#success in life motivation
needtotalkilllisten · 2 months
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thewealthystatus · 5 months
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thingswedontunbox · 2 months
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
How to Stop Procrastinating by Managing Your Emotions
Procrastination happens when we delay doing things, and it's often connected to our emotions. Feelings like being afraid to fail, feeling worried or stressed, getting bored, or lacking motivation can all contribute to procrastination. To stop procrastinating and get more things done, it's important to learn how to handle our emotions better.
Break the task into smaller, more engaging sub-tasks.
Find ways to make the task more interesting or challenging.
Set a timer and work on the task for a specific amount of time, followed by a short break doing something enjoyable.
Feeling Overwhelmed:
Prioritize tasks and focus on one thing at a time.
Break the task into smaller, more manageable steps.
Delegate some parts of the task if possible or seek help from others.
Use tools like to-do lists or task management apps to stay organized.
Practice deep breathing or mindfulness techniques to calm yourself.
Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more positive and realistic ones.
Start with the easier or less intimidating aspects of the task to build momentum.
Set realistic expectations and remind yourself that it's okay to make mistakes.
Focus on past accomplishments and successes to boost your confidence.
Seek support or feedback from others to gain reassurance.
Remind yourself of your skills and capabilities to tackle the task.
Use positive affirmations to counteract negative self-talk.
Embrace the concept of "good enough" rather than seeking perfection.
Set realistic and achievable goals for each task.
Recognize that mistakes and imperfections are part of the learning process and growth.
Break decisions into smaller steps and make one small decision at a time.
Set a time limit for making decisions to avoid overthinking.
Trust your instincts and make the best decision you can with the information available.
Apathy or Lack of Interest:
Find aspects of the task that align with your values or long-term goals.
Break the task into smaller, more manageable parts and focus on completing one at a time.
Reward yourself for completing the task to make it more appealing.
Stress or Burnout:
Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature.
Break tasks into smaller steps to reduce the feeling of overwhelm.
Prioritize self-care and take breaks to avoid burnout.
Feeling Uninspired or Creatively Blocked:
Engage in activities that stimulate creativity, such as brainstorming, mind mapping, or seeking inspiration from others' work.
Start with a simple and basic version of the task to get the creative juices flowing.
Collaborate with others or seek feedback to gain new perspectives.
Fear of Success:
Identify and challenge the negative beliefs or fears that may be holding you back.
Visualize the positive outcomes of completing the task successfully.
Focus on the benefits and personal growth that come with success.
Break long-term goals into smaller milestones to track progress.
Practice mindfulness to stay present and patient throughout the process.
Remind yourself that progress takes time and effort.
Lack of Confidence:
Celebrate your past accomplishments to boost your confidence.
Seek support and encouragement from friends, family, or mentors.
Focus on building specific skills related to the task to increase confidence.
Avoiding Discomfort:
Acknowledge that discomfort is a natural part of growth and improvement.
Break tasks into smaller steps and tackle the more challenging aspects gradually.
Remind yourself of the long-term benefits of facing discomfort.
Overestimating Future Motivation:
Practice discipline and commit to starting tasks even when motivation is low.
Set specific deadlines for tasks to create a sense of urgency.
Establish a routine that includes regular work on the task to build consistency.
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strawbslvr · 1 month
What’s 4 years compared to basically being immortal and being whatever the fuck you want to be.
To all of the fellas that have been trying to shift for years, don’t give up bro. Ik you are losing motivation or you feel hopeless but just think about the genuine happiness you will experience there and at the end, you will become aware of the fact that you’ve always have been there. I know you can do it and I trust you fam.
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solanasreality · 2 months
- the key to shifting is just manifestation.
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Ⅰ ⦂ the law of assumption.
the law of assumption by definition is simply coming up with an assumption and persisting no matter what the 3D tells you. it’s a state of being. despite what the 3D shows you, you are confident in yourself and your beliefs because that’s law and that is what will show up at the end of the day.
when you close your eyes at night, it’s the 4D that you fall back into, is it not?
how to apply this to shifting, you may ask?
your assumptions create your reality, so, why not assume that you’re in your desired reality?
“oh! solana! i’m clearly not there! i’m going to do my 5000000th method and hope for the best-”
the law of assumption ensures the most success, why assume that a certain method works over and over, or assume that you’re in the void (some of you guys really forget that there’s so much more than the void), than assume that you’re already there?
there is nothing to be done, just let it materialize right in front of your eyes.
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Ⅱ ⦂ how the state of being helps rather than desire.
when you assume that you‘ve already shifted, it will seep into your subconscious and harden as fact. that’s the law. i understand that for some, it may just be easier to assume yourself into the void, and that’s fine, but to shift, all you need to do is shift your perspective and awareness.
you do not wait for the 3D to change just because you did a method, you wait for the 3D to catch up to the fact that you had a successful attempt.
and this means that no matter what, you will saturate your brain into believing that you’ve shifted regardless of circumstances. don’t chase anything else, don’t look for another method, just change self.
you are your DR self, your DR is your current reality and that’s final, but the change can only come to fruition if you find the courage to change your beliefs.
how do to do that?
robotic affirming : robotic affirming is simply affirming over and over again, similar to how a robotic repeats coded phrases. you don’t have to believe in them (although i do suggest fixing your self concept so you have lesser doubts), all you have to do is affirm constantly until your subcon picks up on it. it’s very easy to convince, i promise.
affirmation tapes : affirmation tapes are similar to robotic affirming, they’re affirmations that are repeated. the more specific, the better, in my opinion. they can help tackle fears, doubts and “blockages” in shifting that you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise because they send affirmations directly to the subconscious.
daydreaming : now, if you’re like me, you rely on daydreaming a ton. you know about the imagination (4D) and you use it to your advantage. all you do is imagine yourself having your desires, apply emotion to it and live by it.
law of assumption : assume that any doubt, any worry or anxiety concerning shifting just. doesn’t exist. don’t ignore it, but let the emotions come and allow them to past before returning to the state of fulfillment. that’s law and that’s final. walk around like you are a master shifter because you are. gaslight your subconscious into believing that you are whoever you want to be, because you are.
p.s. don’t believe that intrusive thoughts can hinder your journey, as long as you remember to reverse them and to return to that state of fulfillment, everything is still going according to plan.
all love, solana <3
(i’m actually sticking to this theme promise)
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chichis-interlude · 26 days
Robotic affirmations changes the way your brain thinks.
No for real though. My mom has lowkey always been my biggest supporter as well as my biggest hater and she commented on how lazy I had gotten and how I had put on the weight I lost from over exercising and under eating for a month straight and usually this would trigger a relapse into my old habit.
But because I had been robotically affirming for hours for the past 2 days that I had my desired appearance her words barely touched me or shook my resolve because I genuinely believe that I have my desired appearance even if other people don’t see it.
Like I don’t care what anyone says, I know I have my desired appearance already and its just a matter of time before my 3D gives in and accepts that reality as well. Even as I’m typing this out I’m robotically affirming.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
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svdaily · 6 months
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successfulgoddess333 · 5 months
Hi baby
The 3D reality that you’re currently experiencing
Right now is the physical reality
The physical plane
The Void State is just the natural state of consciousness
The most purest form of you
You are not just physical
You are not just a physical being
You are not just a body
You are more than that
You are walking pureness
You are walking consciousness
You are a walking soul
Everything about who you really truly are is
The inside
From your soul
To your subconscious mind to the void state
THAT is who you are
Your body is a result of the 3D
It being a physical reality
You right now are in the state of the 3D physical awareness
In the void, that is the state of pure awareness outside the 3D
In the void state you are no longer in your 3D physical reality
Where your body is
You are pure peace
You are pure love
Just energy
Manifesting in this pure state is possible
Anything you want from changing your past
Having your desired facial features
To waking up with millions of dollars
Is all possible
Everything that happens here
Your worries frustrations
That exam you fear failing
Your Sp having you blocked
Your crush avoiding you
To your family causing you hell
Not having privacy
Hating your body
Being ignored by friends
Being bullied
Etc etc
Whatever it is you’re going through
Becomes nonexistent when you enter the void state
At some point if your life you ignore the 3D
When you close your eyes to listen to music or to meditate when you watch tv and you’re fully invested in
With your friends or boyfriend or girlfriend
Etc etc
These little moments where your only focus is that one thing or person
This is how easy it is to lose awareness of the 3D
Because we’re always doing it
We’re always in our heads daydreaming
In the Void state you exist only as purely consciousness
You to not exist in the 3D in that moment
Because life itself is one big awareness
You’re here because you’re aware that you exist
You’re alive you know you are
Entering the void is just becoming aware that you are more than a physical body and that everything physical from you in this reality is a result
Think of the void as
When you were first born
Because the void is our original home
This why the Void state IS our home
You’re just going home
Getting the things you want from that house
And coming back here
Like you left your second home(3D) to go get your things(desires) from your original home
The 3D is also our home but it’s not the original one
What can you manifest from the void?
You can manifest from winning the lottery to going to the 2025 Met Gala as a Singer or Model
You can travel to the future or past
Get fairy wings
Shift to a billion realities
Astral project
Always lucid dream
Create portals in those lucid dreams
Change your entire life the exact way you want it
Be famous
Be an astronaut
A college graduate
Affirm you’re the master manifester
That you always get in the void in like 30 second
Change your whole appearance from your body to your skin color to where you were born to your eye color
You can even change your family
Or change your pets
Revise your past
Bring a pet back from the dead
Etc etc
And the best part is
Is that
Is happens when you want it to happen
You want it instantly
You’re gonna wake up with your desires
You are more powerful than you think
The 3D is physical and you are more than physicality
You are way up
You look down at the 3D
There’s no time in the void so obviously you can alter your life to be in a certain time period
If you wanna shift to 2011 to get one direction go for it!
Don’t be scared of the void
It’s you
Why wouldn’t YOU keep you safe?
You’re at your most purest form there’s nothing to be afraid of
Just BE
Breathe until you feel disconnected then just affirm count etc
Symptoms are your bodies reaction to you disconnecting from the physical plane
Ignore it
Because they’re physical
Customize your void it doesn’t have to be pitch black!
The void state is your home
Go home tonight
Get your desires
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Reblog and follow to keep the motivation flowing!
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needtotalkilllisten · 3 months
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thepersonalquotes · 1 month
If an eagle is teaching you to fly, ignore the advice of turkeys.
Matshona Dhliwayo
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theambitiouswoman · 11 months
Why You Struggle With ✨Discipline✨
Discipline can be hard for many people because they often lack a strong reason or motivation to stick to their goals. It's like wanting something really badly but not having the determination to work for it. How bad do you actually want it? Sometimes, people choose fun things over the things that are good for them in the long run. Others have trouble managing their time and making smart choices, and they give in to distractions or bad habits easily. Fear of both success and failure can also make it tough to stay disciplined. If there's no one to remind them or support them, they might give up too quickly. This is your life and no one is coming to save you. No one can want it for you more than you. Things like phones and social media can also make it hard to focus, but they don't disconnect. Feeling stressed or overwhelmed can mess with discipline too. Having clear goals and a plan can help a lot. Remember, being disciplined is like a skill that you can get better at with practice and by finding ways to stay motivated. Usually, there's nothing really stopping you from achieving your goals, it's mostly you standing in your own way. The thought of missing out on your dreams because you're not disciplined enough can be really tough to handle. Worrying about what could happen 5 years from now causes you anxiety and paralyses you. It's difficult to accept that you could have it all with just a bit of effort. So, discipline is not only about getting things done but also about achieving the life you want and avoiding the regret of not trying harder.
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yeesiine · 10 months
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strawbslvr · 23 days
I just realized that there is actually a reality where your current life is actually just a tv show/anime/ movie/ series there and some people are trying to shift to it…👀
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chichis-interlude · 28 days
”thoughts become things. if you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.”— bob proctor
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