re meant to feel safe in a fandom, in a community because you’re sharing your love for something with others who love it just as much as you do! We should love each other like we love these characters!
To conclude, all I need is for our boys to be happy, that’s really all we should care about here anyway. It shouldn’t necessarily matter who’s dating who, as long as they’re HAPPY! I’m really just along for the ride, I’m here for whatever they decide to do with Buddie and/or BuckTommy in the future. Buck and Eddie are my loves, and we barely know Tommy, but I’m starting to like him already, as long as they’re happy, I am too!
Thank you for reading my TedTalk…
Sorry if it doesn’t sound completely coherent, stringing words together isn’t always my strong suit…🫠
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gh0st1nth3wa11s · 6 months
hi... Wakers I have a fanfic for you.. chapter one..
'Divers Love.'
okay it's a normalcy AU and is Alan/Alice. they deserve happiness and a break from the hellish(/pos) cannon of the game.
Alice turned on the car, pulling it off the boat carefully as she playfully honked at Alan. Alan scoffed and rolled his eyes, soon getting in the car. "You ready for relaxation?" His wife asked. Alan cracked a smile, closing his eyes as he rested his head against the window. "Yeah, yeah, Alice." Alice couldn't help but grin bigger, tapping her hand against the steering wheel. She pulled in front of the towns diner. "We need to stop here, get the key from.." Alice leaned forward, looking at the notebook that had their days planned. "A Mr. Carl Stucky, he should be waiting for one of us.." Alice's eyes looked up at Alan, smiling more as her husband groaned, rolling his eyes at her. "I will go fill up the car, and come get you in about.. What? Ten, fifteen minutes?" She asked him, putting the car into park. "Sure." Alan murmured, soon getting out of the car. He was nervous to separate from her. "Oh, and Alan?" His turned back around, leaning down into the car window. "Hm?" "Thank you for coming here with me." He chuckled, smiling as he shook his head. "I love you too, I promise to behave." Alice nodded, gently laughing to herself as she pulled away.
Alan exhaled, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he walked into the diner. He looked around, jumping slightly as he met his carboard self, right in the doorway. He had forgotten about small towns. He had been in New York for years now. It wasn't a little town where everyone knew each other. He had been scared out of his thoughts as the woman behind the counter spoke to him. He glanced at her name tag. Rose. Her name was Rose. "Welcome to the Oh Deer Diner!" Alan cringed internally. She projected her voice so much that it seemed louder than it was. but he knew it was just his exhaustion. Alan spoke quickly, "Hey, I was wondering if you could help me, I'm looking for --" Alan blinked as he had gotten cut off. "Mr. Wake? Alan Wake!! I am your biggest fan - I know how people say that a lot, but I really am -" As Rose spoke, he took a step back, glancing at his carboard cut out. "That's.. great to hear that.."
His voice trailed off. "Rose!" She said happily. "Rose, I'm looking for Mr. Stucky, Carl Stucky." Rose nodded, setting her hand on the counter as the other grabbed a dirty coffee mug from in front of her. "Carl? of course. He must have whent to the rest room, he'll be out in a moment." She smiled warmly at him. Alan moved around, letting his hand run across barstools. Her and Alan talked briefly, She was talking how she had all his books, where she got the cardboard cut out, even to a conversation about coffee with the towns police officers, Rusty. He turned, letting his eyes close as he heard Rose ask if his wife was with him, and that she could show him around town. God he hated that comment. "So much for a quiet vacation.." He mumbled to himself. He spoke louder. "Thanks Rose, we'll be sure to keep that in mind." He said kindly, He swiftly moved toward the back of the diner, turning on that damned music box as he was asked, by the two - seemly old cooks of the town. He made his way into the dark hallway, being weary of where he stepped. He knocked on the bathroom door, "Stucky? Mr. Stucky?" before he soon turned, to get met with a woman in funeral wear. "Jesus-" He muttered. "Carl couldn't make it unfortunately, he fell ill." The old woman held her hand out, the key hung off of it. "But I have the key, and the instructions to get to the lake." Alan nodded carefully and snatched the key from her hand. "Okay.." He muttered. "I wish you a good stay in my cabin. I will visit you later on to check how you are doing." Alan nodded. "And to meet your wife." His eyes turned to a harsh glare as he looked at the woman. He soon fixed his face, it was rude to glare. "I insist." The old woman continued.
Alan looked at her in slight bewilderment. "Thanks.." He moved away quickly, gripping the key in his hand. His eyes darted behind him as the other woman began to talk about darkness and how it wasn't safe. He shrugged it off, keeping himself moving. Eager to get back to Alice. He waved half hazardly to Rose as a goodbye and shoved open the diner door, exhaling as he saw their car in front of it again. He got in the car, taking a big breath. "Mission accomplished, The key-" He held it up in his hand, "And the directions." He grinned just slightly as he saw Alice's face light up. "My hero, I got more batteries and flashlights. just in case." She took the keys from Alan and set them on the clipboard that was on the dash still. Her hand returned to Alan's after she put the car in gear.
They began to drive, his thumb tracing over Alice's ring and down her ring finger as he began to spoke. "That diner was a real nut house.." Alice laughed, "Can you believe this place? this would make a great setting for a book-" Alice's face dropped slightly as she realized the words that had just slipped from her mouth. She didn't even truly, actively try to say that. She glanced at Alan, an apology in her eyes, then back to the road. "Were supposed to be on vacation, Alice." He said with slight bitterness, letting his tone soften before he spoke again. "I'll figure it out when we get back home. Okay?" Alice nodded, and Alan looked back to the road. "Okay, we can talk about this way later." Alice said, reassurance in her voice, one that made Alan feel comfortable enough even with the idea of talking about his writing right now. He hadn't written a coherent sentence since his last book , Two. Years. Ago. It made his head hurt to even think about that fact. Alan let his eyes close, to clear his mind. This was a vacation, time to relax, to let go and be a husband again, a good one at that. He missed Alice, he missed sleeping with her at night. He knew she had gotten used to a cold bed, he hated he was doing this to her. He had taken note of this in his mind. Spend more time with Alice, My light. Everytime that he had thought to get away from the damned typewriter, the darkness of what could happen if he stopped writing entirely re-engulfed his mind, scratching out his wife entirely.
Alan's eyes jerked open as Alice stopped suddenly. She had always been a little rough on the break but he had gotten used to it. She put the car into park and grabbed the clipboard and notebook off the dash, inspecting it and the key. "Bird leg cabin..?" She asked, glancing at Alan. "That was the key I was given.."
Alice laughed, stress eminent in her voice. "By who?" Alan rested his head back against the window, the lingering warmth from the heaters of the car kept him just cozy enough. "Some old woman in-.. like a 70s mourning gown, veil and all." Alice pulled the key from ignition and looked at Alan, her back against the door. "A 70s funeral gown? and you tell me now? Here, get out of the car, we'll explore and then head back into town. This isn't our cabin." Alice opened the door and got out of the car. Alan groaned, opening his eyes and got out of the car with her. Alice damn near ran across the bridge.
Alan scuffled after her, getting a tighter grip around his wife's camera lanyard. He stopped short as he caught up to Alice, heels dug into the soft dirt. He looped the camera around her neck, guiding it to rest against her chest. "Do you really wanna break into this place Alice?" He asked, his hand finding hers once more. Alan looked around, seeing a murder of crows lingered around the island. The house didn't seem up to times, the smell of wet wood filled his nose, this cabin gave him the creeps, he-
Alan was yanked out of his thoughts as Alice pulled him up the steps. "Cmon, just a moment.. Its not breaking in! We were given a key. Do you wanna stay by the door? to make sure nothing closes us in?" She laughed, letting his hand go. Alan rolled his eyes playfully, scoffing as he followed nonetheless. He watched Alice dissappear into the house, and smiled slightly as she fumbled with the key. He remembered how much of an explorer she was, how hands on she was a person. She was never to scared of the law, or the things inside abandoned places. She loved them, saw the beauty in the dilapidation. He stood by the door and held it open wide, watching his wife rummage around the cabin. "Bird leg cabin.." He said.
Alice perked up as he spoke, glancing into a book case. "Yeah, our cabins name is the 'Divers Love' not.. bird leg.." She tilted her head, seeing a couple of books, a writer she had never recognized before. She carefully snagged one from the shoebox, looking at the book in her hand. She set it back down, back with the rest of the books and stacked them neatly inside. Alice left the box and soon moved over to the counter, rubbing her hand against it. "I wonder if they even use this cabin.. its dusty."
Alan moved more inward, keeping an eye on Alice. He nearly yelped as Alice tossed a thermos at him. He caught it half hazardly, looking at it. "Alice!-" He said playfully, laughing softly as he turned it over. "Let's go soon, this place is freaking me out a bit. All the crows, and the... just. this place is weird." Alice nodded, grabbing the few scraps of garbage that was around before grabbing that shoebox. "Babe-" Alan whined as she moved past him. Alice turned around. "I'll return them once we go to leave and return the key to Stucky." Alan nodded, moving away from the door. His head snapped back to it as it slammed behind him. Alice locked the door again, slipping the key into her pocket and moved quickly off the island. Alan hurried after her, assuming she also felt the wisps of uneasiness that reached out of that cabin.
They gotten back into the car, Alice driving again. Alan looked around, ignoring the neck pain and how his back just generally ached. They had been in the car for so so. long. He was eager for a warm bed, a kiss from his wife, maybe a beer if she was okay with it. "Alice..?" He asked gently, looking at her as she hummed in response. "I wanted to- fuck.." Alan took a deep breath. "I wanted to say I'm sorry for all... of my nightly behaviors, when I'm not stuck in that damned office.." Alice grinned slightly, but Alan made no comment- he knew she had absorbed what he had said. "How much did I drink before we left..? Did you drink with me or.." Alice clicked her tongue. "Yes I did, way too much, we killed a twenty-four pack.. within like... oh.. shit, like, 4 hours maybe." Alice gripped the steering wheel as she looked back on the memory, he knew she didn't like her choices. "Sorry baby, I shouldn't have been enabling you." Alan nodded wordlessly, he knew why she did it. Got drunk with him to fall asleep in his arms again, to have his breathing sync with hers. He knew it was a last ditch effort to try and help rekindle their relationship a little more, to bring the rings that adorned their hands close again. He hated that she felt that she needed to be fucked up with him to feel connected with him. He knew Alice wasn't the best at these things, she was emotionally heavy, not taught to truly regulate herself either. He looked over, scanning Alice as a cigarette pack was made known in the pocket of her skinny jeans. Alice used to smoke.. badly, it would help regulate her. Soon Alan picked up on it too, then they both agreed to cut it down to a minimum. She must have been stressed, smoking them when Alan was asleep, he wondered how many packs she had whent through on the way up. Alice must have read his mind, she pulled the cigarette pack from her pocket and set it in the cubby in front of the shifter. Soon Alan's lighter made its way with it. "Oh so my lighter..?" He teased gently, looking over at her lovingly. "Yes.. M' Sorry, I couldn't find mine and it was a last minute idea.." She spoke gently, hunching her shoulders up, bracing herself for some snappy remark. Alan frowned. "Hey no, it's okay babe.. I didn't mean it in a bad way, I was just playin' around.." He said carefully, a hand finding her thigh as he rubbed it gently an attempt to calm her. "Maybe once we get back to our cabin we can get into pajamas and have a nice sleepy day... smoke a blunt, drink some wine... something gentle." Alice looked at her husband with damn near bewilderment. And Alan smiled at her before picking his voice up. "Alice-" Alice snapped her head up and swerved back into her lane properly, having just passed the yellow line. "Good god.." She breathed. "Where did you find pot..? But yes.. that sounds nice.. you deserve rest." Alan chuckled warmly, eyes blinking with tiredness as the exhaustion seeped into his bones. God he missed his wife so much. "I have my ways... and maybe after we get the key we head back to the store and then find our cabin..? You deserve rest too Alice..." He said, always hating how Alice put him first. that the things they did were for him, not for them, together.
Alice nodded, soon parking in front of the diner again. "Okay. I'm gonna get the right key, return this one, and then we can finally fucking unload our car." She clapped her hands together and grinned at Alan. He smiled back weakly, watching her get out of the car and into the diner. God he was exhausted, tiredness pulled at his eyes an everlasting nagging to let himself drown in the darkness that cradled itself at the back of his skull. His eyes cracked open as the drivers door opened again and Alice plopped herself into the seat. "So.. they said.. there is no cabin in the lake. It whent down in the 70s.." Alice looked over at Alan with mischief in her eyes. Alan scoffed playfully and looked away. "Well glad that's not us." He held his hand out for Alice to take, smiling bigger as her had found its place in his.
After a while, they were on the road again, Alan had ran into the store, grabbed beef jerky, a pack of beer, a bottle of Alice's favorite wine — surprised that they had it, so. He had to get it. A small bouquet of flowers, condoms. For some fucking reason. Alan cussed himself internally as soon as they got scanned, what was he going to need those for? Not like he planned on doing anything, and was fine with doing nothing - His thoughts were that if by some damned miracle that he and Alice were to do anything those would ease her mind a bit. Considering it had been.. almost a year. Since anything, any sort of romance, that thought hurt his soul.
Alan looked around again as they pulled into what seemed like the most scenic cabin in the woods ever. He looked around, marveling around at the trees, and how pretty the cabin looked. It was on the opposite side of Cauldron Lake. God, the cabin was beautiful. A bit older, rustic on the outside, but he knew the inside was more modern. He looked at Alice, grinning at her with full fangs - he was excited to be here, with her. He got out of the car, moving over to Alice's side, and scooped her off her feet, causing her to yelp and soon laugh as her husband held her close to his chest. He grinned more, cheeks starting to hurt as she unlocked the door to their cabin for the next month, a long. nice vacation that the both of them deserved, needed.
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cinnamoncascadian · 1 year
My reblogging theme for September is a Stucky fanartist apprecialtion treasure hunt. I aimed to pick some artists I like (digital artists, illustrators and painters) and reblog as much of their Stucky art as I can find. I don’t know how many artist I will be able to cover, for now I have 3 prepared and 3 planned for the queue (you can follow if you like “fanartist appreciation queue”).
Artist picks are based on how much fun it has been to try and find their art, so it will mostly be older, no-longer active artists. Don't worry, active artists, I have my eye on November for you ;-)
It’s been so interesting making queues of people’s art in chronological posting order, it really gives you an idea of the artist’s progress in technique, fandom and character focus and sometimes development of head cannons and AUs, which to me is really beautiful.
I have given up on trying to name favorites, as this changes everytime I see a new piece of art, so there is no ranking, only pure love, admiration and gratitude - I love you all the most!
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app1ebats · 1 year
still waiting for marvel to make a movie about bucky’s revenge on hydra
(and to make stucky cannon)
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tbhimnoteasyonmyself · 2 months
Captain America
All Our Courage Was You (Stucky - Gen [Fluff]- 719 Words)
Steve and Bucky are friends. But when you're drunk and cold, all the warmth you have is well needed, even the one that is entirely in your heart. OR A very short one shot that came to my mind and I thought would be nice to share.
Kiseki: Dear to Me
The Blood On My Hands (Ai Di POV - Mature [Trauma/Violence] - 1.746 Words)
You're 13. And you kill a person for the first time. This should scare you, make you want to cry. But you're not like everyone else, never have been. And what you find out instead is one of the secrets of the universe. OR Ai Di kills a person for the first time. This is what goes through his head at that moment.
Life, Death and the Abyss (Ai Di POV - Teen & Up [Trauma/Violence] - 4.746 Words)
For good or bad, childhood moulds people into the adults they become. To Zongyi, that means cherishing life. To Ai Di, that means disregarding death. OR An exploratory conversation on Zongyi’s and Ai Di’s different perspectives on life, death and what their respective places in the world are. All told with the delightful company of fluffy cats and a nice slice of strawberry layer cake!
How It Should've Been (Narusasu/Sasunaru - Mature [Hate Speech/Mental Illness/Trauma/Violence] - 2.683 Words)
Naruto married Hinata in canon... But cannons are made to destroy our ships. So, obviously, that never happened. OR A collection of drabbles of Naruto and Sasuke that all happen in the same universe (but are all out of order because my creativity does not do logic) and which (hopefully) will be entertaining.
Icarus & the North Star (Northsonic - Teen & Up [Sex] - 2.733 Words)
North is a guiding direction. The North Star is a guiding light. And yet, North is just… Himself. Or, at least, that's how everyone sees him: a simple man with a simple mind. Everyone but Sonic, that is. Sonic would never dream to see him in that light. OR A stream of consciousness from Sonic’s perspective about who North is and what North means to him.
The Gifted
(Don't) Touch Me! (Pangwave/Wang - Teen & Up [Crime] - 14.472 Words)
5 times someone tried to hug Wave and failed miserably (some more than others) + 1 time someone (guess who) finally (somewhat) managed to OR The narrative of what happened with Wave when Pang couldn’t remember a single thing about the Gifted Program, told through his aversion to physical contact.
The Untamed
Desperate Pleasures (Chengsang/Sangcheng - Mature [Alcohol Abuse/Sex/Violence/Trauma] - 7.950 Words)
They don't really mean for it to start happening when it does. Yet what are one’s drunken actions if not the desires one did not have the courage to give into sober? It is better not to think about it, though. They are what they are and they do what they do. And that's good enough. No need for labels or reasonings or long conversations about indefinable concepts, no... None of that. Just them. As they are. Just them is good enough. OR How Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang find solace in each other through the years in ways that are probably too complex and nuanced to put into words outside people would understand but that make sense to them, nonetheless.
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turtle-steverogers · 1 year
Hi could you share some more head cannons of stucky as parents? I love all of your stucky and steve hc's!
hello!!! thank you and sorry for the late response!!!
See, Stucky as parents always makes me so so so emotional, because they both bring such different, rich things to the table.
I headcanon that Bucky's family growing up, while big and somewhat hectic, was always really kind and loving and somewhat ahead of their time. He learned to respect and be good to his loved ones, but also learned empathy and that his emotions were important. I like to think he was close with his dad, and while things weren't perfect (there was strain in society, and being the oldest took its toll sometimes), he felt steady and sure in how to show a kid that they're important and good and kind. Maybe especially after he'd seen the lowest depths of hell, did he realize he had it in him to show his children they could survive anything if they found strength in themselves.
I see Bucky as a fun and trusting parent, that always always listens, above anything else.
Steve on the other hand did not have the best living situation growing up. His ma did her best, and she raised him to be kind. To always stand up. But his father was mean, and even after he died, him and his ma felt his wounds. It wasn't something easily shaken, and because of that, I imagine that Steve has quite a bit of anxiety around parenthood once he and Bucky enter it. He's determined to break the cycles his father perpetuated, and while there are still nights that Bucky has to hold him through memories and worries, he's putting in the work. He isn't letting himself turn mean like his father had.
He gives his children space to be themselves. To be loud and to use their voices and to be kids. He never wants his children to grow up too fast like he had to. I see him as patient and gentle. A guiding hand instead of a correcting hand.
Also, Steve and Bucky totally have the whole parent unit thing down.
Bucky changing one of their kid's diapers while the other starts to fuss and all it takes is him calling out, "Stevie!" for Steve to swoop in and scoop up the other kid with a corny, "I got your six." (Bucky rolls his eyes so hard at that that his head hurts, but he's smiling fondly anyway)
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
hey loves! ❤️ can you possibly do a head cannon on mafia stucky with reader having a panic attack? 🥺 my anxiety has been through the roof recently
My too, loves, mine too. You're not alone! <3 Hang in there...and here you go <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 (since you asked for Mafia Stucky, there are a few dark elements, please be aware- nothing overtly graphic, but this is Mafia Stucky after all!)
in the beginning, you had panic attacks all the time. You brain remembered....something else....you couldn't quite remember it properly. And it scared you, not knowing what was happening- causing you to panic most of the time.
At first, Bucky or Steve (or Sam, if they were otherwise occupied) would make you drink a special glass of strawberry milk anytime you started getting too upset, or hyperventilating, or anything else.
It would help relax you and put you right to sleep in their arms pretty quickly, and by the time you woke up, everything seemed right again.
But after a while, and you adjusted more, your panic attacks were brought on by feelings that were too big for you. Like disappointing your daddies by accidentally breaking something, or not finishing your daily tasks in your allotted time, or even when they came home too late and you worried about them.
You would be restless, unable to relax, extremely tense, unable to eat- it didn't always look like a typical panic attack. Sometimes your anxiety was just too much to handle and it started to shut you down.
It took a while, but once Steve and Bucky recognized they symptoms, they would stop whatever they were doing and pull you onto their laps, cuddling you into their chests.
Steve liked to gently wrap his large, ring covered fingers around the side of your face, keeping you sweetly pressed into his expensive Italian suit jackets. The smell of the woodsy cologne that he wore was soothing to you, and he delighted when you took deep inhales, pressed up against his neck. He would remove his silk pocket square and gently wipe your face if you were crying. He would remind you that you were the most beautiful girl in the world and that you were his princess and he would do anything for you.
Bucky wasn't as subtle as Steve was when it came to comforting you. He firmly believed in skin-on-skin contact as the best method of soothing you, and would do it the second you needed it. If you started getting upset, he would yank open his crisp, white shirts (damn the buttons, that's what he had tailors for), and pull you down to lay your cheek on top of his bare chest. He would run his fingers lazily up and down your back, over your arms, and all over your head, not saying a word- just letting his breath and beating heart comfort and calm you. Once you'd start getting back to yourself, he would tell you little jokes and funny stories to make you giggle, then sit up and break out his phone and make you pick out three new things to buy.
If you were at home, they'd take you into their bed, sandwiching you in between their bare chests, whispering how much they loved you and playing soothing music to help you calm down. They would give you soft, sweet kisses all over, and that would usually turn into something else or put you gently to sleep- either way, distracting you.
You were their princess. And nothing was going to keep them from making sure you were okay.
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papermacherainbow · 2 months
Headcanon of starker, m. J x pepper and stucky's kid or kids?
Ahhh, kids, kids, kids, so many ideas, ack!
I typically see them as having two kids- either two girls or a boy and a girl. (Morgan notwithstanding, I'm talking strictly about Starker babies)
Regardless of how the kids came to be, they each have a carbon copy. One of the kids is Tony right down to the core, and the other is a mini Peter. This can make parenting both easier and harder.
I'd like to think one of their kids is very smart but in a totally different way. A musical prodigy, perhaps- one of those kids that can just pick up any instrument and play it. It totally confuses Tony and Peter, but they are one hundred percent behind them. Especially Tony, who never wants his kids to feel like they have to take over SI or follow in his footsteps.
Pepper X MJ:
In a universe with Morgan, I could see them asking Tony to be a donor again, regardless of whether it's Pepper or MJ carrying. (Though in Hi, Sweetheart, they asked Peter)
MJ, surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly), enjoys being a stay-at-home parent and being with the kids. I imagine she does a lot of activism work and volunteering and takes her kids with her, but in a world where Pepper is CEO- she doesn't need to work and can follow her passions and be at home instead of having a nanny.
In a complete 180, I can see them not really wanting kids and having three cats that are basically their children.
In a cannon-esque universe, I think they'd either not have kids or adopt- too worried about the super soldier serum being passed down.
If we're talking about kids of their own, though, they definitely give all their babies family & friends names- both because it feels a little bit like an old-fashioned thing to do but also because they're just sentimental like that. A little way to bring their families back to them in the present.
They're the outdoor family. Hiking, big backyard, lake trips, the whole shebang.
I guess those ended up being more of like family headcanons! But I had fun thinking of them :D
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bookgeekgrrl · 3 months
My media this week (16-22 Jun 2024)
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fuck this heat dome for reals
🥰 The Settler (charlesdk) - Stucky Book Club pick - 52K, shrunkyclunks, Steve retires & buys a farm, Bucky's the local baker. I really enjoyed this fic - though it is unrealistic fantasy about both small towns and owning a farm so YMMV. As I said in book club, I didn't have any problems doing the hand-wavey "escapist unbelievable small town/farm fantasy of it all" bc Steve's feelings & character were more my (and the author's) focus than his occupation & location. You could really feel Steve's exhaustion and emotions, and I loved the way Sam & Natasha were shown-not-just-told as his family. But also I don't have any deep personal resonance with this setting, other than recognizing it's unrealistic.
🥰 The Marlow Murder Club (The Marlow Murder Club #1) (Robert Thorogood, author; Nicolette McKenzie, narrator) - really entertaining small British village cozy mystery with very enjoyable characters. Had such a blast reading it! The mystery puzzle wasn't difficult to guess but that's not why I read cozies, and it was satisfactory in its twists & turns & fair play.
🥰 Civilians, GDI (relenafanel) - I love it when an author writes an AU of their own fic! AU of The Steve Rogers Problem with SHIELD agent!Bucky & actor!Steve except this time it's a meet ugly and Bucky's a dumbass about his own feelings
😊 The Theory Of Attraction (Delphine Dryden) - novella - good femsub D/s rec'd by the discord. Very satisfactory.
😊 Four Lost Cities: A Secret History of the Urban Age (Annalee Newitz, author; Chloe Cannon, narrator) - nonfiction; "explores the rise and fall of four ancient abandoned cities, each the center of a sophisticated civilization: the Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük in Central Turkey, the Roman vacation town of Pompeii on Italy’s southern coast, the medieval megacity of Angkor in Cambodia, and the indigenous metropolis Cahokia that stood beside the Mississippi River where East St. Louis is today." really interesting and well told (although tbh the narrator sounded a bit AI (but definitely wasn't))
🙂 The Pure and Simple Truth (lettered) - 65K, ostensibly drarry (but in the way that lacroix is ostensibly fruit flavored) - really about all the friendships & how people, the world, and redemption are all complicated - another discord server rec
🥰 Death Comes to Marlow (The Marlow Murder Club #2) (Robert Thorogood, author; Nicolette McKenzie, narrator) - enjoyed Judith & her 'gang' so much I went back for more ASAP!
💖💖 +127K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Like herding cats (JehBeeEh) - Rachel Reid's Game Changers series: Troy/Harris, Ilya/Shane, 1.5K - short but very cute; perfect character voices - love a well done text fic like this
My Heart Comes Tumbling Down (DevilDoll) - TW: Sterek, 5K - reread, forever fave - peak oblivious Stiles who almost fucks everything up
All that I know is I don't know a thing (emjee (MerryHeart)) - TOG: Kaysanova, 10K - "In which Nicky's at seminary because he likes to argue, not because he's becoming a priest, and Joe has missed this essential fact and can't figure out why this future-priest-slash-bartender is flirting with him." SO GOOD!
Beltane (DevilDoll) - TW: Sterek, 8K - reread, forever fave - always-magical-Stiles AU
Doctor Who - s1 (series 14), e7
Game Changer - s6, e9
Um, Actually - s9, e9
Smartypants - s1, e5
What Next: TBD - The FBI Made a Phone Network. It Was A Trap.
NPR's Book of the Day - Questlove maps a cultural revolution in 'Hip-Hop is History'
Re: Dracula - June 17: Die Away in the Distance
Consider This - 25 years on, 'Boys Don't Cry' remains a milestone in trans cinema
⭐ Working - How a Colonial Williamsburg Actor Humanizes History
⭐ The Atlas Obscura Podcast - America’s First Celebrity Bartender And The Book That Changed Bars Forever
Pop Culture Happy Hour - It's getting hot. So what's sweatiest movie ever made?
WikiHole - Bay Area Music (with W. Kamau Bell, Guy Branum and Aparna Nancherla)
Re: Dracula - June 18: Turned his Mind
Short Wave - What 'Inside Out 2' Got Right About Anxiety, Per A Psychologist
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Last Baldwin House
Vibe Check - Yesterday’s Price Isn’t Today’s Price featuring Lena Waithe
⭐ Switched on Pop - Bootsy Collins is gonna funk you up (with Bootsy Collins)
Here & Now Anytime - How jazz icon Duke Ellington helped change America
⭐ Storylines - What The Puck? The strange story of a decades-old hockey rumour
99% Invisible #586 - Category 6
Wild Card - Taylor Tomlinson is fine with being 'perpetually afraid'
Shedunnit - Murder in the Library
Shedunnit - Bonus: Harriet Evans Interview
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Start of a Language
⭐ It's Been a Minute - Fouling Caitlin Clark; plus, a shoplifting panic!
Fleetwood Mac Radio • Upbeat
Stereophonic (Original Cast Recording)
We Are Lady Parts (Music From The Original Series - Seasons 1 & 2)
Meet Me @ the Altar
Bootsy Collins radio
Duke Ellington
Dance Party Hits
Survivor Radio • Deep cuts
No Vocals EDM
Bass Haven
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