#stucky role play
metalarmsgt · 2 years
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This is an 18+ Bucky Barnes role play account. Any minors will be blocked. Muse is brought to life by an experienced writer.
This is an independent portrayal of Bucky Barnes from the MCU so both canon and noncanon aspects will be in place.
I'm looking for like-minded individuals to role play and build friendships with. Both character, original character, and self insert role players are allowed.
🔞 - NO MINORS! By interacting you are agreeing that you yourself are over the age of 18.
Writer is 30+
Writer's pronouns are she/her
Writer is a fan of fluffy, angsty, dark, and romantic themes.
Writer is LGBTQIA+ friendly
Both descriptive storylines and light banter are allowed.
Anons please assign yourself an emoji.
OC, Crossover, AU, Multiverse Friendly
Please do not jump straight into smut. Writer prefers to build a little context beforehand.
Absolutely no hate or bullying will be tolerated. You will be blocked without warning.
All NSFW interactions will be tagged as: #NSFT
Stucky shipper
Bucky will be written as bisexual
If you have any questions or concerns shoot me a DM.
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myfictionaldreams · 11 months
Day 24: Role Reversal - Mafia!Stucky
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Summary: For once, you were the one shouting at the enemy, demanding that they leave your office. Steve and Bucky were in awe, so you tried to keep up this confidence and burn off some energy with them.
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, threesome (f/m/m), protective, arguing, dom/sub, switch, praise kink, oral (f and m receiving), restraints, multiple orgasms, hair pulling, creampie, rough sex
masterlist 📚 
kinktober masterlist😈 
AO3 Link
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It was a highly anticipated meeting. Tension was so thick in the office that all weapons were in hands, shoulders rolled back, and eyes glared in all directions, monitoring every little movement.
This had been happening for hours, and you were split between falling asleep or losing your patience and leaving. It wasn’t like you to be in these kinds of moods either. Usually, at the start of the meeting, you’d be a trembling, anxious mess and wish to leave because the tension was too much, knowing it would end in violence or shouting. However, today, you were not in the mood for an entirely different reason; knowing who was coming to the meeting already had your blood boiling.
A gentle nudge of your foot drew your attention to the man sitting opposite you. Bucky smiled from across the table, nodding slightly to check in and make sure you were okay, which you gave him a reassuring nod and smile in return. Steve sat between you both at the head of the table, where he naturally deserved to sit, considering he was the gang's leader. Your eyes flicked to the blonde, admiring the natural look of authority that he held, his eyes staring daggers at the man opposite him, and the muscles of his shoulders bulging in the white shirt that was decorated with various harnesses to display the weapons that he knew how to use expertly, intimidating the guest.
Even though he looked dangerous, the hand holding yours on his lap was so soothing and tender that it almost made you break the facade and smile. Steve had prioritised holding your hand, hoping the touch would calm your nerves, which it did. His fingers were rough from his training and littered with various scars from his years of dangerous work, but it was familiar to you as you mixed between playing with his fingers and his reassuringly squeezing your palm. He’d even refused to shake the other man’s hand when he entered the meeting to continue to hold yours, even though it further infuriated the man who commented how unprofessional it was not to shake an opponent's hand.
Baron Strucker was as boisterous and aggravated as they come. Hot-headed and preferred to shout rather than talk as he demanded his shares of the Rogers mafia, claiming that some of the equipment he’d bought was now being sold on the black market by Steve’s gang without the financial profit being shared. The two guards that had arrived with Baron were just as aggressive, weapons out, standing tall and looking ready to fight the numerous people in the room. 
As angry as Steve was beneath the skin, he remained calm, choosing not to lose his level-headed thinking and stay in control of the situation, proving his superiority as a leader over Baron. Bucky, his right-hand man, was similar with his calmness, but with the muscle ticking in his jaw, you knew he was struggling to remain in his seat, especially the tone that was being used towards his boss, boyfriend and best friend Steve, he was slowly losing his patience. 
During these moments with the gang, you were truly reminded of just how dangerous they both were and the line of work they both were involved in and now, so were you. It was hard to compare the men you’d woken up to this morning, adoring and making your life wholly fulfilled with love and affection, were the same that were probably contemplating murdering the man across the table.
You were squeezing Steve’s hand as you reminisced about the morning, using the moment to distract from the shouting in the room that you were now blankly staring at. Steve returned the affection but dragged the pad of his thumb against the back of your hand, which helped to settle the butterflies swirling in your stomach.
Someone shifting their weight behind you also caught your attention, reminding you that Sam Wilson, your best friend and bodyguard, was standing behind your chair. You were surrounded by protection as to your right sat Natasha, her eyes unblinking as she stared viciously at the enemy, her fingers twitching in her lap to throw the knife strapped to her leg.
“We had a deal. I’ve held my end of it, give you everything I have, and I’ve had nothing from you! How the fuck is that fair? That’s not what I signed up for”. Baron’s shout rang in your ears, causing you to close your eyes to try not to flinch from the piercing sound.
Steve leaned forward in his chair, calm yet authoritative as ever, as the room watched him closely. With a lot of restraint, he began to list all the ways in which the Rogers mafia has provided Stucker with their ends of the deal with financial benefits, customers and more.
You pondered over everything Steve was stating, but he failed to mention one thing that you had contemplated and something that Baron had just so happened not to talk about either. Your eyes flicked between Bucky and Steve to see if they might have remembered it, possibly hinting that you had something to say without cutting off Steve, but neither looked in your direction for once. You thought about speaking up, but everyone's attention on you had your insides twisting with sickness.
They were hyper-focused on the pacing man at the other end of the table, who was more furious with each passing second. The longer Baron Strucker ranted, not taking any accountability and blaming everything on Steve, the more your blood began to boil. Your face and chest warmed, eyebrows furrowing as your jaw clenched with as much fiercness as Bucky’s. You wanted to scream in his face, shake him for missing out on the crucial detail that he seemed to be dancing around, and you couldn’t take it anymore, the anger giving you the confidence and anger to intervene in his shouts finally.
“You’re thieves! A scam of a gang. I don’t understand how you’ve managed to reach the level of fame that you have here in Brooklyn. You’re all going down the drain. No one is going to trust you again because as soon as I get out of this office, I’m going to tell everyone what a bunch of shit you all are-”
“What about your container of goods by the coast?” Your voice was firm and louder than you’d expected it to be. You were so riled up that you’d removed your hand from Steve’s, needing to clench your fists in your lap as you stared at the man without fear, even though you could feel everyone’s eyes now on you.
“What?” Strucker snaps his head towards you like he had forgotten you were in the room. His beady little eyes devoured your body as if he was sizing you up. Still, with a simple scoff, you knew he deemed you no threat. The look had Steve and Bucky adjusting in their seats and the other gang members in the room who prepared their stances to match those of their leader, Steve and his second-in-command.
For once, you were braced, not letting his scoff throw your confidence. “The shipment by the coast? You’ve not mentioned it, and wasn’t that the whole reason for this deal in the first place?  Why haven’t you discussed it today? What happened to the goods you were supposed to provide us with?”
Baron stopped midstep, swallowing thickly, giving himself a second to adjust his frame before the aggression came back, directing it towards you instead as he pointed his meaty finger in your direction. “I see your little game, trying to change the subject from your mistakes. I’m not falling for it, and you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. This good-for-nothing gang-”
“No!” you once more cut off his rambling, “I think it’s you who is changing the subject. Answer me now: where are the goods?” Your eyes were burning with how hard you were staring at him, with all your spite and anger, a slight tremor settling in your body as you struggled to keep your emotions to a minimum.
“You don’t get to talk to me like that!”
It was your turn to scoff at the atrocities coming out of Baron’s mouth as you began to calm your voice so that you weren’t shouting and instead reigned in the power of authority. “Yes, I do. I am as high up in this gang as Bucky. You’re in my building with my gang. I can speak to you however the fuck I like. Now, answer my question or get the fuck out. Where is this shipment?”
His silence was your answer enough, so you decided to put the final nail in his coffin. “So you’ve sold them to someone else, and you think you can come here and threaten us? You’re lucky you aren’t dead right now, so here’s what will happen. You’ll collect your dirt shit friends here, turn around and walk out of this building. And you know what? I’ll throw you a bone, we won’t say a word about your failed partnership, but if we hear even a whisper that you’ve talked shit about my gang, there will be nowhere you can hide on this planet that’ll stop us from getting to you and everyone you love. Now get the fuck out!”
You don’t look away from him, you don’t back down, you continue to hold his gaze and watch as he opens his mouth repeatedly like a fish, and when he looks like he’s found his words, they’re swiftly cut off as the woman next to you was out of her seat in a blink of an eye, holding her knife to his neck. “You heard the boss; it’s time for you to go”, Natasha instructs with her silky voice.
His mouth shuts as he backs away, still glaring but not having the guts to say what he wants as the other crew members follow him out. A few of the Rogers mafia escorted them out of the property.
Sam speaks first as he rests his hands on your shoulders, still taunted with tension. “Please mind my language when I say, holy fucking shit. I didn’t think you had it in you, Boss Lady; that was badass!”
Finally releasing the pent-up energy, you shout in rage, rubbing your hands down your face before pushing the chair back, thankful that Sam quickly stepped out of your way as you began to do your pacing. “He’s such an asshole! I don’t even know why we agreed to do any sort of work with him in the first place!” Your red stiletto heels click against the floor dramatically as you try to shake your hands to dispel the anger still raging inside your body.
From the corner of your eye, you saw that Steve silently nodded his head towards the door, indicating for everyone else to leave, which they did without hesitation, leaving you, Steve and Bucky alone.
The brunette was the first to stand, the clip of his expensive shoes just as loud on the ceramic flooring as Bucky unbuttons his suit jacket. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever fucking seen, Hot Mama”.
You stop walking abruptly, turning to him with a quizzical look, but your eyes are drawn to the evidence of his obvious arousal, the thick outline of his erection down his left pant leg. Your body is warming for a different reason now; as you state, “I have so much energy right now, I feel like I could run a marathon. I understand why you both fuck so hard when you’re in a mood”.
Bucky’s knowing smirk captures your attention now, the heat spiking in your core with a noticeable throb. Steve stands, his chair scrapping along the floor with his sudden movement.
Steve’s looking at you the same way Bucky is. As if they knew you were thinking something you weren’t entirely sure what, as the only thing on your mind right now was getting rid of the pent-up energy you held whilst also trying not to slip into the submissive ways that you always did, especially seeing how turned on both your boyfriends were from seeing you in this dominant, headstrong persona. 
Steve stands tall, his hands lazily in his pockets as he admires you slowly up and down with his crystal blue eyes. “We tell you all the time to use us, so use us. Get that energy out. Tell us what you want us to do. If it’s going for a run, we can do that. If you want a hard fuck, you know we can do that too.”
No amount of money would make you pick going for a run right now as you stared between Steve and Bucky. Two powerful men, ready to do whatever you wished so you rolled your shoulders back, straightened your posture and demanded, “Strip. Take off your clothes”.
Bucky bites his lips seductively as he prepares to slowly remove his clothes, beginning with his jacket and the endless weapons attached to himself. Steve, on the other hand, started by removing his black tie, which you promptly held your hand out for, deciding you could use this later. 
Watching them both doing exactly as you’d instructed was exhilarating, even if it was a simple act. Only moments ago, the room was full of influential people, a fight potentially about to begin, and now you’re watching each beautiful body part of two of the most dangerous men in Brooklyn strip naked.
You were hardly breathing by the time they stood before you, their impressive bodies on display as they waited for their next instructions with their hands behind their backs and cocks proudly hard. You couldn’t help yourself as you touched the tip of Steve’s and admired how it throbbed as his abs flexed and he tensed.
“Did it really make you that turned on to see me like that?” you asked, needing to hear him say it.
Steve’s eyes admired you with a tantalizingly slow look up and down, “You have no fucking idea”.
Even though your insides seemed to somersault with excitement, you tried to remain in control of the situation. Holding up the black tie in front of Bucky, you asked him, “Tie up Steve’s hands behind his back and make sure that he can’t get out”.
Bucky did as instructed without questioning and worked his magic, ensuring the knot was secure enough that Steve wouldn’t be able to easily wriggle out of the restraint unless he ripped the material in half. Seeing Steve standing there, with his arms behind his back and both following instructions to perfection, made you feel powerful.
Your eyes observed Bucky, who had stood next to Steve, waiting patiently for whatever you had to say. “Can I trust you to keep your hands behind your back?” Bucky grins, showing his straight teeth as he nods his head in answer, moving his hands behind his back and circling the metal fingers around his flesh wrist, keeping it locked in place.
“Good boy”, you say without thinking and wishing to praise him in some way and to your delight, his cock visibly throbbed as the Adam’s apple of his throat bobbed with his moan. The corner of your lip tilted upwards with excitement at this fact as you stepped towards him, stroking the tips of your fingers down his firm chest. “Do you like it when I call you that?”
“I think I do”, he responds with an edge of gruffness to his voice, like the arousal coursing through him had affected him so much already.
There were so many things that you could do with both of them right now. The first that came to mind was dropping to your knees and servicing them both, but you were enjoying the power too much and seeing the lust in their eyes; you were ready to use this to your advantage.
Taking a step away from them both, you crept over to the seat at the head of the table, trying to use the confidence to glide through your body still and maintain the dominant persona, at least for as long as you could. You eyed up Steve’s seat, easing it away from the table before sitting in it and spreading your legs so the dress hiked up your thighs until they both had a view of naked cunt, for once thankful you’d gone without any underwear today. “Well, why don’t you both be good boys and come and eat me out?”.
With impressive speed, Steve and Bucky were dropping to their knees in front of the seat, the colour of their eyes impressively darkened with hunger, tongues wetting their lips in anticipation. Gripping the back of your thighs, your legs spread wider for them, trying to make room for both of their faces.
It was difficult with the lack of space and their hulking shoulders shoving against each other so they could both have their feast. This only made you feel more powerful, to see them quietly arguing with each other to try and pleasure you, which only made their licks and sucks more enthusiastic. They were sloppy, saliva and pussy juice coating their faces and your thighs as they each tried to push their tongues into your cunt. Everything was warm, wet and pleasurable, especially as Steve lapped at your clit as Bucky tongued your hole.
You couldn’t keep your eyes off them, hungry for both of them, knowing that you could ask for possibly anything and they would be willing to do it, even in the middle of the office. Having both of them on you simultaneously was also very overstimulating, as they seemed to be touching you everywhere at the same time. You were clenching and withering beneath them before you could even think to moan either of Steve or Bucky’s names, the orgasm stealing your breath away.
Steve sucked as Bucky licked through your orgasm until you had to release the bruising grip on your thigh so that you could close your legs, pushing them back. Trying to catch your breath, you stared between them. Both their handsome faces were flushed, chins and cheeks drenched and glistening, eyes glazed with hunger and arousal, still sitting on their knees with hands behind their backs.
You were surprised they’d not yet freed their restrained hands and taken over. The two of them were dominant down to their very bones, so for them to not switch things around and bend you over the table and fuck you until you’d orgasmed multiple times, it was a surprise they were still going along with you being in control.
“Bucky”, standing from your chair, you cupped the chin of the boyfriend you’re addressing, “sit in this chair”. He does as instructed as you walk behind him and the chair, your fingers massaging his shoulders and chest as you dip to kiss the column of his neck. Looking over your body, you admired the thick cock that was begging to be touched, and then there was Steve, who also was admiring Bucky’s dick.
“You’ve both been so good for me, following my instructions. Here’s what is going to happen. I want Stevie to suck Bucky off until I tell him to stop. Does that sound good with you, Buckaroo?”
The face you were kissing nodded quickly and enthusiastically. Bucky’s eyes were wide with anticipation and awe as he watched his boss and superior, especially in the workplace, on his knees and ready to pleasure him.
Bucky sucks in a deep breath through his nose as Steve begins to lick up his shaft, holding intense eye contact before taking him fully into his mouth.
You walk around the two of them, making sure your heels are unnecessarily loud with the steps so they are aware of where you are at all times; even when Bucky’s eyes are closed, his head turns ever so slightly with your actions, like he was monitoring where you were.
Every so often, you’d run your fingers over their shoulders or through their hair. The touches caused shivers to run through their beefy bodies, and you tried not to grin at the little reactions you could easily pull from them.
“Doing so good, Steve, I can tell Bucky’s getting close. Keep going. I don’t think I’m ready for you to stop just yet”.
“Ah, fuck!” Bucky grunted, hips thrusting up as his head tipped back, falling into the depths of his pleasure and the skills of Steve’s beautiful mouth.
Only when you could see Bucky’s breaths coming fast, his mouth dropping open with no restraints for his moans, did you decide to intervene, knowing he was close to cumming. Scraping your nails through Steve’s hair, you grabbed a hand full and tugged, forcing Steve’s mouth off the cock.
Bucky whimpered from the loss of the tongue and sucking. “Now, now, Bucky. You’ve had your share, don’t be so selfish.” Lowering your mouth to Steve’s ear, you whispered, “Sit back, Steve”.
With an easy roll, Steve is sitting on his arse on the cold floor, and you are instantly on him, straddling over his thick thighs, hands cupping his cheeks and kissing him hungrily. You moaned at the taste of Bucky’s cock on his lips and the noise of Steve’s tie straining from where Steve was pulling on it but stopping himself from ripping it apart.
You still had so much energy you needed to get out, and Steve had been so good for you that he deserved a reward. Rolling your hips, your cunt pulsed with desire as his cock slipped between your folds and nudged your clit. Slipping a hand between your bodies and lifting onto your knees, you lined Steve up and slowly sat down his length.
“You always fill me up so good”, you praise him, returning to cupping his cheeks as you kiss him passionately, rolling your hips and down with heavy slaps. He was so deep and stretched your walls to perfection.
Your knees were aching, and maybe you were used to being the one without the control, but this position was hard to fuck with the full potential. You wanted to hold control but didn’t want to do any of the work, so with a sly smile and biting Steve’s bottom lip, you decided to switch it up.
“If I undo your hands, I’m still in control. Only for today, do you understand?” you asked, mind grinding your hips.
Steve moaned and desperately nodded his head, “Yes! Fuck yes, you’re in charge, baby”.
“Good. I want you to pick me up and fuck me on the desk”. Whilst still trying to fuck him, you reached around him and pulled on the end of the tie, thankful that Bucky had managed to tie it in such a way that it was easy to undo. The material loosened around Steve’s wrists, and within a blink of an eye, his strong arms were under your hips as he lifted the two of you from the floor.
The table’s cool surface made you gasp, but then he was fucking you, his face hiding in your neck as your hands gripped his back for support, nails digging in and leaving crescent-shaped indents.
“Ah! Yes!” you shouted as Steve fucked with nothing holding him back, and even though he was the one on top of you, you could still feel the powerful of telling him what to do, knowing that if you asked him to sit on the floor and wait, he would do precisely that.
Every stroke of his cock, pounded into your cunt with a wet gush of your fluids, helping to soften the sensation. He felt so intense you were sure if you put your hand on your lower belly, you’d be able to feel the tip of his cock prodding deep within.
You were already sensitive from their mouths so you came after only a couple of minutes, the fire burning and pulsing so thoroughly throughout your body that you were sure everyone in the building could hear your pleasured screams.
Steve didn’t stop because you hadn’t ordered him to do anything other than fuck you. “That’s it, keep going, don’t stop!” You were being selfish, but you didn’t care one little bit.
Turning your head away from Steve, you looked at Bucky, who looked like he would combust on the spot. A thick dribble of precum was stringing from his thigh to his tip, and the veins in his temple were bulging as he kept himself sitting on the brink of an orgasm whilst still sitting in the chair.
“Bucky, as soon as Steve finishes, I want you to come over and fuck me”.
Hearing the next instruction, Steve’s hands held onto your thighs for more leverage and fucked you hard until cumming with an ultimate groan that vibrated deep through his chest. You sighed at the warmth soaking your hole, but you didn’t have time to process this as Bucky pushed away Steve, and your other boyfriend was filling you.
Bucky’s hands were on you, one on your hip and the other on your chest, holding you down as he fucked into you relentlessly. You didn’t have the energy to tell him off or order him to do anything different. Not when he was fucking you so hard that you were thankful for the table being drilled to the floor so you were sure it would have toppled over by now.
“That’s it, Bucky, you’ve been so good for me, just like that”. The praise seemed to trigger something in him as he goes crazy. Your body was trembling and aching with the efforts of keeping up with his thrusts. You came again, gushing and moaning as all you could do was hold onto his shoulders.
“Doll- I’m gonna cum- so deep-!” Bucky cried out as he smacked his cock in as deep as it would go, his body shaking as his cock emptied his cum, making in with the remaining of Steve’s. Bucky collapsed onto your chest, both trying to catch your breath.
Your eyes were closed as Steve began to speak next to your head. He’d walked around the table, so he was looking down at you and Bucky from above as he caressed the side of your cheek. “Could you do me a favour? Firstly, please can you shout at assholes more often. And two, please tell us what to do because I could have come just from you telling me to take my clothes off”.
With all the energy drained from your body, you quickly slipped into the submissive state you were usually in, wishing to hide your face into Bucky’s neck but keeping a mental note as to how you could use this to your advantage in the future.
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angelbaby-fics · 9 months
i just saw requests are open so sorry if it’s too late to ask!!!
could i request something along the lines of Daddy!Stucky with a little who loves coloring/drawing/crafts and Steve usually does them with the reader cause he’s artsy but he’s not home so she asks Bucky to do it with her, but he’s not artsy so he’s hesitant but he obviously still does it cause that’s his baby. And it turns out he’s really good at it and has tons of fun
(sorry i just kinda word dumped i hope that made sense)
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Word Count: 1k
A/N: Okay, first of all can we just appreciate this gif??? he looks so pretty & squishy & i just wanna kiss him all over hehehe 💕 anyways i really really love this idea!!! and i had a lot of fun writing it! :D so i hope you have a good time reading it 💕
When it came to artistry, your daddy was your idol. Steve had been drawing since he was very young, very long ago, and so he was rather good at it. You loved to color alongside him, each drawing the same subject and comparing your masterpieces when you were finished. You were so mesmerized by the way he intuitively connected one line with another, visualizing the whole picture in his head as he brought it to life on the paper. Steve always told you that yours was better, and even though you knew he had to say that because he was your daddy, the compliment still made you beam. 
You’d recently gotten a brand new sketchbook, and you were hopping with excitement to fill it up with art. When you woke up that morning, the first thing you did as you tumbled out of bed was grab your bucket of markers in one hand, sketchbook in the other as you sprinted out to the living room. You scanned the room for Steve, drinking his morning coffee on the couch like he usually was. But he wasn’t there today. Instead, Bucky was on the couch, and he looked up from his book as you burst into the room.
“Good morning, pumpkin,” he said with a loving smile. “Where dada?” You asked, your artistic tunnel vision making you ignore your Baba completely. “Well hello to you too,” Bucky said with a cheeky grin. “Daddy’s gotta work today, so you’re stuck with me, muffin!”
“Oh, okay.” You said, putting down your art supplies and joining Bucky on the couch. You tried to hide your disappointment - you loved spending time with Bucky after all - but you’d been so looking forward to drawing with Steve that day. “What’s wrong, doll, don’t you like me?” Bucky joked.
“Of course! But… wanted to draw.” You replied, whispering the last part. It was no secret that Steve was the one you always drew with, and Bucky played the role of a high end art dealer or a museum curator when you were ready to display your work. You’d never drawn with him, and you weren’t opposed to it, but it just wasn’t something you were used to. “Well I could try to draw with you if you’ll let me, sugar.” Bucky suggested, hoping to still salvage your perfect day. 
“Really?” You asked.
“Sure! In fact, why don’t you teach me how, since you’re the one who’s good at all this art stuff.”
That about changed everything. You were more than eager to teach your Baba a new skill, feeling quite proud of yourself being the highest authority on art in the family now that Steve was away. You tore a page out of your sketchbook and placed it on the coffee table in front of Bucky. Then, grinning mischievously, you dumped your bucket of markers out onto the table. Bucky’s eyes widened at the mess, knowing it would more than likely be him cleaning it up when you were finished, but this was simply part of your artistic process.
“It's good to have all the colors in front of you so you know which one to use next!” You explained.
Bucky didn’t see why you couldn’t have all the markers in front of you in the bucket, but he decided it was best not to argue with an expert. You picked up your first color, dark green, and motioned for your Baba to do the same. You’d easily decided on a simple topic for his first picture, something simple. A scene in the park. It had all the components of a classic coloring picture: trees, grass, birds, butterflies, and anything else your heart desired. 
Once you explained the concept to Bucky, the two of you got to work. Your face down, you were laser focussed on your own artwork. You never once popped your little head up to check on Bucky’s progress. The same couldn’t be said for him, however. Your Baba glanced over every few minutes, smiling to himself at your concentrated face, tongue poking slightly out of your lips as you determinedly colored in each blade of grass and tree leaf. If only he could get you to focus this hard on cleaning your room. Only when you’d finally completed your work did you break your concentration, setting down your final marker with a flourish as you looked up expectantly at Bucky, waiting for the praises to start.
But something caught your eye.
Bucky’s sheet of paper, sitting just in front of him on the table, was an explosion of colors. Abstract shapes swirled into the familiar forms of trees and flowers, but only when you squinted. The sky was purple, the grass was red, the trees burst with fiery orange leaves. Your brow furrowed; this art was gorgeous, but it made no sense. 
“You drawed that?” You whispered in awe.
“Yeah, you like it, babydoll?” Bucky asked proudly.
“It's so pretty and crazy!” You said, looking up at him with wide eyes.
Bucky chuckled. “Is that a good thing?”
You nodded eagerly, not wanting him to think you were insulting his talent. 
“How did you even think of that, Baba?” You asked, shocked at his unconventional approach. It had never occurred to you to portray things in a way other than what you considered normal. Bucky had opened a whole new world for you. 
“I don’t really know, it just came to me.” He replied modestly. “Do you wanna try?”
Bucky offered up a clean sheet of paper to you.
When Steve came home a few hours later, he wasn’t greeted at the door as usual with a kiss from Bucky and you jumping into his arms. Normally your absence would make his heart race, but it only took him a minute to turn the corner and see the two of you, his husband and his precious baby, working hard together over a piece of paper. A rainbow rendition of Steve’s famous shield, the star in the center made up of tiny swirls and dots. He already knew he’d treasure this masterpiece forever.
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wenellyb · 4 months
The reason why Sambucky is the superior ship and the Sambucky fandom is the superior fandom in all fandoms to have ever fandomed isn't because there is no toxic people in the fandom, because there is. It's because Sambucky shippers will call out the toxic shippers and keep them from spilling their bullsh*t into the fandom.
I've seen too many fandoms, with a few toxic shippers who were "let loose" and it "contamined" the whole fandom and made the fandom experience unbearable.
I'm talking about toxic stans criticising any character that dated one of the characters of their ship, toxic stans who harrassed the actors and actresses who they saw as a threat to their ship. And the problem is that the non-toxic fans didn't say anything or pretended not to see it, which only made the toxic stans bolder.
I've seen this with the Stucky fandom, where the fandom was so harsh, that the actress who played Steve Roger's love interest in Captain America: Civil War had her role reduced in the MCU, all because her character kissed Steve and the fandom made a scandal about it.
This is just one exemple, but there has been many times where the fandom became so toxic it started impacting real people.
I remember after the Falcon and the Winter Soldier aired, some Sambucky shippers tried to do it with Sarah Wilson, because she was a potential love interest to Buck and the rest of the fandom shut it down immediately. They would call out any post that was trying to make fun of or belittle Sarah's character, so eventually the toxic Sambucky stans wouldn't try it again.
I haven't seen that happening in other fandoms, and that's why my stay in the Stucky and Destiel fandoms was limited and I only kept up with Destiel by watching youtube edit... but stayed away from Destiel Tumblr or Destiel Twitter...
All the big M/M ships would provide a better fandom experience if those fandoms didn't spend so much time enabling the toxic stans.
TL:DR: Sambucky is the superior fandom.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 13 days
Bucky finds DomSub porn on Steve's search history and asks him about it.
At first Bucky thinks Steve is the one who wants to Dom. A very confusing discussion follows.
Bucky hasn't bottomed since before Steve and him have been together, atleast 80 odd years. But he'd be willing to try if that's what Steve's found he's into-
And a very bright red and sputtering Steve has to admit that, no.. he wants to be dominated. He wants to take it up the ass with restraints and praise.
Immediately Bucky is much more attached to the idea. Despite the fact that their roles in the bedroom have always been somewhat akin to these things Steve's been reading and watching, he never even considered.. oh god this is something he really wants too. Suddenly he's kind of drooling at the idea of this step up in dynamics.
Just picturing Steve tied up, whimpering and whining, bright red all over and blissfully out of his mind. Jesus.
They have a long road ahead of them lmao
For reference, my ask box is no longer open for requests, but this is from before I closed it, so I will be writing for this ask.
Yeah, yeah, yeah-!
There's a trope in your ask that I feel like appears pretty often in stucky fanfics, the whole we've-been-doing-this-since-before-there-was-a-name-for-it. Which, I'm unsure if it would be true because, well, I'm sure they would have called power dynamics something and the words have simply changed over time, but I haven't done enough research to know what. Or, it could've been completely true because they might have been cut off from any community that could have told them a name for that, so it would've been just something between the two of them, a way they played that they were unsure if anyone else did at all, and they didn't stop to put a name to it. Either way, it's definitely interesting.
Like, Bucky has been roughing Steve up since they were boys. He was the only one who respected Steve and didn't treat him like glass. Bullies were one thing, spitting on him and beating him, well-meaning adults were another thing, tiptoeing around him and worrying over his always ailing body, and Bucky something completely unique.
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gif by the-girl-without-a-face
Bucky would wrestle him on the floor admist the shrieks and chanting and boney ankles of his younger sisters in the Barnes' home, Bucky wouldn't go easy on him in gym class but wasn't picking him out and wailing on him either, treating him as fair, worthy competition, and Bucky, as they got older, would kiss him like he wasn't afraid. He would pull Steve in for vicious kisses the moment they were alone that felt almost bruising against Steve's buzzing lips, their mouths meeting so fiercely. He would drag his teeth over Steve's bottom lip, unconcerned with the outside world and anything they may have to say about why Steve's lips are suddenly so swollen and wet after being locked in a bedroom with only one other person. Another young man.
Bucky didn't care about the suspicion of others over Steve's split lip, Steve's bruised flesh, or Steve's panting, soft moans that might overflow from their apartment. Partly because he just didn't fucking care, he cared about Steve too much to care about much anything else, and partly because he knew Steve could hold his own. Steve was not only strong enough to take it but stubborn enough to enjoy it.
And farther, Steve was strong enough to resist anything anyone said about him. That split lip? Nah, it wasn't from being pinned underneath Bucky, kissing until the fragile flesh of his mouth split and ran red. It was just from another fight, and you should see the other guy. He got it worse. Those bruises, just about the size of the tip of someone's finger? Huh. Must be from yet another confrontation or from smacking his boney body on corners and tables and doorframes. His balance isn't so good, and his skin is so thin and finicky, y'know? Anything makes him bruise. Anything that isn't, certainly, Bucky's strong, work-calloused hands digging into him as he fucks him without mercy, no, that'd be preposterous. Speaking of fucking, those little sounds, sweet and breathy, choked out from the Barnes-Rogers, Rogers-Barnes bare-bones bachelor pad? Those aren't anything to worry about. They come at night because that's when Steve's getting ready for bed and arranging his sheets and his dust allergy kicks up as well as when his asthma bothers him most, his lungs tired after a whole days worth of breathing. Those are the choked sounds of trying to get enough air. They absolutely are not the muffled sounds of pleasure from taking whatever Bucky dishes out and expects him to take, making his eyes go hazy and unfocused, rolling back into his head while his mouth drops open, leaving Bucky with no choice but to slap a hand over his stupid, pretty face to keep him quiet.
Bucky doesn't go easy on Steve. Why would he? Steve responds so fucking well to that roughness.
Oddly, nothing makes him more compliant than just a little roughing up. He'll fight back, sure, but he doesn't actually want to win their wrestling match or want Bucky to stop. He just wants to add to the anticipation. He wants to make Bucky earn it. He wants to egg Bucky on, get him to let go that last little bit, and really wail on him. That's what gets Steve limp and moaning all breathy, his eyelashes fluttering softly, his heart slowly circulating his blood, pushing it down, down, down between his legs.
And as much as they don't talk about it, not really, during that time before the war--or even during the war later, when Bucky and Steve let the violence of the war front bleed into their own games but in a much more tender, caring way that spoke of their bonds, not of their differences like the troop mentalities of us vs them--they don't talk about it worse when Bucky first comes back.
Steve doesn't talk because he doesn't know what Bucky remembers, and he doesn't want to push him away if he doesn't remember and it's too much for him. He won't pressure him. If Bucky doesn't want to be together, at all, anymore, then they won't be. If Bucky doesn't want to be with him, like that, anymore, then they won't be. Steve would never dream of pushing Bucky into that dynamic again if he doesn't want it.
Bucky doesn't talk because, yes, at first, those days have yet to resurface through the murky, silt-heavy waters of his subconscious, not settled out to a clear lake. But, eventually, memory in mind, back where it should be, Bucky doesn't talk because he doesn't know how to broach the topic. Steve always did that. Steve goaded him and encouraged it, directly or, most often, indirectly--not using his words but letting his shivers of pleasure, heavily-lidded eyes, and low, soft sounds of lust talk for him. Bucky isn't sure how to ask if they're real memories, just fantasies, or how to ask if Steve still wants it that way.
Steve really fucking wants it.
But, again, Steve's stubborn. Once they are together again, officially, and once they are being intimate again, it's enough. Wholeheartedly. Steve will take that and nothing more and not truly complain about a thing. Having an itch in the back of his mind is nothing compared to the gaping, festering wound he once harbored, thinking his lover was dead. He can deal with it. More than "deal," he will thrive with it. But...
As stubborn as Steve is, he's curious, too. He can't leave anything alone. He can't turn a blind eye. He can't pretend. So, when he can finally stomach thinking of intimacy again because Bucky is back and they're having it, cuddling and sex and everything between, Steve starts to get curious. He's thinking more and more about how they used to act.
Did anyone else do that before?
Does anyone else do that now?
The answer to both is yes.
They did.
They do.
Steve goes looking, and he finds.
He finds a wealth of names for those kinds of practices--all kinds of people from all different backgrounds, genders, and sexualities mixing wanted, pleasurable meanness and violence and bite with loving affection. Kink. BDSM. (Which, BDSM, is a name that carries names it of itself, fascinatingly enough. Bondage and discipline. Domination and submission. Sadism and masochism.) Power dynamics. Power play. Roleplay. Total power exchange. Dom/sub. Authority kinks. Master/slave. Pain play. Daddy/boy. Competency kinks. Etc. Etc.
All those different words for it live in Steve's search history, and it lives in real people who really do this stuff and really enjoy themselves. They describe liking it, loving it, needing it. Just like Steve liked it, loved it, and needed it when Bucky gave him those things, although, ultimately, in a less organized way than in the way presented to him online, discussing limits, both hard and soft, having negotiations before most every "scene", and employing safewords. Those all sound smart. They were definitely uninformed back then but also just young and reckless.
Overall, though, it's enough to know it exists. Steve isn't really planning on doing anything about it. Not yet, at least. He wants to savor what he's just won back for a while longer before altering it in any way. But...
Bucky borrows his laptop when his own is charging up from dead, and Steve didn't think to delete his history because it's his laptop? He knows what he was looking at, and he doesn't care if he sees it again, in fact, he might want to. He may want or need to retrace his digital tracks. So--
All of that old, roughing-up they used to do bubbles up to the surface again.
They'll have a conversation about it. They will. Eventually. But... the way Steve colors that perfect, sweet pink once Bucky turns the laptop around to show him a web page about the history and origins of erotic bondage, well, there's not much that can be done. Bucky is done in. That blush. That fucking blush heats Bucky up like a summer sunset, setting off humid, thick arousal but also awe.
His baby is pretty.
And he remembers, vividly--sprawled like a Renaissance painting across the back of his eyelids in his mind's eye--how pretty he was curled up into all kinds of twisted, pretzel shapes with the help of Bucky's soft neckties, elastic suspenders, or worn, butter-smooth belt. How pretty he was gasping for air while Bucky pumped deep inside him, fucking him and holding his bird-boned wrists above his head in one clenched fist to keep those trouble making fingers outta his way. How pretty he was with his big blue eyes wide and wet with tears, pleading through uneven hiccuping sobs to please, please, please finally be able to cum after a whole afternoon spent laid out on their thin, old mattress, told he couldn't move an inch, or they'd be done--struggling to obey instinctively, his body aching for pleasure, but wanting to obey regardless. How pretty he was being good. How pretty he was submitting.
Bucky's mouth is dry as a desert, just thinking about those dust-covered memories. He licks his lips, rifling through his own body to decide how he feels. Steve tracks the movement with a distinct, familiar kind of embarrassment in his blue eyes. Bucky feels very, very aroused.
"Yeah?" Steve finally replies, his voice hoarse. Rough and feral.
In response, Bucky's voice comes out dripping with his usually faded accent, "go get me a belt."
Steve's jaw drops. Although, before Bucky can reel himself back in, his words, no, his demand swallowed back down into his chest where it's more appropriate, more private, Steve is scurrying off as obedient as a lap dog.
A grin twists itself onto Bucky's lips.
Steve returns, panting, he zipped to the bedroom and back with everything he has. Eager little punk. But, he is holding a belt.
It's one of Bucky's, no surprise there. Old habits die hard, Bucky supposes.
They have plenty of belts to choose from these days, belts for different occasions from hanging around the house to fancy charity events, belts of different styles to fit every occasion and every kind of pant, belts on belts on belts, belts for the both of them. But, the belt Steve selected is Bucky's oldest. And it's the most familiar. The very thing he owned in the 30s before everything was war rationed. Thick, smooth, flexible leather that's been beat to shit, so much wear and love to it. The hole punched through it that Bucky uses a little looser than all the rest.
Bucky takes it from him, and Steve whimpers.
An answering chuckle finds its way out of Bucky, pulled up from the same depths as his arousal. Deep, thudding--throbbing. He hasn't even done anything yet, and here is his little dolly, all pink, slack-jawed, and making cute sounds for him.
"Wrists, behind your back, darlin'," Bucky murmurs.
Steve spins in a tight circle and crosses both hands over the small, small of his big, broad back, holding them together.
Bucky lovingly loops the leather of his belt around Steve's wrists once, twice, enjoying the goosebumps that lift over Steve's skin immensely. It pleases the animal inside him, wanting this more than he knows how to deal with.
Easy as breathing, once he's got Steve's wrists bound, he puts his boy on his knees between his knees. Steve's laptop pushed to the other end of the couch and forgotten, completely forgotten.
Nothing exists but Steve.
So fucking pretty.
Blonde hair that begs to be stroked and pulled. A blush spilled like expensive, sugary wine across his high cheekbones and the bridge of his nose, slowly running down to his square jaw and swallowing throat. Blue eyes getting darker with every tension-filled moment that passes between them, shaded by unreal lashes that Bucky knows get even more obscene when painted with cum. Dripping and heavy. Soaked. Lips plush and unreal. All of him. His crooked nose. Every bit of him.
Bucky strokes his smooth, smooth jaw and zeros in on the way his lips quiver, so close to begging already.
Maybe he can take it easy on him this one time, hm? It has been a long, long time...
"You want it?" Bucky husks out, tracing the tips of his fore- and middle fingers from the hinge of his killer jaw to the plush pillow of his fat bottom lip.
Steve nods urgently, but his lips dropping open is more than enough of an answer.
An answer and a request that Bucky fulfills eagerly, shoving two fingers into Steve's mouth and pressing down on his tongue, letting him have a taste of the weight, and feeling his hot mouth flood with saliva. Wet.
Desperate hunger.
Bucky pushes deeper, relishing in the way the smaller, more uniform taste buds at the center of his tongue give way to larger, vaguely rougher ones at the very back and how that turns into nothing but the slick, velvet-soft inside of his throat. His throat contracts and hugs his fingers even as he sputters around a gagged moan.
Good fucking god.
"Yeah," Bucky talks down to his blushing, restrained yet squirming boy, choking on his fingers, eyes full of glassy, pretty tears, "you want it."
Steve moans that much harder, straining his neck to get more, trying to have his fingers deeper, deeper until his teeth dig hard into Bucky's knuckles.
"Don't worry, baby," Bucky hears himself coo, a low, syrupy tune that goes well with the jingle of his belt, undoing it one handed to get his dick out. If Steve wants to be tied down and have his mouth filled up, then that's what he'll get. Bucky can spend as much time as Steve wants--as much as he needs pounding down into his tight throat, making him take it, wearing him down to rivers of tears of pleasure, and leaving him limp everywhere except where it counts, so drunk on being used that he doesn't have a lick of fight left in him. He's so easy and hard for being a nice, wet hole. Always was. Always will be.
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mylevisdontfitanymore · 6 months
Do you ever imagine Steve burping helplessly and Bucky getting turned on in a public place?
This isn’t public public but something that I have been thinking a lot about recently is car rides and how an especially rough ride might jostle burps out of someone while also forcing them to hold their sensitive, overfull tummy, groaning with complaints as the car rumbles and shakes. Then, as all this is going on, there’s also nothing they can do about it because they need to get home. In fact, before they got in the car and started getting jostled around, they really wanted to get home, they were so excited to get home so they could lie down and sleep off all the excess food and/or drinks they stuffed into themselves. So they're just trapped burping and being shaken up like a can of soda, about to pop. And that’s what I’m going with here! I hope you enjoy it!
Unbeta'd stucky belly kink under the cut. Warnings for alcohol consumption (but Steve can't get drunk because we're talking about serumed Steve, so it's not really intox? yanno?), burping, bloating, button pops, etc.
Steve and Bucky have just spent their evening at the latest fancy, excessively formal gala where they’re playing politics. Shaking hands with the government officials they pretend to listen to when it comes to how to save the world, living up to their roles as superheroes who are definitely not vigilantes and certainly operate under the law, yes, sir. Really actually gritting their teeth against boredom while making polite conversation. They’re doing it for the sake of the other Avengers and so they’re not deemed as enemies of the state… again.
So, once it’s over and they’re free to go home, both Steve and Bucky breathe a sigh of relief upon getting back to their car. It’s all over, well into the night or, actually, the next day. It’s morning now. Early, early morning. But. It’s over with. Thank God.
Steve, however, sighs especially loudly, fidgeting with his tie and instantly undoing the knot the moment he drops his ass into the passenger seat, shutting his door with a little too much force.
“That bad?” Bucky smirks, teasing him but not looking over from the driver’s seat at him because he’s too busy sticking the keys in the ignition and starting the car, flicking on the ventilation system and fiddling with the radio, turning it on low for some background noise.
“You have no idea,” Steve snarks back tiredly, falling farther into his seat as he buckles up with a click.
Amused, Bucky looks over at his best guy now that the car is idling, warming up, there’s something in his voice that catches his attention - he swears if anyone said something stupid to his Steve, they’re gonna pay for it - and
After he blinks and takes a moment to process what he’s seeing, Bucky feels his own eyes widen comically when his gaze lands on the way Steve’s gut is suddenly bulging out from his body. The breath gets caught in his throat. His stomach. Woah. It’s… it’s a thing. It’s big. Suddenly, straining the limits of his choking formal attire. His neatly pressed black suit jacket and white dress shirt underneath with the tails of his black tie falling to either side of the hill rising from the middle of his body.
“What the fuck?” Bucky murmurs involuntarily, staring at his best guy and trying to make sense of what he’s seeing. His belly is so pressed outwardly and distended that Bucky can’t see the shiny leather belt that he knows is holding up his slacks. He’s… huge.
With eyes on him, Steve stretches like a cat, arching his back like his belly actually fucking fighting to escape the formal wear and seat belt that he’s wrapped haphazardly around it. His suit looks painted on, so unbelievably tight; his seat belt is curving underneath his belly’s sudden weight and curled over the top of it, emphasizing its heft.
“C’monnn,” Steve whines, high-pitched, breaking his Captain America facade that he uses for these types of events and returning to the punk he really is, “get us out of here already.” He turns his head to the side, his blue eyes glassy.
Automatically, Bucky puts the car in gear and does as he says - he’d do anything for that stupid punk - but, at the same time, he can’t stop shooting glances over to the passenger seat where Steve’s resting, reclining, fully exhausted, in his seat. He sighs heavily again, this time it’s in relief from unbuttoning his suit jacket. Bucky catches an eyeful of it, his dick jumping, trained like a dog to a whistle but the whistle is Steve taking off his clothes. And… if possible… his belly swells outwards another inch. Maybe more.
“Jesus, Stevie,” they come to a stop at a sign, just leaving the parking garage, and Bucky uses the moment to reach over and touch his belly. Just making sure it’s real and he’s not seeing things. Patting him down. Under his palm, it’s very real. Very tight and very real, making a ripe, solid thump sound with each pat-pat he makes.
The collision has Steve stifling an airy belch behind a loosely curled fist, “c-careful, Buck,” he warns.
“Or what, you’ll pop?” Bucky’s teasing but also… he could. He might. Just look at him, nearly bursting out of his clothes. On a goddamn normal day, Bucky can’t deal with Mr. Steve I-Like-Tight-T-Shirts-That-Show-Off-Every-Inch-Of-My-Hot-Bod Rogers. So how is he supposed to deal with Steve when he’s dressed to the nines in formal wear and they’ve just had to deal with a fucking room full of stuffy politicians that frustrate him to the point of wanting to rip out his hair or punch a wall or fuck someone hard? (Preferably the last option, and preferably Steve).
He looks - Bucky licks his lips which are suddenly dry - almost pregnant. Ready to pop alright. Bucky shivers as he shifts gears.
Steve lazily chuckles at him, breathless, explaining his situation away by flapping a hand passively, “everyone wanted to have a toast to or a toast with Captain America,” Bucky nods, trying to listen and barely succeeding, “and you know how it is, I can’t turn anything down when I’m wearing the stars and stripes, it looks bad.” Steve shifts in his seat as Bucky hits the gas, the softest groan falling out of his loose, full lips already driving Bucky insane even before he admits, “so I have no idea how many flukes of champagne I drank.”
As they continue to cruise, Bucky keeps looking over at him, stealing glances, trying but failing to keep his eyes on the road. He’s trying to process the thought of Steve getting fucking wasted in this new century. Sloshed. Hitting glass after glass, bottle after bottle, until he’s flushing pink, and getting stumbly and tipsy and touchy like he used to before the serum when he was the lightest lightweight. Always snuggling up to Bucky, all over him, curling up in his lap like a cat after they went out drinking back in the day, kissing him and clinging to him, begging him with slurred words and dangerously mischievous eyes to fuck him rough and hard. Yanno how I like it, c’moooon, Buck, do meee, Bucky can still hear his drunk voice.
“Christ,” Bucky finally spits out some fucking words, his brain practically smoking, “it’s a good thing you can’t get drunk then, pal.”
“Yeah,” Steve’s breathing is labored as he tries to get comfortable, wiggling around in his seat, pulling at his now open collar and the seat belt cutting into him, “still can get full, though-”
“Yeah,” Bucky agrees too quickly, too eager.
“And bloated,” Steve hisses out the tiniest of burps, leaning completely back into the leather seat, flopping back, his hands limp at his sides, “I’m sooo bloated.”
Bucky swallows thickly, “you look it… looks like you’re smuggling a watermelon under that suit.” Bucky’s flesh and blood hand aches with how hard he’s gripping the steering wheel, he’d be worried about breaking it if all his attention weren’t split between making sure he’s not about to crash and Steve.
“Thanks, asshole,” Steve laughs gently, the sweet sound ending in a gasp as he feels the alcohol in his belly swirl, the finger food he ate swimming in it, there’s so much.
“Just look at yourself, baby-” Bucky can’t resist pushing further, teasing and in awe at the same time. That’s what he and Steve do, though, they give each other shit. It’s a love language.
“Mmmmm-hm,” Steve lazily glances down, moving slower with just how overfull he is.
“You were sucking that thing in?” Bucky risks taking one hand off the wheel to reach over and smack his gut. Lightly. But, still, it’s enough to jostle a bigger burp out of Steve. He can’t believe how tight Steve’s belly is. He can’t believe how big Steve’s belly is. It’s making it hard to think. “That whole time? Your poor abs!”
“Uh-huh,” his big chest heaves as he tries to breathe deeply but can’t find the room in his body to fully expand his lungs, his stomach is too big, stretched, taking up all the extra room in his body and more, “Jesus, yeah,” he agrees, “my abs hurt, they’re so stretched-”
Bucky licks his lips, why does that sound so good? To him, and evidently to Steve with his tone of voice… it’s gone all breathy and soft like it does when he likes something. Turned on and weak for whatever it is, unable to put up a fight.
“-But it feels good to let it out, too.”
Tease much, Rogers? Bucky wants to bite back.
But instead, Bucky can’t be bothered to be ashamed of himself when he answers, “it looks good, too.” Fucking sue him. He’s attracted to Steve all the time. Constantly. How would this be different? Why wouldn’t he want him like this? Even more of him. He can’t believe how hard that dress shirt is straining to keep his swollen gut covered. There are diamond gaps of exposed pale flesh between every button. It’s as if his belly is dying to get out and swell bigger, needing more space to get larger. And he’s… he’s interested in seeing it get bigger. If Steve can stomach it (ha), at least. He doesn’t want to actually pop Steve. He just wants to push his limits. See how much he can take.
Steve huffs, shaking his head affectionately like he can’t believe it. But he blushes bright pink, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips. He’s on the same page, just shier about it, “thanks, pal,” he murmurs, ducking his head, “you know how to make a guy feel special.”
Bucky snorts, “sure thing,” they stop at a red light and Bucky indulges himself, finding one of the gaps between his buttons to put two fingertips against his bare skin. Investigating the new landscape of Steve’s mountainous gut. It feels like he has a fever despite being unable to get sick these days, and when Bucky presses his fingers in, just to feel how much give there is in that tight belly -
“Oof,” Steve groans, “be carefu-uuuurpp,” there’s nothing Steve can do to stop the burp that comes barreling out of him.
“Be careful?” Bucky smirks, laughing a little, more breathless than anything, though, he had no idea that a stomach could do that. Could be so tight. He’s felt up Steve’s rock-hard abs plenty. Often, even. But… this is different and it’s exciting. “Or what? What’re you gonna do if I’m not? It seems like you’re having a hard time over there, bud.”
A car drives up behind them, appearing out of the empty night and honking, forcing Bucky’s eyes back onto the road. Ah, the light’s green, it probably has been for a while, too. So, he drives on.
Steve is about to respond, giving him shit right back, he’s sure, when the car hits a sudden pothole, jostling them both. But, poor Steve, it hits him worse. Not just startling him. The pothole is on the passenger side, to begin with, and Steve’s more affected by it anyway with his bloated belly. Despite how tight it is, packed to the brim with carbonated liquid, the dip in the road leaves it bouncing, jiggling, and sloshing violently as the car shakes. Bucky has never so deeply paid attention to the suspension because fuck. The impact seems to send a shockwave through Steve’s whole body, causing him to emit a loud, reckless belch that actually echoes in the tight confines of the car. The last of it turns into a groan as Steve curls his hands protectively around his belly like he can stop it from sloshing around. Meanwhile, Bucky could fucking thank the god-awful Nazis right now for gifting him with super hearing, forgiving all the other torture they put him through, just because he can hear the way the champagne bubbles trapped inside him fizz, tickling his insides almost… pleasurably if the blush spreading over Steve’s face and down his neck is anything to go by.
They’re both breathing harder now.
Not even a minute later after the first cacophonous, obscene accidental moment, Bucky turns onto another road, taking them home on autopilot, leaving NYC and heading towards Brooklyn. On the other road, right after the gut-churning too-fast turn, there’s another polehole, this one worse. Worse not because it’s bigger but because Bucky knows what’s going to happen. He sees it ahead of them and his brain is still processing what just happened, how seeing Steve jiggle and wobble made him feel involuntarily forcing him to picture the way Steve’s ass and tits move when he rides him, the way he groans when his dick bottoms out inside of him, stuffed full, and -
Bucky doesn’t even try to avoid the pothole, he just stares at Steve out of the corner of his eye, white-knuckling the steering wheel.
Steve’s swollen midsection heaves with another burp. Fuck. Bucky might be crazy, he might be seeing things, but his formal shirt, the buttons!, God, they’re almost straining more than they were before.
This time, his burps mix more with his groans and moans of discomfort.
Bucky’s head is spinning.
He feels like he needs to ask, “you alright?” But it’s more excitement than concern racing through him. This is… something about this is hot. Boiling even.
Letting the back of his head hit the headrest, hands supporting the underside of his belly, Steve swallows. Then, he nods weakly, cheeks flushed, “yeah,” he coughs to half-hide another burp, “‘m just gassy.”
Bucky’s gaze lingers on the mesmerizing sight before him, unable to tear himself away. The roughness of the road seems unending, who the fuck is in charge of New York streets anyway? They’re doing an awful job!, every jiggle and slosh of Steve’s belly sends shivers down Bucky’s spine. It makes Bucky’s face hot and tingly, stealing glimpses of his bloat as he takes them home.
Bigger and bigger and bigger.
He’s just filling up more with each shake-up of the contents of his stomach. Gas building. Bubbling.
Reflexively, with each belch and moan that escapes Steve’s lips, Bucky gets more and more aroused. His dick feels as hard as Steve’s belly looks. The tension in the car thickens. Steve tries to apologize for being so noisy and gassy, embarrassed, the manners he was taught holding him back, but Bucky won’t have it. Hastily, he reaches over with his hand not on the steering wheel to massage the roundest, most bulged-out part of his belly, saying, “you gotta let it out, baby, it’s okay. I want you to. Don’t hold back” He digs his fingers in just enough to cause another belch from Steve - a whimper right after - and they both squirm in their seats. “That’s it,” Bucky pats his tummy, encouraging him.
It seems impossible. He’s so full of champagne, so round. And all the sweet, fizzy alcohol is just getting more and more carbonated, more sparkling, more bubbly, more sloshy inside him with every jolt and shake of the car. Despite how much he’s burping, letting some of the gas escape, he just keeps swelling. Little by little, his belly inflates farther, expanding like a balloon. A balloon attached to a helium tank. Bucky is exhilarated by it, and judging by how Steve’s uncomfortable groans have pitched up into sounds that are more like moans of relief chasing each belch… Bucky isn’t the only one.
There’s something so hot about watching him blow up. Inflate. Expand. Swell.
The tension in the air follows Steve’s strained dress shirt, at first, it’s well-fitting, then a little bit tight, then tighter, tighter, until it’s creaking at the seams, ready to burst. The tension is so thick, it could be cut with a knife. Ready to snap. The buttons are threatening to pop off at any moment. All that gas… all the sloshing. The pressure is mounting. Every pothole, speedbump, black-tar snake, and accidental hit curb is a sweet torment for Steve, making him burp and cry out more which in turn torments Bucky. Both of them are wracked with anticipation, crawling with the need to touch each other.
The next time Bucky can take a hand off the steering wheel again and reach out to thump Steve’s swollen gut, Steve lets out a low, guttural moan, his body jerking into the sensation. But at that same risked moment, they hit the deepest, biggest pothole yet and -
The first one is so loud and unexpected that it makes both of them jump in their seats, Bucky slams on the break which doesn’t help Steve’s precarious situation.
The second one makes Steve whimper, trembling in his seat under the sloshing liquid inside him, swirling around, leaving him aching, the seat belt digging into him harder, feeling as though it’s cutting him in half.
The third one has Bucky swearing because fuck. Fuck! That’s so fucking hot. Steve is so big, so swollen that the buttons on his shirt, stretched over Steve’s belly have popped right off, flying forward and hitting the dash or the windshield. His shirt is no longer able to contain the bulging dome of his gut. It’s too much to handle, it’s expanded too far for the once perfectly fitted formal attire to hold on.
With each button that bursts free, a pleasurable relief in its own right, Steve’s pale, round, so fucking round, gut spills out into the heated, thick air. No longer held back by his clothes. The audible slosh of Steve’s champagne-and-gas-filled belly swelling suddenly, violently into his lap between the white halves of his now-ruined dress shirt is mouth-watering. With every stuttered breath Steve takes, stunned by arousal and shock, his gut seems to pulse with his overindulgence. Bucky can hear his heart racing and he knows Steve can feel it in his expanded stomach. All that taut, smooth, blushing skin exposed.
Oh, God.
Steve lets out his loudest moan so far, reckless with it. His hands had been braced on the center console and door handle respectively, hanging on as he was sloshed and jiggled. His hands fly up, grabbing his gut now that he isn’t so precariously balanced on the edge, feeling ready to burst with the pressure mounting inside him, forcing burps to come out of his mouth whether he wanted them to or not.
“Oh. Ohhh,” he can’t stop saying it, as if he’s shocked by what’s happening to him and he is, probably just as much as Bucky is. Somehow his flesh is still so taut. The pressure has alleviated some, but not much. He still feels like a fucking balloon.
Shaking, the blond caresses the surface of his shiny stomach. The heat of his belly pressing down against his thighs, in his lap, sends waves of pleasure through his whole body. He may not be so tightly compressed but the burps keep coming, released between his desperate gasps for breath, “ah, urrrp, oh, ooh, auurp, fuck me. Buurp. Guh. Uhhn. I feel so full!” He whines, “I’m so gassy, and, urrrrrp, God, so round.”
Bucky is amazed that he’s still fucking driving because he isn’t fucking functioning. Watching Steve touch himself, rubbing the dome that is his tight middle and daring to try and sink his fingers into his swollen body for relief from the pressure, Jesus Christ, it’s enough to kill him where 70 years of brainwashing didn’t.
Fuck Steve Rogers.
“Ah, oh, ohhh,” Steve’s voice trembles, “I can’t - URP - believe it. Look at me,” he begs Bucky, turning his head to the side to pout at him.
Fuck Steve Rogers.
“‘M so big! Buck! I’m so big! I didn’t know-oh, I could stretch so much. It aches,” he whimpers, “‘m so stretched! Buurp.”
Bucky stops in the middle of the road. He doesn’t give a shit anymore. It’s nighttime. There’s no one driving behind him anymore. There are other lanes. Anyone who does drive up behind him can fuck off. They can go around - they can go to hell. He needs to get his hands on that gut. Now.
Steve writhes as much as he can under the mass of his gut sitting on top of him when Bucky lunges toward him, “look at me!” he whimpers again, happy under his attention, “it, it… it fills my, my whole lap. Urrrrp, ugh, God, ‘m so bloated!”
His stomach feels so tight that Bucky can’t believe it. He can’t imagine what the pressure must feel like for Steve. The fullness. It has to be unbearable. Like being fucked full of cock but so, so much more. Hell, just looking at him is raw and pleasurable in a way that it shouldn’t be, so he can’t imagine what it’s like for Steve. There’s nothing erotic about this yet everything about it is insanely erotic… how he can’t stop making noises, uncontrolled burping. Sloshing. Belching. Fizzing. The way he’s squirming. The way he’s begging Bucky to help him, relieve the pressure, touch him, massage him, anything!
“Buck, I’m… I’m so full,” he whimpers.
“I know, Stevie,” he growls, his voice low and husky, practically already fogging up their windows he’s burning so hot for this, “but, Christ, babydoll, you look incredible.” He does. His gut is throbbing, red, and shining under the street lights. Bucky can’t stop touching his belly, massaging it worshipfully. Thumping it to hear how much his body sounds like a drum. “We should keep you like this,” he’s already salivating at the thought, his hips jerking forward to grind into nothing but thin air. He wants him so bad when he’s like this, stuffed full, exposed, and incapacitated by the sloshing weight in his big, sexy belly.
“Unnngh,” Steve whines, nodding, “it, it feels so good,” he pants, “urrrp, aarrp, ‘m so fuckin’ full, Buck.”
“You’re like a balloon,” Bucky whispers, leaning over awkwardly in the car to say the words into his mouth, kissing him desperately, “so tight you’re about to pop.”
Steve’s eyes flutter shut, shivering, “keep, keep touching me, I need-” he cuts himself off, burping right in Bucky’s face with a flare of embarrassment so strong it makes him squeak. Mortified.
Bucky won’t have it, though. He bites Steve’s lower lip hungrily and digs them deeper into the debauchery, “I bet we can find a liquor store that’s still open, you wanna see if we can get a few more bottles into this tanker?” Then, he slaps his gut to make him convulse, curling around his pulsing, throbbing, aching belly.
Steve can’t take it, moaning, “yes! Yes, Buck! Please! I wanna be bigger. Fill me up until I can’t take any-ah-ahh, URP, any more!”
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(Why does staring at an overflowing bottle make me horny? What even is this fetish 😂)
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rogerswifesblog · 1 year
Kinktober 2023
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Hello! Welcome to my (late) kinktober post!
My Masterlist
I have to be honest I forgot about it completely, I’m so sorry! That happens when you’re too busy with college and work😣
But now here we are and I’ll try to post some oneshots/drabbles as often as possible!:) it won’t be in order but if you see something you’d be more interested in, you can leave a comment and I may try to work on the specific kink a bit sooner^^ check out @jamneuromain blog, she’s writing amazing fics and often helps me with ideas (also with some of the kinks in the list below!) give her some love!
you are responsible for the kind and amount of media you consume, therefore if you find something you don't like, don’t read it, just skip it:)
And also read the tags/warnings before continuing on! Everything on this list is for users that are 18+ !
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Daddy kink
Mommy kink
Voyeurism/Exhibitionism with Lloyd Hansen
Breeding kink with Andy Barber
Authority kink
Threesome with Stucky
Size kink
Praise kink
Somno + cockwarming with Lloyd Hansen
Masturbation, sex toy with Jake Jensen
Lactation Kink
Virginity with Lloyd Hansen
Latex kink
Temperature play
Watersports with Lloyd
Role play with Jake Jensen
Body worship with Steve Rogers
Monster fucking
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As you can see I don’t have all kinks yet, you know what that means? It’s up to you what kinks I could add to the list😇 feel free to comment or flood my inbox! Also you can give me a hint which character you’d like to see with the kinks that are without one;)
Does anyone want to be added to a tag list?! Yes? Then comment here and be active with leaving feedback and reblogging when I’ll be posting the first kinktober Drabble!❤️
reblogs and/or comments are appreciated:)
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luna-rainbow · 6 months
I'm sorry if this is an odd question. I'm new to the Steve/Bucky fandom and only recently started reading fics relating to them. How come most fics tend to favor Peggy and write her to be a sympathetic character? Most of the fandom that I've interacted with agree that Peggy isn't a good person (SHIELD and Hydra as well as her behavior with Steve in CFA) and wouldn't be a good match for Steve. I've loved all the fics for the love b/w Steve/Bucky but the sympathetic writing of Peggy has irked me
Thanks for the ask!
I came into fandom pretty late so I missed a lot of that, but I’m told Peggy has always been pretty popular in the Stucky fandom.
I think her popularity comes from a number of reasons — 1) lack of other female characters at the time, 2) easy to project onto, 3) a reluctance to tackle her negative traits.
At the time when Stucky’s popularity exploded, there weren’t a lot of female characters in the MCU. There were Pepper and Jane, both of whom were passive watchers and “civilian counterparts” to the main character's heroic enterprise. Peggy was a rare Phase 1 love interest that seemed to be present and at least somewhat handy with a gun. People were more forgiving of unfavourable character moments — and just coming from the movies alone, you could bend the narrative to ignore most of those unfavourable moments.
Which leads me to the second point, which I think is the most important one. The vagueness with which Peggy is written makes her an incredibly useful “blank” character to project onto. Firstly, her mannerisms are forceful and assertive, and the superhero genre target audience is one who likes to watch things being resolved by fights. As I said above, at the time there really isn't any other female character (apart from Nat) for the female audience who likes action heroes. Secondly, Peggy and Nat form the madonna-whore dichotomy (especially with Whedon’s characterisation), and a lot of people would prefer to project onto the fandom madonna than the whore. Thirdly, she has very little character traits within the movies apart from “strong-willed” and maybe “ambitious”, which gives a lot of flexibility to how writers can play with her character. Fourth, the fact that her appearances in the movies only ever occur in Steve’s company (except the later cameos) gives a misattribution of narrative proximity, with a lot of fans believing (especially if they haven’t revisited the source in years) that she was a more important narrative force than she actually was. But that same narrative proximity is appealing if you want to project onto a female character who can participate in Steve’s adventures and you don’t like Nat or Sharon or an OC.
And the third point I think is the trickiest part. Does fandom misogyny exist? Of course it does, especially in the MCU. But misogyny is also flung around as an accusation against fans who make genuine critiques of a character or want to write a nuanced female character that acknowledges her negative traits. Someone once dumped a 1500 word rant in my comments because I omitted Peggy from a Stucky meta, so you can imagine how much her rabid fans would arc up if you are actually critical.
Besides, writing a nuanced character takes effort and planning and a lot of hard work. I know for myself unless I plan to tackle Peggy as a fully-fledged character, I'd either omit her from the story or give her a very minor role that is not overtly critical, because it's just not worth the effort of the argument in the notes.
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babyjakes · 10 months
on the @sarah-writes-stucky situation.
(tw for this post: discussions of pedophilia/sexual depictions of minors, mentions of trauma.)
hey everyone. the discourse that unfolded regarding this interaction i had was very upsetting and anxiety-inducing for me, so i took the past few days to step away from tumblr and take care of myself. i'm returning now with a clearer head and feel i'm in a better place to speak on what's important to me. thanks for your patience, and here are my (sort of) abbreviated thoughts.
i feel obligated to start by saying that i understand and support anti-censorship and its basic principles. i get why outlawing forms of written speech is dangerous within a democracy. i recognize the need for spaces like ao3, and the important role they play in preserving free speech.
with all that being said, i don’t condone sexual depictions of minors and neither does tumblr. the point of this conflict (for me) has been that my work was taken and used to inspire conversations involving sexual depictions of minors, in a space/on a site where those themes are prohibited. tumblr is not ao3. tumblr has explicit rules prohibiting content involving "harm to minors":
"Don't post or solicit content that features the abuse of a minor, that includes suggestive or sexual content involving a minor or anyone that appears to be a minor, or that facilitates or promotes child sexual abuse. "Content" may include photos of real individuals, illustrations, animation, or text." [source]
this incident has not been a case of me being "very sensitive" about "mature themes." it's reasonable for me as a writer on tumblr to expect that my works won't be used to inspire depictions of harm to minors. any creator who wants to write themes as dark and controversial as smut involving minors should be aware of what spaces they're speaking in and the rules that apply to that space.
i want to say the biggest thank you to everyone who has spread awareness of the issue, spoken out about it, gone over to her page to hold her accountable, supported and been there for me, etc. it's been very upsetting to see the way she's been speaking to those confronting her. to anyone she has insulted, belittled, or hurt: i'm so sorry. you did not deserve that.
my takeaway has been that this person seriously lacks the social awareness and maturity needed to navigate complicated topics like this. it was interesting to watch her speak from an incredibly high horse about many different things, like her volunteer work (when my real-life job is in crisis response), her superior knowledge of psychology (when i just got accepted for a ba+ma program for psych), and her takes on trauma as apparently the only trauma survivor in the world (when... well... anyone who knows me knows what i could say here.) as far as i know, she's still going. and there's nothing i can do but let her.
i just wanted to thank some people i saw in real-time voicing their concerns and calling her out. i have so much gratitude and respect for you all. i'm so sorry for the way you were treated through all of this. (and apologies if i miss anyone, she has deleted replies on some posts and collecting names has been hard.)
@vellicore and @slvttyfied (i'm so sorry she made that post about you) @sgt-seabass @evansbby @brandycranby @boxofbonefics @ttyls @vase-of-lilies @buckets-and-trees @ladyobscurus @the-iceni-bitch @targaryenvampireslayer @fushic0re
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metalbvcky · 4 months
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A Bed Cluttered with Rosebuds - (Bloom!Verse Series)
It's been way overdue for a Bloom oneshot. This was supposed to be "short" (I could blackout a bingo card with how many times I've said that) but everything worked out 😉
BBE Build A Bucky — April Prompt: Role Play @buckybarnesevents Stucky Bingo Round 5 — G2: Kink Dom Space @stuckybingo
Pairing: Steve/Bucky Word/Chapter Count: 4,785 (1/1) Tags: Modern AU, Domestic, Fluff & Smut, Dom/Sub, Dom/Top Steve, Sub/Bottom Bucky, Bondage (see full list of tags on AO3)
🍷 Summary 🛌
Steve slams the driver seat door closed with an overdue sigh. Work was mentally draining today. Hours of countless, boring meetings. Far too many, far too long away from the sweet boy he comes home to. His sweetheart, his baby, his Bucky.
Like a good boyfriend, Steve brings pizza and wine for the two of them to share. While lounging in bed. Because lazy evenings are best spent with a loving partner.
The night doesn't end there.
“Tell me, Kitten,” Steve says, resuming to stroke Bucky’s hip, down his thighs. “How would you feel about strong, teasing patterns? If Sir fucked your pretty face at the same time?”
“Please,” Bucky outright begs. The needy sound has Steve’s briefs tightening, arousal increasing from the eroticness. “Please, Sir. Want everything. Your cock. The toy. Need it so bad.”
Steve chuckles darkly. He has the best sub in the world.
Read on AO3
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myfictionaldreams · 1 year
Day 10: Cockwarming - Mafia!Stucky
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Summary: You’re feeling needy and restless so Steve offers you something to suck on, much to Bucky's amusement.
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, praise kink, oral (m receiving), dribbling, cockwarming, subspace (kinda), needy!reader, teasing, dom/sub Bucky teases Steve
masterlist 📚 
kinktober masterlist😈 
AO3 Link 
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“Hey boss, the meeting was a success as per usual; Starks agreed…” Bucky’s voice trailed off as he froze in the middle of the office. His thick brows furrowed in confusion as he turned on the spot as if what he was searching for would suddenly appear. It was too quiet and empty, eerie either.
Steve’s expression was displaying anything but those emotions. The mafia leader looked relaxed, slumped as far back into his giant leather chair, verging on the point of looking unprofessional and dishevelled. Bucky stepped closer to his boss, who finally looked away from under the desk to his boyfriend with a deep smirk on his parted lips, his hand disappearing to where his eyes had once been under his desk.
Bucky rested his hands on his hips, moving back his suit jacket as he gave Steve a questioning gaze with his eyes squinting and head tilted to the left. “Where did she go, Steve?”
“Aren’t you supposed to call me Boss when we’re in the office?” Steve retorted arrogantly, raising one of his dark blonde eyebrows towards his second in command. Bucky gave him a deadpan stare, which caused Steve to chuckle and explain, “She’s being a good girl. After you left for the meeting, she wouldn’t sit still; she said she felt needy and wanted something to do, so I gave her something to suck on.”
As Steve explained your current predicament, your body reacted with the slightest hint of embarrassment, even though it wasn’t uncommon for you to be doing something with either Steve or Bucky in a sexual way. Face warmed and throat constricting, you tried to curl further into a ball in an attempt to make yourself smaller as if Bucky or Steve could see through the thick oak desk. In truth, for the majority of the morning, you’d been sitting with Bucky, his metal arm wrapped around your waist as your head rested sleepily on his shoulder. It had been a quiet morning, which meant you could needily cling to him, smell his ocean-scented aftershave and do nothing but tip in and out of sleep.
Steve had been working at the desk next to Bucky’s and would occasionally come over to kiss the top of your temple and cup the back of the brunette man’s head affectionately. Eventually, though, Bucky regretfully had to fulfil his role within the gang and had to attend a meeting, even after you begged and held onto his arm with a childish pout but reluctantly let him go. This was where your eyes turned to your very busy boss of a boyfriend whose lips had quipped up in the corners because he knew you were internally battling whether to come over and interrupt him or to sit there and sulk.
Five whole minutes passed before you gave up the battle and tiptoed over with your arms behind your back, nibbling on your lower lip, trying to think of the words to say without sounding pathetic and whiny. Steve thankfully moved his chair back to give you space to climb into his lap, accepting the hand he outstretched to help you sit sideways on his muscular thighs.
“Everything okay, beautiful?” he asked whilst pecking your cheek as your fingers delved into the soft hair at the nape of his neck, playing with it and soothing yourself and him.
Your lips pressed into his neck, right over his thumping pulse, as he moved the chair closer to the desk to continue working. “Yeah, I just need some warmth, and you are definitely filling in that role for me; sorry for interrupting you whilst you’re working”.
Steve had to refrain from sighing as he stroked down your spine and implored, “Baby, you know you’re never interrupting me whilst I’m at work. I’d drop everything if you told me to, you know that”.
Smiling against his skin, you thanked him with a kiss to his stubble jaw and relaxed into his hold, feeling yourself becoming sleepy before long. However, that only lasted for half an hour as you became unsettled, antsy almost as you kept shuffling around in Steve’s lap, needing to find something to do. You tried stroking through his hair, playing with the end of his tie so your fingers were occupied, and even moving into different positions so that you could watch what the infamous Steve Rogers did during his working day.
The endless emails and maps had your eyes dropping and dullness returning. “I’m bored”, you pout whilst tilting your head to look at the blonde man who was trying to hold back his grin, knowing this was coming. Sometimes, when you were in one of these unsettled moods, you were similar to a puppy and needed stimulation.
“Why don’t you put that pretty mouth to good use”, Steve suggested, his voice husky and low. It was supposed to be a joke, something that would earn him one of your beautiful grins; he hadn’t anticipated the sly smirk, and you began to slide off his lap. Steve shuffled back to give you some more room as you disappeared beneath the desk, which was a warm, dark hole with enough space to fit into.
Pushing apart his big, meaty thighs, you knelt between them, resting your hands whilst rubbing up and down on the muscles. You gave him a quizzical, thoughtful look, chewed on your bottom lip, “Do you want me just to give you a blowjob, or could I just sit with it in my mouth? I think I just need something to distract me so I can cockwarm you while you work. Is that ok?”
Steve tried not to groan at your sweet little voice, acting all innocent when you asked such a dirty question. Lifting his hand, he rested his palm against your cheek and agreed, “You can do anything you want to me, honey.” Your eyes gleamed as your body rocked in a happy dance, not needing to say another word to him.
As your fingers began to undo his belt and zipper, Steve’s length began to harden and lengthen with each thump of his heart, the shaft filling with blood and arousal. As his cock kissed the air and was sprung free from the confines of his black suit trousers, you began to readjust your position, making sure to be as comfortable as possible. Your arse rested on the floor, finding it softer than remaining on your knees, and then your arms remained on either of his thighs.
Filling your mouth with saliva, you began by licking long strips from the base of his cock to the tip, covering his length so that it was moist. You loved everything about his cock and could stare at it instead to keep yourself occupied, especially when it moved on its own with the pulse of his arousal.
The tip of his cock pressed against your tongue as you took him into your mouth but only an inch or two and rested your face on his lap. Steve was so well endowed, so there wasn't any way that you'd be able to deep throat his entire length, but because you wanted to just rest with something in your mouth, you only needed his tip to suckle on and could still breathe easily through your nose. 
His taste always drove you crazy, let alone the smell that had your core sparking away with your pleasure and wetness. You did nothing about it and just continued to lazily lick the underside when you needed to move or gentle, quick sucks. Steve’s hand rested heavily on the top of your head as he licked his lips, watching you find contentment with warming his cock with your mouth.
Attempting to return to work, he looked away from his love up to the laptop, but he couldn't pull his hand away from your head like he was using it to praise you with sweet pets to your cheek or run his fingers through your hair. His work became incredibly more impossible to complete the longer you warmed his cock; especially as every so often you had to move slightly to find comfort, which caused his cock to throb painfully, sending sparks to his balls. Due to the serum pumping through his veins, Steve could stay hard for hours, which was both a curse and a blessing. Great for when he was fucking you into a blubbering mess, making you cum over and over, but a curse when he was so hard and desperate to cum but couldn’t because his body thought he needed to keep going.
For now, you were happy, so he was happy, but he wanted nothing more than to fill your mouth with his cum, making you swallow every drop. It also became a little game for him: how long could he keep you like this before you either asked to stop, fell asleep, or eventually orgasm and needed to rest?
As time ticked by, your jaw muscles ached slightly from keeping your mouth open and resisting the urge to naw down on Steve. You were also half asleep, feeling drowsy, eventually giving up on trying to stop the saliva dripping from the corner of your mouth as it pooled onto Steve’s trousers.
Eventually, your other boyfriend returned from the meeting, not that you were aware at first; it was only when Steve began to talk that you realised he was talking to Bucky. This was when you started to feel somewhat embarrassed at being caught lazily sucking off Steve because you’d been so unsettled with Bucky being gone.
A knock against the top of the desk disrupted your train of thought. Bucky began to talk loudly enough that you could hear as he asked, “You alright down there, Doll? Need a pillow or anything?”
You mumbled the words, ‘No, I’m fine’ around Steve’s dick which throbs and earned a deep groan from the mafia boss. The tips of his fingers dug into your scalp as he clearly enjoyed the vibrations that your tongue and mouth caused.
Bucky smiled broadly, showing all his teeth as he noticed his boyfriend's reactions. Reaching forward, he wrapped his knuckles against the desk again with a knock, which in turn had Steve frowning at Bucky, knowing he was going to ask another question.
“What’s he doing down there? Is little Steve still standing to attention?”
You couldn’t help but smile around the referred-to cock, nodding this time before confirming your answer with a gargled ‘yes’.
“Fuck!” Steve gruffly shouted with his head tipping back in a clear display of pleasure as he thrust his hips so his cock pushed deeper into your mouth. “Bucky, stop. I’m going to cum if she keeps doing that; you don’t understand how close I am already”.
Even though you felt somewhat proud of yourself for getting the mighty Steve Rogers to the brink of orgasm, and he hadn’t even complained about it once that he needed to cum. You still contemplated that it was funny that he was blaming Bucky for his current predicament rather than you, who continued with the gentle sucks, causing your cheeks to indent and tongue brush the area at the underside of his shaft.
Bucky continued to grin menacingly, not listening to Steve’s warnings and wanting to see how close he was, knowing there wouldn’t be any repercussions to his actions. Lifting his metal hand once more, he knocked against the oak, which caused the boss to huff in frustration, beginning to sweat along his temple. “Buck, seriously, she’d finding comfort in this, so can you fucking stop? I don’t want to ruin this for her”, Steve tried to reason with him.
The words and affection in his tone caused you to feel love and warmth as he was trying to refrain from orgasming so that you could be comfortable, even though it was probably paining him to be this hard and not find relief. 
Bucky didn’t care and knocked slowly one more time, “You don’t mind, do you, Sweetheart? You could always come and suck my cock if you want to relax, isn’t that right?”
Excitement flooded through you to be able to pleasure not just one of your boyfriends but two as you animatedly answered, “Yes!” but this time, your head lifted off of Steve’s lap, moving his cock with you, but it still moved deeper to edge the back of your throat.
As soon as you moved and the flat of your warm tongue shifted against the underside of his sensitive spot, his hips thrust more harshly this time, and Steve’s grunts became louder and more desperate. You knew what was coming and made sure to move closer, tongue lapping and mouth tightening and sucking harder as thick white spurts of cum coated your throat. Steve’s hand fell from your head as you drank every single drip he had released with his orgasm.
Steve groaned your name like it was the only thing that mattered to him in the world, eyes closed and all thoughts only of your mouth on his cock. The apples of his cheeks were warm and pink from the effort he’d put into trying not to cum, but now that he had, he could try and compose himself.
Rubbing his hands over his face to wipe the sweat gathered there, he breathed deeply, releasing the air slowly as he composed himself.
On the other hand, Bucky was biting his lip, watching the man he loved come completely undone just a couple of moans by his favourite girl.
Tucking Steve’s softening cock back into his trousers, the man finally moved his chair back enough that he could try and help you to stand and pull back into his lap, kissing you feverishly and not caring that he could taste himself on your lips.
“Want me to repay the favour?” Steve asked under his breath as his hand slid up your thigh, but you shook your head with a genuine smile and explained that you were tired, which you were. Accepting this, he massaged over your legs and arms instead to try and remove the ache that had settled there from being kept beneath the desk in a squished position.
With the back of your hand, you wiped away the spit that still soaked your chin from where you’d dribbled as you turned to greet Bucky with a grin.
“Ready for round two?” Bucky asked as he slowly moved and stalked around the desk.
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eusuntgratie · 2 months
10 Questions for Writers
Thanks @cha-melodius & @firenati0n for the tags!
How many works do you have on AO3? 272
What's your total AO3 word count? 443, 815
What fandoms do you write for? rwrb, hockey rpf, actor rpf... idk that i'll come back to any of my 911 or teen wolf wips but who knows. i like playing in new sandboxes.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i do! i typically respond to all of them. i love interacting with readers.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that I'm aware of
Have you ever co-written a fic before? i co-wrote a series but only my fics are still up. i've also written two fics that were EXTREMELY collaborative where i had so much help from beginning to end that they might as well have been cowritten. the idea of an alpha reader isn't really around much anymore but that's what @bigassbowlingballhead is for disaster and another friend played a similar role for my sterek big bang fic.
What's your all-time favourite ship? i truly couldn't pick just one. i'm a multishipper even within single fandoms and i don't typically leave or lose interest in a ship as much as just fixate on a new one. stucky will always have a special place in my heart for bringing me into fandom, but i don't love my newer ships any less than my og.
What are your writing strengths? this is hard. dialog maybe? that comes more naturally to me at least. i'm pretty good at writing smut, i think. one of the things i love most and i think i'm best at is giving a peek into a world that's rich and interesting in a short fic.
What are your writing weaknesses? plot? idk man i'm awed by folks who write long plot-driven things. writing kissing and making out has always been hard for me and continues to be hard for me. one day when i don't have 87 wips i'll make myself do one of those kiss prompts things to make myself get better at it but argh i hate it. my solution is to make everyone whores; they just jump into something filthier 😏
First fandom you wrote for? its um. twilight. so. yeah. *hides*
no pressure tagging @lostcol @bigassbowlingballhead @taste-thewaste @voxofthevoid @torturedpoetskywalker
@jbarneswilson + open tag for anyone who wants to do it <3
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rookthorne · 9 months
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The round up for Day 2 of my Merry Buckmas event, and the prompt:
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── 𝐊𝐄𝐘 ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
— 𝐀  = angst — 𝐖  = whump — 𝐈 = sick fic — 𝐃  = dark — 𝐃² = dead dove — 𝐏 = poly — 𝐊 = kid fic — 𝐅  = fluff — 𝐒  = smut
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— 𝐃𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 of 𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 '𝐧 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡
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Farmer!Husband!Bucky x Wife!F!Reader
You knew very well that your husband was up to something ever since he woke up before the crack of dawn to sneak out of the bedroom, but he wasn’t alone — there were two trouble makers in on the mischief.
— 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐚 of 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲
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Firemen!Stucky x F!Reader
𝐏 + 𝐅
A day at the station reveals more truth than you could have ever imagined — not in the presence of your boys and little ones, or how they were so gentle with the young ones in their joy for festivities.
— 𝐒𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 of 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐬, 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
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Lumberjack!Bucky x F!Reader
You were expecting it to be an ordinary day; prepare for the festivities with Koda and Sarge by your side, begging for treats and whatever else they set their eyes on. But what you did not expect, was to do so, with two reindeers in tow.
— 𝐃𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 of 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞, 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
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Mafia!Bucky x F!Reader
Opulence was so readily and freely available to you in your lifestyle, and you had your love to thank for that. Of course, that meant you were going to find him the most dashing present, and spend a fortune on it, whether he liked the pop of colour, or not.
— 𝐎𝐡, 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥 of 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐭
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Alpha!Mafia!Bucky x Omega!F!Reader
The love that Bucky and you shared was unparalleled, unlike anything you had ever felt before. It was a joy to witness and be a part of the tender side of the otherwise ruthless and effective Mafia King. And on that day, it was no different — playing your cherished role had never been so fulfilling.
— 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐫 of 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲
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Pornstar!Bucky x F!Reader
Christmas was a time for gifts and giving; of sharing with those you loved with all of your heart. Bucky was one of the lucky ones, and you had the most perfect gift for him.
— 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐲 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 of 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭
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Scare Actor!Bucky x F!Reader
The festive additions to Bucky’s Soldat costume had been a genius idea, you only had to work out the best way to bribe your boyfriend to go along with it, first. 
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voxofthevoid · 9 months
Writing Log: Annual Word Count 2023
Last year's log can be found here.
January: 59,865
February: 62,331
March: 20,071
April: 60,438
May: 63,672
June: 60,627
July: 64,238
August: 45,874
September: 40,596
October: 40,209
November: 40,236
December: 34,211
Total: 592,368
That's over 300k more than my 2022 total word count (269,259). In case anyone's wondering what JJK has been doing to my poor brain, it's this. The mid-year count (Jan to June) was 327,004 words. I slowed down somewhat in the second half. Let's see what 2024 brings!
I'm taking my JJK/goyuu obsession into 2024, though as always, I have very little control over what I write for. My backlogs for Bleach/grimmichi and MCU/stucky are considerably thinner than they were at the beginning of 2023, but I still have a few fics to post for both. My JJK backlog, however, is an utter beast, so I'll be haunting those tags more frequently.
Happy new year, folks 🎇
Fic-wise split can be found under the cut:
isolation neophyte, too afraid to taste your conscience [JJK, goyuu, Nanami PoV of de-aged Gojou]: 5,316
there’s a lover in the story, but the story’s still the same [JJK, goyuu, Yuuji PoV of de-aged Gojou]: 36,347
for granted, in vain, I took everything I ever cared about [JJK, goyuu, Gojou PoV of the de-aging aftermath]: 41,455
baby blue, they paid you to take my youth and use it up [JJK, goyuu, role reversal a/b/o dubcon heatfic]: 44,711
the way it follows you home, the stories i never told [JJK, goyuu, time travel ft. Gojou/Yuuji/Gojou]: 47,971
your body language on me tells me to be unholy [JJK, goyuu, train groping and alley sex]: 12,840
i’m starving, darling, let me put my lips to something [JJK, goyuu, Gojou  tiddyfucking]: 8,460
your resistance, prophetic self-destruction [JJK, goyuu and chosoita, post-Shibuya vore fic]: 40,712
break my patience, corrupt my sacred art [JJK, goyuu, fluffy drunken dubcon]: 21,807
(let me be clear) every version of the story ends with you being slaughtered [JJK, goyuu, canon divergence where Yuuji chooses death and Gojou kidnaps him]: 119,196
the ghost in me was true (but you were haunted too) [JJK, goyuu, amnesiac!Yuuji fic]: 73,468
(and he had said) darling, your looks can kill, so now you’re dead [JJK, goyuu, age reversal fuckfest]: 14,424
everything burned, as promised [JJK, goyuu, post-236 time travel tragedy]: 67,687
my sycophantic playmate [JJK, goyuu, post-canon overstim porn]: 5,744
(the euphoric taste of your tears) swallow it, darling [JJK, goyuu, role reversal cigarette play porn]: 11,718
taking the flesh is the only virtue [JJK, nanaita and goyuu omegaverse heat sex]: 40,512
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musette22 · 2 years
I really hope the rumours about a Goncharov remake are true, I think Sebastian would make an incredible Goncharov and Chris is literally perfect for Andrey (and return of the pornstache .. 😋) and if the original has homoerotic undertones … imagine what it would be like with those two playing them 😏
Oh my GOD nonnie, can you imagine?? Jesus, I need this in my life, how do we make this happen 😩 You're so right, they'd be PERFECT in those roles. I've only seen Goncharov (1973) once and that was a pretty long time ago (we all know I'm terrible at watching things) but if there's one thing I remember perfectly it's that it went hard on the homoerotic undertones (as it should). It was pretty hard to miss honestly lol, there's a reason we're still talking about it almost 50 years later 💁🏻‍♀️
Ok no but, the poker scene, with all that unresolved sexual tension laced with jealousy and rivalry like... can you imagine that with Chris and Seb's chemistry?? We would DIE. It would be like the bar scene all over again but like, in a smoky mafia casino setting 🥴 um, yes please. We deserve these two in a movie together again and what better than a fucking goncharov remake?? Man, that's the dream 🥺
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Sebastian was in talks for it already? I know it's not certain yet that the remake is actually happening, but I feel like with the recent resurgence in its popularity it most likely will (come on Matteo JWHJ0715, make it happen you coward!!) And Sebastian's been quiet for a while so most likely he's got something up his sleeve, and this is exactly the type of role that would be perfect for Seb at this point in his career imo. We know he's on everybody's radar right now, plus he's got that Eastern European background which to Hollywood makes him practically Russian and Italian, so I mean... He's a perfect fit really.
Chris would probably be a slightly harder sell because of his all-American action hero reputation (although I completely agree about the pornstache!! he'd absolutely look the part as Andrey with that stache) but actually, maybe in this case his Marvel connection might work in his advantage? Because I mean, Chris and Seb have that Marvel background together, and everyone knows that Marvel was too cowardly to make Stucky happen, and everyone knows how Scorsese feels about Marvel. So assuming that he's producing the remake too, this is THE ultimate chance for Scorsese to show everyone how much better than Marvel he really is... C'mon Martin, buddy, you know you want to 👀
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hail-americas-ass · 11 months
📖Ao3 Masterlist
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✒ A Bloody Martini, Please (Vampire!Bucky x Pre-serum Steve) 3.8K words
On a cool, withering October night, Steve unexpectedly runs into a man who either the man of his dreams or his nightmares. No in betweens. Not all seems completely natural about this beautiful stranger, not from his crystalline eyes to his curiously sharp teeth. Or, Bucky is clearly a vampire, and Steve is a poor botanist who's just a bit oblivious.
✒ Home is Where the Heart is, So Come Home (To Me) 1.5K words
(Post-CATWS) 1.5K words
In which Steve celebrates his 97th birthday with Sam and Nat, but he can't help but wish Bucky is with him too.
✒ For Never Was a Story of More Woe Than This 8.6K words
(Stucky Theatre AU, Enemies to lovers) 8.6K words Fic Masterlist
"What would Juliet be without her Romeo?" Bucky snorts. "Fucking alive is what she would be." ... Bucky Barnes hasn't heard from Steve Rogers in 3 years. He'd rather never hear from him again. Too bad he's transferring to Stark Performing Arts University where he'll be forced to take the male-only lead roles with Steve in the school's queer rendition of the play "Romeo & Juliet". The close proximity triggers sparks to fly and the pair begin to rethink and investigate why they hate each other so much. Maybe they'll fall in love again along the way.
✒ And on my breast you may carve a turtle dove, To signify I died of love 5.8K words (Historically accurate Stucky, Canon compliant)
In which, comedy and tragedy are rolled into a one-shot featuring the Howling Commandos & the Gayest Coverup in Modern History™, and the inner thoughts of Steve as the war progresses, and the passage of time steadily brings him closer to losing the man he loves.
✒ Dig My Grave, Both Wide and Deep 1.9K words (Historically accurate Stucky, Canon compliant)
Steve takes his first step towards living in the 21st Century without Bucky by his side now that he hasn't got an alien invasion to distract him from grief. In which, Steve visits Bucky's grave and realises Bucky would have wanted him to live the life he couldn't have.
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