#sudo draws!
pseudinymous · 4 months
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Here's another one I did quite a while back that I don't think I ever posted here.
I'm so happy with how happy she looks. I bet this is her when she's reuinited with Ingo.
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time-slink · 1 year
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quick little hylian stable hand bdubs… normal thoughts abt this btw 👍
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srwgrin · 15 days
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technically lloyd works at the flower and tea shop combined with a dojo his uncle and dad created (w/ the other ninja but thats besides the point) !! and lloyd originally doesnt really like the flower & tea side of it bc its boring, plants are so boring, i do not care, UNTIL brad waltzes in one day, and he’s just UNBEARABLY nice.
eventually lloyd keeps noticing him until he cant help but start crushing and he starts studying all this extra stuff abt plants and flower arrangements and meanings just to go up to brad and be all “do you need help” and seem remotely competent at his job and maybe even impress him.
AND BRAD, captain of gardening club, owner of a bajillion plants, is so shocked that LLOYD, his long time crush from middle school to hs, who is not supposed to know he exists, who only went to the shop to maybe bask in the atmosphere after soccer practice and silently admire lloyd, is talking to him that he jumps at the chance and pretends to not know anything abt plants so he has an excuse to talk to him more! and he pretends to get excited to try a bunch of different tea and love it even though he HATES tea (he is a coffee man) because he likes seeing sensei wu, sensei garmadon, ninja, & lloyd’s reaction to him trying the tea. they’ve become very avid tea lovers.
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miramizar · 4 months
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🩵 ~Happy KyungMyeonDay~ 🩵
✫ credits: x x x x ✫
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shhnsy10 · 9 months
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Aubrey — Nemezida!?
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bukimina-zu · 3 months
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no reason why i just think mitsuharu would end up wanting to beat the shit out of seiko for saying stuff like this but its cool they're cool
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yourundead · 2 months
just pick one, even if you don't know it, I need to make a decision and I am bad at that
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sakounari343 · 8 months
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I’m back for now so-
Take spoodersona
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trnsfrm · 2 years
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talked to Gem about Kirihiko getting manipulated into doing something because. one, the thing was necessary but dangerous and he doesn’t want Shotaro to get hurt. two, it’s a way to prove his worth and show to Shotaro the bf that he’s worth keeping around. of course said bf goes ‘you don’t need to prove anything to me, you idiot! I love you.’
and. yeah. it made me think about the moment Kirihiko realizes that this new environment at the detective agency is NOTHING like the one at the Sonozakis. and now here we are.
anyway, to me, one of the saddest things in W is that noone found out about the fact that Saeko was abusive to Kirihiko. I wish someone had gotten angry for him.
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pseudinymous · 4 months
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Holy crap, when was the last time I did art? No one knows?
Well, have a Shiroko, because Blue Archive is currently taking over 180% of my free time.
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stoovrs · 10 months
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leidensygdom · 5 months
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Sudo, for @alexboakeillo ! I wanted to draw something for them for the longest time and, well, the warforged tiefling was obviously my pick for this! Go check them out, their art has been such a huge inspiration for me for the longest time!!
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alexboakeillo · 5 months
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I don’t really actually talk about my OCs enough so: Sudo Valvenom [she/they] appreciation post!
A Warforged Tiefling Artificer with a passion for fashion, creation and baking. Her two dads forged and crafted her out of pure love (and some warlock magic, but don’t worry about that part). 🤖✨
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She has two siblings, Arkady and Mith, and gets along quite well with both as the oldest of the three.
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She’s demi and has at least 2 girlfriends I really need to draw.
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niqhtlord01 · 9 days
Humans are weird: Never War with Humans
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps) Extract from “Fall of the Bezenite Empire, By Zimpara Tul”
“The collapse of the Bezenite Empire was a great source of confusion for the wider galaxy. Even more so when it was orchestrated by the Terran Alliance which had so recently sued for peace with them after a nearly three decades long war.
Ironically the downfall of the Bezenite’s was brought about by mere skirmishes between theirs and humanities respective settlers. They had each settled upon the world of Kimpara III but on opposite sides of the world. The terrain and weather patterns of the planet made extensive scouting impossible so for nearly four decades the two species went on developing their respective societies until by chance they ran into each other.
The meeting was far from cordial.
Both species claim that it was the other who initiated the war, either by a misunderstanding or openly hostile action. The resulting devastation to the planet ensured that the truth would remain forever shrouded in mystery as both sides brought increasing military might to the field.
Holding dominion of five star systems and three client races, the Bezenite’s were hardly a super power but in their small corner of the universe they had established themselves as the regional power. Humans on the other hand barely established themselves within their own system and had settlers in a nearby system establishing new colonies. It was expected that the Bezenite’s would use their superior technology to steam roll the humans and claim yet another client race. What had not been accounted for was the size of the human military industrial complex and the amount of war material they could produce.
Opening engagements saw Bezenite ships easily win against human ships even when facing 3:1 odds, but the humans were able to have the ships lost replaced by fresh ones within a matter of months. In terms of ground forces the Bezenites were vastly outnumbered by the humans who held a standing army of nearly 50 million compared to the roughly 8 million Bezenite forces. They had never needed a large army to police their territory so when the full force of the human war machine was brought against them they quickly found the entire length of their shared border under constant attack.
World’s that had never seen the scars of war were attacked overnight as human transports snuck through Bezenite patrols and deposited large invasion forces before retreating. This would have been a horrendous waste of manpower were it for the fact the Bezenite navy would not bombard a planet under their domain. This allowed the human’s a sudo-shield which protected them from orbital strikes and allowed them to conduct extensive ground wars.
As the war ground on Bezenite leadership became infuriated when the primitive humans occupied several border worlds and establishing forward operating bases. The empire’s military, likewise far technologically superior to humans, was not large enough to stabilize the entire front and increasing gaps began to open.
To remedy this situation the Bezenite’s began an increasingly total war footing for the first time in their people’s existence. Numerous recruitment offices were opened throughout the empire, even on client species worlds, to increase the total ground forces. Naval shipyards were constructed or expanded in the core regions drawing in hundreds if not thousands of new laborers to create even large fleets of ships. Even desolate moons were converted into self-contained factories as large scale industrialization projects were carried out on their surfaces to establish new manufacturing hubs.
By the thirty year mark of the war the Bezenite’s military now stood at nearly half of what the humans had at the beginning of the war and showed no signs of slowing down when the humans suddenly initiated peace talks.
The act alone blindsided the Bezenite’s leadership who had been planning out a protracted campaign for another five years to annex the human homeworld. This was derailed by the human’s sudden openness to discuss peace which was well received by the Bezenite civilian population who had grown tired of the more than quarter century of fighting. It was this desire to end the conflict that forced the Bezenite leadership to discuss terms of peace and eventually end the war; and in so doing hand the destruction of their empire.
While the industrial boon for war material had brought great wealth to the empire, it now faced a financial crisis as the war came to a sudden and abrupt end.
Millions of soldiers were now being decommissioned and sent back to civilian life to look for new jobs, which were scarce as the numerous military factories began closing down due to a lack of requested material. Orbital shipyards attempted to convert themselves into civilian manufacturers to stay open, but the demand for civilian crafts was not nearly enough to keep the majority of them open resulting in further layoffs.
What’s more, the Bezenite client races who had served alongside their overlords had been given a taste of the wider galaxy and now returned to their people. They spoke of the wonders from across a dozen worlds and of the ferocity of the humans who had checked the Bezenite’s advances. The once invulnerable image of the Bezenite Empire was shattered and now with returning soldiers with advanced combat experience many client races began revolting.
The Bezenite’s had never faced such a drastic shift in their economy before. Hundreds of thousands of their citizens were now out of work and protesting in the streets and with the sudden revolts of their client races the empire’s domain was further fractured. They attempted to rouse their military once more to quell the uprisings, but with the dishonorable manner in which many of their comrades had been dismissed after serving the empire so loyally the military was sluggish to react and the uprisings amongst the client races soon turned into open war.
Within the next five years the Bezenite Empire was a shadow of its former glory as civil war ran rampant. The client races had driven many of their former overlords from their territory and, having seen how well humans could oppose their former masters, reached out to the humans for alliances and defense pacts. The Terran government was all too happy to send aide and launched several new military missions into former Bezenite space; both to ensure the independence of their new allies, and to carve up their former enemies territories for themselves.
Unlike the Bezenite’s, the majority of the Terran military industrial complex was automated so the ending of the war did not have as severe an impact. When it came to the standing military forces only a fraction were let go due to old age or injuries sustained in the fighting. They had always kept their military at a high number so their budgets calculated the funds needed to sustain such a force at all times, meaning there was no mass dismissal of forces to flood the job market.
When the war had begun the humans knew that in a straight up fight they could not win against the Bezenite’s. Their technological superiority would ensure that the humans always took far more casualties. So a new plan was devised which would force the Bezenite’s to ramp up military spending, then at the peak of the war open peace negotiations and end the war entirely dealing a body blow the Bezenite economy could not recover from so abruptly. The following chaos caused by the economic collapse would leave them vulnerable and disillusioned with the empire as a whole presenting the humans with the perfect opportunity to resume the war.
At the end of the conflict the Bezenite’s had been driven back to their original home system while the Terran’s claimed much of their former territory, even going so far as to award some planets to the former client states which were now seen as galactic partners with the humans; sealing the foundation of a future Terran Empire."
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donbrothers · 1 year
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[ID: a digital drawing of Sudo Kirihiko and Fuuto-kun from W in a chibi style walking on a white background. Kirihiko is leading, holding Fuuto-kun's hand and smiling, and they are both looking at each other. three small hearts float around them and red text above says "[heart] Fuuto-kun!" the colours are pastel with blue lines. /END ID]
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rott1ngbra1n · 5 months
Sorry for being sudo inactive!! I’ve been on a trip, where I got to see Sweeney Todd on Broadway!! Genuinely such a good show. If I went on about how amazing it was, we’d be here all day
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But on the note of me being gone for a bit, ya boi has been crafting! Along with some more ramblings as usual-
More art below the cut (under my ramble-)
The chapter one outline of the Alley Cat AU has been completed! Now it’s on to drawing some panels out and finalizing the draft! Of course I will probably post more concept work before then, as some details still need to be worked out. But we are making headway!
I’m going to also work on making a masterpost here soon, so that way everything is in one neat spot. But the story will be hosted here! Here’s some more smaller concept work to tide you guys over until the next post! I obviously want to finish a couple chapters but I’ve also started work on a chapter explaining how Morro met his cat! Originally the cat was unnamed but I think Wisp works well for them, I will try to finish the reference sheets for all of the characters before I post any chapters.
I’m also going to finish up my work on chapter one, before posting any of it. So that way the wait between isn’t as awful (fun fact that’s been my New Year’s resolution- to try and post more-) but please be patient with me, I’ve never really worked on a project this big before and I am a full time college student with a job. So I will do my best!
I want to let you guys know as well, the ninja and their dynamic with Lloyd will stay pretty similar to that of the show. With them obviously being suspicious of Lloyd and his “cat”, but because they find him and Lloyd doesn’t try to do anything regarding the Serpentine (because Morro shook some sense into him-) there’s no residual “you unleashed the snakes on us-“ vibes. Instead right off the bat Kai takes one look at Lloyd and says “You are now my little brother. You cannot deny this.”, adding more fluff.
That also means we have to find another person who unleashes the serpentine. Because plot reasons and all that jazz, I’m working on it but I think it would be funny if Jay did it by accident or one of the other darkly boys did it. I’ll toy with both ideas and some other ones before I settle on it, I have time. I hope.
I’ve got some other things I’m cooking up, some Ninjago related, others pertaining to other fandoms I’m in.
Aside from that, I also have a Redbubble! There’s some stuff in there I’m reworking, so a minder and apology for that, but I’m going to try to get some more Ninjago works posted up there. Along with some original works! Here’s the link if you’d like to check it out!
I also have a KoFi that I am also redoing and working on! If you’d like to commission me, that would be the spot! I’m still trying to figure it out so if you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask! KoFi link here!
I really appreciate all of your kind words and reblog tags (I do see them, they make me laugh and smile), it means a lot and I hope you all enjoy what else I’ve got in the oven!! Thank you so much!!
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