#this is genuinely how i feel about their skin. the amount of specific hcs i have is stupid
the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Can I get Centipedes x Ragatha? (it’s a joke)
Ragatha and centipedes
jokes on you im going to entertain this because im feeling a little silly. going to be all over the place since its just a bunch of random stuff tying in with the general centipede idea future admin here VV did not think i would need to put a cw on this but this genuinely made me feel bluuuuuugh and yucky so uh. CW on talk about bugs and vague talk of infestations because the admin tried to make a hc on why ragatha is scared of centipedes in particular (admin realizes their phobia of bugs is worse than they thought by the end of writing it they just thought they had arachnophobia LMAO) not even going to bother to tag this
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i think its centipedes specifically that ragatha doesnt like. shes okay with spiders, shes fine with flies, hell shes okay witih silverfish (which arguably are just as gross if not grosser than centipedes). its something about centipedes in specific she hates. maybe its the legs. its gotta be the legs
or maybe theres something else? honestly i can see her getting her little fear of the things from a prank by jax gone terribly wrong, or perhaps even an in house adventure
or maybe she experienced something with them in her real life that, despite her losing her memories, she fears the bug down to her very core. something that shook her so deeply, engraining itself into her psyche, enough to carry on even after losing everything that once made her her when she put on the headset
okay jokes aside, originally i was going to go on a tangent about how that maybe her fear came from a really bad IHA.. but now that i think about it, the idea of her going through something in her real life makes more sense. plus as much as i write about jax putting centipedes in her room i dont think he actually did... but what i have cooking in my brain far exceeds the cruelty jax would dare dish out
i dont know about you but infestations can quickly instill a fear in you. i would know personally because when i was younger roaches and silverfish were common in my house hold, especially during wetter times of the year. also crickets. and woop the admin hates all three of those bugs, deeply. can you imagine going into the bathroom as a small child, only to get up and see a roach as big as your hand just chilling in the toilet bowl. do you know what that does to a person
cue that one post where op said they were taking a dump and they poked a weird spot on their wall only to watch in horror as a hoard of silverfish started spilling out of it
genuine fear of mine i hate silverfish kid me used to avoid the bathroom because of them
so anyways with the power of my self projection, im going to apply the same idea to ragatha. maybe she lived somewhere where centipedes were common. sure they might not have been the huge gnarly ones that we all think of when we hear about these things, but i think even the smaller ones would do her in after enough time. could be a large amount of house centipedes but as stated above, it would probably drive you insane after you see enough of them for long enough
okay psychological torment aside i dont think theres really any curing her fear if we're following this hc, like maybe you can help her build a tolerance to having them around but to actually get rid of it fully? yeah no thats going to take a lot more than you can give her in the digital circus
will NOT pick up a centipede you try to get her to hold, you could have the best intensions and it can be the cutest one ever in existence
i was going to add a lot more to this post and make this comically long but my skin is crawling (pun intended) at the images ive just put into my head. genuinely feel yucky inside
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scary-monsters · 2 years
You are my single pipeline to Diego Brando shenanigans and I love that for you. Me. Us.
Tell me, have you got any fun headcanons about the Diegosaur? Literally cannot get enough of his lame ass (exceedingly affectionate).
omg Obsessed with this ask, THANK YOU :'))) i love it for you and us as well, he's the best, it's my mission every day to scream abt him so much that more and more people will be converted
i have some really Strong headcanons, i don't remember what i've mentioned on here and what i haven't, BUT:
he's a fiend for sweets, he loooves baked goods and pastries especially
i mean this feels fairly canon anyway, but he's very socially stunted and has very little basis to go off of as far as building relationships goes, he's painfully awkward and that's uncomfortable for him so he chooses to fill in the blanks with his typical jackassery and spiteful commentary. it's all he knows, it's what gets a reaction (and he likes attention, good or bad)
his horse is and always will be his bff, he raised silver bullet from the time she was born and closely bonded with her from the get-go due to his innate connection with horses in general. plus, regarding the previous hc, he probably didn't connect with many kids his age and SB was always easier for him to exist with (i don't recall there being a canon gender for SB but i default to 'she' so i apologize if i missed that somewhere)
in general: hates people (canon) but LOVES animals so so so much
movie snob movie snob movie snoooobbbb... i rarely envision deeg in a modern setting but every time i do it's him watching a movie with someone else and loudly discussing his theories and insisting others pay attention. and when anyone else has a comment to make he's OFFENDED bc why would they talk during a movie??? then rewinds it a dramatic amount to replay. hypocritical brat.
consistently cold, blanket hog, whiny little baby about the entire experience of being even just a little chilly.
morning person, gets up with the sunrise and loudly enjoys the entire early morning experience. modern diego would be a little bit like those "rise and grind" people, i just know it. except he's spoiled and barely has to work very hard so like. Shut Up lmao
he's 5'3", no i will not accept any arguments (im joking, i just think short diego is so cute and i know it's pretty universally accepted in fandom anyway)
scary monsters makes his skin pretty dry even when it's not active, his hands get especially cracked and gross so he has to take very good care of them
ok so the bow on his helmet? stick with me here... connecting it with the bows he had on his shirt as a child... there's no reason for that bow to be there on the helmet but perhaps he specifically asked for it as a reminder of his mama
snorts when he's genuinely laughing abt something. it's cute, ok
(edited to add a few more)
really good at braiding hair, he knows how to do all those fancy braids that look really difficult to achieve but he can do it so easily, he's practiced on silver bullet for a long time, it's always been good stress relief for him
he's an ugly crier for sure, he rarely cries in general but when he does Oh Boy it's gonna last a while and he's gonna be a Mess
he's particular about the way he dresses (when he's not in the middle of a massive horse race, he doesn't have much choice there) he wants everything fit perfectly and cohesive etc etc he's probably the type to wear things like once or twice before he's like "alright that's trash now" bc he's a spoiled brat
feels the same way about his living space, it has to be clean and organized or else he'll have a meltdown (that too, he's prone to meltdowns over the tiniest things, stomping around and huffing dramatically)
he keeps things bottled up for a very unhealthy amount of time bc he doesn't know how to deal with his feelings, he'd rather just not have them but LOL sorry bud that's not how that works
hopefully that's not too many/too little hhfjkds i always have to stop myself from rambling abt this man, i just cannot stand him (i say in the most affectionate way possible)
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Kaz Kissing HC's
Kaz Brekker x reader
(Kaz and the crows are aged up to his early 20’s, though as I write this I am 17 🥰)
Warnings: kaz’s touch aversion, nausea
Requested: by anon, If requests are still open, may I request Kaz Brekker x fem!reader kissing headcanons pretty please? Not in a 'what kissing is like after he gets over his touch aversion' way, but more 'the timid and gentleness of his kisses even though he's still very much affected by it' type things? If its too specific, that's fine, just kissing hcs would be perfect (if requests are still open), I know you'll do amazing anyway! Please and thank you so much!!
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
Author’s Note: he!!!!! I loved writing this, Kaz is just a special breed and I love him sm. I hope you enjoy!
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- Kaz will likely never get to a point where he feels completely comfortable with physical touch
- on one hand, he wants to but on the other, it was a coping mechanism and reaction to trauma that he could never really get over
- which is a whole challenge when he wants to pursue a relationship with someone
- of course a relationship doesn’t need to be physical to be a relationship
- which was the first go at it
- you and him had the emotional thing going, the completely understanding each other, the trusting each other through thick and thin
- Kaz was more in love with you than he had been with anyone in his life and that kind of concerned him
- he had given you an amount of power that he shouldn’t have given anyone
- and he learned that with that love, he actually wanted to kiss you
- he wanted to feel your lips against his but only in moderation
- he obviously wasn’t completely sure how to go about it and you were not about to rush him into anything
- you waited patiently for him to come to you and never showed any kind of need for him to get there
- it helped him a lot, knowing that you understood what he was like
- it was just after a hard job that he kissed you for the very first time
- you were sitting together on the way back, alone
- he had gotten used to being alone with you, though it had been a bit hard at first
- you were sitting beside him as he cleaned up his wounds (he didn’t want you to worry about him and they weren’t that bad anyway)
- you were peeling away your clothing, ready only to take a bath and then get in something cleaner
- you hadn’t gotten very far, only your jacket off, when he said your name
- the way you looked when you were caught off guard was something only a select few got to see and he got to see it and it made him so happy to see
- he stood up and walked over to you
- it was far from smooth but it was romantic and timid
- he put his hand on your (still clothed) shoulder and kissed you gently
- it was quick but genuine
- there was an understanding behind it that some couples who had been together for years wouldn’t understand
- he wouldn’t kiss you often
- only when the two of you were alone and only when he was sure he wanted to do it
- but when it did happen there was an air to them that was unmatched
- oh how Kaz loved those moments
- the initial nausea never went away
- he still hated it at first but the look on your face after he kissed you was like a drug
- he could never be kissing you and touching your bare skin too but sometimes he would do one of each separately
- kissing you and then taking off his gloves to feel your cheek for a moment
- you both gave up bits of each other to be together and made some rare sacrifices but he thought it was worth it so he could keep feeling how he felt with you
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fbfh · 4 years
percy x reader hcs - you fall asleep on him
ship: percy x gender neutral reader
words: 857
requested: yuh (thanks bc this is so fucking cute??)
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You’ve almost fallen asleep on him a few times before
His presence is just so comforting and life is so hard
You can relax when you’re around him
That's really important
So in quiet moments together
When your head is on his lap, or you’re laying in his arms
What’s to be expected?
He’s like a human antidepressant
The way his chest rises and falls feels like floating on gently swaying water
Everything about him is comforting
His smell, his mannerisms, even the way he hums when he thinks you’re asleep and can’t hear him
“I CaN’t SiNg!1!1!” sure bud
He always smells like the ocean and or petrichor 
He smells more like petrichor the further inland he is
And more like the ocean the closer he is to the coast
 He's also warm
But like the kind of warm of sunshine on your face
If you're cuddled together and you've been quiet for a few minutes he knows you've probably dozed off a little
Never ever ever wakes you up unless he absolutely has to
Because he almost has a fucking aneurysm you're so cute
Like his heart swells 
He's biting his lip 
Literally trying not to giggle
And he doesn't giggle often
[Spoiler warning for the office]
Do you remember that face jim made when he found out pam was pregnant 
That's Percy’s whole mood
That kind of elated
He might have his hand gently running over you back or side
You’re just kind of curled up next to him
Like a little kitten
Your breath is softly hitting his skin and his emotions are overwhelming 
He didn't know he could feel this much love for a person, but here you are
Head on his lap, holding his thigh, asleep while his fingers graze over your shoulder
It's times like this when everything creeps up on him
Thoughts of cozy apartments and discussions of what color keurig you should get start flashing through his mind
He tries to chastise himself
It's too early to think about that
But he can't stop it
Or ignore the serotonin it gives him
He can see you like this every day
Asleep on his chest laying on the couch
A movie continues, ignored
All his attention is on you
Or first thing in the morning, hugging your pillow, tangled up in the cozy blankets
Even hugging his back drowsily as he makes breakfast 
All of it fills him with a strong warm love like nothing he's ever experienced before
If he can get some stealthy pictures, you'd better believe he will 
He'll never show anyone if you don't want him to
He just looks at them and remembers how your arms feel around his waist
How your cheek smooshes against his shoulder 
There's a really specific smile he gets when you fall asleep on him
You're the only one who can do that
Half of the time he spaces out it's because he's thinking about wrapping you up in his arms as soon as he sees you
He loves when you fall asleep on him so much that he starts having cozy blankets on hand
You know 
Just in case
Sometimes you wake up not realizing you fell asleep 
And there's a blanket draped over you two
"I got a little chilly"
He's not slick but you let him have it
Honestly the best part to him
Or one of the best parts
Is how comfortable you must feel around him
He knows how hard sleeping can be
Especially with the dreams y'all tend to get
Not to mention how hard sleeping is with adhd to begin with 
And the fact that you can just nod off from cuddling with him??
Fills him with a sense of pride and love like nothing he's ever experienced 
Saving olympus?
Yeah that was fun ig
But like 
Having you snuggled into his chest?
No amount of drugs could replicate that high
It takes everything in him not to smother you with kisses and cuddles
He's accidentally woken you up one too many times from that
So he tries extra hard not to wake you
The amount of self control it takes not to just start making out with you as astronomical 
But like
Be real
Would being woken up to make out with Percy Jackson really be that bad??
I don't think so
That's the best impulse control he has
Is when it comes to not waking you up
Take the feeling of a tiny kitten or puppy sleeping on you
And amplify it
Times like
A billion
That's the mood for Percy
You're just so
[Loud aggressive my heart is melting noises]
And you just make him
[Loud aggressive smooching noises]
He really genuinely doesn't know what to do with himself 
You fill him with so much love
And a little makeout juice
But mostly love 
He didn't really like napping before he met you
Now he'll nap with you any time any place
Even if he doesn't really sleep and just lovingly admires your beautiful face 
Which is the case most of the time
It's still really nice
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tiptapricot · 3 years
A long overdo hc post for Star! (These ended up kind of sad since I set them all pre movie, but I might do more later)
Shes a trans woman and chose the name Star for a few reasons
The first was that she drew inspiration from S.T.A.R., the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries, a queer activist organization founded by Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson in 1970 (idea cred to Star from the BnT discord!). Even though it was dissolved when she was a kid, it was still a huge inspiration to her, and the name carrying such a deep connection to the history of her identity felt powerful
The second was that for a lot of her childhood, she wished on the stars outside her bedroom window. Wished for an escape from her parents, wished to feel safe, wished to be able to be herself, etc. They were comforting to her, a sense of hope when things got dark. Stars were meaningful to her, and they became her
She ran away moved to Santa Carla to get away from her parents when she was 19, and became friends with the boys after running into them on the boardwalk
She was new, both to the area and to being able to be herself in public, and they were her first contact, her first experience, with a group of queer people she could connect with
And it was freeing, and joyful, and wonderful
She has genuinely good relationships with the boys until being turned ends up not being as glamorous as they described, and until they reveal (in a very bloody way) that they’re the ones behind the wave of local disappearances
It feels like betrayal
She doesn’t see them as monsters, she couldn’t after knowing them the way she did, but her view of them is shattered all the same, tainted, and that hurts
What almost hurts more is that they don’t seem to get why
She tries talking to them about it, reasoning that they probably don’t have to kill to feed, that they can just drain small amounts from people instead of killing them, but the boys have been so conditioned to only see things one way that they brush her off
Paul she still stays somewhat close to, since he works the hardest to make her feel comfortable even after things go south, but her and David specifically have a huge nosedive in their relationship. They argue the most and go from being very close friends to having something more bitter and sad instead
From some of their arguments Star gets the feeling that she doesn’t have the full story, that there’s more to this than David’s telling her, but he never reveals enough for her to piece things together enough to help
She misses being able to be around people more often. Before she was turned she wanted to start helping people in the community, especially Santa Carla’s large homeless kid population, but after being turned, the bloodlust became too strong for her to trust herself around large groups, at least for extended periods of time
For that reason she usually only goes out really late at night, when the beach is mostly empty and she can walk by herself and get some alone time
A few times every week she goes to the boardwalk, but it’s never for more than an hour or so, just enough to check out some of the shops or catch a snippet of a concert, or to take Laddie on a few of the rides
The rest of the time she isolates herself in the cave, using shells, pieces of sea glass, and other things from her beach walks to make decorations
It helps pass the time, helps keep her hands and mind busy, and makes the cave feel more like a home
She’s friends with Maria, since the boys used to take her to hang out around the video store before they were banned (for knocking over a display, David told her, but she’s not sure if that’s the full story), and she goes over to her place to take showers every few days
Maria doesn’t know anything about vampires, but Star finds comfort in their friendship anyway, even if she can’t talk about everything
Star wears a lot of essential oils, rubs them on her wrists, and she has a collection of small half used bottles under her bed
Her favorite scents are lavender, rose, and amber. Nothing too harsh like most perfumes, just gentle aromatic stuff
She sings, and she has a really nice voice, smooth and soft and perfect for lullabies and slow songs, but she only sings to herself and Laddie nowadays
She doesn’t want to be a vampire, she doesn’t want to kill, but she doesn’t know how to free herself and she doesn’t feel like she can just run away again because she has a kid to watch over and nowhere else to go
She walks barefoot everywhere because she likes feeling the ground
Her hands are actually pretty rough and calloused, from working with tougher materials like driftwood and rocks, and because her skin dries out pretty easily in the heat
She likes movies and will go to the theater when she can
She’s not a big fan of swimming but likes putting her feet in the surf and will take baths at Maria’s if she has the time
Sometimes when the boys are out with Laddie she’ll go lay on the bluffs, looking up at the stars and wondering how she ended up wishing on them all over again
Headcanons masterpost
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I'm too inactive in the nexo knights Fandom. But don't have the willpower to draw anything so I'll just start posting Jestro headcannons!
Starting off strong with angst and trauma 😀
-Jestro has faced malnourishment for how hard it was to find quality food when he was out on the streets
-You cannot look at him and say this boy doesn't have an inch of magic in him. I feel like he's got so much untapped potential, but his magic has a destructive nature, that's why he can't simply do spells that require much control. Summoning monsters without any practice or possession? Yeah he's great at it. Mayhaps necromancy is the answer to him, who knows.
- speaking of necromancy, with what story I have for him, he's always seen people that aren't even there. To others, whenever Jestro addresses emotionless people staring at him from a distance, they think he's just got a wild imagination. The aura of those people that only he can see however is in no way welcoming so he never dared to approach them. He learned to ignore it when he grew, but lol turns out he just sees spirits that still haven't moved on
-the most luscious hair. He's got absolutely beautiful locks. If he took care of them that is. I imagine his hair being black, lightly curly and long, but the knots.... Better to just cut them out than try to brush them at this point. He never put much care into it-
-Rumors have it, he's just a hyena in a trench coat since his laugh is both human and oddly not enough human at times. Mmm freaky laughs
-Another personal hc, yes...he i s that pale though I enjoy the body paint idea too. I have decided that because I gave his father (some tired necromancer) terribly pale skin. And that's just one of the traits that don't make him fully human
-Lance once tried to help him have a little makeover and spent half an hour trying to wipe Jestro's face before Jestro caught on and had to inform him that his pale skin wasn't face paint
-lack of absolutely anything a growing child should have also added to the pale skin thing.
-the older he grows, the more prominent his odd features became (longer ears, palers skin, sharper eyes, lightly more animalistic teeth)
-speaking of which, Monstrox' possession also left some permanent features for him (mostly scars like ones from lightning, eyes that seem to have a certain glow in the dark, some marks that can remind birth marks)
-absolute sweet tooth, Axl had to put him on a healthier diet and thanks to his good cooking, Jestro actually eats whatever Axl makes him
-whenever someone he's with is feeling down. Jestro makes them hot chocolate and sits with them, letting them vent out since he phases out half way through so they don't have to worry about Jestro accidentally spilling something or thinking about them differently. He does at times take mental notes of specific things
-He much more blabbers about others via writing than speaking
-Jestro and Aaron were known as the prank mazterz though Jestro was the one to get in trouble more than Aaron. Luckily Aaron would never leave them hanging. They're also the short duo, but Jestro ever so slightly outgrew Aaron
-Jestro and Clay have a special book in Merlok's library which is labeled as "Jestro's and Clay's heroic adventures" where they as kids would write out the adventures they had together and also stick some type of memento to the pages, if they're too thick for the page, they have an empty box like section to the book to add them.
-it's full of drawings and doodles
-after the first attack in the library, Clay took the book under his care in fear of losing it
-speaking of Clay. After season 2, he would get very anxious if Jestro went off without anyone knowing, but it passed. After season 4, whenever he or people he knows don't know Jestro's whereabouts or he doesn't come back for a bit, he gets bad anxiety, but doesn't usually go off to look for him in fear of invading too much personal space. He does message Jestro pretty often though to see how they're doing and offers them rides
-Jestro and Clay have a shared happy space which is a flower hill
-Jestro is worryingly good at puppy dog eyes and changing other people's decisions when he wants to. Usually uses it against Clay since it's the easiest with them. Though not to worry, he does it for good things, like convincing Clay to take a day off. The other knights sometimes ask Jestro to do it so they could relax a bit too
-He and Lance occasionally have make over nights, usually when the two have a hard time resting or just have had a bad day. It's relaxing.
-Macy is the closest thing to a sister he has since he's been around her often as a royal Jester
-Jestro has got some bad insomnia and sometimes nightmares so the knights catch him at 5 am drinking black coffee with a sickening amount of sugar since that's the only way he can handle it.
-Since Clay has a hard time sleeping too, the two spend a lot of time together at nights. Usually just Jestro keeping Clay company while they do some chores or train
-Even if it seems like Jestro has a bond with every knight, things were often times very tense between him and them. They're close, but still weary
-speaking of relationships being rocky, the most noticeable change of relationship was between Jestro and Clay after season 4. These two barely spoke or could hold conversations. Their friendship had grown apart and the guilt Jestro felt for turning Clay into a stone monster was painfully strong. Same goes with Clay and when he genuinely tried to k*ll Jestro that one time in season 4.
-Jestro's memory of the things that happened during his second possession is quite poor since he was struck in the head a few times and that majorly affected things. It's also one of the reasons he was a bit weary of the knights since he couldn't remember which one was almost responsible for his end, just knew it was one of them.
-He occasionally twitches from the electrical charge his body still partially posseses. Not a lot though since he got rid of most of the charge when he tried to escape the kingdom once
If you want more, I definitely have plenty Jestro hcs so be sure to comment that!!!
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poplinn · 3 years
@divine-buni​ ha risposto al tuo post: “ hello! I myself am not Jewish, and I was wondering why Jewish Medic is anti-Semitic? I'm genuinely asking, if it's possible that you could elaborate a bit more, please?” 
Yes, I’d love to elaborate for you [and other people who’ve seen the post and aren’t quite sure what I meant]. Considering this post is going to be quite a long one I’ve put everything under a read more, but here’s a quick TL;DR
Medic’s actions in Comic 6 contradict Jewish beliefs, therefore I find it disrespectful to our religion to HC him as Jewish.
Most people who HC Medic as Jewish are goyim, and portray him/Jewish beliefs/Judaism very incorrectly but don’t seem to listen to Jewish people who try to correct them.
All art i’ve seen of Jewish Medic so far feed into Antisemetic Stereotypes which is disgusting. 
Jewish Medic only came into existence to counter the Nazi HC
People just don’t their research even though it’s not that hard. 
Full explanation under the read more:
So before i start explaining why I think the Jewish Medic and its portrayals are anti-semetic I want to give a little background information. I myself am Jewish, I have been my entire life, and I’m a practicing conservative Jew. I go to the Synagogue and I have read the Tanakh [The Hebrew Bible]. Now I understand that the text may differ in some translations/interpretations of the original text. I also understand that some things are left a bit ambigious at times, meaning different people can have different interpretations of the same text. What I’m about to write after this is all part of my personal interpretations/findings of the Tanakh and what I’ve been taught. I, obviously, don’t speak for all jewish people out there, this is strictly personal. 
Now, what I’ve always learned from reading the Tanakh is that the belief in demons and Satan [sometimes even angels] is often, if not all the time, rejected. There are no mentions of demons in the Tanakh, and Satan is not a demon. Think of it that Satan is more of a metaphor, and doesn’t exist in physical form. He’s more of an advocate or metaphor for having different opinions. 
In Kabbalah Satan represents a sinful impulse a person might have[we’ve all been there], or a “force” that prevents us humans from submitting to divine will. The Devil doesn’t exists, he’s merely a metaphor for the bad stuff we have inside us, our sins/sinful thoughts. But physically? He’s not there.
It is also generally believed that Hell is...not a thing. It’s really more of a Christian thing to make people fear G-d. But what happens if we commit sins? Well, what I’ve been taught in my 20+ years of living is that when we die, we either go to heaven or go to purgatory. In purgatory you work off your sins for a set amount of time. This time differs per person depending on what sins you’ve committed and if you show remorse. But Hell itself does not exist at all. 
Why does this all matter? When Medic dies he goes to Hell and meets the Devil. 
The fact that this happens contradicts Jewish beliefs. I think that if you headcanon Medic as Jewish without taking this huge contradiction into consideration is very disrespectful of out belief. And mind you, all people I’ve seen HC Medic as Jewish are goyim.  Medic meeting the Devil himself isn’t inherently antisemitic or disrespectful, considering Medic is not canonically Jewish, but headcanoning as Jewish is.
Then there are the portrayals of Jewish Medic in art. Now we all know what Medic looks like: 
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He’s a white man, with short black hair and a little flock of hair that rests on his forehead. All the art I’ve seen of Jewish Medic so far, and I mean ALL, feed into Jewish stereotypes. Curly black hair, really dark skin and a huge nose. I’m sorry but, since when is this okay?? [ I shouldn’t be one to speak on this considering I have black curly hair, tanned skin and bigger nose /joke ]. Not every Jewish person looks like this. If Medic were indeed canonically Jewish the way he looks is just...fine. A character doesn’t need to have black curly hair, darker skin and a huge hooked nose in order to be Jewish. It just baffles me that in the year of 2021 people still think doing this is okay. 
And to add to it, like every other religion, in Judaism we also wear specific kind of clothing. The cloth and colour of our Yarmulkes all mean something, and to see this being portrayed incorrectly, by goy people nonetheless, it just bothers me a lot. It gets even worse that, when me and other Jewish people try to reach out to these artists and try to tell them nicely that they’re portraying our religion incorrectly that we 1. dont get listened to, 2. get blocked, 3. get dismissed.
To directly quote a message from a certain person I messaged about their Jewish Medic portrayal being incorrect: “I don't know how much I can say of Jewish issues considering I've never been connected to that part of my ancestry religiously or culturally.” Right after I explained everything to them, it’s incredibly dismissive in my eyes. You don’t need to be Jewish in order to understand Judaism or Jewish beliefs. 
I feel like I’m kind of starting to ramble, so apologies if it’s a little less coherent, but....I also think the origins of the Jewish Medic are a bit...icky/weird/uncomfortable. I’m not sure what the right word is [apologies, English isn’t my first language]. 
Back in the day the Nazi Medic Headcanon was a thing, which is obviously problematic on its own. Some people, in response to that, wanted to counter this Nazi HC by making Medic Jewish. Because it was “fun and quirky.” Which is ridiculous. Our religion is not just something “fun and quirky” for gentiles to randomly use as a headcanon. I personally feel like gentiles take our religion serious because of that. Jewish people are not the direct opposites of Nazis. The world really isn’t that black and white / Bad vs Good. You don’t need to be Jewish in order to counter Nazis or be anti-fascism. If someone isn’t Jewish, it doesn’t make them a Nazi. 
I don’t mind if a person wants to HC a character as something they aren’t, but please please please do some proper reasearc or reach out to people before you do, so you can also do it correctly. For example: I have an OC who is intersex. I myself am not intersex. I did research, I went to forums and I asked around to make sure what I was doing was right. It’s not that hard. 
I may have missed a few things here and there but I hope it answers your question and happy Passover
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Hey there, and welcome back! We certainly missed you 💖
Would it be okay to ask for some HCs for Lau before he went to England the first time, with a Fem! S/O who is a Princess, but she often disguises herself in commoner clothes and goes to treat the villagers from the Kingdom, since she's a brilliant physician? But since the Emperor is old, and she's the youngest Princess, she is the most spoiled and let's her get away with mischief around the Palace, and promised to allow her to marry anyone.
I hope it's not too specific, thank you very much for reading this, and I hope you don't get overwhelmed by requests! 💖
aaaaa you’re too sweet <3
specific is always fine by me!! including details like that definitely helps me flesh it out into something with depth~
on a related note, oh my heart is FULL!!!
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Part of him is incredibly wary about attempting to pursue a princess. After all, the Emperor is… the Emperor. He could make things very, very bad for Lau should things go south. However, Lau is also… Lau. He’s a bold person and simply passing up an opportunity, even a risky opportunity, doesn’t occur to him. He just… has to be careful.
Let’s be real here: he’s almost definitely faked an injury or illness in order to get to know her better. Even though he could approach her without a lie, he thinks to see her in her ‘natural state’ will tell him more about her. As far as he knows, the natural state she exists within is one in which she cares about people and wants to help them. He’s certainly not above a little bit of manipulation, particularly given that it’s not something he plans to make a habit of where she’s concerned.
Will probably offer her a discount on opium, densely and without thinking she might give him a lecture for the amount he smokes and/or sells to people. What? Everyone likes to get high, right??? Even princesses! Maybe especially princesses!! Ouch, he’s going to get an earful.
He’s just charming enough that (Name) can’t stay away from him for too long. She feels like she has to entertain him, because it’s what he so clearly wants. If all he desires is her attention, then wouldn’t it be kinder to just let him know he has it, rather than act too coldly toward him? The first time he kisses her, the fact that she doesn’t immediately pull away has him all starry-eyed for the rest of the night.
… Mischief, you say?? Lau is up for a bit of mischief! Because of course he is. At first he’s a little hesitant at joining in with whatever her shenanigans of the day are, mostly due to the fact that he’s keenly aware if he fucks something up, he’s the one who will get in hot water with the Emperor. But soon, he finds out that with most things, any trouble that he causes is typically just waved off with a warning not to do that specific thing again. Why? Well, because he was with (Name) when it happened, and the Emperor will let his youngest daughter get away with murder. Since Lau was with her, he’s basically protected from anything as long as the two of them don’t get too carried away. He could have some fun with this and he probably will.
If they get engaged before Lau leaves for England, it’s going to be right before he leaves, simply thanks to their only reaching that stage in their relationship shortly before he gets the news that he’s headed over. He’s not the kind of man to make that kind of a commitment when he knows he’s leaving; like it gives him free reign to fool around because he’s already proven he’s serious about her. It’s just unfortunate timing. Lau has never been seen so solemn as when he’s telling her quietly, in between kisses against her bare skin, that he doesn’t know how long he’ll be in England or when he’ll come back to China. London is where his business needs to be right now, and the nature of it means that it’s unpredictable. It literally takes every bit of his willpower to let go of her hands, turn around, and walk to the ship when it’s time for him to leave. To him it feels as if he’s just lost someone who he loves, and he hates that feeling.
Does she try to follow him? It’s not only a possibility, it’s a probability. After a month or two she just can’t handle that kind of huge distance between them. Luckily, she has a father, who is the Emperor, who lets her get away with murder. Lau will have to deal with everyone witnessing a genuine smile of his when (Name) shows up in London.
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loser-writings · 4 years
Ok I have a kinda angsty HC about omega hawks heat. Either he can’t/won’t take suppressants or the during the few heats that happen despite taking them his agency/the commission kinda hire anon alphas that specialise in helping omegas physical/sexual need during heats w/o making any kinda emotional attachment, no scenting, no cuddles, nothing. So the 1st time hawks goes through heat w someone who actually loves him is like ! Eye contact? Kisses? Stay & cuddle after?? He’s crying & so am I -🦇
Oh my god Bat Anon I love this so much. So I just went off to my friend today about hawks (Its such a love/hate with a huge love lean) and this FITS SO WELL with my headcanons about him. SO if you excuse me! Ima just play off of this with a few of my own as well. 
Also if you use an emoji for your anon, there will be a special tag made for you. Just wanted to point that out.
Omega! Hawks with his heat [Headcanons]
Warning: Mention of depression, N/sfw, Omegaverse, Heats
(Not my GIf btw)
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Hawks really has no idea how to show emotion, and when HIS emotions show, its’s very overwhelming for him. The Government spent so long teaching him that his opinions don’t matter and feelings don’t matter, so he is just sort of numb to everything. When he feels his raw emotion breakthrough, you better expect to see a very lost and confused Hawks.
He can’t take suppressants at all. He tried taking multiple different types, but he’s allergic to the majority with the exception of one brand. That one brand made him extremely depressed, unmotivated, and sick though. So HPCS just decides “Fuck it, Just keep him off of it. We may lose him for a week every 3 months, but it’s only a week.”
I think that HPCS would hire Betas to take care of Keigo when he hits his heat. Since Betas don’t go into a rut whenever an Omega goes into a heat, they are there just to make sure that Keigo doesn’t get hurt. Past every wave of his heat, they will check on him and help him recover a bit.
They can’t scent anything since their scents would be so weak, so there goes scenting items to help him, but they do have sort of an artificial alpha pheromone. (Think of This post as what they use) Downside to THAT is that he has a sensitive nose and stomach when his heat hits. Certain smells will trigger him to get sick and those nasty fake alpha scents will have him throwing up.
Because of the lack of emotion put into his care, he suffers from some of the WORST sub drop. Like yeah the unnamed Betas may feed him when he doesn’t want to eat, they force him to stay hydrated, and make him baths fairly often, but the emotional aspect of heats are extremely draining. He is getting nothing that he needs despite being around people so he just gets really sad and depressed. It’s one of the few moments where he really gets in his own head and questions everything.
Once he hits 18, they really stop having the Betas take care of him due to him getting fairly aggressive about it? Like yeah, sure, they keep him fed and hydrated but they also make him so severely touch starved and lonely. HPCS now just lets Keigo take care of his heats himself at his house.
Him getting an Alpha is a huge deal for him since he has so much baggage, so the idea of spending a heat with them?? He is dying at the thought. Sure, he may keep his cocky facade up and tease to try to keep the Alpha flustered, but he is so scared of having an alpha present for his heat. Especially since he knows how needy and depressed he can be. 
Yet when his heat hits, he quickly shoots a text from his personal phone (He has one the HPCS doesn’t know about) to let you know what’s going on. Luckily you show up right after one of the waves had passed, so he just quickly pulls you into the house before rushing back to his nest. 
He becomes so quickly overwhelmed by how different his Alpha is compared to how the Betas were. You came with a bag of things he might need, and he is honestly so shocked he tears up then and there. You pull out an old thin shirt that had been modified for his wings and some thinner boxers made specifically for heats; He is instantly crawling into them because they are so heavily scented and it makes his omega purr. You have so much water, and you politely ask him to drink and lay back against the huge make shift chair that was in the corner of his nest. After that, you carefully wrap ice packs around the back of his neck, his wrists, and his chest. He is shocked by how his body seemed to cool and how he could think clearly.
He doesn’t have a heat wave for almost an hour, and in that time you managed to prepare multiple other things on standby before pulling him into your arms, scenting him as well as you could. Maybe it was the heat or overwhelming amounts of love he felt, but he stared crying right there. He didn’t mean to, and he was so thankful you didn’t press him for why he was crying, but it was just so nice to be cared for this way.
Also this man is the SOFTEST during his heat. He will babble, cry, cling to you, scratch your back, bite, beg, and he will tell you that he loves you over and over again. Unlike his old heats where he suffered, he is in complete bliss.
He completely gets off to seeing your eyes scanning his body hungrily. Feeling your hands running across his skin as you compliment him over and over. (Body worship and praise him please. He may act confident but this man will cry and feel so validated) He absolutely loves kissing too. He isn’t the best at it and it can be a bit sloppy, but he really does put it all in it since he is so caught up in the moment. Also PLEASE leave hickeys all over this man. He will ask that they be in places he can hide, but seriously. When he wakes up next to you in between waves, he will admire the red and purple marks going down his chest and covering his inner thighs. Also if you are a little bit goofy, leave shapes on him. He will laugh so hard seeing a Smiling face on his hip or trace the heart shaped hickeys on his chest for hours. 
Aftercare with him during his heat is actually fairly simple. Praise him a LOT. He will get insecure and sad, so run your fingers through his hair and wings. Let your fingers dance over his chest as you reassure him that he is safe with you. He will tear up again and laugh, trying to cover up how much your words mean to him since he is so used to feeling like shit after a wave.
When he is knotted, he will cling to you and mumble under his breath. You can catch bits and pieces. “I’m so happy,” “Not a fuckup,” “Deserves love,” and more similar little realizations he has that yeah, he may have baggage but he also deserves this. He deserves to be happy and feel loved. He will fall asleep with the happiest and most genuine smile on his face in your arms.
Once his heat has ended, he has 2 days to recover since he used to pull feathers out due to stress and to get him things. With you there, he spends it eating, cuddling you, and binge watching shitty TV. Newest season of Rupauls drag race? Oh he is so in it. He also will have some deeper conversations at night, confessing some of the things he did and even discussing plans for the future.
He admits that one day he hopes that crime dies down because he wants this. He wants to come home every day to you and maybe even some kids in the future. He might mumble that last part, but he does confess that he wants at least one kid in the future. When you asked the most kids he would want, you were surprised when he said 5. “I would love to have a big family, but if you only want one kid, then that’s fine with me too.”
He originally hated his heat cycles, but now he loves them so much because he has an excuse to be pampered, spend time with you, and dream of the future. He doesn’t have to be “Winged Hero; Hawks” but instead he gets to be Keigo Takami, someone who still has lots to figure out, but is so thankful to have someone to help him along the way,
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creepypasta-mfs · 5 years
hey! I really like your blog so far ! Do you think you could write hcs for Ben, Dark, EJ, and Jeff with an s/o? I know its not very specific, just anything u got eould be nice 😅
hi!! thank u sm 💕 i can definitely do that
BEN Drowned
× honestly not a bad boyfriend at all
× well, for the most part
× in the beginning, he's still an ass
× he might poke fun at the little insecurities you have, definitely your height if you're shorter than him
× he can sometimes take it a bit too far, but he'll quickly learn your limits
× the times when he does push things a bit too far, he does the most to make up for it
× need a hug? of course. A twelve page written apology? Duh. Want him to make an absolute fool of himself in front of the whole house to make it even? Consider it done
× as mentioned before, he's super secretive and guarded. Takes a l o n g time to break down those walls, but once you do he's open about everything
× "anyway, here's my auto biography of every traumatic event I've ever been through, there will be a quiz over this so please take notes"
× also pretty touch starved, so any physical affection you give out is greatly appreciated
× like you have no idea
× very awkward when reciprocating it though, he's has little to no experience when it comes to this, so just give him some time to adjust
× his idea of a date is just taking a long ass nap together and ordering food
× wake up from nap #1, eat copious amounts of chinese take-out, then move on to nap #2
× will appreciate you forever if you just sit with him while he plays video games
× also enjoys when you show genuine interest in it and ask him questions about what he's doing and stuff
× would prefer for you to sit behind him and draw patterns on his back and talk to him, or scratch behind his ears
× likes playing with your hair and having his hair played with, will braid it if you allow him to
× expect a lot of just lazing around his room, and having those sleepy, half awake conversations, those are his favorites
× over time he drops the snarky attitude and mean-ish teasing and becomes more soft and lighthearted, only around his s/o though
Dark Link
× so you've somehow managed to make this little ball of angst like you
× g o o d l u c k
× so used to only thinking of himself and doing things that only benefit him, having to take another person into consideration is a big change for him
× really caught him off guard when he realised he actually c a r e d about somebody
× like damn this has never happened before
× doesn't really understand what "romance" is
× he tries his best, but can only really show his feelings through gifts
× what do you mean buying them a whole new wardrobe isn't equivalent to saying "I love you" ??
× isn't good with his words, but he makes an effort
× "your face.. It looks,.. Nice today? Did I do that right??"
× will probably start petty, completely not serious fights with you when he's got nothing better to do
× I hope you have a lot of patience, because he knows exactly how to get on your nerves and loves seeing you frustrated
× only when he's the reason though. Anyone or anything else that causes you any trouble best be prepared to catch these hands
× is surprisingly supportive when it comes to any interests you might have
× tries to show you that he listens to what you like and don't like, so he'll buy you things related to your hobbies
× those super expensive paints you've been wanting? They're yours now. Want to learn to play this instrument but don't have the money for it? Now you do
× giving gifts is his thing, but attention and affection are definitely his love language
× he's so conflicted because he wants you to spend time doing the things you like, the stuff he's gotten for you, but at the same time he needs you to focus on him and him only, ya know?
× is not above pouting and fake crying to obtain your undivided attention
Eyeless Jack
× a h h h h
× he probably low key panicked when he figured out he caught feelings for you
× has very little memory of ever feeling anything like this so he has no clue how to react
× you'll have to guide him through everything, especially when it comes to physical contact
× he's just so big and doesn't know his own strength, and you're so small and fragile, how does he avoid crushing you??
× he's going to need a lot of reassurance and positive feedback before he's able to fully trust himself to initiate affection on his own
× definitely searches the internet for advice on being a good significant other
× his search history
- how to be a good boyfriend
- definition of affection
- how to care for your tiny human
- how to know if you're in love wiki how
× lmao he's absolutely hopeless
× will lend you his clothes anytime, without you even asking. And he'll definitely want you to lend him something of yours, doesn't matter to him what it is
× likes that your scent rubs off on his clothes and vice versa, its very comforting
× won't outright ask for it, but likes scratches
× this has also been done to death, but will purr if you scratch the spot just behind his ears or between his shoulder blades
× has issues when it comes to verbally expressing his appreciation and love for his s/o, but he shows it through making sure they have everything they need or want, checking to make sure they've eaten that day, have had enough water, etc.
Jeff the Killer
× little gremlin boi
× will find amusement in scaring the hell out of his s/o
× stands over them in their bed at night, will wait as long as he needs for them to wake up and have a mini heart attack
× doesn't ever mean any harm though
× acts very distant in front of other people but very touchy when alone with them
× just likes putting his hands on their face to feel their skin, likes comparing how tough and scarred his skin is to the smoothness of theirs
× playfighting is his favorite past time, doesn't matter what his s/o is doing at the moment, they better be prepared to throw down at any time
× will give them obscure fighting tips that they will never need at any point in life
× "Street Smarts with Jeffery Woods"
× likes taking walks with them at night in the woods, even if there isn't anything to talk about. Just likes spending time with them peacefully for a little while
× often thinks about how things would've been different if he hadn't went about things the way he did, and wonders if they would've even met if he hadn't
× sometimes feels bad that they can't ever really have a normal relationship, but it is what it is
× tries to keep his life with his s/o and his "hobby" separate, sees them as innocent and doesn't want to "taint" them
× does everything he can to keep himself in check, doesn't want to scare them in a serious way
× another one of his favorite past times is snooping through your stuff shdhshhd
× if you have a diary dO NOT LET HIM KNOW, he will find it and he will read it
× will want to know if you've written about him in it, and if you have and he reads it he will never let you live it down
× it will be an eternal ego boost
× goes out of his way to be more gentle towards his s/o, don't let that go unnoticed
× tries to simulate any form of normalcy in the relationship as he can, and actually enjoys doing little domestic things with them even if its just something small like cleaning or cooking
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breakingisabella · 6 years
Can we have some HC’s with Bella and the Cullen Clan over the summer before New Moon? Did Bella use Edward as a personal AC? Did they install an AC for her? Did Esme buy ice cream and frozen treats for Bella? Did she goof off with Emmett? Play chess with Jasper? Like what happened?!
bella trying to do her summer reading and edward just being desperate for her to pay attention to him instead
“just let me tell you the ending.”
“i’ll write the essay for you too, come on! this class will be a breeze.”
“no edward, i want to read it myself.”
emmett and bella love hanging out and it’s over this summer that he starts calling her ‘little sister’ affectionately
they watch the summer sports games together, usually with edward sitting nearby to keep her cool so she doesn’t stick to the leather couch
she has a surprising amount of knowledge from living with phil and charlie for so long 
because she’s there pretty much every day, carlisle and esme decide that making amends to their lifestyle for the sake of bella has to be a priority
they decide to take a cooking class together and once a week they make her a special meal to practice their skills
alice and bella also attempt to make popsicles by blending and freezing their own fruit purees but they can’t find a specific adaptor for the blender 
bella knows it will make a mess without it but they call emmett over to hold his hand over the top and they just hope for the best
it doesn’t go well and esme almost has a heart attack when she comes home and finds her kitchen covered in the blood-red soupy substance
jasper is still a little nervous around bella but builds up his confidence as the summer wears on 
she overhears him asking a few of his family members if they’d like to play chess with him but they all refuse
he wanders past her with the board under his arm looking a lil sad so she calls out to him, “i’ll play. i’m not very good but-…”
jasper grins at her, “not very good is perfect! i love to win.”
in the end they wind up being pretty evenly matched and make it a semi-regular thing which by the end of the summer becomes a mini-tournament with the whole family taking bets on who will win
alice and bella become virtually inseparable over the summer, talking almost as much as bella and edward do 
within just a few weeks, bella considers alice even more of a sister than she did before and feels like she can talk to her about absolutely everything
she goes to her whenever she’s unsure about how to convince edward that she should be allowed to become a vampire and stay with his family forever
rosalie keeps her distance but slowly gets more comfortable having bella around
they’re civil to each other and every once in a while, when bella does something clumsy or is inadvertently funny, rosalie will crack a genuine smile
as for edward, well it was their summer of love that’s for sure
having bella be a part of his family and seeing her engage with each of his family members in turn thrilled him but also deeply saddened him
he could so easily picture her staying with them forever
but if she did so, he’d be asking her to give up everything good that she so deserved
either way, he knew he had time to make the decision and tried to forget about it as much as possible
the days belonged to his family and bella spending every waking moment in their home
but the nights were just theirs alone
and when he held her in his arms, his cool skin keeping her restful during the long hot night, he was able to pretend that there was nothing else in the world except one another and that gloriously long summer
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candyunicornsateme · 8 years
Honestly Shelia would probably teach Kyle really good habits. He gets some smooth baby soft skin because his ma was like, brush your teeth and wash your face bubbie and dont forget to moisturize. Meanwhile Kenny’s skin is about as warm and dry as the Nevada desert, needs some hand lotion fucking stat son
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aphelyons · 6 years
My Creative Year in Review 2018
stolen from but also requested by inspired by @drstrangewillseeyounow​
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Preface: This will be a bit of a mashup of two things; art and writing. But I’ll be clear. This is also a long post, I’m very sorry. Apparently I don’t shut up.
Total number of creations? (Or a rough guess!)
Art - Finished; 221 (not all published) Art - WIPS; 25 Writing - Published; 4 Writing - WIPS; 9 ?
Was there a project that you didn’t get around to?
In terms of starting or finishing? Lol. I didn’t get around to publishing the first chapter of the MU fic, which I desperately still want to before S2 starts. Because I keep writing all the middle bits instead. Nor did I get around to start writing the “winter fic” beyond plot points and a few little scenes.
There’s a looooooooooooooot of art I didn’t get around to either starting properly or finishing. Lol. I have a L’Rell piece I really want to do, as  well as [another] mirror Stamets piece I want to do.
What was the creation you had the most fun making?
Art: Oh that’s hard. A lot of things for a lot of different reasons. I enjoyed the Holiday artworks because they were….really out of my depth and fun. Mostly I loved sending them out on cards to friends.
More recently I had a lot of fun doing the Patroclus and Achilles piece. Loved using golden hues.
Also have a lot of fun with Not Safe for Work-Viewing pieces, but those will never be published here. :D Sorry.
Writing: I had a surprising amount of fun writing the Vampire AU fic [Just a Taste] for Halloween. Which I never expected to write anything vampiric, ever, and also it came together really quickly. Building the world in that short fic was a lot of fun.
Any surprises? (E.g. a character or ship you never thought you’d create for or a project that came out of nowhere?)
Well honestly this whole revival to art and writing came as a surprise, I hadn’t done either in many years. I was also never a Star Trek fan prior to Disco, nor have I ever been a part of a fandom before. This is my first! So that was surprising, also surprising was how massively obsessed I became and how important it became to me. But the best surprise out of all of that is the connections to people I’ve made and the friendships that have come from that. ily. <3 Also not going to lie, pretty surprised that suddenly my art has become mega-fuckin-colourful. Where did this love of neon come from??? Wtf
What was the hardest creation to make?
Writing; MU fic - hands down. I have pages and pages and pages of resources. Not only is it going to be a long story (I endeavour and hope) but also from the amount of which I am pulling from and want to align to canon as as best I can as well. Being a new fan to Trek also... it’s been pretty overwhelming to get these details right. But at the same time, really trying to flesh out a character we never met or saw in the show, and have them interact with the established canon and have that all make sense… That and have the science in it make as much sense as possible, I’ve based a few new things on scientific principles and things that exist and just trying to elevate them to a cosmic scale… and hope I can pull that off too. It’s pretty intimidating. Not going into it, but the way the story weaves and intersects with a few different genres.. I just want to have it make sense in it’s self contained body of work.
Yeah it’s hard. Lol. Biggest thing I’ve ever tried to do. But, I love it, truly. I think about this whole project an inhumane amount of times every day, and I love that. 
It’s also hard because I’d love to be a linear writer, but I am not. At all. I’m constantly writing ahead, well and truly ahead, but then coming back, adding to and editing earlier bits and rewriting and rewriting….rewriting… ugh
The subjects and themes are also a little heavy, and it’s cathartic to write about, sure, but also wanting to do those moments justice and with respect and integrity - because that’s important to me too.
The whole thing is just a lot of fuckin work, lol. But I really love it. Already - and it’s nowhere near done.
Art; Probably the one where Paul is laying down [crying] in the spore chamber. It was my first return to trying to paint semi-realism, and... it didn’t work out. I’m not happy with it anymore, but also proud that I pulled it off. That pose? Hair? HAND? UGH those took me too long to get right. But, overall it certainly taught me a lot to use on future more realism-ish pieces such as the Cosmic/Celestial pics of Hugh and Paul [which I love.]
What inspired you the most this year?
Oh, easy. Discovery. Hugh and Paul, hands down both of those things. But also to the endlessly talented people who I’ve come to know and also enjoy the works of - be it written, art, or otherwise. Creativity inspires creativity. 
What are you most proud of? (A creation, something you learned, etc)
Art: The Cosmic/Celestial pieces. Very proud of those. (So much so I made metal prints of them and they sit on my bookshelf between a salt lamp.) I really love how they came out, and really the original (Cosmic Paul) was kind of an accident, a happy accident if you will.  
Also the piece of Anthony I did for Anthony’s birthday. That was a lot of fun constructing something visually representative of a person.
Any goals/plans/ideas for next year?
Fucking get some headway on my MU fic so I can stop being so annoying by just talking about it, and fucking start publishing it already -  for then it then it would EXIST in the word. LOL. Ugh. That’s the only big plan, that’s all I want to do. Whatever art I will do - I will just find inspiration in the moment to do. No plans, other than the L’Rell piece and a couple other WIPs - maybe.  
Honestly just that and trying to keep improving, both in writing and in drawing. I feel like I’ve improved over this past year, so would love to just continue on that trajectory.
Pick your favourite creations! (Post links and tell us why you love them!)
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The Cosmic and Celestial Series I just love how these turned out, especially because it was such a surprise how it turned out originally. But being able portray this cosmic divinity of which I uphold them both to be in my mind was really awesome to pull off. The colours, and dramatic light, this whole thing was so fucking fun. The whole painting with colours as highlights / shadows / dual light source was a huge experiment for me and it taught me a huge amount, so I really love it for many reasons.
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The Song of Achilles  I started sketching this while I was listening to the audio book and while I fell in love with these two. Please, again, do go read this book. But the detailing on the spear, the auras and Achilles hair were my favourite bits. Oh and the gold blood. Of course, lol. Loved doing the symbolic imagery 
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Anthony Rapp’s Birthday Portrait  Because this man means a whole lot to me, and it was nice really nice for a change of pace to try and depict him and things that are important to him. Also really proud of that shoe, ngl. & And MU Stamets and his Mycelium Sun
Huge experiment in terms of colour and lighting for me, and I love love love how it turned out. Even if it’s a little rough. This one was so much fun, and I also printed this out on metal actually lol. Looks pretty cool.  & First MU Culmets Work Still in my heart, even though it’s a earlier work, because it was the first exploitation of this duo for me, and how they might be together. Also where I came up with the HC for his facial scar, which I always will include in any MU Hugh depiction of mine. But I still really like how their characterisation translates in this one.
The archaeology AU story I wrote for 30MinuteLoop. Also well, this is the only one that’s safe for viewing that’s published, lol, but I am genuinely really proud of this and seeing it through to completion. 
But also the MU story is a fave, but this is the only published section so far:
MU Snippet (These next couple of questions are directly from @drstrangewillseeyounow​ sorry I’ll be so literal in their structure, lmao)
How you decide on which style to use for individual pieces?
Unless it’s something very specific in mind (like the holiday pieces) I just kind of let it take a life of its own. See what it evolves into. I might have one idea to where I want it to go before I export it to PS, but once in PS it might take a whole new life (prime example if the original Cosmic/Celestial Paul. The original was very flat, and pretty boring lol but really became something else in PS. Actually it was supposed to be originally a visual piece to accompany my Vampire fic - and Vampire Hugh picture. But that changed entirely once I got it into PS.)
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(It’s hard to see but there’s a bite mark on the original side.)
I'd also know more about your literal process, as in: what's your hardware set-up, what software do you use?
I have a weird all over the place set up. Lol.
So I do the majority of the work on my iPad, up until a stage where I don’t think I can go any further with it (or need more than 6 layers at my disposal) and then export it to my PC (either work or home) and then work on it further in Photoshop. Of which it then gains infinite amount of layers, lmao. Oh god.
As for the file on the iPad, when I’m working on that I can only have 6 layers. So usually will do sketch/line-work on one (or two, if I have to work a problematic bit but then merge it with the rest) and same with the colour/painting. That’s always on one layer, which I’ve grown to really like working like that. I might do skin on one, then clothes on another, but eventually will merge them.  If it’s a full paint (or even half paint maybe), the colour and line layer will eventually be merged as I erase the lines I no longer need as I go and blend that layer more seamlessly into the painted layer. It just ending up a purely painted file without the original lines. Another layer may be added for more delicate details such as eyelashes and eyebrows, things like that.
Everything I do once exported to Photoshop is just with a mouse, I have a Wacom tablet… But I don’t use it, because I haven’t been bothered calibrating it with my dual monitor setup, and am happy doing most of the work on the iPad anyway as it kinda acts like a Cintiq in that regard. But localised. (Plus I can take it anywhere with me, interstate, overseas, to work, to the park, etc. I love that mobility.) Depending if I need a certain element that’s vector based, I’ll make it in Corel Draw or Illustrator, too. I also have Corel painter....buuuuuuuuut still haven’t used it. That’s a goal for 2019 for sure, lmao. Very occasionally I will physically sketch out the idea (like the holiday pieces) scan, and rework, redraw, line it, or whatever in the iPad then go forth with all of the above processes. 
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How long does it usually take you from start to finish?
Art: How long a piece takes really varies lol. Sketches can be between 1 - 4 hours on average, sometimes more. Flat colours will be a couple hours more. Half paints usually 4-8 more hours. Full paints and more realism stuff like the Cosmic/Celestial is total of 18hours+ but those times are just a rough idea, sometimes something just works out a lot quicker. Sometimes longer. 
Writing: FOR FUYCKING EVER. I’m the slowest writer ever.
Do you have art WIPs and what do you think keeps you from finishing them?
I have a lot of art WIPs lol I think just losing drive or inspiration to finish them is what mainly kills them, or me getting frustrated that it isn’t working out like I wanted. Sometimes I just forget they exist.
Probably same goes for writing, too. Lol. Also it could be that I’ll dream up the entire (or mostly) of the story, but then getting it onto the page is hard. I want to work at getting better at that.
Do you do any non-fanart, too?
Sure. Although not often anymore, I’m honestly just inhumanly obsessed with Hugh and Paul.. Even when I start a project that isn’t centric to either or both of them… Often it will kind of morph into them. oops. 
I want to say yes to fic too...but That’s a project I haven’t worked on in fucking years and years, so I doubt that really counts anymore.
Wow I am so sorry that was me just rambling on. Anyway, cool. Hi to anyone who made it this far.   I’ll also parrot the line of: Everyone who created/posted art, fic, gif-sets, vids, cosplay, etc., consider yourself tagged if you’d like to be. I’m curious! (I’m fucking serious, P L E A S E   D O.) 
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chargebeat-blog · 6 years
marina !!  oh boy am i excited to gush about your take on denki !
first off  ,  i want to say that i think it’s really incredible how much thought you’ve put into his quirk.  not just the things he can do with it  —  flight  ,  pulse healing  (  which is one of my favorite uses  &  in general i love medically savvy denki  )  ,  zapping shit to fuck  —  but also how it  looks  when he uses it or how it acts when he  isn’t  using it or it’s behavior outside of the obvious  ,  such as how it’s so bright he wouldnt want to overexpose people to it or how he can store up to a certain amount of it or how it makes his skin all hot  ,  just to name a few .  every single hc you spin out in regards to his quirk and every possible application of it always makes me genuinely  giddy  with delight  ;  it’s always completely plausible and well thought out and not only that it’s always stuff that wouldn’t have  occurred  to me  (  and likely other people too !  )  right off the bat  ,  which is really cool and says a lot about how much you think about denki and it’s just really really nice .
secondly  ,  your take on his personality as a whole is astounding .  you make him so  fun  ,  and to a great job of not erasing any of the less appealing aspects of his personality while still showcasing all the  good  things that he is  /  does and making him a multi-dimensional and genuinely interesting and likable character . and if i’m being frank  ,  i think you do a much better job at that than the series itself does .  
third  ,  your writing style is so wonderful for your portayal .  a good writing style isn’t key to a good portrayal but it certainly adds a lot when it fits the muse well and your writing meshes  perfectly  with denki . it’s fun but it’s pretty and interesting and makes you both laugh and feel serious emotions whether they’re happy ones or horribly sad ones or anything in between .  it’s like carrying him with you in every single sentence you write not just his dialogue or big  ,  drawn out actions  ,  but just  …  all  of it  ,  every word in every reply .  
fourth  ,  this isn’t a specific thing but  …  i didn’t really care about denki prior to following you .  even before we became closer friends  &  i got to hear more about denki in our discord chats everything i read from your blog was  beautiful  and  fascinating  and you made me want to care about him and want to know more about him  ,  you made him someone that stands out and that has a lot to offer in so many ways and by this point i honestly think he’s one of my favorite bnha characters purely because of how you write him .  i see him in the manga or anime now and i get  excited  because that’s your kid but also because i just  love  him now and that’s 100% something you did with your portrayal .
all in all  ,  i’d say you do an absolutely fantastic job with denki .  he’s wonderful and beautifully written now and i know that as you continue to flesh him out and do more with him he’ll only get better and better and i cannot begin to express how much i am genuinely looking forward to that .  i’m thankful to you and your portrayal for introducing me to another favorite in the bnha series and for honestly inspiring me in terms of my own writing and how i pick apart my own muses .  you are seriously doing amazing with this wonderful boy and i cannot sing my praises enough .
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