#stuff like that is sO easy to fix!!!
daydadahlias · 1 year
i felt so mean pointing that out but i didn't want you just not knowing i'm sorry
no, it's not mean at all!! u dont need to apologize!
u guys are absolutely 100% allowed to point out continuity errors or grammar mistakes or formatting stuff if you notice it!! I actively encourage that you do; i will never be offended by it!! at the end of the day, i really am just one crackass college student writing gay fanfic for fun and stuff slips by my self-editing radar super easily!!
that's the beauty of sharing a fic in real time w/ a real community bc u guys do genuinely have a say in things and I can hear you when you talk !! i listen <3
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arinmoss · 9 months
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another Astarion wip :3c
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mac-n-cheese-art · 2 months
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more old/unposted art <3
w/o text under the cut
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catholic-paladin · 25 days
I can't figure out how to mod Baldur's Gate and all the online guides are using words and symbols I don't understand
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nie7027 · 26 days
You know what I've been thinking? I ve been thinking that Atlus shot itself in the foot by honoring p2 and making the explosion on the bridge caused by the death arcana to happen on the same year as p2 instead of a few years later.
Because imagine this.If it had happened a few years later we could have this narrative:
After the events of p2 EP Nanjo, not satisfied with the resolution reached, decides to take Kandoris research(that he had previously saved and kept under lock so it wouldnt fall on the wrong hands), create an investigation team and fund further research regarding Shadows and the collective unconscious/the des of souls in hopes to find a better solution to the fragile situation the splitting of realities caused.
Unbeknownst to him (as the P1 team had no idea about the true extent of Nyx power, only having fought a small scrap of it in the form of the Snow Queen Mask) Nyx starts to take control of the minds of the scientists working for him who start to commit unethical experimentation in the name of the research to fulfill Nyx objective.
Eventually Nanjo finds about the unethical experimentation, including a future project regarding experimentation on children, and immediatelly shuts down the research, angering the group of scientists and causing the fights that eventually lead to the separation of the group who will go on to become the Kirijo group under the leadership of Kouetsu Kirijo.
They of course take/steal the research with them.
As Nanjo couldn't draw the media attention and risk the knowledge that his company was involved with unethical experimentation to come out Nanjo couldn't stop them and he had to play the card about how the separation was a mutual accord caused by a difference of interests while trying to find a way to close in and stop the Kirijo group from the shadows without the research leaking out even more (here's where he hires Baofu and Ulala and starts working with them to find a way to subtly bring the Kirijo group down)
This all comes to an end when the Kirijo lab explodes and all the research is seemingly lost.
Nobody knows what happened and everybody involved died in the accident.
No matter how much they search they can't find anything.
Not even the son of Kouetsu, Takeharu Kouetsu, who now that his father is dead has inherited the company seems to know anything (in part because Kirijo is keeping everything under wraps, in part because even they actually don't know what really happened. The only one who knows it's Ikutsuki and he's manipulating everyone).
So believing everything was truly lost and there's nothing more to do, ridden with guilt born from everything bad that happened since he decided to revive Kandoris research (he should have know anything related to THAT would need up this way, he should have known it was a terrible desicion, why did he have to be so arrogant to want to take everything in his hands...) Nanjo ceases and decides to focus on his company and watching over his own team and the p2 cast (keeping watch on them and making sure they don't accidentally bring the end of the world by recovering their memories)
But there's always something inside of him telling him to keep an eye on the Kirijo group, to not ignore them and he kinda does by maintaining close business relationships.
But it isn't enought.
He's not as as meticulous as he was before, as he should have been.
Thisakes him completely unprepared when the Fall happens years later.
And again nobody knows what happened, worst of all, everybody seems to have actually completely forgotten anything even happened.
But he knows.
He knows whatever happened was Persona/Shadow related so he once again turns his full attention to the Kirijo Group but this time he keeps a careful eye on the young heiress, Mitsuru Kirijo, as it's clear to him she isn't all that it seems.
He keeps his distance, not interfering, but staying watchful. Hoping to learn anything about what truly happened before acting seeing as how badly trying to take everything in his hand went last time.
And that's how Nanjo eventually learns about the Shadows ops (but funnily enough still knows nothing about the Fall being this the most guarded secret the Shadow ops, NO, SEES has).
And this narrative would have been great.
It would have been good way to keep everything connected ... IF ONLY the kirijo lab had happened a few years later.
By making it happen a few months after p2 it gives a very tiny widow of time for the fallout between the Nanjo and Kirijo groups to occur.
In fact it gives too little time for everything to happen considering P1 takes place in 1996.
By 1999 only 3 years have happened since the P1 cast found out about personas, shadows and defeated Kandori.
Only 3 years for the Nanjo group to start its research, a fallout to occur which ends up creating the Kirijo group AND then the Kirijo group doing everything they did until the formation of the death arcana and it's battle with Aigis on the bridge...
All of that in the span of just 3 years with everything in P2 happening at the same time.
And I KNOW I could change it.
I could move the dates a little to make everything fit better without really changing anything...
(Makoto losing his parents at the age of 8 instead of 4 for example doesn't really change anything. He would repress equally the same)
BUT changing the 10 years that Minato stored death inside of him feels SO WRONG.
It feels likes it's something quintessential to the narrative...AND I DONT KNOW WHY.
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Draw Airy (HFJONE)
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got kind of carried away w this im so sorry. i dont know what i was going for tbh
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impossible-rat-babies · 2 months
me sobbing and crying bc even w C+ update it still won’t fix eyrie’s chin
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netherstray · 1 year
Ok so we're kind of getting into Dragonflight now and I'm wondering... Why isn't Wrathion using his new model? Why? There was a theory that maybe it would be an aspect model, but... Honestly, that never held much water in the first place because it doesn't look like an aspect model. It just looks like a better model.
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So what is it? Blizz, you made him this nice, new model with new animations and everything. What's the deal? And it's definitely him. The model is called wrathiondrake2.m2. It's him.
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It's not like it's severely incomplete. I mean, it looks good. It has nearly all of the same animations as the riding drakes. Not all, but nearly all of them. Enough that adding in the rest wouldn't be hard.
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And look at it. Look at it. That's Wrathion. That's not just a dragon stuck on a Vanilla rig made to kind of make do as Wrathion, like... That's Wrathion right there. So what's the deal?
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Colors are way better, too. And even if they weren't, it's just the texture. Textures are easy to change, especially if it's just minor color adjustments.
Again, this model is in the game's files. It functions just fine. And it's not exactly like it's some greater life stage for Wrathion. This doesn't look like an adult dragon; it still looks like a drake.
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And yeah, it has a talking animation. And a laughing animation. It can do all the Wrathion things.
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Of all the weird decisions in Dragonflight, I'd have to say... This is the weirdest one so far.
This guy has existed since the beta in more or less the same form. Not much has changed with him since then. And sure, like I said: some animations are missing that the Highland Drake has. But it's really not a lot. So... What's the deal?
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Why no Wrathion update?
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rencoons-trashcan · 6 months
I was reorganizing my introduction post and I was trying to make links to the tags of each respective blorbo but for some reason WHEN I GO TO THOSE TAGS ON MY PROFILE A LOT OF MY POSTS DON'T EVEN APPEAR FOR SOME REASON WTF (I've checked and they are propperly tagged)- WHAT AM I SUPPPOSED TO DO NOW???
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I've tried making like new tags to add but that doesn't work either...
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
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Assortment of Cogs Only member doodles from today - I was gonna draw all of the Club Cats also but I (family guy death pose)
don't mind the ex wife inside joke meme I had to draw it eventually
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strixhaven · 9 months
based solely on my childhood obsession with dragons i knew i was destined to be asexual
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ssspringroll · 7 months
very pleased with how it WORKS though, even if the actual braid chunk needs more tweaking shape-wise. check it out, no need to worry about stretching it out super long if you want a longer braid. dont need to lop off the ends if you want a shorter one. it just goes along with the length of the curve :)
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raifuujin · 2 years
It’s done!
The directory of all the various DC related books (that I own) has been completed!
Not all of the scans are mine, when other people have shared for the main series and spinoffs over the years, but a very solid chunk are my scans of all the ‘unimportant’ material. (If other people had good scans, I opted to save my own time, even if I could scan my own copies, basically.) And now it’s all fairly organized in one easy access list!
Includes: Conan, Kaito, Yaiba, the novels, movie manga, educational manga, activity books, tokubestuhen, archives, game guides, etc.
Now that it’s caught up, I’ll try to keep it up to date when I get more books in the future.
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nonoqy · 8 months
sorry for no art and no anything lately i've been rewatching merlin and i am also in a sims cc making hell 😢
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starrysky28 · 6 days
New ship idea guys
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Gas station pole x my car 😍😍
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birdhemoth · 19 days
just got the 5 string bass i ordered for BGDgb tuning (so its essentially mirrored on either side of the D string). it cost me $100. and it sounds incredible. have i entered the twilight zone
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