#sucks that mcr broke up
markdelonge · 2 years
can't believe mark hoppus was the reason mcr broke up
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zieatsramen · 1 month
You have no idea how long I've tried to get my hands on these guys
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kenny-the-ken · 1 year
Emo Head Cannons for the Main 4 Boys!
A massive thank you to my favourite ever @kira-broflovski for our chats about this and for also helping me with ideas for these!!! 💞
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Kyle 💚
- iTS NoT a PHasE MOm!
- Plays Overwatch and mains D.VA or Widowmaker
- Hates furries with a burning passion (Eric)
- More of a screamo listener, boy has some pent up rage
- Really wants to colour his hair dark but his parents have definitely put a stop to that!
- "I'm not emo, I'm just misunderstood."
- Goes skateboarding with Kenny and Stan, even though he's awful at it
- Smokes cigarettes to be 'cool and different'
Kyle ashes his cigarette before sighing. "My parents just don't get it! It's their fault I'm so emo in the first place."
Stan 💙
- Was emo in the womb
- Also plays Overwatch with Kyle but he deffo mains Reaper or Roadhog
- Usually drunk
- "I was emo before it was cool."
- Definitely cries to My Chemical Romance
- Doesn't hate furries as much as Kyle but definitely doesn't like them.
- Wardrobe consists of band tees, black hoodies, black beanies and black skinny jeans
- "I don't have to dye my hair to be emo, my hair is naturally black."
"My dad grows weed, so I can get it whenever I want it." Stan said, brushing his long black fringe from his eyes.
Eric ❤️
- He isn't emo, he bullies them
- "You guys look like a gay boy band."
- Is secretly a furry (The Coon is literally an animal)
- Kyle is still his sworn enemy
- Probably listens to Hollywood Undead
- Denies it though
- Is secretly a massive nerd but will never let anyone know, it's his biggest weakness
- "Well, good luck to you guys seeing MCR in concert cause they broke up years ago."
- Gamers vs Furries (Kyle vs Eric)
"Hey, Kyle! I didn't know Jews could be emo!" Eric shouted down the corridor.
"Oh yeah? Well at least I'm not a furry like you!"
Kenny 🧡
- Sk8tr boi
- Ripped skinny jeans and hoodies
- Probably showers once a week (sometimes)
- STINKS of weed
- Has been stoned from birth
- "I like dying all the time dudes, just sucks I come back to life." 🥲
- Wants a big tiddie goth gf
- Has a drug problem
- General menace to society
"Dude, I sniffed glue before and I swear I got so high I thought I was dead... or maybe I did die." Kenny spoke, his already stoned mind wandering to itself.
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hykar · 5 months
💫Sucheon Kang Headcanons: 1
•A light sleeper that is easily waken up even with the most subtle movement anywhere near him when he sleeps or the smallest noise being made.
•Definitely has Insomnia, I don't make the rules.
•Listens to music (Even his favorite ones) with either the STRAIGHTEST face known to mankind or humming along—there's nothing in between.
•I can see him listening to: The Weeknd, Al James, Chase Atlantic, Arctic Monkeys, Childish Gambino, MCR, and Cigarettes After Sex.
•Chase Atlantic coded—I said what I said.
•I can (somehow) imagine him learning how to play a guitar (He'd definitely go for the electric one) and like he got everything he could possibly need and purchased a really good guitar too—only to get frustrated with how the strings are too hard and is hurting his fingers to the point he just can't play at all and left the guitar and the materials he got in his closet to rot. "What the fuck you can change strings?" I can hear him saying that if he finds out you can change the guitar strings to one you're more comfortable in using.
•Definitely gets pissed at the claw machines. I can see him pinching his nose bridge in annoyance if the prize is dropped when its so near to the hole where prizes are dropped in. I think he broke one or two claw machines.
•Has the meanest side eyes and/or eye rolls.
•Better start praying if you show up to an unhinged/out of pocket insults contest and you see him there cause for some reason, even the most basic ahh insults becomes so mean when it comes from him. (His insults fr piss at the soul)
•If he were a character in the Mean Girls, he'd definitely be Regina George.
•He's definitely not misogynistic, racist, homophobic or anything of the likes (Its pretty hard to see him that way too cause it just don't sit well nor does it fit well at all.) but he is definitely the quote "It doesn't matter what you are cause if you suck, you suck."
•He's definitely a Grumpy Admirer Who Secretly Cares or is like very straightforward about it—There's nothing in between (FR GONNA WRITE ABOUT THIS OMG IAJDISJSJFJC).
•Immediately blocks a person if they ask him if he's single when he's in a relationship.
•Other than Bomber Jackets, I think he likes leather jackets, racer jackets, and baseball styled jackets too.
🌷Hell week is hell weeking real hard rn, really sorry if the finals week turned into my final week. Will try to survive through this.🥲
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agentstovring · 1 year
I’ve been trying to put this into words since My Chemical Romance came back, and I’ve accepted that this is as coherent as it’s gonna get, so, bear with me. I first started listening to MCR as a teenager who was secretly questioning her sexuality; I didn’t know what I was, just that something was off about me. I felt that there was something in me that needed to be kept hidden, and that feeling was reflected in popular media where no one seemed to be like me. But then a friend from the internet recommended a song by My Chemical Romance, a band that I had never heard of. From the first listen, MCR made me feel like I was in safe hands; like I could be myself. And I became myself through heavy eyeliner; and studded belts and bracelets; and black t-shirts and hoodies from the men’s section of the store, because I hated my body and needed to be cloaked in layers and layers. Gerard kissed Bert McCracken a few times, and Frank a lot of times, and talked about sucking dick; and everyone treated it like a joke, because everything gay was either a joke or an insult back then. But those of us with secret thoughts felt a swarm of butterflies as we watched it all happen, because even if it was a joke, it was an act of courage in the face of all the bigotry we grew up internalizing
I remember the early festival days; how Gerard lost their mind and raged on stage after hearing that a band had offered backstage passes in exchange for girls flashing their tits; and Gerard stood on stage yelling at the crowd, telling the girls who were given such an offer to spit in that shitty band’s faces and scream FUCK YOU.
And on Life On the Murder Scene they recalled this story and talked about the sexualization of women that happens in rock ’n’ roll; and how they despised it and never wanted to be that kind of person or that kind of band. This was at a time where such behavior was normalized, and yet we could all feel safe knowing that they would never do this to us.
And then MCR broke up and we felt lost, but they reassured us that death is never the end.
And it was true, because they reunited, and Gerard started wearing skirts on stage, and we were finally confirmed in what we always knew - that MCR was a queer band, always had been, and not just because the vibes were there, but because Gerard was queer - One of us! One of us! - and we hadn’t just made ourselves at home, we were home.
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polyamorouspunk · 2 years
I only recently started getting into punk/pop punk music and I feel kinda bad about it. Everyone talks about loving it middle/high school, but I'm in my mid 20s. I know there's no such thing as fake fans but I can't help but feel like I missed my chance to be into it and I'm too old for it now
Honestly I feel this with middle school. Like everyone is all like “remember when MCR broke up 😭” or whatever and it’s like. No. Not really. That’s probably a lot coming from me who got into the scene at 15ish but by that time MCR was already broken up etc. etc. but I still got to experience a lot of bands in their hay-day or whatever. I think a lot of that comes from tumblr/Twitter/TikTok culture. Other social medias I have for bands and stuff have people on there who are 15 and people on there whose kids are older than I am, people who are like “I just started listening to them” etc. etc. it sucks that age/how long you’ve been listening is part of the “fan” experience and “what makes a true fan”, same with how much merch you have and how many shows and conventions you’ve been to etc. (aka how much money you have to spend and if you’re USA) and while I think there’s been a push to get away from that in recent years it’s still very much prevalent.
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why do you like mcr? asking in good faith, i genuinely am interested what makes them important to you!
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well! there are many layers to this! I first came across their music when I was an emo little weirdo adolescent and had that lovely "oh these guys are emo little weirdos like me" moment. their music really resonated with me also as a very depressed teenager because it's so "acknowledge that shit sucks and ALSO you can't give up" like "I am not afraid to keep on living I am not afraid to walk this world alone," like the whole thing is strength to keep going through the hard shit which I really needed to hear in a way that wasn't like. peppy platitudes about happiness etc. like they have been through the same shit and made it out the other side and have always been so vocal about the need to keep trying Despite It All. and they've always been so vehemently supportive of being who you are no matter what. and then they broke up right as I was finishing high school and that was something that felt so final but they went off and did their own thing and came into themselves even more. and then. and then! years later they were like "we're going to tour again" and then right before the tour started they dropped Foundations of Decay which hit for 2022 me the same way that, like, Famous Last Words hit for me when I was a teenager, "you must fix your heart and you must build an altar where it swells. when the storm, it gains, and the sky, it rains, let it flood, let it flood, let it wash away" like yeah! you must fix your heart! and then while on tour we got all of the joy on stage and! and! gerard's outfits! which paired with gender stuff he's said in the past and the way their face literally lit up when seeing themselves on the big screens! something that was so lovely to see and also soooo personal to me as a trans person!! I've also had a really shit time of it for the past year so seeing them perform hearing the same messages of hope and sticking with it and staying alive with the added bonus of the joy and the nostalgia and thinking about how far they've all come and how far I've come it's just!!! something so personal to me like thinking about it makes me emo and weepy like they're alive I'm alive we get to be the people we want to be and present ourselves the way we want to! and that is so special!!!
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khashanakalashtar · 2 years
Rules: Pick ten of your fics, scroll to somewhere in the middle, pick a chunk of lines, and share it! Then tag ten people, if you’d like.
I got all the way through this thinking I was pretending I’d been tagged by @theleakypen and then realized that ve didn’t post this verself, ve reblogged it from @shadaras, (which explains why I don’t recognize any of the fics, duh) so I guess I’m pretending I was tagged by shadaras, who will likely never see this bc I can’t tag him. and tagging @the-lincyclopedia, @softanimalgoose, @alasse-irena, @songofsunset, @bookwyrmling, @lemonlushff, @faiasakura, @theflowergirl, @eldritchw1tch, and LUNY AND CLEM WHY CAN’T I TAG YOU so you’re each counting as half a tag. and Puck if you want to play consider yourself tagged. :p it’s so nice to have more than three people to tag in these things.
I tried to get a good distribution of fics from my Check Please days (2018) on. Some of these are Khashana classics, others deserved better. Whether I could find a good clump of lines near the middle heavily factored in as well.
Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach, MDZS, 8k, Wangxian, rated T, written for WWX’s Birthday Gift Exchange Oct 2022
“You look beautiful,” Lan Zhan murmurs. Wei Ying lets out a sob and covers her mouth with one hand. Not quite sure of her welcome, Lan Zhan raises her arms, and Wei Ying flings herself into them. She tries to turn her face away to keep Lan Zhan dry, but Lan Zhan catches her and turns her so her face is nestled into the side of Lan Zhan’s neck.
“I’m getting you all damp, Lan Zhan,” murmurs Wei Ying.
“Let me absorb,” Lan Zhan whispers back, and Wei Ying clings.
Can’t Be Anyone But You, MDZS, 1.8k, Wangxian, rated T, written in early 2022
He had to look away to summon the face to say the last part, but then he chanced a quick glance back at Lan Zhan’s face, which confirmed nothing.
“You love me,” he said, and his voice broke slightly. “You love me, and so it isn’t called ‘Wei Ying, so help me I am going to make you copy the rules for eternity if you don’t shut up.’”
When the Day Met the Night, MDZS, 8k, Wangxian, rated E, written in late 2021
Lan Zhan won’t look at him, face still red, glaring a hole into the opposite wall now Huaisang’s disappeared.
Sucks to be him. Wei Ying is a pro at being annoying and has, as previously established, very little shame.
“Have you been holding out on me, Lan Zhan?” he asks, raising his voice to normal talking-at-a-party level. “Do you bring people home and tie them up in bed? Has he walked in on it? Did I awaken something in you?”
Fragile Lives/Shattered Dreams, ATLA, 11k, rated T, Zutara that turns into Zukka, written for the ATLA 18+ Big Bang 2021
“What do the Water Tribes think of—of men who like men? The way they’re supposed to like women?” He stared at a patch of snow, feeling his cheeks heat and watching Sokka out of the corner of his eye.
Sokka paused and looked up. “I wouldn’t say supposed to,” he said. “But I know what you mean. We celebrate it.”
Zuko’s mouth dropped open. That was one answer he had absolutely not considered. Celebrate? Not hate, not tolerate, not even accept, but celebrate?
Retribution, ATLA, 8k, rated T, gen with minor Jetko and Sukki, written in early 2021
He leaves early for work and sticks his head into Jet’s coffee shop.  
“What’s up, Mr. MCR Reunion Tour?”
Zuko makes the executive decision to ignore that baffling comment entirely and walks up to the counter. Jet arches an eyebrow at him. Zuko fists a hand in his lapels, drags Jet forward over the counter, and kisses him on the lips firmly.
He keeps it quick and chaste, and when he releases Jet, he has the pleasure of seeing him speechless. Zuko smirks at him and leaves before Jet can find his voice again.
(yes this counts as minor Jetko as it’s the sum total of the time it shows up at all in the 8k, lol)
Throw destiny out with the bathwater, I make my own path; Supernatural, 1.2k, rated T, Destiel, post-finale fix-it in late 2020
Besides, Jack isn’t coming.
“Sammy,” he tries again. “What’s the point of free will if he’s just going to come down and save us every time we get in a tight spot?”
“What’s the point of sacrificing myself to save your life if you’re going to get yourself killed days later by accident?” says Cas from somewhere outside Dean’s field of vision.
All My Underdogs, Check, Please!, 16k, rated E, PBJ, written in mid-2020
“How did you get together?”
“Met at the Olympics,” said Kent between bites of grilled cheese. “Bonded over his dad being Bad Bob Zimmermann and my mom being Gina Jackson. Fucked. Then I won the bronze, came out to my mother, announced I was quitting competitive figure skating, and ran away to live with the Zimmermanns for five months.”
“Oh my Lord,” said Bitty, abandoning all pretense of eating. “That is the most extra thing I have ever heard.”
Disrespect, ATLA, 2k, rated T, gen, written in mid-2020
Toph is sitting next to him, on the other side of the couch with her earbuds in, listening to her economics textbook. Zuko sets his laptop on the floor, every motion deliberate and decided, and scoots across the center of the couch. She hears him coming and lifts her arm to let him snuggle up under. With her other hand, she pauses her phone.
“You okay, Sparky?”
He sighs, feeling himself on a precipice. He shakes his head where it’s pressed against her shoulder.
Around him, the quiet of four people studying hardens into actual silence.
Daiquiris and Celtic Knots, Check Please!, 6k, rated M, Kent/Snowy, written for Fandom Trumps Hate 2019
“Did you find parking okay?”
“Oh, I didn’t bother getting a rental. Took an Uber.”
Jakub makes a face at him. “Take a taxi next time.”
“What have you got against Uber?” Kent pulls up a barstool and accepts a glass of wine.
“I’m union,” says Jakub flatly. “So are you. Take a taxi.”
I Need Direction to Perfection (is there room for one more), Check Please!, 28k, rated E, PBJ, written in 2018
“He’s your husband,” said Kent.
“Again, not cheating,” said Jack. He frowned. “Do you not want to say no?”
Kent glanced at him and looked away quickly again, eyes big. He said nothing.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know,” said Kent. “I have no idea what I’m feeling except there’s too fucking much of it.”
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sinofbisexuality · 2 years
Yall. My girlfriend knows I like MCR and the whole classic emo vibe. So the other day she was like. This might suck to hear bc I know you're edgy, but MCR broke up. And I was like. Damn that sucks, but that's also kinda their thing I'll see em at the next reunion.
Then today I saw a post about P!ATD apparently breaking up, so I was like ig it's going around and looked MCR up on Instagram and saw no mention of their break up??? I think she may have lied to me
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cemeteryxdriven · 2 years
…so now I think about it MCR will be my first pit since I broke my second foot… which means no good foot to stand on in the pit, literally…
well it looks like I’m investing in cushiony insoles and re-learning how to strap every damn injury I have
fuck me guys it sucks being 27 and fucked up but still having the heart of a fucking 19 year old with a love for chaos or some shit
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itzlizzywizzy · 2 years
Panic! at the disco breaking up gives me the weirdest mixed feelings. Saw them it should I rather say saw Brendon on the last two tours he did. It was a fantastic time, a good show and a lot of fun. I’m seeing him again on this upcoming tour, even though the last album sucked. I’m sure it’ll still be fun.
That being said, some part of me still is glad that it’s over. Brendon was indeed beating a dead horse and I would’ve respected him and the music he put out more if he just put his own name on it and owned it, instead of making Ryan Ross sit through all that.
Never saw them in their original constellation, and somehow getting to see Ryan is still on my bucket list. Maybe that’s in the cards now? Can’t help that my inner emo kid is crying a bit. It’s not an mcr broke up sobbing on the kitchen floor meltdown but still.
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its been said many many times before but what i rlly love about fob more than any other band in their contemporary is how they broke genre barriers. and not even in like maybe a pretentious way or just that its cool of them to not be so close-minded but because EYE like more than one genre ! i grew up listening to hip-hop and r&b and then found my way to pop-rap and nicki minaj and gym class heroes and then other big pop stars and dancepop and i LOVE pop music !!!!!!!! and when i finally stumbled over fob and ab/ap I LOVED IT !!!! the mapa remix album is still so terribly underrated imo. and ofc as every other 13 year old did, i started listening to other "emo" bands but always kept close to fob because they made music with artists i was already familiar with. i couldnt find say mcr or p!atd (no hate) doing collabs with rappers but i DID find out that i had been listening to patrick's voice on timbaland's shock value five years before i even knew who fob was. and when i started growing out of emo, i had gotten more into edm (classic pipeline actually) i was already pretty familiar but when young and menace first dropped i was hooked instantly. and now as a happy adult, self loathing emo doesnt rlly cut it for me anymore, ive recently dove further into hardcore and of course....fob led me to it. i just LOVE that they were in every genre that i have loved and will continue to love and ones i didnt even know i would love. i rlly cant say that for a whole lot of other artists. i think fob is an amaaaazing POP band. and i say that with so much love because pop is GOOD! i think thats why i was always so disconnected from emo cuz so many of ppl here hate pop music. so lame. anyways yeah sorry for all this spam in your inbox. i saw ur rebuttal to someone hating on mania and i LOVE mania so i felt u were right to send this to <3 (also u like imagine dragons which gets a lot of hate from ppl for being a pop band which sucks :/)
anon u have the biggest brain and such good taste i hope u are having the absolute best day and that you find money on the ground fr i’d bake you cookies if i could. thank u for having common sense because no one on this damned site (besides like, my Best Friends) have any sort of common sense but u… ur special and i love u even
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wisepidgeon · 10 months
up and down
i woke up yesterday sad but i was alright but today i woke up and suicidal and that sucks because i know that its gonna be ok but my brain doesnt think so the doubt says no its not gonna be ok you gotta just give up and honestly its tempting but i know im on the right path because even tho i dont see it my family all say that i am i think im just hurting alot
let me tell you about my ex we will call her red as that was the color of half her hair when we met
red and i met on the last day of school like after we had walked the stage and everything i saw her on the graduation practice and told myself if i saw her i would say something to her she was way out of my league i had thought at the time a beautiful girl who had a get scared shirt on and low and behold i got the chance when i had to go into the office to grab something she was there so i stood there and talked to her for a minute i told her that her shirt was really cool and i had used to listen to the and then i saw her mcr backpack and said i liked them too we exchanged names and this was new for me but i remembered her name for a few days afterward and in that time i had
something strange about her is that in the short conversation we had it triggered some painful memories like ptsd almost thats the best way i could describe it
a friend saying that someone on his Instagram was looking for me and that he didnt know her very well and i was like oh no is it that one crazy chick who i pissed off because i had done that recently but no it was red and so i looked red up on instagram it wasnt easy but i did it and i gave her a friend request and sent a selfie with a message somewhere along the line of i dont know if your the person i think you are but if you are you should remember my name "bird" not my name but yeah
she did but the selfie didnt go through so we decided to meet at a park i knew was around but had never been too we talked and hung out for a while we listened to music and she showed me leave me alone by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME who i had never listened to before and i thought it was her way of telling me to fuck off because ive been broken up with in a similar way
after that we had talked for a while gotten to know each other better and she ended up taking my virginity and we got together a little while later then after about a week after that she cheated on my with her ex it was alot more complicated than that but its fair to put it that way i wanted her but was scared to lose her and she wasnt over him and in a way i had let it happen although she broke the rules an so her and i agree it was cheating and she kept at it telling me that the she wasnt willing to give him up for me i never forgave her for this but i was too scared to leave her behind and we had a consert to go to in a month or two in texas so i tried but i never did trust her after that
i wanted to oh gods i wanted to i gave her a lot of chances to gain my trust back but as i grew angrier and more depressed by the situation i became the problem and i started lying to her and being manipulative toward her honestly there was no love on my end at that point but the sex was nice and i was scared to be alone and im a selfish cunt so yeah
i ended making her stop talking with him on a technicality of a deal we had made that if there was anything i didnt know past present or future that had bee sexual with her ex from after the time of her and i getting together that she would have to block her and never talk to him again i was angry when i looked through her phone and found that she had sent him and i the same nudes and that was the first id ever been sent nudes before and it hurt well nude by someone i had known at least but i think thats why i never cared when she did it later in life anyway she had a panic attack about it but ended up giving him up and keeping me which i made very clear was her choice that night she could have me or she could have him it was up to her
later on i was mad at my mom and my family in general so i made up a story about me being kicked out of the house and asked her for help she helped me out gave me a place to stay in her moms car her apartment was full like 4 kids 5 adults in a two bedroom her brother had moved in and it was bad over all but i made the best of it
i was eventually made to move out and so i called my mom and worked on stuff with my mom because i had damaged that relationship but red was no longer allowed in my room because my mom said so i at this point didnt know what to do i started to love her again but i was still very much hurt over the entire situation with her ex a while back i still havent gottent over in properly in almost three years although i can say i dont think she has ever cheated on me
i got an apartment and moved in with her and that was really fun at first we lived there for 11 months the complex was doing renovations so they gave us the option when i told them i was gonna struggle with the last months rent i had been getting help from an charatable organization but we didnt really take care of the place and we didnt wanna work so it was hard we grew angery with each other and my lying about alot of my problems like porn addiction became a real problem one i still deal with but its been easier now i think
we had really high good times and really low bad ones and i was always scared of being hurt again i felt like she had never appologied enough for what she had done and i had never been ready to listen to her and so we just hurt each other over and over again
those 11 months ended and we went back to her moms place where there was now 1 adult living there 3 including us but it was no easier her mom is the kind of person who has alot of things she wants dont and feels like its owed to her that those things are done for her she is also someone who manipulates her daughter into feeling sorry for her and staying around i would know i dont really have room to speak on that one
i had a few jobs in and out of work but it was always short i never could find something i liked but i needed to pay her mom some money every month eventually tho the endless stress of being there got to both of us we i asked her if she thought being with me was worth it she said no which broke my heart because i loved her even if all we did was argue and fight i still loved her and wanted her i just couldnt deal with everything that was going on at that point so we broke up and i still hate myself for pushing her away like i did
i moved out a little while later we kept in touch i was angry but i still love her and wanted her back she told me she fucked someone else about a week after we had broken up and i thought that was funny she fucked someone else in one week after we had gotten together and one week after we had broken up seems like a pattern to me but what do i know
anyway her and i started talking and having sex again and i told her i wanted her back this was a few days ago and she said thats no chance and you should just give up and thats why i am currently sucidal i think because i have to give up on someone that i love i have to let them go and i have to move on and im not ready i dont want to and it hurts i wanted to learn to grow with her not with out her i wanted to marry this girl i still do really i still love her and im not ok and thats ok it has to be ok because if its not then im lost and dont think ill ever be found again im crying while writing this which sucks alot theres a part of me that never wants to feel this pain ever again but thats the part of me who got us here in the first place isnt it
if i could do it all over again i would still be a virgin and we would have stopped being friend after i asked her out and she said yes and when i asked her if the meant she would stop fucking her ex and she "said do i have to?" it would have ended there because honestly that should be the end point of any relationship
alright you fucking babys stop crying already thats my job xoxo stay safe live fast but die old and gray
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gorey · 1 year
hello. please explain in as much detail as is comfortable how your music taste has grown and changed over the course of your life. thank you. ?<- question mark for redundancy since you said to ask it but i accidentally didnt phrase it that way
Hi!!! Thank you for this question
So one thing you gotta understand is we're the son of two professional orchestra violinists so a lot of our early introductions to music were classical with the exception of fiona apple when our mom introduced us to the album extraordinary machine when we were like 7. we also listened to a lot of stephane grappelli and django reinhardt, ella fitzgerald singing harold arlen, duke ellington - jazz is one of our favorite genres to this day and fiona is an all time favorite artist so clearly that era stuck with us. lots of the Beatles also and we have a soft spot for some of their songs despite despising them as an entity
we'd listen to radio pop on our computer and record shit thru the speaker onto our shitty voice recorder so we could play in the backyard and listen to it this was a no phone no ipod era
the first artist I can remember us really getting into on our own was owl city before we found out he's rather Christian which we don't really vibe with. our best friend at the time introduced us to some classic rock especially queen. somewhere along the way we discovered patd by watching some random speedpaint and then got rly into them age like 10-11. some mcr too but we never had a fall out boy phase Hashem bless.
I remember buying a Florence + the machine cd at Barnes and noble at like 11? 12? Lungs which is a great album I've always loved their music but I didn't list any of their albums on my big list of favorites just now bc I take issue with some shit she's done. Also got into Muse around that time I think
2012 is when shit really started the idler wheel by fiona apple came out and we were a hot mess so it rly resonated with us. This is also when we got into andrew bird. Discovered a bunch of shit - soley, daughter, marina, lana. really mentally ill period
After summer camp 2013 I got into arctic monkeys and vampire weekend which was at the time really transformative to our approach to music. Then we started dating someone with rly fucking good music taste and everything really fell into place. Got rly into alt-J on my own but my now-ex showed me james blake, rory ferreira, sufjan stevens, the antlers, death grips, bunch of shit. I started getting more into hip hop, got into chance the rapper for a bit before realizing he's kinda mid though acid rap does rly hold up, also discovered glass animals in like 2015, really there was a lot of stuff I don't have very good memory of this time period
2016 was like. Vince staples car seat headrest deerhoof Hiatus kaiyote whatever the kids at Berklee summer were listening to...got rly into a sun kil moon album but later found out he did some creep shit so we don't listen to that anymore which sucks. Our then best friend got us into gorillaz and Kate bush
2017-19 we discovered king krule and mount eerie among other things which was epic and cool. Phil elverum sees straight into our mind it was a revelation. Rory ferreira only keeps getting better and better. Too many things to name. Hyperpop, sophie and PC music, lots of blood orange, we were chronically high as shit
2020 we holed up in the upstairs of our house with a dude who no longer speaks to us to record an album of original music. I finally decided to listen to talking heads and my world was blown open. Also the era of listening to let's eat grandma and grimes (I know) while flagrantly psychotic in quarantine. Shabazz palaces black up shoutout and all the random goofy shit my (ex) bandmate showed me also fugazi
2021 i broke up with good music taste ex and started dating someone else also with very good music taste but in a different direction, got into the Mars Volta and a bunch of shit here you go
And the 2022 one is even longer. By a lot. it speaks for itself really fucking good year for music
And this year I've been getting more into punk shit like cherubs, special interest, a frames; finally got into sonic youth the other day, lots more deerhoof too.
extremely long response thank u so very much for letting us ramble about this!! 💓
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awsugar · 2 years
storytime on the brokenarm?
lol ive definitely talked about it multiple times but not in ages probably so sure! storytime
i saw frank 20 times in 2017 and to achieve this i did 5 shows in the uk. at my 4th show, in aberdeen scotland, i went up to crowdsurf during stitches and when i got to the barricade security just. stood there and watched??? lmfao. my friends who were on barricade tried to keep me up as long as possible but security were just like🧍🏻‍♂️and, as evan tells it, on the literal last note of the song i just fell to the ground. i tried to catch myself with my arm i guess idk its all kind of hazy, but yea cara franks tour manager (now one of the mcr tour managers) like ran and lunged and tried to get to me in time when she saw security was not doing their job but she was too late and like as soon she got there she was like 'i think you broke your arm' and i was like 'no im fine' and then i looked down and i saw the bone was sticking waaaay out like not outside the skin but like. definitely a horribly mangled arm. and i was like 'oh i dont' think i can stand up' SLSDLFSDJFS. frank had them turn on the house lights and like waited til i was escorted out of the front of the stage and he started clapping for me lmaoooo there used to be a video someone took of the whole show from barricade on youtube but i cant find it anymore :(((((
this was the night after he brought me on stage for oceans. the epic highs and lows of mack in the uk.
all my friends were like gathered around me at the back of the venue and derek homeless gospel choir came over and was like hey whats up and they were all like 'their arm' and he immediately dipped LMAO anyway yea i had to take an ambulance to the hospital. when they told me they were calling an ambulance i started crying because i was like I CANT AFFORD IT but it was free. scotland. crazy. horrible horrible ambulance ride. cobblestone streets with a fucked up arm. they gave me laughing gas??? which didnt work at all but i kept sucking it in like mainlining it hoping it would do something so when it came time to get out of the ambulance i nearly fell out as soon as i stood up.
anyway i got it checked out and stuff and they said i needed surgery but my mom wanted me to wait til i got home so they like took care of everything i would need to make it home and whatever and yea it was all completely free can you believe it.
anyway i wasnt done with my shows so yes i took the bus to glasgow tthe next day for the last show. when i got there they told me cara was looking for me and she had something for me and frank had made me a custom drumhead that everyone on the tour signed 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and also had it set up so i could stand inside the sound guys barricade in the pit so no one would bump into me also he had all the security from the night before fired my savior 😫
and then before im a mess he said 'our friend mackenzie broke their arm last night but theyr'e here anyway which is crazy and amazing and this song is for them' WAHHHH
anyway thats the story this is the drumhead
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sorry for everyone who has heard this story frank is so special to me...even if he spelled my name wrong
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its been like almost a year and a lot has happened.
my old friend group TG is kinda a shitehole now; N got kicked out and P and their bf broke up and apparently P did some not so cool things so I dont really talk to TG much. And thats okay because its kind of obvious who they value and who they dont
I joined the colorguard at my school and thats mostly why i've been so busy, 9am to 9pm practices are brutal. its a lot of fun though lots of emotions. my anxiety used to really rough in the beginning of the year because I wouldn't talk to people during the summer but all summer was band camp this time and I think it has really got me like almost healed.
sometimes I feel obnoxious talking about cg (colorguard, I hate typing) because i feel like its the only thing I talk about but its a big part of my life
so it started in may, tryouts. I was very very frightened but I ended up getting in because everyone who showed up did (a total of 19 people.). we had our first camp then which was a week of I think 1-9 practices, and every Tuesday there would be a practice. there were more camps in June and July but august was the big one. august camp was so talked about and feared and me being new I was slapped in the face with reality. august camp was 9am to 9pm including breaks for food. we ran a mile every day and every day of camp was every day of the month, including right before school started. all the people of cg are nice I'm friends with one in particular M but I'm mainly kinda friends with all of them. I don't really talk to the ones my age because they are a little strange, I still do talk to them so when they made a gc without me that one kinda hurt.
anyway school is fine, I have C as my main friend and then some others. its pretty easy but math still sucks, and I have it 8th period which means I have it every day
thats it ig, I write sometimes when I'm bored and at 2 am I thought this was the shit
the day we met I knew it was over
the way your eyes shimmered in the golden light, I knew I had met my match
we spent your lifetime together
lost in each-others eternity
but there I stood, in front of the soulless wooden box
staring into the empty eyes that once captivated the sun
your skin, once grazed by gods now gray and withered forever tainted by time
I look at what once was and beg the gods to take me too
I love mcr but I cant tell anyone because they all make fun of me for it :,(
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