#study: t. kinard.
surviveds · 5 months
okay. tommy posting! a masterpost of introductory hcs for my portrayal. i might expand on specific points in different posts because i have a lot of thoughts and feelings.
first and foremost: tommy is closer to 50 than 40. lou is 39 but it doesn't make sense with the canon they've provided in s7 for tommy to be the same age, because if he was, that'd mean he was ~19 in '05 during chim begins and that's just not possible with him also having served (he's clearly not a probie and it seems like he's been at the 118 for years at that point). i'm putting him at maybe 45 or 46.
i do take a lot of inspiration from what lou has had to say about him. he's an only child of shitty parents who didn't really want to be parents, and that had a profound impact on him.
his dad was a miserable man and mediocre cop who felt bad about being mediocre and took it out on his wife and son.
tommy actually did fairly well in school, hoping it'd help assist in his plan of Getting Out, but things really didn't go his way on the college front and he felt trapped, which is what led him to enlisting.
and for the most part, he operated fairly well in the military. it was good to have order. and he was already accustomed to being treated terribly - but it was a little different because at least it wasn't his dad. he did his job and kept to himself, at least for a while, until he started a 'relationship' with another soldier. it was toxic and pretty terrible, overshadowed by DADT, and it ended pretty brutally. tommy had already become pretty disillusioned to the army by the point it ended, but it was another major factor in him getting out the first chance he got.
when he was discharged, he didn't even bother going home. he went to LA, choosing it as his new city because it felt very safe due to its size. it felt like a place that'd be easy to disappear and be just another guy.
he didn't immediately jump to a career with the LAFD. he had a few months of trying to figure his shit out, contemplating if he should finally try to go to college - but it was scary to think about so he ended up dropping the idea. he went through some basic jobs before applying to LAPD impulsively. army to police felt like a natural transition, and he thought maybe it would be a way to actually 'serve' his country, because being overseas doing shitty things for people who wouldn't give him good reasons hardly felt like 'service.' and he did make it through training, got a beat - but he realized pretty quickly that being a cop also wasn't for him. he stuck with it for a few months, though, because he was terrified of feeling lost and at least it was something and he did get to help people, sometimes. because he realized he did like helping people - and when, on one shift, he assisted some firefighters in helping rescue some kids from a wrecked car, and suddenly, a lot of things clicked for him. he turned in his badge and applied to the fire department a week later.
being in the army and then a cop means he wasn't surprised by the culture at the 118. he knew how to blend in well by that point. he knew what part to play to survive. and he does feel really bad about it. he worked hard to make peace with hen and chimney, and they're two people who are incredibly important to him - hen, because she was formative in helping him understand that he can be himself, and chimney because of course he wouldn't be alive without him.
(i also want to point out that i believe he briefly had a crush on chimney. but with all of the repression going on he refused to really recognize it. it did slightly contribute to him not wanting to be around chimney at first, though.)
tommy first acknowledged to himself that he was gay just before he put in for a transfer. of course he understood he was attracted to men long before that point; he'd had secret flings - not just the one in the military - but he'd still tried to be with women. he wanted to believe he was bisexual for a long time and that he could just 'suppress one side of it', but it didn't work. when he accepted he was gay, he put in for a transfer because he felt it'd be easier to start over at a new house. it was a very tough decision, because hen and howie had become family, and he had started to form a relationship with bobby... but he knew this was what he needed to be himself. he didn't have some big announcement about his identity like hen did when he transferred, but he didn't make efforts to hide it, either.
buck is the first firefighter he's dated, though. his prior relationships post-coming out were all with civilians - a few of which, yes, originated from meeting on calls. after the third time, though, he really felt it was a bad idea to continue that pattern. for him, personally, it felt like almost like a power imbalance, and he hated constantly wondering if the guys he was seeing just felt indebted.
he kept up with the 118 even after leaving - mostly because it's hard not to, with how often they make the news, but also because he genuinely does care about a lot of the people there. he reached out to chim after the car accident and the stabbing, and to hen after her accident.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 months
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I wanted to collect the entirety of the Denial-Verse thus far, my canon compliant fics following Tommy and Buck’s love story throughout the show. It's a character study in loneliness, belonging, what it means to be and feel loved, and what steps it takes to finally believe one can have happiness. And while it will be coming back for Season 8 and will probably have a few short stories here and there before Season 8 begins, I wanted to highlight all four of the current fics within the series.
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caught in this denial (tell me the day, I’ll say no more)
| Rated: M | WC: 35K | Chapters: 7 |
Summary: Tommy Kinard's life changes for the better when his old friend Chimney calls him out of the blue for help on a rescue and he meets the adorably awkward Evan "Buck" Buckley.
Was this man looking down to see the hand or – no. No. Tommy knew it couldn’t be checking out. That wasn’t happening here. The guy took Tommy’s hand and shook it. Kept shaking it as he said, “Evan! Evan Buckley. Or Buck. Whatever you, uh. Want to call me is fine.” And it wouldn’t hurt to be a little friendly, could it? Evan didn’t seem to mind as Tommy leaned only a touch closer, looking into the man’s unwavering eyes as Tommy asked, “Are you sure you don’t have a preference, Evan?” That. That wasn’t blush. That wasn’t bashfulness as Evan’s eyes turned away. This had to be what Evan always sounded like as he mumbled at the ground, still shaking Tommy’s hand, “Evan’s fine.”
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Muay Thai and Flying Lessons
| Rated: M | WC: 45.6K | Chapters: 10 |
Summary: Tommy Kinard is dating Evan "Buck" Buckley. They're even going to a wedding together in a few weeks. Tommy's excited about this new relationship, if a little nervous. But Tommy has a good feeling about Evan, and he wants to see this through.
“Wait, so if you’re not here to hang out with Eddie, who are you hanging out with?” asked Hen. Tommy. Heard the thud of someone falling down from the firetruck. And there, on the floor, faceplanted and looking drained of all energy, was Evan Buckley. “Evan?” asked Tommy.
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Burnt Lasagna and Slow Dances
| Rated: M | WC: 74.4K | Chapters: 15 |
Summary: Tommy Kinard now has an adorable boyfriend - Evan "Buck" Buckley. And for the first time in Tommy's life, he feels like, maybe, just maybe, this relationship might last.
And all those different conversations overlapping was overwhelming. Tommy barely knew if he could untangle them, let alone take any of them in. But through all the noise and chaos, he saw Evan’s texts. EVAN: Hey EVAN: Saw that Tay interviewed you EVAN: I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen someone trip her up because of genuine honesty haha EVAN: Today was probably rough, though EVAN: I’ll pick you up, okay? Tommy smiled at that. And Tommy texted Evan back. TOMMY: It was rough TOMMY: Thank you, I’d love for you to pick me up Tommy heard the telltale ding of a cell phone… right outside the locker room. Tommy looked to the door, seeing Evan waiting there with a bouquet of flowers. Tommy’s smile grew wider.
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A Surprise Visit
| Rated: T | WC: 2.4k |
Summary: Tommy goes to his first pride parade as a volunteer giving out water.
“Tommy!” Tommy blinked, turning to the voice as he saw Hen, Karen, Denny, Mara, Jee-Yun, and Maddie walk over. Tommy. Kind of beamed, standing up. “Hey,” said Tommy as the all came over, “What are you all doing here?” There was something adorable to Hen and Karen’s shirts. Hen’s said “I Heart My Tungsten-Iodine-Iron” and Karen’s said “I Heart My Helium-Nitrogen”. The phrases were painted on these shirts in the colors of the lesbian flag, which made Tommy chuckle once he realized that these dorks made periodic table pride shirts. Maddie and the kids didn’t have anything on for pride, much like Tommy himself, but they seemed to find the same pride pin that Tommy was gifted. Maddie raised a hand. “I might have learned from Buck that you were at the stand today, and I thought – I have the day off. Hen and Karen have the day off. Wouldn’t hurt to offer it as an option,” explained Maddie. “We haven’t gone to Pride in a while, and we knew you were working this one,” said Karen thoughtfully, smiling, “So, we thought we’d support your free water stand.”
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By A Thousand Cuts
| Rated: M | WC: 11.5K | Chapters: 3/3 |
Summary: Tommy Kinard has his first big fight with his boyfriend, Evan "Buck" Buckley.
“I think I just had the worst shift of my life,” Tommy said as he dropped his duffle next to the door, a little – a little shocked by what had just happened to him on that shift.
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The Fire is Inside the House
| Rated: M | WC: 79.1K | Chapters: 14 |
Summary: Evan "Buck" Buckley is fighting a wildfire with the 118, when he sees a helicopter crash - the helicopter of his boyfriend, Tommy Kinard. It's a race against time to find Tommy before the wildfire hits the crash site.
Buck couldn’t stop smiling at Tommy. Tommy was just. Hot. And nice. And he showed up. Always. Fuck. Buck loved this guy. “What?” asked Tommy, and there was a hint of a smile there. “Nothing. I just like you driving me,” said Buck. And Buck could see that Tommy couldn’t help it, he smiled too; not quite the scrunchy kind, but that dimpled one he did. The morning was young. Buck could get his man to that scrunch nose smile. “Oh, you like a chauffeur?” asked Tommy playfully. “Only one as hot as you.” And there was the scrunch. “I only drive the hottest myself.”
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hardly-an-escape · 1 month
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growth | Buck/Tommy | 1236 words | rated T
tags: Tommy Kinard character study, gardening
A few weeks before Tommy picked up Howie's call and ended up flying four members of his former station into a hurricane – and incidentally inviting the beautiful hurricane that was Evan Buckley into his life – he'd planted an herb garden.
In retrospect, he wasn't even sure why he'd done it. He wasn't much of a gardener, and neither was he a particularly gifted home chef. His backyard looked nice, but it wasn't exactly artistic; there were no carefully-curated flower beds or beautiful raised plots overflowing with homegrown vegetables. Likewise, when he cooked at home, he stuck to the same handful of fairly utilitarian meals: spaghetti with turkey meatballs and sauce from a jar, or brown rice and baked salmon and green beans. Not that his food wouldn't have benefited from fresh herbs — it just didn't need it.
And yet, for some reason, he got off a shift and twenty minutes later found himself wandering the lumber aisles in the Lowe's near his house, 48 hours off ahead of him and a random home improvement magazine clutched in one hand.
Tommy's house was a little two bedroom bungalow, which the realtor had called "cozy" and Tommy would have described as "cramped" if he wasn't kind of a minimalist by nature (and more interested in the detached garage). The kitchen was small but functional, and located at the back of the house, which faced south. It had a big window over the sink, and a back door that opened out onto a small cedar deck that had been Tommy's first DIY project after he bought the place.
It wasn't the best deck in the world. It sloped a little to one side, and he'd applied the finish a little unevenly. But he was still proud of it.
He chose similar cedar boards for the herb garden. Built a counter kind of thing, a little taller than elbow height, with spaces where planters could nestle in and a shelf below for storage. He set it on the deck right below the kitchen window, thinking that once the plants got tall enough, he'd be able to see them through the window, maybe while he was doing dishes or something.
Maybe the green would be inspiring. Maybe he'd go out to the deck and trim a few sprigs of something to throw on his salmon. Add a little flavor to his life.
Tommy snorted to himself. Add a little flavor to his life. Who did he think he was? And yet...
He built the framework. Bought some terracotta planters. Went to a garden store the next day, carefully chose a big bag of potting soil and some seedlings and organic fertilizer and, a little self-consciously, a small blue enamelware watering can. He thought it might look nice on the storage shelf beneath the planters.
He started with just the basics, things that sounded familiar, like he might actually use them sometime: basil, mint, cilantro, oregano. Rosemary, because it reminded him of his mother.
Against all odds, the herb garden thrived. Tommy did discover the hard way that it really needed to be watered every day, when he came home from three OT shifts in a row to find his basil plants more than a little blasted by the LA sun. He rigged up a slightly janky DIY self-watering system with an old wine bottle, and that seemed to do the trick.
He still didn't really know what he was doing. Or why he was doing it. But he liked his herbs. It felt good to go out on the deck in the morning, and drink his coffee while he plucked the few weeds that appeared, and made sure the soil was properly moisturized.
Then Howie called.
Then Evan somersaulted into his life and looked at Tommy with stars in his eyes and sprained his best friend's ankle. Evan let Tommy kiss him in his kitchen, out of the blue, two fingers digging into the stubble on his chin. Evan asked him out for coffee and asked him for a second chance and asked him to a wedding.
Three weeks to the day after their disappointing first date, Evan came over to Tommy's house for the first time. The plan was that they would make dinner together and then walk down to the park in Tommy's neighborhood that was showing movies every Friday and Saturday, projecting them on a big inflatable screen.
He honestly wasn't sure whether they would make it to the movie this time, either – but now it was more because they seemed to have a hard time keeping their hands off one another whenever they were within arms' reach. He'd let the evening unspool in his head before Evan ever arrived: a nice dinner, and then dessert on the deck, and conversation, and then, when the mosquitos got too bad, a glass of wine in the living room, lights low, hands wandering. He didn’t really care about the movie.
They hadn't used the word "boyfriend," yet. But Tommy knew what it meant, if you asked a man to come over and cook you dinner at 7:00 PM in your own house.
So, Evan arrived, that first time. Tommy gave him the nickel tour, not that there was much to see – the living room, with its sparse bookshelf and much more robust DVD shelf; the office-slash-guest room; the master bedroom and the painfully obviously freshly-made bed; the garage and the car lift and Muay Thai mats. Evan was polite, complimentary, interested in the renovations Tommy had made during the five years he’d owned the place.
It wasn’t until they walked out on the deck that he’d shown real excitement.
“Look at this!” he cried, gravitating toward Tommy’s weird little herb garden like a puppy to a chew toy. “You didn’t tell me about this.”
“It’s – it’s nothing much,” Tommy said awkwardly. “Just something new I built a couple weeks ago. I don’t even know what to do with them, really.”
“You built this?” Evan said, enchanted, and Tommy watched him run his fingers along the sanded cedar frame, and bury his face in the fragrant plants, and rub one basil leaf gently between two fingertips and bring his fingers to his nose, breathing deep and turning to Tommy with a smile on his face. “This is incredible.”
“You think?” said Tommy, uncertain.
“Yeah, I think,” said Evan, beaming, and crossed the deck in two long strides and caught Tommy by the waist and kissed him, once, twice: brief, deep kisses that knocked Tommy’s whole world slightly off center. “Your oregano is gorgeous, it’s going to be absolutely perfect in the sauce.”
And then he whirled away, back inside, rattling around Tommy’s kitchen as if he belonged there, searching out pots and cutting boards and strainers. Tommy stood for a long moment in the middle of his own deck, slightly poleaxed, listening to Evan’s clatter with one ear and the burgeoning backyard crickets with the other, smelling the wafting scent of his herbs and the neighbors’ honeysuckle vines.
Oh, he thought. This is why I wanted an herb garden.
Because on some level, in some remote corner of his brain, he had known that Evan was waiting for him, a storm system just over the horizon. He’d needed to be ready for this. For making pasta sauce with fresh oregano, and kissing on the back deck, and growing something real.
read on AO3 >>>
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My BuckTommy fics
(NeverlandPoet on AO3)
All the Pain | 13,520 words, T | Angst, Hurt/Comfort And then, another wave of realization, as hard as a tsunami. That's Bobby, isn't it? Bobby kneeling in the remains of Tommy's bathroom, his hands performing rhythmic movements. Textbook CPR, it’s just… on Evan.
Love Can Only Heal [BuckTommy Tumblr Prompts] | 12,817 words, T | Tumblr Prompt fills, 8 individual stories
In the Dark | 14,612 words, T | Hurt/Comfort Tommy is a guy to touch you in passing, not one to throw around pet names. He calls him Evan because that's his name, “Buck is a collective noun for your infamies,” he once said. Buck has already thrown a multitude of pet names at him, trying them out on him like on a blank canvas, calling him honey and darling and love to see what resonates.
Come and Let the Storm Bring us to Life | 2,613 words, E | Helicopter sex A second lightning strike, very close again, swallows his words, and Buck blurts out, "Wanna make out?" Tommy is now used to Buck changing topics at the speed of light. He doesn't bat an eyelid as he remarks, "On the helipad of a hospital?" Hail pours down again, plop plop plop on the helicopter’s roof. "I once did it on the roof of the fire engine," says Buck.
3 Times Buck's Date With Tommy Went Awry – And The One Time It Didn't | 7,954 words, M | Awkward dates "So," he says with relish, "that's a proper date. Just you and me and no disasters in sight." Buck sheepishly clears his throat. "I might stab myself in the eye with the fork," he says. "Well, at least not with the knife, I pre-cut your meat," Tommy returns calmly.  Desert Dreams | 4,691 words, T | Whump, Helicopter Crash "We crashed," Buck explained, "and it wasn't my fault. I mean, uh, that's probably important for insurance or something." "Are you saying it was my fault?" Tommy asked, blinking. "What? No, no way, right before the crash you said something about the engine... wait, y..you're kidding? Now?" "Now is as good as any time, Evan," Tommy said softly, and Buck's heart went into a big but very pleasant stumble.
Simply the Best, Reprise (Simply the Beast) | 2,304 words, E | Semi-Public Sex, Frottage
And How My Heart Sang True That Day | 2,309 words, T | Friendship, Character Study I am the broken, I am the wound  | 3,935 words, T | PTSD
"We're doomed." | 2,609 words, T | BuckTommypositivityweek (2), day 1: Season Opening Disaster
Wann (When?) | 1,952 words, T | BuckTommypositivityweek, day 2: Nicknames and Terms of Endearment
Has Anybody Noticed That The Sky Is Falling? | 3,427 words, T | Hurt/Comfort, Anosmia
Whisper Your Desires, And I'll Teach You How To Feel | 2,921 words, E | First Time Fic
Watch Me Burn | 3210 words, E | Kitchen Sex, POV Tommy Kinard
I'll Be Your Hero | 1,562 words, T | Shovel Talk
Set It Off Tonight, Baby, Just Like Fire & Gasoline | 3,378 words, E | First Time Fic The Day Conny Kramer Died | 3,889 words, T | Crack Fic Let's be a miracle | 992 words, T | Domestic Fluff
Tevan ficlets 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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9-1-1 BuckTommy Fics by IDontGoHereEither
That's me! (on ao3) Just making a post listing all of my current and ongoing 9-1-1 BuckTommy fics so I can link it on my pinned post.
*Finished Stories*
you carried me with you [Tommy Has a Sister AU] rated: T | 7K Summary: There's always been one person Tommy can talk to. (Part One of Those Kinard Kids) Read it on ao3 | Reblog it on Tumblr
Reaching Out rated: G | 1.7K Summary: The cruise ship rescue from Tommy's point of view Read it on ao3 | Reblog it on Tumblr
Reaping the Rewards rated: G | 1.1K Summary: Buck discovers the benefits of working out with Tommy Read it on ao3 | Reblog it on Tumblr
Colin Firth Thinks You're Hot rated: G | 2.7K Summary: Buck is late for a special date night with Tommy, but he still stops to help a stranger stuck on the side of the road. Luckily, that stranger is about to help HIM. Read it on ao3 | Reblog it on Tumblr
Better for You (or…When Sal Met Evan) rated: T | 1.7K Summary: Bit of a Sal Deluca character study where Sal and Tommy used to have a thing and Sal lets it all fall apart Read it on ao3 | Reblog it on Tumblr Just Trying to Keep Up rated: T | 4.8K Summary: In which Tommy slowly realizes that 'letting Evan set the pace' means committing to a life of full speed ahead. (And he's more than happy to chase after him.) Read it on ao3 | Reblog it on Tumblr
Leave a Light On rated: T | 2.3K | warning: major character death Summary: Tommy leaves a light on for Evan to come home to. Read it on ao3 | Reblog it on Tumblr
*NSFW Fics* Can be found on my SuperStealthAccount blog.
*Ongoing Series*
i'll see us through the thick and thin [Tommy Has a Sister AU] rated: T | WIP Summary: Buck’s never had a partner who wanted to be a part of his life like Tommy does. Or who wanted Buck to be a part of theirs. It’s the fact that it’s mutual that keeps flooring him. He’s so used to being the one who wants too much, who needs too much, who is just TOO much...but Tommy keeps meeting him where he’s at and together they start to build something unexpected. (Part Two of Those Kinard Kids) Read it on ao3 | Reblog it on Tumblr
Live and Let Spy [Tommy is a Spy AU] rated: T | WIP Summary: Over twenty years on the job and he was at the top of his game. Agent Kinard was the one they called in when there was no one else to trust. When the stakes were high and you needed a job done.Agent Kinard didn’t make mistakes, but Tommy…Tommy fell in love. Read it on ao3 | Reblog it on Tumblr
*Tumblr Shit Posts and Mini Fics*
Timeline? What timeline?
A new couch
Gym shenanigans
A new generation of fake-mouth static
Agent Kinard
SalTommy angst
Mustache trolls
Will update as needed. Thanks for reading!
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momotonescreaming · 1 year
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momo . 20's . she/her . multifandom
you can check out my misc posts here you can find my writing on tumblr here you can check out my ao3 here
My Newest Fic!
All the things I would do | 5.5k | Evan Buckley/Tommy Kinard | Tumblr Post | Relationship Study, Kissing, Mild Smut
Buck loved having sex in the loft. He loved having sex with Tommy in the loft.
Fic Masterlist Below the Cut!
AO3 Fics
Night Light | 1.2k | Evan Buckley/Tommy Kinard | Tumblr Post | Character study, introspection, loneliness
Tommy has an antique lamp in his entranceway and a child’s night light in the hall. or A mini Tommy Kinard character study
Stranger Things
where the heart is | 11.3k | T | Steve/Eddie | Tumblr Post | Established Relationship, Fluff & Romance, Introspection
Steve and Eddie talk about home.
something so precious about this | 1.8k | T | Steve/Eddie | Tumblr Post | Established Relationship, Family, Future Fic
Eddie knew that there was a lot involved with surrogacy. What Eddie didn’t realise, was how much time was going to be spent standing in hallways, waiting for Robin to piss on a stick.
clear smoke, sober demons | 3.6k | Steve/Eddie | Tumblr Post | Pre- Relationship, Panic Attacks, Aftermath of Torture
The first time Steve had a beer after Starcourt he threw up in his parents’ hall bathroom.
morning sun (and warm cotton sheets) | 9k | Steve/Eddie | Tumblr Post | Established Relationship, Morning After, Kissing
Eddie lets himself doze off again, tendrils of sleep wrapping around hid mind and drifting him back down again, listening to sounds of Steve’s singing. It’s the sweet, lazy sort of domesticity that Eddie thought he’d never get. Lazy mornings where he doesn’t have to rush off to work, or a deal, or run errands because something broke again. He can sleep in, can wake up and choose not to get out of bed, soothed by the sweet sounds of his boyfriend singing in the shower.
Home | 1.8k | T | Eddie & Wayne Munson | Tumblr Post | Family, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
“Hey, Wayne?” Eddie asks, looking over at Wayne, trying to keep his voice steady — although he’s sure his uncle heard the waver in his voice anyway. He always does. He’s the one person who knows him inside out and upside down. Every which way. “Can I talk to you?” Eddie’s barely left the motel room since he and Wayne moved into it. He isn’t even sure if the owner knows he’s here. If they think it’s just Wayne and the remainder of his life, all packed up in boxes. Eddie made it out alive, physically fine and un-scarred, no longer wanted for murder. And yet. Eddie can't stay in Hawkins anymore. He can't.
don't say nothing's wrong | 20k | Steve & Dustin | Tumblr Post | Dustin Centric, Character Analysis, Hurt/Comfort
“If you’re gonna continue to bully me, dude,” Steve starts, brows furrowing; lips pursed in a tight, angry line. “I don’t think I want to be your friend anymore.”
study buddy | 1379 words | Eddie & Nancy | Tumblr Post | Character Analysis, Relationship Dynamics, Studying
Eddie was really starting to regret everything that led him to this point. Hunched over books and flash cards at the Wheeler’s dining room table, Nancy trying to grill fact after fact into his brain.
cotton candy | 1532 words | Robin/Vickie | Tumblr Post | Accidental Confession, Fluff, First Kiss
“What if,” Vickie starts, voice slow and careful. Thumb running in anxious circles on Robin’s wrist. “What if we could find out what my lip gloss was like after I kissed you?”
hospital blues (and a warm cup of tea) | 6.8k words | Steve/Tommy | Tumblr Post | Pre relationship, Tommy H Redemption, Pining
“Hey Tommy, It’s Steve, um, but you probably knew that.” The message starts, and Tommy freezes. Feels himself halting in place, right there in the middle of the kitchen. They hadn’t spoken in months. Not since all that shit with the Wheeler chick last year. When she ruined everything. He forces himself to inhale, to breathe again, and listens to the rest of Steve’s message. “I’m just uh, ringing from the hospital."
the nights were made for saying things | 2.1k | Steve/Tommy | Tumblr Post | Mutual Crushes, Pining, Smoking
Tommy plucks the cigarette from Steve's hand and puts it in his mouth, inhaling slowly. Its faintly damp, the ghost of Steve's lips still on it. It's almost like a kiss. Given the way Steve looks at him, he can tell he's thinking it too.
racing heart and sweaty palms | 10k | Steve/Tommy | Tumblr Post | Relationship Study, Making Out, Skull Rock
Steve and Tommy go for a jog (and get distracted along the way)
you're playing so cool | 4.7k | Steve/Tommy | Tumblr Post | Established Relationship, Flirting, Early Stobin
Steve and Tommy flirt in Family Video
wrap it up baby i'm takin' you home | 10k words | Steve/Tommy/Carol | Tumblr Post | Future Fic, Polyamory, Comfort, So much flirting
Tommy and Steve take care of Carol
Our Sweetness | 1.4k words | Steve/Tommy/Carol | Tumblr Post | Polyamory, Established Relationship, Fluff
“Friday we’re totally free,” Carol says, adjusting her posture. Finally. That was the thing about they dynamic they had, the relationship they had built — all three of them — was it was occasionally very, very, hard to find a time they were all free. No extracurriculars, no appointments, no other commitments with friends. “So date night? All of us?”
hold each other close the whole night through | 8.7K | Steve/Barb | Tumblr Post | Established relationship, Schmoopy Romance, Smut
Steve kisses her like one second without his lips on hers is too long, like he has nowhere else he’d rather be. He presses his lips to hers, and Barb lets herself sink into the softness of the pillows, of his lips. Pushed into them as Steve presses against her. Lets herself fall into it, the sensation, the pillows, Steve. She sighs into his mouth, soft and breathy. Contented. He swallows the sound. She also has nowhere else she’d rather be.
in darkness and in secrecy | 3.8k | T | Steve/Barb | Tumblr Post | Season 1, Nightmares, Comfort
The monster is faster now. It smells her. She is being hunted, and she is going to die. It catches up to her, and she cannot run. It’s face opens, revealing its gaping maw, teeth dripping spit and viscera onto her face as she screams. Barb wakes up as soon as it starts ripping her apart.
be mine tonight | M | 3.6k | Steve/Barb | Tumblr Post | Established Relationship, Romantic Fluff, Kissing
Tilting her head and looking out of the corner of her eyes, Barb takes a peek. It’s Steve, with his lips hovering dangerously close to her neck. How careful was he, how gentle, to kiss her so softly she barely felt it? He catches her eye, and smirks.
there's no other | 1676 words | Steve/Barb | Tumblr Post | Established Relationship, Fluff, Domesticity
Despite everything, despite the monster with no face taking her from outside Steve’s house, it’s where Barb feels safest. Although, she concedes, it’s mostly because it’s Steve’s. 
Breakfast | 1957 words | Steve/Barb | Tumblr Post | Established Relationship, Domesticity, Flirting
Barb wakes up slowly, lazily, eased into it by the sun peeking through the curtains and not the blaring of her alarm clock. Rolling over, she blinks and finds Steve’s side of the bed empty. The sheets are cool, but they’re still rumpled in a vaguely Steve-like shape. Her glasses are neatly resting atop the bedside table, next to what looks like a yellow blur. Putting on her glasses, her vision clears, and Barb finds that it is in fact, a note. Steve’s left her a message in his familiar, scratchy, handwriting. Gone for a run, back by breakfast. Love you! <3
Tumblr Fics & Ficlets Stranger Things
Teenage Dream - AKA the Jeff & Eddie have crushes on jocks series Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Eddie and Wayne Talk. Pre Wayne Munson/ Scott Clarke. | G | 2.2k
Wayne and Scott have a romantic Dinner | Clarkson | G | 2.8k
Eddie bumps into Scott in a pet store | Clarkson | G | 2.5k
Scott asks Wayne to stay the night | Clarkson | G | 6k
Wayne and Scott buy a house together | Clarkson | G | 3.5k
Steve and his Mom | 770 Words
Steve is an aquarium mermaid AU | Steddie | 832 words
Stardew Valley AU | Steddie | 1.4k
A tired Steve gets home from work | Steddie | 1.2k
Siren Steve AU | pre Steddie | 743 words
Old West Werewolf Steve AU | pre Steddie | 911 words
Surprise Steddie Micro Fic - Cake | 311 words
Love is the act of trying | Steddie | 389 words
KingSteve85 is Online - 90s/00s Chatfic | pre Steddie | 1.4k
Cursed Statue Steve, Fantasy AU | Pre Steddie | 624 words
Dustin learns some boundaries Part 1 | Steve & Dustin Dustin learns some boundaries Part 2 | Steve & Dustin
Steddie Microfic January - Hole | 404 words
STWG Daily Drabble - Give In & Chill - 652 words STWG Daily Drabble - Creation - 717 words STWG Daily Drabble - "Puppies are the spawn of the devil" - 976 words STWG Daily Drabble - Date Night - 694 Words STWG Daily Drabble - Chocolate Covered Strawberries - 630 words
Established Stomarol | 743 words
Buck characterisation practice | BuckTommy Tommy characterisation practice | BuckTommy
Tumblr Posts
40's AU | Steddie
Bastard older brother Steve | Gen | Steddie Mention
Wayne took custody of Eddie when he was a toddler | Munson Family Feelings
Steve rings Wayne after a nightmare | Steddie Mention
Courthouse meet awkward | Steddie prompt
Window washer Eddie | Steddie prompt
Vanilla Sex Steve | Steddie posts
Robin confesses to Vickie in college | Rockie
Steve and Robin play basketball together | Stobin
Steve is good at detective movies | Gen
Steve goes sober after Starcourt | Gen
Trucker AU | Steddie
Modern Long Distance AU | Steddie | 358 words
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surviveds · 3 months
yes tommy is bitchy and i will call him a bitch (affectionate) forever but he really also is a guy who cares so fucking much. even putting aside the fact he puts his life and career on the line for people who kind of dropped him from their life after his transfer, he still has so many moments in s2 where he clearly cares!!!! he smiles at hen when she first shows up and it isn't until gerrard walks up behind him that he becomes rigid and withdrawn. he not only thanks chimney for saving his life but hugs him, too. he gently tells sal to shut the fuck up when he's arguing with bobby because a) tommy clearly doesn't like conflict, but also b) he understands bobby is Good For Them and in the right and he doesn't want sal to ruin that. he's happy to see bobby in the bar. people are so easy to dismiss tommy as one dimensional or even "emotionless" because of lou's delivery of specific lines but it's just so purposeful - mostly, the monotone way he speaks is a shield, but i also think to a degree that he just Sounds Like That (relatable for me, because people constantly think i'm either upset or feel nothing because of how i talk. which is a big "criticism" i see for tommy's character/something people try to weaponize to make it seem like he doesn't actually care about buck.) so much of tommy's emotions come through in his expressions - his eyes, especially. the soft way he looks at buck when he simply asks him "you okay?" the way he immediately shifts and starts smiling at him when buck is rambling in 704 and tommy is Understanding what's happening here. the way he swallows as he looks at buck at the basketball game because He Likes Him and he's really not good at hiding it.
the point of this is, tommy actually is very emotional, even if his voice rarely shows that. but he is a man with a lot of feelings and although he allowed himself to be little more than just his snark for so long, he really is so much more
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