#stupid rimbls
candyunicornsateme · 1 month
Fell down a bit of a childhood trauma info rabbit hole and thought, can you imagine the kinda shit Kenny would say as his experiences??? Dude is totally that guy that'd say some concerning shit like it's normal and a casual joke and everyone else is like wtf.
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random asks: 3, 14, 36
3. favourite book?
I have a couple, but I'll keep this answer to this set, Contrarywise and Trickster's Touch by Zohra Greenhalgh. They're fun little fantasy fiction books, very quick reads, but they are jam-packed with so many spiritual ideas that will embed themselves into your bones and blood that you'll re-read them and still discover new things. One of the main characters is Rimble, the Trickster.
14. if you got a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
I currently have four tattoos, all on my wrists-forearms. The first on my left inner forearm is a rune sigil I designed from the Kenaz, Ansuz, and Thurisaz runes. Roughly, they represent inspiration/creativity, wisdom and counsel, and breaking down barriers like bigotry. They also represent Loki, Odin, and Thor, in that order by name. The other three - left inner wrist, a wolf paw with the Bisexual colors in the claws, and this is for Fenris/Fenrir. Right inner wrist - Jormungandr with the scales tipped in the genderfluid colors. Right inner forearm - a lizard with a crown, the Lizard King, for Jim Morrison. I do want more tattoos, and one will involve a teapot and teacups, another an octopus. Or I'll go the route of the octopus holding the teapot in one tentacle while pouring seven cups of tea. I have other Nordic/pseudo-Nordic symbols I want, I'd like a Sleipnir for sure, and I want at least one Shakespeare quote. I just haven't decided which one yet. Recently, I've also decided that I need a quote from a Mel Brooks movie, probably one from History of the World Pt. 1 because that was the first of his movies I saw. When I was 9. I also want this prayer as a tattoo:
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36. what’s something you love about the world?
Its geological capacity to both endure and produce endless beauty in all its forms. That it can provide all the nourishment and shelter its inhabitants need, even if we're (collectively as a species) too stupid and stubborn to nourish it and care for it back. That it will evolve and grow and adapt no matter what selfish things humanity collectively continues to do, and that one day, it will go on while we are merely a memory in the Earth's consciousness.
Random Asks
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fanficwriter013 · 6 years
Tower Announcement
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Hey all. I’m sure you’ve heard by now that Tumblr did a bad, and deactivated Kate’s account. FEAR NOT! Your favorite sexvengers live on, over at the friendly neighborhood AO3! Either at mine or at Kate’s.
Thanks guys, Happy Reading,
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milliyum · 7 years
@nieloxychen @kittenbloodcoffee i did it, i ate it all!!!
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vinnival · 3 years
H👋🏻iii hia👋🏻👋🏻a👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 hellooo 👋🏻👋🏻hii 👋🏻👋🏻hiiii👋🏻ii 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
Is it okay if i ask for a madness combat matchup???????(if not then you can ignore this, i will understand you)
I'm a 5'2 , female, straight. I have fluffy curly dark brown hair, about chin length, wich i desperately straighten every day😩 I have grey eyes. My skin is pretty pale, because i rarely go outside, except work. I wear glasses, bc I have very VERY poor eyesight, sometimes i feel like an old man............
I think i would call myself quite friendly, but on the other hand afraid to make new friends, because I'm afraid to seem stupid and uninteresting to them. I am always optimistic, laugh a lot and try to cheer up my friends somehow. i am quite calm, very rarely show aggression to people i don't like. Also i like to bite and pinch my friends.
I am interested in programming, guns and other military stuff, play retro games. My favorite game is Blood and Doom!!!!
op u sound so badass wtf !!!!! though as a person w/super curly hair and my knowledge on hair safety you should probably stop straightening it all the time :( it could damage your hair beyond repair, but otherwise you do you!! Enjoy :]
You got a match! You're matched with...
Agent Torture!
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You were a teacher for A.A.H.W., teaching newbies about different guns and training them
Suddenly, you heard gunshots in the distance
"Aw fuck another ANTI attack?!"
You groaned as a MAG agent tore through your small doorframe, destroying it yet again for the third time in the past two weeks (you JUST HAD IT FIXED AARRRG)
But you paused
This one looked like the infamous Agent Torture, one of the first MAGs to survive the tests
He scanned the room, looking at all the rookie students
His eyes landed on you, and grunted very loudly, nodding to you
"Okay, everyone, file out calmly, MAG Agent Torture will lead you to a safe area where you won't get attacked"
You had to stay and defend your room, it had valuable tools in it that could NOT be taken
Once everyone else left, Torture stared at you strapping up
"Go, Agent. I'm tasked with defending my ground in these cases."
The gunfires were getting louder
He left after that, wanting to protect the newbies
You did a bit of fighting, but the stragglers that survived and made it so far were weakened and you kind of felt bad
Kind of
Torture came back to check up on you
You were very soft spoken and considerate to him, and he couldn't help but reach his hand out to pet your hair
You were dumbfounded at that djsndndn
He quickly pulled back and kept staring at you
You could tell he liked your curls :) so bouncy huhu
You love being his friend, especially since you know he wouldn't judge you :D
I mean,, he was physically altered into a giant with the intent of killing and given the name Torture, why would he judge others when he already faces judgement from others nearly every single day?
(That broke my heart to write)
He holds you a lot
Very gently
Also loves petting your hair
When you mentioned you like to bite/pinch a lot, he offered you his finger
he lets you bite him bc he doesn't feel the pain from it HHHHDHDFF
You feel very extremely safe around him
He sits in your room when you're teaching newbies
Some of them are nervous most of the time but you adored the fact that he appreciated you and liked you enough to actively be around you
He also watches you play retro games :]
He wishes he could play too sometimes poor boy
He loves it when you pet him, pet him a lot pls
You woke up to him carrying you somewhere one day
"Where are we going, Tor?"
A low rimble came from him, and you looked out to see a nice view of Nevada
He brought you to the cliff near the A.A.H.W facility!!
You two just sat there for a bit, taking in the view of the oddly beautiful gray desert
You felt very gentle taps on your shoulder from a large finger
You looked over, and Torture was twiddling his thumbs
He hesitantly leaned over to you, and then placed a kiss on top of your head
You almost c r i e d
You hugged him immediately and planted kisses all over his face
He loves you aweee!!
I hope you liked this op!!! Writing for torture is fun I might (might) do more sometime soon👀👀👀👀👀
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candyunicornsateme · 1 year
idea where Kenny is desperately trying so hard to confess to Kyle and just say I love you but somehow every time they get interrupted by something or someone and Kenny is a man of very few words and its hard to get alone and eventually Kyle’s on the brink of insanity like “fucking SAY IT KENNY” and violently shakes Kenny so much he doesn’t even hear it clear the first time
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candyunicornsateme · 1 year
anyone else like. like think how intense kysterion could be because like. Kyle could get really invested if not stubborn about doing what he feels is right/helpful and like. they could end up in super dangerous situations. and then barely make it out and be riding an insane adrenaline rush and then where’s all that energy gonna go???
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candyunicornsateme · 2 years
Kenny would definitely be the one to look at the menu at a restaurant and go “you telling me someone jerked off a chicken?” 
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candyunicornsateme · 2 years
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Kyle.,..le.... boys...,... almost wholesome...,, STAANDING...by each other
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candyunicornsateme · 2 years
Kyle’s hair and nose............. love drawing him.... love Kyle
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candyunicornsateme · 2 years
thinking about flipping things around and Kyle being kinda maybe a lil infatuated w/ Kenny... 😞just a little...
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candyunicornsateme · 3 years
I made the mistake of listening to The Sims Soundtrack: Building Mode 4 while looking at my last drawing and now I am suffering...
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candyunicornsateme · 4 years
all things considering doesnt kyle kinda seem like he’d be like, a romantic and sweet, in a way? Like he was getting his hair all fixed up and stuff that time. Like fam he cares he’d be up in there planning the dates and showin’ up in a nice shirt 
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candyunicornsateme · 7 years
Kenny: touch my tiddy and I’ll sing you a diddy
Kyle: it’s fucking 3am go back to sleep
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candyunicornsateme · 7 years
Honestly Shelia would probably teach Kyle really good habits. He gets some smooth baby soft skin because his ma was like, brush your teeth and wash your face bubbie and dont forget to moisturize. Meanwhile Kenny’s skin is about as warm and dry as the Nevada desert, needs some hand lotion fucking stat son
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Top five fanfics?
When I asked for clarification, he said I could do other people’s and my own.  So there’ll be two lists, hopefully with links to all of them.  
On Through the Shallows by @majorenglishesquire (Hannibal/Will Graham, post season 3 AU)
PWP: Pie Without Plot by @majorenglishesquire and Orange_Crushed (Supernatural; Dean/Castiel)
A Feeling Like You’ve Been Here Before by @majorenglishesquire (Supernatural; Sam Winchester/Gabriel)
It’s Okay Loki. Tony’s Got You by SunshineA (MCU; Loki/Tony Stark)
the whisper of the winds and the words of the woods by @kleenexwoman (MCU; Thor/America, no I really mean America, as in the goddess Columbia, and Steve Rogers is there -- Trust me, this is fucking gorgeous and sexy af). 
Reach Out and Touch Faith (X-Men AU Logan/Kurt; warning - kinda blasphemous, in case someone’s super Catholic)
Never Piss Off a Telepath: Or How Logan Opened His Mouth and Said a Stupid Thing (X-Men AU Logan/Kurt warning: Mpreg.  Sorta.  But maybe not quite? Lots of laughs, though. Oh and mention of Scott/Emma, my big time OTP)
Gestation (Contrarywise/Trickster’s Touch fandom, which consists of me and one or two other people.  Rimble/Jinndaven, sort of; pregnant Trickster by a mortal woman)
Call My Name Or Walk On By (X-Men AU; Scott/Logan, post Logan’s “death” in comic canon; canon divergent)
Two Turtle Doves (X-Men First Class backstory, Charles Xavier, Raven Darkholme as children/brother and sister.  No warnings other than cuteness)
There’s one I wanted to add to the list, but I realized that it needs a slight adjustment to fit in with the lengthy storyline I’m creating from multiple stories. And one I’d love to add to a top list isn’t even finished yet, so I can’t really add it yet.  
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