#stydia videos
lover-of-mine · 9 months
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Stay with me a little longer, I will wait for you...
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teenwolf-theoriginals · 9 months
this parallel 😭 - teen wolf (stydia, 5x16) + the artful dodger (jack x belle, 1x08)
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ehmahlee26 · 7 months
Multicouples || Last Kiss
my birthday collab...it's my birthday!
30, Flirty, and Thriving
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hepaidattention · 1 year
anyone else have those songs that just come on and you immediately think of a ship? like it may not even be a good song but you love it because it teleports you back to the first time you heard it with your ship? I hope fan video editors out there know how much they influence us, or at least me.
ceilings will FORVER be nace now
waking you slow will FOREVER be stydia
gone gone gone and saturn (by sleeping at last) will FOREVER be fitzsimmons
I hear these songs and I think of my OTPs, crying in my car because of the beautiful edits out there that have impacted not just my day but my MEMORY.
anyway, if you're out there and don't feel like your edits mean anything, they do to me. 💛💛💛
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starryeyesxx · 1 year
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captnswilson · 2 years
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wordsrums · 2 years
bitches will be like “i’m fine” and then be able to quote entire scenes from teen wolf from memory like some sicko … i’m bitches
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darklinaforever · 2 years
My opinion on Sterek is as follows :
First, I have nothing against this ship, and I want to say that people ship what they want. Myself, when I was very young and had only recently started the series, well, I kinda rushed those two myself for the hell of it. (I was 10) However, Stydia was still the number 1 ship in my heart.
However ! I KNOW the actors kind of baited the audience into this possible ship that is Sterek, probably at Jeff David's request. If not why ? I'm aware of it, I've seen the videos, and it's very clearly a form of Queerbaiting, frankly disgusting.
Queerbaiting can be about two same-sex characters in the story who are coded queer, and where the relationship has obviously romantic codes/characteristics but is then denied by the producers and storytelling. Like Kara and Lena in Supergirl for example. Either there is nothing at all in the fictional content itself (film, books or series), but the creators, directors and or actors are still talking about the ambiguous nature of the relationship, which is nevertheless non-existent in the final product. As for Rhaenyra and Alicent in the HOTD series for example.
I think Sterek belongs to this second category.
In the series itself there is nothing in my opinion to say that these two have feelings for each other, or even an ambiguity. Except maybe for the locker scene in season 1 or 2, which may actually seem slightly ambiguous between the two characters. However, I haven't seen anything else in the 4 seasons that would involve romance and/or sexual attraction between the two.
Anyway, that's my opinion. I don't hope to offend anyone.
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lover-of-mine · 8 months
someone seriously said the show was q wording like nah im sorry spn and marvel wronged you but no way is 9-1-1 doing that
Multiple someones actually. I have blocked quite a few people over it. Some days I let it go, but if you catch me in the wrong mood and say 911 has baited you, I'm hitting block without a single worry. I have a youtube channel and I post buddie videos there and I have the words queerbaiting, showrunner, producer and just baiting filtered from my comments because people would start WARS in my comments about how the show was leading them on. And like, you're allowed to be upset a story is not going the way you expect, but to say 911 is queerbaiting is just wrong. If the show was be going around the teen wolf would do with sterek with the cons and "you never know what's gonna happen" when the endgame was obviously stydia or doing whatever supernatural did (I will be honest, I was never invested enough on supernatural to know everything but I know enough) or even early days mcu, then sure. But it's about promising queer themes and not delivering. Henren is RIGHT THERE. Josh. Michael and David. Just because the couple you care about is not going the way you want it doesn't mean you're being baited. Just stop watching it if it bothers you this much. And the show is still going, the story is in the middle, we don't know what's gonna happen with buddie. And for fucks sake if supernatural can make Cas say I love you and teen wolf can get away with complicated feelings over a car, then some people need to learn some patience.
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brazilian-whalien52 · 8 months
Shipper tag game
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
There are so many that I tought would be forever, specially from my childhood shows. Still they give me the nostalgia tingle, so its not indifference. But maybe some like Katara and Aang? Like them but dont much care. Oh, and Hinata and Naruto I dislike now, after the ignored confession I just lost all interest.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Kind hard to tell, maybe Isa x Alex from Isa TKM? I was really invested (but Isa did have some serious mental problems)
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3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
My first fanfic was a Harry Potter elf insert, so no ship there, now my first couple one was AMUTO from Shugo chara
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
It was probrably Sasuke x Sakura, i remember I loved the youtube videos with their fanarts, specially thought Sakura with akatsuki robe looked super cool
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
I guess one time? When Naruto ended... omg why so many naruto answers? a trip to memory land results in that
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Always a MakoHaru hater, altrought i dont care much now, the hate is just nostalgia at this point too.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
That is embarissing but i tried a little the house wilson x house fanfics, now that i watching the show.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Zosan is my OTP since I first watch One Piece. But I do have others that are mentioned around
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Merthur, I will never understand why, the story point to that so much. But I do have some that get me way more mad, I just can't remember Because when I do I go in a rant
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Hm, maybe drarry? It wasn't dislike per say. But just seemed weird shipping them because of my childhood. But the fanfic were so good that I gave a chance.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Sterek and Shizaya. Sterek has the age gap that o didn't even realize was there when I was younger. Shizaya is just all levels of toxic enemies.
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12. What was your favorite crack ship?
Akafuri, I have it so bad for them. And it was extremely funny when they stopped being a crack ship. Also spideypool? When I started Shipping them they also didn't have anything on them, it was just funny the two together, so it's crazy that they have comics together.
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13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics off?
Probably zosan, sterek and drarry? Zosan was in portuguese, sterek when I started reading in English and the Harry Potter fandom just has so many...
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
I think I have a lot of enemies/rivals ships? Or that usually have some kind of banter going on.
15. What you absolutely hate in a ship?
First, when they are boring. Second, I hate ships where one side (A) is completely obsessed with the other (B). Specially when B does not show any interest in person A and seem clueless. I can watch romance story with these plot, but I feel like in other genres they always mess the execution up and I never feel B truly has deep feelings, just that A is convenient (thats why I don't like ships such as naruhina, gruvia, stydia, Hancock x Luffy...). Just not my cup of tea.
I am tagging: @dual-domination @killerandhealerqueen @wen-kexing-apologist @slayerkitty @gloster @nenehyuuchiha @jackpoompkin @kennyomegasweave @momofmysquad @hyperfocusmadness @kami-no-ikku @magnusgraycloud @geometricalien @enteisabo @hautegirl07 @callipigio @chitaprrrrrrrr @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @twig-tea @hyperbolicgrinch @bunnakit @tdwlara @i-che-bi @latinokokonoi @theflagscene @significant-ace-nnoyance @kuronekonerochan
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Okay now there's no way I finish this episode before I have to leave because I have to re-watch this scene a million times instead because ahhhhhhhhh!!!
First of all, the way they portray panic attacks in this show is sooo good. Believe me, I should know. It's extremely accurate, with the visuals and the camera work, and Dylan's acting is on point (Tyler's too in that one shower scene after the break-up with Allison). And it makes me feel for Stiles so much.
The kiss, and the way it instantly grounds him and brings him back, and then the adorable awkwardness that happens between the two of them afterwards...
"Thanks. That was smart." "Yeah...I just...read it...somewhere."
And then to watch them, having both settled down, be able to look at the situation in a new light and start to come up with a solution.
And then to go to the office ("okay, you can have my session" XD) and find the tree drawing and to have Stiles make the connection because LYDIA BROUGHT HIM BACK AND NOW HE CAN THINK STRAIGHT AGAIN!!!
And now Stiles knows where they are, and even though I can't finish the episode until later, I have SO MUCH HOPE NOW AHHHH!!!
THE SCEEEEEENE!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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(As an aside, I do acknowledge that the whole "kissing someone to get them out of a panic attack" thing maybe isn't the BEST idea in a real world context, but it works for them, and they're really cute, so I'll allow it.)
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ehmahlee26 · 2 years
Multicouples || Boxes
collab with @b99peraltiago
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logangarfield · 2 years
2022: a summary
Post your favourite or most popular edit from each month this year (it’s okay to skip months!)
I was tagged by @marcspektor and @rajalagang thank you, guys!! 🥰
The Amazing Spider-Man Rainbow Set (favorite)
Shazam! Gradient set (favorite)
Peter Parker and Norman Osborn in NWH set (favorite)
Peter Parker x MJ set (actually one of my all time favorite sets I’ve made)
This Stiles Stilinski set AND this Kathony set (favorites)
This First Kill set (favorite)
Stydia set (also one of my all time favorites)
Taylor Swift music videos set (favorite)
Steve Harrington set (favorite)
Scream set (favorite)
Eddie Munson set AND Titans as Copacetic covers set (favorites)
Into The Spider-Verse album covers set (favorite)
I made quite a few sets this year which was honestly really nice lol and it was a lot of fun looking back at them. I’ve made some of my favorite sets ever this year 😭
Tagging: @dickgraaysons @klinejack @smithmatts @damn-salvatore @tylerkennedys @fuckinlegacies + anyone else who wants to do this!! 
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msginnymalfoy · 2 years
Is it just me or the movie was nothing like Teen Wolf? It was basically a rehash of 3B I wanted a new villain also Scott and Malia were still supposed to be together I thought they would get married during this movie or something. I hated how she was suddenly with Parrish he's an alright character but no the movie just ruined everything for and I don't consider it canon to me it might as well be an alternate universe. I did like Scott and Allison in the first 2 seasons but I loved Scott and Malia so much more they're soulmates imo I loved them since season 3 I should of known this would happen since we barely saw them in the first trailer then the second trailer I was like I hope that's a dream that Parrish got like he did with Lydia yes it's creepy but better than them being together. What was even the point of this movie? Also we barely got any friendship or family moments where is more Chris and Scott? That's one relationship I loved but wasn't the one that found Scott the Nogitsune? So all their moments with Deaton were fake. we also didn't get any Scott with Jackson, Derek, barely any with Deaton it just felt terrible. Even though I don't ship it they also ruined Stydia they could of had Stiles and Lydia still together but was working behind the scenes except they gave us this BS sorry for the long rant but Jeff pisses me off I remember thinking when I heard of this movie that I wanted to see more of Scott and Malia being in a relationship and cute since we barely got any of that in 6. Are there any Scalia fanfics that are good that I can read or fan videos of them need to cleanse this mess from my mind.
I haven't watched the movie yet and this has scared me... thank you 🥲
They NEVER mentioned in the promotions about parrish and malia romantic angle because they knew how much we are gonna hate it and Tyler posey said recently they are gonna explore into scallison in the next films... they have butchered every thing they created... scalia, stydia... all that development in scott and every character... oh god... i cant bear to watch malia with parrish ... here i was thinking parrish looks older than sheriff in s1 and there jeff has paired that guy with my malia...gawd i can't do this..
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purpleyearning · 2 years
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cescalr · 2 years
thalia x reyna from percy jackson for the ask (i'm pretty sure you've read heroes of olympus but if i'm wrong, ronance from stranger things)
I will answer both and this is gonna be soooo controversial (for the second) lol ack
Also; I'm on mobile, and this is going to get long, and i cant link any suppirting posts that explain my perspectives better than i can, lol. If you want, i'll dm the metas. I hope I get the keep reading thing right, but if it doesn't work... sorry. Summary:
Tl:dr; I could see reynalia working, maybe, but I'd need to read some to get a proper feel for it. It might be one of those cases where I prefer it in polyamorous form, aka reynaliabeth. Reynabethalia. Or maybe when put alongside pipabeth (idk piper/annabeth...) Idk. As for ronance, just not my cup of tea for a variety of reasons. I prefer robin crossover ships, like my tiny little dingy of tarabin. (Tara Maclay/Robin Bucley).
Reyna/Thaila (reynalia??) Is not something I've ever considered, to be honest. I'm not sure how compatible they'd be, but I do ship annabeth/thalia (I should really look up pjo ship names, huh) and I've even given thalia/percy a go, because I'm firmly in the camp that you should give most ships a chance before you write them off completely (as it stands, the most controversial pjo ship I've ever read would either be luke/percy or nico/Sadie - that was written before he was confirmed as gay, though, so it's a grey area, like pre-confirmation romantic stobin fics, or willow/oz content, though differently so for the latter*).
Given all the above, I can't say I don't ship it, but I can say I'm not sure. I think given I like thaliabeth (??) and reynabeth, it wouldn't be a stretch to ship reynalia, though!
(*willow is controversial because of a clash between people who interpret her being called a lwsbian as biphobic vs people thinking calling her bisexual as lesbiphobic, its a whole deal I don't want to her into rn but... eeh, I guess I should state that I'm in the camp that her being bisexual is the most logical reading of canon, her status as a lesbian is a self-identifier because she swore off dating men, not because she isn't attracted to them - she cheated on Oz with Xander for purely lust related reasons, her whole thing with the will be done spell, and her actions with Amy when she goes off the rails (magically forcing men to dance half naked In cages in the bronze, along with other questionable acts) is... uh, not particularly lesbian behaviour, generally speaking; imo, Willow uses being gay as a mask for her insecurities same as she does her witchy power and her choice of fashion - to distance herself from the 'pathetic' girl she used to be. Its a whole psychological thing tied up in era-typical bigotry, unfortunately. It was the 90s. She wasn't going to be addressed as bi, even though she so clearly was. There's a reason I really like 2000s doctor who - it was the first positive representation of a bisexual I'd seen on screen, and being bisexual is clearly going to affect my opinion, here. Like. Duh. Same with lesbians who interpret her as lesbian. I don't think we should be arguing- at the end of the day, we all technically want the same thing; personal representation of our own lived experiences, and that's not a bad thing. Theres a good video on youtube about the controversy, which. Theres always a good video on youtube, lol.)
Um. Oops, rambling. Anyway.
So, ronance. Oh boy.
I see Nancy as straight. I'm also not fond of how she treats Robin in the little time we see them together. Im also not a fan of robin dating the ex that broke her bestie's heart. So, ergo, I don't ship them. I'm genuinely, as much as it probably doesn't seem that way, more of a fan of friendship, at the end of the day. I would see it as a betrayal (same way I see scolia and stydia as a betrayal). I tend to use romantic/sexual relations as a way to explore character because that's easiest to get my points across, but I prefer friendship. Romance is, at the end of the day, conditional. Friends can be friends still after three years of no contact, but that's a signal for the end of a romance. So what I'm getting at here - you can be tentative friends with someone the way robin and Nancy act (as is their canon dynamic), but I wouldn't be conformable with them dating. Nancy barely tolerates Robin. She displays annoyance at pretty much everything she does, from rambling to venting to expositing her mental state, Nancy's countenance just screamed 'I'm waiting for this to stop'. I don't like that in friendship, and I like it much less in romance. Even with my most controversial ships, there's still a kind of passion. Hate is not the opposite of love - it's apathy. Nancy seems often apathetic to Robin's mental state, her worries and concerns. She dismisses a lot of what robin says and does, at least from my perspective watching them. And it must be said - and I'll freely admit - I'm not Nancy's biggest fan, but I love Robin, she's my girl. That's going to cause some problems. Even with ships that are objectively questionable, I have to like both characters for me to get behind it, or I have to like both characters when in the context of the ship. This makes little sense, so I'll extrapolate.
In the Vampire Diaries, I don't really like Stefan Salvatore, and unpopular opinion time, I hate Klaus. I really, really hate him. At this point, it's straight-up loathing. But I greatly enjoyed their dynamics, from 20s to modern day, and that they shared an ex was funny to me (same way it is with Zutara, and making jetko kinda-canon for that reason alone half the time, akfjqlfjwk) as well as being an interesting thing to happen. (I mean, what are the odds, really?). So there's that. I also liked stefan and Katherine's whole weird deal, which played an aspect. What I'm trying to say, I guess, is that there's a certain respect even in my most dubious ships (jetko, steo, fuffy, spuffy, etc) that I feel is completely lacking in ronance. There's a video by Jill Bearup about enemies to lovers ships that might give a good reason to one aspect of why I like it - they take each other seriously. There's an understanding of competence, an acknowledgement of thought processes, a certain level of understanding. Nancy has none of that for Robin.
When I compare the two ships of the 'fruity four', as people have taken to calling them, steddie and ronance strike me as two very different kinds of ships. And I only half get steddie (very not fond of popular portrayal) - there's no real chance for me to get ronance. It is what it is, I suppose. People like what they're going to like. If you want me to extrapolate on any of this, I'd be happy to! My thoughts are oft all over the place and need a bit of direction to make sense, though, fair warning. I think about a lot of stuff and only rarely coherently akdhlwkfkq but I think there is a throughline. At the end of the day, mutual respect is mandatory for me, in romantix relationships especially, but not only for that. If I can't really get behind ronance platonically, there's no hope for romantically. And for the record, as stated above, I did give it a shot. Read the most popular fics and then a couple of the most recent, as I always do. They didn't agree with me, and they left me feeling distinctly... well, not so distinctly because I can't find the right word, but I couldn't help feeling the way I do about the popular portrayal of Hermione is happening to nancy? She's perfect and flawless and a girl boss and has never made a mistake ever and I just.... eeh. Also the treatment of Robin is... not always great. But that's a whole 'nother topic I've already rambled long enough, I don't need to add that.
Basically, tl:dr; ronance is kind of disquieting, probably because I'm not fond of their characterisations within ronance fics, and I'm often affected by the fanon regarding a ship. I never liked Sterek, for example, but I could've tolerated it if a) it wasn't so prevalent in fandom that it appears often untagged like an accepted part of canon when it is not and b) if it didn't so wildly misinterpret the characters, plus didn't include a character that doesn't sit right with me (Derek - Nancy) and a character I love but portrayed in a way that doesn't even remotely align with my interpretation of them 95% of the time (Stiles - Robin).
Er. Yeah. Oof.
Tl:dr; I could see reynalia working, maybe, but I'd need to read some to get a proper feel for it. It might be one of those cases where I prefer it in polyamorous form, aka reynaliabeth. Reynabethalia. Or maybe when put alongside pipabeth (idk piper/annabeth...) Idk. As for ronance, just not my cup of tea for a variety of reasons. I prefer robin crossover ships, like my tiny little dingy of tarabin. (Tara Maclay/Robin Bucley).
(As you can probably tell, I have... lots of very complicated feelings about shipping Robin (and like, shipping in general, being honest) with canon ST characters. I'm much less strict abt Riordanverse characters as a whole, for reasons I'd be perfectly willing to extrapolate on/discuss if you'd like to do so!).
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