alicewritten · 11 months
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virtual journal, 27/10
i’ve been consuming an increasing amount of tea, wearing cardigans and waking up to the sound of rain, which is to say: i’m experiencing autumn in seville and my heart is full 🌾
sometimes the realization of time passing gets overwhelming; usually in the meditation of a long-held yoga pose, when the nostalgia steadily hits and outside the sun is setting and i want to capture it all (the view, the sound of slow breathing, the longing for familiar touch)
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stuhde · 2 years
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november 27, 2022
my gap year in photos
hi there! long time no see. it’s been well over a year since i graduated from uni, almost two years that i’ve been with my job since i was a wee intern, and this time a year ago, i told myself i would have applied to law school.
here i am a year later to report i didn’t manage to apply to law school.
the last year and a half has been a series of huge up and downs with the LSAT and writing a personal and diversity statement, on top of working full-time from home, being an involved family member, volunteering, and completing a two-year fellowship.
i did poorly on the LSAT, got pretty sick (a few times), and burnt myself to the point where i had to pause on this lifetime goal and focus on what is most important: myself (and my health).
if i could do this again, i wish that i took a WHOLE year to do nothing (just working) and one year to study for the LSAT.
and that’s exactly what i plan to do. take rest from law school applications, get healthy, re-make my game plan, and come back next fall better than ever to be the best and strongest applicant i can be.
which is why i’ll be back on studyblr regularly to post my progress, hold myself accountable, and get some motivation to get to the finish line. this community was the reason i got through senior year in high school, again in uni, and when i was job hunting.
i feel like being on here again willl be so worthwhile as i see myself in this next year of growth and development. consider this my (re)debut back to the commmunity!
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starduststudyblr · 1 year
thanks for the tag @fandomjunker!
are you named after anyone? yes! i'm named after my mom's close friend.
when was the last time you cried? yesterday because my partner was sad :(
do you have kids? does my dog count?
do you use sarcasm a lot? nooooooo. deeeefinitely not. never. /s
what’s the first thing you notice about people? i'm a big noticer of voices, hair, lips and eyebrows.
what’s your eye colour? dark brown
scary movie or happy ending? absolutely happy ending. one time when i was kid i was supposed to write a horror movie script for an assignment and i still somehow ended up giving it a happy ending. 
any special talents? i'm an absolute 100% grammar nerd
what are your hobbies? music, reading, writing, art, gaming
have you got pets? yes my family has a poodle and he is the goodest boy to ever exist <3
what sports do you/have you played? i don't do sports but i will occasionally play badminton or tennis with my dad. i also did ballet for 10 years which i'm counting as a sport!
how tall are you? 5'2
favorite subject in school? definitely band!!
dream job? band teacher or editor! i would also love to run some sort of collaborative community space for musicians from marginalized communities or do something else in the arts activism field <3
no pressure tags: @espressostudyrepeat @studypetals @studyingdawn @stuhde @quilavastudy @universi-tea and anyone else who wants to!
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seven10script · 3 years
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finally finished my essay plan for the Dreaded Philosophy Paper! trying a new style of writing since philosophy’s relatively flexible and hopefully this’ll make my claim clearer ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱
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Today's been a lot more productive than I thought, I just need to keep going! Also, welcome Bernardo to my studyblr family! He was a little easter present from my boyfriend <3
I did some journaling in the morning and it really put things into perspective for me. I highly suggest you try it out! This is where I found my journal prompts.
Tried a little something different with the editing of my pictures, wanted something a little warmer to make up for the cold depressing weather today.
Take care, love you always, xoxo - C.
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apricitystudies · 3 years
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12.05.2021 // i know it’s bad to study and use your devices in bed but if my cat wants pets while i'm working who am i to deny her that
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emili-a-a · 3 years
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some more biology notes! i have my chemistry exam on tuesday and physics exam and history migration paper on thursday :')))) wish me luck
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bulletnotestudies · 4 years
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June 10, 2020 //
would much rather be spending my birthday in a tropical glasshouse with my bestie instead of alone at my desk, studying for tomorrow’s exam 🌿
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vanillastudies · 4 years
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7.27.2020 || frank, who just got re-potted, makes a reappearance!
clearly i have nowhere decent to take studyspo pics cuz this is the second time i’ve used this wall lmao. not to worry tho, i just got a desk for my apartment!! and u can bet that it’s aesthetic enough for studyspo pictures 😂
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seltzerstudies · 4 years
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i recently received a lot of cute stationery items for christmas and i was so excited to try them out! the shark washi tape is the cutest thing for a shark nerd like me!
in other news, i recently joined an academic discord (run by the wonderful @hyperchemblr) and i’m so excited to be a part of this community. y’all are wonderful and i adore you all. 
today’s seltzer: not really a seltzer but i had this pomegranate caffeinated drink tea thing? deliciousss
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studyingdawn · 4 years
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180420 two angles of my desk w/ some messy notes & homemade mocha! ₃/₂₅
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rabbitstudy · 4 years
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10.04.20 | 10/100 days of productivity | 2020 quarantine challenge
Thu - Take a picture of the pens/highlighters that you could not live without
Fri - Take a picture of the view outside your window
I was feeling a bit under the weather yesterday, so I didn’t post much ^^;
I can’t live without my lovely glitter pens and it was a bit cloudy today.
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itsendlesscorner · 4 years
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❅ 11.1O.2O2O
I am starting to feel that I’m going to have many problems organizing myself this semester. I only started two weeks ago and already had to use a sunday afternoon to put things in order which I don’t usually do, because I prefer to use sunday as a free family day.
「  Day 8 of studyblr community challenge - What is the best thing about studyblr in your opinion? 」
The connection between people. Doesn’t matter where you are from, what you are studying or your age, everyone can relate to you at some point and there is such a helpful and supportive side in the community that we really feel that others people hear us.
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lottiestudying · 4 years
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13.10.2020 // adjusting to work life and study is hard...im not used to managing the two. i only have to keep this up for another two weeks before we go on summer break [im australian, so reverse seasons]. over the summer i really need to figure out a system for managing this, all while keeping up doctors appointments and social events. and getting enough sleep. and laundry. if anyone has any advice, feel free to slide it into my inbox / asks 🌷☀️💫
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seven10script · 3 years
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rushing through some japanese studies readings
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sorcierstudies · 5 years
Calling all active studyblrs! 🍃
thanks for putting up with seeing to much of these haha but please reblog if you’re an active studyblr and i’ll try to follow each and every one of you back 💖  (especially if you’re a hs freshman like me woot woot)
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