#studyblr but not really
liones-s · 8 months
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sunlight in the reading room
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learnelle · 9 months
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Happy Holidays Everyone !! 🎄✨
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the-goal-is-growth · 4 months
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Brain isn't braining very well these days
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studyblr-perhaps · 6 months
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24/03/24 || Sunday
I got a summer internship! And at such a wonderful time, too. Recently I had been feeling so overwhelmingly stupid, cause my grades don't seem to want to go up, and I had lost all motivation to do work. But with the conference and this internship, my passion for research is back up again, and I am so glad!
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funplexflip · 4 months
As someone getting their PhD in literature, I can say with confidence that Bunny pulling a word like metahemeralism out of his ass is easily the most relatable thing Donna Tartt ever wrote.
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tea-tuesday · 4 months
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i was trying to stay optimistic yesterday about having to study for the bar but let's just say the optimism comes in waves and i'm much less optimistic today lol..... what's helping me get through it? cute stationery !!!
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apparencies · 2 years
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15/1/23 • somehow Sundays have turned into my most productive and structured day of the week and I kind of love it
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luthiest · 18 days
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my friend and i went hobonichi shopping the other day in preparation for the new school year :) i got the plaid with the red case for 2025, she got the chartreuse with the pretty cover, and the cat portrait is my 2024 that’s rapidly approaching its end. kinda scary to think about, but this is my last semester in school for what will probably be a looooooong time if not the rest of my life.
i always start out super strong and spend the rest of the year slowly burning out, but i don’t really have the luxury of doing that this time around lol… gonna do my best, see how far it gets me. hope the start of the school year is treating you guys well! 🤍🤍
as far as personal interests go, i’ve been playing a lot of genshin, knitting, beading, and reading nonfiction this summer. anyone else seen the hbo show chernobyl or read midnight in chernobyl? i’m reading it currently after watching the show during my wisdom tooth surgery recovery (rip) and i’m firmly down the rabbit hole, i fear !!!!!!
🎧 : blue skies - ella fitzgerald
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chemblrish · 1 month
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19 August 2024
Finished inorganic chem! That means I'm at 6/11 subjects, but I'm only going to complete the question bank for 2 of the remaining courses bc I haven't taken the other 3 :) I'll be taking them this upcoming academic year. That leaves with me pchem (💙💙) and ochem (booo - but I actually had really good grades in ochem, so maybe it won't be so bad)
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anonymousdormhacks · 11 months
Whats the opposite of gothic? I'm in love with comp sci anti-gothic where it's just people being surprisingly polite and nice and funny through computers. A program's first lines are always "Hello world!". SMTP protocols apparently say "hello, pleased to meet you" to each other to establish a connection with a handshake. Python has a different version called Andaconda, which has a smaller version called miniconda. C++ is just C continuously improving on itself, because the ++ operator means to add one onto a previous value, and C# is two ++ stacked on top of each other. Lawmakers have to talk about the ethics of saving "cookies" to computers because one guy liked fortune cookies and decided to call them that. The internet itself wasn't created with security in mind because it was just meant to be a way for a group of people who trusted each other using it to send each other information, and so on, and so forth
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Rough, rough week.
I’ve been grappling with a total sense of lack of motivation: not wanting to go to school, not wanting to study, not wanting to do anything at all, really. My friends have been trying to drag me out of it, and I’m so thankful that they’re here.
I think a big reason behind it is that I’m burnt out. I have too many extracurriculars on top of my already large workload for school, and I’m not coping very well.
But I’m slowly making my way through it. And all I could do right now is to take it easy and try to see the light on the other end.
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placeofwonder · 6 months
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lately: enjoyed my beautiful town in the sun and reviewed two plays for the student magazine, which is a great outlet for the part of my brain that wishes I was still studying humanities
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frenchiepal · 2 years
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love that i have more time for language learning and reading now 💫
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cyberstudious · 2 months
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sunday, august 4th, 2024
this weekend I got a library card for the library in my new city and spent a while exploring and getting excited about books. I had to restrain myself from checking out like every book in the tech section because they were all so interesting lol. for now I'm borrowing books on high performance python and identity security, because those are the two topics I'm struggling with at work right now haha. not pictured is Babel, which I'm currently reading as an ebook. I've just been in book mode for the past few weeks and I want to learn all the things!
also yesterday I published a post announcing the studyblr masterpost jam! there's been some chatting around studyblr about bringing back some of the old-style studyblr resource posts and the like, and I thought this would be a fun way to do it! I'll be writing a bunch of masterposts about cybersecurity next week and I'd love to learn about what y'all are studying <3
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gentlespriting · 5 months
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consolidated all the upcoming assignments this morning...there's so much to do :')
submitted 1/4 of my assignments !! 🙌 🙌
hot pot for one (hdl soup packet that my mum bought) 🍲
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tea-tuesday · 19 days
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(belated) new pen alert + updating my 5-year hobonichi ! a few months ago, i got a lamy safari in the piña colada colorway. unfortunately, the EF nib was SO scratchy and awful, but i got a replacement nib and switched to a different ink, and it flows much better! it is not my favorite fountain pen but i do love how colorful the body is. i'm also behind on my 5-year hobonichi so i have been filling in past missing entries, such as my trip to copenhagen and stockholm last month 💆‍♀️ although not being a student anymore feels strange, i have so much time to catch up on my previously neglected journals :))
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