#success bible verses about achieving goals
mare-sanguis · 11 months
Notes on "Ambidextrous Angle" here
Notes on "Lady Justice" here
Notes on the Flowers in ep.8 here
Notes on the colors in ep.10 here
Lets talk numerology
As episode 11 will be rescheduled to next week (and while this is quite a bummer), it also gave me a chance to delve deeper into the numbers (+ combinations) present on the plates of the car of No. 3 and KMC.
Its really fascinating and fitting (personality wise) what I found out after a long and deep dive into all of it.
Here we go
Meaning of the numbers
The history/mythology behind each of them (note: I cannot include each mythology or can expand on them)
Korean numerology meaning of the numbers
Interesting fact about KSJs house number (177)
Number plate of the parcel driver
Lets dive into the topic!
Lets start with the number combinations present on the plate of No.3's car
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Also called an angel number, 31 represents new beginnings, fresh opportunities, creativity, positivity, motivation and progress. It helps to let go of old habits, to move forwards.
When this number appears in someones life, the angels are telling them that new beginnings are on the way. They want people to trust themselves and the universe to make the necessary changes to achieve their goals.
It also signifies the need for open communication, honest and trust (especially with a partner)
Yet another angel number, 67 exist to represent spiritual awakening, fulfilling purpose and shows the "right path"
It is also associated with new beginnings, fresh starts and new opportunities. If someone is looking for a change in their life, the number 67 may be a sign that they should make some changes. (It is a powerful combination of 6 and 7, more on these numbers later)
In the bible, 67 has a significant meaning as well, It appears on multiple occasions:
1. The Apostle Paul conducts his final and fifth missionary journey between 63 to 67 A.D. His journey begins in Rome after the Roman Empire acquits him of the charges against him and he is freed. He then sails to Crete and travels to Nicopolis where he will write the books of 1. Timothy and Titus. In 67 A.D., while in prison, Paul writes his final and fourteenth book called 2. Timothy. It is a heartfelt letter to his best friend and fellow evangelist Timothy. It offered both encouragement and a warning that his martyrdom was fast approaching. »But as for you, be vigilant in all things, endure hardships, do the work of an evangelist; fully carry out your ministry. For I (Paul) am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight; I have finished the course; I have kept the faith (2Timothy 4:5 - 7)« 67 A.D. will prove to be the last full year of Paul's life. Nero, who had recently begun the first state sponsored persecution of Christians, shows no mercy to Paul the Roman citizen. He condemns him to death by beheading in 68 A.D. just before he himself commits suicide on June 9.
2. The twelve Minor Prophets (Amos, Habakkuk, Haggai, Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Malachi, Micah, Nahum, Obadiah, Zechariah, and Zephaniah) have a total number of 67 chapters.
3. Psalm 67, credited to King David, is a song praising God that expresses his desire that the whole world come to understand the salvation the Eternal offers to all humans. »May God be gracious to us, and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us. Selah. So that Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations . . . Let the people praise You, O God; let all the people praise You (verses 1 - 2, 5).«
Here we have yet another angel number. This time, it helps to manifestin dreams, signifies positive energy and development and just like 67, its to be associated with enlightenment and spiritual awakening. It also symbolizes the imminent endings and terminations of some events in ones life.
In numerology, a 3 is associated with harmoney, wisdom, understanding, joy, abundance, success and good fortune. It is also associated with Jupiter (both the god and the planet)
It also appears in the bible on multiple occasions:
1. Number 3 is mentioned 467 times in God's word. It derives its symbolism from the fact that it is the first of four spiritually perfect numerals (the others being 7, 10 and 12). The 3 righteous patriarchs before the flood were Abel, Enoch and Noah. After the deluge, there was the three righteous "fathers" of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 2. Jesus prayed three times in the Garden of Gethsemane before His arrest. He was placed on the cross at the 3rd hour of the day (9 a.m.) and died at the 9th hour. There were 3 hours of darkness that covered the land while Jesus was suffering on the cross from the 6th hour to the 9th hour. Christ was dead for three full days and nights. 3. In Christianity, there exists the "threefold office" which states that Christ performs the functions of prophet, priest, and king.
In Norse Mythology it also holds significance
1. Prior to Ragnarök, there will be three hard winters without an intervening summer. These winters are called "Fimbulwinter" (meaning awful, migthy winter in old norse)- these winters mean no summer in between, but filled with snow, bitter frost and icy storms. (There is speculation that climate change, which began in Scandinavia at the end of the Nordic Bronze Age, gave rise to the legend of the Fimbulwinter.) 2. Odin endured three hardships upon the World Tree in his quest for the runes: he hanged himself, wounded himself with a spear, and suffered from hunger and thirst. 3. Bor had three sons: Odin (father god in norse mythology associated with wisdom, healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, war, battle, victory, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet), Vili and  Vé. All three sons are the creators of the world.
In greek mythology it too makes its appearance through the 3 sons of Cronos (god of time)
1. Zeus (god of sky and thunder) known for: turning his first wife into a fly which he then ate, cursing Sisyphus to push a giant boulder up a hill forever, chaining prometheus to a rock so an eagle could eat his liver, consistently being unfaithful to his wife (Hera), confining Tantalus in the underworld out of pure reach of nourishment, turning into a cloud to seduce Io, tricking Pandora into opening the box and ultimately turning herself into the burden of humanity, wiping out humankind, binding Ixion to an eternally burning wheel, forcing Atlas to hold the world on his shoulders, raping Callisto (whom he then turned into a bear) as well as Antiope and Alcmene (and many other female gods) 2. Poseidon (god of sea, storms, earthquakes and horses) known for: fighting in the troja war where he created such a huge earthquake it nearly destroyed the underworld, raping Athena and Demeter (and many more) 3. Hades (god of the underworld and the dead) known for kidnapping Persephone and tricking her into marrying him
(The roman equivalents are Saturn, Jupiter, Neptun and Pluto)
Other religions also reference the number 3
The Wiccan Rule of Three. The Triple Goddess: Maiden, Mother, Crone (the three fates) The Slavic god Triglav has three heads. There were three primary gods in Babylonia mythology (Anu, Bel, Ea) Three aspects to the Egyptian sun god (Khepri, Re, Atum)
And it represents the male principles
The number 3 is a very mystical and spiritual number featured in many folktales (three wishes, three guesses, three little pigs, three bears, three billy goats gruff). Plato saw 3 as being symbolic of the triangle, the simplest spatial shape, and considered the world to have been built from triangles.
In German folklore a paper triangle with a cross in each corner and a prayer in the middle was thought to act as protection against gout, as well as protecting a cradle from witches.
Three black animals were often sacrificed when attempting to conjure up demons. On the other hand, a three-coloured cat was a protective spirit. In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth (1606–07) there are three witches, and their spell begins, “Thrice the brindled cat hath mewed,” reflecting such superstitions.
Also, 3 is the dimension of the smallest magic square in which every row, column, and diagonal sums to 15
We continue with the number combination on the plate of KMC's car
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Again, another angel number. It signifies good luck and faith.
21 means to enter a time of abundance. For those who have been dealing with a time of transition or facing difficulties, seeing this number can be a positive sign that soon this period will be behind you, and you can take the lessons of the past and put them to good use in your bright and beautiful future. This number has a special meaning - one connected to comfort, protection, and positive energy, helping you enter the next chapter of your life path.
In the bible, 21 is present as well
1. It represents great wickedness of rebellion and sin. After the people left Egyptian bondage, they had twenty-one major rebellious events as they wandered the wilderness. 2. The book of Judges and the gospel of John contain 21 chapter 3. The book of Hebrews contains materials from twetnty-one Old Testament books 4. In 2. Timothy the apostel Paul writes of 21 sins which show the exceeding wickedness of self and sin. He begins chapter 3 with a warning; "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will…" he then proceeds to list the sind humans will indulge in: 1) selfishly love themselves 2) Love money 3) Bragging 4) Be proud of themselves 5) Blaspheme 6) Disregard and disobe their parents 7) Not be thankful for what they have 8) Reject being holy 9) Will not have natural affection 10) Will be uncompromising 11) Falsely accuse others 12) Lack of any self-control 13) Will be fierce 14) Hate anyone who does good 15) Betray others 16) Will act hardheaded 17) Will have exalted, selfish views 18) Lovers of pleasure 19) Reject loving god 20) Will seem superficially to be godly 21) Deny God's power
The number of nothingness. freedom and no limitations. It is also often referred to as the void, as it represents potential and choice. It most likely means that positive change is on the way
In Chinse numerology on the other hand it takes on a quite positive meaning (beginning of all things (and is generally considered a good number, because it sounds like 良 (pinyin: liáng), which means 'good'.
The number of completion, although not a final ending. 9 means "near the final destination", and represents fulfillment of one cycle so you can prelare to initiate the next one as well as ebb and flow.
Again, another important number in the bible
It represents the fruits of God's Holy Spirit. These fruits are faithfulness, gentleness, goodness, joy, kindness, long suffering, love, peace and self-control
And it also appears in Norse Mythology
1. The universe is divided into nine worlds which are all connected by the world tree "Yggdrasil". 2. The number is also associated with Odin, as that is how many days he hung from the world tree Yggdrasil before attaining knowledge of the runes » Odin's self-sacrifice: But he wanted to know everything and gain wisdom and knowledge of things hidden from him (runes). This was a desire that drove him to sacrifice himself. He sacrificed his eye in Mimir's well and he threw himself on his spear Gungnir in a kind of symbolic, ritual suicide.«
As well as in Greek Mythology
1. There exist nine Muses in Greek mythology named: - Calliope (epic poetry) - Clio (history) - Erato (erotic poetry) - Euterpe (lyric poetry) - Melpomene (tragedy) - Polyhymnia (song) - Terpsichore (dance) - Thalia (comedy) - Urania (astronomy). 2. The River Styx, across which souls were ferried to the underworld, is described as having nine twists. 3. It takes nine days (for an anvil) to fall from heaven to earth, and nine more to fall from earth to Tartarus (place of punishment in the underworld) 4. Leto (goddess of motherhood and protectress of the young) labored for nine days and nine nights for Apollo, according to the Homeric Hymn to Delian Apollo.
The number 9 also often represents pain or sadness. The 16th-century Catholic theologian Peter Bungus pointed out that the Ninth Psalm predicts the coming of the Antichrist. In Islamic cosmology the universe is made from nine spheres—the traditional eight of Ptolemy, plus a ninth added by the Arab astronomer Thābit ibn Qurrah about 900 CE to explain the precession of the equinoxes.
In Anglo-Saxon cultures 9 crops up frequently. The early inhabitants of Wales used nine steps to measure distance in legal contexts; for example, a dog that has bitten someone can be killed if it is nine steps away from its owner’s house, and nine people assaulting one constituted a genuine attack.
In German law the ownership of land terminated after the ninth generation. Many folk sayings involve the number 9. A stitch in time saves nine. Cloud nine is the ultimate in happiness. A cat has nine lives.
And of course, yet another angel number and associated with luck, success, wealth, clarity, thought, love and creativity. The number also shows to focus your attention on your goals and continue to work hard to achieve them. It is a powerful combination of the number 6 and 7 (more on these numbers below)
In numerology, the number represents teamwork, service, love, friendship, patience, personal growth, learning, emotional balance, partnership, acceptance, peace, bonding and mutual interests.
It again shows up in Christianity as an important number as it represent Adam (the failure, sinner and destructor) and Jesus (the sucess), Lilith (Adams first wife) and Eva (Adams second wife)
The number 2 symbolizes many of the basic dualities: me/you, male/female, yes/no, alive/dead, left/right, yin/yang, and so on. Dualities are common in human approaches to the world, probably because of our preference for two-valued logic—yet another duality, true/false. Although 2 was female to the Pythagoreans (Members of a religious-philosophical and politically active school, the Pythagoras of Samos in the 20s of the 6th century BC), other numerological schemes viewed it as male.
In Agrippa von Nettesheim’s De occulta philosophia (1533; “On the Philosophy of the Occult”), 2 is the symbol for man, sex, and evil. One reason that some have associated 2 with evil is that the biblical book of Genesis does not use the formula “and it was good” when referring to the second day of Creation.
Some religions are dualistic, with two gods in place of the one God of monotheism. Examples include Zoroastrianism, where Ahura Mazdā (the god of light and goodness) battles with Ahriman (the god of darkness and evil).
The number 2 is often associated with negatives, as in the words duplicity and two-faced. Northwest Coast Indians required the parents of twins to observe various taboos because they believed that supernatural powers would bring the wishes of twins to fruition.
It is also symbolic of the female principles
This part will include number 1, 6 and 7
This number represents confidence, movement, newness, creation, birth of all things, origin of the universe, opportunity, to turn circumstances into anything we wish, control of future, independence, goal oriented, innovative, forceful, risky, doubtful, power and action in numerology.
Not surprisingly, the number 1 is generally treated as a symbol of unity.
The Pythagoreans did not consider 1 to be a number at all because number means plurality and 1 is singular. However, they considered it to be the source of all numbers because adding many 1s together can create any other (positive whole) number. In their system, where odd numbers were male and even numbers female, the number 1 was neither; instead, it changed each to the other. If 1 is added to an even number, it becomes odd; similarly, if 1 is added to an odd number, it becomes even.
In the faiths of Islamic, Jewish and Christian cultures the number 1 is associated with the unity of God. For medieval alchemists and metaphysicians the number was associated with the Philosopher's Stone, the unknown catalyst that was thought to transform base metals magically into gold.
The number 1 is also associated with the following deities:
Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love
Apollo, the Greek God of Beauty and Truth
Diana, the Roman Goddess of the Hunt
Vesta, the Roman Hearth Goddess
Freya, the Norse Goddess of Fertility
Pangu, the Chinese God who seperated earth and heaven
The number 1 is associated with the colors red, crimson, scarlet and cherry. Gemstones associated with the number 1 are ruby and garnet. Flowers associated with the number are red roses and red carnations.
Common superstitions about the number one are:
  Break one egg and you will break a leg
  It is unlucky to walk around the house in one slipper
  Only keep money in one pocket or you will lose it.
  People with one hand are psychic.
  A one-eyed person is a witch.
  Seeing one magpie bodes a death in your future.
  Seeing one white horse brings bad luck.
  If you wash your hair on the first day of the month you will have a short life.
 It is unlucky to get married August 1st or January 1st.
The number of domestic happiness, stability, harmony and blessing.
In Christianity, it holds a significance
1. It appears as the number of six days of Creation in Genesis, with God resting on the seventh day. The structure of the Creation parallels the sum 1 + 2 + 3: on day 1 light is created; on days 2 and 3 heaven and earth appear; finally, on days 4, 5, and 6 all living creatures are created. 2. The number 6 and its meaning are related to man and human weakness, the evils of the devil and the manifestation of sin. Man was created on day six of creation week. Men are appointed 6 days to labor and then they are commanded to rest on the seventh day (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset). 3. A Hebrew slave had to serve 6 years before he could be released in the 7th year. Six years were appointed for the land to be sown and harvested. The number is also associated with Satan in his temptation of Jesus 4. The bringing together of triple six is the mark of the end time Beast power of Revelation. As such, it represents the very best system of governance that mankind can produce without God and under the constant influence of his chief adversary.
In Greek Mythology, number 6 represents
The goddess Venus (Goddess of love)
Hermes (God of Commerce)
Athena (Goddess of wisdom)
In Roman Mythology it represents Bacchus (God of Winemaking and Fertility
Some common supersitions about the number 6 are:
Its unlucky to purposely turn the number 6 upside down in jest as it means your projects will not be completed
If you find a rose with six petals it means you will be lucky in love
If you find a pansy petal with six colors on it, it means you will be protected against hurricanes and tornados
It is unlucky to get married on October 6th or November 6th
In numerology, this number is associated with war, protection, eternal life and pefection
The number 7 is equally sacred amongst Islamic, Christian and Jewish religions. According to Jewish and Christian mythologies it took six days to create the world with the seventh day being the holiest day - a day of rest. The Bible, Zohar and other religious texts also recommend that fields were to be left fallow every seventh year as means of allowing the earth to regenerate itself. Some Christians believe the number 7 represents the seven levels of hell.
It is Hebrew tradition to mourn, or sit Shivah, for a period of 7 days.
Deities associated with the number 7 include Frigga (Norse goddess of marriage, life, motherhood and heaven) Minerva (the Roman Goddess of Intelligence and Wisdom) and Mithras (Sun God in Zoroastrian lore)
The number 7 is associated with the colors violet, purple and plum. 7's gemstone is amethyst.
Flowers associated with 7 are irises and deep purple roses.
Some common superstitions about the number 7 are:
 If your date of birth can be reduced to a single number that can be divided by seven then you will have a particularly lucky life.
 Shattering a mirror brings 7 years of bad luck.
If you sing before 7 am then you will cry before 11 am.
Wrapping her husband's belt 7 times around a tree causes a woman to become fertile.  The seventh child of a seventh child is said to have psychic powers.
If you wash your hair on the 7th day of the month you will have trouble with the law.
 It is unlucky to get married April 7th or December 7th.
If you dream about the number 7, you will soon meet a soul mate.
Interesting thing about number 321
It represents creativity, joy, harmony, balance and moving forward
Korean supersititions on number 3:
This number also occurs several times in Korean mythology.
One of the key figures in Korean mythology is Hwanung. When Hwanung descended from heaven to earth, he had three seals and was accompanied by 3,000 followers. Also, Hwanung owned three powers: wind, rain, and clouds. Furthermore, according to the myth explaining how the first human appeared on Korean land, a bear stayed in the cave for three weeks. After that time, Hwanung transformed the bear into a beautiful woman.
Korean superstitions on number 9:
Apart from “4”, people in Korea are wary of “9”. When people reach an age ending in 9, for example, 29, 39, and so on, some of them begin to worry. They believe that this particular year will be difficult and misfortunes or failures may occur.
This attitude towards the number is due to the fact that after 9 comes 0. As a result, it is interpreted as the end of the old, and new beginnings from scratch which many people have anxiety about. There is a risk of choosing the wrong path at such an important time, some may even postpone significant events, such as weddings, to a later date.
Interesting fact about KSJs house number (177)
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Seeing angel number 77 indicates divine support, and spiritual growth, and calls for a time of self-discovery and freedom.
Aligned with the soul’s purpose
Indicates psychic experiences and heightened spiritual awareness
Represents healing, spiritualism, and psychic abilities
Ruled by the planet Saturn, indicating challenges ahead
In a twin flame context, 77 signals a transition from rocky times to positive changes
Numerologically, 77 signifies freedom, introspection, adventure, and heightened spiritual awareness
Angel number 77 love reading is all about strong, healthy relationships. It advises caution in giving your heart too quickly
Seeing 77 meany to take risks, listen to the inner self and to follow dreams
While the number 77 rarely occurs in the Bible, far more common is the appearance of double 7's, some of which have a special meaning.
Noah wanted to determine the status of the water after the great flood. He sent out a raven and later a dove from the ark (Genesis 8:7 - 8). The dove returned without any symbol of life. Seven days later, he resent the dove. This time it returned with an olive leaf, proving that the waters had almost completely subsided although the ground was likely still water logged. He waited yet another seven days (double 7 or 77) and sent the dove yet again. This time, it did not return, which meant that the ground was dry enough for many kinds of animals.«
In mythology, number 77 is oftentimes symbolic of destruction (gilgamesh epos, which is similar to the noahs ark story)
Moreover, it indicates a time of inner reflection and self-discovery
An angle number and a powerful reminder that when we stay true to ourselves, use our creativity, and trust our intuition, anything is possible. It's a sign that we are on the right path and have the courage to pursue our passions and make positive changes in our lives.
It serves as reminder that it is up to us to go after what we want in life. We may be feeling scared, or like we are not good enough.
It will often show up when the reason we arent acting is fear and doubt. Perhaps we fear failure, or doubt that we truly have the ability to achieve something. It could even be that we don’t really think we deserve the things that we want- tells us that these are just symptoms of low self-esteem, and that we need to work on loving ourselves.
It also points to our intuition, and its power to help guide us through life. It is also our intuition that will let us know whether seeing the number 177 is a sign from the Angels.
The number is also always a call to action. It will often show up when we are in a state of indecision or fear which is stopping us from doing the things that we need to do. The number often shows up to help us overcome our fear of moving forward.
The same nudge that causes us to notice the number will prick our intuition and let us know that there is something special about this number.
It serves as a reminder that even when we are doing nothing, we are not standing still, as everything around us is moving, changing our relative position. This means that the main difference between action and inaction, is that when we act, we choose our destination, while when we stay in one place, our destination is chosen for us by other forces.
The numbr we get to see on the plate of the parcel driver are 2583
As we already covered 2 and 3, lets focus on 5, 8, 25 and 83
This number is associated with the ruling planet mercury. It is considered to be a numbr to represent freedom and adventure. It represents "a need of variety of exciting experiences to feel fulfilled"- therefore it masters in changes, adapting to situations and experimentations as well.
Deities associated with the number 5
Dionysus, the Greek God of Wine and Ecstatic Revelation
Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of Love, Sex and War
Mars the Roman God of War
Thor the Norse God of Thunder.
In the bible, number symbolizes God's grace, goodness and favor toward humans. 
In numerology, number 8 is to represent victory, prosperity and overcoming. It heps to lift up personal power and to energize it. As a powerful presence, it also means hidden power, shared resources and deterination.
Deities associated with the number 8 are
Mercury, the Roman God of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, and thieves
Gaia, the Greek Goddess of earth (mother earth)
Hera, the Greek goddes of marriage, family, childbirth and women
In the bible the number 8 represents a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man's true "born again" event when he is resurrected from the dead into eternal life.
Number 83 is a number to represent greath strength combined with love, gentleness and sensitivity. Its there to give great love for the world and a desire to heal and restore peace and order
This number is yet again an angel number. It is to represent exchnge of ideas and new beginnings.
In the contrary, some people believe that its an unlucky number because it can represent chaos and destruction.
Number 25 is all about change, progress, challenges and two sides
Represent the Universal Word of God, according to Abellio.
According to saint Augustin, the number 25 represents the Law.
Represent the multiplication of creatures which overlap on the double world of the spirit and the matter, according to R. Allendy: "it is the life graduating on all plans and evolving by the opposite polarity game"
In the Bible the number 25 represents "grace upon grace." It is composed of 20 (meaning redemption) and five (grace) or grace multiplied (5 x 5).
And the Word became flesh, and tabernacled among us (and we ourselves beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten with the Father), full of grace and truth . . . And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ (John 1:14, 16 - 17, HBFV).
In mesopotamian mythology Ningal, the goddess of dream divination, vision, and interpretatio is associated with the number 25
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etcnnante · 1 year
love being insane about weather report and i need to spew my thoughts about him and pucci and their stories aligning greatly with those told about cain and abel. as well as emporio being awfully similar to seth- cain and abel's lesser known younger brother. a LOT of biblical talk which i know most people aren't fond of, so it's going under a read more.
the story of cain and abel is so widely known, but i don't think most people know everything - such as the upbringing, the buildup, and the inevitable downfall of the two. the story of cain and abel have been done over and over, each told a varying degree of success, so i think it's interesting to see araki's version of it. (if he even intended the similarities to be there, which could be possible. but i don't doubt it since he is quite well versed in christianity / the imagery.) honestly, when you think about it at first ... the similarities don't seem to be there besides the obvious "pucci killed his brother and betrayed him" since weather got in the way of him achieving heaven. but the longer you look, the more you can see the similarities. so please bear with me as we try to unscramble these thoughts together and best explain the betrayal story of cain and abel, and how seth comes in to save humanity. the most striking for me is the usage and importance of weather report's disk. when cain strikes abel, he is coated in the blood of his brother and because of this- the blood of abel that's staining his clothing, cain would never be able to reach heaven and inevitably leads to his downfall. the blood of abel preventing cain's entry in heaven reminds me a lot of the final showdown between pucci and emporio- the final stretch before gaining eternal greatness, where he is stopped by emoprio's utilization of weather report's disk, effectively preventing him from achieving heaven. while not quite the same, weather report's disk act's as the perfect replacement for abel's blood- a final haunting reminder of the killing of his brethren, now stopping pucci within his tracks and being used against him despite being so close to heaven even after his endless offerings. this is also where emporio's role of seth comes into play- and, in relation to cain and abel, seth services as a replacement for abel after his death- essentially becoming abel's new mouthpiece and ushers in our current humanity. which emporio does after weather's death, acting as his mouthpiece and successfully helping joylne create a new humanity- all while the disk comes back to haunt pucci and prevent him from achieving his goal. it's beautifully poetic, in a way. while obviously not shared by blood, the bond between emporio and weather cannot be underestimated. they had a great deal of trust in each other and it's clear weather even seemingly regarded emporio as a little brother to him, going to immense lengths to keep him safe. there's a lot more in relation to weather report and other biblical allegories- such as heavy weather being triggered subconsciously by weather's hatred for humanity, turning anyone affected by the rainbows into snails. the important bit is the snails, and how snails are thought of as "the symbol of the wicked passing away" within the bible- obviously signifying how weather truly feels about humanity and how vile and "slimey" it has become when regaining his memory. he can feel at ease knowing there will be no more wickedness plaguing humanity anymore. don't know how to properly conclude these thoughts. just hoping my rambles are coherent and don't seem too far stretched, especially since i do believe, in some way, this may be araki's personal retelling of cain and abel to some extent. the man is obviously into christianity and it's aesthetic's, it's not like jesus christ isn't an actual character in the damn series unironically 😭 but i hope theres some cohesion when explaining these thoughts because whew there’s a lot of them.
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jnrlmyname · 2 years
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
I've always wanted to know what will be my life in the future, what will be my career and what will I become. Sometimes, I set some plans for myself, to have some guide for my journey. As a student right now, if you would ask me "How do I see myself in 5-10 years? And how I will achieve my goal and aspirations?"
This will be my answer. In the next 1-5 years, I can see myself having difficulties and more challenges to face. I've been worrying about this. Despite all the what-ifs that runs through my head daily, I try to remember that there are certain things that I can control and many things that I can't. I'm learning how to focus on those things I can control to create a successful life for myself.
In 1-5 years a lot of problems and circumstances will be on my path but then I know that more solutions will be found, and I see myself struggling a bit in school, with family, and with my goals. But one of the important goals is to finish my education, no matter what.
School has always been an important goal in my life and I need to continue and finish it to make my parents proud.
For the next 5-10 years, I see myself as a survivor, better person, strongly independent, and most important of all, a good relationship with God. Even though I know myself am a sinner, God has and always been good to me and He always forgives my sins, every time I confess to Him. He is my Refuge, Redeemer, and my personal Savior. I can see myself as a happy person also, and I'm aware that the only person that gets me there is myself by putting in all the passion, effort, perseverance, hard work, determination, and most importantly faith and trust in God in everything I do. And I do believe if we have faith in God and seek Him first, everything will follow.
With God's grace, I can see myself successfully and with more achievemenst. Most of all I gave back to my parents' effort by helping my family,siblings and others.
I once read a very life-changing and inspiring Bible verse found in Colossians 3:2, NIV: Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. This Bible verse reminds me, I need to focus my thoughts and energy on things that are eternal and with spiritual value such as God, His Word, prayer, worship, etc. Becoming more focused on the unseen world of faith rather than getting caught up in the materialistic pursuits of this world. Therefore, my purpose in the journey God gave me is to learn everything, I need to become a better vision of myself and not value earthly things.
This is my life as I see it will be 10 years from now. I have most of it planned out already. Let's be grateful for what we have done and we don't forget to thank God first in everything we do in life. God is the source of everything.
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freebiblestudyhub · 21 days
What Does The Meaning Of God Helps Those Who Help Themselves ?
The phrase “God helps those who help themselves” is widely recognized, often cited in various contexts to suggest that individuals must take initiative and make efforts to achieve their goals, rather than relying solely on divine intervention. This proverb, however, is not found in the Bible or any specific religious text.
The saying “God helps those who help themselves” is commonly attributed to Aesop, the ancient Greek storyteller, though it does not appear in his surviving works. The earliest known use of this phrase in English dates back to the 17th century. Benjamin Franklin popularized it in his writings, including in his “Poor Richard’s Almanack” (1736). The phrase was intended to convey the idea that personal initiative and diligence are necessary for success and that God rewards those who make an effort.
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Biblical Perspective on Effort and Divine Help
The phrase “God helps those who help themselves” does not appear in the Bible, yet the principle of personal effort combined with divine assistance is reflected in various biblical teachings. The Bible consistently emphasizes the importance of diligent work, responsible stewardship, and reliance on God.
Diligence and Responsibility in Scripture
The Bible teaches that God values diligence and hard work. For instance, Proverbs 10:4 states:
“Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.”
This verse emphasizes the value of hard work and personal responsibility. The Book of Proverbs is replete with wisdom on the importance of effort and integrity in one’s work. Similarly, Ecclesiastes 9:10 advises:
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…”
These scriptures suggest that God expects individuals to put forth their best effort and be responsible in their endeavors.
Divine Assistance and Human Effort
The Bible also speaks to the balance between divine help and human effort. Philippians 4:13 highlights the role of divine strength:
“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
This verse suggests that while personal effort is crucial, it is empowered by God’s strength. Similarly, James 2:14-17 emphasizes that faith without works is dead:
“What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?”
This passage underscores that genuine faith is demonstrated through actions, reflecting the synergy between belief and effort.
See also: What Does God Say About Faith?
Case Studies from Scripture
Several biblical narratives illustrate the interplay between divine assistance and human initiative.
The Story of Joseph
Joseph’s story, as told in Genesis, is a powerful example of personal effort combined with divine providence. Despite being sold into slavery and facing numerous trials, Joseph remained faithful and diligent. His efforts and integrity led to his rise to power in Egypt, where he ultimately played a crucial role in saving many lives during a famine. Genesis 41:46 notes:
“Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh king of Egypt.”
Joseph’s story highlights how diligent effort and faithfulness can lead to divine favor and significant outcomes.
The Story of Nehemiah
Nehemiah‘s mission to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1-6) provides another example. Despite facing opposition and challenges, Nehemiah’s perseverance and prayerful dependence on God led to the successful completion of the project. Nehemiah 2:18 states:
“I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me. They replied, ‘Let us start rebuilding.’ So they began this good work.”
This account demonstrates how human effort, coupled with God’s guidance and provision, can achieve great things.
Misinterpretations and Criticisms
The phrase “God helps those who help themselves” can be misinterpreted to suggest that divine help is contingent solely on human effort, potentially overshadowing the concept of grace. The Bible teaches that God’s help is not earned by merit but is a gift of grace.
Ephesians 2:8-9 clarifies:
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”
This passage highlights that salvation and divine favor are not a result of human effort but are gifts from God. The phrase can also be criticized for promoting self-reliance to an extreme, potentially disregarding the need for community and divine intervention.
Practical Application in Christian Life
Understanding the phrase “God helps those who help themselves” from a biblical perspective involves recognizing the balance between personal responsibility and divine assistance.
Balancing Effort and Trust
Christians are encouraged to work diligently and responsibly while maintaining trust in God’s provision and timing. Matthew 6:33 advises:
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
This verse emphasizes prioritizing God’s kingdom and trusting that He will provide for our needs. Personal effort should be coupled with trust in God’s plan and timing.
Seeking God’s Guidance
In making decisions and pursuing goals, Christians should seek God’s guidance and wisdom. Proverbs 3:5-6 instructs:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
This passage underscores the importance of seeking God’s direction and recognizing that divine guidance complements human effort.
Conclusion: Integrating Faith and Effort
The phrase “God helps those who help themselves” embodies a principle that resonates with biblical teachings about diligence and divine support. While the phrase itself is not biblical, the underlying concept reflects a balance between personal responsibility and reliance on God’s grace. The Bible encourages believers to work diligently and responsibly while trusting in God’s provision and seeking His guidance.
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tmarshconnors · 29 days
The Rich Rule Over the Poor!
In today’s culture, debt is often viewed as a normal part of life. Whether it’s taking out student loans, financing a car, or relying on credit cards to cover expenses, many people are accustomed to borrowing money. But financial expert Dave Ramsey warns against this mindset, drawing from a biblical principle found in Proverbs 22:7: “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” For Ramsey, this verse serves as a profound warning about the dangers of debt and a call to pursue financial freedom.
Debt as Modern-Day Slavery
When discussing debt, Ramsey doesn’t mince words. He often refers to debt as a form of modern-day slavery. Just as a servant is bound to their master, someone in debt is bound to their lender. Each month, a portion of their hard-earned income is already spoken for—sent off to pay for past purchases, often with interest. This, according to Ramsey, is a form of bondage.
People in debt often lose their ability to make decisions based on what’s best for their future because their past borrowing controls their present and future income. As Ramsey puts it, being in debt means you’ve sold your freedom to the lender. The greater the debt, the less freedom you have to make choices that align with your goals and dreams. Instead, you’re working to satisfy the demands of the creditor.
The Stress and Anxiety of Borrowed Money
Debt isn’t just a financial burden; it’s also an emotional one. Ramsey frequently highlights the stress that debt can cause. The fear of missing a payment, the anxiety of mounting interest, and the constant juggling of bills can take a heavy toll on a person’s mental and emotional well-being. This stress doesn’t just stay confined to finances; it often spills over into relationships, health, and overall life satisfaction.
In fact, studies show that financial stress is one of the leading causes of marital conflict. When debt becomes overwhelming, it can lead to arguments, resentment, and even divorce. Ramsey is quick to point out that eliminating debt can significantly reduce stress and create a more peaceful home life.
Achieving Financial Independence
One of Ramsey’s core messages is that avoiding debt is key to achieving financial independence. When you live debt-free, your income is yours to control, rather than being obligated to a creditor. This financial freedom allows you to save, invest, and plan for the future in ways that aren’t possible when you’re tied down by debt.
Ramsey advocates for a lifestyle of living within your means, which is the opposite of the “buy now, pay later” mentality that’s so prevalent today. He encourages people to delay gratification, save for major purchases, and build an emergency fund to avoid going into debt when life’s unexpected expenses arise. By doing so, individuals can protect themselves from falling into the debt trap and remain in control of their financial future.
Biblical Wisdom for Modern Money Management
Dave Ramsey’s teachings are deeply rooted in biblical principles, and Proverbs 22:7 is one of the cornerstones of his philosophy. Ramsey believes that the Bible offers timeless wisdom on money management, and that following these teachings can lead to a more peaceful and prosperous life.
In addition to avoiding debt, Ramsey emphasizes other biblical principles like generosity, wise stewardship, and contentment. He believes that by applying these principles, individuals can achieve both financial peace and spiritual fulfillment. For Ramsey, financial success isn’t just about accumulating wealth—it’s about using money in a way that honors God and benefits others.
From Borrowing to Building Wealth
One of the most powerful shifts that can occur when you move from borrowing to building wealth is the change in mindset. Ramsey teaches that wealth-building begins once you stop borrowing money. When you’re not sending payments to creditors every month, you have the freedom to invest in your future.
This is where Ramsey’s famous Baby Steps come into play. He encourages people to start by building a small emergency fund, then aggressively paying off all their debt (except for their mortgage), and finally moving on to saving for the future and giving generously. These steps are designed to help people break free from debt and begin building lasting wealth.
Conclusion: Choosing Freedom Over Bondage
Proverbs 22:7 serves as a powerful reminder of the dangers of debt. Dave Ramsey’s teachings on this verse challenge the cultural norm that debt is inevitable or even desirable. Instead, Ramsey encourages us to choose financial freedom over financial bondage.
By avoiding debt, living within our means, and applying biblical principles to our finances, we can break free from the slavery of debt and achieve true financial independence. It’s not an easy journey, but as Ramsey often says, “If you live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.”
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wolint · 5 months
James 1:22
All that glitter is not gold is a popular adage, which implies that not everything that looks valuable or true, turns out to be like that. This includes people, places, or things that claim to be more worthy than they are. Appearances are often deceptive. Many things may superficially appear very attractive but when they are examined very closely, they prove to be disappointing, sadly, we form our opinion about things based on impression.
Not every shining metal is gold! Not every success is real! And not every story is true!
This is a warning for us to be careful in how we see things. As they say, “don’t judge a book by the cover”, it’s always more or less than we initially thought from the cover.
The opening verse of Genesis 3:1 tells us all to be aware of the length the enemy will employ to get us.
Subtle, cunning, and crafty deception is the tool of the enemy’s trade.
John 10:10 says the enemy is out to steal, kill and destroy the saints of God and he’ll use any means to achieve his goals, which will certainly include getting us to transgress against God’s commands, cause us to be degraded, which plays into our pride, and then finally ruin us.
All that glitters is not gold means that looks can be deceptive. Through the airwaves, social media, data cookies, billboards and many more, we get suggestions on virtually everything, from where to shop to what to shop, do, go, eat, including how to use our time.
But these are deceptions! There are not always what they seem or what we need or can afford.
The doctrine of the cross has gradually succumbed to the deceptive tongues of men, pandering to the itchy ears of people to make them feel good about their perceived righteousness. We have become a nation of people who put inactive faith in the place of all moral righteousness.
We endorse the antics of clowns who call themselves ministers of God, entertainers who use the bible for their selfish gain and doomsday preachers whose unforgiving messages are driving God’s people out of the sanctuary.
They all sound like the serpent in Genesis 3:4, twisting the word of truth to deceive.
“You shall not surely die”, Satan flatly contradicted the assertion of God. The enemy, through deception, insinuates the impossibility of Eve dying, as if he was saying that God has created her immortal, death, therefore, was impossible.
Beware of shiny, glittering, good messages that will make you feel good but lead one to eternal doom.
Self-deception is a fool’s gold we all exhibit from time to time, and Jeremiah 17:9 tell us that our hearts are deceitful above all things. Self-deception is one of the easiest traps of the enemy that we can fall into.
In Exodus 32:1-14, while Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments, something wrong was happening below among Aaron and the Israelites. They had fashioned a golden calf to be an object of worship, instead of the God that delivered them. God desires to teach us that He and He alone is worthy of worship, and not the glittery “god” of this world.
We believe and accept deception because the packaging looks good, therefore the content must be good but not according to Jesus in Matthew 23:27, calling the deceptive scribes white-washed tombs. They deceived their followers with their religious air but were rotten to the cores, like a lot of today’s Christians.
They, like so many of us today, glitter in ceremonial clothing with the air of righteousness but have no single redeeming character that portrays God. Jesus condemned the fig tree in Mark 11:14 because of its deceptive leaves, an indication of bloom but without fruits. Its appearance was deceptive.
Take a closer look at that shiny “gold” and don’t be fooled by the glitter.
PRAYER: Father, help me to always look for the deep things and not be deceived by mere looks in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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bills-bible-basics · 6 months
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FAME GAME -- a poem by Bill Kochman Visit https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/ to see more. To see other poems related to this one, go to: https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/index.html#Fame-and-Hollywood If you are wondering about the reference to a pole in this poem, some of you will be familiar with the old game/dance called "limbo". This game employed the use of a pole or bar called the limbo stick. The goal was to slip under the stick without falling down or touching the pole. As the game or dance advanced with each participant, the stick was lowered more and more towards the ground, so that the person had to lower himself and bend backwards more and more, as he scooted forward, so as to not touch the stick. In the world's fame game, many people do the very same thing. In other words, to achieve more and more success,they must be willing to lower and abase themselves more and more. They are forced to abandon their personal morals, and all sense of decency, in order to be rewarded with money and fame. We see this so often with popular music artists, unHolywood celebs, etc. Young women learn quick that if they want to make it big in the movies, they must be willing to sell their souls, and become little whores who bare their flesh for the big movie moguls. Sad, isn't it? Sadder still is the fact that once such women reach the age of 30 or 40, unHolywood considers them has-beens, because they no longer have any sex appeal for the younger crowd, who form the upcoming money market. It is such a superficial world. "Materialism" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse482.html "Snare of Riches" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse063.html "Worldliness" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse078.html "Two Masters" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse069.html "Be Content With What You Have" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse148.html Article: "Have You Sold Your Soul for a Pound of Flesh?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/soldsoul.html Article: "Going Down the Highway of Life": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/highway1.html Article: "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/seek1st1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/fame-game-a-poem-by-bill-kochman/?feed_id=149113&FAME%20GAME%20--%20a%20poem%20by%20Bill%20Kochman
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rainsmediaradio · 9 months
MFM Daily Devotional 10th January 2024 By Dr. D.K Olukoya – Do Things Differently (II)
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MFM Daily Devotional - Do Things Differently (II)
The Topic of Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional for 10th January 2024 Is ”Do Things Differently (II)”  
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 28, Genesis 29, Genesis 30, Matthew 28, Mark 1, Mark 2 FIRE SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 1:7-16 (KJV) 7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. 8 My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother: 9 For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck. 10 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. 11 If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause: 12 Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole, as those that go down into the pit: 13 We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil: 14 Cast in thy lot among us; let us all have one purse: 15 My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path: 16 For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood. MEMORY VERSE: 1 John 2:15 (KJV) “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY Receive the Anointing to Change Your Thinking, Your Life and Your World, in The Name of Jesus.
Yesterday, we stressed that looking inwards and doing things differently are important for everyone who desires to have a great and fulfilling year. You were counselled to first identify the things that are keeping you from growing spiritually or in your relationship with God and prayerfully weed them out of your life. You were also advised to replace them with helpful and rewarding habits. Today, we shall continue this discourse. Having looked at your spiritual life and made the necessary adjustments, you also need to examine other significant areas of your life that have not been producing the great results you desire: your career, marriage or relationship, finances, ministry, health and so on. Identify the reasons you are faltering and struggling in these areas and make the necessary adjustments with discipline and determination. Perhaps your career goals and aspirations have turned to a fleeting illusion and you see yourself as a failure. Your present job is far from being lucrative and there have been no progress and promotion for years. Beloved, you need to look inwards and do things differently. Decide to improve on the quality of your work and make your performance topnotch henceforth. Make more tangible and undeniable contributions to the achievement of the goals and visions of your organisation. Show more commitment and loyalty. Pray for supernatural favour always and God will do a new thing in your career. In case you have been having challenges in your marriage and you need a turnaround. The key is in doing things differently. The Bible says that a person who wants to have friends must himself be friendly. A successful and blissful marriage is built on the pillars of love and trust, forgiveness and communication. You must love your spouse with unfeigned and unconditional love. Keep loving and praying for him or her. Love is patient and does not keep record of wrongs. If you have not been praying together as husband and wife or a family, begin to do so now. Decide to forgive your spouse and give room for peace to reign in your home. Let the channel of communication between you be open for understanding and harmony. Beloved, life does not get better by chance; it gets better by change. Do things differently and you will get great results!
MORNING - I replace bad habits with good habits, in the name of Jesus. - I reject the spirit of error and failure, in the name of Jesus. - My Father, open my eyes and understanding to see what I ought to do to get better results, in the name of Jesus. EVENING - Father, do something new and glorious in my career, in the name of Jesus. - ⁠Father, do something new and glorious in my marriage, in the name of Jesus. - Father, do something new and glorious in my ministry, in the name of Jesus. - Father, as I do things differently this year, give me great testimonies in all areas of my life, in the name of Jesus. Read the full article
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crdenhart · 1 year
Religious Reflections - Luke 14:25-35
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May 29th, 2023
I received my Certificate in Theology this past year from Sewanee: The University of the South. I also have had a life-long fascination with religion and have incorporated religious and spiritual themes into my film work, particularly more recently in my award-winning film Sister. I have looked for ways to extend my religious work output and realized an occasional (or regular) reflection on religious texts and other spiritual works would be in order. I plan to use this medium to share insights and knowledge gained from the scriptures and some positive guidance for others on a spiritual journey!
Today’s Gospel reading in the Book of Common Prayer is Luke 14:25-35. This is the text of that passage from the New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVue), which is my preferred translation of the Bible:
(25) Now large crowds were traveling with him, and he turned and said to them, (26) “Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple. (27) Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. (28) For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not first sit down and estimate the cost, to see whether he has enough to complete it? (29) Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it will begin to ridicule him, (30) saying, ‘This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.’ (31) Or what king, going out to wage war against another king, will not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to oppose the one who comes against him with twenty thousand? (32) If he cannot, then while the other is still far away, he sends a delegation and asks for the terms of peace. (33) So therefore, none of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions. (34) “Salt is good, but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? (35) It is useful neither for the soil nor for the manure pile; they throw it away. If you have ears to hear, then hear!”
When Jesus says that one must “hate” his or her family and life itself in order to follow him, “hate” in this context more so means “not to prefer.” In the Aramaic version of this verse, the words “put aside” are used instead of “hate,” which is more fitting. The idea that Jesus expresses here is that one should place God ahead of everything else. One should value his or her family and his or her own existence dearly, but God comes before anything or anyone else. “Carrying the cross” means that one should be willing to do whatever God commands even if it means laying down his or her life for Him. He or she also must be willing to give up material things that block his or her ability to be one with God.
This passage also emphasizes the importance of only starting something that one knows he or she can finish. Personal success or failure ultimately comes down to an individual’s estimation of effort. If one is able to start something but unable to continue or finish it, it is a sign of a lack of control, and people frown upon this flaw. It is important to set the goals one wants to achieve before moving forward with the work. With goals in place, one can set a plan of action to achieve those objectives given the resources he or she has and understand what he or she must acquire in order to achieve them if anything is lacking in the estimation of effort. One should not start a fight or engage in a conflict that he or she is not certain he or she can win. If one knows that they will lose a conflict, it is best that he or she find alternatives to solve the problem.
The section about salt points out how it is important to be rid of things that have no use or have lost their value. This analogy can apply to material objects such as outdated equipment or expired food but also can apply to people. If one’s friend has fallen out with him or her beyond repair or no longer provides positive value to his or her life, then it may be best to cut that individual out of one’s life or else these “friends” will be a burden and will waste one’s valuable time and emotional energy.
My call to action from this biblical passage to those looking to better themselves would be to find ways to put aside other things to have time dedicated to spiritual development. Set a time each day to pray, meditate, read sacred scriptures, go for a reflective walk, write in a spiritual journal, watch a religious film, nature hike, and/or do any activity that can bring you closer to God and realize the divine messages He has for you and put them into effect. Also, keep the Sabbath Day holy and focus that day on worship and spiritual-centered activities. If you have activities scheduled for the Sabbath Day, be sure to fit in time for worship ahead of anything else you do.
Another call to action is to finish projects you have started that you have neglected to complete. For example, a room that you started to repaint that you have left undone, a piece of furniture that you started to put together that you did not finish and just takes up space in your living room, or a creative project you gave up on. Complete these projects in order to complete the cycle of action, and by completing things, you will realize your ability to control things in the universe and achieve greater and greater goals.
Yet another important call to action is to rid yourself of the people and things that hold no positive value to you. There likely is junk or trash in your house that takes up space that you can easily get rid of, but “junk” people could be more of a challenge. Negative people, especially so-called “friends” who just want to take advantage of you or put you down for their own gain, suck up your positive energy and limit your full potential to achieve your goals. These relationships can only cause harm to your state of being and should be cut off as swiftly yet peacefully as possible. “Junk” people do not necessarily have to be just negative people though. They also can be the people who are distractions to you from bettering yourself or spending time that could be utilized more productively. For example, a friend invites you to play video games multiple times a week when the time should be spent on a work project or with family. This type of relationship does not necessarily need to be cut off completely but should be toned down to allow you space to develop more important relationships and get important tasks done to achieve your goals. It also would be wise to examine your friendships to see which friends you do not positively contribute to and find ways you can strengthen your relationships with them and repair where there is “one-sidedness” in the relationship.  With the “junk” people out of your life, you can devote more time to the friends who truly matter and have more time to devote to God and live to your fullest potential.
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the-perfect-author · 2 years
This Year Think Possible
‘With God all things are possible.’ Matthew 19:26 KJV
Read these two Scriptures: ‘With God all things are possible.’ (Matthew1 9:26 KJV) ‘Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.’ (Matthew 13:58 NKJV) Those two verses mean this: many things that are possible remain undone because of doubt and unbelief. So, this year, think possible. If God’s Word says you can succeed, but you’re failing, it may mean that you don’t really believe what He says, or you’re not willing to do your part. When you think ‘possible’, it increases your energy level. You only invest yourself in what you believe can succeed.
So, when you think possible and trust God for success, your faith becomes the energising force. The first step to thinking possible is to stop yourself from searching for and dwelling on what’s wrong with each situation and eliminate the negative self-talk you hear in your head before you have even opened your mouth. ‘The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.’ (Proverbs 18:21 NLT) In order to think ‘possible’, you must believe and speak ‘possible’.
The Bible says, ‘But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.’ (Hebrews 11:6 NKJV)
Twelve spies entered the Promised Land, but only two came back and said, ‘We are well able to overcome it.’ (Numbers 13:30 NKJV) God had promised it to them, but the majority thought it couldn’t be done. People who think possible not only create forward-looking, optimistic pictures of the future in their own minds but also in the minds of others. And the opposite is also true.
So, how’s your approach to life? When you face the unknown, the undone, or the untried, do you focus on all the things that can go wrong or all the things that can go right? Aerospace engineer, Wernher von Braun, said, ‘I have learned to use the word impossible with the greatest caution.’ He was the scientist who made it possible for the first man to walk on the moon!
John Andrew Holmes said: ‘Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done. God may have been waiting centuries for somebody ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing.’ If you want to achieve something, give yourself permission to believe it is possible, as you trust God for success.  In fact start to dream beyond the possible to the impossible.
‘Then he had another dream.’ Genesis 37:9 NIV.  Joseph had two dreams. The second was bigger than the first. His first dream was a field of sheaves; the second dream was a sky full of stars. So learn to dream bigger! Henry Curtis said: ‘Make your plans as fantastic as you like because twenty-five years from now, they will seem mediocre. Make your plans ten times as great as you first planned, and twenty-five years from now, you will wonder why you did not make them fifty times as great.’
There is only one way to keep growing: make your goal a step beyond what makes you comfortable. That will force you to keep growing! And it will also set you up to believe God for greater things. Most people want their lives to keep improving, yet they value peace and stability at the same time. They forget that you can’t improve and stay the same. Growth means change, and that means challenging the status quo. Thinking possible means you can’t settle for what you have now. There will always be people around you who want you to give up your dream and embrace the status quo. Love them, but don’t be led by them.
As you begin to believe God for greater things and others try to throw cold water on you, remember that right now, as you read this page, other people around the world are thinking about curing cancer, developing new energy sources, feeding the hungry, improving the quality of life, seeking God to bring healing into communities and winning whole nations for Christ. They are beating the odds and challenging the status quo simply because they believe that in Christ ‘all things are possible’ —and you must too.
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dharc16 · 4 years
Divination is a magical process which utilizes various tools to provide glimpses of the future. The use of tarot cards is a form of divination, as is watching clouds pass overhead or gazing at the patterns caused by tea leaves in a cup.
For those who are unable to be consciously psychic when the need arises, divination is the next best thing, although the ability to intuitively divine is also a gift that is not given to everyone, despite what modern paganism would have you believe, it is something that anyone can do in prayer while trying to discern God's will in their own lives.
While performing this magic, we focus our conscious mind on the symbols presented to us and allow them to contact our psychic mind. The symbols – coins, rune stones, raindrops on a window – are simple keys which enable us to unlock our psychic awareness or messages from our higher selves or more importantly from God.
There are thousands of forms of divination. It has been practiced in all cultures throughout history. Sometimes these rites were performed by the individual, sometimes by priestesses, priests or shamans. It was practiced by God's people in the Bible, including by Jesus' own disciples. The quest for knowledge of possible future events is still alive today. What was banned in the Bible was practicing divination for selfish reasons, for reasons that might cause harm to other people, or gaining information by using demonic spirits.
I said, “possible future events” above because nothing is carved in stone. The future isn't mapped out in advance. Our choices change our futures. The story of Jonah was one of those examples. We are creating our futures every second of every day. Our lives are the results of our decisions. Divination can help us make those choices.
Just as we determine our futures, other persons can influence our lives as well if we allow them to. Universal forces ebb and flow, adding their energy to the shape of tomorrow. The factors that are at work here are incomprehensible.
Fortunately, we needn't understand these processes to gain a glimpse of the future. All we need do is choose our tools and use them ritually to contact the spiritual guidance that is available to us all.
Stone divination is an excellent form of this ancient art. When you need guidance regarding an important decision, look to God and use the stones for help. If fear grips you when you think about an upcoming event, look to God and use the stones. If you;re unsure whether or magical rite you're about to perform is designed for your goal, use a stone divination to bring all sharply into focus.
This can easily become a crutch. The man or woman who won't leave the house without consulting a psychic is a cliche, but it is too often true. Divination isn't a necessity for daily living; it is a tool which we pick up and use when needed, then set down. Divination can help us make decisions, warn us of possible dangers or ill-health, and provide another perspective on a problem.
It may be exciting to perform a divination, but it should never be done “just for fun” or out of boredom. Like magic, divination is used when it is necessary.
Most divinatory systems contain some sort of element of 'chance.' This determines which tools – in this case, stones – will be available to help us unlock the secrets of tomorrow. Pulling a stone at random from a bag, opening our Bibles randomly for a verse, shuffling tarot cards, or tossing I Ching stalks or coins brings chance into the divination.
Always pray before doing any form of divination. Ask for God to show you what They need for you to know for your quest.
Other forms of divination rely on more direct communication with the subconscious mind. The pendulum, for example, is a tool which is set in motion by minuscule movements of the arm and hand that hold it. These movements are caused by the conscious or sub-conscious mind, and are interpreted to gain an answer. These are less likely to be supernaturally influenced and there is a larger margin for error because our minds may know what we WANT to hear and will influence our movements to provide that answer, even if that is not the answer that we NEED to hear. I, personally, can make a pendulum give whatever answer I want it to give without anyone else seeing any movement at all. This is nothing more than slight of hand and can be dangerous when asking for God's will.
If you're consciously psychic at will, you won't need divination. If not, you may want to begin working with one of the systems outlined in this chapter. In doing so, remember these things:
It may take a few sessions for you to properly work the divination, to approach it with the correct frame of mind, and to use the symbols presented to you to unfold your psychic awareness.
The future isn't predetermined. If you see something that bothers you, you can change it through your choices and through prayer, intention, and magic! If an unreasonably rosy picture is presented to you, you might question yourself: Am I reading my desires into this? Am I properly utilizing the system? Is this system appropriate for me? (In other words, does it speak to my psychic mind?). I have found that it is rare for one person to be “gifted” in more than one or two forms of divination. Like I am very gifted in Tarot and do well with Runes but not really with any other form of divination. In fact, I am honestly afraid to use my pendulum because I CONSISTENTLY get the answers I want to receive so that I do not feel safe in basing choices and life decisions on it unless it is something that needs an answer from my own subconscious mind and not from a higher source. It is wise to acknowledge this and take steps to develop my true gifts instead of trying to force a divination form that does not work well for me. Everyone has gifts and one gift is not better or worse than any other gift.
That is my advice to you. Everyone has different God-given gifts. Not everyone has “witchy” gifts but their gifts are no less important. And those who DO have “witchy” gifts do not all have the same ones. Just because you think Trelawny is amazing and you want to be like her does not mean that you will ever have the gift of reading tea leaves or crystal balls. Be sure to pray to God and ask Them to show you what your God-given gifts are, and then be honest with yourself when you see that one gift, even if you wanted that gift, is not for you. And be sure to use your intuition always!
If you DO find that you have a gift for divination, remember this: Divination is performed out of necessity. If an honest conversation, a few phone calls or letters, or a few moments of concentration will successfully clear up your questions, try these things first. If not, work with your divinatory gift.
Scrying is gazing into or contemplating a shining, luminous or reflective surface.
Stone scrying is probably the best known form of divination. Highly polished, reflective stones have been used for thousands of years in developing psychic awareness.
Most people have heard of the ubiquitous 'crystal ball.' This magical tool is simply a sphere of quartz crystal. Large, clear quartz spheres can cost $1,000 to $10,000; but smaller ones an inch or less in size are available for about $20. The six-inch variety seen in cheap movies are made of glass or plastic. The six-inch quartz spheres are more rare and more costly but, fortunately, aren't necessary.
Quartz isn't the only stone chosen for scrying. A multitude of other stones are also used for forms of scrying. Flat, square pieces of obsidian were favored in ancient Mexico and beryl spheres or eggs were the stones of choice during the Renaissance, but the crystal sphere captured the popular imagination long ago.
This is a guide for those interested in scrying with quartz crystal spheres. Remember, this is a GUIDE only! As with everything in magic, listen to your intuition!
After obtaining your scrying stone, wash it in water. Dry and wrap it in a soft, dark cloth.
Traditionally, stones used for scrying are never exposed to sunlight, as this is thought to hinder its ability to contact the psychic mind. Perhaps it would if you believed it would.
However, moonlight is used to purify crystal or gemstone spheres. The Full Moon is an ideal time to cleanse and 'charge' a crystal or gemstone with your magical intent – in this case, successful scrying. Take the wrapped stone out into the moonlight. Unwrap it, and, with both hands, hold it up to the moon. Feel its cool light raining down on you. See it (through visualization) flooding the stone, attuning it with your energy. Then visualize yourself successfully scrying with the stone. Don't forget to pray to God, consecrating the stone to God's service. After a few moments, wrap it up again. It is done.
As for the scrying itself, here are a few pointers:
Scrying is best done at night. Symbolism is certainly at work here: night rules the psychic mind. Also, there is probably less chance of interruption.
Find a quiet spot. Sit comfortably. Place the crystal on a stand on a table or hold it in your hands.
Candlelight can be conducive to scrying. Through some say that reflections of the flames in the crystal are disturbing, for others this is exactly what helps them achieve the proper state.
Experiment to see what works best for you. You might place white or yellow candles behind your back at first, then move them to either side of you, and finally ring the crystal itself itself with the candles.
Once you, the crystal and the candles are all situated, relax. Breathe deeply for a few moments with your eyes closed. Forget the worries of the day, the stresses, the problems. Relax your body. Relax your mind.
Then open your eyes and hold the crystal in your hands until it is warm. Some magicians say that stones won't work in magic unless this is done. As your hands warm the stone, your body is releasing personal power into the stone. Visualize your area of inquiry during this process.
Now replace the stone on the stand or continue holding it, whichever you feel comfortable with.
Continue to relax; gaze into the crystal. Don't stare unblinkingly into its depths, simply gaze. Blink your eyes if you wish. You must be calm and relaxed during scrying.
The crystal is a symbol of psychism, of water (the psychic element), of your need to divine the future. Hold these things in mind as you gaze into the sphere.
Now take time to pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide and direct your efforts and to communicate the Divine will to you regarding your query. Then open your eyes and begin to gaze into the crystal.
If the operation is successful, you will contact your psychic mind and communication will take place.
Will you see pictures? Probably not – the crystal isn't a movie screen. You may see wisps of smoke swirling within the sphere – this is common. But few see images within it.
If anywhere, you'll see them in your mind. Images seen during scrying are often symbolic; they aren't psychic news footage of future events. Interpret the symbolism as best you can.
If you see no pictures, unbidden thoughts may come into your mind instead. Words, phrases or complete sentences may 'pop up' out of your psychic mind.
Whatever you see or think – either images within the sphere or in your mind, or words or phrases – try to relate them to your question or your area of inquiry.
Words are simple enough. Think about them. Do they mean anything to you? Are they ambiguous or direct?
Symbols are more difficult. For example, if you were asking if it would be a positive action to move into a new home, and you saw images of bats flying above slithering snakes, then interpret these symbols.
To some, snakes are related to wisdom and bats to luck. For such a person, the move would seem to be favorable. However, if you fear snakes and find bats disgusting, your symbols are suggesting the opposite.
See how it works? Symbols are the language of the subconscious mind, and, while we may all speak the same language, we use different dialects. Thus, the psychic mind uses a personal language which may mean nothing to others.
If you can't find or afford a crystal or gemstone sphere, or don't wish to use one, there are several other methods of stone scrying. Any naturally reflective stone, most crystals, and those which see to possess inner movement can be used as 'mirrors of the psychic mind.' These last stones include cat's-eye, moonstone, sunstone, tiger's-eye, star ruby, opal and many others.
Take the stone out into sunlight or moonlight, or hold it near a candle. Still your conscious mind. Move the stone slowly in your hands while visualizing your area of inquiry.
Do this for several minutes. Don't WILL anything to happen; simply wait until the strange movements in the stone and the hypnotic movements of your hands break your conscious mind's hold on psychic input.
Again, interpret any symbols or words that come to you.
This is an entirely different form of stone divination. Though I'd love to have fifty emeralds to use for this ritual, the type of stone used isn't important. If financially practical, select psychism-inducing stones such as amethyst, aquamarine, citrine, quartz crystal, moonstone, in any combination. Or use whatever you have. Since God provides the answers to your inquiry, there are no symbols to interpret. Yes, this divination is limited but it just may provide the answers you need.
Fill a bag or a box with 50 stones of approximately the same size. Think of your question and reach into the bag and grab a handful of stones. Place these on a flat surface before you and count the number of stones you have randomly chosen. Odd numbers indicate favorable conditions, a positive answer, success. Even numbers presage the reverse.
This is the most simple form of divination. According to the Bible, the Urim and Thummim were two large stones of great brilliancy that were worn by the High Priest of ancient Israel in the Old Testament on the Ephod, one to the left and one to the right of the breastplate. According to extra-Biblical and inspired sources, when questions were brought for decision before the Lord in prayer, a halo of light encircling the precious stone at the right was a token of Divine consent or approval, while a cloud shadowing the stone at the left was an evidence of denial or disapprobation. They are most often pictured as black and white but no reliably known source actually tells us the color. The stones were lost in the Babylonian invasion during the time of Daniel. It would be wonderful if we could still, today, ask God a question and have a sign light up that said yes or no. But we don't. The closer we get to God during study, prayer and meditation, the more clear Their answers will become to us, by whatever form of communication God chooses to use. But we can do what is essentially "drawing lots" when asking God for a special yes or no question. It is chancy, and therefore in my mind risky, but many people do this.
Take a black stone and a white stone of the same size and shape, such as a marble, and put it in a black bag. Prayerfully ask your question and then pull one stone from the bag. Make sure that you have decided which stone means yes and which stone means no before doing this. Most people use white as a positive answer and black as a negative answer. The stone you pull will serve as an answer to your question.
This divination uses the colors of stones to provide clues regarding the future. You'll need seven stones, one of each color, all approximately the same size and shape. Place these in a soft cloth bag, and, when you need guidance, select a stone at random from the bag. It may answer your questions. If not, take another stone and 'read' or interpret them together.
Here is a list of suggested divinatory meanings by color. If this doesn't speak to you, make your own list.
• RED: Symbolizes anger or other destructive or negative emotions, birth, change, sex, passion, endings, energy, and confrontations.
• PINK: Symbolizes love, friendship, relationships, family, interchange, the heart.
• ORANGE: Symbolizes illumination, personal power, energy, movement, travel, exchange.
• YELLOW: Symbolizes communication, happiness, joy and other positive emotions, light work, protection.
• GREEN: Symbolizes growth, money, grounding, health and healing, fertility, business, transactions.
• BLUE: Symbolizes peace, sleep, purification, emotions, subconscious, psychic mind.
• PURPLE: Symbolizes spirituality, mysticism, expansion or growth in the previous, royalty.
How do you interpret these stones? I'll give an example:
Say I'm wondering what's causing me to be so depressed lately. I've been down for weeks and can't figure out why. So I still my mind, and then get my bag of stones and reach inside. I pull out a green stone. The first thing that flashes into my mind is money. Wanting more input, I pull out a red stone. 'Energy' is my next thought. Money and energy. But I asked about depression.
Could I have been depressed all this time because I wasn't making enough money? No, not that. Could it be that I haven't been putting enough energy (work) into making the money I earn? That could be it. I analyze it, and it seems right.
I've found a possible reason for my depression. Now what do I do?
Use choice, prayer, intention and magic to change my condition. Transform a negative into a positive. Working more will help, but using magic will help even more. I might wish to carry or wear green and red stones to push me further toward what I should be doing.
It isn't always this simple, but try it out. Work with this or any system to receive its greatest gifts!
This lesson was adapted from Scott Cunningham's book Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic.
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wolint · 2 years
John 17:11-26
Unity is a common topic throughout the Bible and an important and expected part of the Christian walk as instructed in Hebrew 12:14, we’re to pursue peace with all men.
The success of the message of the gospel is dependent on us working together as one according to Philippians 2:2.
Unity is an integral part of any group, organisation and faith, life generally functions better with unity as its focus.
Unity according to Psalm 133:1, is a good and pleasant thing; especially among brethren, family members, the Christian community, and the nations.
Nimrud in genesis 11 knew something a lot of believers have yet to catch onto, “united” we can do more than on our own.
Paul addressed the strife, contentions and quarrels among the Corinth believers and encouraged them to work actively and progressively in unity in 1 Corinthians 1:10. But how do we achieve what Paul is talking about here?
“That they all may be one”, the centre of unity is not on earth but in heaven. Christians are 'one,' because they are spiritually united to the Father and the Son, whose divine life and blessed union they share through the faith that gives eternal life through john 3:16. In its deepest sense, the unity of the Church cannot and should not be broken by outward divisions, whilst inward unity ought also to show itself in visible outward unity, “that the world may know that thou hast sent Me.” Hence every Christian is bound to pray and work for the reunion of Christendom.
What Jesus said in verses 22-23 is understandable that unity is Spirit-rooted, Christ-centred and manifested, and truth-cherishing. Humble loving unity is designed by God to meet two goals: as a witness to the world and proclamation of God’s glory. Unity is perfected only in Christ and is a process just as any fruit of the Spirit. Every Christian should be progressively filled with the spirit of unity.
The aim of Christian unity is the glory of God. Hence Paul’s prayer that the God of endurance and encouragement grant us life in harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together we may with one voice glorify God. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God” according to Romans 15:5–7.
How can we advocate and encourage unity? Although we are all different, we have one spirit, one Lord—Jesus Christ, one faith—one system of religion, and one baptism administered in the name of God the Father.
There are so many examples of unity in the Bible, Paul wrote about unity a lot, imploring churches to pursue unity and praying that they would seek that unification in Christ.
I encourage us, as desperately as I feel to seek unity wherever we are.
To be of one mind, united in thinking, in goals, in priorities and united in and by Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Father of unity, help me to live in harmony and unity that will glorify your name in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Women of light international prayer ministries.
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bills-bible-basics · 2 years
Tumblr media
FAME GAME -- a poem by Bill Kochman A poem by Bill Kochman. Visit my poetry page at https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/ to see all my poetry, along with related Bible study resources, all in one place, and organized by poem category. Thanks! To see other poems related to this one, please go here: https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/index.html#Worldliness If you are wondering about the reference to a pole in this poem, some of you will be familiar with the old game/dance called "limbo". This game employed the use of a pole or bar called the limbo stick. The goal was to slip under the stick without falling down or touching the pole. As the game or dance advanced with each participant, the stick was lowered more and more towards the ground, so that the person had to lower himself and bend backwards more and more, as he scooted forward, so as to not touch the stick. In the world's fame game, many people do the very same thing. In other words, to achieve more and more success,they must be willing to lower and abase themselves more and more. They are forced to abandon their personal morals, and all sense of decency, in order to be rewarded with money and fame. We see this so often with popular music artists, unHolywood celebs, etc. Young women learn quick that if they want to make it big in the movies, they must be willing to sell their souls, and become little whores who bare their flesh for the big movie moguls. Sad, isn't it? Sadder still is the fact that once such women reach the age of 30 or 40, unHolywood considers them has-beens, because they no longer have any sex appeal for the younger crowd, who form the upcoming money market. It is such a superficial world. "Materialism" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse482.html "Snare of Riches" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse063.html "Worldliness" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse078.html "Two Masters" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse069.html "Be Content With What You Have" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse148.html Article: "Have You Sold Your Soul for a Pound of Flesh?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/soldsoul.html Article: "Going Down the Highway of Life": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/highway1.html Article: "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/seek1st1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/fame-game-a-poem-by-bill-kochman/?feed_id=26721&_unique_id=63dbe86f735d1&FAME%20GAME%20--%20a%20poem%20by%20Bill%20Kochman
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questionsonislam · 3 years
Some circles claim that todays wretched state of Moslem World has been occasioned by the religion of Islam and therefore they stand against the religion. How should we respond to them?
There is a disease-like perception, which once used to be brought into the agenda so often and now recurring many times: To suppose that the religion is an impediment to the advancement and to look for the causes of Islamic countries being behind of Christian countries in the religion of Islam.
I would like to point out some issues before responding to this belief, through which we could get to the first answer of the question.
First point:
At the times when the religion of Islam had been rising, Muslims were subjected to the oppressions and tyranny of polytheists, and afterwards set up a state and kept progressing as back as one century before. The Era of Bliss being an era of faith, morality, justice, and welfare is the first evidence to that. Umayyad of Andalusia being a pioneer to Europe in science, and the wonders that the Seljuks and the Ottomans achieved in both knowledge and art are not to be overlooked.
Here we need to distinguish between the words Islam and Muslim. Who progress or drop behind are Muslims. Islam is what it is.
This day I have perfected for you your Religion (with all its rules, commandments and universality), completed My favor upon you, and have been pleased to assign for you Islam as religion. (Al-Maidah Surah, 5:3)
Then we need to seek the answer to this question:
Were we loyal to Islam more when we established empires or when we were behind?
Another point:
Those who put forward Islam as a reason for Muslims staying behind need to speak about Islam itself rather than Muslims, and to set out by saying these decrees of the Quran and these and those hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are hindrances for advancement and to produce their proofs.
For example, they need to prove that prohibition of telling lies, tyranny, adultery, stockpiling, interest, backbiting, racism; in short, any sort of ill doing is a hindrance to advancement.
Third point:
Those who blame Islam for Christians being more advanced than Muslims need to do one more thing, which is to survey Bible in order to find out the bases of todays technology and material well being and to say that Muslims are backward since they have been deprived of those. This is something impossible. For, there is no single verse in the Bible with regard to neither the economic life nor the state management.
Having indicated one more point lastly, we shall pass to the answer of the question:
Those who put forward this claim need to prove that it is Islam, which stipulates a kind of system of education, which makes the hard-working, active, zealous, upright, patriotic people of previous times into the reckless, fraud supporting, lustful, selfish ones of today.
Now let us try to give an answer to the question by basing it upon the views of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, the author of the Risale-i Nur:
In the book The Flashes from the Risale-i Nur Collection, Bediuzzaman poses this question: Since truth will prevail is the truth, why has the infidel prevailed over the Muslim, and force over right?
The answer to this question is given from four different aspects but satisfactorily.
He first dwells on causes and draws our attention to the fact that causes and reasons coincide with each other. Be it Muslim or disbeliever, whoever meets the preliminary conditions of the achievement they expect and observe their causes and reasons, they will have the success. It is clear how to be benefited from a tool under what conditions, with what techniques, and with what kind of planning. Whoever observe these rules and carry out causes, they will have the success.
The word force in the question above is mentioned as follows, Force possesses a truth; there is an underlying meaning in its creation.
If you want to be successful and desire to get the better of your adversaries, you need to try to be powerful. For power also possesses a truth. Those who take hold of the power are most likely to come out winner. If you make wood and steel collide, it is obvious that wood will smash.
Secondly, he handles the question with regard to the qualities in man. All beautiful qualities have been mentioned in the Quran, and have been put into practice most perfectly by the Messenger of Allah. However, a Muslim may not be able to demonstrate them in his/her practices considering the factors of evil-self, Satan, the corrupted state of society and so on. Again, a non-Muslim may have some fine manners because of the education s/he has received and of social structure. These are his/her Muslim qualities. What contradict with each other are not the beliefs in hearts but these qualities.
Let us give an example from the life of commerce: The qualities such as experience, uprightness, the order of working, having principles have direct impacts on the outcome of commerce. If a non-Muslim possesses these qualities and again if a Muslim lacks these qualities, it is most probable that a non-Muslim be wealthier than a Muslim is. Here, a non-Muslim does not get the better of a Muslim, but Muslim qualities get the better of non-Muslim qualities. However, finally, it is always still the truths.
He proceeds to make another comment, which broadens our horizons: Furthermore, in this world the right of life is general and all-embracing. It is a universal mercy that has a meaningful manifestation, a wise inner purpose, which unbelief does not impede.
The right of life is general and all embracing. That is, in this respect, there is no difference between believer and unbeliever, human and animal. Whoever has been given life is also given sustenance. Sustenance is given not to belief or worship but to life. The right of belief and worship is the eternal bliss in the Hereafter.
Setting out from here, we can continue as follows:
There are different mirrors and different places for each name of Allah Almighty. Most of them are not related to the faith of an individual. For example, if a farmer, who wants to get more shares from the manifestation of name of Provider, meets the necessary conditions, he will enjoy more crops in his field. Here the faith of the person does not matter at all. Again, a person, who wants to enjoy the manifestation of the name of Healer on himself/herself, takes the useful medication for his/her illness. His/her faith is not to be taken into consideration either. Because this person has known how to require the manifestation of this name and in return healing has been bestowed upon him/her. Someone who does not take this procedure may not heal even if s/he is a perfect believer.
Thus, if a believer wishes to make use of the manifestations of divine names, s/he must be a mirror worthy of those manifestations. If s/he does not do that, s/he gets nothing. However, the same believer becomes a candidate for the Divine bounties in the realm of Hereafter by engaging in worship, good deeds, and sincerity.
A person who does not fulfill these conditions cannot get his/her share from the Paradise no matter how much successful s/he may be.
In the same place, he calls on our attention to the third point of the matter:
He says that Allah has two separate systems of laws. One of them is the decrees of the Quran, which puts mans actions into order pertaining to will. The other one is the laws that arrange the order of the universe and the objects in it. The first is Sharia. The second is called code of laws pertaining to the worldly life, which is the second type of Sharia. The laws of nature are from this second type of Sharia.
Those who obey or oppose the decrees of the Quran will get their reward or punishment mostly in the Hereafter, and those who conform or not with the code of laws pertaining to the worldly life will be rewarded or punished in this world. Those who do not act in accordance with the code of laws pertaining to the worldly life suffer from poverty, wretchedness, and misery. As for a non-Muslim who conforms with these rules in accordance with the Divine will even unknowingly, s/he receives his/her reward in this world.
These three issues are basic factors for success or failures. And most of the events is explained with one or a few of them. Nevertheless, sometimes although we have done everything necessary, we may fail to achieve our goals. Here we are obliged to seek a hidden aspect of mercy of divine ordaining. Now in the fourth part of the answer, he points to this issue and draws our attention to the divine determining and will.
In the fourth point, he suggests that unbelief gets the better of the truth assists and strengthens the flourishing of the truth.
This point is important in this respect:
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in a hadith says, Most of the troubles come to the prophets and to the other beloved servants of Allah (SWT) in accordance with their degrees.
That most of the prophets were insulted, driven away from their homes and inflicted torture upon comes true with a Divine wisdom. The hardship they face, as Bediuzzaman puts it, is like worship.
The worship, which is based on the principle of patience, trust in Allah (SWT) and is quite hard to endure, deserves an enormous reward. With these hardships, the prophets and the beloved servants of Allah Almighty progress spiritually and besides their Divine causes gain the heart of people even if late. While those who oppressed them are tortured in their graves, their communities live and let, live the truth on earth.
Just as day and night are of use differently in the growing of a plant, so are effects of the manifestations of Glory and Beauty of Allah in the growing up of human spirit.
This is a Divine wisdom. Hardships and calamities that are visited on the Companions of Truth have nothing to do with the first three points.
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heavenlynotices · 4 years
Financial Management God Style
The Bible teaches us about every facet of life including how to be financially smart. God owns everything we possess and gifts it to us. We work hard to gain earthly things and should give praise to God for allowing us to have such things as homes, cars, money, personal belongings and other wants. He also supplies our needs and has warned us against the love of money and putting idols before him. Below I have written five principles listed in the bible that we can apply to our financial planning, budgeting and goals we desire to meet.
1- We must acknowledge that God is the source of all things we own and possess. Philippians 4:19, states that “My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus”. Giving it all to God allows us to be blessed tenfold, hundred fold and even higher. He delivers our needs and gives us the support to work towards our wants. We must keep in mind that as quickly as we achieved all these things, they can be taken away.
2- Giving to others in need is essential to prosperity and financial freedom. God gave the ultimate gift in his only son Jesus Christ so that we too shall have all we need upon death. We achieve that goal by asking Christ to take over our lives, submitting to his will and guidance. In Luke 6:38, it states that we should “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your bosom. For with the same measure that you meet with it shall be measured to you again”. God wants us to give, help and spread our bounty to others as he has rewarded us for good service, measures and blessings.
3- Saving your money is a good good foundation for financial success. God wants us to be smart with what we have. He wants us to prepare for the future by holding on to a portion of our gains for future use in good works. In 1st Timothy 6:18-19, it states that “they are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future. So that they may take hold of what is truly life”. The key word here is foundation and nothing can be built or maintained without a solid foundation. Jesus is our rock for which we build upon, keep that mentality when building a reserve for a future foundation of success.
4- Staying out of debt is a sound financial strategy for success. To have things in life we have to borrow money. Borrowing money is often an overwhelming burden that leverages our future if we get too far in debt. Paying cash for things from savings and maintaining a low debt ratio is key to financial freedom. Manage your debt to purchases you must make and avoid overspending of credit cards and taking out loans. Most folks are a job loss, death or accident away from ruin if they are overloaded with high debt ratios. Keep debt simple and never overburden your family with spending that places you at risk of financial freedom.
In Romans 13:7, it states that we should all “pay to all what is owed to them; taxes to whom taxes are owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed”. Proverbs clearly defines what has happened in the world when it comes to bad debt like college loans, home loans, car loans and other decisions that could be put off until folks are better prepared using the three rules above to take on debt. Proverbs 22:7, states that “the rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave to the lender”.
5- Working hard will help you to build financial freedom designed to meet the previous four rules. God specifically addresses how hard work pays off for those that are not lazy or weary of working hard. Proverbs 13:, states “ the soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the souls of the diligent is richly supplied”. Depending on others to meet your needs leads to poverty, poor conditions and struggles in life. Many people who choose to be lazy and live off of others complain about equality and equity, but often, but not always have prepared for or are willing to work hard to achieve financial goals.
6- The last rule of financial freedom is to always seek God’s counsel and guidance with financial decisions. This can be about moving jobs, buying homes, purchasing cars, taking on debt and figuring out a plan for financial freedom that meets all the above rules. 1st Peter 5:5, states that “as for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life”.
God knows all and knew us before we were born. He knows how the desire for riches, needs and wants affects our day-to-day lives. He knows the power it can have and maintain over our lives. God wants us to be successful and has given us these basic financial freedom rules that we can apply daily, weekly and monthly to attain our goals, while also keeping God first.
I close with a few more bible verses applicable to money and how we are to manage it within our spiritual and physical life. Use these rules of financial freedom and see what happens. Allow God to manage your money decisions, give to others, save, work hard, be smart and stay out of debt. It will change your life and bring you closer to God. Hebrews 13:5 “Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”.
Matthew 25:21, “Well done, good and faithful servant”. 2nd Corinthians 9:8,"And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work”.
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
08/13/2020 DAB Transcript
Nehemiah 5:14-7:73, 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, Psalms 33:1-11, Proverbs 21:8-10
Today is the 13th day of August welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is…it's great to come around the Global Campfire together and, I don’t know, grab a seat, step away from it all for a minute in this little oasis that we have created for ourselves, a peaceful place in the midst of chaos at times, a place of serenity, a place that we can allow God's word to speak into our hearts and minds and…and lives. So, it's great to be here with you right now, today, as we take the next step forward and that will lead us back into the book of Nehemiah. We’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. Nehemiah chapter 5 verse 14 through 7 verse 73.
Okay. So, we’ve been watching the story of Nehemiah as we read through it and what we’re gleaning from it is just a very, very…like a front row seat to the way that he was leading things, how he got a vision for this wall to be rebuilt in Jerusalem while he was cupbearer to the king of Persia, how he interceded, how he planned before he ever told the king, how it was that he invited the king into the story, and how the king got on board and sent him, how he was provided for, how he showed up and was just kind of incognito, didn't show up announcing himself and his authority to do what he was going to do, how he just kind counted the cost, looked the whole situation over, and then how he cast vision and people got on board and how that only…that…that's when the problems began. They started rebuilding the wall and then the voices of intimidation come against them. The voices of ridicule and discouragement come against them. The threats of attack comes against them, and they just…they keep going. I mean, they make the adjustments necessary and even though that slows things down they keep going. And we should see that as they get closer and closer the completion of the goal of the dream of the wall then the…the problems, the challenges that they face escalate. And in some ways, we should just…we should feel a sense of encouragement. Like this is how it goes. Like when we face these things, we’re not the only one. But what is it that puts the wind in Nehemiah's sails? Like, what is it that keeps him going? That's kind of what we get to in today's reading. We’re able to observe Nehemiah's heart, like his motives and that’s ultimately…when we’re trying to accomplish something, and it becomes hard and it always does, it's our hearts motive that will dictate whether we will persevere or whether we will surrender and give up. And, so, we see Nehemiah's motives is in the way that he deals with everybody else. He's not lording it over them because of his appointed position. And, in fact, he's not even taking what he deserves according to his position because of the burden that would place on the other people around him. And there's nothing wrong with him earning what he'd earned. That…that was his job and that was his compensation, but he saw that the people he's working on this wall, the people that he's on this mission with are the people that would have to provide that and they're already working their hearts out. And, so, instead of like trying to add to that load so that he can benefit personally or for that matter just not have to pay out of his own pocket, he…he chooses…he chooses not to put the burden on them and that had to speak volumes toward his character and his leadership to the people that he was leading. He’s providing out of his own pocket for his own job. So, we could safely say like, “this is a job that Nehemiah wanted so bad, he was so passionate to accomplish this he would have done it for free” because he was. And that shows his motives and it shows that he is resolute in his purpose. He is there for a specific thing, to get this wall built in. And this wall needs to be built, not for some kind of ground-floor opportunity to rebuild Jerusalem to become rich. This wall needs to be built because God's temple is inside those walls and God's temple must be protected. And I mean if you think about it. So, there is this city named Jerusalem and it's an ancient city and its very, very famous for lots and lots of reasons, over lots and lots of generations even at this time and it has been destroyed and it's being rebuilt and now there is a temple and there are walls. So, you would think like, the real estate inside those walls is now very, very valuable and this is an opportunity to use position to get rich, to build wealth, to build…to own property. It's just that Nehemiah, like he didn't do any of that stuff. He was there for a reason and nothing was gonna distract him from that reason. That…the wall was his mission from God, and he was in that mission with a single purpose with the whole heart, which would…which would help the people…the people who were following Nehemiah to be on board, like to get his heart about the whole thing as well. And then the politics got into the situation. So, these ringleaders of the opposition, Sanballat and Tobiah. I mean they tried to discourage. They tried to ridicule or make fun. They tried to threaten and intimidate, and those things were not successful. And, so, they start sending him letters, “hey, we need to get on the same page. Come talk to us. Let’s…let’s meet about this.” And, so, they send him four letters of the same…same thing and Nehemiah basically responds the same way, “I am on this wall. I am not coming down from this wall. Why should I come down from this wall to listen to you when all you've done is discourage and intimidate us and try to stop us? Like, why should I come down and talk to you?” And, so, then they send the open letter like, “well, you should come talk to us because the king is going to find out what you're really trying to do.” And they had cooked up this thing that the real reason Nehemiah was there working so hard was for his own benefit, like they’re gonna get the wall done and he’s gonna declare himself king, and that the prophets are gonna prophesy about him and he's gonna try to take over, which was a complete fabrication, but if it took hold it with be the end of Nehemiah, like he would be executed for this. And this is what Nehemiah says, “they all wanted to frighten us, thinking their hands will drop from the work and it will not be done, but now O God strengthen my hands.” And they just worked harder. Like, basically Nehemiah was like, “okay. If I’m going to have to defend myself, if this is gonna like pull me away because of the politics of the situation we better finish what we started and they worked harder. So, the politics didn't work. And, so, the enemies then try to bring religion into the mix and the payoff a prophet to try to coerce Nehemiah into the temple where it looks like he's blockading himself where it's like he's done something wrong and he's hiding out in God's temple and this would discredit him. And Nehemiah is…because he's got a single purpose and because he's been true and because he's walking in wisdom, he can see what they're trying to do and he even realizes, “wow! Wow! It’s like my…some people that I even know and who know the story here, they had a price. They’re speaking for God and they had a price. This is…this isn’t what God’s saying,” And Nehemiah’s like, “I am not…I am not gonna do this stuff. I am not going to play these games.” And, so, we see that through it all, the mission, the dream, the thing, the calling, the purpose, that never got unclear. It never got cloudy. Nehemiah was there for something specific, and so all of his efforts, no matter what came his way and he had significant obstacles that we've seen so far, he did not stop. He was there to finish what he started.
Father, again as we have said in days past, thank You. Thank You that this story has been written down for us to look into and examine and interpret and bring on board into our own hearts as it…it works in conjunction with some of our own stories and some of our own dreams and some of our own goals and some of our own callings. And, so, we invite Your Holy Spirit again to continue to lead us into all truth but give us wisdom from the story of Nehemiah. Give us wisdom and insight into our own stories because we can see resolute and single-purpose to person here achieving a goal, but…but we can also see the voices of discouragement and threats and politics and religion and all of the things that are brought to bear against this story and how he is able to look through it all and stay clear on what the mission was. Help us to see that too. We ask this in the precious name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.
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Check out the Community section. That's where the Prayer Wall is and that is a place to reach out anytime, to reach out asking for prayer, but to also reach out in prayer and encourage your brothers and sisters who are asking. It's a place that we can always go and turn outward. We spend a lot of our time turned inward because we’re…we’re all going through something…we’re all going through something and it…it…it can become an obsession. We’re…we’re looking inward…we’re working on the things that we’re trying to move out of the way. Sometimes it can lead us into this vortex that just goes down into the darkness when what we need to do is reach outward, look outward, reach toward one another, shoulder one another's burdens. So, the Prayer Wall is a wonderful place to do that. So, check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com which is the website, which is where you can find out what's going on around here. You can partner with the Daily Audio Bible there. There's a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app there's a give button in the upper right-hand corner and you can press the Give button, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill, Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
This is Duncan the piano man from Fredericksburg Texas. Almighty God please take care of Emily the urgent prayer going out for her there in ICU there in Wyoming or wherever it was. And Father just we hold her to in the…before Your throne Lord. Please hold her in the palm of Your hand and heal her out right. Touch the ouches touch the hurting places. Take care of Jordan here in Texas Father and as he is Papa to this newborn for the second time around. Father be especially with him and his wife and their two children, their two boys. Father, it’s not easy not even for…for a parent of a newborn even if they had maybe two or three. We had we had one. So, Father You know. Just give them grace, both of them grace Jordan and his wife and the kids too. Restore calm and gentleness and patience and humor and…and just…and the joys of parenting because it’s tough even with the challenges of it all. Father, this is the week of my wedding anniversary and I look forward very much to…to Friday but my dear wife has been dead…has been with you now over eight months, I’d say 10 months now, almost a year. And father thank you for giving me the joy this past weekend with visits from friends and going places. And I prepare now for worship. Thank you, Jesus for hearing on prayer. Amen.
Hello, my wonderful DAB family this is Rosie in Oklahoma and today is Sunday, August 9th. I’m calling in right now to ask you to pray for my granddaughter Anisa and her husband Isaiah. They’ve been married a little over year and a half, and he told her two days after she had their son that he didn’t have any feelings for her anymore. And we have talked to him and let him know that love is not a feeling it’s an action and we don’t always go by our feelings. But I think he has his eyes on other people and he’s not listening to anybody. And right now my granddaughter and my great-grandson are staying with me and it just breaks my heart because she’s trying so hard to restore her marriage and she’s been praying a lot and she reads the Bible and she even reads the Bible to the baby. And that you would pray for him as well his name, his name is Demaree. And I just want to ask you guys to please pray for them. I love you DAB family. I appreciate you more than you…than you’ll ever know. God bless you. Bye.
My name is Julie I’m calling from Petula Montana I’ve never called __ for introducing me to DAB. Today is August 9th. I’m listening to August 2 and I just want to say prayers for all the COVID people all this nation. I want to ask for prayers for strength for me. I have been with a cancer patient for 22 years chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Also has had __. He has been my whole life. I met him when I was 34. I am now 58 and I feel that the end is coming and we had a horrible two nights of throwing up and nerve pain. I’ve been through seven chemo’s with him, numerous tumor removals. He has been…he is the love of my life and it’s been the best and the worst and he is Jewish, and I want him to see Jesus and I want to strengthen my relationship with Christ. And please forgive me, I’m just am lacking sleep and I just….it’s like, bargaining with God to please at this point just take him or care for him as if…as if that can…
Hi family this is Biola from Maryland I hope you’re all doing well. Brian and Jill God bless you God bless your ministry. Well I’m still behind, I’m on July 27th and I’m going to mix the old with the new. I want to say a big shout out to those who transcribe Daily Audio Bible transcripts. God bless you for your labor of love. Mike from Reading I heard your prayer request for your daughter Annie, and I am joining…joining you in prayer for her. Father Lord you said Lord Jesus when you were here on earth that you have come to set the captives free. And, so, Lord of heaven in agreement with my brother and thousands of others who are praying oh God for Annie I break the hold of addiction upon Annie’s life, the hold of this heroin O God Lord, I break it upon her life. Lord Jesus set her free. You have come to…You came specifically for Annie, set her free in the name of Jesus and every work of darkness in her life we command you to cease and desist in Jesus’ name. Lord bring the prodigal daughter back home in the name of Jesus. Carmen how can I advise you in less than 30 seconds? I’ve been where you are Carmen. What I would just say my sister is that you should give yourself time to grieve. Do not rush into any relationship. Just process what is going on and give yourself time to grieve. And what is very important is that you forgive your husband or your ex-husband now that you will forgive him, you know. And I pray that God will comfort your heart and God will touch you in the name of Jesus. And then I want to pray for Gigi’s sister. Gigi, I heard your prayer request. I read it rather because I’ve not listened because I read it on Tumblr and I’m praying for your sister, that she will find a job, a good job and God will comfort her even over the passing of your dad, that God will comfort you all in the name of Jesus. Anonymous, I am praying that the truth will be found out in your situation, that God will step in and help you and the truth will be found out in the name of Jesus.
Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is BW in NC I hope everyone’s doing well. I’m calling in today for Megan who called in about seeking counseling and living with her boyfriend before marriage. Megan, God is telling you what to do here and I think you know, and God is your ultimate provider. He is not gonna leave you stranded if you follow Him. Also, it sounds like you may be getting ready to become unequally…unequally yoked, which God also commands against as well. I would say to you as a male that, if your boyfriend will not respect your wishes to honor God then you should probably not worry about losing him but you should run from him. And as always seems to be the case, if you’ll honor God you will be provided for in abundant ways, in ways that are…ways that you would never be able to imagine or understand, but you will never go wrong by honoring what you know God is telling you to do. I’ll be praying for you and I know you’ll be okay so long as you honor your God.
Good morning DAB family this is Jonathan from North Carolina and I’m calling to pray for Mike and his daughter Annie in the situation with a heroin addiction and the baby on the way and recovering. Dear Jesus, I just want a lift before You as Mike has done many times his daughter Annie. And this whole situation Lord, I thank You that she came to the point of coming to him and wanting to get help and yet God it seems that she has left the recovery program again and God I have no idea how hard it is for her to go into recovery or what that’s like but I just pray that You will strengthen her, that You will change Your heart, that You will help her to know that…that You can strengthen her to tear away from this addiction Lord that’s been a part of her life for only You know how long. And God I’m just sitting around my porch looking at a rainbow, a sign of Your promise, and I just thank You for Your promises and I thank You for Mike and I thank You for Annie and I just pray that You would bring his daughter Annie home. He talked about her and it’s almost like she’s…she’s gone and it’s just a ghost that’s left and God I just pray by the power of Your Spirit that You would deliver Annie, that You would comfort Mike in this time. I can’t even imagine the pain and I pray that he will sense Your presence in this time and Annie as well Lord, that she will just know beyond the shadow of a doubt that You’re there to deliver her in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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